#sluttystark stuff
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Repeat After Me
Tony was growing tired of his life, the never ending routine he’d tied himself down to. Even with a fiancee, a stable job, and a comfortable life, there was hardly a time where he didn’t think about the past to escape the present. He could never have guessed a simple friend request and a pretty Peter Parker would be his undoing as well as his sanctuary. 18+
Part 1 | Part 2
Tags: nff, age difference, former teacher/student
Word count: 3.1k
Read below the cut
Peter hadn’t been on Facebook in years...technically. Maybe every so often just to update his profile picture so people knew he didn’t still look like a 15 year old with a face riddled with baby fat. Sure, he could just delete his account, but he’ll admit he likes knowing what his high school classmates are up to. It was interesting to see how some people he’s known since elementary school turned out now that they were all college graduates. He’s never interacted in those times, just lurked and scrolled for a few minutes before he came across a corny meme or a factually incorrect post that looks like it was screenshotted a million times and had to exit.
He was extra bored tonight, though. Peter tried not to think about how quiet it was now that he lived in his own apartment. Aunt May had moved in with her boyfriend after Peter graduated and landed a job at Oscorp. It came with a starting bonus and a large paycheck that allowed Peter to live comfortably on his own while he worked in the R & D department. A compromise made with Norman Osborn instead of selling him the rights to the web fluid he created in college. Peter wanted to continue to develop it front and center; find every possible application for it. So much so, that he didn’t get to go out much. Ned was in DC at his NASA internship, living out his “guy in a chair” dreams. MJ was somewhere in Asia, backpacking with her girlfriend. The friends he made at Columbia went their separate ways.
So this was his life now. Wake up, go to work, come home, sleep. Alone.
After getting home from work around 6 pm, Peter went for an hour long run, ate dinner, and showered. 8 pm found him sitting on his living room sofa, flipping aimlessly between different streaming services unable to find anything interesting to watch. He went through Instagram, Twitter, and even Tumblr a few times before the last “you’re all caught up!” notification popped up on his phone. So, with a heavy sigh, he propped two pillows against the wall for him to lean on, flopped down on his bed, and opened Facebook.
The first post Peter saw was a life event update from Flash Thompson, his high school nuisance, (“bully” would be giving him too much credit) “In a Relationship with Brad Davis”. Peter huffed out a breath, not really surprised with how much Flash used to tease him about being openly bisexual. Penis Parker. How original.
A memory appeared at the top of his feed from 7 years ago, today. It was a picture of him and Ned when they finished building his Lego Death Star. Peter smiled at that, Ned was holding it above his head with a beaming smile plastered on his face. His younger self had both scrawny arms thrown in the air looking triumphant as ever, curls unruly, and rectangular metal glasses falling halfway down his nose.
Peter was glad he filled out a bit since he was 15 and traded in wearing glasses daily for contacts. His curls were still nice and floppy, the tips of them tickling his ears, but he liked it that way. Plus, he could tame them when he wanted to.
He scrolled for a while longer, watched a few videos of cats being adorable assholes and one-pot recipes, went on Marketplace to see what people in his area were selling. He even went through his old pictures and deleted the incredibly embarrassing ones, and updated his profile picture to his most recent selfie.
This Facebook arc was coming to a quick end, he could feel the boredom seeping back in. He looked to his right, the bright red digital numbers on his clock read 10:05 pm. Good enough. He can turn in for the night without feeling inept.
Thumb poised, ready to swipe the App closed, his eyes caught on a name in the “People You May Know” section. Tony Stark. As in, Mr. Stark, his Sophomore Chemistry teacher. AKA his most inappropriate high school crush. Despite being alone, Peter could feel the tips of his ears heat up.
Wow, he hadn’t thought of Mr. Stark in years.
Alright, that’s not true. Peter thinks about him every time he wonders why he has an affinity for older men. Besides the point, he’s taken back to Midtown, sitting front row, head balanced on his palm watching dreamily as Mr. Stark explained how atoms and molecules join together through ionic and covalent bonding (which Peter already knew, so it was fine that he was zoning out). The man’s voice was like honey, words oozing smooth and sweet, rumbling deeply in his chest. Peter remembers every time he caught his eye while he scanned the room during lectures. Mr. Stark was 30 then, it was his first year teaching, and a 15 year age gap seemed like a canyon.
Peter tapped on his name to go to his profile so he can get a better look at his picture. His heart was racing, despite a few sporadic grey hairs at his temples, some crows feet wrinkling at the corner of his eyes, and deeper smile lines, he looked the absolute same. Fucking hot. If anything, all those things made him look even sexier. Licking his lips, Peter tried to go through his profile to see more photos of the man, unfortunately he had a lot of his privacy settings on so there wasn’t much to see but his last profile picture update and location. He still lived in New York, so that was a plus, but Peter wanted - needed to see more.
His thumb hovered over the Add Friend button. It wouldn’t be weird, would it? He was Facebook friends with other teachers from Midtown. He graduated over four years ago, and he wasn’t a lovesick kid with a school boy crush anymore. Fuck it, right? The worst he can do is deny the friend request.
“Add Friend” turned into “Cancel Request”, and Peter blew out a large breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
Alright, Peter. Time to turn in. He said to himself as he threw his phone onto his bed and got up to brush his teeth. No use waiting around, he wasn’t going to accept it tonight or any time soon for that matter. When he got back from the bathroom, he didn’t even bother looking at his phone. He plugged it in, placed it face down on his nightstand, and drifted off to sleep.
A few minutes later, the man’s phone lit up with a Facebook notification, unbeknownst to a slumbering Peter Parker.
Tony’s daily routine had been rather monotonous lately, to say the least. Since he’d made his way up the proverbial ladder of life and moved on from being a teacher to becoming a senior engineer at a major tech conglomerate, you’d think his day-to-day life of overseeing technical advancement projects wouldn’t be so boring.
The paycheck was substantially bigger than when he was a high school teacher and the amount of technology he had access to was more than the idle body walking the street could ever dream of, but…he missed teaching. He missed the kids. The pure unadulterated joy they displayed whenever Tony praised them on their science projects. He watched over brilliant men and women every day but nothing compared to the ambition of those kids.
Tony often found himself dreading going to work each day, and coming home to an empty house and take-out food his fiancée left for him that night.
Pepper was a great woman. Fierce and reliable. She was there when Tony’s parents died. She even stuck through all the years of Tony trying to decide what he wanted to do with his life. So, naturally, Tony proposed to her when he graduated from college. As a “thank you” and as a promise. That once he had enough money he would make an honest woman out of her. Of course, she already was an honest woman. It was Tony who needed the support, she was all he had left besides Rhodey, but he decided to join the Air Force and shipped off right after graduation. Tony sees him every couple of months, if even that.
She has had all these years to focus on her own career as well while Tony worked menial jobs and then became a teacher. When Tony finally got the Mechanical Engineer job, she was so relieved to not have to be the only one taking care of the bills. Though she never said it, Tony knew. Pepper is the head of HR at Oscorp as well as Norman Osborn’s personal assistant. Operating at the same routine for seven years now and she doesn’t seem to be bored, but that’s Pepper - reliable.
It’s been nine years since Tony asked her to marry him, and he’s been financially capable of paying for an adequate wedding for two of them. The truth is, Pepper has become a part of the monotony that Tony is so tired of.
Tony opened the door to their apartment, the main hall light illuminating the dark wood flooring and the entry table he tossed his keys down on. Toeing off his shoes, he could already smell the Thai food Pepper had eaten and left for him. He flipped the lights on and made his way to the kitchen, loosening his tie and unbuttoning the first two buttons in the process. Rounding the large white marble island at the center, Tony reached into the bottom cabinet, pulled out a bottle of scotch, and poured himself a finger before throwing the left-overs in the microwave to heat up.
A little white card with Pepper’s uniform handwriting sat on the table next to the take-out bag: Emergency at work. Don’t wait up. Love you, Pep x. Tony took a sip of his drink, unaffected, it’s been happening more as of late with Oscorp’s new launch around the corner.
“JARVIS, could ya turn on the TV for me? Oh, and heat up my food.” Tony spoke into the open space. He’d been working on his own Artificial Intelligence software in his spare time and recently implemented it-him into their apartment’s security and electrical. Pepper was wary at first, seeing Tony put up cameras in every single room. Even the bathroom, Tony? He assured her that it was unhackable, bet it on his life.
“Certainly, sir.” A disembodied british voice replied. Sure enough, the TV powered on and the microwave came to life.
“Thanks, J.” Tony would be lying if he said he wasn’t proud of himself. He’d been drawing up the specs for JARVIS since he was in high school, now he finally had the means to develop him.
When the microwave turned off, Tony gathered up his plate and went to sit on the black leather sectional in the living room. Shoveling a mouth full of pad thai with his chopsticks, he kicked up his feet to rest them on the ottoman in front of him. He very well knows he could just pull out his phone and look, but he wanted to give JARVIS a little workout.
“Got anything new for me?”
“An email from Mr. Justin Hammer about a job offer, would you like me to read it aloud to you, sir?” Tony waved his hand dismissively with a sour expression. Justin Hammer, a sad excuse for a tech mogul, cutting corners for a bigger pay off.
“Delete it, will ya?”
As Tony scrapes the rest of his plate clean, he rises off the couch and stretches his arms and body. The pain in his lower back calls for a hot shower to soothe his aching muscles. Earlier today he’d been bent over his lab table working on an advanced prosthesis that can form to any amputee with ease and give them full range of motion like it was theirs, not just a placeholder. He was grateful his employer seemed to actually care about the greater good.
Tony went to pour himself another finger before retreating to the bedroom to take that shower his body was craving. He undressed slowly, watching himself in the full length mirror opposite the foot of his California King bed. The tie went first, falling lightly to the carpeted floor. He unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and tossed it in the laundry basket along with his slacks. Olive skin pulled taut against the small yet defined muscles of his stomach, chest, and arms littered with various burns and scars from working with robotics and chemicals.
Tony definitely wasn’t 21 anymore but he knew he looked good for 37. He could only thank his genes for that and the still full head of hair despite his greying temples that he never bothered to dye.
“JARVIS, shower?” He heard the water splash against the tile of the shower floor and waited until he could see the steam bellow out into the hall to down the rest of his glass and make his way to the bathroom.
The hot spray connecting with his cool skin made him jump a little until he got used to the heat enough to relax. The buzz he was feeling from the scotch aiding the water in loosening his muscles. After washing his hair, Tony decided to stand beneath the spray for a while longer, reveling in the gentle caress of the water.
He then grabbed his mesh loofah ball, poured some body wash on it, and started scrubbing his body. Washing away the trials and tribulations of the day, along with some oil and grease. He worked over his arms, chest, and back. Bent over to wash his legs and feet, then dragged the loofah over his ass and stomach before he lightly grazed his cock, making it twitch in response.
God, he was so wound up, he and Pepper hadn’t had sex in over two months. Always so busy, always just missing each other. When they did happen to be home at the same time, they were too tired to do anything.
He wrapped a soapy hand around his shaft and stroked lazily to work himself to full hardness, which didn’t take very long. Tony tried thinking about Pepper but he couldn’t quite imagine her face and her body, the scotch must be making his mind hazy. He chuckled softly at the thought, not even believing it himself.
Searching through his brain for something to get him there, Tony grunted in annoyance that nothing was coming to him.
He thought harder, until a body started to form in his mind. Smooth pale skin over a lithe, hard body. The V at the bottom of the abdomen pointing to a skinny dick with a pretty pink head. Tony had a fondness toward pretty twinks in college, the one he was imagining mirrored the ones he fucked before he met Pepper.
His hand began stroking faster as his thoughts got more detailed. In his mind, he stretched the young man open with his fingers before seating his newly opened hole on Tony’s larger, thicker cock. He braced himself with one arm against the shower wall while his other hand tightened around his shaft. Hunched over, eyes closed, he saw a pert little ass bouncing up and down, swallowing every inch of him. He moaned loudly, keenly aware that he was home alone, imagining high whimpers and whines thrumming in his ears as the boy in his mind came. Tony came in spurts down the drain soon after with a choked off groan.
Rinsing himself again, he got out of the shower, quickly toweled off his body and hair before wrapping it around his waist and making his way out into the bedroom once again. His body definitely felt looser than it had been when he arrived home from work. Pulling out another of the same bottle of scotch from the small bar cart he had in his room, he poured himself another drink.
“Have a good shower, sir?” If Tony didn’t know any better, he’d think JARVIS was taunting him.
Tony scowled and raised an eyebrow at the ceiling.
“I don’t remember programming you to be nosy.” He mumbled under his breath.
“Actually, sir. You designed me to do exactly that.”
“Or to give me lip.” No response.
“You did receive a new notification in your absence. Would you like to know what it is?” He took a sip of his drink.
“Yeah, sure.”
“You received a Facebook friend request from a Mr. Peter Parker.”
Peter Parker? Why did that seem familiar?
“Throw it up on the screen for me, J.” The flatscreen lit up, displaying Peter’s profile.
The first thing Tony noticed was the sharp, angular jawline coupled with high cheekbones. A stark contrast to the delicate chestnut curls pushed back into a nice cowlick wave. His smile was bright, pure, and genuine, like the photo had been snapped right as he finished laughing.
It wasn’t until Tony looked at his eyes did he realize who this was. The soft brown eyes were identical to a lanky teenage boy that sat in the front row of his Chemistry class when he taught at Midtown High. Even behind his wiry glasses back then, Tony could tell that his eyes radiated a wholesome energy - just like they did now. That had been...what? Seven years ago? Peter was one of his most brilliant students. Hardly paid attention in class but knew the material like the back of his hand.
Tony almost felt guilty about finding him attractive. Almost.
He accepted the request without another thought. Peter would be 22 by now, nothing weird about that, right? He scrolled through his basic info. Still lives in New York. Graduated from Columbia. Single. Interested in men and women. He doesn’t ever really post anything, then again neither did Tony. The only things on his page were happy birthday posts and tagged photos from his Aunt May. Tony remembered parent/teacher conferences with her, he guessed being smokin’ hot ran in the family.
Tony couldn’t bring himself to feel bad about potentially lusting over this kid. He’d always been faithful to Pepper, but something was missing. Tony craved excitement and some inkling of control over his life. Besides, he could look, as long as he didn’t touch. This is just a Facebook friendship after all.
He pulled the Facebook app up on his phone and tapped on the “Message” icon. When the screen pulled up the chat box, Tony gulped down the rest of his scotch, feeling just on the right side of drunk, and typed out two words.
Hey, Kid.
tags: @sweetqueen449, @slut-for-starker, @dim-ships-johnlock, @starkerhowlter, @sthefystarkersworld, @crazycocococonut, @bris-sins, @delicateavenuenacho, @problemchildnoonewanted (I’ll def be implementing some of your points in future chapters!)
#starker#starker fic#starker au#teacher/student#tony stark x peter parker#Peter Parker/Tony Stark#ironspider#sluttystark stuff
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Galaxy Keeper AU
This is Starker!!! Keep Scrolling if you dont want to see it!!!
Okay, since I can't actually focus on writing this as an actual story, its just gonna be a bunch of drabbles, I apologize
So in this AU, every being(from earth and other worlds) who can be called a 'true hero' is born with a galaxy made specifically for them. And each galaxy is watch by their own personal galaxy Keeper. The Keepers watch over their heroes, and each time they perform a heroic act, their galaxies grow bigger and more beautiful. (More stars/brighter colors)
When the heroes die, they dont go to heaven, the go to their galaxy
On Earth, the year 1970 rolls by and another galaxy comes into existence, the same day Tony Stark is born
His Keeper, like most, was made into a form that their hero would find appealing. (Enter Peter Parker)
((Okay so I also have this idea where Pepper Potts is also named a true hero, and her Keeper is MJ cause theyre adorable and you can't change my mind)
But anyway, so Tony lives his life, becomes Iron Man, saves the world a bunch, and grows old happy.
But because of all the partying and drugs and stuff he did in youth he dies pretty early in life(say, a few years after the war with Thanos, which they would obviously win because canon means nothing to me)
Also, bonus points for Tony to realize hes dying before he does, and think he think hes going to hell because he thinks hes a bad guy, but then he gets to his galaxy and Peter tells him that hes known as a hero up here and emotions happen
And I just imagine that Tony has one of the biggest galaxies, and definitely the brightest, because you know he deserves it
And then him and Pete start to fall in love
And because Keepers are, like, all knowing, all seeing beings, he knows that Tony loves him back
And they talk about it and get together (insert either fluffy, cuddles and kisses/smutty xxx censored interpretation)
And nothing bad happens because they love each other and there's no one to get in the way of their relationship
And they live happily ever after
Thanks for reading this!!! Its not the best, but I hope you liked it! Reblogs and comments are always wanted! Tags: @pantastic-peach @sluttystarker

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Part A2
Tony was a patient man. That was part of being the leader of the most powerful mob in the state. He knew the reward you would get for waiting, but he also knew if you didn't strike at just the right moment, you might miss the only chance you had. All of the lessons he had learned, willingly or not, helped him accomplish the task at hand: Operation Peter.
He had first seen the boy about a week ago. It was a late morning when he was trying to take a break from dealing with all of the stress the assholes in his work were putting on him. Tony could just kill them all, I mean, who could stop him? But, that would honestly be bad for business.
He had slipped into a small cafe, hoping no one would notice him, and ordered an espresso. He went to sit in the far corner, back towards the wall, facing the door. No amount of mindlfulness could have helped prepare him for who walked into the building. Tony had been shot at, beat, RUN THE FUCK OVER, and nearly died on multiple occasions, but that was nothing compared to the feeling he got when he saw Peter for the first time. It was almost similar to that time a psychopath had electrocuted him. He nearly inhaled his coffee. He tried to cough quietly, not wanting the beautiful boy to notice him. And, oh, was he beautiful. He had stepped in the short line and pulled off his gloves. His slender fingers then went to loosen the scarf partially covering his angelic face. The scarf had not completely protected his skin from the cold, so his cheeks were flushed prettily and his nose was red. His thin body rocked back and forth as he looked at the menu, trying to decide what to order. When his turn came, he purchased a pumpkin pie spice latte (they were in season) with coconut milk instead of dairy. Tony was filing all of this away, positive it would come in handy sooner or later.
The boy went to sit at a small table in the middle of the cafe. Tony scowled. That wasn't safe. He needed to be in a corner where he would be less easily noticed and closer to an exit. 'He needs to be closer to me.' Tony's thoughts shocked him. He stared at the boy, completely absorbed. He would do a full background search when returned to SI.
Tony finished the rest of his coffee before exiting the building and heading out to his less-nice car (used when he didn't want to be noticed). He quickly drove to his company and parked in the garage.
The conflicted billionaire stayed seated in his car wondering if he just needed release. I mean, why would an average KID grab his attention? He was Tony-Fucking-Stark. He rolled his eyes and just decided he should jerk himself off. He could hire any number of women or men to have sex with, but he had work to do.
After he came and cleaned up, he stepped out if his car and headed into the lab. The brilliant mechanic continued tinkering with one if his suits. When he looked up at the clock and realized an hour had gone by without any progress made, he put his tools down in defeat.
"Jarvis." He called.
"Yes, sir." The AI responded immediately.
"Pull up any recordings of Cafe Latte starting from 11:13 this morning." Tony commanded.
A security video bagan playing and Tony saw himself enter the coffee shop. A couple minutes later, a small boy came running up and opened the door for an elderly man before going inside the cafe.
"Jarvis, get me all information on that boy." The business man ordered as he pointed to the work of perfection on the projection.
"Just a moment, sir."
A minute or two passed by before the picture of his angel appeared in front of him. It was his school picture. Apparently the boy's name was Peter Parker.
Tony read over all of information very quickly. There really wasn't that much material to go over. Peter was an average, 17-year-old boy. One thing that did, however, catch Tony's eye were his exceptional grades. Peter had also won quite a few science contests. Tony smiled. That was true intelligence; being able to create something for yourself, discover something new, prove a theory, not just learn and repeat, which is what most people considered to be smarts these days.
Tony was proud, proud of someone he had never even met. As much as this confused him, he just decided to roll with it. Tony obviously wanted that boy. And he always got what he wanted.
"Jarvis." Tony signaled again.
"Yes, sir." Came the ever consistent reply.
"I want you to construct a file containing all important information and schedules, school related or extracurricular, concerning Peter Parker." Tony instructed.
"Of course, sir. What should I label this file as?" Jarvis inquired.
The genius thought for a minute before answering with a smirk.
"Operation Peter."
Sorry it took me so long to post this, I was pretty sick for the past couple of weeks.
I hope this turned out okay, I really wanted to have Tony seem like he didn't know what to do at first, but then have his, "Fuck you, I'm Tony Stark." shine through at the end. This was kind of just to give you all some back ground, even though we don't really need it. So the next one will (hopefully) be better.
Also, thanks to everyone for the likes and support! Since I've never written anything before and this is really crazy for me, I'm open to all constructive criticism. I kind of expected to be driven off by antis after posting this, even though I haven't even written the kinky, smutty, gangster stuff yet.
Thank you especially to @sluttystarker for helping me with the abbreviations and understanding the differences and correlations between ships and fandoms. 😂
I had a bunch of heart warming crap typed out, but it got lost somehow, so, peace out!
Love you all!
-❤ Molly
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what are the starker blogs tjat you look up to/admire?
omg i admire all of them everyone’s so talented! some of the ones i’m a little obsessed with include @starkerchemistryy and @sluttystarker because they go hand in hand and they are icons. I also adore @peterparkers7evilexes and @reniisbooks because they have such genius ideas and manage to slap me every time with stuff i didn’t even know i wanted they’re that talented. Like, all the time. @professional-benaddict and @calm-starker also are blogs i never really get tired of scrolling through.
Practically everyone I’ve ever reblogged I admire. What a talented bunch *sobs*
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Starker AU
Peter is a recent MIT graduate hired immediately out of school by Stark Industries to directly assist Tony Stark with R&D. Pepper and Tony hand picked Peter from a ginormous batch of applicants because his research and progress with nanotechnology almost mirrored Tony’s.
Peter was brilliant, Tony loved working with him in the lab. It was refreshing that someone so young could keep up with him. It didn’t hurt that he was nice to look at as well.
Following what seemed like the upteenth and final split between Pepper and Tony, Peter finds Tony in the lab with a bottle of scotch. They talk, a LOT. Tony kisses him. Peter kisses back.
They date on the low, but one day on the way back from a gala, it had been pouring. Tony knew Peter wanted the cliché of being kissed in the rain, so before they headed up to the penthouse, he twirled the smaller man and kissed him silly. It was midnight, dark, Tony had figured it was safe. They didn’t see the camera pointed at them from across the street.
I made the kissing manip and then decided to go all out with a magazine cover
#starker#starker au#yes i did stare at a us weekly magazine while i did this#peter parker x tony stark#peter parker/tony stark#starker manip#sluttystark stuff
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Repeat After Me Part 2
Part 1
You guys have no idea how much it meant to me that part 1 was so well received. Thank you from the bottom of my little starker heart!
Tags: nff, age difference, former teacher/student, mention of daddy kink, mention of choking
Word count: 3.1k
Read below the cut
Peter wakes up five minutes before his alarm, like he always does. He absolutely hates the shrill screech of it. His bed creaks and groans as he sits up and swings his legs over the side. Suddenly, the springs that had previously been holding him up collapse under him, making him yelp in surprise. Peter made a mental note that maybe it was time for a new bed, he’d been holding on to the rickety twin mattress he had all his childhood since it was the only thing he had left from May’s.
He usually went into the lab on Saturdays, even though he was supposed to be off during the weekend. It’s not like he has plans or anything, but he guesses he could shift his schedule around a little to go mattress shopping.
His arm darts out like clockwork and taps his screen to turn the alarm off before his phone could utter the first mind melting ring. Peter runs a hand through his hair to brush some stray curls out of his face and stretches before getting out of bed to do his morning routine.
It’s not until Peter sits down at his two-seater dining table with a bowl of captain crunch berries, two pieces of toast, and a cup of earl gray tea, does he finally check his phone.
The spoon is barely out of his mouth when he sees the notifications. Eyes wide, he chokes on the cereal trying to force its half chewed self down his throat. He can taste the oat milk is his nose and it is not good.
Mr. Stark accepted his friend request and messaged him? Peter looked around his apartment, skeptical. Was he dreaming? Was this one of those life-like dreams where he gets ready for the day then wakes up and has to do it all over again? He looked down at his arm, should he pinch himself? No, Peter, that’s stupid.
He shook his head and looked at his phone again, opening the Messenger app.
Hey, Kid.
Shit, he was toast. Collecting himself, Peter took a deep breath to prepare himself for a conversation with his former high school teacher (that he may or may not want to fuck him senseless and cuddle afterward). He racked his brain thinking about how to approach this. Should he be bold?
Hi, Daddy. Please cum down my throat? Yeah...that might be too bold.
Hello, Mr. Stark. I humbly thank you for accepting my friend request. Ugh, too weird.
He’s overthinking it, he knows. Peter types out and deletes maybe five more messages before he finally settles on:
09:10 am
Hi, Mr. Stark. It’s Peter.
09:11 am
Peter threw his phone down on the table and put his head in his hands, bowl of cereal soggy and forgotten. He made a face at it and pushed the bowl away, pulling his toast closer. He took bites of a slice distractedly and washed it down with some tea. He’d regret not eating a proper breakfast later, but right now his appetite was replaced with a turning feeling that he couldn’t quite place. His phone vibrates on the table, startling him from his thoughts.
From Tony Stark 09:22 am
Yeah, Peter. I did read your name on your profile.
09:23 am
Right. Sorry.
From Tony Stark 09:23 am
Don’t worry about it, Kid. Just pokin’ fun.
09:24 am
(sweating emoji)
Thanks for accepting my friend request btw, Mr. Stark.
From Tony Stark 09:26 am
No big deal, thanks for the request, it’s been a while.
And Tony is fine, you’re not my student anymore, Pete.
09:26 am
Yeah, okay. Tony. I can do that
So you remember me?
From Tony Stark 09:27 am
I remember all my students
09:27 am
From Tony Stark 09:28 am
No, not really lol
But I do remember you, you were a lot skinnier back then.
09:30 am
(eye roll emoji) And you were a lot younger
From Tony Stark 09:31 am
Ouch, that was uncalled for
09:32 am
You asked for it
So what have you been up to?
From Tony Stark 09:34 am
I’m a mechanical engineer now, quit teaching a few years ago. What about you?
09:35 am
That’s awesome! You were way too smart to be a teacher.
I’m a research chemist
From Tony Stark 09:38 am
Thanks, kid.
That’s about where I’d thought you’d end up, as smart as you are.
09:40 am
Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Stark
From Tony Stark 09:40 am
09:41 am
From Tony Stark 09:50 am
Say, Pete. I don’t actually have a habit of checking this app and I’m about to head out of the house for the day. I’d like to continue this conversation, so here’s my number if you wanna text me [hidden contact information].
No pressure of course.
From Tony Stark 09:53 am
New Message
To: Tony
You know who I am.
From: Tony
Had me there for a second kid.
I’m about to drive, I’ll text you in a bit.
Peter put his phone down for the first time in almost an hour, eyes straining to refocus after staring at his screen intensely for so long. His heart was pounding in his chest and his cheeks were starting to ache from smiling. Had that really happened? Peter brought a hand up to rub at his jaw, still in a daze. He was finding it very hard to believe that this wasn’t some elaborate dream because there is absolutely no way that this could’ve happened in real life. Talk about a glitch in the simulation.
He really got Tony Stark’s phone number, and he didn’t even have to ask for it!
Peter scoffed in disbelief, no fucking way! He opened the Facebook app again and went to Tony’s profile. Turns out there wasn’t much else on it, he had a total of 3 profile pictures and less than 100 friends, none of which were other students and only a few midtown teachers. So, he either was a very private person or he didn’t use Facebook at all. And if it was the latter (or both for that matter), why did he accept Peter’s friend request in the first place?
Peter decided not to think about it right now.
He went to his profile pictures and glanced at the current one he already studied last night. The previous one was just the Guns N’ Roses album cover for Appetite for Destruction. Classic Rock fan, noted. His first profile picture, though, was an absolute masterpiece. Tony looked to be on a beach somewhere, his hair was wet and messy from the clear blue salt water. Peter wanted to run his tongue over every inch of the olive toned skin exposed to the sun. His smile was radiant, framed by neatly trimmed facial hair, with thick, dark eyebrows peeking over his sunglasses. Swung low on his hips right below a toned stomach were hot rod red swim shorts that stopped in the middle of his thigh, showing off his tan legs dusted with dark hair.
Peter tried not to look, he really did, but he could not stop his eyes from landing on the older man’s crotch. And he was not disappointed. There, curving onto his thigh, was a long, thick unmistakable dick print. Peter’s mouth watered at the sight as his own cock stirred with interest.
Fuck. He wondered how big he really was in person. How far he could take it down his throat. He wanted to know how it would feel to be stretched and filled by Tony’s cock.
Scooting his chair back abruptly, Peter shot up off of it. His hard-on tenting almost painfully in his pajama pants and it was starting to create a wet spot. Mattress shopping can wait, Peter needed to cum, like, yesterday.
He rushes to his room and yanks the drawer of his night stand open, revealing a wooden box. Peter unlatches the box and grabs a bottle of lube and his veiny lifelike vibrating dildo with a suction cup right behind the silicone balls from his small collection. This one was by far his favorite, it’s eight inches long and he loved feeling the veins and the girth of it filling him up.
Peter lays a towel down on his bed and climbs to the middle, carefully avoiding the new dent in the mattress. He bunches up the pillows behind his back so he’s laying at an incline, then starts rubbing himself over his pajama pants while he uncaps the lube and squeezes some onto his fingertips. Clumsily, he pulls and shimmies his pants down his hips with his left hand, breath hitching when his heated erection makes contact with the cool air in his apartment. It lands with a light smack against his abs and Peter tugs his shirt up and under his chin. Kicking his pants off his bed, Peter spreads his legs. He can feel his hole puckering in anticipation of being used.
His left hand begins lightly skimming his torso, feeling his abs contract under his finger tips. Bringing them higher, he rubs across his chest, pinching his nipples softly. Peter rubs the lube between his thumb and forefinger to warm it up, then starts rubbing the tight ring of muscle in circles, making his cock jump.
Once he’s coated, he sinks a finger in slowly to coax himself open. His left hand continues caressing his body, skirting across the area right above his cock. Peter lets out a plethora of whines and pants, eyes screwed shut at the feeling. The image of Tony’s face urging him to take another finger.
He knows Tony’s fingers would be thicker, stretching him wider than Peter ever could with his own. The younger man hoped his former teacher would be able to handle him the way he wanted. Peter imagined large, strong hands encircling his throat while the other gripped hard on his hips while he took him.
Three of his fingers are buried deep in himself before he even touches his neglected, leaking cock. His left hand comes to collect the precum pooling at the head and dribbling down his shaft, allowing his hand to glide along his hot skin. He strokes himself lazily as he pulls his fingers out and reaches for the dildo. Uncapping the lube again he slicks up the silicone and brings it to his open, waiting hole.
Pulling his left hand off of his cock, Peter grabs one of the pillows and stuffs it under the small of his back.
He imagines Tony looking down at him with dark, analytical eyes, watching Peters every movement. The rise and fall of his chest, his heaving breaths. The way Peter keens when he’s stretched like he longs for the sting of it. Would he fuck into him slowly or would he seath himself in one smooth, quick stroke?
Peter chooses the latter.
He cries out as he pushes the dildo balls deep into his ass without pause. The pain from the stretch mixes deliciously with pleasure. Sweat beading on his forehead has Peter’s curls sticking wetly to his skin. His entire body is covered in a thin sheen of it.
The young man turns onto his left side, dildo still deep inside him. Peter reaches around his back with his right hand and grips the bottom of the suction cup. He sighs, easing the dildo out slowly before pressing the button at the base of the shaft to turn on the vibration and ramming it into himself once more.
Tony would be taking him from behind, a long arm encircling Peter’s body, hand coming to grip him at the base of his neck, right above his collarbone so that he could pull the younger man down and onto his thick cock while he fucks up into him.
Peter continued to fuck himself roughly with the dildo while he thought of Tony’s hard body doing it to him instead. He’d whisper dirty things in Peter’s ear while he fucked him. Tell him that he’s such a good little slut for his teacher. Peter whined at the thought, he’d love it if Tony let him call him Mr. Stark in bed.
He starts stroking his cock faster, feeling his orgasm build in the pit of his stomach. His right arm is starting to get tired from fucking the dildo into his ass for so long, he’s gotta cum soon.
Peter’s eyes fly open when he hears his phone vibrate through the thrumming in his ears. It’s a text from Tony.
How’s my favorite student? Miss me?
That does it. Peter’s entire body jolts as he cums all over his hand and the towel he laid on the bed, a high whine caught in his throat.
He’s still trying to catch his breath a few minutes later, after he eases the dildo out and places it on the towel. He wipes his hand off on it as well before he grabs his phone. He definitely needs a shower now. Then he’ll go to the mall.
To: Tony
Don’t flatter yourself
To: Tony
Maybe a little
Tony can’t help but smile at his phone, he might have been a little too eager with the message, typing it up as soon as he put his car in park. The easy banter going on between him and Peter was refreshing. Tony couldn’t remember the last time he felt genuinely excited to talk to someone, let alone text.
As the conversation kept flowing while Tony picked up his dry cleaning, he could only deduce that it was because they were nearly equal on an intellectual level. It may have helped that Peter was easy on the eyes as well.
They talked about their projects at work and the research behind it, what it was like at Columbia for Peter, and how MIT had been to Tony. The older man made a mental note to ask where Peter worked at a later date, maybe he could recruit him. He learned that Peter’s favorite colors were blue and red. That he hated horror movies but watched them anyway just to spite himself. He loved rom-coms and (surprise, surprise) sci-fi movies. He couldn’t cook to save his life, Tony assured him he could give him lessons if he wanted, he could make a mean Chicken Piccata.
Tony couldn’t even bring himself to feel guilty about it at all. The conversation was innocent and Tony was a flirt by nature, Pepper never had a problem with it. If anything, this thing with Peter was just a budding friendship. The universe knows Tony needed someone to talk to.
Around noon, Tony’s stomach started to grumble, not surprising considering the hearty breakfast of black coffee he had this morning. Peter mentioned earlier that he’d been craving Gyros, and that didn’t sound half bad right about now. He was a few blocks away from the mall anyway.
From: Peter
Here’s a contact picture, in case you needed one...
[see attachment]
The picture Peter sent was absolutely adorable. His bangs fell over his forehead, slightly parted to the side so it wasn’t completely covered. Tony felt utterly entranced by the younger man’s smile and the way his left eyebrow looked like he’d slept with his face buried in a pillow. He was wearing a T-Shirt with a science pun on it, as if the kid couldn’t be any dorkier. Tony loved it.
To: Peter
Is that a sly way of getting me to send you a selfie back?
Cute shirt by the way, where ya headed?
From: Peter
Maybe...did it work?
I’m going shopping for a new mattress, old one crapped out on me.
To: Peter
Here, since you asked so nicely
[see attachment]
From: Peter
Oof, you can just delete mine. You just made me go from a solid 6 to like a 2
To: Peter
Hey, give yourself some credit, you’re definitely at least a 5
KIDDING, I’d rate you a solid 9, kid. Just because there’s always room for improvement
From Peter:
I would just like to know who gave you the right to be so sassy and RUDE
To: Peter
Definitely my narcissistic ego
No, but seriously Pete, you’re stunning. Don’t listen to the old guy
From: Peter
Pls you’re not that old, Tony.
To: Peter
A man after my own heart. Thanks, kid.
From: Peter
Anytime :-)
You’re more like my friend’s hot dad if anything
To: Peter
Little shit.
From Peter:
Tony shook his head fondly and stuffed his phone in his pocket as he entered the mall, looking around for something indicating what direction the food court was in. He hadn’t been to this mall in a while, he admits since he’s been making more money it’s kept him from coming and eating the fast food they had here. So he followed the signs until he got to the food court, and noticed there were still quite a few tables open for him to sit and eat at. He made a point to stay as far away from the family with three screaming children as possible.
He scanned the choices until he found somewhere that had gyros and went to go stand in line. The menu wasn’t too extensive, he could either get a gyro platter or a falafel platter, and he already knew what he was here for. His eyes fell from the menu to the person in front of him. Not to be a creep, he’s only human, but he had a fantastic ass. A perfect little bubble butt.
The man was a little shorter than him, he had a trim waist that opened up to broad shoulders not bigger than Tony’s. Incredible figure. He’s probably a dancer or a marathon runner. He also noticed this man had brown curls. That made him snort softly to himself, he either had a type or Peter just invaded his mind in a short amount of time. It could be either, honestly.
His eyes dropped to the phrase printed on the back of his shirt.
Never trust an atom, they make up everything
Ha. Peter would love that shirt.
Peter has that shirt. It’s the one he was wearing in his selfie.
The man in front of him whirled around to look at him with a puzzled expression. Tony suddenly found himself unable to move or say another word. He was instantly captivated by doe eyes and one of the prettiest faces he’d seen in a long time.
He watched his confusion turn into realization and then disbelief and dare he say: panic.
@sweetqueen449, @slut-for-starker, @dim-ships-johnlock, @starkerhowlter, @sthefystarkersworld, @crazycocococonut, @bris-sins, @delicateavenuenacho, @ironspiderstarker, @katzenbaby1, @spider-iron-man, @rebel13lion39, @twokinkybeans, @frenchfrostpudding, @cherrygoldlove, @silkystarkk, @icandoakickflip, @irondaddio, @briesb1tch
creds to @problemchildnoonewanted for some of the messages in the beginning
#starker#sluttystark stuff#starker fic#starker au#ironspider#tony stark x peter parker#tony stark/peter parker#peter parker x tony stark#Peter Parker/Tony Stark
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Starker AU: Kingsman Secret Service Moodboard
Tony was just supposed to bail the kid out of Jail, convince him to give up a life of petty crime, and join The Kingsman. Fuck, he didn’t expect Peter to be so god damned pretty, though. He should’ve known the looks came from the hot aunt’s side and not the late Benjamin’s. Now he’s got the younger man pinned up against the mirror of Fitting Room One while he fucks up into him.
Hey, he got him to agree to try, didn’t he?
Currently working on a lil fic for this as well hopefully I can get that done soon
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Young!Starker AU: Meeting The Parents
Tony was elated that the opportunity to bring Peter home to meet his parents. They’ve been dating for 6 months now and Tony thought it was time. It was spring break during their junior year of college, and Peter’s Aunt May was spending it with her new boyfriend in Palm Springs. Tony jumped at the chance to invite Peter to stay with him at his parent’s estate. Ever so reluctant, Peter agreed.
When they arrived, Jarvis escorted them to Tony’s room with his bags in hand. Peter assured him that he could carry his own bag, but thanked him nonetheless. He teased Tony about the enormous display of science fair trophies placed next to the equally large collection of detention slips.
He met Maria first, she was having tea in the kitchen. She smiled brightly at him and hugged Peter when he went to shake her hand. Peter babbled about how beautiful their home was and they spoke animatedly about the origins of the decor. Tony couldn’t wipe the smile off his own face if he tried. When Peter excused himself to the bathroom, Maria said she loved him already. Tony’s smile grew wider.
Howard arrived home right before dinner. He greeted Peter with a nod and a firm handshake. This is what both Tony and Peter were most nervous about. Tony had told him about how calculating Howard is, difficult to please.
As their main course was set down in front of them, Howard cleared his throat.
“So, Mr. Parker. What are you studying?”
“Biochemical Engineering, sir.” Howard’s eyebrows raise.
He asks Peter questions about what he wants to do in the future and he tells Howard that he’s already working on a web like fluid with medical applications. He’s already tested the trial fluid and so far it can withstand holding his body weight. They continue to talk back and forth and Howard seems to become more and more impressed with him.
When Peter insists on helping with the dishes. Howard tells Tony that Peter is a bright young man, charming. He also tells Tony he did good finding him. Tony nods with the quick thanks, dad. Howard misses the corner of his son’s mouth uptick when he turns to walk away.
As they retire for bed, Tony gushes about how amazing and brilliant Peter is. How he just knew that they would love him and how he’s so glad Peter was the first person he brought home to meet his parents.
Peter is beeming at him from his position on Tony’s bed and Tony goes to step in between his spread legs and loop his arms around the shorter boy’s neck. Peter’s go around his waist in kind.
“I think I love you, Peter Parker.” Peter blushes bright red. It’s the first time they’ve said it.
“Well, I guess I love you too.” Tony’s face falls flat but expectant and Peter just smiles wider.
He pushes Peter onto the bed and hovers over him, starts trailing kisses down his neck, hikes the hem of his shirt up and lays his palms flat on his abs before pushing them lower beneath Peter’s hello kitty sleep pants to stroke his cock. Peter whines and bucks his hips to meet Tony’s rhythm.
“But your parents...” He manages to squeak out.
“They’re in the west wing of the house, baby, they won’t hear a thing. Now, make some noise for me, sweetheart.”
He does.
#starker#peter parker x tony stark#peter parker/tony stark#starker au#starker manip#same age au#college!starker#same age!starker#sluttystark stuff#starker fluff#nff
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same age!starker AU where Morgan digs through her parents things and find some pictures from when Peter and Tony first started dating. Peter finds the little girl in their room with a box full of old photos strewn all around her. She asks him how they met so he pulls her into his lap and tells her about the time Papa almost ran Daddy over trying to jump the length of their high school’s swimming pool on a motorcycle.
I was in a manip mood tonight :-)
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Starker AU where Tony is promised to marry the princess of an allied kingdom but he just can’t stay away from the stable boy. They meet only in the dead of night in Peter’s quarters near the stables and away from the castle. The night before he is to be wed, Tony asks Peter to run away with him. Peter doesn’t even think twice when he says “Yes.”
Another manip I’m feeding my addiction myself
#starker manip#starker#peter parker x tony stark#sluttystark stuff#starker au#yes i did get this from OUAT#regina and tony are both sassy royals
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Thinking of writing an aged up peter starker au with former high school teacher tony. Maybe matching on tinder/grindr? Becoming friends on Facebook? Thoughts?
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Starker AU
Same age, young!starker with switched identities.
After his parents untimely death, Tony Stark goes snooping around his father’s lab for evidence of foul play to no avail. Discouraged, he leaves without noticing the radioactive spider crawling across his arm.
With his newfound abilities, morally ambiguous Tony Stark exacts revenge by becoming the anti-hero vigilante, Spider-Man. He works his way up the proverbial ladder of Hydra scum to find his parents’ murderer. The name that keeps popping up: The Winter Soldier.
Peter Parker is a certified genius and nerd. He lost his parents when he was very young, too young to remember really - and that was fine. He had his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, who raised him like he was their own. After graduating from MIT at 16, he’d been tinkering with an exoskeleton like suit to assist paraplegic people and amputees.
When he was 18, his Uncle Ben was murdered in front of him, Peter vowed to protect the little people. The ones who fell victim to gang violence, robbery, sexual assault, and the like. He created the Iron Man suit, embedded with an AI to help him locate and stop crime in its tracks.
One night on patrol, KAREN (his AI) alerted him to a possible assault in progress. He flies to a nearby warehouse with 13 heat signatures inside. 11 of them are immobile, clearly knocked unconscious or even dead, if the pool of warm blood surrounding them has anything to say about it. One of the two seems to be tied to a chair, Peter tunes into the conversation to hear the standing figure yell.
“Who is The Winter Soldier? Where can I find him? Tell me or so help me I’ll rip your balls out through your mouth!”
He knows that voice, it’s The Spider-Man. He’s been so careful, staying below Peter’s radar, and he’s certainly not going to miss the opportunity to talk to him. Peter finds an open window to hover by, and he sees Tony bent over the man who’s beaten near death. He deploys a nano tracker that latches onto Spider-Man’s suit.
Peter flinches when Tony delivers the final blow before he thwips out into the night.
Later that night he follows the tracker to a rooftop in Manhattan. Reigning in his repulsers to land as softly as possible. He looks around for a moment but sees nothing before a voice rings out from behind him.
“Stalking me Iron Man? Didn’t take you for the creepy type.”
“How did you know about the tracker?”
“Let’s call it a feeling.”
“I wanted to speak with you before I contacted the authorities.”
“I take it you’re not a fan of my work?”
“Not particularly, no. I don’t want to have to take you out, Stark.”
“You know my name.”
“I know enough. Turn yourself in, let the police handle whatever vendetta you have with these people.”
“Yeah, not happening. But since you already know my name...”
He pulls his mask off his face and Peter is nearly winded at how his eyes sparkle even at night.
Peter retracts his face plate in kind.
“Huh. Who would’ve thought Iron Man was so pretty?”
My last young starker au manip seemed to be a hit so here’s another. The “short” au paragraph seemed to take on a mind of its own and now I need someone with better writing skills to take it over please and thank you.
Requests welcome!
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Got this idea from @reniisbooks! Definitely check theirs out, music taste is *chefs kiss*. I put my music on shuffle and wrote little prompts/summaries for each one.
Hallucinations by dvsn: post-Endgame
Peter’s gone absolutely mad. There’s no other way to explain it. He swears he sees Tony at his graduation, standing in the crowd. He’s gone when he blinks. Peter keeps catching glimpses of neatly trimmed facial hair and tinted glasses, never lasting more than a second. He dreams of him, touching him, so lifelike; he awakes to the feeling of strong arms wrapped around his waist and warmth on his back. Bolting upright, he’s alone, aside from the lingering smell of coffee and motor oil.
Hold Me by Fleetwood Mac: flirty!peter, guilty!tony
Since Peter turned 18 and started living in the compound, he’s been a lot less subtle about his feelings. Every morning, he comes into the kitchen wearing either low slung pajama pants and no shirt or a shirt so big you can’t tell what kind of underwear he’s wearing. Tony’s willing to admit he sneaks a peak over his mug. Peter flirts and throws innuendos into their conversation, and Tony pretends he doesn’t hear it. It’s a little game of cat and mouse. Peter doesn’t mind, he’s got all the time in the world and Tony’s resolve is already so thin.
Mount Everest by Labrinth: SIM!Tony
Tony Stark has it all. Power, riches, men, and women. He built his empire with his own two hands. He owns New York City. With the extremis coursing through his veins no one has had the gall to get in his way. That is until a little spider crawls into his sights by leading the feds to a boat full of his drugs docked in the pier. That simply won’t do, Tony calls his suit to him and takes off to see this Spiderboy for himself. Squash him while he’s at it.
Howling by RY X: ABO, underage, teacher/student
Tony couldn��t help himself if he tried. He’s got the prettiest Omega bent over his desk begging for his cock. The feeling of being inside Peter is almost primal, he’d spent weeks ignoring the teen’s scent. Only to give in the moment Peter nosed his way up his pulse point. He looks to the side, down-turning the sign on his desk reading “Principal Stark”. He’ll feel bad later, right now Peter is whimpering below him and he can’t bring himself to care.
shedontknowbutsheknows by Tove Lo: cheating!tony (not on Peter)
Peter wasn’t surprised to see Tony at the very bar the older man picked him up from the week before. This is where all powerful men came to relax. Tony however, looked very surprised to see him (and not in a good way). He didn’t know why until a tall red headed woman came to loop her arm through Tony’s. Pepper, his wife, he introduced. This is Peter, a student I met when I spoke at MIT. While that were true, what Pepper didn’t know was that Tony had cornered him in the library and sucked him off in the Political Science section. The way Pepper looked him up and down told Peter that she definitely knew.
bleed you still by Greyson Chance: coming of age!starker, drug use
Tony Stark was a genius, who could easily test out of high school and be on his merry way to college. He just loves pissing off his father even more. So he skips, he smokes, he gets high, he drives a motorcycle. He almost runs over an adorably clumsy Peter Parker in the parking lot, and Tony thinks he might want to ruin him. Tony’s temper causes fights and drug binges and drunk 3 am apologies. Peter stays, and Tony wonders how much longer he’ll be able to deal with it.
She by Harry Styles: closeted!tony
It’s Tony’s turn to pick up Morgan from school today, he’s skipped it too many times. Pepper is out of town so there’s no avoiding it. He’s the last parent to arrive and he practically breaks down the door rushing in. Morgan is there alone with a young man, and Tony can take his eyes off of him. This is Mr. Peter, his daughter says. Mr. Stark, pleased to finally meet you. Tony doesn’t miss the way their hands linger after they shake. He dreams of the younger man that night, and every night until Tony decides maybe he’ll pick up Morgan more often. He doesn’t tell his wife why.
Let me know if you’d like me to expand on any of these I’d be happy to oblige. Or if anyone wants to use any of these I’d be honored!
#starker#ironspider#peter parker x tony stark#peter parker/tony stark#starker au#starker prompt#sluttystark stuff#nff
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I was watching an Owen Gray video where he pulled out because he was either about to cum or he thought she was overstimulated and she cried “give it back! give it back!” And he had to bite his finger to stave off his orgasm and I might want to write a starker drabble inspired by it, so thank you Owen for inspiring me with sex god tony and bratty peter ideas
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Starker AU
Mob boss!Tony and BAMF!Peter, his enhanced executioner/secret weapon/baby boy. Tony and his gang go up against a rival group, introducing Peter to the game. From then on, he’s known as “The Spider” because of his superhuman abilities. They become the most feared duo, no one dares to mess with Tony’s boy. Soon enough the city belongs to Stark and Peter is basking in the benefits.
Maybe gonna stark taking requests for manips?? If anyone has any ideas send me some :)
#starker#ironspider#peter parker/tony stark#peter parker x tony stark#sluttystark stuff#starker manip
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Hi babes! I’m still very new here, but I just wanted to say that @cagestark, @starkerflowers, @starkeristheendgame, and @silkystark are my absolute faves and the reasons why I joined the fandom. Y’all are so sweet and inspiring! Please keep doing what you’re doing, much love to you all and the starker fandom as a whole.
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