weehughie · 4 years
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9am this morning, yours truly courtesy of @toginlockdown ... • • #notaselfie #yourstruly #me #kouroku #tintin #snowy #snowythedog #milou #hergé #oldwinchesterhill #nature #outdoors #country #countryside #southdowns #southdownstrail #hampshire #walk #walking #goodmates #goodchums #clearbluesky #bluesky #skyporn #greenandpleasantland #lockdown #coronavirus #covid19 (at Winchester Hill) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA4_xlKhSzL/?igshid=1478qyzqw37ur
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rubiotografy · 7 years
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Reflections (pt.6) - Snowy / Adventures of Tin Tin
by Gerson R. Ventura | Rubio Designs | London
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#Snowythedog. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bumy65Yjl-m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nww4a1n55n54
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cchoitingy-blog · 9 years
Coming out of the grocery store at 9 pm and I get asked by one of the security workers what his co-worker should name his dog because he hasn’t named his white husky for 11 months. Then he goes on to make a joke that the dog can’t be named “B*tch” because it’s already been taken by his ex-wife.  My answer was... “Snowy”
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