major-toast · 4 months
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"Rosie! Rosie, look!"
Mildly annoyed, Evan puts his books down. One excited Barty Crouch Jnr never means anything good, and Evan is already lagging behind in his studies. Not everyone gets to be blessed with a massive dickhead like Crouch's. Brilliant, yes, but a dickhead nonetheless.
"I rummaged around baby Black's things. I think I hit the mother lode."
Triumphantly, Barty dangles a small vial in front of Evan's face. It has a syrupy texture, green in colour, and shimmering like a very forbidden mother lode.
Unimpressed, Evan lifts a brow, taking the vial in between his fingers regardless. Barty smirks with a grin well too pleased.
"Stealing from my cousin, huh?" Evan huffs. "You do know, he'll have your head if he finds out?"
"By then, I'll know what types of drugs he uses. There is not one secret I won't be able to knick off him. Do you reckon, it's poisonous?" Evan shrugs in noncommital. "I guess there is only one way to find out."
Immediately, Barty's grin widens. "Now you're speaking my language, angel. On three?"
"On three."
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wanderingarcherviola · 7 months
Not me buying Snail Simulator for all my friends so we can have a giant Snarty together 😅
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Thanks to the wonderful people of the snapedom, I have now started saying ‘snose ’ instead of nose. I didn’t even realize it until my sister pointed it out 💀
You’re very welcome
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thehumandino · 2 months
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A commission I did for @snarties !
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grinning-blue-bot · 1 year
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Incredible Fanart by Snarties on Twitter!
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addie4ddie2005 · 3 months
Games that look like they were made in Roblox and can be beaten in two hours gotta have the most tragic heartbreaking characters imaginable that you will be mourning for the next week. Their names are Pookiboo and Snarty.
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samzikei · 8 months
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Finished my Goatlings Commission for Snartie! His Avatar and his fave goatlings~
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laypis · 2 months
URL CHANGE: snarties —> laypis
we'll see how long this lasts lmao
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love-and-bugs · 2 years
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It’s a Snarty (snail party)
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brokenghostgirl1 · 2 years
Partners [1]
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You were thrilled yet anxious. The two bedroom apartment felt tiny now that the news had fallen. Someone was moving in. The army had provided housing. You were after all their little medic. You hummed at the thought. You were a medic, never one to go on field missions. Just staying at home till someone needed medical attention. You became a medic to help provide more moral support to your dads base if anything. Your dad, Captain Price. Well you called him dad, he was more like a father to you then your real one. 
Eventually you stayed at the base more, helping the new recruits that cried for every little cut. You didn’t complain tho. It got you out of the house, it was quite lonely. Well not for long. You hoped your roommate would be nice, maybe play games with you or just hangout. It would be better than doing nothing all day.
A week ago Lazwell passed by to have a talk about you joining missions, ofc you had refused. You didn’t have the training for it. That and you’d rather work at the base where it was safe. 
“Well hopefully you’ll change your mind” she smiled, “Anyhow, about your roommate situation. Lieutenant Riley will be moving in soon, hopefully sometime today”
“That’s great”, you cheered, “Can’t wait to meet em’. ” 
“ Now don’t be intimidated by his size, he sticks to himself mostly. He’s not mean, just it's his Alpha side I should say”
“Wait but if he’s an Alpha why put him with me, hello unmated omega here” you cringed.
“Are you taking your blockers?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes mom” you groaned.
“Then you should be fine, he isn’t that kind of alpha anyway” with that she left. 
You waited for her to return with some uptight, snarty alpha who thinks he’s the shit. But you grew tired of waiting. You put on the TV and watched a movie. It was some 80’s horror movie, you didn’t really like horror movies but you knew it would keep your mind away from the time. 
Just as the door busted open on the film, so did yours, you screamed. You closed your eyes and covered yourself with a blanket. 
“Y/N” you heard Lazwell
You removed the covers over your face and sat up. There he was, black hoodie, black pants, and a skull mask. A big bag on his side and a gun in hand. He stared at you and when you noticed the gun he put it away. You swallowed a lump down in your throat. 
“Who?” you said still trying to calm down. 
“That's Ghost, your new roomie” she smiled. “He went full on soldier mode when he heard you scream”
“I'm sorry” you smiled at him, “sometimes these movies can be a little much for me”
“Then why watch it?” he asked in a snarky tone. 
You didn’t answer. Lazwell got back up and showed him to his room. He put his things down and left. Lazwell said he needed to finish work at the base and to not wait on him, “he has a key”. She stayed a bit to chat and catch you up on some of the new recruits you might see coming to get medical. 
After Lazwell left you made you some dinner, you did make extra just in case Ghost wanted some when he got home. You left a note on the counter, ‘help yourself ^-^’ written on it. You went to bed that night with a content hum and holding your plushie. 
It was about 3am when your sleep was interrupted by a call. You grabbed your phone and saw Lazwell written on the top. You hesitantly answered it. 
“Kate, it's 3 in the morning, what's wrong” you yawned.
“One of the new recruits…”
“Ugh, ok i'm on my way” you cut her off, “Give me 5 and i’ll be there”
You hung up the phone not letting her finish. You got dressed, you put on an oversized t-shirt and some shorts. You didn’t feel like putting your scrubs on, it was a late night call anyway so it wouldn’t matter. 
You arrived at the base and rushed to your medical room. There you saw your new roommate you just met holding his leg as it bled. You just stared at him, he stared back at you but you swore he looked hungry. He then looked away after a few seconds. 
“Why didn’t she tell me it was the Lieutenant that was hurt” you whispered to yourself.
“It's nothing, Lazwell is just over reacting” you heard him speak, “I told her not to wake you up, I could’ve fixed it.”
He must’ve heard you.
“Oh it's alright it's my job. Plus it looks very painful” you yawned as you sat down next to him. 
Things went silent as you worked on getting the bullet out. It wasn't deep so it didn’t take long for you to get it out and stitch him up. He thanked you an walked out as if he didn’t just have a bullet in his leg. You sighed and headed home, you met with Lazwell on your way out, apparently a new recruit wasn’t watching how he held his gun and ended up shooting Ghost. Lucky for Ghost the recruit didn’t hit anything serious, but he was pissed to say the least. 
Arriving at home you put your purse up on the counter, noticing a note. ‘Thanks for the food kid’ roughly written on a slip of paper. You smiled, he was actually nice for an alpha. You took your shorts off and went to bed holding your plushie.  You dreamt about your day. Meeting your new roommate, cooking, and helping him with his wound. You dreamt of the days that would follow, how this new friendship is going to turn out. 
It's been a week since he moved in. 
You two barely spoke a word to each other. You got more busy since those recruits showed up. Always needing a bandaid or just some ice. You felt like a school nurse. When Lazwell found out she told them if it was life or death then come to you. 
The recruits even made Ghost busy always having to train them. You wanted to go watch but Lazwell told you he doesn’t like it when people watch him. Something about a guy named Soap, always cheering and yelling in his ear. You kinda giggled hearing that. You didn’t expect him to have friends, you thought he was more of a keep to himself kinda alpha. 
You noted that he likes going for runs in the mornings. You wanted to get him some gatorades so he wouldn’t be dehydrated. You needed to shop soon so you just made a note and put it on the fridge like you always do ‘Get Ghost some Gatorade ’. Not thinking about it you also put your whole shopping list on it too. So you wouldn’t lose it. Big mistake though. 
 You were sitting on your lounge chair in the corner of the living room. You had to work on a medical report, some stupid recruit broke his hand. Now you have to fill out a release form, and medical expense report. It was about 8 pm when Ghost came back from the base. You looked up from your laptop and greeted him. 
“What's this?” he grabbed your note and held it up looking at you. 
“Oh, I’m gonna go shopping this weekend,  thought I would get you some drinks to stay hydrated.” you smiled. 
“ Not that” he chuckled, “The list”
“Groceries” it was more of a question. 
He sighed and sat on the sofa looking at his feet, then back at you. 
“You’re an…” he paused, “Omega?”
“Why…why you think that?” you stuttered. You were shaking. You hoped he wasn’t one of those alphas that cared about things like that. Some did, like your father(not price) and you awaited for judgment. 
“ Kid, you put it on your list”
You quickly grabbed it from his hand to look. Sure enough it was on there, in red. ‘Refill Scent blocker px’ . You lowered your head. You were about to text lazwell when he got up and walked to his room. 
“Just thought of telling you to keep that information to yourself. I really didn’t need to know that” he huffed before entering his room. 
You stayed up late that night. You didn’t know if he was angry or not. You didn’t wanna pass by his room and cause him to come out and fuss. So you grabbed a throw blanket you had folded up by the tv, grabbed your nearest stuffie and fell asleep on your lounge chair.  
You dreamt of Ghost that night. Him holding you, shushing you to sleep. You felt warm in his embrace. You didn’t want him to let you go. The last thing you dreamt about was him lifting up his mask just above his nose and kissing your forehead. 
You woke up in your bed. Not sure how you got there but you did sometimes sleep walk so you thought nothing of it. You went to make some breakfast and eggs. Your not really a morning person, but you did have to go into the base today and turn in a few things to Lazwell, and hangout with Price for a few. He finally wants you to meet his team. 
Ghost didn’t join you for breakfast sadly. You wish you would’ve known that otherwise you wouldn’t have made extra. You made sure to wrap up the extra and bring it with you. Maybe lazwell or Price might want some. 
You walked into the training room looking for Price. He told you he’d be in the training area monitoring the recruit training going on. You spotted him in the back. You managed to get a few feet away from him when a tall man got in your way, he was much smaller than Ghost but obviously larger than you. You didn’t have any blockers yet so you knew he might have scented you were an omega. 
“ what's a sweet omega like you doing here?” he asked as he grabbed your arm.
You struggled to get free, dropping the food you brought. “Get off of me, stupid recruit”
He growled. Just before he could open his mouth a very large and angry Ghost walked up behind him. He noticed your eyes glancing behind him, he turned. When he turned Ghost grabbed him, causing him to let you go and be flung to the wall behind him. 
“Why are you here?” Ghost growled.
“I….I” before you could get the words out Price and some guy with a Mohawk came rushing to see what happened. 
“Y/N '' Price bent down and gently grabbed your hand. The small alpha that grabbed you caused a bruise to form. 
“I wanted to bring yall some breakfast” you smiled weakly, “I’m sorry, he… I dropped it”
“That's alright love” the Mohawk guy helped you up, “Im Soap” 
“Y/N” you gave him a big smile, “Nice to meet you”
“Come in here with us, let the captain handle it” 
You walked in the room with Soap. Ghost soon followed after. You knew he was staring at you but you didn’t acknowledge him. Soon after Price and two men joined. 
“ Y/N “
“Yea?” you looked up at him Price with a worried expression. 
“Lazwell is gonna take care of your…issue. So you wont be staying long” he stated. “However let me introduce you to the squad”
He sat next to Ghost. The other two men sat on either side, one guy ended up sitting by you. 
“You’ve already met Soap and Ghost” he smiled, “ That one next to ya is colonel Alejandro Vargas. He's not really part of the 141 but he's still our brother.”
Alejandro chuckled with you at that statement. He was very handsome, you would’ve tried to flirt a little but you knew Ghost was watching you like a hawk. 
“Last but not least, this is Kyle. Just call him Gaz. “ 
After introducing you to the rest of the squad you had to go see lazwell about your scent blockers. As you were leaving Alejandro stopped you in the hall. 
“ Are you and Ghost a thing?”
“What?” you were shocked. “No” 
“Oh, good” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, “ Do you wanna go out sometime?” 
“I woul…”
Just as you were about to answer, Ghost came from behind you and growled at him. This didn’t seem to phase Alejandro, he just stood closer. You swore they were about to pounce on each other. 
“Boys” you heard Lazwell speak. “Thats enough”
She grabbed you, pulling you towards her. You yelped as she pulled you, making both the Alphas growl at her. 
“Ghost you should know better.” she sighed, “she’s not on her pills right now, you're just acting on instinct and not what you really want. Same as her, I know Alejandro doesn’t know. Well now you do, but Ghost you should know better. You're her roommate.” 
Ghost didn’t say anything, he just glanced at you and went back to training. Alejandro done the same, only thing is he actually said he was sorry. 
Lazwell took you to your office. She sat you down as if you were the patient, she handed you a new bottle of your scent blockers, making sure you took one before having you return home. Scent blockers usually make the person taking them very sleepy if they haven't had them in a while. Since you haven't had your meds in a day you should get some rest just in case. You don’t want to pass out again. 
Driving home was ok, but when you got to your door something didn’t feel right. You fell to the floor in pain, your heat was coming. You didn’t understand why or what triggered it. You put your back against your door, hopeing that Ghost was going to come home soon so he can help you get into bed and call Lazwell. 
Your phone rang and you tried looking for it, rushing to find it. Your heat was so painful everything was blurry, finding it was a no go. You don’t know how much time goes by until Ghost, Price, and Soap show up. They see you, back against the door whinning, at this point your in full heat. Price and Soap are betas so they don’t really fully understand your pain. Ghost on the other hand….
He wanted you so badly, but he knew he couldn’t. Your heat was making you want a knot from an alpha. He was the closest one, that was his conclusion. He would never force himself on you like that, even if your omega begged, he knew it wasn’t you. 
When the boys finially got you in bed they made sure Ghost was ok. Usually an omegas heat can make an unmated Alphas rut start. 
“Im fine” Ghost huffed.
“Just checking” Soap smiled.
“We trust you Simon”, price patted his shoulder,  “Just watch over her, give her lots of water.”
“Oh, before I forget” soap grabbed a bag off the conter, “Here are some ‘supplies’ for her.”
As they both left Ghost looked into the bag. He regreted it, it made him blush under his mask. He never thought you would be the kind of omega to use toys to help take the edge off. He was kinda jellious of one he knew you where gonna use the most. This one was big with a knot at the base. 
“Fuckin hell” he cursed. 
He needed to just give you the bag and just leave. He walked to the door to your room. He knew you knew he was there. You whinned for him, pleded for him to help you. 
“Ghost” you whinned. “It hurttss so bad, pleasssee”
“Fuck” he whispered. 
He opened the door, when he did he saw you laying nude in the little nest you made with your blankets and cloths. He slowly approached you, handing you the bag of toys. You opened it and smiled giving a weak ‘thank you’. He got up to leave and you grabbed his arm. Your eyes glowed a velvety red, your omega. Your omega was trying to get his alpha to respond, he had to leave the appartment. He left your room and rushed outside. 
Deep down his alpha wanted to help, he didn’t want his omega to hurt. But Ghost himself didn’t want a mate, he liked being alone and thats how he wanted to stay. But you were slowly changing it within him.
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foundationsofdecay · 5 months
went through my old photos again looking for my beloved photo of a snarty (snail party) but nah I must have deleted it :(
but that was in 2015/2016 when I was taking 1000000 pics of stuff in central park and other spots i frequented and now i miss nyc again. i don't want to live there again, i simply cannot live in a tiny box of an apartment that's just as if not more expensive than the one i'm sharing now, but ughhhhh i miss it i really really miss it
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roud-y · 7 months
why'd dad leave
He couldn't handle The Snail Parties
The Snarties, if you will.
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zephahhhh · 2 years
Snirthday Snarty this year
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The colour changing cocktail
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silllymaxxing · 9 months
Today I learnt that American smarties and Australian snarties are very different
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mysterysnailsinc · 1 year
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it's a snarty! (snail party)
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pacificovertures · 10 months
get to know me better
tagged by @offarawaysnfuturedays-inmydreams
three ships: hmm i'm not a HUGE shipper but. i've been into hoshino/hina from blue archive lately (not that it means anything to most of my followers), other than that i have pretty vanilla taste in ships like, whatever is canon is fine by me. to repeat ships i've already talked about... hmm i'm diehard for kurumu/mizore from rosario + vampire, another series no one gives a fuck about.
first ship: i was never a shipper as a kid either?? not even in middle school, i really just didn't care. if i had to pick one though it would probably be "specialshipping" or red/yellow from pokemon special
last song: i'm listening to music as i type this, but my last song was "midnight mission" by midnight grand orchestra. i wasn't that sold on it when it dropped, but it's really grown on me.
last movie: a couple weeks ago i watched fires on the plain (1959). really fucked up movie but also fascinating and sad.
currently watching: the sleeper anime of this season 16-bit sensation. it's not the "best" by any means, but it's full of love and heart which makes me smile. a must see for anyone who loves bishoujo games or game history in general!!
currently consuming: food that is probably not healthy for me bc that's what i do whenever i get really stressed lmao
currently craving: fruit juice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! specifically that pfanner berry juice blend they sold at the supermarkets in italy. they don't have it in the states and that shit slaps.
tagging: bitches i think would actually fill this out @blackglasses66 @polafuka @serenadeofthestars @snarties @ppilotco
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