#sloane voss
Imperial Handbook: Empire of the Hand - Capital Ships of the Navy of the Hand
Another Worldbuilding exercise for my Empire of the Hand AU. See my Ranks document here:
While it might have began as a small task force under Thrawn’s command and whatever largely Clone Wars era scraps the Empire proper would send their way, as time went on and the Empire of the Hand began to build up the infrastructure needed to build its own ships, the variety of vessels available to it increased.  Here some of the Capital ships used by the Navy of the Hand, including some unique classes.
Renaissance-class Super Star Destroyer  (about 12 km long)
Built:  Kuat Drive Yard’s Spiral Shipyards, Nirauan system.  Officially finished construction in 21 ABY, but Admiral Parck would occasionally make use of its incomplete state before then. 
The Renaissance class is a shorter, wider, heavier-set, ship than the more familiar Executor-class SSDs from the old Galactic Empire, taking several design features from the prototype Eclipse class, including integrated interdiction technology, a complement of over 400 TIE Defender fighters, and a superlaser capable of cracking a planetary crust (or a Yuuzhan Vong world ship). Like other Empire of the Hand designs, the Renaissance-class’ bridge is not located in an exposed tower, but rather deep inside the ship, with cameras and a powerful sensor suite compensating for the lack of viewports.  Borrowing from Mon Calamari designs, the Renaissance-class also utilizes overlapping shield technology.  As well as standard Imperial weaponry like turbolasers, tractor beams and ion cannons, the Renaissance -class also utilizes Chiss Ascendency weaponry such as Plasma ball launchers and breacher missiles.
The main difference from the earlier class (and, the "selling point" that convinced then-Grand Moff Xelarra to sign off on its creation) is the ability of the Renaissance-class to carry up to five Imperial or Spiral- class Star Destroyers on the hull itself, with the smaller (but still capital sized) ships docking on five triangular recesses on the main hull, 3 on top of the superstructure, two below.  The Renaissance-class can thus act as a mobile repair station as well as the command ship.  Its main hanger bay can internally carry ships up to 300 m in length (i.e. the size of an Arquitens-class light cruiser or an Explorer-class research/scout vessel).
The Renaissance also has integrated Interdictor technology, and is equipped with several cloaking devices (necessary because of the ship’s size).  These two systems cannot normally be used at the same time, though Grand Admiral Thrawn remembers a few tricks learned earlier in his career to get around this limitation.  As cloaking devices are double-blind – they protect a ship from detection, but said ship also cannot see outside of it when activated through conventional means, the cloak is most effectively used with the cooperation of an Imperial Knight, who can use the Force to sense outside the cloak.  However, with proper timing and practice the cloaks can be used without the assistance of Force-users. 
As the Empire of the Hand did not sign the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty, they are not prohibited from using cloaking devices. 
Known vessels in the class:
SSD Renaissance        
CO:  Fleet Admiral Voss Parck (19-28 ABY), Grand Admiral Thrawn (28 ABY +)
XO:  Commodore Eli Vanto (28 ABY+)
Starfighter commander:  Colonel Jagged Fel (28 ABY +)
Flagship of the Navy of the Hand.  Displays the same Paccosh signil as the ISD Chimaera on its hull.
Commissioned by Fleet Admiral Parck, in anticipation of Grand Admiral Thrawn’s rumoured return in 19 ABY.  Thrawn (actually his clone, known as ‘Raw’nuru’ until he was ready to retake the mantle of Grand Admiral) did not take command until the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, after the Evacuation of Lysatra.
Imperial-Class Star Destroyers
These iconic ships were inherited from the Galactic Empire.  Only a few were assigned to Thrawn’s task force in the Unknown Regions/The Chaos, and he chose the leave the ones he did have behind in the Empire of the Hand during his campaign of 8-9 ABY.  The Empire of the Hand has been retrofitting the ISDs when they can with more automation, in order to reduce its crew component from over 37 000 personnel down to 10 000.  As the less crew-intensive Spiral-Class Star Destroyers became more prominent in the Navy of the Hand, the remaining, aging Imperial-Class Star Destroyers were mainly regulated to defensive roles around prominent star systems and installations.  
Differences with standard Imperial Class ISDs:
As opposed to the “mobile base” role that the Old Galactic Empire used the Imperial-class for, Empire of the Hand ISDs are more starfighter-focused, with the majority of their standard ground forces (an entire legion of Stormtroopers, 20 AT-AT walkers and associated vehicles at the Empire’s height) regulated to the Clone Wars era Acclimator and new Nightstalker-class assault cruisers instead, unless the mission profile specifically calls for their inclusion.  With more room that would have been otherwise been taken up by ground vehicles, Hand ISDs have more than doubled the number of TIE –series fighters carried. 
To accommodate the additional TIES, the bridge tower has been reassigned to be a communications tower, focusing on air traffic control.  The actual bridge of the ship has been moved to a far more secure location in the interior of the ship, with cameras and sensors making up for the lack of traditional viewports.  
Known Vessels in this Class:
ISD Admonitor
CO:  Captain Dagon Niriz, then-Captain Voss Parck
The Star Destroyer first assigned to Thrawn’s “mapping expedition” in the Unknown Regions/The Chaos which would grow into the Empire of the Hand.  It later serves as the Hand Fleet's flagship until the Renaissance’s construction is completed in 21 ABY. 
ISD Vengeance  renamed the Resolute once in Hand space
CO:  then-Captain Thrawn (6 BBY), Commodore Karyn Faro (1 BBY +)
This is (officially) the first ISD Thrawn was assigned to as captain, which he used to subjugate the Kaleesh colony world of Oben.  Surprisingly, Thrawn earned the fierce, reptilian aliens’ respect for not just defeating, but crushing them in battle.  After the Battle of Endor, Thrawn personally extends an invitation to the Kaleesh to join the Empire of the Hand.  The say they will consider his offer, but don’t actually join until after Thrawn’s death.  
Commodore Karyn Faro served as Thrawn’s executive officer on the Resolute for many years, before being promoted to commanding officer of the Resolute itself, then climbing ever higher in the Hand Navy. 
The Resolute, along with the Admonitor, were also largely responsible for the creation of “Thrawn’s Cut” -- the hyperspace beacon route through The Chaos stretching from the Nirauan system to the border with the Chiss Ascendency. 
Beacons are modified Imperial probe droids, deployed in small groups that transmit real time astrometrics along a frequency that to anyone other than Empire of the Hand communications networks, appears as regular galactic background radiation.  By deploying the beacons in regular intervals, they form a trail of “breadcrumbs” that subsequent Hand ships can follow, allowing navigation through the Chaos without relying on Force users, though the initial deployment can be quite slow, relying on jump-by-jump navigation to plant the next “crumb” in the trail.  It took nearly a decade to carve Thrawn’s Cut, and the time involved convinced the Grand Admiral of the need for a dedicated exploration and beacon planting corps. 
ISDs the Empire of the Hand wants:
ISD Chimaera, currently serving as the flagship of the Imperial Loyalists (aka the Imperial Remnant)
CO:  Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon Possibly the most famous ISD in the Galaxy, the Chimaera served as Grand Admiral Thrawn’s flagship during his campaign to retake the galaxy in 9 ABY, with Gilad Pellaeon serving as his XO.  Both Fleet Admiral Parck and Empress Xelarra herself have made numerous offers to the Imperial Loyalists to acquire the historic ship, including offering the trade several state-of-the-art Spiral-class Star Destroyers for her.  Grand Admiral Pellaeon declines to give up his flagship every time.
Spiral-class Star Destroyers
Named for the magnificent ringed gas giant Spiral, the fifth planet in the Nirauan system, around which the Empire of the Hand’s main shipyards are built, these slim, daggerlike ships are smaller than Imperial-class Star Destroyers  (1.2 km long compared to an ISD's 1.6 km) and take a lot less crew (only about 5000).  As is standard on newer Hand ships, the Bridge tower is eliminated, with the bridge itself nestled deep within the structure of the ship.  They are powerful for their size.  Like a “mini-Renaissance”, (though they are, in fact, the basis for the larger ship) SpSDs are equipped with both Imperial and Chiss Ascendency weapons, featuring banks of turbo and spectrum lasers, deployed in retractable turrets, tractor beams, ion cannons and/or plasma spheres and breacher missiles. Some, though not all (usually 1-2 per battle group) have interdiction technology equipped.   Like the Hand’s ISDs, SpSDs also focus on starfighter deployment over ground forces, even though their TIEs usually consist of hyperspace-capable TIE Defenders.
Spiral class ships are predominantly assigned to Fleet Admiral Karyn Faro's Seeker Fleet, whose primary mission is to patrol the Galactic Rim hunting for any signs of the Far Outsiders.  As an added bit of psychological warfare against the technophobic Far Outsiders, Seeker Fleet ships are usually named after fictional machine lifeforms from a children’s novel and ani-holo series once popular in the Core. 
They also perform limited exploration duties (at least until the dedicated Explorer program is implemented) and plant hyperspace beacons.  They are slowly replacing the aging ISDs to become the premier battleship in the Navy of the Hand. 
Spiral-class ships use the designation “HMS” - “her Majesty’s Ship”, in honour of her Imperial Majesty, Lexx’elarra’nuruodo (Xelarra), Empress of the Hand. 
Known vessels in the class:
HMS Starscream
CO:  Fleet Admiral Karyn Faro (2 ABY +)
Flagship of Seeker Fleet, for a short time Flagship of the Navy of the Hand, during Admiral Faro’s tenure as Supreme Commander. 
One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet. 
(featured in "Seat of Command" as the site of Thrawn and Xelarra having some "quality time" - NSFW)
HMS Thundercracker
CO:  Captain Rae Sloane ( 5 ABY)
Thrawn’s flagship while assisting the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet against Ssi’ruuk incursions (“Reunion”).  Captain Sloan was personally mentored by the Grand Admiral, and is considered Admiral Faro’s protégée.   
One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet. 
HMS Skywarp
Torguta CO
Equipped with Interdiction technology, its smooth lines are broken up by its spherical, gravity well generators.
One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet
HMS Shockwave
CO:  Captain Kyra Pyrondi
Captained by a long-time crewmate of both Grand Admiral Thrawn’s and Admiral Faro’s, this ship serves as a testbed for new weapons developments, with Captain Pyrondi herself often participating in the design teams. 
One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet
HMS Grievous
Kaleesh CO Named for the legendary, deified  leader of the Kaleesh and General of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, specializes in long-range “hunting”, and preemptive strikes.
Victory-Class Star Destroyers, Venator-Class Star Destroyers
Clone Wars-era capital ships, regulated to less-important sectors of the Galactic Empire during the Imperial era as the larger Imperial-class better fulfilled the Tarkin doctrine of “rule by fear”, even if the larger ships were far less efficient in other respects.  Thrawn managed to get a number of these older ships assigned to his “mapping expedition” in the Unknown Regions/The Chaos, mostly because they were undervalued by that point by mainstream commanders in the Galactic Empire.   
Like the Imperial-class, these older ships are slowly being phased out in favour of the Spiral-class, but are still in use – mostly used against known threats in the Chaos (like the Vagaari pirates, and some client species of the Grysts – themselves clients of the Far Outsiders).  While these aging ships may be less effective in Lesser Space, even Clone Wars-era shields and weaponry is superior to most technology that cultures of the Chaos can muster, including the Chiss Ascendency.  Thrawn has a talent for using limited resources in the most effective way possible, and these older star destroyers are no exception.
Arguably, these ships make up the backbone of the Navy of the Hand, and keep the Empire of the Hand safe from the known threats of the Chaos.  Whether they will be effective against the Far Outsiders remains to be seen.   
Known vessels in these classes:
VSD Strikefast
CO:  Captain Voss Parck (19 BBY), Commodore Rae Sloane (10 ABY +)
The Victory-class Star Destroyer which was commanded by Voss Parck when he made first contact with Thrawn in 19 BBY.  While Parck himself was reassigned to the ISD Admonitor, Thrawn did manage to get the Strikefast herself assigned to his “mapping expedition”.   
The Strikefast, under Commodore Rae Sloan, later became the flagship of the Explorer program.  Though the Explorers themselves would later use primarily their own class of ship, modified Arquitens-class light cruisers, the Strikefast remains in service, stationed at Watchtower Station – the space station built at the Ascendency-end of Thrawn’s Cut, and the Explorer program’s base of operations, still serving as now-Admiral Sloane’s flagship (and is to Watchtower what the USS Defiant is to DS9). 
Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers
Pre-Clone Wars capital ships are rare, due to the Old Republic’s anti-military policies.  Nevertheless, Grand Admiral Thrawn managed to discover the location of the legendary Katana fleet during his campaign of 9 ABY.  Though the majority of the 178 ships he acquired were used in his campaign, with surviving vessels becoming Imperial Loyalist property, He did manage to send 30 of the vessels home to the Empire of the Hand. 
Though older, like with the Venator and Victory-Class Star Destroyers, the Dreadnaugts still outgun anything native to the Chaos, as demonstrated by the Chiss Ascendency’s efforts to acquire the six Dreadnaughts of the Outbound Flight expedition.  Surviving Dreadnaughts usually server as auxiliary craft in the Hand Navy, backing up Star Destroyers.  Five vessels, unfortunately, were in such a state of disrepair that they had to be decommissioned and scrapped.  (“Nightfall of the Final Day”).
Like with other Clone Wars and earlier era ships, the Hand is occasionally able to procure additional vessels from Lesser Space scrapyards in the Outer Rim, though as our own shipbuilding capabilities have improved, this has become far less necessary. 
Known Vessels in the Class:
HMS Rapier
Official transport of her Imperial Majesty, Empress Xelarra.  The Empress declines to use a Star Destroyer for her needs, preferring that the newer, stronger vessels serve in “more important” Naval missions.  Instead, she uses one of the Katana Fleet dreadnaughts, saying she has an “appreciation” for such ships.  As the Imperial transport, the Rapier has civilian amenities more typical to diplomatic vessels (including relatively large shipboard library) and is more comfortable than most navel vessels, even for its enlisted crewmembers.  However, make no mistake – it is still a warship, and is perfectly capable of defending itself.
The Rapier features an upgraded Class 1 hyperdrive, stronger shields (even with the typical strong armour of a Dreadnaught) and its nose cargo bay is more accurately deemed a hanger, housing a full wing of TIE Defenders, as well as having dedicated landing spots for both Empress Xelarra’s and Princess Andorra’s personal Lambda-class shuttles.  The cargo bay can also hold the Empress’ personal combat vehicle, the AT-AT Toraton (her Majesty is a qualified reservist AT-AT driver) though it is more usually stationed on the Renaissance, or on Nirauan itself.      While the Empress is on Nirauan, the Rapier serves as part of the capital’s planetary defense fleet, though it can be ready for Her Majesty’s departure within one standard hour.   
Acclamator and Nightstalker-Class Assault Ships
The Clone Wars-era Acclamator, and its “descendant”, the Nightstalker-class, serve primarily as ground troop transports, assault vehicles and landing craft for the Army of the Hand, Stormtroopers and member world elite troops.  As such, these ships will be described in more detail in the chapter on the Army of the Hand.    
Immobilizer-class cruisers 
These rare ships have the ability to project an artificial gravity field, mimicking the mass shadow of a large object (i.e. a planet) in hyperspace, and subsequently pulling other ships out of hyperspace.  They were not built in great numbers, despite being perhaps the best Rebel-hunting tool at the Empire's disposal.  Thrawn saw their potential when pretty much no other Imperial commander did, and managed to get a large percentage of the Empire's Interdictors assigned to him in the Empire of the Hand. 
While Interdictors are usually used to pull enemy ships out of hyperspace for easier capture/destruction, the “Thrawn Pincer” is a space battle tactic developed by Thrawn, where Interdictors are used to pull his own ships out of hyperspace in a specific formation, with a lot more control than would be possible with usual hyperspace jumps.  He uses the technique in his Campaign of 9 ABY to great affect.   
Immobilizers are about 600 m long, looks like a small Star Destroyer with 4 gravity projector domes sticking out from the lines of the hull)
Known Immobilizer cruisers:
An old Immobilizer scheduled to be scrapped by the New Republic (as they didn't know how to use it properly).  Raw'nuru (Thrawn's clone) joins a band of pirates in capturing the ship, then seizes command himself.  He uses the Maelstrom as his primary vessel while patrolling the Empire of the Hand's borders, taking on privateer missions, recruiting allies, and protecting his Empire from the shadows as he regains the confidence he needs to retake his old mantle.
Between 20 and 28 ABY, the Maelstrom is involved in several notable events, such as destroying a New Republic vessel that attacked them unprovoked without even firing a shot, which subsequently leads to Raw'nuru finally getting to warn Admiral Ackbar about the Far Outsiders, and the start of their "long distance" friendship (fic idea - "Pen Pals").
The Maelstrom is destroyed in the Evacuation of Lysatra, at the onset of the Far Outsiders War, holding off an invading Vong force long enough for the Hand Fleet to arrive.  Most of the crew, however, survives, and rejoin their Captain (now once again Grand Admiral) on the Renaissance.
The Maelstrom is also where Imp Squadron is assigned.  These near-washout fighter pilots are given one last chance by Wing General Soontir Fel to prove themselves, so are given just standard TIES and assigned to "the Empress' favourite privateer" to shape up.  Under Raw'nuru's command, they become an elite fighter squadron, basically the Hand's version of the NR's Wraith Squadron.  They also join their commander aboard the Renaissance.
Other Interdictors (undetermined class):
Scylla and Charybdis
Assigned to the Renaissance's battle group, these two Interdictors are commanded by Devola and Popula, two redish-orange twin Twi'leks who were trained by Raw'nuru on the Maelstrom.  They had originally been slaves belonging to the first pirate captain, who were freed by Raw'nuru when he overthrew and spaced that captain.  He saw their potential, and personally mentored them into Imperial officers.  Both are good friends (sometimes with benefits) of the Explorer Captain Shran.
Some Spiral-class Star Destroyers are also equipped with Interdiction technology, including Seeker Fleet’s HMS Skywarp.  The Renaissance itself is also Interdiction-capable. 
Arquitens-class Light Cruisers 
Considered the Imperial answer to the Rebellion’s/New Republic’s CR90 Corvette (aka the Rebel Blockade Runner, often nicknamed the “Rebel Ass-Hauler” by Hand navel personnel), the 300-metre long Arquitens has been in service since the Clone Wars, and was of the few ships from that era to remain in service in the Galactic Empire for the entirety of its existence.  The Empire of the Hand likewise inherited a large number of these ships.  While most serve essentially unchanged from their roles in the Galactic Empire as support and scout/recon craft, notable Arquitens have become something more. 
Explorer-class research and scout vessels:
Between 10 BBY and 6 ABY, while Thrawn was building up the Empire of the Hand, it became apparent, especially during the decade-long establishment of the "Thrawn's Cut" hyperspace route, that relying on Star Destroyers and other navy vessels to plant hyperspace beacons and for the diplomatic relations with non-hostile civilisations of the Chaos was unsustainable, and frankly a waste of the Navy's time when they need to be preparing for the upcoming Far Outsider invasion.
With the assistance of Xelarra's research into past exploration initiatives in Lesser Space (both historical and fictional), Thrawn began developing the foundation of a new, offshoot from the Hand Navy, to focus on (relatively) peaceful exploration exclusively.
That said, the Explorer ships, while small, needed to be tough and fast, to survive encounters with less-friendly forces, and to eventually transfer to scout duties in the Far Outsider War.
The ubiquitous Imperial Arquitens-class light cruiser (like Thrawn's first Imperial assignment, the Thunder Wasp) would make an ideal basis.
Explorer-class ships differ from their foundation in having even their limited weapons further reduced, in order to make room for science labs, a larger hanger to hold more than two shuttles at a time, and the most advanced sensor suite in the known Galaxy.  The crew compliment is also reduced, to about 200, from an Arquitens' 700.
Explorer ships are not entirely helpless -- their weapons may be limited, but they pack a punch, and can handle nuisances like smugglers/pirates perfectly well.  Standard procedure has the ships in constant communication with the nearest active Navy vessel (as detected over the Hand's hyperspace beacon network), which is obligated to come to the Explorer's aid if called.
Explorer-class vessels are highly modular, and can be easily customized for different mission profiles.
Thrawn unfortunately did not live to see the Explorer program officially start, but after his death, the program was finally pushed through by Empress Xelarra, with support from Admiral Faro. 
While officially under Admiral Faro’s jurisdiction, she delegated command of the Explorer program to Admiral Rae Sloane.  The program is officially based on Watchtower Station, a space station built at the Ascendency end of Thrawn’s Cut, right outside the border with the Chiss Ascendency.  From this point, Explorer vessels begin their deep space expeditions.
Explorers primarily rely on their planted hyperspace beacons, and on their powerful sensor suites to plot jump-by-jump navigation.  If in a hurry to go somewhere uncharted, Explorers will (begrudgingly) hire the help of a Force-sensitive navigator (the Pathfinders Guild has a franchise based on Watchtower Station), or ask for the assistance of an Imperial Knight.  They will not, under any but the most dire circumstances to the Empire of the Hand as a whole, use Chiss sky-walkers, as the Empire of the Hand considers child labour abhorrent, illegal, and basically slavery.  Like all Hand Imperial forces, they will offer political sanctuary to any sky-walker who asks for it, and their immediate family (parents/caretakers, siblings), and will ensure their transport to Nirauan or another long-time (and well-protected) Hand member world.  Explorer-class vessels use the designation “RRS” for “Royal Research Ship”  
Known Explorer ships:
RRS Stargazer
CO:  Captain Rosk’alem’izeq - Kalemi
Commanded by the Chiss Captain Kalemi, a former member of the Rogue Phalanx, who specialises in astronomy and served alongside then-Govoner Xelarra and Phalanx Commander Stent on the Honoghr mission. ("Nightfall of the Final Day") 
Xelarra and Thrawn's son, Shran, is assigned to the Stargazer as a cadet, and is mentored by Kalemi.  It is the Stargazer that first encounters Mara Jade when she goes looking for the Explorers after hearing rumours about them from spacers/smugglers, and she meets Shran, growing more interested in her connection with the Empire of the Hand (upcoming fic “Daughter of the Empire”).
The Stargazer comes under attack from a trigger-happy New Republic vessel in 22 ABY, mistaking it for an Imperial Remnant Arquitens, in complete violation of the  Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty.  Mara distracts the NR ship long enough for a Star Destroyer to come to its rescue, then works with Shran to devise an excuse that the NR ship wandered into an old Clone Wars minefield, despite Mara’s attempt to warn them. 
Cadet Shran serves aboard the Stargazer for the first decade of his career as an Explorer, eventually rising to the rank of First Officer, until he gets his own command.
(named after the USS Stargazer, Captain Jean-Luc Picard's first command).
RRS Intrepid
CO:  Captain Mitth’shra’nuruodo – Shran
Notable officers:              XO and Communications:  Commander Dee (human augment - Tattooine)
Helms officer: Lieutenant Cherith Fel (human - Nirauan)
Navigation:  Hex (Tripod)
Chief Engineer:  Commander Gorbash (Draconian)
CMO:  Doctor Jackie Hatch  (human – Lysatra)
Engineering:  Lieutenant Neela Drakesdaughter (Twi’lek)
Quartermaster:  Ensign Sali Vanto (human – Lysatra)
Commanded by Captain Shran a year or two after start of the Vong War.  Involved in many adventures, including tricking a Vong ship into getting sucked into a black hole, and the raid on Ossus.   Visits the Renaissance often enough that the crews of the two ships know each other pretty well.
(“hero” ship captained by Thrawn’s son. Named after the Intrepid-class ships in Star Trek, the most prominent example being the USS Voyager)
RRS Nonsuch
CO:  Captain Davi Cecelia.  (Quarren) 
XO:  <Unnamed Gungan who speaks with a distinguished Core World accent>
This ship specialises in exploration of ocean worlds.  The majority of her crew are from species that can breathe underwater unaided, and the ship itself is specialised to be able to land (and float) on water.
Captain Cecelia is begrunding friends with Captain Shran, and the two ships collaborate more often than they wish, with the Nonsuch backing up the Intrepid during the Ossus raid. 
(named after the Nonsuch, an 18th century merchant ship which explored Hudson’s and James’ Bays, and helped to start the Canadian fur trade.  A replica – which can be boarded and explored by guests – is on display at the Manitoba museum in Winnipeg.)
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etdraconis · 7 months
Updated Muse List
Bold denotes primary/main muses, underlined denotes secondary muses, Italics denotes tertiary/low muse, * denotes request only
Dragon Age Canons:
Cremisius Aclassi
Zevran Arainai
Eleanor Cousland
Fergus Cousland
Bethany Hawke
Carver Hawke
Nathaniel Howe
Thomas Howe
The Iron Bull
Anora Mac Tir
Loghain Mac Tir
Josephine Montilyet
Dorian Pavus
Cassandra Pentaghast
Cullen Rutherford
Varric Tethras
Alistair Theirin
Cailan Theirin
Maric Theirin
Dragon Age OCs:
Arden Aclassi
August Amell
Elizabeth Amell
Julian Amell
Oliver Amell
Rosalie Amell
Pyke Brosca
Elysia Caius
Amara Cousland
Brennon Cousland
Lauryl Cousland
Victoire Ducet
Callum Hawke
Kenton Hawke
Leanore Hawke
Hava Lavellan
Theron Mahariel
Kalva Sabrae
Alim Surana
Aurelia Tabris
Claire Trevelyan
Declan Trevelyan
Evelyn Trevelyan
Everett Trevelyan
Maxwell Trevelyan
Persephone Trevelyan
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Elain Archeron
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Eris Vanserra
Lucien Vanserra
Sophie Beckett
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Francesca Bridgerton
Gregory Bridgerton
Hyacinth Bridgerton
Felicity Featherington
Penelope Featherington
Gareth St. Claire
Gwendolyn Sinclaire
Kendall Sinclaire
Alexander Thorne
Charlotte Thorne
Lillian Thorne
Sebastian Thorne
William Thorne
Crescent City
Juniper Andromeda
Fury Axtar
Baxian Argos
Hunt Athalar
Lidia Cervos
Ruhn Danaan
Declan Emmet
Hypaxia Enador
Danika Fendyr
Tristan Flynn
Connor Holstrom
Ithan Holstrom
Tharion Ketos
Bryce Quinlan
The Empyrean Saga
Jack Barlowe
Imogen Cardulo
Ridoc Gamlyn
Aaric Greycastle
Liam Mairi
Sloane Mairi
Rhiannon Matthias
Brennan Sorrengail
Lilith Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Violet Sorrengail
Kaz Brekker
The Darkling
Jesper Fahey
Inej Ghafa
Matthias Helvar
Fedyor Kaminsky
Tamar Kir-Bataar
David Kostyk
Nikolai Lantzov
Zoya Nazyalensky
Genya Safin
Alina Starkov
Wylan Van Eck
Tolya Yul-Bataar
Nina Zenik
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di Angelo
Jason Grace
Percy Jackson
Piper McLean
Will Solace
Leo Valdez
Throne of Glass
Aedion Ashryver*
Sam Cortland
Lysandra Ennar
Aelin Galathynius
Evalin Galathynius
Dorian Havilliard
Fenrys Moonbeam
Chaol Westfall
Rowan Whitethorn*
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Yennifer of Vengerberg
Other Book Muses
Daniel Arlington V (Ninth House)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Alexander Clairemont-Diaz (Red, White, and Royal Blue)
Arthur Delacey (Gwen and Art Are Not in Love)
Galaxy Stern (Ninth House)
Greek Mythology
DnD/Fantasy OCs
Jalana Astorio (human warlock)
Tarquin Auglathia (sea-elf rogue)
Nedri Autumnblaze (half-orc ranger)
Azure (water genasi monk)
Anders Brightwood (human bard)
Caerlin (tiefling arcane trickster rogue)
Drake (Wild Hunt shifter ranger)
Elianis Galonodel (half-elf druid)
Naivara Galonodel (half-elf mastermind rogue)
Taron Galonodel (wood elf bard)
Rhys Le'Quella (eladrin wizard)
Makaria (tiefling paladin)
Reya (tiefling storm sorcerer)
Alwyn Sulian (sun elf paladin)
Auryn Sulian (sun elf fighter)
Cerys Sulian (sun elf celestial warlock)
Emrys Sulian (sun elf shadow magic sorcerer)
Cloak Timbers (gnome cleric)
Hollis Tremaine (human fighter)
Other/modern OCs
Destin Michaels (merman)
Novah Michaels (mermaid)
Cassian Sage (werewolf)
Sophie Sage (werewolf)
Reina Solace (werewolf)
Hazel Thatcher (werewolf)
Nicolai Voss (vampire)
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tyrian-tattler · 7 years
A Melville Bastard?
That’s right!  In a shocking open session, Lady Sloane Voss openly declared to Krytan officials that not only did she want a divorce from husband Thane Blackthorn, but that the bun in her oven is not his, but the bastard child of Lord Thomas Melville. Lord Melville has yet to be reached for any comment.
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Name: Voss, Sloane Player: aglow.9264 Tumblr: She Goes to War Active: Yes. Main: Yes. Faceclaim: Gal Gadot
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sloanevoss · 7 years
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Name one person you would kill if you could get away with it. @ Lilah or Sloane
“My husband. My dead husband,” Sloane answered, and it had been an easy one. Her tone was bitter, as was her expression. The mere thought of Thane Blackthorne left a sour taste in her mouth. “He should have stayed in his grave. He is a coward, he is dishonest, disloyal, and a deserter.”
“He didn’t deserve the Vigil and he sure as fuck didn’t deserve me.” Her dark brows shot up and she leans forward, amber irises blaming with some inner fire. “And when I am done with him? His brother.”
(( @forgingawarrior for Thane and tagging @shegoestowar for Sloane’s tumblr. ))
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commander-krios · 2 years
SWTOR Alliance Commander Ask Game
Tagged by @a-muirehen​. Thank you!
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1) Who’s your Alliance Commander? What class are they? Alignment? Random other facts you wanna share?
Jocasta Sloane, Jedi Knight, Light V, grew up on Dantooine with her twin sister, her younger sister, and their parents. Found out she was a Jedi when she was 7 years old, her twin found out about her own force abilities a few years after. They spent time at the Jedi Temple on Dantooine before going to Tython to finish.
2) What’s a reason or two you like that this character is your Commander?
Jocasta is smart and tough. She’s been through a lot in her short life, but she knows how to shoulder responsibility and remain calm in the face of enormous odds. 
3) What’s a reason or two you don’t like about them being Commander?
She ends up stretching herself too thin at times because it’s in her nature to take on the leadership role. In the end, she puts too much pressure on herself when she has an entire team to help her.
4) Why did this character of all your OCs become Commander?
It’s who she is: a leader. She can’t help that. She’s always been the type. When she becomes well known for the amazing things she’s done (turning Sith to the light, defeating the Emperor (multiple times)), she just falls into the role of Commander without a second thought.
5) Who did they side with? Did they stay loyal or go saboteur? Or maybe you headcanon they defect properly?
Jocasta stayed with the Republic. She knows that the Empire has good people in it that are struggling under the power of the dark side and she will do anything she can to help them. But she can’t imagine joining the Empire at all.
6) Are there any NPC’s from the class stories you’d like to see/HC join the Alliance? Ex: Master Timmns, Ardun Kothe, Watcher One, etc.
I haven’t played in so long but I’ll try to list those I can remember. Ardun Kothe, definitely. I’d like to see Jonas officially join up and work with Theron. Typho Ulldin, Darth Lachris, Urtel Moren, Numen Brock, Ki Sazen, and Aristocra Saganu.
7) How’s your OC feeling about the current Malgus situation?
Jocasta is so sick of the Malgus bullshit. Tbh, she’s tired of people dying and coming back to life. Please, can the woman just rest already?
8) Are any of your other OC’s part of the Alliance? If yes, what do they do for the Alliance? Do they get along with your Commander?
All of my OCs do things for the Alliance. My Outlander is different from my Commander and that’s my Sith Warrior, Kieran. Then the rest fit into whatever roles work. My BH works with the Mandalorians, my Consular does research into the force and helps train new force users, my Agent has a spy network and works closely with Theron, my Smuggler works with Hylo, my Trooper works with the military stuff and trains the soldiers. The only one not in the Alliance is my Inquisitor and that’s because she’s too busy trying to take the seat of the Empire from Acina.
9) How does your OC feel about Odessen? (Bonus: how do you feel about it)
To Jocasta, it’s peaceful. The force flows through everything there and she finds that she can just close her eyes and enjoy the feeling of it. To feel so connected to a planet is something she hasn’t felt since Tython.
10) How does your Commander feel about being the Commander?
It’s a lot of pressure, but she has an excellent group of people on her side and she’ll do anything to keep them safe.
11) Favorite place in the Alliance base?
Outside on the main docking area. Seeing that spectacular view makes her feel alive after so many years in carbonite.
12) Favorite mission in KotFE?
When I recruit both Gault and Vette because tbh, they are some of my favorite companions, no matter who I play.
13) Favorite mission in KotET?
I honestly didn’t enjoy this one that much, but I do like the beginning section when everyone is fighting against Vaylin’s forces on Voss.
14) Least favorite mission in either? Why?
In Kotfe, all the little side missions to recruit the rest of the companions who weren’t part of your characters main story is somewhat boring or annoying. Having to play all of the side games to get them is frustrating. Also, the mission where you have to leave either Vette or Torian to die... not cool.
15) Is your Commander successful because they’re skilled? Or are they perhaps just really lucky?
Jocasta is skilled in many things: combat, diplomacy, the force, among the fact that she’s just a kind person in general. She cares and that can have an effect on people, much more than violence does.
16) From our OC’s point of view, SoR -> KotET wasn’t a fun experience, did they develop any fears as a result?
Having Valkorian in her head really did a number on her brain and that wasn’t even the first time he’d poked around in there. If she didn’t end up with some sort of brain damage it would be a miracle. But she does have a fear that he’s not really dead and that there will be a time when she isn’t herself again, and commits atrocities. 
17) AU time! If your Commander wasn’t Commander, which of your other OCs would have likely taken their place?
Probably my Agent, Keshani. She’s probably more leveled than a lot of the others (especially on the Imp side) but she also knows how to wage war, although quietly. Though, I’m not sure how her friendship with Arcann would be taken considering the things he’s done.
18) Who’s someone your Commander hopes they never have to deal with again?
*cough cough* Valkorian... Also, Malgus is getting to be a problem.
19) Does your Commander hold on to/still use any titles they earned before KotET?
Battlemaster would be the one she’d prefer.
20) Share something, anything at all, you want about your Commander that you’ve not really gotten the chance to share before but really want to.
Once the battle with Vaylin and everything winds down, Jocasta considers her future for the first time in years. She comes to the conclusion that despite what the Jedi taught her for so long, she isn’t a Jedi anymore, not really. And she doubts she’ll ever go back to being one fully. Her reunion with Doc also helps her on the path towards the future. She considers children and retirement although the second piece might be a while.
Tagging: not sure who has done this yet, but if you’re interested, consider yourself tagged.
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theyhealers-a · 3 years
because this is a sideblog,  we’re mutuals if i follow you from trustschaos.
grey’s anatomy   /   private practice.
amelia shepherd. april kepner. arizona robbins. charlotte king. cristina yang. georgia king-freedman. lexie grey. mark sloan.
new amsterdam.
elizabeth wilder.
the resident.
aj austin (test). billie sutton. conrad hawkins. jessie nevin. kit voss. mina okafor.
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martyniiii · 4 years
MAG 177 - Wonderland
New Magnus episode! MAG 177 - Wonderland
Case ########-17
An examination of mental health care.
Audio recorded by the Archivist, in situ.
Content warnings:
- Arguments
- Relationship conflict
- Second-person Point-Of-View statement
- Hospitals / Mental institutions
- Mental illness
- Gaslighting
- Mental health abuse
- Medical / Therapeutic malpractice
- Victim blaming
- Diminution / belittling language
- Name invalidation
- Involuntary commitment
- Medication (inc involuntary medication)
- Suicidal ideation (implied)
- Psychosis / unreality
- Paranoia
- Explicit language
- Threats
- Body horror
- Avoidance of facts
- Mentions of: death, police brutality, gore
- SFX: screaming, high pitched tones, discordant music, medication, violence
Transcript (PDF): https://cutt.ly/pfvyo81
Transcript (DOC): https://cutt.ly/7fvycTT
Thanks to this week's Patrons: Alyssa Rozendaal, heroei, Alexandra DeCarlo, Ruu Weist, Halogen, Jill Flansburg, Peter Lukas' life insurance policy, Taka, Inna Nytochka, Meg Allen, Kamilla Kavmark, Vortex Eclipse, winnfour, Sandra Roorda, Emily, Hila SketchCat Shats, Melanie, Sebrina McCoy, Bee Elderly, Adrian Serrano, evelina, Sloane, Alex James, Kit Lines, PineapplePrincess, a creature built of gears and silver, Callie L Tomlinson, Power Loader, Carolyn McKenna, Frankie Kavakich, Knighthawk, Lex Adams, Grey Aster, Dan Hayes, Jonathan Björklund, Chaotica, Tristan Tinder, Danni Jager, Sydney Bell, Jessica Mattiace, Maya Manzonelli, lionheart091 ., Murdo Homewood, AJ Waitkus, Eliza & Gray, erlkonigin, grippingTraverse, Kyra Marie Maginity, Finn Catterall, Sonja Hansen
If you'd like to join them visit www.patreon.com/rustyquill
Edited this week by Nico Vettese, Elizabeth Moffatt, Brock Winstead & Alexander J Newall
Written by Jonathan Sims and directed by Alexander J Newall
Produced by Lowri Ann Davies
- "Martin Blackwood" - Alexander J. Newall
- "The Archivist" - Jonathan Sims  
- "Basira Hussain" - Frank Voss
- "Helen" - Imogen Harris
Sound effects this week by hja, RoooDyDoooDy, BranRainey, skowm001, edgardomoreno, dansotak, shark510, straget, leonelmail, Nanakisan, Marth8880, bmusic92, BillsFilms, ittou, AlbertCoetser, youtube.com/user/freeAudiosounds, sangtao, sagetyrtle, ienba, j1987, SMuntsinger, Benboncan, TheFilmLook, neilsher, altfuture, Eneasz, yottasounds, SpliceSound, avakas, conleec, cognito perceptu, cmusounddesign, tim.kahn, alienistcog, gropkcor, kyles, karinalarasart, Lydmakeren & previously credited artists via freesound.org
Music: Blue Sky by Quincas Moreira from Youtube Audio Library
Check out our merchandise at https://www.redbubble.com/people/rustyquill/collections/708982-the-magnus-archives-s1
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transnames · 7 years
Some one-syllable neutral names
(Two-syllable names)
A: Ace, Add, Ade, Aim, Al, Ames, An, Ant, Art, Ash, Aud, Ax, Az
B: Bard, Barr, Bas, Bay, Baz, Beach, Beau, Beck, Bee, Beech, Bel, Bell, Bev, Birch, Bird, Blaine, Blair, Blake, Blaze, Bliss, Blue, Blythe, Bo, Bon, Boo, Brae, Brace, Brave, Bree, Breeze, Bret, Brook, Brooks, Bronx, Bry, Bryce, Bryn, Byrd
C: Cade, Cai, Cal, Cale, Cam, Case, Cass, Cat, Cay, Ceil, Cer, Chan, Char, Chas, Chase, Chay, Chi, Chip, Chris, Clare, Claude, Clay, Clor, Cloud, Clove, Co, Cole, Colt, Crane, Crow, Cruz, Cy, Cyd
D: Dahl, Dai, Daine, Dale, Dane, Dar, Dare, Dash, Dax, Day, Dee, Dell, Den, Dev, Dez, Di, Doe, Dor, Doss, Dove, Dray, Dream, Drew, Dru, Duff, Dune
E: East, Edge, El, Elk, Elm, Em, En, Eun, Ev, Eyre, Ez
F: Fang, Fawn, Fay, Fern, Fife, Finch, Finn, Fionn, Flame, Flann, Flick, Flint, Flip, Flor, Flynn, Fox, Fran, Free, Frost
G: Gab, Gale, Gen, Gene, Gil, Glade, Glaw, Glenn, Glo, Glynn, Gray, Green, Grey, Grove, Gull, Gus, Gwyn
H: Hal, Hale, Hail, Hall, Halle, Han, Hao, Harl, Hawk, Hayes, Haze, Hyeon
I: Ille, Inge, Io, Ire, Isle, Iss, Iv, Ives, Ix, Iz
J: Jade, Jae, Jak, Jam, Jan, Jas, Jax, Jay, Jayme, Jazz, Jean, Jem, Jeri, Jerre, Jess, Jet, Jewel, Jin, Jo, Joyce, Jude, Jules, June
K: Kade, Kai, Kal, Kam, Kass, Kay, Kaz, Keats, Kei, Kel, Kerr, Kick, Kim, Kit, Klaude, Klay, Klee, Knight, Knox, Kris, Ky, Kyle
L: Lan, Land, Lane, Lang, Lake, Lark, Leaf, Lee, Leeds, Leigh, Leith, Len, Lex, Li, Lin, Liv, Loch, Locke, Lon, Lorne, Lou, Luck, Lute, Lux, Lyre, Lyse
M: Mack, Mai, Maize, Mal, Mar, March, Marl, Mars, Marsh, Max, Mays, Mel, Mer, Merce, Merle, Mies, Miles, Mills, Min, Mint, Moe, Moon, Murph, Muse, Myrl, Myrrh
N: Nao, Nat, Neel, Nell, Nev, Nic, Night, Nile, Noe, Noel, Noor, Norm, North, Nove, Nox, Nyx
O: Oak, Oakes, Oates, Ode, Ore, Oz
P: Pace, Page, Park, Pat, Patch, Payne, Pau, Pax, Paz, Peace, Pearl, Per, Phi, Pier, Pierce, Pike, Pim, Pine, Pip, Poe, Puck
Q: Quail, Quay, Quest, Quill, Quince, Quinn
R: Rae, Rail, Rain, Raz, Red, Ree, Reed, Reese, Reeve, Rei, Reid, Reign, Ren, Reyes, Rho, Rhys, Rian, Ridge, Riles, Rin, Ro, Roan, Roar, Rome, Ronne, Roone, Roth, Roux, Rowan, Rox, Roy, Royce, Rue, Rune, Ry, Ryn, Ryo
S: Sage, Sal, Sam, Scout, Sea, Sev, Sey, Shade, Shale, Shan, Shark, Shaw, Shawn, Shay, Shea, Shel, Sim, Siv, Sky, Slate, Sloane, Smith, Snow, Spike, Sol, Sorrel, Spring, Spruce, Star, Steel, Stone, Storm, Sun, Sy, Syd
T: Tai, Taj, Tal, Tam, Tate, Tau, Tay, Taz, Teal, Tee, Tib, Tide, Tix, Tobes, Trace, Trev, True, Truth, Ty
U: Ulf, Ull
V: Val, Vale, Van, Vane, Verne, Vi, Vic, Viv, Von, Voss, Vox
W: Wade, Ward, West, Whit, Wil, Wild, Win, Wolf, Worth, Wren, Wyle, Wynn
X: Xan, Xande, Xav, Xen, Xi, Xie
Y: Yale, Yang, Yates, Yeats, Yon, Yu, Yule, Yve, Yves
Z: Zabe, Zade, Zahn, Zale, Zan, Zane, Zeal, Zed, Zee, Zell, Zen, Zeph, Zev, Zinc, Ziv, Zo
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janto-nassimi · 7 years
“Are you dead?” - from Sloane Voss
“You know, I might be.”
Janto spoke from the ground, flat on his ass — and head. Laying flat he had his eyes closed. He hurt, like usual, but this time around it was particularly ludicrous. He’d completed the mission, saved the girl, won the day and more. And then the explosion. Dressed in simple chain armor, Janto fell from the upper city of Divinity’s Reach, down from the balcony of one of the fancy buildings way up high on the walls. With a blast of wind from his boots, he had landed in a comically positioned pile of hay. How nice.
“Are you dead? That’ll help me figure it out. You’re not a mist spirit, right?”
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sloanevoss · 7 years
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Because she doesn’t.
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melittathalassa · 7 years
“Where the fuck did that baby come from?!” - from Sloane Voss
Mel looked at the babe in arms with his little lion-hat and cozy mittens. She’d shift his sleepy form to her other shoulder. “I...okay He’s not mine. Wait...that didn’t sound any better did it...” she flashed a smile between the woman and the babe.
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kevinscottgardens · 5 years
16 through 29 September 2019
It’s been a tough return to the UK from sunny southern California. Autumn has arrived and grey, rainy days have started. The garden is looking great still. The lawn at home is showing no signs of slowing down; I mowed it twice last week.
It was an easy return to work. Tuesday we went to the Natural History Museum after tea break to look at their herbarium which includes Sir Hans Sloane’s herbarium collection. We also looked around their wildlife garden.
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Wednesday I attended an all-day terrorist awareness training. Thursday is my office day and we only work until 13.00 on Fridays until March.
We’ve been putting down leaf mould in the woodland areas of the garden and doing some autumn planting and staking. I removed all the shading in the tropical corridor now that the sun is lower in the sky and there is less than twelve hours of light.
I have been house-sitting in Kingston since my return from LA and last Tuesday morning I saw a badger run up the street across the street from my bus stop. That was a first. 
I worked this weekend, my penultimate working weekend of the year. I tried to used the quiet Saturday to jet wash the floor in the tropical corridor. The water pump gave up only and hour into it. So instead, I trimmed the Ficus pumila going to the basement and placed some polycarbonate sheets where a few glass ceiling panes have broken recently. Sunday, I tried the jet washer again, this time with the mains and the fuse blew. I gave up on jet washing. I accomplished a lot of little things on the database and also placed some labels in the garden, between rain showers. I don’t mind working these quiet weekends and I earn time off in lieu, which means more long weekends!
My father gave me a camera to replace the one stolen from work last year and I’m excited to start using it. I hope to have some nice close-up shots that are more in focus than trying to use my phone.
I’m busy planning a few holidays for the remainder of the year: Perugia, Lyon and a bit of a train journey over Christmas including Wuppertal, Paris and perhaps Antwerp.
Plant ident by Allison on autumn fruit:
Elaeagnaceae Elaeagnus umbellata
Lythraceae Punica granatum
Moraceae Ficus carica
Myrtaceae Ugni molinae
Rosaceae Cydonia oblonga ‘Vranja’
Rosacea Pyracantha fortuneana
Rosaceae Rubus fruticosus
Solanaceae Capsicum annuum
Solanaceae Solanum betaceum
Solanaceae Solanum lycopersicum
Plant ident Franziska’s trainee project Mental Wellbeing Garden:
Amaranthaceae Gomphrena haageana 'QIS' Series Mixed
Caprifoliaceae Valeriana officinalis
Convulvulaceae Ipomoea tricolor 'Grandpa Ott'
Fabaceae Lathyrus odoratus ‘Cupani’
Hypericaceae Hypericum perforatum
Lamiaceae Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’
Passifloraceae Passiflora incarnata
Poaceae Avena sativa
Poaceae Fargesia nitida 'Great Wall'
Poaceae Lagurus ovatus
This is how Fränzi laid out her garden:
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Plant of week 38
Myrtaceae Ugni molinae Turcz.
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common name(s) - Chilean guava, strawberry myrtle synonym(s) - Eugenia ugni (Molina) Hook. & Arn.; Myrtus molinae (Turcz.) Barnéoud; M. ugni Molina; M. ugni var. angustifolia Phil.; M. ugni var. latifolia Kuntze; Ugni bridgesii O.Berg; U. lanceolata O.Berg; U. myrtus Macloskie [Illegitimate]; U. philippii O.Berg; U. poeppigii O.Berg; U. ugni (Molina) Voss [Invalid] conservation rating - none native to - W. Argentina and Chile location - unusual fruit, accession _____ leaves - small, opposite, leathery leaves; spicy scent when crushed flowers - nodding, bowl-shaped, white flowers are fragrant, and followed by aromatic, edible, dark red berries 10mm across habit - bushy, upright, evergreen shrub to 1.5m tall and 1m wide habitat - the Valdivian temperate rainforests, characterised by their dense understories of bamboos, ferns, and for being mostly dominated by evergreen angiosperm trees with some deciduous specimens; conifers are also common. pests - generally pest-free disease - generally disease-free hardiness - to -10ºC (H4) soil - moist and well-drained sun - full sun to part shade, sheltered propagation - seed, semi-ripe root cuttings in late summer with bottom heat pruning - damaged, dead or diseased, or to shape nomenclature - Myrtaceae - the Greek name μυρτιά for myrtle (the apothecaries’ name for the berries was myrtilli); Ugni - from a Chilean vernacular name, uñi ; molinae - for Juan Ignacio (Giovanni Ignazio) Molina (1740-1829), writer on Chilean plants NB - was introduced to England in 1844 by the botanist and plant collector William Lobb, where it became a favourite fruit of Queen Victoria; use of the fruit in cuisine is limited to southern Chile where it grows. It is used to make the traditional liqueur murtado that is made of aguardiente and sugar flavoured by conserving murtas inside the bottle. It is also used to make jam and the murta con membrillo dessert and in Kuchen.
References, bibliography:
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [26 Sep 19]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-209701 [26 Sep 19]
Royal Horticultural Society [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/18573/i-Ugni-molinae-i/Details [26 Sep 19]
Wikipedia [online] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugni_molinae [26 Sep 19]
Plant of week 39
Amaryllidaceae Acis autumnalis (L.) Sweet
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common name(s) - autumn snowflake synonym(s) - Acis autumnalis var. oporantha (Jord. & Fourr.) Lledó, A.P.Davis & M.B.Crespo; A. autumnalis var. pulchella (Jord. & Fourr.) Lledó, A.P.Davis & M.B.Crespo; A. oporantha Jord. & Fourr.; A. pulchella Jord. & Fourr.; Leucojum auctumnale J.F.Gmel. [Spelling variant]; L. autumnale L.; L. autumnale var. oporanthum (Jord. & Fourr.) Maire; L. autumnale var. pulchellum (Jord. & Fourr.) Maire; Ruminia hyemalis Parl. [Illegitimate] conservation rating - Least Concern native to - western Mediterranean location - monocotyledon order beds, accession _____ leaves - narrow, erect, dark green, often seeming to form tufts, and usually only appear after the flowers flowers - six equally sized unmarked tepals, one to four flowers on solid scapes in autumn habit - short bulbous perennial to 150mm tall habitat - dry scrub and meadows across seven Mediterranean forest ecoregions. Habitats include areas disturbed by humans: sandy verge of road, wheat/barley fields, sunflower cultivation, and open degraded areas to 1,000m pests - Narcissus bulb fly, slugs disease - generally disease-free hardiness - to -10ºC (H4) soil - light, moist and well-drained sun - full sun, sheltered propagation - seed, offsets pruning - none, allow leave to die down completely nomenclature - Amaryllidaceae - Amaryllis - the name of a country girl in Virgil’s writings; Acis - Richard Anthony Salisbury, British botanist, did not explain the origin of the name Acis beyond describing it as a "poetic title”; it may refer to the myth of Acis and Galatea; autumnalis - flowering or growing in autumn, of the autumn NB - Acis was first differentiated from the genus Leucojum by Richard Anthony Salisbury in The Paradisus Londinensis in 1807.
References, bibliography:
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/13142666/44417244#habitat-ecology [26 Sep 19]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-293461 [26 Sep 19]
Wikipedia [online] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acis_%28plant%29 [26 Sep 19]
Wikipedia [online] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acis_autumnalis [26 Sep 19]
0 notes
faolanmeadowes · 5 years
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CHARACTER NAME: Faolan Meadowes / Faolan Meallán / Faolan a Mór Ríoghain
AGE IN JULY 2020: somewhere over 1508.
APPEARANCE: His beard is more scruff than anything and he has no intentions of growing it out again. His demeanor hasn’t changed much overall in the last year and, if anything, he’s a little more tense than usual while he battles his own demons.
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Apartment above the blacksmith.  
ROOMMATES: Aoife (dog)
OCCUPATION: owner @ Heat of the Moment blacksmith.
Sabine Devereux: friend
Gabriel Maddox: son
Cora Meadowes: sister
Katia Kjar: friend, niece-in-law via his wife
Aurélie Marchand: daughter-in-law
Fiona Laughlin: niece
Arthur Talbot: brother-in-law, semi-friend
Riley Voss: niece-in-law, semi friend
Damien & Peter Cadoc: friend
Ivy Sloane: friend, apprentice
June 2019: Sabine’s attack during the catalyst ended with her being turned into a vampire. The subsequent weeks following are spent supporting her recovery while also battling with his own guilt for making this decision for her.
July 2019: Still not fully recovered from using up all his powers to save Gabriel, but he can at least heal small things once more. His empathy is also locked up tightly once more.
October 2019: grudgingly accepts that Arthur and Riley will be apart of Cora’s life and therefore his life indefinitely. Now refers to them as Mr. Arthur and Ms. Riley instead of “bloodsuckers”.
his niece and nephew are born.
January 2020-April 2020: The restless feeling in Lethe has returned with the arrival of his niece and nephew on October 31st. With the resurge in painful memories and the absence of Sabine, Faolan decides to travel for a time. He visits his family’s grave, takes long walks, and ultimately tries to come to terms with things.
May 2020: Returns to Lethe, he misses his son, his sister, and basically his family. The distance between he and Sabine is still there, still something that he’s struggling to fix and he sends her letters bi-weekly to make sure she’s okay.
July 2020-onward: He doesn’t care about the Riverborn situation, but he does care if the town decides to lose its collective shit again. He’s focusing on work and overcoming his distaste of vampires considering everyone in his family loves one, with little success.
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abcnewspr · 5 years
‘20/20’ Features Interview with Daughter on How Her Family Led Her Into a Life of Crime and Exclusive Interview with Son from Prison   Details Father’s Manipulative Tactics and Complicated Past   ‘20/20’ Airs on Friday, June 28 (9:00 – 11:00 p.m. ET) on ABC   
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Ronald “Scott” Catt shocked a community when police apprehended him in Texas for doing what most fathers could never imagine – robbing two banks of $108,000 with his son, Hayden, while his eighteen year old daughter, Abby, drove the getaway car. A two-hour “20/20” documentary unravels the details behind the heists, including the manipulative tactics Scott used to rope Hayden and Abby into the crimes; Scott’s startling police confession during which he admitted to robbing several banks in two states; and his substance abuse issues and resulting financial troubles which Scott revealed to “20/20.” During the documentary Abby breaks her silence for the first time in almost five years to ABC News Chief National Correspondent Matt Gutman. Abby opens up about her steadfast love for Hayden and Scott; how her father and brother led her into a life of crime; her time in jail for the bank robberies; the mistakes she made after receiving parole in 2015, which landed her back behind bars; and life now as an expectant mother. Gutman also has an exclusive interview with Hayden from prison who reveals what life is like now and reflects on the past. “20/20” airs on Friday, June 28 (9:00 – 11:00 p.m. ET) on ABC.
The documentary features an exclusive interview with Chrystal Fassett, former bank teller who was present when the Catts robbed one of the banks and interviews with Susie Gregory, who volunteered at Abby’s jail, learned of her backstory from a 2013 “20/20” report and took her in when she received parole in 2015; investigator Jeff Martin, who worked on the case; Troy Nehls, the local sheriff who allowed Abby to serve time in the county jail instead of state prison; Skip Hollandsworth, Texas Monthly reporter who wrote about the Catt family crimes; and Joanna Voss, Abby and Hayden’s aunt. The documentary also features revealing interrogation tapes, footage from Hayden and Abby’s emotional 2013 reunion in front of “20/20” cameras before they parted ways to serve their sentences and a 2015 interview with Abby after she received parole.  
Police tracked down the Catts quickly due to their construction worker disguises, purchased by Hayden and Abby with Scott’s credit card at a local home improvement store. While they awaited sentencing, Scott continued to manipulate his children by sending letters encouraging them to exaggerate his alcohol addiction when speaking to the media in an effort to make him appear more sympathetic. In 2013 all three accepted plea deals for aggravated robbery. Scott received 24 years in prison, Hayden received ten years and Abby received five years, which she was allowed to serve in jail.
“20/20” is anchored by David Muir and Amy Robach. David Sloan is senior executive producer.
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