#slasher x mixed poc reader
ebonyslasher · 4 years
Hey I was wondering if u could do slashers w/ a blasian (or regular Asian if u want) Japanese traditional dancer s/o that’s just the purest thing in the world?
Absolutely! Definitely learned some stuff researching traditional japanese dances. 
Hopefully I got things right and you like this
Slashers with a super sweet/pure Blasian (black/japanese) s/o that’s a traditional dancer: 
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This starts with him taking you to Japan to see your family, who were from a city in the Tohoku Region. He knew that you were feeling a bit homesick and had been wanting to see your parents and cousins
It was around mid august when y’all went. Chromeskull was surprised at how fast your mannerisms change when you two get into town. Then he sees that a lot of ppl act the same way, it’s a bit of a culture shock
As soon as you got there, you remembered about the Bon Festival coming up soon; mostly cause you see the flyers about it come up
Mom wants you to go to festival to perform the Bon Odori, for old times sake. She used to make you do it when you were little. At first it was annoying, not liking being told what to do, but eventually you grew to like it
Thankfully the dance was easy to do, so it didn’t take you long to get the groove back before the three day festival started
Jesse thinks you look incredible in your kimono. Thinks about finding a really nice one for you to take back to the States
He enjoys performance, even tho there's a good bit of people there. He also enjoys the festival. Seeing you feel right at home with such joy in your eyes made him tear up a bit
Likes your pure attitude. Feels like he needs it when he's going through bouts of depression. It always makes him feel hopeful
He sometimes request you to sing to him in Japanese. He thinks your native language is beautiful and it soothes him
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You were the odd one out in the town, since not many poc (even mixed) came to live there
It's what attracted him to try to learn about you (not on some fetish shit thankfully)
Figures out he wants to date you when he meets you and has first hand experience of your pure attitude
At first he thought it would annoy him, but you were so chill. You were the coolest person there.
He thought about how ironic it was that you were so nice and pure while he was the town demon 😈😂
Wants to learn more about your time in Japan, so he asks a ton of questions. It’s like he’s interrogating you lol
At one point you two get on the topic of traditional dances at festivals
Show him a video of you participating in a Noh Mai, which is a dance that tells a story. 
He appreciated the performance, thinking it's elegant and could feel the emotions from it. He asks about what the story is, since he doesn't know about Japanese history
Likes learning stuff about both backgrounds and your views about who you are and how you feel about your ethnicity
Wants to plan a trip to Japan one day with you, especially to see the bugs they have over there
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The purest couple in the world.
I mean y’all are so sweet that even people thought you two were sweeter than sugar 🥺💞
Fall in love with each other pretty fast
You had transferred from Japan to the school when you decided to live with your mom in the US. 
Her eyes never left from your face when you introduced yourself to the class. You had a beauty no one else around had
She wishes she could show you around town to see the culture there, but she's always cooped up at home by her mom
So she turns to learn about you asking about your African and Japanese heritage, specifically random stories about you growing up 
She will want you to teach her Japanese (since you only knew two languages) so that you two can have conversations without her mom listening in
You also teach her some traditional dances back at your home. Mostly Nihon Buyo, since it was easy for you to teach her.   You dress up for her to give her the feel of what a performance would actually look like.
She's pretty awestruck, mostly by your beauty. But she likes the performance too! 
She learns to dance right along with you, strengthening the bond between you two. You both have so much fun dancing together
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lady-thor-foster · 7 years
Hours in Midnight // Thor x Reader (P2)
Pairing: Thor x Reader (POC) Word Count: 3k+ Warning: Mild angst, Mentions of menstruation issues, Violence and Fighting, Language, Fluff, there’s a lot of emotions here and I’m not sure how to properly warn you about it 
Summary: Lies are told. Secrets are revealed. Risks are taken. 
A/N: I’ve been on a Savage Garden kick lately and this song just inspired some beautiful romance, so thank you Darren Hayes. As you know, I’m a huge fan of Nordic theology so I’ve mixed in a bit with comic book canon as well as MCU. Please let me know if you enjoy this!
Inspiration: “I Knew I Loved You” ~ Savage Garden
“There’s just no rhyme or reason Only this sense of completion, And in your eyes, I see the missing pieces, I’m searching for, I think I found my way home…”
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Previously on Hours in Midnight // Chapter 3
Thor woke up alone.
Devastation had taken root in his bones before he even opened his eyes; realizing the side of the bed that seems to have always been yours was empty made him physically ill. Even Mjolnir hummed solemnly in your absence. You’d only spent a few days together but for Thor, his soul was never more alive than in your presence. Opening his eyes to emptiness of his chambers served only to confirm what his heart already knew: you left.
Laying there staring at the sky did nothing to calm the storm of thoughts swirling around in his head. How is it possible that his soul recognizes you? The connection between Thor, an Asgardian and you, a Midgardian ran deeper than he could begin to fathom. You’d only lived on the Compound a mere matter of months yet the moment Thor laid eyes on you he could feel his heart abound with joy. It was but a most peculiar situation.
Thor recalled the moment the both of you were first introduced. Despite being born Midgardian, you stood with the regality of a Royal. He watched as your quick observing gaze dissected him as a potential threat; your face was a carefully constructed mask but your eyes revealed everything. He heard your voice in his mind the moment your soul cried out with delight. Your not-so-subtle reaction to his presence went unnoticed by the other Avengers; the excitement of new team members was more important. When you walked away after a brief nod in his direction he was distraught; the sound of your retreating footsteps stirred a long buried anguish he had no memory of. Sighing heavily, he crawled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom; today was going on with or without him.
The welcome sight of his cherished comrades at the dining room table was the first thing to greet Thor when he stepped off the elevator. Festivities were in full force as Sam, Steve, Tasha and Bucky were celebrating the successful completion of their latest mission. Thor smiled to himself; they might not have been Asgardians but they were his family all the same.
“There’s my favourite Asgardian Prince!” cheered an overly rambunctious Sam Wilson.
“Do you know any other Asgardian princes, Sir Falcon?” he asked while laughing.
“Listen man, I told you: Call me Sam. Leave all this ‘sir’ stuff back in the Ren Faire, okay?” Sam said seriously. Thor’s rumbling laughter echoed throughout the dining room.
“As you wish, Sam.”
“Hey, where’s [Y/N]?” asked Steve, “She’s usually here for breakfast by now.” Thor couldn’t respond. The tightness in his chest only worsened. Steve glanced at the Asgardian; an understanding look crossed his face. He sent a not so gentle nudge into Tony’s ribs.
“Come on, Thor! Join us! It’s not a feast without our favourite prince!!” Tony shouted, half in pain. An easy smile crossed Thor’s face; he might not understand things between the both of you but at least he had his Midgardian family to help him through. Maybe missing you wouldn’t be as hard as he thought.
Leaving the safe embrace of your favourite Asgardian was one of the hardest things you’d ever done.
The cold of the tile whipped your feet in punishment the moment you crawled out of his bed. How could someone you’d only spent just a few days with come to mean so much to you so quickly? Why did you already feel the effects of love?
You aren’t sure exactly when you began to fall for him but you could swear it felt as if you’d already loved him for ages. Everything was easy; you fit like puzzle pieces. Taking one last long look at Thor’s sleeping form, your felt heart sink into your stomach. Even Mjolnir hummed unhappily. You wouldn’t see him again for weeks; saying goodbye was unimaginable.
Seeing Clint Barton’s knowing face the moment you stepped onto the Quinjet was almost enough to send you crawling back to bed. You weren’t ready to face the reality of your feelings just yet so you just ignored his radiating sympathy by focusing on stowing away your gear. You tried anyway.
“It doesn’t get any easier you know,” he said gently while strapping himself in.
“What doesn’t?”
“Leaving the ones we love behind.”
“I have no idea what you’re mumbling about, Barton,” you snapped. He sighed and tossed you a soft smile. You refused to meet his gaze. His words bouncing around your brain only served to irritate you further; shaking all thoughts of Thor from your mind, you opened the mission briefing. Two months in London here you come.
This had to be the worst mission you’d ever taken, Chitauri invasion included. From the moment you and Barton touched down in some unknown grassy field in England, things just kept going wrong.
First, your MI6 contact had no record of the two of you receiving authorization to be in the country. Second, after you sorted out the secretarial error, you found out the mission was actually three months long. Three months in cold, wet and frizz inducing weather. No amount of frizz control or leave in conditioner could control your wild and thick mane. (You were so incredibly thankful that Pepper helped you get protective styles become regulation because there was no way your free hair could survive in England.)
Third, the safe house MI6 set up for you and Barton was overrun with rodents. Rodents! This wouldn’t have been too much of an issue to deal with if the both of you were there for a couple of weeks NOT THREE FREAKING MONTHS. After the third day Barton got tired of trapping and releasing the obnoxious pests that he just called Fury and straight up demanded better accommodations. It was the first time you’d ever seen him truly angry; you made a mental note to never get on his bad side.
Once the two of you settled into a SHIELD safe house nearby, you discovered the rodents had chewed through half of your clothing and eaten your tampons. Barton thought that revelation was absolutely hilarious.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW, CLINT? HOW THE HELL IS THIS FUNNY?!” you shrieked at the archer who was currently laughing hysterically while rolling on the floor. You would have found the situation amusing if this didn’t happen to be the one month you had a period. You seriously needed a better birth control.
“Come on, [Y/N]. Don’t you find this just a little bit funny?”
“I would if I weren’t currently bleeding through my backup reserves,” you retorted. That shut him up real quick.  He popped up off the floor and did his best to compose himself.
“Alright, what can I do to help?”
“Go to the store and grab [your preferred brand of tampons] and some Midol. If you wouldn’t mind picking up a few things of ice cream and chocolate bars while you’re at it, that would be wonderful. I’ll contact Fury about sending me some extra gear. Thank the universe the actual mission isn’t for another week. I don’t know why MI6 thought we needed an entire month of prep, but right now I’m not complaining about it.”
“You got it.” He shrugged on his coat and headed for the door, snickering under his breath.
“Laugh at me one more time Barton; I swear to god you’re going to find out personally what it’s like to suffer from abdominal pain all week long.” He stopped laughing immediately and scurried out the front door faster than humanly possible. Even Pietro would be impressed.
Now that Clint was gone, the massive safe house suddenly made your skin crawl. You couldn’t shake the feeling that someone or something was watching you. A cold breeze caressed your skin; you felt the sudden urge to hurl. The sensation of fingers trailing up your arm had you suddenly reaching for your throwing blades.
“Hello?” you called out. The sudden need to smack yourself was almost impossible to resist. Way to sound like an idiot in a slasher horror movie, [Y/N]. A dark figure loomed in the corner of your right eye. Whirling around to face the suspicious figure, you were startled to find no one there. What the hell is going on? Every hair on your body stood on end; your instincts screamed danger. Time stood still. The temperature in the room decreased dramatically. You could actually see your breath in the air.
There was something primal and familiar about the taste of magick on your tongue. A long forgotten memory stirred in the back of your mind but before you could access it, something crashed to the floor behind you. Whirling around, you reading yourself for a fight. Your eyes led you to believe that you were alone but you knew better. You’d been an assassin far too long.
A small mew pierced the silence. What the—was that…? Another mew rang out. You spun around to see a small all black kitten with one green colored and one blue colored eye shivering on the ground under a table. Well then. Holstering your weapons, you knelt down to the floor to appear less threatening.
“Come here sweetheart. What are you doing out hear all by yourself?” you murmured. The kitten mewed in response. Flattening yourself against the floor to get eye level with the shaking kitten, you stretched your hand out cautiously. The kitten sniffed at your fingers curiously.
“It’s okay, darling. I won’t hurt you,” you said soothingly. As if finally determining you weren’t a threat, the tiny kitten launched itself it your hand, nipping playfully. You laughed softly and pulled yourself to a sitting position, previous danger temporarily forgotten.
Clint was a little startled to find you napping on the couch with a tiny black kitten watching him warily from your arms. Where the hell did you even find a kitten? Every time he even thought about going to wake you the kitten hissed viciously. Deciding he didn’t want to risk the tiny demon’s wrath, he pulled out his phone and sent a series of texts. Clearly he had to know someone who knew what to do in this situation.
Natasha was enjoying her mini vacation from Clint’s rambunctious antics while he was away on mission. As much as she loved the archer and their shared past, sometimes she needed to just step back and take a breather. She could only hope Kate Kane was enjoying her vacation as well. She’d finally convinced Wanda to take a break from the chaos of the Tower and relax on the pool deck with her.
“You were right Tash,” Wanda said as she read her book and lounged by the pool, “it’s definitely more fun without the boys.”
“What did I tell you? Everything is a thousand times more relaxing without male ego stinking up the place,” she laughed.
“Don’t let Tony or Bucky hear you say that. They’ll have a fit.”
“And Pietro won’t?” she challenged.
“My brother’s ego defies all odds. He’s secure enough in himself. I think…” Wanda replied. Natasha was too busy laughing to notice her phone buzzing repeatedly in her bag.
“I think Clint needs your attention, Tash.”
“He’s hardly been gone a few weeks! What could he possibly need right now?” she said exasperated. Reaching in her bag, she could immediately count at least 10 text messages from her best friend. She groaned inwardly and opened them.
“There’s a kitten sleeping on [Y/N],” the first one said. What the fuck?
“Naaaaaaat. I think the kitten wants to kill me,” read the second. Natasha just rolled her eyes at his dramatics.
“I’m serious! I’m pretty sure this tiny demon is plotting my death right this second.”
“Nat! It keeps hissing at me!! I just wanted to let [Y/N] know that I got the tampons she asked for.”
“Did I tell you the rats at our last ‘safe house’ ate all of hers? I feel bad for laughing but damn, that was fucking hilarious.” She was honestly surprised you didn’t physically injure him for laughing at you.
“Wait, do all people who have periods acquire cats?”
“Do you think she wants to keep the cat? Hang on, she’s awake now lemme ask.” A few minutes passed between this and his next message.
“Update: We’re keeping the cat. Fuck.”
“JFC. Barton. What did we say about spamming me via text message especially when I’m on vacation?” Natasha replied.
“If it’s not an emergency, meeting, or mission related keep the messages a minimum.”
“What do you mean you’re keeping the cat?”
“She named it Lorelei.”
“What’s going on?” Wanda asked.
“Apparently [Y/N] adopted a cat. Clint isn’t very happy about it.”
“Isn’t that a tiny bit hypocritical considering Clint adopts basically everything that moves?” Wanda snorted. Natasha burst into a fit of giggles.
“Between you and me: I think he’s just jealous because for once in his life an animal doesn’t like him.”
Thor decided that since he wasn’t needed on a mission or in Asgard that he’d finally go visit his mother Jord in Norway. Beckoning Heimdall, he set off on his journey.
“It is indeed quite lovely to see you, my beautiful son,” she smiled as she poured him a drink. He nodded his thanks and she settled herself into her own seat at the porch table.
“I apologize that I don’t visit you more often, Mother. Unfortunately, my duties prevent me from doing as I wish,” he replied.
“You father has always been a stickler for doing his duty. I’m not surprised you ended up like him in that way.”
“Thank you, Mother.”
“So tell me, what’s on your mind?” she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.
“Can this not just be a simple visit between a man and his mother?” he grinned.
“Your father isn’t the only one who knows things. What’s on your mind?”
“Do you think Asgardians have soulmates?” he asked. Jord nearly choked on her wine. Alarmed, Thor rushed to his mother’s side and pat her back roughly. Taking a few sips from the water glass in front of her, she waved him back to his chair.
“Why—why do you wish to know?” she asked warily.
“Because I think I might have met mine,” he responded earnestly. Jord shattered the glass in her hand in complete surprise. How was this possible? After everything she and Odin did to ensure this very conversation would never happen again, here Thor was, treading dangerous waters.
“Are you alright, Mother?” Thor worried. Jord nodded absentmindedly and with a wave of her hand, the glass put itself back together on the table.
“What do you mean you believe you have found yours?”
“There is a new Avenger. Her name is [Y/F/N]. I do not know how but it feels as if I have known her for ages. The moment we met, I heard her soul as it recognized me. I am unsure if she noticed. I am unsure if she knows or even feels the same way.”
It took every ounce of control Jord possessed to not react to Thor’s statement. She couldn’t believe her ears. You were alive! How the Hel were you alive? After all of these years, it was a twist of cruel irony that you would meet Thor as a hero yourself. Jord found herself chuckling sardonically.
“Have I amused you somehow, Mother?” Thor asked with a confused expression on his handsome face.
“Not you, my son. The situation. When we were younger, I used to think your father and I were soul mates. Now I know that was the wishful thinking of a foolish girl.”
“I am deeply sorry things between you and The All Father did not work out. Despite my affection for Frigga, she could never replace you as my Mother,” he said. Jord smiled warmly at her kind son. She felt exceptional guilt that she was about to lie to him, even if it were to protect him.
“I hope you know just how much I appreciate you, my darling son. To answer your question: I know not of Asgardians having soul mates,” she lied smoothly, “Perhaps I could visit the Norns on your behalf and seek answers?”
“I would be forever grateful, Mother. Thank you.”
“Anything for you, my darling. Anything for you.”
A week passed.
You and Clint were finally setting off to go on your recon mission. You were just glad your goddamn uterus had finally decided to stop trying to put an end to you. It took a little while, but Lorelei was finally semi comfortable around you. She still absolutely hated Clint, which you found hilarious.
“[Y/N]! Your little demon is watching me pee again!” Clint shouted from the bathroom
“You are a grown man, you can ignore the cat! If you stopped peeing with the door open we wouldn’t have this problem.”
“How else am I supposed to see the subtitles for the movie when I pee?” he asked. You heard the faint sound of the toilet flushing and the sink running. You heard a yelp and then the skittering of Lorelei’s paws on the wood floors. Clint hopped out of the bathroom staring daggers at the mischievous kitten who was now seeking refuge in your arms. You laughed at the both of them.
“You do know you can pause the movie…don’t you, Barton?”
“I lost the remote…,” he said ashamedly.
“Fuckin hell, Barton. How does Kate live with you and not rip her hair out all the time?”
“Real nice burn there, [Y/N]. Why don’t you tell me how you really feel?”
“Annoyed. Hungry. Wishing we could go home already,” you stated. Clint rolled his eyes and flipped you the bird. You stuck your tongue out at him.
“Shouldn't you be getting ready to leave? The car will be here in 20 minutes.”
“Unlike you, Barton. I don’t take forever to get ready.”
“Ha. Ha. Ha.”
Remember how things had been going wrong left and right since you and Clint set foot in the godforsaken country? The mission was no exception. Despite all of the intel saying otherwise, the base you were infiltrating was overrun with HYDRA soldiers.
“Shit!” you hissed to yourself. Barton should count himself lucky that his half of the mission wasn’t for another week. Instead of calling for an immediate extraction (as was protocol) you decided to risk it and attempt to salvage the mission. This wasn’t anything you hadn’t dealt with before in your time as one of the world’s deadliest assassins. (A fact which none of your fellow Avengers, or anyone at SHIELD knew. Ironically, there was still a SHIELD bulletin that still called for your arrest. You snickered to yourself every time you saw it.)
As you scoped out the guards’ routine, you couldn’t shake the feeling that someone or something was watching you. It made your skin crawl. Deciding to push it to the back of your mind, you made your way down to the far entrance of the building, having spotted your way in. That was a near fatal mistake. A guard came back to post earlier than you anticipated.
Even though you’d watched the guards for nearly two hours and clocked when they changed shifts down to the second, you couldn’t compensate for human nature.
“Hey!” he shouted.
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath. Here’s hoping HYDRA guards were as stupid as they looked. No such luck. Shouting in at you Russian, he didn’t have time to raise his gun more than an inch before you let one of your knives fly. His body slumped to the ground noisily.
“Damn. I was really hoping to keep those clean this time around,” you said to yourself as you pulled the knife from his body. The cock of a gun hammer sounded behind you.
“Lucky for me, I was really hoping I’d get to kill someone today,” a man snarled behind you. You groaned inwardly; this was just not your day! Whirling around, you palmed another knife and loosed it before he could pull the trigger. He looked at you in surprise as he clutched the knife buried in his chest. He crumpled to his knees and collapsed. You sighed sadly; no matter how many times you’ve done it, taking a life always took a piece of your soul. Suddenly an alarm sounded around you. Son of a bitch!
“Are you sure it’s her, Heimdall?” a woman asked.
“My eyes do not deceive me, My Lady. It is Princess [Y/N].”
“How is this possible? We all saw her die!”
“I know not, My Lady. But if you do not go down there, we may yet watch her die again.”
“Very well. Open the Bifrost.”
“As you wish.”
You’d been completely surrounded by a horde of enemy soldiers before, but this was something else. Even with your talents, you didn’t think you’d be getting out of this completely scot free. Palming more knives, you squared your shoulders. It was now or never. Before you could even get a shot off, a blinding light appeared. It disappeared as quickly as it came, revealing a large woman in battle armor, brandishing a large sword. You’d had just enough with surprise encounters today.
“Sif? What the hell?!”
Forever Tags
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ebonyslasher · 3 years
My request may be closed for a while- since I have a job now and am trying to juggle a new schedule.
I’ve made it to where you can send regular asks (asking me regular questions/comments/giving me some ideas, your hcs, etc), and I will accept and answer them. Just no request please. 
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