#so I just cried for a day and then started drinking but idk
born-to-lose · 6 months
I know the working conditions were kinda shitty and my colleagues and bosses didn't appreciate me enough but damn I miss the bar already 😭
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ashwhowrites · 9 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a billy hargrove x reader where they’re at a party (i’d like the whole crew to all be friends robin, steve, nancy, billy, eddie) and reader wanders off for a minute. she somehow gets in the middle of a fight and someone hits her. she comes up to billy crying and he goes into super protective mode? idk i thought it sounded kind of cute i love your writing!!
I miss Billy. And thank you so much!!! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
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Billy and Y/N have been together for almost two years. They met when he moved into town, she was swept away by his charming smile and blue eyes. She was a grade younger, now finally in her senior year alongside Eddie and Robin. Billy graduated with Steve and Nancy, but they all still hung out. And since Y/N was in high school knew the popular crowd, and was King Billy's girlfriend, she got invited to a lot of parties. And the group was always happy to tag along.
Billy, Steve, and Eddie were hanging outside, passing around a cigarette as they leaned against the back of the house. Robin, Nancy, and Y/N were inside, dancing and getting drinks. The boys were chatting among random things, then Robin came rushing out. She stood by the back door and searched the crowd. Once her eyes landed on Billy she screamed for him.
"JASON! RELAX!" Y/N yelled, Jason was yanking Chrissy around the party, another fight that Y/N didn't know what about. She wanted to protect her friend, Chrissy.
"This doesn't involve you," Jason growled, his grip still on Chrissy but he got in Y/N's face. Robin and Nancy watched nervously, a bad feeling in their gut.
"Y/N, just leave it!" Nancy tried, a crowd forming around the arguing couple.
"She's not going home with you. She said no and that means no." Y/N snapped, she didn't back down, holding her head higher as Jason looked down at her.
"She's my girlfriend, so butt out," Jason said, turning around as he dragged Chrissy with him. Y/N stepped in quickly, grabbing Chrissy's other arm. Y/N yanked her back, Jason lost his grip and his hand flew back smacking Y/N right in the nose. Y/N yelped and covered her nose, feeling warm blood dripping from her nose.
"BILLY. ITS Y/N!" Billy, Steve, and Eddie all jumped into action, Billy smashed the cigarette under his shoe and raced to Robin.
Steve and Eddie knew if it involved Y/N, Billy wouldn't think rationally.
"WHAT'S WRONG?" Billy yelled, following her into the house. Robin didn't try to explain, just racing to the bathroom.
Billy felt nervous, was she sick?
Billy walked in to see Nancy holding ice to Y/N's nose, the front of her dress had spots of blood. He softly pushed Nancy aside, grabbing the ice as he held it for Y/N. Chrissy was silent in the corner.
"What happened?" He whispered, gently rubbing her cheek as he looked at her nose. It wasn't broken, which he was thankful for.
"Nothing, I'm fine, baby," she said, rubbing his arm. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were soaked. Her lip trembled as she silently cried.
"Baby, you have a bruised nose. Did you slip or something? Nothing to be embarrassed about." He joked, a smile on his face. But the atmosphere told him it wasn't anything that would be funny in a day from now.
"She was helping me and Jason flung his arm and he smacked her in the nose," Chrissy said, drowning in the amount of guilt she felt.
Billy's expression went hard in seconds. Steve and Eddie immediately blocked the door as Billy started to breathe heavily.
"He hit you?" Billy snarled, dropping the ice in the sink as he took in her face.
"It was an accident, Billy! Just relax. I'm okay!" She tried, but all Billy could focus on was the fact that she had blood on her dress because of Jason.
"You're okay? You have a fucking bloody nose! I'm going to kill him!" Billy growled. He turned and glared at Steve and Eddie.
"Move." He demanded, but both boys shook their heads.
"Billy, not a good idea. She's okay and she doesn't want you to get involved with it." Steve explained. But Billy didn't care.
"Move or I move you." Billy tried again.
Steve and Eddie looked at each other, knowing the result would land them in pain or Jason. Both boys moved away from the door, Billy yanking it open as he raced out to the party.
"BILLY!" Y/N screamed, running after him. The gang followed behind, all rushing to see what was going to happen.
By the time they caught up, Billy had Jason pinned against the wall. His blue eyes were dark as he growled at Jason.
"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! SHE PUT HER NOSE WHERE IT DIDN'T BELONG. MAYBE KEEP YOUR LITTLE SLUT OF THE WEEK ON A TIGHTER LEASH!" Jason yelled, barely realizing his mistake until Billy landed a knee to his stomach, over and over.
Jason screamed in pain as Billy dropped him, his body crumpling to the floor as he held his stomach. Now on his knees, Billy landed a punch right across his face. Blood poured out of Jason's nose as he dropped completely to the ground this time. He wrapped his arms around his face as he tried to surrender.
"Enough" Eddie demanded, stepping in front of Jason as Billy went to land a kick to his stomach.
"Hey, hey!" Eddie said, snapping his fingers in Billy's face to catch his attention. Billy finally looked at him, breathing heavily as he tried to calm down.
"He got the message. Y/N is fine and needs you now. Okay? Walk away."
Billy listened to Eddie's words and took a deep breath. His body relaxed when he felt Y/N's hand slip into his. She squeezed it gently as she stood next to him. She gave him a look and he understood everything. He nodded and walked with her. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her nose as they walked to his car.
"My bodyguard." Y/N swooned, giggling as she snuggled into his body, reaching his car.
"Precious things like you need extra protection," Billy said, smiling as he leaned down to peck her lips softly.
The gang races out, Robin laughing as she held empty bottles of beer, along with Nancy.
"GET IN! GO GO!" Steve yelled, Eddie running behind.
A soaked Jason came limping out, his white shirt now drenched as he held his nose. Cursing as the gang raced into the car and sped off.
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
Ghost king danny goes on a reincarnation vacation to the dc universe by ClockWork, he ends up as a mortician/coroner and chats up the dead and is super creepy and has to go to Arkham to claim a body there (idk how-) and ends up freaking out the prisoners but also makes some friends and is just all around having a good time and Batman is concerned why this guy just feels weird and why Jason likes him enough to call him a friend
"This is Daniel Fenton." Bruce starts clicking the button on his wrist computer so an image of a young man in his early twenties appears on the hologram. "He is the mortician working at Gotham Funeral Home and Crematorium. Recently, he has been the talk of the underworld for his actions in Arkham."
"Actions?" Tim asks, reading over the files that Bruce had downloaded into their own wrist computers. He pauses at the old-school photo of Daniel Fenton smiling shyly at the camera. Two rows below him is Jason's equally bashful smile when he was fourteen.
"A patient was found dead in her room. Daniel went over to claim the body, but while there, he made a few of the inmates uncomfortable." Bruce pulls up a security camera footage of Fenton strolling down the hall, pushing the cart with the body covered by a white sheet.
The way his lips are shaped tells the Bats he whistles even if there is no sound.
It looks normal- even if he seems just a tad too cheerful for picking up a dead person- until he passes by Two-Face's room. The man flipped his quarter and then started shouting at Fenton.
They couldn't make out his words, but whatever the mortician said had Two-face laughing so hard he fell to the ground.
Then, the camera glitched as if there were some kind of interference. They watched it clear up with Fenton walking away and Two-Face sitting on the ground, staring at a wall with a blank expression.
"What happened?" Dick asks.
"It's unclear what Fenton did to him, but Harvey has been unresponsive since. This was three days ago."
"Shit," Steph swears, which pretty much sums up everyone's thoughts.
"Yeah, Danny has that effect on people," Jason speaks up, shrugging his shoulder at the looks he receives. "What? Danny has always been weird, but I doubt he is dangerous."
"You are acquainted with Fenton?" Damian asks, and Jason shrugs again.
"We were in the same graduating class. I spoke to him more after I died and came back, but I wouldn't meet up with him for a drink or anything."
"You don't drink."
"Exactly, Timbos."
Bruce clears his throat. "In any case, I want you all to keep an eye on him."
"B, seriously, the guy is harmless. He cried the other day over a book character's death-"
"How would you know that?" Cass cuts Jason off, a teasing smile on her face even though her eyes are narrowed with suspicion.
"We're in the same book club. Not another word." Jason grunts.
Dick, who has been staring at the class photo that Tim has seen, snaps his figures. "I know him! He's the weird kid who told people he was the reincarnation of the Ghost King on vacation! Claimed he was a powerful afterlife entity. Didn't you get caught with him behind the bleachers, Jason-"
"Shut it Dickface!" Jason screeches face a bright red suddenly. " That was one time, and I was fourteen!"
Bruce's frown is suddenly more profound. "I had forgotten about that particular detention. Jason, are you compromised for this mission?"
"What!? I am not!" The second oldest yelled, balling his hands "In fact, I bet I could get Danny to tell me what he did!"
"Good. Go get that done." Dick waves his hand at him in a dismissive motion. "Don't come back without the little crazy mortician's number."
Tim smiles as Jason explodes, but his eyes never leave Heavy Dent's image on the security camera. There is something about the way his eyes are hazy that set bells off in his head.
He is sure he sees flashes of green on Dent's pupils. He saw similar flashes in a file inside the League of Assassins while searching for Bruce.
It was the warning of ghosts.
Was Fenton's teenage lies not so fatuous after all? He'll have to investigate.
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vintagexherry · 5 months
Husband! Miguel headcannons
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Husband!Miguel O' Hara x Wife! Reader
//OC sibling of Gabriella, fluff, p in v, dacryphilia, smut
A/N: Writer's block made me forget about this blog, plus idk who else to write so have this for a while, forgive me for disappearing for too long
Husband!Miguel would try to make to make any time for you and the children considering his work. He would always feel bad when he had to come home late and missed dinner with all of you, but he would make it up by taking you and the kids out for breakfast the next morning.
Husband!Miguel who I would feel like turn the house basement into something interesting and not just a place for dusty boxes, maybe something like place for enjoyment where alcohol drinks would be in shelves and maybe even a 8 ball pool. The two of you would go down there to enjoy some downtime if you two don't have the enegy to go out for a datenight.
Husband!Miguel would play dollhouse with Gabriella, you (try) hold your laugh as Miguel is forced to high pitched his voice for one of the barbie dolls.
Husband!Miguel would carry baby Mateo everywhere since he started getting clingy to his dad's warmth and Miguel happily indulges him. Mateo would instantly cry if he just lets him down for one second and if anyone but you or Miguel carry him, he would unleash a blast of cries to the ear.
Husband!Miguel decided to go out to the mall as family during weekends. Would carry all your shopping bags in one hand and carry Mateo in the other as you hold Gabi's hand in yours as you shop with Gabi in the kids section to see if she likes anything. And if not with the kids, you two would always hold hand in hand as you go around the mall. One time you went to the bathroom for a little while and as you came out Miguel surprised you with a small shopping bag and inside? A new shimmering necklace.
Remember the basement headcannon? Husband!Miguel take you there to do more have some downtime, maybe get drunk and as you two play on the 8 pool ball and midway it was your turn he would grind agaist you, before you know it, your skirt is push up to reveal your cunt to him as he fucks you agaist the pool table.
Husband!Miguel would let the kids stay at grandma for awhile so he can finally take his sweet time to devour your sweet cunt. He wouldn't stop until your eyes are filled with tears and your body shaking. He would then finger you and would stop right at his engagement ring, he sometimes would like to keep a mental picture of it by staring at it how good it looks.
Husband!Miguel finally took that as a sign to fuck you properly, the bed rocks and squeaks as he pounds to you in a rough pace, would laugh lightly to your weak pleas to slow down and would probably tease you more as he goes faster.
Husband!Miguel who can sense that both of your orgasms are nearing and his hands automatically hold yours and your rings would glimmer at the moonlight as both of you moan as the tighten string snapped and you both released. After a second he would catch his breath and look at you as you try to catch your own while gazing up at him lovingly as he does the same.
Husband!Miguel who will pick up the kids the next day and listen to their stories as he lets you sleep in all warm and cozy.
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wosoamazing · 5 months
Summary: You get sick at training and no one can get a hold of Leah
Warnings: Sick, angst??, IDK
A/N: decided to give you all another fic. I hope you like this one, I don't know how good it is.... also please do send requests in, I want to make sure I'm writing things people will enjoy.
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Training today just felt harder than usual, yes you had off days, but something was different, it wasn’t just that you weren’t playing as well, you were hotter, you were running out of breath quicker than usual, you head hurt slightly. Everyone around you noticed but didn’t want to say anything, your teenage hormones were at their peak currently, as Leah put it and you were quick to snap at anyone for no real reason. You stayed quite about it though and just tried to push through, that was until you felt like you were going to pass out and you decided you should probably sit down. So, you went up to Jonas.
“Y/N, how can I help you?”
“Umm, I’m just feeling a little hot, was just wondering if I could sit down for a bit,” “yeah sure why don’t you go inside to the dining room and sit down there, it will be cooler in there than out here, lunch is only 25 or so away anyway,” “Thanks Jonas,” you said, and you turned around, probably a little too fast as everything spun, you stumbled a little and shut your eyes, hoping that no one noticed you continued to make your way into the dining room and sat on one of the chairs, everything was still slightly spinning but it wasn’t too bad. Just as you were about to rest your head on the table you heard footsteps which grew louder, until they stopped, and Katie was standing next to you.
“Hey,” you mumbled.
“Hey, Jonas sent me in here to check on you. You okay?”
“No, I feel like crap” you replied. It was the truth. In an effort to feel better, you shut your eyes and rested your head on the table, it was cool to touch, Katie put her hand on the back of your neck, and she winced at the heat that was radiating off you.
“I think you need to go see a medic.”
“No, I’m fine.” you snapped.
“Okay, well I’ll leave you to it then,” she stood up starting to walk out.
“Katie,” you softly cried out, she looked back at you “can you stay?”
“Only if you let me get a medic to look at you,” she tried compromising.
“Fine.” You sighed. Katie messaged someone on her phone and a few minutes later one of the medics came in. “38.7, not too bad, get her to take two of these and try and see if you can get her sister to take her home, if she is still here in about 45 minutes, we will come check on her again. Also get her to drink the rest of that and another one at least” The medic said to Katie pointing at your water bottle, Katie nodded. “Oh, and have one of these,” Katie screwed her face up at the sight of the emesis bag she really couldn’t handle that type of sick, “look she shouldn’t need it but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Katie nodded agreeing with that statement. She got you to take two Panadol and to drink some water before you fell asleep. She did wake you every ten minutes to drink some more water however you didn’t really remember that.
“Hey, can you sit up for just a sec,” you look up to see the medic, she takes your temperature and checks your breathing. “39.1” the medic and Katie look at each other you place your head back on the table, and whimper slightly at the movement of your head, however the table felt nice on your head as it was cool.
“Where the fuck is Leah! Why isn’t she answering her phone,” Katie yelled becoming more furious with Leah by the second.
“Why don’t you just take her home?” Kim asked.
“Because Leah is a genius. Who doesn’t give their 16-year-old sister a key? and she refuses to let me take her to mine.” Katie replies
“You could call Sarina,” you decided to chime in.
“What’s her number though?” “Give it here,” you put Sarina’s number into Katies phone, Katie quickly pressed the call button and to her amusement Sarina picked up.
“Hi Sarina, its Katie McCabe, I am really sorry to be calling but we have Y/F/N here and she isn’t feeling well at all, and we have been trying to get a hold of Leah for 45 minutes but she won’t answer, and we understand she is doing important media duties however Y/N does have a temperature of 39.1C, and we think it would be best if she went home.” There was a pause, Sarina must’ve been talking “Okay, thank you so much, so sorry again. Bye”
“She’s coming,” everyone let out a sigh of relief, they hated seeing you so sick and helpless knowing that Leah was the one thing that might make you feel better.
“Leah?” you questioned, starting to cry.
“Yeah, she’s coming, like 10 minutes,” Katie said as she started to rub your back, you placed your head back on the table and continued to cry, you just felt so sick and wanted your sister.
“Hey, I’m here.” Leah said as she rounded the corner, her heart melting at the scene in front of her. You were still crying head on the table, Katie was still rubbing your back looking like she might cry at any moment, she just wanted to help, and she couldn’t.
“Oh, bug.” Leah cooed at the sight, and she continued towards you, you lifted you head up tears still falling. She kneeled down beside you and put her hand on your forehead, she winced and looked at Katie, “39.1 last we checked.”
“Bug, I’m so sorry I didn’t come sooner.” She said, ready to cry herself.
“Can we go home?” you whimpered, as she pulled you in for a hug, she noticed the slight dampness of your skin.
“Let me go talk to the medic first,” she said as she stood up.
“I’ll go get her stuff for you,” Lia said as she went to the locker room. The girls remaining all looked at each other, you couldn’t resist a smirk.
“Why do you have two bags Lia?” your sister questioned.
“Le, don’t do this, I’ve spoken to Jonas, and he agrees that you’re going to need help, come on I’ll drive you home.” She replied.
“Carry me?” you whined looking at your sister who sighed before picking you up and taking you home, the girls all made eyes at each other as the three of you walked out.
“Le, I’m back” Lia said as she walked through the door. “We’re still in here.” Leah replied, she was sitting up against the head board of her bed, you had your head in her lap and your body laid parallel to the headboard, your training top was on the end of the bed and you were just in your crop top and training shorts, Leah had taken your shirt off in hopes of cooling you down, your sweaty body was making the sheets slightly damp, as she rain her fingers through your hair.
“Hey” Lia said softly as she walked into the room, carrying the bag of items she bought to help you. “What you got in there” Leah asked looking at the quite full bag.
“Just the essentials,” Lia pulled out some medicine first, then some hydrolyte, followed by a thermometer “I guessed you didn’t have one of these,” she pulled some more items out “Oh and I got some of these,” Leah’s brow furrowed at the sight of the emesis bags, “they might come in handy one day” Lia said as she shrugged.
“Thank you, Lia for everything not just for today” your sister replied.
“It’s no problem, how is she?”
“I don’t really know, she never gets sick it’s been years, I’m just really worried. Should we check her temperature again?” with of nod of Lia’s head they pulled the thermometer out of its packing and checked your temperature. “Shit,” Lia’s brow furrowed “39.5, what do we do Li, do we take her to the hospital, the doctor?” Leah said heartbroken a tear rolling down her check.
“She hasn’t had any medicine yet has she?” Lia questioned.
“I think they gave her some Panadol at the colony but other than that no”
“Okay well we’ll give her some ibuprofen, and help her take a lukewarm bath, and if her temperature hasn’t gone down or if it goes up after 30 minutes, we can take her to the hospital, how does that sound?” Leah just nodded agreeing with Lia, she just wanted to help you but in this moment she felt helpless. “You give her the medicine and I’ll start the bath”.
“Bug, can you wake up for me?” Leah said softly shaking you. You sat up, leaning against the headboard, resting you head on the wall.
“Here can you take this, it will help you feel better,” Leah said handing you two tablets and your water bottle, you took them and then went to lay back down on Leah, but she stopped you, as the bath was now ready.
“Bug we’re going to put you in the bath for a little while,” you groan at Leah’s words, she helps you up and places you in the bath still clothed. She let you sit there while she went to get the pair of you new clothes, nothing fancy of course, just some PJs. After your bath Leah helped you get changed before carrying you back to the bedroom.
“Oh, you didn’t have to Lia,” she said noticing Lia was just finishing off changing the sheets on the bed.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s all good, here have this” she said as she placed a pillow down for you and Leah. You laid between the two girls with your head resting on Leah’s arm, they rechecked your temperature and it was now back to 39.1, they weren’t super happy with it but happy enough not to take you to the hospital, you spent the next four days in bed sick, Leah and Lia both trying to help you get better.
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joekeeryswife · 8 months
plz could you write something about mase looking after you when you’ve had a rough day with the baby!!
stress - m.m
a/n: hello angel! thank you for your request. omg i love it so much, kinda changed it a little if that’s okay! (dad! imagines own my heart!!!!). idk how to feel about this one so lmk what you guys think! anyways, let’s get on with the imagine, enjoy reading 🫶
mason mount taglist: @noturbabe22 @luvvtrent @peterparkerbae
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four weeks, it had only been four weeks since you’d had your baby and you were already feeling like you’d failed her.
you knew becoming a mum would be difficult but you didn’t realise just how hard it was going to be. it was like everything you did was wrong.
Mason had gone back to work only a week after Margot was born and that was one of the worst thing to ever happen. you felt like you didn’t have support even though he would get up with her during the night and as soon as he got back from work he would take over looking after her. what was funny was whenever Mason got back from football she was never crying, it was like she could sense he was coming home.
Margot loved Mason. whenever he had her she hardly cried, she’d watch his face with such concentration and coo at him all the time. but when she was with you, she’d scream and cry no matter what you did.
you felt useless.
you felt like the worst mum in the entire world, not understanding what was wrong with her as she cried just hurt your heart. you just wanted to be in the ‘baby bubble’ everyone spoke about.
you wanted to feel like your friends did when they had their kids. they were always smiling, always happy when they were with their babies who hardly cried when they were with them, it was like you were broken.
today was like no other. it started out okay, Margot was actually happy this morning when you woke up, Mason had given her a bath and put her in the cutest outfit but then as soon as he said his goodbyes to the two of you and he drove out of the driveway, all hell broke loose.
she was just sobbing and it hurt you to hear those cries. “oh Margot, what’s the matter my angel. please don’t cry sweetheart. are you hungry? is that what it is?”
you quickly balanced her with one arm as you tried to lift up your pyjama top so you could breastfeed her but every time you tried to get her to latch she would turn her head away and sob louder.
you had realised that Margot would hardly ever latch when you tried to breastfeed her. it was very rare that she would allow you to breast feed her so you had decided to start pumping your milk and give it to her in a bottle instead and most of the time she would drink it from the bottle.
“how about we get you a bottle instead hmm? would that make you feel better?” you knew she wouldn’t reply to you but it was nice to speak to her. you got up from the sofa after fixing your top and warmed up the milk.
her sobs grew louder as you rocked her. waiting for the microwave to ‘ding’ felt like hours. “i know sweet girl, not long now” you poured the milk once it was warm enough into the bottle and went to sit back down on the sofa. you tried a few times before she finally started drinking the milk, her sobs died down but her eyes were still filled with tears and the tear stains on her cheeks broke your heart.
she was hiccuping slightly as she drank her milk but her eyes were fluttering masa img she was trying her best to not fall asleep. “you rest angel, mummy isn’t going anywhere. and i’m sorry i can’t understand you like your dad does, i promise i’m trying my best”
with that, her eyes closed and it was finally silent in the house. you just hoped today would be a lot better than the rest.
Mason was back home a little later than expected tonight, he had been asked to stay back to speak to ten Hag which he forgot to tell you about but he knew you had it all okay at home. you always had Margot in a good-ish mood when he would come home and it was always nice to come home to a quiet house after training or a football match. he would hear shouting all day and coming home was just perfect.
you didn’t want Mason to know you were struggling, to you it felt like the worst thing i’m the world. you were meant to be a good mum as soon as you gave birth but you just felt like all you did was struggle. you had no idea what you were doing and you didn’t want Mason to be disappointed in you.
however, tonight Margot would not stop crying. after her bottle this morning she napped for maybe 30 minutes before her sobs started again and that continued for the entire day. you didn’t know what to do and you felt like you had failed as a mother. you had no idea what was wrong with her and you hated that you couldn’t understand what she was crying for. you felt like she hated you.
as Mason entered the house he could hear the wails coming from Margot, he had never ever heard her sound like this before and or worried him. he could hear you, speaking to her softly over her cries, you sounded just as upset as her. “i’m so sorry angel, i don’t understand why you’re crying. i’ve fed you, cuddled you, changed you, i don’t know what else i can do. i’m sorry i’m failing you”
his heart broke. he walked into the living room and saw you holding Margot in your chest with tears streaming down your face. you looked so defeated and he hated it. “hey, what’s going on? are you okay?” he questioned as he slowly walked towards you.
you hadn’t heard the front door close so hearing him made you jump. you didn’t want him ti see you like this so you quickly wiped your eyes and showed him your best convincing smile. “oh yeah i’m fine, she’s just, i don’t know what’s the matter. i think she just might be tired” you lied, of course you weren’t okay.
“do you want me to take her?” he held is arms out so he could take Margo from you so you quickly passed her to him and he gently started rocking her which no i’m surprise stopped her cries. you felt your heart break. was it really that easy?
your eyes filled with tears, jealousy and frustration taking over your body as you saw how easy it was for him to calm her down. “look, go upstairs and have a shower, i’ll take care of Margot and you just have a break okay?we can talk after if you want to” he watched your shoulders drop slightly and your chin quiver as you tried to hold in your tears, something was definitely wrong and he was going to figure out what.
once he heard the bathroom door close he sat down on the sofa with Margot. he watched her huge brown eyes dart across his face. “what’s happened angel? you giving mama a hard time?” she cooed at him, a small smile on her face which looked exactly like yours. “you can’t give mama a hard time honey, mama’s with you all day” she squealed, obviously not understanding him.
“i’m sure you tired, if you’ve been crying like that all day i’m surprised you’re up right now” he decided to grab a bottle and try get her to nap so he could speak to you. he had never seen you like that before.
he warmed up the bottle and went upstairs to her nursery and sat in the rocking chair. he started feeding Margot and immediately her eyes started to close, he honestly wished that he was able to stay off work with you when Margot was first born. he had only gotten a week off work before he had to go back and he felt awful but ten Hag wouldn’t give him anymore time off.
once Margot finished her bottle he turned on the white noise machine and put her down into her crib. he quickly exited her bedroom to leave her to nap and went to your shared bedroom. he wanted to talk to you, you barely speak to each other now and he wanted to spend time with you.
after waiting for a while you finally came out the bathroom in new pyjamas and your hair was wrapped in a towel. your eyes were red, it was obvious you had been crying. “hey” you said, noticing him on the bed. he opened his arms and waited for you to sit on the bed next to him so he could hug you.
you quickly got onto the bed and cuddled into him. “we haven’t cuddled in ages, we haven’t spoke in ages. i want to know what’s bothering you sweetheart. i’ve never seen you look so upset” he kissed your forehead.
“i just, i feel like i’m not a good mum. like everyday all she does as soon as you leave is scream and cry and i’m trying my best to understand what’s wrong with her and i’m struggling. i’m struggling a lot” you felt your eyes well up with new tears. Mason felt his heart break. he was annoyed with himself for not noticing sooner.
“it feels like she hates me. and i just feel stupid because as soon as she’s with you, you calm her down. she even smiles at you. i’m feeling so lonely and i feel like a terrible mum.” your tears started flowing down your cheeks. you were quietly sobbing as Mason pulled you in closer and ran his hand up and down your back.
“i’m so sorry sweetheart, i really am. i’m sorry i haven’t been here to support you, i’m sorry you’ve had to do it all on your own. it’s not fair at all. and i’m sorry you think that you’re a bad mum because you aren’t. you are the most incredible mum” he heard your sniffles, guilt eating him alive.
“if you weren’t a good mum you wouldn’t do half the shit you do now. she doesn’t hate you angel, she loves you. you don’t know what she tells me when i come home” he joked which made you giggle through tears.
“i know it is tough right now, but i promise it’ll get better.” you looked up at him with uncertainty. “it will, stop giving me that look” he gave you a sympathetic smile. he hated that you were feeling this way, he wanted you to enjoy being a mum.
“you stay here for a bit, i need to go do something. don’t come downstairs until i say alright? just watch some tv and i’ll be back” he gave you a few pecks before he left you in the bedroom, confusion filling your body. but nevertheless you grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, trying to finally relax.
it had been over an hour since Mason asked you to stay upstairs and all you could hear downstairs was Mason’s footsteps. you had absolutely no idea what he was doing and you were nervous to even go back downstairs.
“y/n sweetheart you can come down now” you heard him shout up to you so you quickly turned off the tv and made your way downstairs. whilst you were upstairs Mason did come to get Margot who had awoken from her nap about thirty minutes into him leaving you upstairs.
you had gone to get her out of her nursery but Mason quickly shooed you away back to the bedroom so he could take care of her. you were grateful he went to help Margot, he knew how stressed you were and he was trying to make you feel better so he took Margot downstairs with him.
you walked down the stairs and into the living room and saw blankets and pillows covering the sofa with your favourite food on the coffee table and your favourite movie ready to play on the tv. Mason was holding a now very aware Margot who actually reached out for you.
“i know it’s not much but i thought maybe we could spend time together for once?” Mason handed Margot over to you and kissed you passionately. “i’d love to” you kissed him one more time before you both made your way to get under the covers on the sofa.
Mason pulled you into his hold and kissed your forehead. “i know this doesn’t make up for what’s been happening these past few weeks but i do want you to know me and Margot appreciate everything you do” you felt a smile form on your face as he spoke, he had a way with words which always made you feel special.
“i have also spoken to ten Hag and told him that i’m gonna take a few weeks time off to look after you both. i don’t want you to feel alone, ever, because i am here for you” you looked up at him, it was the first time he’d seen you smile in ages.
“i know you are, you didn’t need to take a few weeks off. will he not get angry at you?” you kissed his cheek and he shook his head. “i didn’t get to take the time of when she was first born so i i don’t care if he’s mad. i have a family to look after” he lent down to kiss you again.
you didn’t know why you were so anxious to tell Mason how you were feeling, you knew he would help you and you appreciated him. “thank you mase, i love you” he smiled at you “i love you more”.
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toji-bunny-girl · 7 months
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CHARACTER— yandere!gojo x fem!reader CONTENTS— yandere themes, stalking, hidden camera bear thingy, slight angst? IDKK gojo is just gross asf, noncon, intoxicated!reader, worshipping kink, DELUSIONALL‼️‼️‼️, slight fingering idk, sex yuh A/N— enjoy this masterpiece I wrote months ago (I no longer have the ability to write as good as I did) kinda weird but I literally had this dream a few days ago of a guy kidnapping me and bruising my ass with his initials 💀💀 scary asf and I remembered it hurts like a bitch anyway I have an exam later on so wish me luck 🤩 (repost)
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The lustre of his eyes glimmered against the reflection of the screen, his face turning rubicund was evidence of the blood rushing underneath his cheeks. Sweat flecked across his palms, marginally soiling his pants when he rubbed his hands on them.
Your eyes stared straight into his, and he thought your orbs must be of millions of blended colours for them to glint in iridescent. The sliver of rays from the screen pierced his irises, and he swore the sight of you must be cleansing his soul.
He sucked his lips as you played with the toy bunny’s hands, and a smile reached your face before you pressed the soft toy into your chest, clutching it in your arms as you sighed something. Something that started with Sa and ended with Ru. His mind must be playing tricks on him, right? It couldn’t be that—
Then there it comes again, the cadence of your voice, the shape of your lips, and his name that you whispered. Sa-To-Ru.
The Sa whose eyes would only trail behind your wake, the To that breathed just for the air that you exhaled, and the Ru that didn’t believe God lives in heaven, because there was you, his Goddess that walked the Earth amongst the sinful humanity.
Satoru. He thought he had never loved his name even more than that moment.
But he found himself wrong—oh so wrong.
You sounded even more euphonious sprawled out before him, intoxicated with alcohol on your tongue and in your veins—not a clue about where you are and what’s going on. All you could gather was the familiar mop of silver in your foggy sight, and how the world seemed to be on vertigo.
The bits and pieces of recollections you could grasp onto in your besotted state were the hours spent drinking bottles of liquor, giggling at the charming jokes and teases from Gojo. Then the clashes of teeth and his hands on your chest, the long ride up an elevator, and stumbling onto a bed that smelled like him.
“My name…” he panted when his head rose from your jugular—marked and claimed through teeth and tongue. “Say my name,” he repeated, pressing his lips against your jaw as he took in a drag of your ambrosial scent, long fingers pumping in and out of your squeezing cunt.
You frowned, moaning into the torrid air that bubbled around the two of you and arching your back when an orgasm tumbled through, warmth pervading through your core when pleasure glitched over your body like static.
His name doesn’t read past your lips, but your groan of pleasure was enough for him to render him halcyon. Lining his painfully pulsing head to your slick entrance, the dilatory push of his fat tip into your folds made a cry ripple through both of your throats. In you he found warmth that tasted like divinity; the forbidden fruit between the thighs of his Goddess.
He didn’t dare move, afraid that your grip would tempt an orgasm in him to soil your quim with his load. His thumb drew circles upon your clit, trying to mitigate the tight clench of your cunt in the wake of your previous orgasm.
Your muscles finally relaxed in a few rubs, and he let his length ease into you, your hole still pulsing and spasming as his cock filled your insides. Gojo’s chest fluttered with rapture as he groaned for your name, almost as if he was trying to have you look at him, fully sober instead of laying crumpled on his bed.
But you don’t, your eyes remained still shut, and only the little whimpers and cries that fell off the edges of your lips denoted your senses still awake yet torpor from the inebriation.
“Please, look at me?”
You groaned when he benignly lifted your jaw, his sense of deify for you felt through his cold fingertips before his lips meld into yours. Your mouth lax open, letting his tongue taste the heaven off of yours and swallow your saliva of ambrosia down his throat.
When he withdrew from your face with a dense cloud over your heads, he found the hues of your orbs peering into his summer’s blue sky, your eyelashes fanning the heat over his cheeks. His heart jumped and paced, and he was sure you could hear his heartbeat. Could you?
“Satoru…?” you whispered. The tang of liquor blazing strongly in your system, but you still managed to recognise him. “Wha–Where are we? And wha—”
You were cut off from your words when his lips crashed into yours, and his hips began pistoning in and out of you, your moans jumbled between your dancing mouths before sizzling in the hot air. Your walls tightened around his girth as he pumped deep into you, his cock throbbing and threatening ejaculation, but he would rather abnegate himself from pleasure if you hadn’t succumbed to it.
Every stroke of his swollen head against the bump of your g-spot made you gasp and cry with the stimulation, palms desperately attempting to push the weight of the male off, but it simply came to piteous futility.
At his last stroke, your squirting cunt squeezed his cock tight and wet his pelvis, and his load began filling your inside to the brim, thick spurts of cum shooting at your cervix as you screamed his name.
The Sa who you could taste on your tongue, the To who swore you’re the lone fire to his loins, and the Ru who promised to never let your divinity step a single foot out of his door—your temple, to walk the earth soiled by sinning humans.
Satoru—the priest to your Holiness.
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joonipertree · 7 months
idea for the Boxer!Katsuki and Artist!Reader AU! What if, ON TOP OF a rly bad day w college and being overwhelmed w work, we lost our paints :( n we luv our paints so we cry, but katsuki’s there to make us feel better and get us a new set :3
Thank you so fucking much for this. Idk if you knew but I'm actually making a portfolio for art school and Ive been crying every other night because of how stressed I am and how much I feel like I'm a bad artist. So writing this was cathartic
Part 1, Part 2
Tags: Dom/sub undertones, reader acting out and Bakugo being stern, a peak of what kind of shit I want with older men hsjsjsj, fluff, hurt/comfort, soft katsuki
Katsuki was one of the last people you wanted to see when you're in a bad mood. And that might sound terrible but it's because you never wanted to show such a harsh, negative side of yourself to someone you cared about. You were very much a 'feel and then reappear more regulated' type of person. But Katsuki never let you go home on your own anymore, picking you and dropping you off even on days where he had something to do.
So you trotted towards him with a scowl and no energy to fake anything and he noticed instantly, his own concerned scowl mirroring yours.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." You said and opened the door, closing it a bit too loudly. You cringed at the sound but buckled yourself in and turned away before the man got in the driver's seat.
"You're shit at lying."
"Fuck off."
Instant regret, a deep inhale from your part as you tensed.
His large hand came on your thigh and you stiffened, all he did was give it a warning squeeze before pulling away. The message was clear. 'Watch it'.
"I'm not willing to discipline you until I know nothing horrible happened but you do know I don't like that shit from you right?"
You said nothing.
"Give me an answer, doll."
"I'm an adult."
"Yeah, you are. And you're a smart one that knows that we have rules. That I'd be taking you over my lap if you talked like that."
Tears pricked your eyes but you blinked them away, not willing to turn your head to show him.
He knew anyways and he dropped the subject, starting the car and driving off.
Katsuki pulled to a stop at a place that wasn't anywhere near your apartment. You were confused as he got out of the car. Your eyes followed him just as he entered a boba shop.
A couple minutes later, he came out with a drink for each of you. You remembered when he said that there just wasn't any point of it, that it seemed stupid and too sweet. But pretty soon, he had his own usual order, which was just Brown Sugar boba tea with the sweetness to a minimum.
Katsuki gave you the drink without even looking your way, sipping on his own. You stared at it for a total of ten seconds before timidly taking a sip. The sweetness broke you out of your sour mood, eyes blinking as you focused on the flavour of your favourite tea. The boba was chewy and soft and it grounded you a bit.
Only after you took a sip, did Katsuki start the car and drive.
When you reached home, the apartment the two of you had started sharing a month prior, Katsuki only gave you time to take off your shoes and put down your bag before he had you over his shoulder.
You struggled, hitting his back and asking him to let you go but he didn't listen...not even feeling it.
And when your ass plopped itself onto the couch, your attempt at running away failed when he easily manhandled you in place.
"I'm not patient enough to coax it out of you, so tell me why you're upset. I'll make it better."
You wanted to refuse but the tears were already dripping down your face.
"I'm so bad at art. I'm so f-fucking bad at it. I don't-" you sobbed and his arms were instantly around you, pulling you onto his lap as you cried into him.
"There's so many deadlines and so many things I have to do and nothing is working. And I don't even know if I'm cut out to be an artist. I'm not good enough, I was never good enough for it. I'm gonna fail-- Katsuki I'm so tired."
Your boyfriend rocked you back and forth, giving you kisses everywhere he could reach, on the side of your face and your head and your hair. And you let the tears fall, hiccuping violently and sobbing without restraint.
"I even lost my fucking paints and I can't live without them and I saved up for them and I'm just doing everything wrong."
You let Katsuki envelope you, squeeze you and warm your inside as you let it all out.
When your sobs died down, Katsuki didn't stop peppering kisses everywhere. It took him a second to speak.
"I didn't know shit about art. It all seemed like fancy, time consuming pictures to me. Hell, even now I don't know shit. But when I saw your art, I felt stuff I thought I didn't know how to feel. And that was the first time I realised that maybe life didn't have to be as shitty as it was. Maybe things didn't have to be ugly."
"When we went to those art galleries, yeah they were cool and pretty but not gonna lie, nothing ever left me speechless like your art did. And yeah...I'm biased as fuck, especially because I thought that the look in your eyes was the prettiest out of everything. That sounds cheesy as shit but you make me feel cheesy as shit."
You had stopped crying, left drained and nuzzled against Katsuki while you looked for an anchor to hold onto. And he held you.
"I like seeing you paint the most though, I like how you focus...I like how you curse under your breath, I like how you grin when something looks right, I like how you scan art supplies before you buy them. I like your paint stained hands and your paint water mugs even when I've accidently taken a sip from them. I like that how you laugh when I do that shit. I love that look of pride you have when you're done and staring at it.
It makes you happy so even if I don't understand the point of it, it means a lot to me because of that. So, whenever that thing stops being fun for you, and really stops being fun for you, I'll support you if you wanna stop. But I gotta keep seeing your work, baby, cuz it's like the inside of your head and it's really neat."
You let a few more tears drop, sniffling and looking into his eyes. There was no ingenuity, only pure emotion. And you let him kiss your tears away, you let him pat your head and you let him make you drink water and feed you.
Because it was never a burden for him to do those things, but a priveledge.
The very next day, the same set of paints were in your bag. Brand new and untouched. Along with three different watercolour paper books. 100% pure cotton, 350 gcm.
With a note that said 'you're still down for a spanking for that shitty mouth of yours. Don't make it a habit.'
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noemilivv · 4 months
Hi Hi Hiii!!
I just came across your blog for the first time and OMG YOUR CONTENT IS SO SILLY I LOVE IT AHENEGSNWVDBEGDEE (the aesthetic is <33)
That 300 thingy was so cute,too bad i missed it 😭😭
May I ask for some platonic! Alastor,Rosie,Zestial,Carmilla,Vox,Adam and Husk (don't be afraid to shorten the list if it's too many 😭 I usually give a lot so you can write those you have more inspiration for) with a child!reader that is stereotypically childish and just very energetic and happy? Like,they love bright colors,plushies,running around,climb on stuff,always are happy but overall is a very nice and polite kid and will behave if kept occupied? Maybe one day the kid isn't all happy like always and the character worried? (Idk you do you,I just want a silly little chaotic kid!reader 😭😭)
I love platonic stuff so yeah :3
Anyways,I hope you can and enjoy writing this!!
I hope you have a really nice day! Don't forget to drink water and have rest!!
Stay proud!
-Nina <3
AWEEE TYSM !! i’m glad you enjoy my content (as well the aesthetic of my blog hehe), dw tho!! i’ll def have more events similar to my 300 celly in the future ~
as of now, i do not write for zestial or carmilla, but other than that i can do the rest ! enjoy !
Adam, Alastor, Husk, and Rosie + Chaotic!Child!Reader
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He literally loves you to pieces bro, it makes him consider kids later on in his afterlife
Wrestling is constant with the the two of you, he’ll let ya beat him up for fun, he’ll swing ya around, anything ya want!!
Although, if you start swearing at a young age, now it’s thinks to him!
If he sees that the chaotic and fun kid he knows just isn’t feeling it today, he’ll plop down next to ya, try to make you laugh or smile, but if he gets no response? Crushed bro.
He’ll just be like “What’s wrong little bro?” with a 🥺 look on his :’)
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Alastor wasn’t much of a kid person, well.. until he met you.
You were fun to be around - energetic, but also still polite, as well as entertaining
He would have you do some tasks, giving him less work, and it kept you occupied
Although one day, his charming little kiddo wasn’t their normal happy self.
Al would bend to your level, a soft smile on his face, “Young one, you’re never fully dressed without a smile!”
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To be honest, kids weren’t really Husk’s thing, teenagers? Sure. But young children, eh…
Well, until he met you, you were polite, but still had a lot of energy and were fun to be around — but also knew when to shush.
He would especially love it when you would say the most out of pocket shit, and just not know, cause you’re just a kid!
But when he sees his little stinker without their usual smile, he’s concerned.
When you come to the bar with your little soft frown, Husk will lean over the counter to face you, whispering a small ‘Keep pushing tiger, ya got this.’
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Rosie adores children of all ages, she’s a very motherly person, so it’s safe to say when you first stumbled into her emporium, clueless, she was more than delighted to help you!!
Once she got to know you, she was in awe about how a child could be more perfect, you were so grown yet so innocent, it was cute, really.
So when she sees you stumble back to her parlor, looking like you had just cried, her heart broke for you.
She’ll take your hand, and lead you off to your usual talking spot, giving you a cup a tea, “C’mon now, sweetie, what’s got ya in a funk? What can I do?”
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gutterfuuck · 2 months
i literally have your post notifs on now 🫣 that conquerer mark fic was soooo good omfg 🙏🙏 while it’s kind of on the topic of bff mark, would you be able to do like…childhood friends mark that knows the reader is attracted to him (probably in love with him) and kind of uses it to manipulate her? or something similar idk LMAO i’m just in love w the childhood friends/friends to lovers trope and i think u could put a really fun and dark spin on it!
mdni! possibly uncomfortable for some, will add tags soon so please bare with me! not very smut like, some at the end.
this is just a small drable, i will extend on this idea! please enjoy!
i very love this idea; i already know exactly what i will do with this hehe. he's been aware of your little secret crush on him since you both started highschool, thinking nothing of it, thinking that you would eventually grow out of him… until you don’t. you were certain that you were destined to be.
that was until amber came along. you felt threatened, terrified that she would take him from you- she was gorgeous-and he knew it tore you up inside. when college came around; you almost gave up on him. you thought back to how he had knocked on your bedroom window floating one day making you panic and almost scream awake the entire neighbourhood. oh how you wished that he had stayed by your side.
you scrolled through the newsfeeds on your phone, watching back mark-invinvible's - fight today, pining for the sweet boy that you had fallen in love with. you felt as if you needed mark grayson to eat, sleep and drink.
he flew through your window, taking you by surprise as he nodded his head at you as a quick greeting, disappearing into your bathroom in his suit and emerging a second later in no shirt and pajama pants. "thought i'd do a quick check around the city before bed." he spoke, your eyes quickly glancing at his body, observing him. you were sure he wouldn't notice, you'd been doing this for years and he hadn't even paid you no mind.
that wasn't true. mark saw the way you looked at him. not just now, but all the time. he could see the way you mourned for him, heard the way you touched yourself for him, jerking off to the sounds of your hopeless shameful cries afterwards, slowly slipping into despair as you tried to wrestle with the realisation that mark was with another. he craved it. craved you, wanted you.
he wanted to get off…
you were his best friend, so when you watched him slump onto the end of your bed and listened to him complain about his relationship, you comforted him, you heard him. you felt guilty to admit it, but your heart fluttered at the possibility of amber being out of the picture. oh you felt horrible.
mark knew how you felt: euphoric. you were hoping on their downfall. mark and amber were actually only on a little break. “it’s just been rocky recently,” he would get back with her eventually. “we should try seeing other people.”
and he sees right through you, sees right through his pretty little friend. he doesn’t hesitate, his hand resting on your lower back. “i know you like me, i’ve seen the way you look at me.” he speaks and you flush, wanting the bed to open up and swallow you whole. you try to speak, but are interrupted by mark. handsome, strong, sweet mark. “i’m kinda pent up… just- i don’t know.. i don’t wanna make it weird,” he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, shrugging along with his words. take the bait.
“me and amber— not so active anymore. if you get me.” what was he getting at? you thought your heart was going to pop out of your delicate little chest.
and then he finally pops the question.
before long, you’re on your knees, mouth stretched around your best friend’s dick, drool leaking from the edges of your mouth as he rocked his hips into your face, “c’mon now, i thought you liked me… hah- are you gonna start being a good fleshlight or am i gonna have to go next door and finish inside of amber, huh?” his words were lost on you, the only thing you could focus on was the way you had finally gotten his attention; you were finally useful to him.
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braxlrose · 11 months
silly and weird tom hcs
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a/n: the last ones got deleted for some reason so I'm making a new one!
• this mf steals your food all the time. hes always munchin on something so if you have something that looks good, he's taking it. especially if it's watermelon. he loves watermelon 🍉
• he doesn't tell anybody, but he gets his nails done. he gets pedicures and manicures and loves it so much. you found out one day when he kept going off and not telling anybody where he was going. so you followed him and saw his finger and feet soaking in water 💀
• when you walked in you were trying so hard to hold in a laugh and he was so fucking embarrassed when he saw you. you thought it was extremely ironic because he always called mani-pedis "girly"
• now you two go all the time, and you're way better at making excuses than he was.
• he got high on edibles and thought his feet weren't attached to his body anymore so he started screaming 💀
• over indulges on gushers when he's high
• you guys know those Chinese finger traps? Idk if that's what they're called but you put two fingers in them and they're like really hard to get out of. he LOVES them for some reason, he thinks they're so much fun
• he loves the snow so much, and especially loves snowball fights. it's so much fun, and he also gets to wear extra layers of clothing because of the cold
• during the winter, he gets a bunch of different kinds of hot chocolates and when anybody asks what he's drinking he swears by it that it's black coffee 💀
• he loves watching futurama and says that he strives to be bender 💀 (have yall seen the new episode? I actually really liked it, ik a lot of people said they didn't but I did.)
• gets on his knees while begging (not sexually 🤨) and will even fake cry. he's a master manipulator 💀
• when you guys go to the beach he's always asking you to come play in the water with him
• for any reason if you guys happen to be at a hospital, he goes and looks at all the little newborn babies. they're so cute and he gets all smiley just looking at them.
• he loves romance movies. mf will deny it till the day he dies when anybody asks but you've seen his collection of vhs tapes and dvds. plus bill even admitted tom cried during The Notebook.
• he tries to balance random objects on his head while walking to see it he can do it. he'll add on a object every time he does it.
• he's weirdly amazing at solving Rubix cubes?
• he loves making balloons animals and he always makes the sword ones. he will literallt sword fight with anybody.
• he eats bowls and bowls of cereal so he can get to the prize at the bottom of the box. (I full-heartedly believe he's a little kid at heart)
• he tries to make home-made pizza but ends up burning it 90% of the time.
• he's extremely ticklish on his armpits, stomach and feet and will literally die laughing if you tickle him
• he also loves kids cartoon movies like fox and the hound, Anastasia, Mulan, James and the Giant Peach, etc.
• he loves slap bracelets and has an entire collection of them.
• it wouldn't be the first time you've caught him dancing and singing to Britney spears.
• tom loves everything bathes. on camera he says he prefers showers but in reality he likes bathes better. With candles, dimmed lights, bath salts, face masks, etc.
• do you guys know that episode of Friends where Monica convinces Chandler to take a bath and he ends up loving it and shit? he's just like that. if you don't know what I'm talking about here's some clips.
clip 1
clip 2
• he tried on one of your thongs one time because you dared him to wear it the whole day.
• you also dared him to get his legs waxed and he ended up doing it and he was crying the whole time
• he loves those little stories where you add in words to them. I can't remember what they're called but it asked you for like an adjective, plural noun, verb ending in ing, etc. etc. (I hope yall know what I'm talking about, I think it starts like a m or something someone tell me please 😭)
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @killed-kiss @memog1rl @80s-tingz @billybabeskaulitz @victryzvv9 @banshailey
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fukingsad · 11 months
Hobie Comfort Headcannons
Synopsis: If Hobie came home to see you crying
Master List
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-I could never see him as the type to ask you what’s wrong
-Or at least not at first
Walking into your apartment, Hobie takes off his mask and throws it onto the couch as he makes his way toward your room. He opens the door, setting his guitar by your vanity. “Luv, ‘m back how was your-” He stops as he sees you curled up with a pillow in the corner of your bed against the wall. Your face is placed on a pillow as it muffles your cries, catching your tears. Not being able to look your boyfriend in the eyes you keep your head down, feeling his eyes on you. Suddenly you feel a dip in the bed. Hobie’s long lanky arms wrap around your figure, picking you up carefully and placing you in his lap as he holds you close to him, his head resting on top of yours. The ambiance of the city fills the room.
-He’s the type of person that will let you cry because crying is good
“People need a good cry, maybe then everyone would be less stuck up”
-So when he finds you crying he’ll just hold you till you're ready to talk
-He’d just keep you close drawing circles in your skin with his calloused fingers
-When you are ready to talk he’ll just listen
-I feel like unless you specifically ask him for advice he won’t give it
-unless he feels like you really need some
-While you're talking about whatever happened he’d just hold your face WITH HIS BIG ASS HANDS
-His thumbs resting below the outer corners of your eyes
-And if you start crying while talking about it he’d just wipe your tears with his thumbs
Lifting your head from the pillow you look up and see your boyfriend Hobie. “Ya ready to talk ‘bout it, swee’heart?”
He says lifting you and shifting you to sit on his lap facing him. “Yea…yea ‘m ready,” you say, wiping the years from your face. You feel Hobie’s hands cup your face as he looks at you with concern “Well ‘m ready to listen” he says softly placing his forehead against yours.
-But if you don't wanna talk he’ll just hold you
-Like I said he won’t force you to talk about it, why would he?
-He just wants you to be okay, even if that means he just has to hold you while you cry in his arms
-NOW if you’re like me and just wanna cry alone in your corner until there are no more tears left he’ll let you…..to an extent
-Don’t get me wrong he’ll give you your space, BUT
-He’s gonna sit in the opposite corner…
-He won't say anything or do anything he’s just gonna sit there and make sure you’re okay
-He’ll probably fill up a water bottle and give it to you
-After a few minutes of sitting there making sure you're okay he’ll actually leave
-When you’re finally done crying you’ll walk out into the living room and see how on the couch
-WITH your favorite movie on, a pizza and some soda or something to drink 🙈
-He’ll just look up at you and pat the spot next to him on the couch
-As you sit down he’ll pull you into his chest and ask if you're okay
Sitting down on the couch next to Hobie as (insert favorite movie) played on your tv. Hobie pulled you into himself as you both sat quietly watching the movie “You alrigh’ now?” Hobie asked his eyes not leaving the tv. “Yea…I’m okay now” you said, taking his hand into your own.
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Ending A/n: Came to my mind at like 3am 🤷🏾‍♀️ thought it was cute so i wrote it up idk if i rlly like this but we’ll see anyways have a good (day/afternoon/night) peace and love 🫶🏾
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
idk why but I think it would be funny reader stuck in the elevator with joe and reader freaking out bc the elevator stopped while joe is all soft and trying to calm her down
YES excellent – i merged this idea with another request from anon who asked for a story that starts on the tube, so, here we go... a new five-part series! here's part one! thanks for the request, you're well sexy and the best, love ya for life xo Wordcount: 2.6K
Between Floors and Feelings
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
“Rough night?”
You knew what this looked like.
You understood why the person who you'd sat down next to immediately got up and moved a few seats down. Why they avoided the drama of it all.
You understood why the lady opposite you stared at the floor and nothing but the floor, pretending that she hadn't seen you, probably because that would just be easiest for everyone involved, the politest thing to do.
You understood why the handsome stranger at the end of the carriage kept looking over, his big round eyes overflowing with pity for the runaway bride in the dirty dress, mascara stains all down her face and her hair a tangled up mess.
You got it.
You probably would’ve felt the same had you witnessed a girl in a wedding dress sit down in an empty seat, sort of dazed and empty-looking, numb to the stares and whispers – if people even whispered at all; the tube was notoriously quiet, always and forever.
“Rough night?” a boy from a group of four, maybe five, called over, and the rest of them all tried to hide their laughs.
It was obvious they’d been drinking and you guessed they were on their way to the next party. Off to find another bar or a club that still let people in after the last tube had gone.
You made direct eye-contact with the kid, and you looked exhausted the way people can only look exhausted after they’ve cried for a good while.
Made sense, since, you know, you’d cried for a good while.
You just looked at this boy, who thought maybe he’d get a reaction out of you, but your lack of expression and unwavering stare quickly made him grow uncomfortable. Made his buddies shove his shoulders as they told him to leave her alone man, suddenly all respectful and well-mannered.
They felt the vibe. None of this was fucking funny.
It was enough to get him to back off, and thank fuck they all got off at Leicester Square – of course they did – and when the doors closed again, you noticed the carriage was mostly empty now.
A glance sideways told you the handsome stranger who’d been sneaking looks at you was still there.
Watching you.
What an outfit to be seen in by someone who had looks that would usually make you sit up a little straighter. Would make you faff with your hair a bit. Would make you stick your chin out and push your shoulders back, just in case he looked at you again.
You absolutely didn’t give a single shit about it now.
Couldn't care less about what you currently looked like.
You knew your face was a mess of streaky foundation with black mascara marks all the way down to your chin and, fuck it, you weren’t even planning on washing it off tonight. You’d wallow in bed and probably would cry some more before you’d fall asleep.
Tomorrow could be the day on which you’d care.
Right now all you’d wanted to do was murder someone, then sleep, and also, empty the rest of your bladder.
Perhaps that was the only thing about tonight that brought you secret joy; the memory of squatting over your boss’s handbag to piss right into it. You had to stop in a scurry when you heard footsteps coming up the stairs and didn’t want to be caught, but, if you had been, ultimately, it wouldn't have mattered.
You had resigned with immediate effect when you'd seen them.
Finding her unguarded handbag on your way out was exactly what she fucking deserved. You knew you'd probably regret it later, but for right now, it was all you fucking had.
The train stopped at Covent Garden, and it took a second for your body to get up to get out. Like the signals your eyes and ears picked up took longer to travel to the right parts of your brain, that then following signals took longer to travel from your brain to the right parts of your body.
You had to lift up your skirt, two fists grabbing at the tulle, to make sure your feet didn't get caught up as you stepped onto the platform.
With the increasingly annoying See It, Say It, Sorted repeating itself for the millionth time within the fourteen minutes you'd been on the tube, the doors beeped behind you before you heard them roll shut.
The platform felt empty, just a couple other people making their way towards the exit, and with your zest for life currently non-existent, the sensation of the wind from the tube leaving felt nice. So, you took a second, just stood there and thought to yourself how long it would take for it to become weird that you weren't moving.
There were just too many things to freak out over, far too much to completely overwhelm you, but it was almost like none of it was real. As if every single survival mechanism your body held within itself had switched on. They all made sure that the only thing you had going inside your brain was a low, constant hum. Nothing else.
It was almost like you weren't even there.
Like the whole evening had been a dream.
Like you didn't even really exist in this moment right now.
Yea. You were definitely dissociating.
You felt like a ghost a little.
One that had to pee, still. That motivated you enough to turn your head, tired heavy-lidded eyes reading the signs to follow them out.
Exit. To the lifts and stairs.
You were nearly home.
Home, where you were definitely 100 per cent going to beeline it straight from your front door right into bed.
Just that thought alone brought you back into yourself a little more, but it was just so you could tear up again. You felt the hot pinpricks behind your eyes and quickly shoved yourself out again.
No more crying, please.
You could just... float down the underground tunnels behind yourself. Follow your own footsteps out of the station. You knew were you lived. You would find yourself there later.
It was fine.
It was after the last theater rush, so for Covent Garden standards, it felt eerily quiet. Not that you were complaining. Waiting for the lifts whilst crushed between a bunch of tourists was the last thing you wanted right now.
But stepping into an empty lift with just one other person stepping in behind you, seeing just a few people step out on the other side, felt weird too.
Especially when you looked, and you saw that the one other person was the handsome stranger from your carriage. He'd apparently gotten off too, and suddenly, you felt embarrassed.
You were wearing a dirty wedding dress. Had black marks all over your face, all over your hands.
He looked fucking stunning. All prim and proper. Vintage-looking tweed green suit. Olive-y green. Gorgeous and well put together, the literal exact opposite from you in your current state. Like, sure, his curls were a little messy, but it seemed part of his look.
As the lift doors closed behind you, the stranger gave you a polite nod accompanied by a tight lipped smile. And you would have returned it, would've made it a kind, well-mannered exchange of acknowledgement, but, you weren't really inside of your body, remember?
All you did was look at him a second, face all blank, and you only slightly noticed that the empathy in his eyes doubled right in front of you before you turned away. You turned and slumped against the side, head resting back, eyes scanning the ads but not really reading anything, and you wondered if these lifts ever got cleaned. If someone ever took a rag and some cleaning solution and wiped down all the panels. By the look of things, probably not.
What if that was your job?
Clean the Covent Garden tube station lifts every day. There were four of them, and you imagined they all could use a good scrub.
You honestly wouldn't mind a job like it. You needed a new job anyway, 't was close to home and you liked the sense of accomplishment cleaning something incredibly dirty gave you. Where you could really see the difference.
You were doing a stellar job at distracting yourself from the current situation you were in. Made sure to stay all the way out of your body. Made sure that this veil that separated you from the real world, that blurred the boundaries between what was real and what was not, made sure that it stayed in place.
You were so close to home.
Wanted to be there right this second.
Fuck, you were so tired.
Maybe your new job could be figuring out this whole teleportation thing. See if you could make that work for yourself.
You didn't realise that your eyes were staring at the man who stood near where the doors were meant to open when you reached ground floor. Just, comfortably locked at the shoulder seam of his jacket.
Even when he turned his head a little for a quick look before he took a small sip from a half empty water bottle, surely because he could sense your two bulging wet eyeballs burn into his back, you didn't move your eyes.
Felt too nice to keep them there.
But then, without warning, there was a sudden jolt. It shocked you right back into your body and you couldn't help the small gasp that escaped you. The lift had come to an abrupt halt, and the lights flickered for a moment before they settled into a dim glow.
Oh no.
“Oh no,” the barely audible sound of your voice surprised you. Your throat still felt thick from crying, and hearing it out loud just reminded you of it more.
“Is it stuck?”
For a second, you thought that maybe, you were wrong.
You made a mistake.
Clearly you weren't really with it right now, so you didn't really trust your senses currently. You didn't really know what was real and what wasn't and found it difficult to differentiate.
But then the guy who was in there with you looked around, and then lowered his head. By the way his eyes moved, you could tell he was trying to listen for something.
“Are we stuck?” you tried again, and his eyes shot up to look at you.
No answer.
A mix of emotions washed over you; disbelief, annoyance, a new good dose of self-pity along with a strong healthy pang of sheer panic.
It was kind of exactly how you felt about an hour ago.
If only there was a handbag of someone you really hated to piss into to elevate the situation a little. It helped a lot before.
“I think we're stuck.”
That was exactly the wrong thing to hear and it immediately threw you for a loop.
A panic attack.
The whole ordeal.
Your heart quickened its pace, an unsettling sensation tightened your whole chest and your breathing picked up, became all shallow at a rapid rate. Before you knew it, the box you were now trapped in felt like it was shrinking around you and suddenly you were in a place of imminent danger.
You were inside a mortal trap, a tragedy waiting to happen.
You had to sit down.
But your knees were locked.
You didn't know if the moisture you felt on your face were tears or sweat.
Oh man, it was hot in there. Did this guy feel hot in there too? Jesus Christ, why were wedding gowns so fucking restricting?
You saw how the emergency button was pressed, just once. Sensible. And then this guy waited patiently as he listened to static coming from the little intercom below it.
Well, fuck that.
In your panic you kind of threw yourself at this emergency button and with frantic hands and shaking fingers, you pressed it over and over and over, until two big hands took hold of you and guided your arms down.
“It's OK, don't worry. Help will come,”
Those words meant nothing to you, no matter how kindly they were said.
“Hello?!” you shouted like anyone would hear you, eyes big and darting, and you scanned the rest of the lift for more buttons.
Your phone!
Of course.
You fished your phone out, panicked movements making you nearly drop it.
No service.
“Hey, breathe,” the far-too-good-looking-for-his-own-good stranger tried, but you had already slung both arms over your head and got the jitters in your legs, desperately needing to move and so you started pacing.
Two small steps towards the back, two small steps back to where this guy was stood.
“This is just perfect, what the fuck, this is just–” the loud and sudden sob that escaped you made you slap a hand over your mouth.
“Calm down, we're safe, you need to–” he huffed a humourless laugh through his nostrils, all obvious nerves and tense uncomfortability. “You need to breathe,”
And he was right. You did need to breathe. You started feeling light-headed a little, felt your cheeks start to tingle, so you covered your face with both hands and squatted down, making the tulle skirt of your dress take up half the floorspace.
He joined you down there and held out his opened water bottle to you.
“Do you need some water?”
You didn't move your hands as you shook your head no.
“Okay, let me try that again. My name's Joe, I think you're having an anxiety attack, and I think you need some water. Here, have some water,”
“I don't want water.”
It was definitely sweat and tears. You felt clammy and cold but somehow uncomfortably hot at the same time.
“Breathe in, hey,” a finger got snapped in front of your face several times. That didn't do shit. “You're just breathing out, you've got to let air in too.”
And just for a second, the smallest fraction of a teeny tiny moment, everything suddenly cleared up in your mind. Comfort and ease took over and you felt... well, nothing.
Felt like drifting.
You felt everything flush down your body, all the way from your face right into your toes until it was all gone.
Just for a mere second, though.
“I'm fine,” you croaked before everything went slack. You lost your balance, your eyes rolled back and just like that, everything went dark.
“Oh, shit, oh shit,” Joe muttered, moving forward from sitting on his haunches to pressing his knees into the fabric of your dress as he tried to reach for you in a flash.
He got you by the arm, his open water bottle terribly in the way, and his other hand managed to reach around your neck. He got to slowly lower you down, ease you towards the floor entirely unsure of what to do next.
What did he need to do next?!
He was trapped in a tube station lift, on a stop he didn't even need to get out of, with an unconscious runaway bride who'd quite clearly was having the absolutely worst day of her life ever.
What the fuck was he going to do?
Then, behind him, from the corner of the elevator, the intercom static picked up again and was followed by a crackly voice.
“Emergency services, how can we assist you?”
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @freckledjoes @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @thefemininemystiquee @alana4610 @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellyxo1 @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @ohmeg @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @roosterisdaddy36 @alwayslindie @breddiemunson @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @jnnyrd @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsmunson @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4 @sadbitchfangirl @emma77645 @tlclick73
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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sehodreams · 6 months
riize MTL to make you get on the phone with your boyfriend while they're plowing into your uterus and making your vision blackout with stars
TW and tags: cheating, fingering, p in v, drunk sex, toxic!ex!Seunghan, toxic!Eunseok, idk what else.
Sorry I got a little carried away with Eunseok and Seunghan haha I love Eunseok too much, I hope you like it anon!
Also, I'll be honest, this is not a MTL of who would do it, this is a MTL of who would be the most evil while doing it, and sorry for not writing for all of them, I just couldn't imagine the others idk why.
He doesn't want to be your boyfriend, but he doesn't like sharing you neither. You've been with your boyfriend for months already, but you had met Eunseok before you started your relationship, being just fuck buddies, and since he told you he didn't like relationships, you accepted to date the new boy, who was sweet and kind, while Eunseok ghosted you whenever he wanted, making you exhausted of his game.
So, if he was the one leaving, why would he always bother you coming back? He did the same thing once every two or three weeks, and you hated yourself because every time you felt he was about to come and see you, instead of getting angry, your pussy would get wet, the memory of him pounding your insides enough to get you like that, and that night was no different.
Your boyfriend had gone to a work trip, talking to you every night at the same hour to tell you about his day. You watched the clock, Eunseok was between your legs, drinking you like the beer he had before knocking your door, and when you were about to cum you remembered the phone call that would sound in less than 10 minutes, I can't, you told yourself, not because you felt bad cheating on your boyfriend, but because you knew Eunseok would fuck you for a lot longer and you wouldn't be able to talk.
Your phone lighted, showing your boyfriend's name in the screen, and you wanted to hide it, but Eunseok was faster and grabbed your phone before you could, accepting the call.
"Hi babe" your boyfriend said, and Eunseok, instead of leaving you alone to talk with him, inserted two of his fingers in your pussy, making it squelch, a sound you wished no one could hear through the phone.
"Hi" you answered how you could, then biting your lip to not let the noises come out of your mouth.
"You have no idea what happened today" he started to tell you everything, how his team almost messed up, how he fixed the problem, expecting you to tell him how proud you were, but you couldn't talk, your eyes were rolling and your lip was almost bleeding from the force you were using to not let a single cry come out of you while Eunseok played with you, showing you the cheekiest smile you had ever seen, making you horny and angry at the same time.
You tried to tell him to stop, pushing his hand away and shaking your head. He said an I don't want to silently, increasing the speed of his fingers inside you, and when you were shaking, almost cumming, he pulled them away.
You denied, how could he do that? When you were so close? The voice of your boyfriend kept talking in the background and Eunseok got closer to your ear, moving both your hands over your head and maintaining them with one of his, "babe, such a lame way to call you, doesn't he know you prefer being called slut?" Your pussy got tighter around nothing when he talked, and you tried to say no, but you couldn't form a single sentence, "if you're someone else's babe, I shouldn't fuck you, don't you think so?" You cried, head back to the pillow, tears blurring your vision, "or what are you?" He asked, slapping your pussy with his dick, the sound undoubtedly heard by your boyfriend. You shouldn't answer, you told yourself, he would heard you, but did you care enough? What was more important, to mantain your relationship or to get pounded by Eunseok? Such an easy choice "I'm your slut" you said, and he, smiling proud of you, pushed his dick into your cunt, which welcomed it with such a satisfaction it clenched around it immediately, feeling so good that you, happy to finally be fucked like you should, couldn't contain your moans anymore.
He was the best boyfriend anyone could have, so he always asked you, why did you decide to break up with him? He just couldn't understand what you said, that he flirted too much? He was just friendly. He never answered your calls if he went out partying? He couldn't hear it with the loud music. He fucked your best friend? He was just drunk and thought it was you.
Everything he did had an explanation, including the fact that, even when you broke up months ago and you had moved on with a new boyfriend, he had to see you every weekend to help you get off, it wasn't his fault that you decided to start a relationship with a guy that couldn't fuck you like he did.
It was the typical friday night and he was already in your room when you arrived from your date, "did he fuck you?" He asked when you closed your door. "Yeah, why?" You answered, making him smile and poke his cheek with his tongue, laughing at you, "well, you don't see happy enough" he replied. You denied with your head, tired of his shit, "Shut up and do your job".
He laughed loudly and pulled down the waistband of his joggers and his underwear, his hard cock bouncing as a result. You didn't waste a second and walked to him, kissing with need and moaning into his mouth.
Something you had to admit, and hated, it was that Seunghan was the best fuck you've ever had, not finding anyone good enough to make you feel like he did.
Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was so shameless, he didn't hesitate to go down on you, eating your cunt until you cried and pulled his hair, moaning into it when you hurt him, he also fucked you really good, he knew how to move, when to stop and when to rut into your hole, not being afraid of shoving his thumb on your ass.
Still, it was exactly that shameless side of him what made your actual dynamic possible, he didn't mind that you fucked other guys, because he knew you would always go back to him at the end, and he loved the way he didn't have to prepare you before he slided inside you, you dripping with the thought of him using you after the boy you were currently seeing.
And you couldn't deny it, you had no sense of shame neither, because when Seunghan pulled out your phone and scrolled through it, you'd continue moaning, perfectly knowing who was on the other side of the line.
When you needed to feel loved, you would call your boyfriend, when you needed some extra cash, you'd call your boyfriend, and when you needed to get fucked, you'd call Wonbin.
He liked that, he liked having the benefits of a relationship without spending his money and energy on you, he loved that you even sent him gifts with your boyfriend's money, and he loved the way you would receive him with open arms without any question.
When you were together you always wanted more and more, but after much pain and understanding that the first, second and third place on his heart would always be himself, you decided to find someone who appreciated you, however, he's Wonbin, it was impossible to forget him.
And Wonbin's such a bitch, he knows he shouldn't bother him, he pays his expensive gifts after all, but he likes to see your scared expression all the time, you trying to keep his identity as a secret was his favorite amusement, hear you lying to the poor boy telling him you were staying at your friend's house instead of with him always made him laugh, when you sent him your location so he knew were you were but not with who he smiled, and when you sent him pictures of your shopping spring without him knowing half of those bags were for Wonbin, he felt fucking horny.
So, it's only natural that he likes you to maintain your boyfriend content, obliging you to always answer his calls, even when you were together, and he wouldn't stop doing his work, fingering you or eating your pussy, whatever he was doing, he wouldn't stop, Wonbin liked to think it was his way of saying thank you to that boy too, because if he made his girlfriend happy, he'd be happy too, right?
This crybaby, he keeps going back to you because he loves you too much, and it hurts his heart to know you have a boyfriend, but he would rather share you than not have you at all.
Your phone ringing with him inside you distracted him, that unique ringtone always sent a shiver through his back because he knew who was calling, and he felt ashamed, but he loved you so much he couldn't help it, "Answer, and tell him you prefer me, I know you do", he'd say, stopping his movements so you could grab your phone, and then, perfectly knowing you'd never make his wish come true, listening to you talk to your boyfriend pretending you were tired or busy, out of dissapointment with himself for being so pathetic, he'd rut his hips into you harder, making you suffer to contain your moans, because if he was suffering, you'd do it too.
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he-goes-down · 6 months
Idk if u do requests but can u do a rly good slash angst where maybe he says smth hiiigh n they get into argument and then make up sex
This is absolute dookie i apologize you can shoot me in the face with a bazooka if you wish
Love Lies
Pairing: Slash x reader
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Warnings: smut, fingering, unprotected p in v and angst , argument, fighting, crying and mention of addiction
Second Person POV:
It had been weeks since you and Slash actually had a normal conversation or even done couple things. Since the realise of the album and the money racked in, he spent the money on drugs on booze and to town everyday, coming back home late and completely out of it. You were home alone most of the time, your quality time was gone. Any time together was gone.
It was 1 am. Again. You lied in bed, rubbing your fingers together. Nervousness. You tried to give him another chance and wait for him to return. You had enough of this waiting and stressing. You turned off the bedside light and turned on your side holding the covers with irritation.
3 am rolls around, you were in a sleeping, and anxious state. But it was finally getting to you being so tired that you could drift to sleep. As you drifted Slash had came in, drunk. Falling onto the bed, groaning and mumbling. You didn’t realise he was there until the bed creaked and he slumped an arm over your waist and tried pulling you closer. You groaned in annoyance and pushed his arm off you, shifting closer to the edge of the bed. He was confused, that drunken confusion turned into drunken anger. “Hey!” He shouted with a groggy groan. He tried to out his arms around you again but you pushed him off again with a-lot more irritation. “What the fuck is the problem?” He yelled. You quickly turned on the light next to your bed side and sat up to look at him. “Are you serious?” You asked with disgust. “The problem is you coming home every night at 3 am. Saul I don’t even see you during the day! At all!” You told him. Calling him Saul drove a stake through his heart and sobered him up real fast, you’d never call him that, and now he could see you were dead serious and angry. “But-…” “But fucking what? Hm? You need to be drinking so much? You need to be around all those girls 24/7? What happened to ‘your girl’?” You shut him up. He always called you his girl and showed you off to everyone he knew. But now it was like you were invisible and forgotten. “I’m… Sorry.” He sputtered. You just rolled your eyes and groaned a ‘mhm’. You got out of the bed, “I’m going to sleep on the couch. Night.” You said as you walked to the door. Slash speed and scrambled off the bed.
“No baby please…” He said as he grabbed you arm pulling you to stay. You tried to get your arm away from his grasp but he just didn’t let go. “Please.” He begged. Your eyes went from his hand that held you to his eyes. Sparkling with tears that were forming, his face laced with worry. “ I don’t want to hear it.” You said. But you wanted to, you wanted him to say sorry and everything go back to normal. But how would you know if it will turn back. “Please baby, I’m sorry.” He pleaded. Tears now falling down his cheeks. God you couldn’t do this when he cried. Fuck it broke you. You stopped struggling under his grasped and gave him a sincere look. You went to hug him and he hugged you back holding you tight. Crying into your shoulder. “I’m so sorry, I don’t want you to leave me.” He sobbed. You were about to cry as-well, but still so much rage was filled in you. “I don’t want too either.” You told him. Thoughts were still spinning in your head as to if he’ll change. But you gave him that chance. “I love you honey.” You kissed his cheek getting out of the hug. You then told him how you still needed to cool down and that he needed to start doing something about his drinking and partying problems. You were going to walk out if the bedroom again, but Slash fell to his knees and began. “Baby please, I need you with me now.” He said, his eyes still watery.
“I’ll make it up to you, right now.” He said as he pleaded. You looked at him quizzically. “I’ll help you…” He began to speak again. His hands now on your legs trailing your thighs. “Cool down.” He finished and he began kissing your bare inner thighs and then your clothed area. You whined, you missed the feeling of him pleasing you. This was definitely making up for it. He looked up at you, his fingers moving away the fabric of your short pyjama pants, and feeling your already wet cunt. “Oh god fuck.” You moaned as he slowly entered your pussy with his two thick fingers. Stretching you out as he watched your head fling back with lust. He began to pump in and out of you. Curling his fingers and pressing against your sweet spot, making your stomach turn and legs buckled. He smirked as he watched you moan his name. He pulled his fingers out of you, making you whine, and pushed you onto the bed. Spreading your legs and pulling your pants down with one swift move. Then putting your legs over his shoulders and planting his face onto your pussy. Kissing and licking your pussy. “Fuck-… Slash…” you moaned and tangled your fingers in his hair. Slash sucked on your clit as he put his fingers back into you. Finger fucking you whilst your wet coated his fingers and dripped down his big hand. You clenched around his fingers as his tongue flicked your clit, making you writhe under him as the burning feeling in the pit of your stomach grew stronger. “Oh fuck!” Your head flew back onto the bed as you came all over his fingers and moaned curses. He pulled out his dripping fingers and licked them, getting every last drop of you in his mouth. You sighed as he now crawled on top of you, kissing your passionately. Tasting yourself as his tongue found his way into your mouth. His hips grinding against yours, feeling his big hard on against your bare cunt. “Slash… please…” you begged against his mouth. Now it was your turn to plead for him. “What is it baby?” He asked as his kiss went to attack you neck. “Fuck me.” You said. You hadn’t had his dick in you in ages and your body was begging for him. “Anything you say doll.” He told you. Taking off his clothes and tossing it to the floor before positioning himself at your aching pussy. His dick was bigger than you had remembered, you whimpered at the sight of it. He slowly penetrating you and stretching your pussy out even more. “Fuck, I love you…” he groaned as you clenched tightly around him. His head slumping in the crook of your neck. His hands held your legs pushing it back into you to get the right angle to pound into you. You moaned as he bottomed out. He pulled out swiftly and pushed back into you, hips snapping and a loud slap echoed. You screamed as he perfectly hit your g spot, making you cry with pleasure. He groaned with each thrust into you, god he could cry again, just thinking that he would have lost this from his recklessness, how could he have ever gave you up. You were so perfect in his mind. You were his and he was showing the neighbours just how much you belonged to him. You moaned loudly with each deep and fast thrust. His cock twitching inside of you as he was reaching his end. “God baby, I’m gonna cum.” He sighed, you were too, he felt you clench hard around him as his thrusts got sloppy and you both came at the same time. You coating his dick with your slick and him coating your walls with his cum.
“I’m so sorry honey, I love you so much.”
“I forgive you baby.”
A/n: THIS IS MY WORST WORK EVER IM SO SO SORRY I DONT KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT BETTER 🙁 You can yell at me all you want I apologise 🤞
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flwersgarden · 2 years
cuando caiga la luna. ノ⠀ ू ໋ ׅ ১
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pairings : yandere!namor x mexican female reader.
summary : queen ramonda takes you hostage when she finds out you're namor's beloved. and let's just say, she found to regret that decision.
includes : soft yandere, kinda ooc namor ?? (i mean he kinda dark in the comics so idk), some aggression towards reader (not from namor's part), BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER SPOILERS!!
author's note : Y'ALL KNEW I HAD TO DO THIS Y'ALL KNEWWWW anyways yes, i am alive and yes, im gonna still write the reqs you sent. im just in a tenoch huerta mood k? and yes, this is (mainly) for my mexican girlies that may be lurking if so hi, let's be friends- anyways a lot of spanglish in the sense of going from spanish dialogue to english narrative but hey, no one can stop me so.
buy me a kofi !
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“ please, let me go! you don't understand! ”
your cries are nonexistent for the queen of wakanda as she strolls to the center of her palace, where her throne sits, accompanied by her guards and riri williams, the scientist, who watches you from behind; feeling quite bad for you, even if your rumored god boyfriend is trying to kill her.
“ please, queen ramonda, let me go! please! ”
“ no. ” is the only answer she gives you but it encourages you into trying to make her understand, arriving in the room.
“ you don't get it-. ”
“ what could i possibly not get?! ” she abruptly turns around to face you, her guards stop walking and by the sudden stop, you fall to the ground, in your knees.
you sob as you raise your head. “ i don't want to go with him. ”
queen ramonda raises an eyebrow with a smirk.
“ and no. i don't find you dumb. ” you denied, knowing what she was thinking. “ but i need to explain before he... ”
you sob again.
riri walks to be next to queen ramonda, watching you with a confused gaze while the queen remains the same.
“ i don't love him. he keeps me hostage in his... kingdom. ” you try your best to explain in english, your words stumbling with one to another, the desperation is palpable. “ he has kept an eye on me since i was of age, watching me from afar until one day, he asked me to be his queen. ”
“ and when i refused, he burned the village i loved to the ground-. ” a sob interrupted you before the ugly cries took control of your body, your hands were the only thing stopping you from hitting the ground.
you missed queen ramonda's surprised gaze.
“ woah. the fuck? ” riri asks, pointing at you.
“ she's lying-. ” queen ramonda starts saying with a calm tone.
“ I'M NOT! ” you scream in frustration. you were tired of being ignored. you were tired of being his.
queen ramonda and riri watch you again.
“ i want to go home. ” you mumble. “ i miss my family. ” you shake your head, trying not to cry again, your eyes hurt. the whole thing, the moment, made you vulnerable. he warned you about that.
queen ramonda looks at you before she suddenly knelt to be in the same position as you were.
“ child. look at me. ”
you obey, your red eyes making her almost gasp.
“ what did he do to you? and be honest. ” the last part was whispered.
you sniff before answering. “ he took me. lost made me like one of them... he changed the poison. his people helped. ” venom laced your tone.
the memory of multiple strong people holding you still while namor forced your mouth open to drink that blue drink invaded your mind making you close your eyes for a few seconds.
“ why are you not one of them then? ” riri asks.
“ he changed it. ” you repeat. “ he changed it because it would've killed me. ” you scoff before chuckling with no humor behind it. “ it's surprising how worried he was of me dying... while he smiled at the screams of my family being killed. ”
you turn a hand into a fist.
the rollercoaster of emotions was enough to make you sick.
silence takes over the moment again.
“ then why are you stubborn about us letting you go? ”
“ because if you don't. ” you whisper before clearing your throat. “ i'm afraid he will kill you. ”
she scoffs. and just as she's about to answer, a loud sound could be heard.
you sob. “ he's here... ” you mutter, covering your face. “ i told you, i told you-. ”
“ stand back. ” queen ramonda orders to riri.
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
namor walks out of the water, one of his best warrior stands in front of him. the amount of sounds block his ears from hearing your breathing, making him frustrated.
“ Kux in reina. ” namor speaks, looking around in hopes to catch you.
“ Yéetel Ramonda. ”
namor growls, slightly turning his head to the side when he suddenly raises his arm; wood destroyed at the impact of it. he turns, seeing a buff man's surprised gaze.
he hates to be distracted.
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
meanwhile, riri helps you stand up, you grab her arm with your hand while the other covers your mouth. you are still trembling.
queen ramonda seems to be taking it all in. the destruction. the chaos. her people running far away from namor and his people.
you stopped sobbing from fear of him finding out where you were.
everything is silent between you two, the glass seemed to cover the faint sounds of screaming.
until you start to notice how close namor is.
you start to shake your head, taking steps backwards, riri stumbles with you.
“ h-hey, stop. ” she whispers, trying to calm you down but your gaze is trapped.
and when riri sees your mouth opening and your eyes wet, she turns.
and namor is standing in front of queen ramonda. his gaze is animalistic, almost like if fangs would grow at any moment, his heavy breathing scares you the most. because he is not tired. he is angry.
suddenly, something attacks him from behind making him loose his focus on you and your captors.
you turn to face riri. “ i have to give myself in. ”
she immediately shakes her head. “ no-. ”
“ more people will die- let me! ” you force yourself from her, making her keep a tight grip on you.
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
after destroying that annoying ship shuri was in control of, namor turns towards you again.
he sees you battling with the scientist, trying to escape, while queen ramonda looks at him with mocking gaze.
he screams as he charges towards the three of you, his strong body bumping with the tough glass.
but, the glass starts to break with every hit so the queen walks back towards you and riri.
everything seemed to move in slow motion after that.
you trying to stop riri from holding you, queen ramonda trying to protect both of you and riri keeping you still with a hug.
a hug born from fear.
and just as you could push riri away, the glass breaks.
the impact of water hitting you made you dizzy and everything went black.
you feel like you're floating. small sounds of kids laughing and running around could be heard. chatting among adults while a fireplace is cracked.
a little smile appears in your lips as you see your parents, wearing their usual day to day clothes. you seem to now be able to walk.
your mother extends her arm towards you, as she usually did whenever she wanted a hug.
“ mi niña. ” she says with so much endearment you feel yourself growing close from crying.
“ mamá. ” you whisper with a sad melancholic tone, extending your hand as well.
when you touched her hand it felt nice. warm.
your mother smiles. “ te extrañamos tanto. ”
“ y yo a ustedes. ” you sob as you say that. and just as you were about to hug her. to touch her more. you see light coming from one side of the black room you're in. the water that was touching your feet moves aggressively.
“ tienes que regresar. ” she says making you turn to her.
“ no. no quiero. ”
your mother lets you go. you gasp.
“ no quiero ir, mamá, no me hagas esto. ” you whisper just as the water starts to drag you away.
“ ¡NO! ” you try to free yourself from the wet substance, trying to run towards your parents.
you breathe through your mouth, sitting up immediately as water leaves your lungs, and you start to cough.
cheering is heard from around you.
“ Le reina táan viva! ”
you look around, the people from talokan are surrounding you. you scoff before looking in front of you. there is a wide sea. and you feel quite uncomfortable.
your hands grab the ground and plays with it. seems to be sand.
“ mi amor. ”
you turn abruptly to your right side.
namor is sitting there, watching you with a smile.
“ estamos felices de que estés viva. ”
you keep your gaze in his. “ yo no. ”
he chuckles. “ pues yo sí. ” he stands up offering you his hand to which you ignore, standing up for yourself.
you stumble so he catches you, his grip tight; giving you the hint that he wasn't going to let you go.
“ la reina de wakanda es valiente. pero no inteligente. ” he suddenly says, making you remember what happened in the first place.
you give a small 'hmm' as a way to let him know you're listening.
“ raptarte es una cosa. ”
he grabs your arm and gracefully touches the small bruises riri's hand left you.
“ lastimarte... ” he whispers, jaw clenched before turning his back to you. you keep yourself in the same stance while he walks towards one of his warriors. “ eso es otra cosa que no puedo perdonar. ”
he grabs a box from the warrior's hands and walks to you again, his smile seemed brighter.
“ un regalo. como muestra de perdón por no haberte rescatado antes. ”
you rip the box open, tired of his dramatics.
but the sight made you gasp and throw it into the ground.
your back is towards everyone, as the sea waves barely touches the box material, hiding your traumatized gaze.
you tremble, your hand covering your mouth as you feel like vomiting the liquid in your stomach.
namor walks slowly towards you, hugging you from behind, his cold jewelry hitting your warm skin.
his head slightly hitting yours in a lovers embrace.
“ ahora ellos sabrán que a ti, nunca se te toca. ”
two hearts lay in the sand, the sea touching them before swallowing them whole.
he smiles, kissing your head with his eyes closed as he breathes your scent.
you are safe now, he thinks. you are safe.
the trembling it's because of the cold. the tears are of happiness.
now the both of you, along his people, have to return to talokan to prepare.
after all.
there's a war to win.
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