#slowly but surely gonna get tattoos of all my lil buddies who passed away
kradljivac-kostiju · 1 year
Making plans with my colleague/tattoo artist about getting a cute lil tat of Nea 🥺
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tinselkj · 4 years
A night in your arms, forever in my heart
Who: KJ Apa & Andy Biersack Where: KJ’s House When: September 3rd Notes: Andy comes over to talk about all the drama KJ has been in, only to talk about feelings. Mentions of Lili, Ro, Michael @hwfameandy
KJ: Reading over the text messages again, KJ was glad he had a friend like Andy when all things came down to it. He knew he was the one person who wouldnt judge him, or his inability to choose what he really wanted. Did he love his ex still? Of course he did. He was ready to ask her to marry him before the breakup, but he had to be realistic. Six months had passed without any contact besides the occasional hello when the situation was required. Now with Ronen and his pressuring to come out and just be with him..to make a choice. It was draining for the now redhead. Unsure of how much time actually went by, KJ heard the knock on his door causing Keo to start barking. "Oh stop it..its just Andy." The man stated, silencing the dog as he laid back down on his dog bed a few moments later. "Hey." KJ smiled once the door was open, moving aside to let his friend enter his home.
Andy:  Truthfully, Andy hates know KJ was going through a difficult situation like this. He knew what it was like, there was a reason that not many people knew about his previous relationship, the two of them did a pretty good job at keeping it a secret so it was safe to say that Andy knew how he felt in so many way and he just wanted to be there for him. He knew that having a shoulder can make all the difference in the world. He made sure he had his dog with him, the small Yorke cuddled in his arm as he made his way up to the others front door. Andy smiled when KJ opened the door. Daredevil starting to bark slightly when he heard his voice. Andy handed him the small dog as he walked into the house. “Sometimes I hate that he’s blind.” He laughed as he instantly made a b line to Kao, leaning down to pet him slightly. “Hi buddy!” He smiled and patted his head before standing up to face KJ. “You look like shit, man.”
KJ:  As the small dog started barking, the smile on KJs face grew wider, pulling the small dog close to his chest. "Well hello there little one." He spoke, scratching behind his ears as he followed Andy into his house-making sure to lock the door behind him. "Aww dont listen to him, little man. You're just lucky you dont have to see your owner's weird face." If there was one thing he liked about his friendship with Andy, it was the fact that they could insult each other all day long, and still know the other will always have his back. No matter the circumstances. "You would too if you had to deal with a grown man acting like a child. I know leading him on wasnt ok, but holy hell did he cause nothing but stress the past few nights."
Andy:  “My face is weird but at least my hair isn’t fake.” Laughed as he pulled his jacket off and tossed it on the back of the couch, his tattooed arms now fully exposed. He ruffled his own hair as he moved to take a seat. “You don’t need someone like that, K. If he’s gonna be a man than he needs to act like one and not get fuckin butt hurt when you lay out your situation.” He spoke as he looked to the other. “Come on, sit, tell me everything.” He added as he reached out to lightly tug on his arm. No matter what happened in his life, KJ was always the most important person in it, and he needed him more than the redhead would ever really understand.
KJ:   "Hey! Mine isnt by choice! Honestly I'm so scared I'll end up bald by the time I'm 40, and I really dont think I can pull that look off." Having to dye his hair three times a week, kj knew it was only a matter of time before his hair started to fall out from all of the chemicals. Once he was finished with Riverdale, he was never going to dye it red again. Watching as he took his jacket off, the man couldnt help but admire his ink, wishing he could get more himself. "I know I'm overreacting a bit right now about the situation since I had just as much involvement in this..but it really irritates me that he couldnt see how uncomfortable I was. If you want me to choose you..how am I supposed to when you cant even pick up on when I'm uncomfortable?" Sitting down next to him, KJ opted to lay his head in his friends lap, wanting someone to run their fingers through his hair as he spoke. "And if the first guy I've really slept with is willing to put that sort of ultimatum up..choosing him or lil..then do I even want to explore that side?" KJ was beyond annoyed at this point and his animated gestures emphasized that.
Andy:  “No, you’ll have hair for a very long time. Just gotta take care of it when you’re done with the show.” He was laughing softly through the words. He didn’t mind the actors original hair color, but there was something about the red that he really enjoyed seeing. When he laid his head on his lap, Andy moved to run fingers though KJs hair, slowly twirling strands around his finger as he looked down at him. “If you think you can have something with that side, don’t let one person ruin the whole thing for you.” He kept his town softly and relaxed. He could tell his friend was annoyed. “I promise you, we’re not all like him. Like I said to you, you need someone that’s going to understand where you’re coming from. No one should make you choose between them and Lili, not until they helped you truly discover who you are and what you want.”
KJ:  "Man I really hope so. It's not terribly damaged, but you can tell it's not as healthy as it should be." After the years of bleaching, the roots are a tad bit dry and no matter what I do to my hair, it hasnt fully gone away." Closing his eyes as Andy began to play with his hair, Keneti couldnt stop the small laugh that escaped his mouth at the thought of what he needed. "So basically what you're saying is I need you." He meant it as a joke, but the words held some volume to them. Andy had always been supportive, and if he wanted to explore this side of himself, he would want it to be with someone like Andy.
Andy:  “We can fix that, I fried my hair a long time ago, took a bit but I was able to get it fixed. Now I don’t mind it at all. And to be honest, I really love your hair.” He smiled softly when he saw KJ starting to close his eyes. He coughed a bit in surprise when he heard the words pass the other lips. He chuckled a bit of a nervous chuckle as he used his free hand to run his fingers through his own hair. “I- well.. I certainly wouldn’t be against it.” He whispered and his fingers were back in the others hairs, slowly sliding fingers through as many strands as he could.
KJ:  "I would greatly appreciate that." He smiled as he opened his eyes for a moment to look at the man. "You love it? Really? Well I suppose I can trust you seeing as you have really amazing style in general." Hearing how his statement caught him off guard, KJ laughed wholeheartedly "what happened to you not wearing your emotions on your sleeve? Because that's what you'd be doing. I'm such a hopeless romantic, that if anything happened between us, I would want that. I would need someone to pour my love into, and you've said you're not about that." If anything he was just messing around with him, but he did make a valid point.
Andy:  Andy nodded his eyes slowly, blue eyes locking on brown ones that looked back at him. “I do. I think you have very beautiful hair.” He smiled through his response. Those words that followed caused Andy to move slowly, sitting up just a bit more in his seat but made sure to keep the actors head in his lap. “Well.. you’re someone i trust, someone that’s never screwed me over. Wearing my emotions on my sleeve seems to be natural when it comes to you.” He shook his head when he spoke. He really wasn’t sure what the hell he was doing here, but he was going to run with it and see which way his own emotions took him, even if it meant he had that underlying fear of getting attached and coming out the loser. “You’re easy to talk to, your sense of humor keeps me going. I’d do it for you.”
KJ:  He was starting to cross a line that he didnt want to cross. Not with Andy. As the words I'd do it for you passed through his lips, KJ pulled away, turning towards his best friend as he tugged on his short locks. "I cant do this. I cant risk what happened with Ronen, happening with you. I know you would never pressure me to come out, and I know you wouldnt hold my past against me, but I cant ruin our friendship. You're the one person in my life that I can tell anything to. You're the one person I genuinely love, and I'm not going to let my confusion ruin anything between us. Not when you've been hurt as much as I have. I refuse to be just another person in a long list of people who let you down. You're different to me..you're special and I cant ruin that..I wont ruin that." He wasnt sure when he had taken Andy's hands into his own, but he finally noticed as his thumbs lazily stroked the back of his hands.
Andy:  Andy kept his eyes on KJ, it was like he couldn’t look away from him no matter how hard he tried. When he hand was taken, his heart was racing in his chest. He laced his fingers with his and squeezed his hand tightly. “This is Ronen? The guy you’re talking about is Ronen? That pissed me off a little because he was texting me earlier and coming onto me hardcore.” He spoke softly as he used his free hand to pull his phone from his pocket to show KJ the messages. “Keneti, listen to me. I’m not going to let anything come between us.. and if that means that I have to swallow my feelings for you then I will, because we both know I’m kinda crazy about you. But I won’t force you into anything. You’re the only one I trust not to hurt me again. I haven’t even told you about my last relationship because I don’t want you to see me weak, because I want to be the person you need me to be.”
KJ:  Looking at the man in pure confusion as he handed him his phone, KJ scrolled through the messages between the pair, growing more and more irritated by the moment. "I'm glad you showed me this. I cant believe how stupid I was to believe that he might wait around until I figured my shit out." Handing his phone back once he reached the end of the conversation, kj nodded his head, letting him know he was in fact listening to his every word. "You were my first crush when I realized I might like guys as well as girls. So that was a wild ride to try and figure out on my own because I couldn't really come to you and say 'hey..I have this massive crush on you, and I'm not sure what this means.' Andy..this is a two way street. You cant expect me to tell you everything when you wont tell me when something happens to you. Maybe I want to be there for you as well?"
Andy:  “Ronen is a player, and I would hate to see him hurt you.” He spoke as he stuffed his phone back into his pocket. There was a lot that Andy was going through and he was the kind of person that would help others with their issues before he would let anyone help him out. “I wish you would have come to me, I would have helped you figure it all out.” His tone was softly as he spoke. One hand holding onto his while the other made its way back into red locks. “I used to date Michael Clifford, he ghosted me for thirteen months, got himself a girlfriend, and had the audacity to tell me that he missed me.” He spoke out as he leaned his head back against the couch. This was the first time he was ever truly opening up about the other and it caused a small chuckle to pass his lips. “I even got into a fight with his girlfriend because apparently the way I treated him was not deserved, when all I did was tell him how bad he fucked me up.”
KJ:  "Yeah well, I dont see anything happening now that I saw that. I'm trying to work my feelings and emotions out, and if he cant wait just a few days while I get my feelings in order, then hes really not worth my time." It hurt knowing he so quickly went onto the next guy who showed him just a little attention, and yet still had the audacity to say he had a date planned. He was trying not to play with anyone's emotions, and he wasn't about to let someone do just that to him. Listening to what had happened with his ex, kj saw red. Anger slowly bubbling in the pit of his stomach as it sank in on what he did to Andy. "Fuck him. You deserve so much better and hes lucky I'm not going over there with a fucking baseball bat for hurting you like that." He knew he was over reacting, but he hated the idea of anyone hurting his best friend. "Its not your fault that he cant keep it in his pants and be a decent human being and tell you it's not going to work. I'm sorry Andy..." he wanted to protect him from anymore heartache, but he wasn't sure what else he could do.
Andy:  "Anyone who plays with your emotions doesn't deserve you, like I said to you earlier, you deserve to be treated like a king." Andy couldn't help but laugh at the way KJ acted and it was a genuine laugh, one that he hadn't let out in a long time. "Calm down there firecracker." He smirked as he moved slowly to lay down on the couch with the other, placing his body just behind the actors. He wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him close to his chest. "I'm not thinking about him right now, and I don't want to think about him." His hand lifted for fingers to lightly run along the hair at the back of KJ's neck.
KJ:  Forcing himself to calm down as he moved Into a spooning position, KJ sighed in contentment as his back pressed against his strong chest. "Alright fine. But if he hurts you again, you're not going to be able to stop me." He wasn't sure how long they stayed there, or when he fell asleep in his best friends arms, but for once in a very long time, Keneti felt safe. He felt like he didn't have to prove anything or choose who he had to be..he could just be himself.
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daomings-blog · 6 years
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      hi my new friends ! i thought i was gonna copy and paste this intro from an old group i was in, but i love Torture and thus... rewrote the whole thing with a couple of new tiny details ! i’m jai, 21, she/they, and from the eastern timezone ! uh... this is my first time being in a krp and i kinda recently got into kpop as a whole i’m biased to got7 if you haven’t noticed Yeet, so pls take it easy on me, i’m trying my best ! and.... i hate to be That Person, but discord/ooc chats make me anxious & overwhelmed so i won’t always be in the chat but just know like ... i’m there in spirit. anywhomst, what you do guys say to me introducing you guys to kang while i wait to see if my spanish professor cancels class tomorrow, shall we ?
let’s introduce you to DAO MING ‘KANG’ FENG MIAN, they are a TWENTY EIGHT year old WANG JACKSON lookalike living in HOTEL YONGSAN. this particular CISMALE has been living in Seoul for TWO AND A HALF YEARS and has gained the title of being THE INTANGIBLE CONCEPT during that time, which is probably because of their SCRUPULOUS, OBSERVANT yet DOMINEERING, AGGRESSIVE tendencies. not to mention HE currently works as a RESTAURANT OWNER & HEIR, and can been seen hanging around DONGMAEMUN DESIGN PLAZA in their free time. 
right off the bat, kang’s real name is feng mian but literally no one calls him that now other than his grumpy grandfather. he introduces himself as kang and likes to be addressed as such.
he was born in shanghai to zhang wei ( ceo and director of the london headquarters of the dao ming corp. ) and jinghua ( a former international high fashion model and current cookbook author ). kang doesn’t have any siblings, so he grew up close to his cousins.
the dao ming family business is the dao ming corporation, which is the largest family owned corporation in shanghai and makes the dao ming family the wealthiest in china, with an estimated net worth of $58.9b, and it constantly rises everyday.
the dao ming corporation mostly focuses on financials, luxury real estate, and construction. the current ceo and director is kang’s grandfather, but when he passes away, then kang’s father will take over the company as a whole and kang will lead the london headquarters.
jinghua had a pretty difficult pregnancy with kang ( which is why he’s an only child ), and it was expected that she would have a miscarriage, but kang ended up coming a few weeks earlier than his due date. her pregnancy had already been a public spectacle since their relationship & marriage was already followed and scrutinized, so jinghua and zhang wei decided to raise kang in london. he was 3 when they made the move.
the family settled in the affluent hampstead, london village and kang grew up pretty spoiled. his parents always got him whatever he wanted, but they also weren’t the kind of parents to pass their son off on nannies. despite their own busy careers, zhang wei and jinghua were always there for important events, to tell him goodnight, and greet him when he came home from school.
during his teenage years, as most do, kang went through his rebellious stage. he started not listening and being an overall little dick, but he made sure to bring home the best grades. he knew from a young age that he’d someday be doing his father’s job, and kang hates feeling like a failure, so he always did his best.
when he was sixteen, kang was gifted with a porsche 911 that he would always use to hotbox with his friends. kang got into smoking as a way to calm his nerves ( since he does have generalized anxiety disorder ), but he also liked to do it with his friends because that was their way of hanging out with one another.
fast forward and kang went off to the university of cambridge thanks to his incredible grades on his a-levels ( i hope i got that right i’m a dumb american ), and three and a half years later, kang graduated early and was gifted with the car that would ruin his life for a couple of years: a snow white bentley bentayga.
it’s the summer following kang’s graduation and he goes to a manchester united game with his friends. of course, kang had been drinking ( don’t worry, he wasn’t driving ), but they drove his car to the game. when leaving, kang’s car had been scraped badly by someone who was backing out of his parking space. instead of kang just exchanging insurance info and going to get his car fixed .... he ended up getting into a really bad fight with the stranger.
his friends attempted to get him to stop, and once the police arrived, kang turned his drunken assault on the police. thus, kang was arrested. he was originally charged with public intoxication, assault and battery, and assault on a police officer, but thanks to his fancy pants lawyers and his parents, it was talked down to two years on the charges of assault and assault on an officer.
so, kang spent two years in federal prison.
following his release, kang returned home, but his grandfather saw kang as nothing more than a huge, huge disappointment. he wanted zhang wei and jinghua to cut kang off financially from the family, but they weren’t going to do that to their son. kang spent about three months at home, and during that time he decided he wanted to open a restaurant in seoul.
his parents were supportive, and kang had always loved to cook, so he figured that the restaurant would keep him out of trouble and keep him busy until it was time for him to take over his dad’s portion of the family business.
once he got soba up and running, kang made the move to seoul full time two and a half years ago. over the course of those two years, kang settled into the presidential suite of hotel yongsan and slowly started getting tattoos. he currently has a full sleeve on his left arm, and for now he’s finished, but that’s mostly bc his mom smacked tf out of the back of his head when she saw it for the first time.
so, kang’s a momma’s boy even if he doesn’t want to admit it. you know that tumblr post about the boy who cursed really loud, his phone rang and like a second later, in the softest voice he said “hi mama”? that’s kang in a nutshell.
overall, though, he’s a really antagonistic guy. he’s content with being alone, and he doesn’t really like when people play games or joke around too much. all in all, he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t handle his emotions well and he doesn’t really like to have his emotions played with, so just.. don’t press his buttons.
positively, he’s really into a routines and having things in order, so he might panic if something falls out of whack and he doesn’t know how to fix it.
whenever he’s really upset, though, kang will completely shut people out and either spend his time in the kitchen at soba or he’ll shut himself off in his suitte. he likes to give himself time to be alone and it’s kind of his way of managing his anger -- sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. it all truly depends on how angry he was at that moment.
he swears a lot, skips breakfast all the time, and has a bad habit of stress eating amongst other habits. he can be really sarcastic and he doesn’t like letting people in, so good luck getting his can of worms open ! uh, he barely sleeps and wakes up at sunrise, but somehow manages to not look like a zombie so that’s we’re at fam !
as for plots, i’m pretty much open to anything ! best friends, friends with benefits, ex friends with benefits, ex friends, enemies, rivals, family friends, squad, strictly hookups, one night stand, two night stand, hateship, work friends, drunken hookup, flirtationship, ex fling, current fling, ex bf/gf, on and off again, almost gf/bf, workout buddies, neighbors, and literally anything else we could think of ! also, kang doesn’t label his sexuality AT ALL so that’s a lil thing to know when plotting ok !
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ask-icancraft-it · 6 years
Hand-in-Hand Combat: Part 10
(( Tamora decides it’s time to take her and Felix’s relationship up a notch, but there’s a few things the little handyman needs to learn before becoming an honorary member of the ‘Hero’s Duty’ family. Wow, an update that isn’t horrifically late! As I said before, this fic is nearing its end! I have plans for only one more chapter after this one, and I am really excited about it! I think it’ll be a really nice ender to this story. Can’t wait to show you guys whats in store! ))
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9]
Felix groaned as he stirred, feeling much like he’d been hit by a ton of bricks. Cracking his eyes open, he barely recognized his surroundings until a large figure leaned over him.
“Good morning, Sunshine!” Ralph spoke loudly in a mocking tone.
“Ugh,” the handyman cradled his head and partially hid under the blanket draped over him. “What happened?”
“All I know is a couple guys from ‘Hero’s Duty’ came knocking on my door at 3 o’clock in the morning, carrying your drunken butt home after you passed out… Have a little too much fun?” Ralph oddly enjoyed seeing Felix this way. He supposed it brought him comfort that even Fix-It Felix Jr. wasn’t a goody-goody all of the time.
“I may have had a little too much to drink,” the handyman admitted sheepishly. “Hit me all at once I guess.”
“Do you remember anything?”
“Umm,” Felix slowly sat up on the couch. “Last thing I remember is I was chatting with Tammy’s men, having a few beers; one of them suggested I get a tattoo…”
Realization struck the fixer, and in a panic, he pulled up his shoulder sleeve, and then haphazardly peeled his white undershirt off of his torso.
“Ralph, please tell me I didn’t get a tattoo!”
“Nope, looks like you’re clear.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Felix sighed, slumping back into the couch cushions. Then an entirely new feeling came rushing in. “…I need to use the toilet.”
Moments later, Ralph stood against the wall just outside his bathroom, twiddling his thumbs.
“So uh—I guess that hammer of yours can’t fix a hangover?” he asked, and winced when more retching came from beyond the door. “Guess I’ll take that as a no…”
Once Felix finally felt well enough to emerge from the restroom, Ralph handed him a tall glass of water.
“Thank you,” the handyman said miserably.
“The arcade opens soon,” the wrecker frowned. “You gonna be okay?”
Felix nodded sullenly, sipping his water. “I think I got it all out of my system.”
“Well, I’ll try to go easy, just in case.”
“Thanks, brother…”
Even with Ralph going light on the bricks, the fixer had a hard time keeping things together as player after player tossed him around. There were a few slip-ups here and there, but by some miracle, he made it through until closing time.
“Good job everyone!” Felix feigned his enthusiasm, holding the door for his tenants as they flowed into the apartment building from the roof access. Once the last of them were through, he grumbled, plopping himself down on the concrete.
“Still feeling like a bug on a windshield?” Ralph climbed up and leaned over the lip of the building beside his coworker.
“A bit,” the fixer sighed.
“Fix-It?” The It-boys both heard Tamora’s voice from a distance, and were both surprised when the sergeant flew to the top of the building on her cruiser.
“Tammy!” Felix sprung up from where he was sitting. “You sure got here quick.”
“Hey Wreck-It,” Tamora acknowledged Ralph, who saluted back. “Sorry if I interrupted anything, I actually have a favor to ask.”
“O-oh—well what is it honeybadger?”
“My men decided to go on a drinking spree last night and made the shooting range look like a mini tornado plowed through it,” she said with a huff. “I was hoping you had some free time to come by and repair the damage.”
“It’s that bad, huh?” Felix gulped, glancing back at Ralph. “Sure, I’ve got time! Ralph, you don’t mind, do you?”
“Nope,” a smug grin on the wrecker’s lips. “Not at all, I was going to visit Vanellope anyway.”
“By the way, you two enjoy yourselves at the Bad-Anon potluck last night?” Tamora asked. Felix turned to Ralph, silently begging his friend to go along with it.
“Oh yeah, had a whale of a time!” Ralph nodded. “I won’t keep you with all the details, I’m sure Felix will tell you all about it! See you guys around!” And with that, Ralph dropped down the side of the building and out of sight.
Luckily for the handyman, most of the time spent traveling from his game to Tamora’s was filled with her ranting about how irresponsible her soldiers were. While he was relieved he didn’t have to spin some phony yarn about the “potluck,” each time Tamora described the destruction her men caused, he felt a pang of guilt, absolutely sure that he had some part in the raucous behavior.
“I’m sorry, Fix-It,” Tamora sighed. “Here I am babbling on in circles, and you haven’t had the chance to talk about your evening,” she leaned close to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as they sat in the shuttle that lead to ‘Hero’s Duty’. “How was your day? You look a little rough around the edges.”
“Oh,” Felix swallowed. “Well Ralph and I were out pretty late last night,” He paused to find some sort of explanation. “Most of the folks at the potluck migrated over to Tapper’s and we shared some drinks.”
“Yeah? Have a little too much?” Tamora chuckled when her beau looked up at her with guilty eyes. “Hey, at least you’re not like my marine’s when they’ve been under the influence.”
“Yeah,” Felix stammered, almost inaudibly. He followed Tammy out of the train and into ‘Hero’s Duty.’ To his shock, all of Tamora’s men were kneeling along the stretch of the main hallway, cleaning and waxing the floors entirely by hand.
“Don’t worry about them, Fix-It. It may seem like grueling work, but they love giving my floors a fresh coat of wax, isn’t that right boys?”
“Yes ma’am!” the soldiers shouted in unison.
As Tamora rounded a corner to head to the shooting range, Felix turned around and locked eyes with corporal Kohut. The handyman pointed at himself with wide, questioning eyes.
“Don’t tell her,” Kohut mouthed back.
“Oh my land…” Felix gaped as he caught up and stepped into the range.
“That’s one way to put it,” Tamora grimaced as she leaned against a table.
As the handyman gazed from the hole in the back wall, and along the scorched gaps in the ceiling, everything from the night before came flooding back. He did this. And Tammy’s men had taken the fall for it.
“Think you can fix it?” Tamora asked.
“Don’t tell her,” Kohut’s grim face flashed in the back of Felix’s mind as he continued to stand, dumfounded, in front of the wreckage.
“Fix-It?” Tamora asked again.
“Oh, fix it? Yeah I can fix it, no problems!” Felix smiled tensely and shuffled to a pile of debris and began tapping away with his hammer.
The sergeant came up behind him, worried. “Are you feeling alright?”
“No—I mean yes!” Mods above, he was so awful at this. “I just…I feel bad for your men. Don’t you think you’re being a little too hard on them?”
“No,” Calhoun replied incredulously. “Felix, they wrecked half the shooting range, you’re looking right at it! What on Earth would I go easy on them for?”
“Because…” Felix paused his work, unsure of what else to say. He couldn’t stand it; he couldn’t stand lying to her anymore. “Because it was me.”
“Because it was me,” the handyman blurted, turning around and gesturing emphatically at the destruction. “This—this, all of this was my fault. I wrecked it.” Tamora stared at him, wide eyed as he frantically explained.
“There was no potluck...Your men invited me to have drinks with them. I got carried away, and—and they helped me get that big gun, and the last thing I remember before I blacked out was pulling the trigger...” Felix took in a shaky breath, and sighed.
Turning around, he fully expected his lady to be angry. Which made it all the more gut wrenching when he saw tears in her eyes.
“Tammy,” his frown deepened. “I’m so sorry.“
“It was you,” she whispered.
“I—y-yes?” Felix replied, confused. “I wrecked the shooting range…”
“No, you—,” the sergeant refrained from saying something in anger she would later regret. “It was you in my nightmare the other night. It was the wedding, but instead of Brad, you were the one to…” she stopped, tears flowing.
“Oh, Tammy,” Felix reached out to her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You don’t get to ask that question!” Tamora spat, rejecting his touch. The anger previously expected now boiling to the surface. “You went behind my back!”  
“But —“
“I thought you took being here seriously. Now on top of worrying about you getting chewed up by Cybugs, I have to worry about you hurting yourself?” Tamora wiped her face, eliminating the evidence of her vulnerability. “Just…clean this place up and get out. You don’t belong here.”
“Tammy, wait,” Felix pleaded as she walked away, the door gently sliding closed behind her.
Once Felix was done repairing the range, he stepped into the hallway. Looking to his right down the corridor, the soldiers visible from the adjunct hallway stopped scrubbing the floors and locked eyes. And when he approached, Kohut shook his head.
“You told her,” the corporal said, the softest of smiles on his lips.
“I had to,” Felix replied.  
“And now you’re in the dog house.”
“Yep,” the handyman hung his head, tears threatening to surface. He feared things were much worse than that.
“Well, can’t say we didn’t warn you,” the nearby soldiers chuckled. “C’mon, lil’ man, she’ll come back around. I’m sure you know by now that T.J. just needs a good day or two to cool off. You two are gonna be just fine.”
“Thanks Kohut,” Felix managed a smile. “And I’m sorry I got y’all stuck with…all this,” he gestured to the floor. “…Got an extra sponge laying around?”
((Tagging some of my WiR buddies! @coneygoil @kittysfigurines24 @bashfulgnome @ashleybenlove @sgtcalhouns ))
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bluraaven · 7 years
More DD Prompts
Another prompt by @kriladoodles, this time with the words wood, fairy, salt and blood. 
Dismas could draw the grain of the wooden table from memory, of that he was sure.  He knew its rough surface, every bump, notch and stain.  It was his table, in his favourite dig – the kind of place where the air was thick with the scents of smoke, spilled beer and sweat.  Hot animal odours, coming from the breath and bodies of too many men packed inside the room.
              The rumble of their voices rose and fell, a constant murmur without meaning.  Warm condensation dampened the walls of Jubert's taphouse and the glass of his porter, both.
              Dismas took another drag, savouring the bitter taste.  Like everybody else, he was here for the alcohol, not the company.  Unlike everybody else, he might not leave alone, if he was lucky.
              This was where people drank to forget their everyday lives, their unhappy marriages, where it did not matter what you downed and where drinking wasn't an answer – because those doing so had long since given up on finding one – but a purpose.
              Amidst all of it, one figure stood out.  There was just something about his rigid posture that screamed military.  He was seated by the bar, his mug untouched for the last half-hour.  The short distance between them meant that Dismas could make out his features; short but messy brown hair and beard, and the body of someone who took to workout with the devotion pious men reserved for religion.
              He had been watching Dismas from the moment Dismas had set foot in the bar, and he hadn't bothered to be subtle about it.  For now, Dismas was content to wait and to keep up the cat-and-mouse game where their gazes would meet and flutter away again.
              Let this play out as it would.  He could be a patient man, given the right incentive.
              Meanwhile, Dismas wondered what the stranger's hands were like.   Rough?  Gentle?  Either way, he knew they'd be large and strong.  Strong hands were important, especially if you wanted them to hold you down as you were fucked through the worn mattress of some shabby motel room.
              A swivel of colour in his glass alerted Dismas that somebody had approached and was doing their best to intimidate his back.
              "You might want to move over," a deep voice said impatiently, when after a while Dismas still showed no signs of having noticed their presence.
              The corner of Dismas' mouth twitched at the tone.  Seemed like he'd made some friends already.  Meant they could get to the next level, up close and personal.  That too was why he liked to come here.  Jubert wasn't finicky about blood stains on the furniture and the floor.
              He turned around, slowly, and seized up the speaker.  He probably had a hundred pounds on Dismas, who barely stood as high as the other man's chin.  His buddies were big fuckers too, and they were in their cups already.  It was easy for Dismas to put a label on them.  Thugs who had learned to use their combined size to intimidate in order to get their way.
              Fun fact; with shattered kneecaps everyone was smaller than he was.
              "And why's that?" Dismas asked in a deceptively friendly voice.
              "'Cause you don't need a table this big all to yourself," one of them said.
              "And you saw me being lonely and wanted to offer to ease my loneliness, that it?" Dismas drawled.  That did not go over very well.  "Don't bother, yer too ugly for me.  And now piss off!"
              "Why?  What's a lil fairy like you gonna do?  Sprinkle some glitter on us?"  the original speaker asked.
              Someone in the back snickered.  A circle began to form, the patrons of the bar sensing a change in the atmosphere.  Lazy, alcohol-induced sedation was suddenly charged up with the expectation of a fight.  
              Maybe they had something against earrings.  Maybe Dismas had checked out the wrong arse.  Either way, front guy was going down.
              Dismas chanced a quick look over to the bar.  Soldier boy was sitting up straight, a fine line between his dark brows, but he did not move to intervene.  Maybe he liked a show.  If so, Dismas would be happy to provide him with one.
              "You know," he began, as if his intention was to talk.  It wasn't.  It just served as distraction when Dismas stomped on the high arch of the nearest foot, not pausing to relish the crack of breaking bone or the subsequent howl of pain, before he put the heel of one hand in the other man's solar plexus, punching his throat with the other.  From there on it was get a hold on a tattooed head and bash it into the table – his table.
              The salt shaker fell over and broke, spilling its contents all over the wood, white and gleaming in the low light.  If Dismas' mood had been foul, that would have been teeth.
              But tonight he was one right jolly fellow, and just let go of the now unconscious man, scooping up handfuls of salt to toss onto the slumped figure.
              "There's yer fairy dust, ya flatwankin' piece o' shite."
              The fight was over and done with before anyone could so much as move a muscle to intervene.  This was the dangerous part, where the crowd didn't know how to react yet.  In his back pocket, Dismas could feel the comforting weight of his trusty switchblade, a far better friend in dire situations than the two open-mouthed goons had been.
              "Anyone else wanna get cute?" Dismas snarled at the shocked audience.   He had spent the free hours of his wild and wicked youth in the cages in backrooms of establishments like this, fighting with his bare fists and razor sharp knives alike.  And now his blood was up and he was ready and willing for more, but they had the common sense to back up.  In the space they created, the owner of the bar pushed his way through.
              "Trouble?" Jubert asked, cracking his massive knuckles.  He was a man who knew how to use his size to his advantage, as Dismas knew from having seen him break up countless brawls.
              "You know me, Jubie," Dismas said, spreading his arms in a gesture of innocence.  "I'd never."
              Jubert snorted, then looked over the two thugs who had managed to pick up their still passed-out friend.  "There's the door.  I suggest you see yourselves out," he said, pointing.
              Dismas got away with a warning look that he duly noted and disregarded.  He picked up the stool that had fallen over, then sat down again, the crowd around him dispersing now that the entertainment was over.
              As if by a miracle, Dismas' drink had survived the scuffle.  He chugged the last of the beer in one go, set down the glass with a thud and stood, his mind made up.  A moment later he could see how the object of his interest observed his approach in his glass, and smirked.
              Alcohol, sex and violence; the cheap thrills of Dismas' life.
              "Hey there, hot stuff."
              If the soldier reacted positively, he might get laid tonight.  If not, he'd have another, and hopefully better fight.  Either way, it was a win-win.
              The man turned, not bothering to feign surprise, and scanned Dismas: from the scuffed leather of his steel-toed boots to the worn red scarf around his neck, an old favourite of Dismas'.
              His brown eyes held Dismas' own for a long time without blinking, before he finally offered a single word, "Reynauld."
              "Dismas," Dismas introduced himself with a grin.
              Reynauld broke into a matching smile and flagged down the passing barman.
              "Two beer."
              Dismas chuckled and fully settled on the stool beside Reynauld.  Seems like tonight was his lucky night, after all.
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sathtrash · 7 years
Submitting a prompt because it was 51 characters over the limit for an ask
I bingewatched NCIS like two days ago and one of the episodes was the one where Tony and McGee were taken hostage to try and save Ziva, and Tony gets injected with truth serum and it leads to this speech from Tony to the bad guy at the very end and I thought holy fuck it would make an awesome FAHC prompt:
“I’m the wild card. I’m the guy that looks at the reality in front of me and refuses to accept it. Like right now, I should be terrified, right? But I’m not, because I just can’t stop thinking about the movie True Lies, you know where Arnie is strapped to the chair and shot full of truth serum, and he picks his cuffs and kills everybody? You have thirty seconds to live, (insert name here).”
“No…you’re still bound. You’re lying.”
“…I can’t lie. And I didn’t say I was gonna be the one to kill you. Remember when I told you my boss was a sniper?”
((It took me a little to decide whether I wanted this to be Ryan in the chair or Jeremy, but since I picture Geoff and Gavin respectively as the bosses of the Gents and Lads (and then as of now Treco as overall boss) and, in my personal headcanons I don’t picture Geoff as a fan of sniping for himself personally because he doesn’t like how impersonal it can be, he goes by a sort of Ned Stark logic of ‘He who passes the sentence should be the one who swings the sword’, Gavin however would do anything to save his friends, and imo, is an excellent shot as a sniper, so I went with Jeremy and Gavin (I mean it’s definitely not because I’m Jerevin trash, but also yeah that’s part of it) so here we go, full story is gonna be under a read more so that this isn’t a massive post cluttering up dashboards))
Jeremy wasn’t exactly sure how he’d gotten here. He had been running an errand, he couldn’t remember what, but he was pretty sure it had something to do with Jack having been missing something or another that she needed, but he hadn’t gotten whatever it was. Someone had smashed the butt of a pistol into the back of his head and he had passed out from the impact when he’d hit the ground. Now he sat in a warehouse and there was a stinging pain in the side of his neck, he did remember what that was from, a man wearing a hat tipped low over his face had stuck a needle into his neck none too gently, Jeremy wasn’t sure what had been in it, but it wasn’t a sedative because he had been completely conscious the whole time after having been stuck.
It felt like hours passed before the man came back. Jeremy couldn’t see most of his face from the way his hat was tipped down, but he could see the smug grin on his lips.
“Ah, the great Rimmy Tim, you’re shorter in person” he said, slipping his hands casually into his pockets. Jeremy hated how normal this guy looked in this situation, it was such bullshit.
“Can I fuckin help you with something buddy?” he asked, leaning back a bit in the chair he was tied to, trying to remain just as calm as the man who had taken him was.
“Why yes you can” the man stalked closer to him “You can start by telling me your real name”
“Jeremy” he said before he could stop himself. What the fuck was wrong with him?
“And you really are a member of the Fake AH Crew?”
“Of course I am!” The fact that he couldn’t seem to watch his mouth was making him nervous.
“Good, good, that means the serum worked. That’s excellent Jeremy, you are going to be quite a help to me”
“The fuck I am” he said defiantly.
“I think you’ll find, Jeremy, that you will be whether you want to or not” the man smiled at him, leaning down and getting into his face “You see, my friend, that syringe I stuck in your neck, was filled with a truth serum of my own creation. Your little crew has been a thorn in the side of my own, and you are going to help me do it.” 
Jeremy remained silent, biting his cheeks to keep his mouth closed. The man began asking him questions, many of the important ones he was able to keep mum on, where their base was, how many strong the crew REALLY was, whether Ramsey was still in charge or not. Some other things he wasn’t quite as easily able to keep his mouth shut on.
“The tattoo on your knuckles, it says Lads yes? What does that mean?” the man asked at one point.
“It’s what we call each other, our team” he said, hating that he was saying anything. 
“Your team?” 
“It’s three of us, me, the crew’s pyrotechnic guy, and the Golden boy” he was proud of himself to at least keep their real names out of it. 
“Oh, the Golden Boy, I’ve heard tell, is he as reckless as everyone says he is?” 
“Only when he has to be” Jeremy said “He doesn’t take decisions lightly”
“No? I must say I’m surprised. Tell me more about this Golden Boy, what’s he like, what’s his function?”
“He’s incredible” Jeremy blurted out “He’s a good leader, he’s fun to be around, he’s an incredible sniper” Jeremy had to bite his tongue after that, he was giving too much away.
There was a long moment of silence between them, before finally the man said something again. 
“So what’s your function than?” The man asked, sounding somewhat condescending. 
“Me? “I’m the wild card.” He said, finally seeing an out “I’m the guy that looks at the reality in front of me and refuses to accept it. Like right now, I should be terrified, right? But I’m not, because I just can’t stop thinking about the movie True Lies,” he pauses, smiling at him maliciously, looking him full in the face “you know where Arnie is strapped to the chair and shot full of truth serum, and he picks his cuffs and kills everybody? You have thirty seconds to live man.”
“No…you’re still bound. You’re lying.” the man sounded nervous now.
“…I can’t lie. And I didn’t say I was gonna be the one to kill you. Remember when I told you the Golden Boy was a sniper?” he smirked “He’ll have figured out where I am by now, see, I’m not that hard to find, and we’re a loyal bunch through and through” he leaned back casually watching the man sweat. 
There was a long moment of silence that was followed by the sound of shattering glass, and then the man’s blood and brains were painting the floor of the warehouse. Jeremy grinned, leaning forward to look out the window. over the course of the conversation he had managed to pick the cuffs on his wrists,  and finally pulled his hands out from behind the chair and started trying to untie himself. After ten minutes or so Gavin came rushing through the door to the warehouse, his golden sniper rifle strapped to his back, he looked frantic, but his face immediately smoothed out when he saw that Jeremy was okay. He rushed over to him and hugged him tightly.
“Are you alright lil J?” he asked, sounding frightened. 
“I’m okay Gav, I’m fine” he hugged him back tightly, squeezing him close.
“You were just gone for so long, and you shouldn’t have been I got worried, the bastard stole your car when he carted you off, so at least I was able to find you because the stupid Armored Tim is sat outside the building in all it’s ugly glory” he said, slowly pulling back to take stock of Jeremy again, and this time he spotted the puncture mark in his neck. “What happened here?” he asked, gently placing his fingers on the wound. 
“I’m okay, I promise, that dickhead stuck me with some kinda truth serum he had or something, but I’m okay, I really am”
“Alright then, let’s get home” Gavin said, offering him a hand to help him up “We’ll get Jack to take a look at you and make sure you really are alright”
“Sounds like a plan” he said, standing with Gavin’s help, and walking out of the building with him.
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