#sleepy nars moment
not-another-robin · 2 years
Everyone draw martian manhunter now go
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Slipping away
Q: This is a short Drabble about domestic Jango. I’m from New Zealand like Temuera Morrison, and a song that I hear all the time is Matt Merritt and the Meteors Slipping Away which is a really beautiful song that , even though is talking about separating from the one you love, I’ve always connected with love so theres this! Haha. Might make a part two if you guys like it💙
And here is the original song
Warnings: None!
Words: 569
It’s late morning. The sun shines thru the open windows filling you with warmth as you bustle about the kitchen. You hum quietly under your breath as you work away, making breakfast for Boba, maybe even Jango, though you don’t know if he’ll want to sleep or not, seeing he just got back from another hunt. You never saw this kind of life for you and Jango. After nearly getting killed on Geonosis, Jango took Boba and you from Kamino to this small planet on the outer rim. It’s been about a year now, and Jango is bringing home steady money from bounty hunting, he and you built a little house out in the country, maybe thirty minutes from a small town, and Boba goes to a local school at the town on weekdays. Life is good. Domestic. Beautiful.
“Muuuuuuummmm! Do you know where my books aaaarrree ?”
Bobas voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You lean over the bench to look around into Bobas room.
“Boba! Be quiet, your buirs trying to sleep.”
You whisper yell. Sighing you say “There on the dinner table. Please, my love, try not to wake your buir.”
You feel a warm body press up behind you. “Too late meshla” You look behind yourself and see your husband, Jango Fett, in his sleep pants and blue shirt, with his hair charmingly disheveled.
“Mmmmmm, morning Jango.”
Jango wraps his arms around your waist from behind you, placing his head on your shoulder. You turn your head to face him, only to be met by his lips on your forehead.
“Morning ridduir .”
You turn around and grasp him in a soft hug, burying your face into his chest. He still has that morning smell, earthy and a little sweaty, but purely him. You just stay like that for a moment, soaking him in.
“Baby girl, let me do something for a second.”
You let go of Jango, and he reaches over to behind you, on the bench, and turns on a small radio. Up comes on Matt Merrit and the Meteors singing your song.
“Come here, baby”
Baby, I’ve been watching you, watching everything you do.”
You hold on tight to Jango, hands around his neck, while he is around your waist, his face in between your shoulder and neck, yours resting on his shoulder.
And I just can’t help but feeling someone else is stealing you away from me.”
You and Jango start to rock gently side to side. It’s so slow and beautiful, it melts you.
I see it written in your eyes, and you confirm it with your lies, though this web you weave can hold me, I would rather that you told me where you wanna be
Jango pulls out from your neck to look you in the eyes, a small sleepy smile on his face. Then he starts to sing to you
Ohhhhh, you’re slipping away from me,
His voice is a little ruff from sleep, but still so soft yet hearty, it makes you blush furiously, even though you’re his wife
ohhh your slipping away from me
He places his forehead on yours, still singing softly
And it’s breaking me in two, watching you, slipping away
“I’m never gonna let you slip away my love” You look up at Jango and give a loving kiss. “Your never getting away from me Jango, Nar Katar”
And it’s breaking me in two, watching you, slipping away...
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
WIP Wednesday Whenever (because I am late and got tagged in about 5 of these that I never did 😭)
Tagged by the wonderful @sleepswithvillains 💛
Thanks to my troubles sleeping as of late I finally got inspiration to write something and even better, it's focused on Rexia (poor girl hasn't gotten enough love from me)
WIP of a short fic of teen Rexia dealing with insomnia and having a fluffy moment with her parents.
The silence was numbing. It always was. It was incredible how quiet their home could be at night considering it was suspended above Nar Shadaa, but she supposed it was made that way for a reason. 
Rexia sighed and slid out of bed to look at the colorful neon out the window. Her footsteps on the sleek flooring could practically echo as it alone filled the room. The teen had always had insomnia, and it got worse since her sisters were sent off to Korriban. She worried for their safety often. Not that she doubted their abilities, but she didn't trust others to not play dirty.
The youth turned heel, strode to her door, and watched it slide open with a gentle *whoosh*. It was late and since her mother returned from fighting the eternal empire Rexia checked on her often, scared she would disappear again. 
Those gentle pats of her feet on the cold floor got a little quieter once she stepped onto the long ornate rug in the hall between the rooms. Their 2V unit was patrolling the landing pad, as he usually did at this time of night. She had memorized his pattern. First he loops the dining and living space, where he would also clean if needed, then he went down to the lower docking bay that is connected to the training area the girls spent so many hours in growing up. Once those areas were secure, the droid would make his way up one of the flights of stairs into the main hall where the bedrooms were, then he would head to the entrance landing pad. Then repeat. He was efficient, that much was for sure. He was upgraded from the nanny bot he used to be many years ago so he could protect them. Rexia felt safer when he was around.
She had finally made her way across the hall and made sure her parents were truly asleep before opening the door by listening for their soft snores. When it opened she found the heartwarming sight of her parents snuggled close together and fast asleep. Her father, Malavai, hadn't let her mother go since she arrived back home. Distance really had made his heart grow fonder, and she didn't think it was possible for him to love his wife more than he already did. 
A soft noise snapped the teen from her daze as her mother stirred awake. "Rexia?" The torguta woman called in her sleepy state. "Are you alright, my heart?"
"Just fine, mom" her daughter replied "can't sleep.. so I came to check on you"
Mavasha shifted more so she was on her back, waking Malavai only enough for him to get comfortable again on her chest and fall right back into his slumber. Her right arm lazily draped over his back as her left reached out to Rexia. "Come here, my little girl, lay with us" she insisted. Rexia was a young teen now, but she would always be her mother's little girl. She smiled softly and accepted the invitation to lay against her mother. She felt comfortable and safe there, even if sleep would most likely evade her.
"I miss my sisters" she mumbled before starting to feel her matriarch's clawed fingers comb her short hair. 
"I miss them too, Rexia… but they will return home, and until then we have you, and you have us." Mavasha told her reassuringly and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Rexia saw her mother in battle many times, it still surprised her when she would remember that outside of the family her mother was a bloodthirsty dark lord, one that made even the largest rancor shake with fear. She had always known her as this tender and loving mother.
"I'm glad you're back mom… Things were hard without you, and it was hard to see dad so lost" the girl mumbled and broke the brief silence as she looked over her father's features. She still remembered his exhausted expression and his sad demeanor when Mavasha went missing. He had really lost part of himself, all of them did. 
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Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? neither, iTunes lol but I guess spotify
is your room messy or clean? clean, I’m a Capricorn 
what color are your eyes? brown
do you like your name? why? yep, it’s unique 
what is your relationship status? newly single...again
describe your personality in 3 words or less determined, curious, sleepy
what color hair do you have? brown 
what kind of car do you drive? color? in my dreams its a black mercedes suv lol
where do you shop? Nordstrom, Rails
how would you describe your style? casual but trendy, warm but soft, a sex dream
favorite social media account? the ‘gram
what size bed do you have? queen
any siblings? yep
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? london because it felt more like home than anywhere else i’ve lived
favorite snapchat filter? do people still snap?
favorite makeup brand(s) marc jacobs, hourglass, nars
how many times a week do you shower? 3
favorite tv show? yes
shoe size? 5
how tall are you? 5′1″
sandals or sneakers? sneakers
do you go to the gym? nah but if soul cycle and other gyms weren't so fucking expensive and donated to trump then lets get cut, but I guess planet fitness will do lol or my living room 
describe your dream date. walking through the met in the late afternoon to watch them observe art, so they could observe art (me) and then walk through central park to the uws and get dinner somewhere delicious, then go to a fun bar like e’s or jacob’s pickles for drinks, then dessert and then a nice make out session
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? like $2 lol
what color socks are you wearing? white with purple
how many pillows do you sleep with? 2
do you have a job? what do you do? real estate agent, professional over thinker, former stage manager
how many friends do you have? like 5 lol
whats the worst thing you have ever done? I could probably think of something that I did when I was like in high school thats stupid now, but when my sister was pregnant, I thought really upsetting thoughts at my unborn nephew because I was jealous and I could sense she was gonna go away and he ends up having special needs and she did go away and sometimes is still away 
whats your favorite candle scent? something with bergamot, cozy af
3 favorite boy names noah, oliver, michael
3 favorite girl names lea, olivia, amelia
favorite actor? evan peters
favorite actress? kerry washington or reese witherspoon
who is your celebrity crush? evan peters
favorite movie? peter pan (2003)
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? yes, but sometimes I forget to. favorite book is probably something by john green lol
money or brains? brains make money
do you have a nickname? what is it? many 
how many times have you been to the hospital? once
top 10 favorite songs stupid love by lady gaga, rolling in the deep by adele, fool by fitz, runaway by mat kearney, adventure of a lifetime by coldplay, thunder by imagine dragons, have it all by jason mraz, you and i by jason mraz, sit next to me by foster the people, and drive by by train
do you take any medications daily? yes
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) combo normal-dry
what is your biggest fear? dying alone or falling off a high surface
how many kids do you want? zero
whats your go to hair style? beach waves
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) medium sized 3-bed apt
who is your role model? a few, but the actresses above who do good for womxn, bipoc and marginalized groups in all areas
what was the last compliment you received? that i looked cute today
what was the last text you sent? “perfect”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? I think like 5 or 6 when I noticed Santa had the same handwriting as my Dad
what is your dream car? black suv 
opinion on smoking? cigs- nah, weed- ya
do you go to college? sure did
what is your dream job? Broadway / resident PSM at a regional theater
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? the ‘burbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? not unless its brand name
do you have freckles? a few
do you smile for pictures? yea
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 871 or somethin
have you ever peed in the woods? yea
do you still watch cartoons? does bob’s burgers count
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? chickie nuggies from wendys
Favorite dipping sauce? ranch
what do you wear to bed? t-shirt/tank with long pj pants but if it’s hot then pj shorts
have you ever won a spelling bee? lol no, never been in one
what are your hobbies? shopping, podcast listening, baby witch things, sleeping, watching tv & movies, youtube makeup videos, makeup
can you draw? lol nope
do you play an instrument? i think I can still play the piano but idk
what was the last concert you saw? lady gaga 
tea or coffee? no
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? depends on what im ordering
do you want to get married? yea
what is your crush’s first and last initial? GM
are you going to change your last name when you get married? maybe, if it sounds good
what color looks best on you? bright colors
do you miss anyone right now? yea
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed
do you believe in ghosts? yea
what is your biggest pet peeve? tardiness
last person you called? mom
favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? chocolate 
what shirt are you wearing? wearing a dress rn
what is your phone background? colorful dots
are you outgoing or shy? yes
do you like it when people play with your hair? usually
do you like your neighbors? all the old people in this building can be quite rude 
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? yes
have you ever been high? yes
have you ever been drunk? yes
last thing you ate? spaghetti with balsamic tomato somethin-something I made from HelloFresh 
favorite lyrics right now “fooled me for the last time, feels good to be freed”
summer or winter? summer
day or night? day
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk
favorite month? june
what is your zodiac sign cap
who was the last person you cried in front of? I think my ex as we broke up again? 
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sweetimagines · 6 years
Rebellious Passion
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Pairing: Armitage Hux x Poe Dameron
Description: Gingerpilot week - Day 7 - Orange appreciation. 
Warnings: None I can think of.
Word Count: 1787
A/N: This was supposed to be a super quick fic but the details just kept coming. 
It’s an unusually quiet day on the Finalizer’s bridge. Even though it’s war time, the galaxy still feels it’s necessary to celebrate Valentine’s Day, meaning there’s no X-Wings to blast down and it would be insensitive to plan an attack on the Resistance base while they’re unprepared - leaving out the fact that the First Order has no clue to where their new base is located.
If it weren't for the third cup of extra strong caf General Hux had this morning, he’d be blinking sleepy eyes from boredom.
Surprisingly, “Supreme Leader” Ren is taking part in the nonsense festivities, locked in his chambers with his - invisible - scavenger girlfriend. 
Poe had informed Armitage beforehand that even the traitor - FN-2187 - has a date with the Otomok biter. Apparently, he doesn't want to be the only one alone. 
Hux assured him that there would be plenty of people lonesome for the holiday. That earned him a hard hang up of their comm call. He later learned it’s rude, if you have a partner, to not spend Valentine’s with them. 
However, he can’t have anyone knowing he’s involved with rebel scum. He’d be executed, or worse. Dameron doesn’t seem to understand that.
Despite the fact that he rejected the unscheduled meeting, Armitage can’t stop thinking about letting Poe down. The monotony of the bridge isn’t helping him keep his mind busy, but that’s just about to change in an epic way.
One of Hux’s officers arrives at the bridge, carrying a gigantic bouquet of flowers. He only recognizes the man when he speaks. 
“These are for you, sir.” Lieutenant Mitaka hands them over.
The General scoffs, his eyebrows raised as he holds the bouquet to the side. “What is the meaning of this, Lieutenant?” 
“Oh... They’re not from me, sir. There’s a card.” Mitaka points at the piece of folded flimsi and gets back to his station before Hux has a change to investigate further.
General Hux has a feeling he knows who they’re from and is just about to confirm when he notices all his officers are staring at him. “Have you no work to do?” Immediately, everyone gets back to their duties.
He squares his shoulders and strides out of the bridge, leaving behind the fruty fragrance of Everlily on the air and a few peach hued petals on the ground.
Armitage loosens up only when he’s inside the concealment of his chambers. He takes a seat on his ice blue couch, settling the bouquet on the caf table and retrieving the card. He chortles at the bad poetry but smiles at the fact that it’s handwritten - even if Poe’s letters are sloppy and difficult to read.
Roses are red, 
My flight suit is orange,
And so is your hair. 
Happy Valentine’s day, Hugs.
Of couse Dameron wouldn’t let anything stop him from being a good boyfriend. Undoubtedly he’s been planing this for a while because a bouquet of Everlilies is very expensive and he’s probably not earning much on a Resistance Commander salary. 
Hux is aware of how harsh it was to deny a hopeless romantic a date on Valentine’s Day. He hasn’t got the first idea how to fix that, though, since he has never had a Valentine before.
The thuds of someone knocking on his door interrupt his line of thought.
“What is it?” Hux questions irritated, getting back to his cold, autocratic self.
“Apologies, sir! We have received another package for you.” Mitaka shouts as the door slides open.
The General takes the small, medium weight, mysterious box with a bow on top and dismisses his assistant. 
The box contains two carrot cupcakes with bitter chocolate frosting and a bottle of ginger ale. 
Armitage feels specially guilty now as he reads the small heart shaped card.
Enjoy your breakfast.
Hugs and kisses from your Flyboy!
It’s simple and sweet and absolutely something that would normally sicken Armitage. Instead he’s charmed. Poe really is a master at romantic gestures. 
Hux doesn’t want Dameron to think he doesn’t care so he’ll follow his boyfriend’s actions to try and make things right. He summons Lieutenant Mitaka to his quarters with flimsiplast and pens.
His assistant turns up with the required items and another gift. At this point, General Hux is not surprised anymore. 
“Lieutenant, how would you make a Valentine’s Day card?” Armitage asks reluctantly in a low voice - in case anyone is eavesdropping. After all, he needs every bit of help he can get.
“I wouldn’t know, sir. I can research people’s preferred methods if you’d like.” 
“No. I better do that myself.” Hux can’t have “Valentine’s Day card how to” on the First Order net database.
Mitaka nods before getting back to work. The door to General Hux’s chambers shuts closed with a thump as he sets the new present on his desk, reading Poe’s card in hopes to find some inspiration there.
I am the spark that will light the fire in your pants! 
That’s not exactly the kind of enthusiasm Armitage was expecting to find, an involuntary blush tints his cheeks red and a shy smirk curls his lip. 
He wonders how a single sentence from Poe has more effect on him than an entire meeting about military strategies or finally finishing the design to a modified Tie fighter after long hours of work. 
Maybe Poe is right and he’s misguided in his passions. He’s already sick and tired of having to bow to Kylo Ren’s petty revenge crusade. Being constantly humiliated and abused is most definitely feeding his doubts. 
Perhaps it really is time to consider other ways to put his specialties to use. Just not this exact second, now he has to receive his boyfriend’s extreme affection and then find a way to retribute.
Hux lets out a single high-pitched giggle as he opens the package to find not only a pumpkin spice scented candle but also two short plush coral Porg. Ever since the Wookie adopted those creatures, Dameron is obsessed with them.  
Armitage comms Dameron from his personal encrypted commlink. There’s no way he’ll allow his boyfriend to spend Valentine’s Day alone anymore.
“Changed your mind about celebrating, Hugs?” Poe’s voice is cocky. Hux has no doubt that was his plan all along.
“Congratulations, rebel. You have successfully coerced me into inviting you over.” 
Dameron chuckles proudly, making Hux roll his eyes.
“Don’t gloat or else I’ll change my mind.” An empty threat and they both know it. “I’ll have Phasma escort you safely to my chambers while Lieutenant Mitaka erases your landing from the records.”
“I know the drill, Hugs.” They’ve done that one too many times and Armitage can feel from Poe’s voice that the dirty secret is starting to take a toll on him. 
He fears soon his boyfriend will start to weigh the pros and cons of their relationship and realize he made a mistake. Hopefully tonight he can score on the pros.
 “I didn’t have time to buy you a gift, though.” Hux already let him down enough for one day so he might as well be honest.
“I wasn’t expecting one. See you in a bit, Ginger.” 
“Don’t be too long, Pilot.” 
Captain Phasma delivers Dameron safely to General Hux’s chambers. She’s not on board with the relationship but knows it will happen with or without her help and she’d rather see Hux in one piece, so making sure no one spots a Resistance Commander walking freely around the Finalizer is now part of her job.
Armitage regard Poe’s appearance and is awestruck. He’s surprisingly not on his flight suit, but a nice leather jacket over a cream shirt and BB-8 is not trailing his every step. He even shaved and doesn’t smell like engine oil. 
“You look nice, Dameron.” No matter what he’s wearing, Hux always fancies him.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Hugs.” Dameron kisses his cheek and Phasma leaves. It’s not visible through her mask, but she most certainly rolled her eyes. 
“What are your plans?” 
“I thought we could holonetflix and chill.” Poe guides Armitage to the bed. “I brought snacks.” He hands him a clear plastic bag.
It contains peach flavored and colored sour gummy X-Wings with black liquorice details, bittersweet jellybeans with cantaloupe essence, dyed soft orange and sweethearts candy shaped and tinted to match his astromech with the words “BB MINE” stamped on it.
“You’re so corny.” Armitage teases as a defense mechanism to how he really feels - warm and fuzzy.
“And proud.” Poe sighs. “Oh, and I have one last gift for you.” He winks and hurriedly strips his shirt, tripping over while taking off his pants. 
“Orange underwear?” Hux raises and eyebrow as Dameron rubs the back of his head embarrassedly. “You have a problem, Dameron.” 
“I’m just honoring the origin of our love: The Orange Lady, Nar Shaddaa, Corellia.”
Armitage gasps at the meaning behind all the orange items he received. “That’s...” He’s at a loss for words.
“Mushy? Sappy? Silly?” Poe jokes.
“More like charming, endearing, honorable.” Hux sometimes doesn’t believe he scored such a wonderful man, specially from the opposite side of the war. 
Dameron kisses him the same he did when Hux first said “I love you.” and he’s left breathless.
The holoshow Dameron chose isn’t exactly to Hux’s taste but after everything that man did for him, watching a bad show is the least he can do.
“Did you like my cards?” Poe snuggles closer to Armitage’s chest.
“That poem was epically bad... but... sweet.” Hux admits reluctantly. Dameron has been able to soften him up to physical contact but emotional demonstrations of love are still hard for him. 
“That reminds me. I made you one after our comm call.” Armitage stands up and retrieves the card from his desk and watches as Poe reads it.
I love you so much I’d defect the First Order.
Happy Valentine’s day, Dameron.
PS: My last name is Hux.
“Do you mean it?” 
“Yes.” Hux doesn’t possess the kind of humor needed to make a joke like that. “I undoubtedly love you more than anything and I don’t want to lose you.” 
Poe stays silent, enjoying that moment for as long as he can. “I love you so kriffing much, Hux.” The use of his proper last name expresses that more than anything else ever could.
“I know.”
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andveryginger · 6 years
4. In front of the fireplace. For whoever strikes your fancy. ;)
This is AU. This is SO INCREDIBLY AU. ::glares at muses:: SO. INCREDIBLY. AU.
Mairen Taerich blinked wearily into the darkness. It was silence that woke her – a peaceful stillness that she had not felt all night: Despite their best efforts, tiny little Kalyan had been restless, unable or unwilling to sleep for more than a few minutes at a stretch. Each time he awoke alone in his bassinet, Mairen could feel a jolt of panic reverberating through her infant son, followed by a wail with lungs that would rival those of his adult siblings. She and Reanden had taken turns, pacing the floors of the Nar Shaddaa apartment, whispering, humming, and even quietly singing to try and soothe him. It was finally Reanden who managed to occupy their bright-eyed boy, reading to him while sending his exhausted wife to sleep.
Att first, her own sleep had been fitful, sensing the restlessness of both her husband and son, yet being unable to pinpoint the cause. She awakened at each sound – each time the doors rumbled open or closed; each time the circulation unit switched on; the murmur of voices as Reanden paced the floor with Kal. But then the fatigue finally won out, her body drawing her down into a deeper, less disturbed rest.
Throwing back the covers and swinging her feet to the floor, Mairen reached now for the robe that stayed at the foot of the bed. She slipped her arms into the sleeves as she rounded the footboard and made for the main corridor. The last time she had seen Reanden make a round, he had been headed for the den. Tying the sash of her robe, she padded toward the transparisteel door.
It lumbered aside with the usual clatter, louder now for the lack of other ambient sound. The room itself was dark. An orange glow emanated from the fireplace beside the door, warm light casting light and shadow as the flames flickered. There, lit only by the gentle glow, she could make out the features of her husband, body stretched across the overstuffed couch before the hearth. His eyes were closed and his features were relaxed in sleep. One hand lay on Kalyan’s back, arm propped by the back of the sofa, the little boy sound asleep on his chest. His other arm had slipped from his charge and draped now over the side and onto the floor.
Mairen felt an unmistakable knot form in her throat, eyes stinging. From the beginning, Kalyan had been nothing short of a miracle: Conceived by a mother of advanced age, from a father who believed his parenthood days well behind. His presence had been a surprise to both and she remembered well the way in which color drained from Reanden’s features as the doctor offered the news, the nausea that overwhelmed him. For one brief, terrifying moment, she worried whether he wanted the child – wanted her – wanted them. This helpless little knot of energy, stirring within her… their son.
And then she realized: It wasn’t that he didn’t want them. Quite the contrary – he loved being a father, and regretted, more than anything, not being able to raise his own children. But it was overwhelming, the prospect of being a father again, now, when his own children were approaching their third decade. It had been that feeling – soaring panic and fear – she felt coursing through him, mingling with her own.
Then, as reality settled, came joy – sheer, unadulterated joy, as he cradled her head in his hands. Tears spilled down both their cheeks and he kissed her triumphantly. In ten years, she couldn’t remember seeing or sensing him that happy… at least, not since the night of her rescue. It was going to be a long road, but one they would travel together. As long as they were together, they thought, they could handle anything.
The pregnancy certainly tested the limits of their connection. Morning sickness had been a particular plague for another month; hormonal mood swings for the remainder; and the three elder Taerich children – Xaja and Korin, especially – had been unsure how to react to the news. Neither had been outright hostile, but it was clear the idea of a baby half-sibling was discomfiting. That they only had six months to adjust certainly didn’t help.
Despite his eldest children’s concerns, Reanden couldn’t help but be ecstatic, his excitement reverberated frequently through their connection. In the later months, it would send Kalyan into a round of somersaults and kicks. Mairen couldn’t bring herself to fuss at either of the men in her life, however: She knew what a miracle she had, both in her son and in her husband.
And now those two miracles lay together, finally at rest after a fitful night. Her heart swelled.
Swiping away the errant tear that escaped her eye, she knelt beside the couch. One hand swept over the soft, downy head of her son, the other coming to rest on the shoulder of her husband. Kalyan snuffled in his sleep, but settled back, little jaw working as he stilled; his father stirred gently, blinking until he looked up to Mai. “Hi,” she whispered.
A sleepy, lopsided smirk twitched at his lips. “Hi,” he whispered in response. The smirk widened as she leaned in to kiss him, tenderly and slowly. “Something you want to tell me?”
Mairen gave a chuckle, shaking her head. “If you haven’t figured it out already, you handsome old bastard, I’m not going to tell you.” She smiled at their son. “Let’s get him back to his bed.”
Standing, she carefully extracted the auburn-headded little boy from his father, cradling him gently to her chest. He sighed. Curling closer to his mother, she placed a kiss on his forehead. Reanden stood behind her, his hand coming to rest against the small of her back.
Moving together, they padded across the hall, silence broken only by the rumbling of the doors as the etched transparisteel slid aside. The scent of baby powder lingered, fresh and clean, as they entered the nursery, yellow stars splayed over the ceiling from a small lamp. Mairen eased Kalyan carefully down into his own bed. He hummed as he sprawled out across the mattress, but didn’t wake. Along their connection, she could feel his sense of peace and relaxation, neither of which had been present before. Their restless night was over for the moment, it seemed.
She stood watching as Reanden reached down and smoothed a finger over Kalyan’s cheek. The little boy gave a smile in his sleep, echoed by his father. Mairen could only chuckle and shake her head. The crotchety old spy she once knew was completely smitten by their months-old son… and she loved every minute of it.
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theloneliestshipper · 7 years
Anyone requested Bossk yet? Boba and Bossk were good friends/rivals since Boba was young and it was quite an interesting story how Bossk was totally pissed off by Boba because he rejected his offer to join the bounty hunter guild. Also the edition version of ROTJ added a scene where Boba casually flirts with an alien lady. Since then I always thought Boba has a thing for alien species. If you know what I mean. *lenny face*
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing,” Bossk hissed.
Boba’s eyes narrowed behind his his helmet’s visor. He’d known the Trandoshan bounty hunter a long time, well over a decade now, and he knew something was wrong. He was restless, shifting his weight from side to side, clenching and unclenching his thick, scaly hands. That was unusual. His species didn’t need to move around the way humans did during long periods of inactivity, a trait that Boba sometimes envied.
Also, there was a smell. A certain musky odor that seemed to be clinging to him. It could have been the room, this tattered little rental with a lumpy bed and mildewed walls, conveniently across the street from their quarry’s favorite casino. But it wasn’t.
“He’s not coming out,” Bossk said, raising the bi-scope to his eyes. “He’s s-staying the night. Probably with that dancer.” He lowered the scope quickly and hunched a little as if reacting to a sudden pain.
“Are you injured?”
Boba didn’t like playing the question and answer game. “I don’t need any surprises on this job. He’s not going to go down without a fight, and if you can’t fight-”
“I can fight,” Bossk interrupted. “I want a fight. All this s-s-sitting around. I don’t like it. Maybe we could…we could lure him out.”
The hiss the Trandoshan usually tried to suppress was becoming pronounced, a sign that he was angry or upset. And the smell was getting stronger. The air was ripe with it. “Enough,” Boba growled. “Tell me what this is, or I’ll find someone else.”
The Trandoshan’s orange eyes gleamed at him in the dim light of the little room. “I’m…in my green phase. It’s…like a…heat?”
It took Boba a few seconds to get it. “A mating heat?”
“Yesss.” His eyes seemed to glow even brighter. “Bad timing for this job.”
“You don’t have shots you can take?”
Bossk turned back to the window. “They make me s-s-sleepy. Can’t do much.” His head lowered, and his voice turned gruff. “I can still work like thisss. I won’t let you down.”
“I know you won’t.” Boba folded his arms over his chest. “I’m not some ignorant hick, Bossk. I’ve been around non-humans my entire life. How do you usually handle the green phase without shots?”
“S-s-some drinks can help. Stimulants. The best way is to rut it out, but that requires a mate.”
“Another Trandoshan?”
“Any species, if they’re s-s-strong enough..”
Boba moved over to the other window and looked out at the casino. Bossk was probably right about their target. He wouldn’t emerge until morning. “How long does it usually last?”
“A day or two.”
“Like I s-s-said, I can still work. Wish I had something to do. Take my mind off of it.” His teeth ground together in frustration.
Looking at his massive reptilian mouth, Boba had a thought. “Trandoshans…they don’t give blowjobs, do they?”
“Not the s-s-same way.” Bossk extended his long tongue, gleaming with thick saliva. Boba found himself staring at it, intrigued and little aroused, before he remembered the row of jagged teeth just behind it. Yeah, maybe not.
“What about getting blowjobs? You ever had one from a human?”
“Yesss,” the brightness of his eyes suggested it was a happy memory. “There was a man on Nar Shaddaa once. He was small, but fierce. Like you.”
“I’m not small,” Boba protested immediately.
“You’re a human. You’re all small and weak.”
“Kark you. I was going to offer to help, but I don’t suck off xenophobes.”
“You were…” Bossk stared at him for a moment, then let out a rough guffaw. “You barely open your mouth to talk…I don’t think you could-”
“You think I haven’t been with a non-human before?” The fact that the breadth of his experience was one non-human didn’t seem relevant. Bossk was treating him like a child, a dynamic he thought they’d outgrown.
“Pleasuring a Trandoshan is not the same as pleasuring some spice-addled Twi’lek.”
“It wasn’t a…you know what? Forget it. Forget I said anything.”
“I wasn’t trying to insult you, Fett.” Bossk shifted a little, and made a huffing noise that might have been a sigh. “It was generousss of you offer. I know you don’t like…to get personal.”
“It’s your loss,” Boba replied coldly.
“Jus-s-st as well. Look.”
His attention went back to the casino. Their target was leaving. “Let’s go.”
Bossk reached for his gun and huffed in relief. “Time for a fight.”
For anyone doooobie doooobie do interested, there is an alternate smut ending to this fic here.
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1. Who was the last person you held hands with? yao
2. Are you outgoing or shy? depends how I feel and the situation usually lean towards outgoing but I have my moments of shyness
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? my friends and my mum
4. Are you easy to get along with? I like to think so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I don’t like anyone but I’m sure my friends would
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?                                                charming and witty
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? doubt it
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Jesus......???? haha no one
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? nah it is perfectly natural
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? yao
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “Yeah it’s insane”
12. What are your 5 favourite songs right now? Taylor Swift - betty                                                                                              Taylor Swift - The last great american dynasty                                                    The Heads and the Heart - Rivers and Roads                                              Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way                                                                  Machine Gun Kelly & Halsey - forget me too
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? eh sometimes it can be nice sometimes I can only think about dirty hands on my hair
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? yeah sure
15. What good thing happened this summer? I finally started my driving lessons and overcame my fear
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? eh if it happens it happens but if not I’ll live
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? I hope so
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? nope
19. Do you like bubble baths? yep
20. Do you like your neighbours? yep they’re chill
21. What are your bad habits? nosiness
22. Where would you like to travel? Hawaii, Japan, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Australia, America, Canada literally EVERYWHERE!!! 
23. Do you have trust issues? ehhhh I have issues but idk if trust is my main one
24. Favourite part of your daily routine? making lunch and a smoothie yum
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? my hips and thighs like why are you so big!!!!
26. What do you do when you wake up? check my phone for the time
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? just a lil tan wouldn’t hurt... a nice golden glow yenno
28. Who are you most comfortable around? myself
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? nope! whoops haha
30. Do you ever want to get married? possibly
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? yes 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Saoirse Ronan and Timothee Chalamet 
33. Spell your name with your chin. bnzrerejketr (no where near)
34. Do you play sports? What sports? netball
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? surprisingly tv... music has been a solace in the pandemic and can’t give it up
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? ofc
37. What do you say during awkward silences? nothing just let the awkwardness seep in 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? thinks I am witty and charming ahah
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? asos... I guess I shop on instead of in
40. What do you want to do after high school? go to uni. check! now what? who knows
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends if there are people waiting for their first
42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m daydreaming
43. Do you smile at strangers? more like I try to have a neutral face
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ocean forever
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? daylight
46. What are you paranoid about? being boring
47. Have you ever been high? yep
48. Have you ever been drunk? yep
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? no???
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? pink
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Jane Fonda
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my metabolism, it is so slow
53. Favourite makeup brand? nars and urban decay
54. Favourite store? asos
55. Favourite blog? ?????
56. Favourite colour? red
57. Favourite food? chinese
58. Last thing you ate? chocolate covered raisins
59. First thing you ate this morning? fish finger wrap
60. Ever won a competition? For what? yes!!! I won tickets to see hamilton in 2018 for my friend and I (!!!!!!) when I got the notification that I won I was shaking with excitement
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nope
62. Been arrested? For what? nope
63. Ever been in love? I have loved, but in love? who knows
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? I don’t remember it tbh haha
65. Are you hungry right now? I’m chilling
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? nope
67. Facebook or Twitter? Twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Twitter
69. Are you watching tv right now? nope
70. Names of your pets (If any)? used to have rabbits called, bonnie, pip and Barnaby but the first two past away and we had to re house the latter
71. Craving something? What? nah
72. What colour are your towels? sandy brown and pink
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? uno
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? nope
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? i used to have around 20 but now they’re down to 5 kept in a memory box
75. Favourite animal? dolphin
76. What colour is your underwear? black
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? coffee
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?                                                              pink
80. What colour pants? navy blue
81. Favourite tv show? gilmore girls, grace and frankie and the office (us)
82. Favourite movie? Bridget Jones’s Diary
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Kevin G haha
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Bruce
87. First person you talked to today? padre
88. Last person you talked to today? padre
89. Name a person you hate? my old estate agent
90. Name a person you love? family
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? nope
92. In a fight with someone? nope
93. How many sweatpants do you have? one purple pair and they’re so baggy and comfy I love them
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 2 - first is pink from glossier and the second is purple from hilfiger 
95. Last movie you watched? easy a
96. Favourite actress? saoirse ronan
97. Favourite actor? timothee chalamet
98. Do you tan a lot? not as much as I’d like
99. Have any pets? only fish
100. How are you feeling? sleepy
101. Do you type fast? ish
102. Do you regret anything from your past? that I didn’t learn to drive at 17
103. Can you spell well? I like to think so
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? nah
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? hmmm don’t think so
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? maybe
107. Have you ever been on a horse? yes
108. What should you be doing? sleeping
109. Is something irritating you right now? my back
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yes
111. Do you have a full length mirror in your room? yes
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? my family probably
113. What was your childhood nickname? H
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yep
115. Do you play the Wii? not anymore
116. Are you listening to music right now? yep - Taylor Swift, the archer
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yep
118. Do you like Chinese food? love
119. Favourite book? Ian McEwan Atonement
120. Are you afraid of the dark? not anymore
121. Are you mean? I try not to be
122. Is cheating ever okay? nah
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? yep
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no more like lust at first sight
125. Do you believe in true love? for sure
126. Are you currently bored? ofc
127. What makes you happy? socialising, shopping, drinking
128. Would you change your name? probably not
129. What your zodiac sign? aquarius
130. Do you like subway? yep 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? he wouldn’t, he is 110% gay
132. Who’s the last person you called? Betty but she didn’t answer 
133. Favourite lyrics right now? “I’m only 17, I don’t know anything but I know I miss you” - betty, Taylor Swift
134. Can you count to one million? nope and I wouldn’t care to try
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? that I owned a horse, no I didn’t, I just went riding
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed
137. How tall are you? 5′5
138. Curly or Straight hair? wavy
139. Brunette or Blonde? blonde
140. Summer or Winter? winter
141. Night or Day? night
142. Favourite month? september
143. Are you a vegetarian? nope
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? dark
145. Tea or Coffee? tea
146. Was today a good day? it was average
147. Mars or Snickers? snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote? “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay then it’s not the end” - Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movie
149. Do you believe in ghosts? nah
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Two years later, in spite of her doctor’s warnings, mother took a final stab at having a son” My Life So Far, Jane Fonda 
0 notes
theworstjedi · 4 years
Parental Issues
3636 BBY
The boy’s eyes were ringed with amber. Friyr Illustratum. A hefty name he had chosen for himself. The old Shadow recognized the solemn conventions of a Darth name too well to mistake it as a mere surname. She had spent too many years hunting after their misused and discarded artifacts. As a young woman, she had never had much consideration for the Sith she encountered. She had certainly never considered that an apprentice could be treated the same as an object. But here he was, Alema’s greatest moral objection and the last attachment binding her to the mortal plane.
“Sit down,” she said.
He did as he was told. His fingers curled around the sand of the garden beneath his knees. He drew in on himself, shivering and defeated.
Friyr had been her sister’s last padawan. She had raised many. Alema had raised none. Friyr was her first Sith but the last before her old age reconsumated her into the Force. He was the last frayed string of her life and Alema the only Jedi with the desire to resolve it.
Alema lowered herself onto the sand slowly before him, like approaching a wounded animal.
Friyr shrank back as though sensing the inate revulsion. His blue-amber eyes cast elsewhere, as though looking at the slanted light on the ground.
3630 BBY
Alema’s finger traced down the grimy plastifilm. Rows of scribbled names next to call buttons passed by until she reached a nondescript X. Far be it from Caretaker Alema’kekori to visit shady apartments on Nar Shaddaa at the smuggler moon’s slinkier hours, but she had a sweet yam casserole to deliver.
She pushed the clean white button, and it depressed without complaint. This came as little surprise. It looked almost polished from all the use it’d seen. She waited. Listening to the quiet hum of speeders over head and relaxing her shoulders into the calmness of a night illuminated by ever burning lights.
Uhhh yah?
A sleepy little blue holo of Friyr Illustratum and his favorite baggy shirt popped to life next to the X. The white coarseweave her padawan wore now billowed down over his thighs. A stray sleeve had drifted partway down one of his broad shoulders. The looseness had a softening effect on his hard physic so that what Alema would normally class as “wiry” became “slim.”
She was glad Friyr was fond of long floaty tops. He had been growing into his thirties when she met him and though what someone approaching forty did with the agency of his body didn’t make her blink, she felt fondly enough of the young Jedi that she preferred a less casual audience with him.
Dunno what this is about, but th’answer’s prahhhably no.
Alema held up the wrapped tray as though Friyr were capable of seeing it. “And if I brought food?”
The holo-Friyr stopped grinding a palm into his eyes and swallowed a yawn. “Master?”
“One of them, yes,” Alema deadpanned.
“I’ll put on pants,” Friyr said quickly, then winked out as the apartment door buzzed her up.
Alema adjusted her plain plait of lekku with a smug line to her lips and let herself in.
Friyr had found more than a pair of pants when she came up, she observed. A pair of iconic Corellian green jedi robes hung over the plain shirt. It looked like they’d been cut for a woman from the way they tapered at the waist. Alema didn’t ask many questions about this; she was sure she’d seen it on him some long time ago.
He fidgeted with its fit over his shoulders in the doorway. “How’d you find this place?”
“Shoney said Boris had placed you in one of his resort homes,” the older woman said mildly.
She brushed past Friyr - who grumbled but flattened himself to the wall to accommodate the gargantuan twi’lek. A sense of curoisty compelled her in. This was an emotion to conquer, perhaps, but she didn’t find the mere pursuit of knowledge out of bounds. It upheld the second line of the Code, afterall.
The apartment was open floorplan to accommodate for a Hutt’s girth. And it was splendid. Somewhere between a spa and a living quarter, Friyr had high ceilings and cavernous walls. Even for a full bodied slug, the space was roomy and bronzed. The decorations were pleasant, in style, and large.
Though the attention laid in the details. It looked like Friyr had quarreled with the light fixtures and left traces of a Jedi sized panic attack here or there. Uncleaned food cartons and wires made little paths that followed his relentless pacing between the couch and a mess of screens and keyboards. Their plugs half in and out of sockets. He had never coped too well with empty metal spaces.
In her adventures, Alema stepped on something soft. She started backward, only to find a puddle of blankets and pillows on the floor near the door. It looked luxurious, but it was an odd mess to find anywhere outside of an unmade mattress.
“Bed’s too high,” Friyr explained at Alema’s pause. A hand on the small of her back urged her forward. She pranced over Friyr’s little bed to a red overstuffed couch. She straightened her shoulders, then turned to face her bemused padawan.
“I take it you’re well.”  Alema seated herself straightbacked on the couch behind her and sunk into its fluffy maw. Underterred by this indignity, she set the small tray in the center of her lap. It was still warm in her hands, which was relieving. Nar Shaddaa was a big city to traverse from sector to sector, and she wasn’t sure she was keen to find the state of Friyr’s microwave.
“‘M ohhhkay.” Friyr shuffled to the coffee table by memory and seated himself opposite Alema. A few empty microwave meals were pushed back as he claimed the space upon which they sat. “You uh-- What’re you doin’ off Eedit?”
“The Hexagon Square Feast was today.”
Friyr snapped his fingers and pointed at the couch cushion next to Alema. “Riiiiiiiight. Right. How was that?”
“Taste for yourself.” Alema unfolded the geometry of her foil packaging. “It has marshmallows and sweet yams; I know you enjoy your sugar.”
Friyr’s lips twitched into a smile. “I dooo~” he purred.
Once the smell of carmelization spiced the air, his stomach betrayed subtlety with a wanting sound. Her padawan had a deceiving streak of flirtatiousness, but Alema knew confection and fruit purees were Friyr’s biggest vices.
Alema didn’t smile, but she did quicken her unwrapping, so she could trade the gooey homemade meal to Friyr for a sense of peace that sat around her shoulders. She had known that Friyr’s path of pursuing the war effort would bring lean times to an already lean man, but Jedi made no money. Perhaps credits here and there or a meal or two in return, but their life was spare. The Republic’s reliance on them as miricle workers, ground what Jedi were left on the front lines to their bones. Alema had come to know this as a Shadow, and so she understood the language Friyr’s simple display of hunger was speaking in a home that wasn’t exactly his own.
She watched him gnaw a fluffy clump of marshmallow off of his thumb with claspd hands. “I wanted to talk to you about-- Boris.”
Friyr sighed into his food. A wilt followed the line of his shoulders. “Talk then,” he murmured politely around his mouthful of yam.
Alema’s calloused thumbs traced the length of each other in turns as she delayed a second longer. “Couldn’t you ask the SIS for accommodation?”
Friyr’s defeated shoulders tensed. “Alema,” he said. His voice was rigid with a talk they’d gone over before. “You know s’not that simple. I gotta make some of my own way out here. It traces too easy if they give me everythin’. Boris is my alibi.”
“Boris is a Hutt,” she said patiently, but her voice had a tension to it too.
“I-- yah? Would it be better if he was Black Sun? Exchange? Any other of th’swoop gangs or pirates out here?” Friyr made a sweeping gesture with his fork in the mushy ‘tato.
Alema followed the motion. “I can’t judge the merit of an alternative keeper, Padawan. But I’ve seen girls in your situation. Effeminate boys too. The life they’re granted by their benefactors is only good on whim. As long as their benefactors are attached to them.”
She watched his lips purse.
“You are a convincing desperate damsel, but you play your role too well. We all did when we served the Republic.” Alema’s voice hitched. “I played a Shadow too well.” She had never sugar-babied for a Hutt, but the role had consumed her body, mind, and soul.
Friyr let out a clensing breath. His eyes closed. “I ‘preciate that. I really do. But no offense t’you, Master, ‘m dif’rent.”
“You aren’t. You let a gangster attach himself to you.” Alema’s voice hardened, and Friyr looked away expressionlessly. The half-eaten tray sat limply in his lap.
The passing traffic hummed between them. Headlights slatted growing columns on the floor. Alema could hear the faint sounds of a resonant argument from two aprtments down without trying. The silence was loud.
“Look,” Friyr finally said. “You knighted me. You knew I was always gonna try fer--” Friyr waved his arms to encompass the magnificently hollow room. “this.” The young knight exhaled deeply. “Boris-- is pretty terrible.” Friyr laughed uneasily. “But he’s got no ability to hurt me. Not in anyway that matters.”
Friyr held his hands out, and Alema took them if only because making him search for hers would take longer. He rubbed his thumb over the backs of his old Master’s knuckles, both pairs of palms flat from years of lightsaber work.
“It’s hard, I won’ lie.” Friyr’s voice broke as he hesitated between speaking and staying silent for a moment. “I see a lot of stuff I used to be on the other side of. Stuff I couldn’ make a dif’rence in. Keepin’ people in the gutter so a few Hutts can feed ‘em a meal at the end of the day? Like whatever, you got good at their game and then flipped it on ‘em. But ‘m a Jedi now. Shouldn’ I be doing somethin’ more than playing the game. Shouldn’t I stop this?”
“Those aren’t easy questions, but your only dedication as a Jedi is to the Force if you wish it to be,” Alema said evenly. “On the other hand, the Force is an extension of everyone. Your job could be to stop it, if they ask for your help.”
Alema brushed a pale shock of hair out of the human’s face and studied his broken alien features. He teased a smile.
A relief lived inside her ribcage. A worry that Boris was her padawan’s primary concern had spent too much time in the halls of her mind. That he had more quandry with his title, was-- relieving.
“That’s th’biggest way t’not answer a question ever.”
“The practice of being a Jedi, I find, is searching for answers yourself,” she cheeked. 
Her eyes fell to the plate of root and melted sugar. “Is that good?” a note of curosity entered her voice.
Friyr’s gaze dropped down too. “Yah, I mean. I’m preddy into it.” Friyr’s pale blue eyes flickered between his old master and the lukewarm tray. “You uh--” He held it forward with a sheepish smile.
Alema stared. A steady of mild diet vegetable and starches had made garden salad the limit of her decadence. The casserole was positively unapaltable. “Well. Hm.” She tapped Friyr’s fork ridden fingers with a nearly grave hesitance. He folded the utensil into her fingers with a single motion, but it took far longer for Alema to select the most palatable part of the remianing plate. It was a difficult decision with Friyr’s predeliction for shoveling, but she found a reletively unharmed corner. Breaking the crust, the fork scooped up a small portion.
Friyr snickered. “Don’ need good eyes t’know yer a wuss.”
“Hush,” Alema snipped marmishly before sticking the fork in her mouth. Haste would make the experience easier. Sugar exploded like little stars across her palate. It settled like a coat on her tongue. “Oh Force.” She gagged, but forced a swallow.
“That’s what the dark side tastes like~” Friyr sniggered.
Alema rapped his knee with her palm.
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not-another-robin · 2 years
I don't know why but I have an innert urge to blast dc pets with the girlification beam. Ace the bathound? She's butch <3
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mikeyd1986 · 8 years
MIKEY’S PERSONAL BLOG 35, January 2017
On Monday night, I had my first yoga class for the year at Just Be Yoga and Meditation in Beaconsfield. Walking into the studio, I immediately noticed several new changes to the space including a lime green feature wall, a large om symbol and lotus flower, a new wall unit with incense burning and a few added decorations in the waiting/reception area. It’s good to see studio owner Dell Brown changing things up every year whilst keeping other elements in tact.
In tonight’s class, Michelle talked about making the most of every moment and expecting uncertainty in life. This is something that’s pretty hard for me as I’m a very structured and organised person and I’m not good with spontaneity. Unexpected change is one of my many anxiety triggers but I’m finding ways to cope better with it. Some of the poses and sequences we did tonight include:
Flowing Sequence 1...Standing forward bend, half lift, stepping back into a low lunge, downward facing dog, stepping back into standing forward bend and mountain pose.
Flowing Sequence 2...Three legged dog, knee to nose pose, place knee down in front of opposite wrist and straighten leg out behind you. Lean forwards into pigeon pose.
Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)...Sitting in a crossed legged position whilst sitting on the edge of a folded blanket or bolster, place your index finger and middle finger onto your third eye and use the thumb and forefinger to block each nostril. Take an inhalation through the right nostril whilst blocking off the left. Next block the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril. Repeat this process by inhaling through the left nostril with the right blocked and exhaling through the right nostril. http://www.artofliving.org/au-en/yo...
On Tuesday morning, Mum and I attended a local walking group at Balla Balla Community Centre in Cranbourne East. The weather was generally quite humid and overcast with short breaks of sunshine. We walked down Berwick-Cranbourne Road alongside the lifestyle aged care facilities and then turned right into Casey Fields. We had a good chat catching up on the Christmas holidays and plans for the new year.
I was trying hard to remain in the present moment by focusing my attention to the scent of the newly mowed grass, the people playing tennis on the courts and the sound of the birds chirping in the trees above. Walking is very good for increased mobility through the lower body especially and clearing the head of negative thoughts. http://www.ballaballa.com.au/progra...
On Tuesday night, I attended my first Body Combat class for the year at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. I was feeling really dazed and out of it waiting to go in and unfortunately I don’t think my body was ready for tonight’s class. Still I managed to push myself regardless with the complex series of jabs, uppercuts, hooks, knee lifts and kicks. It’s a really tough mixture of martial arts, karate and boxing with high intensity cardio. 
Being my second time doing this, I evidently struggled to keep up with the movements and missed a few reps but like the Energizer Bunny, I was determined not to give up. My goal is to improve my fitness levels and to lose weight, however long it takes. My instructor Cinamon Guerin really encouraged everyone to keep pushing themselves through the dripping sweat and physical exhaustion. 
It felt good that she actually recognised me after the class. Even though I’ve been going to group fitness classes for nearly three months now, it still takes a lot of courage to walk into that class and not get caught up in thoughts of self-doubt. I still shit myself sometimes but it’s definitely worth it. https://www.lesmills.com.au/bodycom...
On Thursday morning, I went to my first Body Balance class for the year at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. I’ve honestly missed going to this class and it’s been several weeks since I last went so naturally quite a few of the poses we did were quite challenging for me but I did my best. I also have enough self-awareness to know how limited my flexibility and balance is so I can only do so much with my body and I really don’t want to hurt myself. 
Today’s class involved the following exercises: Tai-Chi warm up (Overhead circles, side-to-side flow), Balancing (Tree pose, Dancer pose, Eagle pose), Yoga (Downward facing dog, Warrior 2, Lunge), Pilates (Climb The Rope, Bridge pose), Core/Flexibility (Bird pose, Seated spinal twists, Forward fold) and Relaxation. My instructor Wendy Lynne Perrow is always very accommodating and lenient when it comes to these exercises as everyone is at different levels of fitness. It certainly puts my mind at ease walking into her classes.   https://www.fitnessfirst.com.au/fin... 
On Friday morning, I had my first massage in over a year at Relax Beauty Nails & Laser Clinic in Narre Warren South. In the past, I’ve always been really self-conscious and nervous stepping into a beauty salon, probably because I hated my body and I couldn’t handle somebody else touching it. Now I just have to put my trust issues aside and remind myself that a massage therapist is a professional and I have nothing to worry about. 
Today, I still had moments where I had to force myself to relax by taking some deep breaths in and out during the massage but for the most part, I managed to sit still for it. There was some beautiful Asian and Indian music being played during my hour session so naturally I was getting very sleepy. Thankfully, my therapist didn’t engage in much small talk with me, so I was able to enjoy the silence and feel comfortable having tension released from my joints and muscles. http://relaxbeautyclinic.com.au/nar... 
Lately I’ve been realising the importance of self-care and this year I’m going to commit myself to having a massage once a month. Like my positive affirmations, I need to remember that I do deserve to give myself a break and that I am worthy of pampering myself once in a while. I try to meditate once or twice a day and do things that I enjoy such as reading, adult colouring, listening to music and taking a relaxing bath. http://au.reachout.com/what-is-self... 
“I’m high above the world. Why should I feel pain or feel alone? To be protected like a simple boy. If I choose to let you down. Begin to know. You’re free to go.”                  Karnivool - Simple Boy (2009)        
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