#so I asked someone for what they did on the RLLLY long ones bc my computer j couldn't take it
bbibbirose · 6 months
I have never met a more considerate person who's given me answers for a hw assignment
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danifics18 · 4 years
↪ NCT Dream as Cat Hybrids  ↩
Warnings : None Rated: Fluff
A/N: This is my first post, from my o.g. writing blog, I hope everyone enjoys it! 
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Available Under the Cut
If he were a full cat, he would be a Tuxido cat- but he’s not a full cat, so the only fur that is visible are on his (slightly larger than most) ears and slim tail.
Both of his ears are black, and his tail is black with white dots scattered.
Looks up to his elder cat friends- especially Johnny but don’t let Ten hear that
Highly stressed bc he wants to act like a kitten still but he also wants to be an adult™️ :(
Once tried to shove his tail in Haechan’s mouth bc he was being … well Haechan was being Haechan … and got his tail bit
A pretty tamed dude
But he does get really excited
But he’s also super shy around strangers
He’s also the scariest one out of the younger ones, well when he’s mad anyways
Markhyuck 2k17 summer fight, anyone?
Once he’s calmed down, he does go right back to being really laid back tho
You can usually find him catching some Z’s in front of a window where he sunbathes
Tbh if you try to annoy him with asking stereotypical questions about Canada, he’ll hiss at you and then walk off sulking probably to go tell Johnny
Likes to hide the fact that he LOVES his ears being scratched
He does tons to help out both the younger ones, and the older ones, so he’s a stressed out kitty
Renjun :
He’s a fluffy gray boy
Gray little ears with a bit of tuft at the ends and the FLUFFIEST tail
Definitely a cutie
Tries extra hard to take care of the younger boys
Has to remind Chenle to retract his claws still
Gave up on trying to teach Jisung how to retract his claws so that’s Taeyong’s job now
Likes to cuddle with chinaline when he misses home
Used to ask you to cook authentic Chinese food but you would worry too much bc “Can hybrids even eat normal food?? Do you guys have special diets?? I don’t want you guys getting sick!!” So he goes to ask Kun to cook instead.
A blushing boy when you compliment him.
Please help this boy with his tail!! It’s so fluffy and it’s a lot for even him to handle!
The sweetest™️
One time you had a really bad backache and you rllly wanted a massage, so what does this boy do?
You know how cats do that kneading thing on blankets, or anything soft?
Well he was doing that to your back
You thought it was weird, bc he was using his claws, but it felt v nice(?)
After his baths he usually asks you to help comb out his tail while he combs his hair to get out any extra tangles
He is also the reason why no one lets their tails air dry- they have to be dried via blowdryer, since his tail will literally take most of the day to dry on its own
A much lighter gray than Renjun- almost a white color fur
Has black stripes on the bottom of his tail
Haechan calls him a gray honey bee bc of his tail
It took him a while to get used to you
Like for the longest time you thought he hated you, bc he would walk into a room, look at you, and then leave
Wouldn’t really talk to you either, just the basic “hello” and “thank you”
He didn’t hate you
He just didn’t know how to approach you
At first he kind of sized you up, bc you’re a stranger, but after that he was just a shy boi
The times that he walked into a room, stared at you, and then walked out? He was thinking of a way to talk to you- but again, he’s a shy one
He rlly liked how ultra kind you are, so he does tiny things around the house to make your day so much better and easier.
Even if it means tricking chenle and jisung into taking actual baths ( those poor boys don’t care for water yet )
He finally gave up on trying to approach you, so he did what most cats do.
He plopped his head on your lap, and nudged his head towards your hand, until you got the hint to scratch his ears.
After that he started to talk to you a lot more
And now he’s super talkative
He likes sunbathing with mark
Tried to teach you how to climb a tree once
But quickly decided that was a bad idea after you fell off a low branch.
He forgot you don’t have those cat instincts.
He will purposely do something rlly dumb so Haechan will stop roasting you, and roast him instead
This boy is a blessing
Haechan :
An orange boy
Just a lot of orange fur going on
Has definitely tried to dye his fur purple one time
But the color didn’t rlly last long
So he sticks to just dying the human hair in his head
Had you make tiny little shower caps for his ears- and all the boys demand little ear shower caps now
He only accepts warm food
Doesn’t rlly like bathes- but Yuta threatened that if he didn’t take a bath, that he would assist you in giving him a bath.
So Haechan quickly decided he didn’t mind bathes anymore
Haechan likes to give you trouble
Not bc he’s a rude cat
But he feels like it makes you guys closer
And you don’t seem to mind
He accidentally wakes people up at night bc sometimes he’ll just start singing at the top of his lungs
Which he’s a good singer ( we all know that )
But Haechan, it’s 3am, go to bed!
You like watching him dance
One time he was dancing, and his tail was swaying so much that Jisung attacked it.
Bit Mark’s tail
His partner in crime is Jaemin
They set up a lot of pranks around the house
One time they put a bucket of ice water on top of a door, and waited for someone to walk through that door.
It was Doyoung, going in there to collect dirty clothes.
Well, long story short, the boys did their own laundry for a good month and a half- and they also hid from Doyoung for about a week.
Likes to set up movie nights and living room sleepovers so he has the excuse to cuddle with everyone.
Definitely a handful, but he’s worth it.
a calico
from what you know he is a sweet boy
kind of devious at times
pretty accident prone
partners in crime with Haechan
still can’t look Doyoung in the eyes
extremely talkative
highkey reminds you of a brother
he has no problem with using aeygo to get stuff ( esp food and video games )
tried teaching you how to play video games once, but gave up v quickly after you wouldn’t stop asking so many questions about “why does this character have blue hair? is it hereditary?” Jaemin doesn’t question why his games have certain features
highkey loves pancakes
v scared of storms
one night he scared you by crawling into bed with you, just after you got done watching a scary movie on your phone
he likes talking about the world’s wonders with you
if you can’t find him in his room or with one of the other dreamies, he’s probably in the forest on a scavenger hunt
if he weren’t a hybrid, you’d think he was a forest elf
a white boi with a white fluffy tail
highkey does not like water
gets mad at jeno for tricking him into a bath
a ball of energy
Night singer # 2
once had a singing battle with Haechan over who could sing the highest notes
the neighbors ended up calling the cops bc they thought someone, more like something, got hurt
it was awkward having to explain to the cops at 4 am, in your pj’s, that there was no one hurt, just two boys who don’t know what sleeping at a normal time was
thankfully you only got a warning, but you definitely made sure to give those two boys an earful, and extra chores for a month.
although they both have a room, him and Jisung both fight over who gets to sleep with you.
usually Jisung sleeps on the side of you and Chenle sleeps on top of you
you are the bed
But come morning, we all know that it’s one dog/cat pile on you
sometimes the other dreamies + hyungs will join in, until Taeyoung straightens them out, that is
he still needs to be reminded to retract his claws, or he’ll get stuck to everything!
over all needs a lot of guidance still
and he appreciates you a ton!!
has reddish brown fur
the youngest
still pretty clingy
but pretty wise
hates bathes
hasn’t fully learnt how to retract his claws yet
he might act like a little shit, but he loves and appreciates everyone so much
such an agile boy
spends a lot of time with Ten learning how to dance better, and learning neat little tricks
loves climbing trees with Jeno
spends a lot of time with Haechan and Jaemin playing video games
his bed is actually used for his stuffed animals that partially why he sleeps with you
he just also really likes the company
he really likes the snow, and the way it cronches when you walk on it
he feels super bad when he accidentally scratches someone
one time you had to help him put his shirt on correctly for school bc all the other boys had already left for school, or just to do what ever it is that hybrids do, and he couldn’t retract his claws, and got his claws stuck in his shirt
he got super embarrassed, but you were fine, you reassured him that it happens, and told him that Taeil will do that sometimes
and he was shook bc Taeil?? The oldest still gets his claws stuck in his clothes?
it made him feel 10000x better
but do know that he teased Taeil a tiny bit, but Taeil let him, bc he didn’t mind getting teased if it made Jisung feel better.
wow a truly loving family <3
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danishippingco · 6 years
Nct Dream as CatBoys
Warnings : None Rated: Fluff
A/N: This is my first post, I hope everyone enjoys it! If you want more stuff like this, then submit via ask. This is part one with Mark, Renjun, Jeno, and Haechan. Part two is coming soon!
If he were a full cat, he would be a Tuxido cat- but he’s not a full cat, so the only fur that is visible are on his (slightly larger than most) ears and slim tail.
Both of his ears are black, and his tail is black with white dots scattered.
Looks up to his elder catboy friends- especially Johnny but don’t let Ten hear that
Highly stressed bc he wants to act like a kitten still but he also wants to be an adult™️ :(
Once tried to shove his tail in Haechan’s mouth bc he was being... well Haechan was being Haechan... and got his tail bit
A pretty tamed dude
But he does get really excited
But he’s also super shy around strangers
He’s also the scariest one out of the younger ones, well when he’s mad anyways
Markhyuck 2k17 summer fight, anyone?
Once he’s calmed down, he does go right back to being really laid back tho
You can usually find him catching some Z’s in front of a window where he sunbathes
Tbh if you try to annoy him with asking stereotypical questions about Canada, he’ll hiss at you and then walk off sulking probably to go tell Johnny
Likes to hide the fact that he LOVES his ears being scratched
He does tons to help out both the younger ones, and the older ones, so he’s a stressed out kitty
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Renjun :
He’s a fluffy gray boy
Gray little ears with a bit of tuft at the ends and the FLUFFIEST tail
Definitely a cutie
Tries extra hard to take care of the younger boys
Has to remind Chenle to retract his claws still
Gave up on trying to teach Jisung how to retract his claws so that’s Taeyong’s job now
Likes to cuddle with chinaline catboys when he misses home
Used to ask you to cook authentic Chinese food but you would worry too much bc “Can hybrids even eat normal food?? Do you guys have special diets?? I don’t want you guys getting sick!!” So he goes to ask Kun to cook instead.
A blushing boy when you compliment him.
Please help this boy with his tail!! It’s so fluffy and it’s a lot for even him to handle!
The sweetest™️
One time you had a really bad backache and you rllly wanted a massage, so what does this boy do?
You know how cats do that kneading thing on blankets, or anything soft?
Well he was doing that to your back
You thought it was weird, bc he was using his claws, but it felt v nice(?)
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A much lighter gray than Renjun- almost a white color fur
Has black stripes on the bottom of his tail
Haechan calls him a gray honey bee bc of his tail
It took him a while to get used to you
Like for the longest time you thought he hated you, bc he would walk into a room, look at you, and then leave
Wouldn’t really talk to you either, just the basic “hello” and “thank you”
He didn’t hate you
He just didn’t know how to approach you
At first he kind of sized you up, bc you’re a stranger, but after that he was just a shy boi
The times that he walked into a room, stared at you, and then walked out? He was thinking of a way to talk to you- but again, he’s a shy one
He rlly liked how ultra kind you are, so he does tiny things around the house to make your day so much better and easier.
Even if it means tricking chenle and jisung into taking actual baths ( those poor boys don’t care for water yet )
He finally gave up on trying to approach you, so he did what most cats do.
He plopped his head on your lap, and nudged his head towards your hand, until you got the hint to scratch his ears.
After that he started to talk to you a lot more
And now he’s super talkative
He likes sunbathing with mark
Tried to teach you how to climb a tree once
But quickly decided that was a bad idea after you fell off a low branch.
He forgot you don’t have those cat instincts.
He will purposely do something rlly dumb so Haechan will stop roasting you, and roast him instead
This boy is a blessing
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Haechan :
An orange boy
Just a lot of orange fur going on
Has definitely tried to dye his fur purple one time
But the color didn’t rlly last long
So he sticks to just dying the human hair in his head
Had you make tiny little shower caps for his ears- and all the boys demand little ear shower caps now
He only accepts warm food
Doesn’t rlly like bathes- but Yuta threatened that if he didn’t take a bath, that he would assist you in giving him a bath.
So Haechan quickly decided he didn’t mind bathes anymore
Haechan likes to give you trouble
Not bc he’s a rude cat
But he feels like it makes you guys closer
And you don’t seem to mind
He accidentally wakes people up at night bc sometimes he’ll just start singing at the top of his lungs
Which he’s a good singer ( we all know that )
But Haechan, it’s 3am, go to bed!
You like watching him dance
One time he was dancing, and his tail was swaying so much that Jisung attacked it.
Bit Mark’s tail
His partner in crime is Jaemin
They set up a lot of pranks around the house
One time they put a bucket of ice water on top of a door, and waited for someone to walk through that door.
It was Doyoung, going in there to collect dirty clothes.
Well, long story short, the boys did their own laundry for a good month and a half- and they also hid from Doyoung for about a week.
Likes to set up movie nights and living room sleepovers so he has the excuse to cuddle with everyone.
Definitely a handful, but he’s worth it.
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