#snk valentine's
amywritesthings · 5 months
chocolate-covered silver. / a levi ackerman valentine's ficlet.
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pairing: levi ackerman x f!reader (attack on titan / shingeki no kyojin) word count: 1.8k summary: Happy Valentine's Day readers. Why not celebrate with some Levi Ackerman smut? note: set in the universe of silver underground
tags: 18+ MINORS DNI! pre-aot, levi's pov, explicit language, secret relationship, gifts, eating desserts, sexual tension, oral (f!receiving), touch-starved idiots credit: dividers by @saradika-graphics
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He could kill Hange for this.
A nice gesture, they said — as if he doesn’t already wait on James hand and foot whenever the other Scouts aren’t looking.
She’ll love it, they promised — but not without adding a probably after the sourpuss scowl started forming on his face.
He’s been her close friend for over a decade. 
He’s been in her bed for a fraction of that.
So why does walking to her quarters with a tiny bouquet of hand-picked flowers and imported chocolate from Wall Sina feel like such a death march?
“I’m only trying to help you out,” Hange quipped last week, interrupting his perfectly-happy afternoon tea. “Is it not a day people celebrate in the Underground City?”
“We don’t celebrate stupid shit in the Underground,” Levi corrects, fingertips locked around the mouth of his cup. “And besides, it’s a married couple’s holiday.”
“Not always,” Hange argues, finger lifting in a contrarian manner. “People who date celebrate.”
“That’s not us.”
He’s not technically wrong.
You’re not dating, but he doesn’t know what the hell this is.
Hange’s smile only widens at that. “Friends celebrate, too.”
“Then where’s my flowers, shithead?” Levi retorts.
That earns a bark of a laugh from the Section Commander. “If you want me to go pick you some flowers to put in your stallion’s hair, Levi, make no mistake — I will run out there right now.”
“That’s a present for my horse, not for me.”
Hange waggles their brows, leaning over the table and ruining his peace. “Gives you ample opportunity to pick some flowers for our hardworking Lieutenant, too.”
He told them to go away.
Now, six days later, he’s here.
He’s showing up like a dumbass at her doorstep trying not to run the other way before you know. 
Are you going to think he’s an idiot for partaking in holidays that mean nothing to them?
The only gift he’d ever given you was that damned necklace you never take off. It was the only thing he could afford back then, down there, while they fought for their lives.
Although they may be still in the fight for their lives here, too, he can afford much, much more for you now.
He will buy you a thousand silver necklaces if you want them.
Clearing his throat, the Captain takes a moment to collect his resolve before tapping a knuckle against the wooden door frame.
You shuffle behind it. You must have been going over presentation plans Erwin sent over.
He debates on putting the flowers behind his back or—
Too late.
He stares at you when you open the door, blinking twice. You mirror the movements, blinking between the box and the bunch of flowers in either hand.
Mistake, mistake, mistake—
“Are those…?” you start, trying to hide your amusement.
Levi scowls and holds out the bouquet. “Yeah, it’s stupid.”
“I was gonna say ‘handpicked’,” you reply with a snort, taking the flowers gently from his hand. Levi can feel his heart beating a mile a minute as he waits with a forced stoicism. “What’s the occasion?”
He stops breathing altogether when you lean down to smell the aroma of the bouquet. The way your face melts from stress to enjoy the moment, the scent, has him weak in the knees.
For someone that’s been labeled humanity’s strongest, you sure have a way of making his knees buckle from nothing.
“It’s… Valentine’s Day up here,” he carefully states, hating every syllable of it.
“Valentine’s Day?” you repeat, holding the flowers close to your chest. You step back, allowing him access to your quarters. Levi doesn’t hesitate to enter.
“Some holiday where people celebrate—”
“—lovers?” you finish for him, and the captain feels like he’s trudged in quicksand. “I know. Hange mentioned it to me the other week.”
Fucking Hange.
“Funny that they did,” Levi grumbles, before turning on a heel. You close your door as he extends his arm with his second gift. “You’re supposed to spend the day with someone special to you. Someone — well, it can be a friend —”
“Oh, we’re friends?” you tease him as you take the box of chocolates.
You’re going to kill him.
“What? It’s nice to reaffirm — oh, shit.”
He stops in his tracks, painfully aware that you’ve gasped. His eyes slide to the now-opened box full of exquisite chocolate, throat now tight with uncertainty.
Maybe you hate it.
He really shouldn’t have listened to Hange.
“This is real chocolate,” you whisper, and that uncertainty melts into something so very warm.
“As opposed to fake chocolate?” he asks to keep his wits about him. To see you scowl.
“You know what I mean, Ackerman,” you snip, and he fights every muscle in his face to keep a smile at bay. “Where the hell did you get this stuff?”
“Don’t worry about it. Here.”
He steps confidently across the bedroom floor boards to pluck a piece of chocolate out of the box, holding it up towards your lips.
He knows that shift in your gaze when your eyes meet.
Yeah, Valentine’s Day is known for stuff like that, too.
(He can show you.)
Obediently you part your lips, widening your mouth so he can fit the chocolate right between your teeth. It catches, and you use your tongue to pull it into your mouth.
The pleasure is instantaneous. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, the real-time image burning the back of his mind, and he can’t hold back anymore.
“Is it good?” he asks, placing his hands on your hips.
“Better than good.” You hold out a piece for him. “Open.”
He hesitates when the little ball comes to his lips, but eventually he opens his mouth. You’re not wrong — it’s delicious. They don’t make anything like this underground. 
It’s a luxury, though he had intended only for you to enjoy them.
Of course you’d include him.
“See what I’m talking about?” you ask with an excitement that’s damn adorable.
“It’s fine,” Levi answers, knowing the indignance that’s bound to flutter over your face. He huffs a breathless laugh before swallowing the chocolate down. “Come here.”
Lifting one hand to your chin, he pulls you in with nonexistent resistance. Your lips brush against his, at first slow then sensual.
He wants to tell you.
(Your lips taste like chocolate, but you taste better.)
But he’d rather show you.
He glides forward, using the hand on your hip to steer.
You easily comply with his steps forward, guiding you back to your bed. His plan must be in the back of your mind as he kisses you like it’s his last, but he can feel it — the way your lips curve in that knowing smile.
“What are you doing?” you murmur, voice velvety with want. It drives him insane.
“Celebrating you,” Levi mumbles in return, pushing your body backwards.
You easily fall to the bed and he drops with you, knee to the mattress. Levi crawls down, down, to the edge of the mattress with his hands preoccupied with the zipper of your casual trousers. 
You don’t ask what he’s doing — all you do is giggle when he impatiently tugs the fabric down.
“As a lover or a friend?” you tease once your legs are freed.
Levi doesn’t answer.
Not verbally, anyway.
He wraps an arm around your hips, keeping you in place as he swats your legs wider. Your breath hitches from surprise — good, you’re too mouthy right now and he intends to remind you.
Friend, lover, it doesn’t matter.
It’s all synonymous to him.
You’re everything.
His past, his present —
And if he can bury his face into your pussy for the rest of his days, then it’s one hell of a future he can get behind.
The squeak of surprise rips from your lungs faster than you can stop the noise, and Levi is wholly satisfied by the sound. His tongue drags along your slit, coating his mouth with the taste of you mixed with the chocolate still lingering on his taste buds, and he groans.
This is the only thing he needs for this dumb fucking holiday.
You can’t even finish his two-syllable name. You squirm, curse, arch, as he laps once, twice, before paying special attention to your clit.
Yeah, you won’t think straight now.
He knows you.
When his eyes flicker up from his work, he sees the way you struggle to watch him with that flushed face; how your chest heaves in that cotton shirt; how you want to encourage him, beg him, but your mind’s blank whenever his tongue swirls that precious clit of yours.
With his eyes, he says everything he needs to:
This is what I want. This is my gift from you.
Then he sucks lightly on your clit, rhythmic and calculated, and you have to slam your hand over your mouth to avoid screaming. 
Fight to keep this a secret.
Because if it was his choice, he often thinks about ruining this — the image of a captain and a lieutenant, platonic and brave, like you’re not riding him in the middle of the night after a hard day of exploration and failures.
Like he’s not finger fucking you in the hallways as a reward after dealing with the higher ups in meetings upon meetings upon meetings.
Like you’re still two teenagers sneaking around, an underground flipped upside-down.
He hums and the vibrations make your legs shake. He has to keep from grinning, too focused on getting you to the edge by his mouth and his mouth alone.
You grow quiet when you’re almost there.
It’s been dead silent for several seconds.
He works overtime, arms locked around your hips to keep you in his orbit, as he licks and sucks and flicks his tongue side to side when—
That devastating sob.
The way your body arches like a woman possessed.
Thighs slam into his ears, making him feel dizzy, but he doesn’t stop.
Not until you whimper and tug and push at his hair to go away, and even then—
One last lick, for doing such a good job.
“You’re a menace,” you finally breathe, letting go of your mouth as your palm rests on your sweat-beaded forehead instead.
Levi lazily kisses down your inner thighs as you come back to planet Earth, proud of just how fast it took this time to get you there. He’s getting better at this, every single day.
Soon enough you won’t last a minute.
He’s determined for it.
“I’m not sorry about it,” he murmurs, lips shiny and red from his efforts.
You laugh, and his heart swells.
“I think I like this holiday.”
Levi thinks he can get behind this holiday, too.
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leviismybby · 5 months
Happy Valentine's Day to my man and my man only ❤️
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anlian-aishang · 5 months
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attack on titan season 4 valentines (plus a couple extra) <3
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toadallyspice · 5 months
Jean-bear pt. 2 for late Valentines Day
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kariighost · 5 months
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Just wanted to say Happy Valentine’s Day to my husband Levi. We have 100 children together. We also live in a cute house surrounded by the mountains and forest. This is a thousand percent true and not at all made up. Tonight I will get pregnant again. Levi is obsessed with me. Again, all of this is true, none of it is made up.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
valentines drabble: armin + sensory deprivation
cw: overstimulation, breath play, vibrator use
just picture armin binding your hands, blindfolding you and setting you between his legs, against his chest..going dumb on your shit with a vibrator. He’s the type that when he doms, he DOMS. Doesn’t like the idea of you doing anything when he’s in control. He’s your eyes, your hands and has complete dominion over that body until he says otherwise. Regardless of how many times you’ve already came. You can’t see a thing but you can feel every sensation attacking your sensitive clit and hear the whirring of the toy. Whimpering whilst you toss your head back, you feel his hand clasp around your throat as your breath hitches in your throat; tears staining that satin tie around your face from the overstimulation. There’s so much happening that you can’t even fully process how fucking good it feels. Your toes curling up into the sheets and all of a sudden, he whispers, nipping at your ear.. “that’s right, sweetheart. Don’t worry about a thing..no moving or even thinking. I’ll take care of you..”
all he wants is to see is his dumb, cute little doll coming for him over and over.
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obiwhat · 1 year
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,,, they’re very good at their jobs i swear
happy valentines!!! 🫶🫶 love u guys!! :))
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ceruleanrain · 1 year
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Early Valentine’s Day Eremika 💘 💌
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Be my valentine♡
credit: @lilypsiren on twt
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levmada · 5 months
i love levi so much :( like so much. like i will be sad but then i look at one of my thousands of pictures of him and become happy :( like when i was *TRAUMADUMP* levi just :(( helped :(( and helps❤️❤️❤️i love him so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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extra bonus
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titan-desuu · 5 months
„I am sorry love but I can‘t give you a Levi and Erwin figure who are oiled up and wearing thongs“
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youre-ackermine · 5 months
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Hey my loves ❤️
• Requests for the Valentine's Day event are now CLOSED
• Thank you so much to those who reblogged my announcement post or sent requests
• The moodboards + headcanons will be posted regularly starting on Valentine's Day
• The event will be tagged #val-entine's day event 2024 ❤️
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Hey my loves!
It's almost Valentine's Day & my ask box is now open for special requests for the occasion ❤️
Send me:
Character x Reader or Character x Character
SFW or Suggestive or NSFW
and I'll make a Valentine's Day moodboard + a few headcanons for your ship or self ship!
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Requests for Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan & Jujutsu Kaisen only [I'll try my best for JJK]
You can add details about Reader (gender, hair color...etc) or any other useful indication
You can send several requests but please send them separately (one request = one ask)
Open from January 25th to February 9th 2024
I reserve the right to decline a request
The event will be tagged #val-entine's day event 2024 ❤️
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Header: @youre-ackermine
Dividers: @saradika-graphics
Update: February 11th
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muekyn · 1 year
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a/n: drunk eren confesses his love for you on a rainy day ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ☂ i didn’t know how to end it so apologies it ends abruptly ehehe ;;;
t/w: mentions of alcohol
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small droplets of water formed on the windowsill of your bedroom. they glistened with a multitude of colors, taking your attention away as you heard the soft pitter-patter of the rain outside.
bottles of apple cider were littered on your table, scattered in an unorganized mess. one was tipped over, dripping onto the carpet. you made a mental note to clean it once you had the chance.
your breath was flushed with alcohol, a mixture of fermented apples and spiced cinnamon. you had one too many ciders; your senses intertwined with the room around you. dizzy and dazed, you slumped deeper into the bed, head propped against the wall.
“hey,” breathed a low, deep voice. “hey, were you even listening?”
you glanced up from your drunk stupor to look at the figure across the room. oh right, you almost forgot that eren was here with you.
“yeah… what were you saying again?” you managed to slur out, head tilting in the boy’s direction.
he let out a small huff. “you’re ridiculous.”
“and drunk.” you retorted.
you could see a small smile fall on his face. he was holding a bottle of cider, periodically swigging it. there was a tint of red on his cheeks, it was evident he was drunk himself.
he ran a hand through his long, unkempt hair. “well, just forget about it. it’s nothing important.”
“oh no, no i’m listening now, tell me.” you adjusted yourself from your comfy spot and leaned in closer, hoping it would show eren that you were interested in what he had to say.
“mmh. no, i changed my mind.” eren glanced away from you. it was odd. usually eren was a loudmouth, willing to speak his mind about any subject you two brought up. the fact that he was clamming up, and the fact that you were plastered, made you curious on what he said before you spaced out.
“awh, cmon. you know you can tell me anything ‘ren.” you scooted yourself from your spot, hanging your legs off the edge of the bed. you tapped the bed, beckoning eren to sit with you. “come sit.”
eren clambered out of the chair he was in. he almost lost his footing, stumbling his way to you. he plopped himself down on the bed beside you, bottle still in his hand. he had a somber look written on his face as he turned to look at you.
“it’s just… do you really want to be going out with someone who has a face like a beaver?” eren said lowly. there was a hint of annoyance in his voice as he took another swig from his bottle.
you sighed loudly. how many times has eren said this? “i told you, we’re not dating. stephen and i are just friends.”
eren let out a grunt in response. it was clear that your answer wasn’t satisfactory to him.
“i promise ‘ren. you’re my best friend, i’d tell you if i was dating anybody.”
eren sat there, silent. he took another swig of the bottle, seemingly finishing it. he set the bottle down, and stared off through the window. you sat there, looking at him, waiting for a response. even though he was your best friend, it was incredibly hard to read him. you couldn’t tell if he was upset, angry, or just drunk.
“besides… why does it even matter?” you added.
eren looked at you. his face was completely red, cheeks flushed with alcohol, while his emerald eyes were staring into yours. you could feel yourself growing hot with each second he spent staring at you. it felt like an eternity, just staring into each other’s eyes while the soft sounds of the rain hit the windowsill.
“i’m… just your friend?” he finally said. his voice was soft, much softer than usual.
you took a second to process what he just said. when the realization hit you, you stared at eren, unsure of what to say. he sat there, unmoving.
“well… what do you mean?” was all you could muster. maybe you were misinterpreting things.
“i mean that…” eren trailed off, suddenly scooting up to you. he placed his hand on yours, staring deeply into your eyes. you felt like he could consume you with just his gaze. he leaned in closer, lips brushing against your ear. “…we could be so much more.”
you let out a small squeak. "eren..."
he nuzzled himself against the crook of your neck. "just tell me you want it too."
eren leaned into you more, laying you down on the bed. he was half on top of you at this point, leaving light pecks on your neck while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. “you’re so beautiful… gonna make you mine…” eren was slurring his words, completely wasted at this point.
the two of you laid there for a while, eren giving you light kisses on your ear and neck while you whimpered, running your hands through his hair. you could smell the alcohol that emanated off of his body, the spices hitting your nose. the rain was soothing, ever so slightly tapping against the glass.
you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him in closer. he positioned his head to look at you, a drunken smile plastered on his face.
your lips were brushing against each other's, eyes fixated on one another. you inched forward, just enough to press your lips against eren's. eren's kiss was gentle, his lips were soft and warm. you melted into each kiss. he pulled away, your lips still touching.
“you’re everything to me.” eren confessed. "i love you."
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dont-f-with-moogles · 5 months
Love Note (Canon Universe) Characters: Levi x Hange  Word Count: 251 words
The small candelabra on Hange’s desk cast a meagre, yellow light over the shelved volumes and paper notes which cluttered their window ledge. Dipping their pen in a metal inkwell, Hange  scrawled a few additions in their own characteristic looping script, before adding the paper to their other clippings. The document which had been attached to it was laid to one side before Hange reached for the next one. Their hand remained outstretched as their eyes followed the first line of text, mouth rounded in surprise. Hange removed the note, bringing it directly under the candlelight to illuminate its impeccably neat rows of letters. The ink shone as dark as typed print, almost as though it had been run fresh from a printing press rather than produced by a fountain nib. 
Four Eyes,
Think you can manage to prise that nose out of those research papers for an hour? Let Moblit and Nifa hit the books for now. 
Meet me in Moppel’s stable. We’ve got some business of our own to attend to.
P.S. It is Valentine’s Day after all. Or so I’ve been reminded.
It was thankful that, in the dimly-lit room, no one was there to witness the wicked glint upon Hange’s glasses as they lowered their head. Neither could anyone discern the blush burning upon their cheeks. With a small sound of affirmation, Hange scraped their chair back and reached for their jacket. Then, after a moment’s hesitation, they seized the riding crop from its drawer.
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arlerts-angel · 5 months
💌 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 — a month of love event.
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𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 i'm accepting love letter requests! self-shippers, this one's for you!
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐒: send me some info about you + your f/o (ex: anniversary/important events, headcanons, nicknames, anything you'd find in a love letter!) and i'll respond with a handwritten letter from them!
𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐒 𝐈'𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑: attack on titan, tokyo revengers, and jujutsu kaisen !
𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒: this event is sfw — but as always i encourage everyone under the age of 18 not to follow/interact with my account. 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐁𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄! i have a life outside of my tumblr account, but i do want to get to as many people as quickly as possible!
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abbyslev · 1 year
A/N: this is a vday special! i do apologize, it's a bit rushed. i want to thank everyone for reading and showing support!! i love all of you and i hope you have a lovely vday💌👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
WARNINGS: suggestive in some of them, implied sex in yelenas, nothing else but fluff and cuteness!!
Hange forgets its valentine’s day 100%
they get up at like 4 and realize it’s valentine’s day when they check their calendar 
goes to the store and grabs last minute flowers and all your favorite snacks along with a little teddy bear
they were on the phone with levi the whole time like “IM SO FUCKED LEVI WHAT IF THEY WAKE UP”
in the car they assemble the gift and pick up some coffee and bagels 
when they get home you’re still asleep 
they set it out on the counter and crawl back in bed until you wake up :D
Hange kisses your head with a huge smile on their face
“Happy Valentines, babe.” They whisper while rubbing your bare hips 
you look at your surprise and just fall apart in Hange’s arms
they feel relieved when you don’t catch on that they forgot
levi got you two a reservation to a fancy restaurant last minute while hange was in the middle of the store losing their mind 
you gave hange a new notebook, some new jewelry and a book they’ve been wanting for a while 
they tear up a bit </3
the dinner was amazing 
that night was lovely hange was gentle and slow 
10/10 valentine’s day 
she’s a simple gal
she makes you breakfast, put flowers in a vase and buys you a watch you’ve been looking at for a while 
you gave annie some new boxing gloves she’s been wanting 
you two cuddle all morning 
annie takes you on a small hike to an open field and you two swim in the clear waters for hours 
eat with your humid clothes and dripping hair in the grass while the sun sets 
you two change and drive home while listening to music and annie holds your hand 
that night you two tried chocolates one of her coworkers gave to her bc they didn’t like chocolate 
“this one’s like a five out of ten. Try it.” As she puts it in your mouth.
“I actually give it a ten outta ten.” You shrug while Annie starts arguing with you why it’s not that good 
you end the day off with a nice warm shower and night cuddles </3
please do not play with my wife 
she has been planning this since the day SHE WAS BORN 
flowers, stuffed animals, clothes, perfume, books, candles, robes, candy, ANYTHING YOU WANT IS YOURS 
this year she got you a lot of things including a kitten :)
the cat had stayed with eren and his gf while valentine’s day creeped up
you had opened your gift and hugged mika and she told you she had one more gift 
“mika, baby, this was more than enough,” You laugh
she hands you a very wobbly, white box
you open it and a calico cat comes out 
you tackle her in tears
“did i do okay?” 
you just kiss her bc WHAT
she cooks breakfast and everything <3
you gave her some new products she’s been wanting to try and some new running shoes 
“baby, these are so pretty. you didn’t spend a lot did you?” 
“mikasa you got me a cat, SHUT UP BABY” 
 she takes you to a garden and walk around 
lovely night with both of you in a bubbly bathtub 
you give her a back massage 
trace her back tattoo until she falls asleep
<3 she’s so perfect 
she’s a classic
she’ll cook you a lovely breakfast 
you got her a basket full of snacks from around the world 
they didn’t even last two seconds
she got you a necklace and a new hoodie 
that night you, sasha, connie and jean go out to dinner 
she likes to include them in everything and you love them so why not 
you and sasha hold hands and connie’s like “GAYYYYY”
all you can eat buffet 
connie’s idea tbh
its okay it’s all perfect and you guys are crying from laughter 
that night you and sasha watch movies while eating what’s left of the snacks you gave her 
she falls asleep with crumbs all over her face 
you fall asleep on her lap, pocky stick in your hand as the movie keeps playing 
wake up with a stomach ache but it was a 10/10 night<3
tbf she’s gonna buy you some lacy, red lingerie 
its just yelena 
its basically a normal day for both of you
you get home
there’s rose petals trailing to your bedroom 
all over the bed in a heart shape 
she’s so corny someone arrest her 
good thing you wore the lingerie 
yelena comes up from behind you 
you two literally go at it until the sun comes up 
she’s not a romantic person but yet it’s still a good day<3
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