#slso sorry mr ben is so funny. thats what my elementary schoolers call me 😭
trans-xianxian · 1 month
Mr Ben Ive been out of the loop what's happening in October??
I'M GLAD YOU ASKED ANON I'M GLAD YOU ASKED. in october the mewtchuals and I and anyone else who wants to are doing untamed october where we all rewatch cql and perhaps making things for it. I'm painting 22 cql themed major arcana tarot cards (peep my progress in this google drive folder) and posting them throughout the month. I know some ppl are writing fics. I may have convinced a beloved mewtchual to partake in a gifset or two. my best friend who isn't rlly involved in any of this at all or cql in general but will text me has promised to rewatch. it'll be a splash! it's not rlly official in any way just ppl wanting to watch cql again and talk about it :^)
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