#sln token
silverlineswap · 2 years
How to Minimize Losses and Maximize Profits in Crypto
Are you looking for a way to make some extra money? Have you ever considered investing in prediction markets? If not, now is the time to start! Prediction markets are an exciting and potentially lucrative investment opportunity that can help you diversify your portfolio.
Prediction markets allow investors to bet on the outcome of future events. By predicting correctly, investors can earn profits from their investments. However, it’s important to understand how these markets work before diving in headfirst
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Earning From BNB Prediction Gaming platforms: How to Minimize Losses and Maximize Profits
BNB prediction gaming platforms are becoming increasingly popular as they offer users the chance to earn real money by predicting the outcome of various events. These platforms allow users to bet on sports, politics, and other markets with cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. The potential rewards can be quite lucrative if your predictions are correct.
However, like any form of gambling there is always an element of risk involved when betting on these types of games. It’s important that you understand how these games work before investing any money in them so that you can minimize losses and maximize profits. Here are some tips for doing just that.
1) Research Your Market: Before placing any bets it’s important that you do your research into the market and familiarize yourself with all the different factors at play. This includes researching teams/players/politicians involved in each event, understanding current trends in the market, and keeping up-to-date with news related to each event. Doing this will help give you an edge over other players who may not have done their homework properly.
2) Set Limits: One key factor when playing BNB prediction gaming is setting limits on how much money you want to invest per game or per day/week/month etc.. Setting limits helps ensure that even if things don’t go your way one day, your losses won’t spiral out of control due to excessive betting amounts.
3) Don’t Chase Losses: Another common mistake made by new players is chasing losses after a bad streak has occurred — i.e., increasing their stakes in order to try recouping lost funds quickly rather than waiting until luck turns around again naturally (which it inevitably does). Chasing losses often leads people down a dangerous path where they end up losing more than they initially intended to — something which should be avoided at all costs!
4) Take Breaks & Reassess Strategies: Finally, taking regular breaks from playing BNB prediction games can also help reduce risks associated with gambling addiction while allowing players time away from screens so they can reassess their strategies without being influenced by emotions or fatigue caused by long hours spent online trying win back lost funds etc.. Taking breaks also gives players time away from screens which allows them to focus on other aspects of life such as family & friends etc..
Following these simple steps will help ensure that anyone interested in earning real money through BNB prediction gaming platforms minimizes their chances of suffering large financial losses while maximizing potential profits earned through successful predictions made during gameplay sessions! Good luck!
Is playing BNB Prediction games and earning — good, on a long scale?
It may sound like an odd concept, but it can be quite lucrative if done correctly. The idea behind this type of game is simple: by predicting which asset will go up in value over time, players can earn profits without having to put too much effort into researching or analyzing markets.
This makes it attractive to those who don’t have a lot of experience with investing or trading but still want to make some money on the side.
Is playing BNB Prediction games good for a national economy?
We know, you would’ve never expected a title like this but what if it made some real sense? — If you ask us, we’ll say, YEAH! It makes sense! Let’s explain how!
The answer depends on how you look at it. On one hand, these games can be seen as an investment opportunity that could potentially bring in more money into the country’s economy.
Players who make correct predictions can earn profits from their investments, which would then be taxed by the government and used to fund public services or infrastructure projects. This could help stimulate economic growth in certain areas and create jobs for people living there.
Overall, while playing BNB prediction games may offer potential benefits to a national economy through increased tax revenues and job creation opportunities, it is important to consider the best option considering all the possibilities for our economic status.
Should you start Investing in BNB Prediction Games with INR 1000?
If you’ve been following the cryptocurrency market, then you know that Binance Coin (BNB) is one of the hottest coins out there. But what if you have a minimum of INR 1000 and want to get involved in predicting its price movements? Is it possible to make money from this type of investment?
The answer is yes! There are several prediction games available on the internet where players can bet on whether or not they think BNB will go up or down over a certain period of time. These games usually involve making predictions about how much the coin will move within a given timeframe, such as 24 hours or 7 days. Players can win prizes based on their accuracy and even earn real money if they guess correctly.
However, before jumping into these types of investments, it’s important to understand some key points first. First off, investing in any kind of prediction game carries risk — so be sure to do your research and only invest what you can afford to lose. Additionally, since these games are unregulated by any government body, there is no guarantee that your funds will be safe should something go wrong with the platform hosting them.
That being said, if done responsibly and carefully monitored for potential risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies like BNB — playing prediction games could potentially yield great returns for those willing to take calculated risks when betting on its future price movements. So if you have at least INR 1000 lying around and want an exciting way to invest it — why not give BNB prediction games a try? Who knows — maybe you’ll end up winning big!
Investing in prediction markets can be both rewarding and risky at times but following these tips should help ensure success over time! With proper research and calculated risks taken along the way, earning from prediction markets isn ‘ t just possible — it’s probable ! Good luck!
Website | SPARC BETS | Twitter | Telegram | Instagram | Discord
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alphafitnessman · 1 year
Smart Layer, a new project backed by Mark Cuban, is airdroppingg free SLN tokens for easy social tasks. Also, earn more SLN by inviting friends:
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Prediction Markets: Gambling or Math?
SilverLineSwap-SPARC BNB Prediction Platform
The difference between gambling and professional trading employing market mathematics and probabilities.
Gambling is the act of staking something on a possibility. Many investors, including a lot of experts, trade in a way that is entirely incompatible with long-term market success without even being aware of it. If the investor does not employ a systematic and mathematically supported strategy, they are engaging in market gambling and are highly unlikely to consistently succeed throughout a wide range of market environments. Mathematical language is universal and seldom contains falsehoods.
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Every transaction has a statistical likelihood of either success or failure. Direct purchase or sale of an asset, such as a stock or ETF, by an investor is equivalent to a 50/50 wager mathematically speaking. The only way an investor may profit is if the asset moves in the correct direction, creating a mathematically binary position, regardless of how much fundamental or technical analysis has been done. Then, is there a better approach? the question. This is the short answer to this question, without a doubt. Higher probability trades may be made by utilizing statistical techniques to determine the different predicted price changes over a defined time period. The principles of how probability theory and the options market help us construct trades more successfully will be the main focus of this article.
We will demonstrate how, in addition to enhancing performance, trading with an initial average mathematical probability of profit of at least 70% also permits higher capital protection. The binary trap, when we can only benefit if an asset moves significantly in the direction we want it to, is avoided by using this method. Instead, we may still turn a significant return even if the price of an item remains constant or even marginally moves against us!
What to Expect from the Asset Price Movement? There has been a lot of written discussion on the shifts in asset values. Some individuals think that fundamental or technical analysis may predict future market movements. Others believe it is challenging to forecast which price move will occur next since the prices of many assets fluctuate in a way resembling a “random walk.” A third strategy, which we believe exists, uses probability theory to account for the magnitude of market fluctuations. 
Even though it is challenging to anticipate exactly how the price of any given asset may vary at any single time, we may use market-derived data to compute the expected price range for an item, within a certain degree of probability, over any time period. The factors required to calculate the probable price ranges for a given asset are the intended price and time period, the implied volatility, as well as knowledge of statistical distributions, exactly as we need values for specific variables to compute.
How to Understand Volatility: A Mathematical Guide to Successful Investing
Since the current price and time period intended to hold an item are easy-to-comprehend elements, we will begin by focusing on implied volatility. First, We need to understand how volatile assets are in general. Volatility is a measurement of how much an asset goes up or down over a certain period of time, to put it simply. In this article, we’ll focus on implied volatility or volatility that is expected to happen in the future. The market-determined option prices that create implied volatility show the likely distribution or expected price range for a stock over a certain period of time (usually quoted in annual terms). Given that it is generated from market dynamics and takes into account all investor biases, implied volatility may be used to estimate the anticipated price ranges for an asset. The probability that the price ranges we have calculated using implied volatility will really materialize in the market requires that we also understand the concept of a normal distribution.
Price Movement in the Real World and Implied Volatility:
This statistically roughly corresponds to the 68.2% possibility that the math predicted. By expanding our research, We find that over the last 25 years, the actual return of the index has around 68% of the time (17/25 occasions) fallen inside the predicted move, confirming the idea that the market operates in a statistically predictable manner. Mathematics covers almost all other asset classes with comparable precision, including individual stocks, bonds, commodities, and ETFs. 
The foundation for creating trades with a higher chance of success is provided by knowing how to calculate the predicted moves of an asset and the corresponding probability of such moves. Now that we are more aware of the mathematics involved in estimating predicted moves, we can demonstrate how to use this knowledge in portfolio development. As stated at the beginning of the article, historically, a portfolio manager’s directional prediction had to be 100 percent accurate in order for them to earn from a transaction. Given the volatile nature of markets and all the factors that might influence an asset’s price, such as macroeconomic, sectoral, industrial, technical, and fundamental dynamics, making trades with a 50/50 chance every time is just not the best course of action.
SilverLine has created a fantastic game — SPARC is the prediction platform. You can predict and win BNB, if you lose, you will still be rewarded with SLN Tokens.
SPARC BNB Prediction | Crypto Prediction Platform | BNB Prediction Platform | Prediction Markets | SilverLineSwap | SilverLine
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alphafitnessman · 11 months
Smart Layer, a new project backed by Mark Cuban (amongst others), is airdropping free SLN tokens💰 for easy social tasks.
Also, earn more 🤑 SLN by inviting friends:
#AIRDROPALERT #AirdropCrypto #Airdrops #Airdrop #FreeCrypto
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alphafitnessman · 11 months
Smart Layer, a new project backed by Mark Cuban (amongst others), is airdropping free SLN tokens💰 for easy social tasks.
Also, earn more 🤑 SLN by inviting friends:
#Smartlayer #markcuban
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silverlineswap · 2 years
How do you analyze a crypto token?
Cryptocurrency tokens are a complex asset class that requires careful analysis before investing. With the rise of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and other token-based projects, it is important to understand how to evaluate these digital assets.
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In this article, we from Silverline will discuss some key factors to consider when analyzing a crypto token.
The first step in evaluating any cryptocurrency token is understanding its purpose and use case. What problem does the project aim to solve? How does the token fit into the overall ecosystem? Is there an existing market for this type of product or service? These questions can help you determine if there is potential value in investing in the project’s tokens.
Next, you should look at the team behind the project. Who are they and what experience do they have with blockchain technology? Do they have a track record of successful projects or partnerships? A strong team can be an indicator of success for any crypto venture, so make sure you research their background thoroughly before making any decisions about investing in their tokens.
It’s also important to analyze the technical aspects of a crypto token such as its codebase, consensus mechanism, scalability solutions, etc. Understanding how these components work together can give you insight into whether or not it has long-term potential as an investment vehicle. Additionally, researching past performance data such as trading volume and price movements can provide valuable information on how well a particular coin has performed over time compared to others in its sector or industry segment.
Finally, don’t forget about regulatory compliance when assessing a crypto token’s viability as an investment option; different countries may have different laws governing cryptocurrencies which could affect your ability to buy/sell them legally within certain jurisdictions. It is always best practice to stay up-to-date on local regulations related to digital assets before committing funds to them!
All things considered, analyzing cryptocurrency tokens requires due diligence from investors who want to maximize their returns while minimizing risk exposure associated with volatile markets like those found within cryptosystems today!
By taking all these factors into account during your evaluation process — from use cases and teams down through technical details and legal considerations — you will be better equipped for making informed decisions regarding investments in digital assets moving forward!
How to compare other crypto tokens with silverline’s SLN token?
Are you looking for a way to compare other crypto tokens with Silverline’s SLN token? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll be discussing how to evaluate different cryptocurrencies and why it’s important.
First of all, let’s start by understanding what makes up a cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that use cryptography and blockchain technology to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. They can also be used as an investment vehicle or as a medium of exchange.
When comparing different crypto tokens, there are several factors that should be taken into consideration: market capitalization (the total value of all coins in circulation), liquidity (how easily coins can be bought or sold), transaction speed (how quickly transactions are processed on the network), scalability (the ability for the network to handle large amounts of data) and security (the level of protection against malicious attacks).
In addition, when evaluating Silverline’s SLN token specifically, it is important to consider its unique features such as its low fees structure which allows users to save money on their transactions; its fast transaction speeds which allow users to send funds almost instantly; its high levels of security which protect user funds from theft; and finally its decentralized nature which ensures no single entity has control over the network.
Overall, when comparing different crypto tokens with Silverline’s SLN token it is essential that investors take into account these various factors before making any decisions about investing in them.
By doing so they will ensure they make informed decisions based on accurate information rather than speculation or hype surrounding certain projects.
With this knowledge in hand investors can confidently invest in whichever project best suits their needs without worrying about potential losses due to poor decision-making processes.
Why is Silverline’s SLN token the best crypto to buy in 2023?
As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow, investors are looking for ways to maximize their returns. One of the most promising investments in 2023 is Silverline’s SLN token. This digital asset has been gaining traction among crypto enthusiasts and institutional investors alike due to its unique features and potential for long-term growth.
One of the main advantages of investing in SLN tokens is its low volatility compared to other cryptos on the market today. This makes it ideal for those who want steady returns over time without having to worry about sudden price swings caused by market speculation or news events.
Additionally, since Silverline’s platform is built on top of Binance blockchain technology, transactions are fast and secure while still being cost-effective when compared with traditional payment methods like credit cards or bank transfers.
Another great feature of this digital asset is its ability to generate passive income through staking rewards earned from holding onto your coins over time instead of selling them off immediately after purchase.
Staking rewards can be quite lucrative depending on how much you hold onto your coins; some estimates suggest that holders could potentially earn up to 10% annually just from staking alone!
Finally, one thing that sets $SLN apart from other cryptos out there is its strong community support behind it which helps drive adoption rates higher each day as more people become aware of what this project has to offer them financially speaking.
With all these factors combined together, it’s no wonder why many experts believe that investing in Silverline’s SLN token will be one of the best decisions you make in 2023!
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silverlineswap · 2 years
How to Win 15000 SLN Tokens by Participating in Our SPARC P2E Meme Contest ?
Hello Fellow crypto peeps!
I hope you’re all doing well and having a great day. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about an exciting contest that’s happening right now — the Crypto Meme Creation Contest! This is your chance to show off your creativity and have some fun while helping spread awareness of cryptocurrencies. Plus, there are some awesome prizes up for grabs if you win — cryptocurrency tokens from SLN.
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The contest is open until Jan 13th so there’s still plenty of time for everyone to participate. All you need to do is create a meme or GIF related to SPARC (Our online prediction-rewarding platform) & about our SLN tokens that can be shared on social media platforms like Twitter or Reddit, then submit it through the official website before the deadline passes. It doesn’t matter what type of meme or GIF it is — funny ones are always encouraged but serious messages work too as long as they relate back in some way to us such as our blockchain technology, tokens, how we’re better than fellow currencies, etcetera . Just make sure your entry follows all rules set out by their terms & conditions page before submitting it (which can be found here).
So why not join in on this creative challenge? Not only will participating help promote crypto-awareness but who knows — maybe one lucky winner will get their hands on those amazing prizes after all! Good luck everyone :)
Details attached below for your reference.
Rules to be followed and procedures on how to perform the task, will be mentioned below:
Create memes relevant to SPARCP2E.
Unique and creative Memes will be selected for top 10 positions.
 1st Price : 5000 SLN
2nd Price : 3000 SLN
3rd Price : 1000 SLN
4th to 10th Price : 500 SLN
Post your Memes in the comments below the twitter post.
Post link : https://twitter.com/SPARCP2E/status/1611335052855771140?s=20&t=N6MnkfpFP5kdIKBeLQdPog
Mention your wallet address along with your memes.
Rewards will be Distributed on Friday (13/1/2023) 9.30 AM (GMT).
Website | SPARC BETS | Twitter | Telegram | Instagram | Discord
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silverlineswap · 2 years
CBDCs Require Governments to put a Special Focus on Security
Any country that will soon establish a CBDC must make sure it is prepared to protect its digital assets, particularly its private keys. The financial industry of today is growing more and more digital, so it makes sense that central banks would want to change with the times. Cash usage is dwindling quickly. Globally, the use of cash has been declining, and COVID-19 and the
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emergence of digital payment apps have further exacerbated this trend. This has increased interest in digital currencies and the need for simpler payment methods. The concept of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) has gained traction as crypto use keeps growing. A few CBDCs have already been issued, and governments all over the world have been toying with and researching the notion. When CBDCs will become commonplace is unclear. Because a central bank is by definition a centralized entity, do not anticipate CBDCs to mirror Bitcoin’s ($BTC) decentralized features. Nevertheless, they can offer some of the same advantages, such as speeding up payment verification processes and offering transaction proof. But there are still a lot of obstacles to overcome. The operational dangers of the “cyber realm” are one of these difficulties. Banks are used to spending money to protect their “fiat” reserves, but protecting digital currencies calls for a different mentality. Blockchain technology has some inherent flaws, such as anonymity and irreversibility, that cunning con artists may be able to take advantage of. However, it’s unclear whether CBDCs will use blockchain technology. Could CBDCs expose central banks to new kinds of online dangers? And how can these potential dangers or weaknesses materialize?
Cybersecurity is Challenging:
The previous few years have seen a rise in the sophistication and audacity of hacker attacks. Both conventional banking and blockchain protocols fall prey to bad intentions. In fact, the SolarWinds operation in late 2020 included a breach of Denmark’s central bank. This should cause governments all across the world to become concerned. Imagine a team of determined hackers discovering, breaching, and gaining access to a backdoor that gives them access to the secret key of the central bank. The most crucial components of a blockchain system are private keys because they enable transactions to be registered by the system as secure and legitimate. At this point, a criminal group may effectively be holding the majority — or a sizable portion — of the nation’s money hostage. Digital currency might be freely created or destroyed by the hacker. An increase or decrease in the digital currency could have an impact on the value of the real currency, damage consumers, through inflation, and result in financial losses for businesses. A breach of this size might be disastrous and potentially destroy the entire economy of the country. Even some of the most skilled criminal masterminds would be much beyond their capabilities to launch an attack of this magnitude, but the threat cannot be ignored. It would be an unprecedented attack, therefore it’s impossible to foresee what would happen next. The world’s political and economic stability would surely be put to the test, but it wouldn’t be nice.
Source: CoinTelegraph
It goes without saying that any government would invest heavily in cyber security to safeguard its recently constructed digital infrastructure. However, merely using a lot of resources won’t protect against hacks. Any central bank that introduces a digital currency would obviously be a desirable target. So how can a nation that is committed to establishing its own CBDC defend its money against thieves trying to steal it?
Protecting the federal treasury:
Disincentivizing harmful cyber attackers is a difficult undertaking since they are constantly searching for new and lucrative targets while taking advantage of even the smallest weaknesses. Crypto hackers are skilled at spotting attack surfaces, using them, injecting malicious code, and gaining access to the private keys of people and companies. Banks spend millions, if not billions, annually to protect their IT infrastructure and database. To guard against hackers, insider attacks, or unintended disclosure of sensitive information, several security layers are used. Banks are accustomed to information security, but protecting digital assets demands a very different strategy than protecting traditional assets. If central banks choose to use blockchain, they must think about how current banking frameworks may be changed to accommodate the distributed architecture of blockchain, paying special attention to the system architecture, governance, and consensus processes. There is no such thing as being “too secure” when it comes to protecting a country’s treasury. Banks must take great precautions to safeguard their private keys in the case of CBDCs. The custody options available today have come a long way, yet practically all of them share the same flaw. All blockchain transactions must be carried out at some time while connected to the internet because of the structure of a blockchain transaction. They are not completely secure because of this interconnectedness, which is also their single point of failure. Governments are advised to establish a “never internet-connected” system to store and administer the private keys while granting custody, executing on-chain settlements, and issuing CBDCs. To appropriately balance the risks and rewards of CBDCs, the majority of central banks are, understandably, taking their time and performing all essential due diligence. Given the volatility of the cryptocurrency market, some may really decide to delay their participation. But any country that implements a CBDC soon must make sure it is prepared to protect its digital assets, particularly its private keys. Central banks should totally reconsider everything they know about the requirements for IT security when it comes to blockchain. Then, and only then, will they be able to launch their digital currency stress-free?
The co-founder and CEO of GK8, a blockchain cybersecurity business that supplies financial institutions with a custodial solution, is Lior Lamech. Lior guided the business from its founding to a successful acquisition for $115 million in November 2021 after honing his abilities in Israel’s elite cyber force that directly reported to the prime minister’s office. Lior and his business partner Shahar Shamai were included on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 List in 2022. However, SilverLine has the distinctive feature that nobody else has to protect your crypto assets.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
The Most followed TikTok Creator, To Raise Awareness of Web3 with Binance
Global cryptocurrency alternate Binance has partnered with Khaby Lame, the Italian Senegalese writer who grew to reputation via his viral TikTok videos, to enroll in as a worldwide logo ambassador.
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Binance will cooperate with Khaby on distinctive NFT collections in addition to boom Web3 consciousness and adoption.
SLN Token cracks the reason why?
The effect social media has on the traits of the crypto marketplace has been absolutely enormous. Right from Elon Musk’s tweets to the emergence of recent memes throughout the internet, each improvement probably modifications the direction of the crypto marketplace altogether.
Following the effect that social media has on the fintech industry, new cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly innovative with the manner they carry each of those sectors together.
Khaby has become a sensation for his spin on “existence hack” videos, navigating overly complex eventualities without pronouncing a phrase even doing the famous “Khaby move.”
He’ll use his signature fashion to address a number of the misperceptions around Web3 on this multi-12 months partnership.
Lame is presently the maximum-observed writer on TikTok, with greater than 142 million fans on the platform, and seventy-eight million fans on Instagram.
When requested approximately the motive Binance says — Khaby has turned out to be a cultural icon and one of the most exciting creators globally. We love his allure and feel of humor and assume it’s going to deliver relevance and relatability as we scale Web3 adoption.
With a lot of nuance around Web3 and incorrect information with inside the world, it became a really perfect in shape to have Khaby on board to assist debunk a number of the myths around this space,”
So how’s this useful to general netizens?
Imagine your favorite entertainer explaining the inch of benefits that we have been adding up for you since the day we envisioned the SLN ecosystem for you.
But before Khaby, why don’t you try having a look at it?
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silverlineswap · 2 years
SilverLine launches its own SLN TOKEN'S Pre-Sale at CoinTool
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With a novel set of use-cases built around its ecosystem, this new token is all set to enhance the financial transactions and record systems happening.
Price Per Token (Whitelist): INR 10 PAISE (0.0013USDT)
PRESALE TIME & DATE: 2022–06–05 UTC 1.30 PM — 2022–06–10 UTC 1.30 PM
Token Supply: 1 Trillion
Contract Address: 0x40491520d7BdcdD670cf387902BaD615ab65f43B
Cointool Link: https://bit.ly/slnlive
SilverLine: WhitePaper
Audit completed: Techrate
This Presale on Cointool bears a Soft cap of 50 BNB & Hard cap of 100 BNB. And it’s the happening sale for the season in Crypto. Buy the coin only at $0.0013.
June 05, 2022. SilverLine has launched its pre-sale for it’s SLN Token to till June 10, 2022.
SilverLine will be released in the Binance Smart Chain at the event of the presale. SilverLine token’s presale is nicely modern-day and is already developing a buzz among the crypto community. The SilverLine community has over 9000 Followers and given its presale clearly properly really well worth of $0.0013, it’s far copiously easy that there’s a Undeniable scope for growth.
“We’re very excited to release the SLN token to the public,” says COO SILVERLINE“ It has literally taken years to develop this crypto ecosystem, but we believe that SLN will revolutionize the way that people manage their financial transactions and try to safeguard them.”
About SilverLine:
SilverLine quickly may be the face of the monetary destiny and our network may be the forerunners. We constantly desire our Community to develop together with us, towards Financial Freedom & Sustainable Living — Think Crypto! Think SLN!
Attaching the reasons for the company’s growth factor are the use-cases.
CryptoScore — “For each disciplined attempt with us there are a couple of rewards” — Our Community participants may be allocated a praise score, primarily based totally on their buying and selling history, that proves their credibility.
Instant Token Swap — In this platform of assistance, we come up with an assisted, sensible supporting hand on your exchange performances.
Crypto Loan — “Make positive you hold your crypto rankings nicely due to the fact we are able to offer you a strategically bendy mortgage primarily based totally for your rankings which is outwardly collateral free.”
SilverPay — Enhancing your buying experience, enjoy the usage of the cryptocurrency, so you may also experience your day after day buying without stressing approximately on the Bank Balance.
Visit Cointool: https://bit.ly/slnlive
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silverlineswap · 2 years
How to Join SilverLineSwap’s WhiteList Live Now — Step by Step Guide
Whitelisting is just like pre-registering for a product launch (reflect on consideration on signing up for the brand new iPhone or a sneaker launch) in which capability shoppers can sign their hobby in a company’s new product. When SLN TOKEN is launched, confirmed whitelisted customers should be allowed to participate in any open level of our auction, which means you’ll handiest be allowed to shop for SLN TOKENs when you have long passed via this pre-registration system. You will nevertheless have the ability to shop for SLN TOKENs as soon as our reliable sale begins, however because of a call, there is probably a backlog which can also additionally bring about a put-off and lack out on precious reductions in the course of our pre-sale round.
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Here is Gleam Whitelist Task — Join Now
Introducing you the exclusive 7 WAYS TO ENTER THE WHITELIST:
● Follow our official account @SilverLineSwap_ on Twitter.
● Retweet the posts of @SilverLineSwap_ from your Twitter account.
● Join our official page @SilverLineSwap on telegram.
● Mention to us how much BNB you would like to invest in our SLN token.
● Submit your BEP 20 address.
● Never forget to subscribe to our emails when you wish to get the pre-sale notification from our end.
● Share our whitelist campaign with your friends.
SilverLine will be released in the Binance Smart Chain at the event of the presale. Whitelisting is likewise a shape of safety for corporations going for walks Pre-Sales. SilverLine token’s presale is nicely modern-day and is already developing a buzz among the crypto community. The SilverLine community has over 10,000 Followers and given its presale clearly properly really well worth $0.0013, it’s far copiously easy that there’s an Undeniable scope for growth.
For more details check out our social handles and our active community,
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Best DEX Platform in India - SilverLineSwap
Assuming I'm a typical occupant who wishes to balance out the Financial sources and gain Financial Freedom, I'll find results to the underneath questions.
Which is the Stylish digital currency to put coffers into?
" Individualities have the propensity for creating dread towards commodity that they neglect to comprehend! Be that as it may, what occurs when a solitary study of Innovation transforms it? What will be when a solitary study jumps out of genuinity? Imagine a script where all of humanity can be taken towards an ideal of complete Financial Freedom-One Step ahead. Only One Step Ahead and that's where SilverLineSwap comes in the situation!"
Whenever our group of financial specialists entered the roads to comprehend individualities' intelligence on the Cryptosphere, the normal inquiries we heard from each niche and corner were,
1. What is the Stylish Cryptocurrency in 2022?
2. What is the Safest Cryptocurrency to buy?
3. What is Decentralized Finance?
4. How might we be familiar with the Stylish Best DEX Platform in India?
5. Where might we at any point try and find the Stylish Returns for Liquidity pools and granges?
6. Do you know the Stylish Crypto Instant Exchange spots?
7. Likewise is there any source to tell us a Safe Crypto to buy in 2022?
8. Could us get responsible updates on Trending Crypto?
9. What is this SilverLine commemorative? How would they give a stable crypto stage?
What is further, the word expressed out of every single mouth that looks for replies to financial edification for their charge spun around the over 10 inquiries.
Anyway, what is the arrangement? Where each piece and piece of this large number of inquiries can be responded to? Which stage can individualities see effectively and trust heartfully?
Where can individualities track down the genuine worth of Crypto and carry on with an effective life ahead with help from a responsible financial group? Questions like these surface and change with time, yet the response that our group cooked is faultlessly happy as under expressed!
SilverLineSwap-In the excursion of making a large number of lives significant!
So what do we've as a main precedence for you for sure could we at any point do to make your life significant?
Then comes the response,
We offer a decentralized trade that gives the smoothest conceivable participated swapping experience, with security being our center mantra. We permit our original area to change on Binance Smart Chain and help them with their financial direction with respects to digital plutocrat and acquiring out of it.
Worldwide UNIQUE NUMBER- Now, this is a worldwide recognizable evidence number that will be appointed to you, for the exchanges for a advanced security reason and protective future.
Moment TOKEN Exchange - In this foundation of help, we give you a helped, and smart backing in your exchange exhibitions without fail, for simplicity of exchange.
CRYPTO SCORE - "For each focused exertion with us there are colorful prizes"- Members will be apportioned a tentative score, in view of their swapping history that demonstrates their validity.
CRYPTO LOAN - "Insure you keep up with your crypto scores well since we will give you a decisively adaptable credit in light of your scores which is easily guarantee- free."
SILVER PAY - How about getting inaugurations to shop with cryptos? Sounds common right? Still, what about getting prizes while you protect?-That's SilverPay.
NOBU-SIRI for Apple. ALEXA for Amazon and then we render you NOBU, your own remote coadjutor, helping you in each progression on your excursion with SilverLine.
A Guiding light-We all are new to all that sooner or latterly in our life, still, we could have dominated a couple of effects among numerous. Handed that we had the stylish instructor and SilverLine ends up being that. We'll be a commanding light towards our original area and their advanced resource enhancement.
Occasion Of Decentralized Financial world- Using Blockchain invention that permits exchanges to be kept in a public record. We guarantee our guests that, It works without any intercessors and agents, and makes a more decentralized world.
Tokenization of Wealth-We stand together in our customer's course of tokenization, which makes us ready for the extremely abecedarian and original phase in making a resource with blockchain invention.
Bracket and Security- Consider a customer's own record that works in a secret manner permitting them alone to administer the whole commerce, enterprise, exchanges, and results yet giving them in a more gotten and decoded way.
One Step ahead every day and One Step More!
"Any move taken to move our financial circumstances overhead or beget us to have a less stressed-out outlook on the manner in which we spend and live is a move taken towards Enhancement"
We suggest effective plutocrat operation for a safe financial future with Cryptocurrency, with all that we can manage to say is you can trust the Blockchain Technology that backs up Cryptocurrency and any remaining impending financial inventions in view of that.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin Become Eligible As Form of Rent Payment
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin [THREE HIGHLY ADOPTED] Become Eligible As Form of Rent Payment.
Key Insights:
1. Jamestown has partnered with BitPay to permit crypto as a payment opportunity for its tenants.
2. Cryptocurrencies typical for the same encompass assets beginning from Bitcoin to stable coins.
3. The crypto marketplace itself has been dropping coins over the previous few days.
4. The adoption of cryptocurrencies for facilitating budget all through stores and outlets changed into the first step in making those virtual assets a part of our not unusual place existence.
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However, because of the growing use cases, collectively with tax bills and bills for authorities services, and now, rent budget - Crypto will integrate itself into everybody’s existence in advance to anticipation.
Jamestown, a global, design-centered actual property funding and control firm, nowadays introduced it'll lease bills within side the shape of cryptocurrency thru a brand new partnership with BitPay. The application consists of Jamestown’s houses within side the United States and a plan to enlarge to Europe, making it one of the maximum substantial cryptocurrency charge packages so far within side the industrial actual property industry. 
“Blockchain generation and the virtual property it enables, like cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens, are key additives to the evolution of actual property,” stated Michael Phillips, President of Jamestown. “Allowing cryptocurrency bills is a part of our dedication to the innovative and large virtual asset approach to optimize and maximize our bodily actual property through generation and digital integrations.”
Jamestown To Settle for Crypto
In an assertion at the moment, the design-centered real assets investment and management company Jamestown stated that it’ll now be accepting rent budget from its tenants inside the kind of cryptocurrencies.
To facilitate the same, the company partnered with BitPay, which could act as an intermediary alternative.
Stating the rationale at the back of permitting this provision for their tenants, the President of Jamestown, Michael Phillips, stated,
Since Jamestown won’t be receiving or retaining cryptocurrencies instantly, BitPay will convert the cryptocurrencies received from tenants into fiat. Through BitPay, the world’s biggest company of bitcoin and cryptocurrency charge services. Jamestown will be given lease charge in a number of cryptocurrencies that first of all consist of Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), Litecoin (LTC), and 5 USD-pegged stablecoins (GUSD, USDC, USDP, DAI, and BUSD).
“In today's world, clients need to pay for daily gadgets like meals and lease in Bitcoin or Ethereum, and running with Jamestown allows them to now no longer to simply stay lifestyles on crypto, however stay in converted areas and innovation hubs throughout predominant cities,” stated Stephen Pair, CEO of BitPay.
BitPay will function as the middleman alternate among Jamestown and its tenants for all factors of the lease charge application. Jamestown will now no longer get hold of or maintain cryptocurrencies.
Jamestown will be beginning with the aid of supplying those corporations to tenants of its real assets throughout the U.S of America. Finally, they may even expand this provider to their assets in Europe.
Would Individuals Go for It?
Given the kingdom of the marketplace, it’s pretty uncertain if parents may be eager to move for paying in crypto. This ought to probably be because the marketplace’s volatility is wildly unpredictable and might harm anybody’s holdings internally.
For instance, any tenant who purchases crypto to pay their rent the following may probably lose their coins within those 24 hours as it has come about as much as now.
An event of the same, it can be determined inside the pink candle of the same day whilst internal 24 hours Bitcoin, collectively with a few of the one of a kind altcoins, out of place extra than five% of its worth, a few even touching 12%.
To know more about hot news around Crypto, Join our Telegram community.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Indonesia Plans to set up its Crypto Bourse by the end of 2022
SilverLineSwap - Crypto News
The intention, which was first expressed last year, was confirmed by the nation's deputy trade minister. The Indonesian government has resumed its effort to establish the digital asset market that was initially officially proposed in 2021 by the end of 2022, the so-called "crypto bourse" is expected to be operational.
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Deal Street Asia reports that Indonesian Deputy Trade Minister Jerry Sambuaga said at the NCX International Summit 2022 in Bali that the nation still intends to open the cryptocurrency exchange, but that the project has been delayed because of additional preparations: “We will make sure that every requirement, procedure, and necessary step has been taken.”
Sambuaga also discussed the necessary pre-launch duties, like determining which organizations "might be included in the bourse" and establishing the prerequisites for them.
The project has been dubbed a catalyst for the Indonesian crypto ecosystem by Pang Hue Kai, CEO of Tokokrypto, one of 25 regulated crypto exchanges in Indonesia, with a significant stake owned by Binance. The national cryptocurrency exchange's initial statement was made in December 2021. The state-owned telecommunications operator PT Telkom Indonesia's venture capital division and the cryptocurrency exchange Binance were said to be forming a partnership at the time. A local cryptocurrency exchange, PT Kripto Maksima Koin, was purchased by Indonesian IT company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk for 124.84 billion rupiahs ($8.38 million) in an effort to diversify its holdings. The total value of transactions involving crypto assets in Indonesia increased by more than 1,000% between 2020 and 2021, reaching 859.4 trillion rupiahs ($57.7 billion), according to statistics from the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency of Indonesia. A little under 11 million people, or about 4% of the population, have been investing in cryptocurrencies. 
In this Advancing world of cryptocurrencies, are there any trustable sources to learn more about it and travel in a safer path, you may ask! We have the answer! - SilverLine. Silverline Tokens guarantees that it will be the best cryptocurrency in 2022 and the finest cryptocurrency to invest in according to this innovative decentralized finance timeline. We demonstrate that we are the top among the greatest cryptocurrency exchange websites by assisting you in obtaining the best returns for liquidity pools and farms.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Why $SLN Token is a Big deal for Small Businesses?
SLN’s Blockchain and virtual assets for SMEs”
SMEs account for 90% of all corporations and 50% of all jobs worldwide. In rising economies, SMEs with inside the formal area make contributions as much as 40% of countrywide earnings whilst developing 7 out of 10 jobs. Their function in monetary increase is critical because the World Bank estimates six hundred million jobs want to be created through 2030 to take in the developing worldwide workforce.
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The World Bank’s Enterprise Survey identifies loss of admission to finance as one of the most important barriers for SMEs with inside the casual economy. This can negatively affect their operations and increase the call for SME finance in growing economies standing at $8.9 trillion, whilst the present-day credit score is $3.7 trillion. This financing gap, along with looming outcomes from automation and abilities shortages, illustrates a stark truth for plenty of SMEs. SLN’s Blockchain technology, however, has the capacity to assist SMEs to build, grow, and adapt to lots of those challenges.
Aminu, a hypothetical artisan in Nigeria, has a small commercial enterprise in Abuja’s small-commercial enterprise marketplace. The marketplace connects farms, nurseries, bakeries, meat and seafood providers, cheese makers, specialty meals producers, crafters, and artisans.
Before the pandemic, Aminu used to promote his merchandise with inside the marketplace, especially for cash. Since Covid-19 restrictions, the marketplace, like many others with inside the region, transitioned to a web store. Like many different small commercial enterprise proprietors with inside the Abuja marketplace, he tailored without difficulty to online income and accepted virtual bills. It has enabled them to attain new audiences — in Abuja and beyond. In fact, Abuja’s small corporations together entered into a partnership with a mid-length store in Germany. This German organization now takes quarterly orders from Aminu too.
SLN’s Blockchain answers store prices whilst simplifying bills
Aminu’s small commercial enterprise is being paid in virtual currencies through the German store, that’s then settled in his neighborhood financial institution account in Nigerian Naira. With a stable coin account, the patron transfers the corresponding quantity for every quarterly order to a virtual pocket of Aminu’s small commercial enterprise. Aminu can maintain the stable coins for funding functions or settle a percent of the quantity to his Naira financial institution account.
Affordable and green cross-border bills are true for Aminu’s small commercial enterprise now, helping his commercial enterprise model, without the excessive forex expenses from conventional cash switch services. Importantly, Aminu’s small commercial enterprise can begin saving and constructing credit score records to get admission to leading centers in the future.
Due to the enlargement into new markets, the small commercial enterprise has moved to a bigger warehouse. Here, Aminu and his newly employed assistant are operating extra correctly and without problems at the developing variety of orders. He’s searching while shopping for a brand new gadget to boost productivity and thus, boom the variety of quarterly orders.
SLN’s Blockchain technology is revolutionizing how small- and medium enterprises (SMEs) are coming near their businesses.
In growing economies, SLN’s Blockchain bridges an opening and opens new markets for lots of enterprise owners.
With the linked nature of SLN’s Blockchain method growing economic system SMEs can get admission to new markets, whilst boosting monetary increase at home.
SLN’s Blockchain generation is a platform for designing economic offerings to bridge many gaps in today’s digital marketplace system. While conventional databases bring information for unmarried entities only, SLN’s Blockchain connects a collection of entities and lets records be synchronized throughout multiple, impartial stakeholders.
SLN’s Blockchain utilization is mainly desirable for small businesses. It presents them with a less expensive and green street to make and acquire payments, get admission to funding and financial savings products, and construct a credit score history. Enabling extra admission to this generation can foster SME increase, which, in turn, complements process advent and monetary development.
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silverlineswap · 3 years
Use cases are definitions of specific business goals that a system must achieve. Use cases define this process by describing the specific interactions between various external actors (or entities) that reside outside the system and the system to achieve business goals. Use cases describe how people who are actually using the process or system achieve their goals. It is usually associated with a software system, but can be used in connection with any process. For example, imagine you are a chef whose goal is to make a grilled cheese sandwich. The use case will show you how the chef makes the sandwich through a series of written steps. Use cases help you understand where errors can occur in your process and design functions to fix those errors.
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Three elements that need to be included in the use case:
Actors who are users of individuals or groups who interact with the process
System, this is the process required to achieve the final result
Goal, it’s the result of successful users
On Saturday at 11:30 am, the chef prepares a grilled cheese sandwich in a local pantry. The chef will be the main player using this system. The system includes frying pans, utensils, breads, cheeses, butter, spatulas and plates. The goal is to make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich for visitors to the center during the lunch break. A use case is a list of steps that show how a process runs on your system. This document guides the steps actors take to reach their goals. Use cases are created by business analysts who meet with each user or actor to write down the explicit steps of the process.
A decentralized exchange providing the smoothest possible peer-to-peer trading experience, with safety being our core mantra. SilverLineSwap allows users to trade any token on the Binance Smart Chain in a few simple clicks, and has the added benefit of its own private SilverLineSwap Dashboard! Step in and be a part of the future token exchange economy.
GLOBAL UNIQUE NUMBER — Now, this is an identification number that will be assigned to you, along with all your activities and transactions for a higher security purpose and protective future.
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NOBU — S.I.R.I for Apple. A.L.E.X.A. for Amazon and here we render you N.O.B.U, your own virtual assistant, assisting you in every step on your journey with SilverLine.
A Guiding light — We aid out users in each and every movement when it comes to the terms of successful investment, trading and management of their digital asset. Because we firmly believe that with expert assistance from us, our users will be more than pleased to be a part of the SilverLine community.
Freedom Of Decentralized Financial world — Using the Blockchain technology that allows transactions to be recorded in a public ledger. We ensure our users that, It operates with no intermediaries and middlemen, and creates a more decentralized world.
Tokenization of Wealth — We stand together in our user’s process of tokenization, that paves way to the very basic and first step in creating an asset with block chain technology. We aid them in such a tokenization process, conducting trades with them without the involvement of any intermediates or third parties.
Confidentiality and Security — Consider us our user’s own ledger that operates in a confidential way allowing them alone to oversee the entire process, investment, trades and outcomes yet providing them in a more secured and encrypted manner. We’ll say this is a starmark quality that makes our user trust us more and seek a financial well wisher role from us
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