#slay SLAYYYY !!!! i told u i’d write and look what i did
arhvste · 3 years
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“he’s been eating healthier this week anyway so i guess the reality of nationals has really caught up to him” kuroo rubbed the back of his neck, eyes fully focused onto his favourite sight; your face, on his screen.
“ah,” you nodded, small smile etched onto your face as your boyfriend word vomited his nerves, excitement and other feelings towards the up coming nationals. “he’ll be fine, especially since you’re always there to keep him in check.” kuroo nodded firmly at the reassurance you offered before a soft shout was heard in the background.
“coming!” kuroo yelled back to the voice you could only assume was his father. sighing, your boyfriend ran a hand through his hair before offering an apologetic smile. “sorry, i’ll be right back, the dishwasher needs emptying.” you waved him off and shooed him away to his chores before turning your attention away from your phone and back to the textbook you were skimming through prior to your call.
about five minutes into your reading you heard faint muttering and footsteps in the background of your boyfriends end of the line. paying no mind to it, you continued reading, fingers tracing along every few lines.
“so gross, tetsurō! you’re like an animal!” your eyes flickered at the increase of volume as a girl a little older looking than you paced about in kuroo’s room, tossing what you assumed was dirty laundry into a basket. “i hope you don’t bring your imaginar- oh.”
upon locking eyes with the girl on your screen your face grew hot with embarrassment and surprise. “i’m so sorry.” the girl quickly apologised, approaching kuroo’s phone to gain a closer look. “i didn’t mean to interrupt you i didn’t think anyone was on a call with him!”
you waved off her apology with a small laugh and smiled. “no it’s okay, you’re right he is an animal and he should be told.”
the girl laughed and smiled warmly back through the phone at you. “oh! how rude of me, i’m tetsurō’s older sister. i’m visiting this week so i often tend to house chores when i’m around which would include the brat’s dirty laundry.” she grimaced towards the laundry basket currently filling up with kuroo’s dirty socks and gym wear.
“he’s mentioned you a lot to me before. i’m unluckily his not-so-imaginary-”
“you’re dating him? like… for free?” the girls jaw hung open slightly as if to mock her little brothers capability of convincing someone to date him.
“for free is a bit of a stretch, he buys me dinner when we go out so i guess i get some sort of payment out of it.” you joked back as his sister laughed.
“don’t tell me he brings you into this pit when you come over?” she asked, eyes desperate for your denial as she decided his room was simply not fit for guests to come over. “most days after schools actually.” you replied back as she groaned.
“so this is what you really think of me? of us?” a new voice joined the conversation from behind kuroo’s sister. there stood your tall boyfriend, feigned hurt expression across his face as he dramatically clutched the material above his heart.
“i’m sorry to say so.” you sighed, fighting the smile threatening to break out. “and i really thought you were the one.” he replied as his sister mockingly gagging before placing the phone back down on his desk so the camera stayed facing the two of them.
“apologise.” she ordered, pointing towards your face on the screen. “did you not hear them just violate me?” kuroo whined as his sister rolled her eyes. “i cannot believe you bring them into this room looking like this! it’s torture coming in here for just a minute yet alone a few hours!”
kuroo laughed and shrugged of his sister’s dramatic scolding. “it’s not that bad, and besides they don’t mind it, right?” kuroo looked at you, eyes searching for an answer to play along with his teasing.
“i love it actually.” you nodded, his sister sighing in response. “it’s charity work you’re doing sticking with him.” you laughed as kuroo playfully flicked his sister resulting in her gently elbowing him back.
“well,” the girl picked up the laundry basket and looked back the camera. “it was lovely meeting you, hopefully we can meet in person next time.” you smiled and nodded quickly as she threw another one of kuroo’s socks into the basket. “i hope so too.”
“thank you too” she added as your eyes flickered back up to the screen. “you make him happy, very happy actually. it’s nice seeing him like this. you know i really did believe you were imaginary with the amount he talks about you, he makes you sound like some sort of angel, really he doesn’t stop yapping on and o-”
“OKAY!” kuroo intervened. face visibly heated. “they get it now shoo, you hate this room so much so go!” his sister laughed at her little brothers flustered expression before ruffling his hair before whispering to him. “keep this one happy. i like them.” and with that, she spun on her heel and headed out much to kuroo’s relief.
shutting the door behind him and sitting back down, your boyfriends face was still embarrassed as he refused to make eye contact. “i’m sorry you had to see that, she’s a little much sometimes.”
you smiled and tapped the screen for him to look up. “she’s great. i’m happy you have someone like her looking out for you.”
yes he was embarrassed, but kuroo knew you were right. he was lucky to have a sister as invested into his life as she was. she cared greatly for him despite not living with him and his father. their bond was special and he was glad that you had decided you liked her and she had definitely taken a shine to you.
“i am lucky,” he smiled, eyes gentle as he met yours. “very lucky.”
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