#slbpfics writes
slbpfics · 6 years
Forever - Saizo x MC
Author’s note: Hello, everyone!! It’s been months since I’ve posted something written by my lazy self. It’s late, but here is a oneshot for our favourite ninja’s birthday. Thank you all for sticking around!!!
Word count: 1264
Tagging:  @suzunesays @quincette @uxoremmikael @that-otome-potato @marin23jones @books-and-colours @mistakenmessenger  @jemchew @frywen-babbles @pseudofaux @wonky-glass-ornament @yoolee @saizoswifey (You don’t know me but I like your blog a lot ^_^) 
The cold wind from the window is what woke you. You turned over, fingers absent-mindedly searching for a form that wasn’t there. He’s out again.
You had tried to understand, really, the odd habits that Saizo possessed. It was, however starting to get a teensy bit difficult.
He would disappear for extended periods of time, not answer his phone, and never tell you where he had been. He would get in an extremely sour mood whenever you asked for any particulars regarding his occupation, and give a different job title every time you did. Each job title, however did not explain his expensive clothes, his sparse, but expensively furnished apartment, or his assistant/ friend/ partner Kiyohiro, who seemed to appear out of nowhere within a few minutes of calling him via text.
Well, needless to say, you had guessed that his job was somewhat on the illegal side, and while your rational side screamed about how you should stay away from such a guy, you couldn’t stay away from him. It wasn’t something you could explain to anyone who tried to persuade you into breaking up with him.
Given that all your theorizing about him had chased your sleep away, you decided to get up and make yourself a mug of tea, and hope that he somehow returned. You pushed yourself out of the bed and walked towards the bedroom door.
You winced at the heat outside your cool bedroom. Rubbing at your eyes, you made your way to the kitchen. It was dark. But your eyes got used to it, and you made your way to the kitchen without any stumbling.
The sound of the occasional nocturnal insect was the only thing you could hear. At this point you didn’t expect anything remotely romantic like Saizo appearing randomly and hugging you from behind. It was sad that the initial fiery romance in your relationship had died out. Saizo had been distant after those first few months, and you had given him his space.
You deserved some answers. This secrecy was too much.
Shaking your head, you focused on boiling the water for the tea, the good old way. Seeing the water slowly bubbling was oddly calming. You opened the cupboards searching for the teabags.
“They’re in the third cupboard. Bottom shelf.”
You spun around so fast you nearly smacked your hand on the hot kettle. Silvery hair shone in the little moonlight that came in through the balcony.
You had been debating the odd habits of this person and the ups and downs of your year-old relationship, and now, here he was. Standing in front of you. After nearly three weeks.
You inwardly winced at your flat tone. You had always acted like a happy puppy whenever he did come back home, happy for whatever little affection he threw in your direction. No more.
You took out the tea bags from their location, and made your tea, all the while being aware of his keen eyes on your form. As you picked up your mug, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Saizo held onto you, taking advantage of the mug held in your hands.
“What’s wrong, little lady?” he mumbled right in your ear, his breath tickling your neck.
There were so many things wrong. He did love you, you knew he did. You saw it in the little things he did to make you happy. Those little things did not, however, fill the void that was left by him every time he left. His silence on so many things- his job, his family, his love life before you- made you wonder whether you knew the man you loved at all.
But, you couldn’t bring yourself to walk away. You knew he would let go if you did, he wouldn’t stop you if you walked away.
You stayed rooted to the ground. The heat from the mug was starting to hurt your palms.
Saizo didn’t move either.
“This. All of this, it feels unreal. It’s like you’re a dream,” your breath hitched– but you willed your tears away, “like, one day, I’ll wake up and you won’t be there.”
You felt his embrace tighten. You placed the mug on the counter and he loosened his grip enough for you to turn around in his arms. His eyes were on you, deep and unwavering, and for a moment you wondered whether you had upset him. But today you had made up your mind. You didn’t want walk on eggshells around him. You would be honest and tell him just what you thought about the current state of things. You would not keep this inside you any longer.
You loved him. And so you decided to be honest with him. You met his intense gaze with one of your own.
“I love you, you know. Even though it feels like I don’t know you sometimes. Even though I feel like you’re going to leave. I don’t complain, I don’t nag at you for anything. I give you your space. I worry when you disappear for days. When those days turn into weeks, I can’t help but fear for the worst. Is it selfish of me to want to know more about you? I know it’s stupid, but I always jump to the worst possible conclusion. Is it pathetic for me want to cry in relief when you come back home after weeks? Am I doing something wrong, here?” You didn’t know when you started to cry, but a few tears did escape your eyes, and you wiped them away hastily. They made you feel like you were on the losing side of an argument.
All this while, Saizo had said nothing. He just kept rubbing circles into your back. His hold on you was still firm. You leaned your forehead against his chest, not wanting him to see any more of your tears.
“It seems like the little lady has been thinking a lot while I was away,” he said, his voice gentle. He lifted your chin up with a finger. You kept your eyes downward.
“These thoughts of yours don’t seem to be a recent development, though. How long have you felt this way?” If he was angry, his voice did not betray a trace of his anger.
You looked up at him. A slight smile rested on his lips. Did I just make a fool of myself? Was I acting too desperate? Maybe I could’ve worded it differently. Your heart sank. Is this where this relationship ends? Will we end our love like this? You turned away, a fresh batch of tears about to spill from your eyes.
Saizo must’ve noticed the look on your face, because he cupped your face, and made you face him. You, however refused to meet his eyes.
“Look at me, little lady.” You did. He wiped your tears away with his thumb. “I am here right now, am I not?”
“You are. But for how long?” You had meant for your voice to be sharp. Instead, your voice was a whisper. His crimson eyes widened for a split second.
“As long as you would have me.” He replied, his resolve clear in his tone. You placed your hand over his heart, feeling his heartbeat.
“I want you forever. For as long as we live. That is never going to change.” You blurted out, desperate for him to understand your feelings. His eyes widened in open surprise. You felt his heartbeat race.
“Well, then. If that’s what you want, little lady. Forever it is.”
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slbpfics · 7 years
Desolation IV - Saizo x MC
Author’s note: Thank you for all the likes and reblogs, people! Here’s Chapter 4. I hope you enjoy it and that Saizo is not too OOC.
Word count: 446
Modern AU
Tagging: @marin23jones  @suzunesays  @books-and-colours   @uxoremmikael @mistakenmessenger  @that-otome-potato 
‘Don’t run away from me now, little lady.’ The words spill out of his mouth before he can stop them. His words have the desired effect on her. She turns.
His heart hammers against his chest, almost painful. He welcomes the pain. His eyes drink in her form. She is still the same, with her sweet face and kind eyes. Her hair sways in the breeze. She takes in his appearance, and takes a few steps forward. He does the same. There isn’t much distance between them now. He could reach out and touch her.
Her eyes hold an emotion he can’t quite place. It is a mixture of adoration, sadness and recognition.
She remembers.
‘Saizo.’ His name falls from her lips, her voice a piece of music he has not heard in years. No, centuries.
He wants to touch her, and see for himself, that she is here, that God has granted him a new life, with her, in a time where his hands are not soiled with blood. He wants to kiss her and feel the warmth of her lips against his own, a warmth he didn’t know he craved for so long. He wants to memorise every inch of her and commit her to his memory, should time prove to be cruel and deprive him of her again.
But he waits.
Waits for her to make the first move. She closes the gap between them and embraces him. Her arms tighten around him, almost as if to make sure that he is still there. His arms find his way around her too. She doesn’t let go.
‘I’ve been looking for you.’ She mumbles against his neck, her voice cracking. ‘All those years. I almost gave up.’
Where were you? Why didn’t you look for me? She didn’t need to say those biting questions out loud.
He frowns. He doesn’t remember any other life after the Sengoku and before this one.
She had searched for him for centuries, he realises. She had felt this loneliness over and over again in all the lives she had lived. She had felt this inner turmoil for all those years. All that pain. All that sadness. All the desolation. All alone.
His heart clenches with emotion and his vision clouds with tears. His eyes close in an attempt to stop the tears from falling. But still, hot tears run down his face, for the first time in years.
He doesn’t need to hide how he feels anymore. He won’t hide from her. Not in this life.
‘I’m here now, little lady. I’ll make up for all those years you spent looking.’
I promise.
He always kept his promises.
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slbpfics · 7 years
Desolation III - Saizo x MC
Author’s note: Here is chapter 3. Hope you enjoy it.
Word count: 486
Modern AU
Tagging: @suzunesays @quincette @uxoremmikael @that-otome-potato @marin23jones @books-and-colours @mistakenmessenger
It had been a long day, without any sight of the brown haired girl, much to Saizo’s displeasure. He needs to see who this girl is. Why does he feel she is the woman from his dream? The sound of loud giggles make him look towards their source. He can make out a group of girls near his next class. One of them hits the other with a book. Saizo looks on, unusually intrigued.
‘If you do know, then tell her who he is, Umeko. Please.’
‘Matsuko! That hurts! Now I’m definitely not going to say anything.’
He move closer to the group and spots the long brown hair. The girl is standing with her back to him. Found you.
Matsuko hits her friend again in obvious exasperation.
Umeko rubs her arm playfully and replies, ‘The silver haired guy, right? He’s friends with Sanada Yukimura. His name is Kirigakure Saizo.’
Oh, so they were talking about him.
‘I see.’ The brunette’s voice is quiet now. An emotion he can’t quite name stirs his heart at the sound of her voice. It was sweet, but at the same time, somewhat mournful and–
A strong hand claps down on his shoulder, shaking him out of his musings.
‘Why did you sit in a seat so far away from mine, Saizo? I was so bored, I couldn’t understand a single word.’ Yukimura smiles happily and punches his shoulder lightly. ‘Why are you standing just outside class, though? Your cheeks are red. Saizo, are you okay?’
Saizo did not move. The brunette must have heard Yukimura talk and say his name. She says something to her friends and walks towards the exit.
Saizo looks at Yukimura’s expectant face. ‘Cover for me, little lord,’ he says, as he walks towards the exit. He needs to catch this girl, right now, before she disappears. Something tells him that she might leave if he didn’t hurry. People moving to and fro between classes slow him as he chases after the girl from his dreams.
Who is she? Why is she asking around for him? Why is he reacting this way? He could care less. Against his better judgement, he runs after her, his heart gripped in the sudden anxiety of losing her.
As he runs, he remembers something from a long ago, when a child of the shadows went against the whole village of Iga, wanting to save his only light, the woman he loved. How the snow had fallen that day. How he had sent all those assassins to their deaths in a rage and sent her running away for her own safety.
He stops when he reaches the parking lot. The brunette has stopped too, her back facing him as she fumbles with her car keys.
‘Please.’ His voice is hoarse, unnatural. Why is he pleading with this girl he doesn’t know? 
Who is she?  
He knows her, but he doesn’t.
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slbpfics · 7 years
Desolation - Saizo x MC
Author’s note: This is a birthday present for @marin23jones None of our friends were there for her birthday, even though she was there for all of ours. Take your time. you have every right to be pissed. Until such a time that you can forgive us comes, enjoy my writing. Again, I’m sorry.
Word count: 500 
Modern AU 
Tagging: @suzunesays @marin23jones @mistakenmessenger @uxoremmikael @quincette @that-otome-potato​ @books-and-colours​
The silence unnerves him. Saizo lies in his bed, unmoving. He waits. The rain is about to begin. A slight drizzle, slowly progressing into a downpour with thunder and lightning.
He sighs, unease gripping his heart. Why does this happen to me? Even after all this time? He stares aimlessly at the ceiling of his room. The little lord was out with his friends since the afternoon, and it was probably a good thing. He didn’t want anyone to see him like this. He closes his eyes, slipping into a dream that was half imagination, half reality.
He opens his eyes to a roof that feels familiar, and at the same time, foreign. The unease still hasn’t left his heart. There is also a slight stab of pain that stings, nearly bringing tears to his eyes. Someone stirred beside him. He didn’t realise he was sitting up. A hand rests on his shoulder, gently pulling him back to the bedding.
‘Come back to bed, Saizo. You must be tired.’
It is a woman’s voice. He doesn’t move, but looks around him. The room is sparse, much like his own apartment. Where the hell am I?
‘You’re going to age faster if you don’t sleep, you know.’ The woman sits up, chuckling. He is still facing away from her, he realises. He tries to turn around, to see her face, but it’s like he has lost control over his body. Something warm presses up against his back. Warm arms wrap around his torso. He tries to move his arms, to get away from this mystery woman’s embrace.
‘I can’t make the past go away, Saizo, nor can I change who you are. But I can ease this pain,’ her arms tighten, ‘in the way I know. Will you let me?’
Saizo wakes up with a start. His heartbeat is racing, sweat trails down the sides of his face. He wipes the sweat from his forehead and pulls himself up into a sitting position. Who was the woman in his dream? Why did her voice calm his anxious heart? Why was he anxious in the first place? Why was he in bed with that woman?
He runs a hand through his sweaty locks. What the hell was he dreaming about? So many questions came to mind, and yet the answers seemed so far away.
A shower. I need a shower.
He cannot stop thinking about the woman’s voice. It was so… comforting to hear the love in her voice when she said- Wait, since when do I think like a lead male in a shoujo manga? He chuckles. I’m going insane.
Saizo walks up to the doors of his class, knowing that he is more than a few minutes late. If only I did not oversleep today. He had stayed awake for the remainder of the night, well into the early hours of morning, until exhaustion pulled him into slumber, letting go just in time for him to be twenty minutes late.
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slbpfics · 7 years
Desolation II - Saizo x MC
Author's note: Here is chapter 2. Hope you enjoy it. I know I should be working on my other fic Facts and Figures, but I wanted to write something different while making a present for @marin23jones. This is probably going to be a four chapter series. Probably.
Word count: 441
Modern AU
Tagging: @suzunesays @quincette @uxoremmikael @that-otome-potato @marin23jones @books-and-colours @mistakenmessenger
Saizo opens the door to his classroom, and finds no teacher there. Thank God. He was sleep deprived and there was no caffeine keeping sleep at bay. He resists the urge to yawn.
Hearing a lecture from the teacher and another one from Yukimura would be too much for one day. Yukimura waves at him from a seat that is too far away. He searches for a closer alternative. There were three seats empty in the third row, with one closest to the wall. Perfect spot to nap.
He plops down in his seat and looks around him. All around him, people were on their phones, or completing last minute homework, some were revising the lesson, and there were also zombies who were in desperate need for a caffeine fix. The usual scene.
And so, he lets his mind wander. Back to the thoughts of the mystery woman of his dream. The sound of her voice, the warmth of her embrace, all so familiar, but also, foreign. The dream felt real enough to be a memory. He doesn’t notice the previously empty seats are now occupied, until the sound of the chatter dies down and the teacher begins teaching.
He turns his attention to the teacher, trying to focus on something, anything that comes out of the man’s mouth.  But his mind wanders over to the woman of his dreams, her voice, the way she said his name. Saizo… He almost smiles. Her voice makes his heart thump faster. His exhaustion washes away, as he remembers the gentle touch of her embrace. She does things to him, this woman from another time, another era.
Who are you? Why can’t I remember who you are?
The feeling of being watched snaps him out of his daydream. Who is it? He looks at the teacher, who is still teaching, oblivious. The seat next to him is occupied by a boy who looks like one of Yukimura’s frat buds, all muscle and tanned skin, a shock of long black hair and violet eyes. No, not him. But then who is watching me?
He tries to gain a view of who is on the seat beside this frat boy. He can make out long, brown hair. A girl, then. His heart clenched again. He would have ignored the feeling of being ogled at, but something in him told him to investigate further.
The bell rings. Everyone hurries to get out of the class. Saizo tries to reach the brown haired girl, but the people filing out of the class don’t let him and he loses sight of her before she leaves the classroom.
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slbpfics · 7 years
Facts and Figures II - Saizo x OC
Author’s note: Hello, people! Here is Chapter 2. This is inspired by @suzunesays ‘s headcanon which can be found here. Hope you guys like it ^_^
Word count: 972
Tagging: @suzunesays, @books-and-colours, @uxoremmikael @mistakenmessenger  @quincette @marin23jones
Part 1
‘I don’t recall ordering those.’ His voice is cold. Yuka just about flinches by the amount of ice that emanates from him in that instant.
She takes in his appearance. He seems so… dangerous and cold, and yet there is something that is intriguing about him. . I don’t blame him. If his line of work requires that he be suspicious of the people around him, then I can’t really expect him to be kind and approachable.
She smiles. Watching his expression relax a little, she takes a seat across from him. The man raises his eyebrows at her. She places one of the lattes in front of him, and takes hers.
‘I know you didn’t. This one’s on the house. It’s a new flavour,’ she says, hoping to tempt him to taste the new coffee flavour. The man glances at the cup. And back at her. Yuka nervously fiddles with the hem of her apron.
‘Well then, miss Yuka,’ he says, as he grabs a skewer of dango, ‘I hope these are as good as they look.’
He makes quick work of the skewer. His hand wipes his lips, as a deep chuckle escapes them. Her eyes run over his face, as he makes quick work of the remaining dango. That is when she pays attention to his lips. They are pale, much like his skin, paler than anyone she has ever seen.
Hold, your horses, woman! Stop ogling the customer! She averts her eyes and takes a sip of her own latte, letting her eyes roam over the familiar walls of her father’s café. The stranger shifts in his seat.
‘Why is this place so empty?’ His coppery brown eyes looked at her. His eyes are almost red. In the right light, his eyes would appear red. She shakes herself out of her musing.
‘Well, sir, there is a new café that just opened couple of weeks ago.’ She pointed outside the window, where the establishment could be seen. ‘It’s closer to the campus than this place is, even though we’re just across the road from the main building.’ She sighed. Life had been tough for the past few weeks, with her father dying just last Monday and her mom and brother in a total state of shock.
She should be mourning her father. Like children do. Like good children do.
She realises that she has been staring at the new café for too long. She turns her attention to the customer. He has the cup in his hand. He eyes her curiously. She clears her throat and plays with her fingers.
‘There seems to be a great lack of staff here.’ The man cautiously takes a sip of the drink in front of him. The corners of his lip twitch slightly upward. Yuka smiles. The stranger furrows his brows.
‘Why are you smiling?’
‘You didn’t seem like you were going to have that. I guess I’m glad my effort didn’t go to waste. Wouldn’t you be?’ Her eyes go wide. Did she just say that? To a complete stranger?
The stranger in question chuckles. ‘You are not very business driven are you, Miss Yuka?’
The sudden question surprises her. So now he wants to talk huh? She takes a sip of her latte and smiles at him. Why am I smiling? He said I wasn’t business driven. She wipes the smile off her face. Why does he think I’m offering free samples?
 ‘Well, I love making new stuff, trying out new recipes, bringing back some old favourites from our old restaurant. There’s no one around to taste them these days, so I offer free samples and ask for feedback.’
The stranger looks at her, and then glances at his latte. Yuka looks at the cup, which had more than half of the warm drink left.
‘Do you like it, sir?’
‘Anything’s possible.’ He downs the rest of it. Would it kill you to say you like it?
‘Well, then.’
He rises, looking around. He takes his helmet from the chair beside him. Whoa. The visor’s so tinted, it’s almost black. How can he see with that thing on? Before she can voice her thoughts, however, he leaves. She can see him walking towards a motorcycle parked under the shade of a tree. He glances in her direction. She looks down at her latte and the empty plate that held the dango. Oh, why can’t I stop staring at him? He probably left because I was being a creep.
A moment later, she hears the revving of an engine and the sound of the motorcycle fading away. She sighs and gets up, clearing the plates.
Wait. He left his gloves here. She leaves his gloves on the table and takes the plates and cups away.
Why did this guy, this usually silent customer just decide to talk to her? Who was he?
Most importantly, why did I talk to him for so long?
She turns around, looking at the spot where the stranger had parked his bike. Maybe he’ll return for his gloves? She shakes her head. Why would she care whether he comes back or no? If the stranger decides to some back for the gloves, she’ll give them back. If not, he’ll come around one of these days, and then she’ll give them back. Why am I making a big deal out of this?
She recalls the stranger’s appearance. He looked like he was well off, his clothing was simple, but the expensive kind; his hair was a metallic silver, darker at the roots, but lighter towards th– Hold up, when were you paying attention? Why were you paying attention?
He was just a customer. Just another of the several–
Right. We don’t have any customers these days.
Maybe that’s why she paid such close attention.
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slbpfics · 7 years
Facts and Figures- Saizo x OC
Author’s note: Hello, people! Till now I have been reblogging stuff from other people, but today, I have one of my own creations for you. this is my first ever fic on tumblr, so please forgive me if Saizo seems OOC. This is inspired by @suzunesays ‘s headcanon which can be found here
Word count: 1464
Tagging: @suzunesays, @books-and-colours, @uxoremmikael @mistakenmessenger and @quincette
Dark eyes glare at the wall. Clenching his fists by his side, he gets up from his seat and walks away. Writing is difficult. Who says writing for the papers is an easy task?
His deadline is coming up, he knows. He needs to complete that piece on the most recent murder ASAP. He needs to find a way to get the facts he needs. But how? All his leads had gone cold. All his sources miraculously unaware of this new gang on the streets. His former colleagues had been tight lipped about the whole incident.
Get a grip on yourself. He moves to the balcony of his small, sparse apartment. Information isn’t going to drop in your arms. You need to find it, somehow. You need to –
His train of thought is interrupted by the buzzing of his phone. He glances at the screen. Yukimura. He hit decline before he places the phone on the edge of his balcony’s steel railing, reaching into his pockets for a pack of cigarettes. The phone buzzes again. What is it now? He catches the phone just before it falls off the railing. So persistent.
‘What is it, little lord?’
‘Saizo, I need you to come by my college campus. There’s someone I want you to meet. I think that-’
Saizo artlessly pulls a cigarette out and lights it. ‘Little lord, if this is about another blind date-‘
‘This is not about any date,’ Yukimura sighs in annoyance, ‘rather, it’s about that case you’re writing about. I think I know a girl whose dad was killed by those psychos.’
Saizo nearly drops the phone in shock. ‘A girl, you say? Are you sure, little lord? I don’t just go about meeting people because the claim they have information.’
‘I’m positive, Saizo. Her name is Yuka Asano.’
That made Saizo drop his cigarette. Yuka Asano. The name does sound familiar, but where has he heard it? Ah, she could be related to the most recent victim, Hiroshi Asano. Or she could be a lure to his death.
‘… I’ll be there. Have you said anything about me?’ he crushes the cigarette under his shoe.
‘No. Do you take me for an idiot?’
‘Not an idiot, dear. Perhaps a little dense.’
He hangs up before he can hear Yukimura’s incensed voice sputter out anything further. Well, seems like information really did drop in my arms. He goes back into his room, shutting the laptop down. He walks out of his apartment, locking the door behind him.
Let’s hope you are the source I’m looking for, Yuka Asano.
The ride to Yukimura’s campus doesn’t take long. He pulls his phone out. Please tell me you aren’t distracted by those frat boy idiots that surround you, dear. The sound of frantic footsteps making towards him proves him wrong. There stood Yukimura, red faced, and sweating. Great.
‘What took you so long, Saizo?’ he asks, pulling at the collar of his sweaty jersey.
‘Where’s the girl?’ Saizo glances around the place, checking for eavesdropping souls. He turns his attention back to the little lord.
‘She has a name, you know,’ says Yukimura, wiping the sweat from his brow.
‘I could care less.’
Saizo tapped his fingers on his helmet. He wasn’t here to discuss names. He needed information. He could almost imagine the stupid editor of his paper demanding the article he had yet to finish. He got off his motorcycle and ran a hand through his hair.
Yukimura sensed Saizo’s annoyance and knew better than to annoy him further. ‘She’s working part time at the new café a few blocks down.’ Yukimura pauses, scratching the back of his head. ‘Hey, Saizo, be nice, will you? She’s pretty shaken up by what happened.’
‘Thank you, little lord. Much obliged.’ Saizo says in a detached voice, ignoring the look of slight hurt on Yukimura’s face. Sorry, little lord. That’s just the way I am. He wears his helmet and gets on his motorcycle again. He can feel Yukimura’s eyes on him.
Saizo pulled his visor up, looking at Yukimura. ‘Something else you want to tell me, little lord?’
Yukimura smiles and runs a hand through his dark grey hair. ‘I have a feeling, Saizo. This girl is gonna be the one for you. I was about to set you both up on a blind date, but you know, her dad was killed and-‘
Saizo clenches his fist. ‘Little lord, stop playing matchmaker for me and focus on your life. You should be worrying about your grades and not my love life.’
With that, Saizo drove towards that new Café he had been frequenting for the past few weeks. Who knew that the girl he was looking for had been there this whole time? Saizo smiled underneath his tinted visor, sure that the little display of emotion remains unseen.
Traffic Gods are kind to him and he reaches his destination in less than five minutes. It is four thirty right now. She should probably be in.
He parks his ride where he does every day. He squints his eyes against the sunlight. Walking towards the entrance to the café, he checks his surroundings for any unwanted pursuers, finding none. Why am I like this? He wasn’t like this before. He doesn’t understand why he has become so paranoid over the years. No, not paranoid. More like, overly cautious, he corrects himself. Giving one last look over his shoulder, he opens the glass door.
He inhales the scent of coffee and freshly baked desserts. The place is quieter than usual. He glances at the counter. There’s only two people there. He takes in his surroundings warily. This is the time when students should be flocking to this place, completing their homework or bringing their dates. Why is this place so empty?
He walks over to his seat. Yes, he calls it his, because he always sits in that particular spot whenever he visits the café. He takes off his cut gloves just as a voice speaks up from beside him.
‘Welcome back, sir. Would you like the usual?’ he looks up into light brown eyes that shine with emotions he never displays. His eyes wander over to her name tag. Yuka. He almost smiles. She looks at him expectantly. Oh, she’s waiting for my order.
‘I’m still thinking,’ he places his gloves on the table, ‘Do you have any new additions to the menu?’ He looks up again to see her tapping her temple with a finger. Well, if she can display her emotions so easily, she surely cannot be much of a threat to him. She wasn’t slender, but she didn’t look too tough either. Not an imposter, then. But how could he be sure?
‘We do have a new addition to our desserts. Kinako mochi and dango. Would you like a sample, sir?’ The girl looks positively delighted that someone would take notice of the change in their menu. He nods. ‘And your usual black coffee with it, sir?’ she jots down his order.
She looks at him, a slight crease between her brows. ‘Well then, sir what would you like? We have a really-’
‘Just the dango.’ He didn’t mean to come off as snappish or rude, but the girl’s expression did not change in the slightest. She smiled at him and walked away.
Saizo went over her appearance in his mind’s eye. She doesn’t look like she has been crying for days, no dark circles or redness in her eyes. She seems well dressed. Her waitress’ uniform was clean and well put together. Her hair was neat, too. Maybe he had been wrong. Why doesn’t this girl look like she has been mourning for the father she lost just last week? Maybe the little lord was wrong and the girl’s name matching Hiroshi Asano’s name was just a coincidence.
No, coincidences don’t happen in my line of work. There’s either a connection, or there is not. He drums his fingers on the table and glances out of the window. He could see his motorcycle underneath the shade of a tree. He takes stock of his surroundings again. There was no customer there except for himself.
Something felt off. Saizo glanced at the counter. The two figures he had seen there had not moved. He could not discern what they looked like from behind the various treats on display. He took out his phone and pretended to be busy. He strained his ears to listen for any oncoming attackers. Anything that should not be in a café like this one. Again, he finds nothing of the sort.
The sound of quiet and careful footsteps shake him out of his musing. Yuka was back with his order, and… two large lattes?
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