kitty-kat-ty · 7 years
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Tokugawa Ieyasu, Au, Hc, and everything what my crazy head can imagine about him (en Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/EXVYx8qNUF this is a kind of mix of my thoughts about my fave lord. some random things, hc and more
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myotomespace · 7 years
Slbp short fic (no specific lord x mc):
I had this idea while on my way home (yeah i had it while gazing at the moon from the backseat of the car lol)
Like i mentioned in the title … i tried to make it as neutral as i can manage
I think i’ll tag @dreamsinparadise for some critics (i’m sorry if you’re busy :x …)
Word count: 604 Genre: angst, i guess …? and a bit of fluff toward the end perhaps. __________________________________
[Hidden secret] :
It has been months since mc started working in the castle, and the lord has gotten used to her presence and care for him.
But lately, he felt that there was something off with her behavior sometimes… maybe thanks to the much more strong contact between them, or maybe because he found himself wanting to be with her all the time.
It took him three times for him to be convinced that mc was hiding something from him, something dangerous for her nonetheless.
The first was when he was watching her making his meal, waiting eagerly for it. When she was handling the knife she cut herself a bit… not that deep cut, but it should have normally hurt her… there was blood, but she did not flinch at the contact between the knife edge and her skin. And she only noticed the cut when she saw the copper liquid tainting the ingredient.
He insisted on tending to her wound, and asked her at the same time about how she did not feel it…but she just avoid the question by telling him that she was too absorbed into making his meal to notice.
The second time was when she went to the town to buy some ingredients for the banquet to be held, he got worried about her, so he followed after her secretly…some kids were playing around, and one of them, when he was running from the others stumbled near her, and somehow caused her to lose her balance and trip down.
The fall would normally be painful, the kind that will probably injure her ankle. While making his way toward her, mc pulled herself up. When he asked if she was fine, she said yes…the way she walked proved that she was injured, but what confused him was that she was acting way too casually about it, as if nothing happened at all…
The third time was the most obvious… mc was using hot water… really hot water, one might think it was actually boiling even.
He was passing by during that time looking for her, and he saw her washing the dishes… so he decided to go and talk to her. But, with him now approaching her he started to notice how the water was making too much steam and her hands were practically red…
He sprinted the last bit of distance between them, and without a second delay, pulled her hands from the hot water and searched for ice to put on them… while waiting for her hands to cool down, he looked at her with eyes full of worry, panic and pain asking her…
“Mc…How did you manage to work with that boiling water? And the other times too, each time you get injured you act like you don’t feel pain at all…”
When she tried to look away, he forced her gaze back to him… and with a small sigh, she answered in the most plain way possible
“Milord, since I was a child I’ve been like this … I can’t feel pain at all, or more correctly, I can’t feel any thing. Even if you hold my hands, or someone forces a sword through my body, I feel absolutely nothing”
Her explanation took him aback and shocked him… and just as he processed what she told him, his grip on her hand tightened and gazed at her with resolve and confidence
“In that case, depend on me…I’ll make sure you never get hurt, I promise” he said before pulling her toward him for a hug repeating the vow in his mind and heart many times that day.
_____________________________ Okay…. i think this got out of hand and ended up ooc even though it’s neutral. Anyway please tell me if have some comments.
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minnimay17 · 6 years
Soul mates (part 7)
She stood in her kitchen both fear and confusion playing in her mind. There were flowers on her countertop. Saizo wouldn't be home for a few more days so it wouldn't have been him. Yukimura had his spare key in case something happened but even so, he would never do this unless saizo had asked him. That possibility was nixed due to the color of the innocent flowers just sitting there… they were black. Cautiously, (mc) walked over to the bouquet and gingerly looked for a card. She jumped when someone knocked on her door. “damn it that scared me…” She opened the door shoulders relaxing at the familiar blue haired pain in her ass. “I thought you weren't able to come till three” she asked letting him in. “it is three” he told her irritated as he walked in and placed his books down on her table. He turned to give a snide remark but froze half way his eyes honing in on the flowers. She spent more time looking at the flowers than she had thought apparently. With a resigned sigh she moved to sit at the table freezing at the now urgent and demanding tone he was now talking to her in. “Where did you get those.” he almost spat out. “I don't know, they were here when I got home” she answered honestly voice a bit worried. "Anything missing or out of place?” he demanded. “I...kinda froze when I saw them, i'm not sure and i'm a bit too afraid to look to be honest.” she admitted. “Did you touch the flowers? ” he asked frowning as he looked around, he'd been there only a few times to work on their project but he did have a photographic memory after all. “Only the wrapping to see if there was a card.” she confessed worry lacing her voice. "Wash your hands then go pack for a few days…” he muttered. "What are they” she asked not moving an inch. “Hellebore… highly toxic...whoever sent this…” he looked at her eyes worried, she was pale as she rushed to scrub her hands and pack a bag. When saizo’s plane landed and he checked his messages he was confused. (Mc) had sent him an address to meet her at. When he got there however, his confusion turned to irritation. What the hell was she doing here of all places. He banged on the door of the fraternity getting more angry by the second hearing the laughter inside. When Nobunaga opened the door his eyes were lethal. “Chill, it's not what you think ninja boy” Nobunaga told him wryly and stepped aside so he could come in. “She’s in the dining room” he informed him before heading back to the living room where they were taking turns on a fighting game. She was sitting there working on something with the fox boy, he felt some of his irritation flee at the sight of her face. “Working hard?” he asked. “I thought we agreed you would work on this at your place (mc). (Mc) jumped and rushed to his side nearly tackling him, his arms slid to hug her back only to tighten at the feel of her trembling. She slipped away and muttered about going get her things and rushed away. “She was sent black hellebore. I didn't think it wise she stay home alone, she stayed in one of the empty rooms since I couldn't get ahold of Sanaa.” Mitsunari informed him. “a detective friend of Nobunaga’s came by and got the key from her… when he went in the flowers were gone.” When she fell asleep on his bed he made a few calls of his own, no one was taking her from him again. That thought made him freeze. He didn't know where it came from and he didn't want to. She couldn't breathe, no matter what she did or how she struggled. First it felt like drowning, now it felt like something was squeezing her lungs themselves. She woke up gasping for air eyes wild as Saizo enveloped her in his arms. “it's alright, i'm here. You're safe little lady, I promise.” he whispered kissing her forehead tenderly. Someone was going to pay for this, very slowly and very painfully. @demon-princess-anastasia @kitty-kat-ty @annamreed @otomefromtheheart @tearscrime @carinecaldre69 @suzunesays @honeybeelily @eneri0114 @kiniloves @rose-of-yonezawa @frywen-babbles @you-mass-effect-my-dragon-age @lexiauteur @purequeenoftheimpure @myotomespace Sorry for taking so long and as always if you want to be tagged shoot me an ask so I can remember
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