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smithnewsupdate · 2 years ago
Un biologiste romand de renom licencié de l'UNIL aprÚs des accusations de harcÚlement sexuel
Le biologiste de l'Ă©volution Laurent Keller, sommitĂ© mondiale dans sa discipline, vient de quitter l'UniversitĂ© de Lausanne. On en sait plus sur les dessous de ce qui s'avĂšre ĂȘtre un licenciement.
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C’est une figure de la recherche en Suisse romande. Laurent Keller, 61 ans, a quittĂ© l’UniversitĂ© de Lausanne le 6 fĂ©vrier 2023. Ce biologiste de l’évolution trĂšs rĂ©putĂ©, spĂ©cialiste des fourmis, titulaire en 2015 du prix Marcel Benoist (le «Nobel suisse»), laisse derriĂšre lui toute une Ă©quipe de recherche dĂ©semparĂ©e. Que s’est-il passĂ©?
La revue Science lĂšve une partie du voile sur les conditions de ce dĂ©part inattendu — en rĂ©alitĂ©, un licenciement. Le chercheur serait sous le coup d’accusations de comportements toxiques ou dĂ©placĂ©s, voire de harcĂšlement sexuel, au travail. L’intĂ©ressĂ© nie formellement les accusations et entend se pourvoir en justice.
Ce qui lui est reprochĂ©. Les allĂ©gations proviendraient d’«au moins trois» anciennes collaboratrices de Laurent Keller, rapporte Science. Elles concernent des faits d’injures, remarques dĂ©sobligeantes, drague insistante, voire de harcĂšlement sexuel, auprĂšs de collaboratrices ou d’étudiantes. Un signalement en particulier aurait motivĂ© le licenciement du biologiste.
L’enquĂȘte, mandatĂ©e par l’universitĂ©, n’a pas Ă©tĂ© confiĂ©e au groupe Impact, l’entitĂ© du canton de Vaud habituellement en charge de ces affaires – objet de rĂ©centes critiques – mais Ă  deux avocates externes, Camille Maulini et Clara Schneuwly, membres du Collectif de dĂ©fense, une Ă©tude spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans les affaires de harcĂšlement sexuel et qui ne fait pas mystĂšre de son engagement.
L’affaire intervient dans un contexte singulier pour l’UNIL, mise sous pression pour sa gestion d’affaires de harcĂšlement sexuel ou de sexisme entre ses murs, Ă  la suite d’un audit externe rendu public en 2021, puis d’une enquĂȘte interne en 2022. L’institution affiche une politique de tolĂ©rance zĂ©ro sur le sujet.
Lire aussi: A l'Unil, le fléau du harcÚlement sexuel entre étudiants
Des tĂ©moignages en demi-teinte. Certains tĂ©moignages recueillis par la revue amĂ©ricaine confirment que le biologiste de l’évolution avait la rĂ©putation d’ĂȘtre trĂšs entreprenant lors des Ă©vĂ©nements pĂ©ri-professionnels. Deux autres ex-collaboratrices contactĂ©es par Science indiquent n’avoir jamais Ă©tĂ© victimes – ni mĂȘme tĂ©moins – de comportements dĂ©placĂ©s.
La NZZ, qui a aussi menĂ© l’enquĂȘte, confirme que plusieurs anciens collaborateurs dĂ©fendent Laurent Keller, «parfois avec vĂ©hĂ©mence». Sur la base d’une demi-douzaine de tĂ©moignages, le journal alĂ©manique Ă©voque un chercheur dĂ©crit comme pouvant se montrer «agressif» et ne reculant pas devant les critiques «personnelles». Mais aucun n’a Ă©tĂ© tĂ©moin de faits de nature sexuelle ou d’autres comportements pĂ©nalement rĂ©prĂ©hensibles.
Du cĂŽtĂ© du mis en cause. Laurent Keller nie ces allĂ©gations, indique sa volontĂ© de se pourvoir en justice, et rappelle que beaucoup de chercheuses et d’étudiantes avec des carriĂšres acadĂ©miques brillantes sont passĂ©es par son laboratoire.
«Je fais l’objet d’allĂ©gations de comportement rĂ©prĂ©hensible que je conteste en totalitĂ©. En 2019, j’ai Ă©tĂ© blanchi d’une accusation similaire par un rapport d’enquĂȘte officiel. L’accusation nouvelle formulĂ©e Ă  mon encontre ne repose sur aucun fait avĂ©rĂ©. Rien ne justifie aujourd’hui la mesure de licenciement qui m’a Ă©tĂ© signifiĂ©e, aprĂšs 32 annĂ©es de bons et loyaux services, par le rectorat de l’UniversitĂ© de Lausanne. J’entends du reste ouvrir prochainement une action en justice contre cette procĂ©dure abusive.
Tout au long de ma carriĂšre acadĂ©mique, j’ai attachĂ© la plus grande importance Ă  la science et Ă  la transmission des savoirs dans un environnement d’études, de recherche et de travail ouvert et respectueux, sans distinction de genre, d’origine ou de hiĂ©rarchie. Ces valeurs m’ont toujours guidĂ©, elles sont essentielles et je n’y ai jamais dĂ©rogĂ©.»
«On dĂ©pose une action en dommages et intĂ©rĂȘts contre l’UNIL auprĂšs du Tribunal de prud'hommes de l'Administration cantonale», nous confirme Me Christian Bettex, l’avocat de Laurent Keller. «Les accusations sont absolument contestĂ©es et on fera valoir ça avec vigueur.»
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andronetalks · 9 months ago
Real-life Dune sandworm full of 'vampire' teeth terrifies beachgoers after washing up in UK
Mirror UK By Michael HavisJoe SmithNews Reporter09:11, 29 Mar 2024 A horrific toothed worm the size of a two-year-old child has washed up on a British beach, sparking comparisons with the massive sand worms from the movie Dune. The blood-sucking “vampire fish” with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth was found washed up on the beach near Exmouth Marina in Devon by Will Miles. The 23-year-old was

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avaliveradio · 3 years ago
RW Smith Alcohol Of Fame is an unabashed look at life as we know it
“Alcohol Of Fame” is an unabashed look at life as we know it. Family, God, country, love, and heartbreak, all part of human existence.
Artist: RW Smith
New Release: Alcohol Of Fame
Genre: Traditional country
Sounds like:  Alan Jackson, George Strait, George Jones
Located in:  San Francisco CA
RW Smith is a singer of country music, in the traditional style that country fans worldwide have known through the years. Great stories of the human condition, strong hooks, and excellent playing and singing. We think “Alcohol Of Fame” will be a giant record for RW.
RW Smith is a veteran performer of traditional country music. Here at hiTrecords, we’re thrilled to release what we think is going to be a big song for him.
RW Smith is a polished showman, dancing and joking with the audience even as he delivers a song with his rich baritone voice. Born the sixth son of eight children, RW grew up on a small farm in the Hayward Hills overlooking the San Francisco Bay. His interest has always been music. Singing for his family and friends at family gatherings. RW’s mother Delores gave him his first guitar at the age of nine. He immediately began to play songs from his favorite artists, Merle Haggard, Glen Campbell, and the late John Denver. RW formed his first band in junior high school, performing at parties and school events. After graduation, he began performing in Bay Area clubs. In 1995 Robert was awarded the coveted CCMA’s Entertainer of the Year. Outside of music, RW enjoys fishing, jogging, gardening, and raising livestock on his ranch in Northern California.
LINKS:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPmhjjATOxA&t=71s https://hitrecordssf Spotify release date: January 10, 2022
New Indie Music Release Radar
Take all the newest Indie music singles from our broadcast with you on the go. This list updates daily with brand new releases. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/56otky5R0otGcyVdIBt4jx?si=d60751452f004e66
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New Music Monday Reviews:
Every Monday music curator Jacqueline Jax reviews new music for her playlists. Listen to who made the first cut. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1yvjvUqKQvk3Wtq0Lb14gD?si=d60cd46df3a14d57
Tiktok video: 3520 views: https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdrd8H1b/
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bibliothekbibliothek · 5 years ago
Wohnen+ : von Schwellen, ÜbergangsrĂ€umen und Transparenzen Ulrike WietzorrekBasel u.a. : BirkhĂ€user, 2014
60s fashion : vintage fashion and beauty ads Jim Heimann [Herausgeber] Hong Kong ; Köln ; London ; Los Angeles ; Madrid ; Paris ; Tokyo : Taschen, 2007
ErschließungsrĂ€ume : Treppen, Rampen, AufzĂŒge ; WegefĂŒhrung ; Entwurfsgrundlagen Christian Schittich1. Aufl., MĂŒnchen : Ed. Detail - Inst. fĂŒr Internat. Architektur-Dokumentation, 2013
Schnittmuster-Strategie : eine dialogische Entwurfslehre Dagmar JĂ€ger 1. Aufl., Berlin : Reimer, 2008
SzenosphĂ€re & Szenotopie : kĂŒnstlerische Forschungen zur Raumwahrnehmung und -struktur der Szenografie Ruth Prangen Bielefeld : transcript Verlag, 2016
Datenbanken : Grundlagen und Design Frank Geisler 4., aktualisierte und erw. Aufl., Heidelberg u.a. : mitp, 2011
Architektur und AtmosphÀre Gernot Böhme 2., korr. Auflage, Paderborn : Fink, 2013
The language of space Bryan Lawson Repr., Amsterdam u.a. : Architectural Press, 2003
Konstruktion, Design, Ästhetik : allgemeine mathematische Methode zur objektiven Beschreibung Ă€sthetischer ZustĂ€nde im analytischen Prozeß und zur generativen Gestaltung im synthetischen Prozeß von Design-Objekten Rolf Garnich 2. Auflage, Esslingen : Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 1968 
Mode, zeichnen & entwerfen Hannelore Eberle ; Tuula Salo ; Hannes Döllel 3. Aufl., Haan-Gruiten : Verl. Europa-Lehrmittel Nourney, Vollmer, 2001
Accessoires der Mode : Entwurf, Herstellung, Marketing Olivier Gerval MĂŒnchen : Stiebner, 2010
In Material gedacht : Material im Prozess des architektonischen Entwerfens = Thinking through material: material in the process of architectural design and conception Uta Graff [Herausgeber] MĂŒnchen : Detail Business Information GmbH, 2018
Graphic anatomy Atelier Bow-Wow. 2 2014
In den Himmel bauen : Hochhausprojekte von Otto Kohtz (1880 - 1956) Wolfgang SchÀche ; Brigitte Jacob ; David Pessier ; Otto Kohtz [Illustrator] Berlin : Jovis, 2014
Gedanken ĂŒber Architektur Otto Kohtz Berlin : BaumgĂ€rtel, 1909
Nicht-Orte  Marc AugĂ© Orig.-Ausg., 3. Aufl., MĂŒnchen : Beck, 2012
Lernen von Las Vegas : zur Ikonographie und Architektursymbolik der GeschĂ€ftsstadt Robert Venturi ; Denise Scott Brown ; Steven Izenour 2. Aufl., unverĂ€nd. Nachdr. [der Ausg. Braunschweig, Wiesbaden, Vieweg], 1997, GĂŒtersloh ; Berlin : Bauverl., 2007
Das Bild der Stadt Kevin Lynch 2. Aufl., 6. unverÀnd. Nachdr., Basel u.a. : BirkhÀuser, 2010
Finnland : Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert ; [anlĂ€ĂŸlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Ausstellungszentrum der Wiener StĂ€dtischen Allgemeinen Versicherung AG in Wien, ...6.12.2000 - 19.1.2001] Adolph Stiller ; Wiener StĂ€dtische Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft Salzburg ; MĂŒnchen : Pustet, 2000
Mies van der Rohe - Das kunstlose Wort : Gedanken zur Baukunst Fritz Neumeyer ; Ludwig Mies Berlin : Siedler, 1986, Hartmann, Nadine Nicole - Design und Designdiskurse der Moderne - U_Hartmann
Mies van der Rohe im Diskurs : Innovationen - Haltungen - Werke ; aktuelle Positionen ; [Dokumentation des Symposiums, das 2011 anlĂ€sslich des 125jĂ€hrigen Geburtstages Mies van der Rohes von der Hochschule Niederrhein, Fachbereich Design ... initiiert wurde: "Mies125 - Kulturspeicher und Imagefaktor"] Kerstin PlĂŒm [Herausgeber] ; Kerstin Meincke ; Hochschule Niederrhein Bielefeld : transcript, 2013
Konzentrat der Moderne : das Landhaus Lemke von Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Wita Noack MĂŒnchen ; Berlin : Dt. Kunstverl., 2008
DachrĂ€ume : Entwerfen, Konstruieren, Bewohnen Thomas Jocher ; Ulrike Wietzorrek [Verfasser] ; Deutsches Dach-Zentrum Erste Auflage, MĂŒnchen : Edition DETAIL, 2018
Urbanes Wohnen : = Urban housing Christian Schittich [Herausgeber] ; Institut fĂŒr Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation
Architektur mit dem Computer Gerhard N Schmitt ; Nathanea Elte Braunschweig u.a. : Vieweg, 1996
Modellbau fĂŒr Architekten : Handbuch und Planungshilfe Ansgar Oswald Berlin : DOM publ., 2011
Builders in the sun : five Mexican architects ; [Mario Pani, Mathias Goeritz, Felix Candela; Luis Barragan, Juan O'Gorman] Clive Bamford SmithNew York : Architectural Book Publ., 1967
Mathias Goeritz : e. dt. KĂŒnstler in Mexiko Elke Werry ; Mathias Goeritz Marburg : Jonas-Verl., 1987
Mathias Goeritz, El Eco : 1915 - 1990 ; Bilder, Skulpturen, Modelle ; 13.9. - 13.12.92 Akademie der KĂŒnste Mathias Goeritz ; Christian Schneegass ; Akademie der KĂŒnste Berlin, 1992
AndrĂ© Werner, Frank M. Zeidler : Klang, Bild, Architektur 5/VII ; eco art 1 ; Mathias Goeritz ; el eco Akademie der KĂŒnste Berlin : Akademie der KĂŒnste, 1992
Simplexity Fernando Romero 1. Aufl., Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, 2010
Ferdinand von Rayski und die Kunst des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Mathias Goeritz Berlin : Hugo, 1942
Herausforderung Erdgeschoss : = Ground floor interface Doris Zoller ; WĂŒstenrot Stiftung Berlin : Jovis, 2014
Rammed earth : Martin Rauch = Lehm und Architektur = Terra cruda Otto Kapfinger ; Martin Rauch Basel u.a. : BirkhÀuser, 2001
ExactitudesÂź Ari Versluis ; Ellie Uyttenbroek [Fotograf] ; Jason Coburn Sixth revised edition, Rotterdam : Nai010 Publishers, 2014
EinfĂŒhrung in die Stadt- und Raumsoziologie Martina Löw ; Silke Steets ; Sergej Stoetzer 2., aktualisierte Aufl., Opladen ; Farmington Hills : Budrich, 2008
Vom Raum aus die Stadt denken : Grundlagen einer raumtheoretischen Stadtsoziologie Martina Löw Bielefeld : transcript, 2018
Raumsoziologie Martina Löw 7. Aufl., Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 2012
W.I. Lenin Was tun? https://www.marxists.org/deutsch/archiv/lenin/1902/wastun/
Über Trotzki https://www.marxists.org/deutsch/archiv/trotzki/
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smithnewsco · 6 years ago
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RT @TheDemocrats: We honor the lives of those we lost on this tragic day, and we stand strong in our commitment to fighting for commonsense gun laws. #MSDStrong https://t.co/vZJRVepBNt @SmithNewsCo #RealNews #SmithNews https://t.co/n4bHaWLKN3 https://t.co/GhnWdAA9ob (via Twitter http://twitter.com/SmithNewsCo/status/1096612675537260544) http://bit.ly/2TSovQk
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smithnewsupdate · 4 years ago
“Durham pronto con le accuse. E quei viaggi in Italia
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Il professor Joseph Mifsud era in Italia dal 2017 al 2019, secondo le prove e le dichiarazioni delle persone coinvolte. Nello stesso periodo viaggiava liberamente in Europa. Ora perĂČ non sappiamo dove sia”. A parlare con InsideOver Ú l’avvocato svizzero-tedesco del docente maltese al centro del Russiagate, Stephan Claus Roh, nato in Germania e residente a Monaco, con studi a Zurigo, Londra Hong Kong e Berlino ed esperto fiscalista. Com’ù noto, l’attenzione del Procuratore americano che indaga sulle origini del Russiagate, John Durham, e dell’Attorney General William Barr si focalizza sull’opaca condotta dell’Fbi e del Dipartimento di Giustizia e sul sospetto che le agenzie federali abbiano abusato dei loro poteri e agito in maniera illegittima nei confronti della campagna di Trump del 2016 allo scopo di “sabotare” l’elezione del tycoon in (probabile) collaborazione con i servizi segreti stranieri (Australia, Italia, Regno Unito).
Secondo i repubblicani, infatti, le indagini sulla presunta collusione fra la Campagna di Trump e la Russia erano solo pretesto “per aprire una massiccia operazione di spionaggio” sul candidato repubblicano alle elezioni presidenziali del 2016. Secondo gli inquirenti americani, Joseph Mifsud potrebbe aver avuto un ruolo chiave in questa incredibile spy story internazionale. Secondo la ricostruzione ufficiale, infatti, il docente affermĂČ in un incontro dell’aprile 2016 a George Papadopoulos, consigliere della campagna di Trump, di aver appreso che il governo russo possedeva “materiale compromettente” (dirt) su Hillary Clinton “in forma di e-mail”. Papadopoulos avrebbe ripetuto tali informazioni all’Alto Commissario australiano a Londra, Alexander Downer, che a sua volte riferĂŹ tutto alle autoritĂ  americane. Da qui, il 31 luglio 2016, partirono le indagini dell’Fbi sui presunti collegamenti fra Trump e la Russia, accuse che in seguito si sono dimostrate false.
È dal 31 ottobre 2017 che del professore Joseph Mifsud non si ha ufficialmente traccia. Come ha successivamente stabilito un’inchiesta della VeritĂ , il misterioso docente maltese della Link Ăš rimasto nascosto per qualche mese ad Esanatoglia, nelle Marche, ospite di Alessandro Zampini, compagno di Vanna Fadini (Gem), societĂ  che gestisce tutti i servizi e paga gli stipendi ai dipendenti dell’UniversitĂ  capitolina. “L’ultimo contatto diretto con il Professor Mifsud lo abbiamo avuto alla fine del 2018. Indirettamente lo abbiamo sentito fino all’inizio del 2019” ci racconta Stephan Roh. Secondo le ultime ricostruzioni dei media americani, John Durham potrebbe completare la sua indagine penale entro la fine dell’estate. Roh concorda con questa tesi: “Crediamo che il Procuratore John Durham abbia in archivio gli elementi necessari per presentare le accuse”. Bisogna tenere presente perĂČ che “il  sistema giudiziario americano Ăš complesso e, a meno che il signor Durham non abbia giĂ  raccolto confessioni o accordi, dovrĂ  valutare attentamente se questo caso che ha un grande impatto politico sia abbastanza forte da reggere dinanzi a una giuria (forse influenzata) e quando avrĂ  diritto di procedere formalmente alla luce delle regole elettorali statunitensi”.
Lo stesso avvocato di Mifsud Ăš stato piĂč volte sentito da Durham: “Ho avuto lunghe discussioni con il signor Durham e ho posto delle domande, ma mi ha solo detto che gli sono piaciuti i suoi viaggi in Italia, il che Ăš certamente un buon segno”.
Il completamento dell’indagine di Durham potrebbe avvenire in una fase molto delicata per la politica Usa. Si avvicinano infatti le elezioni presidenziali, le stesse dove Trump correrà per la riconferma e dove le ombre del Russiagate del 2016 non si sono mai del tutto diradate. A tal proposito l’avvocato Roh, in merito una possibile influenza della spy story internazionale sulle prossime consultazioni, sembra per il momento non volersi sbilanciare molto: “Non so se questa vicenda avrà ripercussioni sul voto”, ha risposto il legale di Mifsud.
Quest’ultimo intanto continua ad essere cercato anche nel nostro Paese e non solo per gli strascichi di quanto avvenuto nel corso della campagna presidenziale Usa del 2016. Come si sa, il professore maltese ù indagato dalla procura di Agrigento per presunte “spese folli” attuate durante il suo periodo passato al timone del consorzio universitario della città siciliana. Una vicenda risalente a quasi un decennio fa, visto che Mifsud ù stato presidente dell’ente universitario dal 2009 al 2013. In quegli anni, secondo le accuse mosse dagli inquirenti agrigentini partite dagli esposti di alcuni ex componenti del Cda dello stesso consorzio, il professore avrebbe usato denaro pubblico per proprie esigenze private oppure per finanziari viaggi solo ufficialmente istituzionali.
Una vicenda su cui si sta cercando di fare luce, ma in cui sono sorte non poche difficoltĂ  delle indagini proprio perchĂ© Mifsud al momento Ăš introvabile. Anzi, nello scorso mese di dicembre una fonte vicina alla procura di Agrigento ha dichiarato ad InsideOver che, tra le stanze del tribunale siciliano, l’idea Ăš che il professore maltese difficilmente in futuro potrĂ  essere ascoltato: “All’80% Mifsud Ăš morto – Ăš stato il commento raccolto a dicembre dal palazzo di giustizia agrigentino – Non si hanno sue notizie da anni”. Sull’inchiesta che coinvolge il principale protagonista della spy story in Sicilia l’avvocato Roh al momento non sembra avere novitĂ : “Rispetto a quanto trapelato nei mesi scorsi – ha aggiunto il legale – Non sono in possesso di ulteriori elementi”. Un’indagine, quella agrigentina, che appare come un piccolo tassello capace perĂČ di aggiungere un altro importante indizio in una delle trame giudiziarie piĂč clamorose che hanno interessato il nostro Paese negli ultimi anni.
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smithnewsupdate · 7 years ago
Binary Options Fraud Jared Davis Arrested in the US - USAO Ohio Reports
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Binary Options Fraud Jared Davis arrested in the US and indicted on a number of charges, which include conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to launder money, wire fraud, money laundering and obstruction of justice.
Binary Options Fraud Jared Davis Arrested in the US
The name of the individual - Jared J. Davis, living in Kalispell, Montana. He was indicted on a number of charges, which include conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to launder money, wire fraud, money laundering and obstruction of justice.
Jared J. Davis has been arrested at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport on Tuesday morning. As per the indictment:
“Davis and others ran a fraudulent binary options investment scheme between 2012 and 2016 through Erie Marketing LLC, headquartered in Sandusky, where Davis was involved in various real estate ventures and businesses. The options business used various trade names, including OptionMint, OptionKing, and OptionQueen.”
In fact, back in 2015, the Canadian regulator has already cautioned investors about OptionMint, OptionQueen, and BinaryPays. The binary options firms were not regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission nor the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
Mr. Davis was acting as a broker. However, he did not link investors with any legal Binary Options exchange that would then match those who chose different options outcomes. Instead of doing this, he has taken an opposing position on each trade.
Just like that, Davis was making money when investors lost money. He has solicited victims online via marketing campaigns and call centers that he operated from Sandusky, Costa Rica and St. Maarten.
FBI Special Agent in Charge Stephen D. Anthony added:
“Davis defrauded investors out of their hard-earned money and used their money for his personal real estate interests. The FBI, along with our law enforcement partners, will continue to identify, investigate and bring financial fraudsters to justice.”
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smithnewsco · 6 years ago
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RT @AmericaNewsroom: WATCH: @SandraSmithFox spoke with @BretBaier ahead of today's vote on the spending bill to avert another government shutdown #nine2noon https://t.co/6IPRsIHGoL @SmithNewsCo #RealNews #SmithNews https://t.co/n4bHaWLKN3 https://t.co/b1iIZh90Ad (via Twitter http://twitter.com/SmithNewsCo/status/1096597546313625600) http://bit.ly/2Gu2010
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smithnewsco · 6 years ago
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RT @AmericaNewsroom: FOX NEWS ALERT: McCabe confirms he opened investigation into Trump and Russia; discussed 25th amendment https://t.co/3HCWUwbxbw @SmithNewsCo #RealNews #SmithNews https://t.co/n4bHaWLKN3 https://t.co/CVx7uykcKj (via Twitter http://twitter.com/SmithNewsCo/status/1096586217750171649) http://bit.ly/2X6HCZd
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smithnewsco · 6 years ago
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RT @AmericaNewsroom: WATCH: @BillHemmer @SandraSmithFox spoke with @CongressmanRaja on the border security deal: "I will be voting for this." #nine2noon https://t.co/nDv3gXFUpt @SmithNewsCo #RealNews #SmithNews https://t.co/n4bHaWLKN3 https://t.co/EWqzdfLAjR (via Twitter http://twitter.com/SmithNewsCo/status/1096582457594388481) http://bit.ly/2EcE9R8
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smithnewsco · 6 years ago
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RT @AmericaNewsroom: WATCH: @BillHemmer @SandraSmithFox @cvpayne discussed @AOC slamming @HowardSchultz for calling her tax proposal "punitive" #nine2noon https://t.co/IJySKfGVQo @SmithNewsCo #RealNews #SmithNews https://t.co/n4bHaWLKN3 https://t.co/3VAtgFz5EN (via Twitter http://twitter.com/SmithNewsCo/status/1096538897675415554) http://bit.ly/2tnAbyT
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smithnewsco · 6 years ago
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RT @AmericaNewsroom: THE A-TEAM: @LisaMarieBoothe @FreemanWSJ @JessicaTarlov discussed the diocese exonerating Covington students #nine2noon https://t.co/wW9jXsLwce @SmithNewsCo #RealNews #SmithNews https://t.co/n4bHaWLKN3 https://t.co/gmeLPEWy94 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/SmithNewsCo/status/1096525817239257089) http://bit.ly/2DGuMrz
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smithnewsco · 6 years ago
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RT @AmericaNewsroom: WATCH: @BillHemmer spoke with @larry_kudlow on the state of the economy: "My biggest concern, frankly, is that these pro-growth policies might be overturned." #nine2noon https://t.co/LUGNH0cF7m @SmithNewsCo #RealNews #SmithNews smitïżœïżœ https://t.co/I2grm8UzMw (via Twitter http://twitter.com/SmithNewsCo/status/1096514622792830976) http://bit.ly/2IgnMqY
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smithnewsco · 6 years ago
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RT @postpolitics: The Daily 202: Green New Deal vote foreshadows GOP efforts to make sure 2020 is not just a referendum on Trump https://t.co/FXEtjE9L9g @SmithNewsCo #RealNews #SmithNews https://t.co/n4bHaWLKN3 https://t.co/064oDP8idq (via Twitter http://twitter.com/SmithNewsCo/status/1096461135014961154) http://bit.ly/2UZ3CTV
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smithnewsco · 6 years ago
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RT @postpolitics: One year later, public support for stricter gun laws has returned to pre-Parkland levels https://t.co/3pXszAz1st @SmithNewsCo #RealNews #SmithNews https://t.co/n4bHaWLKN3 https://t.co/BuEJSYDPGp (via Twitter http://twitter.com/SmithNewsCo/status/1096442781013291008) http://bit.ly/2tnzZzK
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smithnewsco · 6 years ago
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RT @postpolitics: Power Up: One year after Parkland, hopes for change in Washington https://t.co/W5K6vb38Zi @SmithNewsCo #RealNews #SmithNews https://t.co/n4bHaWLKN3 https://t.co/hwsVirgemu (via Twitter http://twitter.com/SmithNewsCo/status/1096426160353890304) http://bit.ly/2S1rRik
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