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stcrmybrews · 2 years ago
About Author
Hi! My name is Crystal, I had blogs like @sleepyrp-writer or @movedto-stcrmybrews.
I'm 31 writer who loves many things. But most of all i miss being here on Tumblr.
I have Muses on Twitter mostly Harry Potter related but miss community here. So kind of Starting over <3
I have no idea what to add. I'm in Central Time zone, But have Insomnia . I'm Aroace so Lewd is a no.. And... I think that's it?
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dujourmeans · 4 years ago
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briar whittier chrysanthe turner. twenty-four. comes from a long line of pickle money (… literally, her family fortune is thanks in part to dill pickles.) ○ last in line as a heir in her family despite not even being the youngest due to an ongoing “feud” with her parents over her choice in career (which hasn’t stopped both of her parents from secretly wiring her money weekly. neither of them know the other is doing it.) ○ dropped out of university midway through her second year after being cast as shelley in an off-broadway revival of bat boy: the musical. was and still is convinced that it was her “big break” and that she’s a bigger star locally than she actually is. ○ currently juggling finishing up her run as alison in the first run of a musical version of chopping mall and preparing for the first run of teen witch: the musical which she’s taking incredibly seriously. ○ kind of mean, but also not that mean? (if that makes any sense). but very cocky and willing to step on people to get to the career she wants. it just … hasn’t happened yet because she’s had no real reason to.
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aloscreevey · 4 years ago
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i think you’ve done enough
[                      22, LEO SUN, LEO MOON, VIRGO RISING.                      ]
decided that love wasn’t real at 13, aka the age that her parents divorced* //  *played herself when she fell in love with [ redacted ] not too long after that // “she used to be the sweetest girl” type beat // former gymnast // marketing manager // nouveau riche heaux // high functioning party girl // always in some mess // “why would you say something so controversial yet so brave”
desired plot points: pretty privilege pact (aka her best friends), folks who she’s fucked over, perhaps a Titled Man who she is leading on, dr*g dealer who can’t stand her, relationships that she’s ruined or will ruin, long lasting feuds, poor unfortunate souls that dared to love her, gymnast gang, terrible people to wreak havoc with, up & coming stars for her to cling to, etc
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huntingtonwhiteleys · 4 years ago
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anthony sloane // 27 // butcher // juan betancourt
artisanal butcher shop bullshit. thinks he's a man of the people but anyone who makes wagu hot dogs needs a reality check. the kind of guy your mother would love for you to bring home. sadly in Luv™️ with someone who can barely give him the time of day.  needs: a nice girl he’s trying to move on with, his adopted siblings (2-3!!), culinary friends and/or a business partner, dudes who he can drink obnoxious craft beers with 
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ashtheauthor · 4 years ago
alias & pronouns: ash & she/her
timezone & sun sign: est & aries
favorite plots & tropes: enemies to lovers, brooding bad boys soft for their ladies, close knit family plots, anything angsty
what are you most excited about/what do you want to see on sleepy eyed?: so excited to meet new people and write super fun & emotional plots!!
favorite nyc movie: when harry met sally
give us your top 4 emojis, we wanna see sumthin: 💗✨🥺💞
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zhenyakatava · 4 years ago
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may i present.......the king of thinking liking obscure things is a personality trait?
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natalierp · 4 years ago
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elizabeth marianne james
heir to the james family name and fortune
just trying to keep herself her family together
did everything “right”
still not a son, so still not good enough ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
works for daddy james’ old law firm and is poised to go further than their father ever did
if his secret family scandal doesn’t ruin her first
or her “one-night stand” that’s proven to be anything but
i need some sisters to join the james family, a political blue blood dynasty, some ivy league/socialite friends, and i’d really love to have someone 5+ years younger that is the epitome of a Bad Idea™ and yet she can’t stop sleeping with them.
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hermoanie · 4 years ago
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• • jamison alexis fallon • •
perpetually a background actor in her own life. masters degree in archaeology, wanted to be ellie sattler, didnt quite pan out. mom friend but slept with a nightlight until she was 17. stress bakes and then leaves cupcakes on her stoop. embarrassing throw blanket collection shoved in her closet. 
needs: a sibling or two!! her best friend who she’s always played second fiddle to. big tully and kate vibes from firefly lane. also her husband who she’s... kinda separated from, he’s kinda in love with her best friend. they have a six year old. idk
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d-baglynch · 4 years ago
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wren margaret [aka ‘birdie’] 
twenty six. math prodigy. chai latte addict. 
needs: a family that i can stick her in lol so if you need a sister and think she might fit hmu!!  i’m also hoping to snag a rivals to lovers plot OR a teenage exes reconnecting ten years later type deal. tbh she needs a lil bit of everything so friends, enemies, etc. etc. etc. pls 
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shortnsweetner · 4 years ago
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allura moore. twenty six. firefighter with nyfd. bastard. 
looking for: all her four of her older half siblings, mom had an affair with a wealthy man who she stopped sleeping with after she found out she was pregnant with triplets. only found out in the past 6 months who their bio father was, and connected with the family. pls hmu if you want in on this big messy family. 
** triplets do not need to be identical but are more than welcome to be. 
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pcrks · 4 years ago
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thirty / struggling filmmaker / lucas bravo
easygoing, considerate, honest • brought up in a two bedroom apartment in new york city as the youngest of three • simply wants to make art that people will appreciate • bartends at a swanky joint in manhattan most nights to pay the rent • playlist
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vimefataale · 4 years ago
alias & pronouns: vi & she/her
other identifiers: i'm an avid tiktok and twitter user lol do with that as u will
timezone & sun sign: gmt+7 & pisces!!
favorite plots & tropes: tight-knit family and friend groups, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, any - to lovers, anything somft with a dash of angst, dysfunctional family with tons of trauma (!!!), found family, idk any type of hurt and comfort
what are you most excited about/what do you want to see on sleepy eyed?: anything and everything!!
favorite nyc movie: the devil wears prada, breakfast at tiffany's, and um... rosemary's baby (???)
give us your top 4 emojis, we wanna see sumthin: 🥺💔😏🥰
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blckholesun · 4 years ago
alias & pronouns: jane / she & her timezone & sun sign: pst/gmt-8 / cancer favorite plots & tropes: big dumb families, enemies to reluctant partners to lovers, the angry girl and the soft boy, friends who are actually friends, everyone's connected and it's too much what are you most excited about/what do you want to see on sleepy eyed?: i just love bridgerton so much the society vibes are for me favorite nyc movie: home alone 2 give us your top 4 emojis, we wanna see sumthin: 😂😭🤷🏻‍♀️✌🏻
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bloomeyes · 4 years ago
alias & pronouns: etoile, she/her timezone & sun sign: central and taurus/gemini cusp! favorite plots & tropes: childhood friends, work and school rivalries, big family plots and friends so close they might as well be family, exes becoming friends or foes, really anything multifaceted with plenty of room for development over time!  what are you most excited about/what do you want to see on sleepy eyed?: i am interested in the site concept a lot, and seeing the magic of new york city on a fun and inclusive site!  favorite nyc movie: confessions of a teenage drama queen give us your top 4 emojis, we wanna see sumthin: 💕🎉🌈🌊
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johnhughesendings · 4 years ago
alias & pronouns: lys, she and her.
timezone & sun sign: brt (gmt -3), leo.
favorite plots & tropes: found families, strong girl friendships, forbidden lovers, enemies to lovers, big familes, anything dramatic.
what are you most excited about/what do you want to see on sleepy eyed?: ngl i am a ho for anything high society and aristocratic like.
favorite nyc movie: the devil wears prada, you've got mail.
give us your top 4 emojis, we wanna see sumthin: 😂😭💕✌🏻
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strangebeginnings · 4 years ago
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vincenzo ‘enzo’ lombardi / 30 / disinherited fuck boy
born in rome, hasn’t stepped foot in italy in the last decade • womaniser (read as previously rich fuckboy) • should have inherited his father’s duca title, the title will now pass to his younger brother • owns a nightclub he bought before he was cut off, mainly uses it as a place to meet women 
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