#so 30-year-old Johnny will be telling us about falling in love with Paul via flashbacks
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honeyjars-sims · 1 month ago
Part 2 1.01 A Big Splash
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It's a typical Saturday morning, and as usual, I slept in. As hard as it is to drag myself out of bed, I know I have things to do today, so into the shower I go.
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While I'm getting ready, I can't help but reflect on my recent birthday. It's hard to believe how much has happened over my lifetime, or even just in the past 10 years. In a lot of ways, I still feel like that same kid who thought he knew everything but had so much to learn. If I could go back and tell him what was about to happen in his life, I don't think he'd believe me. Sometimes, I still don’t believe it.
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As I head downstairs, I hear the familiar sound of Paul stirring something in a bowl and briefly wonder what he's making before chuckling to myself. I already know it's pancakes. It's always pancakes, but I can't complain about the predictability when I know they're going to be delicious. 
I make it downstairs and the girls are so busy helping that they don't even notice I've come down.
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Well, Rachel is helping, at least. She has her own bowl and is standing on the footstool at the island stirring away. Chelsea, however, can't be trusted with anything that we plan to eat unless I'm there to supervise. Otherwise we run the risk of having a secret ingredient–toddler slobber or animal hair or whatever else has ended up on her grubby little hands. 
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I sneak up behind her and give her a little tickle. She turns around. “Dada!” she squeals, as I scoop her up and give her a squeeze.
“Good morning, my loves,” I say.
“Dada, we’re making pancakes!” Rachel tells me, as though I should be surprised by this revelation. 
“I see that. I can’t wait to try them.” 
“What are you in the mood for this morning?” Paul asks me. “We’re out of bananas, but we have plenty of blueberries and strawberries.”
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I come up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “I'm in the mood for some of this,” I say, and he turns his head to meet my lips.
 “Lucky for you, there’s always plenty of that.”
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Rachel and Paul finish the pancakes and we all scarf them down. It’s times like this when I wish we had more space. There’s not enough room for a dining table in our townhouse.
Chelsea insists she doesn’t need a high chair but can’t reach the barstools, so she ends up having most of her meals on the couch. Which is why the pillows smell like maple syrup and feel sticky.
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Once we’ve finished breakfast, Rachel has a request. “Can we go to the splash pad? Please?
“Yeah, Dada, pwease?” Chelsea echoes. How can I say no to that?
The splash pad isn’t far but we have to drive, which means packing up everything we need and getting the kids secured in their seats. And of course, they want our dog Tucker to come with us.
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Once we arrive, though, it’s worth all the effort. The girls love splashing around in the water...and yeah, so do Paul and I. 
“This was a good idea,” I tell Paul once we take a little break from the water.
“Yeah, it’s a beautiful day. We should do this more often, especially now that Chelsea’s getting older.”
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“True, it’s a lot easier going out now that she’s not a baby anymore. Although…”
Paul sighs. “John,” he warns. He knows exactly what I’m hinting at.
“I’m just saying, she’s getting so big. I miss having a baby around.”
“So do I, but it would be much harder to have days like this with a newborn. Besides, we barely have space in the house for the four of us.”
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“Exactly. We’re already outgrowing the house, so we might as well upgrade to something bigger and fill it with more babies.”
I gesture over to a lot across from the splash pad. “Look how close the Hopewell Commons expansion is. They have bigger units there. If we lived there we could just walk to the splash pad. Imagine how much the kids would love that.”
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“Well, there has to be a unit available first,” Paul points out. “But I suppose we can let Gail and Ellie know we’re interested so they can let us know when something opens up.”
“Cool. So baby time?”
“I’m not saying no, but can we think about it a little more?”
“Yeah sure,” I agree. Sometimes Paul’s need to consider every possible angle before making a decision can be a bit frustrating, but I have to admit it’s helpful to have someone to reel me in sometimes. It’s a nice balance–a little chaotic, a little structured, and a lot of fun. 
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Once again my thoughts turn to the past. Paul and I have been together for almost 10 years now. When I turned 20, I had no idea that my roommate would end up being my husband. That was certainly a year of discovery for me. And with a new home and a new baby possibly on the horizon, year 30 is shaping up to be quite an adventure as well. 
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