#so I made more touhou origami
paperzest · 4 months
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Origami Patchouli, designed by Xiao Dai/zhangyifan_32, folded by me. 
1 uncut square of unryu paper, about 60 cm. 
I had fun with this one and am fairly happy with the result. 
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purenguyening · 6 years
Tagged by @lumos-of-pi
Uh, if you want to do it, consider yourselves tagged. It’s not like I’m going to hold your feet to the fire. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Name: Mary; but on the internet I often default to my Middle name, Thanh.
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5′2.5″
Sexuality: Bisexual seems to be the most accurate at the moment? I honestly have zero clue.
What image do you have as your lockscreen? 
A drawing of Seiga I did. I kind of want to update it at some point since my style’s changed again.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? 
Not a teacher, but I did have something resembling a crush to a Ph.D candidate at university. It’s hard for me to say whether or not it really was a crush since really all I wanted him to do was to pet me on the head when I made an major accomplishment in physics (by that I mean like, getting a degree or publishing a really big paper or something like that). 
I don’t really have a good reason why I really wanted this, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
He and I are occasionally in touch and we talk about the mathematics of origami. It’s great.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
When I was fifteen I thought I would be working my way towards a Master’s/Ph.D
I’m still sitting here crawling my way to just get a B.S. while being barely functioning.
Ten years from now I’d like to at least finish school and working to pay off the debt through a job that lets me play with really cold magnets.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would it be?
I’m always constantly salty about never getting a Linguistics degree from Stony Brook University. I felt like it was a missed opportunity.
What was your coolest Halloween costume?
I once cosplayed as Aya from the Touhou Project, with wings and all. Walked around like that all day. Kind of weird to carry the backpack though... 
What’s your favorite 90s TV show?
I remember cartoons more distinctly, but Animaniacs and Time Squad. Cyberchase was early 2000′s I think, but I still remember liking that too.
Last kiss? 
About four months ago now. Thinking about it kind of bogs me down so I tend to keep that memory shut away.
Have you ever been stood up?
I once stood outside my assigned Lab Classroom only to at the last minute get a memo that the classroom location was changed. Does that count?
Otherwise, not that I can remember at least in terms of a date...?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? 
Favorite pair of shoes?
I have a very beloved pair of boots that I reserve for Autumn. I haven’t really worn them too much because I just want to walk in them when there’s a lot of autumn leaves. There hasn’t really been too much in my area in the past couple of years.
Favorite fruit: I don’t know why but I’m craving for the texture of Jackfruit. I also personally enjoy mangos from Southeast Asia too. 
Favorite book: I don’t have a favorite book right now, but I am currently reading So Much I Want to Tell You: Letters to My Little Sister by Anna Akana. 
A friend bought it for himself to read and highly recommended me to read it. I have a feeling it’s because the book was a collection of pieces of advice I needed to hear, but this just my suspicion.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done:
Story time!
So way back, c. 2005, Pope John Paul II was on his death bed and I was watching the breaking news from the Vatican about his decaying health. 
At the time I was fidgeting with a rosary that was a hand-me-down from my mom. The area I specifically fidgeted with was a piece of metal clamped on the side of the rosary indicating the starting point. After bending it back and forth a bit part of the maker broke.
I didn’t really think much of it until the next day, when my dad was driving me to Gamestop to pick up my preorder of Pokemon Emerald when I heard on the radio the Pope passed away.
In that moment I thought Oh no, I killed the Pope. 
For some reason I genuinely thought I killed the Pope for five long years.
This thought was so pervasive, during a Confirmation retreat my class was reading letters our parents wrote. In mine my parents wrote how they’d always loved me. I broke down crying thinking they’ve discovered by dreaded secret of how I killed the most important religious and political figure to them. I also couldn’t tell anyone there because I thought I’d be arrested on the spot for sure.
So I ended up crying in the bathroom and unable to explain what made me break down.
Sometime after I got oil slapped on my face, I started to realize how absurd the idea was. 
Still makes a great story to tell just because it’s so bizarre.
Yes, I still have that rosary, no I don’t really use it much. I don’t really practice Catholicism (nor believe in it really).
I just go wherever life takes me.
Does that make me a taoist? I honestly have zero clue.
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