#smart irrigation report
blogbisresearch · 2 years
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digicanesystems · 2 months
Smart Irrigation Systems using IoT And How Do They Work? Digicane Systems
Monitor Your Irrigation System with Tablet
Reduced water consumption is one of the best ways to combat climate change-related water shortages. However, it can be challenging during droughts or for growers who use conventional irrigation systems as they do not have a precise way to measure and control their water usage.
Smart Irrigation Systems using IoT allow growers to track and optimize water consumption. This ensures that you do not waste water, or give it away in excess. This article describes Smart Irrigation Systems using IoT, their working, and how they help to address water shortages.
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What Is A Smart Irrigation System?
You can integrate Smart Watering Systems using IoT into your existing irrigation system. They monitor, analyze and automate your water usage, reducing waste, detecting leaks and alerting you to any potential problems.
Instead of relying on manual watering methods, you can create an irrigation schedule based on the real-time requirements of your plants by using a smart watering system that is connected to all water related operations. This reduces runoff, erosion and evaporation, which helps to conserve water.
Smart Irrigation Systems using IoT: How They Work
In traditional irrigation, the grower manually opens and closes valves when needed. Smart water technology uses smart water valves that are embedded in your drip irrigation system to track water usage and allow you to control it remotely.
A smart water control valve has a valve controller and flow meter. It also contains wireless connectivity and power. The smart water valve collects data from flowmeters that measure the flow of water through your irrigation system. The smart valve then transmits this information via wireless to a cloud-managed software platform. You can then access the data from your computer or phone at anytime and anywhere.
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Smart Water Technology: Resist Water Shortages
Growers can take proactive measures to reduce their impact on the environment while we are working to reduce our carbon footprint by using methods like efficient transport and renewable energies. Smart water technology helps to avoid water shortages in several ways.
Leak Detection
A leaking irrigation system can cost up to 6,300 gallons per month. Leaks of this nature can have a negative impact on your water supply, and you may even lose water during times of drought. Leaks are the easiest way to reduce water consumption and monitor your supply.
The technology of leak detection gives you instant access to your most precious resource. It is possible to reduce water consumption on a farm without having to pay large upfront costs or shut down maintenance processes.
Good data is the key to smart irrigation decisions. You can improve your water management by making sure that your irrigation system is equipped with smart sensors and controls.
Smart sensors in real-time allow you to determine the amount of water being used and where. Smart irrigation technology allows growers to be aware of how much water their crops have received. This gives them full visibility to where their water has been used, so they can take proactive measures to address any unplanned deviations in their irrigation schedules.
You can also find out more about the Automated Vehicles by clicking here.
Although irrigation timers and controllers are not a new idea, their cost, complexity and reliability have prevented them from being widely adopted. Automation is now much easier to use and more affordable with modern systems. You will never again overwater your plants by automating your irrigation. The valves will automatically shut off once the exact volume has been reached. You'll also save labor costs, since you won't have to hire someone to oversee and operate each valve.
For crops such as almonds, strawberries and wine grapes where water conservation is a major challenge, improved irrigation management can save up to 20 percent of the total water consumed.
Harnessing Real-Time Data
Growers need to be able to analyze data in real-time. There are a number of data solutions available to determine the optimal water schedule for crops, such as:
Soil Moisture Sensors
Plant Sensors And Pressure Chambers
Weather Stations
Satellite Imagery
Smart Watering Systems based on IoT often integrate these external data sources so that growers can create and manage their irrigation schedules in a single dashboard, and make adjustments easily, without having to jump from app-to-app.
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Preventive Maintenance
Smart irrigation technology detects problems by automatically monitoring water pressure and flow. You'll be able to detect problems before they turn into costly or dangerous situations. Leaks and clogs are the main causes of water waste in farming.
Sensor technology, data and automation allow growers to optimize irrigation to a new level. All these factors working together in harmony allows you to distribute water where it is needed and prevent waste.
Smart Irrigation Systems using IoT not only save growers time and money but can also reduce the amount water required for their crops while still achieving the same or better results.
How To Get Started With Modern Solution
Conserving water is essential for reducing the impact of climate change. Using water more efficiently is one way to achieve this. Smart Irrigation Systems using IoT allow growers to use less water for irrigation without risking their crops or livelihoods. We believe that conserving natural resources requires every drop to be counted. We have created a smart irrigation solution that allows you to automate your water use and track it in a simple way. Call us to find out how we can make irrigation easier and more efficient.
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123567-9qaaq9 · 9 months
Smart Irrigation Market | Global Industry Brief Analysis by Bis Research
In recent years, the agriculture industry has witnessed a transformative wave with the integration of cutting-edge technology. One such innovation making waves is smart irrigation, a revolutionary approach to water management in agriculture. As climate change and water scarcity become increasingly prevalent challenges, the smart irrigation market is gaining traction for its potential to enhance agricultural efficiency and sustainability.
Understanding Smart Irrigation
Smart irrigation involves the use of advanced technologies to optimize water usage in agriculture. It leverages sensors, data analytics, and automation to monitor and control irrigation systems, ensuring precise and efficient water distribution. This not only maximizes crop yield but also conserves water resources, making it an environmentally friendly solution.
Market Dynamics
a. Growing Need for Water Efficiency
The global demand for food is on the rise, and so is the pressure on water resources. Smart irrigation addresses this challenge by providing a solution that enables farmers to achieve higher crop yields with minimal water usage.
b. Technological Advancements
The smart irrigation market is fueled by continuous technological advancements. IoT (Internet of Things) sensors, weather forecasting, and machine learning algorithms play pivotal roles in enabling precise irrigation schedules based on real-time data, weather conditions, and soil moisture levels.
c. Sustainable Agriculture Practices
Smart irrigation aligns with the global shift towards sustainable agriculture. By minimizing water wastage and optimizing resource utilization, it contributes to environmentally responsible farming practices.
III. Key Components of Smart Irrigation Systems
a. Sensors and IoT Devices:
These devices are deployed in the field to collect data on soil moisture, temperature, and other relevant parameters. The information gathered is then transmitted to a centralized system for analysis.
b. Data Analytics
Sophisticated analytics tools process the data collected by sensors. Machine learning algorithms analyze historical patterns and current conditions to generate actionable insights, helping farmers make informed decisions about irrigation schedules.
c. Automation and Control Systems:
Automated irrigation systems allow for remote control and monitoring. Farmers can adjust irrigation schedules, flow rates, and other parameters using smartphones or computers, providing flexibility and convenience.
IV. Market Trends and Growth Factors
a. Precision Agriculture
The integration of smart irrigation into precision agriculture practices is a key trend. Precision agriculture involves optimizing every aspect of the farming process, and smart irrigation fits seamlessly into this framework by ensuring precision in water management.
b. Adoption of Cloud-Based Solutions
The use of cloud-based platforms for data storage and analysis is becoming increasingly common in the smart irrigation market. Cloud solutions offer scalability, real-time access to data, and improved collaboration among stakeholders.
c. Government Initiatives and Subsidies
Governments worldwide are recognizing the importance of water conservation in agriculture. Subsidies and incentives for adopting smart irrigation technologies are expected to drive market growth.
Download for Industry Intelligence: Learn How Government Projects and Goals are Fuelling the Demand for Smart Irrigation Market @ https://bisresearch.com/requestsample?id=1275&type=download
The smart irrigation market represents a significant step towards sustainable and efficient agriculture. As technology continues to advance, and the need for water-efficient farming practices becomes more critical, smart irrigation is poised to play a central role in shaping the future of agriculture. By embracing these innovative solutions, farmers can enhance productivity, conserve water resources, and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient food supply chain.
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thxnews · 5 months
World Bank: Cutting Greenhouse Gases through Agriculture
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A recent World Bank report unveils a promising pathway: by adjusting farming practices, we can slash global greenhouse gas emissions by nearly a third. This shift not only promotes sustainability but also fortifies food security for the most vulnerable.  
Sustainable Practices: The Heart of Change
Agricultural Techniques for a Cooler Planet Transforming agricultural methods can have a profound impact on our planet's health. By adopting climate-smart agricultural practices, farmers can significantly reduce emissions. Techniques such as precision farming, which optimizes the use of resources like water and fertilizer, and integrated pest management, that minimizes pesticide use, are at the forefront of this movement. Such practices not only lessen environmental impact but also improve yield efficiency.   The Role of Technology in Sustainable Agriculture Technology plays a pivotal role in modernizing farming techniques. Innovations like drone technology for crop monitoring and automated irrigation systems can drastically cut down resource wastage and emissions. These technologies, once perceived as luxuries, are now becoming necessities in the fight against climate change.  
Policy Support and Economic Incentives
Reforming Agricultural Subsidies A significant portion of the change hinges on policy reform. Currently, many subsidies encourage practices harmful to the environment. Redirecting these funds towards supporting sustainable practices can catalyze a major reduction in agrifood emissions. For instance, subsidies for cover cropping or organic farming can promote soil health and carbon sequestration.   Financial Models and Investments The financial investment required to halve agrifood emissions by 2030 is substantial—estimated at $260 billion annually. However, the returns, such as improved public health, job creation, and enhanced food security, far outweigh the costs. It is crucial for both governmental bodies and private sectors to collaborate in financing these green initiatives.  
Global Cooperation for a Sustainable Future
International Collaboration and Support High-income countries have a unique position to lead global efforts by providing technical and financial assistance to lower-income nations. This support is essential for adopting low-emission farming methods and technologies across the globe. Additionally, international partnerships can facilitate the transfer of knowledge and resources, enabling a unified approach to tackling climate change.   A Unified Approach Across Income Brackets While high-income countries can lead by example, middle and low-income countries also play critical roles. Middle-income countries can reduce up to 75% of global agrifood emissions through greener practices, while low-income countries can focus on avoiding high-emission pitfalls of industrialized nations.   A Recipe for a Livable Planet The journey to a sustainable agrifood system is complex but achievable. With concerted global effort, strategic investments, and a commitment to transforming agricultural practices, we can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of our food systems. The benefits of such transformations extend beyond environmental impacts, promising a healthier planet and a sustainable future for all. It's time for stakeholders across the board—policymakers, farmers, investors, and consumers—to unite in this vital cause. Together, we can cultivate a greener, more sustainable world.   Sources: THX News, WB Report & World Bank. Read the full article
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wuxiaphoenix · 2 years
Worldbuilding: Eyes on Magic
I know it’s not how the xianxia genre works, but realistically? Any government should keep a wary eye on cultivators. Some amount of your empire’s or kingdom’s spy network should be devoted solely to making sure you have info on all the scary magic-users around. Who they like, who they hate, who they have friendly brawls with that level whole villages. What can they do? What won’t they do? And at any given point in time, where are they?
In short, your fantasy empire ought to put as much effort into keeping track of cultivators as they do military generals and major religious leaders. After all, a sect leader might qualify as both.
I think you can square this pretty well with the background of the Jianghu, everyone having a rep and a Name. Obviously, people talk. It wouldn’t take much for an empire to station undercover scholar-officials in a few choice disreputable taverns to pick up intel. Granted, there’s a risk of sudden horrible death in a jianghu brawl, but that’s what disposable scholars who can’t get a government post are for.... Maybe worse, there’s a risk of recruitment, if you survive that brawl.
(Of course, if you survive and turn down being recruited - and survive that.... Looks like the empire lost another spy anyway, because you’re likely to be very busy. Dodging assassinations, or being dragged along on some damnfool idealistic crusade as the Scrolls Guy. Possibly both.
(...Make that definitely both.)
As for what governments do when they have this information?
Smart politicians will mostly leave the lightning-throwers alone, outside of noble appeals to defend the country from invasion, other evil magic-users, and maybe floods, droughts, and plagues depending on their skillset. Smart politicians will keep what they ask for reasonable, and in everyone’s best interest. What sect can’t use a little good PR from clearing a canal vital to trade and irrigation?
...I know what you’re thinking. When’s the last time you met a smart politician? Worse, a smart bureaucrat? Because every government has its paper-pushers, who have access to all the info politicians do; maybe more, since they’re the ones who filter “what’s really important”.
And the more petty the bureaucrat, the more viciously they defend and try to expand the power they have. If part of that power is access to info on a magic-user said mage would rather not have spread around....
Yeah. Things get messy.
But it also means things can get interesting, if a magic-using person tries to disappear. Some nobody potion-maker or guy who curses people with warts, if they try to fade out of sight, it should be easy. The sect leader who can bring down a dragon with one mighty blow? Yeah, no, people are going to notice. And be looking for him. After all, too many people tend to think, if a person is innocent then why are they hiding....
Conversely, this means that if a Dread Necromancer appears out of nowhere and starts raising a zombie army, someone’s spy network has failed. Heads should roll.
...Okay, maybe not this minute, we don’t need to give the necromancer more bodies....
Magic is showy, flashy, and fun to put in stories. People who can do it are the stuff of legends. And in a more realistic world, of gossip and espionage!
Just imagine the tension, as a sweating advisor reports to the emperor, “One of our cultivators is missing....”
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thedesithakur23 · 2 years
Awesome Arduino UNO Projects to Try in 2022!
1.Farmaid: Plant Disease Detection Robot
In this Arduino Project, the author is inspired by the work of Plantvillage.psu.edu and iita.org, and we want to use the DonkeyCar platform to build an autonomous robot that can move around a farm environment without damaging existing plants or soil, and we want to use objects Detection to find and mark diseased crops with eco-friendly colors.
What do you need:
Arduino UNO
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
ibt-2 H Bridge
Raspberry Pi Camera Module
2.Intelligent Door Lock
In today's world, security and accessibility are major concerns. We are constantly striving to keep our home secure while making our home devices easily accessible even remotely. This Arduino project will show you how to convert an Arduino UNO into a door lock using a Raspberry Pi camera.
What do you need:
Arduino UNO
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Raspberry Pi 3 / 4 / Zero / 2 / 1
Raspberry Pi Camera Module
Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)
Speaker: 0.25W, 8 ohms
Mono Audio Amp Breakout – TPA2005D1
Pushbutton switch 12mm
3.Arduino Nano BLE 33 Sense Game Controller
PRABEEN built this game controller with an Arduino Nano BLE 33 Sense, which includes a proximity sensor. As you can see, this is a simple and enjoyable Arduino project!
What do you need
Arduino Nano BLE 33 Sense / XIAO BLE Sense
USB Cable Assembly, USB Type A Plug to Micro USB Type B Plug
4.Arduino Radar
It detects stationary and moving objects with the help of an ultrasonic sensor and an Arduino. And this is a simple Arduino project for beginners!
What do you need?
Arduino UNO
Ultrasonic Sensor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
5. Arduino Weather Station
A powerful Arduino weather station can assist you in more efficiently watering plants and lawns. Use the daily report to determine whether you can skip an irrigation day. Smart Weather will even communicate with connected irrigation systems automatically. You can learn how to use an arduino uno to connect other sensors to monitor the temperature and humidity of your garden in this cool arduino project.
What do you need?
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16X2 LCD RGB Backlight – Full Color Display
Temperature & Humidity Sensor (DHT11)
Female/Female Jumper Wires
Male/Female Jumper Wires
6. Arduino 3D Axonometric Projection
Any method of mapping three-dimensional points to a two-dimensional plane is referred to as 3D projection. Because the majority of current methods for displaying graphical data are based on planar two-dimensional media, this type of projection is widely used, particularly in computer graphics and engineering. In addition, this project Although Arduino is difficult, it is still a fun arduino project.
What do you need?
Arduino Pico
TFT Touch Shield V1.0
7. Making Famous Magic Wand 33x Faster
Do you want to be a wizard for a day? This project will show you how to use a small PCB board to transform a stick in your hand into a magic wand. And this is a really enjoyable Arduino project!
What do you need?
Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense or XIAO BLE Sense
Wooden Magic Wand ( wooden stick )
8. Arduino Distance sensor and OLED
You can find this blog here. In this blog, you will learn how to use an Arduino UNO and an Ultrasonic Sensor to detect the distance between two objects and how to use a Graphic OLED to display the distance. This project is ideal for Arduino beginners.
What do you need?
Arduino UNO
Grove – Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
Graphic OLED / Graphic LCD
Jumper Wires
9. IoT Weather Data Logger Using Blues Wireless
This project will walk you through the process of building an IoT-based weather data logger using Blues Wireless hardware modules; no SD card, Wi-Fi, or BLE is required. To track your weather data, simply connect your Blues Notecard and Note carrier to the controller.
What do you need?
Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
DHT11 Temperature Sensor
Air Quality Sensor
Light Sensor
Source- Seed Studio
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tamanna31 · 11 days
Smart Agriculture Market Dynamics, Top Manufacturers Analysis, Trend And Demand, Forecast To 2030
Smart Agriculture Industry Overview
The global smart agriculture market size was valued at USD 22.65 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
Increasing automation of commercial greenhouses and growing implementation of the controlled environment agriculture (CEA) concept in greenhouses, in a bid to obtain a higher yield and maintain optimum growing conditions, are the key factors driving demand during the forecast period. Cultivators realize the potential benefits of growing plants inside a greenhouse, which has led to the development of commercial greenhouses. Cultivators have shifted from the conventional lighting systems to LED grow lights as the latter can easily be integrated into a CEA setup. Although LED grows lights are high in cost, they are an ideal option for indoor farming, owing to their long-term benefits in terms of energy efficiency.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Smart Agriculture Market
Smart agriculture companies are shifting their focus toward the development of equipment that is integrated with advanced sensors and cameras. Key technologies driving the market demand include livestock biometrics, such as RFID, biometrics, and GPS to help cultivators automatically obtain information regarding livestock in real-time. Furthermore, infrastructural health sensors are used for monitoring material conditions and vibrations in buildings, factories, bridges, farms, and other infrastructure. Coupled with an intelligent network, infrastructural health sensors help provide information to the maintenance team in real-time. In addition, agricultural robots are being used to automate farming processes, such as soil maintenance, weeding, fruit picking, harvesting, planting, plowing, and irrigation, among others.
To sustain profits, farmers are increasingly adopting smarter and more efficient agriculture technologies to deliver high-quality products to the smart agriculture market in sufficient quantities. Mobile technology aids in offering innovative types and applications that are used across the agricultural value chain.
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications are particularly suited for the agricultural sector, enabling farmers to monitor equipment, assess the environmental impact on production, precisely manage livestock and crops, and keep track of tractors and other agricultural equipment. M2M is an integral part of IoT, which describes the coordination of multiple devices, appliances, and machines connected to the internet through multiple networks.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought widespread disruption to the global supply chain, resulting in food shortages and inflation. Necessary measures are required to strengthen the food supply chain and prepare for any future crisis. The ongoing pandemic has highlighted the significance of being able to carry out agricultural operations remotely. The ability of smart agricultural practices to help farmers recoup losses in a relatively shorter lead time is expected to drive future market growth.
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
The global agriculture 4.0 market was estimated at USD 67.73 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.6% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global AI in food & beverages market size was valued at USD 8.45 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 39.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market include Ag Leader Technology, AGCO Corporation, AgJunction, Inc., AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc., Autonomous Solutions, Inc., Argus Control Systems Ltd, BouMatic Robotic B.V., CropMetrics, CLAAS KGaA mbH, CropZilla, Deere & Company, DICKEY-john, DroneDeploy, DeLaval Inc, Farmers Edge Inc, Grownetics, Inc., Granular, Inc., Gamaya, GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft, Raven Industries, Trimble Inc., Topcon Positioning System among others.
AGCO Corporation is a U.S.-based agriculture equipment manufacturer. The company develops and sells products and solutions such as tractors, combines, foragers, hay tools, self-propelled sprayers, smart farming technologies, seeding equipment, and tillage equipment.
Deere & Company is engaged in the manufacturing & construction of agricultural and forestry machinery; drivetrains and diesel engines for heavy equipment; and lawn care machinery. Additionally, the company also manufactures and provides other heavy manufacturing equipment. The company serves diverse industries such as agriculture, forestry, construction, landscaping & grounds care, engines & drivetrain, government and military, and sports turf.
Prospera Technologies and Agrible, Inc. are some of the emerging market participants in the target market.
Prospera Technologies is a global service provider of agriculture technology for managing and optimizing irrigation and crop health. The company provides AI-based sensors and cameras that aid farmers in crop monitoring.
Agrible is a U.S.-based agriculture solution provider. The company helps customers in more than 30 countries optimize water use, crop protection, fertilization, fieldwork, research trials, food supply chains, and sustainability initiatives
Key Smart Agriculture Companies:
Ag Leader Technology
AGCO Corporation
AgJunction, Inc.
AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc.
Autonomous Solutions, Inc.
Argus Control Systems Ltd
BouMatic Robotic B.V.
Deere & Company
DeLaval Inc
Farmers Edge Inc
Grownetics, Inc.
Granular, Inc.
GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft
Raven Industries
Trimble Inc.
Topcon Positioning System
Recent Developments
In July 2023, Deere & Company announced the acquisition of Smart Apply, Inc. The company planned to leverage Smart Apply’s precision spraying to assist growers in addressing the challenges associated with input costs, labor, regulatory requirements, and environmental goals.
In May 2023, AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. announced that it had entered into a 2-year supply agreement with Wingtra AG. This agreement is purposed to secure the supply of RedEdge-P sensor kits for incorporation with WingtraOne VTOL drones. This is specifically resourceful for those seeking to benefit materially from unparalleled, high precision, and plant-level detail in commercial agriculture, environmental research, forestry, and water management applications.
In April 2023, AGCO Corporation announced a strategic collaboration with Hexagon, for the expansion of AGCO’s factory-fit and aftermarket guidance offerings. The new guidance system was planned to be commercialized as Fuse Guide on Valtra and Massey Ferguson tractors.
In February 2023, Topcon Agriculture unveiled the launch of Transplanting Control, an exceptional guidance control solution for specialty farmers. This turnkey solution was designed to boost efficiency, reduce labor, and proliferate production. Further, it delivers GNSS-driven guidance, autosteering & control, thereby proving advantageous for the growers of perennial trees, vegetables, and fruits.
In January 2023, ASI Logistics in collaboration with SICK, Inc. announced the successful implementation of autonomous yard truck operations. In this collaboration, ASI Logistics leveraged its groundbreaking Vehicle Automation Kit (VAK) along with the industry-leading LiDAR systems of SICK.
In March 2022, Raven announced its business expansion in South Dakota and Arizona to enhance the development of AI-driven technologies for tailoring cutting-edge solutions. The strategy was also aimed at allowing access to a nearby test farm for same-day testing.
In October 2021, BouMatic announced the acquisition of SAC Group to leverage automatic and conventional milking systems. The transaction demonstrated the company’s incessant commitment to delivering best-in-class dairy farm solutions to consumers across the world.
In May 2021, AGCO announced a targeted spraying solutions strategic collaboration with Raven Industries Inc., BASF Digital, and Robert Bosch GmbH. The objective of this deal was to assess the targeted spraying technology for enhancing crop protection product applications by limiting crop input costs and addressing environmental sustainability.
Order a free sample PDF of the Smart Agriculture Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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karan777 · 16 days
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prajwal-agale001 · 27 days
Superabsorbent Polymers Market Dynamics: Key Drivers and Challenges
The global superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) market is on an upward trajectory, driven by its diverse applications and evolving technological advancements. According to a recent report by Meticulous Research®, the market is projected to achieve a valuation of $14.6 billion by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1% from 2024 to 2031. This growth is largely fueled by the rising demand for SAPs in personal care products, the increasing use of these polymers in agriculture for water management, and heightened awareness regarding hygiene and healthcare. Despite these positive trends, the market faces challenges, particularly due to the non-biodegradable nature of many SAPs.
Download Sample Report Here @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5525
Drivers of Market Growth
1. Increased Demand in Personal Care Products
The personal care and hygiene industry remains a significant driver for the SAPs market. Superabsorbent polymers are integral to the manufacturing of high-performance personal hygiene products, including diapers, adult incontinence products, and feminine hygiene items. The growing consumer demand for products that offer superior comfort, leakage protection, and odor control continues to fuel market growth. Advances in SAP technology have enhanced the absorption and retention capabilities of these products, further bolstering their popularity.
2. Adoption in Agriculture
The agriculture sector has increasingly turned to SAPs for improving water retention and crop yield. These polymers are utilized to enhance soil moisture retention, which is crucial for maintaining healthy crop growth, especially in arid regions. By absorbing and slowly releasing water, SAPs help mitigate the effects of drought and reduce the need for frequent irrigation. This application of SAPs supports the growth of the market by addressing critical challenges in modern agriculture.
3. Rising Awareness in Hygiene and Healthcare
Heightened awareness about hygiene and healthcare has led to increased adoption of SAPs in various applications. The demand for advanced medical dressings and wound care products that leverage SAPs to provide better absorption and comfort is on the rise. Additionally, SAPs are being integrated into smart packaging solutions and innovative healthcare applications, reflecting the expanding scope of their utility.
Market Constraints and Challenges
Despite the promising growth prospects, the superabsorbent polymers market faces several challenges:
1. Environmental Concerns
The non-biodegradable nature of traditional SAPs poses significant environmental concerns. As these polymers accumulate in landfills and natural habitats, their long-term impact on the environment becomes increasingly concerning. This issue has led to growing scrutiny and calls for more sustainable alternatives, which could impede market growth if not addressed.
2. Regulatory and Disposal Challenges
Stringent regulations regarding the use and disposal of SAP products also pose challenges. Compliance with evolving environmental standards requires significant investment and adaptation from manufacturers. The need for improved disposal methods and the development of bio-based SAPs are critical areas of focus for overcoming these regulatory hurdles.
Growth Opportunities
1. Development of Bio-Based SAPs
Advancements in bio-based SAPs present significant growth opportunities for the market. These sustainable alternatives to traditional SAPs offer reduced environmental impact and align with increasing consumer and regulatory demands for eco-friendly products. Innovations in bio-based materials are expected to drive market expansion and open new avenues for application.
2. Expanding Applications in Oil & Gas and Food Packaging
The application of SAPs in the oil & gas sector, particularly for spill containment and enhanced oil recovery, is an emerging trend. Similarly, the food packaging industry is exploring SAPs for improved moisture control and preservation. These new applications highlight the versatility of SAPs and their potential to penetrate various industrial sectors.
3. Smart Packaging Solutions
The growing trend towards smart packaging is also influencing the SAPs market. SAPs are being integrated into packaging solutions that offer enhanced functionality, such as moisture control and freshness preservation. This trend reflects the evolving demands of consumers and industries for advanced, multifunctional packaging solutions.
Market Segmentation
The superabsorbent polymers market is segmented into several categories, each offering unique insights into market dynamics.
1. By Type
The market is primarily segmented into sodium polyacrylate, polyacrylamide copolymer, and other types of superabsorbent polymers. Sodium polyacrylate is expected to dominate the market in 2024, accounting for over 78.0% of the market share. This is due to its superior liquid absorption capacity and high retention capabilities, which make it ideal for personal hygiene products. However, the polyacrylamide copolymer segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR, driven by its benefits in applications such as wastewater treatment, agriculture, and enhanced oil recovery.
2. By Formulation
Superabsorbent polymers are available in powder, granular, and flake formulations. The granular formulation segment is anticipated to hold the largest market share in 2024 due to its efficient absorption properties and uniform performance. Granules offer a higher surface area-to-volume ratio, which is critical for consistent results across various applications. Conversely, the powder formulation segment is expected to register the highest CAGR, owing to its rapid absorption capabilities and flexibility in meeting specific performance requirements.
3. By Application
The market is segmented by application into personal care & hygiene, packaging & absorbents, self-healing concrete & sealants, medical dressings, soil moisture retention, spill containment, and other applications. Personal care & hygiene is projected to hold the largest share, driven by the demand for high-performance hygiene products. The medical dressings segment is expected to exhibit the highest CAGR due to the increasing use of SAPs in advanced wound care solutions.
4. By Sector
The market is segmented into agriculture, packaging & industrial, construction & civil engineering, health & wellness, medical, oil & gas, and other sectors. The health & wellness sector is projected to dominate the market, driven by the need for advanced personal care products and effective wound management solutions. The medical sector is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR, reflecting the expanding use of SAPs in medical applications and drug delivery systems.
5. By Geography
Geographically, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Asia-Pacific is expected to account for the largest share, attributed to increased awareness about personal hygiene and the rising adoption of SAPs in medical applications and sustainable personal care products. The region is also projected to experience the highest CAGR, reflecting its growing market potential and investment in healthcare and hygiene infrastructure.
Competitive Landscape
The superabsorbent polymers market is characterized by the presence of several key players, including:
BASF SE (Germany)
Evonik Industries AG (Germany)
Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co., Ltd. (Japan)
LG Chem Ltd. (South Korea)
Formosa Plastics Corporation (Taiwan)
Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd. (Japan)
Yixing Danson Technology (China)
Songwon Industrial Co., Ltd. (South Korea)
San-Dia Polymers Global Co. Ltd. (Japan)
Kao Corporation (Japan)
Zhejiang Weilong Polymer Material Co., Ltd. (China)
Quan Zhou Banglida Technology Industry Co., Ltd. (China)
Shandong Nuoer Biological Technology Co., Ltd. (China)
Wanhua Chemical (Yantai) Sales Co., Ltd. (China)
Sinofert Holdings Limited (China)
Ecovia Renewables Inc. (U.S.)
These companies are actively involved in research and development to enhance SAP technologies and expand their market presence. Strategic partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions are common as companies seek to innovate and capture new market opportunities.
Read Full Report : https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/superabsorbent-polymers-market-5525
The superabsorbent polymers market is poised for significant growth, driven by advancements in technology, expanding applications, and increasing demand across various sectors. While challenges such as environmental concerns and regulatory hurdles remain, the development of bio-based SAPs and emerging market opportunities offer promising avenues for growth. Stakeholders in the industry must stay informed about evolving trends and innovations to navigate the dynamic market landscape and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
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industrynewsupdates · 30 days
Smart Agriculture Market 2024-2030: Growth Share and Future Trends
The global smart agriculture market size was valued at USD 22.65 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
Increasing automation of commercial greenhouses and growing implementation of the controlled environment agriculture (CEA) concept in greenhouses, in a bid to obtain a higher yield and maintain optimum growing conditions, are the key factors driving demand during the forecast period. Cultivators realize the potential benefits of growing plants inside a greenhouse, which has led to the development of commercial greenhouses. Cultivators have shifted from the conventional lighting systems to LED grow lights as the latter can easily be integrated into a CEA setup. Although LED grows lights are high in cost, they are an ideal option for indoor farming, owing to their long-term benefits in terms of energy efficiency.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Smart Agriculture Market
Smart agriculture companies are shifting their focus toward the development of equipment that is integrated with advanced sensors and cameras. Key technologies driving the market demand include livestock biometrics, such as RFID, biometrics, and GPS to help cultivators automatically obtain information regarding livestock in real-time. Furthermore, infrastructural health sensors are used for monitoring material conditions and vibrations in buildings, factories, bridges, farms, and other infrastructure. Coupled with an intelligent network, infrastructural health sensors help provide information to the maintenance team in real-time. In addition, agricultural robots are being used to automate farming processes, such as soil maintenance, weeding, fruit picking, harvesting, planting, plowing, and irrigation, among others.
To sustain profits, farmers are increasingly adopting smarter and more efficient agriculture technologies to deliver high-quality products to the smart agriculture market in sufficient quantities. Mobile technology aids in offering innovative types and applications that are used across the agricultural value chain.
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications are particularly suited for the agricultural sector, enabling farmers to monitor equipment, assess the environmental impact on production, precisely manage livestock and crops, and keep track of tractors and other agricultural equipment. M2M is an integral part of IoT, which describes the coordination of multiple devices, appliances, and machines connected to the internet through multiple networks.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought widespread disruption to the global supply chain, resulting in food shortages and inflation. Necessary measures are required to strengthen the food supply chain and prepare for any future crisis. The ongoing pandemic has highlighted the significance of being able to carry out agricultural operations remotely. The ability of smart agricultural practices to help farmers recoup losses in a relatively shorter lead time is expected to drive future market growth.
Smart Agriculture Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global smart agriculture market report based on type, offering, application, and region.
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Precision farming
• Livestock monitoring
• Smart greenhouse
• Others
Offering Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
• Hardware
o Automation & control systems
o Drones
o Application control devices
o Guidance system
o Remote sensing
o Handheld
o Satellite sensing
o Driverless tractors
o Mobile devices
o Map-based
o Sensor-based
o Wireless modules
o Bluetooth technology
o Wi-Fi technology
o Zigbee technology
o RF technology
o Milking robots
o Sensing devices
o Soil sensor
o Nutrient sensor
o Moisture sensor
o Temperature sensor
o Water sensors
o Climate sensors
o Others
o HVAC system
o LED grow light
o RFID tags & readers
• Software
o Web-based
o Cloud-based
• Types
o System integration & consulting
o Maintenance & support
o Managed types
o Data types
o Analytics types
o Farm operation types
o Assisted professional types
o Supply chain management types
o Climate information types
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017 - 2030)
• Precision farming application
o Yield monitoring
o On-farm
o Off-farm
o Field mapping
o Crop scouting
o Weather tracking & forecasting
o Irrigation management
o Inventory management
o Farm labor management
• Livestock monitoring application
o Milk harvesting
o Breeding management
o Feeding management
o Animal comfort management
o Others
• Smart greenhouse application
o Water & fertilizer management
o HVAC management
o Yield monitoring
o Others
• Others
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2017 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o U.K.
o Germany
o France
o Russia
o Netherland
• Asia Pacific
o China
o Japan
o India
o Australia
o Singapore
• South America
o Brazil
• Middle East and Africa (MEA)
o Turkey
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
• The global agriculture 4.0 market was estimated at USD 67.73 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.6% from 2024 to 2030. 
• The global AI in food & beverages market size was valued at USD 8.45 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 39.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market include Ag Leader Technology, AGCO Corporation, AgJunction, Inc., AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc., Autonomous Solutions, Inc., Argus Control Systems Ltd, BouMatic Robotic B.V., CropMetrics, CLAAS KGaA mbH, CropZilla, Deere & Company, DICKEY-john, DroneDeploy, DeLaval Inc, Farmers Edge Inc, Grownetics, Inc., Granular, Inc., Gamaya, GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft, Raven Industries, Trimble Inc., Topcon Positioning System among others.
• AGCO Corporation is a U.S.-based agriculture equipment manufacturer. The company develops and sells products and solutions such as tractors, combines, foragers, hay tools, self-propelled sprayers, smart farming technologies, seeding equipment, and tillage equipment.
• Deere & Company is engaged in the manufacturing & construction of agricultural and forestry machinery; drivetrains and diesel engines for heavy equipment; and lawn care machinery. Additionally, the company also manufactures and provides other heavy manufacturing equipment. The company serves diverse industries such as agriculture, forestry, construction, landscaping & grounds care, engines & drivetrain, government and military, and sports turf.
Prospera Technologies and Agrible, Inc. are some of the emerging market participants in the target market.
• Prospera Technologies is a global service provider of agriculture technology for managing and optimizing irrigation and crop health. The company provides AI-based sensors and cameras that aid farmers in crop monitoring.
• Agrible is a U.S.-based agriculture solution provider. The company helps customers in more than 30 countries optimize water use, crop protection, fertilization, fieldwork, research trials, food supply chains, and sustainability initiatives
Key Smart Agriculture Companies:
• Ag Leader Technology
• AGCO Corporation
• AgJunction, Inc.
• AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc.
• Autonomous Solutions, Inc.
• Argus Control Systems Ltd
• BouMatic Robotic B.V.
• CropMetrics
• CropZilla
• Deere & Company
• DICKEY-john
• DroneDeploy
• DeLaval Inc
• Farmers Edge Inc
• Grownetics, Inc.
• Granular, Inc.
• Gamaya
• GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft
• Raven Industries
• Trimble Inc.
• Topcon Positioning System
Recent Developments
• In July 2023, Deere & Company announced the acquisition of Smart Apply, Inc. The company planned to leverage Smart Apply’s precision spraying to assist growers in addressing the challenges associated with input costs, labor, regulatory requirements, and environmental goals.
• In May 2023, AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. announced that it had entered into a 2-year supply agreement with Wingtra AG. This agreement is purposed to secure the supply of RedEdge-P sensor kits for incorporation with WingtraOne VTOL drones. This is specifically resourceful for those seeking to benefit materially from unparalleled, high precision, and plant-level detail in commercial agriculture, environmental research, forestry, and water management applications.
• In April 2023, AGCO Corporation announced a strategic collaboration with Hexagon, for the expansion of AGCO’s factory-fit and aftermarket guidance offerings. The new guidance system was planned to be commercialized as Fuse Guide on Valtra and Massey Ferguson tractors.
• In February 2023, Topcon Agriculture unveiled the launch of Transplanting Control, an exceptional guidance control solution for specialty farmers. This turnkey solution was designed to boost efficiency, reduce labor, and proliferate production. Further, it delivers GNSS-driven guidance, autosteering & control, thereby proving advantageous for the growers of perennial trees, vegetables, and fruits.
• In January 2023, ASI Logistics in collaboration with SICK, Inc. announced the successful implementation of autonomous yard truck operations. In this collaboration, ASI Logistics leveraged its groundbreaking Vehicle Automation Kit (VAK) along with the industry-leading LiDAR systems of SICK.
• In March 2022, Raven announced its business expansion in South Dakota and Arizona to enhance the development of AI-driven technologies for tailoring cutting-edge solutions. The strategy was also aimed at allowing access to a nearby test farm for same-day testing.
• In October 2021, BouMatic announced the acquisition of SAC Group to leverage automatic and conventional milking systems. The transaction demonstrated the company’s incessant commitment to delivering best-in-class dairy farm solutions to consumers across the world.
• In May 2021, AGCO announced a targeted spraying solutions strategic collaboration with Raven Industries Inc., BASF Digital, and Robert Bosch GmbH. The objective of this deal was to assess the targeted spraying technology for enhancing crop protection product applications by limiting crop input costs and addressing environmental sustainability.
Order a free sample PDF of the Smart Agriculture Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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"AR in Agriculture: Enhancing Efficiency or Just Overcomplicating Simple Tasks?"
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As the market is still in its nascent stage, its growth is primarily driven by the increasing global demand for food, the rising population, the trend of digitalization in both industry (Industry 4.0) and agriculture (Agriculture 4.0), the need for simulated training, and the importance of precise field monitoring.
Digital technology has increasingly influenced various industries in recent years, and agriculture is no exception. Augmented Reality has emerged as a transformative force within the agricultural sector, offering innovative solutions that enhance productivity, efficiency, and sustainability.
Key Applications of Augmented Reality in Agriculture
Precision Farming: AR enables farmers to visualize and analyze critical data such as soil conditions, crop health, and weather patterns in real-time. This facilitates informed decision-making related to planting, irrigation, and harvesting, which leads to increased crop yields and optimized resource usage.
Training and Education: AR technology offers immersive training experiences, providing farmers with step-by-step guidance on equipment operation, crop management, and pest control. This contributes to skill development and better knowledge retention among agricultural professionals.
Remote Assistance: Farmers can receive virtual assistance from remote experts through AR-powered devices such as smart glasses or mobile phones. This helps in quick issue resolution, reducing downtime and improving overall farm productivity.
Crop Monitoring and Management: AR applications assist in monitoring crop health by overlaying real-time data on the condition of plants. This allows for early identification of diseases, pests, and nutrient deficiencies, enabling timely intervention and preventing potential yield losses.
Sample pages of Report: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/form/934?name=Sample
Benefits of Augmented Reality in Agriculture
Increased Efficiency: AR streamlines farm operations by providing timely information, reducing the need for manual tasks, and optimizing the use of resources.
Improved Decision-Making: Access to real-time data enables farmers to make more informed decisions regarding crop management, resource allocation, and overall farm strategy.
Sustainability: AR-facilitated precision farming practices contribute to sustainable agriculture by minimizing resource wastage, reducing environmental impact, and optimizing input usage.
Enhanced Productivity: AR tools lead to increased productivity through efficient resource management, improved crop management, and reduced operational downtimes.
Understanding Augmented Reality in Agriculture
Augmented Reality involves overlaying digital information onto the physical world, providing users with an enriched and interactive experience. In agriculture, AR integrates digital insights with the physical environment to deliver real-time data, insights, and visualizations to farmers and agricultural professionals. This technology utilizes devices such as smart glasses, smartphones, and tablets to create an immersive and informative environment.
Market Impact
The global shift towards digitization, industrialization, and sustainability has created significant opportunities for companies to invest in advanced technological tools within agriculture. Digitization is particularly evident in precision agriculture, smart farming, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analytics, with North America and Europe leading the market.
Market Segmentation
By Application:
Indoor Farming
Outdoor Farming
By Solution:
By Region:
North America: U.S., Canada, and Mexico
Europe: Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, and Rest-of-Europe
Asia-Pacific: Japan, India, Australia and New Zealand, and Rest-of-Asia-Pacific
Rest-of-the-World: South America, Middle East, and Africa
Recent Developments in the Global Augmented Reality in Agriculture Market
June 2022: Rams Creative Technologies Pvt. Ltd. announced a new partnership with Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Program (MRPP), a program designed by Microsoft for companies involved in designing, developing, and deploying mixed reality and augmented reality solutions for enterprises.
January 2022: Augmenta and Arva Intelligence entered into a partnership to promote affordable farm-ready automation, environmental enhancement, and carbon offsetting.
Report Overview : https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/market-reports/global-ar-in-agriculture-market
Market Drivers and Challenges
Digitization driving the next agricultural revolution (Agriculture 4.0)
AR as a tool for precise field monitoring
Growing demand for spatial computing applications
Lack of awareness
Limited research and development (R&D) and agricultural use-cases for AR
Augmented Reality is ushering in a new era of smart and sustainable farming practices in agriculture. By providing real-time data, enhancing decision-making, and optimizing resource use, AR is becoming an invaluable tool for farmers to meet the challenges of modern agriculture. As the market continues to develop, the integration of technology and agriculture is set to revolutionize food production and the management of agricultural resources.
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blogbisresearch · 2 years
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maharghaideovate · 1 month
Technology Integration in System Management at Madras University
It's leading the way in redefining the very way of learning and teaching System Management at Madras University. Equipped with state-of-the-art tools, facilities par excellence, and pioneering research, the university enables students to face today's technology-driven marketplace. Let's break down what makes the MBA Distance Education Madras University program so special—starting with the tech tools and software, amazing labs and facilities, and cutting-edge research.
Tech Tools and Software
The Madras University provides students pursuing their MBA through distance education the hands-on machine experience of the latest technology tools and software used in system management. Here are a few of them:
Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)
SAP: Learn business operation management and customer relations management.
Oracle ERP: Achieve expertise in large business application handling.
Project Management Software
Microsoft Project: This is used for initiating, executing, and closing a project.
Asana and Trello: Task management and team collaboration done right.
Data Analytics and Visualization
Tableau: Transform data into business insights across interactive dashboards.
Power BI: Analyze and share insights through visual reports.
Cybersecurity Tools
Wireshark: Network protocol analysis to secure your data
Kali Linux: The favorite for penetration testing and security auditing
Labs and Facilities
Madras University has several impressive labs and facilities that support their MBA distance education students. The following is a view of what's available in these facilities:
Computer Labs
High-Performance Computing Lab: Equipped with a variety of high-performance servers for complex computations.
AI and Machine Learning Lab: Provided with the latest AI software and tools. Innovation and Incubation Center
Tech Incubator: Resources and mentorship to aid early-stage startups, student-run projects. Collaboration Spaces Group spaces for working, thinking, and innovating.
Research and Development Labs Cybersecurity Lab: Safeguarding digital assets and networks.
IoT Lab: Development and testing of Internet of Things devices.
Cutting-Edge Research
The Madras University is engaged in various research projects that play with the very core of technology in system management. A glance at some of the pathbreaking works in progress:
Smart Cities Project
Objective: Come up with sustainable solutions to urban problems using IoT and AI.
Impact: Improved urban planning, efficient resource management, enhanced quality of life.
Cybersecurity Initiatives
Objective: Enhance digital security measures to protect against cyber threats.
Impact: Improved Security Protocols for Business and Individuals
AI in Healthcare
Objective: Apply AI in realizing early diagnosis of diseases and personalized medicine. Impact: Improved patient health outcomes and streamlining of healthcare services.
Blockchain in Supply Chain
Objective: To apply blockchain technology to smoothen and secure supply chain operations. Impact: Transparency, reduced fraud, and better efficiency.
Student Projects
Intelligent Agriculture: A group of students designed an IoT-enabled system to monitor soil health and automate irrigation, thereby bringing increased sustainability to farming practices.
Another team worked out the robust framework of the cyber defense system, which has been under testing by a few small business entities to protect against cyber threats.
Why Study at Madras University?
By opting for the distance MBA course offered by Madras University, you are opting for a future-ready education. Here's why:
Flexible Learning: Ideal for working professionals who need to balance work and life with studies.
Tech-Savvy Curriculum: Focuses on the latest trends and tools in system management.
Supportive Community: Access to mentors, alumni networks, and peer support.
System Management education at Madras University is incomparable, concerning current and emerging technologies. Students shall not only be able to solve problems that come their way in the business world but also get exposure to advanced tools, world-class labs, and cutting-edge research, thereby being fully armed to take on the technological challenges of the workplace. Get high-proficiency training in ERP, project management, data analytics, or cybersecurity through the strategically designed program for top distance MBA colleges like  Madras University. So, get ready to take your career to new heights by showing off the Skills and Knowledge learned here.
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msinsights · 2 months
Hoses Market  Growth, Share, Opportunities, Major Key Manufactures and Forecast to 2031
The Hoses Market, as illuminated by the comprehensive report from Metastat Insight, offers a detailed panorama of an industry deeply entrenched in the heartbeat of various sectors. In dissecting the intricate web of this market, one finds a tapestry woven with threads of innovation, demand dynamics, and technological advancements. As we navigate through the fabric of this market, it becomes evident that hoses, often overlooked in their ubiquity, are the unsung heroes facilitating fluid transfer across diverse applications.
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/request-sample/2720
Top Companies
Gates Corporation, Parker Hannifin Corporation, ContiTech Deutschland GmbH, Colex International Ltd., Danfoss A/S, Kanaflex Corporation, USA, Norres Schlauchtechnik Gmbh, Kurt Manufacturing, RYCO Hydraulics.
Metastat Insight's report casts a spotlight on the global landscape of hoses, revealing a market teeming with diversity and potential. From the industrial sector to residential applications, hoses play a multifaceted role, seamlessly connecting disparate components and systems. The report underscores the market's resilience and adaptability, shaping itself in response to the ever-changing needs of industries worldwide. 
One of the notable trends highlighted in the report is the surge in demand for specialized hoses tailored to specific industries. This bespoke approach reflects an industry that is not confined by generic solutions but is, instead, finely tuned to cater to the nuanced requirements of sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and healthcare. The market is witnessing a shift towards hoses designed to withstand extreme conditions, be it temperature, pressure, or the nature of the conveyed substances. 
Metastat Insight's analysis draws attention to the pivotal role played by technological innovations in propelling the hoses market forward. Advancements in materials, manufacturing processes, and design have not only enhanced the durability and efficiency of hoses but have also expanded their application horizons. The market is witnessing a paradigm shift with the integration of smart technologies, giving rise to hoses equipped with sensors for real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and data-driven insights.
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/report/hoses-market
As we explore the various segments of the hoses market, the agricultural sector emerges as a significant driver of demand. The report sheds light on the indispensable role hoses play in modern agriculture, facilitating irrigation, pesticide application, and the overall management of fluid resources. The emphasis on sustainable agriculture has further propelled the demand for hoses designed for water conservation and efficient resource utilization.
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erpinformation · 2 months
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tamanna31 · 1 month
Farm Management Software Market - Positive Long-Term Growth Outlook 2030
Farm Management Software Industry Overview
The global farm management software market size was estimated at USD 3.30 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.2% from 2023 to 2030.
The growth of the market can be attributed to the increasing implementation of cloud computing for real-time farm data management. Farm Management Software (FMS) involves the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT), particularly IoT and big data analytics, to address resource constraints such as shortage of energy, water, and labor and social issues such as environment, animal welfare and use of fertilizers, which negatively influence the agricultural production.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Farm Management Software Market
The adoption of remote sensing technology in the agriculture industry has increased due to the emergence of drones and GIS. The images captured through a device featuring remote sensing technology can be used for the detection of cop water stress, monitoring weeds & crop diseases, classification of crop species, and mapping of soil properties. Some open-source remote sensing software includes Quantum GIS Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP), Optical and Radar Federated Earth Observation (ORFEO) toolbox, Opticks, and PolSARPro.
The increasing use of site-specific crop management is expected to reduce pesticide use, increase crop yields, and provide greater insight for farm management decisions. Farm management software equipped with advanced data analytics capabilities can process historical and real-time data to generate predictive models, enabling farmers to forecast crop performance under different environmental conditions. By analyzing factors like weather patterns, soil quality, and crop health, the software can offer valuable insights to make informed decisions regarding fertilization, pest control, and irrigation. Forecasting crop performance under various environmental situations can assist farmers in boosting their yield. Phenotyping aids in the understanding of several elements affecting crop growth, such as nitrogen depletion and soil pH levels. It is used to determine crop growth under various situations.
The players in the agriculture industry are acknowledging the need for technology infusion to increase the production of crops. The growing farm mechanization has increased the profitability of the agriculture sector in developed countries. Modern agriculture involves the use of software and hardware components. Equipment manufacturing requires embedded application software and hardware, along with network services.
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
• The global aviation software market size was estimated at USD 10.68 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.2% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global generative AI in financial services market size was estimated at USD 1,673.1 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 39.1% from 2024 to 2030.
Global Farm Management Software Market Report Segmentation
This report forecasts revenue growth at the global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis of the latest trends and opportunities in each of the sub-segments over the forecast period. For this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global farm management software market report based on agriculture type, deployment model, solution, and region.
Agriculture Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Precision Farming
Livestock Monitoring
Smart Greenhouse
Deployment Model Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Solution Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
System Integration & Consulting
Maintenance & Support
Managed Services
Data Services
Analytics Services
Farm Operation Services
Assisted Professional Services
Supply Chain Management Services
Climate Information Services
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
South Africa
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is competitive and has the presence of several key market players. These players are adopting strategies such as partnerships and collaborations to gain a competitive edge. For instance, in January 2021, Farmers Edge, Inc. announced a partnership with Google Cloud to promote the company’s services and boost the implementation of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analysis in its program. Some prominent players in the global farm management software market include:
Ag Leader Technology
AgJunction LLC
CropX, Inc.
CropZilla Inc.
Deere & Company
CNH Industrial
Trimble Inc.
Climate LLC.
GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft
Farmers Edge Inc.
Order a free sample PDF of the Farm Management Software Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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