#slinks back to my hw
goldenfox3 · 2 years
42 year old blorbo (single)
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ievaxol · 2 years
Published or not, what do you feel is your best work? The writing you're the most proud of.
ooo what a fun question!
(i gotta focus im shifting into ramble mode dot png)
i think what im most proud of right now is steady is the hand (working title), my as-of-yet unpublished fic that explores Seike and Alphinauds dynamic and how it changes from coworkers-ish to two people who consider each other family in the gap between ARR and HW.
it's a definite upgrade to my writing from faultline -- which was my first chaptered fic -- imo, as im now more purposeful and careful about how and when i apply the things i've learned!
“I used to have debates with Grandfather about the whether or not the Twelve exist that lasted hours,” Alphinaud muses, a smile tugging at his lips as he recalls Louisoix addressing his childish arguments with endless patience. “I still haven’t quite made up my mind on the subject.”
“You’re a lucky one,” Seike says, hollow, the vast gulf of grief that opens under her words sucking all the air out of the room. “For some, their faith is all they have.”
this is an excerpt im very proud of, as well as
Seike who barely spared him a glance since they arrived, who moved throughout the fort more like a beast than a person, slinking from shadow to shadow like she couldn’t stand to be seen in the light ever again — she has been watching over him all this time. How else would she know?
Alphinaud cannot remember the last time he had freshly baked bread. It makes him think of quiet mornings in the Rising Stones, when he had padded out to a breakfast spread that felt like home in the way only food prepared with love could, laid out as if to say take your time. The bread burns the roof of his mouth but he stubbornly takes another bite, his mouth twisting and the pressure behind his eyes burning as he holds back tears.
i really feel like i've grown and this fic shows it!
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sig-got-a-gun · 2 years
Lightning Strikes First
(Modern! Grimm x Reader)
(Chapter three)
As noon approached and the morning workers filtered out, I hung up my apron and pin to check off. I didn't have my usual shift for another six hours, so I planned to go home and do a whole lot of nothing.
I waved to some of the afternoon workers as I walked out, umbrella overhead. I wondered to myself if Grimm would get an umbrella after last night. He might. I don't know him well enough to determine that sort of thing though. I shrugged and walked back towards my apartment, humming a tune that I couldn't quite trace where it came from.
I felt something buzz in my pocket and pulled out my phone. I had a new message... Who would be texting me in the middle of the day? And why?
I unlocked my phone and pulled it up.
TotalTamer: Hey, you still coming to the mall today?
The mall- what... I wracked my mind, trying to remember what she was talking about...
Dung! I was going to hang out with Tate and Liam today! I facepalmed as I turned around, heading for the nearest tram station.
MeMyselfAndI: Yeah! Totally forgot, see you soon!
I shoved my phone back into my pocket and dug around for my tram pass. I really hope I have it on me-
I yanked the slip of metal out of my pocket as I reached the tram station, sliding the pass through the slot and grabbing it back. I get on and sit in the nearest open seat I can find; next to an... Interesting looking mantis. She looks over at me with a wide smile as the tram began to move. Well dressed for a casual day, and a strange mask over half her face.
"Hello there! Where are you going, darling?"
Her voice was not unpleasant, but scratchy. It was similar in a way to Grimm's voice. It didn't seem to suit her. And the word darling; another word that felt odd to hear directed towards myself.
"I'm just going to the mall... You-?" I responded with hesitance. I knew when to be careful about things, and being asked where your heading is a big watch out.
"Oh, I'm heading to the theater! A lovely place really. Have you been? The shows are just... Well, Divine!" she giggles to herself at that, as if she's made some perfect pun.
This mantis makes two well dressed bugs I've met that go to the theater. A strange coincidence, but not exactly a dangerous one. "I've heard of the theater here. Might go sometime. I haven't really had a chance to see any shows."
Her smile seems to grow impossibly, "If I may, I advise seeing a show From the Grimm Troupe! We put on a grand performance, if I do ay so myself~!"
With the mention of the Grimm Troupe, I perk up a bit. This mantis, she is in the troupe as well. A... Really big coincidence I guess? I nod in response to her. "I'll be sure to catch a show, sometime."
We sit in silence for a bit as the tram moves on. A few stops pass before she nudges me. "This next one is mine, darling."
With a nod, I stand when the tram stops and she moves from the seat, slinking to the tram doors. With nothing more than a little wave to me, she leaves and I reseat myself on the chair.
My phone buzzes again as the tram starts back up, so I pull it out and check.
WhiteBoySwag: wr u @?
After taking a moment to decifer Liam's text, I check the time and groan.
MeMyselfAndI: Almost there. And can't you be comprehensible with your texting? It takes me forever to understand you.
WhiteBoySwag: hw bt no?
I chuckle to myself and put my phone back in my pocket, waiting for my stop.
Within a few minutes I'm climbing off the tram, praying that I remembered the mall's location right, and hear the chattering of bugs going about their days. I look around at the open area as I open my umbrella overhead. The mall courtyard.
The Ore Mall is a popular place in the City of Tears. Being snuggly fit on the border of power and commons, all types of bugs visit it. Its large and complex, confusing to even the most adapt to it. A wonderful place to get lost in. The shops that line the interior sell all varieties of goods and products, both local and foreign. Candy stores and food parlors are the most filled during meal times...
As I check my phone for the time, it's not long after one, so lunch deals are still happening. Tate, Liam and I usually meet up at that Pale Palace pizza place. We don't always eat there, but it's easier to memorize one places location than dig around the entire mall for whatever shop we are meeting at.
Soon after walking through the doors and hooking my umbrella on my pocket, I'm treading through the mall on my, hopefully quick, journey. Passing by shop after shop, bug after bug, I eventually reach the main food corner and walk past all the delightful smells... Fresh pastries, warm bread, savory meats, honey candies- I shake away the distractions and trod forwards, looking around for the place.
Eventually, I spot the sign for Pale Palace and rush towards it. In moments, I can see to familiar bugs sitting at a table, glancing about. Tate locks eyes with me and waves, nudging Liam in their mask, who turns and waves as well. I sprint over and take a seat at the table with a huff of relief. I had been jogging for the most of my travel here, and I had gotten more than a bit tired.
"Hey guys-! Really sorry about being so late... I entirely forgot about today and there was this morning shift and-" Liam stops my rambling with a flick to the forehead. "-hey!"
They laugh, though their mask makes no shift. Solid and firm. I never understood why they wore it, but it made them happy, so I never bothered. "You're fine! I'm personally glad you came, right Tate?"
Tate nods and smiles at me. Her left antenna twitches and she pulls out her phone, checking something, before putting it away. I tilt my head and she shrugs, waving her hand as if waving off the silent query.
"So... What are we doing today? I do have another shift at 'bout eight, so we need to be done by at most seven or so." I look between the ant and the termite I call friends as they seem to think. "So- there was no plan?"
"Sure there was!" Liam pipes, before Tate laughs.
"Emphasis on was. I'm thinking maybe we check out the local corner? I saw a new antique shop that seemed interesting." she stands and looks back at us. Liam stands with an agreeing nod.
i get up quickly, "so, we just aren't going to get any food??" We laugh a bit and head off in search of what to do.
After a good meal of ice cream and tiktik cookies (there was a sale and I just had to), we were on our way to the corner of the mall filed with often changing, local shops. Some places would change week to week, others stayed long enough to get an official mall spot, but all came from Hallownest.
For the most part, we window shopped, looking into any places of interest and buying a few small things here and there.
Eventually, we reached the antiques corner. Tate directed us to the newest, already flooded with a variety of old trinkets and doo-dads. We went in and looked around. The place, despite being filled with what felt like ancient artifacts, was well kept and pristine. The owner obviously cared deeply for the collections.
Tate found a variety of chains and happily bought them, taking them to the counter and paying the assigned geo to an old bug. He wore a tag with the name "Lemm" on it. I knew exactly what Tate wanted the chains for; Beast was a big guy and constantly broke his toys. Tate had been talking about trying to hand craft some sort of ball and chain toy for him, so I guessed that was what most of the chains would be for.
Liam got a few rusty old throwing stars. They would be useless in any decent battle, but with a bit if care and cleaning, they would be shiny enough for display. Liam's always liked shiny things.
After a while searching, something catches a bit of light further back and I go to look. I've heard of dreamcatchers before, beautiful things made of silk and beads, fuzz tufts and such. I've seen plenty as well, mostly ones made for young grubs to get them to calm down around sleep times. They are supposed to trap nightmares in the web and let dreams through the middle. Allow for happy sleep. I never dream of anything, so they never had any interest to me.
This one was different though. It's colors were darker, reds and blacks. White beads hung from strings with grey tufts. On the string at the top, the one that would hang the catcher, a small charm was clipped on... It looked like a small face, two bold red eyes. Reminded me a bit of Grimm. It's whole vibe was strange.
"Something catch your eye?" I jumped a bit at the sudden, gravely voice and looked to see Lemm coming towards me. He looked darkly at the dreamcatcher as he stopped beside me.
"How much is this? I'm thinking about getting it." I looked back at the strange thing as he hummed.
"Five geo. Out of all the things here, It is one of my least favorite. Got it sold to me by some shadowy bug out in Dirtmouth. Said that it would bring the best dreams you'd ever have, but I only had nightmares any time I put it up." He huffed and started to walk back towards the front. "Buy it if you'd like, I just wouldn't put it over your window."
Well... That's not ominous. If it's only five geo, I might as well. I wouldn't actually use it or anything, if it was supposed to cause nightmares. It wasn't like I'd actually have any.
I grabbed it and bought it, putting it in my bag with the other things I'd gotten today.
Soon, I, Tate and Liam all left the mall to head our separate ways. When I eventually made it home and dumped the bag on the couch before heading off, I didn't notice the new way the dream catcher seemed to glitter in my apartment's lighting.
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brvdleymilligan · 4 years
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HLO slinks in thru a bead curtain.......... truly sry this took me so long to concoct bt i’m here now, hand on hip, smiling coyly at u all...... i’m nai n i’m rly excited to b here so i’ll just dive right in!! u can find bradley’s pinterest board here n her muse tag here. like this or hmu for plots!
[ cis female, she/her, margaret qualley , twenty-four ] i can’t be sure, but i think i just saw BRADLEY MILLIGAN drive onto the parkway. don’t they know we’re not supposed to be driving on that haunted road right now? maybe it has to do with the fact that they’re so +RESILIENT and -VOLATILE that makes them feel UNPHASED about everything going on. i guess we could also chalk it up to the fact that they’re always reminding me of LEMON IN A FRESH CUT, THE AMBER BLINK OF AN ANGRY ALLEY CAT, GRINNING WITH BLOOD ON YOUR TEETH. either way, i hope they get back safely. [ nai, she/her, 24, gmt ]
aesthetics: singeing a hole in your fishnets with the cherry of a menthol, spitting a pistachio behind the bar just to hear it ping off the nozzle top bottles, lemon in a fresh cut, a war torn poppy standing alone in an empty field, pressing thumbs to yellow bruises, stomping over flowerbeds when there’s a path right besides it, dangling over ledges just to feel your chest jolt, a snarling rottweiler that needs muzzling, limp feet poking out behind a door, ‘I PROMISE I DON’T BITE’ scrawled on a name tag, slapping a bald head in front of you at the cinema like it’s a bongo, not owning a single jacket that isn’t stolen, driving a stranger’s car down the wrong lane against the screaming traffic, hair more feral than a wolf cub and eyes smudgier than a coal mine.  
ok SO. her father owns a strip club in crescent hill named no angels. it’s kind of.... a seedy establishment i won’t lie. hs a red glowing sign like it’s lighting up a window in amsterdam. cigarette butts floating in oil slick puddles outside. unsavoury characters crawling all over like rats in a sewer. despite this it’s a legitimate business on the surface of things n it does pretty well in trade. it’s like.... that place people warn u NOT to have ur bachelor party at unless u fancy urself the type tht willingly enters a lion’s den bt tht almost??? adds to the allure in a way??? ppl r like wow so sketchy it’s the thrill of a lifetime........ i mean run while u still can bt go off i guess
it isn’t Confirmed Public Knowledge bt it’s pretty heavily implied thru the rumour mill that bradley’s father is the head of a gang of rly............ Not Nice people. all the ppl that work for him u would hands down NOT want to run into in a dark alley. while things seem legitimate on the suface it’s pretty clear they’re into shady dealings n the townsfolk that suspect that would indeed b correct! the club’s a front for a drug business n they’re also washing n running counterfeit cash thru it. they probably also have their hands dipped into a few other local businesses to run their cash thru these too n keep it all seemingly by the books so nobody comes sniffing around. they even r friends with a member of local law enforcement that’s working w them for a cut so they honestly have all bases covered to keep things airtight n foolproof. perhaps a business in reed too which bradley oversees bt i haven’t given this Too Much thought as of yet??
so ya she’s grown up fairly local most of her life n would maybe be known around town as such.................. the milligans r certainly Interesting as far as families go so like. it honestly wldn’t surprise me if ppl nudge elbows when they see one of them coming n immediately walk in the opposite direction. just quite an intimidating presence...... they’re like caged animals where ur specifically instructed NOT to stick ur fingers between the bars bc they WILL bite
on a more personal note her dad is pretty much the worst human being alive n bradley hs like….. a lot of issues with herself as a result of years of toxicity n abuse
in terms of more family bkground info her mum’s name was alyssa n she vanished when bradley was 12. jst like…. into thin air. nothing. no note. zilch. gan! n when bradley asked her dad abt it his response was essentially “guess she didn’t love us enough to stay”. as bradley’s got older tho n become (without intention) more involved in the business side of things, it’s become pretty clear there was far more to the story.
(abuse tw) they had a horrible marriage n tony ws emotionally manipulative at the best of times, violent at worst, which didn’t help the fact tht alyssa ws struggling a lot w severe depression n rly just… not in the mindset to b dealing w anything else, even where motherhood ws concerned. bradley p much… would look after her a lot n they’d both b scared of her dad n it was just a whole unhealthy mess.
(death implied tw) anyway im rambling bt basically tony (bradley’s dad) gt wind of alyssa sleeping w men tht worked fr him n he just… got rid. bradley’s kind of worked out over the yrs tht her mum didn’t jst leave on her own accord n tht something must hav happened to her bt she’s too scared of her dad to ever directly accuse him
when her mum went all of her dad’s cruelty pretty mch got channelled straight onto her. it ws diluted between two before bt as u can probably imagine her upbringing was jst…. a steep downhill decline
(drugs implied tw) she learnt ways 2 deal w the incurring trauma bt they weren’t healthy ones at all! bsically jst. will do or take anything fr the distraction. chases a thrill like it’s the only way to remind her she’s alive. has absolutely no regard fr her own wellbeing n often gets other ppl in trouble too bc she’s so insatiably reckless
(hospitalisation tw) she hd….2 separate stints of psychiatric hospitalisation n she never tlks abt it. like ever. acknowledging she’s been vulnerable is her worst nightmare n bc of the way her dad raised her she always thinks any sign of struggling within herself is weakness. truly does…. not kno how to properly emotion
CUT TO!!!! the present. she’s currently living at the motel which is like. the least homely place she cld ever live rly but bradley loves making her life uncomfortable n doesn’t rly believe in growing sentimentally attached to anything if she cn help it <3 probably gets into arguments all the time w her neighbours it’s a whole thing.... atrocious at feeding herself has breakfasts frm the vending machine like her organs aren’t screaming fr vegetables.... plays music too loud n sometimes vanishes for days at a time without a word. she’s a lot.
i honestly feel like the murders haven’t rly phased bradley too hugely....... i won’t lie she probably genuinely is like. oh maybe it’s smthn to do w my dad. n just blinks the other way not rly that phased. on some subconscious level i think she rly just thinks........ death follows her wherever she goes n is like. this is just life for me! kind of depressing. holds her hand bt then screams n pulls away when she inevitably bites me.
the kind of sour cherry only certain people have a taste for
once drank a bottle of whiskey, insisted she could still do a cartwheel and accidentally kicked an old man’s front tooth out in the process. proceeded 2 collapse into a flower bed and laugh so much abt it that she cried
barely takes anything seriously 50% of the time and is angry the other 50%
if she was a coffee she’d be black with five grains of sugar that you couldn’t taste until the last sip
(alcoholism tw) high functioning alcoholic. if u ever see her w a coffee cup u jst kno tht one sniff will confirm high alcohol percentage. honestly idk hw she does it her liver must b yellin
loyal to a point of fault. if she cares abt u (rare) and u murder a man in cold blood (not so rare in the broad scheme of bradley’s life) she’ll brawl anyone that says ur guilty
honestly wld probably fight a person over anything. sometimes she’ll jst be having a bad day n she’ll burst n take it out on whoever says the wrong thing. minefield!
has the worst luck in romance…. ever. ALL her past bfs hav been absolute beasts n as a result she has the ‘romance is dead n love is a lie’ mentality. definitely NOT a romantic. very cut n dry abt these things. sex is mostly just sex n she’d kind of scoff at anyone that wanted more from her
mostly wears stolen clothes from strangers and jackets that swamp her. huge chunky stomping boots with steel toe caps that would RLY bruise if they gave u a kick. hair is p much always a wild mess n she usually hs kind of smudgy/smoky makeup bcos apparently she’s allergic to combs and generally looking presentable… relatable content. the only time she rly looks put together is when she has to do something/go somewhere/see someone on behalf of her father....... he kind of uses her as a sort of. honey pot sometimes fr shit his gang get up to it’s like. not! a way u should ever utilise ur daughter but :/ i cannot stress enough how much i wna drop kick him in the neck
she’s v sarcastic. blunt. kind of has a habit of…. assessing a person n she’s quite perceptive bc she’s been trained to b by the way she always has to monitor her dad’s expression fr the slightest emotion change. she’s very confident n can p much mke a conversation out of whatever if she feels like it. independent too like she hs a bunch of (predominantly surface connection) friends bt she doesn’t care abt going out places alone n does this often. she’s probably kind of known around town bt itd b a 50/50 balance between bein known as intimidating n bein known as that one girl tht always gets into anarchy
likes: drunken snow angels that drag on so long they flirt with pneumonia, stealing cars, throwing watermelons off rooftops to watch them explode, shooting pedestrian’s with bb guns from hidden spots on rooftops. 
dislikes: telling the truth, tulips so yellow it’s like they’re gloating, playing music loud enough to fry your brain and serve it on a piece of toast, going home.
someone tht works at the ‘no angels’ strip club?? either as a dancer or bartender or whtever. just a forewarning it’s probably gna b a pretty….. seedy and Not That Pleasant environment bc it’s like. a crime hotspot inevitably bc it’s a gang hangout so. ur chara wld truly be in fr a rollercoaster ride to say the least
(drugs tw) she deals coke fr her dad’s gang so perhaps ur muse buys off her
anyone….. she’s brawled in the past like. she’s literally a menace i cnt express this enough. wil jst randomly throw a drink in someone’s face fr no reason bc she’s bored. she’s probably pissed off 1000 diff ppl in 1000 diff ways. the possibilities r endless n i jst think tht’s a sexy prospect!
fwbs perhaps??? exes??? (probably ws a tumultuous relationship honestly bradley is. a handful...... it’s also rly not often she ties herself down tbh so this would maybe have to b discussed/be circumstantial/kind of rare)
mayb someone tht she met at an aa meeting when she hd to go fr a court mandated thing one time after bein arrested fr public indecency. i feel like there’s probably a rly expensive statue somewhere thts fancily sculpted n she like. did a flying kick n broke the dick of it off n gt arrested fr it
ppl she……. Goes Wild Goes Crazy w. truly jst the most self destructive person alive so anyone w a similar mindset wld b a hellish bt fun combination
on the contrary a gd influence cld b nice perhaps? like someone tht genuinely cares abt her n she jst doesn’t kno hw to compute it
maybe people who r her neighbours that live at the motel too??
OH it could b fun if ur muse runs or works at a local business maybe like. a bar? idk? n bradley n ur muse have developed a rapport bc she frequents the place n is................ a Character
um. honestly the world’s our oyster. hmu n we cn brainstorm if none of tht catches ur eye!
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lanajvmeson · 4 years
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emerges frm a field of corn slinking in w a faux mink shrug dangling around my elbows n a strand of wheat between my teeth..... farmer eleganza.... hlo! my name’s nai. i am bt a humble ghoul arrived to haunt ur home. 23 n she/her pronouns n i live in manchester. fun fact my friend’s neighbour used to b harry styles PE teacher. i played delilah yrs ago as carlson young (n even cara delevingne at one point what the fk) which feels so weird n ancient to me nw bt i missed her a lot so decided to spruce her bk to life.... ANYWAY delilah’s pinterest is here n i’ll jst leap right into things without further ado
their family is kind of modelled off the sedgwick family like old money n pretty dysfunctional bt all abt keeping up a seamless facade of perfection... with a pinch of the kennedy’s in there. her dad’s high up in politics n his dad before tht ws in politics n it’s just a long prestigious line of clones in expensive suits as far as delilah’s concerned. her dad i picture as like.... nate archibald’s grandfather in gossip girl.... personality wise.
for as long as she cn remember she’s found this cookie cutter white picket fence life boring. stifling. to delilah it’s like being hemmed in a stuffy room n forbidden frm opening a window. it’s all vry Rich People Problems i wnt lie bt <3 she feels everlastingly bored. All The Time. plus her family hs always been a focal point fr tabloids etc which doesn’t help this feeling of not rly Living but just being the focus of a spectator sport. they’re lowkey a bit of a household name so they get a bunch of scrutiny n......... well. new bullet point alert! cue a powerpoint transition
(self harm & depression tw) frm being young delilah always knew there ws sort of. a white noise inside her where everyone else saw a technicolour movie screen. it rly hit her at like 12 i’d say as she was jst coasting towards adolescence. it ws pretty obvious frm her behaviour i’d say bt her parents only became Aware it ws a problem when she stuck a fork into a socket n short circuited the power in the house. she got shocked unconscious n when she woke up she told the in house dr they’d called (to keep it under wraps frm outsiders) tht she just.... couldn’t feel anything. she’d been reading frankenstein (she’s always liked gothic literature) n thought it’d zap her to life like the monster
her parents got her on medication n figured that wld fix everything. they didn’t like to talk abt things and that was that. it wasn’t to be mentioned again
delilah’s parents r just very.... sterile. family is abt appearances. they’ll be all smiles n flowing conversation when ppl are around bt it feels like being an actress n reading frm a script. being a toy in a dollhouse
she had two siblings: an older sister named clara & a younger brother named elijah. clara ws always like.... the Dream daughter. did everything right. amazing grades. america’s sweetheart. LOVED by the press. did sm charity work. elijah was fine/kind of a slacker compared bt coasted by on athletic prowess (captain of the rowing team). delilah hs very much always been the anomaly in this idyllic line-up. middle child effect! altho having said tht she’s always ran w the popular crowd of her age group bc Rich + Pretty = Status. it’s all quite superficial n delilah’s attitude on the matter can b summed up w this photoset. having said tht there was Some merit in constantly being paraded around as “such a pretty thing” bc a few modelling agencies attempted to scout her bt delilah found that boring. she wants to b called brilliant not beautiful. her mother called this her “not playing to the advantages that god gave her”. with a tight-lipped smile and a “god forbid i use my brain”, delilah only disappointed her further <3
(drugs & ed tw) delilah gt pretty heavy into partying fr the sake of trying to Feel something. intense on the drugs front (coke n prescription pills). rarely eating. she got a silver broach of a swan tht she pins to most of her clothes n u can unscrew the swan’s neck n pull it out to reveal a little powder spoon. still wears this today. clara n delilah were always super close n clara wld cover fr her a bunch. making up lies n jst having her back to their parents if they ever asked where she was / she ws in trouble n needed to keep it under wraps. when delilah hd an article in a tabloid pretty mch like this one clara talked their parents dwn frm sending her to a rehabilitation centre in switzerland. they gt it pretty much scorched frm existence bt delilah kept a clipping bc honestly she thought it was funny hw pale her mother went abt it
(car accident & drunk driving & death tw) at a fancy benefit the astors were all attending among 4857925974 uppity families delilah wound up heading off w some of the rich kids n one thing lead to another n a couple of them gt arrested fr a coke scandal. delilah used her phone call to contact clara n fr once clara hd let loose a little n hd something to drink bt still drove to the station to bail delilah out n try n fix her mess bt.... skipped a red light n crashed. she died upon impact.
(hospitalisation & drugs & addiction tw) this made delilah spiral massively obviously.... she clung on by the skin of her teeth fr a while bt she rly was just getting quite out of control doing an extremely excessive amt of coke to get by at this point so her parents actually did.... end up shipping her off to switzerland for rehabilitation. they didn’t tell anyone this tho n as far as ppl were/are aware she was doing charity work with habitat for humanity in trinidad. her parents literally........... hired ppl to take photos of things there n a social media team posted them to her instagram account jst. the most elaborate lie.... it’s a lot.
delilah jst pretty much went along w whatever they said at the facility bt didn’t absorb any of it too much.... she did get sober there bt it was vry much bc she had no other choice rather than a want to......... she even pretended to “find god” while she ws there n memorised bible lines to recite w a coolly detached smile. in her head she ws probably thinking abt hw her mandated therapist cld gladly eat shit and she’d be happy to watch. it was just like.... everyone there was RLY hideously overpaid bt did they actually Care abt their work or patients? debatable. wasn’t the most healing experience thru delilah’s eyes bt... maybe it’d work better if she’d actually opened her mind to it bt anyway...... <3 cornelius fudge voice: she’s back. the dark lord.....
nw tht her history is out of the way i’ll leap like a flea off a shaggy dog’s back into personality! aesthetically she almost ALWAYS wears white/cream. reminds me of the woman in white frm sharp objects. rarely she’ll dabble in silver or gold or like..... vry pale green bt.... always muted tones. usually white or cream. big white sunhats. white sunglasses. white pussybow blouses w a little white skirt n a pearl barrette in her hair. she even smokes white sobranie cigs tht r imports like it’s a lot she’s truly committed to the aesthetic.... paired w like. classic patent mary janes.... she tends to flutter around the place like a silk moth. likes lace too. hs a very put together image n even demeanour like she’s very lithe n graceful n drifts like a ghost which kind of contrasts w... who she is at her core bt in the astor family it’s all abt appearances <3 the only deviation from this is she sometimes wears dark blue mascara once in a blue moon n if ppl comment on this she’s like. idk what ur talking abt? glides away like a ghost in a haunted mansion n is never seen again.
very perceptive. incredibly observant. yrs of early life media training n being born frm politicians means she’s an excellent liar. she knows ppl n knows what makes them tick bt she’ll only use this when necessary. she isn’t a terrible person bt she knows how to b Very mean n will equip this as a weapon shd a situation call fr it. also more prone to lashing out since her sister......... she hs sometimes played chess games socially fr kicks
dark n biting sense of humour. rather frank abt things. VERY ruthless when scorned bt she isn’t particularly?? emotive abt it??? her bf cheated on her once n when he told her she slapped him rly hard in front of sm ppl he knew n then jst walked away. blocked him on literally everything. removed him frm the face of the earth as far as she ws concerned. had him blacklisted frm every event n told ppl they’d be cut too if they continued to associate w him. goodbye sir <3 u are the weakest link <3 needless to say he regretted it <3
very loyal to u until she isn’t. finds it very easy to cut ties if need be. once her trust is broken it is gooooone baby goone.... the trust is Gone. selective in who she cares abt
vry cavalier abt sex. she doesn’t sleep around hugely i dnt think??? bt when she does it isn’t often tht emotionally invested she’ll jst out of the blue very nonchalantly blow out a wisp of smoke n b like. so u want to fuck me then? cool. proceeds to get up as if she’s walking to leave n then looks bk n is like what do ur legs not work? follow me. n leads them somewhere
nothing rly.... moves her particularly. she isn’t very animated. it’s like she jst finds the entire world thoroughly unimpressive. it’s difficult to stimulate excitement from her. it’s like that hugh laurie quote where he realised he had depression bc “boredom is not an appropriate response to exploding cars”.
has a pet swan bk at home she’s named lilith inspired by satan’s offspring. lilith bites ppl if they get close n is honestly an abomination of a bird. delilah finds her funny n throws her bits of croissants sometimes bt even she isn’t immune to her pecks. in some ways they’re similar...... hv a graceful surface appearance / aesthetic bt a darker attitude beneath the surface
exes: the ex bf tht cheated on her n she got blacklisted from 94872347 social events cld be a fun thing to explore..... delilah wld be EXTREMELY cold towards him n honestly want him dead. wouldn’t show any shred of caring abt him at all she’s very gd at stoning her emotions n keeping them inside. hasn’t cried since her sister died as an example of how..... withdrawn she is from confessing her innermost thoughts n desires. maybe an ex bf before tht that she rly didn’t take seriously at all..... typically she just isn’t interested/invested in romance she’s vry apathetic abt it all
party friends: those tht run in similar rich kid circles tht she would have smuggled off with at fancy events so they could let loose.......... ppl tht r completely her opposite who she finds interesting bc they represent everything she always wanted outside the oppression of her strict regiment family....... mutual bad influences tht are heavy into drugs n always enable each other...... u name it!
hook-ups: she doesn’t have a HUGE amt of these bt.... maybe a select handful.... some she wld have hooked up w once n never again n just been like >_> if they implied they shd as if it was preposterous n she was thoroughly over it.... some maybe she’d find interesting enough to extend beyond tht...... none she’d invest in if she cld help it altho? maybe someone as an exception to tht rule cld be fun
friends of her sister: (death tw) clara was universally well liked for being rly sweet n well intentioned n she attended yates only two yrs delilah’s senior so she might have some connections here still somehow??? cld be angsty to work with
i won’t lie i’m rly hungry as i write up these wcs so my brain’s going blank n i’m gna have to sprint to get some toast bt <3 roommates, enemies, competitive friendships, resentments, angst, chaos, drama, strife, u name it n i am dwn!!!! hits post n takes off galloping dwnstairs
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