#sneak peek event
verysmallcyborg · 4 months
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[ TALES OF LOSS AND FIRE AND FAITH ] Our journey has been worthwhile. We are a union of hearts.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @oneiroy!!!!! to such a lovely friend that i'm so happy to have in my life, and that i appreciate and cherish with every fibre of my being <3 (a set based off of one of many moments that fornax and ryss have had together during their adventures)
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jessicas-pi · 8 months
Local Smuggler Extremely Disappointed By Boring Reality Of Hyped-Up Love Story: More At Seven
Sabine gives him a knowing smile. “Han, be honest. Are you just looking for advice on how to date a girl who’s cooler than you?”
“No!” he lies, holding up his hands. “I’m curious! I mean, Bridger seems like a nice guy, but… he’s one of those wizards, and from what I’ve heard, your people don’t exactly get along with them.”
Sabine is quiet for a minute, apparently reminiscing.
Finally, she speaks.
“So, Ezra has always liked me. He was almost fifteen when we met, and he was—” She laughs to herself. “He was such a flirt. Cocky, full of himself, overconfident… but he was sweet. Sometimes he was even funny.”
Han gets the feeling she might be fonder of the Jedi in hindsight than she actually was at the time, but he doesn’t interrupt her to point it out.
“We became friends, after a while,” Sabine continues sentimentally. “Best friends. And then some of Ezra’s friends bet him money that he wouldn’t ask me out, and more money that I wouldn’t say yes. So… Ezra and I decided to swindle them.”
Han sits up a little straighter. “Swindle? Antilles and Klivian said—”
“Wedge and Hobbie don’t know,” Sabine cuts him off, grinning. “They think we actually went on a date. And then… to avoid other people constantly asking us out, we kept fake dating. It was our big secret. Our bit.”
“Then, what?” Han asks. “Don’t tell me getting married was fake, too!”
“Yeah, but just for a couple months. But I couldn’t hide my feelings for him anymore, and so I ‘fessed up. And… the rest is history.” She brushes a strand of her hair out of her face and smiles. “You know, I could probably get the girls to bet Leia won’t ask you out, if you wanna give it a try—”
“Who says this is about Leia?” Han demands, bristling.
Sabine just smirks. “It’s nice to see someone who’s worse than me at lying about their feelings.”
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arabic-langblr · 5 months
Sneak peek about the surprise
Hello, lovely people!
I hope you're all doing well.
First of all, thank you so much for the warm welcome back ;-; I honestly didn't expect it! I would have returned much earlier if I knew that was the case :')
Anyways, I'm currently working on a few posts and there's also the surprise I mentioned earlier, which I wanted to share it with you to see who's interested in participating in it.
I've always said that I'm not so happy with the available free Arabic courses online, so I decided to do something about it and make an actual good free course that is fun and accessible for everyone. I have experience in teaching Arabic for non-native speakers of different ages so I think I'll be able to make an interesting course based on my humble experience and knowledge.
I'm currently working on the material, although I'm no editing expert but my point is not to have the "perfect" course in terms of technology/presentation. I am, however, confident that the content will be good, that I'll be able to give you guys something that is fun and practical إن شاء الله. I'm not sure if we can call it a course, or an event or a learning activity, as you wish it's the idea that counts ^^
I'm gonna start from the very beginning, and I'll be with you every step on the way. During the time the course/event will take place, I'll answer questions, give you homework and correct it, etc.
It won't be live. I'll make content in advance so that people can listen to it at their own pace. I'm thinking of posting 2 lessons a week depending on how long each lesson will be.
I hope you'll be interested in this idea, the first level will be beginner i.e. the letters / harakat / words.
Is anyone interested in this idea? let me know.
Also, if you have any other comments / questions feel free to share them! Like how long would the lessons be ideally? And how many lessons per week?
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 6 months
✨ All Falls Down - Chapter 12 Sneak Peak ✨
here's a little sneak peak of the final chapter, let me know what y'all think. 🫶🏽
“You think he knows what we did?” 
“I know he knows.” Kiyana snapped her head over to look at Joe who had an indifferent look on his face. “He deserved Kiyana.” He shrugged.
“Leati, what did you do?”  She scoffed, grabbing her bag and trying to walk off the bus but Joe grabbed her arm, stopping her. 
“Does it matter? “ He was confused as to why she was mad at him. “Y’alls marriage is over Kiyana.”  Kiyana narrowed her eyes at Joe and snatched her arm out of his grip. “He deserves to feel the hurt you felt.” Kiyana ignored him and stepped off the bus and stood face to face with Josh, who tried to move her out of the way. 
“Imma deal witcho’ ass in a minute.” He growled, lip curling in disgust as he looked at her. 
“Hey, Josh stop!” She exclaimed as she tried to block his way onto the bus. 
“No fuck that Kiyana!” He screamed back. “How could you Key? With him of all fuckin’ people?”
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Whew, Josh is pissed lmao. Does he had a right to be pissed though?
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ask-the-bone-boys · 9 months
ATBB's Future
Hiiii y'all, its uh. been a minute huh
Now that it's been a bit over a year since I put this blog on hiatus, a loootta stuff has happened and changed and i've been doing a loootttta thinking!
Looking back on it, like really really looking, my biggest reason for the hiatus was that at some point the blog just kinda became more of a chore than something I wanted to work on for fun. Ask blogs are a lot of work, even when you're just using talking portraits rather than drawing out every individual answer, and with how much ask culture on tumblr has died out over the years there just wasn't really enough payoff to make it feel worthwhile to keep burning myself out.
I think it's a really good thing I stopped it when I did, because having to deal with all that in my senior year of high school would have been a nightmare. I've actually just finished up my first semester of college now, and there's no way in hell I would've been able to keep up at any rate! With all of this in mind, I've gained a newer perspective about how to approach things going forward.
I'm still really attached to this story. With how much time I've spent thinking about it and developing it in my head, I can't let it go, even if the blog isn't really working out anymore. I keep thinking of different ways I could fix the decisions I made early on, as well as the super cool directions I could take it in in the future, and I just. I GOTTA.
So, I've decided to reboot it entirely as a fic series!
This means that, unfortunately, there won't be nearly as much artwork to accompany it, but it's far more likely for the story to actually progress! Writing is way less draining for me and once I get going I can do it much quicker than art anyway, even though I do still sorta wish I had the spoons to just turn it into a full-blown webcomic instead haha
This DOES mean that updates won't be nearly as linear as they were here, seeing as right now I've mostly been working on backstory fics that took place before the blog's main story, but that can at least give you guys more context for how the characters interact with each other! I'll also state that while I do write faster than I draw, I still do it a hell of a lot less, so updates will still probably be pretty infrequent. But at least they'll happen at all, right?
As for the state of this blog itself, obviously I'm going to leave it up! I still love looking back on the old interactions you guys had with my characters and your reactions to certain plot points (your reactions to Fluff tagging along with the rest of the group were my favorite by far) and I think it would actually kill me to erase them. I'll be posting the fic updates here too, just like I did for Self Hatred!
And even if it's not going to be an ask blog anymore, because of how much I still miss that kind of interaction with you guys, I think I want to do a sort of "last hurrah" event, to finally send off the asking format with some good vibes.
You see, there's a character I made up around this time of year two years ago. He's a pretty cool guy, but he doesn't actually show up until a specific turning point later in the story. I've been excited for you guys to talk to him since the day I made him, but a little bummed lately that you may not ever get the chance. I still need to get a lot of stuff prepared, so I'm not quite ready to announce or start anything just yet, but there's a reason I waited until my winter break to start thinking about this seriously.
I think you guys would really like to meet him.
But anyway, that's about all I wanted to say for now! This is a very long post already so it's time I start wrapping it up. As always, thank you all so much for sticking with me, even though I really haven't been consistent through the years. I hope this change doesn't come as too much of a disappointment, and that you'll keep sticking around for the reboot!
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atuats-sidechick · 3 months
Sneak Peek
For the prompt "Parental Figures" @kyoshi-era-week-24! This was supposed to be a crack-ish fic, but it's turning angsty now 😅 Enjoy the bad sex jokes!
“Go on.”
“Kyoshi’s my partner. I love her.” She blurted out.
“Oh! I had no idea!” Atuat said, laughing. Then, upon seeing Rangi’s impassive expression, she smiled tenderly and put a hand to her shoulder: “That has nothing to do with your mother.”
Rangi wanted to scream, but she didn't: “How do I tell her?”
Atuat moved back and watched her, sipping her tea in silence. It's not that she was unreadable. She really wasn't. Her amusement seeped through each smiling line. What she was was unpredictable. “Ula! Come here.” She yelled at the healers by the vases: “Say a Fire Navy commander, a woman, walked in on our gatherings under a new moon. What would she do?”
Ula and her companion giggled: “Isn't she a bit young, Master?”
“Oh, don’t be dense. Not her!”
The women moved near them, still laughing: “I’d expect this commander to warm us all up.”
“Thank you. Now, get busy. Come on, go check on that Ernek boy.” She said, shooing them away with her hands.
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inaris-pokemon-world · 6 months
M: hello macha of this world where did you find such a adorable kitten?! 😍
Matcha grew quiet for a moment, looking uncomfortable.
“Inaris was… their mother gave them to us,” Matcha said after a moment. “We were exploring near the edge of the crater. The view is amazing from there. Especially at sunset. We’d just been watching the last rays of sun leave when she showed up.
“We’d never seen a Pokémon like her. Round and pink with intense yellow eyes and big back paws and a super long tail. She gave Inaris to us, practically begged us to take her kit. That was when we noticed she was scruffy and covered in bruises, like she was beaten within an inch of her life.
“She told us she probably wouldn’t come back, and to take Inaris away from the crater. She didn’t say why. And when she turned to leave, she said…”
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Matcha seemed lost in the memory for a moment, the image of the Mew leaving burned into their minds.
“We left with the kit. How could we not?” Matcha held each other’s paws, ears flat against their skulls. “And within the hour, there was a huge explosion from the crater. That was two months ago. And we never saw Inaris’s mother again…”
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jaystephevents · 1 year
She grabbed her coat from the tree by the door and belted it firmly against the October chill. She didn’t know how the real Wonder Woman did it…she sighed, jealous of Diana’s Amazonian blood.
Jason grabbed his leather jacket and zipped it up halfway, ignoring Steph’s side eye. Stupid Lazarus Pit. He was also always ridiculously warm; he liked to joke it was the Pit Rage keeping him full of hot air, but she preferred to think it was from how big his heart was, so full of love for everyone. It had to be proportional to his unfairly broad chest, after all.
Jason unlocked his car and held the door for her.
He leaned in, his mouth right by her ear and his neck in front of her nose, where she could smell his smokey, spicy scent. “You’re coming back with me after this mission.”
She considered licking his neck. Down, girl. Not yet. “Was I not going to?” she batted her lashes at him and he smirked.
“Right answer.”
He crossed in front of the car and got in. “Let’s hope this is an in-and-out mission.”
👀 Sneak peek at my fic, RelationShip of Theseus
How are you gonna make us thirst so hard with a month left to go, @abyssal-ali ?? 🤣😍🥵 TORTURE! (Well it is Whumptober so I guess that’s fair)
We can’t wait for the end result!
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JaySteph Halloween
October 31, 2023
All the event details in the pinned post @jaystephevents !
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whiskingskin · 8 months
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Shit posting is a love language
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drivinmeinsane · 7 months
wait can we know what the other wips are? im just curious
Sure! I can't guarantee that all of these will get exhumed but here's what's kicking around in there that wasn't culled completely. (‾◡◝)
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Sneak Peek - "The Pocky Game"
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Part of her had wished that someone could have seen and told Azula about that weird loser who waited for her for three hours in the cafeteria. But no one had, Azula didn’t and doesn’t know anything about it at all.
Probably, she doesn’t remember it.
It was just one mundane blip in an extraordinary life that Seicho hadn’t been a part of.
Not as a friend and not as one of those people for whom Azula pointedly held her head high as she walked passed. Those people were nobodies. Those people were beneath her and Seicho thinks that some of them knew it too.
But those people…
The ones that she liked to snicker about…
They are the lucky ones. They existed. And they had existed enough to earn her snide, sly remarks.
Seicho wasn’t just a nobody.
She was nothing at all.
And so she spent her life on the very fringes of Azula’s opulent, privileged childhood.
Interested in seeing more? Posting begins August 8th, and writer identities will be revealed August 22nd!
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triviareads · 2 years
lmao I'll never get over Shonda saying she created the Queen Charlotte show because she feels like older women are never explored in romance... and then proceeds to create a show where in the "present-day" scenes, the actual older women are widows or undergoing considerable marital difficulties due to mental illness.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 7 months
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Sheesh… Mama Fatu is mad as hell ….
Chapter 10 Part 2 coming soon… 🫶🏽
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So,it's been a bit.But while trying to balance homework and motivation,I've been trying to draw and write stuff!This one's about Shelly unknowningly going to Mt.Ebott,shown in Prologue Part 1(and will be put on it soon).
It'll be the type of art I'll try to draw in the future.So it'll take a while.Patience it shall be!
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atuats-sidechick · 3 months
Lake Laogai
A little sneak peek of my text for the "Daofei" prompt from @kyoshi-era-week-24! This is going to be a 5 chapters fic and I'll try to match each chapter with an event in the next few months. So chapter 2 will be based on an Atla Sapphic Week prompt and chapter 3, on an Atla WTF Weekend prompt. Planning to have a so much fun with this hehe :)
Tagaka’s gray hair had turned entirely white since her arrest. She was thin, but not weak. The way her hands were attached to the wall showed Kyoshi her arms were thick with muscle and lined with veins. Her posture hadn't changed. “You’ve heard?” Kyoshi asked. “That the giant who raised the seabed and doomed my crew was the Avatar? No. But the guards mentioned that that stupid boy was a sham.” Her smile turned into a grin: “For what it's worth, I’m happy that it’s you. I like your make-up.” Kyoshi bent some earth into a stool and sat across the pirate: “Good. We need to talk.”
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