whoever invented seroquel is not seeing heaven i know that much
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green-thunder1 · 4 months
Apparently I looked my mom dead in the eyes and told her I was awake in my sleep yesterday??? What the FUCK???
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mitchellkriegman · 2 years
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Who took my cookies? I swear there were five last night? Hmmm, sleep eating? #sleepeating #almondflourchocolatechipcookies https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQYWzEOBOL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dailydenne · 10 days
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nomstellations · 7 months
concept: a pred that has a sleepwalking and a sleepeating problem. they can't host sleepovers and have to make sure they lock the door before bed or else they'll wake up in the morning with a heavy, squirming middle with no idea of who they ate...
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hetalia-fannn · 1 year
Face family headcannons where their s/o tried to give them chocolates for Valentine’s Day but the s/o accidentally ate them in their sleep and they woke up to a empty box of chocolates to give
Sorry, it's late!
Hetalia - Himaruya
Characters: Aph France, Aph America, Aph Canada, Aph England -> Face family
Genre: Fluff
Reader: Gender-neutral
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france gif cuz why not lol
Aph Face Family's reaction to you eating the chocolate you were supposed to give them on Valentines: (Under the cut!)
P.S: Instead of writing a whole one for all of them, I decided it'd be better if I seperated each of their headcanons.
When you realised you ate all the beautiful chocolate you reserved for France to give him on Valentines while you were sleeping, you couldn't find a way to keep yourself calm since you literally ate them all!
Now you were wondering of ways to get him new chocolates, but it was too late, France knocked on your door already.
You didn't know what to do, since you were all day saying him you prepared a surprise gift which was the chocolate.
"Mon S/o, it's finally Valentines are you ready for our date~?"
"I also wonder about these chocolates you said tasted amazing and especially bought for me~"
With that, you just figured it out you couldn't lie on this situation which would only make him sad. So you just,
"France, it makes me so embarrassed to say this but... I actually ate them in my sleep! And now there is just an empty box.."
You thought it would make him feel dissapointed in you, but then you heard France's giggling.
"Mon S/o! That's in fact a little funny of you~ But I don't really mind it at all! Forget them, let's just go out for our date~"
You smiled, you guessed it was just some overthinking, luckily your date with him went perfect!
The chocolate box was literally empty as a desert.
You weren't really a sleepwalker, but it looked like you were a sleepeater. The chocolates you wanted to give to America were gone, he always gave you the best gifts, and you wanted to do the same.
But with your "luck", the worst happened.
You knew he had a sweet tooth, your homemade Valentines chocolate would really be the best gift ever, and sad thing was you didn't have time to make them again.
So you just went him to confess what actually happened. Damn how could you even say that you ate all of his chocolate?!?
America shouted when he saw you, "HEYY S/o How are doing???"
"Are you ready for Valentines??? CUZ I AM!!"
"I am as well, but I accidentally ate all your chocolate ><"
"Oh really? Well I don't mind!! Now that's my chance to take you to chocolate shop!!"
Well, he wasn't bothered at all, knowing him, that would be the best date for you.
Canada was someone who didn't really mind small mistakes, he was always grateful for every little thing in life.
So you, eating all the chocolate you got for him wouldn't really be a problem for him, you thought.
But at the same time, you just couldn't believe yourself for doing that, looked like it was your first time learning you had the ability to eat even while you were sleeping!
He was an understanding person, you really admired him for that, so maybe he wouldn't really mind what happened either.
While going to the park you two really liked, you were thinking whether to tell him the truth or not.
Obviously, he noticed it, he always paid attention to you which was lovely.
"Hey S/o, is there something bothering you? You haven't really spoken any word on our way.."
You couldn't resist, "Yeah... I accidentally ate all your chocolate, it was special for you, I can't believe I made this mistake.."
You looked at his face only to see his calm and heart warming smile, "It's okay S/o, chocolates aren't really important as you, why don't we make ours together instead?"
This made you all blush, "Yes, of course!"
You loved how he always like that...
Tea time with England, truly one of the best date for you two.
Except, it would be better if you didn't eat all the chocolate??!? While you were sleeping?!?!? How did that even happen?!?!?
These thoughts were all in your head, maybe you were too excited for your date that you ate them all while you were sleeping.
Was it because you were thinking about him? You asked to yourself. Didn't notice England was calling you twice.
"Hey S/o, you there?" Out of your thoughts immediately, you answered "Y-yes! I am! I was just- nevermind..."
"Not the nevermind when there is completely something bothering you. Is it about the chocolates you ate last night?"
You were shocked when you heard that, how did he know?
"Oh my, how did you learn..?"
"I heard some noises in the kitchen, and saw you eating all the chocolates, I thought you were hungry, so didn't say anything."
"But why...? They were all for you, and I ate them all, wouldn't that make you feel dissapointed in me..?"
"And why would it? I found you very cute that moment, and didn't bother you or myself heh"
You blushed, maybe chocolates weren't that important anyways.
"Anyways, let's continue our tea time"
You nodded while feeling happy.
Okay so rereading this, I guess it might be a little ooc, I hope it doesn't matter. And I also hope you'll like it! :") Again sorry for replying lately, hope it's how you wanted!
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bunnywand · 4 months
and to top it all off, somehow 5 (FIVE??) portions of vegetarian chilli have gone missing from our freezer???? 😵‍💫
i googled why this could be, what are we thinking is the most likely answer?? 🤔
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lukark · 6 months
. . . He doesn't have this sickness daht make people randomly falls a sleep, he is just a tired 32 years old guy, that has insomnia and is a sleepEater/Talker
This is not a human underfell au is just some random anatomy studies mixed with dah lore so sorry
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Me lembrou o *insira personagem de OSNF aqui*
Não lembro o nomin dele gente desculpa;-;
Look alt
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lottieurl · 1 year
just hit me that taissa may very well have been SLEEPWALKING?? or well. sleepeating? oh lord
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ensanguinate · 8 months
I'll let ya know when I figure out how to sleepeat
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The recommended number of McDonalds meals consumed per day for optimal pants button breaking is 9.
Breakfast, brunch, lunch, post-lunch, pre-dinner, dinner, pre-post-dinner, post-dinner, and one for sleepeating.
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messbianarts · 2 years
holy crap i’ve had this fic about bubbles’ arrival in snaxburg for like a month or two and completely forgot to post it??? well here it is now!!!
“Now listen, it ain’t like I got a problem with y’all comin’ in and takin’ some sauce. That’s why the dang farm is here. As long as you let me know so I know when I need t’replant, y’all can help yourselves.” Wambus spoke, arms folded against his chest. “However. Comin’ in at midnight and making a massive ruckus and throwin’ dirt all around is unacceptable. You don’t live in a barn.”
“‘Cept for Gramble.” He rolled his eyes. “Which, speakin of, don’t think yer off my radar. These tracks are Gramble sized, and I know you sleepwalk.”
“I sleepWALK, Wambus! I don’t sleepeat or sleepdig!” Gramble huffed. “It could be anything, you know that Bugsnax go crazy for sauce.”
“Hmm… nope-its probably not a Bugsnax..” Triffany spoke, looking at the paw prints. “Those’re definitely Grumpus prints.”
“See? Maybe you should secure yo-“
“But. I don’t think its Gramble.” Triffanny shook her head.
“There’s no Bugsnax tracks… so it’s certainly not the creature from then…” Triffanny shook her head. “But there’s the front paws. Whoever this is would be able to run on all fours. Which eliminates…. Basically anyone.”
“I can run on all fours! I’ve got the core strength for it!” Chandlo blurted.
“Do you run on all fours….?” Snorpy sounded more confused than anything.
“Well… uh… no, but- I could.”
“So we have some sort of… quadrupedal Grumpus on our paws?” Floofty raised a brow.
“It’s the queen of Bugsnax!” Wiggle exclaimed. “She’s moved on from just spooking us, she’s stealing our crops! Next, she’ll nab us Grumpuses!”
“I highly doubt that.” Floofty rolled their eyes. “Remember, no Bugsnax tracks, just Grumpus ones. They are not even snakified, you ignoramus.”
“I believe we should trap it.” Snorpy said. “A simple net trap should do. Most Grumpus claws can’t get through them.”
“Not a bad idea…” Wambus nodded. “Could ya whip up one of those to catch whatever varmint is messing with the crops?”
“Mhm. If it is some sort of Grumpus coming for us, then I’d be worried… but the idea of a Bugsnax taking the form of a Grumpus is even more terrifying.” Snorpy shivered. “If its some sort of Grumpinati scheme, we should act fast.”
“Best to nip this in the bud, I guess.” Filbo spoke, as the ‘meeting’ dispersed.
Snaxburg awoke to blaring alarms.
Seems Snorpy had spared no detail in the trap…
The Grumpuses quickly rushed towards the sauce farm, freezing in shock and confusion.
Instead of a bugsnax or some sort of shapeshifer, an ornery Grumpus pup was squirming in the net. Its blue fur was matted and tangled, and a few small cuts and scrapes littered its body. However, judging by its stained paws, they’d caught their culprit.
“Holy Grump, is that a kid?” Chandlo said as Wambus brought down the net.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he opened the net, trying to pick up the little Grumpus.
However, the little one lunged for his arm and bit. Hard.
He shouted and dropped the net, giving the pup the chance to escape as Wambus shouted all kinds of profanities.
“Catch it!” Snorpy shouted, as some of the Grumpuses ran past the pup. Others decided to run towards the exits of Snaxburg to block them.
To say it was pure chaos would be an understatement.
“Cmon! Get it!"
“Ow! It bit me too!”
“Almost had it!”
“Ugh, how is it slippery?!”
“It scratched my leg!”
“I’ve got it!” Chandlo shouted. “Nope- nope, don’t bite me, lil dude. You don’t need to squirm,”
He managed to pin the little grumpuses arms to its side as he walked back to the center of town.
The others walked back, still cautious just in case it managed to escape, but escaping from one of Chandlo’s bear hugs bordered on impossible even for the strongest of Grumpuses.
As Wambus and Floofty were bandaging and disinfecting themselves from the bites, Triffanny walked forwards.
“That’s a little kid." She muttered, kneeling down to its level a little. “Hi there, I’m sorry we were a little rough with you. We just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
She gently moved the little one’s messy hair out of their eyes. “Do you have a name?”
They thought for a moment, slightly kicking their legs. “Bubbles Dinkypop. But I like just Bubbles.”
“Hi, Bubbles.” Triffanny smiled. “Welcome to Snaxburg, I’m Triffanny. This is Chandlo, Wambus, Floofty, Filbo, Gramble, Beffica, Cromblo, Wiggle, Shelda, and Snorpy.”
“Tha’s…. Tha’sa lot of names.” Bubbles muttered
“Yeah, bit of a big group.” She shrugged. “But there’s safety in numbers.”
“Would- would you like to stay?" Filbo said. “I mean, you’re a little grumpus. I’m sure you’ve been doing great fending for yourself, but you don’t have to do that. We’d be happy to help you.”
“I think you staying here would be for the best. Little grumps like you aren’t supposed to be fighting for their life just to survive on a harsh island.” Triffany said. “It’ll be much easier for you here.”
“Yeah, we’d be real mean if we just made a little’un like you fend for yourself when we’ve got a cozy town,” Gramble said in agreement as he checked to see if any of his Bugsnax had gotten out during the chaos.
“Plus! I’ve been really wanting to build another hut, and making a little Grump hut is just the perfect project for that!” Chandlo grinned, patting the little Grumpus’ head.
“So, whaddaya say?”
They looked down at the ground for a minute, thinking.
“I… can really stay?”
“Of course!” Triffanny smiled. “I wouldn’t pull your leg about this. Howsabout you get some rest, alright? Think we could all use it after the hubbub.”
“M’sorry, Triff. I’m just… m’worried about takin’ this kid in.” Wambus said, leaning on the fence. Bubbles, along with the other Grumpuses, had already gone back to sleep after their injuries had been taken care of.
“She was scared, Wambus.” Triffany spoke softly, careful not to wake the others. “She was caught in a net surrounded by strange Grumpuses. Biting is a pretty normal reaction.”
“It’s… not really the biting thing.” He shrugged. “Not anymore, at least, even though it hurt like hell. Honestly, I think she could be great at fendin’ off Bugsnax from the farm.” Wambus chuckled softly, before his expression became somber again. “But… I mean, she’s a random kid, Triff. What if her parents are lookin’ for her? Or… if Lizbert comes back, and she sees a completely new Grumpus she’s probably never met-“
“If her parents are looking for her, then this is the best place for her to be.” Triffany reassured, taking off her hat to make the humid night air a bit more tolerable. “But… Lizbert always said, the more the merrier, when it came to Snaxburg. I mean, she even said if we ever had a kid, they’d be more than welcome here.”
Wambus’ face shifted. “S’pose so…” he muttered, but his voice had a clear lump in his throat.
“Are you alright, Wambus…?” Triffany gently set her paw on his.
“I… just.. I don’t know how to feel, Triffy.” He sighed. “It’s…it’s not every day a child- a child you’ve been wantin’ for years and had given up on- falls into your lap. But I guess its just- not the way I expected it to be. I dunno, it was messy, she’s probably scared a’ me… we don’t know if she’ll be able to stay..”
Triffany sighed, leaning on his shoulder. “We don’t know that. We don’t know anything. But… let’s just try to make the best of it, alright?” She smiled softly. “Even if it’s short-lived, let’s just see how things go and enjoy it while it lasts.”
“Alright, I promise.” He gently hugged her. “We’ll do our best, just like we always do.”
so yeah!! hope you liked it! this was kinda my first time writing the grumpuses and it was an absolute blast lol
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rgbyshipper101 · 2 years
Animaniacs reboot season 3 spoilers:
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The humans are in the snow during this bit. So it’s possible.
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Looks like snow in the background.
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So they’re using this bed now. Look at those matching jammies.
Sleepeating, Wak?
The clock says 2:23. Hm…
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I do like this little bit where they’re “sending” themselves to Santa.
What if the Warners have to help Santa save Christmas from Pinky and The Brain? Cause Brain’s being a grinch. More crossover potential.
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International Mouse of Mystery/Aliens Resurrected/The Stickening/Everyday Safety: Giant Adirondack Chair
Every time I look at the titles I think it changes.
Is that Mystery Science Theater? Or Independence Day? I feel like I’m way off.
P&TB are in the final episode this time. I don’t think they were from season 1 or 2.
I also feel like we’ve seen a clip from the first segment, but it can be anything.
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Title card.
Same style as the last Yakko song.
This is the only one with an outline. Is it like a film reel?
Can’t tell if The Stickening is lighthearted or not.
Everyday Safety reminds me of Yakko’s Useless Facts. Cute.
On the wiki there are titles that aren’t in the episodes (or not yet) but are possible. They are:
-Murder Pals 1
-Murder Pals 2
-Murder Pals 3
-Slappy’s Return
Don’t know if they’re actual segments.
Muppets? Something Pals sounds familiar…
Is Joe the guy and his dog?
Part 10
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If Serena's bedbound and someone as huge and heavy as she is (like say Tina or a sleepeating Azure) flops on top of her tummy and breaks the entire bed beneath them, how will the blonde react?
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One part giggly, another part horny, probably
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nomstellations · 9 months
I mean if you wanna do a beartaur you could replace one of the taurs i mentioned with them or use one of the following instead:
A beefolk/bee-fairy is known to be stealing the beartaurs flowers, not because they're malicious, they're just like "Oooh! Flower!". Eventually the beartaur catches them in the act and eats them, but starts feeling bad because the beefolk/bee-fairy is scared, and now they're both apologetic messes.
Beartaur is going around, and then smells some honey and goes to investigate. They find what looks like a broken beehive and starts to eat the honey, but as it turns out it was just a slimefolk that so happened to smell and taste like honey! (Accidental vore is good for comedy.)
So a beartaur is out with their human friend camping, when the human went to get some water from the lake, a merfolk springs out and eats them, only to be eaten by the beartaur in turn. It is then revealed that apparently the way merfolks, at least in this part of the world, tells someone they got a crush on them was by eating them, so not only did the merfolk basically say that they wanted to date the human by eating them, but now they think that the beartaur wants to date them as well, and it's kinda embarrasing and awkward.
So because of a drought, a lake has kinda dried out, trapping some merfolks and a beartaur has to carry them all in their stomach until they reach the sea or big lake.
Someone tries to wake the beartaur up during hybernation, but ends up getting eaten by them in their sleep.
A beartaur has to run away from the scary finn (aka person from Finland) because they tried to steal their trash again, and the beartaur finds a big naga and asks them to hide them. When the fin arrives they can't find the bear anywhere and goes home. Never anger the finns, even the bears are scared of them.
ooo i really like the slime vore one...voreception is honestly not a concept i explore a ton and might be worth trying? sleepeating is also a fun trope i like a lot!
i feel like im out of the loop for the joke in the 6th prompt ;w;
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mattved · 4 years
The longer story of how important the role of gaming has been in my life, coping with struggle, and my progression from an awkward kid to a respected professional.
Things have been kinda exhausting lately. I'm alive and glad and happy to have finally found a functioning relationship with actual potential on the one hand. On the other, my sister is going through difficult time facing emotional instability and combating matters of the past that started getting back on her, which we try to solve by family therapy that might or might not help. Quarantine hampered daily schedules of most of us, and personally, I haven't really returned to the standard full-time student/employee schedule ever since the first surgery year and a half ago. Until now.
Well, it is never that simple, is it\?! Alarm clock at 7:47, shower if I force myself out of bet before 8am, sleepy walk to the bus stop 300 meters away. 40 minutes of struggling for oxygen through the obligatory face mask while on the way to work. Asthma attacks are also a thing, some mornings.
Once at work, I have coffee, sometimes one, sometimes four. I try to be nice to my colleagues but spend most time fixing data sync issues on the currently deficient BI platform, quietly complaining and getting cranky over it. That might change. Or not.
At around 5:30, I pack my stuff and march back to the subway, feeling sorry for the planet, the things we make and abuse, the people who are poor, the people living in hunger, and the sun, because all of these are temporary.
Playing Sudoku on the way makes things a little better. A thing to focus on, historical timing statistics providing positive feedback loop with progressive improvement. But then, it is a bit too hot on the bus and I just can't focus enough, so I just flick through some memes and news articles feeling dizzy.
Once home, I start eating whatever I find, because eating out is just uneconomical and breakfast is out of question after my nightly sleepeating journeys to the kitchen. I have a chat with other family members when they are present, sometimes pour myself creamy liqueur over cube of ice, and climb upstairs.
And there it begins. Me time. Massive office desk, four screens, RGB lighting, ambient atmosphere, air conditioning, scented candle, posters on the wall, king-size bed, and nothing else. Sometimes I use it to call my girl for a bit, sometimes I just browse the web. But most of the time, I just sit down, put my headphones on, grab the mouse or X-Box controller, and play.
With or without a partner, online or offline, grinding or living the story, gaming has always helped me take my mind off things and use my brain in a world that I was actually able to influence. Gaming gave me opportunities to not only learn factual information but also understand the process of improving at something, read between the lines, know when to make a decision and when to just follow through, listen to others while forming a strategy, listen to some great music, and most of all, see and evaluate trade-offs.
Like most of members of the community who are my age, I started with handheld Tetris. (Yes, the one in the picture.) Then, there was doom when I was staying home alone as a kid, Duke Nukem 3D and one fantasy platformer I don't remember the name of, when an older kid from the neighbourhood (it was supposed to be his mother, really,) was babysitting me. When my oldest sister, there was Blood 2. Jazz Jackrabbit, StarCraft and Operation Flashpoint came around when I was failing to blend in at a new school.
At the time things were okay, in spite of the ridicule from my classmates, I had the first two of the EA Harry Potter series, Ford Racing 2 (which I got from a box of cereal) and things like Soldat. Entering grammar school, before it all started tilting hard, ice hockey and NHL 07 (my first modding experience,) RTL Winter Sports, and Diamond mine helped me make two real friends, while World of Warcraft enabled me to stay in touch with others and improve my english. Sims 2 came out when I needed it the most but they didn't stay for long.
In the darkest times, Trackmania Nations Forever helped me build virtual relationships and the illegal copy of GTA San Andreas a friend of mine brought over let me stay sane. Then there were the parties of Counter Strike (which I sucked at) at the boarding school helped me keep in touch with people in spite of not actually being liked.
My first own laptop and the desire to game on it helped me make another friend, whom I acknowledge too little nowadays, but who helped me a lot in transition into the society. We played everything we were able to get our hands on that the AMD Turion x64 with Radeon HD3200 were able to pull off. Need for Speed Underground 2 all the new 3D platformers were the thing then.
With my first dedicated graphics card laptop, I spent most time with Sims 3, webdesign, and ironically also the 1999 Unreal Tournament. The latter was a big life-saver when all my computers had given in the next year, because I got my hands on a Pentium II system with an unidentifiable graphics controller. And it ran at stable 16 FPS!!!
A decent hardware upgrade from that allowed me to play Burnout Paradise, a snowboading simulator, FlatOut2 and other awesome games. That was when things at home were bad and things at school were good. I liked staying over for weekends, talk to people, and study, too. Well, that didn't last long either. I got burned in my first romantic relationship and got expelled from the school in three steps.
Another dark period with little to no gaming followed. Sometimes I would have a chance to play with my classmates at a cyber café, but I had to start working, so there was little time. When there was some, I would choose World of Tanks over homework and made a return to World of Warcraft, on a private server, this time.
Toward graduation, when I got mauled by a second breakup with the same girl, it was the third of Harry Potter series and Sims 3 that helped a lot. First year of university meant better computer, opportunity of independent time-management, more World of Warcraft, some NHL09, Heartstone, lot of graphics design work and some mathematics.  
My roommate was a jerk and the relationship I managed to build toward Christmas wasn't to last in romantic sense, because of the distance. I volunteered at sports events, applied to a university in the UK, watched plenty of movies, was getting fat, and when there was a chance, I enjoyed Super Hexagon, Tetris, mostly light stuff.
First year in the UK was hard. I worked in a restaurant, studied, had no time, lived in a cold house, but I was really grateful for the opportunity and went through with it. It was the nostalgia of Need for Speed Most Wanted combined with novelty of League of legends that sustained the willpower and final decision to stay.
Year later, I became ambassador of Runeterra, began to accumulate titles in my Steam library, and had a great year in general. League was a way to stay in touch with my dad, then, while story rich games slowly crawled into the longer stretches of free time I had. Portal 2, Doom 3, Audiosurf, Trackmania2 Stadium and Trackmania Turbo brought me enjoyment between lectures and writing essays back then.
Final year of university was difficult from the beginning through the end. Living with a cocaine user and DJ, I did my best to isolate, played League and League alone, slowly climbing to Silver. Moving out prematurely to seek a better accommodation helped me find a squad of gamers to stay with and my passion came back. I played X-COM, Torchlight, Shelter 2 and guess what: League!!!
In Amsterdam, things were slowly moving to shit again. And so were my gaming habits. League remained but it was generally more of a book-time. And it is only right that way. Getting the C-word diagnosis was tough and I needed a sharp change in the degree of mental stimulation. I did my best to live on and game on.
With Max Caulfield in Life is Strange, I learned that I belong among the righteous few, who actually understood the morale of the story. But it was Chloe Price, who held my hand on the way through the worst. Before the storm, was far deeper a game for me than the original, not only by diving into the core of what shaped LiS as a series, but also by the fact that I could have failed at living long enough to see it end.
On my way to recovery, I moved on to the Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Yoku's Island Express, Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Horizon Chase and Zoo Tycoon 2018. Things have been hard then, especially when I woke up to see my stoma bag detached from my stomach and myself covered in excretions all over. That's probably when I needed them the most and when they were truly there to guide me, embrace me, and calm me down.
CoViD Quarantine that came not long afterwards was bearable thanks to the combination of LoL, GRID 2 that made me good at racing games, and GRID Autosport, which is even more challenging.
And coming back to this very day, I am enormously glad that I still have what to choose from and that there are my former classmates happy to have me join them playing Valorant any evening, only enhancing the experience of my comfort and the whole me time. Except I have to whine less about getting killed all the time and talk slightly less loudly while planning that invasion of site C.
And how cool is that Dan Bull released a song on this exact topic. It is by far not the only or even the most significant on the list of things that did, yet it still holds holds there.
And that is how gaming saved my life.
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