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c1rcus-of-silliness · 2 days ago
hey guys have you ever smelt a-
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fish-daily · 19 days ago
Have you ever done a Delta smelt? I study them and they smell like cucumbers
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fish 337 - delta smelt
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years ago
Yesterday I visited the Maretarium Aquarium, an aquarium in Kotka, Finland! Here are some pictures :)
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All the tanks and fish were very beautiful indeed! But the showstopper was definitely the Baltic Sea tank, which holds 680 000 liters of water. It’s the single biggest tank in all of Finland, it is seven meters deep, it gets its water from the Baltic right next to Maretarium, and it houses sturgeons, salmon, trout, perches, zanders, roaches… the list goes on.
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lizardsaredinosaurs · 3 months ago
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I'm not sure I'm comfortable being compared to a popsicle stick...
Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys)
Pacific coast of North America from Alaska to California
Status: San Francisco Bay-Delta population is Endangered
The subpopulation of this fish was given protection in July of this year. I saw an article describing it as "the length of a popsicle stick".
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fr0ggo00 · 2 months ago
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My friend said dealt when I said Delta Smelt and this popped into my mind, and I think I've made my best creation ever
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months ago
As devastating wildfires continue to burn through Los Angeles, so far killing at least 10 people and forcing well over 100,000 people to evacuate, or try to, President-elect Donald Trump has decided to point his ire toward a fish. Not the severe Santa Ana winds that fueled the fires. Not the unusually dry weather. Not the steady march of home development into fire-prone areas. A fish. In a post Wednesday morning on Truth Social, Trump blamed California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, for depriving the LA region of water because he wanted to protect “an essentially worthless fish called a smelt.” Trump chided Newsom for not approving a water restoration declaration that doesn’t exist, per Newsom’s office. He also implied that protections for the delta smelt — a small fish species found only in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, an expansive wetland in Northern California — caused some fire hydrants to run dry in parts of LA. (Earlier this week, fire hydrants in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood ran dry, not because the city had no water but because of water pressure and other infrastructure issues.) This isn’t the first time that Trump has bad-mouthed this fish. For nearly a decade now, the incoming president has claimed that he can solve California’s incredibly complex water problems by simply undoing regulations designed to help the delta smelt skirt extinction, as E&E News’s Jennifer Yachnin has reported. Those problems are not rooted in drought, Trump claims, but in Democratic rules that restrain private interests. In reality, rising temperatures have made California’s droughts even dryer.
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merfolkotd · 2 years ago
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merfolk of the day: oki urume from shinkaigyo no anko-san
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billherbert23 · 26 days ago
Executive Quatrains (second series), 3
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‘Eheu fugaces…[faster, go faster-er!]/
labuntur anni…’
(Horace, Odes II, 14, with an interjection by the author)
As the lungs of Los Angeles burned in the west
he railed at a smelt, that blameless fish,
then dealt out jeers to the homeless rich -
there’s really no point. Or at which the press
will confine themselves to reporting,
‘Eheu for the usual sheer fuckpiggery:
Trumpo has spewed his standard incendiary
inaccurate thing: how blah blah boring.’
As the passenger jet fell in the east
like a terrible opposite to the sun,
why wouldn’t he blame the ATCs’ race
when that’s the scrap for the headlines won?
Please select between piti- and heart-less
and let’s all move on and ca canny:
these next four years won’t live themselves
without those who survive (if any).
Ca canny - proceed with caution.
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anthonybialy · 27 days ago
Fire Alarmed in California
I don’t want to alarm anyone, but California’s burning.  This is no time to exacerbate catastrophe with panic.  Yet the downside of avoiding sounding the alarm is outweighed by the way fire hurts and is known for damaging property.  Turning on the siren is not universally endorsed.  Democrats prefer pretending nothing’s happening like Principal Skinner making steamed hams.
Some ostensible leaders would prefer you keep down the racket about being surrounded by scorching.  Obey the governor who’s frustrated that blazes wouldn’t do the same.  We suddenly can’t blame natural disasters on politicians like when a president is supposed to prevent a hurricane from hitting a coastal city.  Such outcomes will happen again with a Republican in the White House.  Science is predictable in anticipating ridiculous human bias.
Democratic goals are in place.  Humans aren’t harming the environment with their problematic water storage.  You probably want to selfishly address your personal hydration situation after the charred bits stop smoldering.  A fish so undignified that it’s named a smelt is safe from flames if you’re done worried about having to live in a tent like the human invader into a delicate ecosystem you are.
Diverting water on behalf of a creature that’s unspectacular even amongst exclusive swimmers sounds like an accusation found in an email forwarded from a Boomer relative who leaves the television on Fox News.  But the seemingly outlandish claim about state overreach is correct.
The Berlin Wall wasn’t high enough.  Thoughtful schemers who fail to warp reality to their progressive standards always need more bending.  However much they confiscated from the productive is never enough.  It’s really your fault.  You should’ve sent California’s treasury some of your decadent dollars regardless of what state hosts your address.  And that’s not to mention your greedy refusal to demand higher taxes so reservoirs can finally be filled.
The Party of Newsom’s two most identifiable aspects are seeking to control life itself the inability to do its actual tasks.  Many of them involve dialing 911.  Fire prevention is one of those activities we’ve delegated to elected authorities.  They were too busy constructing an equitable society to extract twigs from the path of combustion.  California’s uniparty got every single policy goal they demanded and couldn’t institute the most basic protections.  Are you sure this is liberalism we’re talking about?
It’s too bad the Golden State has no government.  Such a mechanism would be particularly helpful at the time of widespread embers.  Pretending California is Galt’s Gulch and not the place exasperated citizens escape is just another fib that’s part of a larger lie about ignoring that hot feeling.  Alleged global warming foes sure let their state’s temperature spike.  The Los Angeles area turned into a Mad Max reboot precisely because of a pushy state capital.  Political ineptness leads to anarchy.
Blaming others is the party specialty.  Democratic expertise is certainly not based in making life blissful through governmental interaction despite ceaseless boasts.  If you don’t feel like you’ve received proper value for what’s looted in taxes, you may take your business nowhere.
There’s always a company to blame, at least if you’re a Democrat who needs to distract from the blamable thing government did.  Take insurers who fled because California made itself a tinder box.  Responding to market incentives is just another reason those who twisted them hate free markets.  Victims of liberal intervention suffer the double indignity of getting blamed by same liberals.  Demonizing retailers forced to charge high prices because of inflation comes as naturally as condemning health insurers who must obey onerous federal restrictions.
The progressive utopia is an inferno a bit more literally than usual.  Gavin Newsom struggles with his one true worry, namely the impact of his conflagration of a state on running for president.  You can tell Democrats are empathetic because they’re always telling you they are.  There would be nothing crueler caused by widespread residence loss.  Dreaming of taking California nationally is a threat.  This is as far from Ronald Reagan as it can get.
California could be an experiment to take every possible natural advantage and see if it can be squandered.  The refusal to tame the dangerous bits endangered people who just sought sunshine.
Humans can control their conditions, which infuriates those whose greatest concern is the size of a carbon footprint.  Thinking civilization is an icky intrusion just happens to be popular amongst those who oversee combustion.  Trees are being removed rather actively by ecological standards.
Democrats boast about modifying everything about Earth and life on it until it comes to clearing brush.  Working with one’s hands seems so pedestrian.  There are bigger plans to address that don’t require manual labor.  The pesky natural world is really mean for making rulers look like bumblers.
You can always trust a Democrat to care if less counts.  Shrugging about dry conditions is as lacking in compassion as pointing out the sections of Southern California that aren’t ashes.  
Constant bad choices from those who presume government should make all of them should offer a sign.  It’s not one for them, of course, as they’ll continue to tell you what to do even as they don’t stow flammable items during incendiary season.  Fire is most destructive as a result of carelessness.  The party that blames things and not human decisions shows just why.
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yourcareerguide · 2 months ago
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Exploring Careers A Guide to Assessment and Growth
Find your passion and align your strengths with career opportunities. Start exploring today! 🚀
📖 Ready to get started? Visit: https://yourcareerguide.net
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qupritsuvwix · 2 months ago
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years ago
Daily fish fact #562
European smelt!
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They have a distinct cucumber-like smell!
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ironcladfoundry · 4 months ago
Ironclad Side Comic: Thinner than Water
Page 12
Vaporeon owned by FourMurasame
Sylveon owned by Red Top Tom
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stopdoopyphotos · 7 months ago
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photographymenagerie · 9 months ago
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Smelt Run at Tawas City
Donald Emmerich
April 1973
via the National Archives
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fishfolkart · 11 months ago
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European Smelt - is a member of the Freshwater Smelt family. It can live in both fresh and salt waters. It is native to most coastal regions of Northern Atlantic and landlocked populations are found in lakes of coastal areas of North, Baltic, White and Barents Sea. It spawns in freshwater lakes and rivers. It feeds on shrimps, crustaceans and fish. It can grow to a maximum length of 45 cm (17.7 inches). https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/160458276
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