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for the in depth fandom questions: svu
@adarafaelbarbas also asked for my SVU thoughts, so here you both go!
And it got long, so I’m putting it all behind cut….
Top 5 favourite characters: Top 2 are no surprise to anyone: John Munch & Fin Tutuola of course. After that? At the moment I’d probably have to say Casey Novak, George Huang, and Don Cragen. But that can vary a bit depending on which episodes/seasons I’ve been watching recently.
Other characters you like: Hmm, well, I’d say I “like” most of the regulars through the years, or else I wouldn’t be a fan in the first place, would I? If I had to pick say five more to round out my top 10, though, I’d probably go with Melinda Warner, Alex Cabot, Olivia Benson of the early seasons, Nick Amaro, and Rafael Barba.
Least favourite characters: Chester Lake, any of the ever-changing ADAs from seasons 10-12, Dale Stuckey (you bastard you killed O’Halloran!), Elliot Stabler from about season 6 onward, Olivia Benson from at least season 16 onward (though she started annoying me at times far before that, especially in her attitude toward Rollins and Amaro in Season 13).
Otps: Munch/Fin, of course, before any others! I also ship Cabenson pretty hard; it was probably my first ship when I was watching the show originally.
Notps: Eeeeeh, I always sort of tread lightly around declaring NOTPs because there are a lot of ships I don’t particularly care for, but my reasons can be weird/personal and I don’t like stirring up wank talking about them or the reasons why. But I will say that I definitely never liked E/O as a romantic ship, only as friends. And I have a personal squick for shipping Fin with anyone but Munch because I just want them to be together (and yet I’ll ship Munch with pretty much anyone else, though maybe not as an endgame ship, so I’m kind of a hypocrite that way? IDK…) I didn’t care for Tuckson, and Barisi…I just honestly don’t really see it, and while I’ve tried reading it in fic I’ve rarely found a story that convinced me or felt in character to my mind. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favourite friendships: Munch/Cragen, Fin/Amanda, Munch/Amaro, Munch/Benson, Bensler (early seasons before it all got fucked up)
Favourite family: I guess I’ll say Fin, because as messed-up as it may be, I do enjoy the episodes featuring Ken & I love the idea of Fin becoming a grandfather. I also really really want Ken & Alejandro to be together and be happy!
Favourite episodes: With so many seasons it’s hard to narrow it down to even a top 10. But some of the ones I will always rewatch when they’re on include Remorse, Nocturne, Legacy, Manhunt, Countdown, Denial, Careless, Painless, Haunted, Scavenger, Parts, Raw, Screwed, Alternate, Cold, Authority, Zebras, Anchor… ie, most of the very Fin and/or Munch-centric ones.
Favourite season/book/movie: Seasons 2 and 5 are my favorites—2 for the way the team really came together and so many of the cases/episodes featured ALL of the detectives working as a unit. 5 for some of the most interesting cases and the whole loss of Alex/introduction of Casey storyline.
Favourite quotes: Ah, so many but a few off the top of my head:
“If you don’t question authority, you lose your humanity.”
“I just know stuff.”
“That’s my Jew.”
“Once god gives you a uterus, then I’ll listen to your sermon.”
“Even a turd can float.”
Best musical moment: The final montage in Screwed set to Mark Isham’s “Sense of Touch”. The music is perfect and the ending of that episode always gets me emotional.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: How do I even narrow it down?!?! Munch and Fin sharing a motel room in Manhunt, maybe, and finally having a bit of a heart-to-heart. That or when Ken has dinner with John to introduce Alejandro because I still insist there is no possible heterosexual context to that scene whatsoever.
When it really disappointed you: Oh so so many times but, probably one of the biggest disappointments for me was last year, all the hype about “Munch returns” when he ended up having all of about 2 minutes screen time—and really didn’t get to have any good interactions with anyone other than Benson & Noah.
Saddest moment: Munch’s retirement. You know, I still cannot watch that episode in its entirety? I’m not ready for the emotional gut-punch.
Most well done character death: Mmm…I might go with Sonya Paxton on that, because it was emotional and sad and yet she also was able to at least, in her death, provide evidence to catch her (and others) killer. Unlike Sister Peg and O’Halloran’s deaths which just felt cheap and unnecessary…and I won’t even go into how I feel about how they killed Mike Dodds (that’s why @ladyzootie and I are working on a story to set THAT right!)
Favourite guest star: Robin Williams in Authority, though I also loved Jeremy Irons, especially in his second appearance in Totem. As much as I love Huang, I would have enjoyed seeing more of Dr. Jackson as well; Irons was perfect in that role and brought a lot to the show with his character.
Favourite cast member: Don’t make me choose between the Belz and Ice-T! I love them both too much to pick a favorite.
Character you wish was still alive: Mike. Dodds.
One thing you hope really happens: That the show either brings on a new full-time detective for the unit or starts using more supporting characters again: show the detectives going to the morgue, working with TARU, working with a psychiatrist instead of having Benson diagnosing and doing everything herself. But, I’m not holding out great hope for that.
Most shocking twist: Shocking in a not-good way: Tuckson. Sorry, I never bought it, I don’t see all this so-called evidence that the writers were “setting it up” for seasons before it happened. Total WTF??!?! for me.
When did you start watching/reading?: I actually vividly remember watching the pilot episode when it first aired in 1999. I’ve pretty much followed it on and off since then, watching regularly at least on thru Season 9 or so and I think that’s about when I lost at least some of my interest. But that said, I was mostly a casual fan until about 2 years ago when I really fell hard into it in a “fannish” way, after rewatching old episodes in reruns.
Best animal/creature: THE MONKEY IN THE BASKETBALL
Favourite location: The original squad room.
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Errrr…hmm. These days I can’t think of anything it does better than other shows besides bore and/or annoy me, sorry. In the earlier seasons I’d say it was unique in the way it tackled messy, painful, and often controversial issues of sexuality and “sexually based offenses”. It wasn’t always perfectly PC but it did a good job of presenting complexity and showcasing how societal ideas were changing and being challenged—without just feeling like a soapbox.
Funniest moments: All of Wildlife is pretty hysterically bad but in an entertaining way. In fact Mr. Hawkland just saw it for the first time this weekend and was laughing hysterically at some of the lines in it. But also Countdown, for having such a dark plot, is one of my favorites for all of the great one-liners and funny scenes ( “I’m not tipping all of you”, Munch and the empty coffee can, etc.)
Couple you would like to see: Ha ha ha ha, well of course Munch & Fin, but I know that will never happen. And honestly, even if it did I wouldn’t want it to be acknowledged as canon until the very last episode. Because the writers would surely fuck it up otherwise the way they do every other romance on this show. Otherwise I do kind of like Rollisi, not in an OMG I LOVE THEM sort of way but I do see potential for chemistry, and that Carisi could be a good kind of stabilizing influence on her with her crazy family life. But, would she in turn be good for him? That I’m not so sure about.
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I would SO love to see more of Bayard Ellis. His character was great and such a good foil to Benson. I’d love to see Andre Braugher return to the role.
Favourite outfit: Any of Fin’s suits in season 2.
Favourite item: Fin having a picture of Spartacus and Maximus (Ice’s dogs) on his desk (which I never noticed until @sammael77 caught it!)
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: A few fan-produced t-shirts, magnets and other odds and ends, my MunchFin iPhone case, and seasons 1-15 on DVD
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: My “squad goals” would be the team from seasons 5-8: Munch, Fin, Benson, Stabler, Cragen, Novak, Warner, Huang. That’s my all-time favorite team.
Most boring plotline: Anything involving the Stabler family.
Most laughably bad moment: “Redchannit”
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Eh, I think the few times they’ve done as much haven’t been very good. I know I really disliked the way they repurposed season 1 footage for Manhattan Vigil to change what those scenes were initially about.
Most layered character: All right so it’s maybe my bias talking, but Munch! Especially because I “cheat” and include all of his Homicide characterization too. But honestly…Munch really is a lot more than a sarcastic conspiracy theorist. I think where I really love the complexities of his character coming through are his struggles with issues like suicide and assisted suicide, which came through not just in Painless but also Mercy. On one hand he’s such a strong personal choice advocate and on the other, he knows first-hand how difficult it is for family members when a loved one commits suicide. And what about protecting those who are not being given the choice to end their life or live?
But also, I love that he’s one of the few (main) characters the show ever allowed to remain childfree, yet he was also shown to be incredibly caring and good with children (illustrating that not all childfree people hate or are bad with kids; they just know they aren’t meant to raise one full-time.) He has complicated feelings about women, sometimes (especially early on) seeming incredibly bitter and cynical but deep down he is a lonely romantic.
Most one dimensional character: Honestly, at this point, St. Benson the Holy Redeemer of All Rape Victims.
Scariest moment: Hmmm…I’m having a hard time pinpointing this or narrowing it down to a single “scariest” scene. In general I get freaked out any time they show a serial killer’s “work den”, like in Manhunt or Signature. Because thinking about what those victims had to go through before being killed just makes me really feel sick to my stomach and horrified.
Grossest moment: Hyena vomit
Best looking male: Dammit, don’t make me pick between Munch or Fin because I can’t.
Best looking female: Casey Novak
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Of the current cast, only Fin, who just seems to be getting hotter with every passing year. Of all years, of course Munch, but I also crush on Casey and early season baby!butch Benson.
Favourite cast moment: I think I’ll just say all of the episode Countdown, because to me that was ensemble perfection.
Favourite transportation: Eh, doesn’t really seem to apply here to this canon, does it?
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Still gonna go with the end of Screwed, because I love that final scene with Fin, Ken and Darius on the courtroom steps.
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:
Hahahahahahahah so many so many….
Continuity/plot error: It still bugs the crap out of me (especially as a fic writer who is anal about canon facts) that in Season 2 they messed with Munch’s background from Homicide, and tried to make it sound like he grew up in New York. THAT IS WRONG WRONG WRONG. I’m not going to throw away the family/childhood details we got in Homicide just because the SVU writers were lazy. And it really pains me because it comes up in two of my otherwise favorite episodes (Legacy and Manhunt), so when I’m writing anything where that might come up I have to go through mental gymnastics to explain why he might lie. Or just ignore SVU’s “canon” on that
Unanswered question: WHATEVER HAPPENED TO KEN & ALEJANDRO’S BABY? THAT POOR SURROGATE HAS BEEN PREGNANT FOREVER. Unless that’s just something they’ve completely forgotten about and we’re just to assume Fin is a grandfather now and never talks about it at work while everything and anything Olivia or Amanda does has to relate to them being mothers.
Best promo: Well, I really liked USA Network’s recent “Fin-a-thon” promo…especially for Ice talking about Fin & Munch.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I’ve mentioned this before, but the funny moment when I went from being a casual viewer to developing my current obsession was in Spousal Privilege when Fin said to Amanda: “ I learned two things in my 15 years here at SVU. One: you can’t take this job home to you. Two: you can’t take anyone from this job home with you.” I hadn’t been watching regularly for a number of years so immediately I was like, “WAIT A MINUTE DID HE JUST ACKNOWLEDGE HAVING A THING WITH MUNCH?!” It’s weird the things that set my shippy brain off. Suddenly I wanted to catch up on everything I missed, and that made me then want to rewatch EVERY episode, and mild fannishness became a total obsession.
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whats bojack horseman about & should i watch it
friend im here to tell u with 100 percent surety that it’s gonna change ur life. this turned long so i have to use a cut
the show is set in an alternate hollywood where anthropomorphic animals and humans coexist. bojack horseman is (surprise surprise) a horse who is also an alcoholic, washed up 90s sitcom star (ala full house) and wishes to regain that fame but is bogged down by his fucked up, self-destructive behaviors and general asshole-ness. like he’s not a nice guy. the show keeps reminding u that. but u find urself rooting for him anyway and it’s because of this:
he sabotages the opportunities people worked hard to give him, he hurts the people around him who cares for him. and he does them while being fully aware that he is but is still unable to stop himself from doing it.
the show’s depiction of mental illness is probably the truest form in media today. it doesn’t sugarcoat it or make it as some prop to be cured by the end of an episode. it shows the struggle of self-identity, abuse, and trauma in an industry that is notorious in exploiting and dismissing them. bojack questions himself constantly throughout the three seasons ‘am i good a person?�� ‘what am i doing here?’ ‘why am i still not happy?’ but while there are small breakthroughs, he’s someone who is still struggling to improve himself. not to mention, the people around him, while seemingly normal, all have their own issues to deal with and turns out to be as intricate and complex as the main character. as a seasoned watcher, i advise u to watch it during the weekends. trust me u need the mental health day.
tbh at times, the show gets...uncomfortably relatable like it can be hard to watch because it seems like the show is directly calling u out but in a way? it’s cathartic?? like it’s such a relief that someone knows that feeling that you’ve been harboring to yourself and that ur not alone in feeling this way. and the show, while being unflinching in its narrative, isn’t pessimistic enough from depriving the viewers that maybe...just maybe...there is hope at the end of the tunnel for bojack. they made it clear that the road won’t be easy. but the most important thing is: it’s there.
but don’t let the heavy shit make this show sound too intimidating to start! the script is clever and hilarious and there’s tons of pop culture references hidden everywhere. i go on multiple rewatches and can still catch things i never noticed before!! also animal puns!!! it’s unashamedly loaded with animal puns!! (my personal favorite is a visual gag of a crocodile wearing crocs. amazing.) and can i add the social issues discussed on this show hits the nail right in the head?? sometimes the show absolutely obliterates a discussion and ur left in ur seat going like yooooooooooooOOO THEY DID THAT
alright so im gonna forewarn u that the first half of the season isn’t anything special. like the plot is just smth you’d expect from a raunchy, adult cartoon. but that’s just priming u up for the later half where the show reveals its true color and before u know it, u got punched in the gut at 100mph (the punch is made out of Sadness). if anything, watch it purely for the quality animal puns
#answered#tbh i've been waiting for this ask for ten thousand years i can finally rest#everyone watch this show!!#snaafu#bojack horseman
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album progress...
this album is quite challenging. the method in which we recorded the instruments and recording techniques we implemented have proven sonically impressive but technically challenging. unraveling the recordings and compiling them into an album takes tireless hours and lots of coffee (or tea). from hustling corners in the 69 ville back in the day, to going to college and graduating and finally getting my masters has given me the perspective that this stuff is important and needs to be heard. i was in a group called “the hardsleepers” for a short while before starting my own group. our album, supposed to have came out on virgin records never saw the light of day, and was quite disappointing. i guess one could say that we got shelved.
anyways, with this album we are going back to that mid nineties house sound. its soulful and melodic and yet incorporates rock elements. the challenge is exercising restraint, because there is so much material. we actually recorded some of the material in an abandoned church, where we built a small studio to capture the essence of what we were trying to convey through our music. running a label can be tough, and at times i am conflicted about whether to go for sales, or be honest to the music. we are in negotiations with sony music to release this album, and we’ll be sure to keep you guys updated on that as well.
thus far in my career, I have found that it is better to listen to your gut and let the music guide the way. of course you guys know that there will always be bumps in the road, but keeping vision and maintaining a good work ethic will get you where you need to be.
enough of the chatter…the music is coming along as well as our other projects.
i’ll touch bases from time to time to report on our progress, and we might even get cierra to say something??
boy boy
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ik i im'd u this already BUT the days almost over & it doesnt feel like a proper thing unless it's thru ur inbOX SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY
THANK u jessie i love u!!! ❤️️
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i was tagged by @snaafu
rules: put your iTunes/mp3/Spotify on shuffle and list the first 10 songs then tag 10 people!
1. some velvet morning-lee hazelwood and nancy sinatra 2. candy girl-trailer trash tracys 3. all night-beyoncé 4. thug style-ciara 5. monster hospital (MSTRKRFT remix)-metric 6. magic stick-lil kim 7. trying to be cool-phoenix 8. she will-lil wayne (feat drake) 9. green mile-sza br> 10. touch pass-tinashe
i’ll tag @sething @darthvqder @buffysummere @tsukuyio and that’s all of i can think of rn lmao
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i was tagged by @snaafu and i literally cannot skip this meme. i am physically incapable.
rules: put your iTunes/mp3/Spotify on shuffle and list the first 10 songs then tag 10 people!
1. shiny - the decemberists 2. the waitress - tori amos 3. change your life - anna tsuchiya 4. what would you do - bastille 5. you don’t have to cry - crosby, stills, and nash 6. love is real - jason mraz 7. goodbye forever - my brightest diamond 8. bridge to nowhere - sam roberts band 9. keep on walking - passenger 10. another little hole - aqualung
as always i want ANYONE WHO SEES THIS to do it. if they want.
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snaafu replied to your post: hi im doc and this is jackass [puts on...
you’re literally a doll please teach me how to be this frickin cute
this is coming from Major Cutie Pie faerself
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im sorry for your loss, nina, im here if you need anything
Jessie, thank you so much I appreciate it a lot *hug*
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Oh and @adarafaelbarbas, @snaafu I’m working on that SVU in depth fandom ask thing! It’s just taking me forever being all long-winded about it, lol. But I haven’t forgotten :)
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N for the letter thing uwu
noel fucking fisher. hello.
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this is a voiceover i made geared to help you relax when you're dealing with anxiety! (i've combined a few scripts i found, and then read them aloud in a quiet room.) i hope this helps anyone who needs it! i used my best calming voice and hopefully this'll be useful to people who struggle with feeling isolated and alone during anxious moments or panic attacks... at the very least i'll be talking to you. much love <3 please take care!!!
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yo i've followed you for like two days but i just realized your icon is noel in the pacific and that makes me rly happy idek why
actually I noticed you following me and like my stuff inspired me to make a noel fisher ‘the pacific’ icon. But it also was 2 am too and I needed something new … THANKS!!!
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