#smart queue management system
qwaiting · 9 days
Discover how a digital queue management system can transform your business by streamlining operations, reducing wait times, and improving customer satisfaction. With real-time tracking and automated processes, companies can enhance efficiency, optimize resources, and deliver a seamless customer experience.
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perfectlywingedpost · 3 months
Queue Management System
A Queue Management System (QMS) is a solution designed to streamline and optimize the process of managing customer flow in service environments. It reduces wait times, enhances customer experience, and improves operational efficiency by organizing and prioritizing service requests. QMS typically includes features like digital ticketing, real-time queue monitoring, and automated notifications, allowing businesses to manage queues dynamically. Whether in banks, hospitals, or retail stores, QMS helps ensure a smooth and orderly service process, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and more efficient use of resources.
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chemicallywrit · 11 months
Audio Drama Sunday!!!
Again this is far from comprehensive because I am a feral podcast monster, but here’s what stuck out to me this week! Mostly spoiler-free, unless you count vibes as spoilers!
🗡️ Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later managed to have a happy? Ending? Honestly the way it managed to be a hilarious historical sitcom with an ending that chilling was MASTERFUL. Great job writers, y’all are fantastic. It is obviously not absolutely true to what we know about Roman history, but it is true to the spirit of it in a way that’s really satisfying for me personally.
🦀 @thesiltverses oh MAN. The way this story says again and again that you cannot earn your way out of being trampled by a system that doesn’t care about you hits every. Single. Time. And what are you going to do, try to remake that system? There are always going to be people who can’t handle that and fight against you, to their own detriment. This story is fantastical and exaggerated, but it’s always so real at the same time.
👁️ @hellofromthehallowoods is trying to kill me, straight up. I have no idea what Halloween will bring for this show and i’m dying. It’s very difficult to predict storylines on Hallowoods and that’s something I love about it. Will this pair break up? Will this pair die for their cause? Will this pair find each other again, even through death? Shoutout to the great guests this episode, I always enjoy seeing who Mx Wellman invites into the world.
🔎 @knovesstorytelling okay look, y’all, I have never read Northanger Abbey, so I don’t know why Kit’s being told to pack her bags and get out, and I am so UPSET. What’s going on????
📉 Within the Wires is back!! And my WORD, the juxtaposition of this season being motivational tapes while listening to the current season of The Dream about life coaches?? I am transfixed and horrified, let’s GO.
🎟️ @longcatmedia Mockery Manor. I love these clowns so much. I love that Bette is really smart and really dumb at the same time. Everyone’s acting is top notch, but I’m especially a fan of Karim Kronfli in this show. Everyone knows he’s got the range, but it’s so fun listening to him be this fussy little guy.
👻 One of the shows I’ve been catching up on is Ghosts in the Burbs, a deceptively spooky and delightfully witty single-narrator ghost show. I’m listening through the Lilith arc and….woof. WOOF. I know how it ends and it’s still terrifying.
🩸 IT’S HEMOPHOBIA DAY, omg, everyone please check out Hemophobia, I am so excited for Hemophobia. It’s sitting in my queue staring at me with that creepy-ass logo art. I’ve talked with CSW about this show and heard the trailer—religious trauma horror with amazing sound design and an amazing cast??? You kidding???? I am drooling over here. Join me, won’t you?
🧟‍♀️ This week is also the premier of The Dead! As soon as that feed appears I’ll be putting it everywhere, and I’m so excited to show everyone the first series. You’ve heard of snakes on a plane….
💐 On my end, as Re: Dracula continues its march to the finale, this week I find myself recording Inn Between and The Dead. I am still trying to make rent ahead of my new job’s first paycheck, so if you liked this post or the other things I do, would you consider sending me a ko-fi?
Now if you’ll excuse me, I will be listening to Hemophobia very quietly and very scared by myself in the dark. Until next week!
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
@taznovembercelebration - remember or forget
Dying wasn't bad it was just- sudden. One moment, Magnus was leaning over the counter to talk to Julia, who was twirling a strand of hair on her finger. Steven was behind her, rolling his eyes and putting papers away from their last order. Then, an explosion sounded from further down the street, shaking the floors and sending furniture every which way. Before Magnus could even begin to get his footing back, the ceiling of Hammer and Tongs caved in with another impact and he was dead.
It took him a second to realize, even. The massive rush of vertigo left him reeling. When he looked up, he wasn't in Hammer and Tongs anymore. In fact, he didn't even seem to be in Raven's Roost. He was kneeling in the middle of a long queue, people at his left and right. There was a black velvet rope keeping them all in order.
"Magnus," somebody said. Magnus looked up to see his next-door neighbor, who offer a hand to help him up. Magnus went to take it, still unsteady on his feet, and paused halfway up. "Magnus?"
Ohhhh, no. No, this was bad. He wasn't supposed to- he had been- Magnus fell back down, suddenly gripped with all that he had forgotten. The velvet rope came down with him. Home, his real home, on his original planar system. The mission and the Hunger. He remembered the sound of Merle's laugh- he didn't know where Merle was. Fuck, he didn't know where anyone was. Barry, Taako, Davenport, Lup- fuck had someone found Lup yet? Had Lucretia-
He had walked in on her feeding her journals to Fisher. She must have found a way around the memory block, because she was smart and Magnus knew she wouldn't have done that if no one would be there as a backup. She had been planning this for a while, hadn't she? How- how many years had it been? He didn't know. That scared him, just a little. One part of his mind said that he had been in Raven's Roost the whole time and the other was remembering his mother's garden, their little house that he never managed to find on any of his jogs.
She had to have had a good reason. He couldn't- she wouldn't betray them if she didn't have a good plan. Like, Magnus wasn't a magic person, but maybe she had thought her idea could work? Maybe? From what he knew, it deffo wouldn't have, but maybe? But that begs the question of why. Why did she have to do it alone? Why couldn't she just talk to them? Why... why hadn't she trusted him? Why did she stash him away in Raven's Roost-
"Magnus, baby, look at me," there was a hand cupping his face. Magnus looked up. Julia. And next to her, Steven. "Are you okay?"
"We fucked up," he said.
"No," Julia said. "No, we didn't. It's not our fault that Kalen-"
"No," Magnus said. He felt like he was shifting through the static with each blink. Blink, he grew up with two suns and that's why he was always so cold. Blink, he and Taako and Merle were sitting around a campfire, the Light stored in Magnus's backpack. Blink, Davenport was teaching him how to drive the Starblaster. Blink, he was watching Barry and Lup perform. Blink, meeting Lucretia, annoying her to the point of friendship, the late nights they spent up together reminiscing about home, the teary look on her face as he entered the room- "Not- not you. Me. My- my family."
"You're family," Steven repeated, his eyebrows creased. There was a little bit of a crowd around them now, watching him. "Your moms?"
"No," Magnus said again. He tried to get up and another rush of dizziness went through him. Julia caught him on his way down.
"Mags, just take a deep breath-"
"Julia," he said desperately, gripping her arm. "The Relics."
"The Relics?" Julia said, sounding confused. "Oh, the- like the Phoenix Fire Gau-"
"Yes," Magnus said. "We- Julia, I made one of those."
"You're not making sense, Magnus," Julia said.
"We had to make them," Magnus said, holding her a bit tighter. "The Hun-"
"Alright," said a new voice. Magnus jerked towards the sound. From the midst of the crowd around them came a man in a full three-piece suit. He had a big book open as he came through. He spoke a little louder this time, raising a hand to catch the attention. "Everyone from Raven's Roost, we're going to form a separate line." He gestured to a space off to the right. The velvet ropes dripped away. "Let's see here-"
"I can't be dead," Magnus said. Julia turned back to him, a worried look on her face. Steven was on his tiptoes, looking over the crowd as they moved to the new line.
"I'm sorry," Julia whispered, squeezing his hand. "It's- it's really shitty-"
"I- I can't be," Magnus said. "I have to figure out what the fuck Lucret-"
"I'm so sorry for your- well, your loss, I suppose, but we do need to move lines," said the suited man, pushing Julia along. He held out a hand for Magnus and Magnus took it, stumbling slightly. "Now, once everyone is situated, I can start getting a more organized line in place-"
"I can't be dead," Magnus said to him. "My family-"
"Ooh, sorry," the man grimaced, "but that's now how it works, is it? Listen, I'm sure you've got tons of family here waiting for you already. What's your name?"
"Magnus Burnsides," Magnus said, looking past the man. "If I wanted to get back-"
"Magnus Burnsides," the suited man said. He clicked his tongue a few times, flipping through the book. Julia tugged on his hand to get him to come to the other line. "Burnsides, Burnsides... oh. Burnsides, you say?"
"Yes, but-"
"Oh, no, you won't be in that line," the man said, standing up a little straighter.
"What d'you mean he won't be in that line?" Julia said. "We're both from Raven's Roost-"
"I'm not," Magnus said at the same time the man said,
"Oh, it doesn't really matter where Mangus is from, does it?" He shook his head, using his finger to point to something in his book. He read out loud, "Magnus Burnsides, twenty deaths, no accounts of visiting the Astral Plane before today. I suppose we'd be willing to wager this death off, since you have finally decided to visit us, but the rest?" The man grimaced, though he didn't really look all that upset. "That's not just some rule we can let you off for breaking, is it?"
"Magnus has never died before," Julia said, pushing past Magnus slightly.
"Julia," Magnus said, shaking his head. "I did kinda, uh-"
"I'm sorry, but the book doesn't lie," the man said, snapping said book shut. "The rest of you, I will deal with in a second, but you, Magnus? I have been dying to get to know what your whole deal is."
"Pun-intended?" Magnus tried.
"Oh, pun definitely intended," the man said. "I'm going to have to ask you to come with me peacefully, Magnus."
"And if we say no?" Julia said, now standing in front of Magnus. Magnus caught her hand in his and squeezed.
"If he says no," the man said, grinning. The skin from his face began to drip off, vanishing into smoke at his feet, until all that was left was a skull. He tucked the book under his arm and held out his hand to summon a sharp-looking scythe. The people in line around them shuffled away to avoid getting hit. "Then I supposed I'm going to have to take him in by force."
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deepslumbrrr · 1 year
(Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Queue System)
Ah, commissions. Commissions!
According to my backlog, the first commission I ever took—and completed—was back in March 2022. I've been doing this for over a year already. I can't believe it. That's fucking bananas.
Before March 2022, people would often ask me why I didn't have commissions open. To them, it made perfect sense. Not only did I love writing, I was evidently really good at it. In their eyes, the logical progression was monetization—making money doing the thing I love.
Fast forward a year and some change. I've only ever turned down one, maybe two commissions—only because I didn't think I could do a very good job with what the clients asked of me. I always want to be honest with people, especially when said people are throwing dollar bills in my direction. If I don't think I can do something to the ability the client requests of me, I make a point to mention it always.
Other than that, however, I tried to take every commission that came my way. Usually, it was for one or both of these reasons:
I think it's a great challenge to hone my writing skills.
I like making people happy.
Ah, that second one, though. That's where I get into trouble. That's where I ended up in the situation I'm in right now. Approximately 100,000 more words to go until I clear my commission queue, and I have no one to blame but myself.
Okay, let me rewind a little bit.
From March 2022 until about July of the same year, I had a slot system. This meant that up to eight people could commission me at any one time until slots were CLOSED and no one else could reach out to make a request. I'm sure you're aware of how it works. I know you're smart like that, baby.
But here's a secret: I'm not very smart myself.
Somewhere along the way, I made an absolutely stunning realization: if I don't use a slot-based system, then MORE people could commission me. That way, I could make MORE people happy with my work!
So I tried it out. Instead of a slot-based system, I went with a "word count" system. That meant, for example, that my budget for writing commissions per month was somewhere around 70,000 words. Once I reached that amount—whether two people wanted 35,000 word stories each, or seven people wanted 10,000 word stories each—I would be closed for business until the queue's completion.
This didn't really pan out. I was unable to say No to a few last-minute commissioners, because I like making people happy. As a result, I went over my 70,000 word budget to around 90,000 words in one and a half months.
Horrifying, right? Don't worry, it gets worse.
Because one year after I first opened commissions, in March 2023, I had another genius idea. My best one yet. It sounded like this: commissions are always open! Yippee! Wow! Great job!
The logic made sense at the time. Altogether, it looked like this:
Commissions are ALWAYS open,
No more than 15,000 words per person,
Because of the above, please allow UP TO two months for delivery.
In my head, this was something of a "writing rolodex." I would always have something to write and work on, because I would ALWAYS have a commission, and I would ALWAYS have a commission, because slots were ALWAYS open, and because slots were ALWAYS open, I had two months maximum from the date of payment (a rule I insisted UPON MYSELF!) to get 'er done.
Well let me tell you, dear reader, I am the biggest damn fool on dog's green earth.
Not only did I end up with almost 150,000 words to write within two months, I could finally detect the strain and toil that I had managed to keep away for so long. I was getting tired and people could see it.
I love writing, and I love making people happy. I love both things a little too much. I thought if I always said Yes, then everyone would be satisfied with me. Everything would be just fine.
Well! Things! Are! Not! Fine!
I'm not collapsing or anything, but the strain is there. I will complete every last commission, of course, and I'll do my utmost to ensure a (relatively) speedy delivery. But by God, my commissioners are patient people. I'm truly thankful for them, and my readerbase. You inspire me every day of my life.
I like putting smiles on people's faces, especially with my writing! But this always-open-commission-thing is gonna have to... not be a thing anymore. It's unsustainable. I see that now.
It's difficult to sound modest when the reality is that my writing is in high demand. If it wasn't, I would be in this mess—up to my eyebrows in vowels and consonants. Once again, I'm truly grateful to all my readers and the people who pay me to put words in front of them. I'd love to continue writing for a long, long time.
This unfortunately means that some people won't get commissions each month. There will be less smiling faces. I'm picturing a line of people waiting outside a lemonade stand. Only some of you will get lemonade, because I only have so many lemons. Sorry in advance, but maybe the guy down the road has fruit punch or something.
Unlimited Comm Works is taking its toll, so once this queue is done and dusted, I'll return to using a proper slot system—maybe with a bit of a spin on it. I'll definitely need a bit of a break, nothing too long.
As I wrote out this long post, someone messaged me asking when commissions are opening again. Commissions WILL ONLY OPEN AGAIN once I've cleared my present queue, which you can always find on my public Trello board linked here.
It would be irresponsible of me to take on more work when the saintly commissioners I have now have been immensely patient with me.
One more thing: commission prices will be increasing...somewhat.
I'd like to point out that I still charge below the average of two cents per word. I myself, at present, am only comfortable charging 1.75 cents per word, because I'm, like, y'know, umm, quirky like that :3
Here is a tabled breakdown of how much commissions will cost when they properly open again.
Once again, everyone, thank you for your kindness, patience, and attention. It's silly to think this all started when I wrote some very naughty words in an—apparently—pretty swell manner. What isn't silly is just how blown away I am by your support.
Love ya. ✨
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lazar-codes · 1 year
Codeblr tag game - Realization
Thank you to @code-es for tagging me!
At what point in your life did you decide that the world of computers was the one for you?
This will be a long one, so bear with me.
I tag: @kitkatcodes, @alica-tech, and literally anyone else who wants to do this.
I honestly didn't know, or care to know, how computers worked until I was 21, at my last semester of college. As a kid I had my own computer, but I didn't mess around with it. Then, growing up, it just didn't occur to me that programming was a thing, or even a thing that my brain could comprehend and actually enjoy doing (plus, I'm bad a math, so there's that).
I was finishing up my Associate Degree in Health Sciences where in my genetics class in my 2nd to last semester, my prof starts talking about Bioinformatics and how the field is rising. So I went up to him after class and asked what that field was, and he said "you create apps to help solve biological problems" and I stood there thinking that that was just awesome (although after being in a bioinformatics program at another school, the definition we were taught is "using programming or computer science to answer biological questions", so a little different than what he said). He said my college was planning on opening up a degree in that field and handed me a timetable for the courses that a student would take in that degree. One of the first courses you'd need to take actually required a pre-requisite course, so my last semester in my degree I took that course, and it was a basic intro to computer science.
This course was awful. I didn't really like my prof, and he just presented different topics without explaining how things connected. For example, he explained how sorting algorithms worked, but I don't remember if he covered lists or arrays. He explained stacks and queues (which I learned about in my 2nd year of university, 2 years after learning it in this course), and also went over the different routing/scheduling algorithms like round robin and others I don't remember. And then we covered Visual Basic (i.e. turn this text colour from black to red), and also briefly touched on if statements and loops. Basically, it was a mess of a course.
So, my college doesn't open the program by the time I graduate and I get into another university for the Bioinformatics bachelor program. Because of college, I didn't really have to take bio courses at uni since I'd already done them. So now it was time for computer science. This was really good, since I had the flexibility of either continuing on the bio path and do research once I graduate, or go into the world of programming. And I really liked that flexibility.
The intro to computer science course offered here was actually structured well, but I still didn't know that the key to courses where you program is to learn how to use google...we did all of our assignments in Python and I asked a programming friend of mine for a lot of help. Then as the semesters went on, I would take 1 or 2 CS courses per semester to learn concepts such as data structures and algorithms, database management systems, and computer networks. Meanwhile, the few actual bioinformatics courses that I took all used R and were mostly data analysis, which I didn't like (but still used it for my thesis project). It wasn't until this past semester where I was taking a design course (officially called "human-computer interactions") that I actually had fun with the project. We had to design a library website system from scratch to a functioning prototype, and I had a blast. Given that that was my last semester, it gave me hope that I can enjoy coding, especially if it's something visual. I don't mind doing backend stuff (plus, it makes me feel smart), but I work really well with visuals, and when I can literally see my process and the outcome.
This was long, but here we are. Now I'm 25 and I've graduated, and I'm in the process of building up a portfolio with projects, as well as (re)learning concepts I covered in school to prep for interviews. I honestly don't think I'll get a job immediately, and it might take a few months, but I'm using that time in between to learn and get a solid understanding of concepts. I feel like I started late, and that I should've just gone into a CS or SE degree instead of Bioinformatics, or gotten an internship during my school years, but alas, it is what it is.
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skywindssolutions · 2 years
Scaling Your SaaS Software in 2023: The Ultimate Guide
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Building scalable software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a challenging task for any developer or business. The key to success lies in the ability to handle an increasing number of users and requests, without compromising on performance or stability. However, achieving scalability is not a one-time achievement, but rather an ongoing process that requires careful planning and smart technology choices. In this article, we will provide you with 10 tips to help you build scalable SaaS software. From optimizing your architecture, to leveraging the power of cloud-based infrastructure, to automating your deployment process, these tips will help you create software that can handle the changing needs of your customers. Whether you are a developer or a business owner, these tips will give you a solid foundation for building software that can stand the test of time. So, let's dive in and take a closer look at how you can build scalable SaaS software that meets the needs of your growing user base.
The Importance of a Solid Architecture for Scalable SaaS
A solid architecture is the foundation of any scalable software. It determines how the different components of the software interact with each other and how they handle the increasing number of users and requests. A well-designed architecture can make it easy to add new features and functionality, while a poorly designed one can make it difficult to scale and maintain the software.
One of the best ways to ensure a solid architecture is to use microservices. Microservices are a way of breaking down an application into smaller, more manageable components. This allows you to develop, test, and deploy each component independently, making it easy to scale and maintain the software. Microservices also provide a level of flexibility that monolithic architecture can't match.
When building scalable SaaS, it's also important to use a modular design. This allows you to add and remove components as needed, without having to redesign the entire system. This approach also allows you to reuse code, which can save a lot of time and effort.
Additionally, it's essential to implement a good communication mechanism between the different components, whether it's through RESTful API or messaging queue. This allows different components to share data and perform actions without having to tightly couple them.
In summary, a solid architecture is essential for building scalable SaaS software. By using microservices and a modular design, you can ensure that your software is easy to scale and maintain. Additionally, implementing good communication mechanism between the different components can help improve the overall performance and scalability of the software.
Optimizing Performance for Scalable SaaS
Performance is key when it comes to scalable software. As the number of users and requests increases, the software needs to be able to handle the load without compromising on performance. Slow or unresponsive software can lead to a poor user experience, which can ultimately result in lost customers.
One of the best ways to optimize performance is to use caching. Caching allows you to store frequently used data in memory, so that it can be quickly accessed without having to go to the database. This can significantly reduce the load on the database, which can improve performance.
Another way to optimize performance is to use compression. Compression reduces the size of data that needs to be transferred between the server and the client, which can make the software more responsive.
Additionally, it's important to use techniques like load balancing and auto-scaling to ensure that the software can handle an increasing number of users and requests. Load balancing allows you to distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, reducing the risk of overload and downtime. Auto-scaling, on the other hand, allows you to automatically add or remove servers as needed, depending on the load.
In summary, optimizing performance is essential for building scalable SaaS software. By using caching, compression, and techniques like load balancing and auto-scaling, you can ensure that your software can handle an increasing number of users and requests without compromising on performance. This will ultimately result in a better user experience, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and retention.
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Utilizing Cloud-based Infrastructure for Scalability
One of the most effective ways to build scalable SaaS software is to use cloud-based infrastructure. Cloud-based infrastructure allows you to easily scale your application as needed, without having to invest in expensive hardware and maintenance costs. Additionally, it allows you to take advantage of a wide range of tools and services that can help you build, test, and deploy your software quickly and efficiently.
There are several popular cloud providers like AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform, that offer a wide range of services that can help you build scalable SaaS software. These services include virtual servers, databases, storage, and networking, as well as services like Lambda, Functions and Cloud Functions that allow you to add functionality to your application without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.
Another key advantage of using cloud-based infrastructure is that it allows you to take advantage of a pay-as-you-go pricing model. This means that you only pay for the resources that you use, which can help reduce costs and increase efficiency. Additionally, most of the cloud providers offer automatic scaling, which means that your application will automatically scale up or down depending on the load, which will help you to save money and avoid outages.
In summary, utilizing cloud-based infrastructure is an effective way to build scalable SaaS software. With the help of cloud providers like AWS, Azure and GCP, you can easily scale your application as needed, take advantage of a wide range of tools and services, and pay only for the resources that you use. This will help you to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and ensure that your software can handle the changing needs of your customers.
Automating the Deployment Process for Scalable SaaS
Automation is a crucial aspect of building scalable SaaS software. It can save you a lot of time and hassle when it comes to deploying your software. Automation also allows you to deploy your software quickly and efficiently, which can help you to meet the needs of your customers in a timely manner.
There are several popular tools that can help you automate the deployment process, such as Jenkins, Ansible, and Puppet. These tools can help you automate repetitive tasks such as building, testing, and deploying your software. This can save you a lot of time and effort and help you to focus on more important tasks.
Additionally, automating the deployment process can help you to ensure that your software is deployed in a consistent and predictable manner. This can help you to avoid errors and reduce the risk of downtime.
Another key benefit of automating the deployment process is that it allows you to deploy your software more frequently. This can help you to deliver new features and functionality to your customers more quickly, which can help you to stay competitive in the market.
In summary, automating the deployment process is essential for building scalable SaaS software. With the help of tools like Jenkins, Ansible, and Puppet, you can automate repetitive tasks, ensure consistent and predictable deployments, and deploy your software more frequently. This will help you to save time and effort, reduce the risk of errors, and deliver new features and functionality to your customers more quickly.
Monitoring and Optimizing for Continuous Scalability
Monitoring is an essential aspect of building scalable SaaS software. It allows you to identify and address performance issues, so that you can ensure that your software can handle the increasing number of users and requests. Additionally, monitoring can help you to detect and resolve issues before they become critical, which can help you to reduce the risk of downtime.
There are several popular tools that can help you monitor your SaaS software, such as New Relic, Datadog, and Prometheus. These tools can help you to monitor various aspects of your software, including performance, uptime, and error rates. This can help you to identify and resolve issues more quickly and efficiently.
Once you have identified an issue, it's important to optimize it. Optimizing your software can help you to improve performance, reduce the risk of downtime, and ensure that your software can handle the increasing number of users and requests. Some of the ways you can optimize your software include:
Optimizing your database: By using techniques like indexing, partitioning, and denormalization, you can improve the performance of your database, which can help improve the overall performance of your software.
Leveraging the power of the cloud: The cloud offers a lot of powerful tools and services that can help you optimize your software. Consider using services like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google Cloud Functions to add functionality to your application without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.
Optimizing your code: By optimizing your code, you can reduce the number of resources your software uses, which can help improve performance.
Monitoring and optimizing are crucial for building scalable SaaS software. By using tools like New Relic, Datadog, and Prometheus to monitor your software and identifying and resolving issues, you can ensure that your software can handle the increasing number of users and requests. Additionally, by optimizing your software, you can improve performance, reduce the risk of downtime, and ensure that your software can handle the changing needs of your customers.
In conclusion, building scalable SaaS software requires a combination of careful planning, smart technology choices, and ongoing monitoring and optimization. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your software can handle an increasing number of users and requests without compromising on performance or stability. From optimizing your architecture, to leveraging the power of cloud-based infrastructure, to automating your deployment process, to monitoring and optimizing for continuous scalability, there are many ways to make your software more scalable. Remember that scalability is not a one-time achievement, but rather an ongoing process, so you will need to continuously monitor and optimize your software to ensure that it can handle the changing needs of your customers.
We encourage you to implement these tips in your software development process, and to keep in mind that scalability should be a constant consideration throughout the development process. Also, consider taking these tips as a starting point and always look for ways to improve your software and the process to achieve scalability. With the right approach, you can build a software that will stand the test of time and meet the needs of your growing user base.
I hope you find the information which you have been looking for. For more information or queries regarding any software development services, you can contact us.
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tamanna31 · 2 days
Interactive Kiosk Market - Structure, Size, Trends, Analysis and Outlook 2022-2030
Interactive Kiosk Industry Overview
The global interactive kiosk market size was valued at USD 28.45 billion in 2021 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1% from 2022 to 2030. 
Due to the high development in payment and security technologies, the market has witnessed rapid growth over the past few years. Many of the self-service kiosk manufacturers will continue to extract these technologies’ maximum potential and are expected to include them as an indispensable component of their product offering. Interactive kiosks help prevent long queues at public places, such as inquiry counters at railway stations, banks, and malls and check-in counters at airports. At places, such as hospitals and government offices, they help reduce the paperwork associated with visitor data collection and enhance visitors’ experiences.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Interactive Kiosk Market
An increase in product adoption in the BFSI and retail segments is expected to be a major growth driver for the market. Some of the major manufacturers are already working on developing and integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technology in interactive kiosks. For instance, ViaTouch Media has introduced AI-based kiosks, which enable shoppers to examine the products before making a purchase. As products are removed from the retailer’s shelf, a video screen above displays product information to the customer. The growing problems due to the outbreak of COVID-19 have increased the adoption of self-checkout kiosks to avoid human interaction. As self-checkout kiosks ensure social distancing in stores, they pave the way for a little human interaction.
Looking forward to driving the adoption of and advantages offered by interactive kiosks to customers, the vendors operating in the market have launched various advanced solutions and technologies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has doubled the R&D spending and innovation by the vendors. For instance, kiosk systems with temperature sensors, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)-dispensing kiosks, smart kiosks that collect swab samples for COVID-19 tests, and mobile testing kiosks are some of the latest solutions launched by the vendors operating in the market. The vendors are expected to continue focusing on product innovation and development to gain a significant share in the years to come.
Interactive Kiosk Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global interactive kiosk market report on the basis of component, type, end use, and region:
Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Others (iOS, Others)
Integration & Deployment
Managed Services
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
Retail Self-Checkout Kiosks
Self-Service Kiosks
Vending Kiosks
End Use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Food & Beverage
Travel & Tourism
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
The global hybrid printing technologies market size was estimated at USD 4.59 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12.3% from 2024 to 2030.
The global 4D printing market size was estimated at USD 156.8 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 35.8% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is characterized by the presence of a few players accounting for significant industry share. New product launches and technology partnerships are some of the major strategies adopted by key companies to strengthen their market position. Key industry players are also heavily investing in research & development projects and focusing on establishing production infrastructure to develop and offer differentiated and cost-effective self-service solutions. The Meridian, Advanced Kiosk, and Kiosk Information System have a strong market presence due to the availability of a strong R&D department and production facilities. The companies mainly focus on product innovation and effective distribution through a strong network of partners in multiple countries, such as the U.S., Germany, India, and Brazil. Some of the key players in the global interactive kiosk market include:
NCR Corp.
Diebold Nixdorf AG
ZEBRA Technologies Corp.
Advanced Kiosks
Embross Group
Order a free sample PDF of the Interactive Kiosk Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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onlinetokensasaaa · 6 days
Smart Queue Management System
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whitehatlink · 15 days
How the Tech Industry is Empowering Car Rentals with Contactless Car Pickups
In today's fast-paced world, convenience and efficiency are top priorities for consumers. The car rental contactless experience is one such innovation that is transforming the car rental industry. By eliminating face-to-face interactions and long waits at counters, technology is helping streamline the process, making renting a car quicker and more convenient than ever. This article explores how tech advancements are empowering car rentals and why car rental contactless pickup is becoming the new norm.
The Rise of Contactless Technology in Car Rentals
As technology continues to evolve, it’s impacting every industry, and car rentals are no exception. Traditional car rentals have always been plagued with long lines, paperwork, and face-to-face interactions, which could be time-consuming, especially during peak travel periods. With the advent of car rental contactless solutions, these processes have been dramatically simplified.
This technology leverages mobile apps, kiosks, and keyless systems to allow customers to book, pick up, and drop off their rental cars without the need for any direct contact. In essence, travelers can now skip the lines, avoid paperwork, and head straight to their vehicles. These contactless processes became particularly appealing during the COVID-19 pandemic, where minimizing human interaction was not just convenient but essential for health and safety reasons.
How Contactless Car Rentals Work
The car rental contactless pickup process is designed to be as seamless as possible for the customer. Typically, the process starts with an online booking or through a mobile app. The customer selects the car they want to rent, uploads necessary identification and payment details, and receives confirmation—all without the need to interact with a rental agent.
Once at the rental location, instead of waiting at a counter, the customer can head directly to the designated parking spot for their rental car. Many companies offer smart lock technology, where the car can be unlocked using a smartphone app. This not only reduces wait times but also offers a more secure way to access vehicles.
For returns, customers can simply drop off the car at a pre-agreed location, and the process is completed digitally. The car rental contactless method allows for a smoother, quicker experience that caters to tech-savvy consumers looking for efficiency.
Key Benefits of Contactless Car Rentals
1. Increased Efficiency and Time-Saving:
One of the biggest benefits of car rental contactless pickup is the time saved. By eliminating queues and manual paperwork, travelers can get on the road faster. This is especially beneficial for business travelers who are on tight schedules and can't afford to waste time at the rental counter.
2. Enhanced Customer Experience:
With the integration of mobile apps and digital platforms, the overall customer experience is significantly enhanced. Features such as pre-booking, instant notifications, and contactless car access improve convenience. Customers can manage their reservations, payments, and vehicle selection from the comfort of their own devices, ensuring a more enjoyable rental experience.
3. Safety and Hygiene:
During the pandemic, safety became a major concern for consumers. The ability to pick up a car without interacting with any personnel provides peace of mind to customers. Even as the pandemic has subsided, the demand for hygienic solutions remains high. The car rental contactless experience offers a safe and sanitary way to rent vehicles, making it a preferred option for many.
4. Cost-Effectiveness for Rental Companies:
For rental companies, implementing car rental contactless pickup can reduce staffing costs and overhead. Digital platforms take over the need for counter agents, freeing up human resources and reducing operational expenses. Additionally, streamlined processes mean faster customer turnover, leading to increased revenue opportunities.
The Future of Car Rentals: A Tech-Driven Experience
As the demand for contactless services grows, more car rental companies are investing in technology to provide a seamless rental experience. Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) devices will further enhance the car rental contactless pickup process. In the near future, AI could predict customer preferences, while IoT-connected vehicles could notify customers when their car is ready for pickup or requires maintenance.
Moreover, biometric verification systems and facial recognition may become a part of the process, allowing for even more secure and personalized experiences. As these innovations continue to develop, car rental contactless services are expected to become the standard in the industry, offering unparalleled convenience for customers and operational efficiency for rental companies.
The car rental contactless revolution is here, transforming the way we rent vehicles. With faster, more efficient service, enhanced safety, and cost savings for companies, it’s clear why this tech-driven solution is gaining popularity. As technology continues to advance, we can only expect more exciting developments that will further elevate the car rental contactless pickup experience for travelers across the U.S.
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suyogcomputech · 18 days
A Queue Management System (QMS) is a solution designed to streamline and organize customer flow in various service environments, such as banks, hospitals, RTO and retail stores. It efficiently manages queues by allowing customers to take a ticket or register their place in line, either physically or digitally. The system tracks the queue, provides real-time updates, and ensures that customers are served in an orderly and timely manner. By reducing wait times and enhancing the overall customer experience, a QMS helps businesses improve service efficiency and customer satisfaction. For more details about Queue Management System contact Suyog Computech team.
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qwaiting · 1 month
Explore the role of FIFO (First-In, First-Out) in queue management, a fundamental principle ensuring fair and efficient service delivery. This blog explains how FIFO enhances customer satisfaction by maintaining order and reducing wait times in various industries.
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perfectlywingedpost · 4 months
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With interactive technology, kiosks provide flexible digital solutions for a range of environments, enhancing user experiences. Digital kiosks in museums provide educational content and help with directions, while display kiosks in shopping centers are used for customer assistance and advertising. In public areas, information kiosks offer important information, and in facilities such as hospitals, queue management systems improve services by reducing down on wait times. These multipurpose areas are essential to modern consumer interaction because they provide easily accessible and user-friendly interfaces that improve customer happiness and service efficiency.
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industrynewsupdates · 21 days
Interactive Kiosk Market, 2030: Growth Share and Future Trends
The global interactive kiosk market size was valued at USD 28.45 billion in 2021 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1% from 2022 to 2030. 
Due to the high development in payment and security technologies, the market has witnessed rapid growth over the past few years. Many of the self-service kiosk manufacturers will continue to extract these technologies’ maximum potential and are expected to include them as an indispensable component of their product offering. Interactive kiosks help prevent long queues at public places, such as inquiry counters at railway stations, banks, and malls and check-in counters at airports. At places, such as hospitals and government offices, they help reduce the paperwork associated with visitor data collection and enhance visitors’ experiences.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Interactive Kiosk Market
An increase in product adoption in the BFSI and retail segments is expected to be a major growth driver for the market. Some of the major manufacturers are already working on developing and integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technology in interactive kiosks. For instance, ViaTouch Media has introduced AI-based kiosks, which enable shoppers to examine the products before making a purchase. As products are removed from the retailer’s shelf, a video screen above displays product information to the customer. The growing problems due to the outbreak of COVID-19 have increased the adoption of self-checkout kiosks to avoid human interaction. As self-checkout kiosks ensure social distancing in stores, they pave the way for a little human interaction.
Looking forward to driving the adoption of and advantages offered by interactive kiosks to customers, the vendors operating in the market have launched various advanced solutions and technologies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has doubled the R&D spending and innovation by the vendors. For instance, kiosk systems with temperature sensors, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)-dispensing kiosks, smart kiosks that collect swab samples for COVID-19 tests, and mobile testing kiosks are some of the latest solutions launched by the vendors operating in the market. The vendors are expected to continue focusing on product innovation and development to gain a significant share in the years to come.
Interactive Kiosk Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global interactive kiosk market report on the basis of component, type, end use, and region:
Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Hardware
o Display
o Printer
o Others
• Software
o Windows
o Android
o Linux
o Others (iOS, Others)
• Service
o Integration & Deployment
o Managed Services
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
• Retail Self-Checkout Kiosks
• Self-Service Kiosks
• Vending Kiosks
End Use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Retail
• Food & Beverage
• Healthcare
• Government
• Travel & Tourism
• Others
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
• Europe
o U.K.
o Germany
o France
• Asia Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o Singapore
o Thailand
o Indonesia
o Malaysia
o Vietnam
o Australia
• Latin America
o Brazil
• Middle East & Africa (MEA)
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
• The global hybrid printing technologies market size was estimated at USD 4.59 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12.3% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global 4D printing market size was estimated at USD 156.8 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 35.8% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is characterized by the presence of a few players accounting for significant industry share. New product launches and technology partnerships are some of the major strategies adopted by key companies to strengthen their market position. Key industry players are also heavily investing in research & development projects and focusing on establishing production infrastructure to develop and offer differentiated and cost-effective self-service solutions. The Meridian, Advanced Kiosk, and Kiosk Information System have a strong market presence due to the availability of a strong R&D department and production facilities. The companies mainly focus on product innovation and effective distribution through a strong network of partners in multiple countries, such as the U.S., Germany, India, and Brazil. Some of the key players in the global interactive kiosk market include:
• NCR Corp.
• Diebold Nixdorf AG
• ZEBRA Technologies Corp.
• Advanced Kiosks
• Embross Group
• GRGBanking
Order a free sample PDF of the Interactive Kiosk Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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harshmishra8726 · 23 days
Automatic Boom Barrier Gates: A Smart Solution for Modern Parking Management
Managing parking spaces efficiently is a challenge faced by many businesses, especially in urban areas where space is limited, and traffic congestion is common. As the demand for effective parking management solutions grows, automated boom barrier gates have emerged as a smart and reliable option. These systems help streamline parking operations and enhance user experience by reducing wait times and providing a seamless entry and exit process. Let's delve into how automatic boom barrier gates are revolutionizing parking management and the numerous benefits they bring.
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What Are Automatic Boom Barrier Gates?
Experience seamless access control with automatic boom barrier gates, the motorized solution for parking facilities, gated communities, and industrial areas. These gates are equipped with a horizontal bar, known as a boom, that can be raised to permit the passage of vehicles and lowered to restrict access when needed. The automation of these gates is controlled by various technologies such as sensors, remote controls, RFID systems, and license plate recognition software. They provide a convenient and secure method of managing vehicle access, ensuring that only authorized vehicles can enter or exit a facility.
How Can Automatic Boom Barrier Gates Help in Modern Parking Management?
One of the primary advantages of automated boom barrier gates is their ability to streamline parking management. In traditional parking setups, manual entry and exit procedures can lead to inefficiencies, delays, and even security lapses. Automated boom barrier gates eliminate these issues by providing a controlled and automated process for vehicle access.
Streamlining Parking Management
1. Efficient Traffic Flow: Automated boom barrier gates play a vital role in effectively managing vehicle flow within parking lots by regulating vehicle entry and exit. By controlling access automatically, these gates prevent bottlenecks, especially during peak hours. The smooth operation of the barriers ensures that vehicles move in and out of the parking area without unnecessary delays, leading to a more organized and efficient parking system.
2. Enhanced Security: Security is a vital consideration in parking management, especially within commercial and residential complexes. Automated boom barrier gates enhance security by allowing only authorized vehicles to enter the premises. These systems can be integrated with various access control technologies, such as RFID tags, license plate recognition, or smart cards, to ensure that only vehicles with the appropriate credentials are granted access. This reduces the risk of unauthorized entry and enhances the overall safety of the parking facility.
3. Real-Time Monitoring and Control: Modern automated boom barrier gates come equipped with advanced features that allow for real-time monitoring and control of parking areas. Facility managers can monitor gate status, track vehicle movements, and receive alerts for unauthorized access attempts. This level of control helps in managing parking spaces more effectively and ensures that the parking facility operates smoothly.
Reducing Wait Times
In any parking facility, minimizing wait times is essential for maintaining a positive user experience. Long queues at entry and exit points can lead to frustration among drivers and create congestion within the parking area. Automated boom barrier gates address this issue by offering quick and efficient access control.
1. Faster Processing: Automated boom barrier gates are designed to process vehicles quickly, reducing the time spent at entry and exit points. The use of contactless technology, such as RFID or automatic number plate recognition (ANPR), allows vehicles to pass through without the need for drivers to stop or interact with a parking attendant. This significantly speeds up the entry and exit process, especially during peak hours.
2. Minimizing Human Error: Manual parking systems are prone to errors, such as incorrect ticket issuance or delays caused by human intervention. Automated boom barrier gates eliminate these errors by automating the entire process. With sensors and control systems in place, the barriers operate smoothly, ensuring that vehicles are processed accurately and without delays. This doesn't just cut down on wait times; it also enhances the overall efficiency of the parking facility.
3. Integration with Payment Systems: Automated boom barrier gates can be integrated with various payment systems, allowing for seamless and contactless transactions. Drivers can pay for parking using mobile apps, contactless cards, or other electronic payment methods, which are linked to the automated gate system. This integration further reduces wait times by eliminating the need for cash transactions or manual payment processing, making the entire experience more convenient for users.
Improving User Experience
A positive user experience is key to the success of any parking facility. Automated boom barrier gates contribute to an enhanced user experience by offering convenience, reliability, and security.
1. Ease of Use: Automated boom barrier gates are user-friendly and require minimal interaction from drivers. The simplicity of the system means that drivers can enter and exit the parking facility with ease, without the need to navigate complex procedures or wait for manual assistance. This ease of use is particularly beneficial in large commercial or residential complexes where multiple vehicles need to be managed efficiently.
2. Reliability and Durability: Modern automated boom barrier gates are built to withstand heavy usage and harsh environmental conditions. Their robust design ensures reliable operation, reducing the likelihood of breakdowns or malfunctions. This reliability translates into a hassle-free experience for users, who can trust that the system will function smoothly whenever they need to access the parking facility.
3. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: By reducing wait times, streamlining access, and providing a secure environment, automated boom barrier gates contribute to higher levels of customer satisfaction. Drivers appreciate the convenience and efficiency of a well-managed parking system, which can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth for the facility. In commercial settings, this enhanced customer satisfaction can translate into increased revenue and a stronger reputation for the business.
In today’s fast-paced world, efficient parking management is essential for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Automated boom barrier gates offer a smart solution that not only streamlines parking operations but also enhances security, reduces wait times, and improves the overall user experience. By investing in these advanced systems, parking facilities can ensure smooth and efficient operations, leading to higher customer satisfaction and better business outcomes. Whether in commercial complexes, residential areas, or public parking lots, automated boom barrier gates are proving to be an indispensable tool in modern parking management.
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abiinnovate · 27 days
Which topic are taught under c++ course
A C++ course typically covers a range of topics designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of programming, as well as more advanced concepts specific to C++. Here's a breakdown of common topics:
1. Introduction to Programming Concepts
Basic Programming Concepts: Variables, data types, operators, expressions.
Input/Output: Using cin, cout, file handling.
Control Structures: Conditional statements (if, else, switch), loops (for, while, do-while).
2. C++ Syntax and Structure
Functions: Definition, declaration, parameters, return types, recursion.
Scope and Lifetime: Local and global variables, static variables.
Preprocessor Directives: #include, #define, macros.
3. Data Structures
Arrays: Single and multi-dimensional arrays, array manipulation.
Strings: C-style strings, string handling functions, the std::string class.
Pointers: Pointer basics, pointer arithmetic, pointers to functions, pointers and arrays.
Dynamic Memory Allocation: new and delete operators, dynamic arrays.
4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and Objects: Definition, instantiation, access specifiers, member functions.
Constructors and Destructors: Initialization of objects, object cleanup.
Inheritance: Base and derived classes, single and multiple inheritance, access control.
Polymorphism: Function overloading, operator overloading, virtual functions, abstract classes, and interfaces.
Encapsulation: Use of private and public members, getter and setter functions.
Friend Functions and Classes: Use and purpose of friend keyword.
5. Advanced Topics
Templates: Function templates, class templates, template specialization.
Standard Template Library (STL): Vectors, lists, maps, sets, iterators, algorithms.
Exception Handling: try, catch, throw, custom exceptions.
File Handling: Reading from and writing to files using fstream, handling binary files.
Namespaces: Creating and using namespaces, the std namespace.
6. Memory Management
Dynamic Allocation: Managing memory with new and delete.
Smart Pointers: std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, std::weak_ptr.
Memory Leaks and Debugging: Identifying and preventing memory leaks.
7. Algorithms and Problem Solving
Searching and Sorting Algorithms: Linear search, binary search, bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort.
Recursion: Concepts and use-cases of recursive algorithms.
Data Structures: Linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs.
8. Multithreading and Concurrency
Thread Basics: Creating and managing threads.
Synchronization: Mutexes, locks, condition variables.
Concurrency Issues: Deadlocks, race conditions.
9. Best Practices and Coding Standards
Code Style: Naming conventions, commenting, formatting.
Optimization Techniques: Efficient coding practices, understanding compiler optimizations.
Design Patterns: Common patterns like Singleton, Factory, Observer.
10. Project Work and Applications
Building Applications: Developing simple to complex applications using C++.
Debugging and Testing: Using debugging tools, writing test cases.
Version Control: Introduction to version control systems like Git.
This comprehensive set of topics equips students with the skills needed to develop efficient, robust, and scalable software using C++. Depending on the course level, additional advanced topics like metaprogramming, networking, or game development might also be covered.
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