#slander under the guise of being 'white allies'
bunbuns-many-muses · 6 years
Call Out Post That’s Long Overdue. Because I’ve Had It.
I have been keeping it nice and calm for the sake of my personal health, as it has been deteriorating slowly more and more. I tried my best to fucking keep it nice and collected because stress could literally kill me if enough of it overwhelms me right about now. But I have been made aware of some things right now that has set forth into motion, this very post because whether it brings more stress and worsens my health or not, I’m going to stop being silent. I don’t care if any of you hate me. I’m going to call ALL of you out. This all began when my friend Cynn @abandonedentity​ got harassed by some anon messages over a face claim she had been using at the time. Naturally, she was confused because she didn’t know what she did wrong. Considering her rp character is 1/4 Japanese, and therefore her physical appearance would not exactly fit in with the popular image of what someone of mixed heritage should look like, she picked a faceclaim she thought was appropriate. Naturally, these people who have had a problem with Cynn for whatever personal reasons they do, they decide to label her racist because the character isn’t ‘japanese looking’ enough for them. Rather than letting Cynn explain that much about her rp character, @klngrat​ aka @14hnds​ and others a part of @jxdicium,  @cxrtus, @coercitxr, @prxestolatio, @o-tabescere, @kahogo, @tg-positivity, @tg-masterlist, @icons-crate, @kechirase,@lengjing ‘s TG RPC Discord Chat, @klngrat decided to go this route:
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So instead of trying to explain why they harassed my friend @chasedoffthesite​ aka @abandonedentity​, they instead wrote her off as being  racist and with that, they felt it gave them the God given right to be abusive to her. @klngrat also evidently made sure to tell others who knew him that my friend is ‘racist’ and that those who follow them must be too. Considering this happened within the same time period. Yes that’s right, I myself began getting bothered by people. JUST BECAUSE CYNN IS MY FRIEND I TOO BEGAN GETTING HARASSED. People who most likely came from the site my dear Vodkachan helps mod, along with @ofgourmet.
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Yep. Even the owner of TG RPC Discord’d bestie Ramona aka @white-reaper, aka @crown-of-clowns, @grotesque-puppet, @megistanis, @inter-se-solus, @der-ausgleich  got in on the action. I have evidence of them watching my blog in particular but that’s a rant for a whole other  day. And that day will come.
So for all of your  Social Justice Warrior 'efforts’ that you pulled for the sake of proclaiming someone a racist, you did so with false accusations! You branded @chasedoffthesite​ aka @abandonedentity​ as a racist because of their face claim? Do you all hold yourselves to that same letter? Do you watchdog all of your actions all the time to make sure you’re not racist? Do you? I bet you don’t. What’s even sadder is that it has traumatized Cynn and made her feel unsafe, and when you make my friends feel like they’re in danger because of your bullying and slander, that’s when I am truly angry.
So @abandonedentity​ has decided not to stay in hiding anymore and has decided to return with their Aiko, with an entirely new faceclaim as per their newfound knowledge about how awful you people slandering her are, that I, AN ACTUAL PERSON OF COLOR AND SPECIFICALLY OF CHINESE/MEXICAN PARENTAGE, took the time to help her recover from and the depression she found herself drowning in because of YOU.
Yet when she bravely and with pieces of what’s left of her self esteem, announces she’s coming back, this is what happens?
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So the opinion of a small group of white people is more important on deciding who is racist and who isn’t in the TG Fandom? You know what I find WAY MORE OFFENSIVE than the face claim that you harassed Cynn about? The fact that a group of white people get to decide what is and isn’t racist. Like white people haven’t been trying to do that in the USA already....Your dear friend @klngrat​ get’s away with harassing my friend @ofgourmet ? That’s funny that you all have to collab as a team to decide things about this...so let me ask you all something...when was it okay to act as if none of you had ever done anything wrong in your lives? 
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When did you all decide as a group that it was okay to label my friend as being one of the worst things ever?  Were you more concerned about being an SJW? Because if you really gave a fuck, why wasn’t my opinion or any other person of color’s taken into account? I may be just one POC, but you ain’t going to speak over me. You do not get to tell me what is and isn’t truly and intentionally racist when I grew up experiencing it not only from white people but POC who didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t ‘brown’. You don’t get to use the word racist as a way to bully and ostracize a person just because you have a personal problem with them.
The one thing that enrages me as a POC aside from when racists get away with being racist, is when people throw around the word ‘racist’ for anything or anyone they dislike, even if it isn’t actually racist. Because then it trivializes the word ‘racist’ and causes it to be taken less seriously.
 And when people who have no actual prejudice or racism in them get accused of being racist, without any basis, the trigger happy SJW camp here on Tumblr loses their shit and begins bullying and making that person’s life a living hell until they either leave the site traumatized or kill themselves and at that point, you  and your social justice has become nothing more than a tool for cyber bullying people under the guise of being an ‘ally’. 
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Nothing justifies the witch hunt you executed and the slander you all continue to perpetuate against Cynn. As a POC I’m still disgusted that the mods and certain members of the Tokyo Ghoul Discord chat room known as TG-RPC has been engaging in slander and harassment of myself and my friend Cynn I know what racism is...I know all about white-washing....I’ve gone through that MY ENTIRE LIFE FROM WHITE PEOPLE AND OTHER POC. So using my voice as a POC, I’m going to call it out when I see something wrong!
More references to this anon harassment here: http://chasedoffthesite.tumblr.com/post/173116241145/excessiveadaptationsyndrome-this-just-in-a
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
If characters had a Game of Thrones style house banner and motto, what would they be?
Ooh, this is an interesting one!
House Bronwyn: "The Darkness Answers" or "Weapons in the Silent Night" - a silver wolf on a field of black, with a white blade piercing the background. Their house is known for operating as a kind of shadow military that influences and directs things from the shadows, and although the wolf has connotations of solitude and aloofness, they are actually extremely loyal "pack-animals" who form a tight-knit clan and unwaveringly answer the call of duty... no matter how bloody their hands may get from answering.
House Alder: "First in the Charge" or "Our Fury Shakes Them" - a gold lion roaring rampant on a field of red (so, yeah, Gryffindor I guess!). This one is fairly self-explanatory--the Alder house is known by others to produce some of the fiercest and most courageous warriors, though they also have a reputation for being brash and hot-headed. Alder soldiers are always sent in to "hold the line" and are infamous for never abandoning the field or retreating, even when it leads to certain death. "Our Fury Shakes Them" also refers to their propensity to use cannon-fire and gun blasts to destroy their enemies.
House Ironwood: "Our Roots Run Deep" or "The First, The Last, The Eternal" - a golden oak tree on a forest-green banner with a trim of autumn red. Their house is among the oldest and was once known as one of the most powerful military forces on the Continent, with a cadre of skilled Elven knights being produced by that house, but as time went on and the world changed, the house fell into semi-obscurity or became more known for its archival work and love of history, causing some to look down on it as a house of scholars. Whenever they try to invoke the promises and alliances of old, others roll their eyes at House Ironwood's unwillingness to change and adapt to the world around it. As a result, House Ironwood tends to isolate itself from other houses, swearing only to trust their own kind. Their current scion gets them into a lot of trouble for challenging an heir of a Norm house to a duel for slandering the name of House Ironwood, and then killing him in the ensuing standoff. This has led to military reprisals against House Ironwood, and they find themselves in a precarious position of being surrounded by enemies and having isolated former friends.
House Acquell: "Faith is a Shield and Love the Cure" or "Many Hearts Beating as One" - a Celtic-looking knot or a chain of hands interlocking around a heart. This house is looked down upon by more militaristic houses for being a generally trusting, pacifistic house. Its holdings are small and its lineage is quite new, but the house is beloved by its own people due to its scions working as healers, clerics, and devotees of charity, often seen among the streets of their city and passing out food and coin. House Acquell is an extremely religious house, and many of its heirs and heiresses join the Church to become priests and priestesses. The founder of the house was first canonized as a saint.
House Syndran: "Out of Cruelty, Justice" or "The Cunning Conquer" - a black crow or raven spreading its wings on a field of royal purple. This house was built on mercantile roots, but its influence now stretches far and wide, reaching into all matters of business, politics, intrigue, and even war. Its scions are famed for their ruthlessness and willingness to go completely scorched-earth on their enemies, and for their ability to lie and manipulate even nominal allies with completely straight faces. The house leader always bears a gold-capped walking cane. Although its military power is weak, it makes up for it with the host of allies under its economic control. You can always make out the Syndrans at a party by the cadre of serious-faced, dark-haired heirs staring at the proceedings like they're a play under watchful critique. Although not known for being friendly, House Syndran also prides itself on impeccable etiquette and manners.
House Trinaeste: "If I Am Not Free, Then I Am Dead" or "Many Skills, Many Virtues" - a black cat on a field of gold, with two crossed daggers in the background and a key lying at its feet. The "Many Skills, Many Virtues" motto is something of an in-joke, because this house is known for its willingness to train its heirs in even unsavory skills--such as thievery and seduction--in order to ensure their survival. Many heirs are sent to special training at a secret academy on an island south of Conte--though what they are taught there, no one but the Trinaestes knows for sure. As such, this house is shunned by many for its unorthodox values and behavior, and not much is known about the inner workings of the house itself. The heirs and heiresses all seem like empty-headed fops who love to chase skirts (or whatever article of clothing they so desire), so no one ever takes them seriously... but that's their mistake, because House Trinaeste actually has the greatest network of spymasters and intelligence operatives this world has ever seen. They apparently have a lot of bastard children or sometimes even unrelated orphans whom they happily accept into their house anyway, which is another reason why the other houses shun them. They also supposedly have some ties to seafarers and pirates as well as a fleet of ships at their disposal.
House Antiqua: "The Road Not Taken" or "The World to Roam" - a golden globe on a field of deep scarlet/maroon/magenta, though from certain angles, the globe can also like the sun or moon (or all three). House Antiqua is composed of just straight up scholars. Sometimes a second son or a third daughter goes into military service or serves in a great battle and makes a distinction of themselves, but it's never on the level of an Alder, Bronwyn, Aescar, or Stormbreaker. By and large, they're known as a house of oddly-attractive, well-born nerds, more fodder for marriages and families rather than candidates that could bring about great change. They don't really get much of a say in anything among the greater houses, but that suits them just fine. They're like the classic Jane Austen-style families where they just hang out and read books and entertain visitors sometimes LMAO. They are neither very rich nor destitute; neither isolated nor up in everyone's business. They are on friendly terms with most houses, but no one takes them all that seriously when it comes to important matters like war or politics. They are known to serve as advisors and consultants in times of need, however. Many of their heirs leave the house and travel across the world using secret identities when they reach a certain age; it's something of a cliché among their inner circle. They eventually develop strong ties to House Syndran after one son casually beats the Syndran heir in chess during a party.
House Aescar: "The Wind is With Us" or "It Is Us Who Fly" - a tan flying eagle with a serpent-like staff clutched in its talons, soaring on a field of light blue. House Aescar is known for its terrifying use of theatrics in order to instill fear into the hearts of their enemies on the battlefield. They utilize war paint, war chants and screams, and unsettling war horns in order to rev up their soldiers before battle. Like House Alder, they have a reputation for not having a head for politics; they'd prefer you to just point them at the enemy and let them do their thing, and they have little patience for the trappings of politics and diplomacy. If the Continent were divided up into wards where certain houses were in charge of defending the borders from invasion, House Aescar would be the guardians of the West; House Prince, House Ironwood, and House Bronwyn would the guardians of the North; House Stormbreaker, House Trinaeste, and House Syndran would be the guardians of the South; and House Alder, House Antiqua, and House Naveen would be the guardians of the East. The fact that House Aescar is tasked with guarding the West alone is a point of pride for its heirs and scions. The youth of the house tends to be charged with going on a pilgrimage throughout their lands to observe how the common folk live. They are expected to return with worthwhile thoughts or findings about how to improve the house or its holdings, and if their opinions are interesting and well-thought-out, they are allowed a voice in the house's governing council.
House Prince: "Keepers of the North" or "Righteous in Wrath" or "Darkness Flees Our Light" - a white spear with a white shield behind it, radiating rays of light on a field of black. Not much is known about House Prince, except that its current heirs are a set of twin boys. Its military force is known for being utterly loyal, almost to the point of fanaticism, and the house has close ties to House Bronwyn due to their proximity to each other. House Prince is known among the other houses for being insistent on keeping its bloodlines pure and marrying its heirs to the Hunter scions of other close-knit families or even distant cousins, leading some to joke surreptitiously that the house is "incestuous." At one point in time, the older twin heir of the current generation disappeared for a year or two, forcing his brother to assume the guise of both twins to prevent the house from looking weaker to its outside enemies. Certain heirs of the Prince House are said to be cursed with a mysterious affliction that causes them to fall into fits of madness and rage, especially at the sight of blood, and for these reasons, many of them live in reclusive isolation in their castle, rarely seen by the outside world.
House Stormbreaker: "Thunder and Lightning" or "The Storm Stands Vigilant" or "From the Stars We Came, To the Stars We Rise" - a golden, starry ship sailing on a teal sea as lightning splits the banner in half and a dragon swims underneath the ship. House Stormbreaker is among the most sought-after houses for its explosive military prowess and strength, affording it a lot of political and negotiating power. Its heirs and scions are known to be gifted with extraordinary strength and a strange knack for avoiding almost certain death, serving with distinction as battlemasters, generals, and occasionally as knights and champions. A legendary sword is said to be passed from leader to leader, with no one but those of pure Stormbreaker blood being able to even pick the sword up. They are also known as a clan of sailors and are able to deploy their own naval fleet to defend the coastline as needed. Although they have a ferocious, proud, and hot-tempered reputation, heirs of the Stormbreaker house are sometimes not taken seriously in matters of court due to their strange pink hair. Despite this, scions of House Stormbreaker are among the most sought-after candidates for marriage, as people desire their mysterious superstrength and magic to be incorporated into their own houses. However, for reasons unknown, the House Stormbreaker is extremely strict with such marriages, and arrangements are often made three or more generations ahead of time in a careful curation of the bloodline.
House Naveen: "Gold in Peace, Steel in War" or "Not Without Thorns" - a scarlet rose on a field of lavender with two crossed rapiers in the background. House Naveen is the most powerful and influential of all of the Houses when it comes to sheer political power, rivalled only by House Syndran. Its military strength is only better than average, but its holdings, wealth, and political connections are vast and storied. Its current heiress is infamous for refusing suitors and continually denying her father's attempts to secure a marriage, focusing instead on joining chivalric orders and continually maneuvering situations in House Naveen's favor. House Naveen holds the honor of being among the last houses to continue ancient traditions such as jousting and knightly tournaments, but it's their celebrations and social occasions that the house is truly known for. The Naveens are said to employ a spy in the servants of every house aside from House Bronwyn, Prince, and Ironwood. What they do with that information, however, no one knows. On the surface, the Naveen house seems to be largely magnanimous and benign... Interestingly, they have offered an extension of aid to House Ironwood to get out of its dueling problem, but so far, House Ironwood has not given a reply.
House Naveen has also been largely matriarchal in the past, something that still informs its power structure to this day. This makes it a target of scorn by other powerful and male-led noble houses (such as House Eddon, Auberon's house), but it's something that the Naveens flaunt proudly with the rose as their insignia!
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bunbuns-many-muses · 6 years
If you wanna seek good roleplay, avoid TG-RPC on Discord. The mods, a group of white people, have apparently decided to senselessly accuse another white person of being racist on account of a faceclaim they didn’t take the time to hear the explanation of. The reason they didn’t bother to do that is because they weren’t all that bothered the faceclaim as they so said they are, as much as the fact that they have personal issues with the girl they’re cyber bullying under the premise of being goldstar SJW’s.
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