#so I am being stupid by default atm
ramzawrites · 2 years
A different kind of self-hatred - 2k12!tmnt x rottmnt Reader crossover - Part 2
Part 1
Pairings: none
Characters included: 2k12!Leonardo, 2k12!Donatello, 2018!Raphael, 2018!Michelangelo
Warnings: mention of stabbing
Series: Another scene of my abandoned project
Summary: The group is hiding away what Y/N's alternate self is looking for to buy some time, so that Y/N might finally try to talk their other self out of their revenge quest
Word count: 2574
Authors Note: I am struggling a bit with writing atm and this idea is still in my head but I do not have the time but still... here is another potential scene that could have appeared in the fic if I took the time to work it all out and write it. It did help me though to start writing again after the holidays
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“Listen, I am not planning to take this weird artifact for me to use! No need to fight, let’s talk about this, please? You know I’m not a fighter like you.” Y/N pleaded with their doppelganger, or rather their alternate version of this universe the group has dubbed Dragon to make it easier.
Dragon would have none of it. Y/N wouldn’t be able to properly describe the feeling of seeing your exact face look at yourself with pure hate and anger. The shine of their red scales that laid along their jaw seemed to somehow enhance this emotion on their face. As if this should be their default, as if this was meant to be. Anger being their destiny ever since birth but what kind of sad existence would that be?
Didn’t help that whenever Y/N saw them they didn’t seem to show any other emotion.
Not that they could fault them for it. They were the last of their line and now they want to get this artifact to grow more powerful to enact vengeance on the human hunters but if they did so the chance of them unveiling the Hidden City to humans was too big. The group couldn’t just sit by when there was a very real chance that this could be followed by an even bigger problem that could end with even more pain and chaos.
This stupid amulet was apparently a family heirloom of Dragon that they could only use, which wouldn’t normally be a problem since they were the last of their line but then Y/N had to appear, and they couldn’t take the chance for them to be able to use it. Sure, they might not be a dragon yokai like them, but they were their alternate version, and this amulet seemed to very much recognize them as part of the family.
Honestly Y/N should have written up and signed their own will in that moment.
But this was also the proper proof that Dragon was their alternate self, which Y/N now tried to use to maybe try to talk to them, but Dragon didn’t want to listen. Y/N figured it must be because they knew very much what they were doing but just did not care for it, too far gone at this point. Too invested in their own twisted sense of justice and vengeance. There was this weird pang of fear and guilt in Y/N’s heart as they realized that. Wondering if this meant they would be also capable of something like that if they fell into the right situation. If this was something that was supposed to happen to them in their own universe, but it just hasn’t happened yet.
“Where did you put it?” Dragon’s steps were heavy as they stalked closer to Y/N. Their tail twitching about showing off how thin their patience was. Each word heavy and dipped in venom. Y/N was certain the only reason they weren’t choking them out yet was because they needed them to talk.
There was no way they could fight their way out of this situation. They could still hear the commotion of the others fighting the mercs that Dragon hired, meaning they needed to fight for time. That was all. Easy really. What better time to use their annoying attitude and big mouth, right?
Y/N gulped and squared their shoulders. They needed to look confident and convincing “You know I can’t tell you that.”
In a blink of an eye there was now a dagger pressed against Y/N’s throat making them take a step back only for them to collide with the cold wall.  The door was on the opposite side, and this was an almost empty room in this warehouse that Dragon must have used as an office or something judging by the scrolls laying on the dinky old table, meaning there was nothing they could grab as an improvised weapon.
No weapons, no way to flee. They had to trust in their usefulness for Dragon. Exactly! They needed to enhance their usefulness to ensure Dragon wouldn’t do something that would end with Y/N’s death. While Y/N might have qualms about hurting someone who looked eerily like them they were sure that Dragon didn’t share the same sentiment.
Y/N narrowed their eyes. Their eyes staring right into the identical ones of Dragon.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I’m the only one who knows where it is. Call it an insurance policy. Am not a fighter, so take that stupid knife away.”
Dragon sneered, shaking their left arm a bit which drew Y/N’s eyes to the limb. Oh, right. They did manage to return the favor of Dragon stabbing their hand by stabbing their arm.
“Come on. We both know that was luck. You were occupied by two people attacking you who each had two swords. It’s just you and me right now. Even if I’d punched you right now, I think I still would be the most hurt by cutting myself on your scales.”
Instead of letting go Dragon pushed the sharp edge closer to their throat, just enough that when Y/N gulped down again they could faintly feel it “Where is it?” They emphasized every word, their other hand gripping their shoulder in a painful grasp. Their claws digging through their shirt into their skin. Y/n was sure they were drawing blood.
“I’m not telling you shit before we make a deal.” Y/N managed to spit out even through their fear. They were positive Dragon could tell they were justly scared even though they tried their best to hide this fact. Then again maybe it would help them to sound more convincing, showing they were truly willing to bargain for their life, knowing they had no chance to get out of this otherwise.
Dragon chuckled darkly “A deal? You want to make a deal?”
Y/N just nodded, not daring to talk more, instead already thinking about how to formulate their next sentences. They at least had their attention.
“One, call your-“
“One? No, no. You can’t ask multiple things from me. Choose your next words wisely or I will find a different way to force the information out.” This was definitely not a threat but a promise. They increased their grip on their shoulder, making them finally wince in pain.
It was either ask them to leave their friends alone or ask them to make them promise that the humans will not learn about yokais and the Hidden City. The problem was even if they asked for the former the others would still interfere, rightly so, which would one hundred percent make Dragon have to act so this was for naught.
“If you really have to get vengeance, if you really have to go through this bullshit quest of yours-“
Now the blade was definitely touching their throat, but Y/N tried their best to ignore it.
“Then do it in a manner that won’t expose the yokai. You might not care for them or anyone, but this might end in more people going through what you did. If you have any empathy left in you, then at least make sure others won’t have to go through this. Or if it doesn’t help, please do it as a favor for another you. I will lead you to the amulet so you can turn into a dragon and wreak havoc on them as long as you do that.”
It genuinely surprised Y/N when Dragon didn’t immediately decline this or make a snide remark. Instead, they just narrowed their eyes, obviously thinking this proposition through. Their eyes boring into Y/N’s and they couldn’t believe it, but it didn’t seem to be seeped in complete hate. Maybe realization? Whatever it was, it gave Y/N hope.
“If it helps, this way the chances of my friends trying to hunt you down afterwards is really slim. Wouldn’t have to deal with that annoyance but if you do go through with-“
“Oh, shut up already.” Dragon groaned annoyed. If they weren’t threatening Y/N’s life right now they would have laughed at the sudden change of emotion.
Suddenly the pressure on their shoulder left and Dragon moved the silver dagger back into the sheath on their thigh.
Y/N’s eyes widened “Does that mean you-?”
“I agree to your terms. We are going now, while your stupid friends are preoccupied. If you are honest to me and don’t try to pull anything I might even let you live at the end of it all.”
To caught up in the euphoria of apparently being able to get through to their twisted alternate self, Y/N totally forgot what this would mean. Ah shucks, they will have to follow them and actually lead them to the amulet. God, they hoped the others would be faster and know what might have happened.
“Alright. I get it. Watched enough movies to know how this can go. No backstabbing.”
No, they weren’t planning on backstabbing them. They just put all of their trust into their friends.
Dragon suddenly pushed their open hand towards Y/N “Give me your phone and everything else they could track you by or message them with.”
Well, there goes that. Sure, it is obvious where they will be going but not able to send or receive messages could maybe be problematic.
Trying to gather some goodwill from Dragon, they didn’t even hesitate when they dropped their T-Phone in their hand. Their eyes practically bulged out of their head when Dragon crushed it between their claws and threw it on the ground. Oh great, as if they weren’t already intimidating enough. They also silently apologized to Donatello in their head as they stared at the pile of electronics on the ground.
Not giving Y/N proper time to grief over their broken phone, Dragon grabbed their arm and begun moving out of the room. The office was up towards the ceiling of the warehouse which meant that Y/N could see some of the yokai mercs fight a few of their friends. They would have yelled out towards them to catch their attention to show what was going on, that their original plan of them talking sense into their other self somewhat failed, but Dragon would have probably not appreciated it. So, once again they just hoped that someone caught on maybe.
Leonardo was always perceptive if anyone would see this happening it will probably be him.
Dragon let them out of an emergency door with them ending up on a fire escape. Without a warning Dragon picked them up and threw them over their shoulder. This way they began running along the roof, jumping to the next and the next.
Y/N’s stomach certainly didn’t like this but what choice did they have.
“Don’t you need my directions?”
“No, we will prepare. Your little friends will be very aware that is where we are going after all.”
They won’t argue with that. A chance to clash with their friends meant a chance to get out of this weird situation.
The mutants were certainly confused for a good moment when the mercs suddenly pulled away before Mikey brought up “You think Y/N actually got through to them?”
But Leonardo shook his head “I don’t know. It doesn’t feel like it. I think something might have happened. Let’s go and look for them. If we are lucky Y/N is still up there and Dragon has decided to look for the amulet on their own somehow.”
It was wishful thinking, obviously. Something must have happened but at lot could have happened. He just hoped Dragon didn’t do good on their countless threats towards their alternate self. Or maybe they found out where the other half of the group was running off to hide the amulet.
Leonardo had to admit it was a bit weird fighting while technically being two people short but also technically not. Sure, he had his version of Donatello on his side but fighting with Raph and Mikey was certainly different than with his own actual brothers. It still went surprisingly well.
If this all wasn’t serious, he would love to dissect their fighting styles.
Mikey practically threw himself into the old office room only to see nothing. Well not nothing but he expected at least one person. His expression immediately fell “Oh. That’s not good.”
Raph followed him inside taking a look around “Well, at least doesn’t look like there was a fight here.”
As soon as Donatello walked in, he spotted his phone broken on the ground “That’s- I think this is more of a kidnapping situation.”
He knelt down to take a look at the broken phone.
“You think they are okay?” Mikey looked up towards Raph who took a moment to nod.
“Well, it doesn’t seem like they fought. Maybe they came to some sort of agreement?”
Leonardo walked over to Donatello “Hey, can you tell the others what happened, we will take a quick sweep to see if we find any other clues.”
His brother just nodded, taking his own phone out to call the other group, walking out of the room. His brow ridge was pulled low in worry, probably a ton of theories and solutions to this problem already running through his head.
Leonardo took a look at all the scrolls on the table, art and stories depicting dragons, all probably somehow connected to the amulet. Maybe they were looking for a different way to find it? Or a different way to turn into a full dragon entirely?
“Knowing Y/N.” Leonardo spoke up towards Raph and Mikey who approached him “Even if they didn’t get fully through to them, I’m sure that Dragon took them because they found some use in them. Seeing how they know where we are hiding the amulet, they either are taking them to force the info out or got it and still took Y/N for some reason, maybe as a bargaining chip. Either way the chances of meeting Dragon at the hiding place is pretty high.”
Mikey clearly didn’t like the sound of that “So, we will just wait for them? Dragon could be doing all sorts of things to them!”
Leonardo looked up into the big, worried eyes of the alternate self of his baby brother. The two might be different here and there but both do share the same big heart “Let’s take a look around this building maybe we do find something that tells us where they went. I’m not saying we should give up on looking but if anything fails, I’m fairly certain that is where we will find them. We should probably regroup though and come up with a plan. Preferably with the others so we are already where the amulet is in case Dragon wants to move fast to get it.”
Raph laid his big hand softly on Mikey’s shoulder “That sounds like a good plan, right? I’m sure if we are all together, we might come up with something amazing all together to figure this out.”
And once again Leonardo had to admit it was a bit weird how there wasn’t immediate pushback from the rand banded turtle. He and the other Leo might be pretty different, but he was sure that the biggest difference was between Raphael and Raph.
Mikey nodded “Alright. Let’s take a look around and let’s ask if Leo can portal us then. The less time we waste the better.”
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hanighul · 2 years
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Bippity bobitty boop! *boops the boobs*
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hanabiira · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES (??)/ NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES (as a captain, by default she should be considered strong. Whether or not people take that seriously is another question lol) / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / She’s an oc. lol.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES (but only in my head lol) / NO 
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES ( again, as a captain, she ought to be known by at least name, whether people acknowledge that is another thing as she is an OC) / NO
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I’m a little bit of a stickler when it comes to following canon. I do it to the best of my ability and try not to bend the rules to much to the point where it may seem far fetched. As an OC, I’m inserting something made up and non-canon into something canon. For me, I want her to be as believable as possible. I want her to fit in with the rest of the characters and story without disrupting that original story too much. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  In canon, there’s no character quite like her in Bleach. Bleach has a surprising amount of rather diverse female characters, but I really liked the idea of having someone who was strong, at their top of the game but wielded an ability and set of skills that is classically “feminine”. Her love of flowers, gardening, and being soft and gentle doesn’t compromise her ability to lead or to fuck up your shit. She’s honed her skills so much she can turn the division into something of her own, much like Urahara did by turning the 12th into the research division (a specialization that remains even after his exile) and made a name for herself that is wholly unique. 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  People may find her interests boring or on the surface, her avenues of interaction repetitive. Maybe they can’t see their character interacting with a captain or someone from the soul society. Maybe they find her bubbly and friendly personality boring to interact with, because they prefer dramatic or angst driven story lines. 
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  I’ve had Miki for a long ass time. Her original inspiration is shallow and embarrassing, so I’m going to pretend not to acknowledge it and simply say that I really wanted a shinigami that had a flower based zanpakuto. Like literal flowers, not just the aesthetic of flowers (like Byakuya). 
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  The people that I rp with frankly! I love my gorl, but it’s the other people I really write with that help bring her to life in a certain way. Oh no. My answer is just “the friends we made along the way” lmao. 
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. (I’ve written quite a few over the years, the longer i go on the rarer they tend to get) 
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES  (I like them, but I haven’t written any in a long time!) / NO.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES-ISH / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  I’m always open to constructive criticism. I think without it, it’s hard to grow as an artist/writer (I’m leaving this thought of Lainey’s bc I agree lol). But its one thing to come and bash when you are only scraping the surface level of someone’s portrayal. Like, you can’t come to me and offer “criticism” if you haven’t bothered to read all the information that’s available to my character. As for my writing in genral, I welcome it. I’ve never professed to be a strong writer, I actually never really liked writing when it came to school, it is not a flowing talent for me like it is for others. I know sometimes I can get stuck in loops or sound repetitive. Sometimes I sit there and I know the feeling I want to portray but just can’t come up with the right words. So really, if you know of a way to shake that up, tell me! 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  Yes!! Though sometimes I feel brain dead and don’t know how to answer lol...but I do my best! 
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  I mean, unless it’s something that blatantly goes against something in canon, since she’s my own character no one can really say shit. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  — Tell them they can go if they don’t like it??  I understand that she will not be everyone’s cup of tea and can’t possibly hit everyone’s boxes with her but...if she doesn’t vibe with you I don’t need to hear it, you can just go and not interact with me, lol. 
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  Obviously, since she is a character of my own creation, I DO want people to like her. I also realize that not everyone is going to like her though, by virtue of people being people and her characterization. We all have preferences. If you really HATE HATE her I’d maybe like to know why..because that seems like a really strong emotion and naturally we are curious. If it’s like “I hate her bc you make titty jokes sometimes” then get outta here, lol 
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — Yeah, please, just fix it for me if its in a reblog. I’m pretty good with grammar but sometimes I just miss stuff and don’t catch it before it goes to post. Do me a solid. 
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I”d like to think I am very easy going, but I also subscribe to the stupid idea that no one actually wants to talk to me, so I tend to keep to myself a lot and I find it hard to get really friendly with new people. I have my handful of people that I know I can say anything to, but it’s taken a long time to get there. But seriously, I don’t bite. I am a nice person. But also, don’t just come up to me and be like “whats up” and then when I respond you’re just like “cool” and nothing else. Fuck outta here with that. 
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @elxfi​ Tagging: Do this if you have an OC haha
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hopeididntscareyou · 2 years
Im so pissed that people have the audacity to milk money from me. Im not rich. I was born poor and im still poor. I work my ass off 6 days a week for a reason it doesnt mean I have money to freely hand out to anyone in need. Just because im single doesnt mean i have money for you. I wish people would just stop fucking asking me for money. I'm tired of people taking advantage of my niceness. I dont know its just automatic thing to me being nice is something i never calculate or have to think over and its exactly why i hate it because i dont use my brain sometimes especially when people use shock value. And growing up ive seen this from my dad because my dad was the kind of man who always gave even he had nothing and he would give all he had and he actually feel good about it which is so damn stupid to me so ya maybe im not nice maybe im just a pushover. Now im just throwing away money i worked so hard for and im really am so fucking frustrated. People either always need me for these things:
1. They need me to loan them money
2. They need me to drive them somewhere
Im not Your fucking ATM nor your uber driver. Stop. just stop im so sick of this im sick of all you. Stop. I'm so fucking stressed out i have a lot of things going on in my life i need to take care of i dont have the resources to take even more problems that arent mine. Everybody is just using me this is why i hate people so much. I'm sick of helping people i dont care how bad your situation is, people act like theyre so helpless when they dont even know half of the shit im going through when im verge of suicide or either living in my car yet they have the audacity to "borrow" money from me to live their comfortable lives. I cant deal with this shit. Im so done with this. It makes me sick
That being said im just venting and I know the problem is me because I obviously have poor boundaries. The solution is to just say no, simple as that but i dont know there are just conversations when i just say things that i dont really mean because im just running like an autopilot with being nice on default and i would actually only think things over when its too late to change things and if i try it would only make things complicated and more stressful than the first scenario
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xellandria · 5 years
I switched to demon hunter when BfA came out because my guild needed to bring the 5% magic damage debuff and I was struggling to find a class/spec I actually enjoyed playing after they removed ranged survival and didn’t give any sort of second-best substitute.  It’s now been sixteen months and I’m beginning to get incredibly frustrated with my DH—I like her as an alt, but I feel incredibly constrained by her aesthetically because the pool of warglaive or warglaive-like appearances is so tiny (and isn’t likely to grow very much any time soon).  It’s dumb that that’s the kind of thing that can tilt me as hard as it’s been tilting me, but I’ve basically exhausted the appearance pool at this point.
Anyway I told my raid leader that I’d give him a concrete decision on what I was doing for 8.3 by the end of the year, which means I have to figure out what, if anything, I’m going to main switch to.  The big problem is that getting raid-ready at this point takes significantly more time and effort than it ought to at this point in the expansion, because there are no catch-up mechanics for the 8.2 Azerite Essences, and 8.3 isn’t actually going to help with that as far as I can tell (it’s lowering the rep requirement for two of the essences, but isn’t lowering the time or specialized currency requirements for most of the others).  Artifact knowledge helps with unlocking the slots and the 3% stamina bonuses and that’s in a good position, but unfortunately that means nothing when you’ve got nothing to put into those slots in the first place.
So I need to go through and figure out what I’m doing, and since I’m going in circles in my head about it I figured I ought to actually go long form on this MFer.  This is... going to be long, probably.  I don’t know if it’ll even help.  Let’s find out, I guess.
Shaman (elemental focus): + Hybrid (melee, ranged, healer) + One-spec hybrid (no expectation of having to know, gear up, and play both DPS specs the way a mage would) + Mentioned specifically as a thing we could use (ele) + Decent transmog pool (+KT heritage if race changed) - Still has a lot of baggage from when she was my main TBC-MoP - Resto not a fun or intuitive offspec - Condensed Life Force and Blood of the Enemy essentially required (multi-week raid + battlegrounds PvP) for ele - Turret caster (not my preferred playstyle)
Druid (all four specs viable to varying degrees): + Hybrid (melee, ranged, tank, healer) + Best possible offspecs (resto druid has a long history of being good to me in 5-man content, guardian makes sense and meshes well) + Long history and great library of fantastic transmog options with matchable weapons (both 1h and 2h) + Could also be a KT if I really wanted to give up shadowmeld (which is a v tall ask, but y’know) + Currently actually has my name on Skywall (no more having to stop and think before calling something out bc my character name isn’t the name I go by nonsense) - Balance is incredibly unintuitive to play and makes me feel real dumb real fast - Feral is also really not super great (and is melee, and severely limits mog options due to the way the legion artifact cat skins works) - We already have four in raid (one feral, two balance, one resto); would be very obvious very quickly that I’m the weakest link + Vision of Perfection isn’t as good as CLF for balance but only just barely and would at least be an acceptable stopgap while the incredibly long CLF acquisition period happened
Warlock: - Pure DPS (queues and group finder for catch-up, leveling, or maintenance going to be long with no option to play something less fun for less time investment) + Survivable in solo content (ty voidwalker) + Versatile(ish) playstyle with three specs to choose from - ... but that sort of implies that you have to know and play at least 2/3 (if not all 3) - Affliction is the ultimate multi-dot tracking spec and I’ve never found a good way to do that for me + Affliction is as mobile as casters get these days (and as close as you can get to ranged survival in the current game, fuck you blizzard) +/- Unexciting transmog options (but at least since I’ve never mained a clothie it’s all essentially new; on the flip side it also means I don’t own a lot of it already so I’d have to go out farming) - Wands are still A Thing™ - Destruction and Demonology are turret casters - CLF and Blood of the Enemy both incredibly strong (VoP is almost equal to CLF for destro)
Rogue: - Pure DPS - Not solo survivable at low gear levels (never played at high gear levels to know if that changes significantly) - Poisons (only a problem for assassination right now but they’re coming back in shadowlands bc blizzard is stupid so (: love that) - Transmog options limited by weapon type for 2/3 specs - Melee - Honestly why am I even putting them on the list I like Sylenna but I hate everything rogues stand for and would never want to main one lmao
Demon Hunter (havoc focus): + Hybrid (melee/tank) - Melee
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- Incredibly limited transmog options (exclusively due to personal brain stuff since they can actually use swords and axes and fist weapons, I just don’t want to.  Also because some of the DH looks look real bad with the dark skin tone my DH uses and I refuse to spend 300g to whitewash her) - RC Loot Council still thinks they can use daggers and it hurts my soul every time - New weapon mog requires multiple bonus rolls over several weeks due to literally nobody else in the raid being eligible for the drops (and praying that extensions don’t happen or you’ll get fucked like in Dazar’alor) + Vengeance is pretty okay in casual dungeon environments (even if it never feels like I have a button to press for emergencies) + Essences are not an issue (b/c she’s already put the time in)
Mage: - Pure DPS - Incredibly not-survivable in solo content at low item levels.  I have never once felt safe in open world content on my mages once they hit max level. - Sharing a class with Cider strikes me as incredibly dangerous to my sanity (since he’s so tryhard about his damage) +/- Unexciting transmog options + I do have the mage MoP CM armor tho! - Wands + Best class mount by leaps and bounds + Ranged + Fire/Frost at least have some mobility options + Being in control of AI and hero so we don’t have to call for them fifty times a pull sounds real nice (except when I want to be the one not paying attention)
Priest (shadow focus): + Hybrid (ranged/healer/healer) + Disc is the only non-druid healing spec I feel at least slightly comfortable in in casual dungeons (though not anything actually challenging) - Shadow is a multidot spec and multitarget multidot is hard to keep track of - Also we have two already (including the guild leader) +/- Unexciting transmog options (exacerbated by shadowform) - Wands + Ranged
Death Knight: + Hybrid (melee/melee/tank) - Melee +/- Unexciting transmog options + Blood doesn’t seem bad as far as tanking specs go - I haven’t touched Unholy since Wrath and supposedly its top dog atm - Let’s just skip over DK for now, honestly—it doesn’t bring anything to the Xella Table that warrior doesn’t also do (except blood > prot)
Warrior: + Hybrid (melee/melee/tank) + Brings a semi-unique buff (Battle Shout for when Irken isn’t around) - Melee +/- Unexciting transmog options + Capable of stealing almost everyone else’s weapon mog, tho—v exciting! - Naha will probably crack jokes about how bad a tank I am and/or how bad my DPS is if I main a warrior again, and regardless of whether it was true or is true, it will quietly tilt me off the face of the planet. - Would need a facelift; current look works fine for an alt but isn’t versatile enough for a main (would also benefit from a name change at the same time, honestly)
Hunter: - Pure DPS + Incredibly survivable in solo content at low item levels - Only has two specs (fuck you blizzard) + Great mog options, both for default look and enough variants to keep me satisfied + Also has quiver options in at least one spec - Not as mobile as it should be + Still more mobile than pretty much any other ranged + Sporey + Ranged + BOWS
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- (: - I’d probably tilt myself off the face of the planet within six months anyway, just bc I’d be constantly reminded that ranged survival doesn’t exist anymore which is why I’m playing the inferior spec(s). - Honestly I keep coming up with excuses not to go back to the hunter but I really don’t think it’d be good for me - But I really want to play her or my druid hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh
Paladin: + Hybrid (melee/tank/healer) + Good offspec (protadin used to be better but is still entertaining, holy is a mystery tho) - Melee + We don’t have one + Utility (blessings and whatnot) - Unintuitive “rotation” - Very expensive to main (don’t have a paladin on Skywall, only 120 paladin at all atm is Horde)
Monk: + Hybrid (melee/tank/healer) - Offspecs are both dodgy (ha, brewmaster pun) - Melee - WW isn’t especially fun to play +/- Brings a unique (de)buff, but we already have two monks in our roster so it’s less an issue of never sitting/never getting to sit than the DH is. - Very expensive to main (the other class I don’t have on Skywall atm)
0 notes
mal-dambra-blog · 7 years
I want to rant. So here, this happened today.
It was almost 10PM and I felt hungry. I never really had ‘dinner’ because you know, pushing yourself to understand whatever Newton spewed out to the world doesn’t take a minute or two- unless you’re some sort of physics prodigy. If so, get out. (I jest) Also, I had only one official ‘meal’ because I happened to drag myself out of my dorm late. Now that goes back to the first point: I was super hungry.
Like most level headed engineering students, I laid out my choices and narrowed down to the best one. You know, convergent and divergent thinking. It was nearing 10 PM on a Sunday, and there were currently five places in campus that were open- including the cafe on the first floor of the library where I am in. In other words, the most ‘efficient’ choice was NOT the Subway that was 10-15 minutes from my current position.
Ha. Ha.
Within a blink’s notice, I saw myself walking to get that Subway. I mean, I’m a curious noob who hasn’t had a subway sandwich in months. Plus, I could hand them my ID card and get anything. (School dining currency is great, I tell you.) I had no other substantial reason. Besides, I couldn’t really turn back at that time.
Anyways, I got my sandwich and was ready to head back, only to be interrupted by a plump elder in an electric wheelchair. She had been lingering around the entrance/exit area and was asking for help to whoever came out. Or that’s what I realized when I came out with my good ol’ sandwich. Apparently, she needed to go back home but had nothing but three dollars in her disposal because she was robbed. (People wtf.)
This emotional part of me wanted to help right away, because boy, I couldn’t handle her devastated and urgent expression. Because you know, that’s what stupidly kind people do… right?
I was nowhere near that level of altruism.
So I told her to fuck off and went back to the library. I had seen too many of these lying, money-hungry scums in my life. They literally harm you when you try to approach them. So why bother?
….. I was nowhere near that level of assholery, either.
Like most people in between, I could have simply said ‘can’t help’ and walked away. Well, that’s what people who got their sandwiches after me did.
Instead, I took a deep breath and reached for my wallet, although I knew my position. I was a university (noob) student with little to no physical cash. I’ve spent a substantial amount of paper money buying necessities to help me settle in my dorm and had never deposited cash from that point onwards. Who needs cash when you got your student ID card???
Hence, I could only give her my leftover coins. Fortunately enough, I wasn’t the type to effectively use my change because I was too lazy. To my surprise, however, I couldn’t find that many quarters. Bloody hell.
After giving her a heap of my coins, I headed back to the library. (She also gave me a sweet farewell, how kind of her.) While I was walking back, my mind was flooded with questions- the main one being, “Could she go back home?”
With the amount of money I gave her, she had enough to take one bus (she technically could take one bus by default) or two. Actually, not two. I realized I didn’t give her two dollars, and felt bad due to my minimal contribution. The best case scenario would be that her three stops would be in one bus route, though she wouldn’t have asked for any bus money if that was the case. So scratch that.
Best case scenario would be that the elder went home safely and uh… made best use of my money. It’s enough to buy a good night’s snack!
Worst case scenario: She doesn’t find her way home, or she was just scamming me just to get my pitiful heap of coins. (But for what? I’m not the richest uni student out there.) Then again, I wasn’t kidnapped or stabbed in the stomach, so I highly doubt that I was approached with terrible purposes.
What I didn’t do: call the university police. I regret that.
What my logical part tells me: It’s not my business anymore. Go finish the physics questions.
What my logical part actually congratulated me on doing: Playing slightly defensive during the encounter. (Bro, I can’t walk to the ATM at 10:30PM because of a stranger. As I said, I’m not that nice… and rash.)
What my logical part is doing: Murdering my emotional and stupid parts of my brain.
What the logical part is NOT doing: Helping me with my physics questions. NEVER solve physics questions with intuition, unless it’s something like “Are you going to die if a piano slams you at 100 km/s?’
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dnteverdoubtme · 8 years
💗 🐹 🌠 👀 ☀️ 💁 🌟 🐾 🎁 💙 😤 ✈️ ⚡️ 💛 💚 💎 🍀 🍰 🙀 💥 🎤 📚 😔 🐧 💫 👻 🎀 🎬
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?
Dominic Sherwood. Jace needs a hug plus he’s my favorite celebrity atm and looks like he gives good hugs, i’m just saying. 
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
Eevee, he is adorable on his own plus can turn into several other awesome looking pokemons; Cubone, his story makes me want to cry; Dragonite, for no particular reason, i just like him. Pichu for cuteness reasons and Beedrill cause i had this pokemon card game and Beedrill was my stronger card.  
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
a lot prettier since i’m a bit obsessed with symmetry. honestly i don’t think i’m a good person to rule the world, i’d have hard stances on many things, but i guess things would be better when it comes to human rights, there’d be no wars ( since i rule everything ) and a lot of tolerance so people can be who they really are as long as it doesn’t hurts anybody else, i’d legalize drugs, abortion, and shove a bunch of LGBT rights down people’s throats… idk, i want to say it’d be better because the current situation is shit, but i’d probably get a council to help me out cause this feels hard already. i don’t want to rule the world, just have the power to make stupid demands like ‘I request a Unicorn Day!’ and “Bring back Life as We Know It for a season 2!’ 
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
i rarely remember my dreams so there aren’t many, but the last i can recall was this weird thing where i was in a house somewhere in Europe and Min showed up and threw me a surprise party, and she spoke Portuguese. a lot of people started showing up, some bands i used to know and people i haven’t talked or though about in years.. i’m pretty sure the party ended up in a fight. 
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friends?
Heelary can always put things into perspective for me, help me stop, analyse a situation and see what i can actually do instead of just freaking out and crying. Fee thinks i’m this incredible person capable of anything and she helps me believe in myself. Ana likes the same things i do, like rping and plotting stories, and she helps me see that i’m not so weird and out there as i sometimes think i am. Daniel is someone i see once a year at times but i’ve known him for over 20 years but whenever we do meet it’s like time hasn’t past at all. Min makes me feel less lonely and helps me when i’m down ( she thinks i’m a far better person than i sometimes feel i am ) and, finally, B is my soulmate when it comes to writing and such a talented person it makes me feel special that i get to be her friend. overall i’m really blessed of having this collection of ridiculously special people in my life and i chose to make this about how them make me feel but they’re all incredible and amazing on their own. 
😘 talk about your crush or partner
i have crushes in half of my friends ( the hazards of bissexuality, lol ), but i live with my boyfriend, have done it for a couple years now… we have a bit of a silly love story where i was going to leave the country and drunkenly proposed he be my fake-boyfriend for a few months before my trip just so we could go on dates and make out, no strings attached… so of course we spend a month seeing each other every single fucking day and fall in love. i never had a relationship that lasted more than a couple months prior to that, and now here i am 3 years and counting. he asked me not to leave and i stayed. so that’s it, that’s my relationship, and this whole rant says nothing about him. he’s a lawyer, a big nerd that plays MMO’s all night, a grumpy fuck and totally silly putty for out cat, Arthur. i love him.  
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?
it depends… i usually have a ‘kill them with kindness’ approach to rudeness. being the kid dressed in black with piercings and tattoos when i was younger i was used to having people approach me and my friends with a general bad disposition and i loved being extra nice and cheery just to see their momentary confusion and the damn youths being polite and nice. that is not to say i can’t be a rude bitch, i’m a scorpio after all, but it usually has to be deserved. 
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
i like my eyes a lot, they’re my best feature ( well that and my boobs, but it feels shallow to say boobs in a top 3 ). i like my writing, and i think i do it well enough to consider it a talent ( i don’t have many of those so i’ll take what i can get ) and, lastly, i guess i love my creativity, be it with stories, cooking, crafts or just imagining things, i tend to go hard about it and it’s something i love doing, creating something new.  
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?
the deep sea, crocodiles, hippos, extreme heights, anonymity and failure, i don’t really know how to overcome any of them ( and you can’t pay me enough to get anywhere near a hippo ) but i suppose we live on through the memory of the people we somehow touch in life so i hope i can finish my book one day, and maybe live through my stories and those who read them - so i don’t know if it would work, but this is what i’ve got.
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
rping. it gets me out of my head and helps me forget my real life troubles, being able to think for someone else, plot things and put them into writing or just express them somehow ( since i love tabletop rps as well ) i just honestly turn to my characters whenever real life gets too much. 
💙 what annoys you about some people?
so many things… mostly i guess hypocrisy and ignorance. it’s no secret this fandom for instance annoys me a lot and  it’s mostly due to the fact that some people think they can tell others what to enjoy and how to think, that they love to judge and condemn things. in the few recent times i’ve been through their arguments and rants i can tell you it’s just ignorance and hatred spun into the vague shape of social justice and righteousness and that annoys me a lot. 
😤 do you get angry easily?
i wouldn’t say angry, but i do get stressed easily and worry about things like there’s no tomorrow. i can rant and complain a lot too, but getting truly angry is something i don’t do so easily. 
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
i can’t think of one specific city, more like a feeling.. i love the idea of a homey suburban place where one can raise a family, with snow during the winter ( so i guess it’d be in North America or Europe and safer than my country is. my dream city is probably in Canada, if i had to guess, but i’ve never been there so i can’t name a specific one.
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
i’ve answered this before in another meme, but definitely to stop time. it’s the one thing i’m always missing and, as an expert procrastinator with friends in different time-zones i could definitely use it. just imagine being able to sleep as much as you want but you stopped time before doing it so you actually missed nothing out of your day *weeps* now that’s the dream. 
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
not to worry so much about things, that the conflicts we go through when we are young become small in the future. that high-school grades mean nothing and i shouldn’t stress about them. that getting your first kiss is not that important. that the person you are in school is not who you’ll be forever and that i’d make amazing friends, just give it time.  
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
my friends. i’m not a jealous girlfriend, but i have a weird feeling towards my friends, like i’ll try really hard to bring them together and make them friends with each other because that’s always nice but if someone new comes along that i don’t know i’m just like ‘who dis’ and i stress that they might take my place until it’s clear they won’t. i’m also default jealous of all other Alec blogs out there, obliviously. 
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
wealth, cause money can’t buy everything but it sure as hell buys a whole lot. it enables you to worry less, to help people and to live adventures, even if you don’t straight out need it in order to do any of those things on principle. 
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
i wanna say i’d be Alec because then i’d get a Jace… but a very single Alec, desperately in love with my best friend - so basically i’d be season 1 Alec, k bye 
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
cheesecake, milky chocolate, chocolate cake/cupcakes… I’m very easy with this kind of thing since chocolate is my favorite flavor for sweets, but i also love lemon tarts and things with almonds and nuts like gianduia chocolate and nutella. 
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
nah, i don’t think so. i’ll do some adventurous things, but nothing like bungee jumping and shit, that’s just terrifying. 
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
oh boy… unpopular opinions, let’s see. jalec > m@lec. Godfrey Gao was my favorite Magnus Bane. Star Wars is not all that. Friends is not so funny, neither is How I Met Your Mother. i don’t like the Beatles. i don’t like cult movies as a whole…
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
Celine Dion’s It’s All Coming Back To Me Now. i saw this video of Jeremy Jordan singing it has been stuck in my head for days.
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice: “My good opinion once lost is lost forever.”
Neil Gaiman’s Stardust:“A philosopher once asked, “Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?” Pointless, really…“Do the stars gaze back?” Now, that’s a question.”
Meg Cabot’s The Princess Diaries, I can’t find the quote and I read them in Portuguese ( unlike the other two ), but my favorite quote would be Michael’s ove confession to Mia in book four, if I’m not mistaken, I literally had it photocopied and pasted to the back of my notebook in high-school, sue me. 
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?
that however bad i think things are i know that it gets better. that there are people out there that car about me enough to want to help and to want to see me happy. that i’m not alone, even when i think i am. that no matter how ugly the world seems there are wonderful people out there and things worth living for. 
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
bossy, needy and witty ( that’s according to Ana ) my own reply would vary between ‘totally fucking awesome’ and ‘not very nice’ depending on the day. 
💫 who inspires you?
successful people, i don’t have one in particular but whoever gets to live their dreams is someone i’d aspire to be ( unless you’re like Valentine and your dreams involve mass murder or something ).
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
not really? never thought much about them, but in general i don’t assume all the legends are true unless Jace shows up and tells me otherwise. 
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
emo circa 2004. skinny jeans, band t-shirts, cropped tops, combat boots, a lot of black and the occasional fitted dress… i love makeup so there’s that, preferably with smoky eyes, bold lips and a lot of highlight. 
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
Pride and Prejudice, Stardust ( i’m consistent like that ), Les Miserables, Knight’s Tale, Captain América ( all of them, but specially The Winter Soldier ), Dangerous Beauty, A Cinderella Story, What a Girl Wants, She’ll All That, Memoirs of a Gueixa, The Count Of Montecristo, Pacific Rim, Disney’s Hercules, Mulan, The Lady and The Tramp, Anastasia… I like period romances, musicals, Disney movies and romcoms, that’s me. 
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hydrus · 6 years
Version 340
os x
I had a great if busy week. The Client API does more, several bugs are fixed, some new features and options are in, and stability and memory use should be a bit better.
client api
This is still somewhat advanced, but users who are interested may want to start looking in.
The first version of the Client API last week went ok! There were a couple of bugs, but thanks to feedback from some advanced users, I've improved reliability and carved out a better spec. This week brings JSON everywhere, fixes the add_file crash, and adds two neat calls:
/add_urls/get_url_files now looks up which files are attached to a URL
/add_files/add_file lets you import a file, either from a path or raw bytes
Please check the updated help here for more details:
the rest
I fixed the stupid 'page of pages' closing bug. I apologise if you were hit by this. I got a little blackpilled about all these typo errors not being caught, so I wrote a new testing suite to better test core ui functionality. I will expand this over the coming weeks and hope to completely eliminate the most blockheaded problems.
I have added nijie.info to the downloader defaults. It needs a login to access. I also updated the default danbooru parsers to get 'rating:' tags. I'd like to fold in some more downloaders to the client defaults in the near future. sfw FurAffinity should be doable next week. If you have a simple working downloader that you think would be worth rolling in for all new users, please suggest/submit it.
I added a semi-hacky checkbox to options->files and trash that pauses all new file/thumbnail requests for 15 seconds after your computer wakes from sleep. If you store your client's files over a NAS or other network solution (that may take a couple of seconds to reconnect after wake), give it a go and let me know if you like it.
I did a bunch of little work on stability and memory management and failure recovery this week. If you have had trouble with the menubar or a bloaty client or invalid website encodings or subs that fail to load, see if any of it is better here. OS X users with retina (i.e. high-dpi) screens may also see less blurry ui--I'd particularly like feedback in this case, good or bad.
full list
client api:
fixed up some api permissions object stuff so that /verify_access_key response can always serialise correctly
fixed the 'add_url' api call's instability
the API will now always return JSON on 200. anything else should be presumed to be raw text
'/api_version' now returns JSON, and after talking with users, it will now start incrementing with every api change. it remains 1 just for this week
'/request_access_permissions' now returns JSON
'/add_url' now results JSON on success with more info, 403 on failure
'/get_url_info' now returns the 'normalised_url' in the response JSON
added '/get_url_files', which returns 'url_file_statuses', listing known hashes and file import status for that url
added '/add_files/add_file', which can import a file from a path or bytes
added '/add_tags/get_tag_services', which will return info on the client's tag services
updated client api help to reflect the above changes and fleshed out the intro a bit
fixed the client api permissions enum values in the help, which I somehow transcribed wrong first time
updated the client api tests to check the above
refactored client api tests to be neater and in their own file
the rest:
fixed the page of pages close bug
added a downloader for nijie.info to the client defaults (it needs a login)
updated danbooru file page parsers to get 'rating' tag
added gelbooru 0.1.11 parser for future application
fixed an issue that was stopping advanced content updates from fully copying all the desired mappings in the transaction
added a semi-hacky checkbox to 'options->files and trash' that will delay all new file/thumb requests for 15s after the computer resumes from sleep (useful if your files are on a NAS that takes a few seconds to reconnect on wake)
wrote some more graceful fallback decoding handling code that attempts original assumed encoding and 'utf-8' if different and returns the one with the fewest ' ' replacement characters
the network engine and the ffmpeg info parsing now use this new 'safe' decoding, so even if a site has borked bytes or the video file has unexpected Shift-JIS title metadata, it'll still go through, albeit with some question marks
moved some more old daemons to the new job scheduler, deleted some old daemon code
improved some daemon job wake and shutdown code
wrote a proper upnp manager object and improved all-around reliability of the auto upnp-service-mapping code
simplified the upnp check code so it now only ever checks/does anything if the respective services actually want upnp mappings. surplus mappings are now wiped immediately on service update
fixed upnp mapping fetching to cope with ipv6 results
improved some memory clearing code to deal with some semi-stubborn objects
improved some 'iterate through this giant list of single numbers from the db without using a lot of memory' code and applied it to the autocomplete cache regeneration routine
improved menubar stability, both in finding menus and swapping them out
if a serialised json object fails to load from the db, this is now caught, the bad object deleted and written to a new file in the db dir, and all logging info captured along with an explanatory popup thrown on screen. so, if a subscription fails to load, it will now be extracted so that a subsequent subscription edit/run will work with the remaining good objects. in the case of backed-up objects (gui sessions atm), reattempting the load should restore the next most recent backup
fixed an issue with login script validation when the given credentials have surplus ( key, value ) pairs to the script's credential definitions
fixed two login invalid cookie error handling bugs
maybe made some dupe filter searching more stable
fixed a py2 datatype issue that made the client unbootable when updating the client from <296
the client now pauses to nag and moan about backups if you try to update more than 15 versions in one go
slightly sped up discord bugfix file drag and drops and expanded file limit up to 25 files/200MB
added experimental secret discord bugfix dnd mode checkbox
improved how html parsing deals with some unexpected bad tag data
turned on primitive high-dpi support for OS X. let me know if it fixes any blurry issues on retina displays
wrote a new 'ui test' under the debug->gui menu to help catch common-action bugs that slipped through weekly work
improved how the test code does some wx/ui stuff, but also broke some more and ran out of time to clean it up--this is an ongoing project
improved how some text import line splitting works
misc fixes
next week
I pushed it too hard this week, and while I am overall happy with the work, I am going to return to normal schedule so I don't burn myself out. I'd like to keep pushing on the Client API, probably getting add_tags done, and otherwise just flesh out the new test code and do some small QoL stuff.
0 notes
rodrigohyde · 6 years
A Trip Down Cynical Lane With The Watch Snob
A Tough Nut To Crack
I am looking for a travel watch with a world timer function. Looking for one which is slightly casual/sporty with a water resistance of 5 ATM. My budget is 2000 USD, although I can wait it out and push it to 3500 USD as well. I know there aren’t many options at this price for a ‘mechanical’ watch, but no harm in asking.
Since I live in India, I am looking for one which displays one of the Indian cities [doesn’t have to display a major city in every timezone though]. It’s 5 hr 30 mins ahead of GMT. There are watches by Vacheron [Overseas World Time] and De Bethune [DB25], both of which are way out of my budget.
Related: Can't Decide On A New Timepiece? The Watch Snob Has Some Advice
As you have clearly discovered, this is a rather tough nut to crack. Mechanical multi-time zone watches generally content themselves with the ability to show a second time zone, only in full-hour increments and the addition of half-hour or fifteen minute increments requires considerably greater complexity and cost. In your price range I am afraid there are not a great many possibilities – in fact I can’t think of a single true Cottier-style world time watch anywhere near that, that also offers the functionality you seek. Given the increasing importance of your illustrious sub-continent for mechanical watchmaking perhaps the dearth of choices in this price range, is something someone will at some point address.
The only partial solution I can suggest is a wristwatch with a hand for a second time zone and – here is the key feature – an inner rotating bezel; the Bremont Alt1-ZT is an example. After resetting to local time upon arrival at your destination, you can use the inner bezel to read off home time to any offset you like.
Of course, if you were willing to accept something in a quartz watch, there are any number of them which will happily show you the time in every time zone there is for about a tenth of your minimum budget or less. Time zones are always an amusing thing to see watch brands struggle with – all it takes is one impulsive decision on the part of an attention-seeking despotic government and lo and behold, we have a new time zone which renders every attempt to make a comprehensive world time mechanical watch obsolete at a stroke.
Best Bud’s Birthday On A Budget
I stumbled upon your blog while searching for watches, and I decided to send you a message in hope I'll get an answer for my question.
My friend's birthday is near, and I wanted to offer him a watch. But I absolutely have no knowledge when it comes to watches. So I was hoping you could help me with some suggestions.
From what I could see on your blog, you always opt for big brands. But as I'm a 22 years old who just recently started working, I can't afford anything for more than 200 Euros . My friend has a Casio Edifice and a Lotus .
I read your query with some amusement. A Casio Edifice and a Lotus … one assumes you mean a Lotus watch but I like to think that you might have meant the flower, or possibly the car. Either would be an interesting juxtaposition with the watch, though perhaps less informative in terms of your chum’s tastes.
In any case, at $200 and under there are actually a number of interesting choices – nothing with any pretensions to haute horlogerie, you understand, but then you probably don’t know what that means anyway . From Casio we have of course the legendary, world-renowned timepiece extraordinaire known to all and sundry as the G-Shock, which has the glorious distinction of being the only wristwatch in history to have been tested by being repeatedly thrown out of a fourth floor bathroom window .
Your chum appears to have nothing in their possession that emits that seductive siren song known as ticking and may I commend to you, therefore, the ever-delightful and reliable wristwatch known as the Seiko 5, which has started many an unsuspecting watch enthusiast down the royal road to financial and mental ruin. Generally available online for less than one hundred dollars, and capable of running for many years without any human intervention.
Or you can do as many who love watches have done when trying to decide between two watches, and just buy both – one of the beauties of the Seiko 5 and the G-Shock is that for two hundred dollars, you can do that and still have enough left over for a bottle of something to celebrate.
Is It Hip To Be Square Again?
I honestly find your column entertaining, but I miss your thoughtful cynical answers recently. My wife and I are thinking to buy watch for our daughter who will soon enter into college for communication and also photography. She loves square watches and sometimes happily wears my wife's JLC Revero or Cartier Tank in certain occasions. But she wears none for her daily and let her Citizen Eco Drive Square collecting dust on her table. If we have to find a decent budget friendly square watch to "substitute"  for the Reverso or Tank for her daily use what is Snob recommendation? Thank you and we appreciate your recommendation.
Cynicism for its own sake is a mere pose which exists only to inflate the ego of the writer, and to persuade those who prefer stereotypes to thinking that the writer is sincere. It is a plague of discourse on the internet that to be rude by default denotes authenticity, and that to be thoughtful and measured shows at best spinelessness, and at worst, an undisclosed conflict of interest. I have always been, and remain, more than happy to deplore the deplorable but rewarding reader stupidity with attention, and shoddy watchmaking with the same, has over the last few years increasingly seemed to me to merely encourage the very same idiotic and unapologetically unthinking discourse and watch design which we would all be far better off without.
Also, the NOMOS Tetra is a very nice watch indeed and is, in fact square. It is an under appreciated model from the firm, and underexposed; should your daughter abjure the Eco-Drive for not being mechanical, the Tetra should fill the bill nicely.
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from Style channel http://www.askmen.com/style/watch_snob/a-trip-down-cynical-lane-with-the-watch-snob.html
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