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snini9s-warrior-cats · 1 year ago
Snini Rambles: Sparkpelt
I know this is a hot topic lately, but I really have strong and confusing feelings about this character.
I do NOT hate her because of her grief. She was able to care for her kits as much as she could while grieving. This is not where my frustration comes from. I get grief. while I get Nightheart's frustration towards her and his feelings of abandonment, I don't think Sparkpelt's in the wrong here- she was grieving and THEN was exiled. Nothing was in her control. It's not like she purposely "abandoned" Nightheart.
No, my frustration comes from her insistence of heritage.
She is outright insulted and angry when Nightheart rejects his name.
"'You rejected your family when you rejected your name.' 'I only asked for a name that suites me better than Flameheart!' he objected. 'What's wrong with that?' Sparkpelt's ears flattened. 'It's disrespectful, that's what's wrong.' 'To whom?' He stared at her. 'To you?' 'To Firestar.' Sparkpelt snapped" - Sparkpelt to Nightheart in A Starless Clan: Sky
While I won't go so far to say this is abuse, it certainly feels toxic. Nightheart is in no way obligated to be named after Firestar, who, ironically, had his own name changed to Firepaw. He probably could've chosen his own name later. Hell, he let Millie, Daisy, and Brook keep their names when they joined the clan (or in Brook's case, for the time she was in the clan).
I don't know. I just really have beef with Sparkpelt and her treatment to Nightheart, especially regarding his name.
Oh, and to keep things clear, I'm not a fan of Finchlight for her reaction to Nightheart's renaming. They both shunned him for wanting to be named something more appropriate and then continued to make all his issues/frustrations about the fact that he disrespected his family for wanting to be named Nightheart.
This is in no way to say that Nightheart is perfect and always right, but I don't know. I just have rough feelings about these characters sometimes
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snini9s-warrior-cats · 2 years ago
Ancient Roots: The Clans and Lore
Some base info on clans and their daily life/rituals/habits
Considered the proudest and most stoic of the clans
"Welcome to ThunderClan—the Clan of courage and loyalty.[...] There is no Clan in the forest so true or so brave. [...] the Clan of heroes, the Clan of compassion, the Clan of destiny." Secrets of the Clans
Other clans often view them as stuck up and snarky, but all the help they offer isn't done out of malice or viewing other clans as less, it's simply what they think is right to help the clans.
ThunderClan is also fairly hated for their issues being ones that often ooze over into other clans
In the forest territories, there were skirmishes over the Sunning Rocks, however, many elders were always happy to share between the two clans, much to the irritation of leaders, especially Sunstar.
The clan is the most open to outsiders, thanks to Firestar's rise to power from a kittypet.
After Firestar's death, the clan slowly withdrew from the lives of the other clans.
They are one of the best clans at blending in and hiding in thick undergrowth, as well as the quietest when moving through their territory
Their families are much more tight-knit than those in other clans, with heritage prized and upheld in stories
Is often the largest of the clans due to their relative lack of predators or environmental challenges in their territory
They are the broadest shouldered of the clan cats
Considered the most withdrawn from the rest of the clans, as well as the most quick-witted and skittish
Love and prefer open spaces to exist in
Often view themselves as the closest to StarClan due to their unobstructed view of the sky
Fastest and most skittish of the clans, much like the rabbits and hares they share their lands with
Queens occasionally will nurse young puppies or kits of barn cats
While tunneling has not been as common in the lake territories, there are still visible differences between Moor Runners and Tunnelers and their descendants. Moor Runners are often more lanky, longer-legged, and smaller-pawed, with longer tails to aid in balance. Tunnelers are broader, stronger, with larger paws
Tunneling has slowly come back into popularity and is a skill being relearned and taught by Shattered Ice and past tunnelers.
Eyesight is especially important and valued. They have the keenest sight in any of the clans and to become a warrior, they must monitor the clan, borders, or patrols from a distance, while their mentor watches and decides if they can be a warrior
They prize their history and past, especially given their prominent historical figures, such as Moth Flight, Gray Wing, Shattered Ice, Windstar, and many others
During Onestar's leadership, their connection with other clans significantly deteriorated, although they're working to improve them once again
They are often the tallest of the clan cats
Considered the most reclusive and fearsome of the clans
“'And ShadowClan holds power over there, in the darkest part of the forest.' [...] 'The elders say that the cold winds from the north blow over the ShadowClan cats and chill their hearts.'” -Into the Wild
Proud, defensive, and secretive. Since the rule of Tigerstar I, and the string of harsh and even cruel leaders before him, the clan has gotten more and more aggressive and defensive over how they're perceived by the other clans. They have pretty much given up on changing their perception themselves, instead just resorting to defensive and snarky behavior. It's not like they're believed by the other clans anyways
Since Dovewing's move to the Clan, the perception of the clan has improved, but they still face scrutiny, especially after Tigerstar II's takeover of RiverClan
They're usually the smallest of the clans by number
The clan is semi nocturnal. Many cats prefer to sleep during the day and hunt or patrol at night. Other clans aren't fully aware of this and many just assume that they have early dawn patrols. While not all cats are night patrollers, any member of the clan is willing to pull a night patrol. Most cats take turns on who is nocturnal, but some cats have chosen to take this role permanently
To become a warrior, an apprentice must prove proficient in moving through the territory silently. They must spy on the clan and return when they're ready without being seen or detected by their mentor and clan, providing any and all information they have gathered about the clan
Many cats are silent most of the time and have perfected paw speak. Silence is valued for the continued connection to the shadows they are named afterThey specialize in stealth, ambushes, spying, and silence
Apprentices spend much of their training learning to sneak, patrol, and even hunt in complete silence, relying only on body language, paw speak, and subtle signals for communication. This is valued for stealth missions and general clan life
They are very private and closed off, often preferring to keep clan matters to themselves or to their immediate family
They are often the most stocky of the clan cats
Considered the most peaceful and mild-mannered of the clans and the most patient.
“'Loyalty, honor, courage, and faith in  StarClan. These are the values of a warrior.' [...] 'Peace, community, and kinship. These are the values of RiverClan.'” Riverstar’s Home
They kept the values on which Riverstar formed the clan. When Tigerstar was able to take over the clan, with Leopardstar going along with it, it turned most of the clan against her. Why should she stay the leader when she goes against the values set by Riverstar, the patron of peace, who created the clan with peace in mind? Even after Leopardstar started having second thoughts, she was never able to regain the respect that the clan had had for her. She is often scorned and her memory is spat on by the clan, which has since worked hard to get back to its peaceful roots.
While Riverstar started the habit of meditation, the habit has drifted in and out of the clan's habits. The clan had started meditating again during Mistystar's leadership, but since her death, the habit has not been kept up.
They're the best at building and weaving, followed only by ThunderClan
Healers often cultivate the growth of herbs in or around their camp or territory, depending on the habitat a herb needs
Like in Riverstar's time, RiverClan collects small items, such as shells and feathers, to decorate the camp, nests, and dens with. To give their highly valued items to their close friends or lovers is often viewed as a declaration of love
Beauty is highly valued in the clan- be it physical or in mannerisms
Swimming is taught to kits by their parents in small creeks or slow-moving portions of the river
Outside relationships are much more accepted than in many of the other clans. Additionally, there is never any pressure for a queen to share the parentage of her kits, for did Riverstar himself not bring a mate back to the clan?
They are the most touchy and loving of the clans, often brushing against each other, rubbing their heads against each other, or grooming each other. This isn't viewed as something that should stick to their mates, though mates spend considerable time grooming and cuddling each other. This is important for them while swimming, as touch can convey many different signals, much like ShadowClan and their paw speak.
They are able to hold their breaths the longest. The cat who can hold their breath the longest is often the better hunter. However, the number of apprentices making competitions of this results in many exasperated mentors
They are often the longest-furred of the clan cats, along with the unique trait of webbed paws. Many cats think of them as fat and lazy, but they are quite muscled and quick-pawed
Before Leaving the Forest: Considered the most aggressive and arrogant
Taking after Skystar and his rogues, SkyClan was considered, in this time, as the most aggressive and least trustworthy. This made exiling them easier. Who wants an aggressive neighbor?
SkyClan cats are the most open to rogues and quick-to-fight cats. They were even more intimidating than ThunderClan and ShadowClan, leading to their continued isolation
They were considerably less territory-hungry after Skystar's death, but were still considered to be the first to leap after empty territory
Their borders were often closed to all but medicine cats. Any information sharing done by leaders could simply be left at the border with a representative
In the Gorge: They are considered withdrawn and sad by outsiders
Before the clan fell
They were often withdrawn from the world.
Many clan traditions were lost as well as their connection with the other clans
There was no feeling of love or longing towards any of the other clans after their exile, except maybe from those who had left family or lovers behind. Why would they? None had stood up for them, so there was little love of those who had watched them leave
After their rebuilding
"SkyClan's destiny is that we will never live in isolation from other cats. We're not like forest Clans, we can't shut ourselves off entirely from kittypets or rogues. And visitors will be welcome"- SkyClan's Destiny
The clan was much more open to the presence of others. They essentially got a new start
They are much more peaceful and accepting than they were before, thanks to Firestar's open-mindedness.
They often have the oddest traits of any of the clans, given their kittypet or loner blood
They're working hard to rebuild their connection with the ancestors and their traditions
Skystar and former leaders often visit the healer(s) and Leafstar in dreams, informing them of traditions and herbal knowledge
After joining the Lake Clans: Considered the most judgmental of the clans
Much the same as after their rebuilding, however, they're much more judgmental of the other clans and their traditions. The toxicity and habits of the clans have not been ingrained into SkyClan cats since birth
This judgmental view often results in judgment from other clans. They tend to view SkyClan as odd and weak given their odd habits
They are still working to reclaim their culture and traditions, often aided by their ancestors in dreams
They have the weakest connection to StarClan, with many of the clan members not fully believing all the stories and glory that the other clans have of the clan
They are the least afraid of twolegs given their kittypet, loner, and rogue background
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snini9s-warrior-cats · 2 years ago
Ancient Roots: Family Tree Changes
[V1.0, updated 9/17/23]
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Changes and details below the cut
TW: Fertility issues
Onestar only has one mate, Smoke, and is therefore only the father of Darktail and his siblings.
Whitetail has no mate and therefore Heathertail and Galekit are no longer Onestar's kits
Nightcloud had a relationship with another tom (in clan or out of clan, not decided) resulting in Breezepelt. Crowfeather believes Breezepelt is his kit. He's not. Breezepelt and Heathertail are no longer related, resolving the incest issue. Nightcloud and Crowfeather still have relationship issues and their unnamed kits
Tallstar and Jake are actually mates now. I don't make the rules. They're husbands
Sandstorm's mother is the "tabby queen with distinctive black markings" mentioned in Into the Wild. Her mother's name is Blacksong and she is also adoptive mother of Pebblekit (the small tabby tom kit), Streamkit (the little grey and white tom kit), Rockkit (fluffy grey kit (I've made them a she-kit)), Molekit (tiny black kit (who I've also made a she-kit)), and Leafkit (small tortoiseshell cat (made a trans tom)). All the kits actually belong to a rogue tom and Redtail, but she's become their adoptive mother and cares for them as her own. They believe that Blacksong and Redtail are their parents and the pair is happy to allow them to think that. She has fertility issues, which is why Sandstorm is her only kit.
Redtail is a trans tom (FtM), and is father of Pebblekit, Streamkit, Rockkit, Molekit, and Leafkit. The kit's biological father was not interested in them and due to dysphoria, Redtail asked Blacksong to watch over them. Blacksong happily agreed, given her own fertility issues
Leafpool, Sorreltail, and Mothwing are in a poly relationship, with Sorreltail additionally being Brackenfur's mate. Brackenfur is part of the poly relationship with Leafpool as well, but not with Mothwing given they haven't really met much outside of gatherings. Leafpool and Brackenfur are more friends than lovers, as Brackenfur is mainly Sorreltail's mate, while Sorreltail is both Leafpool and Mothwing's. (Leafpool x Sorreltail x Mothwing + Leafpool x Sorreltail x Brackenfur)
Brackenfur and Sorreltail still have kits, but they are raised alongside The Three (Jay, Holly, Lion). The Three, in turn, are raised by Brackenfur and Sorreltail, but are always passed off as Bramblestar and Squirrelflights due to their birth being in the same time period as Cinder, Honey, Poppy, and Mole, but not close enough to convince anyone that they were their biological kits
Willowpelt's kits are no longer Whitestorm's. This fixes an inbreeding issue
Sweetbriar is no longer sister of Fallowsong, and therefore she and her offspring/family (Tigerstar and his offspring) are no longer related to Thistleclaw/Bluestar/Whitestorm in that way
Rosetail, Thrushpelt, and Bluestar are in a poly relationship, after the "death" of Bluestar's kits, although all three of them know the truth. Rosetail and Thrushpelt aren't in a ROMANTIC relationship with each other, but they are both Bluestar's mates. Rosetail has a familial platonic relationship instead. (Bluestar x Rosetail + Bluestar x Thrushpelt)
Tinycloud, Rockshade, and Bouncefire are no kits of Clovertail. This fixes an inbreeding issue
Plumwillow is no longer daughter of Fallowfern and Waspwhisker. This fixes an inbreeding issue
Nectarsong is no longer daughter of Mintfur and Nettlesplash. This fixes an inbreeding issue
Sparrowpelt and Cherrytail are no longer related. This fixes inbreeding
Bramblestar and Squirrelflight are FORMER mates now. In this house, we don't put up with abuse
Dustpelt, Frostfur, and Brindleface are no longer related. This fixes inbreeding
Brackenfur is no longer son of Frostfur. This fixes inbreeding
Lilyheart is no longer mate of Snowfur. Larksong, Leafshade, and Honeyfur are no longer related to Firestar through Cloudtail. This fixes inbreeding
Ivypool and Fernsong are no longer mates, however, Fernsong has a mate-like (Those who don't know they're cousins often think they're mates. They're not) relationship with Ivypool. They are in no way romantically involved, but Fernsong, a trans female (MtF) was more than happy to care for Bristlefrost, Thriftear, and Flipclaw while Ivypool returned to her life outside the nursery. Fernsong is that one cool uncle at the family gathering and Ivypool always appreciates her cousin's help and company. This fixes an inbreeding issue
Bristlefrost and Rootspring were official mates, although they never had a chance to tell their families before Bristlefrost's death
Squirrelflight has fertility issues and had been trying for moons to conceive. She is VERY protective of Alder and Spark as a result and considers their births a blessing from StarClan
Dewnose and Sorrelstripe are no longer mates, however, Myrtlebloom and Bayshine are still her offspring. This fixes an inbreeding issue
Brook Where Small Fish Swim is now called Babbling Brook
Talon of Swooping Eagle is now called Eagle Talon
Crag where Eagles Nest is now called Cliff Crag
Pine that Clings to Rock is now called Pine Rock
Feather of Flying Hawk is now called Hawk Feather
Lark that Sings at Dawn is now called Lark Song
Breeze that Rustles the Leaves is now called Leaf Breeze
Stemleaf and Spotfur are no longer mates. This fixes an inbreeding issue. Spotfur still mourns the death of her cousin, but her kits are with an undisclosed tom
Rowanclaw is a trans she-cat (FtM). He is not father of any of Twanypelt's kits. Instead, his brother, Cedarheart, offered to father them. Tawnypelt accepted, after a discussion with Rowanclaw, and the two love them deeply. Cedarheart has a loose relationship with them but is not viewed as a father figure, but instead as the uncle that he is.
Leopardfoot and White-eye are mates after Pinestar leaves. Leopardfoot and Pinestar never had a deep relationship, but she and White-eye were very close. As far as Leopardfoot is concerned, White-eye is her only mate. Pinestar is a kittypet and is nothing to her
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snini9s-warrior-cats · 2 years ago
Hello Hello~ I'm Snini9
I am a queer marine biology student and I am currently using she/they pronouns. Here, you can find CANON Warriors stuff, my OC Clan Lore, and Warrior Cat's Rewrites/AU stuff!
Feel free to:
"Like Spam"
Tag posts, Respond to posts, and just generally chat! I'm here for a good time! Just be nice!
Asks are pretty cool and I'll try to answer stuff as I have the energy
Use my ideas, as I myself have developed some stuff from other users (credit will be given where credit is due and that's all I ask from you!)
Warrior's AU/rewrite: Ancient Roots
The things I will be focusing on are:
Culture? Like, why does everything feel copy/paste with different landscapes?? GIVE ME MY TUNNELING BACK?!!?
Fixing friendships that get forgotten and making AU relationships!
Just some neat stuff!
Will be tagged with #snini9sWCAU, #ancientroots, and #AncientRootsAU
Blizzardstep's Guilt//Ocean's Requiem//MistClan
This is a clan from the ARPG Feral-Felines on Deviantart! This is my child and I love them!
Sharing art/lit/general clan stuff
Stupid little doodles
Will be tagged with #BlizzardstepsGuilt, #OceansRequiem, #FFMistClan
Canon Designs//discussion
I have not learned from my mistakes and attempts in the past and will be tackling the massive task that is designing every warrior cat
May/May not be Canon Compliant, depending on my mood and how I feel things fit better
Discussing canon stuff will be rare, but might happen
Will be tagged with #Snini9sWarriorsDesigns, #Snini9sWarriorRambles and the cat's name
Feel free to make fanart/lit. It will always be loved. Just be mindful of OC backstory//AU guidelines!
Other blogs: @magnus-archives-brainrot, @three-crows-in-hiking-boots
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