#sleepy Keigo just wants to cuddle his big warm man okay
hawkstan · 4 years
Keigo walked in the front door quietly— it was early in the morning, the blanket of darkness being tugged back as the sun came up.
His boyfriend was surely still sleeping, if their conversation yesterday was anything to go by, the man should be wiped out. Enji told him of his late patrol, the endless paperwork it was sure to bring.
He fluttered to the master bedroom, cracking the door open, he could hear his low snores resonating through the room. The sound made his shoulders relax, and wings snuggle in closer to his body. His eyes were lidded as he took in the sight before him— the soft hues of morning light cascading over his form, half-covered by their blankets, hugging his-Keigo’s-pillow to his chest.
The sight made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
He slipped in, and shed his clothes, pulling on boxers and one of Enji’s shirts, he crawled onto the large bed. He wasn’t heavy enough to truly disturb the other, but he was a light enough sleeper.
“Mmh, Keigo?...” Enji’s eyebrows pinched in confusion pulling his face out of where it was buried in Keigo’s pillow.
Kei smiled warmly, crawling over and wiggling into his arms, taking the place of the pillow.
Much to Enji’s amusement— the older man laughed, a puff of air through his nose. “Did something happen? You’re home early...” he murmured, hugging the bird close. His fingers went to his hair, stroking affectionately through the soft locks.
“Nope, just got the job done early.” Keigo cooed, giving him a loving kiss. “Did you miss me?” He teased.
The tips of Enji’s ears turned red, and he guided him into a deeper kiss. Holding the back of his neck, his other hand stroking through his baby bird’s feathers, Keigo melted in his arms under the atttention.
Enji slowly pulled away, resting their foreheads together.
“Yes, I missed you.”
A sweet smile pulled at Keigo’s lips, “I missed you too.”
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
Birds Of A Feather [5/7]
Hawks x Fem!Reader
Warnings: kissing, allusions to smut but nothing explicit
Part 5/7
The next day, you wake up early. Not so early that you’re inclined to roll over and go back to sleep, but enough that you’ll have time to make and enjoy breakfast.
Keigo is still snoozing beside you, cuddled tightly in a cocoon of soft blankets. You’re glad. After yesterday, he certainly deserves a good rest. You lean over and press a kiss to his forehead, smiling gently at his peaceful face.
After he’d kissed you last night, you’d been worried, as his piercing gaze stared down at you. Worried he didn’t mean it in the way you wanted, worried your feelings would get rejected. But he’d just looked at you with the softest expression you’d ever seen him wear, and reconnected your lips. You’d stayed on the floor for a good ten minutes, holding each other close and making out like a pair of teenagers.
He insisted you share a bed with him afterwards, in the most innocent way possible. He promised he'd sleep better with you nearby, but you knew it was just a thinly veiled excuse to spoon you. You didn’t mind.
Even now as you prepared breakfast, you felt light and airy and happy. All because of him.
You’re frying some eggs when a sleepy voice sounds in the doorway, and you turn towards him. Keigo is there, barely awake and still rumpled from sleeping, with even his minimal feathers resembling some kind of bedhead.
“Awh, look at you, all drowsy,” you coo.
He grumbles halfheartedly, bumbling over to where you stand to kiss your cheek. He wraps his arms around your waist and sets his chin on your shoulder, peering down at the wide array of food you’re making.
“What’s the occasion?” he asks.
You hum a little and shrug. “I dunno. Figured you’d need a good meal after what happened yesterday? It might help your feathers grow back faster.”
You stay like that for a few minutes, until it comes time to flip the eggs. You shoo him to the breakfast table, and follow shortly after with your arms full of plates.
He starts heaping things onto his dish the moment you sit down, and you hide a laugh. Your mother always said that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach.
“So what do you wanna do today?” you ask, shoveling a piece of egg into your mouth.
Keigo shrugs, giving your question little consideration. “I thought movies on the couch sounded okay?”
You wonder when the last time he had a day off was, and even more so when he last did something fun. “You said we’d go out and do stuff together, Kei,” you tell him, “that’s why I agreed to take time off. Remember?”
He smiles at your nickname, his cheeks glowing a soft pink. “Fair enough. What did you have in mind?”
“I dunno...what kind of stuff haven’t you done before?”
“A lot, actually,” he chuckles dryly, “you’d think I would have seen more of the country I grew up in.”
Your heart twists a little, silently mourning for his lost childhood. You hoped he’d open up about that to you sometime in the future, even though you already had a pretty good idea of what he went through. You hoped you could be somewhere safe for him to come home to.
“How about we start with the big things you haven’t done,” you suggest around a mouthful of food, “like, things you always wanted to do?”
He thinks for a moment.
“I’ve never been to the zoo,” he says, matter-of-factly. “Or a butterfly sanctuary. I’ve never had a beach day, either, despite the fact that I have a summer home. Uh...movie theatres. Amusement parks. All that stuff.”
He pulls some pancakes onto his plate and douses them thoroughly in syrup. You smile and shake your head.
“Well, we don’t want to get swarmed by fans, as much as I love them. Maybe we could do something like the beach?”
“Yeah?” you can hear the excitement in his voice.
“Yeah. We could spend a few days in that summer house of yours.”
Keigo finishes his food quickly after that, rushing to make a few phonecalls and arrange for a ride. You remind him to also get someone to come in and stock the place with food, so the two of you won’t have to deal with the grocery store. It would be a nice, relaxing weekend. No fans invited.
You start packing your suitcase while he makes his calls. You have most of what you’ll need for the trip; clothes, toiletries, the like. You wonder if you should pack a set of sheets, too, but you decide against it. This was Keigo’s house you were talking about, after all. You’d bet your left arm you’d walk into the place and it would be fully furnished.
Said boyfriend wanders into the room while you’re tossing things into a duffel bag, and leans against the wall to watch you.
“What?” you ask, “do I have something on my face?”
He smiles sweetly at you, shaking his head. “Nah, you’re just really pretty. It’s gonna be nice to have some time for just us.”
You fluster slightly, warmth creeping onto your face. “Y-you can’t just say things like that!” you scold, but it’s half hearted.
“Why not? Am I not allowed to compliment my girlfriend?”
The warmth spreads down your neck, and you think for a moment that he is a smug, smug oversized chicken.
“So I’m your girlfriend, huh?” you tease, zipping your bag up and throwing it over your shoulder.
He meanders towards you and takes your face in his hands. “Yeah, you’re my girlfriend, and I plan on keeping you for a long time.” The kiss he then gives you is gentle and sweet, maybe from the syrup on his pancakes, maybe from the affection he pours into it. You sigh happily against his lips and snake your arms around his waist.
He’s warm and solid, pressed against you, lithe body holding an unexpected amount of strength. His hands travel downwards, slowly, fingertips ghosting over your neck, collarbones, stopping and hesitating at the tops of your breasts.
Ah. Ever the gentleman.
You arch against him and bite his bottom lip, and his hands continue. His grip is gentle on your chest, nimble fingers caressing soft flesh through your shirt. He groans, low in the back of his throat, and squeezes a little harder.
His kisses grow sloppier, until he’s mouthing down your neck to nip and suck at your skin.
“Keigo…” you whine, shivering at his touch, “I...I want-”
He slips a thigh between yours, and pulls you against him by the hips. You have no choice but to grind down on him, delicious friction sending pleasant shocks throughout your body.
You continue like that for a couple minutes, hands grabbing and groping at each other, slipping under shirts for better access and more sensation. You’re in heaven, wet and hot on his thigh, and you can feel that he’s in no better a condition.
But it’s not enough. Enough to drive you crazy, sure, but hardly enough to bring you over the edge. You’re about to beg him for more, for as much as he’s willing to give, when suddenly his phone starts chirping in the distance.
Keigo groans in irritation, his head dropping onto your shoulder. He slows him ministrations, touches regretfully receding from your body, and gives you a final apologetic kiss.
“Sorry, chickadee, but that would be our ride.”
You grumble at the loss of contact, mind foggy and nerves buzzing, muttering about how you’d like a different ‘ride’. “S’okay…” you say, though the disappointment is evident in your tone. “We can try again later though, right?”
He lights up like a christmas tree.
The drive is uneventful, peaceful even, and it’s late afternoon by the time you arrive at the beach house.
“You know, when you said ‘summer home’, I don’t know why I thought ‘cottage’.” You stare up at the building in front of you, which has to be at least three times the size of your apartment. It’s two, maybe two and a half, storeys tall, with dozens of huge windows, and an enormous front porch. The garden is meticulously maintained, filled with exotic plants, and palm trees you’re pretty sure have been imported.
It’s very over the top, and you know you should have expected it; Keigo worked hard, flew fast, and earned more money than he knew what to do with.
You wander into the front foyer together, kicking your shoes off before proceeding to the rest of the house.
From the main living area, you had a clear view and access to the backyard, and beyond that a private spit of beach and ocean. You weren’t sure how such a huge property could be as secluded as it was, but it certainly made it happen.
“Kei, why is there a pool?”
He wanders over to you, following your gaze to the aforementioned structure.
“Huh,” he says, “I didn’t know that was there.”
You close your eyes and sigh deeply. It’s fine, you’re fine, and it’s none of your business to question why there was a pool on the property when the ocean was a hundred feet from the back deck.
“You really never stayed here, have you?” you’re exasperated. “Like, did you even look at the place before you bought it?”
He at least has the decency to look sheepish. “I never had time? Even when I lose my feathers, I usually have to stay in the office and do paperwork.”
“Do you not have paperwork this time?”
“Oh, no, I do!” he smiles cheekily, “I’d just rather be here with you.”
You both unpack quickly, setting your clothes up in the wardrobe in your shared room. He’s packed entirely too much for a three day vacation, but you suppose he doesn’t have much experience with that. You’re also fairly certain you did the same…
Despite your overall reservation about the rich and slightly entitled atmosphere of the house, you were excited to be there. It’s been years since you’d last had a vacation, the last time possibly being your senior graduation event, and you could feel that you desperately needed time off.
Keigo sits on the edge of the bed, clad in comfortable shorts and a T-shirt, watching you sort your things out and set them in drawers.
“So...what now?” he asks.
You hang your final sun dress up, and turn to him. “Now we do whatever we want. Lounge on the beach, or the patio -though it looks like it might rain-, go swimming, decide what to make for dinner…speaking of, did you have someone stock the pantry?”
“Yeah. Fridge, too.”
“Perfect! How about you pick what to make, and help me with it?”
Keigo, in his chicken-loving fashion, decides on ‘fancy chicken nuggets’. You’re not exactly sure how to make that, or what would go well with it, but you’re giving it your best shot, mixing fresh spices and herbs into the floury breading.
Your boyfriend sits at the island a few feet away, watching you flit between appliances and bowls and chopping boards. He had tried to help you briefly, but proved himself rather inept at preparing food, so you’d kindly banished him out from under your feet.
“You’re a woman after my own heart,” he sighs, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand.
You peek at him over your shoulder and smile. “I swear, you’re such a dude. A nice plate of food in front of you, and you swoon.”
Mischief sparkles in his eyes. “That’s not true! I like a pretty face, too!”
“Then why the heck did you choose me?” you snicker.
Keigo doesn’t laugh. Quite the opposite, in fact. He grows unusually serious, and slides off the barstool to come stand beside you.
“You’re beautiful. You know that, right?” he asks.
You roll your eyes. “It was just a joke, Kei…”
“Self deprecating jokes have an element of personal truth to them.”
“Keigo seriously-”
“Say you’re beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.”
“Y/N, you know what I mean. Say you’re beautiful.”
You sigh. “I’m...pretty.”
“Good! Now, all together.”
“I’m...I’m…” you hesitate on the word, fidgeting while you try to say it. You don’t know why a single self compliment is proving so tricky. It might be the way he looks at you, so intense and focused. It’s making you nervous.
You avert your gaze and turn away. “I should check the nuggets-”
But he captures you in his arms, pulling you back against his chest. “We’re not done here yet.”
You squirm a little, but your heart isn’t in it. When you finally still, he speaks again.
“Who made you believe you aren’t beautiful?” he wonders softly, resting his chin on your shoulder. You shiver at his warm breaths on your neck, and let yourself lean back into him.
“Why does it matter?”
“I need to know who to punch.”
You laugh at that, but it’s dry and humourless. “I’m afraid it’s no one in particular,” you tell him, “It’s just kind of a behaviour that everyone picks up over the years, y’know? It’s not a big deal, in my case, it’s not like I hate myself.”
Keigo squeezes you a little. “You just don’t think you’re beautiful.”
“The definition of beauty changes from person to person, anyways. I’m sure there are people I find beautiful that don’t see it, too.”
“Doesn’t that make you sad, though?”
Your shoulders sag in defeat. It does make you sad, when the people you love and cherish would choose to change so much about themselves, if they could. When they don’t see the life and personality and kindness behind their smiles and dimples and blemishes.
“I guess,” you mumble.
Keigo lays a kiss against your shoulder, lips lingering against your bare shoulder. He presses another, closer to your neck this time, and another after that. “I’ll say it every day until you believe it, sweetheart,” he tells you, voice low and silken, “you’re beautiful. Your wings are beautiful, too. So strong and graceful. They give away your feelings sometimes, y’know? They get fluffy when you’re excited, or mad, or scared…”
He continues his journey across your shoulder, while his hands roam slowly up your sides. “You smile could light up a room, and your laugh? Don’t even get me started. I’ve never heard something so close to perfection, it makes my stomach twist up in knots.”
You tremble in his arms, the familiar warmth of arousal beginning to course through your veins. Still, he doesn’t stop.
“You work so hard, and you take your job seriously, and you’re good at it, too. Yet you’ve never cared about popularity, even though you’re kind to your fans. You just want to help people, and make a difference where you can. It’s admirable, and noble, and the world needs more heroes like you.”
You squirm in place, turning carefully around in his arms. At this distance, you can see all the freckles and scars on his face, and feel his short breaths fan across your cheeks.
“You...really have feelings for me, don’t you?” you whisper, as though you can’t quite believe it.
“Of course I do,” his tone is low, “I wouldn’t have tried so hard to befriend you if I wasn’t at least a little bit interested. And you turned out to be so much better than I expected.”
You lock your fingers behind his neck, the soft hairs there tickling your skin. His eyes flutter ever so slightly, and his next breath is shaky.
“Y/N, I…”
You lean forward and kiss him.
It’s messy, and heated, and he responds to your touches with soft moans and gasps. He pulls you as close as he can, your bodies flush together, and you can feel him hard against your thigh. He’s certainly easy to rile up, but you don’t particularly mind.
His hands roam your form, grabbing and squeezing wherever you let him venture. He breaks your kiss to start sucking a bruise onto your neck, biting down on your skin when his actions earn a gentle whine from you.
“The things you do to me,” he sighs, stilling his hands from a brief second. “I wanted you the moment I laid my eyes on you.”
Your press your foreheads together, staring into his golden eyes.
“Would you let me have you, chickadee?” he asks, begs, “would you let me keep you?”
“Yes,” you whisper without a second thought, reconnecting your lips.
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