#so I can buy some local canadian coffee blends
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barachiki · 10 days ago
Ok I’m trying to make coffee with one of those pour over carafes and the coffee always is either too weak or soooooo muddy. Anyone have this thing and have any tips?
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charllieeldridge · 5 years ago
15 Simple Money Saving Tips Anyone Can Use
Do you want to travel more? Save money to move abroad? Pay down your debt? Have a nest egg so you can start your own business?
Finding the extra cash to do so isn’t always easy. In this article, I’ll share 15 simple money-saving tips to help you keep more cash in your pocket.
We utilized all of the tips in this article when we were saving money to go traveling. In the end, we were able to save enough to set off on our year-long backpacking adventure sooner than we thought. 
Here are my top picks for ways to save money this year. 
First, Create a Spreadsheet
Before you can put any money away, it’s important to figure out your finances and how much money is available for you to save. 
Write down your take-home earnings, and from there, subtract all of your necessary expenses — just the payments you need to make in order to get by.
This is a simple visual way to see all of your payments in one place, and realize how much extra money you have to spend on entertainment, miscellaneous, and of course, savings. 
Here’s an example:
Total Monthly Income: $_________.
Monthly Payments:
Rent / Mortgage
Cell Phone 
Car Insurance 
Credit Card Bill
Cable and Wi-Fi
Total Monthly Payments: $_______.
Monthly Income minus Monthly Payments = $______.
If your balance each month is in the negative, you’ll need to start making some changes, including making more money on the side, picking up an online job, consolidating your payments, and tweaking your lifestyle.
Have a look at budgeting apps such as Mint (free) and Wally (free) to help you realize your money-saving goals. 
Here are 15 easy money-saving tips for you to utilize this year!
1. Say “No” To Dining Out
When it comes to money-saving tips for food, this is by far the easiest one. Have you ever added up the amount of money you spend in a day, week, or month on meals out or coffees?
If you have a Starbucks coffee each morning, that’s roughly $4 every morning.
Going out for lunch during the week will cost around $8 each time for a salad or sandwich.
Do co-workers want to grab some drinks with you after work? That’s about $6 each drink and you’ll probably be hungry after work (and after that beer), so add some finger food for about $10. Don’t forget to add tax and tip! 
*One major bonus of working remotely is that you won’t have to feel guilty for saying “no” to co-workers when they ask you to go out for lunch or drinks.
Theoretically, depending on how often you grab drinks or have coffee, you could spend around $28 + tax and tip in just one day. 
During the weekends, going out for dinner is what many people enjoy doing. Let’s use Earls Restaurants as an example. I’m going to showcase costs based on their menu as the chain has locations in both the USA and Canada.
For dinner, the cheapest appetizer on the menu (apart from bread and fries) is $9.50. The least expensive main dish on the menu is a margarita pizza for $10.50, followed by chicken tacos for $14. Dessert is $5.
On top of that, you’ll want a drink, which is around $5 for a beer. Cocktails are $10+.
A 3-course dinner out at Earls with a beer will cost you $30 minimum (plus tax and tip).
If you spent an evening out during the week, and one on the weekend, you’re going to spend $60+ in one week. In one month, that’s $240 total. That $240 would go much further at the grocery store.
2. Enjoy Dinner Parties
Obviously you’ll still want to have a social life, so I’m not saying give up on seeing your friends and forgo any fun. But, rather than meeting for drinks at a trendy bar, or going out for dinner, why not host a dinner party?
Between all of your friends, you could rotate who hosts each weekend.
Make the dinner party pot-luck style where everyone brings a dish to contribute to the meal. You can find some awesome recipes on Allrecipes.com.
Or, rather than everyone bringing a dish, each week it could be the host’s turn to make the meal.
Opt for an affordable one-pot style dinner (spaghetti bolognese, chicken stew, minestrone soup, beef and bean chili, etc.) or a baked dish such as lasagna, casseroles, grilled chicken with roasted potatoes…get creative! 
Buying booze from the shop rather than a bar is much cheaper. Look for sales at your local liquor store and stock up on beer, wine and spirits. 
Enjoying dinner and game night with friends, or drinks and appetizers is a great way to catch up and save money while doing so.
3. Save On Accommodation Costs
Accommodation eats up a massive chunk of the budget each month. But, it doesn’t have to. If you’re looking to save money on having a roof over your head, you have a few options. 
If you are currently renting, consider downsizing and moving into somewhere smaller and/or more economical.
If you’re in a townhouse, move to a basement suite or a studio apartment. If you’re in a 2-bedroom, switch to a 1-bedroom. Maybe search for a cheaper neighbourhood. There are many ways to downsize your accommodation. 
Rather than renting a 1 bedroom home, can you save money by joining up with someone and having a roommate in a 2-bedroom place? 
If you’re comfortable living in someone’s home, consider looking for house sitting jobs. This is my best money-saving tip for accommodation.
You can house sit/pet sit all around the world, including your home city (in many cases). If you live in one of the popular housesitting destinations (England, Australia, Canada, USA) there are a lot of house sits available). You could move from place to place every couple of weeks, all within the same city. 
A Luxury House Sit in Grenada
By becoming a house sitter, you’ll receive free accommodation and (in our experience) a vehicle for your use. You’ll get to live like a local for free and enjoy the company of a furry friend.
While you’re trying to save money, this is an especially good way to keep cash in the bank. For more about the house sitting company we use and highly recommend, click here. 
4. Use Rewards Credit Cards
If you’re going to spend money, you may as well earn some points while you’re at it. Americans have some great credit cards that offer cash-back and rewards when you purchase groceries. But surprisingly, there are actually some pretty good credit cards for us Canadians as well. 
The Blue Cash Everyday card from American Express offers 3% cash-back on grocery store purchases up to $6,000 / year.
After that, they offer 1% cash-back on groceries at supermarkets in the USA. There are other bonuses such as 2% cash-back at the gas station, 1% on other purchases and no annual fee. Click here to learn more. 
Another great card is the Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card. You’ll receive unlimited 4% cash-back on dining and entertainment, 2% when shopping at supermarkets, and 1% on other purchases.
You’ll also get a $500 cash bonus after you spend $3,000 in the first 3 months, and there’s no annual fee for the first month. Click here to learn more.
There are many more cards that offer savings on groceries at supermarkets in the United States. Click here to compare.
For Canadians, even though we don’t typically have the best travel credit cards available, there are a few great credit cards for food and grocery purchases.
The American Express Cobalt gives you 5 points for every dollar at grocery stores, cafes, bars, food delivery and restaurants. The points you earn can then be redeemed for travel on any airline. When it comes to food, this is a great credit card.
You’ll also get 2 points for every dollar spent on gas, travel, rideshare (Uber), taxis, but just 1 point for all other purchases.
The only downside to the card is that there’s a $10 monthly fee, and American Express isn’t accepted everywhere (but, you can use it at Safeway, Sobey’s, Whole Foods, Co-op, Metro, FoodBasics and more).
If you prefer Visa, a great card is the Scotia Momentum Visa Infinite which offers 4% back on groceries and gas. 2% cashback at drugstores and recurring bill payments and 1% on other items. The $99 annual fee is waived for the first year. 
Make this the year that your plastic cards start working for you. 
5. Do Some Meal Prep
One of the main reasons that people opt for pricy fast food, or frozen meals is because preparing a healthy meal can take a bit of time. Consider preparing food ahead of time and have it ready to go for the whole week. 
Do you drink smoothies in the morning? Pre-cut all of the fruits and vegetables and have them portioned out into containers for each day, then toss them in the freezer.
Each morning, grab out the container, add the liquid of your choice, and blend it up. Cutting up the produce is the time-consuming part. Have it ready to go and you’ll be able to eat healthier and save money by not opting to buy breakfast on the fly.
On Sundays, create meals for the whole week. When we lived in Canada, I used to do this and it saved us buying meals out when there was “nothing to eat” in the fridge. 
Frozen fruit ready for the blender
The best idea is to make a large batch of food – stews, soups, chilis, and sauces freeze well – and make a variety of them so you’re never bored with eating the same food.
Or, portion out meals into containers for the week. Make a large pot of rice, add cooked chicken and a side of vegetables to each container and you’re ready to go. Change them up with various types of vegetables, and maybe mix between couscous, quinoa, pasta and rice. 
Things like casseroles and lasagna also freeze well.
Having ready-made meals in the fridge and freezer will stop you from ordering in pizza, or grabbing some fast food on the way home. Making food at home is much more economical and is one of the best money-saving tips.
6. Share Your Clothes
If you have a friend who is the same size as you, this is an excellent way to enjoy two wardrobes for the price of one! It’ll save you going out and shopping for the latest items — and most likely, purchasing things you don’t actually need.
When you “have nothing to wear”, you can call up your friend and do some weekend shopping in their closet. Clothes are expensive and most of us own way too many. Rather than buying something new, consider borrowing. 
But, if you must purchase an item and your friend doesn’t have something you can borrow, buy clothing at the second-hand store, opt for outlets, or check out the sales rack. 
7. Ditch The Car
Depending on where you live and your lifestyle, you could quite easily sell your car and get around by foot, bike, or public transport.
For couples who own two cars, sell one of them and share the second. Cars are the biggest money guzzlers – petrol, insurance, parking and maintenance, it’s never-ending! 
Sell your car and put that money towards your next trip or paying down some debt. Walking and cycling are great ways to get exercise, while public transport options are also very affordable and practical.
When it comes to the best money-saving tips, selling your car and opting for a transit pass is always at the top.
Not only will you be able to put the money from the sale of your vehicle in your bank account, but your monthly transportation budget will be very minimal going forward. 
8. Cut Back On Beauty
This one applies to both women and men. While women tend to spend more money, men are starting to put an emphasis on grooming as well. 
Go into your bathroom and have a look at all the products you own. Make-up, lotions, perfumes, body wash, hair styling products, beard oils, etc.
Depending on which brands you’ve purchased, if you tallied up the cost, you’ll probably find it’s quite high.
Do you actually need all of those items? Could you get by with a cheaper brand? Could you do without 5 different types of hair products and just use 1? 
Cut back on your spending on body and beauty products this year and keep more cash in your pocket.
Although those items are pricey, when it comes to money-saving tips on beauty, my biggest suggestion is to limit your time at the hair salon and spa. Or better yet, don’t go at all.
For women, a simple cut is often around $50+, while colouring or highlighting your hair will easily add another $85+ to the bill. But, you also need to tip on top of that.
Each time you visit the hair salon, you’ll spend around $125 (if you have your hair coloured). Most women do this every 2 months or so, meaning you’ll spend $750 in a year on your hair. 
$750 is a round trip flight from New York to Bangkok.
$750 is 15 nights of accommodation (at $50/night). 
$750 is a 5-day cruise.
$750 is a lot of groceries!
If you simply must colour your hair, purchase dye from the drugstore. If you need to cut your hair, you can learn to do it yourself, have a friend come by to cut it for you or opt for a cheaper salon to get it cut — less frequently.
Cancel all pedicures, manicures, facials, and spa treatments if you want to save money this year. It’s amazing how much money you can save just by changing your beauty regime. 
9. Automate Your Savings 
One of the hardest things about saving money is physically transferring the money to a savings account.
A top money-saving tip is to set up automated savings. Simply contact your bank and have them set your account to transfer $X to your savings account each month (or week, or bi-weekly). Or, you can request a certain percentage be transferred into savings.
At the start of this money-saving tips blog post, I mentioned going through your finances to see how much money you have left over after paying the necessities.
Let’s say you have $300 left. You’ll probably want $100 for entertainment in the month (meals out, movies, booze, etc.) and $100 for miscellaneous (toiletries, gifts, medicine, etc.), which leaves you $100 each month that you can transfer to your savings account. 
At the end of the year, you’ll have $1,200 in savings! But, if you had to manually transfer that money, odds are you would probably end up spending it instead. Automate your savings, it’s one of my best money-saving tips. 
10. Use Cash (for entertainment)
Using your credit card to pay your bills, buy groceries and all other items is what I recommend. But, if you’re budgeting yourself $100 / month for entertainment, then I suggest using cash. 
We personally did this when we were trying to come up with $40,000 for a year of travel, and it’s amazing how well it works.
Basically, you have $100 in your wallet (we did $50), and that’s all. No other cash in your wallet. When that $100 is gone, so is the paid entertainment for the month.
You’ll have to get creative and enjoy free entertainment such as watching movies at home, going outdoors, hiking, or having friends over for dinner and games. 
Being able to actually see the cash leave your wallet (rather than just swiping your debit card) really makes you decide whether or not you truly need that item you’re about to buy. And if you only have a set amount for the month, you may decide to save it for a special night out. 
Consider using cash for your entertainment budget
11. Cancel & Consolidate
Take all of your utility bills and lay them out on the table. Evaluate each of them and decide if you can cancel any of your accounts, or at least, cut back.
Do you have the best cable package? Maybe consider purchasing a Netflix subscription (or something similar) instead for $8 / month.
When it comes to your cell phone bill, do you need that much data, talk-time, texts? For Wi-Fi, can you downgrade your plan to a slower speed (but one that will still stream shows)?
Can you cancel your landline at home? 
Is there a better car/life/health insurance plan you can be on? 
Could you switch to a gas water heater, rather than electric?
This is one of the top money-saving tips for those of you at home who are trying to save money. Bills seem to stack up and unless you contact your provider to either get a discount or cut back on the plan you’re currently on, you’ll continue to overspend on utilities each month. 
12. Cancel Your Gym Membership
This one is huge! So many people make “going to the gym” one of their New Year’s Resolutions, but, most people stop going after a couple of months.
Depending on which gym you go to, you’ll probably spend around $50 / month. And, when you sign up, oftentimes you’re locked into a year’s worth of payments.
Rather than shell out $600+ each year, start working out at home. 
There are endless FREE yoga and workout classes on YouTube and Skillshare. All you need is a mat and maybe a few weights.
Rather than joining the gym so you can run on a treadmill, go for an actual run, outside. Go hiking, walking, or cycling —mall of which are free ways to get exercise. 
Doing yoga at home rather than in a studio is a great way to save money
Another option is to join the local recreation center. They’re usually very affordable and you can utilize all of the amenities (swimming pool, squash courts, running tracks, etc.). Plus, many cities have parks with climbing walls, skateboard bowls, ice-skating rinks and running tracks that you can use for free. 
Get fit for free this year. 
13. Quit Your Habits
I’m not here to give any lectures, but if you are a smoker, vaper, gambler, or heavy drinker, it’s time to quit — or at the very least, cut back…way back. The cost of cigarettes varies depending on which state or province you live in, but on average, they are around $8 a pack.
If you smoke a pack every 2 days, that’s $1,460 that you’re literally burning away each year. 
The cost of alcohol is also very high. Either quit drinking, cut back, or purchase a cheaper brand of booze. You’ll be amazed at the amount of money you will save each month. Money that can be put towards a trip, or creating a better lifestyle for yourself. 
14. Give DIY Gifts
When you think about money saving tips, cutting back on gift-giving probably isn’t at the top. But, if you consider how many birthday, wedding, baby, anniversary, Christmas, or travel gifts you’ve purchased this year (and did the math), you’ll probably be surprised at how much you spent. 
Rather than purchasing presents for friends and family who are celebrating, make them something. A handmade gift is much more thoughtful anyway.
Check out Pinterest for some excellent DIY gift ideas. Or, better yet, give the gift of time. Spend time together doing an activity and create memories that will last much longer than that handbag you bought. 
15. Forgo Fees
This is a good one. When you’re out and need to hit up the ATM to get some cash, only go to the ATM at your bank. Each time you utilize another bank’s machine, you’ll pay a fee. Usually, it’s about $5 per withdrawal.
When you use your credit card, make sure you pay off the balance, or at the very least, the minimum amount due, or interest (at a high rate) will start accruing.
If you pay your bills late, there will be a penalty added.
If you have a chequing account with a monthly fee that’s waived if you keep “x” amount of dollars in the account, make sure you don’t go below that amount. 
All of these little fees, penalties, and interest costs can really add up over a month. If you do miss a payment, or you accidentally dip below the required amount of cash in your account, contact your bank or service provider and ask them to (please) remove the fee. They usually will. 
16. Bonus! Order Groceries Online
Going into the grocery store can be a pain. Not to mention, once you’re there, there are tempting items to buy — especially near the check-out counter.
These days, it’s definitely becoming more mainstream to simply purchase your groceries online and have them delivered to your door. 
Not only will you save money due to impulse purchases, and on gas for your car, but ordering online is usually much cheaper than buying in-store — especially for health foods. Compare prices of items like almond butter, coconut oil, hemp hearts, nuts, beans, canned fish, etc. on websites like Amazon before going into the grocery store. 
Save even more money by signing up for Thrive Market. This platform is the Whole Foods for people who aren’t rich! Organic, non-GMO, healthy foods are available at a fraction of the cost, delivered right to your house. You can even order frozen meats and seafood, and as a bonus, shipping on items over $49 is free. Click here for details. 
Finally, another company which is located in both the United States and Canada is Instacart. Basically, you log-in to an app and order your groceries from the local supermarket. Personal shoppers will then collect the items on your list and you either pick them up at the store or have them delivered to you.
Same day delivery is possible, even within 1 hour. You can purchase 1 month or 1-year memberships and enjoy unlimited deliveries. Exclusive discounts are available for Instacart members. Click here for details. 
Your time is valuable. Save time and money and consider ordering online. This is one of the best ways to save money on groceries.
Did These Money-Saving Tips Help?
I hope that the above 16 money-saving ideas gave you some new and useful ways to keep more money in your pocket this year. When you’re saving for a trip, wanting to work for yourself, or simply need to pay down some debt, every penny counts. 
My final tip is to make a realistic goal for yourself, one that will allow you to still enjoy your life while putting money away.
If you have a whiteboard, write down how much money you want in your savings account at the end of the year. Focus on that amount, and utilize the above steps to help you realize your money-saving goal.
As always, please feel free to comment down below with your best money-saving tips, or email us with comments and suggestions. 
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  The post 15 Simple Money Saving Tips Anyone Can Use appeared first on Goats On The Road.
15 Simple Money Saving Tips Anyone Can Use published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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jessicakehoe · 5 years ago
13 Great Grooming Essentials You Can Still Get Dad for Father’s Day
With Father’s Day only a few shopping days away, crunch time to find the dudes in your life the perfect “ I appreciate you” gift is now. Most men have a grooming routine in some shape or form, so we’ve rounded up some awesome bathroom essentials that are sure to make him smile. From beard must-haves to haircare heroes, click through our gallery below to discover 13 grooming gifts to spoil Dad with this Father’s Day.
Sensitive Skin Gift Set
($36, CW Beggs and Sons)
If dad has sensitive skin, consider this set. Recognized by the Canadian Dermatology Association, this skincare set from CW Beggs and Sons includes a full-size moisturizer, face wash and shaving foam, and the gentle formulas act as a protective veil against external aggressors, meaning prevention from redness, irritation and dryness.
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Gents Energising Skincare Kit
($24, The Body Shop)
Made with invigorating guarana plant and coffee bean extracts, this moisturizer and face cleanser duo will help jump-start his day each morning.
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Hemp Hair & Scalp 5-in-1
($6.99, dippity-do MEN)
Spiked with a nourishing blend of oils (think: hemp seed, argan and olive oils), plus shea butter, this multi-tasker doubles as a hair and body wash to help simplify his routine.
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CK Everyone
($65 for 50ml, Calvin Klein )
This gender-bending fragrance, with a blend of orange, essential oil, tea, neroli and patchouli, is one that dad can easily share.
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Shaving & Cleansing Foam with Black Yeast
($15, Forest for Men at Innisfree )
If dad is all about multipurpose products that save him time and money, this skin-protecting black yeast formula doubles as shaving cream and cleansing foam.
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Apothecanna Extra Strength Body Cream
($40, 48North)
Back tight? Knees sore? If dad has been dealing with muscle soreness under stay-at-home orders, this pain-relieving, cannabis-infused body moisturizer will help to soothe those areas.
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FX Skeleton Metal Trimmer
($340, BaBylissPRO )
A shapely, well-groomed beard requires a well made, at-home trimmer. “If you really want to get boujie, this one is probably the best on the market,” shared Matty Conrad, award-winning barber and founder of B.C. -based Victory Barber & Brand, in a recent interview with FASHION. “Plus, it sits nice on your counter and makes you look like you’re serious about your beard.”
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Maracuja Oil & Shea Butter Beard Wash
($12, Shea Moisture Men)
Attention: A good beard wash — and not a bar of regular soap, which can be super drying — is an essential for men with beards. This one contains a moisturizing mix of maracuja oil and shea butter to keep dad’s face follicles nourished while also keeping his skin underneath smooth and hydrated. Bonus: It also deep cleans beards of dirt, flakes and odors.
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Universal Conditioner Bar
($13.95, UpFront Cosmetics)
If dad is very mindful of reducing his environmental footprint, this innovative and locally made conditioner bar (Upfront Cosmetics also makes shampoo bars) replaces up to three bottles of packaged alternatives.
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Dirty Beard Oil
($8.95, Lush)
Another greener alternative to the norm? This packaging-free beard oil is made with moisturizing butters and calming lavender and cedarwood oils.
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The Gent After-Shave Balm
($19, Sebastian SEB MAN )
If a close shave is his game, this after-shave balm with help cool and calm skin, all while leaving behind a fresh scented trail of bergamot and pink pepper.
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Crème for Style
($47, Oribe)
From relaxed pompadours with a side part to hair that’s completely swept back, this hair styling cream has dad’s ever-evolving hairstyle game covered thanks to its moisturizing, flexible hold.
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Gucci Guilty Eau de Parfum Pour Homme (90 ml)
($144, GUCCI at Sephora)
Excite the cologne wearer with a unique fragrance bouquet of rose, hot chili pepper, and cedarwood.
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The post 13 Great Grooming Essentials You Can Still Get Dad for Father’s Day appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
13 Great Grooming Essentials You Can Still Get Dad for Father’s Day published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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thehungrykat1 · 8 years ago
Novotel Manila Welcomes Summer With Opening of Ice N Cream (Part 2)
Summers in the Philippines are excruciatingly hot. They say that you can even fry an egg outside just by placing it on a hot concrete floor, and I totally believe that. So what’s the best way to cool and refresh ourselves during these sizzling summer months? Let’s have ice cream! Novotel Manila Araneta Center has the perfect solution to our problems as they open the newest and hippest ice cream parlor in the city, Ice N Cream by Novotel. The Hungry Kat was invited to the media launch of Ice N Cream last April 11, just two days after I had checked out from my summer staycation at Novotel Manila. It was great to be back at my new secret hideaway in Cubao and try all these fantastic ice cream flavors. 
But before that, let’s get back to my overnight staycation at Novotel Manila (read part 1 here) where I found another way to beat the summer heat. Their Swimming Pool is located on the sixth floor and is open from 6:00am to 7:00pm. I did not imagine this hidden tropical oasis sitting right here inside the busy Araneta Center, so it was so refreshing to get my feet wet and take a dip inside their lovely pool.
Families will definitely enjoy bringing their kids to the swimming pool for a morning or afternoon of fun and bonding. They can also learn essential swimming skills this summer through the Bert Lozada Swim School from March 29 to June 19, 2017. Kids and even adults can have sessions of learning and fun before the school season starts again.
I wanted to avoid the crowds so I decided to hit the swimming pool early in the morning after I woke up from my relaxing slumber. My massage service at In Balance Spa last night was really effective and it was so tempting to just lie in bed all morning, but I also wanted to take a quick swim.
Just beside the pool is the 6th Pool Bar and Lounge. This is a casual pool bar by day but it transforms into the trendiest outdoor club at night. Guests can groove to the beats of the resident DJ and experience a pool party during weekends and special events.
I just love having the pool all to myself which is why I usually wake up very early to catch this serenity. After a few laps around the pool, my tummy was already telling me that it was time to head down to Food Exchange for a yummy breakfast buffet. 
Food Exchange Manila offers its breakfast buffet from 6:30am to 10:30am. Guests at the Club floors can actually have their breakfast either here or at the more private Premier Lounge, but I always like the wider selection at the hotel cafe so this is where I usually have breakfast first. I did have an indulgent dinner last night so I really needed their Juice of the Day to keep my appetite healthy.
A wide selection of breads and pastries are available like the Ube Ensaymada which is a highly recommended item. Early risers can also get as much Puto Bumbong as they want as well as crepes, salads, fruits and more.
They also offer a good range of hot dishes like the Homemade Corned Beef which is a thicker and meatier version of those canned items. The Canadian Bacon was also a popular dish with its low fat bacon. I had some fried eggs prepared which I placed on top of my garlic rice and that was all I needed. Noodles and even pizza are also on hand with several juices and beverages to choose from.
After my breakfast at Food Exchange, I went up to the Premier Lounge to check out the breakfast setup there. The lounge is a better venue for those who want a quiet and more private breakfast experience. While the selection may be smaller, you get a much better view of the city. As expected, I could not help myself from having a second breakfast so I ordered a cup of hot chocolate and helped myself with a plate from the buffet table. That is how The Hungry Kat enjoys breakfast.
The best thing about staying at the Executive Room is that you can request for late check out as long as it is available. My check out was scheduled at 4:00pm so that gave me even more time to explore the hotel facilities. The one area that really impressed me at the hotel is their expansive bridal garden and tent called the Versailles Garden. This 2,500-square meter outdoor events venue can be found at the back of the swimming pool area and offers a spectacular place for weddings and celebrations. Many special occasions have been held at this venue which gives its guests an exclusive and enchanting area.
Would you believe that this picturesque garden paradise can be found right inside Cubao? I would have never thought that a place like this even existed here at the Araneta Center but Novotel Manila has definitely transformed the way we see this busy commercial district.
Novotel Manila is even taking it one step further this summer with outdoor movie screenings and garden picnics at the Versailles Garden all weekends of April starting April 15. Take a break and bond with family and friends while watching exciting movies at this outdoor oasis.
Another reason to visit Novotel Manila Araneta Center is the newly opened Ice N Cream by Novotel located at the lobby floor just beside Food Exchange Manila. The newest ice cream destination started scooping to the public yesterday, April 16, 2017 and gives everyone the coolest and sweetest reasons to beat the smoldering summer heat.
This hip ice cream parlor is not just for hotel guests but for anyone who wants to get out from the heat and enjoy their fun and creative ice cream flavors. There are around 30 different and unique ice cream flavors to choose from which you can enjoy on a cup or cone starting at only P100 per scoop. I think that’s much better than going to those crowded coffee shop for a cup of coffee that is twice as expensive.
Novotel’s ice cream are made from premium local and imported ingredients from Germany and France. These are all homemade and gluten-free, with less sugar and absolutely no stabilizers, resulting in a very creamy texture with high quality and consistency. Some of these flavors, like the Purple Dream with ube and langka, are found at the dessert section of Food Exchange Manila but diners loved these so much that Novotel decided to set up their own ice cream store.
Ice N Cream by Novotel showcases many creative and yummy flavors like Cocoyeah, creamy coconut milk mixed with slivers of young coconut meat; Breezy Berry, a mélange of berries married with the cool breeze of mint; or Sugar-Free options like Oh Honey Honey, local lime zing blended with Tagaytay honey. 
Other Philippine flavors are also highlighted like the Leche De Almond with its velvety leche flan crowned with crunchy Almond Florentine. The Passionista, on the other hand, has a pleasantly sweet and tart silky passionfruit goodness.
Ice N Cream by Novotel also offers classic flavors with catchy names such as Oui Vanilla, Choco Goes Nuts, It Match-a Been Love, and Wake Me Up Before You Go Go which has rich notes of coffee with real coffee bean crunch. They even have alcoholic ice cream flavors like Kirsche Me, a black forest ice cream with high quality couverture chocolate and sponge infused with fruity Kirsch brandy. Or try the Papa Don Preach with plump, juicy raisins enhanced with a kick of warmth from rum. All these exciting flavors are sure to keep ice cream fanatics coming back for more.
During the media launch last week, I was privileged to be one of the first to sample their myriad of delicious flavors. I ordered two scoops of ice cream on a cone with Choco Goes Nuts and Oui Vanilla flavors. I was really surprised with the creaminess of the ice cream which are almost similar to other imported ice cream brands. Novotel Manila takes pride in their homemade ice cream flavors and I can attest to the quality of their creations.
Guests can also choose to have their ice cream inside a cup for the same affordable price. You can also add toppings to your ice cream to personalize your treat.
Aside from the yummy ice cream offerings, Ice N Cream by Novotel also features freshly made pastries and baked favorites like Buko Pandan Layer Cake, Coconut Cheesecake, Chocolate Praline Cake, Croissant, Danish breads, Double Chocolate Chip cookies and much more. They also offer milkshakes and Carmen’s Best ice cream flavors for even more variety.
One ice cream monstrosity that is available at the Gourmet Bar by Novotel is the 15-scoop Le Mont Gourmand which is now also available at Ice N Cream. Media guests were invited to participate in a fun ice cream challenge to design and create their own bowl of Le Mont Gourmand. 
We had all these toppings, syrups and sauces at our disposal to create the best and most creative bowl of Le Mont Gourmand ice cream. It was not as easy as I thought because this bowl is huge! We also had to act quickly because the ice cream was melting fast.
Here it is! Presenting our own Le Mont Gourmand. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to win the top prize but we did have fun sharing and devouring this colorful bowl of ice cream.
Here’s another great treat from Novotel Manila. From April 16 to 29, 2017, Ice N Cream by Novotel will be having a Buy 1 Take 1 offer for the purchase of one scoop of any ice cream flavor (diner pays for the higher priced ice cream flavor). What’s more, if you are social media savvy and aspiring “IT” girls and guys, you can join the search for the Novotel iScreamers: The Ice N Cream Dream Team. Simply follow Novotel Manila’s Facebook page and look for their Ice N Cream contest video (here’s the link). Share on the comments why you should be part of Novotel iScreamers and take your shot to be part of the lucky five to win exciting prizes such as a year’s supply of ice cream at Ice N Cream by Novotel, one overnight stay in an Executive Suite with breakfast and Premier Lounge access similar to my summer staycation, exclusive passes to product tasting, events and new flavor launches, plus a meet and greet with the Bb. Pilipinas Candidates on April 28, 2017 during the Ice N Cream grand launching! Check out the full contest details here.
I never thought that I would enjoy having a staycation at Cubao, but everything during my stay at Novotel Manila Araneta Center has been magical. It has been a while since I last stayed in the Cubao district, but Novotel Manila has truly transformed the way I see Araneta Center and I’m sure this is the case for other travelers as well. Other higher priced luxury hotels may be more popular in Makati or at Roxas Boulevard, but Novotel Manila is now my favorite secret hideaway this side of the city.
Novotel Manila Araneta Center
Gen. Aguinaldo Avenue, Araneta Center, Cubao, Quezon City
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jessicakehoe · 5 years ago
Brighten Up Your Mom’s At-Home Experience With These 15 Gift Ideas
Just like the rest of us, your mom is spending a lot of time at home these days. So why not help make all those hours spent indoors a little bit easier? This Mother’s Day, spice up her daily coffee or tea ritual with gifts for the home that are both design-forward and functional; gift her a soft throw or a scented candle with fancy matches to make her evenings a bit cozier; or send her a pasta making kit and internet-famous cookbook to reinvigorate her dinner plans. Click through the gallery for 15 Mother’s Day gifts, all from Canadian makers or online vendors, sure to bring some cheer to her home routine.
And for beauty-focused gifting ideas, click here.
Gift Guide
Folded vase
($145, Amanda Betz at Espace D)
Combining the art of origami with ceramics, these vases are made of matte porcelain and folded to resemble the texture and porosity of paper. Colour options include taupe, white and carbon.
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Gift Guide
Serving platter
($110, Cylinder Studio)
This emerald green platter is made at a contemporary ceramics studio in Prince Edward County, Ont., that specializes in high-fire porcelain and stoneware.
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Gift Guide
Gustav Klimt puzzle
($25, Art Gallery of Ontario)
We’re all in need of activities these days. Send her a 1000-piece puzzle modelled after one of Gustav Klimt’s most famous works, Portrait Of Adele Bloch-Bauer I.
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Gift Guide
Speckled stoneware teapot
($140, Dahlhaus Art at Rose City Goods)
Wheel-thrown and glazed by hand in Vancouver, the teapot is influenced by mid-century modern design. In cheery yellow and white, it’s sure to perk up any teatime ritual.
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Gift Guide
Nocte Lamp
($220, And Jacob at Merchant of York)
The base of this lamp is carved from one solid piece of marble, and is handmade by artisans in Mexico. Inlaid into the marble is a brass accent that also serves as the switch.
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Gift Guide
Nothing Fancy
($42.50, Alison Roman)
Recipes from this book by Alison Roman, a New York Times columnist and Bon Appetit contributor, have become an internet sensation. Perhaps your mom might like to experiment with a viral recipe or two while in quarantine.
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Gift Guide
Palo Santo Ritual Kit
($35, Espace Pepin)
This kit contains two palo Santo sticks, sustainably harvested from the fallen branches of Ecuadorian trees, seasonal flowers, and a porcelain smudge plate made by a local ceramicist in Montreal.
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Gift Guide
Herbal powders
($18, The New New Age)
Get her a selection of superfood powders from this medicinal herb farm and nature sanctuary located in the Otter River Valley of Southwestern Ontario. Options include Golden Milk, a blend of organic turmeric, black pepper and ginger, and Lion Power Potion (maca, lion’s mane mushroom, ginger, cardamom).
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Gift Guide
Wheel and Stamp Kit
($70, La Bottega di Terroni)
This pasta kit from one of Toronto’s most beloved Italian restaurants contains a ravioli stamp and pastawheel in copper, Spaccio Manitaly Flour and Terroni Pomodori Pelati.
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Gift Guide
Leather toiletry bag
($335, Want Les Essentiels)
She may not be travelling anytime soon but this sleek toiletry bag made of French leather will up her style game for when she finally can.
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Gift Guide
French press
($160, Yield at Old Faithful Shop)
Help up her morning coffee routine with this ceramic French press in an eye-catching shade of dusty rose.
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Gift Guide
Fireplace matches
($60, Fredericks & Mae at Easy Tiger)
These cheery rainbow matches come in a cork-topped glass tube with a strike pad on the bottom. Make it a complete gift by adding a scented candle (on the next slide).
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Gift Guide
Penny candle
($48, Lohn)
This special Mother’s Day Exclusive candle is reminiscent of a sweetened earl grey with honey, rose and bergamot. Plus, $2 of every candle sold will be donated to support women and children at Nellie’s Shelter in Toronto.
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Gift Guide
($128, V de V Maison)
Get her a cosy throw to make all the hours she’s spending at home a little bit more comfortable. This one is made of lambswool and cotton, and comes in a soothing pale grey hue.
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Gift Guide
Greeting card
($7.95, The Latest Scoop)
Add a cheeky Mother’s Day card to your gift to bring a smile to her day.
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The post Brighten Up Your Mom’s At-Home Experience With These 15 Gift Ideas appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Brighten Up Your Mom’s At-Home Experience With These 15 Gift Ideas published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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