#slime burbles
Not sure if you've closed or open requests but
How do you feel about writing a Yan! Slime? Could be platonic or romantic up to you! Idk slimes are cute :3
(also I'm permanently gonna low key stalk ur blog since again yummy yan fics hope you don't mind me staying- /hj)
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CW: Wholesome, romantic, stalker monster love ahead ❤️ proceed with caution❤️
Accidently pushed post whoops done now lol
The five year old boy burst through the bushes, tumbling awkwardly and unskillfully before slowly popping up onto his feet and swinging his stick sword forward. His sibling, (Reader), high stepped carefully over the branches of the bush their brother had just crashed through. (Reader) nervously held their own sword, following their older brother into the woods.
"Jay, can we please go back?" (Reader) whined, trying not to cry nervously as they "explored" deeper into the forest.
"Don't be a baby!" Jay chastised, raising his arms high above his head. "How are you gonna be a monster hunter if you're too chicken?!"
(Reader) grumbled, dragging their shoes in the dirt. "I don't wanna be a monster hunter.. I wanna go home! I'm hungry!"
Jay opened his mouth, and raised his fists, ready to say something when something moved nearby, plopping loudly into a pile of dry leaves. His big, childish eyes went wide with fear, immediately losing all confidence and hiding behind (Reader), holding his thin stick in front of his face defensively. He was too scared to speak, trembling into (Reader's) back.
The younger of the two felt a surge of strength, needing to protect their beloved big brother, so they gripped their weapon with both hands, scrunching up their chubby little face to appear tough. They stomped over to the bush the sound came from, holding their breath, unlike Jay who was hyperventilating. (Reader) removed one pudgy hand from their stick, and swiftly pushed back the little branches, exposing a tiny green blob.
Jay released a high pitched scream and took off running back home, dropping his stick.
The glob was vibrating, and (Reader) was instantly filled with sympathy, assuming the little ball of goo was shaking with fear. "Hey, don't be scared." The four year old cooed, dropping their 'sword' and sitting on their knees to be closer. "I'm sorry, I thought you were a monster." (Reader's) cheesy grin showed off their missing front teeth.
Whatever the green thing was slowly went still, and (Reader) could feel it looking up at them.
"My name is (Reader), and I'm," they looked at their fingers, focusing on holding up the right number, before practically shoving their fingers in the glob's personal space, "four years old!"
The goo reached forward, forming a little nub of a hand, touching (Reader's) fingers. It was surprisingly warm. (Reader) opened their hand so it could roll onto their palm.
"Burrrrble!" The thing happily gurgled, looking quite pleased despite it's lack of a face.
"Burble? Is that your name?"
"Prrrr?" It patted their hand, not understanding the question. (Reader) laughed, feeling ticklish.
"I'm gonna be your best friend!" They decided, cupping the slime with both hands, still giggling over the sticky tingling the little guy caused. "I'll visit you every day, and we can play together everyday after school!"
And (Reader) kept their promise, visiting every single day, for years. The two friends grew up together, Burble learning to speak (Reader's) language over time as (Reader) brought their homework into the woods to have more time with Burble while they studied. Jay kept Burble's existence a secret, but never got over his fear of the creature, so he kept his distance from the two while they played.
Burble had a difficult time not praising (Reader) for their heroics, because if they did it would reveal that Burble had been watching them at school. Living alone in the woods was isolating, especially as a monster, their presence frightening off animals of all species. At first it was just because of how lonely they were, wanting to leave the forest to be with (Reader). They turned Burble down, reminding them how dangerous it would be, now no longer the naive child who didn't understand that slimes were monsters. But, no one would know if Burble attached just a little piece of themselves inside (Reader's) backpack, just to hear their voice while they were away.
Fourteen years later, Burble had been practicing in secret, forming their naturally round body into a humanoid form, trying to perfect their appearance before they revealed themselves to (Reader). It happened so naturally, Burble falling in love with their one and only friend. They wondered if (Reader) could ever feel the same. (Reader) was just so perfect; they were kind and strong, preferring pacifism, but quick to throw themselves in danger's way to protect the ones they love, just like when they first met. Even at school, (Reader) would stand up for those being bullied on a regular basis, gaining a reputation for standing up for those too scared to protect themselves. And they never bragged about it!
The green slime learned so much about (Reader) through the way they interacted with others at school, and fell deeper in love everytime they opened their mouth. (Reader) was an angel on Earth.
(Reader) trudged into the forest behind their home, exhausted after field hockey but refusing to take even a day off from visiting their best friend. It was surprising, learning that Burble was less of a pet and actually a sentient being with thoughts and feelings, but that was even more exciting, being able to communicate with a species not known for their intelligence. Burble rolled onto view, now a very large blob the size of (Reader) if they tucked in their arms and legs.
"(Reader)!" They happily gurgled, jiggling up to the high school senior. "How was your day?"
"Same old, same old." (Reader) lied, still wearing their gym shirt because their original clothes got soaked with milk after they stood up to Cody, the biggest dick they ever met.
Burble knew this, however, and was fine with (Reader) lying, knowing they were just being humble. It made their non-existent heart swell. (Reader) pulled out a bunch of classwork, and a brochure slipped out from a folder. "What's that?"
"Oh, that's a pamphlet for a university. Admissions are coming up, so I've been looking around."
The green color lightened almost to a sick looking yellow. Burble hadn't heard anything about this! What did they mean?!
"Burble, you okay?"
"Does that mean you're leaving?" Burble's voice shook, wobbling their jelly body.
"Yeah, if I make it in, but that's still half a year away, so we have time-"
Burble cut them off. "Don't go."
(Reader) sighed, placing a hand on top of their friend's smooth body. "I can't stay with my parents forever. I want to go explore, meet new people, hopefully get a career a have a passion for."
"Then take me with you!" Burble shouted, heating up under (Reader's) hand, the yellow intensifying.
The now yellow blob lunged at (Reader), morphing into a humanesque shape, creating a beautiful face that looked to be on the verge of tears. Burble held (Reader) to the ground, trapping (Reader's) body with their arms and knees.
"Burble, what the hell?" (Reader) wasn't angry, or nervous, just confused, not understanding what had gotten into their childhood friend.
"You can't leave me alone, (Reader), please!" Burble was incapable of forming tears, but their body ached like they were sobbing, rumbling instead of heaving as they didn't need to breathe. They slammed their face onto (Reader's), knowing what kissing was from a picture book (Reader) had shown them as a child, but not quite understanding how to actually do it. Their newly formed lips moved against (Reader's) timidly, easily holding down the struggling human. Burble broke the kiss so (Reader) could gasp for air. "I love you, (Reader), please don't leave me!"
A hurricane of emotions ripped (Reader's) mind apart, struggling with accepting what was happening. Their first kiss was taken by their best friend, who was still holding them tightly against the dirt ground.
"Let's.. let's talk about this later.. I need to go home." (Reader) stuttered, overwhelmed by the emotions they never felt before rampaging in their skull. Burble sunk lower, melting over (Reader's) body to better prevent their leaving.
"No.. not until you promise not to leave me." Their voice was barely a whisper, begging for (Reader) to love them back.
"I-I won't leave you. We'll figure something out.. You've just gotten too big to hide and-" Burble's weight was heavy on (Reader's) ribcage. "we'll figure something out."
Satisfied, Burble sat up and rolled off of (Reader), slowly changing back to their natural green hue. "You promise?"
"I promise." (Reader) face a sad smile, still incapable of fearing their dear friend.
Burble smiled, barely maintaining their shape as they allowed (Reader) to leave. They trusted (Reader), even if (Reader) didn't accept their confession at that moment, there was no way they would break their promise. And, if for some reason they did, if someone like their nervous brother fear mongered (Reader) into abandoning Burble, they would always be able to find them. The green slime collapsed back into a ball, happily listening to (Reader) through the tiny piece of themselves still hiding in (Reader's) backpack.
"Please come back soon.."
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maybeelse · 13 days
doll seeks rot
(once, long ago, there was an Empty Spaces Anthology. This was the longer of my two stories in it.)
There is a type of rot that breeds in silences, a moist decay that drips through the cracks in your life and softens your thoughts with its insidious warmth. It’s the sort of thing that lingers long after it was first welcomed in, that never quite leaves—
"Miss," the doll's plaintive voice echoes through the bedroom door, "are you in there?"
For a moment she tries to answer it, but there's something in her throat, some soft prickly thing that fills her nose with a sweet and bloody stench every time she breathes; she just can't.
The best she can manage is to pull her blankets a bit tighter around her aching body, tearing scraps of skin away where oozing pustules have begun to merge with the fabric, drawing a pained moan from scabbed lips—
"Miss, this one is coming in, okay? It, it needs to ..."
The door doesn't creak as it opens; the wood is too soft for that, the hinges too drenched in oily condensation. For a moment the doll thinks that it's not going to give, that even its hands' steady pressure will tear the house's bones to shreds—
Light spills in.
“Oh goddess, miss—” It cuts itself off with a theatrical gagging noise, throat filling with acid as the room’s smell crawls into its nose. It’s such a layered thing, that smell, full of moist forgotten things; it’s the smell of a unpowered refrigerator ignored for weeks in the depths of burning summer, the aching ooze of forgotten fruit and the sharp acidic notes of bile abandoned on a never-cleaned restroom floor. It’s practically a living thing as it rubs itself against the doll, leaving its oily touch smeared across its neat dress and dripping across its skin in a way that makes it wonder if it will ever feel clean again—and only then does the doll taste the room’s heart, the sickly-sweet musk spreading out from where its witch is curled up at the center of her waterlogged bed—
“M-miss, why …” The doll slaps itself, a sudden focusing pain. “Miss, you need to come with this one!”
“... don’t want to …”
“But, but you need to. You can’t stay here!”
She shrugs beneath her blanket, the motion tearing another few pieces of meat free from her moldy bones. Her mask betrays none of the pain she feels, and perhaps she feels nothing at all, but the doll hears even so—
“... miss, what was that noise?”
“... my body breaking, I guess. It’s what I deserve.”
“No, but … why?”
“Because I’m a worthless pile of trash who can’t do anything right.”
The doll sighs.
“Miss, this one can’t come in to get you. The smell …”
“I know, I stink. Just leave me alone.”
“That’s not what this one—gah! Just wait here, miss!”
The doll storms off in something very much like a huff, though it’s careful to close the door as it goes; it wouldn’t do to let her stink pollute the rest of the house. Even with it confined to a single room it’s going to be a nightmare to clean up.
Its witch doesn’t bother wondering where the doll thought that she might go; she doesn’t think much of anything at all. It’s so hard to think in the rot, so hard to set her mind to anything—and when she does think it’s soaked in self-hatred, in the clinging slime oozing from every hateful cranny and disgusted recess. Her mind is where thoughts go to die.
And it’s just what she deserves.
It’s what she is.
It’s all she will ever—
The door bursts open as the doll returns, the drama of the moment absolutely ruined by the way the wall creaks and burbles against its hinges. For a long moment the doll flinches, sure that something awful is about to happen; perhaps the house will collapse, or the door will fall from its hinges, or, or—
Nothing happens.
The doll’s relieved sigh is muffled by its gas mask, and its progress into the room is rather impeded by the oversized rubber boots which rise nearly to the top of its legs, but it does its best even so. It can’t smell a thing through its mask’s oversized filters, though as it nears the bed they’re already beginning to drip with an oily, faintly fuzz slime: the fungal spores which fill the room spurred into heightened growth by its witch’s despair.
It grabs the reeking, soaked blanket with gloved hands: a hard task for a doll, but it does its best, just as it always does—
“Hey, what are you—let go of me! That hurts!”
“You! Need! To! Get! Up!” It punctuates each of its words with another pull, fingers wrapped around its witch’s arms, heedless of the way her flesh smears and tears beneath its grip—pulling and pulling until it finds a place to hold which does not give way, gloved fingers anchored in the bones beneath, pulling its witch free of her bed and out across the room’s floor and down the stairs and out the door. She protests all the while, each step leaving scraps of flesh and spreading rot lingering on the good wood floor behind her, but finally, finally—!
In the sunlight she’s a walking corpse, with none of the vitality the doll remembers.
“... so now I’m outside. Was this so important?”
“Don’t you feel better, miss?”
“Not really.”
“... oh.” The doll slumps down onto the ground next to its witch. “Then this one is sorry, miss. It, it shouldn’t have—”
“It’s no worse out here, at least,” she says with a shrug. “Just different.”
“Oh …”
Neither of them say anything after that, and after a while the doll gets up to clean up the house (a task that it knows she would want it to do, even if she hasn’t told it to yet). As it leaves it notes that the reeking decay hasn’t followed its witch, though elegantly gilled mushrooms sprout at her feet and from the ruins of her body; a small shift. Not a solution, but perhaps a sign of another cycle yet to come.
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intestinalemphasis · 8 months
"For the Long Haul"
(unwilling prey, digested with food, safe/non-gorey digestion)
It felt there would be no end in sight. All his world had become this thick, crushing darkness, and smothering heat, his life reduced to a hunk of meat inside a damp chamber, intent on taking its time with him. He was in for the long haul now, surely.
He'd been struggling for hours now, surely. Fighting and kicking and struggling, to no avail. He came close once, upon a massive belch the pred released that he pushed through to get to the back of their throat. But only a hand managed to get far enough up to feel the cold air of the outside world, before the pred took another thick swallow, sending them back to the abyss.
He grunted as he was jostled around again, feeling nauseous and dizzy from all the jostling and pushing around. He couldn't tell where gravity was going anymore, sometimes feeling upright, sometimes feeling upside down. These slick walls squeezed and massaged into him constantly, keeping him in place enough not to leave, but not so in place that he wasn't slipping around every other minute. He felt so gross, covered in slime and whatever stuff the pred had eaten beforehand. An ominous groan in his ears alerted the fact that he was on his way to becoming the very stew he resided in.
That was only added to the fact that a bunch of mush started raining onto him. He spat and struggled, pushing against the walls to no avail. His pred was eating again, filling his already too tightly cramped personal chamber with more food. Liquid poured in, sloshing around and basting him in...what was that, root beer?
The filled organ burbled around him, squeezing tight around its prey, until an almighty belch forced its way out through the pred's mouth, echoing back into their stomach walls. The prey tried to squeeze himself up their throat, following the trail of expelled air, but he was unsuccessful, sliding back down into the pit he was trapped in. Surrounded by mush. Mush that he would soon enough become a part of. Whether he liked it or not.
The uncomfortable jostling and sloshing continued. Liquid was filling the chamber even quicker, stomach acid and sweet soft drinks mixing together with food bits into a frothy slop. It was too hot, the prey couldn't tell if they were just sweating or if they were starting to melt. It was getting hard to breathe in this pit. They tried to struggle again, finding themselves weak and dizzy. Their body was starting to lose its shape in the muck, becoming squishy and sticky.
They pushed against the walls, begging to be let out of this prison. They could hear the pred chuckling, saying something unintelligible. Were they actually listening to them!? The prey pressed their hands against the surface of their pred's belly...and were met with a painful *SQUISH!* against them, kneading and massaging their food, and compressing them deeper into the slew they were becoming.
All he could hear around him now was the sloshing and gurgling of a happy, full belly, enjoying him, digesting him, turning him into a nutrient goop. His form was sliding down into a near puddle now, mixed with all the other contents of the stomach he was destined to be the meal of. The most liquified parts of him were being slurped down further, deeper into the pred's intestines to be pumped through. He whimpered, feeling the last of his being starting to slip away from him. He was food. Mush. Nothing more than another meal for this beast to have.
Another loud groan rumbled through the full organ, and the rest of the pred's dinner funneled down into the rest of their system...
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thefarfarranch · 1 year
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BOb is admittedly, not a slime per say, but the man has more know-how on the little guys than anyone else I know. He seems to specialize in carnivorous slimes, if his preference for meat when trading is anything to go off of, but that doesn't seem to limit his knowledge.
Once, I was in a bit of a pickle regarding some Quantums. See, I'd figured out how to get some of those tasty lemons they liked and was trying to set them up in a corral, but they kept phasing in and out of my whole dang ranch! So, I took a break and saw BOb was asking for some chickens. I ended up asking him for advice, and he burbled out "wwAAATr". So, I tried it and well wouldn't you know, it worked. Kept the little ruffians from wreaking havoc.
Really, it's a shame he's so reclusive, as otherwise he'd be everyone's favorite ranger on the Range! Why, I just don't know why anyone would dislike him. Ah, to hell with it, I'll just start quoting him. If he ain't gonna socialize, I'll socialize for him.
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moth-writing-pit · 13 days
"Quite the Day"
Eyes hesitantly entered the ruins of what was once Joja Mart, ducking through the shattered door. He sat before the gold plate sitting neatly on the floor. He dug through his pockets to retrieve the caviar made just this morning in his shed. Eyes gently placed the caviar on the gold plate and withdrew his hand. He then dug through his pockets and pulled out five ancient fruits. His thumb rubbed the surface of each, inspecting its condition through touch alone. A little bruised but still nice an’ plump. His mind remarked to him as he gently placed the fruits next to the caviar on the gold plate.
Eyes heard a sudden fwiiissh causing him to recoil slightly before remembering that was the sound of an appealing Junimo. The little apple-esque critter timidly approached the gold plate. It quickly snatched the five fruits and the caviar. It squeaked softly as it struggled to hold all of the items. "Would you like help.. little uh.. Junimo was it?” Eyes offered gently, lowering his hands with cupped palms. The Junimo looked at him with fear glinting in its tiny, beady eyes but when it saw the man lower his hands it relaxed, if only the smallest bit.
The Junimo put the items down and nuzzled itself into one of Eyes’ hands. He chuckled softly and brought the items back into his pockets. Eyes was surprised by how cold the Junimo felt in his hand. Mmr. “Take me to the Cindersap Forest. The log by the lake, if you would”
“The Secret Woods? I mean sure but it isn't exactly safe.. there are slimes living in there,” He murmured to the Junimo, his free hand idly reaching up and scratching an itch under his chin. It held his thumb in its tiny hands as if in a confirming gesture. “Alright, if you say so, little bugger” He made his way across town and past Marnie and Leah's homes. He walked around the lake and slowed his pace as he drew closer to the Secret Woods. Mrrip! “It's gone! The log is gone!”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, it's been gone a while now, years I think,” Eyes responded to the Junimo, hoping to ease its sudden panic. Which did seem to work as the Junimo gave a small hum of understanding. Miip.. mrr. “To the statue of Old Master Cannoli, please, kind human,” Eyes nodded and drew his sword as he stepped into the Secret Woods. He had always appreciated the peacefulness of the clearing. Between birdsong, frog and bug chirping, and even the burbling of slimes was just enough noise to unwind when life got overwhelming. In fact, if festivals were ever too much for Eyes, he either came here or just clung close to his husband Elliott. He slashed at slimes that attacked him, wincing as they audibly popped. Eyes didn't like slaying monsters, he always felt bad for the monster. When he was roughly in the right place, he knelt down and let the Junimo hop off his hand. He removed the caviar and ancient fruits from his pockets and set them down beside the little apple-esque creature. Mip! Miiip mrr! “Your kindness will not be forgotten, human! Thank you for reuniting me with my fellow Junimos”
“It's no bother, really. And Eyes, my name is Eyes,” He smiled and left the Secret Woods.
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level-1-slime · 1 year
How’d the potion making go?
[Select scoops up Slime]
- @character-selecton
Brrrble, bree!
(Slime hugs select, and burbles happily.)
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anonymousromanticpoet · 5 months
Miguel gets a pet. He doesn't tell Robby.
It was a peaceful day in the Diaz-Lawrence-Keene household. Miguel and Robby had just gotten back from training.
"Alright, I'm going to go shower," Robby told his boyfriend, stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door. Then came the sound of the water turning on, followed by a startled, ear-splitting shriek.
Robby yelled, throwing open the bathroom door and emerging, soaking wet and hastily wrapped in a towel.
Miguel was lying on the bed, laptop open, headphones in, completely oblivious.
"Miguel? Miguel! Look what I found," Robby held up the glass, covered by a washcloth, that the California treefrog was currently confined in. The little amphibian gurgled a hello.
"What?" Miguel took out an airpod.
"This thing...this creature, was creeping on me while I was in the shower," Robby explained with a shudder. "You know anything about this?"
Miguel looked confused for a moment, then said, "Oh, him? That's José."
"José," Robby repeated. "Ok...you want to tell me what José was doing in our shower?"
Miguel shrugged. "I found him lying half dead in a puddle yesterday. He looked like he could use a warm bath, so I put him in the sink and gave him some dead grasshoppers to eat. He must've gotten out of the sink and decided he'd prefer a shower."
Miguel looked at his boyfriend and stated all of this like it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Uh huh," Robby nodded, unimpressed. "And you didn't think to tell me about this before I went to take a shower?"
"I thought he'd still be in the sink," Miguel said, still seemingly not comprehending the situation.
"There is frog slime on my shampoo bottles, Miguel. Frog slime. And it looks like he tried to eat my soap," Robby narrowed his eyes at the little green creature in the glass. José burbled out something that sounded like a chortle. "You see this? He's laughing at me!"
"It is kind of funny..."
"Is not!"
"You scream like a girl."
"I do not!"
A knock at the door interrupted their argument. Johnny Lawrence came in.
"What're you two arguing about? Robby, you're dripping water everywhere, go dry...why the hell are you holding a frog?" Johnny stopped, looking at José's beady little eyes peering out of the jar.
"Miguel, thought it would be a good idea to invite this little goblin into the house, and let him take up residence in our shower," Robby explained, glaring at his boyfriend.
"What? I thought he was cute," Miguel protested.
"Cute? Miguel, this thing looks like a slug with arms!" Robby exclaimed.
"Alright, alright, you two, cut it out," Johnny sighed. "Miguel, if you want to keep...José, could you keep him in a tank? Maybe not in the shower that you and Robby both use?"
Miguel nodded grudgingly. "Fine...I'll get him a tank."
A scream from the other room interrupted the conversation. Carmen came running from the other room.
"Johnny, there are tadpoles swimming in the toilet..."
"Miguel..." Johnny facepalmed.
"Guess José's a Josephine," Robby laughed. "Fine, she can stay in a tank in our room. But you owe me a new soap. And if I find her on the bed, I'm moving into the guest room."
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technodromes · 6 months
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ꜱᴇɴꜱᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪꜰɪᴄ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE?   You see a talking bubblegum, but if you expect a sweet smell from sniffing on him, you'll get severely disappointed. Krang's slimy skin adopted a very distinct metallic scent. He's spending a lot of time in machine rooms around engines (which sometimes tend to blow up), plus the fact he always sits inside android bodies or walkers of sorts. His skin quickly adopts any strong scents he's surrounded with though, so if someone locks him inside a perfume store, they'll have a migraine ball. WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE?   "You fool! I don't even have any hands!" His tentacles just feel the same as the rest of his body. Like grabbing a wet jelly or an earthworm on a rainy day, while his slime is like that of a big snail. He does work with his tentacles sometimes, but not remotely as much as Subprime for example. He relies a lot on his mandroid, so his tentacles are as soft as the rest of his body. WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY?    Whatever he gets his tentacles at in between work. And yes, that includes bugs. But usually, he asks Shredder to bring Takeaway home for all of them ("Since you're using my Alien Express Card all the time ANYWAY!") He doesn't really have any favorite foods he indulges into all the time, but there are rare occasions when he actually does feel little cravings. Most of them are really random and sometimes weird. DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE?    Hell no. Don't ever ask Krang to sing. He WILL sing if someone asks him because he thinks he's actually skilled at it. Everyone involved will run out of the room with their ears bleeding. That's why Shredder will shut everyone up before they can even finish suggesting it. ("Are you trying to kill us all?!") DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS?   He mumbles and has these burbling 'hiccups'. The more he's in thought or nervous about something, the more indistinct it gets. If he's greatly nervous, his burbling mumbles become nigh impossible to understand if someone isn't used to the way he talks. WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR?   Let's see. He wears a giant baby-faced android with red speedos. I don't think anyone ever wants any fashion advice from this blob. IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO?  More than he wants to admit? The Technodrome is full of walking cacti (one of them is literally a cactus on two legs), who all say they don't care, but they often do care. Very aggressively so. But on a more serious note here, Krang is very dependent in the first place, and sometimes he embraces that more than on other days. He likes being cared for and getting pampered with attention and affection to a degree, tho he hates getting belittled and looked down upon. Never mind, he's not a cactus, he's a weird naked cat. WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN?    You know catloafs. Now I present you the Utromloaf. He naps curled up in a pink soft slimy ball inside his walker or on satin pillows because he likes being extra. He's also drifted off into his little meditative naps on laps before. Preferably Shredder, but he likes Clarissa's lap too. @dynamoprotocol. Or Rick, if they two are not too busy arguing. @countlessrealities COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM?  You bet you hear him if he's inside his walker or mandroid. He does try his hardest to be sneaky but it's kinda difficult inside these huge chunks of steel. Actually, you'll hear him when he's without a vehicle too because he'll yell around loudly and angrily for someone to pick him up. Menacing energy? 10. Stealth? 0.
Tagged: repost from last year Tagging: whoever wants to fill this out as well=)
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lovingmarsie · 1 year
How would you feel about carrying those slime creatures from RPGs? They're harmless, but still fill your belly and make you look pregnant with quadruplets. They squeak and burble constantly as your stomach groans, bubbles, and gurgles around them. Then people walk up and rub your belly, easing it lightly as they compliment your healthy babies
I would love that🥺 a cute lil quadra bump to carry around with cute lil slimes🥺🥺🥺
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chibipsycho-v3 · 2 years
could I request a mage pupils x reader? thank you!
Okay, I must be in the habit of misreading today, because I wrote individual XReaders for all three of them before I stopped to wonder if you meant all of them as a group. ...So here's both! You get a double scoop too, friend!
Side note: I refer to Lonely Wizard as Stim personally, so that snuck in here. Also I see Stim as he/him myself, but out of respect for others, I wrote Lonely Wizard as they/them in these.
Goobert x GN!Reader
You accompanied Goobert on a trip outside the mage tower for once, but he wouldn't tell you why. Just said he was 'looking for something the Master desires' and left it at that. Usually he was forthcoming with you so if he didn't want to elaborate, it felt a bit like a red flag to you. But at the very least, he let you come along. You guessed you shouldn't complain.
You both stopped at the water's edge and you peered into the dark depths before Goobert called your name. "Rrrgh- Can… you do that charm again?" he asked with an edge of pain.
"Of course," you told him, lifting your hand to weave the simple spell. You may be a simple mage not under Magnificus' tutelage, but you'd refined this relief charm special for Goobert. Occasionally you'd use it on Pike as well.
Once the bluish light had settled in your palm, you reached out to place your hand against Goobert's slimy mass. As it passed from your hand to him, he hummed gratefully as he pulled himself further upright. "Thank you. You know just how to make things better," he spoke warmly.
The gooey, dopey smile he wore was enough reward for you, but then he leaned towards you with arms outstretched. You met him in a warm hug, wrapping your arms around his semi-solid body. Most people outside of the magic pupils were put off by this slime mage's touch, but it never bothered you. You knew he craved attention and you were more than happy to give it to him.
Rivulets of warm, sticky goo dripped past you and onto your clothes as Goobert hugged you close. He made a low burble from somewhere deep. You held each other for a few beats before pulling away, clinging bits of green stuck to your clothes. "You know I'll never mind helping you, Goobert."
He smiled once more, looking like he felt better than he had in a long while. You reflected it back.
Pike Mage x GN!Reader
Joining Pike Mage in her realm was a little intense, mostly due to the oppressive heat. But she so enjoyed your visits that you could endure the heat. For her.
Today she had asked you for a few matches. "Have to stay sharp for Challengers," she'd always say. But even if she hadn't asked, you would've offered. Facing off against her was always fun.
But if there was one thing you admired about her, it was her tenacity. Her strength. Even before her finals, she was always steadfast in her goals. She wanted to win. She wanted to pass her finals, no matter how long it took.
Pike played another Ruby Golem, which you didn't have an answer to. "Uh-oh," you spoke aloud accidentally, tipping your hand.
She smiled across from you. "Oh? Do I have you?" she chirped, "Do you concede?"
You scoffed a noise. "No way. If there's one thing you taught me, it's to never give up." Still, you had to hit the bell and take the damage. Maybe you'd get a better draw next turn.
She hummed thoughtfully, then played a Practice Mage in front of your only heavy hitter. You had to admit, her mastery of hands-free levitation magick had served her well during her finals. You'd seen Goobert and Stim use it before, but Pike was the best at it.
Ah, but luck wasn't on your side this match. You didn't have the cost for your next card either… So you hit the bell one last time.
A content smile appeared on her face as she merely rang the bell as well. The scales tipped in Pike's favor and that was game. "Ah! Good game," she offered.
You held out your hand at her cue and felt her magical influence take your hand and shake. That was still quite the marvel to you, the soft, warm tingling of something that wasn't quite there. "Good game," you repeated, then tilted your head inquisitively with a smile, "Best three out of five?"
She copied your smile. "You're on."
Lonely Wizard x GN!Reader
You popped into Lonely Wizard's realm, the lack of sound stifling like always. Though that never did last for long-
"FRIEND! You have arrived!" And with that as your only warning, you were swept into an impromptu, twirling dance that left you laughing as you looked up at them. Their eyes were crinkled with happiness, their gestures so broad and expressive that it almost left you breathless at the genuine joy you saw there.
"Stim!" you greeted with enthusiasm, "It's good to see you again! Are you doing okay?"
"I am now that you're here!" Stim replied, hands cupping your face gratefully. Stim had gotten really touchy in their isolation, but you didn't mind all the extra touches and hugs. "It's been quiet and dark, but I had your lovely things to keep me together!" The wizard gestured to the little trinkets you'd been smuggling in: a few shiny rocks in different colors, a few discarded toys and pieces of junk you'd found, even a little painting of flowers that you'd had Goobert make.
"Oh, speaking of which." You fished in your bag as Lonely Wizard tried to peek beyond your hands to see. You pulled out a small device and held it out in both hands. "Look what I found when I dug through the factory's rejects- it's a music player!"
"Oh WOW!" Stim shouted, taking the device and already started tinkering merrily. You weren't terribly sure if the radio stations would work in this tiny pocket dimension, but if not- Static burst forth from the speakers and Stim nearly vibrated with glee, excited for any noise at all. They twisted a knob until an upbeat tune began to thrum from the device and you thought Stim was going to cry.
"Music! I so missed… music!"
You took the music player from their hands and placed it on the ground, then took their hands and pulled them into an energetic dance. You both stumbled over your own feet and laughed, having too much fun to care.
Mage Pupils x GN!Reader
Your study sessions together didn't involve much studying, but none of you minded. You all studied so much alone that the real reason for your get-togethers was to blow off steam and have fun.
Sometimes you painted together- Lonely Wizard painted with vigor, splattering paint on the canvas- and themself, and the floor… Pike Mage used her levitation magick to move her brush and Goobert was so happy painting, he nearly forgot his pain entirely. Sometimes you made forts out of magickal tomes, giggling and making your own versions of reality. Sometimes you had grand card tournaments, and whoever won got to be at the center of the cuddle pile.
But the time spent was fulfilling just because you all got to be together for once. You did your best to cheer them up and encourage them, help them continue on the next day with renewed vigor… but it was tough.
You hadn't reached your finals yet, so seeing what the others were going through just to become cards in Magnificus' deck… It made your stomach twist in knots… and you weren't sure if that was something that you wanted. You knew it wasn't something you wanted for them, but they were determined. They would be grand centerpieces of his magick deck. All except Lonely, who seemed to be having reservations about it too…
But that was then and this was now. Now you were caught in a lazy tangle with your fellow students, laying between and around and over one another just to chat. Lonely was propped against your shoulder, Pike had laid her head in your lap (being careful of her spear), and Goobert was nudged between all of you. It felt good to be included with them.
Pike made a joke and everyone laughed. Then gooey fingers threaded in your own and you squeezed his hand as Lonely's cheek nudged against yours. You took the opportunity to run your free fingers through Pike's hair, straightening it for her.
Who knew what the future would bring…? For now, though, you were all happy.
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Monster x Barbarian!Reader Xyleth, ✓*Xyleth Drabble, ✓Xyleth Headcanons
Goblins: ✓Platonic!Tribe
Bed Bug Inspired: *Rotting Raspberries
Ant Inspired: ✓*Hive
Giants: ✓*Growley, ✓*Pinyon
Slime: ✓Burble
Monster!Reincarnated Friend: *Ydenn
Monster!Reader: Mother, ch 1, 2 (NEW)
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circusballoon · 1 year
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Drawing hangout with Pika / @burbled (on the left) and Tiger / @erradox (biggest picture on the right) of Tiger's character Rad! With a bonus rad slime from Slime Rancher because I needed to make the page even more rad.
Since Rad had somehow never really been drawn in 90s-inspired clothing with terms like RADICAL, Pika had suggested our next hangout should be making up for that. So that's what we did and it was a very good time. I had SO much fun figuring out how to color the holographic see-through jacket. This also doubled as a bonus Art Fight attack because who's gonna stop me!! It's gift art in Art Fight season.
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bloatware-xl-rp · 1 year
Cortanas big tits came resting on your head slowly sagging over them as the big gelatinous tits glorped down over your face!
"Odd sort of body." She murmured. The test drive so far going well. She looked herself, she could touch you but...as your head floated in her transparent cleavage trying not to breath in Cortana's slippery wet, semi viscous form she realized she might need another crack at creating a new body.
Blue slime girl cortana was not working out.
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dragonmoder · 2 years
"That... depends on your definition of bad, dear. I hope you weren't planning on going anywhere else today."
Suddenly having an idea, Myla grabs a bag of popcorn out of her cupboard, and insta-cooks it with a snap of her fingers. Some pieces get a little burnt, but it's still good enough to enjoy the show with.
"it... is gonna be that bad, hu-URF"
She's interrupted mid-sentence by the cores all kicking in in tandem. Her stomach - and the rest of her, juice included - starts rapidly shrinking, and with a burbling, blorping sound, her whole body starts fattening up! Her natural tendency to gain weight in her lower half is fully on display here as the slimes and sugary juice are all metabolized into thick, heavy fat over the course of only a minute, during which Bubbie is completely overcome by the sensation. It's so... so jiggly...
That's not all, though! While her midsection is becoming less round and more flab, rolls spilling out onto hefty hips, her tail is also growing - both in girth and length!
STATUS GAINED - Tail Ballast: for every pound gained over 500, half of it will go to the tail! This may taper off at higher weights!
It turns out dragons have a unique mechanism to help them deal with excess weight, which entails shunting a lot of it to the tail as storage! Actual lizards do this to a certain extent! As she blubbers up, her tail stretches out like a long balloon being blown up, filling with so much fat that it looks like a tremendous grub or sausage attached to her rear, and long enough to rest on the ground!
WEIGHT: 756 lbs (+412) TAIL WEIGHT: 286 lbs (+256)
With the chocolate cores' effects finally settling down, Bubbie is left to survey the damage. She reaches down to grab her plush midriff and oh god the juice is coming back hold on-
ROLL: 11
Fortunately, she doesn't get a surge of extra juice as it fills her back up, but she DOES bloat up even more on top of all that flab, returning to stage 5 now that the digestion's all over.
"huff... huff... hahhh... w-wow... holy shit i got fat..."
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agoobersretreat · 3 months
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Fubuki blinked, trying not to gasp even as the goopy Miq was pouring out of her mouth slowly. She heard a deep gurgle down in her stomach, seemingly angered that its meal had escaped, but the huge woman dared to not gulp. This was Monika's friend after all, and she trusted Monika.
It took a few more wiggles and a lot more jiggles before Miq finally dribbled the rest of the way to the floor as a slime puddle. She soon reforms her shape, albeit not fully, looking up to Fubuki happily.
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"Yo~!", she says with a burble to her voice. "Ta-da, one of the many tricks I can do, ehehehe~. Monika likes this one too, so I'm usually pretty good at staying this way long enough to escape people with it. Well, if they willingly let me out, that is."
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plushorphanage · 6 months
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"Sorry about Glitchy- she tends t'like greeting new folks." Lane leaned down, picking up the slime even as it began to warp and literally glitch- disappearing and reappearing in their arms. All the while, she burbled happily as Lane gave a light smile to the other. "And...well...slime. Y'doin' alright?"
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