#slowly and painfully:
carrotkicks · 7 months
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golden child
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gretchenzellerbarnes · 2 months
rots au where anakin listens to the voice in his head and lobs palpatine down an elevator shaft for suggesting they leave obi wan behind one too many time
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theplatinumcritter · 1 year
People saying they'll be an Imogen apologist bro I'm about to become an Orym apologist this man fucking earned wanting to bathe on the blood of his enemies. Let him be angry. Let him call what he wants to do revenge straight up. Let him snap. Let him go apeshit and stop being nice. Let him want Otohan Thull to fear him. Hell I don't care he doesn't have the stats let him go barbarian if necessary.
Let the halfling make the wolrd burn cause others have made his world burn too many times.
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sunsetcougar · 4 months
Rosie is the sort of character I can see being both incredibly loving but also a bit possessive. If she considers someone or something hers than harming it/them would be a deadly endeavor.
In the Cannibal Angel AU she considers Vaggie hers even if she lives at the Hotel in Alastor��s territory. Vaggie has been part of her town, one of her people, since she fell and always will be.
All this is leading to me saying that Valentino better hope that Vaggie and Rosie never catch wind of him licking Charlie with that addictive saliva of his and making her so uncomfortable and upset.
Vaggie would go after him, and if he hurt her he would have harmed someone that Rosie considers hers. And, well, it wouldn’t be the first time she’s killed another Overlord for daring to touch what’s hers.
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thequeenwechoose · 2 years
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Daemon Targaryen in 1x10 The Black Queen promo
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grinchwrapsupreme · 2 years
Watching the Captain slowly become the man he could have been if his life had not been upheaved by the war (not to mention the impact of living through the war before it) is unbearable, I hope they keep doing it
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booasaur · 7 months
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The Lazarus Project - 2x02
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morninglarkspur · 2 months
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I live! And PMD Explorers has me by the throat again fjdkghn
This picture took way too long but it's done and I'm happy with how it came out for the most part!!! I've been replaying Sky and this is my team, Wren the Eevee and Oriole the Shinx! I have a lot of thoughts about them and hopefully I'll be able to share a bunch of 'em!
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dughole · 8 days
it is truly crazy how hard it is to actually receive affective treatment for an eating disorder. u have to be 1.) wealthy enough to afford multiple avenues of constant care (specialists, therapists, dieticians, nurtionists, potential hospitalization) - maybe for the rest of your life 2.) palatable enough to be considered trustworthy - not too fat or or poor or disabled or "ugly" or nonwhite or critical of the body standards that drive EDS in the first place, & 3.) u have to ACTUALLY WANT TO GET BETTER! which is entirely opposite of what living with an ED will do to a persons brain! like that is the entire point of the disorder! & even if u manage to avoid those 3 obstacles, u might just end up w a professional who straight up doesn't respect u! what does anyone's recovery even mean when it's defined by the denial of treatment of others??? do y'all know how many "recovery centers" base their high levels of care standards on BMI?? a completely disreputable measurement of the body disproved consistently by medical data? imagine going to the doctor for a broken leg & they give you a gun to shoot your foot off with while you're at it. AND they charge you a $30 copay after. the absence of literally any empathy or logic or actual MEDICAL CARE in this industry is striking.
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starsreminisce · 10 months
Lucien finds himself ensnared in a cycle of deliberate avoidance when it concerns Elain. Each stolen glance, a dagger of unspoken desire, seems to puncture her tranquility. He's grown accustomed to the restraint, the painful acceptance that their mating bond might be met with rejection.
Yet, within this self-imposed blindness, he remains oblivious to the subtleties of her metamorphosis—for it is all for him.
He remains unaware of the blaze that ignites within her gaze whenever he playfully flirts with her sisters. How her delicate fists clench with a fervent intensity when he engages with other females. The curl of her toes, a silent response to the mere utterance of her name or the sigh of "my mate" slipping from his lips in conversations.
Unseen are the hitched breaths, stolen and sharp, when he adjusts his well-fitted jacket. Unnoticed is the flutter of her heart, a momentary pause, as his lips curve into a smile that could outshine the sun.
He remains ignorant of the telltale twitch of her ears when his laughter dances like wind chimes in the breeze. And the slight tilt of her head, a bird enraptured by a melodious tune, as she fixates on his hands toying with forgotten trinkets.
Her unrelenting fascination with his lips, tracing every pensive purse, every delicate bite, every subtle dance of his tongue as he converses animatedly with others, goes unnoticed.
Unnoticed by his gaze, the delicate furrow of her brows occurs as his fingers subconsciously trace the path of his facial scar. It's a scar that tells a story of his errors and triumphs, a mark etched with the weight of his past. The origins of that scar remain an open secret, a narrative that continues to evade her understanding, shrouded in the shadows of his history.
Unseen, the breath she holds hostage in her lungs when her gaze rests upon him, her thoughts consumed by the profound notion that he is the most beautiful masterpiece the world has ever beheld.
Until one day, a storm within her breaks. Her voice, a tempest of frustration, demands that he look at her—truly look.
A dying flower, desperate for a sliver of sunlight, she calls out to him.
And then, in the searing intensity of that moment, his eyes finally meet hers. Like the emergence of the sun from behind the darkest of clouds, realization washes over him—a tide of comprehension. He sees the depth of her feelings, the gravity of her love, and he is left gasping in the currents of emotions he once chose to ignore.
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autoboros · 3 months
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Mister kabru
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fullwets · 5 months
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skoulsons · 1 year
“I was never afraid before you showed up.”
Oh, you mean with the QZ soldier and them being on the receiving end of his gun? Or with the clickers in the museum and how he went out of his way to meet her so she could follow his lead out of there? Or when they went to bed in the woods that night and he didn’t get an ounce of sleep because she expressed fear of people finding them and he had to make sure was safe? What about when they were ambushed and he checked on her the second they crashed, asking if she was okay? Or him laying out broken glass so that he’d hear anyone that came in to where they were sleeping? What about how he sleeps in between her and possible danger? Or taking his time to find her, despite being shot at, and having his arm across her back while he guides her to safety behind a car? How about how he started shaking when a clicker climbed in the car with her? Or how she shouted twice for him while being tackled by a runner and how he was prevented from helping her? How he was prevented from getting to her and meeting her where she is to comfort her and calm his own fears of worrying about her safety and well-being? Because they’d be in each other’s arms; a place where both of them aren’t afraid? You mean that?
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leslielumarie · 1 month
Do you do art as a full time job or is it alongside something else?
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Thoughts, what you think Severus’s reaction if he his partner did one of those warp themselves in gift paper and is like I’m your gift this year!
Here's my thought:
Christmas Eve.
It is tradition to open presents at midnight in your family, and this year you've decided to have a Merry Little Christmas with your significant other: Severus.
It was 23:45 and you were both relaxing by the fire. You could tell Severus was eying the mantle clock periodically, almost as if he were anxious for time to pass and hit a certain mark.
Calmly, you excused yourself.
"I'll be right back, I need the loo." you lied.
"Don't take long or I'll start without you!" he said, glancing towards the tree. It had very few but beautifully wrapped packets underneath it. No doubt he was barely containing himself to give you yours.
"Don't you dare, I'll restrain you if I have to." you threatened, smirking at him.
"And who said I wouldn't enjoy that?"
"You're such a tease!", you sniggered and left the living room.
Midnight arrived, and with it, the clock announced the twelve chimes.
As quietly as you could, you paced your way into his field of view, but only to find him on his back crouched by the tree.
"I'm starting without you!" he threatened once more, his voice loud enough to let himself be heard in the bathroom, where you seemed to have lost yourself.
"No, you're not," you said quietly.
When he acknowledged you were right there behind him, Severus slowly turned and straightened up, looking at you.
Green paper formed an overcoat around your body, surprisingly tailored and fit just where it should be. It stopped mid-thigh, leaving most of your legs exposed and your bare feet to view. The coat was not fully closed, but it still left a lot of your upper body to the imagination, restrained only by a huge red silk ribbon wrapped snugly around your waist.
For what felt like a minute - but was in fact only a couple of seconds - Severus was left staring at you, studying you, taking in the scene that was in front of his eyes. You bit your lip and for a moment you thought he would laugh in mockery, which would have been fine because the whole purpose of wrapping yourself as a gift was to have some fun. Gaining more confidence, you smirked at him, forcing yourself not to laugh the moment his nostrils flared when his eyes began to descend their study from your neck to your navel.
The room had already been comfortably heated up by the fireplace, but there was a new fire that you had hoped to see tonight, and Severus did not disappoint.
There was danger, heat, amusement, and unmistakable desire in his eyes.
"I assume I am having the honor of unwrapping my gift first?" he said softly, prowling across the room as a hunter to prey, fingering the ribbon without pulling it, placing the other hand behind your back, and closing the distance between you two. The sound of the crinkly paper became more evident as he pawed and tugged at the coat.
"I think you misbehaved the entire year, If you ask me..." you said, losing your composure for a moment when he kissed your neck.
"You've been quite naughty yourself..." he murmured against your neck while he kissed it, causing the skin to prickle delightfully.
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michaelmylove · 1 month
Wolf359. You get it
I do. I do get it. I do get it. I am ill about this podcast actually
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