#sleeping beauty’s whole deal was being an Irish-American cheerleader
maddie-grove · 1 year
I had the opportunity to peruse the doll aisle at Target yesterday, and, wow, the Naturalistas line looks gorgeous! The hair, the facial features/expression, the outfits…amazing. An appealing facial expression is such an underrated part of a doll. You want to look at a doll’s face and be like “she Saw Things as a war correspondent” (Liya) or “A Star Is Born happened to her” (Dayna).
The Barbies have a nice variety re: hair/body/other doll features, but it is kind of sad that the only fantastical dolls seem to be Disney princesses. Generally the three types seem to be: Disney princesses, everyday fashion, and a fairly small variety of interesting but pretty down-to-earth careers (teacher, dentist). Not a lot of glamorous scenarios outside of existing IP. Which is maybe what little girls want now? I don’t know.
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