#snove yells:)
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snove101 · 4 months ago
i need to talk abt lab rats to someone but every time i find an active person in the fandom i get scared and hide in my little hole and never come out ever</3
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ooh-ahh-so-eepy-sleepy · 1 year ago
some grapes are just so fucking good i cannot explain it
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444names · 8 months ago
Names generated from the list of mountains in Canada
Abbalbe Aberthe Aftegion Alins Alinty Alseuge Alvik Ameak Amedy Angeogard Apeiboix Aperisife Appalat Arity Arlevonew Askay Atchild Atemple Ationes Aufornge Aufory Aumapeib Avandlau Axels Axwelve...
Bache Backennes Backgrae Balassilli Bally Barbelanad Barlemed Barth Bation Beadom Beque Bighen Bight Bitimer Blackey Blance Blanklan Brank Braphydr Bremplaaq Brick Brife Brinald Brishewton Brite Brithiajiv Bruncoure Brund Brunta Bucanad Cabes Caire Calinada Calve Calyap Canald Cance Cangill Cankli Cappard Cards Carley Caterg Catlot Cattlatick Cattle Caubbacliv Chameria Chames Charight Cheaubvie Cheitics Chenattby Chibes Chighlas Chights Chilve Choright Chritharle Cirey Clingard Cobso Coele Coelitchig Coell Coelles Coletont Colimbso Colle Colon Commidable Commont Cotre Cound Counit Crabban Craout Cravaly Crave Croseep Cygne Cygny Cypregiuq Cypribu Cypriel Cyproloak Daber Daland Deteetone Detona Detop Detor Detrey Dombeak Domedia Dommont Dorig Doundso Durey Elsou Eugard Eugattby Eugues Feell Fiell Forta Frable Fradablas Franff Fraounick Frosed Frosek Fround Geogildy Glain Gogard Gogiclian Gosecoluck Gradalikin Granay Grandson Granict Graouttby Grock Grolook Grommonty Grouniclin Grégoince Hamel Hames Hartice Heake Heell Heits Hiankli Hibels Hiboinff Hiboix Highe Hight Higio Hiland Hilverva Hisill Hubbartint Hubvik Hurchard Ibedin Ibiang Icabbatip Icand Icangs Ichighporn Inewfort Ingarbes Inswin Isille Jachened Jacquidnia Jamen Jarbe Jaskaur Joseum Josfort Kaspin Kawuls Kawulucan Kawuluck Kayloaken Keenne Kenta Kierib Kimbed Kimbicard Kimbstomel Kislancle Kistre Kitriffe Lacipard Lanctoup Landlana Lanforn Lanic Lanty Lasep Latches Levon Logics Logion Lograe Luckenzies Lumacle Lumard Macha Mackway Maclimbe Macline Maggan Maggancle Maggartion Magnay Magnenta Maines Majiv Malberg Malibu Malimet Malsoaks Maltou Manff Mange Manice Mapetemes Marlewton Martheell Masgand Mation Mattort Mcart Mcklanay Mckwayle Mckwell Meality Menzienes Mesmed Midgart Midnic Miter Mitio Monorn Monover Monter Montipal Mounds Mouns Mounta Mourc Mrchor Mrchunt Munds Mused Musek Musgatis Musgrolont Muskate Muskau Muskie Mégame Mégamed Mégang Mégard Mégionst Mégoganick Mégoincles Nacle Naltorthes Natipar Newford Nirstmard Nitinford Norberstre Norforne Norticlik Notedia Noter Notesmes Notio Nounad Nourhocs Novalablit Novals Nunce Nunia Nunticaphy Nuntipall Nuttlookes Odistona Ogres Olins Olowl Ontmaxweal Orber Orcupealdr Ornewalan Owheigne Palaaq Parles Patiand Patle Pattontics Peadout Peake Peling Pennay Pention Perif Pervinstip Peton Petop Picangin Picie Picle Pince Pinne Poins Pointa Poireigio Polit Porchill Porickawul Porngar Procs Prova Quene Rabeques Rablau Radistre Ranct Rangard Raoun Rapenne Raperg Ravall Reley Renna Riedia Riffeele Righpal Rourtin Routlan Roval Rowhigiont Rowhilvick Sagganchur Sagne Sainenes Saines Sainge Sairque Saskau Seell Seetre Seumbeadom Seummit Shpole Silaks Silat Sillotins Sillson Simes Sirey Skated Slainirso Snove Souper Stion Stomblans Stonerin Sumarthem Summon Sunibu Sutle Sutter Tedwan Teging Tegion Terbed Testont Therg Thigion Thwes Tiascolow Tisir Tomet Tommona Tondlan Tonoloaffe Tontairne Tontip Torish Tortionta Toundso Tretord Tringan Tuperg Tuskiter Twine Ukons Useph Usgar Usgrabed Vanfort Vilania Vilds Wards Warlog Wayle Wheaurcup Wheep Wherice Whiboiner Wickawul Wingard Woodinta Wookes Worick Worngiuq Worthros Wribiel Wriclik Wrion Yalistona Yelles Yellshocs Yelson Édougark Érégarley Érégin Érégos
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harringrovetrashrat · 5 years ago
I've gotta harringrove request if you are still doing those? I do this all the time and thought it would be hilarious for steve and billy but where they are in class (science, english whatever) and fixate on this phrase that is in no one funny but just can't stop laughing and repeating it to each other until they are both kicked out of class together.
I really liked this prompt, because I know this, I’ve done this, but GOD did the right scenario elude me.  I didn’t want it to be super forced.  Wanted it to be simple and cute and funny.
So I wrote this dumbass shit because it makes me laugh, and I could not stop thinking about this once I started.  It’s a Modern AU, btw.
A thank you and a shout out to my talented friend and coworker, @astrangefolk, for the inspiration.  Thank you to the internet for giving him the nickname Snail. (Fic below the cut)
Billy collapsed onto the stool next to Steve, huffing in annoyance when Steve didn’t immediately look up from whatever he was doodling in his notebook.
“What are you even up to, pretty boy?” Billy asked, annoyed that he wanted attention and annoyed Steve wasn’t giving it to him.  Steve looked up, almost like he hadn’t noticed Billy arrive, before smiling and pushing his notebook over a little.  Billy leaned over to look and frowned.  “A snail?”  He squinted and frowned more.  “Is it wearing… shoes?”
“He’s wearing snoos!” Steve exclaimed happily.  Billy looked at him expectantly, because what the fuck.  “Snail shoes!”
“Snail shoe–!” Billy choked off a surprised laugh.  Steve pouted slightly, puffing his cheeks.
“Yeah so he can go on his snalk.”
“And that’s?”
“Snail walk,” Steve replied with a grin.  Billy put his head in his hands, shoulders shaking with laughter.
“Okay where the fuck did you hear about this, what fucking site did Freckles show you now–”
“I’ll have you know it was Heather who showed me this–”
“Yeah, and where do you think she found out about it–”
“How can you be mad about a snail–”
“Gentlemen.” Billy and Steve froze, eyes snapping to their teacher.  Mrs. Morton stood with her arms crossed, her eyes sharp as she looked down her nose at them, glasses perched on the tip.  “Are you done bickering or may I start the class now?” Billy gave her a cheeky grin and licked his top teeth, getting an eye roll, while Steve flushed in embarrassment.  When they kept quiet, she nodded and went back to the front.  “Alright, now if you would open your books to page 74…” Billy immediately blocked out her voice and looked at Steve.  His bangs were falling into his face as he kept doodling in his notebook, science book open next to him, unread.  His long fingers gripped the pencil and Steve’s soft, pink tongue poked out from between his teeth as he concentrated.  Billy felt his neck getting hot and decided that he didn’t particularly care about science today.
“Hey Harrington,” he whispered.  He got a quiet hum in response as Steve tilted his head towards Billy, not taking his eyes off his drawings.  “Can I borrow your snotes?” That got him a snicker.  “What?  Don’t wanna help out your snoyfriend?” Steve’s shoulders shook and he shot Billy a look.
“Shut up,” Steve hissed, a giggle making its way out.  Billy licked his lips.  He wanted to hear that again.  He nudged Steve’s knee with his.
“Can I come over to your snouse later?” Silence.  “We could snudy.” Steve bit his bottom lip.  “Or snake out.” Billy grinned as Steve’s cheeks turned red.  “Or–”
“Mr. Hargrove,” Mrs. Morton snapped.  “Are you done distracting Mr. Harrington?” Billy flushed slightly but shrugged it off and made a show of opening his book and turning to the correct page.  She stared him down, eyes narrowed, and he smiled at her, all teeth.  Finally, she went back to teaching.
“Looks like someone got in snouble,” Steve whispered, making Billy bite his bottom lip painfully and clench his fingers into his jeans.  He shot him a look and regretted it.  Steve was smiling, sly and smug, but so happy, and it made Billy’s heart clench.  Steve went back to doodling, though not before sending Billy a wink.  It didn’t take long for Billy to try again.
“Well?” He whispered.  “You didn’t answer me.”
“I gotta take Dustin home,” Steve mumbled.  “But I don’t have any plans for dinner.”
“Well, I have an idea for dinner,” Billy said slowly, his hand slipping onto Steve’s thigh.  He inhaled sharply and his eyes snapped to Billy’s quickly, then back to his notebook.  He didn’t stop him.  Billy leaned in, smirking.  “And a plan for dessert.” Mrs. Morton had her back turned, and they were in the back, so Billy leaned in farther, lips drawing close to Steve’s ear as his hand slid up, resting in the crevice between Steve’s thigh and his groin.  He was tense beneath Billy’s hand and he whispered into Steve’s ear, voice hushed and throaty, just the way Steve liked, “I want to snuck your snock.”
Steve let out an aborted squawk and Billy pulled back, innocent look on his face, as Mrs. Morton turned around, eyes fiery.
“Gentlemen!” She snapped.  Steve was still struggling to stop laughing, but Billy just held up his hands in mock defense.  “Is class not entertaining enough for you?” Steve just covered his mouth, looking down.  Billy gave his best hangdog look, which was entirely ineffective.  “One more outburst and you will lose the privilege of getting to learn today!”
“Yes, ma’am,” they replied, Steve’s voice airy and stressed as he reigned in his giggles.  Billy didn’t wait long this time, leaning over and whispering,
“Then you can snuck me in the snass.” Steve let out a choked peal of laughter that sounded like a car engine grinding, covering his head with his hands as he pressed his face into the desk.  Mrs. Morton slammed her book on her desk, face twisted with fury.
“That’s it!” She yelled.  “Out of my classroom!  Both of you!” The class watched, tittering with laughter and whispers as they gathered their stuff and left, Steve still letting out little chirps of laughter that made Billy want to kiss him.  His cheeks were red and his smile was so wide and bright, eyes watery from laughing so hard, and Billy licked his lips, shooting Mrs. Morton a wink as they walked out.  She just frowned deeper and pointed at the door.  Steve punched his shoulder after a few steps, though he was still smiling.
“Fuck you, Billy!”
“What?  Couldn’t snake it?”
“Oh my god!  You’re so obnoxious, you sutpid turd.” Steve rolled his eyes but laced his fingers with Billy’s and pulled him to the bleachers.  They went to their spot under them, a nice hidden place, and Billy lit a cigarette.  Steve watched him smoke, occasionally stealing the cig for a puff.  Billy couldn’t help the small smile on his face, breathlessly happy.  He felt Steve watching him and when he looked up his heart started to pound.  Steve was staring at him, an awed look on his face.
“What?” Billy asked.
“I… I snove you,” Steve stammered out.  He flushed, face scrunched in embarrassment, and Billy tried to process the fact that his boyfriend had just said ‘I love you’ for the first time.
“I’m sorry,” he said, voice more even than he had expected it to be. “Did you just say you loved me for the first time by putting snail in front of it?”
“I snove you too, baby.”
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snove101 · 4 months ago
good fucking god
Tumblr media
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snove101 · 4 months ago
ouughhhh,,,, aooughhhh,,,,,,,,,
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snove101 · 4 months ago
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snove101 · 2 months ago
i'm gonna piss myself why can't i finish writing this stupid chapter
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snove101 · 4 months ago
hey lab rats tumblr if i make silly text edits should i use a picture of the blorbos (chase, kaz, etc.) or just type their name ????? im leaning towards just their name but also its nice to have a visual of the characters but also also i feel like having blurry pics of the cast repeated on a single image would be weird and make it less funny:(
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snove101 · 4 months ago
i kept saying that i'd finish writing the next stbp chapter but then i downloaded supermarket simulator and now that's all im doing in my downtime
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snove101 · 4 months ago
rewatching keyan carlile's mighty med video essay to feel something 💪
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snove101 · 1 year ago
ive been incredibly dead on tumblr lately sry abt that 😞</3 work has been incredibly busy since halloween + end of year holidays are coming up and i've been spending like all of my days off trying to catch up on sleep and get stuff done around the house </33
i promise i am Not abandoning my silly lrmm fic it's just on a mini hiatus until i find time/motivation to write </3 ty ily 🫡
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snove101 · 1 month ago
why is it the one night i feel motivated to write stbp disney+ says that the one (1) episode i need to rewatch is unavailable. literally only that one episode
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snove101 · 1 month ago
has anyone created a lab rats/mighty med/elite force community group thing yet bc i want to make one but i don't want to if there's a preexisting one out already
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snove101 · 2 months ago
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snove101 · 3 months ago
if you take the away safe from the food safe foods are just
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