#sleep deprivation tingz
quortknee · 1 year
For Ephraim! 8, 22, 27, 44, 50
thank u so much…….
8. does your character hate anyone? why?
hate is an almost impossible emotion for ephraim to experience. they are a creature that doesn’t really get angry, and if they do it is soft, quiet, and dealt with immediately n_n
22. what is the worst thing your character has ever done?
she honestly hasn’t done anything traditionally bad. the worst thing that she has done is neglect his duties for the sake of love. and this action’s “badness” is very debatable tbf. she’s a good egg!!!
27. what would be the worst way for your character to die?
ok so this is a trick question because technically he cannot truly die (archfey tingz), BUT. there is a worst way for him to live, which is (ironically) in the state which they currently reside; trapped in a black, sense-less void within her own mind, without any way of communication, nor the ability to manifest the usual brilliant colours and magics within her permanent dream-state. basically just being stuck in a big-time sensory deprivation chamber (this is super normal dont worry about it @ my players)
44. what is your character proud of?
Isofka. any time he would come back to their shared dreams and tell Ephraim about his waking life on the material; the achievements he’d make, the memories he’d create, the flavours he’d taste, etc etc. every time Isofka would share the moments where he enjoyed his waking life, they were oh so very proud. the moments where Isofka was experiencing joy and delight, even when alone and awake— she couldn’t be any happier with such a feat, as he deserved peace and happiness more than any other. and she could only provide that for him in his dreams.
50. what is your favourite thing about your character?
i really love how much they care about the well-being of others; how much they exude love and peace. they help mortals who struggle with sleep/rest/dreams due to fear/nightmares/anxiety/grief/etc. if you are scared and leave a light on while sleeping, she will be there like a moth to a flame (literal), and will secretly guide you through good dreams and protect you throughout the night.
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solisaureums · 5 years
y’all know how there’s sleep walking or talking ? well i guess whilst asleep i put a bra on ? ? i went to sleep without one & woke up with one ? ? what the fuck
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toitlselfindulgenz · 3 years
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I just asked for suggestions last thursday that i was feeling in the mood to draw smthn
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vampcubus · 4 years
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it’s worm patrick and he wants a high five :)
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Dew Covered Rose
A/N: So we’re ignoring the fact that I haven’t written in like......two, three months. I honestly just haven’t felt like it, and my brain has been busy thinking about writing, or getting back to my daydreams, or thinking about Midnight. Comfort character tingz. But yeah, I’m bringing Topazi back (i also forgot when juneteenth was, I was supposed to do something for her then, I missed the day, but here I made up for it :) This is mild hurt/comfort, except my OC is tired, not hurt. Also this is probably time to mention that Topazi is a gardener, and goes to clients houses to plant things for them! Enjoy!
Tag List: @joz-stankovich, @misskittysmagicportal, @badsext, @super-unpredictable98, @the-freckled-luba, @magic-multicolored-miracle, @ghouls-buddy, @maerenee930, @frogs--are--bitches, @neuroticpuppy, @forenschik, @bisexualnathanyoung, @robert-sheehan, @firstpersonnarrator, @salvador-daley
Warnings: kinda unsafe driving bc sleep deprivation, brief mentions of nudity, swearing
  Topazi had a bit of a tiring day. The house that she’d been working at had almost no shade. The customers were as nice as they could be.....but it seemed as though every tulip that she planted correctly, they would request it to be put in a different place. Even though there was an extremely limited amount of space that she had to work with. It was very frustrating to her, to be honest. However, she got the job done. It took hours of her digging things back up and wiping sweat off of her face to be happy with the result. She was sure to make sure that everything was as good as it could be before the left for home. Even the thought of having to get back in her car and do something other than cuddle up and or sleep was killing her.
  It was late into the night, and the owl in the front yard stared at her as she pulled into the driveway, eyes barely open. She took multiple deep breaths and rubbed a calloused hand over her face before stepping out of the car, not even bothering to take her tools out of the trunk. She trudged her way into the house, carefully unlocking the door, as to not disturb Klaus, who should’ve been close to sleep, or in bed at that point. She tossed the keys into the bowl by the door, and hung her coat up, silently grimacing at the soreness already developing in her arms. 
  Not having the energy to call out to Klaus, she walked into the kitchen, finding one of the cats on top of the kitchen island, fast asleep. A small smile found its way onto her face as she gently pet it, smoothing down the fur on top of her face. She made her way over to the fridge, which she opened, very slowly, to find leftovers of spaghetti that Klaus had cooked for himself. She could never stand the noodles and sauce together, so she looked around for more things. Canned soup in the pantry....she’d have to heat it up, and she needed something instant. Juice wouldn’t be filling enough. She began to nod off, looking at the fridge once more, and she found a solution that she’d looked over. A sandwich.
“Thank fuck for bread.” she thought to herself as she grabbed the bologna, mayonnaise, and cheese slices from their respective spots before grabbing a knife and paper towel. By the time she put the bread back, her sleep levels had reached almost the maximum, and she began nodding off, head on the side of the fridge. She quickly came to her senses, and trotted back over to the island, joints creaking.
  She sat down on one of the stools on the kitchen island. (”Klaus, I need the stools, if my legs don’t look like a pretzel, I’m not sitting correctly.”) As she took a bite of her sandwich (crust first), her brain decided to shut down temporarily, and she almost fell asleep eating. The suds episode of Spongebob Squarepants, however, prevented her from doing so. She slowly ate the sandwich, grateful for the purpose that it served. After she finished her first bite, however, she completely knocked out. The cat woke up, looking at her owner, before hopping off of the counter, and walking up the stairs.
  Klaus had heard Topazi come home, but it’d been a while since he heard her open the fridge last, so he went to check on her. He avoided Minnie on the steps (as in Minnie Riperton, not the mouse) and walked into the kitchen, to find his lover fast asleep, small snores coming from her mouth. He smiled, almost letting a chuckle past his lips when he realized his task.
 “She looks fucking wasted.” he thought, before gently shaking her awake, resulting in a groan of annoyance.
“Come on T, you gotta get to bed.” he whispered, rubbing her back. She leaned against his chest, and shook her head into it, too tired to utter a rebuttal.
  Klaus chuckled lightly, and put Topazi’s used paper towel in the trash can, and her utensils in the sink, to be washed when he eventually came back down for his late night (and sometimes morning) snack. He gently picked her up, leaning down to press a small kiss to her forehead. He thought back simply how much he just loved her. He didn’t know how, as he said that “I can’t fall for someone completely. At least not again.” but he did. Although, it wasn’t completely all at once though. 
 Klaus made his way up the steps (once more avoiding Minnie), and into their shared bedroom where he gently laid Topazi down on the bed. He figured that she may want to be clean when she slept as well, but was somewhat confused how he was to go about the entire “my partner is half asleep and I’d hate to disrespect her boundaries”. So, he settled on simply getting rid of her outer clothes, and bra, then placing nightie over her form. It was one of the newer ones she’d bought. She would go on and on about how “there’s tiny flowers on this nightgown Klaus, I need to buy it”.....ah he loves Topazi with all of his heart.
  He gently tucked his lover into bed, making sure that she’s close enough to her phone that she won’t be grouchy about having to move from her spot in order to reach it. Topazi stirred in her slumber, but only a bit, and Klaus went down to the kitchen for his meal, which was going to be a good old fashioned lover boy nutter butter. Klaus thought back to when he first met Topazi as he ate his sandwich. It had been right after he met his....other siblings...like other other siblings. She was quietly sitting in a coffee shop, where she had her knees to her chest, reading a book. She was deep in concentration, but when Klaus found nowhere to sit, he had no choice but to ask her. (or to leave the shop and drink his hot chocolate elsewhere, but nah)
“Um, can I sit here?” he asked, pointing to the seat. She nodded her head without looking up, making a small noise of affirmation at the back of her throat. Klaus sat in the booth across from her, his shoes making a squeaky noise on the tile below. He awkwardly crosses his legs, taking small sips of the drink.
“What are you reading?” he asked, eyebrows quirked upwards. She gently lifted her book, and it read “The Human Anatomy, Down to the Bone Cell” He hmmed in acknowledgement, and resorted to looking out of the window. 
 The drops of rain raced each other on the windowsill, determined for few seconds at a time, only to puddle together in the end. Klaus stared at a single corner outside, where nobody seemed to be walking over. It was the crack where the sidewalk met the much smaller border of the sidewalk. He watched the rainwater trickle into it, and he felt himself start to zone out. But that was alright...he needed time to think.
  This, in turn, was perfect for Topazi to stop reading her book and stare at this stranger. New people aren’t really her thing, as they’re usually below her standard of who she liked keeping in her circle. She peered at the way his curls were somewhat tussled, like he’d been caught in a windstorm of some sort. (Although it’s been rainy all day, no wind whatsoever.), she thought to herself. His eyes were beautiful, but so tired, it seemed. Wonderful shade of green, she thought, too. She pondered the different shades of green that she could remember, which lead to her thinking of the floating diamond of Sims’ characters. (plumbob, she repeated, overenunciating the first syllable). She went back to the thought at hand, and looked at the hand clutching the cup of hot chocolate, still seeming to be warm to the touch, judging by the steam coming from the mouthpiece of the top.
  His hand was veiny, somewhat red, (maybe because of the heat). His fingers looked very pale though, almost as if they’d recently been subjected to extreme cold, or flashes of it. (the rain, she thought) His chest was partially exposed due to the.....vest that he was wearing (maybe he’s some sort of performer, he does have a cowboy hat) She paid more attention to his face, also tired, and glanced at his lips, but only for a moment, as she didn’t need to get exceedingly horny in a public space over a complete stranger.....again. She softly gasped when he looked back at her, and she softly smiled, getting back to her book.
“Were you just staring at me?” Klaus asked, looking back at her.
“Yes.” she replied, eyes skimming over her paragraph on metacarpals. She had a fleeting thought to wiggle her hand in front of her face in order to properly label everything, but she could do that back at home.
“Why?” he asked, his tone giving off the fact that he wasn’t in fact upset, just curious.
“Eye contact isn’t my favorite thing, neither is small talk, especially if I’m preoccupied, so I sometimes stare at people in order to get a better understanding of them.” she explained, glancing at Klaus.
“Oh, well, don’t mind me then. I won’t bother you.” he said, looking at the table. Topazi put her book facedown on the table, apologizing.
“You’re fine! You didn’t try to talk to me, and you respected me when I didn’t reply with the name of my book, verbally at least. I like that.” she replied, deciding to look Klaus in the eye.
“Oh, thank you. Care to tell me why you’re reading about human cells?” he teased, a smirk coming to his lips. Topazi panicked for a moment, because she thought “fuck....he’s a charmer”
  She did tell him about why she was reading about human cells. And why she kept scratching a portion of the book as she read. He even noticed how she bit her lip when she read, which lead him to think that she was actually reading some sort of cell erotica, only to remember what she had previously told him. They talked for hours, it seemed. For once, Topazi found someone that she could talk to and not get tired. Interests, parents, everything (maybe a bit too much). They eventually had to separate, but not after giving each other their numbers, and Klaus found a small feeling of joy in his chest as he walked out of the coffee shop. He walked back into the Hargreeves (uh.....Sparrow) mansion with a small smile on his face. His face hurt, not from too much sun, or biting his lips too much. From pure excitement and joy, he found. Bubbling out of him, steamrolling its way out into the open. His fists shook in glee, and he squealed, and he didn’t care. For once. He needed something good, and she was it. Beautiful Topazi. Wonderful Topazi. That’s the answer.
  Klaus came back to his senses as he realized that some of the marshmallow fluff had leaked its way onto the counter where he scooped it up with a finger, tempted to put it into his mouth. A few moments of thinking gave him his decision. He imagined Topazi’s look of disgust when she caught him doing that once, and stuck his finger under the tap for a few moments, wiping the water off on his bare thigh. He finished his sandwich, and went back upstairs (once again avoiding Minnie). He snuggled next to his partner in bed, breathing in deeply. Yeah....she’d need a bit of a shower when she woke up, but that’s alright. That’s alright though. She would spend the rest of the day at home, to rest from being on her feet and knees for hours the previous day. And he’d tell her how important and beautiful she is, and think about how he’d almost went to the pizza shop across the street. But he didn’t. And he chose right, so right. With no regrets, for the first time he could think of in a while.
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babiekeiji · 5 years
i'm kenma deprived pls feed me i'm starving
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kenma as a boyfriend
(i chose kenma as a boyfriend to cater to everyone!) 
kenma would probably be da chillest man to date 
like man he probably wouldn’t have made the first move but shit man he’s da most lowkey romantic one of em all 
like he’s probably the type to accept his feelings nd not act on them so fast 
which is what happened with you 
except you beat him to confessing 
it was a really chill day, you two r probably in the same room but doing different things 
you trust kenma not to make things awkward; you trust kenma enough to help soften your fall 
so you pipe up, “kenma, you know i like you, right?” you ask, only sparing him a glance up from your book 
kenma doesn’t even look up from his switch, “i know.” 
you nod. “okay. i just wanted you to know.” 
“okay,” he replies, “i like you too.” 
“motherfucker are you serious right now” 
“at least look me in the eye when you tell me,  idiot!” 
he pauses his game frustratedly and sits up from the bed, and he says, “i like you, yn, and i want to date you. are you happy?” 
“hmm,” you hum, “no.” 
“c’mere gimme hug” 
he rolls his eyes 
but really he’s trying his best not to show a smile 
from then on kenma’s just really lowkey with the two of you; like he doesn’t post about the two of you but he does keep your favorite emoji as his bio
and honestly from kenma..... that’s a LOT 
in turn you keep his jersey number (5) as your location on twt teehee 
kenma likes to surprise you with snacks he knows you like 
like he’ll buy you some candy in the morning and keep it in his pocket, and the next time he sees you in the hallways he’ll say “oh hey, here, i bought these for you” 
he’s da CUTEST mfmfmfmfffmf
would probably lend you his jacket...... except he’s going to be real grumpy about it 
like he’ll notice you napping during recess w/o anything to cover you up nd he’ll just barge into your classroom and take off his jacket and set it over you, all while he’s murmuring this is so bothersome why would they forget their jacket on a day like this 
he balances his playing so it doesn’t get in the way of spending time with you 
though you never mind that he plays sometimes when you’re around; you shouldn’t because after all, you know how much kenma loves to play his video games 
and in turn kenma makes sure he makes time for you subconsciously and tries to teach you how to play 
lets you choose what to watch during movie dates and where to go during outside dates 
isn’t so big for pet names, so he’d probably only stick to two like”baby/babe” nd something really sweet like “honey” 
drags you around with him to find that game he likes that just released; “this is a date.” 
doesn’t hold your hand 
but does hook his pinky finger around yours 
one time he rings you up in the middle of your sleeping, and you’re about to rage until:
“hey...” he speaks meekly, and he sounds like he’s smiling, “i made you a character in animal crossing. you look pretty cute.” 
all the anger in your body just dissipates, and you just turn all soft 
this man ... 
“is that all?” you exhale a laugh, trying to hide the stupid grin that decorates your face 
“yeah,” he replies. “i just wanted to let you know. when you come over next time i’ll show you it; it’s really cute.” 
“anyway, i know you’re sleeping,” he replies, “good bye, continue your long nap away from me, i love you” 
“okay,” you say, “i love you.” 
when he hangs up you just scream into your pillow because wtf that was so cute and even though tht was practically the bare minimum... that’s kenma 
please be patient with our boy kenma he’s really trying his best 
i love him so much 
kenma PRINCE, kenma RIGHTS 
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♡.♡ sleep deprivation tingz ☆.☆ https://www.instagram.com/p/CGisb69JjLp/?igshid=29xdju99irax
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bakerbuddy · 5 years
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I haven’t gone to bed in more than 24 hours, just sleep deprived tingz!!!!111
Jokes aside, I’m making more shit because I feel like it, so be on the look out, I might make even more stuff today/tomorrow!
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girlaboutcampus · 6 years
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the sound of 2018 // playlist
2018 really felt like two years for me, one that ended with graduation in the summer and a second which saw so many of my university friends moving away to start new lives. It’s been a long year, though, against all odds, a great one. This is what it sounded like. Happy new year! 
raspberry beret - prince // finesse - bruno mars ft. cardi b // curious - hayley kiyoko // love you like that - dagny // do it - rae morris // mistakes - tove styrke // sleep deprived - leon // dance - dnce // make me feel - janelle monae // time after time - pomplamoose // pray for me - the weeknd ft. kendrick lamar // there’s a reason - wet // rollercoaster - bleachers // pynk - janelle monae ft. grimes // barbie tingz - nicki minaj // feel like a fool - kali uchis // love lies - khalid ft. normani // you are not the voice in your head - the streets // day 1 - honne //  done for me - charlie puth ft. kehlani // daft pretty boys - bad suns // location unknown - honne ft. georgia // safe and sound - capital cities // new light - john mayer // undone - the bird and the bee // crush - tessa violet // bitches - tove lo, charlie xcx, icona pop, alma, elliphant // colour - mnek ft. hailee steinfeld // mariners apartment complex - lana del rey // all like whatever - watsky // peace sign - the front bottoms // goodnight n go - ariana grande // successful - ariana grande // loyal to me - nina nesbitt // shrink -honne // wait a minute! - willow // old school love - neiked, shy nodi // black effect - the carters // get into my car - echosmith // how deep is your love - pj morton ft. yebba // listen to your friends - declan mckenna // sincerity is scary - the 1975 // party for one - carly rae jepsen // pussy is god - king princess // nobody - mitski // almost makes me wish for rain - lucius // human right - the strike // butterflies - samsa 
image credit: lightbox st andrews 
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