#so I googled it and first result was just a guy whacking it out with the handle of a screwdriver lmao.
roboromantic · 9 months
"For this class, you'll have to be able to submit traditional art digitally; here's a guide on how to do that. You know how to crop from [class you have to take before or at the same time as this one]"
This class is later tonight. the class that apparently will teach me how to crop pictures isn't until Thursday. Now *I* certainly don't need to be taught how to crop images, but if I did then I think maybe a brief tutorial wouldn't really be that hard to put in this notice
tbf I also think it wouldn't be that hard for the student to google but then again. looking at that resumé post I just reblogged and countless questions posted to reddit/quora/etc., maybe people DO need to be told to google something.
anyway there's also a few typos and things like saying we have 2 required textbooks, then not showing ANY readings from book #2 in our assignments and only posting an Amazon link to book #1 where it's like. Teachers complain that students don't read syllabi, but have YOU looked through it recently??? Sometimes they don't even bother to update the semester or YEAR.
also. this is the Art for Games class and you're using this graphic? 🤨
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2ugars · 5 years
ੈ♡˳ having a crush on hyuck, part one.
an au of the high school senior!hyuck au.
you met your best friend, dahyun, when you were in seventh grade
after the little science experiment mishap during the second half of the year that involved bubbles and the weird smell of pee,
you and dahyun were almost inseparable!
you loved her lots
especially when she made you cry from laughter instead of crying over some boy who pushed you over during a field trip
you knew everything about her
she’d hiccup when she’d get scared,
she likes the color blue the most and absolutely despises hot pink,
dahyun’s nickname is duckie,
and finally, she was an only child!
cue:                                                                      donghyuck
you: “have you heard of lee donghyuck? the one who face-planted in the mud while looking for soil samples for ms. berklee’s science class? i heard he’s a bit strange…”
dahyun, laughing nervously: “yeah… that’s.         he’s my twin brother”
you: “i’m sorry what”
but yeah not the best way to be Informed that there are actually two (2) of your best friend,
just .
one is a little . . . . . . .. 
and louder
than the first one
turns out dahyun’s the oldest twin by three minutes
and apparently those three minutes was enough time for dahyun to absorb Mental Older Sibling Energy
there were plenty of situations where you found yourself having to endure a bickering session between (literally and figuratively) the two
donghyuck’s salty that he’s the younger one and dahyun uses those three minutes to her advantage for the better
and for the worse
frankly, it was a little awkward between you and donghyuck at first because you didn’t know how to act around your best friend’s . twin brother. . . …. . ..
like one day when you were in eighth grade you went to the lee household
and it turned out dahyun was still off somewhere running errands for mama lee
so the one who accompanied you until dahyun arrived,
was none other than donghyuck !
(thereafter, mama lee would always force him to accompany you if ever that happened again)
(it was only until you guys started being okay w each other that he accompanied you without mama lee asking)
you were in the living room with a sort of tense, awkward silence between you two.
but maybe it was just you being paranoid!!!!!
because there hyuck was, in all his thirteen-year-old boy glory,
playing slither io with an ice cream power cap dangling from the corner of his mouth,
completely ignoring you as you scrolled through social media.
he didn’t turn to talk to you at all throughout the hour dahyun was away
and when she finally arrived,
he looked up,
spotted her,
then gathered his belongings,
before going straight to his room.
you: “bro does your brother hate me”
dahyun: “??????no??????i’ll beat him up if he does?????why???”
you: “idk, it just feels like he does…”
dahyun: “look, honestly, if he doesn’t talk to you, it actually means he’s pretty comfy. not that comfortable, obviously, but comfortable enough. you know?”
you: “ .       huh”
dahyun: “it’s weird. he’s weird. you’re fine.”
after dahyun’s constant reassurances that “everything was fine” and that he was pretty ~~~chill~~~
you forced yourself to started regularly treating donghyuck like you would a good or close friend
by the time you did so, the three of you were in junior year
and it all began w Food
you would offer the boy a bite of your food every now and then and at first, he would politely say no
a month later into the school year, you’d offer and he would agree
three months in, he started to ask if he could have a bite
six months in, he would come over if you had food, wordlessly take a bite, and waddle away while muffling out what sounded like a “thanks”
in senior year (currently),
once everything between you and hyuck settled into place,
he would quietly stand beside you until you would offer
and he would lean over and take a huge bite
that one would result in a Very Violent kick to the Butt
it’s all fun and games!!!!!11!!
donghyuck started teasing you and making fun of you
like you had your hair up in a bun once, okay
you were walking down the school hallways, minding your own business
then you hear someone running up behind you
and suddenly grabbing hold of your bun and using it as if it was a shifter with Vroom Vroom noises to finish!!!
u look up,,,,,,, ,, , ,
to see hyuck smiling at u very cheekily
(he’s so h*ckin annoygin.   god .)
and you’ve whacked him so much to the point he’d flinch
and cover his stomach every time you’d move your hand towards him
(you apologized profusely the first time you noticed and he, of course, played victim even if he wasn’t at all bothered)
you’d exchange fondly exasperated looks with dahyun
w ur Best Friend Telepathy
ur ……. Palepathy. if u will .
i’ll stop now i PROMISE
whenever hyuck would do somethig stupid
which was all the time
it’s a wonder how your eyes aren’t stuck to the back of your head with how much you rolled your eyes at him
things were fine!
fine and dandy!
until he starts seeming like . not a good friend
soon he starts seeming like a b*y
a very C*te one at that
a C*te B*y
and so what do u do w this newfound information?
well u panic of course!
and it went a little smth like this:
donghyuck approaches you after school one day, having just come from his chinese class,
while you start to place your books and laptop in your bag.
when you see him, you find it odd, knowing that he doesn’t really visit you at your locker (especially if dahyun wasn’t there)
but you nonetheless beam up at him when he walks up to you.
“tired?” you ask him, noticing that his usually bright eyes have a dull, sleepy glaze to them.
he nods, smiling at you slightly. “liu laoshi had us do a writing exam for the first hour of class. i spent half that time looking outside.”
“there’s not much of a view outside, though,” you say, an amused smile playing on your lips.
“eh, the sky’s gray enough for me to be entertained.” he gently gives a knock on dahyun’s locker door. “did she get the chocolates?”
“yup, it’s still there,” you say, opening her locker (dahyun never used the lock) and revealing the surprisingly organized interior — which is a contrast to your messy locker with old assignments pushed to the back and books precariously piled atop each other.
one square of chocolate sits neatly on dahyun’s ap biology book.
donghyuck snorts. “god, she really had to leave it for an after-school snack, huh??”
“you know your sister.” you respond laughingly. “how’d you know that someone put chocolate in her locker anyways??”
the boy squints at you.
“oh, it was you??”
“obviously. who else?? no one in this school likes dahyun enough to get her chocolate. psh.”
you whack his chest. “you say that as if she wasn’t nominated, and won, class president of senior year.”
donghyuck grins widely, cackling as he backs up a step to avoid your hit. when the both of you settle down, he leans forward to peek into your locker. you follow his line of sight, suddenly getting embarrassed from the chaos within your locker.
“i was gonna give you one too, but i didn’t want to place it on your—“
“my papers? don’t worry, it’s a mess in there anyways—“
“no, your little blanket.”
he briefly picks up said your blanket — a lap blanket;
one that’s a very pale lilac with cute white hearts embroidered onto the fluffy cloth, one that’s mostly to chase the classroom chill away during classes with dr. grace, and one that’s being held by donghyuck right now. he rubs the material between his fingers, seemingly entertained by the softness.
“you can use it if ever you want to take a nap during study hall,” you say.
he contemplates for a moment then throws the thing back inside, closing your locker door. “nah. unlike you, i actually do work during my study hall.” he quips, then straightens, looking down at you with an air of importance.
“shut up,” you say, pushing at his bicep in retaliation.
then you spot a stray eyelash on his cheek while he’s talking, and you’re humming to show that you’re listening to him rant about soccer, and on impulse, you reach up,
and brush it away.
it’s a minuscule moment.
it’s fleeting.
and you don’t think too much of it, because it’s over and done with in literally a second.
but when you get it off of him, you don’t notice that hyuck is looking at you very intently.
more people start exiting classrooms and heading to their lockers and with this, you absentmindedly return to packing up your bag. you look up to see hyuck standing there, his gaze elsewhere.
“i’ll see you later?”
hyuck’s eyes meet yours and he smiles. “yeah. maybe sooner, actually, since you basically live at our house now.”
“your parents love me is why.”
he gags.
“go away,” you laugh, pushing him away. he giggles then leaves with a small skip in his step, and you see him tackle jeno just as the poor boy steps foot from his honors algebra class.
you shake your head fondly and close your locker door after retrieving your scarf, leaning on the door as you wait for dahyun.
it doesn’t take long for you to recall the situation at hand just minutes ago,
and when you lean your head back to close your eyes to ease a short dizzy spell……
a jarring thought enters your mind.
i never realized there was a mole under hyuck’s eye. was it a mole? a freckle? trick of the light? fleck of stardust, perhaps?
what the heck.
you raise your head so quickly you see stars, some of which, you realize in frustration, closely resemble the moles on hyuck’s neck.
dahyun appears next to you with a bright smile and a heavy backpack and gives you a strange look as she opens her locker.
“you good there?” she asks, popping the chocolate into her mouth while beginning to take some unneeded books from her bag to lighten the load.
you laugh sheepishly. “uh…yeah.”
“alright. you coming over later?”
“don’t think so,” you say after thinking about it.
“yeah,” you smile as the both of you start walking out of the building, “i have some research to do.”
google search: wht do u do if u start likign ur best friend’s twin brotheaaaAAAA NO
you close your laptop lid with a firm thud and move it away from you, hugging your legs to your chest
you Don’t knwo what the HEK TO DO!!!!!!!!!!
because here you are, unsure if you have feelings for your best friend’s brother and oh no, you’re really hoping donghyuck didn’t think you were some type of weirdo for keeping a little blanket in your locker, it’s just that dr. grace’s classroom is so damn cold and—
When Did This Ever Both er y you
you fall backwards onto your bed, looking at the ceiling, mind discombobulated
in the following few weeks, as you battle with your emotions and what’s left of your sanity
(thanks, senioritis!)
you start noticing things you’ve never noticed about you and hyuck that happens so frequently,
with so much ease,
and nonchalance .
you always knew that he was fine with sharing food, that was for sure, but has he always been so tall that he needed to actually bend over a little to take a bite from your croissant?
the answer is yes.
and what is with boys (donghyuck, mostly) and their tendency to crack thumb knuckles????? (yours, specifically)
it was only until recently that you noticed how at ease and how gentle hyuck is when he takes your hand in his, 
that oftentimes you don’t pay mind to him, your attention more focused on people you’re talk to or your work,
and the only time you’d entertain his knuckle-cracking ministrations would be when he’d look at you to gauge your reaction
and you’d give him an enthusiastic nod as a good job, you have relieved the arthritis in my thumb!!!!! my savior!!!!!
and every time you’d forget your jacket or cardigan at home, you’d simply walk up to him and look at him a certain way and he’d sigh and take his hoodie from his locker and chuck it at you
hyuck: “you’re doing this on purpose aren’t you”
you: “no i swear this’ll be the last time i’ll ask you for your hoodie—“
hyuck: “the last time you said ‘last time’ was FOUR DAYS AGO”
you: “but—“
you: “???????but—???”
you: “i mean…you could say no if it bothered you that muc—“
hyuck: “OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!! i swear it’s like pavlov’s dog all over again…”
you: “what…what’s the correlation…”
hyuck: “bro .   Bro. every time you’re within a two-step radius, i catch myself taking my hoodie off.”
you: “that isn’t???? that isn’t remotely related to—????????”
hyuck: “this is borderline SEXUAL HARASSMENT.”
you: “!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!”
coincidentally, hyuck would have a brief five minute break during a class at the same time you would have a study hall
on days he’d feel tired or bored, he’d come and visit you in the library where you would be working or reading
all he would do is flop on the chairs across from you, complain about the assignments, maybe doze a little, and then head on his way back to class
on the days he’d feel a little more human thanks to the wonderful invention that is Hot Bean Juice (…….coffee….)
he’d linger behind you while you’re seated on the chair,
hands placed on the backboard of said chair and on either side of your frame
and literally. hovering over you.
so that if you looked up, the tip of your nose would poke at his chest
on the days that he’d feel clingier, he’d flop down next to you, especially if you were on a couch, and lean against you briefly to take a look at what you’re working on
and the thing is!!!
THE THING IS!!!!!!!!
his class is on the other side of the building!!!!!!and two floors up!!!!!!!
so he has to RUN!!!!!!to get back to class sometimes!!!!!!
and when you realized this!!!!!! !!cue heart malfunction goodbye, y/n
you try not to overthink it
you really do
but it’s hard
even still, you try not to distance yourself too much with donghyuck
because you know that it’s not fair for him to feel confused even if you feel confused
so you act as if everything is fine!
which, really, it is, for the most part
you still walk with the lee twins upstairs to your lockers before school starts and downstairs to your buses after school
if dahyun is running late or has to go somewhere to do something, donghyuck and you still go ahead and walk together
you still punch him when he makes fun of you or when he scares you
he still makes you shriek from laughter and snort out milk from your nostrils
“i might as well be a quarter in love with your brother,” you jokingly said to dahyun in sophomore year, and she gagged in response before throwing her head back, laughing.
you’d said this right after donghyuck tried to trip renjun while renjun was skipping down the hallways. donghyuck ended up being choked.
but he was laughing hysterically, hiccuping in between giggles, and the scene had made you squeal softly and your heart do a weird spasm thing.
everything was the same.
the only difference was that you were probably a little more than a quarter in love with donghyuck, at this point
maybe two-thirds?
it’ll fade away soon, you tell yourself.
winter break is coming soon.
three weeks is enough time for your crush on your best friend’s twin brother to fade away, right???
(hint:      no.)
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butterflyinthewell · 5 years
This is kinda silly, buuut...
I swiped a crocodile heart diagram off Google and edited it to show what (Heisei) Godzilla’s heart defect sort of looks like in my headcanon. The septum between ventricles is supposed to go all the way down. I couldn’t find a side view, but the hole looks like a normal orifice, like a nostril or tear duct. There’s no tearing. (That’s just me trying to draw with my finger via iPad.)
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The hole was the reason he was chronically hypoxic and it affected his brains. I babbled about that before, so I won’t go into it again on this post unless someone asks me about it in a reblog or my inbox. 
What you can’t see in the diagram: his quadricuspid aortic valve and 4 bundle branches instead of 2. The extra bundle branches are smaller and not fully formed.
He has a conduction system almost like a human’s as a result of his mutation. The extra bundle branches are usually overridden by the main set. Pre-mutation, his heart muscle developed itself to contract harder on systole, which pulls the apex (pointy end) up and almost closes off the hole. It continued to do this after his mutation.
Chaos happens when his heart beats really fast and the signals start jumping to the extra bundle branches. This is why a sustained fast heartbeat turns into v-tach. His heart muscle doesn’t contract as efficiently when it’s flailing around at high speed, so the shunt isn’t pinched off as much and his myocardium is the first thing that feels the “burn” of less oxygen. (Which is why he gets chest pains, Pangs in his narrations.)
Sometimes, (but not always) the v-tach turns into v-fib and it’s a mess. He gets the head rush feeling and won’t pass out if the v-fib only lasts 1 to 2 seconds, but he goes down if it lasts any more than 5. 
His nuclear gland acts like a defibrillator that stops his heart (asystole) and the electrical system resets itself back to normal sinus rhythm. Someone running an EKG would see the shock, the pause and return to normal sinus on the tracing. You can’t tell it’s happening from the outside-- his body doesn’t convulse-- all an outsider sees is he falls, he stops breathing (or has agonal respirations / guppy breathing), he starts breathing again and groggily gets back up. If he’s underwater, he appears to go to sleep for a few seconds and wakes back up.
The only time human eyes witnessed Godzilla going down in full arrest was in 1984, when the cadmium triggered one and stopped his nuclear gland from delivering the little shocks that usually set things straight. The people didn’t know that happened because nobody was monitoring his heartbeat. He might have stayed down if not for the nuke in the atmosphere recharging him.
Godzilla can and has “died” many times, but his radioactive regenerative abilities replenish the failing cells. He can go days to weeks without a heartbeat or oxygen and still come back to life with a hefty dose of radiation supercharging his cells. 
His nuclear gland is a huge, white lobular organ taking up all the space between his thoracic internal organs. His heart is sort of “shrink wrapped” to his nuclear gland like a stuffed animal inside a colorful Easter basket.
Somebody taking an echocardiogram or MRI of his chest will initially misinterpret the image as a pericardial effusion or cardiac tamponade. Actually, it’s salt water and it acts like heavy water. He’ll take gulps of seawater from time to time and that’s where it goes. His heartbeat circulates this fluid through his nuclear gland while also pumping blood through his body. The pressure of this pericardial fluid rises or lowers depending on how deep he dives into the ocean, and it keeps his heart pumping efficiently when his rhythm isn’t thrown out of whack.
Here’s one more bizarre aspect of his biology: His heart sits low in his chest like a bird’s due to how his mutation affected his organs. The apex is actually below his sternum, and his whole heart is pushed down out of his ribcage if he bends backwards (which he can’t really do on his own.)
You may think that makes it more vulnerable, but actually no. :P
Godzilla has a tough, hard to penetrate exterior and really thick skeletal muscles because his internal organs are super fragile and easy to injure. It takes a lot of penetrative force to do his organs any harm. External blows won’t hurt his insides because his muscles and bones absorb and distribute the impacts around his surface. The only way to successfully inflict internal blunt force injuries is to drop him onto hard ground from the uppermost atmosphere, and good luck managing that!
By all accounts he should not be alive at all. He was already dying as a normal godzillasaur, and the mutation forced his body to adapt for survival. His lungs are huge to maximize gas exchange in the air, and basically all the tissue under the hide on the front of his neck is lamellae that he can expose or cover as needed. He “holds his breath” to dive initially, exhales underwater and that triggers the folds in his neck to part and expose his gills. Another reflex closes them off completely when he surfaces.
He is able to take the oxygen from the water and divert the carbon dioxide into his lungs as gas, which lets him roar or use his beam underwater. (Lung breath provides the force to start the beam, stomach gas sustains it! :D)
He can technically “drown” if he inhales water, however his body has ways of preventing that. You would have to cut certain nerves in his neck and, again, good luck achieving that.
Godzilla is built to survive. He adapted himself into a big tough guy who never takes crap from anybody. ^_^V
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ok-boomer-imagines · 5 years
Axel (Kingdom Hearts) | Headcanons
• Axel's the one who remembers literally everything
• Everyone asks him if they forgot something. He's basically their Google Home.
"Hey, Axel? Do I have any homework today?"
"You have an essay due tomorrow, Roxas."
"Oh, right. Thanks, Axel!"
"Don't mention it."
• Sora is his most frequent asker (and even then he forgets).
• Axel probably studies just a little bit the night before a test and somehow passes with an above average grade.
• No one thinks that's fair, but hey, that's life I guess.
• All the smart kids are jealous.
• Honestly, if he actually put the effort in, he'd be the top student.
• He thinks he doesn't need to waste a lot of time on academia, which angers a lot of people (ahem, Saix).
• But, he's happy to help anyone with studying.
• If he offers to help you, don't decline. Trust me.
• Get his help, and you're guaranteed to pass any exam you have (and have a pretty fun time as well).
• The only thing he really puts effort into is getting to the cafeteria first.
• You have a classroom near the cafeteria? Doesn't matter. Axel's already there, casually eating a cheeseburger.
"Took ya long enough."
• While he waits for everyone to flood in to the cafeteria, he makes small talk with the cafeteria ladies. This resulted in him becoming pretty close to them.
"Hey, Jan. How's the baby doing?"
"Oh, she's going great. She started walking by herself the other day!"
"Wow, really? That's great!"
• Everyone has tried to get to the cafeteria before him. So far, no one has succeeded.
• Demyx still hasn't given up, though.
• Nobody knows how he gets to the cafeteria so quickly. Not even Saix (but it's not like he cares).
• The others have their own theories about the topic, however.
• Sora thinks Axel is secretly Sonic the Hedgehog (but in red, so no one gets suspicious).
"C'mon, guys. Have you seen that hair?"
• Roxas thinks he's an android sent by Cyberlife. He even tried to look for a glowing blue circle on the side of his head once. He didn't find one, though.
"You can stop messing around with my hair now."
"Maybe he's a deviant?"
• Riku just says Axel's a ninja and leaves it at that.
• There is always at least one person talking about it every lunch.
• Axel just chuckles at the ridiculous suggestions. They always beg him to tell them.
• He only winks, saying the same thing every time.
"A magician never reveals his secrets."
Everyone groans and rolls their eyes.
• Sometimes his friends wonder if he's even human (which supports Roxas's android theory).
• Unfortunately, none of the theories are correct. The reason why Axel gets to the cafeteria so quickly is because he knows all the shortcuts around the school.
• Boring, I know. But pretty damn useful if you wanna get somewhere quickly.
• He would tell his friends, but their conspiracy theory sessions are too entertaining for him to do so.
• Whenever Axel's feeling down, seeing Roxas and Sora arguing over whether he's an android or a hedgehog makes his day.
• Axel's pretty popular with the student body. This is because he's a naturally social person. Even the more closed off people respect him.
• He has quite a few admirers. This is the reason why he dreads Valentine's Day. Especially when he has to open his locker.
• A tsunami of love letters whack him in the face when he opens it. He now knows to bring an extra bag for them every Valentine's Day.
• Axel's flattered by all the attention, really. But he hates it when a random first-year comes up to him with a heartfelt confession while he's eating his lunch.
• Not because it's annoying, but because he feels so horrible every time he has to reject them, which makes him too sad to eat his food.
• That's why Valentine's Day is now the one day where he isn't at the cafeteria. Did I mention he also knows of multiple hiding spots in the school?
• Which only intensifies the amount of theories passed around in his friend group.
• Axel does enjoy reading the letters when he gets home, though. It gives him quite the ego boost. But whenever he gets a super creepy letter, he throws it in the trash and pretends he never read it.
• Axel forgot to throw out a letter once while he had Demyx over.
•He went to the bathroom, leaving Demyx alone in the living room.
•The letter la on the coffee table, begging to be read. And Demyx gave in.
• He picked up the letter, wanting to take a little peek. Demyx wanted to see what other girls thought about his friend.
• Let's just say the letter included a lot of....inappropriate words and sayings. It scarred the poor boy for months.
• When Axel got back from the bathroom, he found Demyx with a cherry red face and on the verge of fainting.
"Holy crap, Demyx. Are you alright?"
• It looked like Demyx's soul was leaving his body.
• Axel profusely apologised for scarring his friend, promising to buy him sea-salt ice-cream later.
• Questionable letters aside, the abundance of letters also come with lots of chocolates, which he lets his friends eat.
• It's become a tradition for everyone to come to Axel's house in order to eat all of the chocolate. There's always at least one person who comes to school the next day with a stomach ache.
• On one occasion, Xion ate homemade chocolates from one admirer, which resulted in very bad food poisoning. She didn't come to school for a week after that. Xion is now a lot more cautious when she attends one of Axel's chocolate tasting sessions.
• Axel is an absolute tank in Dodgeball (and a lot other sports, actually). If he aims a ball in your direction, run for your life. Don't even think about trying to catch it.
• Choosing teams in P.E is basically just each team captain arguing over who gets first pick, because everyone wants Axel on their team.
• Once a team captain chooses Axel, the other scrambles to pick other good players in order to stand a chance.
• Riku and Sora are pretty good contenders. They work really well together. They're the perfect dynamic duo. Axel knows to try and separate them. They're a lot easier targets when they're apart.
• Vanitas gives quite a challenge, too. If you can get him to play. On the rare occasion when he actually puts effort in, he can be pretty aggressive.
• Ventus, Terra and Aqua have attempted to beat him on multiple occasions, only succeeding a handful of times. Like Riku and Sora, they work perfectly together. They are sometimes referred to as "The Holy Trinity", because of their popularity and how close they are.
• But damn, if both sides assemble good teams, it's all out war. Which makes for a bloody amazing show.
• It's pretty much the Colloseum. A supervolcano of shouts erupt from the sidelines and the playing field. It's the noisiest but most entertaining thing ever.
• There are people screaming war cries, a hurricane of dodgeballs crossing from one side to the other. You probably wouldn't wanna anger anyone right before a P.E class, just in case you end up playing dodgeball.
• It's like the biggest football game of the year at the end. Cheers, wolf-whistles, fist-bumps and high-fives all go around the winning team, as they rub their victory in the losing team's face.
• The losing team wallow in their pity for the rest of day. Unless someone like Sora is on their team. Sora manages to give everyone a morale boost, because that boy just radiates positivity.
• All in all, Axel loves his school. Not for the education, but for the amount of good times and funny shit that happens there. And his friends. Definitely his friends.
• He'd never admit out loud, but he looks forward to school because of his friends.
• Axel cried a bit during his graduation speech, and bawled his eyes out at the afterparty.
• No one had ever seen him so emotional, so they didn't know what to do. Saix and a few others stepped in to give Axel reassuring words, while everyone else scrambled to get him some sea-salt ice-cream.
• Axel's highschool years are definitely the highlight of his life so far. It's always so fun reminiscing about them. Especially with the stress of university/college.
This is an old one from a while back (it’s on our other joint account on Wattpad). Axel might be a little OOC, but I still hope it’s enjoyable??
- Writer Arielle
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ceg fic: impressionism (what completes this picture of me and you)
title: impressionism (what completes the picture of me and you) characters: heather & valencia, beth/valencia, heather/hector summary: Valencia admits that she once had a crush on Heather notes: not totally sure how happy i am with this fic, but at this point it has been sitting in my drafts for literal months now, so out it goes. Ao3 Link
In Heather’s opinion, one of Valencia’s best qualities is her willingness to throw herself wholeheartedly into her ventures.
Granted, Heather usually prefers to observe the hurricane from a comfortable distance, rather than letting herself get swept up in it all. But, on occasion, she doesn’t mind braving her way into the eye of the storm.
Like right now, when she is seven months pregnant and less chill than she has ever been in her life, Valencia showing up unannounced and armed with rose, apple juice, and her cosmetics bag is unequivocally a good thing. It’s been a while since they’ve been able to hang out, just the two of them. Hector is nice and Heather loves him and she’s happy he’s been here for her during the pregnancy, but sometimes his niceness is just too much, and almost as annoying as Rebecca’s casual thoughtlessness. In contrast, Valencia’s straight-shooting, take-no-prisoners determination is a gift.
Even better: unlike the people Heather is living with, Valencia is observant, and notices changes around her without Heather having to point them out.
 “What’s going on with Estrella?” Valencia pauses in front the aquarium on her way back to the sofa, bending down to get a closer look. “She looks different.”
 “That’s ‘cause she is different,” says Heather as she reclines on the sofa with her feet propped up, doesn’t bother to look up from her phone.
“What do you mean?” Valencia asks, perching on the ottoman to resume painting Heather’s nails. She’s been looking more relaxed recently, Heather finds herself thinking idly. Probably the result of a series of fortunate events—the small but tangible successes so necessary to building a business. Heather bets that taking on Beth as a partner has probably helped ease the stress.
And, well, also the fact that Valencia is now definitely getting some on the regular. There is no way that there isn’t a net positive effect of some kind.
“I mean that she’s a whole new starfish,” Heather explains, wincing as the Rebyl spawn punctuates her statement with a two-beat kick.
Valencia’s concentration doesn’t waver, but her eyebrows arch up high on her forehead in surprise, followed by a deep sigh of resignation. “Again? Seriously?”
“Yeah. At least this one looks more like the original Estrella, so I didn’t know it happened until this week, because last week was Rebecca’s turn to take care of her.”
Valencia purses her lips, shaking her head in disappointment at Rebecca’s carelessness. “Wow. I’m surprised you’re not more upset.”
Heather shrugs. “I probably should be, but I already got angry at the shower this morning for the wrong droplet-to-skin-volume ratio, so it’s not worth working up the extra energy.”
“That sucks,” says Valencia sympathetically, looking down at her handiwork, forehead wrinkling in concentration.
“It really does. These pregnancy hormones are sending my reactions totally out of whack. I am noticing, like, everything is too much, like this dress is super itchy and you still smell like Beth’s perfume from yesterday. I know that sounds creepy, sorry, but I can’t help it,” she adds, responding to Valencia’s weirded-out expression. “And to make things worse, now I’m missing other things. Like, stuff I actually care about.”
“Yeah. I used to be able to tell things about people before they even know it. Like a wolf. I learned a lot about wolves before I dropped my wildlife biology class. Did you know that they can tell if a person is pregnant even before they know it themselves?”
“That must get awkward.”
“Right?” Heather asks, letting her head fall against the back of the sofa so that she is staring right up at the ceiling.  “But I’m not like that anymore – I used to be a wolf, and I knew things, but now I’m a pregnant wolf and I know nothing. Which doesn’t make any sense.”
Valencia’s eyes have gotten almost comically round as she follows this train of logic to its conclusion. “Oo-kay,” she says after a brief pause, setting down the bottle of violet nail polish and taking up the setting. “Speaking of Rebecca, you’re channeling her pretty hard right now.”
Heather rolls her eyes. “Yeah, that’s because she keeps texting me about the gestational periods for different mammals and it’s like, getting really annoying. I don’t care that elephant pregnancies last for two years, I’m human and I want it out now.”
Valencia’s head jerks up and she stares at Heather. “Two years?”
Heather gives a slow nod. “Yep.”
Valencia wrinkles her nose in distaste. “Ew.”
“Right? But it’s true.”
“Weird. Does Rebecca just know these things off the top of her head or is she Googling random animals every few days?”
“Who knows? But I’ll admit that she does follow up with cute videos of the respective baby animals, so that kind of helps, but only because my baby brain is really dumb and easy to please.”
“I mean, cute animal videos will do that,” agrees Valencia seriously.
Heather hums her assent.  “But seriously, my powers of observation are gone. I’m missing out on the subtle social cues that tell me about drama. And you know I love drama.”
Valencia hums her agreement, and they lapse into a comfortable silence. Heather texts Hector a non-negotiable request to pick up non-dairy milk and any bath products that might possibly have lavender in them.
“You’ll be back to normal and picking up drama in no time,” says Valencia soothingly. “It doesn’t matter if you miss a couple of things in the meantime.”
“It kind of does,” says Heather, looking up from her phone, peering over the swell of her abdomen down to Valencia. “It’s like missing an episode of The Nanny. It might not matter in the long run, but it’s still totally possible that a massive change happened while you weren’t looking and everyone is making references to an event that you don’t get and you have to piece it together without context, because streaming is not an option.”
“You’ve missed things before. No one is going to judge you for it.”
“No, I don’t miss things.”
Valencia’s responding hm is just judgmental enough to compel Heather to straighten up in her seat.
“I don’t,” she says, a hint of challenge entering her voice. “It was basically my superpower, before this parasite took it.”
“I’m not saying you don’t pick up stuff,” says Valencia, setting down the bottle of polish. “I’m just saying, that you can’t notice everything. It’s not possible.”
Heather’s eyebrows shoot high up her forehead; pregnancy might be messing with her senses, but Valencia’s carefully blank expression is radiating I have something on my mind loud and clear. “Okay, enough generalities – what did I miss?”
Valencia hesitates, but when she looks up to meet Heather’s eyes, she juts out her chin a little bit, firming up. “It’s nothing. And I’m going to tell you.”
“It might be weird.”
“Valencia, I am currently pregnant with Rebecca and Darryl’s baby. Is it that level of weird?”
“No, it’s not that weird,” says Valencia after a pause. “Right. Let me finish the varnish first.”
“Cool.” Heather opens up her phone and adds egg salad to the list. It’s not something she would normally eat, but whatever the Darryl baby wants, it’s gonna get. Maybe it will get bored by all the luxury and try to strike out faster.
Valencia screws the cap back on the bottle and travels back up to sit on the couch cushion besides Heather. “You’re going to love it –they have little white flowers on them.”
“Cool. I’d offer more specific compliments, except there is no way that I will be able to see them over my distended stomach and swollen ankles.”
“Which is why I uploaded the pictures on Instagram,” says Valencia breezily, waving her phone. “You can leave your comments there.”
“Right, exactly. Because that’s what Instagram is for, looking at things you can’t look at in your normal, day-to-day life.”
Valencia makes another noncommittal hum. Heather watches as Valencia continues to mess around with the bottles in her makeup bag, waiting patiently for her question.
“Well?” Heather prompts, when nothing juicy is forthcoming.
“Oh! Right.” Valencia startles a moment before composing herself, tucking her hair behind her ears. Interesting.
“Do you think you ever noticed anything about me that you don’t think that I was aware of?”
Sounds like Valencia is on another self-awareness kick. Well, Heather’s down to help. She tilts her head to one side, considering the question. “I doubt it. I mean, once you broke up with Josh, you’ve been pretty upfront about what you were thinking. Maybe when you and Beth were becoming a thing, but you figured that out pretty quickly, so it doesn’t count.”
“Okay but…”
“But what?”
“But what about me liking girls, specifically?”
“Specifically?” asks Heather, raising her eyebrows slightly.
Valencia takes a deep breath, setting her shoulders straight. “Yeah.”
Huh, interesting.
“Nothing specific,” says Heather thoughtfully, mentally flicking through their past hangouts for signs of Valencia’s interest in anyone beyond their direct social circle. “I mean, there was a distinct lack of interest in guys going on with you, like, even on our girls’ nights out, but when I saw you and Beth together I, like, knew that you had a vibe going on. I didn’t see that before with you and anyone else.”
“Okay, then you didn’t notice,” says Valencia, sounding vaguely offended.
“Notice what?”
Valencia takes a deep breath. “Beth might be the first girl I’ve dated, but she isn’t the first girl I liked.”
“That makes sense. Who were the others? Denise Martinez from high school? You’ve always complained about her. No, wait, it was Rebecca, right? I know she kissed you once—”
“She mentioned that?” demands Valencia, sitting up, spine ramrod straight, before she pauses and reconsiders. “Wait, no, I shouldn’t be surprised. But no. That was…something else. Which, in retrospect, might have helped me reconsider a couple of things, but that’s so not what I’m talking about right now.”
“Okay, so it’s not Rebecca. Cool. Then would it have—” she stops suddenly. “Oh.”
Valencia nods. “Yep. I think I liked you.”
Valencia says it casually, but it’s a bombshell all the same. Heather blinks as she considers this new information, comparing this new context to all the things she knows about Valencia, like pulling away a curtain for a clear view. Their ease with one another, how quickly Valencia started seeking out Heather’s advice and was willing to let her slouch on her couch when she needed time to refill her chill bar during the most hectic days of Rebecca’s hasty wedding planning storm. Valencia had been remarkably lax about Heather setting very close boundaries.
“Oh, huh. Okay, didn’t see that at the time, but okay. That tracks.”
Valencia stares, incredulous. “That’s it? That’s your reaction?”
Heather considers the facts, how she had only known Valencia tangentially as Josh’s girlfriend, with a general idea that they were unsuited, but not understanding just how much until Rebecca brought her to Sugar Face for the first time, beaming and declaring that, if it was all right with her, Valencia might hang out with them a few times while she got over her own post-break-up blues. And she was kind of basic, but also acidic, and very fun and a little clueless and then she just stuck around.
“I mean, I don’t think I totally missed it,” clarifies Heather. “I thought I got a vibe on you for a little while there when I met you, but like, I was trying to figure out if you knew that or if it was just getting into the groove of having a girl group, but there was also the stuff where we were both trying to figure out what to do with our lives and then everything went down with Josh and Rebecca and it just, like, kept going down.”
Valencia nods, grimacing at the memory. “Yeah, it was a lot to process.”
“So much processing,” says Heather with feeling, eyes rolling heavenwards. After a beat, intrigue overtakes her surprise and she sits back up again. “So: how long did you carry a torch for me?”
Valencia gives a dismissive wave. “Not that long. After you started dating Hector I had an epiphany.”
“Yeah. I realized that our tastes were way too different to ever work out.”
Valencia pulls a face to punctuate her statement, startling a laugh out of Heather.
“That kinda sounds like an excuse,” teases Heather, a little relieved. Valencia’s shoulders ease, and it’s obvious from the way she’s speaking that there isn’t jealousy or some sort of anguished feeling behind her declaration, and that’s soothing in a very Valencia way. She doesn’t want to stir up drama – she just wants to make things clear and straightforward.
“It really isn’t,” says Valencia, in the same tone she uses when critiquing Josh’s taste in formalwear.
“Okay, it isn’t.”
“I genuinely believe that your interest in Hector cleaved our chances as a couple completely.”
“Sure,” concedes Heather with a smile, “I know you don’t like Hector. Is it because he knows all of the embarrassing stories about you from when you guys were kids?”
“No. Why?” Valencia’s eyes narrow and her body goes rigid. “Why do you mention it? Did he tell you something? Was it about the Sleeping Beauty thing, because he really should know better than that—”
“No, he hasn’t,” says Heather immediately, because it’s true and if the way that Valencia’s perfectly sharp eyebrows are starting to furrow in the middle, if Heather doesn’t clear up that point immediately, there is a nonzero chance that Hector’s demise will be imminent upon walking through the door.
“Good.” Valencia leans back on the sofa, her face still thunderous. “At least his sense of self-preservation is intact.”
“I’ll get that story out of you, then,” says Heather, amused. “You really have nothing good to say about him, do you?”
“Hector is very symmetrical,” says Valencia primly. “And I am willing to admit that he’s been handling your pregnancy very well despite not actually knocking you up.”
“Thank you, I know that cost you something.”
Valencia nods, looking faintly martyred before she shifts position on the sofa, leaning against the cushions, her chin propped up in her palm. “So, you didn’t know I had a crush on you at all?”
“No, I missed that. Which is unfortunate, because it really is flattering.”
“Oh, totally. You’re definitely a catch. So,” she drags out the word, starting to grin, her long-starved desire for gossip sniffing the air. “When did you know that you liked me?”
She’s pleased to see that Valencia relaxes completely at her teasing, whatever fears she has reassured by Heather’s reaction.
“I didn’t at the time,” admits Valencia. “It didn’t take that long to understand that I liked Beth, really, but I’ve been kind of unpacking stuff with her since we’ve started dating. You know what a good listener she is.”
“And I would keep talking, right, about times when I might have been attracted to other women, what I might have thought of them, and I would think about you and about how, when we first started hanging out, I was so giddy about having female friends for the first time in a long time, and you really helped me figure out what’s normal girl stuff and what wasn’t. And I was so excited to have such smart and attractive friends and I wanted to see you guys every day and your opinions really mattered to me—and I realized that there had been, like, two layers to how I was thinking about you, specifically.”
“Two layers, huh?”
“Yeah, both the core that, you were a cool person, but also like a filter on top of it that make things especially nice. Like the Amaro filter on Instagram. Which, incidentally, is the one I used when I posted your pedicure.”
“Got it.”
“Like, I wanted to be friends,” Valencia continues, insistent. “I absolutely wanted to hang out with you as a friend. But I also kind of wanted to impress you and…have you look at me in a certain way. Though, to be clear, that feeling isn’t really a part of our relationship now, that I was attracted to you. That is in the past. It’s important, but not, like, the defining thing about us. But it in our history and it was weird that you didn’t know about it.” Valencia deflates. “I’m sorry, is this making any sense? This isn’t meant to be a love declaration, or anything, and I’m worried it sounds like one, but it’s just—”
“Part of the history of our dynamic,” Heather finishes. “No, I get it. Human attraction is interesting and doesn’t really care about fitting neatly into romantic-platonic categories.”
“Exactly,” says Valencia, smiling. “Like, I just feel that it’s weird that you didn’t know that’s how I felt about you. You know everything.”
“Apparently not,” says Heather wryly. “But I’m glad you think so.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Thanks for telling me. For the record, though, we totally would have been a hot couple in a parallel universe,” Heather adds. “Totally objectively speaking.”
Valencia laughs, her shoulders loosening. “I’ll drink to that.”
 “Yeah. And while you might not think the same about me, I do think you have good taste – I’m glad you met Beth. She’s very cool.”
“Aw, thank you.” Valencia beams, pressing her hand over her heart. “That means a lot.”
Heather smiles, a rush of affection for her friend coursing through her, sweeping aside the discomforts of the day. “Come on, let’s have a toast to your good taste and behaving like mature adults. Now gimme my apple juice.”
Laughing, Valencia does as she asks.
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wonderfulmeaning · 7 years
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intsukh · 7 years
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🇧🇬 Sofia, Bulgaria 🇧🇬
Length of Read: 5 Mins Turban Tolerance: 3.7/5
A grey multicultural city. The first of many ex-soviet countries that I visited, as it was the first I was honestly shitting myself. I even met up with a Bulgarian friend to get the low-down of what to expect, confidence was at an all-time low after that conversation. In summary, the capital is relatively small with hidden gems and historic surprises I would recommend a couple of days.
Unfortunately or maybe, fortunately, I didn’t have much interaction with the locals as I was only in Sofia for a day. As I arrived a student mistakenly took me for a Muslim, Woah Woah get your facts right if you want me to take your flyer, foolish student. Surprisingly I didn’t face any hostility until I walked past a few gentlemen that were standing outside a bar, but then it was only a few looks and a sneer. Travelling alone can get difficult when you want a pic, the locals weren’t having any of it when I asked them and made me feel like such a lemon, only one race of individuals could rescue me, fellow Asian tourists that just go off their minibus, they were more than happy to take a terrible photo, thanks BRUH.
The City
In the majority of European cities, there are free walking tours that occur, which run solely on the generosity of their customers. The tour operator gave a wonderful insight into the history of Bulgaria, he also showed the main grey Soviet monuments and a few gems hidden in the side streets, don’t ask me where they were. You could really feel the Soviet theme as you walked through the city, with enormous grey dominant buildings that were there to intimidate and show power, who would have thought buildings could look so bland. I lied when I said that this place is multicultural, but something surprising was the preservation throughout the Soviet times of a Church, Mosque, and Synagogue which were only minutes apart.
Absolutely dead for vegetarians, if I’m wrong and you have suggestions then whack em in the comments section, please! I went to some soup place which wasn’t too bad, but not worthy of a recommendation. There was a very cool coffee shop which did not feel Soviet or Bulgarian at all, ‘Momento Cafe’ good for your morning boost and right in the center.
Turban Tolerance
In all fairness to Sofia, I didn’t face anything too out the ordinary that I had expected. Quite a few stares, a bit of hostility, questioning airport security and being mistaken for a Muslim. Considering how I was feeling before I made the trip, I would call it a success!! The funniest moment was the confrontation in the cathedral but I will get to that. The score is relatively low just because of what my friend said, I was only in Sofia for a night so taking that into consideration the score seems fair.
Most Enjoyed Attractions
Walking Tour - This was a great introduction to the city, history, and attractions, it took about an hour and a half long. I can’t recommend this enough, I really appreciate the place a lot more for what it is. The tour covered various attraction, such as the Soviet buildings, Cathedrals, and some Roman ruins.
Cathedral Saint Alexandar Nevski - A Russian orthodox cathedral that doubles as a huge roundabout, don’t know who the hell designed that. As soon as you walk in you see a few ATM machines in the lobby, that’s strange right? The main hall was so mesmerising with obscure art pieces all around. There was choir doing a few hymns, getting my religious vibes on, then ‘Tap tap tap’, some priest is right behind me pointing at my turban telling me to take it off, this guy actually thought it was a hat!! Like excuse me, are you serious? You genuinely think I can just take it off like a hat? Do you not know how long it takes me to tie this? I didn’t have a clue how to explain so I just followed him out, next thing I know I’m standing in front an ATM machine with a bug eyed priest, ohhhhhhhhh that’s what they’re there for, I found the whole thing so amusing I tapped the priest on the shoulder, gave him a thumbs up and strolled out. To this day I don’t know what I was paying him for because I’m Sikh or have turban? Baffed.
Never a dull day with a Turban.
International Sukh
Turban Tolerance – Remember, Past performance does not guarantee future results 
Grey* - Gray, I’m British remember
BRUH - Brother/Bro/Sibling
Asian - In this situation they were Chinese, thanks again G
Soviet - If you don’t know what this is then flipping pick up an History book or just google it!
Baffed - To be without a fucking clue (Urban Dictionary)
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theolivechickken · 6 years
Amsterdam? More like...
AmsterPLAN in advance cause tickets for everything sells fast
AmsterDAMN I forgot how to ride a bike
March 21
Loooong train ride from Salzburg to Amsterdam. Left at 1PM and arrived close to 11:30PM. We are probably looking more sketch trying not to be sketchy as we sneak 3 extra people into a 3 person hotel room that we didn't pay for (Thanks @Nadia’s Uncle) at the Hotel Motel Holiday Inn. This resulted in half of us hiding in the bathroom waiting for reception to deliver the pullout bed to our room and then us sleeping like sardines for the first night on the two doubles pushed together.
March 23
Getting San Diego vibes from the foggy cool air and the towering skyscrapers that we passed by on our drive to the hostel. Stored our bags in some lockers at Via Amsterdam and also met a guy on our walk out to the metro (wished we had more time to talk cause he was really cool and out here from Detroit/Canada on a one way ticket).
Ordered the “Orient Express” savory pancakes at the Happy Pig Pancake Shop and holy pig they were so good!! Walked towards Dam Square. Pigeons in this square don't compare to the ones in Barcelona. Hopped into H&M for some sunglasses because THE SUN WAS OUT AND THE WEATHER WAS PERFECT! Wow, sunshine feels so good.
Walked aimlessly but with a direction in mind but also no one knows how to navigate which is stressful. Tried to find the Amsterdam I AM letters but they were permanently closed so yes, Google didn't actually lie to us for once. We were just dumb and didn't believe Google lol.
Luckily there were other things to do in the area. We walked through a park nestled in the museum central (Van Gogh Museum, Modern Art Museum, Rijksmuseum, etc.). There was a beautiful garden with hedges, flowers, cherry blossom trees, grass, a little playground, and a fountain in the front of the Rijksmuseum. I got my heart rate racing from fear that water would shoot up as I walked over the fountain, but I managed to get in and out of this splash zone quickly :) A little ladybug also came to befriend me on my arm while we were sitting in the playground.
From there we walked to the flower market and it honestly felt like I was in inception or a dream within a dream or deja vu. All the brick buildings looked the same and it felt like I was crossing the same bridges. The flower market was not what we were expecting it to be. I definitely had images of rows of bouquets of tulips and roses, but instead it was an actual flower market. Rows and rows of little tent shops selling bagged seeds and tulip bulbs. Still fun to walk around though!
We continued walking through the streets and caught the tail end of a market. Regina got caught in the hustle of a salesman and ended up buying cheese (but at least it was good). Later, we hopped back on the metro and headed back to Via Amsterdam to check in to our rooms and get ready to go out.
We had dinner at the hostel since there was a restaurant conveniently downstairs from our room. I had a poke bowl type dish. Then we took the metro back into town for our pub crawl at the Red Light District. It was really cool to visit this area. Before we left, we were asking Katharina if there were any red light districts in Salzburg, and it turns out there was one right next door to where we were going to dinner that night (at Paul Stub’n). We had passed by it before but didn’t realize it at the time since it’s quiet and not in your face. Red Light District in Amsterdam? Very much in your face.
First bar was whack because the ratio of men to women was 1:0. As the night went on though, there seemed to be more women around besides our group. The bar crawl was fun! We all had a fun time hanging out and dancing with sparklers in the club at the end.
March 23
Free breakfast at the hostel YAY thank god cause everything is so expensive here. Metroed to Van Gogh Museum and it was a hoot and a half to figure out where to store our bags (sorry @cafe but thanks for letting us drop our bags in the hall at our own risk). Turns out the museum was sold out for the day. So we went back to grab our bags and walk around the park area. We met up with Sydney and her friend from Redlands and they encouraged us to visit the market for food before we left Amsterdam.
So, Patrick, Regina, and I took their advice :) We got these chicken sandwiches smothered in melted (American) cheese all for €3.50 (not a bad snack in my opinion). Also found a really cool bird on our walk to the metro. I've never seen this kind of bird before!! It was a European Starling and had a beautiful chirpy song/call. Weird thing was that once I'd seen it, I was able to pick it out everywhere.
Met up with the rest of the crew at Anne Frank's House. Michaela was really excited to visit it (even if she didn't get to go inside cause rip sold out tickets) so I was glad we were able to squeeze this place in before we left for home. Found the metro and hopped on our long ass 10 hour train ride back home. I can't feel my butt from sitting for so long.
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shioune · 8 years
tagged by @nekopri, @dreamsinparadise and @suzunesays. thank you!! omg 33 questions wish me luck
pt. 1 nekopri
What’s your favourite time of day? i personally like early mornings but i usually find it easier to stay up late then wake up early lol
Milk based ice-cream or a fruit based one? MILK BASED i’m 100% milk bb
3 things you think of when you wake up? urgh here it goes again, noooo, damnit.
Latest shower thought? coding stuffs like i really wonder how they make those diagonal things y’know? i figured it out. thanks, shower-chan.
Would you rather the temperature be 40 °C  or -20 °C ? OOOO -20 but without wind, i can tolerate that eyeing you urbana wtf is up with -20 with wind and snow huh? fu rly
The weirdest thing you have ever eaten on a whim? nothing i eat is every weird really if it’s real food, though in college we there’s this one time my housemates and i tried the orange juice with rice thing? that’s fucked up.
Are you more comfortable showing affection verbally or physically? both! although when it comes to real life, i do find it hard to say words of love, i even find it hard to say “i love you” to my mom or my lover which is why i usually am more inclined to a more physical approach.
What’s your default sleeping pose? the fetus position
What’s your ideal pet? dOG??? i had a dog, i love dogs, i live for dogs. just!!! DOGS!!!!
Favourite scene from a book/movie/tv show? all time favorite is whenever yang and grey told each other that they’re their person. also love it when the chevalier told athénaïs that she reminds him of a swan, “graceful on top but underneath, two fat flippers just trashing away” BURN!!!
Prettiest cow bread? I am serious IDK WHAT COW BREAD IS LMAO so i googled it and im not angry at the result
pt. 2, dreamsinparadise
When was the last time you cried, and why? probably yesterday? i was watching was nützt die liebe in gedanken again knowing full well what it does to me.
Do you prefer staying at home or hanging out at your friends’s place? oh man, i love both. can i not choose both? that’s not called choosing i guess, but i do love both c:
If you were in a situation where your fav SLBP character and your 10 yrs old child with him are at the brink of death. You are given the chance to save only one of them. Who would you choose? WTF okay first of all this vahjayjay will not give birth to any parasites called babies in the first place, so ofc I’d save my hide. child doesn’t even exist.
Its your first night with your SLBP bae, who’s gonna be dom and who’s gonna be sub? i’m probably gon be sub first time, dom when i’m not being a lazy af piece of crap.
What would you give to your SLBP bae as a memento if they are going to war? a charm. for protection, something i’ve prayed with for weeks maybe every night in a row. may the force prayer be with you.
Your bae had struck a faustian contract with (demon!au) you for the price of his soul and you finished your services after some time. If you chose not to consume him after the contract, it would cost you your life but he would live, while if you consume him his soul would be with you forever in your body (but you can never touch him or hear him again). Which would you prefer? Why? i probably would not consume him and not for some cheesy schmessy reasons like “oh, hes the love of my life” either but really i just am not comfortable with the idea that someone will be living inside me? i don’t mind losing the bae, i can always find another bae but the thought that he’s inside me and can communicate to me and living inside me LOL no. my body and mind and soul is mine alone. i’d die, but i’d die my own person (my own demon? lmao).
What kind of wedding would you like with your bae? simple. i never like big weddings surrounded by people i don’t even know or care about. i’ve always liked the idea of an outdoors wedding as well, been to a few of those and loved it. i’d get married in amy pond’s wedding dress since it’s been my dream since forever but also not bc i cant see myself marrying anyone.
If you were to adopt one of the SLBP guys as your children, who would it be? sakon is my child. don’t even with me. he’s my precious baby boo. also yasu and mitsun.
What do you think of me; @dreamsinparadise? i actually really really enjoy the times when i catch you on my dash, which is really not very often seeing the colossal amount of blogs i’m following, but i do like it and reading your things esp thoughts on slbp LOL let’s talk anime too but i’m so awkward lmao creeps back to my cave
Give 3 words to describe your 2D man teasing wicked smile *wink* this applies to most of my 2S baes LMAO
Are these questions fun, heartbreaking or humoring for you? Did you enjoy them?? i enjoy them actually! i have a lot of fun answering these! the situations and everything gives me muse to write? lmao stop me. i love them baby, thank you for tagging me!
pt. 3, suzunesays
Fuck, Marry, Kill - The Magistrate, Masamune’s Mother, Retainer #2 hmmmm marry masamune’s mother and show her that the real deal is with girls, no wonder you’re not happy, you’re surrounded by males sighs (jk but lmao), kill the magistrate, maybe fuck retainer #2. don’t really see it happening as i have rly low libido, probs close to ace rly, but hey if i have to choose.
What’s your favorite dessert?  i have too many hdu make me choose ggrrrrrr, recently i’ve been into pineapple cakes (nastar), and strawberry shortcake i also adore any red bean based desserts. my grandma makes the best.
Your favorite lord poofs into existence before you! What happens next? omg, hide????? i’d tackle him into a hug and just spend hours cuddling and sleeping tbh. i love cuddles, i live for cuddles.
Do you paint your nails? What color are they now? nah, they’re clear now but i usually paint them in warm hues. or cherry red (real cherries, the one thats dark af not )
What’s something you bought recently that you really shouldn’t have? :ccccccccccc reward points on several shades of sadism :ccccccc
Do you have any pets? i had 3 rabbits and a dog, they ded. old age and sick.
How long have you been playing SLBP? i honestly don’t remember? this is like, a question i can never answer bc i have rly whacked up sense of time LMAO
If you could go on vacation to any destination in the world, where would you go? lucca, italy. LOL. i know it’s very specific but i really love lucca. also where else can u see gemma galgani?
Would you let your favorite lord do your hair and makeup for you (you’d have to wear it out in public)?  yessss, i trust hide tbh LOL, he wouldn’t go anywhere really crazy. and he’d put us in consideration when choosing. and did you read his birthday story, he has great tastes.
Who has a better butt - you or Mitsunari? me. (im laughing at how quick i come to this answer). idk i work out daily. but probs mitsunari, he does too. idk i havent seen his butt. i need to see his butt. someone send me the butt.
If you could travel into the SLPB universe to have an amazing makeout session with one lord and one lord only, who would it be? do you really need to ask? there’s only hide for me ˉ̞̭(′͈∨‵͈♡)˄̻ ̊
Now, my questions.
Do you ship yourself with any of the voltage men? Or do you have any favorite, who?
Would you really date them if they exist in your life and is interested in you?
Your top three SLBP lords. Or any game from your choosing. But you can only choose three guys from one title.
Now, fuck marry kill from those choices : ) I’m satan incarnate, y’know.
What’s the last thing you daydream about?
Do you prefer hugs or kisses and are you the kind of person who would initiate them?
A song you’re really into these days and a song you associate to your fav lord/prince/character (idk, i mean what if slbp isnt ur fav game, im giving you options here bc im a sainttan)
Do you love Oyamada Nobushige?
What's your favorite food and to what length will you go to get it?
If you can time travel to any period and any country, where would you go? Why that period/country?
And lastly would you consider donating pearls to me? LOL NO IM JOKING last question is, late at night and you’ve been feeling out of it for a while and your bae (your 2D bae ofc) text messages you. Who’s your bae and what does the message say?
That’s it i guess. Yeah. imma tag some people that pops up in my pea-sized memory and you can do it or you just say “fuq u fron” and just ignore it. no worries. @shigetsugu, @yasu-masa, @amigoingbananas, @whiskasgirl, @otomesanada, @laurifakristalina, @blessthechipmonk, @cottonballwithmustache, @daeva-agas, @shedreamsfiction, @nikkihime, @rainbowatnight, @little-lady-mimi, @minminami, @wizardesslover, @mistakenmessenger, @noomsu, @thexgoddessxofxfate
14 notes · View notes
howardkuester22 · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192
Click on the video above to watch Episode 192 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: We are live on Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is episode 192. I’m Adam. I am not drunk or on drugs, I’m just really excited to be here. Yeah, we got that on our way.
Chris: Liar. You’re a liar, Adam.
Adam: No. Because now I’m on the West Coast, so my schedules are all out of whack. So right after we get done here, I head out the door, beat the traffic, and go for a run out in the hills and then come back.
Bradley: Yeah. That’s his running in the woods that he always talks about.
Adam: Running.
Bradley: Right.
Adam: I’m so tired. Anyways, enough about me. Let’s find out about everyone else. So, on my screen, Chris, you’re first. How’s it going, man?
Chris: Doing good. Good to be here.
Adam: Where are you located in the world today?
Chris: I’m still in Austria, soon heading to Portugal, then Barcelona. We’ll see after that.
Adam: Nice, nice. Hernan, how about you? Are you surviving winter?
Hernan: Yeah. I am for now and I’m planning to do so for our coming live event. So I’m super excited about that. I’m super happy to be here.
Chris: You’re not making Spain this year?
Hernan: I don’t know if we know. I mean, I don’t think so because we have a date with a lot of people, or potentially a lot of people in Washington, DC, so I’ll get to that.
Chris: So you leave it to destiny?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: Wait. Is Tony Robbins coming?
Hernan: No.
Adam: Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m trying to make some last minute changes.
Adam: Gotcha, gotcha. All right. We’ll come back to you. Marco’s got some good stuff he’s gonna share. I don’t know, I see an eagle in the mountains. Who is this mysterious person?
Rob: Hey, what’s going on, man?
Adam: Hey, everybody. This is Rob Beale. If you don’t know him, you probably see him around the group, if you’re new to us. Rob, how is it going?
Rob: I’m doing good. I’ll switch to my camera for a second, but I’m on my cell phone.
Bradley: Oh, yeah. That’s safe driving and hosting a webinar.
Rob: Yeah. There you go. So I’ll talk to you guys after that later, right?
Bradley: That’s multitasking right there, buddy.
Adam: Sounds good. Yeah. Be safe. Yeah. Keep your eye on the road. Bradley, last but not least, how are you doing?
Bradley: I don’t know, but I wonder what kind of citation, the cops issue for that.
Adam: Not a good one.
Rob: That’s why they make headphones, man.
Adam: There you go.
Bradley: No, I’m good. I’m excited. I’m super excited. Guys, I’ve just got to make a quick tease for the MasterMIND again because I just posted in the MasterMIND today. I started testing another method for ranking in a 3-Pack and I actually created a … Or went to go register a GMB listing about nine days ago and I just went and picked up the postcard for verification last night. I woke up this morning and before I went to the gym, because I coach CrossFit classes in the morning, and so for a little bit this morning I went and I verified the listing by entering the pin and all that and then I went to the gym. When I came back I checked, it’s number one in the 3-Pack. It’s the number one in the 3-Pack for … I’ve only tested two of my primary five keywords, but those two keywords are number one in the 3-Pack.
I just talked about how I did that in the MasterMIND. We talked about it two weeks ago on Thursday what my plan was and it worked. I saw I posted in MasterMIND Facebook Group about it today and tomorrow’s the next MasterMIND webinar and I already got several people that are asking me to go over it in much greater detail as to how I did it. Now I don’t know if it’s repeatable yet. It looks very, very promising, but I’m going to try to replicate that same results with another listing within the next two weeks. If I can get it to happen two for two, then we’re on to something.
Again, if you guys are interested in that, now would be a really good time to join the MasterMIND. I know I say that every week but there’s a reason for it.
Anyways, with that said, Adam what other announcements do we have?
Marco: Well, just to add to what you’re saying, there are actually other uses for that tool that I’d be willing to share in the next MasterMIND and when you discuss this. There are actually other ways. You can use it for what you used it for, but it’s also a great client prospecting tool.
Bradley: It’s awesome.
Adam: That’s right. Well, we had the Launch Local GMB Pro and Bradley can talk about results. Marco, Rob, everyone can talk about results. I’m gonna drop the link on the page. If you haven’t yet checked it out, you can see the results other people are getting. This isn’t something we came up with and then said, “Look, we got good results.” People immediately started having results with this. So I’m not gonna really harp on that too much. You can go check it out for yourselves and read about it, see if that’s something you think you could plug into your business and start making a lot of money with.
But we do have some cool services that were requested. We started hearing back from people, “Hey, I want to arbitrage this. I want you guys to do it for me. What can you do so that I could provide the high value to my client but I don’t have to do the nitty-gritty work?”
Rob, Marco, do you wanna kind of explain what’s going on with that?
Marco: Yeah. Before Rob jumps in, what I want to add to what you said is, we have a Facebook group, but our Facebook groups, you don’t see people asking questions on, well how do I get results? We do get some of those, of course, because if there are new people who are not familiar with anything. But what we’re seeing a lot is we get, I’m getting these results. This is what I’m doing and I’m getting these many costs. We see that time after time after time.
It’s not a Facebook group on what am I supposed to do. It’s a Facebook group where people are sharing their results, people are sharing their different ideas, the different things that they’re doing, we’re conducting webinars. I mean, everything that we told you was going to happen is happening.
For some people, it’s just incredible, the results that they’ve been getting. That they’ve been getting 200 plus calls a month in the demo. How freaking good is that? One guy, “Please no more calls.” Why? The client complaining “I’m getting too many calls. I can’t handle it.” That’s the type of results we’re talking about. Don’t let me tell you about it. Go in the Facebook group and see for yourself.
Bradley: I had one of my roofing clients call me and literally asked if there’s any way I could throttle the calls down because he’s overwhelmed with work. I’m not kidding. He had me put one notification bar or banner plug-in on his WordPress site that says “We are no longer accepting new calls.” I’m not kidding. Because he’s got such a backup of roofing leads right now and it’s because of what we’ve been applying with the GMB Pro method and all that, it’s insane.
I’m also adding image to the page right now, guys, from one of our MasterMIND members. A lot of you will know him from also Syndication Academy. Bo, I hope you’re all right with me posting just your comment. It doesn’t reveal any written information, but it says pretty much the same thing that happened with the last two GMB Pro listings he made within 24 hours of verifying the listing, he was in the 3-Pack.
Anyways, we’ve kind of found a secret backdoor guys to just kicking ass and taking names and it’s pretty freakin’ amazing.
Adam: What would you guys say to somebody who maybe hasn’t gotten the experience of dealing with, you know, maybe a client who’s got a Local GMB listing? Do you think that someone who hasn’t done this could see results from getting involved in the Local GMB Pro course?
Bradley: Absolutely. It varies per industry. Probably level of competition makes a difference too, but we’ve seen results in as little as days, almost overnight. I’ve got a couple of tree service lead gen sites that we started to apply the GMB Pro method to and, I mean, literally within 48 hours, like sites that had not been optimized, hadn’t built any citations yet, they were just basically abandoned lead gen sites that I never got around to doing anything with, and we just started applying the GMB Pro method to and within 48 hours they started generating phone calls and leads, which is freaking insane.
Others take a little bit longer, like the cab service or the taxi company that I’m doing for the case study. It’s taking a little bit longer, but it’s really starting to gain traction within the last couple of weeks. The calls started to pick up, a lot more clicks through to the website. So the more activity the more volume of activity it generates if that makes sense. It really just varies, but yeah, pretty much any business or any local business.
Again, I haven’t applied any of this to national stuff, but for local business stuff, which is what we’re talking about, Local Google My Business stuff, I mean, it’s almost instant results once you start applying what we’re teaching.
Adam: Good deal. Well, I don’t-
Marco: Hang on a sec. Yeah, as far as national, I don’t want to mention any names, but one of the big guys, who has been with us often and whom we love, he has a national campaign that he wants to do. So what I’m going to do is we’re going to treat it as a case study. We’re going to get him into Local GMB Pro and we will have results, I guarantee you. In the next month or two, we will let you know how this can be applied nationally.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right, guys. We’ve got to wrap this up pretty quick and then hop into questions. But we definitely wanna let everyone know and, Rob, maybe you can hop in now and talk a little bit, just take a minute or two, about what’s going on with the Done-For-You services.
Rob: Okay. We’re putting a team together, we’re getting the site up. Again, if someone else can drop the link to the site that’s coming up on the page, that’d be awesome because I’m driving. We’re getting the team together so the services are coming along. The other thing I wanna mention is the auto poster is live and ready to start being used. We’re getting some crazy results with it. It has lots of features that you’re not going to find anywhere else. The poster creates an RSS feed.
For those of you that follow us enough, you know with an RSS feed, there’s a lot of extras you can add on the end of even the Local GMB Pro that we haven’t even added to bolster the results that everyone’s talking about now. You can start adding all those things, syndicating your GMB post across your network, and all the other fun stuff you can do with RSS feeds. I won’t go into that, it’s too offbeat. I could take forever.
The other thing that is super cool with this auto poster that we have is, for those that are already doing syndication and doing blog content for their clients, we have a plug-in that we’re going to give away for free. You use that along with our auto poster and you can connect your blog and create, just based on your blog, it’ll post to your GMB.
Marco, I dropped a link in chat to you. If you could post that, that is an example post from a blog that was posted that went through syndication and ended up on the GMB site. So that’s what it looks like using the WordPress plug-in and the auto poster that we have that’s now live and ready to go. There’s all kinds of other things that we can get into, but that’s I just wanna let everybody know that it is live and it’s ready to go. Go sign up and start killing it.
Adam: Great. Looks like I’m getting a call in the middle of, there we go, Hump Day Hangouts. Awesome.
Marco: I dropped the link in there. Guys, you can grab your actual websites RSS feed. You can feed your posts, and then from your post you can grab another RSS feed and go crazy. I mean, this is how insane this is. We’re talking about amplifying the message, right? Syndicating is all about that, it’s amplifying it. But it’s going to have proper attribution, which is the most important thing right now so that you don’t get. People are getting hit with or their tummy is getting hit with penalties. But I guarantee you, you don’t have proper attribution. We have proper attribution. Everything is taken care of, guys. This is so you can just blow up and get insane leads for your clients.
I’m gonna also, besides that link, so that you guys can look at it and just see how good the posts look … Remember, that’s an RSS feed going into Google My Business. All right? That’s how great it looks. Let me also share our marketplace because we have an MGYB if you’ve been with us long enough you know what that stands for, marketplace. It’s free to join. Guys, right now, what we’re offering is video carpet bomb. It’s a service where you can go and just literally find out where you can rank a video in a short period of time. We have a great VA, he’s trained.
Go join the auto poster, it will be available through MGYB.co, and we will be adding other services and products as we go along. It’s in the beginning but we wanted to get this out right away because these are the two easiest methods to go and find out where to rank, as far as videos, and how to get leads and push content because you do need content for Google My Business system. So the easiest way to do it is to schedule it and auto post. How cool is that? I mean, it’s like I said, you train the VA, you don’t have to do shit except to sell it to a client and collect the money, guys. That’s it. It’s that simple. You guys, “No, it can’t be this easy.” Well, yes, it really is. We’ve really made it simple for you guys to go and make money.
Adam: All right, guys. Yeah. Let’s get into questions and then before we wrap it up I’m gonna drop a link in. I wanted to remind everybody we got the live event coming up in October. We still got seats open. We’re gonna cap that at 25. It’s gonna be the weekend of October and October 21st in Washington DC, including our beautiful faces along with some guest speakers, including Jeffrey Smith. So if you’re interested, again, that link will be on there and we’ll touch on that again towards the end. But let’s go ahead and dive into the questions.
Bradley: Yeah. Just quickly I wanna mention anybody that goes to checks out the MGYB marketplace, which is Make Google Your BITCH, just in case nobody knows what that meant. The video carpet bomb offer, that’s actually I got the idea from a colleague of ours, Randy James, and we kind of refined the process together and I trained the VA how to do this really well. The offer that’s in there right now, we should have two offers actually, I just pinged Marco in chat and Slack, but we’ll get the other offer in there.
But essentially the two ways that I’m using that is: one, if you’re doing lead gen, it’s fantastic because what we do is take a particular location and then we gather all of the locations like townships, boroughs, all that stuff within a 20-mile radius and then we create a list of … You can have up to three keywords appended or and in the locations appended to those three keywords.
Let’s say that you end up on a 20-mile radius with 60 locations and you got three keywords, so that’s 180 keywords that you would be targeting. All you need to provide is the three keywords and the central location and then the video file and a thumbnail, if you want a custom thumbnail, and then the call-to-action, which will be placed in the video description, which is typically going to be an NAP, if you’re doing local stuff, which is what we suggest.
No, I didn’t, Marco. But anyway, I don’t remember saying that anyways. We’ll cover that later. We’ll get that set up for next week.
Anyways, it’s really good because I mean, out of like 180 videos that we’ll upload, we can’t guarantee any certain number of them, but I typically get anywhere between 30 to 50 videos ranked on page one for that. Now it’s great for lead gen because you can start to generate leads right away. You can also find low-hanging fruit. So it’s like poking keywords as well, right? You can find keyword opportunities that you can go ranked some more long-term assets for, web pages, social media, web 2.0, anything like press releases, anything like those whatsoever.
But then there’s also an alternate method that I’m using that for that works really freaking well. It’s for prospecting purposes, guys, and for closing sales or closing clients. One of the best things that you can do is, once a conversation has been initiated with a prospect, so a potential client, when you go to make your proposal or your pitch for whatever services that you are offering, we have a lesser version of it that, again, will get this added in within the next week, it’s for a 10-mile radius in one keyword.
Essentially, what we’ll do is, let’s say, with three keywords in a 20-mile radius, like I said, maybe return 60 locations or 60 place names, right? With the 10-mile radius, it might be 30 or 25 place names and you get one keyword. So it will create the same campaign, one keyword appended with the 25 or 30 locations, and it will upload it. Out of that you might get five to 10-ish videos ranked and it’s gonna be inexpensive, 20 or 25 bucks is what we’re gonna charge for that. So that when you’re pitching the client, when you’re giving them a proposal, you can also send them the results with their video that you branded for them, with their brand name, with their contact information, their NAP in the description. You can use that as a deal sweetener for your proposal.
That works really, really, really well. I’ve used that method over and over and over again for impressing potential clients so that when I go to … Because think about that, how many companies show results when they present the proposal? Very few, right? Because he wants to do any work. But I trained a VA to do it, right? My VA, for me, the cost is a few dollars. I can have a campaign, a video carpet-bomb campaign that I can submit with the proposal and say, “Look, just to show you that I know what I’m talking about and I can get you results quickly, I did this for you at no cost and I included it with the proposal and there’ll be a spreadsheet with the links and the keywords that it’s ranked for.”
So they can go verify it themselves, and it’s their brand name their call to action, their contact information, and NAP on the video, so it’s like branded for them. I’ve gotten a lot of prospects and clients that have come back and said, “Wow, that’s really great. Thank you for doing that. Nobody’s ever done that before.” So it works really, really well. Besides doing lead gen stuff or providing that as a reselling service for your clients, which you could absolutely do, it’s also a great way to land clients and impress them. So definitely check that out. We’ll get the prospecting plan for that put into the marketplace within the next week or so.
Okay. All right. Let’s get into some questions. That went a little bit longer, but we had a lot of news to share. All right. Let’s get this backup. Oh, yeah, I love that gif, by the way. All right.
Is The Syndication Course Still Relevant Since It Has Been Released In 2015?
The first question, Richard, that was already answered by Chris. Chris reposted one from Support, it looks like. “Is syndication still relevant?” This is from Renee Ward. “I have your course from 2015. There have been so many SEO changes since then, seven to eight this year, and I was wondering if it’s still worth the trouble to syndicate. Also, are there any negative repercussions since Google is so picky nowadays.”
No. Renee, it’s absolutely still valid. Again, it’s still the very foundation of everything that we do. Other than some of the newer stuff that we’re doing with GMB, we’re able to get results without using syndication networks. We still recommend that you use them for many, many reasons. Number one, syndication networks help to validate the entity. Right? That’s incredibly important, especially now, more so than it was in 2015 when we first launched the course. Right? That really wasn’t even much of a concern back then. Now, it is. So, validating the entities, number one.
Number two, you’re amplifying your content. Go do a Google search for content amplification and you’ll see there’s a ton of different services out there and the definitions are all pretty much the same. That’s basically getting your content that you publish on your blog or your website everywhere that you can. That’s what content amplification is. So all we’re doing is automating it using IFTTT and our Syndication Academy methods. Right?
Think about it, all of the major news and media sites and the major blogs, the author’s will syndicate their own content that they’ve published on those sites to their own social media profiles, their own professional profiles and such. So why is that any different than what we’re doing? It’s not. Guys, it’s not. This whole myth that, you know, it constantly comes up, and I’m not picking on you, Renee, by the way, but we get the question that comes up often.
By the way, just a quick aside, Renee, that a lot of these questions, especially this one, is also answered in our knowledge-base, which you can find at [email protected]. We have frequently asked questions there categorized by product. If you go to the Syndication Academy Frequently Asked Questions at [email protected], you’ll see a lot of these questions are already answered.
But for the benefit of everybody here today, I’ll go through it again. That is, we get a lot of people say, “Well, what about duplicate content?” Guys, duplicate content only exists when it’s on the same domain. If you have 10 pages on your domain or posts and they’re all the same freaking content, that’s duplicate content. It’s not duplicate content when it’s republished on other domains.
If that were the case, press releases wouldn’t work. I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, and so can the vast majority of our members that are using press releases, we launched an entire product specifically on how to use press releases to rank especially local stuff, and those are all duplicate content. Right? It gets published at one place first, whatever the originating press cable services that you’re using. Then from there, it goes out to the press wires and just gets picked up by any other syndication partners that are part of that press cable service. Right?
It’s the same freaking press release, not a single word has been changed on it across all the places it’s published to, which are typically 200-plus other sites, some cases 400, 500 sites. Right? It gives an absolute quick boost for ranking, especially for local stuff. If duplicate content was an issue, then press releases wouldn’t work. But they work and they work incredibly well.
My point is no. Guys, you’re sharing your own content to your own branded properties, which is natural, It’s normal. In fact, it’s kind of expected nowadays. Right? So, no, there is no negative repercussions. Where the negative repercussions come in is when you start to try to gain the system and add a whole bunch of persona-based networks and secondary syndication networks and you don’t take steps to mask or reduce your footprint.
There is no footprint when we’re syndicating to branded properties. In fact, we are claiming our footprint. We’re literally posting a flag up and saying, “Hey, come check us out. This is our content on all of our sites.” Right? We’re actually, literally, broadcasting our footprint to our own branded sites. But when you start to syndicate content, the same content to other networks that have nothing but your branded content on them and their persona-based networks, now that’s clearly to manipulate search rankings. And that can cause problems.
However, we teach in Syndication Academy also how to reduce that footprint and still have effective secondary syndication networks. I don’t typically recommend that, it depends on how many sites you’re managing. If you’re just managing one site, it’s a great strategy. If you’re managing a dozen sites, it’s not, because it’s a lot of work and it’s a lot to maintain.
Again, we cover all that stuff since 2015. There have been many, many changes, in fact, that’s why Syndication Academy 2.0, which is what we’re in currently now, which was launched, shit, I think a year and a half ago now. I think we’re on update webinar 22 or 23, so it’s almost two years now. We update it every month. Again, there has been changes but we stay on top of it.
In fact, our guest that’s on today, Rob, he’s actually going to be taking over the Syndication Academy Update webinars here soon. In the near future, he’s gonna be taking over handling and hosting the Syndication Academy Update webinars. Anyways-
Rob: I promise not to do those from my car too. How about that?
Bradley: Yeah, I hope so. Anyways, Renee, I would encourage you to come check out Syndication Academy 2.0. You could still take the training from 2015 and adapt it to today’s current standards. There’s no question you might have to do a lot of trial and error to figure it all out, or you can come join Syndication Academy 2.0 and it’s all laid out for you. Okay? Or better yet, another alternative would be for you to just buy Done-For-You networks so you don’t even have to bother with it. Just use the networks to your advantage.
Are There Any Issues Connecting Blogger To IFTTT In The Past Weeks?
Okay. Paul’s up. He says, “Hey, guys. I would like to know what is going on with Blogger? For weeks now when you go into IFTTT to connect to Blogger, Blogger won’t connect. If and when Blogger does connect, the recipes won’t work.” Well, Paul, first of all, I rarely ever go into IFTTT and connect stuff anymore because, again, we have a ton of virtual assistants that do all that stuff for me. So I can’t confirm, I’m not saying that what you’re saying isn’t true, Paul, but I haven’t experienced that problem myself. I haven’t heard anything like that coming from the build team either.
Not that I’m plugged into the build team all the time, but typically it goes through the support channels and ends up in my lap when it comes to Syndication Academy stuff or syndication network stuff and I have not heard that. I don’t know if it’s a specific issue with you, Paul, or your Blogger account or whatever. I don’t know. First of all, I would question, I would ask you, have you tested other Blogger accounts instead of the one that you’re talking about here. Yeah, because it might be an isolated issue.
If it’s not an isolated issue, in other words, if this issue is across more than one Blogger profile, then I would reach out to IFTTT support and ask them what the problem is. Because again, I don’t work for IFTTT, I just learned how to use the shit out of it for my own benefit and then taught you guys how to do it. But again, I would contact IFTTT support and ask them specifically because they would be much better and give you much quicker reply than I would. Okay?
However, that said, I have put that already on my list because I saw your post earlier today, Paul. I put that on my list for the next Syndication Academy Update webinar to test and see if there’s an issue; and if so, try to find a workaround. Right? That’s typically what we do, guys. Remember, I do not build networks anymore really. I very rarely ever do that because, again, I’ve trained so many damn VAs to do it, I don’t have to. So I don’t get to experience these issues until it’s brought to my attention.
But then when you guys bring it to my attention, or if one of our network builders brings something to my attention, then I put it on the list for Syndication Academy Update webinar, and then I go in and I test. Right? I go in and I try to find a workaround, see, first, confirm if it’s true, then try to find a workaround. If I do, I let you guys know; and if I don’t, I let you know. Either way, I let you know. That’s part of the Syndication Academy Updates.
Rob, just so you know, it’s probably gonna get dumped in your lap. There you go.
Rob: I figured.
Bradley: Put it on your list, Rob. Play with Blogger. But just for that, let’s just check one thing. I don’t know if it’s existing. Let’s see if existing sites are having the same problem or existing networks, probably not. This one seems to still be working. I’m still looking at some of my … That one was just posted on July 6, so that was five days ago.
Yeah. I don’t know, it looks like, because I’ve got a ton of syndication networks. The one that I just picked up looks like it’s syndicated just five days ago, which was I think the last time I have a VA that does the videos for my clients. That was one of the videos that was done, one of the rep videos, it’s David Sprague’s product. It looks like that one was fine.
Again, Paul, I’d say it’s probably an isolated issue. But if it’s not, just contact IFTTT support. We’ll look into it though, it’s on the list. Okay.
“Also, when you go into settings under Post and Share, you can’t turn on the auto share to G Plus page. Are you guys having the same issues?”
Don’t worry about it, Paul. Google Plus is dying. They’ve already dug the grave and it’s halfway in the grave. It’s about three feet underground at this point. I’m not kidding you. Google Plus is dying. That’s why any of you guys are probably within the last couple weeks, many of you have probably received notifications from Google Plus saying that they were going to delete your page because it hasn’t been posted to in a while, if you have any pages that haven’t been posted to in a while. That’s just more evidence that Google is absolutely removing Google Plus from the Google ecosystem.
Which I never thought would happen, I honestly didn’t. I mean, I remember years … People have been saying, “Google Plus is dead for five, six years,” and five or six years ago, I used to think, no, there’s no way. Because remember, they integrated Google Plus. Google did. They forced everybody that used Google products to be on Google Plus and it was so much a part of the semantic web, what Google’s version of the semantic web was. The reason why is because it was an identity validator. Not an entity validator, but an identity validator. Does that make sense?
Because in order for you to be on Google Plus, you had to have a Google account, a verified Google account, like a profile. You couldn’t get on Google Plus as just a page or a business. You had to have a profile that was intimately attached to a specific person, right? Google Plus was an identity validator, which was used at the early onset of the semantic web engine for Google. Google’s version of the semantic web, right? But I guess they figured out other ways through all the stuff that Marco looks into like AI and machine learning and all that shit to validate entities without Google Plus. That’s why they’re slowly removing it from all of the Google products. I think in the near future it actually finally will be a dead product.
Anybody wanna comment on that? I’ll take silence as a no. All right. I’m gonna move on then. Is everybody still here? Because it’s rare to get radio silence like that. We should have crickets-
Adam: Yeah. First, we need to have like a real production studio. It would be fun to have some good sound effects.
What Are Your Thoughts On Josh Bachynski’s Statement On Emailing Google To Shut Down Google Sites?
Bradley: Yes, some crickets. That would have been funny. Okay. Armand is up. What’s up, Armand? He says, “I thought this was pretty interesting. I was listening to Josh Bachynski YouTube channel, good SEO channel, by the way, and they were talking about Google Sites giving a boost, which, of course, you guys know all about. Yes, sir, we do. What I thought was an interesting statement, is, he claims he could have it shut down tomorrow by emailing John Mueller of Google and telling him about it. You can see it here.” He dropped a link. “What do you guys think about this? I’m really mostly looking forward to the F-bombs we’ll hear from Marco.”
Honestly, I don’t know why Josh would say something like that. He could have it shut down by emailing John Mueller, maybe he could, maybe couldn’t. Why would he be flexing his muscles like that? I mean, whatever, why would you want to kill something that works for SEOs when you’re an SEO yourself? I don’t understand that. That would be like, why would you shit where you eat? You know what I’m saying?
Essentially, that’s what he’d be doing at that point. I’m not saying anything bad about Josh. Honestly, I don’t really follow his channel or any of that stuff because, as far as I know from years ago, it was a lot of white hat stuff and discussions between white hat versus black hat and all that. I don’t buy an any that shit. SEO is SEO. As far as I know, there are no hats. Right?
Adam: Yeah. The other thing I think is really interesting about this, and I can’t weigh in on the technical aspect of it, but I think that, yeah, Google’s messed around their own properties before, but they like this. This is getting their stuff more of their own stuff to show.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:33:42]
Adam: Yeah. Maybe they turn back or something happens in the future, but it’s not like they’re gonna suddenly realize, “Oh goodness, Google My Business pages are taking up more real estate. We better do something about it.” That’s not gonna happen.
Bradley: Yeah. Marco, I know you’re anxious to say something.
Marco: All right. Let me start with this. Do you guys think Google is stupid enough not to know that their G sites are powerful? Do you think that they don’t already have enough fucking stupid telling them that it works this way and that it’s pushing a lot of juice and that it’s pushing their properties. Do you think it’s not already happening? I don’t want to mention names, but snitches get stitches. If he wants to go that way, he’s a fuckin’ retard because he’s done a whole bunch of dirty shit. I mean, Josh goes back to days when, I mean, the crap that was being done, he was at the forefront of that shit. So I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. All of a sudden he turned, he’s an angel and he doesn’t do shit. Well, fuck you and fuck John Mueller.
Rob: Hey, Remember, this is Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I don’t give a fuck, man. These fucking people, they pissed me off. Fuck him, fuck John Muller, fuck them all. We’re gonna keep doing it. We’ll do it as long as we can and if they take that away, we’ll just find another way like we always do, man. So fuck that, fuck you, and that’s what I have to say about it.
Bradley: Wow. Armand. Can we send Armand a T-shirt for firing up Marco?
Adam: Yeah. Armand, hit us up in Support. Also, I was gonna say hashtag POFU.
Bradley: Wow. Okay. Armand, since you fired up Marco for the day, you won yourself a T-shirt or a hat or something. So contact [email protected] and we’ll send you something.
Adam: John just wrote on the page. He said, “How do you really feel, Marco?”
Bradley: Yeah, right. I was gonna say, guys, we’re not setting a precedent here. Please don’t intentionally try to piss Marco off just so you can get free stuff. Hump Day Hangouts will begin a downward spiral really quickly that way.
Do You Have Any Recommendations For Planning And Tracking Web 2.0/Syndication Networks?
Jim Wells is up next. He says, “Howdy, SM Gang. Thanks for the recommendation on Google PVA’s last week.” You’re welcome. So that’s Metro biz. Yeah, he’s great. Jim, I guess you contacted him right after Hump Day Hangouts or shortly thereafter because he came pinged me on Skype and said thank you for the recommendation again. Absolutely, he’s a good guy.
Anyways, number one, he says, “Do you have any recommendations for planning and tracking web 2.0, syndication networks? For planning and tracking. I use mind mapping software for general plans. We’ll, we have a service monitor, Serpspace.com, Jim. A few aren’t aware of that. I don’t know if it has a visual editor like a visual tracker. Adam, can you comment on that?
Adam: No. If it continues to grow we might build something out, but yeah, you just copy-paste your info in and it does this thing and monitors and then backgrounds, you don’t have to.
Bradley: Yeah. So as far as for planning them, no, but it does monitor them. What’s great about it is if you order Done-For-You networks from Serp Space they can automatically be imported into the network monitor, which will notify you if properties go down, or if they’re not posting, or if RSS feeds stops posting, like it stops detecting new items in RSS feeds. It does various things. It lets you know. So it’s a great way when you have multiple networks or dozens or hundreds of networks. It’s a great way to monitor all that stuff because otherwise a lot of times you just don’t know when stuff starts to break down. Right? Unless you’re manually checking yourself.
But as far as planning them, yeah, mind mapping know software is typically what I would. I use Lucidcharts. I like that a lot. That’s pretty much, in my opinion, the best mind mapping. I’ve used about a dozen of them and that was the one that I found to be, in my opinion, the easiest to use. It’s Lucidcharts.
Anyways, “But I was looking for a better solution to tracking which sites, networks, rings were linked and what content is feeding to them. I’ve been working on a Google Sheets solution, but it’s incredibly cumbersome.” Yeah. That was my issue because that’s what I was … I mean, I still manage probably 90% of my business through Google Drive, period, and I still use spreadsheets for everything too, but that’s part of the reason that we built the network monitor in Serp Space, was specifically so that you could see tier 1 networks on tier 2 networks and how content is feeding from one to the other and that kind of stuff. You are able to do that inside of Serp Space. The actual visual planning, we don’t have that yet. That might be something that we could do at some later time though.
What’s Your Opinion On The Number Of Google Sites To Use For Each Account?
Okay. All right. Number two is, “What’s your opinion on the number of Google sites to use for each account? Is there a limit to how many you place on each one? I think Peter Drew mentioned using eight before moving on.” Yeah. I typically don’t have more than a couple to up to eight. If I’m using Peter Drew’s Google sites generator software, then that specifically, yes, I’ll use eight Google sites or I’ll use the Google site with eight pages, which is what he recommends. It’s his software, he’s tested the shit out of it, and so is all his beta testers and all of his members now. So if that’s what Peter Drew suggests for using that, then I think that’s a good suggestion. I trust his judgment because he does a lot of testing.
But as far as the methods like for RYS methods, I’ll leave that one to Marco. But typically, for my RYS Drive stacks that contain a Google site, which all of them do. I think it should be standard operating procedure, when you buy a drive stack you buy the add-on the Google site, G site. Right? Because, to me, it’s really an incomplete … I mean, the way I look at it is that … I use the Google site as like the linchpin for the drive stack. That’s the main point that I drive all the relevancy from the drive files to the Google site and then I use the Google site to push relevancy to wherever I want. Right?
Again, I think those should be the same. As far as that, typically, I’ll only have the Google site in that drive stack account. But typically, like I said, I usually don’t have more than eight. I usually only have between two to four really in any one account. Marco, what are your thoughts?
Marco: I don’t know anything about Peter Drew to comment. I can only comment on what I do.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: It’s one main stack with the script, plus G site. I mean, you’re killing half the power or more if you don’t push the all of that power to the G site and then that power to wherever it needs to go. It defeats the purpose of everything that we do if there’s no companion G site. Now the way that we do it is, if you need additional folders and files, well, those stacks in and of themselves that’s what a stack really is. It’s a folder packed with files the Semantic Mastery way. The way that we do it. The way that we interlink everything. Right?
The way that it’s done is really time-consuming and that’s why you’ll see that most other people will not go the lengths that we go to interlink everything and to give everything the power that it needs. The only thing is that the script takes up a lot of resources. If you install the script in more than one folder, Google is going to kill your G site immediately. I mean, no question. We see a time after time after time after time. One G site but multiple stacks as long as you’re only running one script in one of the stacks and that should be your main stack. That’s my opinion on that.
Bradley: Yup. He says, “Also, for Stacks, do you place anything else on those accounts? Seems like it might be a risk.” I’ve used some of my drive stack accounts the Google accounts for like creating Blogger accounts. It’s like another syndication point and things like that. I mean, typically, I don’t see, there is a bit of a risk. But I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever had, I don’t think I’ve ever had a drive stack terminated like the index was terminated from Google. I don’t think I’ve ever lost a Google account that was specific for just drive stack. What Marco says is true about the script and I’ve had that occur, but not when I’m just doing what Marco said, which is …
In fact, a lot of the Google sites that I end up with the drive stacks, I sometimes use the scripts on them. It’s just everything is static once it’s built out. Again, I haven’t had any issues with that whatsoever. The only time I’ve ever had a drive stack account terminated is when, like Marco said, I’ve had … When the script overburdened the servers and then they terminated that, they killed it. But other than that I have … I mean, I’ve got drive stacks, especially the early ones that I did that are … Because I built a few myself originally that were a bit like spammy and they’re still alive today. So I really haven’t had any issues. What do you say, Marco?
Marco: Again, yeah. The only time that we’ve had issues that we’ve had stuff killed off is when we overburden Google. Google doesn’t like leeches using their resources for free. If you pay them now, you can get away with all a whole lot of stuff. If you go through their API, you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. If you go through G suite you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. But if you’re starting off free, don’t overburden Google. You could do other stuff in there that there’s no reason why.
As a matter of fact, it helps to validate, again, you mentioned identity, but not only the identity, the entity. The entity is alive and well and it’s a living organism within this, the Gmail ecosystem, let’s call it. Right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: So yeah, that’s what I would say.
Bradley: Okay, great. Great question, Jim. As always, man. He’s always posting a really question.
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also.
Bradley: I’m sorry?
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also. I think people lose sight of just the fact that Google, they develop drives in the Google site and all that stuff to be used by just standard everyday people. We’re just using it in a different manner, but we forget that driving a huge of ton at all universities, and high schools, and all over the country, at least in the state. I mean, my kid has Google drive stack for the classes they do. They look more spammy sometimes in some of my drive stack. I mean, they’re sharing and copying documents and moving along all over the place and you’ve got an entire high school and college classes running through Google and Google drive and sharing and replicating documents, and copying and pasting, and multiple duplicates of the same document.
Just stuff that you’re doing, I mean, just think of it like what were the regular college kid do or a high school kid. If you’re just making a bunch of documents and folders and sharing them and stuff like that, I mean, you’re basically hide in plain sight.
Bradley: Yeah.
Rob: Like you said, burden in their script and you’re using their computing power to automate a bunch of building and stuff, that’s when they take notice.
What’s The Best Way To Use Crowdsearch.me For Local Right Now?
Bradley: Awesome. Thanks, Rob. Kay Dee says, “Hey guys, what’s the best way to use crowdsearch.me for local right now? I bought it through a link Hernan sent to your future SEO click-throughs page but then saw your post here a couple weeks ago where you will not be implementing apps like that for GMB or money sites as they’ve been flagged.”
Yeah, that’s true. Now don’t get me wrong, guys. It still can be used. I just think it’s been deprecated quite a bit. I know it has because I used to use the shit out of it. I promoted crowdsearch.me for a solid two years because I used about 50,000 credits per month, I’m not kidding, because it worked really, really well. But as everything that we do in SEO, it became saturated and other products and services, PandaBot and a bunch of other ones popped up that started providing the … Serpify is one. Another one, I think … I don’t know, there’s a ton of them.
I actually did a case study test on those two, by the way. We tested four of them. Another one is John [inaudible 00:46:13] Rainmaker. I don’t know, there’s a bunch of services like that and I’ve done case study tests on many of them and found that … I didn’t even start the case studies until after I’ve realized that they weren’t working as well. Right? I started to see less and less results from using them. Okay?
But I’m not saying that there’s not still a place for it. I just don’t bother with it because it has become so ineffective that it’s not worth the trouble or the expense. I can get much better results by setting up other campaigns or using like YouTube, for example. I’ve talked many, many times about how to drive cheap traffic from YouTube, which is verified real people. Right? You can accomplish a lot of the same thing using traffic from YouTube. You can also hire Microtasks workers and although that’s not as effective as it used to be either for reasons of their search history and stuff like that, like essentially …
Remember guys, Google keeps a profile of everybody. Right? They built a profile of Google users. So anytime you’re using Google and you’re logged into an account, they’re tracking what you do, they’re compiling history of your browsing history, and the types of content that you look at, the types of searches that you do, the types of websites that you click on and interact with and engage with.
Google creates a profile for each user. So even now when you hire Microtasks workers and you tell them to go to Google.com in the US and search for a particular keyword and then go find your listing on page one or page two, or whatever, all the way up to page 10 if you want, whatever page it is, then click on it. Then find the third word in the fourth paragraph and copy it and paste it into the answer box for the Microtasks dashboard. Right? So that way you know that they did.
Why do you do all these things with Microtasks workers? Think about. You tell them to do a search and a click. That’s what we call CT spam or click-through spam, right? That’s a signal to Google that somebody searched for keyword then found your listing. Then you ask them to find a particular word or a phrase or a sentence or something like that on a page that’s buried somewhere in the middle of page. So they have to spend some time searching for it, that’s time on site, or you can tell them to click through to another page, which is engagement time on site and also another click-through. Right?
So there’s a lot of different things that you could do to tell Microtasks workers. But the problem occurs where and why it’s becoming less and less effective is exactly what I just mentioned, because, if a Microtask worker is doing multiple searches per day for random shit all the time, then Google is going to build up a profile for them of, it’s likely that there Microtasks worker is doing CT spam.
I mean, think about it. Google, they’re not an idiot and either are their AI. Their AI systems aren’t stupid either. My point is, it’s not as an effective click. It’s not weighted as much as it would be if it was coming from somebody that has a relevant search history or has an interest or topical relevancy or some something in their recent search history that would make that click so much more valid or more appropriate, which means it’s heavier weighted click, which means it produces better results and a much higher level engagement signal.
So that’s where I’m talking about crowdsearch.me. You’ve got to think about that guys. Those are bots. Those are bots where they spoof the user agents, they spoof the IPs and all that, but even the IP ranges that these bots use are within specific ranges that have been flagged. Right?
So what I’m saying, to answer your question, Kay Dee, would be not to use it direct to money site. What I recommend using it for is referral traffic. It still works well for that. It also works well if you want to send traffic to press releases to help them to stick longer in the search results, because we all know that press releases rank really well quickly. Well, typically, rank really well quickly, but they don’t last for long, unless they get a high level of traffic.
But for that you can buy Fiverr gigs and I’d recommend Fiverr gigs. There’s several of them that I’ve recommended on many occasions publicly. Right? You can buy a $10 or a $15 Fiverr gig and boost the press release for a month, which I don’t know what you’re paying for crowd search, but me, I was buying 50,000 credits a month so it was rather expensive. Right?
Again, referral traffic and, by the way, if you want to learn how to do referral traffic, let me just see if I can pull this up for him real quick, or Kay, excuse me. Let’s go to-
Marco: While you’re pulling that up, I’d like to mention that the MGYB.co marketplace, we have real YouTube views.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: You could add a call to action where you send people to your website. You can’t get anything better than a real person watching a YouTube video clicking through to your website. I mean, that’s absolutely the best thing that can happen for your website because the referral is YouTube. That’s what it is.
Bradley: Yep. I just wanna see, here’s another one. I’m gonna drop each one of these links. Because I’ve done extensive training on that as well, so stand by for just one minute. This is the … Okay, yeah. This is the one that I wanted to share. Okay. I did this. Look when was this published. September 26 2015, guys, is when this was published and it’s still valid. It’s still relevant, this video. This is how to set up … and I did it with Jason Johnson of the Syndwire Black Facebook group.
Anyways, again, this is almost three years ago and this is still valid for a good way to use crowd search for referral traffic. Then there’s also probably a Hump Day Hangouts clip here too that I could post. Look at, it’s awesome. That’s from Fist Fight. Wayne Clayton, that’s awesome. That was a funny ass movie, by the way. I thought that movie was hilarious.
Rob: Referral traffic.
Marco: It should say “Snitches get stitches, bitches.”
Bradley: That’s Ice Cube. It’s a funny ass movie. Anyways, we got to keep moving. Yeah. I’m sorry about going so long on crowd search thing, guys. But that’s a great question though, Kay Dee. Yeah, I don’t recommend using it so much anymore unless you’re using it for very specific purposes because there are alternate better ways to get traffic and real traffic too.
Is Page Rank Important As Domain Authority Is?
Okay. Peter from Poland, “Can you define PageRank and its importance? Is it as important as domain authority?” Honestly, I’m not gonna take the time to define PageRank because it’s a metric that we don’t have access to and we haven’t for years. So it’s really no sense of me even trying to … I mean, honestly, Peter, your question is still a valid question. But, is it as important as domain authority? No, because I don’t care about any of those metrics anymore. I stopped caring about proprietary third-party metrics several years ago, at least two years ago.
I honestly don’t care about trust flow, topical trust flow, domain authority, page authority, domain rank. I don’t give a shit about any of those. Honestly, I don’t care because we were able to get results whether the metrics say they should have results or not. We focus on relevancy, traffic and authority. Right? ART, which is what Marco always talks about.
Marco, what does ART stand for again?
Marco: Activity, relevance, trust and authority. Activity on the link, the relevance on the link, both destination, and the origin, and then the trust and authority both of the summation and the origin of the link. There you go, boom. But we don’t-
Bradley: But to be clear, we’re not talking about domain authority. When we say “authority,” we’re not saying domain authority.
Marco: No.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: It’s whether it’s authoritative to Google.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: That’s all we care about. That refers back to pay track and again, yeah, I’m not gonna get into that. I will say it’s alive and well. It’s part of the rankings core algorithm. First, it gives you a PageRank, then you get an overall ranking score. That’s what that’s about. It’s alive and well. We don’t give a shit because we trigger those the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: That’s right. Guys, again, when you rely on third-party metrics, they’re not always accurate, guys. They’re a really good educated guess, but they’re not accurate because none of those, Majestic AH reps, Moz, none of them worked for Google. Right? I just I stopped relying on metrics. Years ago, we used to be able to manipulate domain authority and just ranked by manipulating domain authority. Well, Google killed that. It’s no longer … Unless you’re like above 80 or 85 domain authority, it’s really difficult to manipulate domain authority for ranking purposes anymore. Again, we just stop worrying about it.
Good question, Peter, but I would say focus on an RT instead of working on third-party metrics. Okay. Matias. We’re gonna be running out of time and I was worried that we weren’t gonna have enough questions today. You guys jumped in and posted a whole bunch. So anyway, all right. Matias … I don’t know if I’m saying that correct or not. Forgive me if I butchered it. He says, “Hi guys, thanks for all the content you put out on the channel for free. It’s a great reference.” You’re welcome. We enjoy this.
Does Having Different City Name In Facebook And GMB Listing Cause NAP Inconsistencies?
By the way, what is this, episode 192. So we’re getting close to 200, which we’re gonna do a celebration episode then. Then at 208, it would be our anniversary. We’re gonna have a really big celebration for that says. He says, “I got two short questions. I have a verified GMB listing and when setting up the Facebook profile, the city name displays differently. Facebook only allows picking from a display menu. Will this cause any NAP consistency with my GMB profile, which I prefer not to touch?”
No. I wouldn’t worry about it, Matias. I would not worry about that. I mean, thing is if you’ve got a Facebook profile and you’re setting it up as a place of Facebook place or whatever and it’s gonna force you to select a city name instead of whatever you have listed, then just use it I wouldn’t worry about it you know too much. Again, sometimes that kind of stuff is gonna happen and you have no choice. So I really wouldn’t worry about it.
All right, let’s see. “Or should I hide the address in Facebook?” I would. If it’s a storefront and you want people, because remember, there is a lot of people that use Facebook for finding local businesses and stuff like that. So if you’ve got a point of sale, a storefront where people come to the business location, then absolutely I would want to have that listed because otherwise, you may lose customers.
You may lose customers for an SEO benefit. Does that make sense? and I don’t think that’s right. You should be focusing on generating customers, not just SEO, if that makes sense. I know they go hand they kind of work hand in hand, but various traffic on Facebook, there’s no question. So I would rather have that displayed if. It’s a service area business then yeah you can absolutely hide it right.
“By the way, I am displaying the address in GMB and wanna keep it that way.” Well, just remember, in Google My business, it’s a service area business where you serve the customers at the customer location and the customers do not come to the business location. Then as per Google’s Terms of Service, Google My Business Terms of Service, you should check to hide the address. Okay. You should only be showing the address if customers come to your business location, period. All right? So just keep that in mind.
How Do You Index A TLD Website (Business.Site) Without Setting It As Main Website In A GMB Listing?
All right. Number two, “For the same listing I have a TLD, top-level domain website, but I’ve also created the internal GMB website. Is there any way to index the business in that site without setting it as the main website in my listing?” Marco?
Marco: Yeah. I’m gonna to tell him to come to Facebook group and I will answer this question directly. I won’t answer it here because there’s something really special about that Google business site that I won’t get to in here. It’s information only for those people who paid for the course. Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, but that makes sense. That’s one of the insider secrets of that course.
Anthony, “MasterMIND versus RYS. I believe I need to learn more about where to sell this stuff. I have a pretty good product but no community to learn more about how and where to implement. Makes sense?” All right. I’m going to give you my opinion, which would be the MasterMIND. Only because RYS is specifically about RYS in its methods where MasterMIND is all encompassing digital marketing training and education as well is business building, mindset, all kinds of stuff, motivation. There’s small group MasterMINDs, MasterMIND, it encompasses so much more than just a specific method.
I’m not saying anything bad about RYS. RYS is freaking awesome, guys. It kicks ass. But it’s about a particular method. MasterMIND is more about building your business, period. I mean, that’s not just marketing, it’s everything included. So that’s my take on, anybody want to say otherwise?
Marco: No. I’m the co-creator of RYS Academy Reloaded and I totally agree with you, MasterMIND first. You’ll get a discount for RYS Academy, but I would also tell you to pick up Local GMB Pro-
Bradley: If he’s doing local.
Marco: Yeah. Even if it isn’t because that’s gonna help him with his entity and brand and brand plus keyword recognition. As I said, I’m starting a national campaign that I’m gonna be working on and I’m gonna show how this shit works nationally even though you might have a local address.
Bradley: Okay. I’m gonna stay for about five more minutes guys, if anybody needs to bounce please feel free, but I wanna try to get a couple more of these. John, it looks like you and Anthony got the same memo today, apparently. Unless John posting the same question twice or Anthony posting the same question twice with two different profiles, one way or the other.
RYS vs Mastermind
Anyways, “MasterMIND versus RYS, I believe right now I need more of a community than another tool.” Well, neither one is a tool. Both MasterMIND and RYS are communities. RYS is also a particular method, but it’s not a tool. Right? “I need to see how others are working and where they’re going. I love the special offer case study. That’s the kind of insight community I feel to get a breakthrough. Makes sense?”
Yeah, it absolutely does, John. That’s what the MasterMIND is all about. Again, don’t get me wrong, RYS also has a community because we have a Facebook group for that. Marco and Rob are very active in there, I’m not, because that’s their baby. Right? But MasterMIND, again, either one is good. They’re great really, but MasterMIND again is all-encompassing. It covers so much more than just digital marketing or just SEO. Right? It covers a broad spectrum of topics and business-related topics.
Rob: I would say from hearing the question, I would mimic what both you guys said, MasterMIND first. Go out make some money, and then you get a discount on RYS, back it up and it just helps to take your business to the next level. But overall, MasterMIND.
Bradley: Thank you, Rob. Guys, don’t forget, when you join the MasterMIND all of our other products you get either if they’re under 300 bucks you get them for free, if they’re over 300 bucks you get a 30% discount. You get first access to all of our new products or new done-for-you services. You get first crack at then, we bring beta testers in for all kinds of new stuff all the time. Guys, MasterMIND is my baby. All of our baby is Semantic Mastery, but what I’m saying is like that’s that’s where my heart lies, is with MasterMIND, there’s no doubt.
Rob: Yeah, for sure. If you come and immerse yourself you will change your business.
Bradley: That’s it.
Rob: Period.
Bradley: Wayne was picking on you, Rob.
Rob: That’s good. I got thick skin, Indiana boy.
Why Bother With The Short URL In GMB Posting?
Bradley: John says, “Why bother with the short URL? Seems like a lot of work for something no one will see unless getting stats from someplace like Bitly, which has its own problems?” Not sure what you mean for that John, unless you’re talking about the short URLs from the GMB post from this. That’s what Google gives us as a short URL now for the post, the share URL. That’s what they look like. That’s what you’re talking about.
If you’re talking about like Bitly links in a GMB post, I know some services auto add bit link shorteners for any links. For example Sendible which turned out to be shit, by the way. I know I talked about it because I had good … We’ve got our own GMB poster now so I don’t recommend using Sendible anymore anyways. But before our poster was ready, I was using Sendible for GMB post automation and scheduling and I trained a VA to do it for our client work and stuff. Essentially after 100 GMB posts, you can’t use Sendible any more clients and they say it’s an API issue with Google. Google won’t allow them to add any more than 100 images to any one particular GMB profile through the API, through the Sendible’s API connected to …
I don’t know why because our auto poster, we can do as many as we want. Well, Marco was tried to break it and he’s not being able to replicate the error that Sendible has. I contacted Sendible support and they literally said it’s a Google API issue and our hands are tied, we can’t do anything. I said, “Okay. Well, you’ve just lost my $200 a month. I was paying them $200 a month. I said, “Well, you just lost my $200 a month because this is an absolutely useless service.” So anyways, that’s how I feel about Sendible now. It’s garbage.
Marco: If I may, ours starts at 37 a month.
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: So there you go.
Bradley: Yeah. I know and, again, they should put that shit on their sales page. API limitation notice, you can only do 100 posts before it breaks. I mean, think about it why would somebody sign up, take the time to learn how to use a particular platform, integrate processes into their business, which is what I did. I created process docs and all that shit for my VAs, spend all this time developing this out and then within two weeks or three weeks we hit the API limits. It’s like, are you kidding me? That’s just a complete waste of time. Anyways-
Bradley: Well, there’s add hours too. I drop this into, if you want to go sign up and try it out, you can get like five free posts just to try it. After that, you got to move on but you get in there, see what’s up, what’s available, and try it. Just sign up, get your email and you get five free posts to try it out. I highly suggest you try it out because the power is there in the RS feed in and out. RSS feed out even has, I mean, it’s we’ve it’s been a tricked out Semantic Mastery style. We’ve created our links back to 301, not the standard 302s that you typically get from the API.
Marco: Yeah. We push power around. I’d like to just give a shout out to our programmer who has just been kicking ass. He’s the one, Rob tells them, “We need this,” and the guy just gets it done. Once you get hooked into a really good programmer you know all limits are off.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: The sky’s the limit with what what we’re going to do with this. Right now, it’s at that price. So jump in, get in where you fit in as I usually say.
Bradley: Yep. I love the comments here guys. We’re done with questions so we’re gonna wrap up. But I just wanna give a shout out to each and every one of you. First of all, I loved the comments about Marco’s rant. That’s great. Armand, like I said, hit us up on support. We’ll send you a T-shirt or a hat or something. There it was, Armand right there.
Dominic’s awesome. We just talked about MasterMIND and we have small group MasterMINDs where Adam set up a survey form and MasterMIND members go in and fill out the survey form. Then Adam pairs people up or matches a small group of people that have like or similar interests up for small group meetings where they’ll, like accountability groups, which is how we got started at Symantec Mastery. This is how my partners and I got started was because of an accountability group that I founded and they all joined. That’s exactly how we got started and here we are five or six years later. Right?
Dominic was in my small group. The first small groups that Dominic was in mine. Great guy, sold a brick-and-mortar business to go into lead generation and SEO for his brother’s remodeling business, which is fabulous like, you know, sold his own brick-and-mortar business to be able to get into full-time digital marketing, which is amazing, I think. So Dominic shout out to you. That’s awesome. Jim Wells, again thanks for your questions and please come join a MasterMIND as well, and John looks like you’re about to join the MasterMIND. That’s fantastic.
I see you bought some of the other products. You could have gotten a significant discount. Sorry about that, buddy. But come join us now because it won’t be the last product we relaunch either. Okay?
Marco: John, just hit me up in the Facebook group for our Local GMB and we’ll work out on how to make it all work for you so that you can start making money and start buying more of our shit. Our shit works, man. There’s no question. It works.
Bradley: All right. Thanks everybody for being here. I wanna bounce, it’s just the true diehard still here. It’s Marco, Rob and me. All right, guys. We’re gonna wrap up.
Rob: We got a problem.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Might I add before we go, that I actually bit my tongue with what I really had to say. Anyway, I bit my tongue, guys.
Rob: That’s Hump Day Hangouts on a three second delay.
Bradley: Yeah, that was a rant earlier from Marco. That was a restrained Marco rant.
Marco: It was.
Bradley: A restrained rant. All right, guys. Thanks for everybody being here on our MasterMIND webinar. Tomorrow, we’re gonna be going over that fabulous GMB method that is just crashing it right now, guys. MasterMIND is a good time to join, if you haven’t already. We’ll see you guys next week. Thanks everybody. Thanks, Rob. Thanks, Marco.
Marco: Bye, everyone.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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anchorsawaytat1 · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192
Click on the video above to watch Episode 192 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: We are live on Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is episode 192. I’m Adam. I am not drunk or on drugs, I’m just really excited to be here. Yeah, we got that on our way.
Chris: Liar. You’re a liar, Adam.
Adam: No. Because now I’m on the West Coast, so my schedules are all out of whack. So right after we get done here, I head out the door, beat the traffic, and go for a run out in the hills and then come back.
Bradley: Yeah. That’s his running in the woods that he always talks about.
Adam: Running.
Bradley: Right.
Adam: I’m so tired. Anyways, enough about me. Let’s find out about everyone else. So, on my screen, Chris, you’re first. How’s it going, man?
Chris: Doing good. Good to be here.
Adam: Where are you located in the world today?
Chris: I’m still in Austria, soon heading to Portugal, then Barcelona. We’ll see after that.
Adam: Nice, nice. Hernan, how about you? Are you surviving winter?
Hernan: Yeah. I am for now and I’m planning to do so for our coming live event. So I’m super excited about that. I’m super happy to be here.
Chris: You’re not making Spain this year?
Hernan: I don’t know if we know. I mean, I don’t think so because we have a date with a lot of people, or potentially a lot of people in Washington, DC, so I’ll get to that.
Chris: So you leave it to destiny?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: Wait. Is Tony Robbins coming?
Hernan: No.
Adam: Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m trying to make some last minute changes.
Adam: Gotcha, gotcha. All right. We’ll come back to you. Marco’s got some good stuff he’s gonna share. I don’t know, I see an eagle in the mountains. Who is this mysterious person?
Rob: Hey, what’s going on, man?
Adam: Hey, everybody. This is Rob Beale. If you don’t know him, you probably see him around the group, if you’re new to us. Rob, how is it going?
Rob: I’m doing good. I’ll switch to my camera for a second, but I’m on my cell phone.
Bradley: Oh, yeah. That’s safe driving and hosting a webinar.
Rob: Yeah. There you go. So I’ll talk to you guys after that later, right?
Bradley: That’s multitasking right there, buddy.
Adam: Sounds good. Yeah. Be safe. Yeah. Keep your eye on the road. Bradley, last but not least, how are you doing?
Bradley: I don’t know, but I wonder what kind of citation, the cops issue for that.
Adam: Not a good one.
Rob: That’s why they make headphones, man.
Adam: There you go.
Bradley: No, I’m good. I’m excited. I’m super excited. Guys, I’ve just got to make a quick tease for the MasterMIND again because I just posted in the MasterMIND today. I started testing another method for ranking in a 3-Pack and I actually created a … Or went to go register a GMB listing about nine days ago and I just went and picked up the postcard for verification last night. I woke up this morning and before I went to the gym, because I coach CrossFit classes in the morning, and so for a little bit this morning I went and I verified the listing by entering the pin and all that and then I went to the gym. When I came back I checked, it’s number one in the 3-Pack. It’s the number one in the 3-Pack for … I’ve only tested two of my primary five keywords, but those two keywords are number one in the 3-Pack.
I just talked about how I did that in the MasterMIND. We talked about it two weeks ago on Thursday what my plan was and it worked. I saw I posted in MasterMIND Facebook Group about it today and tomorrow’s the next MasterMIND webinar and I already got several people that are asking me to go over it in much greater detail as to how I did it. Now I don’t know if it’s repeatable yet. It looks very, very promising, but I’m going to try to replicate that same results with another listing within the next two weeks. If I can get it to happen two for two, then we’re on to something.
Again, if you guys are interested in that, now would be a really good time to join the MasterMIND. I know I say that every week but there’s a reason for it.
Anyways, with that said, Adam what other announcements do we have?
Marco: Well, just to add to what you’re saying, there are actually other uses for that tool that I’d be willing to share in the next MasterMIND and when you discuss this. There are actually other ways. You can use it for what you used it for, but it’s also a great client prospecting tool.
Bradley: It’s awesome.
Adam: That’s right. Well, we had the Launch Local GMB Pro and Bradley can talk about results. Marco, Rob, everyone can talk about results. I’m gonna drop the link on the page. If you haven’t yet checked it out, you can see the results other people are getting. This isn’t something we came up with and then said, “Look, we got good results.” People immediately started having results with this. So I’m not gonna really harp on that too much. You can go check it out for yourselves and read about it, see if that’s something you think you could plug into your business and start making a lot of money with.
But we do have some cool services that were requested. We started hearing back from people, “Hey, I want to arbitrage this. I want you guys to do it for me. What can you do so that I could provide the high value to my client but I don’t have to do the nitty-gritty work?”
Rob, Marco, do you wanna kind of explain what’s going on with that?
Marco: Yeah. Before Rob jumps in, what I want to add to what you said is, we have a Facebook group, but our Facebook groups, you don’t see people asking questions on, well how do I get results? We do get some of those, of course, because if there are new people who are not familiar with anything. But what we’re seeing a lot is we get, I’m getting these results. This is what I’m doing and I’m getting these many costs. We see that time after time after time.
It’s not a Facebook group on what am I supposed to do. It’s a Facebook group where people are sharing their results, people are sharing their different ideas, the different things that they’re doing, we’re conducting webinars. I mean, everything that we told you was going to happen is happening.
For some people, it’s just incredible, the results that they’ve been getting. That they’ve been getting 200 plus calls a month in the demo. How freaking good is that? One guy, “Please no more calls.” Why? The client complaining “I’m getting too many calls. I can’t handle it.” That’s the type of results we’re talking about. Don’t let me tell you about it. Go in the Facebook group and see for yourself.
Bradley: I had one of my roofing clients call me and literally asked if there’s any way I could throttle the calls down because he’s overwhelmed with work. I’m not kidding. He had me put one notification bar or banner plug-in on his WordPress site that says “We are no longer accepting new calls.” I’m not kidding. Because he’s got such a backup of roofing leads right now and it’s because of what we’ve been applying with the GMB Pro method and all that, it’s insane.
I’m also adding image to the page right now, guys, from one of our MasterMIND members. A lot of you will know him from also Syndication Academy. Bo, I hope you’re all right with me posting just your comment. It doesn’t reveal any written information, but it says pretty much the same thing that happened with the last two GMB Pro listings he made within 24 hours of verifying the listing, he was in the 3-Pack.
Anyways, we’ve kind of found a secret backdoor guys to just kicking ass and taking names and it’s pretty freakin’ amazing.
Adam: What would you guys say to somebody who maybe hasn’t gotten the experience of dealing with, you know, maybe a client who’s got a Local GMB listing? Do you think that someone who hasn’t done this could see results from getting involved in the Local GMB Pro course?
Bradley: Absolutely. It varies per industry. Probably level of competition makes a difference too, but we’ve seen results in as little as days, almost overnight. I’ve got a couple of tree service lead gen sites that we started to apply the GMB Pro method to and, I mean, literally within 48 hours, like sites that had not been optimized, hadn’t built any citations yet, they were just basically abandoned lead gen sites that I never got around to doing anything with, and we just started applying the GMB Pro method to and within 48 hours they started generating phone calls and leads, which is freaking insane.
Others take a little bit longer, like the cab service or the taxi company that I’m doing for the case study. It’s taking a little bit longer, but it’s really starting to gain traction within the last couple of weeks. The calls started to pick up, a lot more clicks through to the website. So the more activity the more volume of activity it generates if that makes sense. It really just varies, but yeah, pretty much any business or any local business.
Again, I haven’t applied any of this to national stuff, but for local business stuff, which is what we’re talking about, Local Google My Business stuff, I mean, it’s almost instant results once you start applying what we’re teaching.
Adam: Good deal. Well, I don’t-
Marco: Hang on a sec. Yeah, as far as national, I don’t want to mention any names, but one of the big guys, who has been with us often and whom we love, he has a national campaign that he wants to do. So what I’m going to do is we’re going to treat it as a case study. We’re going to get him into Local GMB Pro and we will have results, I guarantee you. In the next month or two, we will let you know how this can be applied nationally.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right, guys. We’ve got to wrap this up pretty quick and then hop into questions. But we definitely wanna let everyone know and, Rob, maybe you can hop in now and talk a little bit, just take a minute or two, about what’s going on with the Done-For-You services.
Rob: Okay. We’re putting a team together, we’re getting the site up. Again, if someone else can drop the link to the site that’s coming up on the page, that’d be awesome because I’m driving. We’re getting the team together so the services are coming along. The other thing I wanna mention is the auto poster is live and ready to start being used. We’re getting some crazy results with it. It has lots of features that you’re not going to find anywhere else. The poster creates an RSS feed.
For those of you that follow us enough, you know with an RSS feed, there’s a lot of extras you can add on the end of even the Local GMB Pro that we haven’t even added to bolster the results that everyone’s talking about now. You can start adding all those things, syndicating your GMB post across your network, and all the other fun stuff you can do with RSS feeds. I won’t go into that, it’s too offbeat. I could take forever.
The other thing that is super cool with this auto poster that we have is, for those that are already doing syndication and doing blog content for their clients, we have a plug-in that we’re going to give away for free. You use that along with our auto poster and you can connect your blog and create, just based on your blog, it’ll post to your GMB.
Marco, I dropped a link in chat to you. If you could post that, that is an example post from a blog that was posted that went through syndication and ended up on the GMB site. So that’s what it looks like using the WordPress plug-in and the auto poster that we have that’s now live and ready to go. There’s all kinds of other things that we can get into, but that’s I just wanna let everybody know that it is live and it’s ready to go. Go sign up and start killing it.
Adam: Great. Looks like I’m getting a call in the middle of, there we go, Hump Day Hangouts. Awesome.
Marco: I dropped the link in there. Guys, you can grab your actual websites RSS feed. You can feed your posts, and then from your post you can grab another RSS feed and go crazy. I mean, this is how insane this is. We’re talking about amplifying the message, right? Syndicating is all about that, it’s amplifying it. But it’s going to have proper attribution, which is the most important thing right now so that you don’t get. People are getting hit with or their tummy is getting hit with penalties. But I guarantee you, you don’t have proper attribution. We have proper attribution. Everything is taken care of, guys. This is so you can just blow up and get insane leads for your clients.
I’m gonna also, besides that link, so that you guys can look at it and just see how good the posts look … Remember, that’s an RSS feed going into Google My Business. All right? That’s how great it looks. Let me also share our marketplace because we have an MGYB if you’ve been with us long enough you know what that stands for, marketplace. It’s free to join. Guys, right now, what we’re offering is video carpet bomb. It’s a service where you can go and just literally find out where you can rank a video in a short period of time. We have a great VA, he’s trained.
Go join the auto poster, it will be available through MGYB.co, and we will be adding other services and products as we go along. It’s in the beginning but we wanted to get this out right away because these are the two easiest methods to go and find out where to rank, as far as videos, and how to get leads and push content because you do need content for Google My Business system. So the easiest way to do it is to schedule it and auto post. How cool is that? I mean, it’s like I said, you train the VA, you don’t have to do shit except to sell it to a client and collect the money, guys. That’s it. It’s that simple. You guys, “No, it can’t be this easy.” Well, yes, it really is. We’ve really made it simple for you guys to go and make money.
Adam: All right, guys. Yeah. Let’s get into questions and then before we wrap it up I’m gonna drop a link in. I wanted to remind everybody we got the live event coming up in October. We still got seats open. We’re gonna cap that at 25. It’s gonna be the weekend of October and October 21st in Washington DC, including our beautiful faces along with some guest speakers, including Jeffrey Smith. So if you’re interested, again, that link will be on there and we’ll touch on that again towards the end. But let’s go ahead and dive into the questions.
Bradley: Yeah. Just quickly I wanna mention anybody that goes to checks out the MGYB marketplace, which is Make Google Your BITCH, just in case nobody knows what that meant. The video carpet bomb offer, that’s actually I got the idea from a colleague of ours, Randy James, and we kind of refined the process together and I trained the VA how to do this really well. The offer that’s in there right now, we should have two offers actually, I just pinged Marco in chat and Slack, but we’ll get the other offer in there.
But essentially the two ways that I’m using that is: one, if you’re doing lead gen, it’s fantastic because what we do is take a particular location and then we gather all of the locations like townships, boroughs, all that stuff within a 20-mile radius and then we create a list of … You can have up to three keywords appended or and in the locations appended to those three keywords.
Let’s say that you end up on a 20-mile radius with 60 locations and you got three keywords, so that’s 180 keywords that you would be targeting. All you need to provide is the three keywords and the central location and then the video file and a thumbnail, if you want a custom thumbnail, and then the call-to-action, which will be placed in the video description, which is typically going to be an NAP, if you’re doing local stuff, which is what we suggest.
No, I didn’t, Marco. But anyway, I don’t remember saying that anyways. We’ll cover that later. We’ll get that set up for next week.
Anyways, it’s really good because I mean, out of like 180 videos that we’ll upload, we can’t guarantee any certain number of them, but I typically get anywhere between 30 to 50 videos ranked on page one for that. Now it’s great for lead gen because you can start to generate leads right away. You can also find low-hanging fruit. So it’s like poking keywords as well, right? You can find keyword opportunities that you can go ranked some more long-term assets for, web pages, social media, web 2.0, anything like press releases, anything like those whatsoever.
But then there’s also an alternate method that I’m using that for that works really freaking well. It’s for prospecting purposes, guys, and for closing sales or closing clients. One of the best things that you can do is, once a conversation has been initiated with a prospect, so a potential client, when you go to make your proposal or your pitch for whatever services that you are offering, we have a lesser version of it that, again, will get this added in within the next week, it’s for a 10-mile radius in one keyword.
Essentially, what we’ll do is, let’s say, with three keywords in a 20-mile radius, like I said, maybe return 60 locations or 60 place names, right? With the 10-mile radius, it might be 30 or 25 place names and you get one keyword. So it will create the same campaign, one keyword appended with the 25 or 30 locations, and it will upload it. Out of that you might get five to 10-ish videos ranked and it’s gonna be inexpensive, 20 or 25 bucks is what we’re gonna charge for that. So that when you’re pitching the client, when you’re giving them a proposal, you can also send them the results with their video that you branded for them, with their brand name, with their contact information, their NAP in the description. You can use that as a deal sweetener for your proposal.
That works really, really, really well. I’ve used that method over and over and over again for impressing potential clients so that when I go to … Because think about that, how many companies show results when they present the proposal? Very few, right? Because he wants to do any work. But I trained a VA to do it, right? My VA, for me, the cost is a few dollars. I can have a campaign, a video carpet-bomb campaign that I can submit with the proposal and say, “Look, just to show you that I know what I’m talking about and I can get you results quickly, I did this for you at no cost and I included it with the proposal and there’ll be a spreadsheet with the links and the keywords that it’s ranked for.”
So they can go verify it themselves, and it’s their brand name their call to action, their contact information, and NAP on the video, so it’s like branded for them. I’ve gotten a lot of prospects and clients that have come back and said, “Wow, that’s really great. Thank you for doing that. Nobody’s ever done that before.” So it works really, really well. Besides doing lead gen stuff or providing that as a reselling service for your clients, which you could absolutely do, it’s also a great way to land clients and impress them. So definitely check that out. We’ll get the prospecting plan for that put into the marketplace within the next week or so.
Okay. All right. Let’s get into some questions. That went a little bit longer, but we had a lot of news to share. All right. Let’s get this backup. Oh, yeah, I love that gif, by the way. All right.
Is The Syndication Course Still Relevant Since It Has Been Released In 2015?
The first question, Richard, that was already answered by Chris. Chris reposted one from Support, it looks like. “Is syndication still relevant?” This is from Renee Ward. “I have your course from 2015. There have been so many SEO changes since then, seven to eight this year, and I was wondering if it’s still worth the trouble to syndicate. Also, are there any negative repercussions since Google is so picky nowadays.”
No. Renee, it’s absolutely still valid. Again, it’s still the very foundation of everything that we do. Other than some of the newer stuff that we’re doing with GMB, we’re able to get results without using syndication networks. We still recommend that you use them for many, many reasons. Number one, syndication networks help to validate the entity. Right? That’s incredibly important, especially now, more so than it was in 2015 when we first launched the course. Right? That really wasn’t even much of a concern back then. Now, it is. So, validating the entities, number one.
Number two, you’re amplifying your content. Go do a Google search for content amplification and you’ll see there’s a ton of different services out there and the definitions are all pretty much the same. That’s basically getting your content that you publish on your blog or your website everywhere that you can. That’s what content amplification is. So all we’re doing is automating it using IFTTT and our Syndication Academy methods. Right?
Think about it, all of the major news and media sites and the major blogs, the author’s will syndicate their own content that they’ve published on those sites to their own social media profiles, their own professional profiles and such. So why is that any different than what we’re doing? It’s not. Guys, it’s not. This whole myth that, you know, it constantly comes up, and I’m not picking on you, Renee, by the way, but we get the question that comes up often.
By the way, just a quick aside, Renee, that a lot of these questions, especially this one, is also answered in our knowledge-base, which you can find at [email protected]. We have frequently asked questions there categorized by product. If you go to the Syndication Academy Frequently Asked Questions at [email protected], you’ll see a lot of these questions are already answered.
But for the benefit of everybody here today, I’ll go through it again. That is, we get a lot of people say, “Well, what about duplicate content?” Guys, duplicate content only exists when it’s on the same domain. If you have 10 pages on your domain or posts and they’re all the same freaking content, that’s duplicate content. It’s not duplicate content when it’s republished on other domains.
If that were the case, press releases wouldn’t work. I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, and so can the vast majority of our members that are using press releases, we launched an entire product specifically on how to use press releases to rank especially local stuff, and those are all duplicate content. Right? It gets published at one place first, whatever the originating press cable services that you’re using. Then from there, it goes out to the press wires and just gets picked up by any other syndication partners that are part of that press cable service. Right?
It’s the same freaking press release, not a single word has been changed on it across all the places it’s published to, which are typically 200-plus other sites, some cases 400, 500 sites. Right? It gives an absolute quick boost for ranking, especially for local stuff. If duplicate content was an issue, then press releases wouldn’t work. But they work and they work incredibly well.
My point is no. Guys, you’re sharing your own content to your own branded properties, which is natural, It’s normal. In fact, it’s kind of expected nowadays. Right? So, no, there is no negative repercussions. Where the negative repercussions come in is when you start to try to gain the system and add a whole bunch of persona-based networks and secondary syndication networks and you don’t take steps to mask or reduce your footprint.
There is no footprint when we’re syndicating to branded properties. In fact, we are claiming our footprint. We’re literally posting a flag up and saying, “Hey, come check us out. This is our content on all of our sites.” Right? We’re actually, literally, broadcasting our footprint to our own branded sites. But when you start to syndicate content, the same content to other networks that have nothing but your branded content on them and their persona-based networks, now that’s clearly to manipulate search rankings. And that can cause problems.
However, we teach in Syndication Academy also how to reduce that footprint and still have effective secondary syndication networks. I don’t typically recommend that, it depends on how many sites you’re managing. If you’re just managing one site, it’s a great strategy. If you’re managing a dozen sites, it’s not, because it’s a lot of work and it’s a lot to maintain.
Again, we cover all that stuff since 2015. There have been many, many changes, in fact, that’s why Syndication Academy 2.0, which is what we’re in currently now, which was launched, shit, I think a year and a half ago now. I think we’re on update webinar 22 or 23, so it’s almost two years now. We update it every month. Again, there has been changes but we stay on top of it.
In fact, our guest that’s on today, Rob, he’s actually going to be taking over the Syndication Academy Update webinars here soon. In the near future, he’s gonna be taking over handling and hosting the Syndication Academy Update webinars. Anyways-
Rob: I promise not to do those from my car too. How about that?
Bradley: Yeah, I hope so. Anyways, Renee, I would encourage you to come check out Syndication Academy 2.0. You could still take the training from 2015 and adapt it to today’s current standards. There’s no question you might have to do a lot of trial and error to figure it all out, or you can come join Syndication Academy 2.0 and it’s all laid out for you. Okay? Or better yet, another alternative would be for you to just buy Done-For-You networks so you don’t even have to bother with it. Just use the networks to your advantage.
Are There Any Issues Connecting Blogger To IFTTT In The Past Weeks?
Okay. Paul’s up. He says, “Hey, guys. I would like to know what is going on with Blogger? For weeks now when you go into IFTTT to connect to Blogger, Blogger won’t connect. If and when Blogger does connect, the recipes won’t work.” Well, Paul, first of all, I rarely ever go into IFTTT and connect stuff anymore because, again, we have a ton of virtual assistants that do all that stuff for me. So I can’t confirm, I’m not saying that what you’re saying isn’t true, Paul, but I haven’t experienced that problem myself. I haven’t heard anything like that coming from the build team either.
Not that I’m plugged into the build team all the time, but typically it goes through the support channels and ends up in my lap when it comes to Syndication Academy stuff or syndication network stuff and I have not heard that. I don’t know if it’s a specific issue with you, Paul, or your Blogger account or whatever. I don’t know. First of all, I would question, I would ask you, have you tested other Blogger accounts instead of the one that you’re talking about here. Yeah, because it might be an isolated issue.
If it’s not an isolated issue, in other words, if this issue is across more than one Blogger profile, then I would reach out to IFTTT support and ask them what the problem is. Because again, I don’t work for IFTTT, I just learned how to use the shit out of it for my own benefit and then taught you guys how to do it. But again, I would contact IFTTT support and ask them specifically because they would be much better and give you much quicker reply than I would. Okay?
However, that said, I have put that already on my list because I saw your post earlier today, Paul. I put that on my list for the next Syndication Academy Update webinar to test and see if there’s an issue; and if so, try to find a workaround. Right? That’s typically what we do, guys. Remember, I do not build networks anymore really. I very rarely ever do that because, again, I’ve trained so many damn VAs to do it, I don’t have to. So I don’t get to experience these issues until it’s brought to my attention.
But then when you guys bring it to my attention, or if one of our network builders brings something to my attention, then I put it on the list for Syndication Academy Update webinar, and then I go in and I test. Right? I go in and I try to find a workaround, see, first, confirm if it’s true, then try to find a workaround. If I do, I let you guys know; and if I don’t, I let you know. Either way, I let you know. That’s part of the Syndication Academy Updates.
Rob, just so you know, it’s probably gonna get dumped in your lap. There you go.
Rob: I figured.
Bradley: Put it on your list, Rob. Play with Blogger. But just for that, let’s just check one thing. I don’t know if it’s existing. Let’s see if existing sites are having the same problem or existing networks, probably not. This one seems to still be working. I’m still looking at some of my … That one was just posted on July 6, so that was five days ago.
Yeah. I don’t know, it looks like, because I’ve got a ton of syndication networks. The one that I just picked up looks like it’s syndicated just five days ago, which was I think the last time I have a VA that does the videos for my clients. That was one of the videos that was done, one of the rep videos, it’s David Sprague’s product. It looks like that one was fine.
Again, Paul, I’d say it’s probably an isolated issue. But if it’s not, just contact IFTTT support. We’ll look into it though, it’s on the list. Okay.
“Also, when you go into settings under Post and Share, you can’t turn on the auto share to G Plus page. Are you guys having the same issues?”
Don’t worry about it, Paul. Google Plus is dying. They’ve already dug the grave and it’s halfway in the grave. It’s about three feet underground at this point. I’m not kidding you. Google Plus is dying. That’s why any of you guys are probably within the last couple weeks, many of you have probably received notifications from Google Plus saying that they were going to delete your page because it hasn’t been posted to in a while, if you have any pages that haven’t been posted to in a while. That’s just more evidence that Google is absolutely removing Google Plus from the Google ecosystem.
Which I never thought would happen, I honestly didn’t. I mean, I remember years … People have been saying, “Google Plus is dead for five, six years,” and five or six years ago, I used to think, no, there’s no way. Because remember, they integrated Google Plus. Google did. They forced everybody that used Google products to be on Google Plus and it was so much a part of the semantic web, what Google’s version of the semantic web was. The reason why is because it was an identity validator. Not an entity validator, but an identity validator. Does that make sense?
Because in order for you to be on Google Plus, you had to have a Google account, a verified Google account, like a profile. You couldn’t get on Google Plus as just a page or a business. You had to have a profile that was intimately attached to a specific person, right? Google Plus was an identity validator, which was used at the early onset of the semantic web engine for Google. Google’s version of the semantic web, right? But I guess they figured out other ways through all the stuff that Marco looks into like AI and machine learning and all that shit to validate entities without Google Plus. That’s why they’re slowly removing it from all of the Google products. I think in the near future it actually finally will be a dead product.
Anybody wanna comment on that? I’ll take silence as a no. All right. I’m gonna move on then. Is everybody still here? Because it’s rare to get radio silence like that. We should have crickets-
Adam: Yeah. First, we need to have like a real production studio. It would be fun to have some good sound effects.
What Are Your Thoughts On Josh Bachynski’s Statement On Emailing Google To Shut Down Google Sites?
Bradley: Yes, some crickets. That would have been funny. Okay. Armand is up. What’s up, Armand? He says, “I thought this was pretty interesting. I was listening to Josh Bachynski YouTube channel, good SEO channel, by the way, and they were talking about Google Sites giving a boost, which, of course, you guys know all about. Yes, sir, we do. What I thought was an interesting statement, is, he claims he could have it shut down tomorrow by emailing John Mueller of Google and telling him about it. You can see it here.” He dropped a link. “What do you guys think about this? I’m really mostly looking forward to the F-bombs we’ll hear from Marco.”
Honestly, I don’t know why Josh would say something like that. He could have it shut down by emailing John Mueller, maybe he could, maybe couldn’t. Why would he be flexing his muscles like that? I mean, whatever, why would you want to kill something that works for SEOs when you’re an SEO yourself? I don’t understand that. That would be like, why would you shit where you eat? You know what I’m saying?
Essentially, that’s what he’d be doing at that point. I’m not saying anything bad about Josh. Honestly, I don’t really follow his channel or any of that stuff because, as far as I know from years ago, it was a lot of white hat stuff and discussions between white hat versus black hat and all that. I don’t buy an any that shit. SEO is SEO. As far as I know, there are no hats. Right?
Adam: Yeah. The other thing I think is really interesting about this, and I can’t weigh in on the technical aspect of it, but I think that, yeah, Google’s messed around their own properties before, but they like this. This is getting their stuff more of their own stuff to show.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:33:42]
Adam: Yeah. Maybe they turn back or something happens in the future, but it’s not like they’re gonna suddenly realize, “Oh goodness, Google My Business pages are taking up more real estate. We better do something about it.” That’s not gonna happen.
Bradley: Yeah. Marco, I know you’re anxious to say something.
Marco: All right. Let me start with this. Do you guys think Google is stupid enough not to know that their G sites are powerful? Do you think that they don’t already have enough fucking stupid telling them that it works this way and that it’s pushing a lot of juice and that it’s pushing their properties. Do you think it’s not already happening? I don’t want to mention names, but snitches get stitches. If he wants to go that way, he’s a fuckin’ retard because he’s done a whole bunch of dirty shit. I mean, Josh goes back to days when, I mean, the crap that was being done, he was at the forefront of that shit. So I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. All of a sudden he turned, he’s an angel and he doesn’t do shit. Well, fuck you and fuck John Mueller.
Rob: Hey, Remember, this is Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I don’t give a fuck, man. These fucking people, they pissed me off. Fuck him, fuck John Muller, fuck them all. We’re gonna keep doing it. We’ll do it as long as we can and if they take that away, we’ll just find another way like we always do, man. So fuck that, fuck you, and that’s what I have to say about it.
Bradley: Wow. Armand. Can we send Armand a T-shirt for firing up Marco?
Adam: Yeah. Armand, hit us up in Support. Also, I was gonna say hashtag POFU.
Bradley: Wow. Okay. Armand, since you fired up Marco for the day, you won yourself a T-shirt or a hat or something. So contact [email protected] and we’ll send you something.
Adam: John just wrote on the page. He said, “How do you really feel, Marco?”
Bradley: Yeah, right. I was gonna say, guys, we’re not setting a precedent here. Please don’t intentionally try to piss Marco off just so you can get free stuff. Hump Day Hangouts will begin a downward spiral really quickly that way.
Do You Have Any Recommendations For Planning And Tracking Web 2.0/Syndication Networks?
Jim Wells is up next. He says, “Howdy, SM Gang. Thanks for the recommendation on Google PVA’s last week.” You’re welcome. So that’s Metro biz. Yeah, he’s great. Jim, I guess you contacted him right after Hump Day Hangouts or shortly thereafter because he came pinged me on Skype and said thank you for the recommendation again. Absolutely, he’s a good guy.
Anyways, number one, he says, “Do you have any recommendations for planning and tracking web 2.0, syndication networks? For planning and tracking. I use mind mapping software for general plans. We’ll, we have a service monitor, Serpspace.com, Jim. A few aren’t aware of that. I don’t know if it has a visual editor like a visual tracker. Adam, can you comment on that?
Adam: No. If it continues to grow we might build something out, but yeah, you just copy-paste your info in and it does this thing and monitors and then backgrounds, you don’t have to.
Bradley: Yeah. So as far as for planning them, no, but it does monitor them. What’s great about it is if you order Done-For-You networks from Serp Space they can automatically be imported into the network monitor, which will notify you if properties go down, or if they’re not posting, or if RSS feeds stops posting, like it stops detecting new items in RSS feeds. It does various things. It lets you know. So it’s a great way when you have multiple networks or dozens or hundreds of networks. It’s a great way to monitor all that stuff because otherwise a lot of times you just don’t know when stuff starts to break down. Right? Unless you’re manually checking yourself.
But as far as planning them, yeah, mind mapping know software is typically what I would. I use Lucidcharts. I like that a lot. That’s pretty much, in my opinion, the best mind mapping. I’ve used about a dozen of them and that was the one that I found to be, in my opinion, the easiest to use. It’s Lucidcharts.
Anyways, “But I was looking for a better solution to tracking which sites, networks, rings were linked and what content is feeding to them. I’ve been working on a Google Sheets solution, but it’s incredibly cumbersome.” Yeah. That was my issue because that’s what I was … I mean, I still manage probably 90% of my business through Google Drive, period, and I still use spreadsheets for everything too, but that’s part of the reason that we built the network monitor in Serp Space, was specifically so that you could see tier 1 networks on tier 2 networks and how content is feeding from one to the other and that kind of stuff. You are able to do that inside of Serp Space. The actual visual planning, we don’t have that yet. That might be something that we could do at some later time though.
What’s Your Opinion On The Number Of Google Sites To Use For Each Account?
Okay. All right. Number two is, “What’s your opinion on the number of Google sites to use for each account? Is there a limit to how many you place on each one? I think Peter Drew mentioned using eight before moving on.” Yeah. I typically don’t have more than a couple to up to eight. If I’m using Peter Drew’s Google sites generator software, then that specifically, yes, I’ll use eight Google sites or I’ll use the Google site with eight pages, which is what he recommends. It’s his software, he’s tested the shit out of it, and so is all his beta testers and all of his members now. So if that’s what Peter Drew suggests for using that, then I think that’s a good suggestion. I trust his judgment because he does a lot of testing.
But as far as the methods like for RYS methods, I’ll leave that one to Marco. But typically, for my RYS Drive stacks that contain a Google site, which all of them do. I think it should be standard operating procedure, when you buy a drive stack you buy the add-on the Google site, G site. Right? Because, to me, it’s really an incomplete … I mean, the way I look at it is that … I use the Google site as like the linchpin for the drive stack. That’s the main point that I drive all the relevancy from the drive files to the Google site and then I use the Google site to push relevancy to wherever I want. Right?
Again, I think those should be the same. As far as that, typically, I’ll only have the Google site in that drive stack account. But typically, like I said, I usually don’t have more than eight. I usually only have between two to four really in any one account. Marco, what are your thoughts?
Marco: I don’t know anything about Peter Drew to comment. I can only comment on what I do.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: It’s one main stack with the script, plus G site. I mean, you’re killing half the power or more if you don’t push the all of that power to the G site and then that power to wherever it needs to go. It defeats the purpose of everything that we do if there’s no companion G site. Now the way that we do it is, if you need additional folders and files, well, those stacks in and of themselves that’s what a stack really is. It’s a folder packed with files the Semantic Mastery way. The way that we do it. The way that we interlink everything. Right?
The way that it’s done is really time-consuming and that’s why you’ll see that most other people will not go the lengths that we go to interlink everything and to give everything the power that it needs. The only thing is that the script takes up a lot of resources. If you install the script in more than one folder, Google is going to kill your G site immediately. I mean, no question. We see a time after time after time after time. One G site but multiple stacks as long as you’re only running one script in one of the stacks and that should be your main stack. That’s my opinion on that.
Bradley: Yup. He says, “Also, for Stacks, do you place anything else on those accounts? Seems like it might be a risk.” I’ve used some of my drive stack accounts the Google accounts for like creating Blogger accounts. It’s like another syndication point and things like that. I mean, typically, I don’t see, there is a bit of a risk. But I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever had, I don’t think I’ve ever had a drive stack terminated like the index was terminated from Google. I don’t think I’ve ever lost a Google account that was specific for just drive stack. What Marco says is true about the script and I’ve had that occur, but not when I’m just doing what Marco said, which is …
In fact, a lot of the Google sites that I end up with the drive stacks, I sometimes use the scripts on them. It’s just everything is static once it’s built out. Again, I haven’t had any issues with that whatsoever. The only time I’ve ever had a drive stack account terminated is when, like Marco said, I’ve had … When the script overburdened the servers and then they terminated that, they killed it. But other than that I have … I mean, I’ve got drive stacks, especially the early ones that I did that are … Because I built a few myself originally that were a bit like spammy and they’re still alive today. So I really haven’t had any issues. What do you say, Marco?
Marco: Again, yeah. The only time that we’ve had issues that we’ve had stuff killed off is when we overburden Google. Google doesn’t like leeches using their resources for free. If you pay them now, you can get away with all a whole lot of stuff. If you go through their API, you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. If you go through G suite you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. But if you’re starting off free, don’t overburden Google. You could do other stuff in there that there’s no reason why.
As a matter of fact, it helps to validate, again, you mentioned identity, but not only the identity, the entity. The entity is alive and well and it’s a living organism within this, the Gmail ecosystem, let’s call it. Right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: So yeah, that’s what I would say.
Bradley: Okay, great. Great question, Jim. As always, man. He’s always posting a really question.
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also.
Bradley: I’m sorry?
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also. I think people lose sight of just the fact that Google, they develop drives in the Google site and all that stuff to be used by just standard everyday people. We’re just using it in a different manner, but we forget that driving a huge of ton at all universities, and high schools, and all over the country, at least in the state. I mean, my kid has Google drive stack for the classes they do. They look more spammy sometimes in some of my drive stack. I mean, they’re sharing and copying documents and moving along all over the place and you’ve got an entire high school and college classes running through Google and Google drive and sharing and replicating documents, and copying and pasting, and multiple duplicates of the same document.
Just stuff that you’re doing, I mean, just think of it like what were the regular college kid do or a high school kid. If you’re just making a bunch of documents and folders and sharing them and stuff like that, I mean, you’re basically hide in plain sight.
Bradley: Yeah.
Rob: Like you said, burden in their script and you’re using their computing power to automate a bunch of building and stuff, that’s when they take notice.
What’s The Best Way To Use Crowdsearch.me For Local Right Now?
Bradley: Awesome. Thanks, Rob. Kay Dee says, “Hey guys, what’s the best way to use crowdsearch.me for local right now? I bought it through a link Hernan sent to your future SEO click-throughs page but then saw your post here a couple weeks ago where you will not be implementing apps like that for GMB or money sites as they’ve been flagged.”
Yeah, that’s true. Now don’t get me wrong, guys. It still can be used. I just think it’s been deprecated quite a bit. I know it has because I used to use the shit out of it. I promoted crowdsearch.me for a solid two years because I used about 50,000 credits per month, I’m not kidding, because it worked really, really well. But as everything that we do in SEO, it became saturated and other products and services, PandaBot and a bunch of other ones popped up that started providing the … Serpify is one. Another one, I think … I don’t know, there’s a ton of them.
I actually did a case study test on those two, by the way. We tested four of them. Another one is John [inaudible 00:46:13] Rainmaker. I don’t know, there’s a bunch of services like that and I’ve done case study tests on many of them and found that … I didn’t even start the case studies until after I’ve realized that they weren’t working as well. Right? I started to see less and less results from using them. Okay?
But I’m not saying that there’s not still a place for it. I just don’t bother with it because it has become so ineffective that it’s not worth the trouble or the expense. I can get much better results by setting up other campaigns or using like YouTube, for example. I’ve talked many, many times about how to drive cheap traffic from YouTube, which is verified real people. Right? You can accomplish a lot of the same thing using traffic from YouTube. You can also hire Microtasks workers and although that’s not as effective as it used to be either for reasons of their search history and stuff like that, like essentially …
Remember guys, Google keeps a profile of everybody. Right? They built a profile of Google users. So anytime you’re using Google and you’re logged into an account, they’re tracking what you do, they’re compiling history of your browsing history, and the types of content that you look at, the types of searches that you do, the types of websites that you click on and interact with and engage with.
Google creates a profile for each user. So even now when you hire Microtasks workers and you tell them to go to Google.com in the US and search for a particular keyword and then go find your listing on page one or page two, or whatever, all the way up to page 10 if you want, whatever page it is, then click on it. Then find the third word in the fourth paragraph and copy it and paste it into the answer box for the Microtasks dashboard. Right? So that way you know that they did.
Why do you do all these things with Microtasks workers? Think about. You tell them to do a search and a click. That’s what we call CT spam or click-through spam, right? That’s a signal to Google that somebody searched for keyword then found your listing. Then you ask them to find a particular word or a phrase or a sentence or something like that on a page that’s buried somewhere in the middle of page. So they have to spend some time searching for it, that’s time on site, or you can tell them to click through to another page, which is engagement time on site and also another click-through. Right?
So there’s a lot of different things that you could do to tell Microtasks workers. But the problem occurs where and why it’s becoming less and less effective is exactly what I just mentioned, because, if a Microtask worker is doing multiple searches per day for random shit all the time, then Google is going to build up a profile for them of, it’s likely that there Microtasks worker is doing CT spam.
I mean, think about it. Google, they’re not an idiot and either are their AI. Their AI systems aren’t stupid either. My point is, it’s not as an effective click. It’s not weighted as much as it would be if it was coming from somebody that has a relevant search history or has an interest or topical relevancy or some something in their recent search history that would make that click so much more valid or more appropriate, which means it’s heavier weighted click, which means it produces better results and a much higher level engagement signal.
So that’s where I’m talking about crowdsearch.me. You’ve got to think about that guys. Those are bots. Those are bots where they spoof the user agents, they spoof the IPs and all that, but even the IP ranges that these bots use are within specific ranges that have been flagged. Right?
So what I’m saying, to answer your question, Kay Dee, would be not to use it direct to money site. What I recommend using it for is referral traffic. It still works well for that. It also works well if you want to send traffic to press releases to help them to stick longer in the search results, because we all know that press releases rank really well quickly. Well, typically, rank really well quickly, but they don’t last for long, unless they get a high level of traffic.
But for that you can buy Fiverr gigs and I’d recommend Fiverr gigs. There’s several of them that I’ve recommended on many occasions publicly. Right? You can buy a $10 or a $15 Fiverr gig and boost the press release for a month, which I don’t know what you’re paying for crowd search, but me, I was buying 50,000 credits a month so it was rather expensive. Right?
Again, referral traffic and, by the way, if you want to learn how to do referral traffic, let me just see if I can pull this up for him real quick, or Kay, excuse me. Let’s go to-
Marco: While you’re pulling that up, I’d like to mention that the MGYB.co marketplace, we have real YouTube views.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: You could add a call to action where you send people to your website. You can’t get anything better than a real person watching a YouTube video clicking through to your website. I mean, that’s absolutely the best thing that can happen for your website because the referral is YouTube. That’s what it is.
Bradley: Yep. I just wanna see, here’s another one. I’m gonna drop each one of these links. Because I’ve done extensive training on that as well, so stand by for just one minute. This is the … Okay, yeah. This is the one that I wanted to share. Okay. I did this. Look when was this published. September 26 2015, guys, is when this was published and it’s still valid. It’s still relevant, this video. This is how to set up … and I did it with Jason Johnson of the Syndwire Black Facebook group.
Anyways, again, this is almost three years ago and this is still valid for a good way to use crowd search for referral traffic. Then there’s also probably a Hump Day Hangouts clip here too that I could post. Look at, it’s awesome. That’s from Fist Fight. Wayne Clayton, that’s awesome. That was a funny ass movie, by the way. I thought that movie was hilarious.
Rob: Referral traffic.
Marco: It should say “Snitches get stitches, bitches.”
Bradley: That’s Ice Cube. It’s a funny ass movie. Anyways, we got to keep moving. Yeah. I’m sorry about going so long on crowd search thing, guys. But that’s a great question though, Kay Dee. Yeah, I don’t recommend using it so much anymore unless you’re using it for very specific purposes because there are alternate better ways to get traffic and real traffic too.
Is Page Rank Important As Domain Authority Is?
Okay. Peter from Poland, “Can you define PageRank and its importance? Is it as important as domain authority?” Honestly, I’m not gonna take the time to define PageRank because it’s a metric that we don’t have access to and we haven’t for years. So it’s really no sense of me even trying to … I mean, honestly, Peter, your question is still a valid question. But, is it as important as domain authority? No, because I don’t care about any of those metrics anymore. I stopped caring about proprietary third-party metrics several years ago, at least two years ago.
I honestly don’t care about trust flow, topical trust flow, domain authority, page authority, domain rank. I don’t give a shit about any of those. Honestly, I don’t care because we were able to get results whether the metrics say they should have results or not. We focus on relevancy, traffic and authority. Right? ART, which is what Marco always talks about.
Marco, what does ART stand for again?
Marco: Activity, relevance, trust and authority. Activity on the link, the relevance on the link, both destination, and the origin, and then the trust and authority both of the summation and the origin of the link. There you go, boom. But we don’t-
Bradley: But to be clear, we’re not talking about domain authority. When we say “authority,” we’re not saying domain authority.
Marco: No.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: It’s whether it’s authoritative to Google.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: That’s all we care about. That refers back to pay track and again, yeah, I’m not gonna get into that. I will say it’s alive and well. It’s part of the rankings core algorithm. First, it gives you a PageRank, then you get an overall ranking score. That’s what that’s about. It’s alive and well. We don’t give a shit because we trigger those the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: That’s right. Guys, again, when you rely on third-party metrics, they’re not always accurate, guys. They’re a really good educated guess, but they’re not accurate because none of those, Majestic AH reps, Moz, none of them worked for Google. Right? I just I stopped relying on metrics. Years ago, we used to be able to manipulate domain authority and just ranked by manipulating domain authority. Well, Google killed that. It’s no longer … Unless you’re like above 80 or 85 domain authority, it’s really difficult to manipulate domain authority for ranking purposes anymore. Again, we just stop worrying about it.
Good question, Peter, but I would say focus on an RT instead of working on third-party metrics. Okay. Matias. We’re gonna be running out of time and I was worried that we weren’t gonna have enough questions today. You guys jumped in and posted a whole bunch. So anyway, all right. Matias … I don’t know if I’m saying that correct or not. Forgive me if I butchered it. He says, “Hi guys, thanks for all the content you put out on the channel for free. It’s a great reference.” You’re welcome. We enjoy this.
Does Having Different City Name In Facebook And GMB Listing Cause NAP Inconsistencies?
By the way, what is this, episode 192. So we’re getting close to 200, which we’re gonna do a celebration episode then. Then at 208, it would be our anniversary. We’re gonna have a really big celebration for that says. He says, “I got two short questions. I have a verified GMB listing and when setting up the Facebook profile, the city name displays differently. Facebook only allows picking from a display menu. Will this cause any NAP consistency with my GMB profile, which I prefer not to touch?”
No. I wouldn’t worry about it, Matias. I would not worry about that. I mean, thing is if you’ve got a Facebook profile and you’re setting it up as a place of Facebook place or whatever and it’s gonna force you to select a city name instead of whatever you have listed, then just use it I wouldn’t worry about it you know too much. Again, sometimes that kind of stuff is gonna happen and you have no choice. So I really wouldn’t worry about it.
All right, let’s see. “Or should I hide the address in Facebook?” I would. If it’s a storefront and you want people, because remember, there is a lot of people that use Facebook for finding local businesses and stuff like that. So if you’ve got a point of sale, a storefront where people come to the business location, then absolutely I would want to have that listed because otherwise, you may lose customers.
You may lose customers for an SEO benefit. Does that make sense? and I don’t think that’s right. You should be focusing on generating customers, not just SEO, if that makes sense. I know they go hand they kind of work hand in hand, but various traffic on Facebook, there’s no question. So I would rather have that displayed if. It’s a service area business then yeah you can absolutely hide it right.
“By the way, I am displaying the address in GMB and wanna keep it that way.” Well, just remember, in Google My business, it’s a service area business where you serve the customers at the customer location and the customers do not come to the business location. Then as per Google’s Terms of Service, Google My Business Terms of Service, you should check to hide the address. Okay. You should only be showing the address if customers come to your business location, period. All right? So just keep that in mind.
How Do You Index A TLD Website (Business.Site) Without Setting It As Main Website In A GMB Listing?
All right. Number two, “For the same listing I have a TLD, top-level domain website, but I’ve also created the internal GMB website. Is there any way to index the business in that site without setting it as the main website in my listing?” Marco?
Marco: Yeah. I’m gonna to tell him to come to Facebook group and I will answer this question directly. I won’t answer it here because there’s something really special about that Google business site that I won’t get to in here. It’s information only for those people who paid for the course. Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, but that makes sense. That’s one of the insider secrets of that course.
Anthony, “MasterMIND versus RYS. I believe I need to learn more about where to sell this stuff. I have a pretty good product but no community to learn more about how and where to implement. Makes sense?” All right. I’m going to give you my opinion, which would be the MasterMIND. Only because RYS is specifically about RYS in its methods where MasterMIND is all encompassing digital marketing training and education as well is business building, mindset, all kinds of stuff, motivation. There’s small group MasterMINDs, MasterMIND, it encompasses so much more than just a specific method.
I’m not saying anything bad about RYS. RYS is freaking awesome, guys. It kicks ass. But it’s about a particular method. MasterMIND is more about building your business, period. I mean, that’s not just marketing, it’s everything included. So that’s my take on, anybody want to say otherwise?
Marco: No. I’m the co-creator of RYS Academy Reloaded and I totally agree with you, MasterMIND first. You’ll get a discount for RYS Academy, but I would also tell you to pick up Local GMB Pro-
Bradley: If he’s doing local.
Marco: Yeah. Even if it isn’t because that’s gonna help him with his entity and brand and brand plus keyword recognition. As I said, I’m starting a national campaign that I’m gonna be working on and I’m gonna show how this shit works nationally even though you might have a local address.
Bradley: Okay. I’m gonna stay for about five more minutes guys, if anybody needs to bounce please feel free, but I wanna try to get a couple more of these. John, it looks like you and Anthony got the same memo today, apparently. Unless John posting the same question twice or Anthony posting the same question twice with two different profiles, one way or the other.
RYS vs Mastermind
Anyways, “MasterMIND versus RYS, I believe right now I need more of a community than another tool.” Well, neither one is a tool. Both MasterMIND and RYS are communities. RYS is also a particular method, but it’s not a tool. Right? “I need to see how others are working and where they’re going. I love the special offer case study. That’s the kind of insight community I feel to get a breakthrough. Makes sense?”
Yeah, it absolutely does, John. That’s what the MasterMIND is all about. Again, don’t get me wrong, RYS also has a community because we have a Facebook group for that. Marco and Rob are very active in there, I’m not, because that’s their baby. Right? But MasterMIND, again, either one is good. They’re great really, but MasterMIND again is all-encompassing. It covers so much more than just digital marketing or just SEO. Right? It covers a broad spectrum of topics and business-related topics.
Rob: I would say from hearing the question, I would mimic what both you guys said, MasterMIND first. Go out make some money, and then you get a discount on RYS, back it up and it just helps to take your business to the next level. But overall, MasterMIND.
Bradley: Thank you, Rob. Guys, don’t forget, when you join the MasterMIND all of our other products you get either if they’re under 300 bucks you get them for free, if they’re over 300 bucks you get a 30% discount. You get first access to all of our new products or new done-for-you services. You get first crack at then, we bring beta testers in for all kinds of new stuff all the time. Guys, MasterMIND is my baby. All of our baby is Semantic Mastery, but what I’m saying is like that’s that’s where my heart lies, is with MasterMIND, there’s no doubt.
Rob: Yeah, for sure. If you come and immerse yourself you will change your business.
Bradley: That’s it.
Rob: Period.
Bradley: Wayne was picking on you, Rob.
Rob: That’s good. I got thick skin, Indiana boy.
Why Bother With The Short URL In GMB Posting?
Bradley: John says, “Why bother with the short URL? Seems like a lot of work for something no one will see unless getting stats from someplace like Bitly, which has its own problems?” Not sure what you mean for that John, unless you’re talking about the short URLs from the GMB post from this. That’s what Google gives us as a short URL now for the post, the share URL. That’s what they look like. That’s what you’re talking about.
If you’re talking about like Bitly links in a GMB post, I know some services auto add bit link shorteners for any links. For example Sendible which turned out to be shit, by the way. I know I talked about it because I had good … We’ve got our own GMB poster now so I don’t recommend using Sendible anymore anyways. But before our poster was ready, I was using Sendible for GMB post automation and scheduling and I trained a VA to do it for our client work and stuff. Essentially after 100 GMB posts, you can’t use Sendible any more clients and they say it’s an API issue with Google. Google won’t allow them to add any more than 100 images to any one particular GMB profile through the API, through the Sendible’s API connected to …
I don’t know why because our auto poster, we can do as many as we want. Well, Marco was tried to break it and he’s not being able to replicate the error that Sendible has. I contacted Sendible support and they literally said it’s a Google API issue and our hands are tied, we can’t do anything. I said, “Okay. Well, you’ve just lost my $200 a month. I was paying them $200 a month. I said, “Well, you just lost my $200 a month because this is an absolutely useless service.” So anyways, that’s how I feel about Sendible now. It’s garbage.
Marco: If I may, ours starts at 37 a month.
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: So there you go.
Bradley: Yeah. I know and, again, they should put that shit on their sales page. API limitation notice, you can only do 100 posts before it breaks. I mean, think about it why would somebody sign up, take the time to learn how to use a particular platform, integrate processes into their business, which is what I did. I created process docs and all that shit for my VAs, spend all this time developing this out and then within two weeks or three weeks we hit the API limits. It’s like, are you kidding me? That’s just a complete waste of time. Anyways-
Bradley: Well, there’s add hours too. I drop this into, if you want to go sign up and try it out, you can get like five free posts just to try it. After that, you got to move on but you get in there, see what’s up, what’s available, and try it. Just sign up, get your email and you get five free posts to try it out. I highly suggest you try it out because the power is there in the RS feed in and out. RSS feed out even has, I mean, it’s we’ve it’s been a tricked out Semantic Mastery style. We’ve created our links back to 301, not the standard 302s that you typically get from the API.
Marco: Yeah. We push power around. I’d like to just give a shout out to our programmer who has just been kicking ass. He’s the one, Rob tells them, “We need this,” and the guy just gets it done. Once you get hooked into a really good programmer you know all limits are off.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: The sky’s the limit with what what we’re going to do with this. Right now, it’s at that price. So jump in, get in where you fit in as I usually say.
Bradley: Yep. I love the comments here guys. We’re done with questions so we’re gonna wrap up. But I just wanna give a shout out to each and every one of you. First of all, I loved the comments about Marco’s rant. That’s great. Armand, like I said, hit us up on support. We’ll send you a T-shirt or a hat or something. There it was, Armand right there.
Dominic’s awesome. We just talked about MasterMIND and we have small group MasterMINDs where Adam set up a survey form and MasterMIND members go in and fill out the survey form. Then Adam pairs people up or matches a small group of people that have like or similar interests up for small group meetings where they’ll, like accountability groups, which is how we got started at Symantec Mastery. This is how my partners and I got started was because of an accountability group that I founded and they all joined. That’s exactly how we got started and here we are five or six years later. Right?
Dominic was in my small group. The first small groups that Dominic was in mine. Great guy, sold a brick-and-mortar business to go into lead generation and SEO for his brother’s remodeling business, which is fabulous like, you know, sold his own brick-and-mortar business to be able to get into full-time digital marketing, which is amazing, I think. So Dominic shout out to you. That’s awesome. Jim Wells, again thanks for your questions and please come join a MasterMIND as well, and John looks like you’re about to join the MasterMIND. That’s fantastic.
I see you bought some of the other products. You could have gotten a significant discount. Sorry about that, buddy. But come join us now because it won’t be the last product we relaunch either. Okay?
Marco: John, just hit me up in the Facebook group for our Local GMB and we’ll work out on how to make it all work for you so that you can start making money and start buying more of our shit. Our shit works, man. There’s no question. It works.
Bradley: All right. Thanks everybody for being here. I wanna bounce, it’s just the true diehard still here. It’s Marco, Rob and me. All right, guys. We’re gonna wrap up.
Rob: We got a problem.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Might I add before we go, that I actually bit my tongue with what I really had to say. Anyway, I bit my tongue, guys.
Rob: That’s Hump Day Hangouts on a three second delay.
Bradley: Yeah, that was a rant earlier from Marco. That was a restrained Marco rant.
Marco: It was.
Bradley: A restrained rant. All right, guys. Thanks for everybody being here on our MasterMIND webinar. Tomorrow, we’re gonna be going over that fabulous GMB method that is just crashing it right now, guys. MasterMIND is a good time to join, if you haven’t already. We’ll see you guys next week. Thanks everybody. Thanks, Rob. Thanks, Marco.
Marco: Bye, everyone.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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lawrenceseitz22 · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192
Click on the video above to watch Episode 192 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: We are live on Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is episode 192. I’m Adam. I am not drunk or on drugs, I’m just really excited to be here. Yeah, we got that on our way.
Chris: Liar. You’re a liar, Adam.
Adam: No. Because now I’m on the West Coast, so my schedules are all out of whack. So right after we get done here, I head out the door, beat the traffic, and go for a run out in the hills and then come back.
Bradley: Yeah. That’s his running in the woods that he always talks about.
Adam: Running.
Bradley: Right.
Adam: I’m so tired. Anyways, enough about me. Let’s find out about everyone else. So, on my screen, Chris, you’re first. How’s it going, man?
Chris: Doing good. Good to be here.
Adam: Where are you located in the world today?
Chris: I’m still in Austria, soon heading to Portugal, then Barcelona. We’ll see after that.
Adam: Nice, nice. Hernan, how about you? Are you surviving winter?
Hernan: Yeah. I am for now and I’m planning to do so for our coming live event. So I’m super excited about that. I’m super happy to be here.
Chris: You’re not making Spain this year?
Hernan: I don’t know if we know. I mean, I don’t think so because we have a date with a lot of people, or potentially a lot of people in Washington, DC, so I’ll get to that.
Chris: So you leave it to destiny?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: Wait. Is Tony Robbins coming?
Hernan: No.
Adam: Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m trying to make some last minute changes.
Adam: Gotcha, gotcha. All right. We’ll come back to you. Marco’s got some good stuff he’s gonna share. I don’t know, I see an eagle in the mountains. Who is this mysterious person?
Rob: Hey, what’s going on, man?
Adam: Hey, everybody. This is Rob Beale. If you don’t know him, you probably see him around the group, if you’re new to us. Rob, how is it going?
Rob: I’m doing good. I’ll switch to my camera for a second, but I’m on my cell phone.
Bradley: Oh, yeah. That’s safe driving and hosting a webinar.
Rob: Yeah. There you go. So I’ll talk to you guys after that later, right?
Bradley: That’s multitasking right there, buddy.
Adam: Sounds good. Yeah. Be safe. Yeah. Keep your eye on the road. Bradley, last but not least, how are you doing?
Bradley: I don’t know, but I wonder what kind of citation, the cops issue for that.
Adam: Not a good one.
Rob: That’s why they make headphones, man.
Adam: There you go.
Bradley: No, I’m good. I’m excited. I’m super excited. Guys, I’ve just got to make a quick tease for the MasterMIND again because I just posted in the MasterMIND today. I started testing another method for ranking in a 3-Pack and I actually created a … Or went to go register a GMB listing about nine days ago and I just went and picked up the postcard for verification last night. I woke up this morning and before I went to the gym, because I coach CrossFit classes in the morning, and so for a little bit this morning I went and I verified the listing by entering the pin and all that and then I went to the gym. When I came back I checked, it’s number one in the 3-Pack. It’s the number one in the 3-Pack for … I’ve only tested two of my primary five keywords, but those two keywords are number one in the 3-Pack.
I just talked about how I did that in the MasterMIND. We talked about it two weeks ago on Thursday what my plan was and it worked. I saw I posted in MasterMIND Facebook Group about it today and tomorrow’s the next MasterMIND webinar and I already got several people that are asking me to go over it in much greater detail as to how I did it. Now I don’t know if it’s repeatable yet. It looks very, very promising, but I’m going to try to replicate that same results with another listing within the next two weeks. If I can get it to happen two for two, then we’re on to something.
Again, if you guys are interested in that, now would be a really good time to join the MasterMIND. I know I say that every week but there’s a reason for it.
Anyways, with that said, Adam what other announcements do we have?
Marco: Well, just to add to what you’re saying, there are actually other uses for that tool that I’d be willing to share in the next MasterMIND and when you discuss this. There are actually other ways. You can use it for what you used it for, but it’s also a great client prospecting tool.
Bradley: It’s awesome.
Adam: That’s right. Well, we had the Launch Local GMB Pro and Bradley can talk about results. Marco, Rob, everyone can talk about results. I’m gonna drop the link on the page. If you haven’t yet checked it out, you can see the results other people are getting. This isn’t something we came up with and then said, “Look, we got good results.” People immediately started having results with this. So I’m not gonna really harp on that too much. You can go check it out for yourselves and read about it, see if that’s something you think you could plug into your business and start making a lot of money with.
But we do have some cool services that were requested. We started hearing back from people, “Hey, I want to arbitrage this. I want you guys to do it for me. What can you do so that I could provide the high value to my client but I don’t have to do the nitty-gritty work?”
Rob, Marco, do you wanna kind of explain what’s going on with that?
Marco: Yeah. Before Rob jumps in, what I want to add to what you said is, we have a Facebook group, but our Facebook groups, you don’t see people asking questions on, well how do I get results? We do get some of those, of course, because if there are new people who are not familiar with anything. But what we’re seeing a lot is we get, I’m getting these results. This is what I’m doing and I’m getting these many costs. We see that time after time after time.
It’s not a Facebook group on what am I supposed to do. It’s a Facebook group where people are sharing their results, people are sharing their different ideas, the different things that they’re doing, we’re conducting webinars. I mean, everything that we told you was going to happen is happening.
For some people, it’s just incredible, the results that they’ve been getting. That they’ve been getting 200 plus calls a month in the demo. How freaking good is that? One guy, “Please no more calls.” Why? The client complaining “I’m getting too many calls. I can’t handle it.” That’s the type of results we’re talking about. Don’t let me tell you about it. Go in the Facebook group and see for yourself.
Bradley: I had one of my roofing clients call me and literally asked if there’s any way I could throttle the calls down because he’s overwhelmed with work. I’m not kidding. He had me put one notification bar or banner plug-in on his WordPress site that says “We are no longer accepting new calls.” I’m not kidding. Because he’s got such a backup of roofing leads right now and it’s because of what we’ve been applying with the GMB Pro method and all that, it’s insane.
I’m also adding image to the page right now, guys, from one of our MasterMIND members. A lot of you will know him from also Syndication Academy. Bo, I hope you’re all right with me posting just your comment. It doesn’t reveal any written information, but it says pretty much the same thing that happened with the last two GMB Pro listings he made within 24 hours of verifying the listing, he was in the 3-Pack.
Anyways, we’ve kind of found a secret backdoor guys to just kicking ass and taking names and it’s pretty freakin’ amazing.
Adam: What would you guys say to somebody who maybe hasn’t gotten the experience of dealing with, you know, maybe a client who’s got a Local GMB listing? Do you think that someone who hasn’t done this could see results from getting involved in the Local GMB Pro course?
Bradley: Absolutely. It varies per industry. Probably level of competition makes a difference too, but we’ve seen results in as little as days, almost overnight. I’ve got a couple of tree service lead gen sites that we started to apply the GMB Pro method to and, I mean, literally within 48 hours, like sites that had not been optimized, hadn’t built any citations yet, they were just basically abandoned lead gen sites that I never got around to doing anything with, and we just started applying the GMB Pro method to and within 48 hours they started generating phone calls and leads, which is freaking insane.
Others take a little bit longer, like the cab service or the taxi company that I’m doing for the case study. It’s taking a little bit longer, but it’s really starting to gain traction within the last couple of weeks. The calls started to pick up, a lot more clicks through to the website. So the more activity the more volume of activity it generates if that makes sense. It really just varies, but yeah, pretty much any business or any local business.
Again, I haven’t applied any of this to national stuff, but for local business stuff, which is what we’re talking about, Local Google My Business stuff, I mean, it’s almost instant results once you start applying what we’re teaching.
Adam: Good deal. Well, I don’t-
Marco: Hang on a sec. Yeah, as far as national, I don’t want to mention any names, but one of the big guys, who has been with us often and whom we love, he has a national campaign that he wants to do. So what I’m going to do is we’re going to treat it as a case study. We’re going to get him into Local GMB Pro and we will have results, I guarantee you. In the next month or two, we will let you know how this can be applied nationally.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right, guys. We’ve got to wrap this up pretty quick and then hop into questions. But we definitely wanna let everyone know and, Rob, maybe you can hop in now and talk a little bit, just take a minute or two, about what’s going on with the Done-For-You services.
Rob: Okay. We’re putting a team together, we’re getting the site up. Again, if someone else can drop the link to the site that’s coming up on the page, that’d be awesome because I’m driving. We’re getting the team together so the services are coming along. The other thing I wanna mention is the auto poster is live and ready to start being used. We’re getting some crazy results with it. It has lots of features that you’re not going to find anywhere else. The poster creates an RSS feed.
For those of you that follow us enough, you know with an RSS feed, there’s a lot of extras you can add on the end of even the Local GMB Pro that we haven’t even added to bolster the results that everyone’s talking about now. You can start adding all those things, syndicating your GMB post across your network, and all the other fun stuff you can do with RSS feeds. I won’t go into that, it’s too offbeat. I could take forever.
The other thing that is super cool with this auto poster that we have is, for those that are already doing syndication and doing blog content for their clients, we have a plug-in that we’re going to give away for free. You use that along with our auto poster and you can connect your blog and create, just based on your blog, it’ll post to your GMB.
Marco, I dropped a link in chat to you. If you could post that, that is an example post from a blog that was posted that went through syndication and ended up on the GMB site. So that’s what it looks like using the WordPress plug-in and the auto poster that we have that’s now live and ready to go. There’s all kinds of other things that we can get into, but that’s I just wanna let everybody know that it is live and it’s ready to go. Go sign up and start killing it.
Adam: Great. Looks like I’m getting a call in the middle of, there we go, Hump Day Hangouts. Awesome.
Marco: I dropped the link in there. Guys, you can grab your actual websites RSS feed. You can feed your posts, and then from your post you can grab another RSS feed and go crazy. I mean, this is how insane this is. We’re talking about amplifying the message, right? Syndicating is all about that, it’s amplifying it. But it’s going to have proper attribution, which is the most important thing right now so that you don’t get. People are getting hit with or their tummy is getting hit with penalties. But I guarantee you, you don’t have proper attribution. We have proper attribution. Everything is taken care of, guys. This is so you can just blow up and get insane leads for your clients.
I’m gonna also, besides that link, so that you guys can look at it and just see how good the posts look … Remember, that’s an RSS feed going into Google My Business. All right? That’s how great it looks. Let me also share our marketplace because we have an MGYB if you’ve been with us long enough you know what that stands for, marketplace. It’s free to join. Guys, right now, what we’re offering is video carpet bomb. It’s a service where you can go and just literally find out where you can rank a video in a short period of time. We have a great VA, he’s trained.
Go join the auto poster, it will be available through MGYB.co, and we will be adding other services and products as we go along. It’s in the beginning but we wanted to get this out right away because these are the two easiest methods to go and find out where to rank, as far as videos, and how to get leads and push content because you do need content for Google My Business system. So the easiest way to do it is to schedule it and auto post. How cool is that? I mean, it’s like I said, you train the VA, you don’t have to do shit except to sell it to a client and collect the money, guys. That’s it. It’s that simple. You guys, “No, it can’t be this easy.” Well, yes, it really is. We’ve really made it simple for you guys to go and make money.
Adam: All right, guys. Yeah. Let’s get into questions and then before we wrap it up I’m gonna drop a link in. I wanted to remind everybody we got the live event coming up in October. We still got seats open. We’re gonna cap that at 25. It’s gonna be the weekend of October and October 21st in Washington DC, including our beautiful faces along with some guest speakers, including Jeffrey Smith. So if you’re interested, again, that link will be on there and we’ll touch on that again towards the end. But let’s go ahead and dive into the questions.
Bradley: Yeah. Just quickly I wanna mention anybody that goes to checks out the MGYB marketplace, which is Make Google Your BITCH, just in case nobody knows what that meant. The video carpet bomb offer, that’s actually I got the idea from a colleague of ours, Randy James, and we kind of refined the process together and I trained the VA how to do this really well. The offer that’s in there right now, we should have two offers actually, I just pinged Marco in chat and Slack, but we’ll get the other offer in there.
But essentially the two ways that I’m using that is: one, if you’re doing lead gen, it’s fantastic because what we do is take a particular location and then we gather all of the locations like townships, boroughs, all that stuff within a 20-mile radius and then we create a list of … You can have up to three keywords appended or and in the locations appended to those three keywords.
Let’s say that you end up on a 20-mile radius with 60 locations and you got three keywords, so that’s 180 keywords that you would be targeting. All you need to provide is the three keywords and the central location and then the video file and a thumbnail, if you want a custom thumbnail, and then the call-to-action, which will be placed in the video description, which is typically going to be an NAP, if you’re doing local stuff, which is what we suggest.
No, I didn’t, Marco. But anyway, I don’t remember saying that anyways. We’ll cover that later. We’ll get that set up for next week.
Anyways, it’s really good because I mean, out of like 180 videos that we’ll upload, we can’t guarantee any certain number of them, but I typically get anywhere between 30 to 50 videos ranked on page one for that. Now it’s great for lead gen because you can start to generate leads right away. You can also find low-hanging fruit. So it’s like poking keywords as well, right? You can find keyword opportunities that you can go ranked some more long-term assets for, web pages, social media, web 2.0, anything like press releases, anything like those whatsoever.
But then there’s also an alternate method that I’m using that for that works really freaking well. It’s for prospecting purposes, guys, and for closing sales or closing clients. One of the best things that you can do is, once a conversation has been initiated with a prospect, so a potential client, when you go to make your proposal or your pitch for whatever services that you are offering, we have a lesser version of it that, again, will get this added in within the next week, it’s for a 10-mile radius in one keyword.
Essentially, what we’ll do is, let’s say, with three keywords in a 20-mile radius, like I said, maybe return 60 locations or 60 place names, right? With the 10-mile radius, it might be 30 or 25 place names and you get one keyword. So it will create the same campaign, one keyword appended with the 25 or 30 locations, and it will upload it. Out of that you might get five to 10-ish videos ranked and it’s gonna be inexpensive, 20 or 25 bucks is what we’re gonna charge for that. So that when you’re pitching the client, when you’re giving them a proposal, you can also send them the results with their video that you branded for them, with their brand name, with their contact information, their NAP in the description. You can use that as a deal sweetener for your proposal.
That works really, really, really well. I’ve used that method over and over and over again for impressing potential clients so that when I go to … Because think about that, how many companies show results when they present the proposal? Very few, right? Because he wants to do any work. But I trained a VA to do it, right? My VA, for me, the cost is a few dollars. I can have a campaign, a video carpet-bomb campaign that I can submit with the proposal and say, “Look, just to show you that I know what I’m talking about and I can get you results quickly, I did this for you at no cost and I included it with the proposal and there’ll be a spreadsheet with the links and the keywords that it’s ranked for.”
So they can go verify it themselves, and it’s their brand name their call to action, their contact information, and NAP on the video, so it’s like branded for them. I’ve gotten a lot of prospects and clients that have come back and said, “Wow, that’s really great. Thank you for doing that. Nobody’s ever done that before.” So it works really, really well. Besides doing lead gen stuff or providing that as a reselling service for your clients, which you could absolutely do, it’s also a great way to land clients and impress them. So definitely check that out. We’ll get the prospecting plan for that put into the marketplace within the next week or so.
Okay. All right. Let’s get into some questions. That went a little bit longer, but we had a lot of news to share. All right. Let’s get this backup. Oh, yeah, I love that gif, by the way. All right.
Is The Syndication Course Still Relevant Since It Has Been Released In 2015?
The first question, Richard, that was already answered by Chris. Chris reposted one from Support, it looks like. “Is syndication still relevant?” This is from Renee Ward. “I have your course from 2015. There have been so many SEO changes since then, seven to eight this year, and I was wondering if it’s still worth the trouble to syndicate. Also, are there any negative repercussions since Google is so picky nowadays.”
No. Renee, it’s absolutely still valid. Again, it’s still the very foundation of everything that we do. Other than some of the newer stuff that we’re doing with GMB, we’re able to get results without using syndication networks. We still recommend that you use them for many, many reasons. Number one, syndication networks help to validate the entity. Right? That’s incredibly important, especially now, more so than it was in 2015 when we first launched the course. Right? That really wasn’t even much of a concern back then. Now, it is. So, validating the entities, number one.
Number two, you’re amplifying your content. Go do a Google search for content amplification and you’ll see there’s a ton of different services out there and the definitions are all pretty much the same. That’s basically getting your content that you publish on your blog or your website everywhere that you can. That’s what content amplification is. So all we’re doing is automating it using IFTTT and our Syndication Academy methods. Right?
Think about it, all of the major news and media sites and the major blogs, the author’s will syndicate their own content that they’ve published on those sites to their own social media profiles, their own professional profiles and such. So why is that any different than what we’re doing? It’s not. Guys, it’s not. This whole myth that, you know, it constantly comes up, and I’m not picking on you, Renee, by the way, but we get the question that comes up often.
By the way, just a quick aside, Renee, that a lot of these questions, especially this one, is also answered in our knowledge-base, which you can find at [email protected]. We have frequently asked questions there categorized by product. If you go to the Syndication Academy Frequently Asked Questions at [email protected], you’ll see a lot of these questions are already answered.
But for the benefit of everybody here today, I’ll go through it again. That is, we get a lot of people say, “Well, what about duplicate content?” Guys, duplicate content only exists when it’s on the same domain. If you have 10 pages on your domain or posts and they’re all the same freaking content, that’s duplicate content. It’s not duplicate content when it’s republished on other domains.
If that were the case, press releases wouldn’t work. I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, and so can the vast majority of our members that are using press releases, we launched an entire product specifically on how to use press releases to rank especially local stuff, and those are all duplicate content. Right? It gets published at one place first, whatever the originating press cable services that you’re using. Then from there, it goes out to the press wires and just gets picked up by any other syndication partners that are part of that press cable service. Right?
It’s the same freaking press release, not a single word has been changed on it across all the places it’s published to, which are typically 200-plus other sites, some cases 400, 500 sites. Right? It gives an absolute quick boost for ranking, especially for local stuff. If duplicate content was an issue, then press releases wouldn’t work. But they work and they work incredibly well.
My point is no. Guys, you’re sharing your own content to your own branded properties, which is natural, It’s normal. In fact, it’s kind of expected nowadays. Right? So, no, there is no negative repercussions. Where the negative repercussions come in is when you start to try to gain the system and add a whole bunch of persona-based networks and secondary syndication networks and you don’t take steps to mask or reduce your footprint.
There is no footprint when we’re syndicating to branded properties. In fact, we are claiming our footprint. We’re literally posting a flag up and saying, “Hey, come check us out. This is our content on all of our sites.” Right? We’re actually, literally, broadcasting our footprint to our own branded sites. But when you start to syndicate content, the same content to other networks that have nothing but your branded content on them and their persona-based networks, now that’s clearly to manipulate search rankings. And that can cause problems.
However, we teach in Syndication Academy also how to reduce that footprint and still have effective secondary syndication networks. I don’t typically recommend that, it depends on how many sites you’re managing. If you’re just managing one site, it’s a great strategy. If you’re managing a dozen sites, it’s not, because it’s a lot of work and it’s a lot to maintain.
Again, we cover all that stuff since 2015. There have been many, many changes, in fact, that’s why Syndication Academy 2.0, which is what we’re in currently now, which was launched, shit, I think a year and a half ago now. I think we’re on update webinar 22 or 23, so it’s almost two years now. We update it every month. Again, there has been changes but we stay on top of it.
In fact, our guest that’s on today, Rob, he’s actually going to be taking over the Syndication Academy Update webinars here soon. In the near future, he’s gonna be taking over handling and hosting the Syndication Academy Update webinars. Anyways-
Rob: I promise not to do those from my car too. How about that?
Bradley: Yeah, I hope so. Anyways, Renee, I would encourage you to come check out Syndication Academy 2.0. You could still take the training from 2015 and adapt it to today’s current standards. There’s no question you might have to do a lot of trial and error to figure it all out, or you can come join Syndication Academy 2.0 and it’s all laid out for you. Okay? Or better yet, another alternative would be for you to just buy Done-For-You networks so you don’t even have to bother with it. Just use the networks to your advantage.
Are There Any Issues Connecting Blogger To IFTTT In The Past Weeks?
Okay. Paul’s up. He says, “Hey, guys. I would like to know what is going on with Blogger? For weeks now when you go into IFTTT to connect to Blogger, Blogger won’t connect. If and when Blogger does connect, the recipes won’t work.” Well, Paul, first of all, I rarely ever go into IFTTT and connect stuff anymore because, again, we have a ton of virtual assistants that do all that stuff for me. So I can’t confirm, I’m not saying that what you’re saying isn’t true, Paul, but I haven’t experienced that problem myself. I haven’t heard anything like that coming from the build team either.
Not that I’m plugged into the build team all the time, but typically it goes through the support channels and ends up in my lap when it comes to Syndication Academy stuff or syndication network stuff and I have not heard that. I don’t know if it’s a specific issue with you, Paul, or your Blogger account or whatever. I don’t know. First of all, I would question, I would ask you, have you tested other Blogger accounts instead of the one that you’re talking about here. Yeah, because it might be an isolated issue.
If it’s not an isolated issue, in other words, if this issue is across more than one Blogger profile, then I would reach out to IFTTT support and ask them what the problem is. Because again, I don’t work for IFTTT, I just learned how to use the shit out of it for my own benefit and then taught you guys how to do it. But again, I would contact IFTTT support and ask them specifically because they would be much better and give you much quicker reply than I would. Okay?
However, that said, I have put that already on my list because I saw your post earlier today, Paul. I put that on my list for the next Syndication Academy Update webinar to test and see if there’s an issue; and if so, try to find a workaround. Right? That’s typically what we do, guys. Remember, I do not build networks anymore really. I very rarely ever do that because, again, I’ve trained so many damn VAs to do it, I don’t have to. So I don’t get to experience these issues until it’s brought to my attention.
But then when you guys bring it to my attention, or if one of our network builders brings something to my attention, then I put it on the list for Syndication Academy Update webinar, and then I go in and I test. Right? I go in and I try to find a workaround, see, first, confirm if it’s true, then try to find a workaround. If I do, I let you guys know; and if I don’t, I let you know. Either way, I let you know. That’s part of the Syndication Academy Updates.
Rob, just so you know, it’s probably gonna get dumped in your lap. There you go.
Rob: I figured.
Bradley: Put it on your list, Rob. Play with Blogger. But just for that, let’s just check one thing. I don’t know if it’s existing. Let’s see if existing sites are having the same problem or existing networks, probably not. This one seems to still be working. I’m still looking at some of my … That one was just posted on July 6, so that was five days ago.
Yeah. I don’t know, it looks like, because I’ve got a ton of syndication networks. The one that I just picked up looks like it’s syndicated just five days ago, which was I think the last time I have a VA that does the videos for my clients. That was one of the videos that was done, one of the rep videos, it’s David Sprague’s product. It looks like that one was fine.
Again, Paul, I’d say it’s probably an isolated issue. But if it’s not, just contact IFTTT support. We’ll look into it though, it’s on the list. Okay.
“Also, when you go into settings under Post and Share, you can’t turn on the auto share to G Plus page. Are you guys having the same issues?”
Don’t worry about it, Paul. Google Plus is dying. They’ve already dug the grave and it’s halfway in the grave. It’s about three feet underground at this point. I’m not kidding you. Google Plus is dying. That’s why any of you guys are probably within the last couple weeks, many of you have probably received notifications from Google Plus saying that they were going to delete your page because it hasn’t been posted to in a while, if you have any pages that haven’t been posted to in a while. That’s just more evidence that Google is absolutely removing Google Plus from the Google ecosystem.
Which I never thought would happen, I honestly didn’t. I mean, I remember years … People have been saying, “Google Plus is dead for five, six years,” and five or six years ago, I used to think, no, there’s no way. Because remember, they integrated Google Plus. Google did. They forced everybody that used Google products to be on Google Plus and it was so much a part of the semantic web, what Google’s version of the semantic web was. The reason why is because it was an identity validator. Not an entity validator, but an identity validator. Does that make sense?
Because in order for you to be on Google Plus, you had to have a Google account, a verified Google account, like a profile. You couldn’t get on Google Plus as just a page or a business. You had to have a profile that was intimately attached to a specific person, right? Google Plus was an identity validator, which was used at the early onset of the semantic web engine for Google. Google’s version of the semantic web, right? But I guess they figured out other ways through all the stuff that Marco looks into like AI and machine learning and all that shit to validate entities without Google Plus. That’s why they’re slowly removing it from all of the Google products. I think in the near future it actually finally will be a dead product.
Anybody wanna comment on that? I’ll take silence as a no. All right. I’m gonna move on then. Is everybody still here? Because it’s rare to get radio silence like that. We should have crickets-
Adam: Yeah. First, we need to have like a real production studio. It would be fun to have some good sound effects.
What Are Your Thoughts On Josh Bachynski’s Statement On Emailing Google To Shut Down Google Sites?
Bradley: Yes, some crickets. That would have been funny. Okay. Armand is up. What’s up, Armand? He says, “I thought this was pretty interesting. I was listening to Josh Bachynski YouTube channel, good SEO channel, by the way, and they were talking about Google Sites giving a boost, which, of course, you guys know all about. Yes, sir, we do. What I thought was an interesting statement, is, he claims he could have it shut down tomorrow by emailing John Mueller of Google and telling him about it. You can see it here.” He dropped a link. “What do you guys think about this? I’m really mostly looking forward to the F-bombs we’ll hear from Marco.”
Honestly, I don’t know why Josh would say something like that. He could have it shut down by emailing John Mueller, maybe he could, maybe couldn’t. Why would he be flexing his muscles like that? I mean, whatever, why would you want to kill something that works for SEOs when you’re an SEO yourself? I don’t understand that. That would be like, why would you shit where you eat? You know what I’m saying?
Essentially, that’s what he’d be doing at that point. I’m not saying anything bad about Josh. Honestly, I don’t really follow his channel or any of that stuff because, as far as I know from years ago, it was a lot of white hat stuff and discussions between white hat versus black hat and all that. I don’t buy an any that shit. SEO is SEO. As far as I know, there are no hats. Right?
Adam: Yeah. The other thing I think is really interesting about this, and I can’t weigh in on the technical aspect of it, but I think that, yeah, Google’s messed around their own properties before, but they like this. This is getting their stuff more of their own stuff to show.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:33:42]
Adam: Yeah. Maybe they turn back or something happens in the future, but it’s not like they’re gonna suddenly realize, “Oh goodness, Google My Business pages are taking up more real estate. We better do something about it.” That’s not gonna happen.
Bradley: Yeah. Marco, I know you’re anxious to say something.
Marco: All right. Let me start with this. Do you guys think Google is stupid enough not to know that their G sites are powerful? Do you think that they don’t already have enough fucking stupid telling them that it works this way and that it’s pushing a lot of juice and that it’s pushing their properties. Do you think it’s not already happening? I don’t want to mention names, but snitches get stitches. If he wants to go that way, he’s a fuckin’ retard because he’s done a whole bunch of dirty shit. I mean, Josh goes back to days when, I mean, the crap that was being done, he was at the forefront of that shit. So I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. All of a sudden he turned, he’s an angel and he doesn’t do shit. Well, fuck you and fuck John Mueller.
Rob: Hey, Remember, this is Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I don’t give a fuck, man. These fucking people, they pissed me off. Fuck him, fuck John Muller, fuck them all. We’re gonna keep doing it. We’ll do it as long as we can and if they take that away, we’ll just find another way like we always do, man. So fuck that, fuck you, and that’s what I have to say about it.
Bradley: Wow. Armand. Can we send Armand a T-shirt for firing up Marco?
Adam: Yeah. Armand, hit us up in Support. Also, I was gonna say hashtag POFU.
Bradley: Wow. Okay. Armand, since you fired up Marco for the day, you won yourself a T-shirt or a hat or something. So contact [email protected] and we’ll send you something.
Adam: John just wrote on the page. He said, “How do you really feel, Marco?”
Bradley: Yeah, right. I was gonna say, guys, we’re not setting a precedent here. Please don’t intentionally try to piss Marco off just so you can get free stuff. Hump Day Hangouts will begin a downward spiral really quickly that way.
Do You Have Any Recommendations For Planning And Tracking Web 2.0/Syndication Networks?
Jim Wells is up next. He says, “Howdy, SM Gang. Thanks for the recommendation on Google PVA’s last week.” You’re welcome. So that’s Metro biz. Yeah, he’s great. Jim, I guess you contacted him right after Hump Day Hangouts or shortly thereafter because he came pinged me on Skype and said thank you for the recommendation again. Absolutely, he’s a good guy.
Anyways, number one, he says, “Do you have any recommendations for planning and tracking web 2.0, syndication networks? For planning and tracking. I use mind mapping software for general plans. We’ll, we have a service monitor, Serpspace.com, Jim. A few aren’t aware of that. I don’t know if it has a visual editor like a visual tracker. Adam, can you comment on that?
Adam: No. If it continues to grow we might build something out, but yeah, you just copy-paste your info in and it does this thing and monitors and then backgrounds, you don’t have to.
Bradley: Yeah. So as far as for planning them, no, but it does monitor them. What’s great about it is if you order Done-For-You networks from Serp Space they can automatically be imported into the network monitor, which will notify you if properties go down, or if they’re not posting, or if RSS feeds stops posting, like it stops detecting new items in RSS feeds. It does various things. It lets you know. So it’s a great way when you have multiple networks or dozens or hundreds of networks. It’s a great way to monitor all that stuff because otherwise a lot of times you just don’t know when stuff starts to break down. Right? Unless you’re manually checking yourself.
But as far as planning them, yeah, mind mapping know software is typically what I would. I use Lucidcharts. I like that a lot. That’s pretty much, in my opinion, the best mind mapping. I’ve used about a dozen of them and that was the one that I found to be, in my opinion, the easiest to use. It’s Lucidcharts.
Anyways, “But I was looking for a better solution to tracking which sites, networks, rings were linked and what content is feeding to them. I’ve been working on a Google Sheets solution, but it’s incredibly cumbersome.” Yeah. That was my issue because that’s what I was … I mean, I still manage probably 90% of my business through Google Drive, period, and I still use spreadsheets for everything too, but that’s part of the reason that we built the network monitor in Serp Space, was specifically so that you could see tier 1 networks on tier 2 networks and how content is feeding from one to the other and that kind of stuff. You are able to do that inside of Serp Space. The actual visual planning, we don’t have that yet. That might be something that we could do at some later time though.
What’s Your Opinion On The Number Of Google Sites To Use For Each Account?
Okay. All right. Number two is, “What’s your opinion on the number of Google sites to use for each account? Is there a limit to how many you place on each one? I think Peter Drew mentioned using eight before moving on.” Yeah. I typically don’t have more than a couple to up to eight. If I’m using Peter Drew’s Google sites generator software, then that specifically, yes, I’ll use eight Google sites or I’ll use the Google site with eight pages, which is what he recommends. It’s his software, he’s tested the shit out of it, and so is all his beta testers and all of his members now. So if that’s what Peter Drew suggests for using that, then I think that’s a good suggestion. I trust his judgment because he does a lot of testing.
But as far as the methods like for RYS methods, I’ll leave that one to Marco. But typically, for my RYS Drive stacks that contain a Google site, which all of them do. I think it should be standard operating procedure, when you buy a drive stack you buy the add-on the Google site, G site. Right? Because, to me, it’s really an incomplete … I mean, the way I look at it is that … I use the Google site as like the linchpin for the drive stack. That’s the main point that I drive all the relevancy from the drive files to the Google site and then I use the Google site to push relevancy to wherever I want. Right?
Again, I think those should be the same. As far as that, typically, I’ll only have the Google site in that drive stack account. But typically, like I said, I usually don’t have more than eight. I usually only have between two to four really in any one account. Marco, what are your thoughts?
Marco: I don’t know anything about Peter Drew to comment. I can only comment on what I do.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: It’s one main stack with the script, plus G site. I mean, you’re killing half the power or more if you don’t push the all of that power to the G site and then that power to wherever it needs to go. It defeats the purpose of everything that we do if there’s no companion G site. Now the way that we do it is, if you need additional folders and files, well, those stacks in and of themselves that’s what a stack really is. It’s a folder packed with files the Semantic Mastery way. The way that we do it. The way that we interlink everything. Right?
The way that it’s done is really time-consuming and that’s why you’ll see that most other people will not go the lengths that we go to interlink everything and to give everything the power that it needs. The only thing is that the script takes up a lot of resources. If you install the script in more than one folder, Google is going to kill your G site immediately. I mean, no question. We see a time after time after time after time. One G site but multiple stacks as long as you’re only running one script in one of the stacks and that should be your main stack. That’s my opinion on that.
Bradley: Yup. He says, “Also, for Stacks, do you place anything else on those accounts? Seems like it might be a risk.” I’ve used some of my drive stack accounts the Google accounts for like creating Blogger accounts. It’s like another syndication point and things like that. I mean, typically, I don’t see, there is a bit of a risk. But I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever had, I don’t think I’ve ever had a drive stack terminated like the index was terminated from Google. I don’t think I’ve ever lost a Google account that was specific for just drive stack. What Marco says is true about the script and I’ve had that occur, but not when I’m just doing what Marco said, which is …
In fact, a lot of the Google sites that I end up with the drive stacks, I sometimes use the scripts on them. It’s just everything is static once it’s built out. Again, I haven’t had any issues with that whatsoever. The only time I’ve ever had a drive stack account terminated is when, like Marco said, I’ve had … When the script overburdened the servers and then they terminated that, they killed it. But other than that I have … I mean, I’ve got drive stacks, especially the early ones that I did that are … Because I built a few myself originally that were a bit like spammy and they’re still alive today. So I really haven’t had any issues. What do you say, Marco?
Marco: Again, yeah. The only time that we’ve had issues that we’ve had stuff killed off is when we overburden Google. Google doesn’t like leeches using their resources for free. If you pay them now, you can get away with all a whole lot of stuff. If you go through their API, you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. If you go through G suite you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. But if you’re starting off free, don’t overburden Google. You could do other stuff in there that there’s no reason why.
As a matter of fact, it helps to validate, again, you mentioned identity, but not only the identity, the entity. The entity is alive and well and it’s a living organism within this, the Gmail ecosystem, let’s call it. Right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: So yeah, that’s what I would say.
Bradley: Okay, great. Great question, Jim. As always, man. He’s always posting a really question.
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also.
Bradley: I’m sorry?
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also. I think people lose sight of just the fact that Google, they develop drives in the Google site and all that stuff to be used by just standard everyday people. We’re just using it in a different manner, but we forget that driving a huge of ton at all universities, and high schools, and all over the country, at least in the state. I mean, my kid has Google drive stack for the classes they do. They look more spammy sometimes in some of my drive stack. I mean, they’re sharing and copying documents and moving along all over the place and you’ve got an entire high school and college classes running through Google and Google drive and sharing and replicating documents, and copying and pasting, and multiple duplicates of the same document.
Just stuff that you’re doing, I mean, just think of it like what were the regular college kid do or a high school kid. If you’re just making a bunch of documents and folders and sharing them and stuff like that, I mean, you’re basically hide in plain sight.
Bradley: Yeah.
Rob: Like you said, burden in their script and you’re using their computing power to automate a bunch of building and stuff, that’s when they take notice.
What’s The Best Way To Use Crowdsearch.me For Local Right Now?
Bradley: Awesome. Thanks, Rob. Kay Dee says, “Hey guys, what’s the best way to use crowdsearch.me for local right now? I bought it through a link Hernan sent to your future SEO click-throughs page but then saw your post here a couple weeks ago where you will not be implementing apps like that for GMB or money sites as they’ve been flagged.”
Yeah, that’s true. Now don’t get me wrong, guys. It still can be used. I just think it’s been deprecated quite a bit. I know it has because I used to use the shit out of it. I promoted crowdsearch.me for a solid two years because I used about 50,000 credits per month, I’m not kidding, because it worked really, really well. But as everything that we do in SEO, it became saturated and other products and services, PandaBot and a bunch of other ones popped up that started providing the … Serpify is one. Another one, I think … I don’t know, there’s a ton of them.
I actually did a case study test on those two, by the way. We tested four of them. Another one is John [inaudible 00:46:13] Rainmaker. I don’t know, there’s a bunch of services like that and I’ve done case study tests on many of them and found that … I didn’t even start the case studies until after I’ve realized that they weren’t working as well. Right? I started to see less and less results from using them. Okay?
But I’m not saying that there’s not still a place for it. I just don’t bother with it because it has become so ineffective that it’s not worth the trouble or the expense. I can get much better results by setting up other campaigns or using like YouTube, for example. I’ve talked many, many times about how to drive cheap traffic from YouTube, which is verified real people. Right? You can accomplish a lot of the same thing using traffic from YouTube. You can also hire Microtasks workers and although that’s not as effective as it used to be either for reasons of their search history and stuff like that, like essentially …
Remember guys, Google keeps a profile of everybody. Right? They built a profile of Google users. So anytime you’re using Google and you’re logged into an account, they’re tracking what you do, they’re compiling history of your browsing history, and the types of content that you look at, the types of searches that you do, the types of websites that you click on and interact with and engage with.
Google creates a profile for each user. So even now when you hire Microtasks workers and you tell them to go to Google.com in the US and search for a particular keyword and then go find your listing on page one or page two, or whatever, all the way up to page 10 if you want, whatever page it is, then click on it. Then find the third word in the fourth paragraph and copy it and paste it into the answer box for the Microtasks dashboard. Right? So that way you know that they did.
Why do you do all these things with Microtasks workers? Think about. You tell them to do a search and a click. That’s what we call CT spam or click-through spam, right? That’s a signal to Google that somebody searched for keyword then found your listing. Then you ask them to find a particular word or a phrase or a sentence or something like that on a page that’s buried somewhere in the middle of page. So they have to spend some time searching for it, that’s time on site, or you can tell them to click through to another page, which is engagement time on site and also another click-through. Right?
So there’s a lot of different things that you could do to tell Microtasks workers. But the problem occurs where and why it’s becoming less and less effective is exactly what I just mentioned, because, if a Microtask worker is doing multiple searches per day for random shit all the time, then Google is going to build up a profile for them of, it’s likely that there Microtasks worker is doing CT spam.
I mean, think about it. Google, they’re not an idiot and either are their AI. Their AI systems aren’t stupid either. My point is, it’s not as an effective click. It’s not weighted as much as it would be if it was coming from somebody that has a relevant search history or has an interest or topical relevancy or some something in their recent search history that would make that click so much more valid or more appropriate, which means it’s heavier weighted click, which means it produces better results and a much higher level engagement signal.
So that’s where I’m talking about crowdsearch.me. You’ve got to think about that guys. Those are bots. Those are bots where they spoof the user agents, they spoof the IPs and all that, but even the IP ranges that these bots use are within specific ranges that have been flagged. Right?
So what I’m saying, to answer your question, Kay Dee, would be not to use it direct to money site. What I recommend using it for is referral traffic. It still works well for that. It also works well if you want to send traffic to press releases to help them to stick longer in the search results, because we all know that press releases rank really well quickly. Well, typically, rank really well quickly, but they don’t last for long, unless they get a high level of traffic.
But for that you can buy Fiverr gigs and I’d recommend Fiverr gigs. There’s several of them that I’ve recommended on many occasions publicly. Right? You can buy a $10 or a $15 Fiverr gig and boost the press release for a month, which I don’t know what you’re paying for crowd search, but me, I was buying 50,000 credits a month so it was rather expensive. Right?
Again, referral traffic and, by the way, if you want to learn how to do referral traffic, let me just see if I can pull this up for him real quick, or Kay, excuse me. Let’s go to-
Marco: While you’re pulling that up, I’d like to mention that the MGYB.co marketplace, we have real YouTube views.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: You could add a call to action where you send people to your website. You can’t get anything better than a real person watching a YouTube video clicking through to your website. I mean, that’s absolutely the best thing that can happen for your website because the referral is YouTube. That’s what it is.
Bradley: Yep. I just wanna see, here’s another one. I’m gonna drop each one of these links. Because I’ve done extensive training on that as well, so stand by for just one minute. This is the … Okay, yeah. This is the one that I wanted to share. Okay. I did this. Look when was this published. September 26 2015, guys, is when this was published and it’s still valid. It’s still relevant, this video. This is how to set up … and I did it with Jason Johnson of the Syndwire Black Facebook group.
Anyways, again, this is almost three years ago and this is still valid for a good way to use crowd search for referral traffic. Then there’s also probably a Hump Day Hangouts clip here too that I could post. Look at, it’s awesome. That’s from Fist Fight. Wayne Clayton, that’s awesome. That was a funny ass movie, by the way. I thought that movie was hilarious.
Rob: Referral traffic.
Marco: It should say “Snitches get stitches, bitches.”
Bradley: That’s Ice Cube. It’s a funny ass movie. Anyways, we got to keep moving. Yeah. I’m sorry about going so long on crowd search thing, guys. But that’s a great question though, Kay Dee. Yeah, I don’t recommend using it so much anymore unless you’re using it for very specific purposes because there are alternate better ways to get traffic and real traffic too.
Is Page Rank Important As Domain Authority Is?
Okay. Peter from Poland, “Can you define PageRank and its importance? Is it as important as domain authority?” Honestly, I’m not gonna take the time to define PageRank because it’s a metric that we don’t have access to and we haven’t for years. So it’s really no sense of me even trying to … I mean, honestly, Peter, your question is still a valid question. But, is it as important as domain authority? No, because I don’t care about any of those metrics anymore. I stopped caring about proprietary third-party metrics several years ago, at least two years ago.
I honestly don’t care about trust flow, topical trust flow, domain authority, page authority, domain rank. I don’t give a shit about any of those. Honestly, I don’t care because we were able to get results whether the metrics say they should have results or not. We focus on relevancy, traffic and authority. Right? ART, which is what Marco always talks about.
Marco, what does ART stand for again?
Marco: Activity, relevance, trust and authority. Activity on the link, the relevance on the link, both destination, and the origin, and then the trust and authority both of the summation and the origin of the link. There you go, boom. But we don’t-
Bradley: But to be clear, we’re not talking about domain authority. When we say “authority,” we’re not saying domain authority.
Marco: No.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: It’s whether it’s authoritative to Google.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: That’s all we care about. That refers back to pay track and again, yeah, I’m not gonna get into that. I will say it’s alive and well. It’s part of the rankings core algorithm. First, it gives you a PageRank, then you get an overall ranking score. That’s what that’s about. It’s alive and well. We don’t give a shit because we trigger those the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: That’s right. Guys, again, when you rely on third-party metrics, they’re not always accurate, guys. They’re a really good educated guess, but they’re not accurate because none of those, Majestic AH reps, Moz, none of them worked for Google. Right? I just I stopped relying on metrics. Years ago, we used to be able to manipulate domain authority and just ranked by manipulating domain authority. Well, Google killed that. It’s no longer … Unless you’re like above 80 or 85 domain authority, it’s really difficult to manipulate domain authority for ranking purposes anymore. Again, we just stop worrying about it.
Good question, Peter, but I would say focus on an RT instead of working on third-party metrics. Okay. Matias. We’re gonna be running out of time and I was worried that we weren’t gonna have enough questions today. You guys jumped in and posted a whole bunch. So anyway, all right. Matias … I don’t know if I’m saying that correct or not. Forgive me if I butchered it. He says, “Hi guys, thanks for all the content you put out on the channel for free. It’s a great reference.” You’re welcome. We enjoy this.
Does Having Different City Name In Facebook And GMB Listing Cause NAP Inconsistencies?
By the way, what is this, episode 192. So we’re getting close to 200, which we’re gonna do a celebration episode then. Then at 208, it would be our anniversary. We’re gonna have a really big celebration for that says. He says, “I got two short questions. I have a verified GMB listing and when setting up the Facebook profile, the city name displays differently. Facebook only allows picking from a display menu. Will this cause any NAP consistency with my GMB profile, which I prefer not to touch?”
No. I wouldn’t worry about it, Matias. I would not worry about that. I mean, thing is if you’ve got a Facebook profile and you’re setting it up as a place of Facebook place or whatever and it’s gonna force you to select a city name instead of whatever you have listed, then just use it I wouldn’t worry about it you know too much. Again, sometimes that kind of stuff is gonna happen and you have no choice. So I really wouldn’t worry about it.
All right, let’s see. “Or should I hide the address in Facebook?” I would. If it’s a storefront and you want people, because remember, there is a lot of people that use Facebook for finding local businesses and stuff like that. So if you’ve got a point of sale, a storefront where people come to the business location, then absolutely I would want to have that listed because otherwise, you may lose customers.
You may lose customers for an SEO benefit. Does that make sense? and I don’t think that’s right. You should be focusing on generating customers, not just SEO, if that makes sense. I know they go hand they kind of work hand in hand, but various traffic on Facebook, there’s no question. So I would rather have that displayed if. It’s a service area business then yeah you can absolutely hide it right.
“By the way, I am displaying the address in GMB and wanna keep it that way.” Well, just remember, in Google My business, it’s a service area business where you serve the customers at the customer location and the customers do not come to the business location. Then as per Google’s Terms of Service, Google My Business Terms of Service, you should check to hide the address. Okay. You should only be showing the address if customers come to your business location, period. All right? So just keep that in mind.
How Do You Index A TLD Website (Business.Site) Without Setting It As Main Website In A GMB Listing?
All right. Number two, “For the same listing I have a TLD, top-level domain website, but I’ve also created the internal GMB website. Is there any way to index the business in that site without setting it as the main website in my listing?” Marco?
Marco: Yeah. I’m gonna to tell him to come to Facebook group and I will answer this question directly. I won’t answer it here because there’s something really special about that Google business site that I won’t get to in here. It’s information only for those people who paid for the course. Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, but that makes sense. That’s one of the insider secrets of that course.
Anthony, “MasterMIND versus RYS. I believe I need to learn more about where to sell this stuff. I have a pretty good product but no community to learn more about how and where to implement. Makes sense?” All right. I’m going to give you my opinion, which would be the MasterMIND. Only because RYS is specifically about RYS in its methods where MasterMIND is all encompassing digital marketing training and education as well is business building, mindset, all kinds of stuff, motivation. There’s small group MasterMINDs, MasterMIND, it encompasses so much more than just a specific method.
I’m not saying anything bad about RYS. RYS is freaking awesome, guys. It kicks ass. But it’s about a particular method. MasterMIND is more about building your business, period. I mean, that’s not just marketing, it’s everything included. So that’s my take on, anybody want to say otherwise?
Marco: No. I’m the co-creator of RYS Academy Reloaded and I totally agree with you, MasterMIND first. You’ll get a discount for RYS Academy, but I would also tell you to pick up Local GMB Pro-
Bradley: If he’s doing local.
Marco: Yeah. Even if it isn’t because that’s gonna help him with his entity and brand and brand plus keyword recognition. As I said, I’m starting a national campaign that I’m gonna be working on and I’m gonna show how this shit works nationally even though you might have a local address.
Bradley: Okay. I’m gonna stay for about five more minutes guys, if anybody needs to bounce please feel free, but I wanna try to get a couple more of these. John, it looks like you and Anthony got the same memo today, apparently. Unless John posting the same question twice or Anthony posting the same question twice with two different profiles, one way or the other.
RYS vs Mastermind
Anyways, “MasterMIND versus RYS, I believe right now I need more of a community than another tool.” Well, neither one is a tool. Both MasterMIND and RYS are communities. RYS is also a particular method, but it’s not a tool. Right? “I need to see how others are working and where they’re going. I love the special offer case study. That’s the kind of insight community I feel to get a breakthrough. Makes sense?”
Yeah, it absolutely does, John. That’s what the MasterMIND is all about. Again, don’t get me wrong, RYS also has a community because we have a Facebook group for that. Marco and Rob are very active in there, I’m not, because that’s their baby. Right? But MasterMIND, again, either one is good. They’re great really, but MasterMIND again is all-encompassing. It covers so much more than just digital marketing or just SEO. Right? It covers a broad spectrum of topics and business-related topics.
Rob: I would say from hearing the question, I would mimic what both you guys said, MasterMIND first. Go out make some money, and then you get a discount on RYS, back it up and it just helps to take your business to the next level. But overall, MasterMIND.
Bradley: Thank you, Rob. Guys, don’t forget, when you join the MasterMIND all of our other products you get either if they’re under 300 bucks you get them for free, if they’re over 300 bucks you get a 30% discount. You get first access to all of our new products or new done-for-you services. You get first crack at then, we bring beta testers in for all kinds of new stuff all the time. Guys, MasterMIND is my baby. All of our baby is Semantic Mastery, but what I’m saying is like that’s that’s where my heart lies, is with MasterMIND, there’s no doubt.
Rob: Yeah, for sure. If you come and immerse yourself you will change your business.
Bradley: That’s it.
Rob: Period.
Bradley: Wayne was picking on you, Rob.
Rob: That’s good. I got thick skin, Indiana boy.
Why Bother With The Short URL In GMB Posting?
Bradley: John says, “Why bother with the short URL? Seems like a lot of work for something no one will see unless getting stats from someplace like Bitly, which has its own problems?” Not sure what you mean for that John, unless you’re talking about the short URLs from the GMB post from this. That’s what Google gives us as a short URL now for the post, the share URL. That’s what they look like. That’s what you’re talking about.
If you’re talking about like Bitly links in a GMB post, I know some services auto add bit link shorteners for any links. For example Sendible which turned out to be shit, by the way. I know I talked about it because I had good … We’ve got our own GMB poster now so I don’t recommend using Sendible anymore anyways. But before our poster was ready, I was using Sendible for GMB post automation and scheduling and I trained a VA to do it for our client work and stuff. Essentially after 100 GMB posts, you can’t use Sendible any more clients and they say it’s an API issue with Google. Google won’t allow them to add any more than 100 images to any one particular GMB profile through the API, through the Sendible’s API connected to …
I don’t know why because our auto poster, we can do as many as we want. Well, Marco was tried to break it and he’s not being able to replicate the error that Sendible has. I contacted Sendible support and they literally said it’s a Google API issue and our hands are tied, we can’t do anything. I said, “Okay. Well, you’ve just lost my $200 a month. I was paying them $200 a month. I said, “Well, you just lost my $200 a month because this is an absolutely useless service.” So anyways, that’s how I feel about Sendible now. It’s garbage.
Marco: If I may, ours starts at 37 a month.
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: So there you go.
Bradley: Yeah. I know and, again, they should put that shit on their sales page. API limitation notice, you can only do 100 posts before it breaks. I mean, think about it why would somebody sign up, take the time to learn how to use a particular platform, integrate processes into their business, which is what I did. I created process docs and all that shit for my VAs, spend all this time developing this out and then within two weeks or three weeks we hit the API limits. It’s like, are you kidding me? That’s just a complete waste of time. Anyways-
Bradley: Well, there’s add hours too. I drop this into, if you want to go sign up and try it out, you can get like five free posts just to try it. After that, you got to move on but you get in there, see what’s up, what’s available, and try it. Just sign up, get your email and you get five free posts to try it out. I highly suggest you try it out because the power is there in the RS feed in and out. RSS feed out even has, I mean, it’s we’ve it’s been a tricked out Semantic Mastery style. We’ve created our links back to 301, not the standard 302s that you typically get from the API.
Marco: Yeah. We push power around. I’d like to just give a shout out to our programmer who has just been kicking ass. He’s the one, Rob tells them, “We need this,” and the guy just gets it done. Once you get hooked into a really good programmer you know all limits are off.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: The sky’s the limit with what what we’re going to do with this. Right now, it’s at that price. So jump in, get in where you fit in as I usually say.
Bradley: Yep. I love the comments here guys. We’re done with questions so we’re gonna wrap up. But I just wanna give a shout out to each and every one of you. First of all, I loved the comments about Marco’s rant. That’s great. Armand, like I said, hit us up on support. We’ll send you a T-shirt or a hat or something. There it was, Armand right there.
Dominic’s awesome. We just talked about MasterMIND and we have small group MasterMINDs where Adam set up a survey form and MasterMIND members go in and fill out the survey form. Then Adam pairs people up or matches a small group of people that have like or similar interests up for small group meetings where they’ll, like accountability groups, which is how we got started at Symantec Mastery. This is how my partners and I got started was because of an accountability group that I founded and they all joined. That’s exactly how we got started and here we are five or six years later. Right?
Dominic was in my small group. The first small groups that Dominic was in mine. Great guy, sold a brick-and-mortar business to go into lead generation and SEO for his brother’s remodeling business, which is fabulous like, you know, sold his own brick-and-mortar business to be able to get into full-time digital marketing, which is amazing, I think. So Dominic shout out to you. That’s awesome. Jim Wells, again thanks for your questions and please come join a MasterMIND as well, and John looks like you’re about to join the MasterMIND. That’s fantastic.
I see you bought some of the other products. You could have gotten a significant discount. Sorry about that, buddy. But come join us now because it won’t be the last product we relaunch either. Okay?
Marco: John, just hit me up in the Facebook group for our Local GMB and we’ll work out on how to make it all work for you so that you can start making money and start buying more of our shit. Our shit works, man. There’s no question. It works.
Bradley: All right. Thanks everybody for being here. I wanna bounce, it’s just the true diehard still here. It’s Marco, Rob and me. All right, guys. We’re gonna wrap up.
Rob: We got a problem.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Might I add before we go, that I actually bit my tongue with what I really had to say. Anyway, I bit my tongue, guys.
Rob: That’s Hump Day Hangouts on a three second delay.
Bradley: Yeah, that was a rant earlier from Marco. That was a restrained Marco rant.
Marco: It was.
Bradley: A restrained rant. All right, guys. Thanks for everybody being here on our MasterMIND webinar. Tomorrow, we’re gonna be going over that fabulous GMB method that is just crashing it right now, guys. MasterMIND is a good time to join, if you haven’t already. We’ll see you guys next week. Thanks everybody. Thanks, Rob. Thanks, Marco.
Marco: Bye, everyone.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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liteblock · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192
Click on the video above to watch Episode 192 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: We are live on Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is episode 192. I’m Adam. I am not drunk or on drugs, I’m just really excited to be here. Yeah, we got that on our way.
Chris: Liar. You’re a liar, Adam.
Adam: No. Because now I’m on the West Coast, so my schedules are all out of whack. So right after we get done here, I head out the door, beat the traffic, and go for a run out in the hills and then come back.
Bradley: Yeah. That’s his running in the woods that he always talks about.
Adam: Running.
Bradley: Right.
Adam: I’m so tired. Anyways, enough about me. Let’s find out about everyone else. So, on my screen, Chris, you’re first. How’s it going, man?
Chris: Doing good. Good to be here.
Adam: Where are you located in the world today?
Chris: I’m still in Austria, soon heading to Portugal, then Barcelona. We’ll see after that.
Adam: Nice, nice. Hernan, how about you? Are you surviving winter?
Hernan: Yeah. I am for now and I’m planning to do so for our coming live event. So I’m super excited about that. I’m super happy to be here.
Chris: You’re not making Spain this year?
Hernan: I don’t know if we know. I mean, I don’t think so because we have a date with a lot of people, or potentially a lot of people in Washington, DC, so I’ll get to that.
Chris: So you leave it to destiny?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: Wait. Is Tony Robbins coming?
Hernan: No.
Adam: Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m trying to make some last minute changes.
Adam: Gotcha, gotcha. All right. We’ll come back to you. Marco’s got some good stuff he’s gonna share. I don’t know, I see an eagle in the mountains. Who is this mysterious person?
Rob: Hey, what’s going on, man?
Adam: Hey, everybody. This is Rob Beale. If you don’t know him, you probably see him around the group, if you’re new to us. Rob, how is it going?
Rob: I’m doing good. I’ll switch to my camera for a second, but I’m on my cell phone.
Bradley: Oh, yeah. That’s safe driving and hosting a webinar.
Rob: Yeah. There you go. So I’ll talk to you guys after that later, right?
Bradley: That’s multitasking right there, buddy.
Adam: Sounds good. Yeah. Be safe. Yeah. Keep your eye on the road. Bradley, last but not least, how are you doing?
Bradley: I don’t know, but I wonder what kind of citation, the cops issue for that.
Adam: Not a good one.
Rob: That’s why they make headphones, man.
Adam: There you go.
Bradley: No, I’m good. I’m excited. I’m super excited. Guys, I’ve just got to make a quick tease for the MasterMIND again because I just posted in the MasterMIND today. I started testing another method for ranking in a 3-Pack and I actually created a … Or went to go register a GMB listing about nine days ago and I just went and picked up the postcard for verification last night. I woke up this morning and before I went to the gym, because I coach CrossFit classes in the morning, and so for a little bit this morning I went and I verified the listing by entering the pin and all that and then I went to the gym. When I came back I checked, it’s number one in the 3-Pack. It’s the number one in the 3-Pack for … I’ve only tested two of my primary five keywords, but those two keywords are number one in the 3-Pack.
I just talked about how I did that in the MasterMIND. We talked about it two weeks ago on Thursday what my plan was and it worked. I saw I posted in MasterMIND Facebook Group about it today and tomorrow’s the next MasterMIND webinar and I already got several people that are asking me to go over it in much greater detail as to how I did it. Now I don’t know if it’s repeatable yet. It looks very, very promising, but I’m going to try to replicate that same results with another listing within the next two weeks. If I can get it to happen two for two, then we’re on to something.
Again, if you guys are interested in that, now would be a really good time to join the MasterMIND. I know I say that every week but there’s a reason for it.
Anyways, with that said, Adam what other announcements do we have?
Marco: Well, just to add to what you’re saying, there are actually other uses for that tool that I’d be willing to share in the next MasterMIND and when you discuss this. There are actually other ways. You can use it for what you used it for, but it’s also a great client prospecting tool.
Bradley: It’s awesome.
Adam: That’s right. Well, we had the Launch Local GMB Pro and Bradley can talk about results. Marco, Rob, everyone can talk about results. I’m gonna drop the link on the page. If you haven’t yet checked it out, you can see the results other people are getting. This isn’t something we came up with and then said, “Look, we got good results.” People immediately started having results with this. So I’m not gonna really harp on that too much. You can go check it out for yourselves and read about it, see if that’s something you think you could plug into your business and start making a lot of money with.
But we do have some cool services that were requested. We started hearing back from people, “Hey, I want to arbitrage this. I want you guys to do it for me. What can you do so that I could provide the high value to my client but I don’t have to do the nitty-gritty work?”
Rob, Marco, do you wanna kind of explain what’s going on with that?
Marco: Yeah. Before Rob jumps in, what I want to add to what you said is, we have a Facebook group, but our Facebook groups, you don’t see people asking questions on, well how do I get results? We do get some of those, of course, because if there are new people who are not familiar with anything. But what we’re seeing a lot is we get, I’m getting these results. This is what I’m doing and I’m getting these many costs. We see that time after time after time.
It’s not a Facebook group on what am I supposed to do. It’s a Facebook group where people are sharing their results, people are sharing their different ideas, the different things that they’re doing, we’re conducting webinars. I mean, everything that we told you was going to happen is happening.
For some people, it’s just incredible, the results that they’ve been getting. That they’ve been getting 200 plus calls a month in the demo. How freaking good is that? One guy, “Please no more calls.” Why? The client complaining “I’m getting too many calls. I can’t handle it.” That’s the type of results we’re talking about. Don’t let me tell you about it. Go in the Facebook group and see for yourself.
Bradley: I had one of my roofing clients call me and literally asked if there’s any way I could throttle the calls down because he’s overwhelmed with work. I’m not kidding. He had me put one notification bar or banner plug-in on his WordPress site that says “We are no longer accepting new calls.” I’m not kidding. Because he’s got such a backup of roofing leads right now and it’s because of what we’ve been applying with the GMB Pro method and all that, it’s insane.
I’m also adding image to the page right now, guys, from one of our MasterMIND members. A lot of you will know him from also Syndication Academy. Bo, I hope you’re all right with me posting just your comment. It doesn’t reveal any written information, but it says pretty much the same thing that happened with the last two GMB Pro listings he made within 24 hours of verifying the listing, he was in the 3-Pack.
Anyways, we’ve kind of found a secret backdoor guys to just kicking ass and taking names and it’s pretty freakin’ amazing.
Adam: What would you guys say to somebody who maybe hasn’t gotten the experience of dealing with, you know, maybe a client who’s got a Local GMB listing? Do you think that someone who hasn’t done this could see results from getting involved in the Local GMB Pro course?
Bradley: Absolutely. It varies per industry. Probably level of competition makes a difference too, but we’ve seen results in as little as days, almost overnight. I’ve got a couple of tree service lead gen sites that we started to apply the GMB Pro method to and, I mean, literally within 48 hours, like sites that had not been optimized, hadn’t built any citations yet, they were just basically abandoned lead gen sites that I never got around to doing anything with, and we just started applying the GMB Pro method to and within 48 hours they started generating phone calls and leads, which is freaking insane.
Others take a little bit longer, like the cab service or the taxi company that I’m doing for the case study. It’s taking a little bit longer, but it’s really starting to gain traction within the last couple of weeks. The calls started to pick up, a lot more clicks through to the website. So the more activity the more volume of activity it generates if that makes sense. It really just varies, but yeah, pretty much any business or any local business.
Again, I haven’t applied any of this to national stuff, but for local business stuff, which is what we’re talking about, Local Google My Business stuff, I mean, it’s almost instant results once you start applying what we’re teaching.
Adam: Good deal. Well, I don’t-
Marco: Hang on a sec. Yeah, as far as national, I don’t want to mention any names, but one of the big guys, who has been with us often and whom we love, he has a national campaign that he wants to do. So what I’m going to do is we’re going to treat it as a case study. We’re going to get him into Local GMB Pro and we will have results, I guarantee you. In the next month or two, we will let you know how this can be applied nationally.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right, guys. We’ve got to wrap this up pretty quick and then hop into questions. But we definitely wanna let everyone know and, Rob, maybe you can hop in now and talk a little bit, just take a minute or two, about what’s going on with the Done-For-You services.
Rob: Okay. We’re putting a team together, we’re getting the site up. Again, if someone else can drop the link to the site that’s coming up on the page, that’d be awesome because I’m driving. We’re getting the team together so the services are coming along. The other thing I wanna mention is the auto poster is live and ready to start being used. We’re getting some crazy results with it. It has lots of features that you’re not going to find anywhere else. The poster creates an RSS feed.
For those of you that follow us enough, you know with an RSS feed, there’s a lot of extras you can add on the end of even the Local GMB Pro that we haven’t even added to bolster the results that everyone’s talking about now. You can start adding all those things, syndicating your GMB post across your network, and all the other fun stuff you can do with RSS feeds. I won’t go into that, it’s too offbeat. I could take forever.
The other thing that is super cool with this auto poster that we have is, for those that are already doing syndication and doing blog content for their clients, we have a plug-in that we’re going to give away for free. You use that along with our auto poster and you can connect your blog and create, just based on your blog, it’ll post to your GMB.
Marco, I dropped a link in chat to you. If you could post that, that is an example post from a blog that was posted that went through syndication and ended up on the GMB site. So that’s what it looks like using the WordPress plug-in and the auto poster that we have that’s now live and ready to go. There’s all kinds of other things that we can get into, but that’s I just wanna let everybody know that it is live and it’s ready to go. Go sign up and start killing it.
Adam: Great. Looks like I’m getting a call in the middle of, there we go, Hump Day Hangouts. Awesome.
Marco: I dropped the link in there. Guys, you can grab your actual websites RSS feed. You can feed your posts, and then from your post you can grab another RSS feed and go crazy. I mean, this is how insane this is. We’re talking about amplifying the message, right? Syndicating is all about that, it’s amplifying it. But it’s going to have proper attribution, which is the most important thing right now so that you don’t get. People are getting hit with or their tummy is getting hit with penalties. But I guarantee you, you don’t have proper attribution. We have proper attribution. Everything is taken care of, guys. This is so you can just blow up and get insane leads for your clients.
I’m gonna also, besides that link, so that you guys can look at it and just see how good the posts look … Remember, that’s an RSS feed going into Google My Business. All right? That’s how great it looks. Let me also share our marketplace because we have an MGYB if you’ve been with us long enough you know what that stands for, marketplace. It’s free to join. Guys, right now, what we’re offering is video carpet bomb. It’s a service where you can go and just literally find out where you can rank a video in a short period of time. We have a great VA, he’s trained.
Go join the auto poster, it will be available through MGYB.co, and we will be adding other services and products as we go along. It’s in the beginning but we wanted to get this out right away because these are the two easiest methods to go and find out where to rank, as far as videos, and how to get leads and push content because you do need content for Google My Business system. So the easiest way to do it is to schedule it and auto post. How cool is that? I mean, it’s like I said, you train the VA, you don’t have to do shit except to sell it to a client and collect the money, guys. That’s it. It’s that simple. You guys, “No, it can’t be this easy.” Well, yes, it really is. We’ve really made it simple for you guys to go and make money.
Adam: All right, guys. Yeah. Let’s get into questions and then before we wrap it up I’m gonna drop a link in. I wanted to remind everybody we got the live event coming up in October. We still got seats open. We’re gonna cap that at 25. It’s gonna be the weekend of October and October 21st in Washington DC, including our beautiful faces along with some guest speakers, including Jeffrey Smith. So if you’re interested, again, that link will be on there and we’ll touch on that again towards the end. But let’s go ahead and dive into the questions.
Bradley: Yeah. Just quickly I wanna mention anybody that goes to checks out the MGYB marketplace, which is Make Google Your BITCH, just in case nobody knows what that meant. The video carpet bomb offer, that’s actually I got the idea from a colleague of ours, Randy James, and we kind of refined the process together and I trained the VA how to do this really well. The offer that’s in there right now, we should have two offers actually, I just pinged Marco in chat and Slack, but we’ll get the other offer in there.
But essentially the two ways that I’m using that is: one, if you’re doing lead gen, it’s fantastic because what we do is take a particular location and then we gather all of the locations like townships, boroughs, all that stuff within a 20-mile radius and then we create a list of … You can have up to three keywords appended or and in the locations appended to those three keywords.
Let’s say that you end up on a 20-mile radius with 60 locations and you got three keywords, so that’s 180 keywords that you would be targeting. All you need to provide is the three keywords and the central location and then the video file and a thumbnail, if you want a custom thumbnail, and then the call-to-action, which will be placed in the video description, which is typically going to be an NAP, if you’re doing local stuff, which is what we suggest.
No, I didn’t, Marco. But anyway, I don’t remember saying that anyways. We’ll cover that later. We’ll get that set up for next week.
Anyways, it’s really good because I mean, out of like 180 videos that we’ll upload, we can’t guarantee any certain number of them, but I typically get anywhere between 30 to 50 videos ranked on page one for that. Now it’s great for lead gen because you can start to generate leads right away. You can also find low-hanging fruit. So it’s like poking keywords as well, right? You can find keyword opportunities that you can go ranked some more long-term assets for, web pages, social media, web 2.0, anything like press releases, anything like those whatsoever.
But then there’s also an alternate method that I’m using that for that works really freaking well. It’s for prospecting purposes, guys, and for closing sales or closing clients. One of the best things that you can do is, once a conversation has been initiated with a prospect, so a potential client, when you go to make your proposal or your pitch for whatever services that you are offering, we have a lesser version of it that, again, will get this added in within the next week, it’s for a 10-mile radius in one keyword.
Essentially, what we’ll do is, let’s say, with three keywords in a 20-mile radius, like I said, maybe return 60 locations or 60 place names, right? With the 10-mile radius, it might be 30 or 25 place names and you get one keyword. So it will create the same campaign, one keyword appended with the 25 or 30 locations, and it will upload it. Out of that you might get five to 10-ish videos ranked and it’s gonna be inexpensive, 20 or 25 bucks is what we’re gonna charge for that. So that when you’re pitching the client, when you’re giving them a proposal, you can also send them the results with their video that you branded for them, with their brand name, with their contact information, their NAP in the description. You can use that as a deal sweetener for your proposal.
That works really, really, really well. I’ve used that method over and over and over again for impressing potential clients so that when I go to … Because think about that, how many companies show results when they present the proposal? Very few, right? Because he wants to do any work. But I trained a VA to do it, right? My VA, for me, the cost is a few dollars. I can have a campaign, a video carpet-bomb campaign that I can submit with the proposal and say, “Look, just to show you that I know what I’m talking about and I can get you results quickly, I did this for you at no cost and I included it with the proposal and there’ll be a spreadsheet with the links and the keywords that it’s ranked for.”
So they can go verify it themselves, and it’s their brand name their call to action, their contact information, and NAP on the video, so it’s like branded for them. I’ve gotten a lot of prospects and clients that have come back and said, “Wow, that’s really great. Thank you for doing that. Nobody’s ever done that before.” So it works really, really well. Besides doing lead gen stuff or providing that as a reselling service for your clients, which you could absolutely do, it’s also a great way to land clients and impress them. So definitely check that out. We’ll get the prospecting plan for that put into the marketplace within the next week or so.
Okay. All right. Let’s get into some questions. That went a little bit longer, but we had a lot of news to share. All right. Let’s get this backup. Oh, yeah, I love that gif, by the way. All right.
Is The Syndication Course Still Relevant Since It Has Been Released In 2015?
The first question, Richard, that was already answered by Chris. Chris reposted one from Support, it looks like. “Is syndication still relevant?” This is from Renee Ward. “I have your course from 2015. There have been so many SEO changes since then, seven to eight this year, and I was wondering if it’s still worth the trouble to syndicate. Also, are there any negative repercussions since Google is so picky nowadays.”
No. Renee, it’s absolutely still valid. Again, it’s still the very foundation of everything that we do. Other than some of the newer stuff that we’re doing with GMB, we’re able to get results without using syndication networks. We still recommend that you use them for many, many reasons. Number one, syndication networks help to validate the entity. Right? That’s incredibly important, especially now, more so than it was in 2015 when we first launched the course. Right? That really wasn’t even much of a concern back then. Now, it is. So, validating the entities, number one.
Number two, you’re amplifying your content. Go do a Google search for content amplification and you’ll see there’s a ton of different services out there and the definitions are all pretty much the same. That’s basically getting your content that you publish on your blog or your website everywhere that you can. That’s what content amplification is. So all we’re doing is automating it using IFTTT and our Syndication Academy methods. Right?
Think about it, all of the major news and media sites and the major blogs, the author’s will syndicate their own content that they’ve published on those sites to their own social media profiles, their own professional profiles and such. So why is that any different than what we’re doing? It’s not. Guys, it’s not. This whole myth that, you know, it constantly comes up, and I’m not picking on you, Renee, by the way, but we get the question that comes up often.
By the way, just a quick aside, Renee, that a lot of these questions, especially this one, is also answered in our knowledge-base, which you can find at [email protected]. We have frequently asked questions there categorized by product. If you go to the Syndication Academy Frequently Asked Questions at [email protected], you’ll see a lot of these questions are already answered.
But for the benefit of everybody here today, I’ll go through it again. That is, we get a lot of people say, “Well, what about duplicate content?” Guys, duplicate content only exists when it’s on the same domain. If you have 10 pages on your domain or posts and they’re all the same freaking content, that’s duplicate content. It’s not duplicate content when it’s republished on other domains.
If that were the case, press releases wouldn’t work. I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, and so can the vast majority of our members that are using press releases, we launched an entire product specifically on how to use press releases to rank especially local stuff, and those are all duplicate content. Right? It gets published at one place first, whatever the originating press cable services that you’re using. Then from there, it goes out to the press wires and just gets picked up by any other syndication partners that are part of that press cable service. Right?
It’s the same freaking press release, not a single word has been changed on it across all the places it’s published to, which are typically 200-plus other sites, some cases 400, 500 sites. Right? It gives an absolute quick boost for ranking, especially for local stuff. If duplicate content was an issue, then press releases wouldn’t work. But they work and they work incredibly well.
My point is no. Guys, you’re sharing your own content to your own branded properties, which is natural, It’s normal. In fact, it’s kind of expected nowadays. Right? So, no, there is no negative repercussions. Where the negative repercussions come in is when you start to try to gain the system and add a whole bunch of persona-based networks and secondary syndication networks and you don’t take steps to mask or reduce your footprint.
There is no footprint when we’re syndicating to branded properties. In fact, we are claiming our footprint. We’re literally posting a flag up and saying, “Hey, come check us out. This is our content on all of our sites.” Right? We’re actually, literally, broadcasting our footprint to our own branded sites. But when you start to syndicate content, the same content to other networks that have nothing but your branded content on them and their persona-based networks, now that’s clearly to manipulate search rankings. And that can cause problems.
However, we teach in Syndication Academy also how to reduce that footprint and still have effective secondary syndication networks. I don’t typically recommend that, it depends on how many sites you’re managing. If you’re just managing one site, it’s a great strategy. If you’re managing a dozen sites, it’s not, because it’s a lot of work and it’s a lot to maintain.
Again, we cover all that stuff since 2015. There have been many, many changes, in fact, that’s why Syndication Academy 2.0, which is what we’re in currently now, which was launched, shit, I think a year and a half ago now. I think we’re on update webinar 22 or 23, so it’s almost two years now. We update it every month. Again, there has been changes but we stay on top of it.
In fact, our guest that’s on today, Rob, he’s actually going to be taking over the Syndication Academy Update webinars here soon. In the near future, he’s gonna be taking over handling and hosting the Syndication Academy Update webinars. Anyways-
Rob: I promise not to do those from my car too. How about that?
Bradley: Yeah, I hope so. Anyways, Renee, I would encourage you to come check out Syndication Academy 2.0. You could still take the training from 2015 and adapt it to today’s current standards. There’s no question you might have to do a lot of trial and error to figure it all out, or you can come join Syndication Academy 2.0 and it’s all laid out for you. Okay? Or better yet, another alternative would be for you to just buy Done-For-You networks so you don’t even have to bother with it. Just use the networks to your advantage.
Are There Any Issues Connecting Blogger To IFTTT In The Past Weeks?
Okay. Paul’s up. He says, “Hey, guys. I would like to know what is going on with Blogger? For weeks now when you go into IFTTT to connect to Blogger, Blogger won’t connect. If and when Blogger does connect, the recipes won’t work.” Well, Paul, first of all, I rarely ever go into IFTTT and connect stuff anymore because, again, we have a ton of virtual assistants that do all that stuff for me. So I can’t confirm, I’m not saying that what you’re saying isn’t true, Paul, but I haven’t experienced that problem myself. I haven’t heard anything like that coming from the build team either.
Not that I’m plugged into the build team all the time, but typically it goes through the support channels and ends up in my lap when it comes to Syndication Academy stuff or syndication network stuff and I have not heard that. I don’t know if it’s a specific issue with you, Paul, or your Blogger account or whatever. I don’t know. First of all, I would question, I would ask you, have you tested other Blogger accounts instead of the one that you’re talking about here. Yeah, because it might be an isolated issue.
If it’s not an isolated issue, in other words, if this issue is across more than one Blogger profile, then I would reach out to IFTTT support and ask them what the problem is. Because again, I don’t work for IFTTT, I just learned how to use the shit out of it for my own benefit and then taught you guys how to do it. But again, I would contact IFTTT support and ask them specifically because they would be much better and give you much quicker reply than I would. Okay?
However, that said, I have put that already on my list because I saw your post earlier today, Paul. I put that on my list for the next Syndication Academy Update webinar to test and see if there’s an issue; and if so, try to find a workaround. Right? That’s typically what we do, guys. Remember, I do not build networks anymore really. I very rarely ever do that because, again, I’ve trained so many damn VAs to do it, I don’t have to. So I don’t get to experience these issues until it’s brought to my attention.
But then when you guys bring it to my attention, or if one of our network builders brings something to my attention, then I put it on the list for Syndication Academy Update webinar, and then I go in and I test. Right? I go in and I try to find a workaround, see, first, confirm if it’s true, then try to find a workaround. If I do, I let you guys know; and if I don’t, I let you know. Either way, I let you know. That’s part of the Syndication Academy Updates.
Rob, just so you know, it’s probably gonna get dumped in your lap. There you go.
Rob: I figured.
Bradley: Put it on your list, Rob. Play with Blogger. But just for that, let’s just check one thing. I don’t know if it’s existing. Let’s see if existing sites are having the same problem or existing networks, probably not. This one seems to still be working. I’m still looking at some of my … That one was just posted on July 6, so that was five days ago.
Yeah. I don’t know, it looks like, because I’ve got a ton of syndication networks. The one that I just picked up looks like it’s syndicated just five days ago, which was I think the last time I have a VA that does the videos for my clients. That was one of the videos that was done, one of the rep videos, it’s David Sprague’s product. It looks like that one was fine.
Again, Paul, I’d say it’s probably an isolated issue. But if it’s not, just contact IFTTT support. We’ll look into it though, it’s on the list. Okay.
“Also, when you go into settings under Post and Share, you can’t turn on the auto share to G Plus page. Are you guys having the same issues?”
Don’t worry about it, Paul. Google Plus is dying. They’ve already dug the grave and it’s halfway in the grave. It’s about three feet underground at this point. I’m not kidding you. Google Plus is dying. That’s why any of you guys are probably within the last couple weeks, many of you have probably received notifications from Google Plus saying that they were going to delete your page because it hasn’t been posted to in a while, if you have any pages that haven’t been posted to in a while. That’s just more evidence that Google is absolutely removing Google Plus from the Google ecosystem.
Which I never thought would happen, I honestly didn’t. I mean, I remember years … People have been saying, “Google Plus is dead for five, six years,” and five or six years ago, I used to think, no, there’s no way. Because remember, they integrated Google Plus. Google did. They forced everybody that used Google products to be on Google Plus and it was so much a part of the semantic web, what Google’s version of the semantic web was. The reason why is because it was an identity validator. Not an entity validator, but an identity validator. Does that make sense?
Because in order for you to be on Google Plus, you had to have a Google account, a verified Google account, like a profile. You couldn’t get on Google Plus as just a page or a business. You had to have a profile that was intimately attached to a specific person, right? Google Plus was an identity validator, which was used at the early onset of the semantic web engine for Google. Google’s version of the semantic web, right? But I guess they figured out other ways through all the stuff that Marco looks into like AI and machine learning and all that shit to validate entities without Google Plus. That’s why they’re slowly removing it from all of the Google products. I think in the near future it actually finally will be a dead product.
Anybody wanna comment on that? I’ll take silence as a no. All right. I’m gonna move on then. Is everybody still here? Because it’s rare to get radio silence like that. We should have crickets-
Adam: Yeah. First, we need to have like a real production studio. It would be fun to have some good sound effects.
What Are Your Thoughts On Josh Bachynski’s Statement On Emailing Google To Shut Down Google Sites?
Bradley: Yes, some crickets. That would have been funny. Okay. Armand is up. What’s up, Armand? He says, “I thought this was pretty interesting. I was listening to Josh Bachynski YouTube channel, good SEO channel, by the way, and they were talking about Google Sites giving a boost, which, of course, you guys know all about. Yes, sir, we do. What I thought was an interesting statement, is, he claims he could have it shut down tomorrow by emailing John Mueller of Google and telling him about it. You can see it here.” He dropped a link. “What do you guys think about this? I’m really mostly looking forward to the F-bombs we’ll hear from Marco.”
Honestly, I don’t know why Josh would say something like that. He could have it shut down by emailing John Mueller, maybe he could, maybe couldn’t. Why would he be flexing his muscles like that? I mean, whatever, why would you want to kill something that works for SEOs when you’re an SEO yourself? I don’t understand that. That would be like, why would you shit where you eat? You know what I’m saying?
Essentially, that’s what he’d be doing at that point. I’m not saying anything bad about Josh. Honestly, I don’t really follow his channel or any of that stuff because, as far as I know from years ago, it was a lot of white hat stuff and discussions between white hat versus black hat and all that. I don’t buy an any that shit. SEO is SEO. As far as I know, there are no hats. Right?
Adam: Yeah. The other thing I think is really interesting about this, and I can’t weigh in on the technical aspect of it, but I think that, yeah, Google’s messed around their own properties before, but they like this. This is getting their stuff more of their own stuff to show.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:33:42]
Adam: Yeah. Maybe they turn back or something happens in the future, but it’s not like they’re gonna suddenly realize, “Oh goodness, Google My Business pages are taking up more real estate. We better do something about it.” That’s not gonna happen.
Bradley: Yeah. Marco, I know you’re anxious to say something.
Marco: All right. Let me start with this. Do you guys think Google is stupid enough not to know that their G sites are powerful? Do you think that they don’t already have enough fucking stupid telling them that it works this way and that it’s pushing a lot of juice and that it’s pushing their properties. Do you think it’s not already happening? I don’t want to mention names, but snitches get stitches. If he wants to go that way, he’s a fuckin’ retard because he’s done a whole bunch of dirty shit. I mean, Josh goes back to days when, I mean, the crap that was being done, he was at the forefront of that shit. So I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. All of a sudden he turned, he’s an angel and he doesn’t do shit. Well, fuck you and fuck John Mueller.
Rob: Hey, Remember, this is Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I don’t give a fuck, man. These fucking people, they pissed me off. Fuck him, fuck John Muller, fuck them all. We’re gonna keep doing it. We’ll do it as long as we can and if they take that away, we’ll just find another way like we always do, man. So fuck that, fuck you, and that’s what I have to say about it.
Bradley: Wow. Armand. Can we send Armand a T-shirt for firing up Marco?
Adam: Yeah. Armand, hit us up in Support. Also, I was gonna say hashtag POFU.
Bradley: Wow. Okay. Armand, since you fired up Marco for the day, you won yourself a T-shirt or a hat or something. So contact [email protected] and we’ll send you something.
Adam: John just wrote on the page. He said, “How do you really feel, Marco?”
Bradley: Yeah, right. I was gonna say, guys, we’re not setting a precedent here. Please don’t intentionally try to piss Marco off just so you can get free stuff. Hump Day Hangouts will begin a downward spiral really quickly that way.
Do You Have Any Recommendations For Planning And Tracking Web 2.0/Syndication Networks?
Jim Wells is up next. He says, “Howdy, SM Gang. Thanks for the recommendation on Google PVA’s last week.” You’re welcome. So that’s Metro biz. Yeah, he’s great. Jim, I guess you contacted him right after Hump Day Hangouts or shortly thereafter because he came pinged me on Skype and said thank you for the recommendation again. Absolutely, he’s a good guy.
Anyways, number one, he says, “Do you have any recommendations for planning and tracking web 2.0, syndication networks? For planning and tracking. I use mind mapping software for general plans. We’ll, we have a service monitor, Serpspace.com, Jim. A few aren’t aware of that. I don’t know if it has a visual editor like a visual tracker. Adam, can you comment on that?
Adam: No. If it continues to grow we might build something out, but yeah, you just copy-paste your info in and it does this thing and monitors and then backgrounds, you don’t have to.
Bradley: Yeah. So as far as for planning them, no, but it does monitor them. What’s great about it is if you order Done-For-You networks from Serp Space they can automatically be imported into the network monitor, which will notify you if properties go down, or if they’re not posting, or if RSS feeds stops posting, like it stops detecting new items in RSS feeds. It does various things. It lets you know. So it’s a great way when you have multiple networks or dozens or hundreds of networks. It’s a great way to monitor all that stuff because otherwise a lot of times you just don’t know when stuff starts to break down. Right? Unless you’re manually checking yourself.
But as far as planning them, yeah, mind mapping know software is typically what I would. I use Lucidcharts. I like that a lot. That’s pretty much, in my opinion, the best mind mapping. I’ve used about a dozen of them and that was the one that I found to be, in my opinion, the easiest to use. It’s Lucidcharts.
Anyways, “But I was looking for a better solution to tracking which sites, networks, rings were linked and what content is feeding to them. I’ve been working on a Google Sheets solution, but it’s incredibly cumbersome.” Yeah. That was my issue because that’s what I was … I mean, I still manage probably 90% of my business through Google Drive, period, and I still use spreadsheets for everything too, but that’s part of the reason that we built the network monitor in Serp Space, was specifically so that you could see tier 1 networks on tier 2 networks and how content is feeding from one to the other and that kind of stuff. You are able to do that inside of Serp Space. The actual visual planning, we don’t have that yet. That might be something that we could do at some later time though.
What’s Your Opinion On The Number Of Google Sites To Use For Each Account?
Okay. All right. Number two is, “What’s your opinion on the number of Google sites to use for each account? Is there a limit to how many you place on each one? I think Peter Drew mentioned using eight before moving on.” Yeah. I typically don’t have more than a couple to up to eight. If I’m using Peter Drew’s Google sites generator software, then that specifically, yes, I’ll use eight Google sites or I’ll use the Google site with eight pages, which is what he recommends. It’s his software, he’s tested the shit out of it, and so is all his beta testers and all of his members now. So if that’s what Peter Drew suggests for using that, then I think that’s a good suggestion. I trust his judgment because he does a lot of testing.
But as far as the methods like for RYS methods, I’ll leave that one to Marco. But typically, for my RYS Drive stacks that contain a Google site, which all of them do. I think it should be standard operating procedure, when you buy a drive stack you buy the add-on the Google site, G site. Right? Because, to me, it’s really an incomplete … I mean, the way I look at it is that … I use the Google site as like the linchpin for the drive stack. That’s the main point that I drive all the relevancy from the drive files to the Google site and then I use the Google site to push relevancy to wherever I want. Right?
Again, I think those should be the same. As far as that, typically, I’ll only have the Google site in that drive stack account. But typically, like I said, I usually don’t have more than eight. I usually only have between two to four really in any one account. Marco, what are your thoughts?
Marco: I don’t know anything about Peter Drew to comment. I can only comment on what I do.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: It’s one main stack with the script, plus G site. I mean, you’re killing half the power or more if you don’t push the all of that power to the G site and then that power to wherever it needs to go. It defeats the purpose of everything that we do if there’s no companion G site. Now the way that we do it is, if you need additional folders and files, well, those stacks in and of themselves that’s what a stack really is. It’s a folder packed with files the Semantic Mastery way. The way that we do it. The way that we interlink everything. Right?
The way that it’s done is really time-consuming and that’s why you’ll see that most other people will not go the lengths that we go to interlink everything and to give everything the power that it needs. The only thing is that the script takes up a lot of resources. If you install the script in more than one folder, Google is going to kill your G site immediately. I mean, no question. We see a time after time after time after time. One G site but multiple stacks as long as you’re only running one script in one of the stacks and that should be your main stack. That’s my opinion on that.
Bradley: Yup. He says, “Also, for Stacks, do you place anything else on those accounts? Seems like it might be a risk.” I’ve used some of my drive stack accounts the Google accounts for like creating Blogger accounts. It’s like another syndication point and things like that. I mean, typically, I don’t see, there is a bit of a risk. But I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever had, I don’t think I’ve ever had a drive stack terminated like the index was terminated from Google. I don’t think I’ve ever lost a Google account that was specific for just drive stack. What Marco says is true about the script and I’ve had that occur, but not when I’m just doing what Marco said, which is …
In fact, a lot of the Google sites that I end up with the drive stacks, I sometimes use the scripts on them. It’s just everything is static once it’s built out. Again, I haven’t had any issues with that whatsoever. The only time I’ve ever had a drive stack account terminated is when, like Marco said, I’ve had … When the script overburdened the servers and then they terminated that, they killed it. But other than that I have … I mean, I’ve got drive stacks, especially the early ones that I did that are … Because I built a few myself originally that were a bit like spammy and they’re still alive today. So I really haven’t had any issues. What do you say, Marco?
Marco: Again, yeah. The only time that we’ve had issues that we’ve had stuff killed off is when we overburden Google. Google doesn’t like leeches using their resources for free. If you pay them now, you can get away with all a whole lot of stuff. If you go through their API, you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. If you go through G suite you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. But if you’re starting off free, don’t overburden Google. You could do other stuff in there that there’s no reason why.
As a matter of fact, it helps to validate, again, you mentioned identity, but not only the identity, the entity. The entity is alive and well and it’s a living organism within this, the Gmail ecosystem, let’s call it. Right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: So yeah, that’s what I would say.
Bradley: Okay, great. Great question, Jim. As always, man. He’s always posting a really question.
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also.
Bradley: I’m sorry?
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also. I think people lose sight of just the fact that Google, they develop drives in the Google site and all that stuff to be used by just standard everyday people. We’re just using it in a different manner, but we forget that driving a huge of ton at all universities, and high schools, and all over the country, at least in the state. I mean, my kid has Google drive stack for the classes they do. They look more spammy sometimes in some of my drive stack. I mean, they’re sharing and copying documents and moving along all over the place and you’ve got an entire high school and college classes running through Google and Google drive and sharing and replicating documents, and copying and pasting, and multiple duplicates of the same document.
Just stuff that you’re doing, I mean, just think of it like what were the regular college kid do or a high school kid. If you’re just making a bunch of documents and folders and sharing them and stuff like that, I mean, you’re basically hide in plain sight.
Bradley: Yeah.
Rob: Like you said, burden in their script and you’re using their computing power to automate a bunch of building and stuff, that’s when they take notice.
What’s The Best Way To Use Crowdsearch.me For Local Right Now?
Bradley: Awesome. Thanks, Rob. Kay Dee says, “Hey guys, what’s the best way to use crowdsearch.me for local right now? I bought it through a link Hernan sent to your future SEO click-throughs page but then saw your post here a couple weeks ago where you will not be implementing apps like that for GMB or money sites as they’ve been flagged.”
Yeah, that’s true. Now don’t get me wrong, guys. It still can be used. I just think it’s been deprecated quite a bit. I know it has because I used to use the shit out of it. I promoted crowdsearch.me for a solid two years because I used about 50,000 credits per month, I’m not kidding, because it worked really, really well. But as everything that we do in SEO, it became saturated and other products and services, PandaBot and a bunch of other ones popped up that started providing the … Serpify is one. Another one, I think … I don’t know, there’s a ton of them.
I actually did a case study test on those two, by the way. We tested four of them. Another one is John [inaudible 00:46:13] Rainmaker. I don’t know, there’s a bunch of services like that and I’ve done case study tests on many of them and found that … I didn’t even start the case studies until after I’ve realized that they weren’t working as well. Right? I started to see less and less results from using them. Okay?
But I’m not saying that there’s not still a place for it. I just don’t bother with it because it has become so ineffective that it’s not worth the trouble or the expense. I can get much better results by setting up other campaigns or using like YouTube, for example. I’ve talked many, many times about how to drive cheap traffic from YouTube, which is verified real people. Right? You can accomplish a lot of the same thing using traffic from YouTube. You can also hire Microtasks workers and although that’s not as effective as it used to be either for reasons of their search history and stuff like that, like essentially …
Remember guys, Google keeps a profile of everybody. Right? They built a profile of Google users. So anytime you’re using Google and you’re logged into an account, they’re tracking what you do, they’re compiling history of your browsing history, and the types of content that you look at, the types of searches that you do, the types of websites that you click on and interact with and engage with.
Google creates a profile for each user. So even now when you hire Microtasks workers and you tell them to go to Google.com in the US and search for a particular keyword and then go find your listing on page one or page two, or whatever, all the way up to page 10 if you want, whatever page it is, then click on it. Then find the third word in the fourth paragraph and copy it and paste it into the answer box for the Microtasks dashboard. Right? So that way you know that they did.
Why do you do all these things with Microtasks workers? Think about. You tell them to do a search and a click. That’s what we call CT spam or click-through spam, right? That’s a signal to Google that somebody searched for keyword then found your listing. Then you ask them to find a particular word or a phrase or a sentence or something like that on a page that’s buried somewhere in the middle of page. So they have to spend some time searching for it, that’s time on site, or you can tell them to click through to another page, which is engagement time on site and also another click-through. Right?
So there’s a lot of different things that you could do to tell Microtasks workers. But the problem occurs where and why it’s becoming less and less effective is exactly what I just mentioned, because, if a Microtask worker is doing multiple searches per day for random shit all the time, then Google is going to build up a profile for them of, it’s likely that there Microtasks worker is doing CT spam.
I mean, think about it. Google, they’re not an idiot and either are their AI. Their AI systems aren’t stupid either. My point is, it’s not as an effective click. It’s not weighted as much as it would be if it was coming from somebody that has a relevant search history or has an interest or topical relevancy or some something in their recent search history that would make that click so much more valid or more appropriate, which means it’s heavier weighted click, which means it produces better results and a much higher level engagement signal.
So that’s where I’m talking about crowdsearch.me. You’ve got to think about that guys. Those are bots. Those are bots where they spoof the user agents, they spoof the IPs and all that, but even the IP ranges that these bots use are within specific ranges that have been flagged. Right?
So what I’m saying, to answer your question, Kay Dee, would be not to use it direct to money site. What I recommend using it for is referral traffic. It still works well for that. It also works well if you want to send traffic to press releases to help them to stick longer in the search results, because we all know that press releases rank really well quickly. Well, typically, rank really well quickly, but they don’t last for long, unless they get a high level of traffic.
But for that you can buy Fiverr gigs and I’d recommend Fiverr gigs. There’s several of them that I’ve recommended on many occasions publicly. Right? You can buy a $10 or a $15 Fiverr gig and boost the press release for a month, which I don’t know what you’re paying for crowd search, but me, I was buying 50,000 credits a month so it was rather expensive. Right?
Again, referral traffic and, by the way, if you want to learn how to do referral traffic, let me just see if I can pull this up for him real quick, or Kay, excuse me. Let’s go to-
Marco: While you’re pulling that up, I’d like to mention that the MGYB.co marketplace, we have real YouTube views.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: You could add a call to action where you send people to your website. You can’t get anything better than a real person watching a YouTube video clicking through to your website. I mean, that’s absolutely the best thing that can happen for your website because the referral is YouTube. That’s what it is.
Bradley: Yep. I just wanna see, here’s another one. I’m gonna drop each one of these links. Because I’ve done extensive training on that as well, so stand by for just one minute. This is the … Okay, yeah. This is the one that I wanted to share. Okay. I did this. Look when was this published. September 26 2015, guys, is when this was published and it’s still valid. It’s still relevant, this video. This is how to set up … and I did it with Jason Johnson of the Syndwire Black Facebook group.
Anyways, again, this is almost three years ago and this is still valid for a good way to use crowd search for referral traffic. Then there’s also probably a Hump Day Hangouts clip here too that I could post. Look at, it’s awesome. That’s from Fist Fight. Wayne Clayton, that’s awesome. That was a funny ass movie, by the way. I thought that movie was hilarious.
Rob: Referral traffic.
Marco: It should say “Snitches get stitches, bitches.”
Bradley: That’s Ice Cube. It’s a funny ass movie. Anyways, we got to keep moving. Yeah. I’m sorry about going so long on crowd search thing, guys. But that’s a great question though, Kay Dee. Yeah, I don’t recommend using it so much anymore unless you’re using it for very specific purposes because there are alternate better ways to get traffic and real traffic too.
Is Page Rank Important As Domain Authority Is?
Okay. Peter from Poland, “Can you define PageRank and its importance? Is it as important as domain authority?” Honestly, I’m not gonna take the time to define PageRank because it’s a metric that we don’t have access to and we haven’t for years. So it’s really no sense of me even trying to … I mean, honestly, Peter, your question is still a valid question. But, is it as important as domain authority? No, because I don’t care about any of those metrics anymore. I stopped caring about proprietary third-party metrics several years ago, at least two years ago.
I honestly don’t care about trust flow, topical trust flow, domain authority, page authority, domain rank. I don’t give a shit about any of those. Honestly, I don’t care because we were able to get results whether the metrics say they should have results or not. We focus on relevancy, traffic and authority. Right? ART, which is what Marco always talks about.
Marco, what does ART stand for again?
Marco: Activity, relevance, trust and authority. Activity on the link, the relevance on the link, both destination, and the origin, and then the trust and authority both of the summation and the origin of the link. There you go, boom. But we don’t-
Bradley: But to be clear, we’re not talking about domain authority. When we say “authority,” we’re not saying domain authority.
Marco: No.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: It’s whether it’s authoritative to Google.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: That’s all we care about. That refers back to pay track and again, yeah, I’m not gonna get into that. I will say it’s alive and well. It’s part of the rankings core algorithm. First, it gives you a PageRank, then you get an overall ranking score. That’s what that’s about. It’s alive and well. We don’t give a shit because we trigger those the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: That’s right. Guys, again, when you rely on third-party metrics, they’re not always accurate, guys. They’re a really good educated guess, but they’re not accurate because none of those, Majestic AH reps, Moz, none of them worked for Google. Right? I just I stopped relying on metrics. Years ago, we used to be able to manipulate domain authority and just ranked by manipulating domain authority. Well, Google killed that. It’s no longer … Unless you’re like above 80 or 85 domain authority, it’s really difficult to manipulate domain authority for ranking purposes anymore. Again, we just stop worrying about it.
Good question, Peter, but I would say focus on an RT instead of working on third-party metrics. Okay. Matias. We’re gonna be running out of time and I was worried that we weren’t gonna have enough questions today. You guys jumped in and posted a whole bunch. So anyway, all right. Matias … I don’t know if I’m saying that correct or not. Forgive me if I butchered it. He says, “Hi guys, thanks for all the content you put out on the channel for free. It’s a great reference.” You’re welcome. We enjoy this.
Does Having Different City Name In Facebook And GMB Listing Cause NAP Inconsistencies?
By the way, what is this, episode 192. So we’re getting close to 200, which we’re gonna do a celebration episode then. Then at 208, it would be our anniversary. We’re gonna have a really big celebration for that says. He says, “I got two short questions. I have a verified GMB listing and when setting up the Facebook profile, the city name displays differently. Facebook only allows picking from a display menu. Will this cause any NAP consistency with my GMB profile, which I prefer not to touch?”
No. I wouldn’t worry about it, Matias. I would not worry about that. I mean, thing is if you’ve got a Facebook profile and you’re setting it up as a place of Facebook place or whatever and it’s gonna force you to select a city name instead of whatever you have listed, then just use it I wouldn’t worry about it you know too much. Again, sometimes that kind of stuff is gonna happen and you have no choice. So I really wouldn’t worry about it.
All right, let’s see. “Or should I hide the address in Facebook?” I would. If it’s a storefront and you want people, because remember, there is a lot of people that use Facebook for finding local businesses and stuff like that. So if you’ve got a point of sale, a storefront where people come to the business location, then absolutely I would want to have that listed because otherwise, you may lose customers.
You may lose customers for an SEO benefit. Does that make sense? and I don’t think that’s right. You should be focusing on generating customers, not just SEO, if that makes sense. I know they go hand they kind of work hand in hand, but various traffic on Facebook, there’s no question. So I would rather have that displayed if. It’s a service area business then yeah you can absolutely hide it right.
“By the way, I am displaying the address in GMB and wanna keep it that way.” Well, just remember, in Google My business, it’s a service area business where you serve the customers at the customer location and the customers do not come to the business location. Then as per Google’s Terms of Service, Google My Business Terms of Service, you should check to hide the address. Okay. You should only be showing the address if customers come to your business location, period. All right? So just keep that in mind.
How Do You Index A TLD Website (Business.Site) Without Setting It As Main Website In A GMB Listing?
All right. Number two, “For the same listing I have a TLD, top-level domain website, but I’ve also created the internal GMB website. Is there any way to index the business in that site without setting it as the main website in my listing?” Marco?
Marco: Yeah. I’m gonna to tell him to come to Facebook group and I will answer this question directly. I won’t answer it here because there’s something really special about that Google business site that I won’t get to in here. It’s information only for those people who paid for the course. Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, but that makes sense. That’s one of the insider secrets of that course.
Anthony, “MasterMIND versus RYS. I believe I need to learn more about where to sell this stuff. I have a pretty good product but no community to learn more about how and where to implement. Makes sense?” All right. I’m going to give you my opinion, which would be the MasterMIND. Only because RYS is specifically about RYS in its methods where MasterMIND is all encompassing digital marketing training and education as well is business building, mindset, all kinds of stuff, motivation. There’s small group MasterMINDs, MasterMIND, it encompasses so much more than just a specific method.
I’m not saying anything bad about RYS. RYS is freaking awesome, guys. It kicks ass. But it’s about a particular method. MasterMIND is more about building your business, period. I mean, that’s not just marketing, it’s everything included. So that’s my take on, anybody want to say otherwise?
Marco: No. I’m the co-creator of RYS Academy Reloaded and I totally agree with you, MasterMIND first. You’ll get a discount for RYS Academy, but I would also tell you to pick up Local GMB Pro-
Bradley: If he’s doing local.
Marco: Yeah. Even if it isn’t because that’s gonna help him with his entity and brand and brand plus keyword recognition. As I said, I’m starting a national campaign that I’m gonna be working on and I’m gonna show how this shit works nationally even though you might have a local address.
Bradley: Okay. I’m gonna stay for about five more minutes guys, if anybody needs to bounce please feel free, but I wanna try to get a couple more of these. John, it looks like you and Anthony got the same memo today, apparently. Unless John posting the same question twice or Anthony posting the same question twice with two different profiles, one way or the other.
RYS vs Mastermind
Anyways, “MasterMIND versus RYS, I believe right now I need more of a community than another tool.” Well, neither one is a tool. Both MasterMIND and RYS are communities. RYS is also a particular method, but it’s not a tool. Right? “I need to see how others are working and where they’re going. I love the special offer case study. That’s the kind of insight community I feel to get a breakthrough. Makes sense?”
Yeah, it absolutely does, John. That’s what the MasterMIND is all about. Again, don’t get me wrong, RYS also has a community because we have a Facebook group for that. Marco and Rob are very active in there, I’m not, because that’s their baby. Right? But MasterMIND, again, either one is good. They’re great really, but MasterMIND again is all-encompassing. It covers so much more than just digital marketing or just SEO. Right? It covers a broad spectrum of topics and business-related topics.
Rob: I would say from hearing the question, I would mimic what both you guys said, MasterMIND first. Go out make some money, and then you get a discount on RYS, back it up and it just helps to take your business to the next level. But overall, MasterMIND.
Bradley: Thank you, Rob. Guys, don’t forget, when you join the MasterMIND all of our other products you get either if they’re under 300 bucks you get them for free, if they’re over 300 bucks you get a 30% discount. You get first access to all of our new products or new done-for-you services. You get first crack at then, we bring beta testers in for all kinds of new stuff all the time. Guys, MasterMIND is my baby. All of our baby is Semantic Mastery, but what I’m saying is like that’s that’s where my heart lies, is with MasterMIND, there’s no doubt.
Rob: Yeah, for sure. If you come and immerse yourself you will change your business.
Bradley: That’s it.
Rob: Period.
Bradley: Wayne was picking on you, Rob.
Rob: That’s good. I got thick skin, Indiana boy.
Why Bother With The Short URL In GMB Posting?
Bradley: John says, “Why bother with the short URL? Seems like a lot of work for something no one will see unless getting stats from someplace like Bitly, which has its own problems?” Not sure what you mean for that John, unless you’re talking about the short URLs from the GMB post from this. That’s what Google gives us as a short URL now for the post, the share URL. That’s what they look like. That’s what you’re talking about.
If you’re talking about like Bitly links in a GMB post, I know some services auto add bit link shorteners for any links. For example Sendible which turned out to be shit, by the way. I know I talked about it because I had good … We’ve got our own GMB poster now so I don’t recommend using Sendible anymore anyways. But before our poster was ready, I was using Sendible for GMB post automation and scheduling and I trained a VA to do it for our client work and stuff. Essentially after 100 GMB posts, you can’t use Sendible any more clients and they say it’s an API issue with Google. Google won’t allow them to add any more than 100 images to any one particular GMB profile through the API, through the Sendible’s API connected to …
I don’t know why because our auto poster, we can do as many as we want. Well, Marco was tried to break it and he’s not being able to replicate the error that Sendible has. I contacted Sendible support and they literally said it’s a Google API issue and our hands are tied, we can’t do anything. I said, “Okay. Well, you’ve just lost my $200 a month. I was paying them $200 a month. I said, “Well, you just lost my $200 a month because this is an absolutely useless service.” So anyways, that’s how I feel about Sendible now. It’s garbage.
Marco: If I may, ours starts at 37 a month.
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: So there you go.
Bradley: Yeah. I know and, again, they should put that shit on their sales page. API limitation notice, you can only do 100 posts before it breaks. I mean, think about it why would somebody sign up, take the time to learn how to use a particular platform, integrate processes into their business, which is what I did. I created process docs and all that shit for my VAs, spend all this time developing this out and then within two weeks or three weeks we hit the API limits. It’s like, are you kidding me? That’s just a complete waste of time. Anyways-
Bradley: Well, there’s add hours too. I drop this into, if you want to go sign up and try it out, you can get like five free posts just to try it. After that, you got to move on but you get in there, see what’s up, what’s available, and try it. Just sign up, get your email and you get five free posts to try it out. I highly suggest you try it out because the power is there in the RS feed in and out. RSS feed out even has, I mean, it’s we’ve it’s been a tricked out Semantic Mastery style. We’ve created our links back to 301, not the standard 302s that you typically get from the API.
Marco: Yeah. We push power around. I’d like to just give a shout out to our programmer who has just been kicking ass. He’s the one, Rob tells them, “We need this,” and the guy just gets it done. Once you get hooked into a really good programmer you know all limits are off.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: The sky’s the limit with what what we’re going to do with this. Right now, it’s at that price. So jump in, get in where you fit in as I usually say.
Bradley: Yep. I love the comments here guys. We’re done with questions so we’re gonna wrap up. But I just wanna give a shout out to each and every one of you. First of all, I loved the comments about Marco’s rant. That’s great. Armand, like I said, hit us up on support. We’ll send you a T-shirt or a hat or something. There it was, Armand right there.
Dominic’s awesome. We just talked about MasterMIND and we have small group MasterMINDs where Adam set up a survey form and MasterMIND members go in and fill out the survey form. Then Adam pairs people up or matches a small group of people that have like or similar interests up for small group meetings where they’ll, like accountability groups, which is how we got started at Symantec Mastery. This is how my partners and I got started was because of an accountability group that I founded and they all joined. That’s exactly how we got started and here we are five or six years later. Right?
Dominic was in my small group. The first small groups that Dominic was in mine. Great guy, sold a brick-and-mortar business to go into lead generation and SEO for his brother’s remodeling business, which is fabulous like, you know, sold his own brick-and-mortar business to be able to get into full-time digital marketing, which is amazing, I think. So Dominic shout out to you. That’s awesome. Jim Wells, again thanks for your questions and please come join a MasterMIND as well, and John looks like you’re about to join the MasterMIND. That’s fantastic.
I see you bought some of the other products. You could have gotten a significant discount. Sorry about that, buddy. But come join us now because it won’t be the last product we relaunch either. Okay?
Marco: John, just hit me up in the Facebook group for our Local GMB and we’ll work out on how to make it all work for you so that you can start making money and start buying more of our shit. Our shit works, man. There’s no question. It works.
Bradley: All right. Thanks everybody for being here. I wanna bounce, it’s just the true diehard still here. It’s Marco, Rob and me. All right, guys. We’re gonna wrap up.
Rob: We got a problem.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Might I add before we go, that I actually bit my tongue with what I really had to say. Anyway, I bit my tongue, guys.
Rob: That’s Hump Day Hangouts on a three second delay.
Bradley: Yeah, that was a rant earlier from Marco. That was a restrained Marco rant.
Marco: It was.
Bradley: A restrained rant. All right, guys. Thanks for everybody being here on our MasterMIND webinar. Tomorrow, we’re gonna be going over that fabulous GMB method that is just crashing it right now, guys. MasterMIND is a good time to join, if you haven’t already. We’ll see you guys next week. Thanks everybody. Thanks, Rob. Thanks, Marco.
Marco: Bye, everyone.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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beyondvapepage · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192
Click on the video above to watch Episode 192 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: We are live on Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is episode 192. I’m Adam. I am not drunk or on drugs, I’m just really excited to be here. Yeah, we got that on our way.
Chris: Liar. You’re a liar, Adam.
Adam: No. Because now I’m on the West Coast, so my schedules are all out of whack. So right after we get done here, I head out the door, beat the traffic, and go for a run out in the hills and then come back.
Bradley: Yeah. That’s his running in the woods that he always talks about.
Adam: Running.
Bradley: Right.
Adam: I’m so tired. Anyways, enough about me. Let’s find out about everyone else. So, on my screen, Chris, you’re first. How’s it going, man?
Chris: Doing good. Good to be here.
Adam: Where are you located in the world today?
Chris: I’m still in Austria, soon heading to Portugal, then Barcelona. We’ll see after that.
Adam: Nice, nice. Hernan, how about you? Are you surviving winter?
Hernan: Yeah. I am for now and I’m planning to do so for our coming live event. So I’m super excited about that. I’m super happy to be here.
Chris: You’re not making Spain this year?
Hernan: I don’t know if we know. I mean, I don’t think so because we have a date with a lot of people, or potentially a lot of people in Washington, DC, so I’ll get to that.
Chris: So you leave it to destiny?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: Wait. Is Tony Robbins coming?
Hernan: No.
Adam: Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m trying to make some last minute changes.
Adam: Gotcha, gotcha. All right. We’ll come back to you. Marco’s got some good stuff he’s gonna share. I don’t know, I see an eagle in the mountains. Who is this mysterious person?
Rob: Hey, what’s going on, man?
Adam: Hey, everybody. This is Rob Beale. If you don’t know him, you probably see him around the group, if you’re new to us. Rob, how is it going?
Rob: I’m doing good. I’ll switch to my camera for a second, but I’m on my cell phone.
Bradley: Oh, yeah. That’s safe driving and hosting a webinar.
Rob: Yeah. There you go. So I’ll talk to you guys after that later, right?
Bradley: That’s multitasking right there, buddy.
Adam: Sounds good. Yeah. Be safe. Yeah. Keep your eye on the road. Bradley, last but not least, how are you doing?
Bradley: I don’t know, but I wonder what kind of citation, the cops issue for that.
Adam: Not a good one.
Rob: That’s why they make headphones, man.
Adam: There you go.
Bradley: No, I’m good. I’m excited. I’m super excited. Guys, I’ve just got to make a quick tease for the MasterMIND again because I just posted in the MasterMIND today. I started testing another method for ranking in a 3-Pack and I actually created a … Or went to go register a GMB listing about nine days ago and I just went and picked up the postcard for verification last night. I woke up this morning and before I went to the gym, because I coach CrossFit classes in the morning, and so for a little bit this morning I went and I verified the listing by entering the pin and all that and then I went to the gym. When I came back I checked, it’s number one in the 3-Pack. It’s the number one in the 3-Pack for … I’ve only tested two of my primary five keywords, but those two keywords are number one in the 3-Pack.
I just talked about how I did that in the MasterMIND. We talked about it two weeks ago on Thursday what my plan was and it worked. I saw I posted in MasterMIND Facebook Group about it today and tomorrow’s the next MasterMIND webinar and I already got several people that are asking me to go over it in much greater detail as to how I did it. Now I don’t know if it’s repeatable yet. It looks very, very promising, but I’m going to try to replicate that same results with another listing within the next two weeks. If I can get it to happen two for two, then we’re on to something.
Again, if you guys are interested in that, now would be a really good time to join the MasterMIND. I know I say that every week but there’s a reason for it.
Anyways, with that said, Adam what other announcements do we have?
Marco: Well, just to add to what you’re saying, there are actually other uses for that tool that I’d be willing to share in the next MasterMIND and when you discuss this. There are actually other ways. You can use it for what you used it for, but it’s also a great client prospecting tool.
Bradley: It’s awesome.
Adam: That’s right. Well, we had the Launch Local GMB Pro and Bradley can talk about results. Marco, Rob, everyone can talk about results. I’m gonna drop the link on the page. If you haven’t yet checked it out, you can see the results other people are getting. This isn’t something we came up with and then said, “Look, we got good results.” People immediately started having results with this. So I’m not gonna really harp on that too much. You can go check it out for yourselves and read about it, see if that’s something you think you could plug into your business and start making a lot of money with.
But we do have some cool services that were requested. We started hearing back from people, “Hey, I want to arbitrage this. I want you guys to do it for me. What can you do so that I could provide the high value to my client but I don’t have to do the nitty-gritty work?”
Rob, Marco, do you wanna kind of explain what’s going on with that?
Marco: Yeah. Before Rob jumps in, what I want to add to what you said is, we have a Facebook group, but our Facebook groups, you don’t see people asking questions on, well how do I get results? We do get some of those, of course, because if there are new people who are not familiar with anything. But what we’re seeing a lot is we get, I’m getting these results. This is what I’m doing and I’m getting these many costs. We see that time after time after time.
It’s not a Facebook group on what am I supposed to do. It’s a Facebook group where people are sharing their results, people are sharing their different ideas, the different things that they’re doing, we’re conducting webinars. I mean, everything that we told you was going to happen is happening.
For some people, it’s just incredible, the results that they’ve been getting. That they’ve been getting 200 plus calls a month in the demo. How freaking good is that? One guy, “Please no more calls.” Why? The client complaining “I’m getting too many calls. I can’t handle it.” That’s the type of results we’re talking about. Don’t let me tell you about it. Go in the Facebook group and see for yourself.
Bradley: I had one of my roofing clients call me and literally asked if there’s any way I could throttle the calls down because he’s overwhelmed with work. I’m not kidding. He had me put one notification bar or banner plug-in on his WordPress site that says “We are no longer accepting new calls.” I’m not kidding. Because he’s got such a backup of roofing leads right now and it’s because of what we’ve been applying with the GMB Pro method and all that, it’s insane.
I’m also adding image to the page right now, guys, from one of our MasterMIND members. A lot of you will know him from also Syndication Academy. Bo, I hope you’re all right with me posting just your comment. It doesn’t reveal any written information, but it says pretty much the same thing that happened with the last two GMB Pro listings he made within 24 hours of verifying the listing, he was in the 3-Pack.
Anyways, we’ve kind of found a secret backdoor guys to just kicking ass and taking names and it’s pretty freakin’ amazing.
Adam: What would you guys say to somebody who maybe hasn’t gotten the experience of dealing with, you know, maybe a client who’s got a Local GMB listing? Do you think that someone who hasn’t done this could see results from getting involved in the Local GMB Pro course?
Bradley: Absolutely. It varies per industry. Probably level of competition makes a difference too, but we’ve seen results in as little as days, almost overnight. I’ve got a couple of tree service lead gen sites that we started to apply the GMB Pro method to and, I mean, literally within 48 hours, like sites that had not been optimized, hadn’t built any citations yet, they were just basically abandoned lead gen sites that I never got around to doing anything with, and we just started applying the GMB Pro method to and within 48 hours they started generating phone calls and leads, which is freaking insane.
Others take a little bit longer, like the cab service or the taxi company that I’m doing for the case study. It’s taking a little bit longer, but it’s really starting to gain traction within the last couple of weeks. The calls started to pick up, a lot more clicks through to the website. So the more activity the more volume of activity it generates if that makes sense. It really just varies, but yeah, pretty much any business or any local business.
Again, I haven’t applied any of this to national stuff, but for local business stuff, which is what we’re talking about, Local Google My Business stuff, I mean, it’s almost instant results once you start applying what we’re teaching.
Adam: Good deal. Well, I don’t-
Marco: Hang on a sec. Yeah, as far as national, I don’t want to mention any names, but one of the big guys, who has been with us often and whom we love, he has a national campaign that he wants to do. So what I’m going to do is we’re going to treat it as a case study. We’re going to get him into Local GMB Pro and we will have results, I guarantee you. In the next month or two, we will let you know how this can be applied nationally.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right, guys. We’ve got to wrap this up pretty quick and then hop into questions. But we definitely wanna let everyone know and, Rob, maybe you can hop in now and talk a little bit, just take a minute or two, about what’s going on with the Done-For-You services.
Rob: Okay. We’re putting a team together, we’re getting the site up. Again, if someone else can drop the link to the site that’s coming up on the page, that’d be awesome because I’m driving. We’re getting the team together so the services are coming along. The other thing I wanna mention is the auto poster is live and ready to start being used. We’re getting some crazy results with it. It has lots of features that you’re not going to find anywhere else. The poster creates an RSS feed.
For those of you that follow us enough, you know with an RSS feed, there’s a lot of extras you can add on the end of even the Local GMB Pro that we haven’t even added to bolster the results that everyone’s talking about now. You can start adding all those things, syndicating your GMB post across your network, and all the other fun stuff you can do with RSS feeds. I won’t go into that, it’s too offbeat. I could take forever.
The other thing that is super cool with this auto poster that we have is, for those that are already doing syndication and doing blog content for their clients, we have a plug-in that we’re going to give away for free. You use that along with our auto poster and you can connect your blog and create, just based on your blog, it’ll post to your GMB.
Marco, I dropped a link in chat to you. If you could post that, that is an example post from a blog that was posted that went through syndication and ended up on the GMB site. So that’s what it looks like using the WordPress plug-in and the auto poster that we have that’s now live and ready to go. There’s all kinds of other things that we can get into, but that’s I just wanna let everybody know that it is live and it’s ready to go. Go sign up and start killing it.
Adam: Great. Looks like I’m getting a call in the middle of, there we go, Hump Day Hangouts. Awesome.
Marco: I dropped the link in there. Guys, you can grab your actual websites RSS feed. You can feed your posts, and then from your post you can grab another RSS feed and go crazy. I mean, this is how insane this is. We’re talking about amplifying the message, right? Syndicating is all about that, it’s amplifying it. But it’s going to have proper attribution, which is the most important thing right now so that you don’t get. People are getting hit with or their tummy is getting hit with penalties. But I guarantee you, you don’t have proper attribution. We have proper attribution. Everything is taken care of, guys. This is so you can just blow up and get insane leads for your clients.
I’m gonna also, besides that link, so that you guys can look at it and just see how good the posts look … Remember, that’s an RSS feed going into Google My Business. All right? That’s how great it looks. Let me also share our marketplace because we have an MGYB if you’ve been with us long enough you know what that stands for, marketplace. It’s free to join. Guys, right now, what we’re offering is video carpet bomb. It’s a service where you can go and just literally find out where you can rank a video in a short period of time. We have a great VA, he’s trained.
Go join the auto poster, it will be available through MGYB.co, and we will be adding other services and products as we go along. It’s in the beginning but we wanted to get this out right away because these are the two easiest methods to go and find out where to rank, as far as videos, and how to get leads and push content because you do need content for Google My Business system. So the easiest way to do it is to schedule it and auto post. How cool is that? I mean, it’s like I said, you train the VA, you don’t have to do shit except to sell it to a client and collect the money, guys. That’s it. It’s that simple. You guys, “No, it can’t be this easy.” Well, yes, it really is. We’ve really made it simple for you guys to go and make money.
Adam: All right, guys. Yeah. Let’s get into questions and then before we wrap it up I’m gonna drop a link in. I wanted to remind everybody we got the live event coming up in October. We still got seats open. We’re gonna cap that at 25. It’s gonna be the weekend of October and October 21st in Washington DC, including our beautiful faces along with some guest speakers, including Jeffrey Smith. So if you’re interested, again, that link will be on there and we’ll touch on that again towards the end. But let’s go ahead and dive into the questions.
Bradley: Yeah. Just quickly I wanna mention anybody that goes to checks out the MGYB marketplace, which is Make Google Your BITCH, just in case nobody knows what that meant. The video carpet bomb offer, that’s actually I got the idea from a colleague of ours, Randy James, and we kind of refined the process together and I trained the VA how to do this really well. The offer that’s in there right now, we should have two offers actually, I just pinged Marco in chat and Slack, but we’ll get the other offer in there.
But essentially the two ways that I’m using that is: one, if you’re doing lead gen, it’s fantastic because what we do is take a particular location and then we gather all of the locations like townships, boroughs, all that stuff within a 20-mile radius and then we create a list of … You can have up to three keywords appended or and in the locations appended to those three keywords.
Let’s say that you end up on a 20-mile radius with 60 locations and you got three keywords, so that’s 180 keywords that you would be targeting. All you need to provide is the three keywords and the central location and then the video file and a thumbnail, if you want a custom thumbnail, and then the call-to-action, which will be placed in the video description, which is typically going to be an NAP, if you’re doing local stuff, which is what we suggest.
No, I didn’t, Marco. But anyway, I don’t remember saying that anyways. We’ll cover that later. We’ll get that set up for next week.
Anyways, it’s really good because I mean, out of like 180 videos that we’ll upload, we can’t guarantee any certain number of them, but I typically get anywhere between 30 to 50 videos ranked on page one for that. Now it’s great for lead gen because you can start to generate leads right away. You can also find low-hanging fruit. So it’s like poking keywords as well, right? You can find keyword opportunities that you can go ranked some more long-term assets for, web pages, social media, web 2.0, anything like press releases, anything like those whatsoever.
But then there’s also an alternate method that I’m using that for that works really freaking well. It’s for prospecting purposes, guys, and for closing sales or closing clients. One of the best things that you can do is, once a conversation has been initiated with a prospect, so a potential client, when you go to make your proposal or your pitch for whatever services that you are offering, we have a lesser version of it that, again, will get this added in within the next week, it’s for a 10-mile radius in one keyword.
Essentially, what we’ll do is, let’s say, with three keywords in a 20-mile radius, like I said, maybe return 60 locations or 60 place names, right? With the 10-mile radius, it might be 30 or 25 place names and you get one keyword. So it will create the same campaign, one keyword appended with the 25 or 30 locations, and it will upload it. Out of that you might get five to 10-ish videos ranked and it’s gonna be inexpensive, 20 or 25 bucks is what we’re gonna charge for that. So that when you’re pitching the client, when you’re giving them a proposal, you can also send them the results with their video that you branded for them, with their brand name, with their contact information, their NAP in the description. You can use that as a deal sweetener for your proposal.
That works really, really, really well. I’ve used that method over and over and over again for impressing potential clients so that when I go to … Because think about that, how many companies show results when they present the proposal? Very few, right? Because he wants to do any work. But I trained a VA to do it, right? My VA, for me, the cost is a few dollars. I can have a campaign, a video carpet-bomb campaign that I can submit with the proposal and say, “Look, just to show you that I know what I’m talking about and I can get you results quickly, I did this for you at no cost and I included it with the proposal and there’ll be a spreadsheet with the links and the keywords that it’s ranked for.”
So they can go verify it themselves, and it’s their brand name their call to action, their contact information, and NAP on the video, so it’s like branded for them. I’ve gotten a lot of prospects and clients that have come back and said, “Wow, that’s really great. Thank you for doing that. Nobody’s ever done that before.” So it works really, really well. Besides doing lead gen stuff or providing that as a reselling service for your clients, which you could absolutely do, it’s also a great way to land clients and impress them. So definitely check that out. We’ll get the prospecting plan for that put into the marketplace within the next week or so.
Okay. All right. Let’s get into some questions. That went a little bit longer, but we had a lot of news to share. All right. Let’s get this backup. Oh, yeah, I love that gif, by the way. All right.
Is The Syndication Course Still Relevant Since It Has Been Released In 2015?
The first question, Richard, that was already answered by Chris. Chris reposted one from Support, it looks like. “Is syndication still relevant?” This is from Renee Ward. “I have your course from 2015. There have been so many SEO changes since then, seven to eight this year, and I was wondering if it’s still worth the trouble to syndicate. Also, are there any negative repercussions since Google is so picky nowadays.”
No. Renee, it’s absolutely still valid. Again, it’s still the very foundation of everything that we do. Other than some of the newer stuff that we’re doing with GMB, we’re able to get results without using syndication networks. We still recommend that you use them for many, many reasons. Number one, syndication networks help to validate the entity. Right? That’s incredibly important, especially now, more so than it was in 2015 when we first launched the course. Right? That really wasn’t even much of a concern back then. Now, it is. So, validating the entities, number one.
Number two, you’re amplifying your content. Go do a Google search for content amplification and you’ll see there’s a ton of different services out there and the definitions are all pretty much the same. That’s basically getting your content that you publish on your blog or your website everywhere that you can. That’s what content amplification is. So all we’re doing is automating it using IFTTT and our Syndication Academy methods. Right?
Think about it, all of the major news and media sites and the major blogs, the author’s will syndicate their own content that they’ve published on those sites to their own social media profiles, their own professional profiles and such. So why is that any different than what we’re doing? It’s not. Guys, it’s not. This whole myth that, you know, it constantly comes up, and I’m not picking on you, Renee, by the way, but we get the question that comes up often.
By the way, just a quick aside, Renee, that a lot of these questions, especially this one, is also answered in our knowledge-base, which you can find at [email protected]. We have frequently asked questions there categorized by product. If you go to the Syndication Academy Frequently Asked Questions at [email protected], you’ll see a lot of these questions are already answered.
But for the benefit of everybody here today, I’ll go through it again. That is, we get a lot of people say, “Well, what about duplicate content?” Guys, duplicate content only exists when it’s on the same domain. If you have 10 pages on your domain or posts and they’re all the same freaking content, that’s duplicate content. It’s not duplicate content when it’s republished on other domains.
If that were the case, press releases wouldn’t work. I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, and so can the vast majority of our members that are using press releases, we launched an entire product specifically on how to use press releases to rank especially local stuff, and those are all duplicate content. Right? It gets published at one place first, whatever the originating press cable services that you’re using. Then from there, it goes out to the press wires and just gets picked up by any other syndication partners that are part of that press cable service. Right?
It’s the same freaking press release, not a single word has been changed on it across all the places it’s published to, which are typically 200-plus other sites, some cases 400, 500 sites. Right? It gives an absolute quick boost for ranking, especially for local stuff. If duplicate content was an issue, then press releases wouldn’t work. But they work and they work incredibly well.
My point is no. Guys, you’re sharing your own content to your own branded properties, which is natural, It’s normal. In fact, it’s kind of expected nowadays. Right? So, no, there is no negative repercussions. Where the negative repercussions come in is when you start to try to gain the system and add a whole bunch of persona-based networks and secondary syndication networks and you don’t take steps to mask or reduce your footprint.
There is no footprint when we’re syndicating to branded properties. In fact, we are claiming our footprint. We’re literally posting a flag up and saying, “Hey, come check us out. This is our content on all of our sites.” Right? We’re actually, literally, broadcasting our footprint to our own branded sites. But when you start to syndicate content, the same content to other networks that have nothing but your branded content on them and their persona-based networks, now that’s clearly to manipulate search rankings. And that can cause problems.
However, we teach in Syndication Academy also how to reduce that footprint and still have effective secondary syndication networks. I don’t typically recommend that, it depends on how many sites you’re managing. If you’re just managing one site, it’s a great strategy. If you’re managing a dozen sites, it’s not, because it’s a lot of work and it’s a lot to maintain.
Again, we cover all that stuff since 2015. There have been many, many changes, in fact, that’s why Syndication Academy 2.0, which is what we’re in currently now, which was launched, shit, I think a year and a half ago now. I think we’re on update webinar 22 or 23, so it’s almost two years now. We update it every month. Again, there has been changes but we stay on top of it.
In fact, our guest that’s on today, Rob, he’s actually going to be taking over the Syndication Academy Update webinars here soon. In the near future, he’s gonna be taking over handling and hosting the Syndication Academy Update webinars. Anyways-
Rob: I promise not to do those from my car too. How about that?
Bradley: Yeah, I hope so. Anyways, Renee, I would encourage you to come check out Syndication Academy 2.0. You could still take the training from 2015 and adapt it to today’s current standards. There’s no question you might have to do a lot of trial and error to figure it all out, or you can come join Syndication Academy 2.0 and it’s all laid out for you. Okay? Or better yet, another alternative would be for you to just buy Done-For-You networks so you don’t even have to bother with it. Just use the networks to your advantage.
Are There Any Issues Connecting Blogger To IFTTT In The Past Weeks?
Okay. Paul’s up. He says, “Hey, guys. I would like to know what is going on with Blogger? For weeks now when you go into IFTTT to connect to Blogger, Blogger won’t connect. If and when Blogger does connect, the recipes won’t work.” Well, Paul, first of all, I rarely ever go into IFTTT and connect stuff anymore because, again, we have a ton of virtual assistants that do all that stuff for me. So I can’t confirm, I’m not saying that what you’re saying isn’t true, Paul, but I haven’t experienced that problem myself. I haven’t heard anything like that coming from the build team either.
Not that I’m plugged into the build team all the time, but typically it goes through the support channels and ends up in my lap when it comes to Syndication Academy stuff or syndication network stuff and I have not heard that. I don’t know if it’s a specific issue with you, Paul, or your Blogger account or whatever. I don’t know. First of all, I would question, I would ask you, have you tested other Blogger accounts instead of the one that you’re talking about here. Yeah, because it might be an isolated issue.
If it’s not an isolated issue, in other words, if this issue is across more than one Blogger profile, then I would reach out to IFTTT support and ask them what the problem is. Because again, I don’t work for IFTTT, I just learned how to use the shit out of it for my own benefit and then taught you guys how to do it. But again, I would contact IFTTT support and ask them specifically because they would be much better and give you much quicker reply than I would. Okay?
However, that said, I have put that already on my list because I saw your post earlier today, Paul. I put that on my list for the next Syndication Academy Update webinar to test and see if there’s an issue; and if so, try to find a workaround. Right? That’s typically what we do, guys. Remember, I do not build networks anymore really. I very rarely ever do that because, again, I’ve trained so many damn VAs to do it, I don’t have to. So I don’t get to experience these issues until it’s brought to my attention.
But then when you guys bring it to my attention, or if one of our network builders brings something to my attention, then I put it on the list for Syndication Academy Update webinar, and then I go in and I test. Right? I go in and I try to find a workaround, see, first, confirm if it’s true, then try to find a workaround. If I do, I let you guys know; and if I don’t, I let you know. Either way, I let you know. That’s part of the Syndication Academy Updates.
Rob, just so you know, it’s probably gonna get dumped in your lap. There you go.
Rob: I figured.
Bradley: Put it on your list, Rob. Play with Blogger. But just for that, let’s just check one thing. I don’t know if it’s existing. Let’s see if existing sites are having the same problem or existing networks, probably not. This one seems to still be working. I’m still looking at some of my … That one was just posted on July 6, so that was five days ago.
Yeah. I don’t know, it looks like, because I’ve got a ton of syndication networks. The one that I just picked up looks like it’s syndicated just five days ago, which was I think the last time I have a VA that does the videos for my clients. That was one of the videos that was done, one of the rep videos, it’s David Sprague’s product. It looks like that one was fine.
Again, Paul, I’d say it’s probably an isolated issue. But if it’s not, just contact IFTTT support. We’ll look into it though, it’s on the list. Okay.
“Also, when you go into settings under Post and Share, you can’t turn on the auto share to G Plus page. Are you guys having the same issues?”
Don’t worry about it, Paul. Google Plus is dying. They’ve already dug the grave and it’s halfway in the grave. It’s about three feet underground at this point. I’m not kidding you. Google Plus is dying. That’s why any of you guys are probably within the last couple weeks, many of you have probably received notifications from Google Plus saying that they were going to delete your page because it hasn’t been posted to in a while, if you have any pages that haven’t been posted to in a while. That’s just more evidence that Google is absolutely removing Google Plus from the Google ecosystem.
Which I never thought would happen, I honestly didn’t. I mean, I remember years … People have been saying, “Google Plus is dead for five, six years,” and five or six years ago, I used to think, no, there’s no way. Because remember, they integrated Google Plus. Google did. They forced everybody that used Google products to be on Google Plus and it was so much a part of the semantic web, what Google’s version of the semantic web was. The reason why is because it was an identity validator. Not an entity validator, but an identity validator. Does that make sense?
Because in order for you to be on Google Plus, you had to have a Google account, a verified Google account, like a profile. You couldn’t get on Google Plus as just a page or a business. You had to have a profile that was intimately attached to a specific person, right? Google Plus was an identity validator, which was used at the early onset of the semantic web engine for Google. Google’s version of the semantic web, right? But I guess they figured out other ways through all the stuff that Marco looks into like AI and machine learning and all that shit to validate entities without Google Plus. That’s why they’re slowly removing it from all of the Google products. I think in the near future it actually finally will be a dead product.
Anybody wanna comment on that? I’ll take silence as a no. All right. I’m gonna move on then. Is everybody still here? Because it’s rare to get radio silence like that. We should have crickets-
Adam: Yeah. First, we need to have like a real production studio. It would be fun to have some good sound effects.
What Are Your Thoughts On Josh Bachynski’s Statement On Emailing Google To Shut Down Google Sites?
Bradley: Yes, some crickets. That would have been funny. Okay. Armand is up. What’s up, Armand? He says, “I thought this was pretty interesting. I was listening to Josh Bachynski YouTube channel, good SEO channel, by the way, and they were talking about Google Sites giving a boost, which, of course, you guys know all about. Yes, sir, we do. What I thought was an interesting statement, is, he claims he could have it shut down tomorrow by emailing John Mueller of Google and telling him about it. You can see it here.” He dropped a link. “What do you guys think about this? I’m really mostly looking forward to the F-bombs we’ll hear from Marco.”
Honestly, I don’t know why Josh would say something like that. He could have it shut down by emailing John Mueller, maybe he could, maybe couldn’t. Why would he be flexing his muscles like that? I mean, whatever, why would you want to kill something that works for SEOs when you’re an SEO yourself? I don’t understand that. That would be like, why would you shit where you eat? You know what I’m saying?
Essentially, that’s what he’d be doing at that point. I’m not saying anything bad about Josh. Honestly, I don’t really follow his channel or any of that stuff because, as far as I know from years ago, it was a lot of white hat stuff and discussions between white hat versus black hat and all that. I don’t buy an any that shit. SEO is SEO. As far as I know, there are no hats. Right?
Adam: Yeah. The other thing I think is really interesting about this, and I can’t weigh in on the technical aspect of it, but I think that, yeah, Google’s messed around their own properties before, but they like this. This is getting their stuff more of their own stuff to show.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:33:42]
Adam: Yeah. Maybe they turn back or something happens in the future, but it’s not like they’re gonna suddenly realize, “Oh goodness, Google My Business pages are taking up more real estate. We better do something about it.” That’s not gonna happen.
Bradley: Yeah. Marco, I know you’re anxious to say something.
Marco: All right. Let me start with this. Do you guys think Google is stupid enough not to know that their G sites are powerful? Do you think that they don’t already have enough fucking stupid telling them that it works this way and that it’s pushing a lot of juice and that it’s pushing their properties. Do you think it’s not already happening? I don’t want to mention names, but snitches get stitches. If he wants to go that way, he’s a fuckin’ retard because he’s done a whole bunch of dirty shit. I mean, Josh goes back to days when, I mean, the crap that was being done, he was at the forefront of that shit. So I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. All of a sudden he turned, he’s an angel and he doesn’t do shit. Well, fuck you and fuck John Mueller.
Rob: Hey, Remember, this is Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I don’t give a fuck, man. These fucking people, they pissed me off. Fuck him, fuck John Muller, fuck them all. We’re gonna keep doing it. We’ll do it as long as we can and if they take that away, we’ll just find another way like we always do, man. So fuck that, fuck you, and that’s what I have to say about it.
Bradley: Wow. Armand. Can we send Armand a T-shirt for firing up Marco?
Adam: Yeah. Armand, hit us up in Support. Also, I was gonna say hashtag POFU.
Bradley: Wow. Okay. Armand, since you fired up Marco for the day, you won yourself a T-shirt or a hat or something. So contact [email protected] and we’ll send you something.
Adam: John just wrote on the page. He said, “How do you really feel, Marco?”
Bradley: Yeah, right. I was gonna say, guys, we’re not setting a precedent here. Please don’t intentionally try to piss Marco off just so you can get free stuff. Hump Day Hangouts will begin a downward spiral really quickly that way.
Do You Have Any Recommendations For Planning And Tracking Web 2.0/Syndication Networks?
Jim Wells is up next. He says, “Howdy, SM Gang. Thanks for the recommendation on Google PVA’s last week.” You’re welcome. So that’s Metro biz. Yeah, he’s great. Jim, I guess you contacted him right after Hump Day Hangouts or shortly thereafter because he came pinged me on Skype and said thank you for the recommendation again. Absolutely, he’s a good guy.
Anyways, number one, he says, “Do you have any recommendations for planning and tracking web 2.0, syndication networks? For planning and tracking. I use mind mapping software for general plans. We’ll, we have a service monitor, Serpspace.com, Jim. A few aren’t aware of that. I don’t know if it has a visual editor like a visual tracker. Adam, can you comment on that?
Adam: No. If it continues to grow we might build something out, but yeah, you just copy-paste your info in and it does this thing and monitors and then backgrounds, you don’t have to.
Bradley: Yeah. So as far as for planning them, no, but it does monitor them. What’s great about it is if you order Done-For-You networks from Serp Space they can automatically be imported into the network monitor, which will notify you if properties go down, or if they’re not posting, or if RSS feeds stops posting, like it stops detecting new items in RSS feeds. It does various things. It lets you know. So it’s a great way when you have multiple networks or dozens or hundreds of networks. It’s a great way to monitor all that stuff because otherwise a lot of times you just don’t know when stuff starts to break down. Right? Unless you’re manually checking yourself.
But as far as planning them, yeah, mind mapping know software is typically what I would. I use Lucidcharts. I like that a lot. That’s pretty much, in my opinion, the best mind mapping. I’ve used about a dozen of them and that was the one that I found to be, in my opinion, the easiest to use. It’s Lucidcharts.
Anyways, “But I was looking for a better solution to tracking which sites, networks, rings were linked and what content is feeding to them. I’ve been working on a Google Sheets solution, but it’s incredibly cumbersome.” Yeah. That was my issue because that’s what I was … I mean, I still manage probably 90% of my business through Google Drive, period, and I still use spreadsheets for everything too, but that’s part of the reason that we built the network monitor in Serp Space, was specifically so that you could see tier 1 networks on tier 2 networks and how content is feeding from one to the other and that kind of stuff. You are able to do that inside of Serp Space. The actual visual planning, we don’t have that yet. That might be something that we could do at some later time though.
What’s Your Opinion On The Number Of Google Sites To Use For Each Account?
Okay. All right. Number two is, “What’s your opinion on the number of Google sites to use for each account? Is there a limit to how many you place on each one? I think Peter Drew mentioned using eight before moving on.” Yeah. I typically don’t have more than a couple to up to eight. If I’m using Peter Drew’s Google sites generator software, then that specifically, yes, I’ll use eight Google sites or I’ll use the Google site with eight pages, which is what he recommends. It’s his software, he’s tested the shit out of it, and so is all his beta testers and all of his members now. So if that’s what Peter Drew suggests for using that, then I think that’s a good suggestion. I trust his judgment because he does a lot of testing.
But as far as the methods like for RYS methods, I’ll leave that one to Marco. But typically, for my RYS Drive stacks that contain a Google site, which all of them do. I think it should be standard operating procedure, when you buy a drive stack you buy the add-on the Google site, G site. Right? Because, to me, it’s really an incomplete … I mean, the way I look at it is that … I use the Google site as like the linchpin for the drive stack. That’s the main point that I drive all the relevancy from the drive files to the Google site and then I use the Google site to push relevancy to wherever I want. Right?
Again, I think those should be the same. As far as that, typically, I’ll only have the Google site in that drive stack account. But typically, like I said, I usually don’t have more than eight. I usually only have between two to four really in any one account. Marco, what are your thoughts?
Marco: I don’t know anything about Peter Drew to comment. I can only comment on what I do.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: It’s one main stack with the script, plus G site. I mean, you’re killing half the power or more if you don’t push the all of that power to the G site and then that power to wherever it needs to go. It defeats the purpose of everything that we do if there’s no companion G site. Now the way that we do it is, if you need additional folders and files, well, those stacks in and of themselves that’s what a stack really is. It’s a folder packed with files the Semantic Mastery way. The way that we do it. The way that we interlink everything. Right?
The way that it’s done is really time-consuming and that’s why you’ll see that most other people will not go the lengths that we go to interlink everything and to give everything the power that it needs. The only thing is that the script takes up a lot of resources. If you install the script in more than one folder, Google is going to kill your G site immediately. I mean, no question. We see a time after time after time after time. One G site but multiple stacks as long as you’re only running one script in one of the stacks and that should be your main stack. That’s my opinion on that.
Bradley: Yup. He says, “Also, for Stacks, do you place anything else on those accounts? Seems like it might be a risk.” I’ve used some of my drive stack accounts the Google accounts for like creating Blogger accounts. It’s like another syndication point and things like that. I mean, typically, I don’t see, there is a bit of a risk. But I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever had, I don’t think I’ve ever had a drive stack terminated like the index was terminated from Google. I don’t think I’ve ever lost a Google account that was specific for just drive stack. What Marco says is true about the script and I’ve had that occur, but not when I’m just doing what Marco said, which is …
In fact, a lot of the Google sites that I end up with the drive stacks, I sometimes use the scripts on them. It’s just everything is static once it’s built out. Again, I haven’t had any issues with that whatsoever. The only time I’ve ever had a drive stack account terminated is when, like Marco said, I’ve had … When the script overburdened the servers and then they terminated that, they killed it. But other than that I have … I mean, I’ve got drive stacks, especially the early ones that I did that are … Because I built a few myself originally that were a bit like spammy and they’re still alive today. So I really haven’t had any issues. What do you say, Marco?
Marco: Again, yeah. The only time that we’ve had issues that we’ve had stuff killed off is when we overburden Google. Google doesn’t like leeches using their resources for free. If you pay them now, you can get away with all a whole lot of stuff. If you go through their API, you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. If you go through G suite you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. But if you’re starting off free, don’t overburden Google. You could do other stuff in there that there’s no reason why.
As a matter of fact, it helps to validate, again, you mentioned identity, but not only the identity, the entity. The entity is alive and well and it’s a living organism within this, the Gmail ecosystem, let’s call it. Right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: So yeah, that’s what I would say.
Bradley: Okay, great. Great question, Jim. As always, man. He’s always posting a really question.
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also.
Bradley: I’m sorry?
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also. I think people lose sight of just the fact that Google, they develop drives in the Google site and all that stuff to be used by just standard everyday people. We’re just using it in a different manner, but we forget that driving a huge of ton at all universities, and high schools, and all over the country, at least in the state. I mean, my kid has Google drive stack for the classes they do. They look more spammy sometimes in some of my drive stack. I mean, they’re sharing and copying documents and moving along all over the place and you’ve got an entire high school and college classes running through Google and Google drive and sharing and replicating documents, and copying and pasting, and multiple duplicates of the same document.
Just stuff that you’re doing, I mean, just think of it like what were the regular college kid do or a high school kid. If you’re just making a bunch of documents and folders and sharing them and stuff like that, I mean, you’re basically hide in plain sight.
Bradley: Yeah.
Rob: Like you said, burden in their script and you’re using their computing power to automate a bunch of building and stuff, that’s when they take notice.
What’s The Best Way To Use Crowdsearch.me For Local Right Now?
Bradley: Awesome. Thanks, Rob. Kay Dee says, “Hey guys, what’s the best way to use crowdsearch.me for local right now? I bought it through a link Hernan sent to your future SEO click-throughs page but then saw your post here a couple weeks ago where you will not be implementing apps like that for GMB or money sites as they’ve been flagged.”
Yeah, that’s true. Now don’t get me wrong, guys. It still can be used. I just think it’s been deprecated quite a bit. I know it has because I used to use the shit out of it. I promoted crowdsearch.me for a solid two years because I used about 50,000 credits per month, I’m not kidding, because it worked really, really well. But as everything that we do in SEO, it became saturated and other products and services, PandaBot and a bunch of other ones popped up that started providing the … Serpify is one. Another one, I think … I don’t know, there’s a ton of them.
I actually did a case study test on those two, by the way. We tested four of them. Another one is John [inaudible 00:46:13] Rainmaker. I don’t know, there’s a bunch of services like that and I’ve done case study tests on many of them and found that … I didn’t even start the case studies until after I’ve realized that they weren’t working as well. Right? I started to see less and less results from using them. Okay?
But I’m not saying that there’s not still a place for it. I just don’t bother with it because it has become so ineffective that it’s not worth the trouble or the expense. I can get much better results by setting up other campaigns or using like YouTube, for example. I’ve talked many, many times about how to drive cheap traffic from YouTube, which is verified real people. Right? You can accomplish a lot of the same thing using traffic from YouTube. You can also hire Microtasks workers and although that’s not as effective as it used to be either for reasons of their search history and stuff like that, like essentially …
Remember guys, Google keeps a profile of everybody. Right? They built a profile of Google users. So anytime you’re using Google and you’re logged into an account, they’re tracking what you do, they’re compiling history of your browsing history, and the types of content that you look at, the types of searches that you do, the types of websites that you click on and interact with and engage with.
Google creates a profile for each user. So even now when you hire Microtasks workers and you tell them to go to Google.com in the US and search for a particular keyword and then go find your listing on page one or page two, or whatever, all the way up to page 10 if you want, whatever page it is, then click on it. Then find the third word in the fourth paragraph and copy it and paste it into the answer box for the Microtasks dashboard. Right? So that way you know that they did.
Why do you do all these things with Microtasks workers? Think about. You tell them to do a search and a click. That’s what we call CT spam or click-through spam, right? That’s a signal to Google that somebody searched for keyword then found your listing. Then you ask them to find a particular word or a phrase or a sentence or something like that on a page that’s buried somewhere in the middle of page. So they have to spend some time searching for it, that’s time on site, or you can tell them to click through to another page, which is engagement time on site and also another click-through. Right?
So there’s a lot of different things that you could do to tell Microtasks workers. But the problem occurs where and why it’s becoming less and less effective is exactly what I just mentioned, because, if a Microtask worker is doing multiple searches per day for random shit all the time, then Google is going to build up a profile for them of, it’s likely that there Microtasks worker is doing CT spam.
I mean, think about it. Google, they’re not an idiot and either are their AI. Their AI systems aren’t stupid either. My point is, it’s not as an effective click. It’s not weighted as much as it would be if it was coming from somebody that has a relevant search history or has an interest or topical relevancy or some something in their recent search history that would make that click so much more valid or more appropriate, which means it’s heavier weighted click, which means it produces better results and a much higher level engagement signal.
So that’s where I’m talking about crowdsearch.me. You’ve got to think about that guys. Those are bots. Those are bots where they spoof the user agents, they spoof the IPs and all that, but even the IP ranges that these bots use are within specific ranges that have been flagged. Right?
So what I’m saying, to answer your question, Kay Dee, would be not to use it direct to money site. What I recommend using it for is referral traffic. It still works well for that. It also works well if you want to send traffic to press releases to help them to stick longer in the search results, because we all know that press releases rank really well quickly. Well, typically, rank really well quickly, but they don’t last for long, unless they get a high level of traffic.
But for that you can buy Fiverr gigs and I’d recommend Fiverr gigs. There’s several of them that I’ve recommended on many occasions publicly. Right? You can buy a $10 or a $15 Fiverr gig and boost the press release for a month, which I don’t know what you’re paying for crowd search, but me, I was buying 50,000 credits a month so it was rather expensive. Right?
Again, referral traffic and, by the way, if you want to learn how to do referral traffic, let me just see if I can pull this up for him real quick, or Kay, excuse me. Let’s go to-
Marco: While you’re pulling that up, I’d like to mention that the MGYB.co marketplace, we have real YouTube views.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: You could add a call to action where you send people to your website. You can’t get anything better than a real person watching a YouTube video clicking through to your website. I mean, that’s absolutely the best thing that can happen for your website because the referral is YouTube. That’s what it is.
Bradley: Yep. I just wanna see, here’s another one. I’m gonna drop each one of these links. Because I’ve done extensive training on that as well, so stand by for just one minute. This is the … Okay, yeah. This is the one that I wanted to share. Okay. I did this. Look when was this published. September 26 2015, guys, is when this was published and it’s still valid. It’s still relevant, this video. This is how to set up … and I did it with Jason Johnson of the Syndwire Black Facebook group.
Anyways, again, this is almost three years ago and this is still valid for a good way to use crowd search for referral traffic. Then there’s also probably a Hump Day Hangouts clip here too that I could post. Look at, it’s awesome. That’s from Fist Fight. Wayne Clayton, that’s awesome. That was a funny ass movie, by the way. I thought that movie was hilarious.
Rob: Referral traffic.
Marco: It should say “Snitches get stitches, bitches.”
Bradley: That’s Ice Cube. It’s a funny ass movie. Anyways, we got to keep moving. Yeah. I’m sorry about going so long on crowd search thing, guys. But that’s a great question though, Kay Dee. Yeah, I don’t recommend using it so much anymore unless you’re using it for very specific purposes because there are alternate better ways to get traffic and real traffic too.
Is Page Rank Important As Domain Authority Is?
Okay. Peter from Poland, “Can you define PageRank and its importance? Is it as important as domain authority?” Honestly, I’m not gonna take the time to define PageRank because it’s a metric that we don’t have access to and we haven’t for years. So it’s really no sense of me even trying to … I mean, honestly, Peter, your question is still a valid question. But, is it as important as domain authority? No, because I don’t care about any of those metrics anymore. I stopped caring about proprietary third-party metrics several years ago, at least two years ago.
I honestly don’t care about trust flow, topical trust flow, domain authority, page authority, domain rank. I don’t give a shit about any of those. Honestly, I don’t care because we were able to get results whether the metrics say they should have results or not. We focus on relevancy, traffic and authority. Right? ART, which is what Marco always talks about.
Marco, what does ART stand for again?
Marco: Activity, relevance, trust and authority. Activity on the link, the relevance on the link, both destination, and the origin, and then the trust and authority both of the summation and the origin of the link. There you go, boom. But we don’t-
Bradley: But to be clear, we’re not talking about domain authority. When we say “authority,” we’re not saying domain authority.
Marco: No.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: It’s whether it’s authoritative to Google.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: That’s all we care about. That refers back to pay track and again, yeah, I’m not gonna get into that. I will say it’s alive and well. It’s part of the rankings core algorithm. First, it gives you a PageRank, then you get an overall ranking score. That’s what that’s about. It’s alive and well. We don’t give a shit because we trigger those the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: That’s right. Guys, again, when you rely on third-party metrics, they’re not always accurate, guys. They’re a really good educated guess, but they’re not accurate because none of those, Majestic AH reps, Moz, none of them worked for Google. Right? I just I stopped relying on metrics. Years ago, we used to be able to manipulate domain authority and just ranked by manipulating domain authority. Well, Google killed that. It’s no longer … Unless you’re like above 80 or 85 domain authority, it’s really difficult to manipulate domain authority for ranking purposes anymore. Again, we just stop worrying about it.
Good question, Peter, but I would say focus on an RT instead of working on third-party metrics. Okay. Matias. We’re gonna be running out of time and I was worried that we weren’t gonna have enough questions today. You guys jumped in and posted a whole bunch. So anyway, all right. Matias … I don’t know if I’m saying that correct or not. Forgive me if I butchered it. He says, “Hi guys, thanks for all the content you put out on the channel for free. It’s a great reference.” You’re welcome. We enjoy this.
Does Having Different City Name In Facebook And GMB Listing Cause NAP Inconsistencies?
By the way, what is this, episode 192. So we’re getting close to 200, which we’re gonna do a celebration episode then. Then at 208, it would be our anniversary. We’re gonna have a really big celebration for that says. He says, “I got two short questions. I have a verified GMB listing and when setting up the Facebook profile, the city name displays differently. Facebook only allows picking from a display menu. Will this cause any NAP consistency with my GMB profile, which I prefer not to touch?”
No. I wouldn’t worry about it, Matias. I would not worry about that. I mean, thing is if you’ve got a Facebook profile and you’re setting it up as a place of Facebook place or whatever and it’s gonna force you to select a city name instead of whatever you have listed, then just use it I wouldn’t worry about it you know too much. Again, sometimes that kind of stuff is gonna happen and you have no choice. So I really wouldn’t worry about it.
All right, let’s see. “Or should I hide the address in Facebook?” I would. If it’s a storefront and you want people, because remember, there is a lot of people that use Facebook for finding local businesses and stuff like that. So if you’ve got a point of sale, a storefront where people come to the business location, then absolutely I would want to have that listed because otherwise, you may lose customers.
You may lose customers for an SEO benefit. Does that make sense? and I don’t think that’s right. You should be focusing on generating customers, not just SEO, if that makes sense. I know they go hand they kind of work hand in hand, but various traffic on Facebook, there’s no question. So I would rather have that displayed if. It’s a service area business then yeah you can absolutely hide it right.
“By the way, I am displaying the address in GMB and wanna keep it that way.” Well, just remember, in Google My business, it’s a service area business where you serve the customers at the customer location and the customers do not come to the business location. Then as per Google’s Terms of Service, Google My Business Terms of Service, you should check to hide the address. Okay. You should only be showing the address if customers come to your business location, period. All right? So just keep that in mind.
How Do You Index A TLD Website (Business.Site) Without Setting It As Main Website In A GMB Listing?
All right. Number two, “For the same listing I have a TLD, top-level domain website, but I’ve also created the internal GMB website. Is there any way to index the business in that site without setting it as the main website in my listing?” Marco?
Marco: Yeah. I’m gonna to tell him to come to Facebook group and I will answer this question directly. I won’t answer it here because there’s something really special about that Google business site that I won’t get to in here. It’s information only for those people who paid for the course. Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, but that makes sense. That’s one of the insider secrets of that course.
Anthony, “MasterMIND versus RYS. I believe I need to learn more about where to sell this stuff. I have a pretty good product but no community to learn more about how and where to implement. Makes sense?” All right. I’m going to give you my opinion, which would be the MasterMIND. Only because RYS is specifically about RYS in its methods where MasterMIND is all encompassing digital marketing training and education as well is business building, mindset, all kinds of stuff, motivation. There’s small group MasterMINDs, MasterMIND, it encompasses so much more than just a specific method.
I’m not saying anything bad about RYS. RYS is freaking awesome, guys. It kicks ass. But it’s about a particular method. MasterMIND is more about building your business, period. I mean, that’s not just marketing, it’s everything included. So that’s my take on, anybody want to say otherwise?
Marco: No. I’m the co-creator of RYS Academy Reloaded and I totally agree with you, MasterMIND first. You’ll get a discount for RYS Academy, but I would also tell you to pick up Local GMB Pro-
Bradley: If he’s doing local.
Marco: Yeah. Even if it isn’t because that’s gonna help him with his entity and brand and brand plus keyword recognition. As I said, I’m starting a national campaign that I’m gonna be working on and I’m gonna show how this shit works nationally even though you might have a local address.
Bradley: Okay. I’m gonna stay for about five more minutes guys, if anybody needs to bounce please feel free, but I wanna try to get a couple more of these. John, it looks like you and Anthony got the same memo today, apparently. Unless John posting the same question twice or Anthony posting the same question twice with two different profiles, one way or the other.
RYS vs Mastermind
Anyways, “MasterMIND versus RYS, I believe right now I need more of a community than another tool.” Well, neither one is a tool. Both MasterMIND and RYS are communities. RYS is also a particular method, but it’s not a tool. Right? “I need to see how others are working and where they’re going. I love the special offer case study. That’s the kind of insight community I feel to get a breakthrough. Makes sense?”
Yeah, it absolutely does, John. That’s what the MasterMIND is all about. Again, don’t get me wrong, RYS also has a community because we have a Facebook group for that. Marco and Rob are very active in there, I’m not, because that’s their baby. Right? But MasterMIND, again, either one is good. They’re great really, but MasterMIND again is all-encompassing. It covers so much more than just digital marketing or just SEO. Right? It covers a broad spectrum of topics and business-related topics.
Rob: I would say from hearing the question, I would mimic what both you guys said, MasterMIND first. Go out make some money, and then you get a discount on RYS, back it up and it just helps to take your business to the next level. But overall, MasterMIND.
Bradley: Thank you, Rob. Guys, don’t forget, when you join the MasterMIND all of our other products you get either if they’re under 300 bucks you get them for free, if they’re over 300 bucks you get a 30% discount. You get first access to all of our new products or new done-for-you services. You get first crack at then, we bring beta testers in for all kinds of new stuff all the time. Guys, MasterMIND is my baby. All of our baby is Semantic Mastery, but what I’m saying is like that’s that’s where my heart lies, is with MasterMIND, there’s no doubt.
Rob: Yeah, for sure. If you come and immerse yourself you will change your business.
Bradley: That’s it.
Rob: Period.
Bradley: Wayne was picking on you, Rob.
Rob: That’s good. I got thick skin, Indiana boy.
Why Bother With The Short URL In GMB Posting?
Bradley: John says, “Why bother with the short URL? Seems like a lot of work for something no one will see unless getting stats from someplace like Bitly, which has its own problems?” Not sure what you mean for that John, unless you’re talking about the short URLs from the GMB post from this. That’s what Google gives us as a short URL now for the post, the share URL. That’s what they look like. That’s what you’re talking about.
If you’re talking about like Bitly links in a GMB post, I know some services auto add bit link shorteners for any links. For example Sendible which turned out to be shit, by the way. I know I talked about it because I had good … We’ve got our own GMB poster now so I don’t recommend using Sendible anymore anyways. But before our poster was ready, I was using Sendible for GMB post automation and scheduling and I trained a VA to do it for our client work and stuff. Essentially after 100 GMB posts, you can’t use Sendible any more clients and they say it’s an API issue with Google. Google won’t allow them to add any more than 100 images to any one particular GMB profile through the API, through the Sendible’s API connected to …
I don’t know why because our auto poster, we can do as many as we want. Well, Marco was tried to break it and he’s not being able to replicate the error that Sendible has. I contacted Sendible support and they literally said it’s a Google API issue and our hands are tied, we can’t do anything. I said, “Okay. Well, you’ve just lost my $200 a month. I was paying them $200 a month. I said, “Well, you just lost my $200 a month because this is an absolutely useless service.” So anyways, that’s how I feel about Sendible now. It’s garbage.
Marco: If I may, ours starts at 37 a month.
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: So there you go.
Bradley: Yeah. I know and, again, they should put that shit on their sales page. API limitation notice, you can only do 100 posts before it breaks. I mean, think about it why would somebody sign up, take the time to learn how to use a particular platform, integrate processes into their business, which is what I did. I created process docs and all that shit for my VAs, spend all this time developing this out and then within two weeks or three weeks we hit the API limits. It’s like, are you kidding me? That’s just a complete waste of time. Anyways-
Bradley: Well, there’s add hours too. I drop this into, if you want to go sign up and try it out, you can get like five free posts just to try it. After that, you got to move on but you get in there, see what’s up, what’s available, and try it. Just sign up, get your email and you get five free posts to try it out. I highly suggest you try it out because the power is there in the RS feed in and out. RSS feed out even has, I mean, it’s we’ve it’s been a tricked out Semantic Mastery style. We’ve created our links back to 301, not the standard 302s that you typically get from the API.
Marco: Yeah. We push power around. I’d like to just give a shout out to our programmer who has just been kicking ass. He’s the one, Rob tells them, “We need this,” and the guy just gets it done. Once you get hooked into a really good programmer you know all limits are off.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: The sky’s the limit with what what we’re going to do with this. Right now, it’s at that price. So jump in, get in where you fit in as I usually say.
Bradley: Yep. I love the comments here guys. We’re done with questions so we’re gonna wrap up. But I just wanna give a shout out to each and every one of you. First of all, I loved the comments about Marco’s rant. That’s great. Armand, like I said, hit us up on support. We’ll send you a T-shirt or a hat or something. There it was, Armand right there.
Dominic’s awesome. We just talked about MasterMIND and we have small group MasterMINDs where Adam set up a survey form and MasterMIND members go in and fill out the survey form. Then Adam pairs people up or matches a small group of people that have like or similar interests up for small group meetings where they’ll, like accountability groups, which is how we got started at Symantec Mastery. This is how my partners and I got started was because of an accountability group that I founded and they all joined. That’s exactly how we got started and here we are five or six years later. Right?
Dominic was in my small group. The first small groups that Dominic was in mine. Great guy, sold a brick-and-mortar business to go into lead generation and SEO for his brother’s remodeling business, which is fabulous like, you know, sold his own brick-and-mortar business to be able to get into full-time digital marketing, which is amazing, I think. So Dominic shout out to you. That’s awesome. Jim Wells, again thanks for your questions and please come join a MasterMIND as well, and John looks like you’re about to join the MasterMIND. That’s fantastic.
I see you bought some of the other products. You could have gotten a significant discount. Sorry about that, buddy. But come join us now because it won’t be the last product we relaunch either. Okay?
Marco: John, just hit me up in the Facebook group for our Local GMB and we’ll work out on how to make it all work for you so that you can start making money and start buying more of our shit. Our shit works, man. There’s no question. It works.
Bradley: All right. Thanks everybody for being here. I wanna bounce, it’s just the true diehard still here. It’s Marco, Rob and me. All right, guys. We’re gonna wrap up.
Rob: We got a problem.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Might I add before we go, that I actually bit my tongue with what I really had to say. Anyway, I bit my tongue, guys.
Rob: That’s Hump Day Hangouts on a three second delay.
Bradley: Yeah, that was a rant earlier from Marco. That was a restrained Marco rant.
Marco: It was.
Bradley: A restrained rant. All right, guys. Thanks for everybody being here on our MasterMIND webinar. Tomorrow, we’re gonna be going over that fabulous GMB method that is just crashing it right now, guys. MasterMIND is a good time to join, if you haven’t already. We’ll see you guys next week. Thanks everybody. Thanks, Rob. Thanks, Marco.
Marco: Bye, everyone.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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localwebmgmt · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192
Click on the video above to watch Episode 192 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: We are live on Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is episode 192. I’m Adam. I am not drunk or on drugs, I’m just really excited to be here. Yeah, we got that on our way.
Chris: Liar. You’re a liar, Adam.
Adam: No. Because now I’m on the West Coast, so my schedules are all out of whack. So right after we get done here, I head out the door, beat the traffic, and go for a run out in the hills and then come back.
Bradley: Yeah. That’s his running in the woods that he always talks about.
Adam: Running.
Bradley: Right.
Adam: I’m so tired. Anyways, enough about me. Let’s find out about everyone else. So, on my screen, Chris, you’re first. How’s it going, man?
Chris: Doing good. Good to be here.
Adam: Where are you located in the world today?
Chris: I’m still in Austria, soon heading to Portugal, then Barcelona. We’ll see after that.
Adam: Nice, nice. Hernan, how about you? Are you surviving winter?
Hernan: Yeah. I am for now and I’m planning to do so for our coming live event. So I’m super excited about that. I’m super happy to be here.
Chris: You’re not making Spain this year?
Hernan: I don’t know if we know. I mean, I don’t think so because we have a date with a lot of people, or potentially a lot of people in Washington, DC, so I’ll get to that.
Chris: So you leave it to destiny?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: Wait. Is Tony Robbins coming?
Hernan: No.
Adam: Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m trying to make some last minute changes.
Adam: Gotcha, gotcha. All right. We’ll come back to you. Marco’s got some good stuff he’s gonna share. I don’t know, I see an eagle in the mountains. Who is this mysterious person?
Rob: Hey, what’s going on, man?
Adam: Hey, everybody. This is Rob Beale. If you don’t know him, you probably see him around the group, if you’re new to us. Rob, how is it going?
Rob: I’m doing good. I’ll switch to my camera for a second, but I’m on my cell phone.
Bradley: Oh, yeah. That’s safe driving and hosting a webinar.
Rob: Yeah. There you go. So I’ll talk to you guys after that later, right?
Bradley: That’s multitasking right there, buddy.
Adam: Sounds good. Yeah. Be safe. Yeah. Keep your eye on the road. Bradley, last but not least, how are you doing?
Bradley: I don’t know, but I wonder what kind of citation, the cops issue for that.
Adam: Not a good one.
Rob: That’s why they make headphones, man.
Adam: There you go.
Bradley: No, I’m good. I’m excited. I’m super excited. Guys, I’ve just got to make a quick tease for the MasterMIND again because I just posted in the MasterMIND today. I started testing another method for ranking in a 3-Pack and I actually created a … Or went to go register a GMB listing about nine days ago and I just went and picked up the postcard for verification last night. I woke up this morning and before I went to the gym, because I coach CrossFit classes in the morning, and so for a little bit this morning I went and I verified the listing by entering the pin and all that and then I went to the gym. When I came back I checked, it’s number one in the 3-Pack. It’s the number one in the 3-Pack for … I’ve only tested two of my primary five keywords, but those two keywords are number one in the 3-Pack.
I just talked about how I did that in the MasterMIND. We talked about it two weeks ago on Thursday what my plan was and it worked. I saw I posted in MasterMIND Facebook Group about it today and tomorrow’s the next MasterMIND webinar and I already got several people that are asking me to go over it in much greater detail as to how I did it. Now I don’t know if it’s repeatable yet. It looks very, very promising, but I’m going to try to replicate that same results with another listing within the next two weeks. If I can get it to happen two for two, then we’re on to something.
Again, if you guys are interested in that, now would be a really good time to join the MasterMIND. I know I say that every week but there’s a reason for it.
Anyways, with that said, Adam what other announcements do we have?
Marco: Well, just to add to what you’re saying, there are actually other uses for that tool that I’d be willing to share in the next MasterMIND and when you discuss this. There are actually other ways. You can use it for what you used it for, but it’s also a great client prospecting tool.
Bradley: It’s awesome.
Adam: That’s right. Well, we had the Launch Local GMB Pro and Bradley can talk about results. Marco, Rob, everyone can talk about results. I’m gonna drop the link on the page. If you haven’t yet checked it out, you can see the results other people are getting. This isn’t something we came up with and then said, “Look, we got good results.” People immediately started having results with this. So I’m not gonna really harp on that too much. You can go check it out for yourselves and read about it, see if that’s something you think you could plug into your business and start making a lot of money with.
But we do have some cool services that were requested. We started hearing back from people, “Hey, I want to arbitrage this. I want you guys to do it for me. What can you do so that I could provide the high value to my client but I don’t have to do the nitty-gritty work?”
Rob, Marco, do you wanna kind of explain what’s going on with that?
Marco: Yeah. Before Rob jumps in, what I want to add to what you said is, we have a Facebook group, but our Facebook groups, you don’t see people asking questions on, well how do I get results? We do get some of those, of course, because if there are new people who are not familiar with anything. But what we’re seeing a lot is we get, I’m getting these results. This is what I’m doing and I’m getting these many costs. We see that time after time after time.
It’s not a Facebook group on what am I supposed to do. It’s a Facebook group where people are sharing their results, people are sharing their different ideas, the different things that they’re doing, we’re conducting webinars. I mean, everything that we told you was going to happen is happening.
For some people, it’s just incredible, the results that they’ve been getting. That they’ve been getting 200 plus calls a month in the demo. How freaking good is that? One guy, “Please no more calls.” Why? The client complaining “I’m getting too many calls. I can’t handle it.” That’s the type of results we’re talking about. Don’t let me tell you about it. Go in the Facebook group and see for yourself.
Bradley: I had one of my roofing clients call me and literally asked if there’s any way I could throttle the calls down because he’s overwhelmed with work. I’m not kidding. He had me put one notification bar or banner plug-in on his WordPress site that says “We are no longer accepting new calls.” I’m not kidding. Because he’s got such a backup of roofing leads right now and it’s because of what we’ve been applying with the GMB Pro method and all that, it’s insane.
I’m also adding image to the page right now, guys, from one of our MasterMIND members. A lot of you will know him from also Syndication Academy. Bo, I hope you’re all right with me posting just your comment. It doesn’t reveal any written information, but it says pretty much the same thing that happened with the last two GMB Pro listings he made within 24 hours of verifying the listing, he was in the 3-Pack.
Anyways, we’ve kind of found a secret backdoor guys to just kicking ass and taking names and it’s pretty freakin’ amazing.
Adam: What would you guys say to somebody who maybe hasn’t gotten the experience of dealing with, you know, maybe a client who’s got a Local GMB listing? Do you think that someone who hasn’t done this could see results from getting involved in the Local GMB Pro course?
Bradley: Absolutely. It varies per industry. Probably level of competition makes a difference too, but we’ve seen results in as little as days, almost overnight. I’ve got a couple of tree service lead gen sites that we started to apply the GMB Pro method to and, I mean, literally within 48 hours, like sites that had not been optimized, hadn’t built any citations yet, they were just basically abandoned lead gen sites that I never got around to doing anything with, and we just started applying the GMB Pro method to and within 48 hours they started generating phone calls and leads, which is freaking insane.
Others take a little bit longer, like the cab service or the taxi company that I’m doing for the case study. It’s taking a little bit longer, but it’s really starting to gain traction within the last couple of weeks. The calls started to pick up, a lot more clicks through to the website. So the more activity the more volume of activity it generates if that makes sense. It really just varies, but yeah, pretty much any business or any local business.
Again, I haven’t applied any of this to national stuff, but for local business stuff, which is what we’re talking about, Local Google My Business stuff, I mean, it’s almost instant results once you start applying what we’re teaching.
Adam: Good deal. Well, I don’t-
Marco: Hang on a sec. Yeah, as far as national, I don’t want to mention any names, but one of the big guys, who has been with us often and whom we love, he has a national campaign that he wants to do. So what I’m going to do is we’re going to treat it as a case study. We’re going to get him into Local GMB Pro and we will have results, I guarantee you. In the next month or two, we will let you know how this can be applied nationally.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right, guys. We’ve got to wrap this up pretty quick and then hop into questions. But we definitely wanna let everyone know and, Rob, maybe you can hop in now and talk a little bit, just take a minute or two, about what’s going on with the Done-For-You services.
Rob: Okay. We’re putting a team together, we’re getting the site up. Again, if someone else can drop the link to the site that’s coming up on the page, that’d be awesome because I’m driving. We’re getting the team together so the services are coming along. The other thing I wanna mention is the auto poster is live and ready to start being used. We’re getting some crazy results with it. It has lots of features that you’re not going to find anywhere else. The poster creates an RSS feed.
For those of you that follow us enough, you know with an RSS feed, there’s a lot of extras you can add on the end of even the Local GMB Pro that we haven’t even added to bolster the results that everyone’s talking about now. You can start adding all those things, syndicating your GMB post across your network, and all the other fun stuff you can do with RSS feeds. I won’t go into that, it’s too offbeat. I could take forever.
The other thing that is super cool with this auto poster that we have is, for those that are already doing syndication and doing blog content for their clients, we have a plug-in that we’re going to give away for free. You use that along with our auto poster and you can connect your blog and create, just based on your blog, it’ll post to your GMB.
Marco, I dropped a link in chat to you. If you could post that, that is an example post from a blog that was posted that went through syndication and ended up on the GMB site. So that’s what it looks like using the WordPress plug-in and the auto poster that we have that’s now live and ready to go. There’s all kinds of other things that we can get into, but that’s I just wanna let everybody know that it is live and it’s ready to go. Go sign up and start killing it.
Adam: Great. Looks like I’m getting a call in the middle of, there we go, Hump Day Hangouts. Awesome.
Marco: I dropped the link in there. Guys, you can grab your actual websites RSS feed. You can feed your posts, and then from your post you can grab another RSS feed and go crazy. I mean, this is how insane this is. We’re talking about amplifying the message, right? Syndicating is all about that, it’s amplifying it. But it’s going to have proper attribution, which is the most important thing right now so that you don’t get. People are getting hit with or their tummy is getting hit with penalties. But I guarantee you, you don’t have proper attribution. We have proper attribution. Everything is taken care of, guys. This is so you can just blow up and get insane leads for your clients.
I’m gonna also, besides that link, so that you guys can look at it and just see how good the posts look … Remember, that’s an RSS feed going into Google My Business. All right? That’s how great it looks. Let me also share our marketplace because we have an MGYB if you’ve been with us long enough you know what that stands for, marketplace. It’s free to join. Guys, right now, what we’re offering is video carpet bomb. It’s a service where you can go and just literally find out where you can rank a video in a short period of time. We have a great VA, he’s trained.
Go join the auto poster, it will be available through MGYB.co, and we will be adding other services and products as we go along. It’s in the beginning but we wanted to get this out right away because these are the two easiest methods to go and find out where to rank, as far as videos, and how to get leads and push content because you do need content for Google My Business system. So the easiest way to do it is to schedule it and auto post. How cool is that? I mean, it’s like I said, you train the VA, you don’t have to do shit except to sell it to a client and collect the money, guys. That’s it. It’s that simple. You guys, “No, it can’t be this easy.” Well, yes, it really is. We’ve really made it simple for you guys to go and make money.
Adam: All right, guys. Yeah. Let’s get into questions and then before we wrap it up I’m gonna drop a link in. I wanted to remind everybody we got the live event coming up in October. We still got seats open. We’re gonna cap that at 25. It’s gonna be the weekend of October and October 21st in Washington DC, including our beautiful faces along with some guest speakers, including Jeffrey Smith. So if you’re interested, again, that link will be on there and we’ll touch on that again towards the end. But let’s go ahead and dive into the questions.
Bradley: Yeah. Just quickly I wanna mention anybody that goes to checks out the MGYB marketplace, which is Make Google Your BITCH, just in case nobody knows what that meant. The video carpet bomb offer, that’s actually I got the idea from a colleague of ours, Randy James, and we kind of refined the process together and I trained the VA how to do this really well. The offer that’s in there right now, we should have two offers actually, I just pinged Marco in chat and Slack, but we’ll get the other offer in there.
But essentially the two ways that I’m using that is: one, if you’re doing lead gen, it’s fantastic because what we do is take a particular location and then we gather all of the locations like townships, boroughs, all that stuff within a 20-mile radius and then we create a list of … You can have up to three keywords appended or and in the locations appended to those three keywords.
Let’s say that you end up on a 20-mile radius with 60 locations and you got three keywords, so that’s 180 keywords that you would be targeting. All you need to provide is the three keywords and the central location and then the video file and a thumbnail, if you want a custom thumbnail, and then the call-to-action, which will be placed in the video description, which is typically going to be an NAP, if you’re doing local stuff, which is what we suggest.
No, I didn’t, Marco. But anyway, I don’t remember saying that anyways. We’ll cover that later. We’ll get that set up for next week.
Anyways, it’s really good because I mean, out of like 180 videos that we’ll upload, we can’t guarantee any certain number of them, but I typically get anywhere between 30 to 50 videos ranked on page one for that. Now it’s great for lead gen because you can start to generate leads right away. You can also find low-hanging fruit. So it’s like poking keywords as well, right? You can find keyword opportunities that you can go ranked some more long-term assets for, web pages, social media, web 2.0, anything like press releases, anything like those whatsoever.
But then there’s also an alternate method that I’m using that for that works really freaking well. It’s for prospecting purposes, guys, and for closing sales or closing clients. One of the best things that you can do is, once a conversation has been initiated with a prospect, so a potential client, when you go to make your proposal or your pitch for whatever services that you are offering, we have a lesser version of it that, again, will get this added in within the next week, it’s for a 10-mile radius in one keyword.
Essentially, what we’ll do is, let’s say, with three keywords in a 20-mile radius, like I said, maybe return 60 locations or 60 place names, right? With the 10-mile radius, it might be 30 or 25 place names and you get one keyword. So it will create the same campaign, one keyword appended with the 25 or 30 locations, and it will upload it. Out of that you might get five to 10-ish videos ranked and it’s gonna be inexpensive, 20 or 25 bucks is what we’re gonna charge for that. So that when you’re pitching the client, when you’re giving them a proposal, you can also send them the results with their video that you branded for them, with their brand name, with their contact information, their NAP in the description. You can use that as a deal sweetener for your proposal.
That works really, really, really well. I’ve used that method over and over and over again for impressing potential clients so that when I go to … Because think about that, how many companies show results when they present the proposal? Very few, right? Because he wants to do any work. But I trained a VA to do it, right? My VA, for me, the cost is a few dollars. I can have a campaign, a video carpet-bomb campaign that I can submit with the proposal and say, “Look, just to show you that I know what I’m talking about and I can get you results quickly, I did this for you at no cost and I included it with the proposal and there’ll be a spreadsheet with the links and the keywords that it’s ranked for.”
So they can go verify it themselves, and it’s their brand name their call to action, their contact information, and NAP on the video, so it’s like branded for them. I’ve gotten a lot of prospects and clients that have come back and said, “Wow, that’s really great. Thank you for doing that. Nobody’s ever done that before.” So it works really, really well. Besides doing lead gen stuff or providing that as a reselling service for your clients, which you could absolutely do, it’s also a great way to land clients and impress them. So definitely check that out. We’ll get the prospecting plan for that put into the marketplace within the next week or so.
Okay. All right. Let’s get into some questions. That went a little bit longer, but we had a lot of news to share. All right. Let’s get this backup. Oh, yeah, I love that gif, by the way. All right.
Is The Syndication Course Still Relevant Since It Has Been Released In 2015?
The first question, Richard, that was already answered by Chris. Chris reposted one from Support, it looks like. “Is syndication still relevant?” This is from Renee Ward. “I have your course from 2015. There have been so many SEO changes since then, seven to eight this year, and I was wondering if it’s still worth the trouble to syndicate. Also, are there any negative repercussions since Google is so picky nowadays.”
No. Renee, it’s absolutely still valid. Again, it’s still the very foundation of everything that we do. Other than some of the newer stuff that we’re doing with GMB, we’re able to get results without using syndication networks. We still recommend that you use them for many, many reasons. Number one, syndication networks help to validate the entity. Right? That’s incredibly important, especially now, more so than it was in 2015 when we first launched the course. Right? That really wasn’t even much of a concern back then. Now, it is. So, validating the entities, number one.
Number two, you’re amplifying your content. Go do a Google search for content amplification and you’ll see there’s a ton of different services out there and the definitions are all pretty much the same. That’s basically getting your content that you publish on your blog or your website everywhere that you can. That’s what content amplification is. So all we’re doing is automating it using IFTTT and our Syndication Academy methods. Right?
Think about it, all of the major news and media sites and the major blogs, the author’s will syndicate their own content that they’ve published on those sites to their own social media profiles, their own professional profiles and such. So why is that any different than what we’re doing? It’s not. Guys, it’s not. This whole myth that, you know, it constantly comes up, and I’m not picking on you, Renee, by the way, but we get the question that comes up often.
By the way, just a quick aside, Renee, that a lot of these questions, especially this one, is also answered in our knowledge-base, which you can find at [email protected]. We have frequently asked questions there categorized by product. If you go to the Syndication Academy Frequently Asked Questions at [email protected], you’ll see a lot of these questions are already answered.
But for the benefit of everybody here today, I’ll go through it again. That is, we get a lot of people say, “Well, what about duplicate content?” Guys, duplicate content only exists when it’s on the same domain. If you have 10 pages on your domain or posts and they’re all the same freaking content, that’s duplicate content. It’s not duplicate content when it’s republished on other domains.
If that were the case, press releases wouldn’t work. I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, and so can the vast majority of our members that are using press releases, we launched an entire product specifically on how to use press releases to rank especially local stuff, and those are all duplicate content. Right? It gets published at one place first, whatever the originating press cable services that you’re using. Then from there, it goes out to the press wires and just gets picked up by any other syndication partners that are part of that press cable service. Right?
It’s the same freaking press release, not a single word has been changed on it across all the places it’s published to, which are typically 200-plus other sites, some cases 400, 500 sites. Right? It gives an absolute quick boost for ranking, especially for local stuff. If duplicate content was an issue, then press releases wouldn’t work. But they work and they work incredibly well.
My point is no. Guys, you’re sharing your own content to your own branded properties, which is natural, It’s normal. In fact, it’s kind of expected nowadays. Right? So, no, there is no negative repercussions. Where the negative repercussions come in is when you start to try to gain the system and add a whole bunch of persona-based networks and secondary syndication networks and you don’t take steps to mask or reduce your footprint.
There is no footprint when we’re syndicating to branded properties. In fact, we are claiming our footprint. We’re literally posting a flag up and saying, “Hey, come check us out. This is our content on all of our sites.” Right? We’re actually, literally, broadcasting our footprint to our own branded sites. But when you start to syndicate content, the same content to other networks that have nothing but your branded content on them and their persona-based networks, now that’s clearly to manipulate search rankings. And that can cause problems.
However, we teach in Syndication Academy also how to reduce that footprint and still have effective secondary syndication networks. I don’t typically recommend that, it depends on how many sites you’re managing. If you’re just managing one site, it’s a great strategy. If you’re managing a dozen sites, it’s not, because it’s a lot of work and it’s a lot to maintain.
Again, we cover all that stuff since 2015. There have been many, many changes, in fact, that’s why Syndication Academy 2.0, which is what we’re in currently now, which was launched, shit, I think a year and a half ago now. I think we’re on update webinar 22 or 23, so it’s almost two years now. We update it every month. Again, there has been changes but we stay on top of it.
In fact, our guest that’s on today, Rob, he’s actually going to be taking over the Syndication Academy Update webinars here soon. In the near future, he’s gonna be taking over handling and hosting the Syndication Academy Update webinars. Anyways-
Rob: I promise not to do those from my car too. How about that?
Bradley: Yeah, I hope so. Anyways, Renee, I would encourage you to come check out Syndication Academy 2.0. You could still take the training from 2015 and adapt it to today’s current standards. There’s no question you might have to do a lot of trial and error to figure it all out, or you can come join Syndication Academy 2.0 and it’s all laid out for you. Okay? Or better yet, another alternative would be for you to just buy Done-For-You networks so you don’t even have to bother with it. Just use the networks to your advantage.
Are There Any Issues Connecting Blogger To IFTTT In The Past Weeks?
Okay. Paul’s up. He says, ���Hey, guys. I would like to know what is going on with Blogger? For weeks now when you go into IFTTT to connect to Blogger, Blogger won’t connect. If and when Blogger does connect, the recipes won’t work.” Well, Paul, first of all, I rarely ever go into IFTTT and connect stuff anymore because, again, we have a ton of virtual assistants that do all that stuff for me. So I can’t confirm, I’m not saying that what you’re saying isn’t true, Paul, but I haven’t experienced that problem myself. I haven’t heard anything like that coming from the build team either.
Not that I’m plugged into the build team all the time, but typically it goes through the support channels and ends up in my lap when it comes to Syndication Academy stuff or syndication network stuff and I have not heard that. I don’t know if it’s a specific issue with you, Paul, or your Blogger account or whatever. I don’t know. First of all, I would question, I would ask you, have you tested other Blogger accounts instead of the one that you’re talking about here. Yeah, because it might be an isolated issue.
If it’s not an isolated issue, in other words, if this issue is across more than one Blogger profile, then I would reach out to IFTTT support and ask them what the problem is. Because again, I don’t work for IFTTT, I just learned how to use the shit out of it for my own benefit and then taught you guys how to do it. But again, I would contact IFTTT support and ask them specifically because they would be much better and give you much quicker reply than I would. Okay?
However, that said, I have put that already on my list because I saw your post earlier today, Paul. I put that on my list for the next Syndication Academy Update webinar to test and see if there’s an issue; and if so, try to find a workaround. Right? That’s typically what we do, guys. Remember, I do not build networks anymore really. I very rarely ever do that because, again, I’ve trained so many damn VAs to do it, I don’t have to. So I don’t get to experience these issues until it’s brought to my attention.
But then when you guys bring it to my attention, or if one of our network builders brings something to my attention, then I put it on the list for Syndication Academy Update webinar, and then I go in and I test. Right? I go in and I try to find a workaround, see, first, confirm if it’s true, then try to find a workaround. If I do, I let you guys know; and if I don’t, I let you know. Either way, I let you know. That’s part of the Syndication Academy Updates.
Rob, just so you know, it’s probably gonna get dumped in your lap. There you go.
Rob: I figured.
Bradley: Put it on your list, Rob. Play with Blogger. But just for that, let’s just check one thing. I don’t know if it’s existing. Let’s see if existing sites are having the same problem or existing networks, probably not. This one seems to still be working. I’m still looking at some of my … That one was just posted on July 6, so that was five days ago.
Yeah. I don’t know, it looks like, because I’ve got a ton of syndication networks. The one that I just picked up looks like it’s syndicated just five days ago, which was I think the last time I have a VA that does the videos for my clients. That was one of the videos that was done, one of the rep videos, it’s David Sprague’s product. It looks like that one was fine.
Again, Paul, I’d say it’s probably an isolated issue. But if it’s not, just contact IFTTT support. We’ll look into it though, it’s on the list. Okay.
“Also, when you go into settings under Post and Share, you can’t turn on the auto share to G Plus page. Are you guys having the same issues?”
Don’t worry about it, Paul. Google Plus is dying. They’ve already dug the grave and it’s halfway in the grave. It’s about three feet underground at this point. I’m not kidding you. Google Plus is dying. That’s why any of you guys are probably within the last couple weeks, many of you have probably received notifications from Google Plus saying that they were going to delete your page because it hasn’t been posted to in a while, if you have any pages that haven’t been posted to in a while. That’s just more evidence that Google is absolutely removing Google Plus from the Google ecosystem.
Which I never thought would happen, I honestly didn’t. I mean, I remember years … People have been saying, “Google Plus is dead for five, six years,” and five or six years ago, I used to think, no, there’s no way. Because remember, they integrated Google Plus. Google did. They forced everybody that used Google products to be on Google Plus and it was so much a part of the semantic web, what Google’s version of the semantic web was. The reason why is because it was an identity validator. Not an entity validator, but an identity validator. Does that make sense?
Because in order for you to be on Google Plus, you had to have a Google account, a verified Google account, like a profile. You couldn’t get on Google Plus as just a page or a business. You had to have a profile that was intimately attached to a specific person, right? Google Plus was an identity validator, which was used at the early onset of the semantic web engine for Google. Google’s version of the semantic web, right? But I guess they figured out other ways through all the stuff that Marco looks into like AI and machine learning and all that shit to validate entities without Google Plus. That’s why they’re slowly removing it from all of the Google products. I think in the near future it actually finally will be a dead product.
Anybody wanna comment on that? I’ll take silence as a no. All right. I’m gonna move on then. Is everybody still here? Because it’s rare to get radio silence like that. We should have crickets-
Adam: Yeah. First, we need to have like a real production studio. It would be fun to have some good sound effects.
What Are Your Thoughts On Josh Bachynski’s Statement On Emailing Google To Shut Down Google Sites?
Bradley: Yes, some crickets. That would have been funny. Okay. Armand is up. What’s up, Armand? He says, “I thought this was pretty interesting. I was listening to Josh Bachynski YouTube channel, good SEO channel, by the way, and they were talking about Google Sites giving a boost, which, of course, you guys know all about. Yes, sir, we do. What I thought was an interesting statement, is, he claims he could have it shut down tomorrow by emailing John Mueller of Google and telling him about it. You can see it here.” He dropped a link. “What do you guys think about this? I’m really mostly looking forward to the F-bombs we’ll hear from Marco.”
Honestly, I don’t know why Josh would say something like that. He could have it shut down by emailing John Mueller, maybe he could, maybe couldn’t. Why would he be flexing his muscles like that? I mean, whatever, why would you want to kill something that works for SEOs when you’re an SEO yourself? I don’t understand that. That would be like, why would you shit where you eat? You know what I’m saying?
Essentially, that’s what he’d be doing at that point. I’m not saying anything bad about Josh. Honestly, I don’t really follow his channel or any of that stuff because, as far as I know from years ago, it was a lot of white hat stuff and discussions between white hat versus black hat and all that. I don’t buy an any that shit. SEO is SEO. As far as I know, there are no hats. Right?
Adam: Yeah. The other thing I think is really interesting about this, and I can’t weigh in on the technical aspect of it, but I think that, yeah, Google’s messed around their own properties before, but they like this. This is getting their stuff more of their own stuff to show.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:33:42]
Adam: Yeah. Maybe they turn back or something happens in the future, but it’s not like they’re gonna suddenly realize, “Oh goodness, Google My Business pages are taking up more real estate. We better do something about it.” That’s not gonna happen.
Bradley: Yeah. Marco, I know you’re anxious to say something.
Marco: All right. Let me start with this. Do you guys think Google is stupid enough not to know that their G sites are powerful? Do you think that they don’t already have enough fucking stupid telling them that it works this way and that it’s pushing a lot of juice and that it’s pushing their properties. Do you think it’s not already happening? I don’t want to mention names, but snitches get stitches. If he wants to go that way, he’s a fuckin’ retard because he’s done a whole bunch of dirty shit. I mean, Josh goes back to days when, I mean, the crap that was being done, he was at the forefront of that shit. So I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. All of a sudden he turned, he’s an angel and he doesn’t do shit. Well, fuck you and fuck John Mueller.
Rob: Hey, Remember, this is Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I don’t give a fuck, man. These fucking people, they pissed me off. Fuck him, fuck John Muller, fuck them all. We’re gonna keep doing it. We’ll do it as long as we can and if they take that away, we’ll just find another way like we always do, man. So fuck that, fuck you, and that’s what I have to say about it.
Bradley: Wow. Armand. Can we send Armand a T-shirt for firing up Marco?
Adam: Yeah. Armand, hit us up in Support. Also, I was gonna say hashtag POFU.
Bradley: Wow. Okay. Armand, since you fired up Marco for the day, you won yourself a T-shirt or a hat or something. So contact [email protected] and we’ll send you something.
Adam: John just wrote on the page. He said, “How do you really feel, Marco?”
Bradley: Yeah, right. I was gonna say, guys, we’re not setting a precedent here. Please don’t intentionally try to piss Marco off just so you can get free stuff. Hump Day Hangouts will begin a downward spiral really quickly that way.
Do You Have Any Recommendations For Planning And Tracking Web 2.0/Syndication Networks?
Jim Wells is up next. He says, “Howdy, SM Gang. Thanks for the recommendation on Google PVA’s last week.” You’re welcome. So that’s Metro biz. Yeah, he’s great. Jim, I guess you contacted him right after Hump Day Hangouts or shortly thereafter because he came pinged me on Skype and said thank you for the recommendation again. Absolutely, he’s a good guy.
Anyways, number one, he says, “Do you have any recommendations for planning and tracking web 2.0, syndication networks? For planning and tracking. I use mind mapping software for general plans. We’ll, we have a service monitor, Serpspace.com, Jim. A few aren’t aware of that. I don’t know if it has a visual editor like a visual tracker. Adam, can you comment on that?
Adam: No. If it continues to grow we might build something out, but yeah, you just copy-paste your info in and it does this thing and monitors and then backgrounds, you don’t have to.
Bradley: Yeah. So as far as for planning them, no, but it does monitor them. What’s great about it is if you order Done-For-You networks from Serp Space they can automatically be imported into the network monitor, which will notify you if properties go down, or if they’re not posting, or if RSS feeds stops posting, like it stops detecting new items in RSS feeds. It does various things. It lets you know. So it’s a great way when you have multiple networks or dozens or hundreds of networks. It’s a great way to monitor all that stuff because otherwise a lot of times you just don’t know when stuff starts to break down. Right? Unless you’re manually checking yourself.
But as far as planning them, yeah, mind mapping know software is typically what I would. I use Lucidcharts. I like that a lot. That’s pretty much, in my opinion, the best mind mapping. I’ve used about a dozen of them and that was the one that I found to be, in my opinion, the easiest to use. It’s Lucidcharts.
Anyways, “But I was looking for a better solution to tracking which sites, networks, rings were linked and what content is feeding to them. I’ve been working on a Google Sheets solution, but it’s incredibly cumbersome.” Yeah. That was my issue because that’s what I was … I mean, I still manage probably 90% of my business through Google Drive, period, and I still use spreadsheets for everything too, but that’s part of the reason that we built the network monitor in Serp Space, was specifically so that you could see tier 1 networks on tier 2 networks and how content is feeding from one to the other and that kind of stuff. You are able to do that inside of Serp Space. The actual visual planning, we don’t have that yet. That might be something that we could do at some later time though.
What’s Your Opinion On The Number Of Google Sites To Use For Each Account?
Okay. All right. Number two is, “What’s your opinion on the number of Google sites to use for each account? Is there a limit to how many you place on each one? I think Peter Drew mentioned using eight before moving on.” Yeah. I typically don’t have more than a couple to up to eight. If I’m using Peter Drew’s Google sites generator software, then that specifically, yes, I’ll use eight Google sites or I’ll use the Google site with eight pages, which is what he recommends. It’s his software, he’s tested the shit out of it, and so is all his beta testers and all of his members now. So if that’s what Peter Drew suggests for using that, then I think that’s a good suggestion. I trust his judgment because he does a lot of testing.
But as far as the methods like for RYS methods, I’ll leave that one to Marco. But typically, for my RYS Drive stacks that contain a Google site, which all of them do. I think it should be standard operating procedure, when you buy a drive stack you buy the add-on the Google site, G site. Right? Because, to me, it’s really an incomplete … I mean, the way I look at it is that … I use the Google site as like the linchpin for the drive stack. That’s the main point that I drive all the relevancy from the drive files to the Google site and then I use the Google site to push relevancy to wherever I want. Right?
Again, I think those should be the same. As far as that, typically, I’ll only have the Google site in that drive stack account. But typically, like I said, I usually don’t have more than eight. I usually only have between two to four really in any one account. Marco, what are your thoughts?
Marco: I don’t know anything about Peter Drew to comment. I can only comment on what I do.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: It’s one main stack with the script, plus G site. I mean, you’re killing half the power or more if you don’t push the all of that power to the G site and then that power to wherever it needs to go. It defeats the purpose of everything that we do if there’s no companion G site. Now the way that we do it is, if you need additional folders and files, well, those stacks in and of themselves that’s what a stack really is. It’s a folder packed with files the Semantic Mastery way. The way that we do it. The way that we interlink everything. Right?
The way that it’s done is really time-consuming and that’s why you’ll see that most other people will not go the lengths that we go to interlink everything and to give everything the power that it needs. The only thing is that the script takes up a lot of resources. If you install the script in more than one folder, Google is going to kill your G site immediately. I mean, no question. We see a time after time after time after time. One G site but multiple stacks as long as you’re only running one script in one of the stacks and that should be your main stack. That’s my opinion on that.
Bradley: Yup. He says, “Also, for Stacks, do you place anything else on those accounts? Seems like it might be a risk.” I’ve used some of my drive stack accounts the Google accounts for like creating Blogger accounts. It’s like another syndication point and things like that. I mean, typically, I don’t see, there is a bit of a risk. But I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever had, I don’t think I’ve ever had a drive stack terminated like the index was terminated from Google. I don’t think I’ve ever lost a Google account that was specific for just drive stack. What Marco says is true about the script and I’ve had that occur, but not when I’m just doing what Marco said, which is …
In fact, a lot of the Google sites that I end up with the drive stacks, I sometimes use the scripts on them. It’s just everything is static once it’s built out. Again, I haven’t had any issues with that whatsoever. The only time I’ve ever had a drive stack account terminated is when, like Marco said, I’ve had … When the script overburdened the servers and then they terminated that, they killed it. But other than that I have … I mean, I’ve got drive stacks, especially the early ones that I did that are … Because I built a few myself originally that were a bit like spammy and they’re still alive today. So I really haven’t had any issues. What do you say, Marco?
Marco: Again, yeah. The only time that we’ve had issues that we’ve had stuff killed off is when we overburden Google. Google doesn’t like leeches using their resources for free. If you pay them now, you can get away with all a whole lot of stuff. If you go through their API, you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. If you go through G suite you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. But if you’re starting off free, don’t overburden Google. You could do other stuff in there that there’s no reason why.
As a matter of fact, it helps to validate, again, you mentioned identity, but not only the identity, the entity. The entity is alive and well and it’s a living organism within this, the Gmail ecosystem, let’s call it. Right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: So yeah, that’s what I would say.
Bradley: Okay, great. Great question, Jim. As always, man. He’s always posting a really question.
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also.
Bradley: I’m sorry?
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also. I think people lose sight of just the fact that Google, they develop drives in the Google site and all that stuff to be used by just standard everyday people. We’re just using it in a different manner, but we forget that driving a huge of ton at all universities, and high schools, and all over the country, at least in the state. I mean, my kid has Google drive stack for the classes they do. They look more spammy sometimes in some of my drive stack. I mean, they’re sharing and copying documents and moving along all over the place and you’ve got an entire high school and college classes running through Google and Google drive and sharing and replicating documents, and copying and pasting, and multiple duplicates of the same document.
Just stuff that you’re doing, I mean, just think of it like what were the regular college kid do or a high school kid. If you’re just making a bunch of documents and folders and sharing them and stuff like that, I mean, you’re basically hide in plain sight.
Bradley: Yeah.
Rob: Like you said, burden in their script and you’re using their computing power to automate a bunch of building and stuff, that’s when they take notice.
What’s The Best Way To Use Crowdsearch.me For Local Right Now?
Bradley: Awesome. Thanks, Rob. Kay Dee says, “Hey guys, what’s the best way to use crowdsearch.me for local right now? I bought it through a link Hernan sent to your future SEO click-throughs page but then saw your post here a couple weeks ago where you will not be implementing apps like that for GMB or money sites as they’ve been flagged.”
Yeah, that’s true. Now don’t get me wrong, guys. It still can be used. I just think it’s been deprecated quite a bit. I know it has because I used to use the shit out of it. I promoted crowdsearch.me for a solid two years because I used about 50,000 credits per month, I’m not kidding, because it worked really, really well. But as everything that we do in SEO, it became saturated and other products and services, PandaBot and a bunch of other ones popped up that started providing the … Serpify is one. Another one, I think … I don’t know, there’s a ton of them.
I actually did a case study test on those two, by the way. We tested four of them. Another one is John [inaudible 00:46:13] Rainmaker. I don’t know, there’s a bunch of services like that and I’ve done case study tests on many of them and found that … I didn’t even start the case studies until after I’ve realized that they weren’t working as well. Right? I started to see less and less results from using them. Okay?
But I’m not saying that there’s not still a place for it. I just don’t bother with it because it has become so ineffective that it’s not worth the trouble or the expense. I can get much better results by setting up other campaigns or using like YouTube, for example. I’ve talked many, many times about how to drive cheap traffic from YouTube, which is verified real people. Right? You can accomplish a lot of the same thing using traffic from YouTube. You can also hire Microtasks workers and although that’s not as effective as it used to be either for reasons of their search history and stuff like that, like essentially …
Remember guys, Google keeps a profile of everybody. Right? They built a profile of Google users. So anytime you’re using Google and you’re logged into an account, they’re tracking what you do, they’re compiling history of your browsing history, and the types of content that you look at, the types of searches that you do, the types of websites that you click on and interact with and engage with.
Google creates a profile for each user. So even now when you hire Microtasks workers and you tell them to go to Google.com in the US and search for a particular keyword and then go find your listing on page one or page two, or whatever, all the way up to page 10 if you want, whatever page it is, then click on it. Then find the third word in the fourth paragraph and copy it and paste it into the answer box for the Microtasks dashboard. Right? So that way you know that they did.
Why do you do all these things with Microtasks workers? Think about. You tell them to do a search and a click. That’s what we call CT spam or click-through spam, right? That’s a signal to Google that somebody searched for keyword then found your listing. Then you ask them to find a particular word or a phrase or a sentence or something like that on a page that’s buried somewhere in the middle of page. So they have to spend some time searching for it, that’s time on site, or you can tell them to click through to another page, which is engagement time on site and also another click-through. Right?
So there’s a lot of different things that you could do to tell Microtasks workers. But the problem occurs where and why it’s becoming less and less effective is exactly what I just mentioned, because, if a Microtask worker is doing multiple searches per day for random shit all the time, then Google is going to build up a profile for them of, it’s likely that there Microtasks worker is doing CT spam.
I mean, think about it. Google, they’re not an idiot and either are their AI. Their AI systems aren’t stupid either. My point is, it’s not as an effective click. It’s not weighted as much as it would be if it was coming from somebody that has a relevant search history or has an interest or topical relevancy or some something in their recent search history that would make that click so much more valid or more appropriate, which means it’s heavier weighted click, which means it produces better results and a much higher level engagement signal.
So that’s where I’m talking about crowdsearch.me. You’ve got to think about that guys. Those are bots. Those are bots where they spoof the user agents, they spoof the IPs and all that, but even the IP ranges that these bots use are within specific ranges that have been flagged. Right?
So what I’m saying, to answer your question, Kay Dee, would be not to use it direct to money site. What I recommend using it for is referral traffic. It still works well for that. It also works well if you want to send traffic to press releases to help them to stick longer in the search results, because we all know that press releases rank really well quickly. Well, typically, rank really well quickly, but they don’t last for long, unless they get a high level of traffic.
But for that you can buy Fiverr gigs and I’d recommend Fiverr gigs. There’s several of them that I’ve recommended on many occasions publicly. Right? You can buy a $10 or a $15 Fiverr gig and boost the press release for a month, which I don’t know what you’re paying for crowd search, but me, I was buying 50,000 credits a month so it was rather expensive. Right?
Again, referral traffic and, by the way, if you want to learn how to do referral traffic, let me just see if I can pull this up for him real quick, or Kay, excuse me. Let’s go to-
Marco: While you’re pulling that up, I’d like to mention that the MGYB.co marketplace, we have real YouTube views.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: You could add a call to action where you send people to your website. You can’t get anything better than a real person watching a YouTube video clicking through to your website. I mean, that’s absolutely the best thing that can happen for your website because the referral is YouTube. That’s what it is.
Bradley: Yep. I just wanna see, here’s another one. I’m gonna drop each one of these links. Because I’ve done extensive training on that as well, so stand by for just one minute. This is the … Okay, yeah. This is the one that I wanted to share. Okay. I did this. Look when was this published. September 26 2015, guys, is when this was published and it’s still valid. It’s still relevant, this video. This is how to set up … and I did it with Jason Johnson of the Syndwire Black Facebook group.
Anyways, again, this is almost three years ago and this is still valid for a good way to use crowd search for referral traffic. Then there’s also probably a Hump Day Hangouts clip here too that I could post. Look at, it’s awesome. That’s from Fist Fight. Wayne Clayton, that’s awesome. That was a funny ass movie, by the way. I thought that movie was hilarious.
Rob: Referral traffic.
Marco: It should say “Snitches get stitches, bitches.”
Bradley: That’s Ice Cube. It’s a funny ass movie. Anyways, we got to keep moving. Yeah. I’m sorry about going so long on crowd search thing, guys. But that’s a great question though, Kay Dee. Yeah, I don’t recommend using it so much anymore unless you’re using it for very specific purposes because there are alternate better ways to get traffic and real traffic too.
Is Page Rank Important As Domain Authority Is?
Okay. Peter from Poland, “Can you define PageRank and its importance? Is it as important as domain authority?” Honestly, I’m not gonna take the time to define PageRank because it’s a metric that we don’t have access to and we haven’t for years. So it’s really no sense of me even trying to … I mean, honestly, Peter, your question is still a valid question. But, is it as important as domain authority? No, because I don’t care about any of those metrics anymore. I stopped caring about proprietary third-party metrics several years ago, at least two years ago.
I honestly don’t care about trust flow, topical trust flow, domain authority, page authority, domain rank. I don’t give a shit about any of those. Honestly, I don’t care because we were able to get results whether the metrics say they should have results or not. We focus on relevancy, traffic and authority. Right? ART, which is what Marco always talks about.
Marco, what does ART stand for again?
Marco: Activity, relevance, trust and authority. Activity on the link, the relevance on the link, both destination, and the origin, and then the trust and authority both of the summation and the origin of the link. There you go, boom. But we don’t-
Bradley: But to be clear, we’re not talking about domain authority. When we say “authority,” we’re not saying domain authority.
Marco: No.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: It’s whether it’s authoritative to Google.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: That’s all we care about. That refers back to pay track and again, yeah, I’m not gonna get into that. I will say it’s alive and well. It’s part of the rankings core algorithm. First, it gives you a PageRank, then you get an overall ranking score. That’s what that’s about. It’s alive and well. We don’t give a shit because we trigger those the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: That’s right. Guys, again, when you rely on third-party metrics, they’re not always accurate, guys. They’re a really good educated guess, but they’re not accurate because none of those, Majestic AH reps, Moz, none of them worked for Google. Right? I just I stopped relying on metrics. Years ago, we used to be able to manipulate domain authority and just ranked by manipulating domain authority. Well, Google killed that. It’s no longer … Unless you’re like above 80 or 85 domain authority, it’s really difficult to manipulate domain authority for ranking purposes anymore. Again, we just stop worrying about it.
Good question, Peter, but I would say focus on an RT instead of working on third-party metrics. Okay. Matias. We’re gonna be running out of time and I was worried that we weren’t gonna have enough questions today. You guys jumped in and posted a whole bunch. So anyway, all right. Matias … I don’t know if I’m saying that correct or not. Forgive me if I butchered it. He says, “Hi guys, thanks for all the content you put out on the channel for free. It’s a great reference.” You’re welcome. We enjoy this.
Does Having Different City Name In Facebook And GMB Listing Cause NAP Inconsistencies?
By the way, what is this, episode 192. So we’re getting close to 200, which we’re gonna do a celebration episode then. Then at 208, it would be our anniversary. We’re gonna have a really big celebration for that says. He says, “I got two short questions. I have a verified GMB listing and when setting up the Facebook profile, the city name displays differently. Facebook only allows picking from a display menu. Will this cause any NAP consistency with my GMB profile, which I prefer not to touch?”
No. I wouldn’t worry about it, Matias. I would not worry about that. I mean, thing is if you’ve got a Facebook profile and you’re setting it up as a place of Facebook place or whatever and it’s gonna force you to select a city name instead of whatever you have listed, then just use it I wouldn’t worry about it you know too much. Again, sometimes that kind of stuff is gonna happen and you have no choice. So I really wouldn’t worry about it.
All right, let’s see. “Or should I hide the address in Facebook?” I would. If it’s a storefront and you want people, because remember, there is a lot of people that use Facebook for finding local businesses and stuff like that. So if you’ve got a point of sale, a storefront where people come to the business location, then absolutely I would want to have that listed because otherwise, you may lose customers.
You may lose customers for an SEO benefit. Does that make sense? and I don’t think that’s right. You should be focusing on generating customers, not just SEO, if that makes sense. I know they go hand they kind of work hand in hand, but various traffic on Facebook, there’s no question. So I would rather have that displayed if. It’s a service area business then yeah you can absolutely hide it right.
“By the way, I am displaying the address in GMB and wanna keep it that way.” Well, just remember, in Google My business, it’s a service area business where you serve the customers at the customer location and the customers do not come to the business location. Then as per Google’s Terms of Service, Google My Business Terms of Service, you should check to hide the address. Okay. You should only be showing the address if customers come to your business location, period. All right? So just keep that in mind.
How Do You Index A TLD Website (Business.Site) Without Setting It As Main Website In A GMB Listing?
All right. Number two, “For the same listing I have a TLD, top-level domain website, but I’ve also created the internal GMB website. Is there any way to index the business in that site without setting it as the main website in my listing?” Marco?
Marco: Yeah. I’m gonna to tell him to come to Facebook group and I will answer this question directly. I won’t answer it here because there’s something really special about that Google business site that I won’t get to in here. It’s information only for those people who paid for the course. Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, but that makes sense. That’s one of the insider secrets of that course.
Anthony, “MasterMIND versus RYS. I believe I need to learn more about where to sell this stuff. I have a pretty good product but no community to learn more about how and where to implement. Makes sense?” All right. I’m going to give you my opinion, which would be the MasterMIND. Only because RYS is specifically about RYS in its methods where MasterMIND is all encompassing digital marketing training and education as well is business building, mindset, all kinds of stuff, motivation. There’s small group MasterMINDs, MasterMIND, it encompasses so much more than just a specific method.
I’m not saying anything bad about RYS. RYS is freaking awesome, guys. It kicks ass. But it’s about a particular method. MasterMIND is more about building your business, period. I mean, that’s not just marketing, it’s everything included. So that’s my take on, anybody want to say otherwise?
Marco: No. I’m the co-creator of RYS Academy Reloaded and I totally agree with you, MasterMIND first. You’ll get a discount for RYS Academy, but I would also tell you to pick up Local GMB Pro-
Bradley: If he’s doing local.
Marco: Yeah. Even if it isn’t because that’s gonna help him with his entity and brand and brand plus keyword recognition. As I said, I’m starting a national campaign that I’m gonna be working on and I’m gonna show how this shit works nationally even though you might have a local address.
Bradley: Okay. I’m gonna stay for about five more minutes guys, if anybody needs to bounce please feel free, but I wanna try to get a couple more of these. John, it looks like you and Anthony got the same memo today, apparently. Unless John posting the same question twice or Anthony posting the same question twice with two different profiles, one way or the other.
RYS vs Mastermind
Anyways, “MasterMIND versus RYS, I believe right now I need more of a community than another tool.” Well, neither one is a tool. Both MasterMIND and RYS are communities. RYS is also a particular method, but it’s not a tool. Right? “I need to see how others are working and where they’re going. I love the special offer case study. That’s the kind of insight community I feel to get a breakthrough. Makes sense?”
Yeah, it absolutely does, John. That’s what the MasterMIND is all about. Again, don’t get me wrong, RYS also has a community because we have a Facebook group for that. Marco and Rob are very active in there, I’m not, because that’s their baby. Right? But MasterMIND, again, either one is good. They’re great really, but MasterMIND again is all-encompassing. It covers so much more than just digital marketing or just SEO. Right? It covers a broad spectrum of topics and business-related topics.
Rob: I would say from hearing the question, I would mimic what both you guys said, MasterMIND first. Go out make some money, and then you get a discount on RYS, back it up and it just helps to take your business to the next level. But overall, MasterMIND.
Bradley: Thank you, Rob. Guys, don’t forget, when you join the MasterMIND all of our other products you get either if they’re under 300 bucks you get them for free, if they’re over 300 bucks you get a 30% discount. You get first access to all of our new products or new done-for-you services. You get first crack at then, we bring beta testers in for all kinds of new stuff all the time. Guys, MasterMIND is my baby. All of our baby is Semantic Mastery, but what I’m saying is like that’s that’s where my heart lies, is with MasterMIND, there’s no doubt.
Rob: Yeah, for sure. If you come and immerse yourself you will change your business.
Bradley: That’s it.
Rob: Period.
Bradley: Wayne was picking on you, Rob.
Rob: That’s good. I got thick skin, Indiana boy.
Why Bother With The Short URL In GMB Posting?
Bradley: John says, “Why bother with the short URL? Seems like a lot of work for something no one will see unless getting stats from someplace like Bitly, which has its own problems?” Not sure what you mean for that John, unless you’re talking about the short URLs from the GMB post from this. That’s what Google gives us as a short URL now for the post, the share URL. That’s what they look like. That’s what you’re talking about.
If you’re talking about like Bitly links in a GMB post, I know some services auto add bit link shorteners for any links. For example Sendible which turned out to be shit, by the way. I know I talked about it because I had good … We’ve got our own GMB poster now so I don’t recommend using Sendible anymore anyways. But before our poster was ready, I was using Sendible for GMB post automation and scheduling and I trained a VA to do it for our client work and stuff. Essentially after 100 GMB posts, you can’t use Sendible any more clients and they say it’s an API issue with Google. Google won’t allow them to add any more than 100 images to any one particular GMB profile through the API, through the Sendible’s API connected to …
I don’t know why because our auto poster, we can do as many as we want. Well, Marco was tried to break it and he’s not being able to replicate the error that Sendible has. I contacted Sendible support and they literally said it’s a Google API issue and our hands are tied, we can’t do anything. I said, “Okay. Well, you’ve just lost my $200 a month. I was paying them $200 a month. I said, “Well, you just lost my $200 a month because this is an absolutely useless service.” So anyways, that’s how I feel about Sendible now. It’s garbage.
Marco: If I may, ours starts at 37 a month.
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: So there you go.
Bradley: Yeah. I know and, again, they should put that shit on their sales page. API limitation notice, you can only do 100 posts before it breaks. I mean, think about it why would somebody sign up, take the time to learn how to use a particular platform, integrate processes into their business, which is what I did. I created process docs and all that shit for my VAs, spend all this time developing this out and then within two weeks or three weeks we hit the API limits. It’s like, are you kidding me? That’s just a complete waste of time. Anyways-
Bradley: Well, there’s add hours too. I drop this into, if you want to go sign up and try it out, you can get like five free posts just to try it. After that, you got to move on but you get in there, see what’s up, what’s available, and try it. Just sign up, get your email and you get five free posts to try it out. I highly suggest you try it out because the power is there in the RS feed in and out. RSS feed out even has, I mean, it’s we’ve it’s been a tricked out Semantic Mastery style. We’ve created our links back to 301, not the standard 302s that you typically get from the API.
Marco: Yeah. We push power around. I’d like to just give a shout out to our programmer who has just been kicking ass. He’s the one, Rob tells them, “We need this,” and the guy just gets it done. Once you get hooked into a really good programmer you know all limits are off.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: The sky’s the limit with what what we’re going to do with this. Right now, it’s at that price. So jump in, get in where you fit in as I usually say.
Bradley: Yep. I love the comments here guys. We’re done with questions so we’re gonna wrap up. But I just wanna give a shout out to each and every one of you. First of all, I loved the comments about Marco’s rant. That’s great. Armand, like I said, hit us up on support. We’ll send you a T-shirt or a hat or something. There it was, Armand right there.
Dominic’s awesome. We just talked about MasterMIND and we have small group MasterMINDs where Adam set up a survey form and MasterMIND members go in and fill out the survey form. Then Adam pairs people up or matches a small group of people that have like or similar interests up for small group meetings where they’ll, like accountability groups, which is how we got started at Symantec Mastery. This is how my partners and I got started was because of an accountability group that I founded and they all joined. That’s exactly how we got started and here we are five or six years later. Right?
Dominic was in my small group. The first small groups that Dominic was in mine. Great guy, sold a brick-and-mortar business to go into lead generation and SEO for his brother’s remodeling business, which is fabulous like, you know, sold his own brick-and-mortar business to be able to get into full-time digital marketing, which is amazing, I think. So Dominic shout out to you. That’s awesome. Jim Wells, again thanks for your questions and please come join a MasterMIND as well, and John looks like you’re about to join the MasterMIND. That’s fantastic.
I see you bought some of the other products. You could have gotten a significant discount. Sorry about that, buddy. But come join us now because it won’t be the last product we relaunch either. Okay?
Marco: John, just hit me up in the Facebook group for our Local GMB and we’ll work out on how to make it all work for you so that you can start making money and start buying more of our shit. Our shit works, man. There’s no question. It works.
Bradley: All right. Thanks everybody for being here. I wanna bounce, it’s just the true diehard still here. It’s Marco, Rob and me. All right, guys. We’re gonna wrap up.
Rob: We got a problem.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Might I add before we go, that I actually bit my tongue with what I really had to say. Anyway, I bit my tongue, guys.
Rob: That’s Hump Day Hangouts on a three second delay.
Bradley: Yeah, that was a rant earlier from Marco. That was a restrained Marco rant.
Marco: It was.
Bradley: A restrained rant. All right, guys. Thanks for everybody being here on our MasterMIND webinar. Tomorrow, we’re gonna be going over that fabulous GMB method that is just crashing it right now, guys. MasterMIND is a good time to join, if you haven’t already. We’ll see you guys next week. Thanks everybody. Thanks, Rob. Thanks, Marco.
Marco: Bye, everyone.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192
Click on the video above to watch Episode 192 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: We are live on Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is episode 192. I’m Adam. I am not drunk or on drugs, I’m just really excited to be here. Yeah, we got that on our way.
Chris: Liar. You’re a liar, Adam.
Adam: No. Because now I’m on the West Coast, so my schedules are all out of whack. So right after we get done here, I head out the door, beat the traffic, and go for a run out in the hills and then come back.
Bradley: Yeah. That’s his running in the woods that he always talks about.
Adam: Running.
Bradley: Right.
Adam: I’m so tired. Anyways, enough about me. Let’s find out about everyone else. So, on my screen, Chris, you’re first. How’s it going, man?
Chris: Doing good. Good to be here.
Adam: Where are you located in the world today?
Chris: I’m still in Austria, soon heading to Portugal, then Barcelona. We’ll see after that.
Adam: Nice, nice. Hernan, how about you? Are you surviving winter?
Hernan: Yeah. I am for now and I’m planning to do so for our coming live event. So I’m super excited about that. I’m super happy to be here.
Chris: You’re not making Spain this year?
Hernan: I don’t know if we know. I mean, I don’t think so because we have a date with a lot of people, or potentially a lot of people in Washington, DC, so I’ll get to that.
Chris: So you leave it to destiny?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: Wait. Is Tony Robbins coming?
Hernan: No.
Adam: Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m trying to make some last minute changes.
Adam: Gotcha, gotcha. All right. We’ll come back to you. Marco’s got some good stuff he’s gonna share. I don’t know, I see an eagle in the mountains. Who is this mysterious person?
Rob: Hey, what’s going on, man?
Adam: Hey, everybody. This is Rob Beale. If you don’t know him, you probably see him around the group, if you’re new to us. Rob, how is it going?
Rob: I’m doing good. I’ll switch to my camera for a second, but I’m on my cell phone.
Bradley: Oh, yeah. That’s safe driving and hosting a webinar.
Rob: Yeah. There you go. So I’ll talk to you guys after that later, right?
Bradley: That’s multitasking right there, buddy.
Adam: Sounds good. Yeah. Be safe. Yeah. Keep your eye on the road. Bradley, last but not least, how are you doing?
Bradley: I don’t know, but I wonder what kind of citation, the cops issue for that.
Adam: Not a good one.
Rob: That’s why they make headphones, man.
Adam: There you go.
Bradley: No, I’m good. I’m excited. I’m super excited. Guys, I’ve just got to make a quick tease for the MasterMIND again because I just posted in the MasterMIND today. I started testing another method for ranking in a 3-Pack and I actually created a … Or went to go register a GMB listing about nine days ago and I just went and picked up the postcard for verification last night. I woke up this morning and before I went to the gym, because I coach CrossFit classes in the morning, and so for a little bit this morning I went and I verified the listing by entering the pin and all that and then I went to the gym. When I came back I checked, it’s number one in the 3-Pack. It’s the number one in the 3-Pack for … I’ve only tested two of my primary five keywords, but those two keywords are number one in the 3-Pack.
I just talked about how I did that in the MasterMIND. We talked about it two weeks ago on Thursday what my plan was and it worked. I saw I posted in MasterMIND Facebook Group about it today and tomorrow’s the next MasterMIND webinar and I already got several people that are asking me to go over it in much greater detail as to how I did it. Now I don’t know if it’s repeatable yet. It looks very, very promising, but I’m going to try to replicate that same results with another listing within the next two weeks. If I can get it to happen two for two, then we’re on to something.
Again, if you guys are interested in that, now would be a really good time to join the MasterMIND. I know I say that every week but there’s a reason for it.
Anyways, with that said, Adam what other announcements do we have?
Marco: Well, just to add to what you’re saying, there are actually other uses for that tool that I’d be willing to share in the next MasterMIND and when you discuss this. There are actually other ways. You can use it for what you used it for, but it’s also a great client prospecting tool.
Bradley: It’s awesome.
Adam: That’s right. Well, we had the Launch Local GMB Pro and Bradley can talk about results. Marco, Rob, everyone can talk about results. I’m gonna drop the link on the page. If you haven’t yet checked it out, you can see the results other people are getting. This isn’t something we came up with and then said, “Look, we got good results.” People immediately started having results with this. So I’m not gonna really harp on that too much. You can go check it out for yourselves and read about it, see if that’s something you think you could plug into your business and start making a lot of money with.
But we do have some cool services that were requested. We started hearing back from people, “Hey, I want to arbitrage this. I want you guys to do it for me. What can you do so that I could provide the high value to my client but I don’t have to do the nitty-gritty work?”
Rob, Marco, do you wanna kind of explain what’s going on with that?
Marco: Yeah. Before Rob jumps in, what I want to add to what you said is, we have a Facebook group, but our Facebook groups, you don’t see people asking questions on, well how do I get results? We do get some of those, of course, because if there are new people who are not familiar with anything. But what we’re seeing a lot is we get, I’m getting these results. This is what I’m doing and I’m getting these many costs. We see that time after time after time.
It’s not a Facebook group on what am I supposed to do. It’s a Facebook group where people are sharing their results, people are sharing their different ideas, the different things that they’re doing, we’re conducting webinars. I mean, everything that we told you was going to happen is happening.
For some people, it’s just incredible, the results that they’ve been getting. That they’ve been getting 200 plus calls a month in the demo. How freaking good is that? One guy, “Please no more calls.” Why? The client complaining “I’m getting too many calls. I can’t handle it.” That’s the type of results we’re talking about. Don’t let me tell you about it. Go in the Facebook group and see for yourself.
Bradley: I had one of my roofing clients call me and literally asked if there’s any way I could throttle the calls down because he’s overwhelmed with work. I’m not kidding. He had me put one notification bar or banner plug-in on his WordPress site that says “We are no longer accepting new calls.” I’m not kidding. Because he’s got such a backup of roofing leads right now and it’s because of what we’ve been applying with the GMB Pro method and all that, it’s insane.
I’m also adding image to the page right now, guys, from one of our MasterMIND members. A lot of you will know him from also Syndication Academy. Bo, I hope you’re all right with me posting just your comment. It doesn’t reveal any written information, but it says pretty much the same thing that happened with the last two GMB Pro listings he made within 24 hours of verifying the listing, he was in the 3-Pack.
Anyways, we’ve kind of found a secret backdoor guys to just kicking ass and taking names and it’s pretty freakin’ amazing.
Adam: What would you guys say to somebody who maybe hasn’t gotten the experience of dealing with, you know, maybe a client who’s got a Local GMB listing? Do you think that someone who hasn’t done this could see results from getting involved in the Local GMB Pro course?
Bradley: Absolutely. It varies per industry. Probably level of competition makes a difference too, but we’ve seen results in as little as days, almost overnight. I’ve got a couple of tree service lead gen sites that we started to apply the GMB Pro method to and, I mean, literally within 48 hours, like sites that had not been optimized, hadn’t built any citations yet, they were just basically abandoned lead gen sites that I never got around to doing anything with, and we just started applying the GMB Pro method to and within 48 hours they started generating phone calls and leads, which is freaking insane.
Others take a little bit longer, like the cab service or the taxi company that I’m doing for the case study. It’s taking a little bit longer, but it’s really starting to gain traction within the last couple of weeks. The calls started to pick up, a lot more clicks through to the website. So the more activity the more volume of activity it generates if that makes sense. It really just varies, but yeah, pretty much any business or any local business.
Again, I haven’t applied any of this to national stuff, but for local business stuff, which is what we’re talking about, Local Google My Business stuff, I mean, it’s almost instant results once you start applying what we’re teaching.
Adam: Good deal. Well, I don’t-
Marco: Hang on a sec. Yeah, as far as national, I don’t want to mention any names, but one of the big guys, who has been with us often and whom we love, he has a national campaign that he wants to do. So what I’m going to do is we’re going to treat it as a case study. We’re going to get him into Local GMB Pro and we will have results, I guarantee you. In the next month or two, we will let you know how this can be applied nationally.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right, guys. We’ve got to wrap this up pretty quick and then hop into questions. But we definitely wanna let everyone know and, Rob, maybe you can hop in now and talk a little bit, just take a minute or two, about what’s going on with the Done-For-You services.
Rob: Okay. We’re putting a team together, we’re getting the site up. Again, if someone else can drop the link to the site that’s coming up on the page, that’d be awesome because I’m driving. We’re getting the team together so the services are coming along. The other thing I wanna mention is the auto poster is live and ready to start being used. We’re getting some crazy results with it. It has lots of features that you’re not going to find anywhere else. The poster creates an RSS feed.
For those of you that follow us enough, you know with an RSS feed, there’s a lot of extras you can add on the end of even the Local GMB Pro that we haven’t even added to bolster the results that everyone’s talking about now. You can start adding all those things, syndicating your GMB post across your network, and all the other fun stuff you can do with RSS feeds. I won’t go into that, it’s too offbeat. I could take forever.
The other thing that is super cool with this auto poster that we have is, for those that are already doing syndication and doing blog content for their clients, we have a plug-in that we’re going to give away for free. You use that along with our auto poster and you can connect your blog and create, just based on your blog, it’ll post to your GMB.
Marco, I dropped a link in chat to you. If you could post that, that is an example post from a blog that was posted that went through syndication and ended up on the GMB site. So that’s what it looks like using the WordPress plug-in and the auto poster that we have that’s now live and ready to go. There’s all kinds of other things that we can get into, but that’s I just wanna let everybody know that it is live and it’s ready to go. Go sign up and start killing it.
Adam: Great. Looks like I’m getting a call in the middle of, there we go, Hump Day Hangouts. Awesome.
Marco: I dropped the link in there. Guys, you can grab your actual websites RSS feed. You can feed your posts, and then from your post you can grab another RSS feed and go crazy. I mean, this is how insane this is. We’re talking about amplifying the message, right? Syndicating is all about that, it’s amplifying it. But it’s going to have proper attribution, which is the most important thing right now so that you don’t get. People are getting hit with or their tummy is getting hit with penalties. But I guarantee you, you don’t have proper attribution. We have proper attribution. Everything is taken care of, guys. This is so you can just blow up and get insane leads for your clients.
I’m gonna also, besides that link, so that you guys can look at it and just see how good the posts look … Remember, that’s an RSS feed going into Google My Business. All right? That’s how great it looks. Let me also share our marketplace because we have an MGYB if you’ve been with us long enough you know what that stands for, marketplace. It’s free to join. Guys, right now, what we’re offering is video carpet bomb. It’s a service where you can go and just literally find out where you can rank a video in a short period of time. We have a great VA, he’s trained.
Go join the auto poster, it will be available through MGYB.co, and we will be adding other services and products as we go along. It’s in the beginning but we wanted to get this out right away because these are the two easiest methods to go and find out where to rank, as far as videos, and how to get leads and push content because you do need content for Google My Business system. So the easiest way to do it is to schedule it and auto post. How cool is that? I mean, it’s like I said, you train the VA, you don’t have to do shit except to sell it to a client and collect the money, guys. That’s it. It’s that simple. You guys, “No, it can’t be this easy.” Well, yes, it really is. We’ve really made it simple for you guys to go and make money.
Adam: All right, guys. Yeah. Let’s get into questions and then before we wrap it up I’m gonna drop a link in. I wanted to remind everybody we got the live event coming up in October. We still got seats open. We’re gonna cap that at 25. It’s gonna be the weekend of October and October 21st in Washington DC, including our beautiful faces along with some guest speakers, including Jeffrey Smith. So if you’re interested, again, that link will be on there and we’ll touch on that again towards the end. But let’s go ahead and dive into the questions.
Bradley: Yeah. Just quickly I wanna mention anybody that goes to checks out the MGYB marketplace, which is Make Google Your BITCH, just in case nobody knows what that meant. The video carpet bomb offer, that’s actually I got the idea from a colleague of ours, Randy James, and we kind of refined the process together and I trained the VA how to do this really well. The offer that’s in there right now, we should have two offers actually, I just pinged Marco in chat and Slack, but we’ll get the other offer in there.
But essentially the two ways that I’m using that is: one, if you’re doing lead gen, it’s fantastic because what we do is take a particular location and then we gather all of the locations like townships, boroughs, all that stuff within a 20-mile radius and then we create a list of … You can have up to three keywords appended or and in the locations appended to those three keywords.
Let’s say that you end up on a 20-mile radius with 60 locations and you got three keywords, so that’s 180 keywords that you would be targeting. All you need to provide is the three keywords and the central location and then the video file and a thumbnail, if you want a custom thumbnail, and then the call-to-action, which will be placed in the video description, which is typically going to be an NAP, if you’re doing local stuff, which is what we suggest.
No, I didn’t, Marco. But anyway, I don’t remember saying that anyways. We’ll cover that later. We’ll get that set up for next week.
Anyways, it’s really good because I mean, out of like 180 videos that we’ll upload, we can’t guarantee any certain number of them, but I typically get anywhere between 30 to 50 videos ranked on page one for that. Now it’s great for lead gen because you can start to generate leads right away. You can also find low-hanging fruit. So it’s like poking keywords as well, right? You can find keyword opportunities that you can go ranked some more long-term assets for, web pages, social media, web 2.0, anything like press releases, anything like those whatsoever.
But then there’s also an alternate method that I’m using that for that works really freaking well. It’s for prospecting purposes, guys, and for closing sales or closing clients. One of the best things that you can do is, once a conversation has been initiated with a prospect, so a potential client, when you go to make your proposal or your pitch for whatever services that you are offering, we have a lesser version of it that, again, will get this added in within the next week, it’s for a 10-mile radius in one keyword.
Essentially, what we’ll do is, let’s say, with three keywords in a 20-mile radius, like I said, maybe return 60 locations or 60 place names, right? With the 10-mile radius, it might be 30 or 25 place names and you get one keyword. So it will create the same campaign, one keyword appended with the 25 or 30 locations, and it will upload it. Out of that you might get five to 10-ish videos ranked and it’s gonna be inexpensive, 20 or 25 bucks is what we’re gonna charge for that. So that when you’re pitching the client, when you’re giving them a proposal, you can also send them the results with their video that you branded for them, with their brand name, with their contact information, their NAP in the description. You can use that as a deal sweetener for your proposal.
That works really, really, really well. I’ve used that method over and over and over again for impressing potential clients so that when I go to … Because think about that, how many companies show results when they present the proposal? Very few, right? Because he wants to do any work. But I trained a VA to do it, right? My VA, for me, the cost is a few dollars. I can have a campaign, a video carpet-bomb campaign that I can submit with the proposal and say, “Look, just to show you that I know what I’m talking about and I can get you results quickly, I did this for you at no cost and I included it with the proposal and there’ll be a spreadsheet with the links and the keywords that it’s ranked for.”
So they can go verify it themselves, and it’s their brand name their call to action, their contact information, and NAP on the video, so it’s like branded for them. I’ve gotten a lot of prospects and clients that have come back and said, “Wow, that’s really great. Thank you for doing that. Nobody’s ever done that before.” So it works really, really well. Besides doing lead gen stuff or providing that as a reselling service for your clients, which you could absolutely do, it’s also a great way to land clients and impress them. So definitely check that out. We’ll get the prospecting plan for that put into the marketplace within the next week or so.
Okay. All right. Let’s get into some questions. That went a little bit longer, but we had a lot of news to share. All right. Let’s get this backup. Oh, yeah, I love that gif, by the way. All right.
Is The Syndication Course Still Relevant Since It Has Been Released In 2015?
The first question, Richard, that was already answered by Chris. Chris reposted one from Support, it looks like. “Is syndication still relevant?” This is from Renee Ward. “I have your course from 2015. There have been so many SEO changes since then, seven to eight this year, and I was wondering if it’s still worth the trouble to syndicate. Also, are there any negative repercussions since Google is so picky nowadays.”
No. Renee, it’s absolutely still valid. Again, it’s still the very foundation of everything that we do. Other than some of the newer stuff that we’re doing with GMB, we’re able to get results without using syndication networks. We still recommend that you use them for many, many reasons. Number one, syndication networks help to validate the entity. Right? That’s incredibly important, especially now, more so than it was in 2015 when we first launched the course. Right? That really wasn’t even much of a concern back then. Now, it is. So, validating the entities, number one.
Number two, you’re amplifying your content. Go do a Google search for content amplification and you’ll see there’s a ton of different services out there and the definitions are all pretty much the same. That’s basically getting your content that you publish on your blog or your website everywhere that you can. That’s what content amplification is. So all we’re doing is automating it using IFTTT and our Syndication Academy methods. Right?
Think about it, all of the major news and media sites and the major blogs, the author’s will syndicate their own content that they’ve published on those sites to their own social media profiles, their own professional profiles and such. So why is that any different than what we’re doing? It’s not. Guys, it’s not. This whole myth that, you know, it constantly comes up, and I’m not picking on you, Renee, by the way, but we get the question that comes up often.
By the way, just a quick aside, Renee, that a lot of these questions, especially this one, is also answered in our knowledge-base, which you can find at [email protected]. We have frequently asked questions there categorized by product. If you go to the Syndication Academy Frequently Asked Questions at [email protected], you’ll see a lot of these questions are already answered.
But for the benefit of everybody here today, I’ll go through it again. That is, we get a lot of people say, “Well, what about duplicate content?” Guys, duplicate content only exists when it’s on the same domain. If you have 10 pages on your domain or posts and they’re all the same freaking content, that’s duplicate content. It’s not duplicate content when it’s republished on other domains.
If that were the case, press releases wouldn’t work. I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, and so can the vast majority of our members that are using press releases, we launched an entire product specifically on how to use press releases to rank especially local stuff, and those are all duplicate content. Right? It gets published at one place first, whatever the originating press cable services that you’re using. Then from there, it goes out to the press wires and just gets picked up by any other syndication partners that are part of that press cable service. Right?
It’s the same freaking press release, not a single word has been changed on it across all the places it’s published to, which are typically 200-plus other sites, some cases 400, 500 sites. Right? It gives an absolute quick boost for ranking, especially for local stuff. If duplicate content was an issue, then press releases wouldn’t work. But they work and they work incredibly well.
My point is no. Guys, you’re sharing your own content to your own branded properties, which is natural, It’s normal. In fact, it’s kind of expected nowadays. Right? So, no, there is no negative repercussions. Where the negative repercussions come in is when you start to try to gain the system and add a whole bunch of persona-based networks and secondary syndication networks and you don’t take steps to mask or reduce your footprint.
There is no footprint when we’re syndicating to branded properties. In fact, we are claiming our footprint. We’re literally posting a flag up and saying, “Hey, come check us out. This is our content on all of our sites.” Right? We’re actually, literally, broadcasting our footprint to our own branded sites. But when you start to syndicate content, the same content to other networks that have nothing but your branded content on them and their persona-based networks, now that’s clearly to manipulate search rankings. And that can cause problems.
However, we teach in Syndication Academy also how to reduce that footprint and still have effective secondary syndication networks. I don’t typically recommend that, it depends on how many sites you’re managing. If you’re just managing one site, it’s a great strategy. If you’re managing a dozen sites, it’s not, because it’s a lot of work and it’s a lot to maintain.
Again, we cover all that stuff since 2015. There have been many, many changes, in fact, that’s why Syndication Academy 2.0, which is what we’re in currently now, which was launched, shit, I think a year and a half ago now. I think we’re on update webinar 22 or 23, so it’s almost two years now. We update it every month. Again, there has been changes but we stay on top of it.
In fact, our guest that’s on today, Rob, he’s actually going to be taking over the Syndication Academy Update webinars here soon. In the near future, he’s gonna be taking over handling and hosting the Syndication Academy Update webinars. Anyways-
Rob: I promise not to do those from my car too. How about that?
Bradley: Yeah, I hope so. Anyways, Renee, I would encourage you to come check out Syndication Academy 2.0. You could still take the training from 2015 and adapt it to today’s current standards. There’s no question you might have to do a lot of trial and error to figure it all out, or you can come join Syndication Academy 2.0 and it’s all laid out for you. Okay? Or better yet, another alternative would be for you to just buy Done-For-You networks so you don’t even have to bother with it. Just use the networks to your advantage.
Are There Any Issues Connecting Blogger To IFTTT In The Past Weeks?
Okay. Paul’s up. He says, “Hey, guys. I would like to know what is going on with Blogger? For weeks now when you go into IFTTT to connect to Blogger, Blogger won’t connect. If and when Blogger does connect, the recipes won’t work.” Well, Paul, first of all, I rarely ever go into IFTTT and connect stuff anymore because, again, we have a ton of virtual assistants that do all that stuff for me. So I can’t confirm, I’m not saying that what you’re saying isn’t true, Paul, but I haven’t experienced that problem myself. I haven’t heard anything like that coming from the build team either.
Not that I’m plugged into the build team all the time, but typically it goes through the support channels and ends up in my lap when it comes to Syndication Academy stuff or syndication network stuff and I have not heard that. I don’t know if it’s a specific issue with you, Paul, or your Blogger account or whatever. I don’t know. First of all, I would question, I would ask you, have you tested other Blogger accounts instead of the one that you’re talking about here. Yeah, because it might be an isolated issue.
If it’s not an isolated issue, in other words, if this issue is across more than one Blogger profile, then I would reach out to IFTTT support and ask them what the problem is. Because again, I don’t work for IFTTT, I just learned how to use the shit out of it for my own benefit and then taught you guys how to do it. But again, I would contact IFTTT support and ask them specifically because they would be much better and give you much quicker reply than I would. Okay?
However, that said, I have put that already on my list because I saw your post earlier today, Paul. I put that on my list for the next Syndication Academy Update webinar to test and see if there’s an issue; and if so, try to find a workaround. Right? That’s typically what we do, guys. Remember, I do not build networks anymore really. I very rarely ever do that because, again, I’ve trained so many damn VAs to do it, I don’t have to. So I don’t get to experience these issues until it’s brought to my attention.
But then when you guys bring it to my attention, or if one of our network builders brings something to my attention, then I put it on the list for Syndication Academy Update webinar, and then I go in and I test. Right? I go in and I try to find a workaround, see, first, confirm if it’s true, then try to find a workaround. If I do, I let you guys know; and if I don’t, I let you know. Either way, I let you know. That’s part of the Syndication Academy Updates.
Rob, just so you know, it’s probably gonna get dumped in your lap. There you go.
Rob: I figured.
Bradley: Put it on your list, Rob. Play with Blogger. But just for that, let’s just check one thing. I don’t know if it’s existing. Let’s see if existing sites are having the same problem or existing networks, probably not. This one seems to still be working. I’m still looking at some of my … That one was just posted on July 6, so that was five days ago.
Yeah. I don’t know, it looks like, because I’ve got a ton of syndication networks. The one that I just picked up looks like it’s syndicated just five days ago, which was I think the last time I have a VA that does the videos for my clients. That was one of the videos that was done, one of the rep videos, it’s David Sprague’s product. It looks like that one was fine.
Again, Paul, I’d say it’s probably an isolated issue. But if it’s not, just contact IFTTT support. We’ll look into it though, it’s on the list. Okay.
“Also, when you go into settings under Post and Share, you can’t turn on the auto share to G Plus page. Are you guys having the same issues?”
Don’t worry about it, Paul. Google Plus is dying. They’ve already dug the grave and it’s halfway in the grave. It’s about three feet underground at this point. I’m not kidding you. Google Plus is dying. That’s why any of you guys are probably within the last couple weeks, many of you have probably received notifications from Google Plus saying that they were going to delete your page because it hasn’t been posted to in a while, if you have any pages that haven’t been posted to in a while. That’s just more evidence that Google is absolutely removing Google Plus from the Google ecosystem.
Which I never thought would happen, I honestly didn’t. I mean, I remember years … People have been saying, “Google Plus is dead for five, six years,” and five or six years ago, I used to think, no, there’s no way. Because remember, they integrated Google Plus. Google did. They forced everybody that used Google products to be on Google Plus and it was so much a part of the semantic web, what Google’s version of the semantic web was. The reason why is because it was an identity validator. Not an entity validator, but an identity validator. Does that make sense?
Because in order for you to be on Google Plus, you had to have a Google account, a verified Google account, like a profile. You couldn’t get on Google Plus as just a page or a business. You had to have a profile that was intimately attached to a specific person, right? Google Plus was an identity validator, which was used at the early onset of the semantic web engine for Google. Google’s version of the semantic web, right? But I guess they figured out other ways through all the stuff that Marco looks into like AI and machine learning and all that shit to validate entities without Google Plus. That’s why they’re slowly removing it from all of the Google products. I think in the near future it actually finally will be a dead product.
Anybody wanna comment on that? I’ll take silence as a no. All right. I’m gonna move on then. Is everybody still here? Because it’s rare to get radio silence like that. We should have crickets-
Adam: Yeah. First, we need to have like a real production studio. It would be fun to have some good sound effects.
What Are Your Thoughts On Josh Bachynski’s Statement On Emailing Google To Shut Down Google Sites?
Bradley: Yes, some crickets. That would have been funny. Okay. Armand is up. What’s up, Armand? He says, “I thought this was pretty interesting. I was listening to Josh Bachynski YouTube channel, good SEO channel, by the way, and they were talking about Google Sites giving a boost, which, of course, you guys know all about. Yes, sir, we do. What I thought was an interesting statement, is, he claims he could have it shut down tomorrow by emailing John Mueller of Google and telling him about it. You can see it here.” He dropped a link. “What do you guys think about this? I’m really mostly looking forward to the F-bombs we’ll hear from Marco.”
Honestly, I don’t know why Josh would say something like that. He could have it shut down by emailing John Mueller, maybe he could, maybe couldn’t. Why would he be flexing his muscles like that? I mean, whatever, why would you want to kill something that works for SEOs when you’re an SEO yourself? I don’t understand that. That would be like, why would you shit where you eat? You know what I’m saying?
Essentially, that’s what he’d be doing at that point. I’m not saying anything bad about Josh. Honestly, I don’t really follow his channel or any of that stuff because, as far as I know from years ago, it was a lot of white hat stuff and discussions between white hat versus black hat and all that. I don’t buy an any that shit. SEO is SEO. As far as I know, there are no hats. Right?
Adam: Yeah. The other thing I think is really interesting about this, and I can’t weigh in on the technical aspect of it, but I think that, yeah, Google’s messed around their own properties before, but they like this. This is getting their stuff more of their own stuff to show.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:33:42]
Adam: Yeah. Maybe they turn back or something happens in the future, but it’s not like they’re gonna suddenly realize, “Oh goodness, Google My Business pages are taking up more real estate. We better do something about it.” That’s not gonna happen.
Bradley: Yeah. Marco, I know you’re anxious to say something.
Marco: All right. Let me start with this. Do you guys think Google is stupid enough not to know that their G sites are powerful? Do you think that they don’t already have enough fucking stupid telling them that it works this way and that it’s pushing a lot of juice and that it’s pushing their properties. Do you think it’s not already happening? I don’t want to mention names, but snitches get stitches. If he wants to go that way, he’s a fuckin’ retard because he’s done a whole bunch of dirty shit. I mean, Josh goes back to days when, I mean, the crap that was being done, he was at the forefront of that shit. So I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. All of a sudden he turned, he’s an angel and he doesn’t do shit. Well, fuck you and fuck John Mueller.
Rob: Hey, Remember, this is Hump Day Hangouts.
Marco: I don’t give a fuck, man. These fucking people, they pissed me off. Fuck him, fuck John Muller, fuck them all. We’re gonna keep doing it. We’ll do it as long as we can and if they take that away, we’ll just find another way like we always do, man. So fuck that, fuck you, and that’s what I have to say about it.
Bradley: Wow. Armand. Can we send Armand a T-shirt for firing up Marco?
Adam: Yeah. Armand, hit us up in Support. Also, I was gonna say hashtag POFU.
Bradley: Wow. Okay. Armand, since you fired up Marco for the day, you won yourself a T-shirt or a hat or something. So contact [email protected] and we’ll send you something.
Adam: John just wrote on the page. He said, “How do you really feel, Marco?”
Bradley: Yeah, right. I was gonna say, guys, we’re not setting a precedent here. Please don’t intentionally try to piss Marco off just so you can get free stuff. Hump Day Hangouts will begin a downward spiral really quickly that way.
Do You Have Any Recommendations For Planning And Tracking Web 2.0/Syndication Networks?
Jim Wells is up next. He says, “Howdy, SM Gang. Thanks for the recommendation on Google PVA’s last week.” You’re welcome. So that’s Metro biz. Yeah, he’s great. Jim, I guess you contacted him right after Hump Day Hangouts or shortly thereafter because he came pinged me on Skype and said thank you for the recommendation again. Absolutely, he’s a good guy.
Anyways, number one, he says, “Do you have any recommendations for planning and tracking web 2.0, syndication networks? For planning and tracking. I use mind mapping software for general plans. We’ll, we have a service monitor, Serpspace.com, Jim. A few aren’t aware of that. I don’t know if it has a visual editor like a visual tracker. Adam, can you comment on that?
Adam: No. If it continues to grow we might build something out, but yeah, you just copy-paste your info in and it does this thing and monitors and then backgrounds, you don’t have to.
Bradley: Yeah. So as far as for planning them, no, but it does monitor them. What’s great about it is if you order Done-For-You networks from Serp Space they can automatically be imported into the network monitor, which will notify you if properties go down, or if they’re not posting, or if RSS feeds stops posting, like it stops detecting new items in RSS feeds. It does various things. It lets you know. So it’s a great way when you have multiple networks or dozens or hundreds of networks. It’s a great way to monitor all that stuff because otherwise a lot of times you just don’t know when stuff starts to break down. Right? Unless you’re manually checking yourself.
But as far as planning them, yeah, mind mapping know software is typically what I would. I use Lucidcharts. I like that a lot. That’s pretty much, in my opinion, the best mind mapping. I’ve used about a dozen of them and that was the one that I found to be, in my opinion, the easiest to use. It’s Lucidcharts.
Anyways, “But I was looking for a better solution to tracking which sites, networks, rings were linked and what content is feeding to them. I’ve been working on a Google Sheets solution, but it’s incredibly cumbersome.” Yeah. That was my issue because that’s what I was … I mean, I still manage probably 90% of my business through Google Drive, period, and I still use spreadsheets for everything too, but that’s part of the reason that we built the network monitor in Serp Space, was specifically so that you could see tier 1 networks on tier 2 networks and how content is feeding from one to the other and that kind of stuff. You are able to do that inside of Serp Space. The actual visual planning, we don’t have that yet. That might be something that we could do at some later time though.
What’s Your Opinion On The Number Of Google Sites To Use For Each Account?
Okay. All right. Number two is, “What’s your opinion on the number of Google sites to use for each account? Is there a limit to how many you place on each one? I think Peter Drew mentioned using eight before moving on.” Yeah. I typically don’t have more than a couple to up to eight. If I’m using Peter Drew’s Google sites generator software, then that specifically, yes, I’ll use eight Google sites or I’ll use the Google site with eight pages, which is what he recommends. It’s his software, he’s tested the shit out of it, and so is all his beta testers and all of his members now. So if that’s what Peter Drew suggests for using that, then I think that’s a good suggestion. I trust his judgment because he does a lot of testing.
But as far as the methods like for RYS methods, I’ll leave that one to Marco. But typically, for my RYS Drive stacks that contain a Google site, which all of them do. I think it should be standard operating procedure, when you buy a drive stack you buy the add-on the Google site, G site. Right? Because, to me, it’s really an incomplete … I mean, the way I look at it is that … I use the Google site as like the linchpin for the drive stack. That’s the main point that I drive all the relevancy from the drive files to the Google site and then I use the Google site to push relevancy to wherever I want. Right?
Again, I think those should be the same. As far as that, typically, I’ll only have the Google site in that drive stack account. But typically, like I said, I usually don’t have more than eight. I usually only have between two to four really in any one account. Marco, what are your thoughts?
Marco: I don’t know anything about Peter Drew to comment. I can only comment on what I do.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: It’s one main stack with the script, plus G site. I mean, you’re killing half the power or more if you don’t push the all of that power to the G site and then that power to wherever it needs to go. It defeats the purpose of everything that we do if there’s no companion G site. Now the way that we do it is, if you need additional folders and files, well, those stacks in and of themselves that’s what a stack really is. It’s a folder packed with files the Semantic Mastery way. The way that we do it. The way that we interlink everything. Right?
The way that it’s done is really time-consuming and that’s why you’ll see that most other people will not go the lengths that we go to interlink everything and to give everything the power that it needs. The only thing is that the script takes up a lot of resources. If you install the script in more than one folder, Google is going to kill your G site immediately. I mean, no question. We see a time after time after time after time. One G site but multiple stacks as long as you’re only running one script in one of the stacks and that should be your main stack. That’s my opinion on that.
Bradley: Yup. He says, “Also, for Stacks, do you place anything else on those accounts? Seems like it might be a risk.” I’ve used some of my drive stack accounts the Google accounts for like creating Blogger accounts. It’s like another syndication point and things like that. I mean, typically, I don’t see, there is a bit of a risk. But I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever had, I don’t think I’ve ever had a drive stack terminated like the index was terminated from Google. I don’t think I’ve ever lost a Google account that was specific for just drive stack. What Marco says is true about the script and I’ve had that occur, but not when I’m just doing what Marco said, which is …
In fact, a lot of the Google sites that I end up with the drive stacks, I sometimes use the scripts on them. It’s just everything is static once it’s built out. Again, I haven’t had any issues with that whatsoever. The only time I’ve ever had a drive stack account terminated is when, like Marco said, I’ve had … When the script overburdened the servers and then they terminated that, they killed it. But other than that I have … I mean, I’ve got drive stacks, especially the early ones that I did that are … Because I built a few myself originally that were a bit like spammy and they’re still alive today. So I really haven’t had any issues. What do you say, Marco?
Marco: Again, yeah. The only time that we’ve had issues that we’ve had stuff killed off is when we overburden Google. Google doesn’t like leeches using their resources for free. If you pay them now, you can get away with all a whole lot of stuff. If you go through their API, you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. If you go through G suite you can get away with a whole lot of stuff. But if you’re starting off free, don’t overburden Google. You could do other stuff in there that there’s no reason why.
As a matter of fact, it helps to validate, again, you mentioned identity, but not only the identity, the entity. The entity is alive and well and it’s a living organism within this, the Gmail ecosystem, let’s call it. Right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: So yeah, that’s what I would say.
Bradley: Okay, great. Great question, Jim. As always, man. He’s always posting a really question.
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also.
Bradley: I’m sorry?
Rob: I was going to throw something in there also. I think people lose sight of just the fact that Google, they develop drives in the Google site and all that stuff to be used by just standard everyday people. We’re just using it in a different manner, but we forget that driving a huge of ton at all universities, and high schools, and all over the country, at least in the state. I mean, my kid has Google drive stack for the classes they do. They look more spammy sometimes in some of my drive stack. I mean, they’re sharing and copying documents and moving along all over the place and you’ve got an entire high school and college classes running through Google and Google drive and sharing and replicating documents, and copying and pasting, and multiple duplicates of the same document.
Just stuff that you’re doing, I mean, just think of it like what were the regular college kid do or a high school kid. If you’re just making a bunch of documents and folders and sharing them and stuff like that, I mean, you’re basically hide in plain sight.
Bradley: Yeah.
Rob: Like you said, burden in their script and you’re using their computing power to automate a bunch of building and stuff, that’s when they take notice.
What’s The Best Way To Use Crowdsearch.me For Local Right Now?
Bradley: Awesome. Thanks, Rob. Kay Dee says, “Hey guys, what’s the best way to use crowdsearch.me for local right now? I bought it through a link Hernan sent to your future SEO click-throughs page but then saw your post here a couple weeks ago where you will not be implementing apps like that for GMB or money sites as they’ve been flagged.”
Yeah, that’s true. Now don’t get me wrong, guys. It still can be used. I just think it’s been deprecated quite a bit. I know it has because I used to use the shit out of it. I promoted crowdsearch.me for a solid two years because I used about 50,000 credits per month, I’m not kidding, because it worked really, really well. But as everything that we do in SEO, it became saturated and other products and services, PandaBot and a bunch of other ones popped up that started providing the … Serpify is one. Another one, I think … I don’t know, there’s a ton of them.
I actually did a case study test on those two, by the way. We tested four of them. Another one is John [inaudible 00:46:13] Rainmaker. I don’t know, there’s a bunch of services like that and I’ve done case study tests on many of them and found that … I didn’t even start the case studies until after I’ve realized that they weren’t working as well. Right? I started to see less and less results from using them. Okay?
But I’m not saying that there’s not still a place for it. I just don’t bother with it because it has become so ineffective that it’s not worth the trouble or the expense. I can get much better results by setting up other campaigns or using like YouTube, for example. I’ve talked many, many times about how to drive cheap traffic from YouTube, which is verified real people. Right? You can accomplish a lot of the same thing using traffic from YouTube. You can also hire Microtasks workers and although that’s not as effective as it used to be either for reasons of their search history and stuff like that, like essentially …
Remember guys, Google keeps a profile of everybody. Right? They built a profile of Google users. So anytime you’re using Google and you’re logged into an account, they’re tracking what you do, they’re compiling history of your browsing history, and the types of content that you look at, the types of searches that you do, the types of websites that you click on and interact with and engage with.
Google creates a profile for each user. So even now when you hire Microtasks workers and you tell them to go to Google.com in the US and search for a particular keyword and then go find your listing on page one or page two, or whatever, all the way up to page 10 if you want, whatever page it is, then click on it. Then find the third word in the fourth paragraph and copy it and paste it into the answer box for the Microtasks dashboard. Right? So that way you know that they did.
Why do you do all these things with Microtasks workers? Think about. You tell them to do a search and a click. That’s what we call CT spam or click-through spam, right? That’s a signal to Google that somebody searched for keyword then found your listing. Then you ask them to find a particular word or a phrase or a sentence or something like that on a page that’s buried somewhere in the middle of page. So they have to spend some time searching for it, that’s time on site, or you can tell them to click through to another page, which is engagement time on site and also another click-through. Right?
So there’s a lot of different things that you could do to tell Microtasks workers. But the problem occurs where and why it’s becoming less and less effective is exactly what I just mentioned, because, if a Microtask worker is doing multiple searches per day for random shit all the time, then Google is going to build up a profile for them of, it’s likely that there Microtasks worker is doing CT spam.
I mean, think about it. Google, they’re not an idiot and either are their AI. Their AI systems aren’t stupid either. My point is, it’s not as an effective click. It’s not weighted as much as it would be if it was coming from somebody that has a relevant search history or has an interest or topical relevancy or some something in their recent search history that would make that click so much more valid or more appropriate, which means it’s heavier weighted click, which means it produces better results and a much higher level engagement signal.
So that’s where I’m talking about crowdsearch.me. You’ve got to think about that guys. Those are bots. Those are bots where they spoof the user agents, they spoof the IPs and all that, but even the IP ranges that these bots use are within specific ranges that have been flagged. Right?
So what I’m saying, to answer your question, Kay Dee, would be not to use it direct to money site. What I recommend using it for is referral traffic. It still works well for that. It also works well if you want to send traffic to press releases to help them to stick longer in the search results, because we all know that press releases rank really well quickly. Well, typically, rank really well quickly, but they don’t last for long, unless they get a high level of traffic.
But for that you can buy Fiverr gigs and I’d recommend Fiverr gigs. There’s several of them that I’ve recommended on many occasions publicly. Right? You can buy a $10 or a $15 Fiverr gig and boost the press release for a month, which I don’t know what you’re paying for crowd search, but me, I was buying 50,000 credits a month so it was rather expensive. Right?
Again, referral traffic and, by the way, if you want to learn how to do referral traffic, let me just see if I can pull this up for him real quick, or Kay, excuse me. Let’s go to-
Marco: While you’re pulling that up, I’d like to mention that the MGYB.co marketplace, we have real YouTube views.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: You could add a call to action where you send people to your website. You can’t get anything better than a real person watching a YouTube video clicking through to your website. I mean, that’s absolutely the best thing that can happen for your website because the referral is YouTube. That’s what it is.
Bradley: Yep. I just wanna see, here’s another one. I’m gonna drop each one of these links. Because I’ve done extensive training on that as well, so stand by for just one minute. This is the … Okay, yeah. This is the one that I wanted to share. Okay. I did this. Look when was this published. September 26 2015, guys, is when this was published and it’s still valid. It’s still relevant, this video. This is how to set up … and I did it with Jason Johnson of the Syndwire Black Facebook group.
Anyways, again, this is almost three years ago and this is still valid for a good way to use crowd search for referral traffic. Then there’s also probably a Hump Day Hangouts clip here too that I could post. Look at, it’s awesome. That’s from Fist Fight. Wayne Clayton, that’s awesome. That was a funny ass movie, by the way. I thought that movie was hilarious.
Rob: Referral traffic.
Marco: It should say “Snitches get stitches, bitches.”
Bradley: That’s Ice Cube. It’s a funny ass movie. Anyways, we got to keep moving. Yeah. I’m sorry about going so long on crowd search thing, guys. But that’s a great question though, Kay Dee. Yeah, I don’t recommend using it so much anymore unless you’re using it for very specific purposes because there are alternate better ways to get traffic and real traffic too.
Is Page Rank Important As Domain Authority Is?
Okay. Peter from Poland, “Can you define PageRank and its importance? Is it as important as domain authority?” Honestly, I’m not gonna take the time to define PageRank because it’s a metric that we don’t have access to and we haven’t for years. So it’s really no sense of me even trying to … I mean, honestly, Peter, your question is still a valid question. But, is it as important as domain authority? No, because I don’t care about any of those metrics anymore. I stopped caring about proprietary third-party metrics several years ago, at least two years ago.
I honestly don’t care about trust flow, topical trust flow, domain authority, page authority, domain rank. I don’t give a shit about any of those. Honestly, I don’t care because we were able to get results whether the metrics say they should have results or not. We focus on relevancy, traffic and authority. Right? ART, which is what Marco always talks about.
Marco, what does ART stand for again?
Marco: Activity, relevance, trust and authority. Activity on the link, the relevance on the link, both destination, and the origin, and then the trust and authority both of the summation and the origin of the link. There you go, boom. But we don’t-
Bradley: But to be clear, we’re not talking about domain authority. When we say “authority,” we’re not saying domain authority.
Marco: No.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: It’s whether it’s authoritative to Google.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: That’s all we care about. That refers back to pay track and again, yeah, I’m not gonna get into that. I will say it’s alive and well. It’s part of the rankings core algorithm. First, it gives you a PageRank, then you get an overall ranking score. That’s what that’s about. It’s alive and well. We don’t give a shit because we trigger those the Semantic Mastery way.
Bradley: That’s right. Guys, again, when you rely on third-party metrics, they’re not always accurate, guys. They’re a really good educated guess, but they’re not accurate because none of those, Majestic AH reps, Moz, none of them worked for Google. Right? I just I stopped relying on metrics. Years ago, we used to be able to manipulate domain authority and just ranked by manipulating domain authority. Well, Google killed that. It’s no longer … Unless you’re like above 80 or 85 domain authority, it’s really difficult to manipulate domain authority for ranking purposes anymore. Again, we just stop worrying about it.
Good question, Peter, but I would say focus on an RT instead of working on third-party metrics. Okay. Matias. We’re gonna be running out of time and I was worried that we weren’t gonna have enough questions today. You guys jumped in and posted a whole bunch. So anyway, all right. Matias … I don’t know if I’m saying that correct or not. Forgive me if I butchered it. He says, “Hi guys, thanks for all the content you put out on the channel for free. It’s a great reference.” You’re welcome. We enjoy this.
Does Having Different City Name In Facebook And GMB Listing Cause NAP Inconsistencies?
By the way, what is this, episode 192. So we’re getting close to 200, which we’re gonna do a celebration episode then. Then at 208, it would be our anniversary. We’re gonna have a really big celebration for that says. He says, “I got two short questions. I have a verified GMB listing and when setting up the Facebook profile, the city name displays differently. Facebook only allows picking from a display menu. Will this cause any NAP consistency with my GMB profile, which I prefer not to touch?”
No. I wouldn’t worry about it, Matias. I would not worry about that. I mean, thing is if you’ve got a Facebook profile and you’re setting it up as a place of Facebook place or whatever and it’s gonna force you to select a city name instead of whatever you have listed, then just use it I wouldn’t worry about it you know too much. Again, sometimes that kind of stuff is gonna happen and you have no choice. So I really wouldn’t worry about it.
All right, let’s see. “Or should I hide the address in Facebook?” I would. If it’s a storefront and you want people, because remember, there is a lot of people that use Facebook for finding local businesses and stuff like that. So if you’ve got a point of sale, a storefront where people come to the business location, then absolutely I would want to have that listed because otherwise, you may lose customers.
You may lose customers for an SEO benefit. Does that make sense? and I don’t think that’s right. You should be focusing on generating customers, not just SEO, if that makes sense. I know they go hand they kind of work hand in hand, but various traffic on Facebook, there’s no question. So I would rather have that displayed if. It’s a service area business then yeah you can absolutely hide it right.
“By the way, I am displaying the address in GMB and wanna keep it that way.” Well, just remember, in Google My business, it’s a service area business where you serve the customers at the customer location and the customers do not come to the business location. Then as per Google’s Terms of Service, Google My Business Terms of Service, you should check to hide the address. Okay. You should only be showing the address if customers come to your business location, period. All right? So just keep that in mind.
How Do You Index A TLD Website (Business.Site) Without Setting It As Main Website In A GMB Listing?
All right. Number two, “For the same listing I have a TLD, top-level domain website, but I’ve also created the internal GMB website. Is there any way to index the business in that site without setting it as the main website in my listing?” Marco?
Marco: Yeah. I’m gonna to tell him to come to Facebook group and I will answer this question directly. I won’t answer it here because there’s something really special about that Google business site that I won’t get to in here. It’s information only for those people who paid for the course. Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, but that makes sense. That’s one of the insider secrets of that course.
Anthony, “MasterMIND versus RYS. I believe I need to learn more about where to sell this stuff. I have a pretty good product but no community to learn more about how and where to implement. Makes sense?” All right. I’m going to give you my opinion, which would be the MasterMIND. Only because RYS is specifically about RYS in its methods where MasterMIND is all encompassing digital marketing training and education as well is business building, mindset, all kinds of stuff, motivation. There’s small group MasterMINDs, MasterMIND, it encompasses so much more than just a specific method.
I’m not saying anything bad about RYS. RYS is freaking awesome, guys. It kicks ass. But it’s about a particular method. MasterMIND is more about building your business, period. I mean, that’s not just marketing, it’s everything included. So that’s my take on, anybody want to say otherwise?
Marco: No. I’m the co-creator of RYS Academy Reloaded and I totally agree with you, MasterMIND first. You’ll get a discount for RYS Academy, but I would also tell you to pick up Local GMB Pro-
Bradley: If he’s doing local.
Marco: Yeah. Even if it isn’t because that’s gonna help him with his entity and brand and brand plus keyword recognition. As I said, I’m starting a national campaign that I’m gonna be working on and I’m gonna show how this shit works nationally even though you might have a local address.
Bradley: Okay. I’m gonna stay for about five more minutes guys, if anybody needs to bounce please feel free, but I wanna try to get a couple more of these. John, it looks like you and Anthony got the same memo today, apparently. Unless John posting the same question twice or Anthony posting the same question twice with two different profiles, one way or the other.
RYS vs Mastermind
Anyways, “MasterMIND versus RYS, I believe right now I need more of a community than another tool.” Well, neither one is a tool. Both MasterMIND and RYS are communities. RYS is also a particular method, but it’s not a tool. Right? “I need to see how others are working and where they’re going. I love the special offer case study. That’s the kind of insight community I feel to get a breakthrough. Makes sense?”
Yeah, it absolutely does, John. That’s what the MasterMIND is all about. Again, don’t get me wrong, RYS also has a community because we have a Facebook group for that. Marco and Rob are very active in there, I’m not, because that’s their baby. Right? But MasterMIND, again, either one is good. They’re great really, but MasterMIND again is all-encompassing. It covers so much more than just digital marketing or just SEO. Right? It covers a broad spectrum of topics and business-related topics.
Rob: I would say from hearing the question, I would mimic what both you guys said, MasterMIND first. Go out make some money, and then you get a discount on RYS, back it up and it just helps to take your business to the next level. But overall, MasterMIND.
Bradley: Thank you, Rob. Guys, don’t forget, when you join the MasterMIND all of our other products you get either if they’re under 300 bucks you get them for free, if they’re over 300 bucks you get a 30% discount. You get first access to all of our new products or new done-for-you services. You get first crack at then, we bring beta testers in for all kinds of new stuff all the time. Guys, MasterMIND is my baby. All of our baby is Semantic Mastery, but what I’m saying is like that’s that’s where my heart lies, is with MasterMIND, there’s no doubt.
Rob: Yeah, for sure. If you come and immerse yourself you will change your business.
Bradley: That’s it.
Rob: Period.
Bradley: Wayne was picking on you, Rob.
Rob: That’s good. I got thick skin, Indiana boy.
Why Bother With The Short URL In GMB Posting?
Bradley: John says, “Why bother with the short URL? Seems like a lot of work for something no one will see unless getting stats from someplace like Bitly, which has its own problems?” Not sure what you mean for that John, unless you’re talking about the short URLs from the GMB post from this. That’s what Google gives us as a short URL now for the post, the share URL. That’s what they look like. That’s what you’re talking about.
If you’re talking about like Bitly links in a GMB post, I know some services auto add bit link shorteners for any links. For example Sendible which turned out to be shit, by the way. I know I talked about it because I had good … We’ve got our own GMB poster now so I don’t recommend using Sendible anymore anyways. But before our poster was ready, I was using Sendible for GMB post automation and scheduling and I trained a VA to do it for our client work and stuff. Essentially after 100 GMB posts, you can’t use Sendible any more clients and they say it’s an API issue with Google. Google won’t allow them to add any more than 100 images to any one particular GMB profile through the API, through the Sendible’s API connected to …
I don’t know why because our auto poster, we can do as many as we want. Well, Marco was tried to break it and he’s not being able to replicate the error that Sendible has. I contacted Sendible support and they literally said it’s a Google API issue and our hands are tied, we can’t do anything. I said, “Okay. Well, you’ve just lost my $200 a month. I was paying them $200 a month. I said, “Well, you just lost my $200 a month because this is an absolutely useless service.” So anyways, that’s how I feel about Sendible now. It’s garbage.
Marco: If I may, ours starts at 37 a month.
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: So there you go.
Bradley: Yeah. I know and, again, they should put that shit on their sales page. API limitation notice, you can only do 100 posts before it breaks. I mean, think about it why would somebody sign up, take the time to learn how to use a particular platform, integrate processes into their business, which is what I did. I created process docs and all that shit for my VAs, spend all this time developing this out and then within two weeks or three weeks we hit the API limits. It’s like, are you kidding me? That’s just a complete waste of time. Anyways-
Bradley: Well, there’s add hours too. I drop this into, if you want to go sign up and try it out, you can get like five free posts just to try it. After that, you got to move on but you get in there, see what’s up, what’s available, and try it. Just sign up, get your email and you get five free posts to try it out. I highly suggest you try it out because the power is there in the RS feed in and out. RSS feed out even has, I mean, it’s we’ve it’s been a tricked out Semantic Mastery style. We’ve created our links back to 301, not the standard 302s that you typically get from the API.
Marco: Yeah. We push power around. I’d like to just give a shout out to our programmer who has just been kicking ass. He’s the one, Rob tells them, “We need this,” and the guy just gets it done. Once you get hooked into a really good programmer you know all limits are off.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: The sky’s the limit with what what we’re going to do with this. Right now, it’s at that price. So jump in, get in where you fit in as I usually say.
Bradley: Yep. I love the comments here guys. We’re done with questions so we’re gonna wrap up. But I just wanna give a shout out to each and every one of you. First of all, I loved the comments about Marco’s rant. That’s great. Armand, like I said, hit us up on support. We’ll send you a T-shirt or a hat or something. There it was, Armand right there.
Dominic’s awesome. We just talked about MasterMIND and we have small group MasterMINDs where Adam set up a survey form and MasterMIND members go in and fill out the survey form. Then Adam pairs people up or matches a small group of people that have like or similar interests up for small group meetings where they’ll, like accountability groups, which is how we got started at Symantec Mastery. This is how my partners and I got started was because of an accountability group that I founded and they all joined. That’s exactly how we got started and here we are five or six years later. Right?
Dominic was in my small group. The first small groups that Dominic was in mine. Great guy, sold a brick-and-mortar business to go into lead generation and SEO for his brother’s remodeling business, which is fabulous like, you know, sold his own brick-and-mortar business to be able to get into full-time digital marketing, which is amazing, I think. So Dominic shout out to you. That’s awesome. Jim Wells, again thanks for your questions and please come join a MasterMIND as well, and John looks like you’re about to join the MasterMIND. That’s fantastic.
I see you bought some of the other products. You could have gotten a significant discount. Sorry about that, buddy. But come join us now because it won’t be the last product we relaunch either. Okay?
Marco: John, just hit me up in the Facebook group for our Local GMB and we’ll work out on how to make it all work for you so that you can start making money and start buying more of our shit. Our shit works, man. There’s no question. It works.
Bradley: All right. Thanks everybody for being here. I wanna bounce, it’s just the true diehard still here. It’s Marco, Rob and me. All right, guys. We’re gonna wrap up.
Rob: We got a problem.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Might I add before we go, that I actually bit my tongue with what I really had to say. Anyway, I bit my tongue, guys.
Rob: That’s Hump Day Hangouts on a three second delay.
Bradley: Yeah, that was a rant earlier from Marco. That was a restrained Marco rant.
Marco: It was.
Bradley: A restrained rant. All right, guys. Thanks for everybody being here on our MasterMIND webinar. Tomorrow, we’re gonna be going over that fabulous GMB method that is just crashing it right now, guys. MasterMIND is a good time to join, if you haven’t already. We’ll see you guys next week. Thanks everybody. Thanks, Rob. Thanks, Marco.
Marco: Bye, everyone.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 192 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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