burnertracfone · 7 months
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Untitled by Sleepymaid
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
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Miss Dawn is giving Sleepyhead a peaceful moment of hypnotic reverie.
Artwork by Sleepymaid
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doublegrinch · 1 year
Do you have a favorite bit of hypno-community media?
Oh gosh, don't make me choose XD
Okay, to even have a chance at answering this, I'm gonna have to divide by type. Get ready for an avalanche of shoutouts.
Literary media
My personal niche! The cop-out answer here is "pretty much everything Jukebox ever wrote", since there's so much to pick from.
I can't pick just one, so
Subroutine by @kallie-den is single-handedly responsible for me having a "drone phase" (yes it was a phase, mom!)
If we go older, a lot of Trilby Else's stories go waaay too dark for me, but Purpose strikes just the right balance of enticing and pitch dark. Very much CW: noncon, implied self-harm and other very dark stuff
Gotta mention the OG fave and inspiration for Mind Play, Busman's Holiday by Wiseguy
Going Down Gamblin' by @h-sleepingirl is genius
@modren83's Whiteout, one of the all-time greats
@skaetlett's Bouquet Bound is peak Skaetcore and I love it for that reason alone (and also it's very good)
And of course, The Love and Trances of Madison and Belladonna by @misscammiedawn. No I'm not just saying that cuz it's you asking, it's legit an inspiration for my personal "lovey dovey scenes between partners" style :)
I'm forgetting some others (like, I can't pick just *one* @ellaenchanting story, that's impossible). I just like a lot of smut okay??
Okay, so I have a bias for my friends here. I have a number of people I know who do files on occasion (yourself included!) that I adore. Also shout out to my friend Pling (who isn't on tumblr) for his very very good files on Patreon. And of course, the ridiculously talented and prolific @secret-subject.
My go-to "underrated fave" though is Secret's Please Hold, a very cleverly produced track about a help line with very interesting hold music. Extra bonus points for the version where the person you're trying to reach picks up the phone at the end ^^
Visual Media
There's a specific comic by Sleepymaid that's not online anymore about a "hypnosis diner" where two ladies go to dine. One asks for obliviousness, the other for robotization. Just a very nice combo.
Also this piece by Keeper of Pots. Something about the expression on the girl with the fan.
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tornblackjacket · 4 months
Who are your favourite hypno artists? Your influences, inspiration? I love love love Lewdzko and SleepyMaid stuff
Those two are great, but honestly Sue Chan is my all time favorite. Something about the non-digital art feels wonderfully nostalgic, and she does an incredible job with poses and expressions. Plus, I highly prefer a more classic/cliche depiction of hypnosis (not really into mind control tech) which she absolutely nails every time. I’m also asexual, and her art is in that sweet spot of being kinky without feeling grossly erotic. I don’t think any of her art actually has nudity or sex in it, and that is perfect perfect perfect for my taste! No judgment if anyone’s into the more intensely sexual stuff, I just don’t find it appealing.
I also love @nettleseeds-art. They’re great at creating fun OCs with unique and clever designs. Obviously, I’m not anywhere close to their level of skill yet, but maybe one of these days I’ll get there.
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cyberbun · 3 months
call me sleepymaid the way i wanna go back to sleep.
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hypnoness · 2 months
I think I may know which man & woman hypno image you're thinking of, there's an absolute classic by SleepyMaid with that description:
Post ID 39996 on hypnohub has the spiral screens but there's also an animated gif version that uses more of a drifty color gradient thing
2389299 on R34
for that people who asked me too, a mutual actually made an insta-reply in my dms when i posted and told me it was sleepymaid indeed, but you may want to take a look and this indications are crystal clear, it was one of the first illustrations (not mainstream like a series or movie) that i saw relating to hypnosis as a kink, thanks for the reply!
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spellbounddraws · 1 year
Hi, uhm, sorry if this is a weird ask but I'm looking for a specific gif I saw a month or so ago. It was hypnosis, two people sitting on a couch one girl one boy watching a TV that told them to dress and undress ect, and it looked kind of like your art but Tumblrs blog search function can suck ass and I didn't see it, but I did see a post you made mentioning a video tumblr flagged that you were trying to turn into a gif that sounded like it could have been it? If you're the artist for it or know who is I would really appreciate any help. I wanna find it again for, uh... reasons 😵‍💫
Oh that gif was actually made by an artist called Sleepymaid, who seems to be a big name in the community, but I’m not personally a fan of them.
As for the video you’re talking about, I forgot
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p0cket-watch · 2 years
This is the gif by sleepymaid, of the man and the woman being hypnotised on the couch: https://hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=42135.
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burnertracfone · 7 months
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Untitled by Sleepymaid
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bungerc0re · 3 months
im a world renowned sleepymaid. but other things are more important.
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tick-tock-girl · 8 months
inquiry: what hypnosis porn do you like, are there any creators you recommend
ibenz009 manages to get Really Good Stuff every single time; lots of fun corruption/tf/tgtf stuff.
sleepymaid is also a staple of the genre
writing-wise, i like kallie and GigglingGoblin quite a bit
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cyberbun · 8 months
did you like snow daze?
if you mean that one incest hypno game, I bought it but it looked painfully heterosexual and looking it up later on it really is. complete waste of sleepymaid art.
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mindboggeded · 2 years
Have you seen lewdzko or sleepymaid’s art?
I have! They’re like the staple of Hypno art tbh love their works. Some other good artists I also recommend are HypnoNeet and Brellom
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sweettist · 4 years
29, 30, 32, and 34 please
Hi hi, @bobfox0527 !
Thank you for the Asks!
I am worried you’ll be disappointed in my answers.
I didn’t grow up with a Hypno Kink.
I talk to a lot of people who mention they were into it forever. And they’d sneak away to have fun with Kinky Hypno material.
That wasn’t me.
I found hypnosis 2½ years ago. And when I found it, it was in a rather large and active community. I didn’t have to sneak away to experience Hypnosis.
With that disclaimer, on to my answers.
29. What’s your favourite hypno-themed image/caption/piece of art?
To be honest... I don’t have one. Or any.
Porn, whether it be video, written, or drawn, isn’t really my thing, Hypno or not.
I’ve always found the fantasies in my head to be hotter, even when I was younger.
My boyfriend reminds me that on Discord I’ve seen some Sleepymaid... and I like some of those... does that count?
I dont have a favorite, though.
30. What’s your favourite audio file/audio file producer?
I hate not being able to answer two questions, but I don’t listen to audiofiles, either.
I’m a HypnoDomme and I only go under for my boyfriend.
31. What’s your favourite book/movie/TV show that includes hypnosis?
I’m not really certain if “Dollhouse” counts as hypnosis.
If it doesn’t... then...
Disney’s Aladdin.
I mean, I have a whole Disney’s Aladdin collection. From pictures on my wall (one bigger than my tv!) to ornaments, from bowls/plates/cups/mugs to 2 stuffid genies.
I even have a porcelain carpet, about a foot high and 6 inches wide!
So yes, Aladdin. It does have hypnosis in it.
32. Describe your biggest fantasy involving hypnosis?
I actually wrote this separately.
The Memory Safe: A Hypno Fantasy
Thank you, so much, for the Asks!
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5 things to summon you: 1. Luffy's hat (you have to start with temptation yknow?) 2. A pocket watch (a must have for any hypno-dork) 3. A highly susceptible subject (who's more than okay with giving consent might I add) 4. A sleepymaid picture (must always reblog...) 5. Fresh chocolate chip cookies (who can resist such a temptation?!)
Dude, yes, I love it! 100% successful summon, good job! 
(Drops to 90% if the cookies are crunchy, those tasty fuckers need to melt in my mouth, hell yeah)
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mistralonyx · 7 years
Do you know any other blogs that post similar things to you?
Featuring submissive women with hypnotic content that mostly just cum their brains out - often featuring an image set and hard sex? No. I try to produce good, classy, and well thought out content. One of the reasons I started this blog was because I didn’t see a whole lot like it with that particular niche. Two of my favorite similar blogs have been taken down - so I cannot recommend those. However, some sites that may tweak part of your interest if you don’t follow them yet (each is different and unique in their own way but may have a bit of what I go for and thus an answer to your query - or perhaps not) 
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