#snap: +5p
velvetcorpse · 2 years
Yesterday ..
broke my whole entire fight -- my heart and soul damaged right along with my spirit .
My day started as every other day being woken up for meds like it's my fault their late smh as usual anyway as the day progresses this one #tech continues to harp on me all day over the smallest shyt as I'm counting down the time for 2pm for my day pass to arrive and i could fucking leave and have a wonderful time !
2 hits i finally am omw the 1+ drive takes to arrive back home i spend much loved time with my partner 5p comes I'm calling my ride and they are no where to be seen until well after 5:3Op and mind you*** i have to be back at 6pm it's over an hour drive so I'm already fucked ***
mother fucker goes to walmart doesn't even care I'm late we don't even get on the road until 6:20ish his son speeding at least 120mph or more the whole way tryna help the best way he could . Needless to say i don't arrive u til 7:45ish pm and they are fucking furious !
I'm not even in the door as they proceed to tell me i am being kicked out , breathalyzer comes back clean -- drug test clean ` I'm balling my eyes out snapping on the drivers who sabotaged me because now I'm kicked out with nowhere to go
and how the fuck I'm suppose to tell my family, who hates me this will just add more to their reason to hate my whole existence .
on the ride back i msg my mother to see about staying in her place solely the night gotta hard NO ! -- long story short ended up on the porch freezing my ass off all night.
brings me current day still haven't told my family and i don't even know how or what to say ..
someone help me
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matlidas-blog · 5 years
◜ 🥀 ◞       𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵   𝘵𝘰      ›       𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬   .
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𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚   :    my  feet  are  sore  from  all  the  walking  i  did  last  night  ... 𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚   :    maybe  i  should  pull  an  ariana  and  make  my  people  carry  me  everywhere 𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚    :    i  mean  i  know  that  was  a  rumour  but  i’m  seriously  considering  it  atm 𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚    :    i  feel  it  would  be  very  beneficial  💃🏻🤷🏻‍♀️
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nataschafm-blog · 5 years
𝐨𝐧𝐞 (𝟏) 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 : 𝖘𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖘 😇
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𝒔𝒂𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒂 :  hi  it’s  your  favorite  girl  !  also  known  as  the  one  and  only  natascha  baldwin 𝒔𝒂𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒂 :  anyways ,  it  feels  like  i  haven’t  seen  you  in  forever  and  idk  if  that’s  on  purpose  or  if  you  have  your  head  buried  up  someone’s  ass  other  than  your  own  and  you  didn’t  hear  this  from  me  but  i  miss  my  best  guy  😟 𝒔𝒂𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒂 : also i’m hungry ... can you bring me something from umami ? ( @montciro ! )
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kpopmultifan127 · 4 years
Liquid Dreams (M)
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Pairings: Haechan x female reader 
Genre: SMUT, a little bit of fluff
Contains: unprotected sex *please use protection*, oral sex, finger sex, swearing
Word count: 3,246
when you see words in italics it means their thoughts or what they were dreaming
Summary: You’ve been roommates with Haechan for almost 6 months and you’ve been having wet dreams about him constantly. Then ended up having really strong feelings for him. He takes notice and does something about it.
You and Haechan have been roommates for almost 6 months now. He was the only guy you trusted with everything. When your old roommate had to move out because they gotten a job offer in a different state Haechan stepped in to be your roommate. You’ve been friends for so long so you had no problem agreeing to him moving in. It was better than having a stranger live in the apartment with you.
It’s 8 AM you were always the first to get up since you had a 9a-5p job so you were use to waking up early. You made breakfast for just yourself seeing how Haechan always finishes work late and sleeps in like passed noon, so you never really made more than what you would eat. As you were leaning over the kitchen counter in your silk robe while scrolling through your phone you were startled to hear a voice come from the hallway. It was Haechan. Walking towards the kitchen while half asleep and rubbing his eyes.
Haechan: morning y/n.
y/n: oh my god, Hyuck you scared me!
Haechan: oh sorry, I didn’t mean to.
y/n: you’re up really early....
Haechan: I know, I have a photoshoot today at 10.
y/n: ah ok...would you like me to make you something? I made a bagel sandwich...I can make you another one.
Haechan: oh no it’s ok...that’s too much trouble for you.
y/n: Haechan....if it was trouble for me I wouldn’t have asked....
He let out a soft giggle as he took up on your offer. You were standing in the kitchen getting everything made for him. When you turned around you saw him staring at you.
y/n:...what? do I have something on my face?
Haechan:...no...but um I can see through your robe.
You had totally forgot you were still in your robe, because you weren’t use to him being up this early. By the time he usually wakes up you’re dressed. You turned a shade of pink while turning around really fast.
Haechan: why you all shy...we are roommates....and you’re cute.
As he took a bite and walking back to his room with his sandwich to get ready.
Haechan: thanks for the food y/n!
y/n: ...oh um you’re welcome.
You stood there frozen by his words “you’re cute” you felt heat form on your cheeks and felt your heart flutter. You snapped yourself back into reality realizing you still had to get ready for work.
You were finally at work, it was really slow day at the cafe you worked at. You couldn’t really concentrate at work because of what happened earlier that morning. Then you were brought back to reality when you’re coworker and friend Joy. Waving her hand in front of your face.
Joy: hello!!! y/n! Earth to y/n!!!
y/n: oh...oh um sorry.
Joy:  oh my god were you day dreamin again?!
y/n: sorry it’s slow today what else can I do?
Joy: who is it this time?
y/n: Haechan...
y/n: oh my god can you be ANY louder?
Joy: sorry..but ok what happened?
You proceeded to tell her the little incident that happened earlier.
Joy: oh my god....so you flashed him a little. not a big deal...not like you like him or anything..
You stood there quietly not saying a word...she put 2 and 2 together..
Joy: oh wow...do you really like him?
y/n: honestly, I don’t really know....I mean when I’m around him I get all shy and my heart starts to beat really fast....we’ve been friends since we were freshmen in high school. But I don’t know lately I’ve been seeing him differently.
Joy: oh god...yeah y/n you really like him.
Your day at work finally finished. When you got home Haechan still hasn’t gotten back from his photoshoot. So you had the place to yourself for the time being. You showered, ate ramen, then caught up on some of your Law of the Jungle episodes. Before you knew it you looked at the clock and it was already 11:30 pm. Haechan still hasn’t come home. You were too tired to wait up for him, so you changed into your sleeping clothes.
When your eyes dozed off you started to dream away.
Haechan: y/n can you come here a second and blow in my eye.
y/n: why do you have something inside of it?
Haechan: yes I can’t get it out can you help me.
you walk over to him to lean foward to take a look in his eye.
y/n: oh I think I see it.
you slightly blow in his eye.
y/n: is it out?
Haechan: no I can still feel it, can you just sit closer.
Without realizing it, you’re straddling over Haechan’s lap. You slightly blow in his eye getting rid of the debris from his eye.
y/n: better?
you make eye contact with him, forgetting you were still straddling over him. you were in still in your short sleeping shorts. When you attempted to get up he stops you holding you by your waist.
y/n: wha-what are you doing Hyuck?
Haechan: were you always this sexy?
You then felt him shift himself to get a more comfortable angle. That’s when you felt his bulge under you. And you felt yourself become really hot and a slow wetness started to form.
y/n: what---
Haechan: i know you can feel it y/n.
y/n: fe--feel what?
you knew exactly what he was talking about. You then felt his hips roll forward as you let out a small whimper.
Haechan: see you do feel it...what are you gonna do about it now.
He then slips his hand in your shorts feeling how hot and wet you are.
Haechan: hmm...seems like you want something baby.
His lips then met yours and he pulls back kissing your jawline. You let your head fall back as he could get more access to your neck. 
Haechan: damn baby i’ve been wanting to do this for a long time now.
He pushes you off laying you down on the couch as he tugs at your shorts giving you the sign to take them off.
Haechan: may i? unless you don’t want to.
y/n: mmm...please Hyuck..I want you.
Haechan: damn y/n....
He then pulls everything off leaving your exposed glistening clit to him. His hunger for you got stronger as he licked the bottom of his lip.
Haechan: i’m so hungry for this beautiful clit...
y/n: please Hyuck....I want you.
He begins to eat you out...he took his time with you.
You shot up from your bed....
y/n: oh...my. god....
you looked down at your shorts as you see a wet spot that had formed on your panties. You just had a wet dream about your roommate. It was 1 AM. Hyuck heard you make a noise and came running to your room.
Haechan: are you ok? I heard a noise.
you quickly covered your bottom half with your blanket so he wouldn’t see what he did to you in your dream.
y/n: oh...um no I’m fine...I just um...I have to use the bathroom.
you jetted out from your bed heading straight to the bathroom. hoping he doesn’t see what formed between your legs. The next morning you ended up leaving even earlier as you hope you didn’t cross paths with him. When you got to work Joy got there a lil before you.
Joy: woah what’s with you? you look like a hot mess.
y/n: I’m going crazy....
Joy: what happened now?
y/n: I had a wet dream about Hyuck last night....
Joy busts out laughing at the words you told her.
Joy: ok ok i’m sorry. but oh my god really?! You should tell him maybe he’ll make it into a reality.
y/n: oh. my god Joy! Why. do I even tell you things.
The passed few nights you kept having wet dreams about Haechan over and over. It drove you insane. So bad you had to fix your hunger for Haechan by yourself. When he was in the other room you always made sure to not make too loud of moaning noises so he wouldn’t hear you. It would be easier to just tell him to come fuck you but he was your friend and your roommate. You can’t just say to him “come fuck me please” it would make things so awkward for him. It wasn’t only lust that you wanted from him, you wanted to let him know you liked him so much. After you finished your business, you came out of your room with Haechan standing in the doorway.
y/n: oh my god! why you standing there?
Haechan: are you ok? you’ve been acting weird lately...
y/n: oh--I’m-I’m fine...
Haechan: how come your door was locked? you never lock your doors....do you not trust me now?
y/n: I was ---- changing.
Haechan: y/n we’ve been roommates for 6 months now...have I ever walked in on you while you were changing?
Haechan: well...ok if you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t force you to. I’m going to make ramen want some?
you nodded your head yes. You went to shower and by the time you came out the ramen was ready. 
y/n: thanks Hyuck...
Haechan: mmhmm...If you want more I can make you more.
You both sat in the living room eating the ramen and enjoying each other’s company. You’d glance at him once in awhile with a little smile. He’d notice...while still looking at the tv.
Haechan: y/n I know you think I’m handsome...would you like me to take a picture for you?
y/n: oh my god...
Haechan: well you keep staring at me.
y/n: why I can’t stare? you do it to me all the time.
Haechan:...ok true....I can’t help it you’re too adorable.
You felt your cheeks turn red. And you shot up. 
y/n: um..I’m gonna--gonna go to bed...night.
You then ran off to your bed as you shut your door. You didn’t realize you didn’t close it good leaving the door cracked open. You ended up dreaming about Haechan once again. This time Hyuck finally found out as he was passing by your room hearing you talk in your sleep.
y/n: mmm oh my god Hyuck right there...please don’t stop
he stood in the door way hearing you call out his name 
Haechan: is she dreaming about me?
He pushed the door open a little more. He wasn’t sure if you were sleeping so when he got closer he noticed you kept shifting yourself in your bed.
y/n: Haechan..you feel so good. Please cum inside me...
His eyes widen at the sound of you. 
Haechan: oh damn...that’s hot.
He thought to himself should he touch you? But he stopped himself as he wasn’t sure if you’d be embarrassed that you were dreaming about him. The next morning came and he was already dressed and making breakfast. You slowly came out of your room.
y/n: what’s---this?
Haechan: breakfast what does it look like?
You looked up and down at him, he looked so good today. He was wearing his black ripped jeans, a nice white button down tucked in the front.
y/n: you--you look really good today.
Haechan: as to any other day...
He lets out a little before sitting you down so you both can eat together.
y/n: do you have another photoshoot today?
Haechan: yeah for elle korea. Want me to take you to work today?
You were a little confused...why was he so giddy today. But you took him up on that offer. He took you to work, you kept glancing at him. You just couldn’t take your eyes off of him. Especially after all those wet dreams you’ve been constantly having of him. When he arrived at your work, you got snapped back into reality when you felt him put his hand on your thigh. You slightly flinched at the touch of him
Haechan: oh sorry, haha you were like staring into space. but you’re here...did you want me to pick you up too? I should be done by 5.
y/n: oh no it’s ok, it’s a short day for me so I finish at 3 today. I’ll just see you at home...thanks for the ride.
Then off he left. Your heart fluttered so much as how well he’s been treating you lately. You didn’t hate it, you sometimes wish you’d just tell him how you felt. But you kept telling yourself it will make things awkward.
You got home and changed into some comfy clothes. You ended up stealing one of Haechan’s hoodies that he had laying in the living room. You slipped it on with just your shorts under. You knew he wasn’t gonna be home for a little while so you needed to do your “business” before he got home. You didn’t lock your door as you knew you’d finish before he got there. 
You got comfy on your bed and began to play with yourself. Losing yourself in pleasure and thinking about Hyuck doing things to you that you’ve been wanting. You were so hungry for him but all you had was your fingers. You let out a soft moan as you slipped in 2 fingers pulling it in and out. 
y/n: hyuck...
you whispered...
y/n: i wish you could do this for me..
you kept going...letting out soft moans here and there you’d mention his name. You were so deep into pleasure you didn’t hear the front door open. Hyuck came home. He heard your little moans and worked his way to your room. He carefully opened the door and seeing you knuckles deep into your pussy.
Haechan: damn y/n
you quickly threw the blanket over you.
y/n: I thought you were coming home late....
Haechan: i finished early...but please continue.
y/n: wh--continue what?
Haechan: baby...we both know what you were doing here....or I can do it for you.
He slowly walked over to your bed sitting at the edge.
Haechan: I know you’ve been having dreams about me y/n.
y/n: wh---what are you talking about?
He leans forward as he then yanks the blanket off of you exposing your bare naked half, glistening. He looks down at your core with hunger in his eyes.
Haechan: I can help you with this y/n. 
y/n: ....hyuck.
You than can feel his hand work up your thigh. You felt goosebumps all over your body with every inch he touches. You moaned out his name when you felt him start to rub circles at your wet clit and your head falls back.
Haechan: mmm...I wanna hear you moan my name again baby.
He starts to place kisses on your neck then his lips met yours. He pulls you down lower to make you flat on your back. While he’s still rubbing circles on your clit he hovers over you.
Haechan: if I knew you wanted me this bad I would’ve done something sooner.
y/n: I want you in me Hyuck...please.
He then inserts 2 fingers in your pussy as you screech out a moan.
Haechan: you want my fingers in you? you got it baby...
y/n: no...I want your cock in me Hyuck. Please fill me up.
Haechan: damn y/n...your wish is my command.
He pulls his fingers out of you as he slowly unbuckles his pants and undressing himself. Letting his hard member spring out from being locked in his pants. You looked at him licking your lips. Without any warning he inserts himself in you. You both letting out moans of pleasure.
Haechan: fuck y/n you’re so fucking tight!
y/n: Haechan...you---you feel so good...fuck me please....hard.
He begins to thrust in and out of you faster and harder. With each thrust you can feel chills forming all over your body. In your mind you are saying you finally get to fuck the man you’ve been having wet dreams about. You felt him nibble at your neck leaving marks. You could tell he was coming close to his high as his thrusting became sloppy.
Haechan: y/n i’m almost there...where do you want me to cum...
y/n: please Hyuck...fill me up...I wanna feel you cum inside me.
Haechan: damn baby you’re so fucking hot.....
Without your body warning you, you hit your high so bad...clenching your walls on Hyuck’s cock as you felt him shoot out indside of you. You both ended up making a huge mess on your bed. He slowly lays on top of you placing kisses on your neck while he got soft in you. Dripping out both of your cum on your bed.
Haechan: damn...i’ve been wanting to do that for awhile now.
y/n: wait what?
Haechan: i never told you anything...but I knew you were having wet dreams about me lately.
You put hands up covering your face as you were embarassed.
y/n: oh my god....I’m so sorry....I don’t know what has gotten over me
Haechan:...why you sorry baby....I thought you knew I liked you for awhile now.
You sat up against the headboard and looked at him.
y/n: wait what?! you like me too?
Haechan: too?
y/n:...oh well yeah...I like you a lot too.
Haechan: for how long?
y/n: 3 months....
Haechan: so how long have you been having these dreams about me?
y/n:....a few weeks now....are you mad?
Haechan: why would I be mad....that was fucking hot seeing you squirm in your sleep for me.
You felt your cheeks turn red. He then leans in to give you a kiss on the lips again. Then looking back at the ruined bedsheets.
Haechan: well looks like you’ll be sleeping in my bed with me tonight.
You smiled at his words as you got up to get dressed. 
Haechan: why don’t you go shower and I’ll clean this up.
y/n: thanks Hyuck...
When you started to walk away to head towards the bathroom he says something to you.
Haechan: oh and you keep wearing my hoodies like that with nothing underneath, expect to get touched by me a lot.
You let out a giggle as you left to shower. He showered as well. You were laying on his bed scrolling through your phone when he came out he was wearing just a towel.
y/n: hyuck...
Haechan: ...what?
You got up from the bed to walk over to him. 
y/n:....if you come out with just a towel like this...you really think I can hold myself back?
Your hand worked over his bulge.
Haechan: babe you can do whatever you want...I ain’t stopping you.
He then lifts you up and throwing you on his bed.
y/n: babe what if we ruin these sheets we’ll have no where to sleep.
You both let out a giggle.
Haechan: ugh...yeah you’re right...
He got up and got dressed then jumps back into the bed with you wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You wrapping your arm on his waist. You could feel his heartbeat faster as you squeezed him tighter. You then looked up at him.
Haechan: you’re making my heart do that y/n....
He then places a kiss on your forehead and then your lips. Your eyes began to get heavy at the sound of his soothing heartbeats. Before you knew it, you fell asleep in the arms of the man you’ve been wanting to be with for 3 months...if you ended up closing your door completely that night he wouldn’t have known how you felt about him. 
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hithoeshi · 4 years
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request by: @mintokyo​ 
a/n: aw!! you’re so sweet but of course i had to write this!! it’s my fav blasty boi of course. i listened to ‘shut me up’ by mindless self indulgence to write this bc it just felt like a katsuki song to me ahaha 
first off and right off the bat, bakugou didn’t like you. 
in fact, he found you were annoying and full of yourself but then again, he thought that of everyone. but he wasn’t here to make friends. he was here to become the number one hero and he wasn’t going to let a bunch of extras get in his way. including you.
as time went on, he started to realize how fucking ruthless you were. i mean, you were also pretty dumb to go against him but he had to admit that your fighting style was bad-ass. 
you still annoyed him but that didn’t mean he could admire the way you fought. 
that was until you went up against him and he won and gloated like an idiot. 
that’s what started your whole “rivalry” with the hot head 
you weren’t afraid of him so you stood up to him, throwing back insults just as easily as you took his harsh words. 
katsuki learned rather quickly why you were considered the feisty one of class 1a
you two bumped heads almost daily, the tension between you two growing day by day. 
one day it would be shouting matches and angry glares 
another day it would be multiple rounds in the Gamma building as you fought head to head with your quirks at full power. 
you were feisty and, as much as he hated to admit it, he admired it.
admiration started to turn over to respect and before he could distinguish what was going on, katsuki realized something with a fierce blush. 
he liked you
you still annoyed the fuck out of him but he couldn’t stop his feelings from developing. 
the pair of you would still glare at each other after the yelling matches but once your eyes left his, he couldn’t help but soften his stare and the anger turned to longing. 
he was sneaky about it. barely glancing your way and blushing before moving his eyes back to the board. 
it didn’t become a problem until he could barely argue with you without the tips of his ears glowing red and the idiots that called him his friend would just giggle.
it finally came to a head during another one of a yelling match, both of you throwing insults and baring teeth until you just groan loudly and snap at him, “what do you want from me?!” 
and katsuki, bless him, didn’t think and just blurted out “a date, you idiot” 
you’re quiet for the longest most agonizing moment and before katsuki could try and take it back once he realized what he said, your cheeks burn red and you nod as you avert your eyes nervously. “y-yeah, alright. okay. yeah, you can have it. have one. a date, i mean” 
before he could say anything you stalk off with a “friday, 5p.” and he’s just standing there looking after you, frozen with confusion. 
when he finally comes to, his cheeks burn brighter and hotter and he just stands there. 
“wait did that just happen?” 
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Image ID under the cut
[Start ID
Image 1: Above a line of three panels reads the title, “Hourly Comic Day 2/1/2021″ The first panel is labelled 12a-2a and depicts the artist presenting a cube with a hand coming out of it. The hand is in the process of snapping. The phrases “Until Dawn” and “New RTFD!” surround the snapping cube. It’s caption reads: “Watched on YouTube.” The second panel is labelled 2a-3a and depicts a cartoonish and simple drawing of Misha Collins as Castiel. The artist is pictured below Castiel and is saying: “I am not immune to gay angel.” The caption reads: “Watched some SPN.” The third panel is labelled 3a-9a and depicts the artist sleeping in bed. The caption reads: “Schleeb (a weird way of spelling sleep).”
Image 2: A line of three panels. The first panel is labelled 9:55a and depicts the artist awake in bed on their phone, with the sound effects “tak tak.” The caption reads: “Wrote an email to a prof of a class I was waitlisted for.” The second panel is labelled 10a-1p and once again depicts the artist sleeping in bed. The caption reads: “More schleeb.” The third panel is labelled 1p-3p and depicts the artist from behind as they sit down at a desk, holding a en in their hand. On the desk is a laptop with a drawing of Misha Collins as Castiel. Behind the laptop is an office lamp like the Pixar lamp. The caption reads: “Hourlies + Gay Angel show.”
Image 3: A line of three panels. The first panel is labelled 4p-5p and depicts the artist sitting cross-legged on their bed with heart eyes. In their lap, the artist holds a laptop that says “fruit” on the back where the logo usually goes. There is a speech bubble with Tinker Bell in it pointing from the laptop. The caption reads: “Cinematic masterpiece Tinkerbell (2008).” The second panel is labelled 6p-10p and depicts the artist on a zoom call, waving. The caption reads: “Sat in on a course I was waitlisted for ([really] wanna take this one).” The third panel is un-labelled and depicts the artist in the bottom right corner looking upset as a larger, more sketch image of them screams in the background. The caption reads: “Had a little (spelt widdle) crisis because I really wanna be in this class.”
Image 4: A line of two panels. The first panel is labelled 11p and depicts the artist looking frazzled, saying “Fuck.” The caption reads: “Remembered I had an Art History thing that was due at 8p.” The second panel is unlabelled, and depicts the artist, looking a bit sheepish, presenting the Window’s Movie Maker logo, saying “Window’s Movie Maker, my savior.” To the right of both panels is a drawing of the artist saying “That’s it for this year lads!”
End ID]
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fifimo · 5 years
Do not go food shopping on an empty stomach - just trust me on this one. It’s an awful idea. I thought it was a myth, but it is not. You will buy the most useless crap, that’s disgustingly good but tainted by failure. And you’ll blow all your money without any proper food.
ALWAYS write a food list - you’re bound to do your shopping and forget something, I always do. Every time I go to Tesco I go with the intention of getting a doorstop. Do I have one? Of course not. Instead I have a million potatoes because I can’t remember whether or not there’s any in the fridge. I have too many of one thing and none of the things I meant for.
Take the flyers - you probably don’t want one, you probably won’t join, but if nothing else they act as a handy chewing gum paper. Also once you get one flyer, everyone wants to talk to you and give you another. It paints you as a familiar face and gives you a good idea of who you can ask if/when you get lost.
Talk to as many people at freshers fayre as possible - you may not be that interested in their club, and you may not end up joining but it’s the same as with the flyers. You meet people, and everyone’s stressed out at the fayre. It’s loud, it’s crowded and if you’re lil like me you can’t see much. The people at the booth are your best way of figuring out which clubs are interesting and you get a much better picture of that from the people participating than you do the flyers.
Get a doorstop - it’s easy to become closed off into your room, and not know whether anyone else is home. Personally I’m sharing a flat with 5 other girls (waiting on number 6, join us bud), and we’ve tried to have a fairly open door policing, holding the doors open so that everyone knows we are home and can pop in and say hi.
Sit in the common areas - easiest way to get to know your flatmates, and whoever they bring over. Whether it’s the kitchen, to cook, or if you have a living room, it’s just nice to have the option to sit and talk if they want to, it doesn’t feel like an invasion as such as it would to walk into someone’s room.
Get appropriate cleaning materials - you’re gonna need that sponge, that washing up liquid and a washing brush.
Bins make very good buckets - I don’t think I need or want to explain that one.
Know your limits - I lucked out, thankfully, and the friends ive made looked after me when I didn’t realise how much (or little I should say) I could hold. Try not to be that person, but if you are don’t worry about it too much, it becomes an interesting story if nothing else.
Don’t buy the wristband - unless you plan to go to every single party thrown, it’s just not worth it. Also you may be planning to go to all of the parties, and still end up not attending a single one. There’s lots of flat parties thrown, and people tend to stick more towards those than going out to the clubs. It’s easier to buy as you go so that you don’t waste your money.
Sit outside even if you don’t go to the parties - literally just sitting there seems to be an invitation to chat to drunk people, smile and wave boys smile and wave. It’s hilarious. It sounds like an awful idea but just chatting to people and familiarising yourself with the people around you is genuinely quite fun.
Buy reusable bags - it’s an entire year, a whole ass year of shopping. You do not want to be using plastic bags all year, aside from the 5p charge (we broke) it’s 2019. Let’s get this environment back up and running correctly! As much as possible.
Do not replace beer with vodka in peer pong - enough said.
Take your recreational activities - fancy words recreational, not the point, there’s going to be times where you don’t want to go out, and there’s only so much to do in a room on your own. It takes up space but you’re going to miss being able to do the things you love and you have more time than you think. It’s not always go go go.
Cards are a good opener - easy way to make friends, easy activity to play and you learn new games. Irish snap is fucking painful man.
Breadsticks are the shit - especially when drunk
Join the group chats - they talk so much, mute them, but it’s where lots of party invitations happen and general chat about what you need for courses and getting buddies to explore with. Just do it.
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Revenge on a rude bank teller.
Years ago during one summer as a student, I was really really broke. I had this jar of coins that was all my change from the previous year. Anyway, I counted it out and there was about 10 quid. Not much, but enough for food till I got paid from my summer job. So I bagged it up and took it down to my bank branch. There were three bags of 1p, a bag of 2p and a few 5p and 10p.
I waited in line and when i got to the front i handed the bank teller the coin bags. She looked at them and was clearly not happy. She said she had to count them and it would take sometime. I said fine - being broke I'd happily wait. She was clearly not happy and said it was bank policy only to allow customers to exchange 3 bags (I had 5) and I would have to come back the following day if I wanted more. I thought what an a**hole it was only £2 worth of coins and she would have a machine to do the work.
I really wasn't happy and really not impressed by her super pissy attitude. But anyway I said fine and kept back two bags of the penny's - so 2 pounds.
She took the remaining bags out to the back to count, and while I waited (super annoyed) I noticed one of those charity boxes with the small pins. Anyway I dropped my two bags of penny's next to the box and took out two pins.
The teller returned and handed me £7. She then noticed the pins and snapped 'You can't just take them, you need to buy them and they are a pound each'. She made to take back some of the money she had exchanged.
I grinned very sweetly and pointed to the two bags of pennys sitting next to the charity box. If looks could kill. She dropped my money on the counter picked up the two bags and stomped off to count them.
I pocketed my money and waited. I really should have left but she annoyed my further by basically accusing me of stealing pins from a charity box.
When she returned she looked at me and angrily snapped 'yes?'
I smiled again and said 'I'm just making sure I donated enough for the pins' she muttered yes. 'great' I responded 'do you want to put the money into the box or shall I?'
I do feel a bit of a dick for implying she might pocket the money. But i was really annoyed.
(source) (story by jpewaqs)
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pettyrevenge-base · 6 years
Revenge on a rude bank teller
Years ago during one summer as a student, I was really really broke. I had this jar of coins that was all my change from the previous year. Anyway, I counted it out and there was about 10 quid. Not much, but enough for food till I got paid from my summer job. So I bagged it up and took it down to my bank branch. There were three bags of 1p, a bag of 2p and a few 5p and 10p.
I waited in line and when i got to the front i handed the bank teller the coin bags. She looked at them and was clearly not happy. She said she had to count them and it would take sometime. I said fine - being broke I'd happily wait. She was clearly not happy and said it was bank policy only to allow customers to exchange 3 bags (I had 5) and I would have to come back the following day if I wanted more. I thought what an arsehole it was only £2 worth of coins and she would have a machine to do the work.
I really wasn't happy and really not impressed by her super pissy attitude. But anyway I said fine and kept back two bags of the penny's - so 2 pounds.
She took the remaining bags out to the back to count, and while I waited (super annoyed) I noticed one of those charity boxes with the small pins. Anyway I dropped my two bags of penny's next to the box and took out two pins.
The teller returned and handed me £7. She then noticed the pins and snapped 'You can't just take them, you need to buy them and they are a pound each'. She made to take back some of the money she had exchanged.
I grinned very sweetly and pointed to the two bags of pennys sitting next to the charity box. If looks could kill. She dropped my money on the counter picked up the two bags and stomped off to count them.
I pocketed my money and waited. I really should have left but she annoyed my further by basically accusing me of stealing pins from a charity box.
When she returned she looked at me and angrily snapped 'yes?'
I smiled again and said 'I'm just making sure I donated enough for the pins' she muttered yes. 'great' I responded 'do you want to put the money into the box or shall I?'
I do feel a bit of a dick for implying she might pocket the money. But i was really annoyed.
TL;Dr poor student goes to bank to exchange small coins for notes. Rude bank teller wouldn't swap all the money as too lazy to count 2 bags of coins. So donate left over coins to charity forcing bank teller to count them anyway. Then wait to check money goes into charity box whilst implying bank teller might pocket it.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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gaudeixcc · 5 years
Peloton news. G20 – the Pyrenees
A much more reasonable start to this year’s tour. No crazy-early alarm clocks, just a nice trip to the airport with only hand-luggage and a gently grumbling Macca.
Our favourite plane man had unbeknownst to me fired a very early warning shot regarding our mode of transfer on arrival in France.
At 5.50am, whilst shooting the breeze on my couch, McEvoy had enquired as to whom I’d booked the hire car with. The one which would take us to resort.
‘I dunno….it’s on the App’ sayeth I.
I had a quick look. Whoever the third party was, they had a stunning 6.5 out of 10 rating. Not quite M&S levels of service, granted, but still it’s on a trusted App, we are only using it to transfer, I’ve got insurance, it’s France for fucks sake. It’ll be quiet and I’m a capable and experienced driver…. Well, we’ll come back to that last bit shortly.
We get to Gatwick with ColMac and Drip in tow and await the arrival of HRH.
The first of many 2019 tour errors soon became massively apparent.
We’ve got two gingers on the trip. Fuck. How on earth did that get through the vetting process? I sent my beloved co-chair a text
‘JT, I’m at LGW. We’ve got problems…..’
Before too long Drip and HRH are bonded in conversation which carried over onto the flight. By the time we were at 30,000 feet they were each answering the others questions before they had even been asked. It was like listening to 2 people taking it in turn to read out just the answers on a bunch of Trivial pursuit cards.
Macca whispered to me whilst transfixed by this sight. ‘What’s happening over there?’
‘They are becoming one Macca, they are becoming one’.
By the time we had landed things had progressed further. They were now communicating with eyes closed with just index fingers lightly touching. Silence. Occasionally dripping would meow.
When we got to Toulouse we started the hunt for the hire car counter. The twin gingers (Twinge?) followed gently behind in a glowing orange aura.
Whilst all this was going on, I’d failed to notice that Macca had entered a worrying (and just about controlled) mental meltdown.
‘Where’s the hire car counter…? It’s off-site isn’t it… remote.. we’ll need to get a bus… not even in the terminal…what were they called again?’ he blurted out in staccato perfection.
‘er…. Gold cars’… sounded good to me. What could go wrong when you’ve got Gold in your company name?
Within minutes we were at the Gold counter waiting to be served.
Macca had moved to DefCon level ‘Blind-Frenzy’.
He’d got straight onto his iPhone and had a full list of every negative customer review for Gold cars. I’m in the queue and he’s jabbing the phone at me and saying ‘look’ in a high-pitched squeal, ‘Maureen from Romford….. she’s 97… and this is how they treat our British citizens..!!’
‘They’re going to sell us extra insurance and then steal all our money’.
At this point I was starting to lose my legendary zen-like calm.
Macca connected with his iPhone again and dialled up a quote for a Hertz rental car equivalent.
‘Look, we could have had this one’… and with that, he was gone. Off to the Hertz counter.
I queued quietly on my own. Drip had temporarily disconnected from the Twinge umbilical cord and was trying to locate Macca to gently nudge him toward the exit.
Right, I thought… time to get this car booked and get the hell out of dodge.
My turn came and I presented myself at the counter with my usual finesse. My mouth opened to speak and just as I was about to wish the nice lady a very good morning Macca arrived on my shoulder, phone gripped in fist and launches a barked question at the unsuspecting clerk.
Macca was metaphorically wrestled to the ground by airport security and tied to the nearest pillar using clingfilm and then gently tasered… (this was how my mind was dealing with the situation at any rate).
The rest of the mini-peloton looked onward in apathetic bemusement. None of them gave a flying fuck about the arrangements on the basis that if it all went wrong, I’d be the one getting all the shit and would subsequently have to get us out of the hole I’d dug.
3 pairs of peloton eyes would say ‘your name on the form, your fucking problem sunshine’.
Anyhoo… after the drama of the hire car counter (which went perfectly smoothly), we picked up the car (which went perfectly smoothly), and got ourselves in and ready to go (smooth… perfectly).
I then started to drive. Dear fucking god where the hell has my driving ability gone?
I tried to change gear twice with the door handle and got completely befuddled with the clutch before a near impalement with a coach at the very first roundabout.
There was a flurry of uncensored ginger telepathic communication in the back seat which I am sure ended with Drip saying to HRH ‘if he kills us now, I want you to know I love you’.
At one point early on in the journey, I drifted the car toward the right (something I’d done subconsciously, I suspect in an attempt to place my body in the middle of the road).
I had started to edge us toward an 18-wheeler in the next lane. I could see HRH in the rear-view mirror edging in to the middle of the car whilst breathlessly mouthing ‘watch out’.
White-knuckled hands gripped the wheel as I steadied myself. Drip, after further telepathic liaison with HRH suggested we listen to some music. No sooner thought than done, HRH racked up some impressive tune-age on the multi-media and we settled in to our journey to the Pyrenees.
Now this particular hire car was blessed with a behemoth-like engine of 1.0 litres of petrol frugality. Barely enough power to progress much past a standstill. With 70 stone of Peloton meat and gravy aboard, the thing struggled. The useless fucking clutch had zero feel and as the engine generated the mechanical momentum of a spinning 5p piece, so stalling was a regular occurrence.
4 of the 5 car inhabitants saw stalling not as a consequence of a shit car and 5 fat blokes, but more as an aching lack of talent on my part.
Worst was yet to come.
We entered resort and got to within 25 yards of destination when a tricky hill-start was required. Handbrake on, gentle rise of revs, I’ve got this. I’ve got this…..I didn’t have this.
I was about as far from having this as you can get whilst remaining in the same country.
The engine squealed, the clutch slipped, massively. NWA was turned down on Spotify and all we were left with was the stench of burning clutch.
I had a sinking feeling that I’d properly fucked the hire car.
Anyway, announcing your arrival in a plume of melted friction plates is how we rolled in team Gold car.
Greetings aside, quick sit down and then to the job of bicycling.
And so we return to the annual highlights list. A snap-shot of the rides and the riding from this year’s Grande Tour. But before we get to that, some stats.
The Rides
• Day 1. Lac d’estainge. Shortest ride at 32k but 3rd for overall ride gradient. • Day 2. Col des Tentes. A punchy 96k but a bit bleak on arrival at top • Day 3. Tourmalet. 101k. Great ending with really steep gradient for the last few hundred meters. You can see why it’s used on the tour so often. Fairly bleak riding through the town halfway up. Unrelenting 2 hours of climbing at over 8%. Brutal. Sensational ride home though through some beautiful countryside though • Day 4. Col d’Aubisque via Col du Soulor. Probably the ride of the tour in terms of utterly breath-taking scenery. Beautifully ribboned and freshly tarmacked road on the ascent, which I spent all my time on just thinking about the future descent. And then a jaw-dropping ride along a precipitous drop all the way to the top of Aubisque. A hard slog. Particularly on Soulor when a mid-teens ramp halfway up punches you right in the kidneys and jabs you in the eye for good measure. 2nd for overall ride gradient with 2.62% average for the total ride. Ouch • Day 5. Hautacam. Short out and back. 38k. God, that was one punchy climb. Kilometers click past and are either 8,9 or 10%. Felt unending. Overall ride average gradient of 3.1% made this the most climbiest rider per K we did.
The experience and the stories
• Good accommodation at the Pyrenees cycling lodge. Although Mark, our host, was somewhat perturbed to find Twinge v1.0 curled up and asleep at the foot of the front door on day 1. Twinge v2.0 preferred the comfort of the nest • Formal police notices issued for a range of offences including; the leaving of new tour top on the back of the chair overnight….shocking. The public dissing of one of the team whilst he was out on the hill. Police notice issued following a ‘whistleblower’ incident. • Yellow cap went to HRH on his maiden tour, but he was run very close by the impeccably dressed ColMac who, in my view, nailed the best single day performance with his well-judged blue accents matching the tour top perfectly. There was no suggestion of Twinge vote irregularities. Well, none were verbalised at any rate • JT won orange on the fact that he pulled his thumb out of his arse a couple of weeks before tour and did 2 or 3 turbo sessions. Everyone agreed that this sullied the good name of the Orange cap and that perhaps we should remember last year’s benchmark winner when awarding in the future. General shock and disappointment all round. At least one person cried. • The group as a whole consumed 18 complimentary fun-sized Mars each and every day. • I accounted for 17 of the above • Perfect weather • I’m not saying that sharing a room with Macca is like drawing the sleep equivalent of the short straw…….. this year’s tour saw ear-plugs land. At last we can now embrace our favourite  flyer like a long-lost brother..snore onward little one, snore onward • Biggest tour disappointment was the e-bike not running out of juice. At least 8 people prayed daily for this to come to pass • I only fell asleep twice this year at the various lunch stops… once in a deck chair next to ColMac whilst holding a pint (which I subsequently spilled on myself)…oddly enough, this incident went completely unobserved. Second time was at the top of Aubisque and lasted a nano-second. Not only was this observed but it was also filmed. Cat-like reflexes of the Pittock
….and so much more besides.
G19, a Grande Tour and huge success. My thanks go to JT for wrangling the accommodation with usual Teutonic efficiency and a huge shout out to Damo for driving all the bikes over there, complaining decidedly little and pandering to many a disorganised cyclist.
However in drawing to a close this year, I’d like to highlight 2 particular tour performances.
Firstly Dripping. The lad has had most of the bones in his body removed and replaced with man-made replicas. He has the back of a 90-year old and the combination of the 2 have meant that any sort of reasonable training regime was nigh-on impossible. He wasn’t ready to perform. At times he could barely walk straight let alone ride. To top it all off he’d had an epidural to release the muscles in his lower back, an injection which effectively puts your muscles to sleep, a consequence of which must undoubtedly seep into the legs one way or another.
Early on Tourmalet, and I mean really early, first 15 mins I reckon, I passed Dripping who was panting and out of the saddle, wrestling his bike reluctantly up an unrelenting climb.
It took me 2 hours. Drip spent an hour on top of that defeating his foe. 3 hours of climbing at over 8% in that condition. I don’t think there was anyone present on this tour who would have had the mental strength to achieve what Dripping achieved. I would have thrown my bike off a cliff having doused it in petrol and set fire to it long before the summit. Amesy wouldn’t have even boarded the plane. Clemo wouldn’t have left the bower.
As pink cap performances go, Dripping knocked it out of the park with gritted determination and practically zero complaining (apart from when our host effectively called him a vagrant for dossing in the hall).
The biggest problem Dripping now faces is going to be awarding the cap next year. He has shocking form in this particular decision-making department. Last time he did the honours he overlooked Damo’s stellar tour and gave it to James, who had pulled his thumb out of his arse and had done 2 or 3 turbo sessions. I swear to god I think I’ve seen JT do the old Obi Wan Kanobi Jedi mind tricks on awards night more than once…’there’s nothing to see here… move along’
In a bold future prediction, the G20 pink cap odds are currently, Damo 3/1 (patience and service of Drip’s woefully cleaned bike), JT 2/1 (Jedi), HRH evens (blood is blood).
Before we finish, time to look at things through a slightly different lens.
A coupla months back, I accompanied JT and his chum Neil (inventor of the petrol engine) on a wee trip to Austria. This was prior to JT putting in his incredible 2-3 turbo sessions I might add.  
As the wee-man and and I snuffled and puffed our way up Großglockner we both discussed the possibility of e-bikes on future tours. We saw families of all ages out on bike, often with the older generation right in the mix on their leccy MTB’s.
We loved being out on the bike but could feel the pain of the combination of hurt from lack of preparation, weight and age.
In a universe which sees entropy rule, moving order and structure slowly but inevitably into chaos, time is our enemy. We can fight and push but this ride is one-way only. It’s a big step to make decisions to tackle a harder path just to be able to enjoy the journey, but by chosing to go on tour with an e-bike this year, this is the path Moley chose. And he bloody loved every second of G20. Always smiling. Riding every mile. The e-bike enabled him to continue and properly enjoy the love of cycling in the big country with the boys.
He took a lot of shit for that decision. And indeed, can rightly expect to continue to do so. In fact, we are all still praying the fucker will run out of juice one day! But taking the piss is one thing, I actually think more than one of us looked negatively on the decision to do these rides on an e-bike. Almost as if it were cheating.
Now Moley may have had some assistance enjoying the trip, but he still had to put a shift in. And what else was he to do..? Not go, because he didn’t want to suffer and at some point, or even worse, fail over the 5 days?
Moley is the first person to take an e-bike on tour.
He will not be the last.
I want to ride as long as possible on a normal bike, but fuck me I’ll be e-biking it all the way if it’s a choice between doing or not doing.
Dripping aced pink on G19 with grit and utter determination.
Internally he said ‘fuck this, I’m going no matter what’.
Moley knew he would get a lot of stick for the e-bike choice.
Internally he said ‘fuck this, I’m going no matter what’.
That’s the spirit fellas.
G20, the summit, beckons. Majorca. The weekend of 25th April is looking likely. Gentlemen, clear your diaries. Gaudeix press release and invite to follow shortly.
Do 2 or 3 turbo sessions and a cap is more or less guaranteed.
Ride safely my lil fuckerinos….
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rosereaperwrites · 6 years
1, 28, 43, 5p for the OC ask :)
1. Your first OC ever?
Her name was Serena Andersen, and she was the first draft of Rose the Reaper. She ended up looking more and more like me with time, so I ultimately changed her name to match my online persona.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
Not counting Gods and other major figures in my WIP, that would be Astrid. A regular human with no protection against her abilities doesn’t stand a chance. It may look like telekinesis, but to her it’s more like having many invisible arms and hands that she can control as she pleases. What she can do with those is limited to her body strength and can affect what she sees only, but she knows how easy it is to snap an unsuspecting neck.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess!
Very long dark hair and pale skin is my kink lol
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want.
All the characters from The Aroostook Witch so far are faceclaims. I have a hard time creating characters from nothing without them being bland looking in the end. For my main three, Astrid is Eva Green, Nathan is Hugh Dancy, and Connor Woo is Sung-Ki Ahn :p
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barksandrectrailbc · 3 years
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Photos of most of the daycare dogs. Some were out for a walkie while I was snapping cute pics. www.bnrbc.ca for info, appts, and online store. DAYCARE HOURS: NOW OPEN 20% MORE!! 😋: MONDAY - FRIDAY - 7:30a - 4:30p (pick up until 5p) - Dog Daycare - Pet Food & Supplies; receive Barks Bucks points with every purchase. - Online Store www.bnrbc.ca/shop - Grooming Book online wwww.bnrbc.ca - Dog Training: - Group Classes - Virtual Zoom Training - Private outdoor lessons - Private indoor lessons - Pet Portrait paintings www.bnrbc.ca 1208 Pine Ave. Trail, BC . Photos/Videos via Cameron D. . #barksnrecbcdaycare #dogdaycare #grooming #dogtraining #petservices #petsupplies #bnrbc #loveyourpet #trailbc #canada #kootenays #kootenaydog #ilovemydog #dogsofig #dogoftheday #cityoftrail #dogsofthekootenays #instadog #dogsofinstagram #doodlesofinstagram (at Trail, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUWVT9RFTEm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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old-transport · 3 years
I-SPY buses & coaches book by Frederick McLean Via Flickr: Those 'of a certain age' will immediately recognise I-SPY books. My copy of I-SPY Buses & Coaches from 1967 which cost 1/- in pre decimal times, 5p in modern post £/s/d times. 
 📷 Any photograph I post on Flickr is an original in my possession, nothing is ever copied/downloaded from another location. 📷 
 If there are any errors in the above description please let me know. Thanks. 
 Any photograph, ephemera, etc I post on Flickr is in my possession, nothing is copied from another location. The original photographer may have taken copies from their original negative and passed them out (sold them?) so there may be other copies out there of your (and my) 'original' transport photo, although occasionally there may be 'holiday snaps' type photos where there are not any other photos exactly the same in existence. 
 If you wish to use this image (bearing in mind it may not be my copyright) or obtain a full size version (most of my uploads are small size) please contact me.
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Tas Kosmetik Bahan 0896_3012_3779[wa]
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Beriringan berkembangnya jaman, kebutuhan akan tulisan-tulisan terhadap aspek keperluan / kehidupan kian pesat. Salah satunya adalah produk tas kosmetik bahan. Kami tahu bahwa hasil-hasil hari ini ini kian banyak dan bermacam. Oleh karena itu, ulasan waktu berikut ini akan mengangkat perihal tentang tas kosmetik bahan penyebab kenapa ulasan ini diharuskan sebab ini merupakan salahsatu unsur utama sebagai sebagian kelompok. Jadi wacana mengenai ragam-ragam produk serta manfaatnya diinginkan mampu menopang menyumang banyak insan yang sedang mencari wawasan / wacana baru terhubung hal tersebut. Mampu serta menolong para pelajar perguruan tinggi atau siswa yg sedang mencari materi bagi penelitian, tugas pendidikan / sekedar mencari hiburan bagi yg senang membaca. Begini manfaat yg lain serta demi pembaca pula pesat mempunyai wacana yg diinginkan. Karna pada jaman sains kali berikut ini amat mudah menemukan informasi tentang yg mana saja sampai ke arah pelosok kelurahan sekalipun, janji dapat terkait dg jaringan online serta mempunyai perkakas untuk mengakses internet. Dengan begitu para pemirsa mampu mendatangi situs ini kapanpun serta dimanasaja dikau berkehendak. Pembaca juga bisa memajukan atau berkontribusi lagi lanjut jika mempunyai ide-ide, komentar, / ide-ide gila maupun komentar beda mengenai ulasan yang kami ketik. Pengamat mampu mengutarakan / menuliskan ide-ide, bantahan, opini ide-ide dan sepertinya pada kolom yang sudah disediakan. Dapat juga mengkontak kita lewat nomor yang telah tertera di website ini, yg bisa kita cukup serta kita kembangkan dalam penulisan tulisan berikutnya agar lagi bervariasi serta cocok dengan selera pengamat. Terdapat problema lingkungan terhubung pemfungsian serta pembuangan belanja plastik serta kantong sampah. Upaya diambil bagi mengendalikan dan mengurangi penggunaannya pada beberapa negara uni euro, termasuk irlandia dan belanda. Dalam beberapa kasus, tas hemat dikenakan pajak jadi pelanggan kudu membayar harga di mana dia-dia barangkali pra pernah mengerjakan sebelumnya. Kadang-kadang kantong plastik dan kain yg dapat difungsikan kembali serta dijual, umumnya berharga € 0, 5 hingga € 1, dan ini mampu menggantikan bag satu kali pakai seluruhnya. Kadang-kadang penggantian gratis ditawarkan saat tas seken. Inggris sudah mengenakan harga 5p tiap bag plastik pada toko-toko besar dari 2015. Tren ini udah menyebar ke beberapa metro pada amerika serikat.
tas souvenir pernikahan bandung
Oleh-oleh pouch adalah keliru tunggal barang yang diproses oleh. Saat ini sovenir pouch / kerajinan pouch dompet sangat diminati lanjut customer. Minat customer ke arah pouch amat puncak sebab souvenir pouch bisa ditimbahkan desain gambar atau artikel dengan sablon, jadi menjadikan pouch blacu sesuai digunakan berkembang pelengkap acara kawin sebagai oleh-oleh. Guna macam pouch yang diproduksi oleh sendiri terdapat beberapa jenis, diantaranya : oleh-oleh pouch dompet blacu, pouch dompet kanvas, pouch dompet furing dan pouch serut / pouch drawstring. Laman ini bermuatan ulasan tentang model tas souvenir pernikahan yang penuh dicari orang sehingga penuh pula yg mendambakan pengetahuan tentang pembahasan yang sudah disebutkan, mengapa demikian. Karena sekitar artikel, seseorang bisa memenuhi keperluan risetnya, guna modal informasi mandat makalah di perguruan, dan yang paling utama satu orang akan mendapatkan informasi anyar serta wawasan yg luas. Target diadakannya ulasan berikut ini agar insan yg sedang mencari pengetahuan dapat mengaksesnya dg singkat. Teknologi di era globalisasi tempo ini udah sangat maju dan canggih, setiap manusia dapat menemukan pengetahuan tentang berbagai dasar. Tiada pandang di desa maupun pada kota asal ada network internet dan alat yg mendukung, siapa aja dapat mengakses serta membaca wacana ini. Sehingga, kapanpun, dimanasaja, dikau bisa menemukan web berikut ini. Apabila anda memiliki pendapat atau pandangan beda, silahkan tulis pandangan pada kolom yang telah terlampir / dapat men-japri kami ke nomor yang udah tertera di sini
harga tas serut sekolah
Pada dunia modern, tas terdapat di mana-mana, dg banyak orang dengan rutin menenteng beragamnya pada model kain atau tas kinerja dari kulit, tas tangan, serta tas ransel, dan dg tas yg terdiri tentang material sekali pakai kayak kertas atau plastik yg difungsikan guna berbelanja, dan guna menenteng barang belanjaan rumah. Satu buah tas mampu ditutup oleh ritsleting, pengikat snap, dll., / hanya dengan melipat mis. Dalam kasus bag kertas. Terkadang tas uang / tas travel memiliki kunci. Bag kemungkinan mendahului varian yang bukan fleksibel, keranjang, serta kantung umumnya mendapatkan keunggulan aditif sebab keranjang dapat dilipat atau dengan tata beda mampu dikompres ke arah dimensi yang lebih rendah. Pada samping lain, keranjang, tersusun sekitar materi yang lebih kaku, mungkin lagi oke melindungi isinya.
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jmejambbc · 5 years
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I may not have the body of a runner... But 🙋🏽‍♀️ I iz a RUNNER & I iz a 👸🏽... Who hits her baseline of 3.1 miles in 30mins while enjoying an episode of the Crown not giving a F* if people can hear my breathing getting heavier or whose bothered by the 👸🏽 running in a tank. . . . I won’t lie, AM workouts have not been top on the priority list the last few months. The craziness of my life’s schedule has gotten in the way and the last thing I want to do is head to the gym at 5a when I’ve only gotten back into bed an hour ago. At 4a as a get back into bed pulling the sheets over my head I set a 5:15, 5:30 & 5:45 alarm with one eye open. “I’ll get up” I promise myself knowing that homita is a LIE! . . But I realize while I don’t prefer the 5p after work crowd at the gym; there is absolutely no reason why I can’t hit be apart of that crowd. I get home by 4p {most days} and 90% of the time all I need to do is change my leggings & sneakers before hitting the treadmill. . . . Because of all the skipped workouts, I haven’t been feeling my fittest & best self. When I started sweating like a BEAST I had a mini freak out moment and worried about what the packed gym behind me would think once I dared to 💪🏽💪🏽😰. In an instant I snapped out of it. {SIS, PLEASE 🤷🏽‍♀️} I realize I AM THE NARRATOR of my own story and I choose to tell the story of EVOLUTION. I’ve evolved from an overweight HATER to a yo-yo diet Conquistadora. One who glides one foot in front of the other for 3.1 miles with ease. La chica who chooses to be her effervescent self filled with sass, sarcasm and laughs at her own jokes. Why? Because it makes me happy. And isn’t that the whole meaning of life? ... Be happy. Be sassy. And leave it in God’s hands? ... I don’t know but I get it. This whole weight loss sht is hard. But our desires to be HEALTHY have to be stronger than our excuses. It has to be more than obsessing about a number on a scale. It has to be all about that feeling {a vibration} you feel deep in your SOUL when you finally start taking care of yourself and your body shows you all she is capable of. (at Tarrytown, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8gVbyVgLHG/?igshid=1tc2kyq3nyvg1
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skelemamabirb · 7 years
Some may know...
So 5am Monday the 13th, 2017 in November, I woke to a loud bang in the dining room floor. (Right about my room) Then I heard my baby sis screeching bloody murder and saying ‘I’m calling 911’. What a smart girl... she was the one who found and alerted us to my father. There he laid on the ground, hardly breathing, his eyes partially open but his eyes were rolled back. It was surreal, it was horrifying, I thought I was staring at the dead body of my father. Mom is an RN so we had her but I quickly checked his airways, maybe he ate something, his tongue was hanging back so I had to turn his head to keep his airway open and free.
That’s when I felt liquid and saw red. He had fallen back onto the hardwood floor and split the skin of his scalp. I did not cry, I did not panic, I had to put him and my family’s health first. I decided to make some jokes like ‘hey Dad it’s Christmas!’ after he was starting to come to. He was so out of it still. He couldn’t hold my hand with his left hand until after the paramedics arrived.
Well all things were tended to, I can’t keep rehashing this, so I’m getting it out of me. He had looked a sickly white, I thought I was going to lose him. So mom went with him in the ambulance and my sisters and I remained home. The problem was I had work at 9 am... I just barely had 2-3 hours of sleep, and I didn’t go back to sleep. So my first job was a mess, but I was snapped out of it by friends to call out of my second. I had planned on going to my 5p-12am shift that night.
I can’t tell if I’m okay yet. I’m trying to sort through my feelings. Everytime I hear like something heavy falls I’m put into a panic. If I’ve seemed all over the place with my words when interacting with anyone, I’m so sorry, please forgive me. I’m trying my best but right now I have that inward need to wail but I’m not. How will I cope once he comes home tonight? He and mom have been at the hospital since yesterday and it is now the afternoon on Tuesday. I’m scared for whatever changes might occur, if I should be fearful of my aging father, who is turning 56 next month. Ugh.
I just want the image to stop replaying in my mind, seeing him flat on his back, looking like a tin soldier as if he just ‘fell back’ from a standing position. My daddy is my world. I feel like I narrowly missed having that world taken from me.
Please bear with me. I’ll be better eventually. Any prayers are appreciated.
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