#smitty watches bleach
everylastbird · 2 years
Oh yeah, I finally saw Grimmjow Smitty Werbenjägermanjensen last night! Love that he and his posse come rolling up, ready to kill near indiscriminately, while looking like a boy band, tbh. He is infinitely more pretty boy than I anticipated, haha. I like his eye make up.
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smittywing · 4 years
OMG They Were Street Urchin!
For those of ya’ll who are here for Bleach, sorry, I didn’t rewatch any episodes this weekend.  Instead, my sister and I plowed through more of The Entry until I got to the OMG They Were Street Urchin! episode and I have pretty much just been watching the vid below and tearing up over Renji’s pre-magnificent ponytail and Rukia’s hand on his arm.  
There may be spoilers but I haven’t actually seen enough to know what they are. Also, if your stop-frame is also on Renji post-ponytail, you’re welcome.
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misfitsluug · 5 years
just listen to my voice | kritz
/ t h r e e. /
I silently followed the man to his car, I was already familiar with stuff like this so I didn't worry too much.
I was mostly worried about John and Jaren.
It wasn't intentional to get us into trouble or leave a bad impression on Smitty, my guilt washed over me as I turned around to the apartment.
I saw two people standing and leaving the roof.
Their coming after me, at least I hope so. I turned back and kept walking. My mind thought about my "Dad" and how pissed he'd be to see me at the police station. Obviously, I expected nothing more from him. He used to be sweet and kind back then, something with his wife and daughter happened that turned him into what I have to deal with today.
"Hey! Quit spacing out on me," The officer claimed, snapping me out of my thoughts, I realized that we were already outside the forest. We walked into a parking lot where his car was. The officer fumbled with his keys and I looked around, I almost made a run for it but by that time, he was already pushing me into the back of the car. I glanced out the window, different colored lights were blurred due to how fast the cop was driving, I sighed, a headache forming in my head.
It’s the next day, last night my Dad picked me up from the station and cussed me out. I couldn't sleep, I stared at the ceiling until I passed out. I haven't heard from John since yesterday, which worried me so out of instinct, I dressed myself to go to the diner. I walked out of my bedroom, heading towards the door and grabbing the doorknob-
"Hey, where do you think you're going?" A voice behind me spoke, I turned around slowly as my Dad stood there with his arms crossed and tired brown eyes that glared right at me. "Going out, what's it matter to you?"
"You know why it matters, I don't want to see your dumbass in the police station again. I don't want to see you with that boy."
"Wait, what?" I inquired, letting go of the doorknob. He knew?
"You think I don't know where you're going? I know that you've been going around with somebody, you seem too happy lately."
"Oh great, take away my happiness too why don't you?" I spat as he walked closer to me, I stood my ground. "I know he's your happiness, you gay shit stain. He might end up leaving just as quick as your parents."
I shoved him away from me, clearly upset as I felt my anger boiling inside me. He laughed and punched me, I stepped back and held my eye. "Don't ever push me again, you weak shit," He threatened, I stood up straight and opened the door, listening to his shouts while I shut the door and walked to the diner.
I finally got at the diner, pushing the door open and listened to the jingle above my head, walking to the same booth where I first met John. I sat down and watched him exit from the kitchen, his multi-colored sweater draped on his shoulder with a yellow and black t-shirt with black jeans with a chain curving around his thigh. John's heterochromic eyes staring right into mine, he immediately ran toward me with open arms. "John I-" I was cut off by John's hug, I hesitated but wrapped my arms around him.
"Don't ever fucking do that again," The blonde muttered, his face in my chest.
"I won't, honey," I replied, my cheeks heating up slightly. "I didn't want you getting in trouble with the cops."
"I didn't want you to get in trouble either, that's why I tried to stop you, dummy," John pulled away. "Hey, what happened? You have a bruise," He mentioned, cupping my cheek with his hand as his thumb carefully rubbed my bruise underneath my eye. "W-Well, uh- it was my Dad?"
"Are you serious? I'll give him a bruise too if he does this shit again," John mumbled the last part but I heard him clearly, I didn't answer though. "Not to change the subject but wanna dip?" He inquired, bringing his hand away from my face.
"Yeah, sure," I answered, following him out the door. "Where should we go?"
"Hey, you're usually the one that decides, not me," John protested, but at this point, I couldn't really think of anywhere else to go. My mind mentally looked at a map of the town, trying to figure out where else we could go. "Uh, there's this like- arcade down the street, wanna go?"
"Sounds boring."
"They have bowling there-"
"What the fuck are you just standing there for, let's go!" John exclaimed, nudging my shoulder in the process. The walk there was silent, I could tell he was nervous about the whole thing, seeing as he began biting his nails. "Hey, you okay?"
"Hm? Yeah, just a nervous twitch thing."
"You know, that isn't good for you."
"Eh, I've been doing it for a while, I could care less."
"I have an idea, after the arcade, we're stopping by my place and painting your nails that way you don't bite them anymore," I stated, he rolled his eyes and moved his hands into his pockets.
"You're too kind, why is that?"
"It's a curse."
"Really? Wish I had that."
"Hey, you are kind!" I retorted, he scoffed without a response. I felt guilty about it so I grabbed his hand. "Honey, you are the kindest person I know so far."
"Yeah yeah, you’re the kinder-est person I’ve ever met," John looked down, his cheeks coated with a pink tint. I smiled softly and kept his hand in mine until we made it to the arcade.
We exchanged our cash for coins to use inside and played games while goofing around for a bit, almost getting kicked out at some point; afterwards, we went to the bowling section and messed around in there before actually playing, John apparently had more experience compared to myself so of course he beat me.
But out of everything, I concentrated on him the most. The way his smile grew wider every-time he won a game and beat me, his scream whenever he lost and wanted a rematch or the way his bleached hair shined brighter with the multicolor neon lights, the way his eyes sparkled with delight and happiness and whenever I playfully flirted with him, he became flustered in a snap.
Maybe I did grow attached to him, more than a friendly way.
"Hey, I'm beat. You down to leave?" John inquired.
"Yeah, I'm okay with that," I answered, John sighed and we both left, the cool breeze hitting me like a wave, the heat from inside slowly disappearing. "Don't think I forgot about painting your nails."
"Wait, you were serious about that?" The American giggled, making my heart leap.
"Yeah! C'mon, it'll be fun," I remarked. "Remember? Mister Adventure guy, painting your nails would be an adventure too!"
"Okay, okay! I'll let you paint my nails, only if I can take you on my own special little adventure."
"Hell yeah!" I spoke happily, looking down at him and chatting about our experiences inside the arcade.
We made it to the complex, I looked around and noticed my Dads car was nowhere to be found.
I took the chance for granted and helped John climb over the fence as I jumped after him, leading him to my apartment. I unlocked the door, the house reeked of alcohol and cigarettes, which made John sneeze. "Sorry about the smell."
"It's all good," John reassured, I smiled and motioned him to my room, where it didn't smell of alcohol and cigarettes. I shut my door and opened the window, letting some air inside. "Okay! Mi casa es tu casa!"
"Nice, now lets get to painting nails," John sat down on a spare chair as I sat on a similar one, grabbing my small container filled with variations of colors. "Uh, here I want these colors," John grabbed three colors: red, blue, and yellow.
"Ooh, nice choices," I acknowledged, setting my container down on the ground and began painting his nails.
"Cameron, remember the thing at the roof?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You know I care about you, you scared me. Smitty was worried too, but I was scared for you. I didn't know if you were gonna get hurt and-"
"Hey, hey, it's over now, honey. You don't have to worry, I'm here with you."
"I know I know, but I need you to know that I worry for you. So if that bullshit happens again, I'm not leaving your side," John spoke in a serious tone, I knew that tone anywhere which meant he was telling the truth. "Heh, okay honey."
"Why do you call me that?"
"What? Honey?"
"Well, I don't have to if you don't want me to," I looked up at him as he was already staring at me. He immediately looked away and I chuckled. "No no, I don't mind. Just outta curiosity.”
"You reminded me of a song, so I began calling you that."
"Mhm, so if I called you 'sweetheart' would that be okay with you?"
"Yeah, that's fine with me," I replied, my chest filled with butterflies. I finished painting his right hand and moved onto the left. "Alright, sweetheart."
"Where are we gonna go exactly?"
"Oh, it's a surprise, wouldn't want to ruin the fun for you," John repeated what I had said yesterday, which left me surprised at how he remembered that exactly. "You'll just have to follow me."
"Alrighty then, new Mister Adventure man, you will lead the way," I said, a smile forming on the both of us. We stayed silent, enjoying each other's presence until I finished painting his nails. "Boom, done."
"Holy shit, you're good at this," John complimented. "Really, you are."
"Hah, thanks," I replied, an awkward silence came about. I opened my mouth as if to say something until the door clicked, my immediate instinct was to go for the window. "Cameron, are you in there?" My father asked loudly, I motioned John out the window, opening it for him as I tried making up an excuse for him to not open the door. "I'm jacking off! Don't open the door!" I shouted, John snickered as he made it outside, I grabbed the door and faced him.
"You weren't jerking off, what were you doing?"
"Ugh, of course you were writing," He mumbled, rubbing his head. "I don't wanna see your writings anywhere outside your room, got it?"
"Yeah," I answered, he glared at me before leaving, slamming the door in the process. I sighed, relieved that he didn't realize the boy I had inside my house; I silently fled through the window, finding John leaning against the wall, smiling when I look at him. "Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm feeling better now that you're here," I spoke dumbfounded, John rolled his eyes. "Whatever, c'mon sweetheart, we got a long walk ahead of us," The American began walking as I followed him downtown. Our walk to the surprise destination was quiet, listening to the cars driving by, street lights buzzing and small crickets chirping, the wind wasn't hot nor cold but just the right amount of warm. I thought about John, how lucky I am to have met him. How lucky I am to actually be able to walk with him.
How lucky I am to feel almost in love.
I knew I had some feelings here and there, but being with him, makes my day.
The only thing that haunted me was his rejection.
We made it to a small neighborhood that wasn't as far as John mentioned, we walked into a part of the neighborhood where there was a cul de sac, a street light in the middle of a small patch of grass. Houses were around the soft pavement, John stopped and pointed to a house. "There's my house, it isn't too much but it's where I live. I don't think anybody's home so we'll be fine."
"Oh, alright," I replied, continuing to walk towards the house, John turned to the side of the house where a wooden fence stood with another door and opening that door..
Stood a treehouse between two bigger trees.
"Woah," I whispered, looking at the house. It had a ladder dangling down from it and two windows that stood out as multiple cables fell from underneath and connected to Johns house. "So, how do you like it, sweetheart?"
"Like it? John, this is fucking amazing!"
"Have you ever been in a treehouse before?"
"Well, no, I've never been in one and let alone see one. I've only seen them in T.V, obviously."
"Get your ass up there," John shoved me to the ladder, I chuckled before climbing the ladder that wobbled with every step I took until I made it inside. There was a mini fridge and a small T.V while Christmas lights were strung around the walls, a blue rug on the ground, bean bags in the corner (with board games), and a couch in front of a coffee table. John soon came up after me so I walked to the couch and sat myself down, John crawling to a movie rack next to the T.V. "What do you wanna watch? We got uh, Shrek and-"
"Stop, put that shit on."
"Shrek? Seriously?"
"Put it on, pussy," I dared, John followed as told and put the movie into the DVD player. The other silently walked towards the couch, sitting beside me and laying down on my shoulder making my heart race. "Tired?"
"Yeah, I'm super fucking tired."
"Maybe we don't have to do anything tomorrow, we could just hang out."
"You really wanna do that?"
"Yeah, I'm down for that."
"Heh, alright," Those were John's last words as he concentrated on the movie before falling asleep on top of me. I smiled, playing with his frizzy bleached hair, his hair felt soft against my hands. I sighed contently, looking at how peaceful he was in my arms, still twirling his hair between my fingers.
Maybe I did fall in love with him.
2537 WORDS.
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hubcat99 · 5 years
Funny Little Creatures Chapter 7
Whelp there is one more chapter after this one, so I hope you forgive me for any abrupt endings.....
The silence around Brock was finally broken when Brian groaned and slowly opened his eyes, trying to focus on anything. His limbs uselessly moved around like a useless child, trying to grab onto anything that would help him sit up.
Brock heard Brian and quickly rushed to his D.O.G’s side "I got you I got you..." Brock was trying not to shake but when he turned Brian over " Y... you eye.. your left eye... oh god..." He looked around again for Kryoz only seeing a thick fog "I'll get you to Nogla ... maybe your face is just bloodied and everything is okay" Brock wasn’t sure if he was saying this for his sake or for Brian’s.
Brian gripped onto Brock his hands a quacking mess. "She.... Exploded..." He murmured weakly looking around with his one visible eye. “Didn’t...she.”
Brock lifted Brian's arm up over his shoulder " Just... just focus on walking... I'm sure Kryoz is okay... he is magical..." He slowly walked Brian through the debris, trying to get his partner out to safety. The way they had come through was blocked with fallen pieces of the apartment. Brock was slow to guide them towards the risky open front, but he had no choice if he wanted to seek help for Brian.
"Brock.... What about the others...." Brian’s voice was fading fast, a barely audible whipser.
Brock gritted his teeth and tried to pull Brian a long just a little bit faster " The Wardens will help them, I’m sure of it."
"Mmmm.... okay" He seemed a little tired, his head starting to hang lower.
Brock shook Brian, fear making his blood run cold. " Terroriser I order you to stay awake!"
Brian blinked lazily, rolling his head to smile at Brock. "Yes sir..."
Brock was biting his lower lip as blood trickled down his chin. "Damnit if there was a warden in here, I could get you out faster!"
"Brock... I'm okay..." He said softly
"No, you aren't... I have to get you out..." Brock frantically looked for the pink haired female warden from earlier or even Kryoz's bleach blonde hair. As if heard by his silent prayers; the fog started to pull itself together solidifying into Kryoz's form. Brock beamed, happy to see him back at his most dire moment of need. Once Kryoz was completely back to his normal form more, Brock's happiness turned into a flustered embarrassment "Wh- why are you naked?!"
Kry groaned, stretching out his body with an annoyed look on his face. "I didn't change in time so my clothes got destroyed. It isn’t like I wanted to be butt naked during a gun fight and explossions.”
Brock nodded curtly, getting back to business. "Okay, I need you to grab Terroriser's other arm and help me get him to the medical tent"
Kryoz gave a salute and stood by his other side, swinging an arm over his shoulder "Terrorizer huh?" He smirked deviously. "Quite the nickname you got there."
Brian huffed a weak grunt. "It is a dumb name they gave me after my first surgery infusion... guess I was a bit of a terror"
Brock willed himself to chuckle a little as they slowly limped to the front door, and their escape. He could almost feel the sun on his face like a warm caress, but he heard crunching debris behind them. Brock turned gradually, seeing what looked like a male fae with the same explosive spells on him like what the elf had. His eyes grew in shock and horror, knowing they would not be able to escape this time. Brock squeezed his eyes shut and tried to cover Brian with as much of his body as possible, he just wanted to go home. He dared to open his eyes and survey the scene around him, when there was a loud thud. Brock caught a glimpse of the fae laying on the ground, a bullet hole resting between his eyes. He searched for the source of the bullet, able to catch a glint from on top of a hill. He could just make out Cloud9 with his sniper rifle still trained on the fae, in case it was a decoy. Brock squinted to try and see him more clearly in the distance. Brock gave a brief wave and proceeded to drag Brian out of the apartment, and over to Nogla with Kryoz's help.
On the hill top Kyle was fidgeting behind Cloud9 and Cartoonz, as the D.O.Gs had their snipers trained on the apartment. "Still no word from Evan's group?" He whispered
Ryan had binoculars on, keeping track on what was happening within the building. "No... nothing yet..." He pulled down the binoculars to watch the worry grow on Kyle. "Evan is smart... his radio is probably broken" Ryan said in a low voice.
Luke cursed under his breath, firing a shot to take out someone near the pink haired Warden Lola. He was trying to take out his frustrations on any enemies caught in his scope.  
Unlike the younger handlers leading them, Cloud9 could smell a change seeping from Cartoonz’s flesh like a vile stench. Cloud9 looked at his friend, and frowned deeply. "Are you... Okay?" He risked asking.
"Fine..." Luke pulled the latch to load another bullet and fired again " Just want this over..." Luke winced and squinted his eyes like he was suffering a headache or under some other pain.
Cloud9 glanced over Cartoonz's shoulder briefly, before he turned back to his own rifle. Kyle nodded calmly still very much unimpressed. "Yeah..." Out of the corner of Cloud9's eye it seemed like there was something sitting on Luke's back, and whispering into his ear. Ryan and Kyle didn't seem to notice anything so Cloud9 was sure that only those with demon parts would see it. "........Your friend is annoying Luke." Cloud9 mumbled.
Luke jerked and missed his target, whispering at his friend. "Y... you can see him.... Alex?"
Cloud9 nodded briefly. "I can..." He aimed quickly to take down the target that Cartoonz had missed carelessly. He peered back at his friend to try and give him a warm supportive smile, but it came out sad.
Cartoonz stared at Cloud9 as the demon on his back cackled and laughed, pulling at his hair. He huffed out an annoyed breath, returning his focus back on his scope. "I ... I have this under control.... but thank you Alex"
"If you say so, Luke" Cloud9 let out a long sighed and turned back to the building
"Just.... keep our promise, please." Cartoonz looked back at Cloud9 briefly. He thought back to when they opened Cloud9's bedroom door. Cartoonz sighed heavily and looked forward down his view point once more. The images of Cloud9 holding onto his handler Kyle for dear life swam to the forefront of his mind. "You want to keep your new little brother safe, right?" Cartoonz winced as the demon pushed its hands into his back, kicking his feet with glee. "G- good..." He fired off another shot, knowing that it was going to rest in the skull of an enemy.
Cloud9 blinked and nodded, understanding the weight of his words. "I do..." He also fired off shot after shot, trying to lessen the burden on Cartoonz.  
Kyle was pacing anxiously behind the two snipers, chewing at his thumbnail. After his fifth lap of pacing back and forth his radio gave off a loud screech. A broken yet familiar voice crackled through Kyle’s radio, causing him to jump. He snatched the radio off of his hip and pressed the intercom button. "Repeat transmission!"  
"Sergeant Fong! Reporting! Ah... fuck!" The radio screeched and crackled loudly again. " We have taken a large hit but are okay" His voice was shaking over the radio, but it still held a firm strength.
Before Kyle could make a reply there was a jumbled mass of transmissions from the other guys. "Smitty are you okay!-" " Evan get your ass out of there!" " the building isn't safe"  
Ryan squeezed the button on his radio having had enough of the chaotic mess " QUIET!" He took a long breath in and held the radio up to his mouth. Ryan knew this was no time to be fearful, Evan needed help and their group was his best option. " Please report any injuries."
The radio talk went quiet aside from some weak crackling. Then there was silence that seemed to last forever as even the snipers stopped firing. Finally, Evan’s voice filtered thought the radio once more, thankfully quelling the silence. " We are all banged up and bloodied, but Delirious took the brunt of it... we are trying to find a way out."
Cartoonz jumped to his feet in an instant, ready to abandon his post. He faced the decent of the hill, wanting nothing more than to be in the belly of the apartment.
Cloud9 hopped up as well, blocking Cartoonz’s path with his arms stretched wide open. "Luke we can't just abandon our position!"
Cartoonz was panting heavily as his eyes darting around wildly "Delirious is hurt!" He dropped his sniper riffle to pull at his hair, stress eating him up.
Cloud9 stared at Cartoonz falling apart in front of his very own eyes. He decided to do something that was strange and foreign to him, by wrapping his arms around his friend. Cloud9 remembered what this contact did for him when his handler hugged him, so he hoped it would help.
Cartoonz's breath hitched with the sudden unexpected embrace from Cloud9. He wasn't use to the normally stoic man giving such affection.
"It's okay..." Cloud9 said softly, squeezing his arms a little tighter. He couldn't see the demon behind his friend anymore, but he knew something was still off. Cloud9 could see the struggle written clearly on Cartoonz's face, even now.  
Cartoonz leaned into Cloud9's embrace, pressing his face into the other’s shoulder " I have to, help him."
"I know..." Cloud9 nodded, rubbing circles in Cartoonz’s back. "And you will... But right now, Luke you have to calm down... Del- Jonathan needs you to be thinking clearly."
" Okay..." Cartoonz closed his eye and took a few deep breaths. He tried not to listen to the radio static as it squeaked to life again.
" You guys gonna help get our asses out of here we're stuck!" Delirious tried to add a hard, crazy laugh after but started to cough. The radio fell into silence too quickly, cutting Delirious off mid cough.  
Kyle looked at Ryan, before returning his eyes back to their D.O.Gs "Should we authorize the okay for them to leave?" He noted that Cloud9 was already packing up his rifle, with Cartoonz’s abandoning his own.
Ryan chewed his lip wanting to help Evan and the others, but not wanting to abandon his post. Ryan lifted his radio to try and start planning the next few steps, his mind raced. He was trying force himself to calm down and breathe steadily, so his heart would ease up.
" Kyle and Ryan! I want you both to take your D.O.Gs down there, and extract Evan’s group." Marcel's stern, clear voice came through their radios. "You two might not have much field experience, but you can do this!" He sounded very tired, but his voice still held firm and supportive.
“YES SIR!” Kyle and Ryan responded over their respective radios, before trailing behind their partners.  
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echoinghowls · 6 years
Night Escape
Just a random drabble I wanted to write! Hope you enjoy! (1,159 words) - - -
- Blinding flashing neon. Mumbled and mixing conversations. Groups and couples and loners shouldering their way through the crowd. Loud, bass-filled music beat and pounded the walls and entrances, daring people with racing hearts and red gazed eyes to dash inside and dance the night away. Going inside had been a mistake. At first, his loud group of friends and eager tugs had been enough to convince him he would have fun, but now that whiskey and beer were drowning their thoughts...Evan wanted out. It was like a prison, jumping and dancing bodies forming a wall between the seating area and the exit. Brian had drunkenly pulled a sober Brock put into the sea about 15 minutes ago, and Evan still hadn’t seen the two since. Tyler was the only one beside him now. Jonathan getting dragged out by Luke as his brother forced Ohm to dance, Anthony and Nogla laughing and wheezing at the bar still. Scotty and Marcel had dipped early on, insisting they needed decent sleep to get up early for a meeting the next day. John and Smitty were working behind the counter, grins wide as they watched their friends have fun at the place they worked at. Which meant Evan, who was two beers deep, and Tyler, half a bottle whiskey under his belt, were left at the messy and disorganized table. Cups and shot glasses littered the oak, torn and soaked napkins like dappled snow on the dark wood. Evan hated the heat that was beginning to soak into his jacket, too worried he’d lose it to take it off. The smell of marijuana was quickly joining the sweat that clouded the air, along with the scented clouds of smoke that brushed the ceiling as patrons vaped. The cheap, greasy pizza that had once made his cheeks hurt from smiling so hard now made his stomach churn. Acid burned the back of his throat as nausea swirled through him, making it hard to swallow as he took deep breaths to not vomit. “Evan, you don’t look so good.” The gamer glanced at his drunk friend, icy blue eyes watching him from where Tyler sat. “I don’t feel well,” Evan admitted, resting his head on the chair behind him and closing his eyes to focus on breathing. “Wanna leave? I’m bored.” The blonde man swirled his drink lazily, yawning as his gaze took in the flashing lights. “Yeah, but I don’t know how we’re going to make it to the door.” “I got this.” Tyler stood (albeit wobbly) and made his way toward the crowd, pausing on the edge to wait for Evan with a lopsided smile. The smaller was quick to get to his feet and stand beside the giant, who nodded before stepping into the sea of people. Evan was surprised when a path slowly opened up in front of them, Tyler parting his way through the crowd with ease. Music pounded his chest. The body heat and sweat increased to a sickening level, making Evan swallow thickly as he narrowly avoided hips and shoulders trying to drown him in the crowd. His stomach lurched after a particularly sharp elbow to his side, the woman not noticing or bothering to apologize before she was swallowed up again. Then they were out, Tyler’s smile bright as he held the door open for Evan. The smaller promptly emptied his stomach in a nearby trashcan, Tyler rubbing circles into his back as he attempted to comfort the ravenette. “Better?” Tyler asked as Evan stepped away from the ill-smelling can and wiped his face with his jacket sleeve. He’d wash it later. “A bit,” He answered, throat raw from the bile that he swallowed with another gag. They walked together along the sidewalk. The crescent moon sat snuggly in the blanket of the glittery sky, giving Evan some sort of comfort as he tucked his hands into his hoodie pockets. The deafening music died out behind them. The bustling streets of the small town were quiet now. Birds and critters chirped and called out in the darkness. Family-run businesses were empty, their bright colored signs blinking and fading with age. The wind whistled through a nearby wheat field, tugging the young stalks that were barely ankle-height into vigorous dances. The sound soothed Evan and his stomach a bit more. “Is that Jon?” Evan looked up at Tyler before following his gaze, expecting to see their bleached-haired friend somewhere ahead and spotting dark hair shrouded in a blue hoodie instead. They glanced at each other before nearing their friend, who has sat himself down in the dirt and mud of the field.“Hey, you okay, Jon?” The blue hoodie jumps slightly at the question, whipping around to see Evan and Tyler before relaxing. “O-oh. J-just you guys.” “Too much for you too?” Evan asked, already expecting the nod he got in return. Poor Jonathan wasn’t one to enjoy loud noises and bright lights for very long. “L-Luke t-told me we w-wouldn’t be there long. A-a-and then he gets all distracted with his-shi damned hoochie boyfriend...” Jonathan trails off, huffing before pulling his hoodie closer to him. “Can we join you?” Jon pauses for a moment, then nods, patting the dirt beside him for Tyler and Evan to join. The three of them sat there for a while, huddling when the breezes tugged at their hair. Evan wished he had gotten a haircut as the strands of night billowed and flicked in front of his face. They listened to the crickets and the birds. The mooing of distant cows and whinneys of horses. The rustling or the young plants that surrounded them and the songs of the towering trees. It was peaceful. “Th-thanks f-for sitting with me.” Jonathan muttered after they sat in silence for a long while. Evan didn’t stop the smile that pulled at his lips. “Of course. No one I’d rather sit outside and enjoy nature with than you two.” There was a pause between them. Evan smiled as he stared at the stars above them, luckily not hidden by the light pollution that smogged bigger cities. Fireflies blinked to life in the depths of the field. Blinks and shimmers of bright yellow in the pale, faint light of the moon. There was a brush of a hand under his chin, and then lips were pressing against his own. His breath hitched at the sudden contact, eyes wide as he stared at Tyler’s dimly lit face. He tasted like whiskey and pretzels. Tyler pulled away, bright blue eyes narrowed and smirking as he took in Evan’s now flustered face. “I’ve always wanted to do that.” He whispered against Evan’s cheek. Cold fingers snaked up Evan’s other side, and he turned to face Jonathan only to be caught in another kiss, this one shorter before Jon pulled back. “Bitch stole my kiss.” He hissed, pulling Evan into another kiss before he could say anything. Evan was elated.
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smittywing · 4 years
Bleach, S.1: Ep.2
It’s sort of impossible not to bop to this music.
I have seen one episode with the stuffed lion thing in the freeze frame and I was Not Impressed.
Every time Ichigo’s father shows up, I wonder if my dad would have wanted to teach me wrestling and self-defense if I’d been a boy.  Fortunately, we will never know.
Orihime Inoue - I know her, too. And her adorable barrettes. Ichigo just like, side checks her halfway down the hall and is like, oh, it’s you.  He is basically every 15-year-old boy ever, see e.g. the reason Order of the Phoenix was so painful. I like her friend. Do we ever see the friend again?
CHAD.  I pretty much was always on top of Chad’s name, although I had a rough 15 minutes today as my sister explained to me that Chad is not actually Chad’s name, an issue which is, unsurprisingly, Ichigo’s fault. 
Rukia is rocking her inner (and outer) murder sprite school girl.  She cannot go back to Soul Society because Ichigo took all her power.  Instead of half of her power.  Speaking of outer school girl, everyone can see her now because she’s in a spare skinsuit (to swipe from The Good Place) for depleted Soul Reapers.  (It’s called a gigai. Because I will forget in five minutes.)  She tells Ichigo that he has to carry out her Soul Reaper duties now. Like any teenage boy tasked with more chores, he flips out and refuses.  He’s not going to fight monsters if it’s not to save his family. Which, okay, I might put my foot down too.
Wait, what is that amazing fingerless glove with a skull on it that Rukai has and can I get it at Hot Topic?
Rukia punches Ichigo’s spirit self out of his body (who did it better, Tilda Swinton in Dr. Strange and Endgame or Rukia?) and takes him on a walk.  He immediately sees a monster running after a small child and forgets that he’s not going to fight monsters if it’s not to save his family. Rukia calls him on his BS and tells him it’s all or nothing - he gets to defend all souls or none of them. This is the story of how Ichigo became a hero due to poor impulse control.
Orihime has a ghost stalker who is taken by monsters. For a minute I’m worried that they’re going to eat him but no, they’re just going to...turn him into another monster.  Sorry, dude.
Orihime is maybe hit by a car.  I would not be surprised if she apologized to the car.  Rukia is super concerned about the bruise on her leg.
Orihime’s brother died in a car accident three years earlier and he was taken to the Kurosakis’ clinic.  I think he was the ghost stalker, so one mystery solved, but Ichigo also says he was her only family so...is she just living by herself now?
Aw, there’s her friend! Her name is Tatsuki and she has bought Orihime real food.  Thank goodness.  
Rukia is sleeping in Ichigo’s closet and stealing his sister’s clothes. And then a Hollow shows up.  Ichigo fights it. To be fair, it’s in his house.  The monster’s mask cracks open and it’s Orihime’s poor ghost brother.  Sadness.
Rukia suggests he hit them from behind so he doesn’t recognize who the Hollow used to be.  Ichigo is bent that she didn’t tell him Hollows used to be people.  
Meanwhile, Orihime and Tatsuki talk about how dreamy Ichigo is. And then creepy stuff happens.
End on Orihime’s-brother-Hollow’s tortured cry.
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smittywing · 4 years
Aaaaand it’s Bleach Night!
Gotta space these things out so they’re something fresh and interesting. I am pretty sure I have not seen this one at all - or else it’s the last one I saw before my sister let me skip ahead.
Bleach S1:Ep.3 (Should I be calling the first “season” The Substitute?)
Also, I will proudly announce that I know SIX character names. Rukia, Ichigo, Orihime, Uryuu, Chad, and Renji.  Six down, 783 to go.
Netflix tried to skip the intro.  Fixed that nonsense.
Ah, the boss Hollow wants to devour Ichigo’s spiritual power.  Did not see that coming. I mean, is there even a point to having spiritual power if no one wants to devour it?
Orihime.  Honey.  Even I know leeks and bean paste jelly are not going to make a good dessert.  I think I might ship her with Tatsuki.  I know SEVEN names!  (No, I don’t.  I had to go back to my last post and I got three letters wrong.)  Still, they’re sitting there being adorable and clearly her Hollow brother is going to bust in with Ichigo and Rukia right behind him.
A+ for Rukia having Ichigo cart her across the rooftops like he’s Luke Skywalker and she’s an improbably attractive Yoda.  Brief history lesson - Hollows are souls that didn’t get a Soul Reaper escort to Soul Society so they lose their hearts and become this thing that goes after their most beloved. That sucks.
And sure enough Orihime’s bruise (that Rukia was super concerned about last ep) was caused by the Hollow.
Tatsuki’s weed pants are giving me life.
Orihime’s soul self (which is separated from but chained to her physical body) can body-check her brother-monster, which is impressive because her body weighs about 85 pounds.  
Ichigo shows up with his sword and poses dramatically.  The Hollow goes away.  Soul!Orihime can see him. Hollow!Brother pops back in to announce Orihime (maybe only the physical one? or maybe he’s jumped his cue) is dead.  Ichigo gets booted out of the house and Rukia in her pilfered pjs yells at him to get his act together and take out the Hollow like the tiny drill sergeant she is.
Orihime finally recognizes her brother (under all his monsterness) and he whines that she prayed for him less often after she met Tatsuki and started to, you know, have a life, like teenagers do.  I am coming to the conclusion that some Soul Reaper really fell down on the job in failing to get him squared away in Soul Society.  This is probably going to turn into an object lesson for Ichigo.
Big bro gaslights Orihime for a bit and then Ichigo comes back in and SLICES HIS HAND OFF.  Clearly I should have watched this episode sooner.  Then Ichigo lectures Monster Bro on big-brothering and how the point is to protect the little brothers and sisers that follow.  I’m actually really glad he said little brothers because I thought this was going somewhere sexist.
More gaslighting and Rukia gets to say, “It’s a trap!” which of course it is.
The power of an adorable montage of Orihime growing up and running to her brother with open arms and Ichigo’s guilt trip almost gives Murder Bro his heart back but apparently that’s a non-starter. He goes to devour Ichigo’s spiritual powers and Orihime intervenes, admitting her pleas for him not to leave her alone was why his spirit couldn’t pass over.  She tries to release him and he battles the Hollow and,,,wins.  Which makes the Soul Reaper position that Hollows are incurable monsters sort of shady.
Rukis uses her Kido (a word I should probably know) to heal Soul!Orihime who is still chained to herself.  Non-Murder Bro and Ichigo have a conversation about WHY DID THEY NOT GIVE HIM A NAME gave Orihime her snowflake barrettes.   
Non-Murder Bro decideds to off himself with Ichigo’s sword while he still the personality in charge.  Rukia confirms that this is a good plan and then explains that killing a Hollow is really just releasing the soul to pass into Soul Society.  I feel this is information Ichigo could have used yesterday.
Orihime and her brother have a nice moment and then he skewers himself and melts away in a cloud of glitter.  And then Rukia uses the Flashy Thing from Men inBlack to take away her memory of the whole thing.  Rukia is hardcore.
Ichigo admits that he is not hardcore, but he is also not slime, so he’ll help be a Soul Reaper.  Rukia’s just like, of course you are.
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smittywing · 4 years
Bleach, S.1: Ep.1
So, I have been watching Bleach with my sister, who is a big fan and has seen it six times. And she was nice enough to tell me where to skip up to so I could get emotionally involved in the characters, but now that I am, I feel like I should probably remember their names. For that reason, I am re-watching from the beginning and I am keeping notes.  On Tumblr.  Buckle up.  Spoilers for S.1 Ep.1 coming at you. 
This is an incredibly bright and cheerful opening sequence for a show that is basically about dead people.
I know this character.  This is Rukia.  She is smol and fierce.  She senses strong spirit energy.
I also know this character.  This is Ichigo.  He seems to have beaten up some people, which makes other people want to beat him up. This is consistent with the later episodes I have seen. He does seem to have a little anger management about these jerks knocking over a vase of flowers for a “dead kid.”  He can see ghosts.  Also his dad just ROUNDHOUSE KICKED him for being late to dinner.  Yuzu and Karin are his sisters, I take it? And there is a memorial poster for Mom, so she’s dead. She appears to have lucked out.
Ichigo goes snooping around a downtown disaster/explosion, probably to pick up some more ghosts, and finds a big spider-thing that seems to be the cause. Fortunately Rukia appears and slices it up with her awesome sword.
I appreciate that the 20 minute episodes are split into part A and part B. My attention span is about ten minutes these days and now I can get a snack.
Rukia shows up in Ichigo’s bedroom that night, just as he’s wondering who she is.  (Not what the spider was, though.) She’s surprised Ichigo can a) see her and b) kick her. Apparently people can’t usually see her.  She’s a Soul Reaper. This is important. Ichigo provides exposition by repeating what Rukia has told him off-screen - she’s a Soul Reaper and she’s come all the way from Soul Society to exorcise demons, including the monster from earlier.  Ichigo is skeptical. And kind of a dick about it.
Okay, Ichigo just made a Major Douchebag Error and called Rukia a pipsqueak even thought she has demonstrated that she is far more of a badass than he is. 
Whatever “Bakudo Number One: Sai!” is, it looks extremely painful. Nicely done, Rukia.Okay, a bakudo is a high-level incantation that only a Soul Reaper can do. A+ exposition. Fortunately for Ichigo, Rukia can only execute people named in her orders.She has come to retrieve one of the ghosts Ichigo saw and send him to Soul Society. 
Exposition:  Whole are ghosts you see. Hollows attack people and devour their souls. Rukia’s drawing is so bad, Ichigo comments on it. He is an incredibly sulky teenager. (I am pretty sure that all this is second nature by the time you have seen the first 170 episodes, but writing it down helps me process.)
Soul Reapers have two jobs - send Wholes to Soul Society (which, having seen later eps, doesn’t seem like much of a heaven but looks better than hell) and cut/purify Hollows.
Ichigo can hear the second Hollow Rukia’s after, but Rukia can’t until he points it out. Ichigo can resist the bakudo to some degree and eventually break the spell. Clearly he is a Very Special Boy.
The second Hollow grabs Karin, who is the sister who is sardonic AF. Rukia slices it and realizes the Hollows are after Ichigo. He has a lot of spirit energy in his body that was hidden before he touched the dead kid, apparently.
Ichigo wants to fight the Hollow with the power of his teenage male confidence. Rukia saves his ass but gets chomped herself. Lying in a pool of her own blood, she accuses Ichigo of being suicidal. Bask in the irony.
Rukia tells Ichigo to run himself through with her Zanpakuto (the sword) and he her Soul Reaper powers will download to him. I know from later episodes this is srsly against the rules.Haha, she doesn’t actually know if it will work. I love her.
The sword becomes gigantic. Is this symbology? Also Rukia only meant to give him half her power but gave it all by accident. And she’s never seen a Zampakuto so large.
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smittywing · 4 years
Bleach, S1:Ep4
It’s Chad Time!
I cannot lie, part of my love for Chad is that I never screw his name up.
Boss Hollow is waxing poetic about how once you taste a Soul Reaper, you always crave it, and honestly, I’ve read serial killer books less creepy than this.
Chad has saved his tiny friends and the cursed bird from Certain Death by catching a piece of I-beam on his shoulders.  He says, “Yeah, I’m fine,” as blood cascades down his face.  Damn my love for taciturn men.
Okay, bird’s name is Yuichi Shibata.  Someone tell me if I’m using up valuable gray cells remembering this name if this is the only time it appears.  (Although there was a little boy when they finally made it to Soul Society and Chad carried him around on his shoulders for a whole episode and it was adorable? Is this that kid?)
Okay, Chad has just announced that his name is Yasutora Sado, (that’s how the subtitles spelled it) and that conversation with polynya from last weekend suddenly seems a lot less shocking.  (This kind of thing is why I’m watching from the beginning.  And keeping notes.)  He also announces that he’s still 15 and I want to hate him on principle but I cannot.  His big watery eye is killing me.
Ichigo is impressed (or disappointed?hard to tell) that he’s fixed already and Rukia brags about being the best in her Kido class. In return for saving his life (or whatever) he teaches her to drink a juice box.  Which I knew about, so it’s kind of adorable to see now.  :D  Meanwhile a classmate (Mizuiro Kojima) basically tells them they’re the new high school power couple and when Ichigo tells him he’s wrong, he hits on Rukia (or Ichigo assumes he’s going to hit on Rukia before he actually does it) because she is SO MUCH OLDER.  (I am dying at the effect of the blinking SO MUCH OLDER while she stabs futilely at a juice box.)  Some other insane guy shows up and welcomes Rukia to the “garden of masculinity” which I assume is what they call the school rooftop, and finally Chad shows up.  With some band-aids.  And the bird.
Did I miss Chad running into a motorcycle and taking the rider to the hospital? Or is this just a character-building moment?  
Rukia goes blue-soul when the bird introduces himself and the insane “garden of masculinity” dude introduces himself as Keigo Asano.  He introduces himself to the bird, but not to Rukia.  Okay.
Rukia tells Ichigo that the bird is probably a lost spirit and they should perform a Konso that night.  I hope Ichigo asks what Konso is, so I can find out too.  He did not.  But he did jam a straw in Rukia’s juice box, so at least someone’s wish was fulfilled!  (Is Konso the crossing over a spirit?  Should I have picked up that word earlier?)
Chad Origin Story Flashback!  PEOPLE ARE BEATING UP ICHIGO. Didn’t I say in the first episode that this seemed to happen a lot?  For 8th grade, this is an extremely advanced beatdown with brass knuckles and a concrete block.  Then Chad (who is 12? 13?) shows up and lets a half dozen guys beat on him, one with the brass knuckles.  He doesn’t seem to fight back so maybe he just waited for them to get tired?
And Ichigo says that Chad never fights back. I considered deleting that line and then decided to save it for posterity.
I am waiting for Ichigo’s father to not be a douche.
No! Chad is hurt! And he has a big...bird footprint injury to his back.  It appears to be a burn, but Chad walks it off.  Wait, no he doesn’t.  He stands up and immediately passes out.  Rukia can tell that his injury “smells of Hollow.”  The bird looks sad.
The next morning, Karin has had bird-related nightmares and Chad is missing.  Ichigo and Rukia are in pursuit.  Rukia explains that Hollows hang out between Soul Society and "this world”, except when they become visible to “commit foul deeds.”  It took me a while to figure out the accompanying illustrations so I’m not even going to give Ichigo a hard time for being rude about them.  
Ichigo decides he’s going to follow the parakeet soul, which Rukia claims is impossible but is clearly not for Ichigo.  
Meanwhile, the bird is apologizing to Chad because everyone who owns it has bad luck.  Chad’s okay with it.  
Karin is legit sick with a cough and a sweat drop that I think it meant to indicate a fever.  
Ichigo uses Soul Cerebro to find the right soul and goes running after it.  Rukia exposits that he saw “Soul Ribbons” which only high-level Soul Reapers should be able to see.  
Chad tells the bird that being tough is his one good trait.  Aw, Chad. That’s not true. You also have an awesome tattoo.
Rukia tells Ichigo to take Karin home while she goes after Chad.  And the Hollow.  With all zero of her powers.  Okay, actually Ichigo says she hasn’t gotten enough of her powers back to fight the Hollow so maybe they’re regenerating?  Ichigo certainly doesn’t seem to be giving any back.  He tells Rukia not to take chances, which is RICH coming from him.
Karin explains that she absorbed the bird’s (well, Keigo Asana’s) strongest memory, which was seeing his mother killed before his eyes.  Poor baby bird Bruce Wayne.  
Rukia is grumbling that the physical powers of the gigai are the same as an average human being.  I am coming to the conclusion that I should stop asking questions and just WATCH THE NEXT EPISODE except that getting answers is so much fun.
Boss Hollow shows up to tell her she smells delicious.  Creeper.
Even at depleted power, Rukia decimates the guy with a knee to the teeth and then comes down with Pale Destrcution Spell 33.  It only kinda works.
Chad and his bird are on the lam until Chad doubles back to “save Rukia”.  That’s adorable.
Apparently Boss Hollow (who maybe not the boss, but the Hollow of the Week?) has killed two Soul Reapers who tried to help Keigo cross over before.  And they were delicious.  Blech.  Rukia figures he’s attached to the boy’s soul so...it’s probably a relative?
WHAT.  It’s To Be Continued?  UGH.  Guess there will be two reviews in one weekend.
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smittywing · 4 years
Bleach, S1:Ep5
Guest-starring Polynya, thanks to the glory of Netflix Party.
This opening continues to make no sense to me.  I would never skip it though.  It BOPS.
Flashback to Rukia’s powers working but being basically ineffective. 
UGH Ichigo, you are the best big brother.  ILU.
Nice punch, Chad! Yes, you got him!  Chad can hear but not see Hollows?  NO FEAR.
This Hollow is Man-Bat. With a hole in the middle.
Chad, your hair is dreamy.  
Rukia: Give up now, Ichigo will get here eventually and then you’ll be sorry.
Yes, Chad can solve all his problems with muscles. His muscles are the best muscles.
Oh, tiny sad cockatiel.  I was calling you by the wrong name last recap and now I really don’t remember what your name is. Which is maybe appropriate because had apparently doesn’t know Rukia’s name and keep calling her, “Transfer Student” which I find hilarious.  Clearly I have never been the transfer student.
Man-Bat pervs on Rukia and I am Not Here For It.
Finally, Ichigo.  I like how he announces his age.  It’s like that moment in the Star Trek reboot where Bones is like, “Oh, great, he’s seventeen.”  Except that Ichigo is inspiring even less confidence.  At least he is using his teenage male overconfidence for noble purposes.
I’m just always going to feel like leaving his physical body randomly on the sidewalk is poor planning.  Fortunately Chad is there to hide him and the bird.
This bird is the SADDEST thing.  Also I feel like this music is from a soap opera in the 70s. Badass story, though.
(Polynya tells me, “this hollow did not count on the fact that he is fighting a huge Mama’s boy.”  This is clearly Fact.)
Oh good, Gates of Hell.  UM.  WOW.  That was a...painfully placed spike.  I don’t have sympathy but Hell clearly is not fooling around.
Rukia tries to sell the bird on Soul Society by telling him he won’t be hungry.  Ichigo, who understands these things, tells him he’ll see his mom again.  The bird reminds Chad that he took care of him and no one died.  (Except the hollow, in an extremely particular way.)  Chad wants to run around with him again when he passes.  CHAD.  It’s not supposed to be any time soon, bb.
Polynya informs me that they lied to the bird.  Brutal.
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smittywing · 4 years
Bleach, S.1:Ep 8
Am I even using consistent formatting?  #rebel
Gloom, doom, and shadows. Clearly something evil is going to happen in Hollow-Land.  (Polynya tells me it is called Hueuco Mundo.)
The Kurosaki family is on a picnic and Isshin is embarrassing everyone like the True Dad he is.  Ichigo sees Rukia and goes running off.
Ichigo tries to deny he said his mother was killed but Rukia is having none of that and suspects a Hollow killed Ichiago’s mother.  Ichigo seems to think he did.
Orihime thinks Ichigo is a hero protecting the Earth.  It’s kind of tragic that she is actually right.  Tatsuki remembers his goofy baby face from his first appearance at her dojo and how he cried when she beat him up.  She calls him a wimpy mama’s boy, but then says his mother passed when they were nine.  
Rukia sits on the river bank in a fetch hat and ruminate until Kon jumps out of her backpack and complains that she only thinks about Hollows.  I sense a theme.  She finds another Soul Reaper sleeping in the woods.  It’s the non-masked guy from last ep.
More Baby Ichigo flashbacks with his adorable giant eyes.  He gets splashed by a passing truck but assures his mom that he’s fine because he’s wearing a raincoat.  He asks Mom if he can hold her hand and then beams like sunshine.  It’s fine, I didn’t need my heart anyway.
Dad continues to be embarrassing. 
The other Soul Reaper wears a hat with the string wrapped around his chin.  It’s an unfortunate look.  His name is Saidah and he as two years ahead of her at the Soul Academy.  He is from Stealth Force and is a huge unstealthy nerd.  He makes skeezy comments about Rukia coming of age and “doing it with a human boy.”  Rukia tells him she’s not going back.  Ichigo and Kon show up.  Ichigo promptly spills the beans that he’s a substitute Soul Reaper, and gets in a fight.
A hollow shows up on Rukia’s Soul Pager.  She must have put batteries in it.  The Hollow is attaching Karin and Yuzu.  Not cool, hollow.  Not cool
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smittywing · 4 years
Bleach, S1:Ep7
I’m kind of starting to love Ichigo’s stupid face.
Strange things are afoot at the Urahaha store.  Ururu apologizes for something.  Urahaha is nice to her.  
Real Ichigo correctly surmises that if he fails to panic, he can figure out Fake Ichigo’s moves before he makes them.  (Okay, he’s 15, I didn’t know that when I was 15.)
Rukia’s Soul Pager isn’t working.  Ichigo is indignant.
Fake Ichigo fights a giant caterpillar.  Who mocks him.  Real Ichigo saves him by slicing off a caterpillar leg.  (Arm?  Who knows.)  They bicker, then take down the caterpillar thing some more.  Meanwhile, Fake Ichigo is careless with Real Ichigo’s body, which Real Ichicao is a little miffed aover.
Fake Ichigo does not suck entirely and notes that he wouldn’t let the little kids (that he was formerly terrorizing) die at the legs of teh caterpillar thing.  He tells a heart-rending story of being slated to die pretty much as soon as he was created as a Mod Soul.
Urahaha shows up and pops the Mod Soul pill out of Ichigo’s body with his walking stick.  Ichigo, being Ichigo, won’t let him take it.  Rukia goes along with him and insists she’s happy with her purchase.  She leaves the mod Soul with Ichigo which seems like a poor plan.
Lacking a dead body, Ichigo decides to jam the Mod Soul into a stuffed lion.  Rukia rolls with it to see what will happen.  IT WORKS.  Mod Soul is cute and soft now.  Polynya tells me they first tried to put the Mod Soul in a dead cat.  Personally, I thank the anime for skipping that experiment.  
Mod Soul is a Morning Person.
Ichigo will call Mod Soul Kon because it sounds stupid and not Kai, which sounds cool.  Rukia jumps out of her cabinet and yet another entirely inappropriate scene happens.  Polynya, what have you gotten me into?
Rukia admits to mind-wiping Ichigo’s classmates again.  To be fair, at least this means he won’t get a rep as the school creep.
Orihime is precious and I will not hear otherwise.
Tatsuki says it’s June 16 and Ichigo is tense, not happy, and that he’ll be skipping school tomorrow.  Was that when his mother died?
Kurosaki family meeting - and yes, June 17th is the day Ichigo’s mother was killed.  (He’s specific, was killed, not just died.)  Ichigo dreams about rain and his mother’s death.  He was such an adorable little boo.  :(
Some kids are playing tops with a dude when someone in a hood shows up and says Rukia has stayed too long in the human world and there’s something behind it.  INTRIGUE.
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smittywing · 4 years
Bleach, S1.Ep 6
Two in one night.  Can you handle it?
Rukia’s gigai is apparently running low on power.  She appears to break her wrist and snap is back into place?
Ichigo’s house, breakfast, Issan makes a masturbation inference and Ichigo is mortally offended and actually gets a hit in.
NAMES.  Jinto and Ururu.  Polynya tells me they are Urahaha’s kids, and then prevaricates by saying they work for him.  Because who the hell would let Urahaha spawn?  (Not that I know who Urahaha is at this point, except for having watched ahead and going, “Is that the hat guy?”)  They are complaining about Mr. Tessai.
Rukia shows up and a dude in an apron and an EPIC MUSTACHE appears.  He says he’ll get the boss, who is apparently Urahaha, who wears a terrible hat, clompy sandals, and Winter Soldier-esque eyeliner.
Rukia complains about the failures of her gigai.  Urahaha offers her a discount.  Can I get a discount? I have never been able to do a whole pull-up.
Mysterious new merchandise turns out to be...still a mystery.
Rukia shows up for school refreshed and sparkly.  WAIT.  It’s a GIANT PEZ DISPENSER.  THAT DISPENSES SOULS.  Or reverse-dispenses, in case Ichigo ever needs to leave his body and Rukia’s not around.  Rukis would have preferred the rabbit version to the duck version but wouldn’t we all?
Apparently it inserts a substitute soul into Ichigo’s body to solve my previous episode’s problem of him leaving his body lying around on the street.
I feel like this is going to turn out badly.  Especially after the discussion about defective merchandise.  Yeah.
Fake Ichigo kicks in a fence and gets in trouble at school.  Or he would be in trouble if not for his mad FLYING skillz.
Orihime!  And Tatsuki!  And some manic pixie dream girl who is in love with how Orihime eats bread.
Real Ichigo has a bad feeling about this.
Fake Ichigo is a doe-eyed douche and I hate him.  Fortunately Tatsuki hates him just as much.  Tatsuki speaks for us all.
Rukia shows up and Fake Ichigo knows the gig’s up.  He tries to fight Real Ichigo, which is kind of a joke until he finds his stride.  Naturally no one can see Real Ichigo, so Fake Ichigo just looks like a  crazy person.  Which he is.  Crazy.  Not a person.
Rukia announces he is a “Mod Soul”.  Tatsuki is literally on fire.  Is that her power?
Oh, pronouns befuddle us all, Ichigo.
Ichigo stands up for consent, which yay.  It...almost makes up for the “super size” scene.  Ichigo is never going to be able to go back to school.
Project Spearhead to fight Hollows...this never comes back right?  Rukia.  What are you even drawing.  Is this the Super So(u)ldier program?  (Sorry I had to.)
Fake Ichigo is taking Ichigo’s body for a supernatural stroll across town.  Wouldn’t a stolen body have the same limitations as a gigai?  Why can he fly?
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