#slotted stainless steel sheet
glassrowboat · 25 days
Kiss Me (Kill Me). Dottore.
Summary: And then his breath halted. Nails slotting into the same marks she had left in the leather as he gripped it tightly. One sentence was enough to have his synthetic heart beating wildly, pounding as he took in the most simple phrase possible. After all, how can one mistake the words sitting neatly right before him?
Series warnings: suicidal ideation, gore, Dottore, the author trying their best to write a psychologist without any formal studying themselves, suicide, self harm, drug abuse, unhealthy relationships, depressed reader, reader is her own character, eventual smut, religious symbolism
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Chapter one:
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Matthew 11:28-30
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Pages were pinched between deft hands, crinkling them with ease as if the words printed out on them in a rushed, messy scrawl meant no more than a spider being crushed to death under a white tissue. All without so much as a hint of protest, for what could paper do against merciless hands?
It was merely a dead tree at the end of it all. Torn from its root, broken off and left to dry in the heat of a warm day, sapping it of all the life it had only to be dunked back into water. Boiled; down to its most basic properties and pulped. All to be formed into something new: the base that starts a creation. From books, art, or scrawled secrets in a diary.
But the dead do not praise the almighty that snuffed it out, nor do any who go down into silence. So the plant it had once been withers away.
A page was torn, a sound that grated on his ears. Dottore almost recoiled on instinct, having gotten so used to the distinct rip of paper that was torn asunder after hours of work had been documented only to turn out fruitless. A waste of his time and effort as a trash bin would slowly fill and tip over.
A scowl grew on his lips.
Now just what was she doing?
In the matter of a few long strides, Dottore had moved from his spot, leaning against the doorframe to her, grabbing her wrist with ease. Capturing her attention. The woman he dared to whisper the pet name habibi to in the dark of the night between rumpled sheets and had long since dubbed Beauty jolted back, looking up at him in a manner he was well used to by now.
Her gaze was as analytical as always; from the very moment they first met to now in their silent reverie. Observing him in the very same way Dottore looked down at a subject below his eager fingers or a piece of Khaenri’ah's legacy left behind in fragments scattered across Teyvat; breaking them down and building them back up so he may understand every last piece. How it works, how it moves, how it falls, and watch it all come together again with a newfound piece of knowledge to utilize.
But contrary to those moments hidden away in his laboratory, there were no gloves separating Beauty from him like there always was with those who lay strapped down on a stainless steel vivisection table. Nay, there was only the warmth of skin against skin he had so greedily chosen to relish in for he was a man who has never tasted sweetness being drawn in by the red sheen of an apple, pointed teeth biting into it for the first time as its juices befouled his maw. Not even the snap of blue rubber against his wrists could save him from the heat of her touch.
That was something Dottore had learned long ago.
“This is the first time I've seen you out of bed in days, and it's to tear apart your work?” Dottore questioned.
At least, that's what he assumed it was. She hadn't even given him the proper chance to peek at the pages he was expecting to see littered with bullet points and breakdowns of this subject or that one all in glittery ink before her free hand was brushing it all away. Nearly knocking it off the desk as she formed a measly excuse of a stack. Ruffling could be heard, but that paled to how her fingers were splayed wide to block his prying eyes.
Only a few messy words had caught his attention, drawing him in before she ripped everything right out from under him. Sheets of paper a rug his feet weren't even planted on suddenly throwing him off balance.
Tilting his head back to thunk against something all with the gentle scoff, she huffed, not even looking up at him as “peeking now” was asked in an accusatory tone.
“Could you blame a scholar for being curious?”
“Yes, I can.”
He felt her swatting at his chest, touch as light as the gentle caress of a falling feather, as she tried to get Dottore to give her some space; if not an ample amount. It's just like she's been insisting on for days now. Endlessly. Assurances of how she's fine, that they're fine, and everything is simply peachy besides the fact she's simply been feeling a little under the weather as of late have been stuffed into his ears again and again like cotton swabs. Soon, no doubt, they would pierce the tympanic membrane and leave only blood in their wake. For today, it had reached the two week mark, and Beauty was still insisting she was “fine.”
It took no effort on Dottore's part to capture the offending limb.
His thumb ran over her wrist, over her racing pulse, until he was tracing the lines on her palm. Mapping out how they curved around them and shifted with each flex of her hand. “Someone's nervous.”
“You..” Beauty's voice trailed off, fading down to a whisper only from uttering one word. But still, he stared down at her, waiting for a proper answer on what this entire debacle had been about. “And you know I don't like you going over my work when it's incomplete.”
Dottore's fingers twitched, threatening to tighten his hold on her before he let her go.
“Then I suppose I should have come home at my usual hour then. That way, you would have had the time to hide this”- he gestured to the mess on the vanity- “away.”
Of course, she jumped, nearly throwing herself off a cliff in the process, at the chance to change the subject. “Actually, I was wondering why you're back early. You're usually so wrapped up in work.”
Which would usually end with Dottore trudging through their bedroom door after a long day, only to slip his coat off as silently as possible to drape it over a lone chair off to the side. A dull blue light would always fill the corner as he came back, flickering over his face and hers as Beauty laid in bed, illuminating the way her eyelids twitched in irritation at the sudden glow; still, she always pretended to be asleep anyway.
Never stirring from the covers.
Not even as he pressed a kiss to her forehead and slipped into the bathroom to get ready for the quiet night that awaited him; one of Dottore staring up at the ceiling while she slowly fell into the depths of the dream world he had once been ecstatic at having access to when he first ripped the Akasha from his ear and called it what it truly was: a limitation. An inhibitor. A chain wrapped around the necks of human beings like they were dogs to be shackled by Celestia's will.
The very same irking feeling at the thought greeted Dottore tonight like an old friend, beckoning him as he made his way downstairs, pulling her along with him and away from her supposed work and the wooden vanity so they could have dinner together.
Though she had first insisted on cleaning up, on getting rid of the “trash” she had “dared to pen down in the first place.” Her purple bound leather notebook with loose, torn pages sticking out of the sides was suddenly shoved into a nearby waste bin and quickly taken out to be dumped by one of the maids as they worked. All before he could even make out the design stamped into the front.
It was so unlike her, but she always did have a way of confounding him.
A reticent meal had taken up his evening; one Dottore never would have imagined bothering with five years ago, not when he could have been down in the lab with the sounds of metal clanging or the gentle hum of a machine running as he tinkered with a ruin guard. Rust would be filling his nose rather than the scent of roasted duck as he was left with something that would at least make eye contact (or the closest a ruin guard can get to such) without Dottore having to draw its chin up to look at him.
Her eyes boring into his before she pushed Dottore's hand away and told him to eat lest he let another meal go cold before he finished it. Again.
So he laid in their shared bed, the taste of mint still on Dottore's tongue from brushing his teeth after dinner, and once again started counting each dot in the ceiling above as he stared up at the all too familiar sight.
When he was younger, before he knew the truth about the false sky and the lies it whispered to him, a little boy with wide eyes and his mother’s favorite blanket wrapped around his shoulders to keep off the starving cold had done the same with the stars. No matter how itchy it had been, he would have tugged it closer, welcomed its warm embrace, as he wordlessly mouthed the words:
One thousand forty-three.
One thousand forty-four.
One thousand forty-five.
Until he was dragged inside by a hand that grabbed him a little too tightly to do the very thing Beauty had now: to fall asleep.
Her breathing steady, as unshakable as those devout to prayers and a lifetime in pews as Beauty laid curled up against one of the many pillows littering the bed, taking more comfort in the foam stuffed inside it rather than Dottore and his awaiting arms. Comfortably, her nose sat buried away in the shirt she had stolen from him, again, and her legs coiled themselves up in the sheets. She always did have a way of taking them from him in the midst of slumber.
It would be so easy to pull that damnable pillow from her clutches, to throw it off to the side and hold her close until the morning came, and he'll have to leave when the sun rises. Casting its glow across her form lying alone. Only an imprint of his body in the mattress for company, but the few words he has been able to catch scratched out from the mess of papers have been worming at his brain the entire time he had laid there counting away.
Maggots to a corpse.
Feasting on curiosity he had in spades.
One thousand fifty-two, Dottore counted.
His name had been painted across the pages. Dottore, Zandik, and the nickname she called him. Matching the one he had for her. Back then, she had a smile on her face that had halted his breath, just the way it did as he stared at handwriting he could recall all the way down to every flick of an E.
Observations, no doubt, for human behavior was her bread and butter; the very air she breathed; and the ink spilling from her pen as she wrote down every sin he dared to confess.
He had received hundreds of reports from her by now, far too many to count but stored away nonetheless, about the latest test subjects detailing every last thing she could think of. To the point that he already had a vague idea of what she would have written about him, but it was more than that. It had to be. For she wouldn't have tossed that damn journal out otherwise.
Cast it aside like dross.
With one last lingering glance her way as Beauty snored against the sheets, Dottore got out of bed.
The floorboards didn't even so much as creek below him as he walked to the door and shut it with a silent click.
A book of all things was haunting him. Causing Dottore to leave his chambers in the middle of the night to make his way down chilled halls. The presence of the cryo Archon herself decorating each corridor, each twist and turn, with the cold he had worked so hard to combat a few centuries ago with heaters so hot to the touch you couldn't even graze past one without it leaving a burn on any trace of exposed flesh. (As learned from personal experience).
Zapolyarny Palace's rubbish room should be…
The flutter of his white jacket followed Dottore as he pulled it on, having only just plucked it from where it hung before the door had smacked him in the face he made his way down a flight of steps.
Briefly, Dottore could hear his segments over their shared network prying into what he was doing. Or arguing with themselves, really; that seemed to be their favorite hobby. They always had something to say. To jabber about to the point that tamping each voice down had become second nature.
Shutting them out was easy, something he had done millions of times by now. And that was just this past six months.
The last thing he heard, flickering out as the connection was temporarily cut to dull the ache in his head was Epsilon. Petulant, as between the radio static Dottore caught something about “and you say I'm the one who should mind their own business.”
Then, all Dottore was left with was the loud groan of the trash compactor. A sound that had welcomed him time and time again after all the times he had been down here. His shoes had always hit the floor louder than necessary as he had to deal with tossing supplies that unfortunately hadn't lasted through his experiments.
It creaks a nostalgic hum.
But that wasn't why he was here.
Flexing his hands, the leather of his gloves moving with them, Dottore set to digging through the plastic bags in front of him. Tossing anything that wasn't his goal out of the way, cluttering the floor with paper cups, shredded files, and whatever else had been used and forgotten. A lesser man might have been disgusted, but this was just another Tuesday.
And then his fingers met the stained purple leather.
Kalpalata lotus print embedded on the front.
A white figure huddled over trash stood in the middle of the room, a reverent touch grazing over the cover of the journal covered in scratches and fingernails prints worn into the leather just like the flower marking the front from having gripped it too tightly.
Surely, if someone came in now, they'd look at him as if he was crazed. Maybe even shout about ghosts suddenly intruding on the palace; to which he'd only laughed.
Taking the treasure in his grasp, Dottore turned it over methodically, studying just how well worn it was. Threadbare, down to the bone as the binding threatens to fall out on him, the first page already hanging out of the book as he opens it to read his habibi’s name claiming this as hers all with one simple signature staining the surface; in a way that he couldn't find himself to mind even with the occasional drops of ink.
It was enough to have Dottore pulling his gloves off, throwing them to the floor to collect later so he could trace over each word. Even with the splatters, it was still so much neater than his own notes written down in a crazed frenzy.
And then his breath halted.
Nails slotting into the same marks she had left in the leather as he gripped it tightly.
One sentence was enough to have his synthetic heart beating wildly, pounding as he took in the most simple phrase possible.
After all, how can one mistake the words:
Wouldn't it all be easier if I was dead?
In pure black ink. No colored pens, no glitter, not even doodles in the margins or a little heart just for him, a sight Dottore had grown well used to seeing in her reports to him.
The sight made him want to hurl the book into the shadows of the room around him. Let it be forgotten between heaps of trash and plastic bags. They could hide the pages, cover them in scraps of food, and soak in the drops of half finished drink until each letter was blurred beyond recognition.
She did, after all, decide it was trash.
So wouldn't it make sense he let it be treated like it was? As long as it meant never seeing those words again.
His arm was already extended, waiting to toss it into the foul abyss and say good riddance, but what would that do, really?
In the end, he still knew.
Dottore could sit here, close his eyes, and picture that damned sentence again all because he knew.
That simple fact was enough to have Dottore grimacing in annoyance. Mind telling him the obvious, just as always, even in this moment where his emotions were stirring into a storm. Clouds in his veins and behind the eyes, raining down as he flipped to the next page.
Thursday, May 13, 1675.
Graduation was today.
I sat with a few other people in my Darshan in the cheap chairs they set up (one I swear gave me a splinter) and watched as people took their scrolls with smiles on their faces. Years of work finally came to fruition.
Good for them, really. Good for me. Or, at least, that's what I tried to remind myself as I climbed up on stage and faked a smile as I was congratulated for making it this far. But even then, I was glad to cast that hat aside, the yellow Vahumana badge staring back at me as I put it away for the last time.
Another page.
Wednesday, May 19, 1675.
I have everything packed up and ready to go for my trip back home. My clothes were cleaned and folded, books were stored in cardboard boxes (I never noticed how many I've bought or been gifted over these past few years until I saw three boxes stuffed full), knick knacks wrapped in paper for safe travel, and the key to my room set out to be returned to the dorm mother tomorrow morning.
Everything is ready for me to leave and forget these hallowed halls.
Just like my roommate already has.
She didn't even say anything to me other than a passing goodbye as she left. It's not like I was surprised. Still, you think someone you have lived with for so long would be missed despite the harsh tension between us, but maybe that's just my own feelings.
Regardless, I'll be heading back to my family home soon, at least. So that is some comfort for whatever it's worth. Even if that does mean I'll have to prepare answers for the questions they will undoubtedly ask.
And another.
Saturday, May 22, 1675.
I have just arrived back home and already I want to leave.
My family was all smiles as they welcomed me in, told me to unpack what I could before dinner, and then barged into my room to talk.
What were your classes like? What did you do while you were gone? Did you make any friends? ….And I couldn't bring myself to tell them that no, I don't think I did. Not unless you count the someone I kept bothering for the sake of helping me translate texts full of the old Sumerian dialect for my papers.
Sunday, May 23, 1675.
Sunday dinners are the same as ever, I see. The last time I had to deal with this was when I was a freshman and visited for the first official break between semesters. From there, I decided I would prefer to stay in the dorms even when it's the holidays.
But tonight, I sat before a plate full of sabz meat stew and rice and watched everyone bow their heads as my family prayed in thanks.
The entire time I refused to even blink.
Friday, May 28, 1675.
I need to find a job. At least, that's what I've been telling myself for the past five days.
The very idea of getting up and searching is draining, but so is putting a smile on as someone pops their head into my room (without knocking, mind you) and asking how I'm doing. To which I always respond with I'm fine.
I’m fine.
I have to be.
Monday, May 31, 1675.
No more heads have been poking into my room, not since I told them I was going to join the Fatui despite all the other places I applied and got accepted into. The looks I got when I told everyone over dinner, right after they all prayed, had been priceless. Completely, utterly, stupefied, and I had to keep myself from laughing.
At the very least, this new job will keep my mind distracted. I won't be able to sit at home staring at family photos from when I was younger and- all that matters is I can keep my mind distracted.
A busy mind is a good thing, keep it from wandering, so I intend to let it stay that way.
And lastly:
Friday, June 13, 1675.
Dottore traced his fingers over the date, one he knew well. Not that he'd willingly admit that. If anyone did dare to ask, they would be simply dismissed, waved away as Dottore tells them something along the lines of “I have no need to pay attention to anniversaries.”
The thirteenth of July. It was the first day she started working for him.
Dottore found himself walking back inside, journal tucked into his jacket to make sure Beauty wouldn't see it in case she was awake and sleepily tripping over her own two feet in an attempt to find him to drag him back to bed. The door to his steady swung open without so much as a creak and closed just as silently. Lock turning in place before Dottore sat down in the couch chair he so rarely used these days; not when she was always there nagging him about how it would give Dottore crooks in his neck if he fell asleep there one more time.
Her hands lingering on his shoulders and lips pressed to his mask…
Dottore pushed the wry grin that threatened to grow on his face down, opting to lean back into that same chair that threatened to swallow him into the cushions the same way the open book did its pages.
Devouring his attention.
Settling in had been…far from fun, but I unpacked what I needed for the night and left it at that; the rest can be dealt with later. Besides, compared to the day I had a few cardboard boxes barely mattered. After all, what could compare to meeting the elusive Lord Harbinger Il Dottore himself?
The endless white halls had already started to blur together, forming a maze in your head as you tried to map out each and every turn of a corner as you followed behind the man in front of you. The stray posters tacked up on the wall about lab safety barely differentiated one place from another, not even with their cheesy lines and reminders to use basic common sense. All you could rely on at the moment was the one dutifully leading you along, giving you a tour inside the depths of Zapolyarny Palace like it was nothing.
For him it surely must be.
But you were stuck watching the swing of his badge as every step you both took it moved back and forth, taunting you. It was in Snezhnayan, not common, meaning you were left glaring at symbols you couldn't understand all because you hadn't heard the man's name properly when he introduced himself after giving you a pair of safety glasses.
Lab mandated, apparently.
They would take time to get used to and you can already see yourself forgetting to take them off at the end of the day, but for now you were focusing on the tour you were being given as you chewed over the idea of just simply asking for his name again.
But by now, it felt a little too late to ask again. Even if it just was for clarifications sake.
The tapping of shoes came to a halt as you both stopped before a pair of open doors leading to a giant room. It was mostly bare, but it had three practice dummies close to the wall currently falling from the pikes they had been strung up. Keeling over onto the black stained floor beneath them covered in ash.
A lone boot print stood in the inky black, leaving a patch of white into the inky abyss.
And more boot prints trailed a path along the floor until they fully disappeared.
“And here is where we run physical trials for test subjects.” He shot you a look as he said: “but I don't think you'll be here much.”
You only nodded in response.
Another room came after another hall to add to your mental map you had long since lost track of as everything seemed to wander off into dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. All as the sound of rustling clothes filled your ears and mindless chatter about how working down here had been for him. Even in a place known as Heresy’s he managed to seem carefree as a door was pushed open to an archive.
Hand above your head to give you the chance to peek in to see stacks of books right from the moment the door swung open with a loud groan.
You could already see yourself spending far too much time in here as your eyes scanned over the seemingly endless rows, but you weren't given much of a chance to take it all in before you were on to the next stop.
You both passed by a few labs. Some seemed calmer than others, some had posters about safety lining the walls, but all of them had you pulling your head away only seconds after sticking it in the doorway to scrunch up your nose as the smell of disinfectant and other chemicals you couldn't place assaulted you.
For a moment, you heard your tour guide mutter a “bless you” as you sneezed (again) before walking on ahead to another sector of Heresy's.
One full of hustle and bustle as people in lab coats moved around the room with an ease that only came from knowing a space inside and out. Shuffling around giant crates, pieces of machinery you couldn't name but certainly recognized from a few constructions in Sumeru you had been told not to stray near, and steel tables all currently occupied with Fatui.
Faces hidden away by metal masks.
Just like the ones who openly walked around under the Tsarita's employ back home, never sparing you a glance.
The masks were only lifted away long enough for a light to be shined in their eyes, ones you always questioned as you passed them by on the streets or in Lambad's tavern, and then their faces were hidden away again. Blocked from sight so the individual fell away, and they once again belonged to the mass. To the service. To the worship of their beloved cryo Archon.
Would there be mercy in the eyes of the neighboring nations' people as they fulfill Her orders? Dutifully listening to whatever they're told simply because someone divine uttered a word or two.
The only thing that halted your train of thought with a resounding screech, breaks pulled back and forced to kick up sparks along well worn rails that lit your mind afire was the same man's voice who had been showing you around calling your name. All so your gaze could follow his pointed finger towards one figure in the room.
Pointing, pointing, and pointing towards a head of blue hair and a black mask.
Funny, you could have sworn you saw that same distinct shade in a few of the other sectors before you had been encouraged to keep up with the wave of a hand.
But the man at the other end of a finger and its broken nail was standing tall as everyone moved around him. A lone figure unbothered by the crowd that already had your shoulders tensing as someone passed behind you with a quick call of an “excuse me.”
“It's rude to point you know.” You said, trying to make a joke as you took everything in at once.
Between bustling figures was an earring like beryl only for it to glow the same way the flicker of a flaming torch lighting up the darkest of nights would, clothes ironed but clearly rumbled from today's work, and a mask with the gleam of burnished aluminum as this man stood before an occupied steel table. (You had later been told the correct term is vivisection table). A hand over a random Fatuus arm, checking for something or another with rippling skin as the limb was turned this way or that; discolored, but against the pale skin the bruises looked like the ice cold ocean you had sailed upon as a boat took you further and further away from your home.
You didn't even register your tour guide, saying that being rude was the least of your worries as that mask turned towards you. The end of its beak, birdlike as it was, stabbing at the air between you and who you could only guess was-
“Lord Harbinger Dottore.”
An arm was dropped, forgotten about with ease as Dottore himself moved to stand before you.
The man beside you bowed his head in respect, and you followed his example.
Head lowered, safety glasses sliding off your face and only stopping thanks to your ears as the sound of a multitude filled the air. All from a sentence so short it barely came across as a sign of acknowledgment.
“You must be the new hire.”
“I am.”
“I hope you prove your worth then. I would hate to have wasted my time bringing you here only to have a lack of results from bringing in a psychologist for my test subjects.” A pause. “But I am sure you understand. After all, you are only here temporarily. A trial run if you will.”
And as you looked up, meeting Dottore face to mask, all you could see was your own reflection staring back at you. Dark circles under your eyes from the lack of sleep you were able to get last night having tossed and turned in an unfamiliar bed before you slowly succumbed to the constant pull at your mind to let it all go.
To simply rest.
For humanity, after all the time you have sat back with a colored pen and a notebook in hand, it has spilled its secrets to you. That it is afflicted in every way; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.
And you could only say you long since stopped hoping for destruction to turn a blind eye to you.
“Well, I am honored to be here as a trail run, Lord Harbinger.”
You didn't miss the way his lips curled up, twisting to reveal pointed teeth as Dottore drawled out. “Good. Then we're on the same page."
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ladyhoneydee · 1 year
Of Anguish and Apple Fritters
zelink | Modern AU | <1k
It’s 4:53 in the morning. The corner donut store won’t even be open for another hour. But he keeps the door unlocked for her.
On bad brain nights, Zelda finds refuge in the quiet comfort and warmth of her local donut shop, and its owner, Link.
This one goes out to all my homies whose brains hate them anytime past 11pm lol. It's the polished version of a previous post, if it seems familiar to you!
Read it on AO3, FFN, or under the cut!
The bell jangles hollowly above her head as Zelda yanks the door open. One bare, quivering hand on the metal handle, the other braced against the doorframe to counter the late-winter wind. A bone-chilling gust, speckled with snow and dashed with the urban bouquet of cigarette smoke and exhaust, joins the squeaks of her damp sneakers against the vinyl tile floor and drowns her in a sensory cacophony of overstimulation as she pushes the door closed behind her with a heavy exhale.
It’s 4:53 in the morning. The corner donut shop won’t even be open for another hour. But he keeps the door unlocked for her. 
The desperate knot of loneliness and fear winding through her chest and threading her organs loosens when she leans back against the door and takes a deep breath through her nose. The fragrance of warm dough; the must of yeast. Chocolate, sugar, cinnamon. At least five different fruits boiling down into thick jam fillings. The scent would be delectable and heavenly on its own for any customer, but for her, it carries a different, deeper comfort. Classical conditioning.
Link pokes his head out of the doorway to the kitchen. He clutches a stainless steel baking sheet clamoring with eclairs in his oven-mitt-clad hands. “I heard the bell,” he says. It’s unnecessary; they both know he did. But she appreciates it regardless, because what he really means, she knows, is I hear you. “Take a seat, Zel, I’ll be out once I’ve set these on the rack.”
In addition to a handful of small tables, Link’s little donut shop has a bar: five stools lined up along a laminate counter. It joins up to the left side of the massive display case, which glimmers half-full with maple twists, glazed donuts, a small mountain of cinnamon-sugar donut holes, and a dozen other varieties of the best way to eat fried dough. The bar thing certainly isn’t common for a donut shop, but Link makes it work. Sometimes she imagines that he used to be a bartender before he opened this place, and missed the longer talks with customers so much that he added in a place where they could linger.
She plops herself down on the rightmost stool, the one closest to the kitchen door. Her snow-damp hoodie nearly strangles her upon its strained removal, but she breathes a little easier with the fabric covering the seat beside her, rather than her own clammy skin.
It takes five minutes, but Link eventually pops out of the kitchen as promised. This time, the wooden tray he holds is populated by sausage kolaches. He uses a flour-dusted hip to push the sliding glass out of the way, and slots in the tray next to the fruit-filled kolache variants. 
“It’s good to see you, Zel.” He throws her a smile through the display pane as he kneels down to rearrange some chocolate cake donuts that have fallen just slightly out of alignment. 
Seven visits ago, he would have led with a sympathetic Rough night?, to which she would glumly nod. Twelve visits ago, it was a Hey, sorry, we’re not open ye—oh, honey, take a seat at the counter. No, go ahead, it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m just getting set up. I’ll be right back out. Stay as long as you want. Now, he just knows: the night is rough, and she is here, and in half an hour or so, she’ll be okay. 
His hands are never empty, and he hardly steps out of the kitchen for longer than two minutes at a time. Their conversation comes in stops and starts and stutters. But every time he’s behind the counter, they talk. 
He follows up on how her grad school applications are coming (poorly, given the gaps in her resume from four years of unrelated experience). She asks him what seasonal flavors he’s planning for when spring finally comes (kiwi, with peach coming later in the season). She learns that he has indeed bartended, but left the field for “sweeter digs—get it? Sweeter?” when he decided to go sober.
On his fifth pass, he hands her an unglazed apple fritter, still piping hot from the oven: her favorite. They both laugh as she juggles it between her fingertips and litters the bar with crumbs despite her best efforts. 
By 5:47am, the only thing still weighing her down is the increasing heaviness of her eyelids. Her traitorous, poison-spewing brain has moved on to happier pursuits. The deep-seated fear that she will live a very long life and she will spend it alone and unloved, and that the few people that have ever cared for her will forget her and find better relationships than she could ever offer them, has settled. She knows it will return; knows that by now, the existential dread is a part of her. Still, as long as she can find refuge and give herself grace, she thinks she’ll be okay. 
As Zelda pulls her hoodie back on, Link tells her to take care and that he looks forward to seeing her next time, and she knows from the look in his eyes—warmer than his ovens and deep-fryers combined—that he truly means it.
She exits the shop at 6 on the dot as the first impatient customer of the day enters, and the bell chimes her a hopeful goodbye. 
Author’s Note
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. 
This fic was borne from a Twitter thread, originally posted by the user @pochaccobebi, which said "weird but long time ago when i felt scared alone during 2-4 am i always think about bakers in their bakery who are already up during that time doing their thing", with a reply from a former bakery employee confirming that "if you are sad or scared at 3am just remember that we're up preparing donuts, and the donuts are warm for you". I found this to be such a compelling idea--the donut shop as a place of personal comfort–I I turned it into an entire oneshot. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. 
Much thanks to my beta readers, Ace and pastels-and-pining! They are lovely friends and wonderful creators, and I recommend checking out their own LoZ fanfic and fanart!
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sheetmetalwork · 4 months
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Choosing V and F Sheet Metal for manufacturing your stainless steel sheet metal components in the UK offers several advantages. Firstly, their expertise in laser cutting enables precise and intricate designs, allowing for complex shapes and patterns to be achieved with remarkable accuracy. This method optimises material usage, reducing waste and lowering costs.
Furthermore, V and F Sheet Metal utilise advanced CNC punching techniques. This high-speed process ensures exceptional repeatability, making it ideal for large production runs. By employing CNC punching, we can efficiently create various holes, slots, and other features in your stainless steel sheet metal components, catering to diverse manufacturing needs.
Additionally, their proficiency in CNC bending offers precise control over the bending process. CNC bending ensures consistent and accurate bends, essential for maintaining the integrity and functionality of your components. This capability is particularly beneficial for producing complex geometries and ensuring each part fits perfectly within your assembly.
Moreover, V and F Sheet Metal’s strategic location in Hampshire provides significant logistical advantages. Being based in Hampshire allows them to offer swift and efficient delivery times, ensuring your projects stay on schedule. This proximity facilitates better communication and collaboration, leading to more responsive service and faster turnaround times.
In summary, V and F Sheet Metal is the ideal choice for your stainless steel sheet metal components in the UK, combining precision, efficiency, and strategic location to meet your manufacturing needs effectively.
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productdisplay · 5 months
Toasty Temptations: Exploring the Best Bread Toasters for Every Kitchen
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In the realm of culinary adventures, every kitchen needs reliable companions that streamline the cooking process and elevate the culinary experience. From grinding spices to toasting bread and crafting gourmet meals, the right appliances and cookware sets can make all the difference. In this blog, we delve into the indispensable trio for any kitchen: Wet Grinders, Bread Toasters, and Cookware Sets.
Wet Grinders: A Testament to Tradition and Efficiency
Wet grinders, with roots in centuries-old culinary customs, are vital for Indian and other homes. These sturdy machines are made to grind perfectly-soaked grains, lentils, and spices with ease. Their stone-grinding process ensures a smooth texture that complements the flavor of different foods while preserving the authenticity of flavors.
To meet a variety of culinary needs, modern wet grinders are equipped with cutting-edge features including multiple grinding stones, variable capacity, and user-friendly controls. Great wet grinder are still kitchen essential because of their efficiency and versatility, whether they are being used to make savory curries or to make idli batter for breakfast.
Bread Toasters: Crafting Crunchy Delights with Ease
In the middle of hectic mornings and relaxed brunches, a bread toaster becomes a culinary hero, turning bland slices into golden brown perfection. Whether you like to experiment with gourmet toppings or just enjoy a plain slice of toast, a bread toaster delivers consistency and convenience at the push of a button.
Contemporary toasters come with large slots that can fit different types of bread, adjustable browning settings, and even functions specifically designed for bagels and pastries. Toasters simplify the morning ritual and provide a little warmth to every slice with their quick heating technology and easy-to-clean features.
Cookware Sets: Elevating Culinary Creations
Every delicious recipe starts with a well-stocked kitchen with high-quality cookware set. The foundation of culinary artistry is having the correct pots, pans, and utensils for every task, from sautéing and simmering to baking and broiling. Stainless steel, non-stick finishes, and cast iron structures provide robustness, heat retention, and smooth food release, enabling home cooks to confidently experiment with a variety of cuisines.
Contemporary cookware sets are carefully selected to incorporate necessary items such as baking sheets, stockpots, saucepans, and frying pans, accommodating different cooking methods and tastes. These sets offer flexibility and ease in all culinary pursuits with their ergonomic handles, oven-safe designs, and compatibility with various stovetops.
To sum up, Wet Grinders, Bread Toasters, and Cookware Sets are the cornerstones of culinary brilliance, turning ordinary items into delectable treats. Investing in these necessities promises to improve your cooking experience and stimulate culinary creativity, regardless of your cooking goals—authenticity, efficiency, or diversity.
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pssteel999 · 5 months
Steel Pipe Manufacturer, SS Pipe Supplier In India
PS Steel is a manufacturer and supplier of stainless steel (SS) pipes. We offer a range of SS pipes in various grades, sizes, and specifications to cater to different industrial and Industrial Application needs. PS Steel is known for providing high-quality SS pipes and reliable services to customers. If you need more specific information or assistance regarding SS pipes from PS Steel, Get Best Quote.
SS Pipe and Tube Fittings, SS Pipe Dealer in India, SS Flanges Fitting, Metal Pipe, material suppliers, Industrial Pipe Fittings, SS FLanges Fittings, SS Valve Fittings
We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of industrial SS pipe fittings, Ss slot pipes, Inconel monel raw material, MS pipe, Jindal pipe, Ps pipe, steel pipes, pipe fittings, stainless steel sheets, Ss seamless pipe, and Ss pipe, to name a few fittings.
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sachiyasteel · 6 months
Stainless Steel Screws Manufacturers in India
Stainless Steel Screws Manufacturers in India. Leading suppliers dealers in Mumbai Chennai Bangalore Ludhiana Delhi Coimbatore Pune Rajkot Ahmedabad Kolkata Hyderabad Gujarat and many more places. Sachiya Steel International manufacturing and exporting high quality Screws Fasteners worldwide. We are India's largest Screws Exporter, exporting to more than 85 countries. We are known as Stainless Steel Screws Manufacturers and Exporters due to exporting and manufacturing on a large scale.
Types of Screws -
Sachiya Steel International manufacture a wide variety of Screws. There is a different types of screws used for different needs. Screws are used directly on the surface unlike the Bolts. Our Screws are available in different sizes, grades and shapes. Sachiya Steel International manufactures and exports high-quality industrial Screws. We are Exporters of the following Screws -Nylon Screws, Hex Screws, Self-Tapping Screws, Cheese Head Screws, CSK Slotted Screws, Pan Phillips Screws, Leg Screws, Socket Head Cap Screws and more.
About Screws Fasteners -
A screw is a type of fastener, in some ways similar to a bolt, typically made of metal, and characterized by a helical ridge, known as a male external thread. Screws are used to fasten materials by digging in and wedging into a material when turned, while the thread cuts grooves in the fastened material that may help pull fastened materials together and prevent pull-out. There are many screws for a variety of materials; those commonly fastened by screws include sheet metal, wood, and plastic.
For More Info Visit our Website: https://sachiyasteel.com/stainless-steel-screws-manufacturers-in-india.php
Contact Us: 097690 56007
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xinluwaterwellscreen · 6 months
Xinlu wedge wire sieve bend screen
Anping County Xinlu Wire Mesh Products Co., Ltd. specialize in producing :stainless steel vee wire panels, Johnson screen panels, wire wrapped screen plates, reverse wedge wire screens, v wire screens, Johnson filter plates, flat v wire panels, sieve bend screens, DSM screens, drum screens, ARC screens, dewatering screen panels, continuous slot screen panels, v wire slot panels, wedge wire support grids, wedge wire stainless steel gratings, wedge wire sheets, and vibrating screen panels.
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fastnersllp · 6 months
Screws: Uses and Applications
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Fasteners like stainless metal screws are essential for fitting two pieces together. These fasteners find applications from everyday things to advanced machines. Screws are available in multiple types depending on their design, functionality, and applications. The following article explains the use of screws and their applications in different industrial sectors.
Uses of screws
Screws are one of the common fastener types, like stainless steel bolts and nuts, with extensive application in the construction sector. Screws are versatile and have excellent resistance. Following are some of the uses of screws:
Connecting the materials: Screws are essential for joining multiple materials safely and effectively, like assembly of metal structures, electronics, and furniture, as they offer a solid and lasting connection.
Connecting wooden elements: Stainless metal screws find extensive application in carpentry, construction, and assembly of furniture. The threads on the screws allow ease of insertion in the material and a stronghold.
Equipment and machinery assembly: Stainless steel screws are essential for assembling multiple machine pieces. These Stainless Steel 304 fasteners offer resistance to vibrations. The rotational torque on these screws makes it a top fastener choice for holding together machine parts.
Structural support: One of the top applications of stainless steel screws is building and bridge construction. These accessories are also useful for fixing columns, beams, and more. Screws offer a reliable and strong connection, ensuring the structure remains safe and sturdy.
Maintenance and repair: S.S. screws are perfect for applications requiring frequent maintenance and repair of the different system parts. Hence, they are used for repairing appliances, screws, and more.
Automotive sector: Fasteners like screws find applications in automobile manufacturing as they help assemble the automobile components like engines, body panels, suspension systems, etc. These accessories ensure safety and reliability.
Electronics: Screws are essential for the security of different elements in electronic devices like smartphones and laptops as they provide reliability and precision.
Construction sector: One of the top applications of S.S. screws is the construction industry. Screws are essential for operations like roofing, drywall installation, framing, and fixing fittings and fixtures.
Types of screws
Following are the type of screws available at a screw supplier
Wood Screws
Lag Bolts
Sheet Metal Screws
Hex Bolts
Hex Screws
Nylon Screws
Masonry Screws
Self-Tapping Screws
CSK Slotted Screws
Socket Head Cap Screws
Anchor Screws
Shoulder Screws
Fastener selection and installation
One must consider multiple factors during screw selection and installation. The fastener material, strength requirements, and applications are some considerations. Moreover, it is also crucial to seek consultation from experts at fastener manufacturers in India, like Fasteners & Fixtures LLP, regarding the right type and size of screw essential for your project. Following are some of the considerations for selecting and installing screws:
Material considerations: It is essential consider to the material on which the fastener is fastened. Choose a screw per the application.
Consider the thread type: The threads on the screws are a prominent part of the stainless steel fasteners as they decide the fastening mechanism. Stainless self-tapping screws are perfect for hard materials.
Consider the screw size: It is essential to choose the perfect size of the screws to guarantee a tight fit.
Use the right tools during installation: Fitting screws in a material require the perfect tools like wrenches or screwdrivers, ensuring a tight fit.
Pre-drilling operation: Pre-drilling can be best for fragile materials like wood to prevent splitting.
Right force: It is vital to apply only essential force during screw installation as low force can lead to loosening, while excess force can overtighten the screws and lead to breakage.
Final thoughts
Stainless steel 304 fasteners like screws find extensive applications due to their durable and reliable fastening. By understanding the fastener types, sizes, materials, and other factors, you can choose the correct fasteners and ensure safe installation. One must choose a reputed fastener supplier, ensuring you get the best quality products. Fasteners And Fixtures LLP is a leading stainless steel screw manufacturer offering extensive product variety, top material quality, and functional products. For more information, contact them today!
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cagemasterfantasy · 7 months
Serves 4 as an appetizer
Ingredients: Sweet and Sour sauce: 1/3 Cup apricot or peach jam or orange marmalade, 1/3 cup ketchup, 3 Tablespoons cider vinegar, 1 Tablespoon light or dark brown sugar, 2 Teaspoons soy sauce, 1/2 Teaspoon chile-garlic sauce (Optional), Kosher salt
Tempura: About 1 1/2 quarts canola or other high-smoke-point oil for frying, 2/3 Cup cake flour, 3 Tablespoons all-purpose flour, Kosher salt, 2/3 Cup plus 1 Tablespoon sparkling water, cold, 8 Ounces fresh shiitake mushrooms, stemmed, very large cups halved, cold, 1 Sweet potato, peeled, halved lengthwise, and cut crosswise into 1/4-inch slices, cold, 1 Yellow onion, trimmed, halved pole to pole, and cut lengthwise into 1/2-inch slivers, cold
Make the Sauce: In a small saucepan over medium heat, warm the jam, stirring, until mostly fluid, 3 to 5 minutes. Add the ketchup, vinegar, brown sugar, soy sauce, chile-garlic sauce (if using), and 1/2 teaspoon salt and whisk to combine. Bring to a simmer and cook, whisking, to blend the flavors, 1 minute. Set aside to cool to room temperature. Taste and adjust the seasoning with additional salt, if necessary.
Make the Tempura: Line a large, rimmed baking sheet with a double layer of paper towels and set aside. Clip a deep-fry or candy thermometer to the side of a heavy 5-quart Dutch oven, add the oil, and warm over medium-high heat to 390. Preheat the oven to 200. Place a wire rack on a second large rimmed baking sheet and set aside.
Meanwhile fill a large bowl about 1/3 full with ice and about 1 1/2 cups water. In a medium (preferably stainless-steel) bowl that will fit in the larger bowl, whisk together the cake and all-purpose flours and 3/4 teaspoon salt; set this bowl in the bowl with the ice water to chill the flour mixture. When the oil reaches 390, add the sparkling water to the flour mixture and stir just until the wet and dry are incorporated, but still a little lumpy; do not overmix.
Working with about 8 pieces at a time, use tongs or chopsticks to dip them in the batter to coat thoroughly. Allow any excess batter to drip off, then slip them into the oil and fry until slightly puffed and pale gold, adjusting the heat as necessary to maintain 390 stirring to prevent sticking, and turning the pieces over in the oil once or twice to promote even frying, 5 to 6 minutes for each batch. With a spider skimmer, slotted spoon, or long tongs, transfer the tempura to the paper towel lined baking sheet to drain for 30 seconds. Sprinkle lightly with salt and place on the wire rack set on the baking sheet and put in the oven to keep warm. Allow the oil to recover to 390 and fry the remaining batches. Serve with the sweet and sour sauce.
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decorworks · 11 months
Handy Tips and Ideas for In-Built Kitchen Cabinets
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The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home, and for good reason. It's a space where culinary creativity thrives, family gatherings happen, and memories are created. Having well-organized kitchen cabinets can make a world of difference in how efficiently you cook and enjoy your time in this space. When it comes to kitchen organization and functionality, in-built kitchen cabinets play a pivotal role. They not only enhance the aesthetics of your kitchen but also provide essential storage solutions. Here are some handy tips for making the most of your in-built kitchen cabinets: Plan Your Layout Carefully: Before diving into cabinet organization, it's crucial to plan your kitchen layout thoughtfully. Consider the "kitchen work triangle" principle, which places the stove, sink, and refrigerator in a triangular formation for maximum efficiency. Ensure that your in-built cabinets are strategically placed to support this layout and minimize unnecessary movement while cooking. Use Adjustable Shelving: One-size-fits-all shelving doesn't always work in kitchen cabinets. Opt for cabinets with adjustable shelves to accommodate items of various sizes. This flexibility allows you to reconfigure your storage space as needed, whether you're storing tall pots or small spice jars.
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2 Pack Expandable Cabinet Countertop Shelves, Stackable Shelves Organizers For Kitchen Cabinet Countertop Storage, Adjustable Cupboard Counter Pantry Organizer Shelf Rack Stand, Length:20.5", Black $29.99
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NEX Kitchen Cabinet and Counter Pantry Shelf Organizer, Expandable & Stackable, White $19.99 Use an in-built drying rack above the sink: The Finnish dish-drying cabinet, also known as Astiankuivauskaappi, is a piece of kitchen shelving placed above the sink, with shelves made of wire or dowels to allow washed dishes set within to drip into the sink and air dry. The concept was popularized in Finland in the 1940s by Maiju Gebhard, the head of the household department at the Finnish Work Efficiency Institute.0 The cabinets are sometimes bottomless, allowing the dishes to drain right into the sink. Using an in-built drying rack above the sink is a clever and space-saving kitchen feature that can streamline your dishwashing routine. Simply wash your dishes as usual, and instead of reaching for a separate dish rack, place them on the in-built drying rack above the sink. The slotted design allows water to drain directly into the sink, minimizing countertop clutter and reducing the need for dish towels. This convenient setup not only saves counter space but also promotes better air circulation around your dishes, aiding in faster drying. Once your dishes are dry, you can easily put them away, keeping your kitchen tidy and efficient.
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Over Sink Dish Drying Rack, MAJALIS 3 Tier Full 304 Stainless Steel Large Dish Drainer for Kitchen, Height Adjustable Above Sink Shelf, Counter Storage Organizer with 10 Hooks(Sliver, 25.5"-35.5") $127.99 (sale less 12%)
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PUSDON Over Sink Dish Drying Rack (34"-45") 3 Tier, 2 Cutlery Holders Adjustable Dish Drainer for Kitchen Storage Countertop Organization, Stainless Steel Space Save Shelf (Sink Size≤44inch, Black) $109.99 Invest in Pull-Out Shelves and Drawers: Pull-out shelves and drawers are a game-changer for deep cabinets. They provide easy access to items at the back, preventing forgotten ingredients from languishing in the depths of your cabinets. Use them for pots, pans, baking sheets, or even small appliances.
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SimpleHouseware Pull Out Cabinet Sliding Basket $19.87 (sale less 20%) Group Similar Items Together: Organize your cabinet contents by category. Group similar items together, such as baking supplies, spices, or cleaning supplies. This not only makes it easier to find what you need but also keeps your kitchen looking tidy. Use Drawer Dividers and Organizers: Drawer dividers and organizers are indispensable for keeping utensils, cutlery, and kitchen tools in order. They prevent clutter and help you make the most of your drawer space. To keep your baking sheets, cutting boards, and serving trays organized, install vertical dividers in your cabinets. This prevents these items from piling up and getting scratched or damaged.
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ClearSpace Plastic Storage Bins – Perfect Kitchen Organization or Pantry Storage – Fridge Organizer, Pantry Organization and Storage Bins, Cabinet Organizers $39.99 (sale less 20%) Clear Containers for Dry Goods: For pantry items like pasta, rice, and cereal, consider using clear containers with labels. Not only do they keep your dry goods fresh, but they also make it easy to see when you're running low on a particular item.
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Smart Design Extendable Storage Shelf – Lengthen from 16 to 32.5 in., Black – Sturdy Steel Pantry Organizer with Rust-Resistant Finish and Non-Slip Feet for Easy Home Organization and Storage $29.99 (sale less 30%) Utilize the Space Above Cabinets: Don't forget the space above your upper cabinets. Use it to display decorative items or store infrequently used kitchen gadgets. Just ensure these items are clean and won't collect dust. Consider Pull-Out Trash and Recycling Bins: Hiding your trash and recycling bins inside a cabinet is a space-saving solution that keeps your kitchen looking neat. Opt for pull-out systems that make waste disposal convenient and hygienic.
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Home Zone Living 15.3 Gallon Pull Out Under Cabinet Trash Can, Large Dual Removable Liners for Recycling and Trash (7.65 + 7.65 for 15.3 Gallon Total) $85.51 (sale less 14%) Utilize Corner Cabinets Effectively: Corner cabinets can be challenging to access and organize. Consider installing lazy Susans, pull-out shelves, or corner drawers to maximize the use of this often underutilized space. They provide easy access to items that would otherwise be challenging to reach. Label and Date: To prevent food waste, label and date items in your pantry cabinet. This practice helps you keep track of expiration dates and makes meal planning more efficient.
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ZHWS Kitchen Corner Shelf Countertop Organizer - 3 Tier Bamboo & Metal Kitchen Organization Plant Stand Living Room Office, Spice Rack On Counter Shelves, Antique $27.99 (sale less 36%) Opt for Soft-Close Hardware: Soft-close hinges and drawer glides not only extend the life of your cabinets but also add a touch of luxury to your kitchen. They prevent doors and drawers from slamming shut, reducing wear and tear. Regularly Declutter and Clean: Lastly, maintaining organized cabinets requires regular decluttering and cleaning. Take the time to go through your cabinets periodically, purging items you no longer need, and wiping down surfaces. In-built kitchen cabinets are a valuable investment in your home, and how you organize them can significantly impact your daily kitchen experience. By following these handy tips, you'll create a well-organized and efficient kitchen that enhances both your cooking endeavors and the overall functionality of your home. So, roll up your sleeves, get creative, and make your in-built kitchen cabinets work smarter for you. Your culinary adventures will thank you!
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Sbosbo Water Bottle Organizer, Stackable Bottle Storage Rack, 4 Pack Water Bottle Holder for Kitchen Fridge Cabinet Organization and Storage, Plastic Wine Rack/Drink Bottle Holder $19.99 (sale less 17%)
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SPACEKEEPER Slim Rolling Storage Cart, Laundry Room Organization, 3 Tier Mobile Shelving Unit Bathroom Organizer Utility Cart for Kitchen, Narrow Places(White) $19.79 (sale less 24%) Read the full article
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nigasu02 · 11 months
Significance Of Both Tube Expander & Grooving Tools!
In the world of manufacturing and machining, precision is the cornerstone of success. Tube expanders and grooving tools are essential components in achieving precision in machining processes. Tube Expander manufacturer in India and Grooving tool manufacturer in India play pivotal roles in providing industries with the necessary tools for accurate and efficient machining operations. In this article, we will delve into the significance of both these tools, their applications, and the key aspects of their manufacturing.
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Significance of Tube Expanders:
Tube expanders are essential instruments found in industries like power generation, petrochemicals, HVAC, and manufacturing, particularly where heat exchangers and boilers are frequently used.
Tube expanders are utilized in various industrial applications, including boilers, heat exchangers, and condensers, to enhance and facilitate seamless operations.
Correct tube expansion guarantees firm connections between tubes and tube sheets, effectively preventing leaks and system failures
Significance of Grooving Tools:
Grooving tools excel in precision machining, delivering high precision, repeatability, and superior surface finishes, thereby guaranteeing that components adhere to rigorous specifications.
These tools are versatile and find application across diverse industries like automotive, aerospace, and electronics, where they craft slots and intricate features in crucial components.
Grooving tool manufacturers frequently provide customization possibilities to address precise application needs.
Key Aspects of Manufacturing Grooving Tools and Tube Expanders:
Choosing the Appropriate Materials: Selecting the right materials is a pivotal decision in the manufacturing process of both grooving tools and tube expanders. The choice revolves around opting for top-tier materials like stainless steel, alloy steel, carbide, or specialized alloys. This selection is contingent on the specific applications and challenges these tools will encounter across diverse industries.
Highly Accurate Engineering: The production of these tools necessitates advanced machining methods, notably Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining. Precision engineering is crucial as it guarantees precise tolerances and reliable performance, meeting the demanding criteria of machining procedures.
Customization: Reputable manufacturers provide customization services, allowing them to adapt grooving tools and tube expanders to the distinct requirements of their clientele. 
Support: Well-established manufacturers offer extensive technical assistance to aid customers in choosing the ideal tools for their specific applications. 
Quality Assurance: The manufacturing process incorporates rigorous quality control procedures at every stage. Thorough testing, inspections, and stringent quality checks are carried out to guarantee that each tool adheres to the most exacting quality benchmarks.
Innovation: Innovation in materials, design, and manufacturing processes allows these manufacturers to continuously improve the performance and capabilities of their tools.
Sustainability: As the global focus on sustainability grows, manufacturers are also considering environmentally friendly practices in their processes. 
NIGASU is one of the reputed names for making engineering tools and we have the right set of experience for making these tools. To know more about other tools we offer, you can visit our website.
Source: https://penzu.com/p/972c981a2c71e468
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ladyhoneydee · 2 years
hello tumblr!
this is not the first line tag game, which i should really be getting around to. this is also not one of the many wips i've mentioned and should be working on.
this is a thing i wrote this morning for an hourish instead of getting up for the day, and upon reaching the end, realized that i dislike it! but i don't want to waste the effort i put into it, and so.
UPDATE 2023/4/3: I no longer hate this! Stay tuned for me to fix it up and post it officially at some point.
the premise is a post i saw on instagram that was reposting something from either twitter or tumblr (i do not recall which, and i cannot find the post to give credit, which distresses me greatly). the overall gist of the post was that when you are awake feeling lonely or scared or terrible at 2 to 4am, to know that bakers are awake too, and they are making delicious treats and there are good things in the world. apparently, i decided to make that be ambiguously platonic zelink.
bon appetit
The bell jingles familiarly above her as Zelda yanks the door open. One hand on the basic, rectangular metal handle, the other braced against the metal doorframe against the wind. She avoids the glass by rote, a habit built after realizing just how many handprints the pane must collect and how annoying that must be to clean day after day. She brings with her a gust of late-winter wind speckled with snow and dashed with the urban bouquet of cigarette smoke and exhaust, and the squeaks of her damp sneakers against the vinyl tile floor. 
It’s 4:23 in the morning. The corner donut shop won’t even be open for another hour and a half. But he keeps the door unlocked for her. 
The desperate knot of loneliness and fear winding through her chest and threading her organs loosens when she closes the door behind her and takes a deep breath through her nose. The fragrance of warm dough, the must of yeast. Chocolate, sugar, cinnamon. At least five different fruits boiling down into thick jam fillings. The scent would be delectable and heavenly on its own for any customer, but for her, it carries a different, deeper comfort. Classical conditioning.
Link pokes his head out of the doorway to the kitchen. He clutches a stainless steel baking sheet clamoring with eclairs in oven-mitted hands. “I heard the bell,” he says. It’s unnecessary; they both know he heard the bell. But she appreciates it anyway. “Take a seat, Zel, I’ll be out once I’ve set these on the rack.”
Link’s little donut shop has a bar, five chairs in a row along a laminate counter. They join up to the left of the massive display case, which glimmers half-full with apple fritters, glazed donuts, a small mountain of cinnamon-sugar donut holes, and a dozen other varieties of the best way to eat fried dough. The bar thing certainly isn’t common for a donut shop, but Link makes it work. Sometimes she imagines that he used to be a bartender before he opened this place, and missed the longer talks with customers so much that he added in a place where they could linger. She plops herself down on the rightmost chair, the one closest to the kitchen door. 
It takes five minutes, but Link pops out of the kitchen. This time, the wooden tray he holds is populated with sausage kolaches. He uses a flour-dusted hip to push the sliding glass out of the way, and slots in the tray next to the fruit-filled kolache variants. 
“It’s good to see you, Zel.” He throws her a smile through the glass as he kneels down to rearrange some chocolate cake donuts that have fallen just slightly out of alignment. 
Seven visits ago, he would have led with a sympathetic Rough night?, to which she would glumly nod. Twelve visits ago, it was a Hey, sorry, we’re not open ye—oh, honey, take a seat at the counter. No, go ahead, it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m just getting set up. I’ll be right back out. Stay as long as you want. Now, he just knows: the night is rough, and she is here, and in half an hour or so, she’ll be okay. 
His hands never aren’t full, and he’s hardly ever out of the kitchen for longer than two minutes at a time. Their conversation comes in stops and starts and stutters. But every time he’s behind the counter, they talk. He follows up on how her grad school applications are coming (poorly). She asks him what seasonal flavors he’s planning for when spring finally comes (kiwi). 
On his fifth pass, he hands her a cinnamon sugar cake donut, still piping hot from the oven—her favorite. They both laugh as she juggles it between her fingertips and gets sugar everywhere. 
By 5:47am, her traitorous, poison-spewing brain has moved on to happier pursuits. The deep-seated fear that she will live a very long life and she will spend it alone and unloved, and the few people that have ever cared for her will forget her and make better connections than she could ever offer them, has settled. As she puts her hoodie back on, Link tells her to take care  and that he looks forward to seeing her next time, and she knows from the look in his eyes—warmer than his ovens and deep-fryers combined—that he truly means it.
She exits the shop as the first impatient customer enters, and the bell chimes her a hopeful goodbye.
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seowork036 · 1 year
How to Choose the Right Sheet Metal Fasteners for Board-Level Components
When it comes to assembling board-level components, selecting the appropriate sheet metal fasteners is crucial for ensuring the reliability, functionality, and longevity of electronic devices. These tiny yet vital components play a pivotal role in securing printed circuit boards (PCBs) and other electrical elements within enclosures. Let’s guide you through the essential considerations for choosing the right sheet metal fasteners for board-level components.
Material Compatibility: The first and foremost consideration is material compatibility. Since board-level components are typically made of different materials, such as aluminum, stainless steel, or plastics, it's essential to select fasteners that match the material of the enclosure or the component. Proper material matching ensures corrosion resistance and prevents galvanic corrosion that could lead to premature failure of the device.
Thread Type and Size: Selecting the correct thread type and size is vital for achieving a secure and robust fastening. Common thread types include machine screws, self-tapping screws, and threaded nuts. Ensure that the thread size and pitch match the holes or standoffs present on the board and enclosure. A well-matched thread helps distribute the load evenly and maintains structural integrity.
Head Style and Drive Type: The head style and drive type of sheet metal fasteners determine how they can be installed and removed. Common head styles include pan, flat, and round heads, while drive types include Phillips, slotted, hex, and Torx. Choosing the right combination facilitates efficient assembly and disassembly while preventing potential damage to the components.
Environmental Considerations: Evaluate the operating environment of the electronic device to select fasteners that can withstand the prevailing conditions. Environmental factors such as temperature variations, humidity, exposure to chemicals, and vibrations can impact the fasteners' performance and durability. Opt for materials with suitable protective coatings or platings, such as zinc, nickel, or passivation, to enhance their resistance to harsh environments.
Space Constraints and Aesthetics: Board-level components often have limited space for fasteners, making it essential to choose compact and low-profile options. Additionally, consider the aesthetic appeal of the fasteners, especially for consumer electronics, as they can contribute to the overall design and user experience. Overall, selecting the right sheet metal fasteners for board level components is a critical step in the manufacturing process of electronic devices.
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sheetmetalwork · 4 months
Choosing V and F Sheet Metal for manufacturing your stainless steel sheet metal components offers several compelling advantages. Located in Hampshire, V and F Sheet Metal stands out due to its state-of-the-art equipment and extensive experience in the industry. Here are some key benefits of working with them:
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Firstly, their laser cutting capabilities are exceptional. Using advanced laser cutting technology, V and F Sheet Metal can produce intricate designs and precise cuts on stainless steel sheet metal. This method is not only fast but also ensures a high level of accuracy, reducing waste and optimising material use. Moreover, laser cutting allows for complex shapes and fine details that traditional cutting methods simply cannot achieve.
Additionally, V and F Sheet Metal employs CNC punching techniques to manufacture stainless steel sheet metal components. CNC punching is highly efficient for creating holes, slots, and other indents with consistent precision. The process is automated, which means it can handle large volumes with ease and repeatability. This is particularly beneficial for projects requiring uniform parts in substantial quantities. The speed and accuracy of CNC punching translate to cost savings and shorter lead times for your projects.
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Furthermore, V and F Sheet Metal's CNC bending capabilities offer another layer of precision and flexibility. CNC bending machines are used to accurately shape stainless steel sheet metal into various forms and angles. This technology ensures each bend is consistent, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity and functionality of the components. Whether you need simple or complex bends, the CNC bending process can accommodate your specifications with ease.
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Transitioning to the overall customer experience, V and F Sheet Metal, based in Hampshire, provides not only technological advantages but also a collaborative approach to project management. Their team works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and deliver customised solutions. This partnership approach ensures that every project, regardless of its complexity, meets the client's requirements and expectations.
In conclusion, V and F Sheet Metal offers numerous benefits for manufacturing your stainless steel sheet metal components. From laser cutting and CNC punching to CNC bending, their advanced technologies and experienced team provide a comprehensive solution for your manufacturing needs. By choosing V and F Sheet Metal, you leverage the precision, efficiency, and expertise necessary to produce high-quality components in a timely and cost-effective manner. Their Hampshire location also means they are well-placed to serve clients across the UK, ensuring reliable and efficient service.
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whidpa · 1 year
Personalized Hunting Gifts for Him
Hunting is more than just a hobby; it is a way of life for many men. Whether the man you intend to gift is an experienced hunter or a novice, finding the perfect gift that's tailored to his interests can be challenging. Personalized hunting gifts for him are a great way to show your appreciation and support for his passion. Not only will he appreciate the thoughtfulness of a personalized gift, but it will also make his hunting experience more enjoyable and memorable. Keep reading this article to learn about our amazing compilation of personalized hunting gift items for him.
11 Personalized Hunting Gifts for Him
When it comes to personalized hunting gifts for him, there are a variety of options to choose from. Since there are several hunting gifts for male hunters, the key is to find a gift that reflects his personality, interests, and style. The following are some unique suggestions: - Bullet Whiskey Stone Set A Bullet Whiskey Stone Set is a unique and stylish way to make your male friend enjoy his favorite whiskey or other spirits without diluting them with ice. The set typically includes a set of bullet-shaped stainless steel stones that can be frozen and used to chill drinks without altering the flavor. The stones are usually designed to resemble bullets, which gives the set a distinctive and eye-catching appearance. The Bullet Whiskey Stone Set is perfect for your male friend if he is a whiskey lover, especially if he is someone who wants to savor his drink at the perfect temperature without watering it down. Unlike traditional ice cubes, the stainless steel stones do not melt, so they will not dilute the whiskey or alter its taste. Additionally, the stones are easy to clean and can be used repeatedly, making them a more environmentally-friendly alternative to disposable ice cubes. Using a Bullet Whiskey Stone Set is easy. Simply place the stones in the freezer for a few hours, then he can add them to his drink to chill it to his desired temperature. Once he is done with it, he can simply rinse the stones off and return them to the freezer for his next drink. - Comfort Spaces Coolmax Moisture Wicking Bed Cooling Sheets This is a high-quality bedding option designed to provide maximum comfort and a cool night's sleep. These sheets are made from a blend of 80% polyester and 20% Coolmax microfiber, a unique fabric that wicks away moisture and promotes airflow to regulate body temperature. The Coolmax technology used in these sheets is specifically designed to pull moisture away from the body, keeping him cool and dry throughout the night. This feature is especially useful for hot sleepers, those experiencing night sweats, or anyone who wants to stay comfortable during the warmer months. The Comfort Spaces Coolmax Moisture Wicking Bed Cooling Sheets are also hypoallergenic and resistant to dust mites, making them an ideal choice for people with allergies or respiratory issues. The sheets come in a variety of sizes, including Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, and King, so you can choose the size that best fits his bed. - Deer Hunting Custom name Stainless Steel Tumbler Cup This cup makes a remarkable gift item for a male hunter. It is a beautiful and sturdy tumbler cup making it last a while. It features 18/8 stainless steel with a double-wall insulated form. The features of the cup is the main reason it retains the temperature of drinks for a long time regardless of the temperature outside. The design is simple making it a perfect fit for a male hunter who loves items with a simple design. It has a bold graphic image of a deer with a slot beneath the deer image for the name of the owner. The cup is BPA-free and sweat-free with a clear lid. They are custom made which allows them easily fit into any standard-size cup holder. Using the cup holder, you can take this tumbler to several locations, including your hunting location. - The Vintage Camo Waxed Canvas Hunting Set The set has a remarkable collection of hunting gear that combines classic style with modern functionality. It includes a jacket, pants, and a backpack, all made from high-quality materials and designed to withstand the rigors of outdoor hunting. The jacket and pants are constructed from a sturdy waxed canvas material, which offers exceptional durability and protection against the elements. The vintage camo pattern adds a touch of old-school charm, while the modern cut and design ensure a comfortable fit and ease of movement. The backpack is equally impressive, featuring multiple compartments and pockets for storing all of your hunting essentials. The waxed canvas construction and vintage camo design make it a stylish and practical accessory for any hunting trip. - The NIDAYE 12oz Stainless Steel Wine Tumbler with Elk Design The NIDAYE 12oz Stainless Steel Wine Tumbler with Elk Design is a beautiful and practical drinkware accessory. Made from high-quality stainless steel, this tumbler is built to last and keeps wine at the perfect temperature for hours. The Elk Design is elegantly etched onto the side of the tumbler, giving it a unique and rustic look that is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts or anyone who appreciates the natural beauty of wildlife. The design is simple yet eye-catching, making it a great conversation starter at parties or social events. The tumbler's double-walled vacuum insulation ensures that wines stay at the perfect temperature regardless of the wine type. The lid is also included, which helps to prevent spills and keeps wine fresh for longer. - Carter Knife The Carter Knife is a high-quality, handcrafted knife known for its exceptional sharpness and durability. Created by Murray Carter, a 17th-generation Yoshimoto Bladesmith, these knives are made using traditional Japanese techniques passed down through generations of craftsmen. Each Carter Knife is made with a carefully selected high-carbon stainless steel blade that is heated and hammered to create a hard, resilient edge. The handle is typically made from a variety of materials such as wood, horn, or bone and is designed to provide a comfortable grip for extended use. A unique feature of the Carter Knife is its convex grind, which allows for a sharper, more durable edge that can maintain its sharpness for longer periods. This grind is achieved by carefully shaping the blade by hand, which is a time-consuming process that requires great skill and precision. The Carter Knife is a popular choice among hunters due to its exceptional quality and versatility. It aids in preparing a gourmet meal, processing game, and tackling outdoor activities. The Carter Knife is an excellent tool that will provide reliable performance and lasting durability. - 24oz Explorers Water Bottle Here is a sleek and stylish water bottle for hunters looking to stay hydrated on the go. Crafted from premium stainless steel, this bottle features a double-walled design that keeps drinks hot or cold for hours on end. The matte black finish is both durable and aesthetically pleasing, making it the perfect companion for any adventure. The bottle's sturdy construction ensures it can withstand even the toughest outdoor conditions, while the leak-proof cap ensures drinks stay put. The wide-mouth opening allows for easy filling and cleaning, and the included straw lid makes it easy to sip drinks without having to remove the cap. The 24oz capacity is perfect for a day's worth of hydration, and the bottle's slim design fits comfortably in most standard cup holders. The rubberized bottom ensures a non-slip grip, making it ideal for use during physical activity or outdoor adventures. When hunting, the 24oz Explorers Water Bottle is the perfect companion for staying hydrated. Its sleek and durable design makes it a stylish accessory, while its functionality ensures that your male friend has unlimited access to cold or hot drinks whenever he needs them - Explorers Leather Backpack The Explorers Leather Backpack is a stylish and functional accessory for anyone who loves to travel in style. Crafted from high-quality leather, this backpack features a sleek and minimalist design that is both sophisticated and practical. The exterior of the backpack features a soft and supple leather finish that is both durable and water-resistant, making it ideal for use in all kinds of weather conditions. The adjustable straps ensure a comfortable fit, while the padded back panel provides extra support and comfort during long hours of wear. The backpack's interior is spacious and features multiple compartments to keep belongings organized and easily accessible. The main compartment is roomy enough to fit a laptop and other essentials, while the front pocket is perfect for storing smaller items such as a phone, wallet, or keys. The backpack's sleek and sophisticated design makes it ideal for both casual and formal occasions. When exploring new destinations, the Explorers Leather Backpack is the perfect companion for keeping belongings safe and secure while also making a stylish statement. - Personalized Campfire Sign A personalized campfire sign is a unique and custom-made wooden sign that is designed to be hung near a campfire or outdoor fire pit. It is made from high-quality, weather-resistant wood and features personalized text and graphics that reflect the owner's personal style and interests. The sign is crafted with a variety of techniques such as hand painting or laser etching, making it a unique piece. Personalized campfire signs may include the owner's name, the name of their campground or cabin, or a special message or phrase that holds personal significance. The sign can be hung on a tree, post, or anywhere near the campfire area, making it a great addition to any camping trip or outdoor gathering. It not only adds a touch of personalization and character to the space but also helps identify the campsite or gathering spot for guests. A fantastic thing about this sign is that it is not only functional but also decorative. It can be designed to match the aesthetics of the surrounding environment, and with their customizable options, the signs can reflect the personality of the owner. - Camouflage Folding Cooler Chair A camouflage folding cooler chair is a versatile and practical piece of outdoor furniture that combines the functionality of a portable cooler and a comfortable camping chair. The chair is designed with a sturdy metal frame that can support the weight of an average-sized person and is covered with a durable camouflage fabric. The chair also features an insulated cooler built into the armrest, which can keep drinks and snacks cool for hours. The cooler is typically designed with a zippered lid and has a capacity of up to 24 cans, making it perfect for tailgating, camping, or any other outdoor activity. The camouflage design of the chair is ideal for blending in with the natural surroundings and is particularly popular among hunters and outdoor enthusiasts who want to remain hidden while enjoying the outdoors. The folding design of the chair makes it easy to store and transport. It can be set up quickly and easily in a matter of minutes. The chair is also lightweight, so it's easy to carry around, even for long distances. The chair's sturdy construction makes it ideal for use on a variety of outdoor terrains, including sand, grass, and dirt. Its comfortable design and built-in cooler make it the perfect companion for outdoor activities such as fishing, hiking, and camping. - Deer-Themed Vinyl Record Clock The Deer-Themed Vinyl Record Clock is a beautiful and unique piece of home decor that combines the charm of vintage vinyl records with the grace of nature. It is an excellent addition to any room in a house, be it the living room, bedroom, or study. The clock is made from a genuine vinyl record, which has been carefully cut into the shape of a deer head, giving it a rustic and timeless appeal. The record is meticulously cleaned and polished to give it a smooth finish, making it an attractive centerpiece that will catch the attention of anyone who enters the room. It features a beautiful image of a deer, which is printed in high resolution to bring out the intricate details of the animal's fur, antlers, and eyes. The numbers on the clock face are easy to read and are positioned in a clear and precise manner, making it a functional timepiece as well as a beautiful work of art. The Deer-Themed Vinyl Record Clock is a perfect gift for nature lovers and hunters who appreciate the beauty of the vintage home decor. It is a statement piece that will transform any room into a cozy and inviting space, adding warmth and character to the home. Conclusion Personalized hunting gifts for him are a great way to show your support for his passion while also giving him something that he will cherish for years to come. With so many options available, you are sure to find the perfect gift that reflects his personality, interests, and style from this article. Read the full article
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sachiyasteel · 6 months
Allen Grub Screws Manufacturers in India
Allen Grub Screws manufacturers in India. Leading suppliers dealers in Mumbai Chennai Bangalore Ludhiana Delhi Coimbatore Pune Rajkot Ahmedabad Kolkata Hyderabad Gujarat and many more places. Sachiya Steel International manufacturing and exporting high quality Allen Grub Screws Fasteners worldwide. We are India's largest Allen Grub Screws Exporter, exporting to more than 85 countries. We are known as Allen Grub Screws Manufacturers and Exporters due to exporting and manufacturing on a large scale.
Allen Grub Screws Specifications -
Sachiya Steel International manufacture a wide variety of Allen Grub Screws. There is a different types of screw used for different needs. Allen Grub Screws are used directly unlike the bolts which are used with nuts. Our Allen Grub Screws are available in different sizes, grades and shapes. Sachiya Steel International manufactures and exports high-quality industrial Allen Grub Screws. We are Exporters of the following Screws -Nylon Screws, Hex Screws, Self-Tapping Screws, Cheese Head Screws, CSK Slotted Screws, Pan Phillips Screws, Leg Screws, Socket Head Cap Screws and more. We are a well known and India's leading Industrial Allen Grub Screws Exporters in Mumbai.
About Allen Grub Screws Fasteners -
Allen Grub Screws are a type of fastener, in some ways similar to a bolt, typically made of metal, and characterized by a helical ridge, known as a male external thread. Allen Grub Screws are used to fasten materials by digging in and wedging into a material when turned, while the thread cuts grooves in the fastened material that may help pull fastened materials together and prevent pull-out. There are many Allen Grub Screws for a variety of materials; those commonly fastened by Allen Grub Screws include sheet metal, wood, and plastic.
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