snowmarz · 8 days
The Notebook
Draco x Reader
Short one shot - Draco has stolen your notebook and you're trying to get it back.
"Draco, give it back! This isn't funny anymore!" you whined, stepping on your tip toes and waving your arms frantically above your head in an attempt to grab your notebook out of the hands of Draco Malfoy.
He'd been incessantly teasing you for the best part of the year, ever since you transferred to Hogwarts and got sorted into Slytherin. If he wasn't stealing something of yours and teasing you with it, he was walking past and pulling your hair or purposely staring at you until you were uncomfortable. It was all very child-like, very annoying… very… endearing?
"C'mon Y/N, I don't think you're even trying anymore, maybe you don't deserve this back," he smirked as he watched your face fall into that of irritation, you stopped reaching for the notebook and glared at him as he ran a hand through his tousled blonde hair.
"Fine, keep the notebook," you huffed, turning on your heels and beginning to walk away from him, the sound of your shoes echoing in the empty corridor as you stormed across the stone floor.
"Wait! Fine!" Draco huffed, his plan foiled as he realised you were no longer willing to play with him.
You stopped in your tracks just as you had reached the end of the corridor, he walked slowly towards you, a look in his eye you'd thought you'd seen before but had never quite known what to make of it. It was a gleam of sort, Pansy had noticed it last week and told you it was attraction, that was before she went into a jealous fit of rage and tried to humiliate you in front of him.
His lips were in a tight, straight line, he was good at keeping his emotions hidden and off of his face. You wondered how you appeared to him, eyes full of curiosity? Slight anxiety? Maybe you were just as good at controlling your facial expression.
As he approached you, he lifted his free hand and ran his signet ring along your cheek. You shivered in response, tension was thickly coating the air between and around you both. How could everything feel so different in the space of forty five seconds?
"Draco…" you began, your voice barely more than a whisper as you became transfixed by the close proximity of his body.
He wasn't wearing his robes today, it was a Saturday after all. He was in some semi-formal black pants and a black button down shirt. Even in his casual wear, he still looked so put together. As your eyes darted up and down his figure, he noticed and made sure to do the same back to you, his eyes lingering around your torso before flickering to your lips.
"Here, I'll let you grab it this time," he murmured, his voice was husky and his eyes radiated a look of lust.
He held the notebook up above your head once more, you stretched upwards and reached out for it, your fingertips grazing the cover when you were suddenly being pushed against the cold, hard wall behind you.
You were both still holding the notebook, but Draco had wrapped his other arm around your waist and pressed his lips firmly to yours. Your eyes flittered shut, the taste of peppermint and the scent of his cologne caressing your senses. His lips moved softly against yours, it was slow and passionate yet gentle, and it was over before you could fully process what was happening.
He pulled his arm away, let go of your notebook and stood back a couple of steps, a cheeky grin dancing on his lips.
"See you in the common room, Y/N," he winked, promptly taking the next exit out of the corridor and leaving you to collect yourself.
Draco Malfoy just kissed you.
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