salsanewt · 2 years
Trans and poc
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Okay sure, here ya go! Used an even shittier but easier gif making method, hope ya don’t mind.
(flag png under cut)
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We have the png i used and the actual way the flag is supposed to go lmao (yeah i accidentally made a whole gif where it went the other way before realising the spamton flag rose the other)
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salsanewt · 3 years
1 2 3 blueaddison- *gets killed*
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rip anon, killed by Blue Addison when bringing up their scandal
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salsanewt · 3 years
Why's the gremlin sleeping on the floor?
Blue should really watch where they're going
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So true Blue, Spamton is out to get you!!! You're not clumsy at all, it's all Spamton!
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salsanewt · 3 years
* bites you *
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Spamton bites you instead since he loves infecting people with rabies and trash baby disease
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salsanewt · 3 years
Have any deltarune headcanons?
Hmmm I suck at verbalizing headcanons and mine are always changing lmao, so instead I'll tell you a bit about my little story (au? take?) on the addisons and Spamton, more specifically why I draw them so....fluffy and bird-like.
I personally have dubbed the addisons a type of bird (creature) that contrasts with the swatchlings. Though unlike the swatchlings they aren't full bird, instead each addison essentially like...has other forms? Or external interactions can influence their appearance, such as Spamton who as a result of Gaster's influence began to lose his feathers (he ignored this esp when he was very successful), he even gained puppet like mouth lines on his face which didn't play a role until Gaster left him which is when his face basically became full puppet and he was able to unhinge his jaw. At this point all of his bird like features were almost gone (save for his beak/nose), he wears a turtle neck to hide the bareness of his neck too lmao. Afterwards when the strings are cut and he's freed (his neo temperance) he still retains his puppet like appearance (though he cannot unhinge his jaw) but has also regained his birdlike features (feathers!!!! and a sweet new tail!).
If something life changing happens to the other addisons their appearances will also change ;)
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Yes spamton did shrink! He fell in the acid and got shrunk, not that he was tall or anything before, he's just now even shorter! Spamton Neo wears either a casual shirt or a poncho because I said so lmao.
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salsanewt · 3 years
Can your Spamton neo's legs run off while the torso is still in the same place?
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that awkward moment when your legs leave without you as you’re both in flight and freeze
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salsanewt · 2 years
hi! what are your fandoms?
oh I have alotta fandoms! Though I tend to jump around...a lot. So I'd boil it down to whatever you see me drawing at the moment. Since I did start this blog with deltarune art, I will continue to draw for that fandom when I can! Though atm it's mega project sekai, and any mxtx novel. I am going to be posting pjsk art right after answering this ask...but yeah. Maybe I should make a list of my fandoms on a carrd or something when I have the time!
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salsanewt · 2 years
SaSa LeLe or Sale Sale?
SaSa LeLe ofc. I should be SaSaLeLenewt instead of salsanewt
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salsanewt · 3 years
You forgot art.mine in your last post
lmao I'm forgetful as hell, but yes I'll tag that...unless it's not actually my art???? art.notmine. Also I'm 100% just fucking around with the tags, we love to see the inconsistency.
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