#slams hands on desk ace attorney style
dathen · 11 months
Okay jokes aside let’s look at the reality of what the ‘happily married’ line would entail:
When we got home we were talking of the old time—which we could all look back on without despair, for Godalming and Seward are both happily married.
For one, if Art and Jack married random unnamed women, what would that have to do with the first half of the sentence?
But let’s add up a few details!
They they said that despite all their documentation, they didn’t have any actual evidence, but feel no need to prove their experiences to anyone. This means that if Art and Jack married random unnamed women, they didn’t even *attempt* to tell them about their experiences.
Second, while I could see Jack repressing the hell out of his trauma, I can’t see Arthur “happily married” in a relationship where he has to keep the circumstances of the loss of his best friend, his grief over Lucy, and his bizarrely intimate friendship with this random lawyer’s wife a complete secret. And on a more literary level, it would fully contradict the heart of the book’s themes of openness and trust to have someone’s Happily Ever After be about bottling up the most formative experiences of their life, good and bad.
Third, the secrecy option would be a contradiction to the first half of the sentence—why would Jack and Art marrying people they can never confide in lead to “we can all look back on those times without despair”?
THEREFORE. The only possible conclusion—logically, thematically, or emotionally—is that Art and Jack married each other.
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
s6: the doctor is having such a hard time because he couldn't save his friend :(
me: this ain't about him.
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surely-galena · 7 months
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I have not played a ToT trial in a long time, but I think the idea that MC slams her hands on the desk, Ace Attorney style, is incredibly funny and yet so so in-character for her
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@thelocalmuffin requested a hug between Kazuma and Iris, #37 or without a motive! Beware of spoilers, including for the second game
Also, sorry about the snail pace with which I've been getting to these prompts :( Trying to be a more responsible adult and it's going chaotically
The snowfall that’s turned London to a blur all week finally abates, leaving the sky looking rather dreary. Clouds hang low over the city, over the piles of snow and the two snowmen Iris made with Hurley yesterday.
Iris pushes him out the door “to get some thread.” It’s based on a complete lie, of course (there are more than a few spools left), which her father sees straight through. 
Still, with a quick bow and a smile, Hurley takes his leave. The shop is a good forty-minute omnibus ride away, and he’ll be sure to get distracted by whatever oddities catch his eye there.
Satisfied, Iris pulls on her warmest coat, then her favourite scarf: a light pink one adorned with hearts at the ends. She steps out into the chilly morning air.
It’s 6 January, and Iris Sholmes has a mission.
“You want my help?”
“Mm-hm!” Iris says, smoke gun in hand.
The Sholmes kitchen is small, like his, but so different in every other way. Where his kitchen has scarcely the essentials, theirs is stocked with pots and pans of numerous sizes, hanging dried herbs, and tea sets in Iris’ signature pink. It isn’t empty and bare like his flat, which he still hasn’t fully settled into, nor is it pretentious like the places he has seen on the posh side of London.
Iris, that eccentric little girl, tugs at his coat.
It’s been years, yet all the same he can’t help but see a younger Susato tugging at his sleeve, urging him to help her make sweets. It would end in disaster every time, but Susato’s grown into an expert now.
Kazuma crosses his arms over his chest, cautiously watching Iris put her smoke gun away. “Fine, but mind you, I’m not exactly on Miss Mikotoba’s level. And I’ve been told I’m not the most serene chef in existence.”
“Oh, don’t worry!” Iris says cheerfully. “This kitchen has blown up before, so whatever happens, it’s nothing we haven’t dealt with at some point.”
“Well, we all got out before anyone could get hurt. But the landlady charged Daddy so much for the property damage…” Iris gives a shrug. She hands him first an apron, then a leaf of paper. “Anyways, this is the recipe we’re going to use.”
On the paper is a sketch of some kind of western cake, a recipe handwritten beneath it in cursive. “Red…velvet?”
Iris beams. “I invented this one! The red colour is caused by a chemical reaction between the baking soda and baking powder, which are alkaline, and the cocoa, vinegar, and buttermilk, which are acidic.” She pauses to pull her metal goggles over her eyes (Ryuunosuke has a pair, too, Kazuma recalls). “His favourite is strawberry, but they’re out of season. And he likes any flavour, really!”
“Have you ever had western-style cake, Kazzie?” the girl hums, setting out two round pans and a few mixing bowls. 
Kazuma isn’t sure how to feel about the nickname, but it’s so casual, so familiar, the way Iris says it. Like she doesn’t have a single doubt in her mind that Kazuma is her friend.
Iris studies him, eyes wide. She opens her mouth to apologise, perhaps thinking he doesn’t like the name—but then Kazuma’s laugh rings out. “I haven’t. Not a real one, that is. I tried to make a cake myself once, and it was disgraceful! No one but Ryuunosuke ate it willingly.”
“Oh!” The concern on Iris’ face turns to a grin. “That sounds like Runo!”
The process is arduous. Time and time again, Kazuma finds himself slamming a hand on the counter in frustration as if it were his desk in court. And the frosting tests his patience like nothing else.
“I ruined it!”
“Wait! You don’t have to start all over, just add more sugar…”
But after what feels like an eternity, the tiers of cake are arranged in a pretty tower, with a layer of frosting in the middle and another coating the outside. Kazuma can’t help a beam of pride at the cake’s presentation; as it happens, the gear and flower motifs Iris asked him to pipe onto the cake have turned out remarkably well. Iris is clapping her hands in delight, and that’s the most rewarding part.
“I can’t wait for you to try it at dinner.”
Then, it hits him. He hasn’t been helping with this cake to just go home right after—that wouldn’t be proper etiquette. He’ll be dining with Mr. Sholmes and Iris. He’s been invited before, but shrugged it off each time to bury himself in work.
His train of thought is interrupted by a sudden flurry of pink as Iris jumps up to hug him. 
“—Oh, I just felt like giving you a hug!” Iris’ voice is muffled, and Kazuma thinks he almost hears a sniffle. “You’re so silly, but I like you.”
Kazuma doesn’t know what to say to that.
But the way Iris crushes him with her hug—it kindles a sense of comfort he hasn’t felt since stepping foot on the rainy shore at Dover. Not under the high ceiling of the prosecutor’s office, not in the court of law he thought himself made for. Certainly not in his hollow flat that suffices for a home.
He’ll stay for dinner, he decides, and feel welcome as he sings with Iris and helps her light all thirty-five candles. He’ll watch a bit awkwardly as Iris brings her present, remembering that he has none to offer. But Iris will hug him again before he goes home, and Mr. Sholmes will tell him to come back whenever he likes.
That's exactly what they do. They don’t push him, but he tells them he will, a slight smile on his face.
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Watching Weylyn and Zeph having a fiery debate about who's better,cats or dogs,in the debate club would make it worth it for my MC to join eat😂
It's Ace Attorney style with all the hands slamming the desk, pulling up receipts, witness testimonies, hearings, and somehow pulling up a whiteboard full of everything good about either animal.
Fleur (unfortunately for her) is the mediator.
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The Flash where it’s the same but it’s done in the style of Ace Attorney
Nora West Allen testimony (click link for music): I’m not sure what Sherloque Wells is talking about. I’m not working for Eobard Thawne! I don’t even know who that supervillain is supposed to be! The reason why I came to the past was to finally meet my dad, that’s all! Dad, please believe me, I’m innocent! 
Judge Cisco Ramon: Hmm...I see no issues raised in the testimony here. Mr. Allen, you may begin your cross-examination.
Barry Allen: HOLD IT! Let’s say, hypothetically, Sherloque may be correct that you are working for Eobard Thawne. Do you have any reason to do so-
Prosecutor Caitlyn Snow: OBJECTION! As the defense, you are to only point out contradictions. Contradictions! You’re overstepping your boundaries with your hypotheticals. 
Nora West Allen: It’s okay, I can answer the question. Here, I’ll update my testimony with this. No, I wouldn’t have any reason to work with that monster. I mean, he’s dad’s arch-nemesis and he killed Nora Allen! I would never work for him!
(Nora’s updated testimony added to the Court Record)
Iris West, standing next to Barry with a questioning look on her face: Barry, doesn’t her answer strike you as a little odd?
Barry Allen: Hmm...now that you’ve mentioned it, it did sound odd. I gotta press on that issue! (a few seconds later) HOLD IT! So you’re absolutely certain that you’ve never heard of the Reverse Flash?
Nora West Allen, suddenly nervous: Um...uh...no! I don’t know who that is! What, do you have proof that I do?
(Barry goes through the Court Record and presents Nora’s updated testimony as evidence, music stops)
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Barry Allen: (Slams hand down on desk) Daughter...you shouldn’t lie in a court of law!
Nora West Allen: WHAT? You can’t prove that I knew Thawne! 
Barry Allen: But you gave yourself away! If you didn’t know who Thawne was (slams hand down on desk, points finger at Nora, this music starts playing) then how did you know he was a supervillain and he killed my mother, Nora Allen!
(crowd starts murmuring to themselves, Judge Cisco Ramon bangs his gavel down)
Judge Cisco Ramon: ORDER! ORDER! ORDER! Mr. Allen, please explain what is going on!
Barry Allen: It’s very simple, your honor. The witness, my daughter, not only did she know who Eobard Thawne was (slams hand down on desk, points finger at Nora) SHE ALSO KNEW HE WAS THE SUPERVILLAIN, THE REVERSE FLASH! 
Nora West Allen: GAH!
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sweetflorist · 7 years
Blue Zircon: Ace Attorney
Characters: Blue Zircon, Blue Pearl, Blue Diamond, etc
Rating: T
Summary: Blue Zircon has had a tumultuous career history so far, chock full of murderers and private investigations, but nothing so far has compared to this. Blue Diamond herself has requested her presence, and there’s no way Blue Zircon will refuse.
Basically, a rewriting and lengthening of the Trial, as if it were an Ace Attorney game.
Notes: The Trial begins next chapter. I plan to flesh out the chapter some. More focus on Eyeball’s testimony.
(Last chapter)////(Next chapter)
Chapter 5: Pre-Investigation, Part-END
The Court Coordinator's Office was an oval room, with a low ceiling, almost like a cavern. Rows and rows of powder blue benches lined all walls but the back wall, auditorium style. A glass protector closed off the inner workings of the Office from the waiting room. Six secretaries' desks sat just behind the glass. The Ambers filed away request forms, checked over IDs, and occasionally called out a Zircon's name, a call for them to fetch their requested files.
No stations but one were open, so Zircon approached that one. The Amber behind the glass hunched her shoulders over a form, tracing the letters with her finger. Every so often, she would write comments or corrections on the hologram with her finger, in red. The Amber glanced up. "Speak," she said, not ceasing her ministrations.
"Of course," said Blue Zircon, only a little miffed. "I am here to pick up detailed case files of a case."
"Fill out this form," said the Amber, still multitasking. She slammed her fist down upon the table. A large amber spot appeared. Amber banged her fist down three times, then slapped her palm down once. The glass wall before Zircon whirred, and Zircon placed one of her holograms against it, downloading the file. Zircon sat down on one of the seats, and began to file the form.
Zircon had filed many such forms before, and completed the form within a minute. She turned it in. The Amber glanced at it, then stopped. Zircon huffed to herself. Apparently the Amber had noticed the case Blue Zircon had requested.
The Amber's head rose to be level with Zircon's. To do this, the Amber had to step onto her stool. Zircon sighed internally. She would not be getting her files quickly. Anytime an Amber did not send the files back immediately, either the form had an error, a problem existed with the form, or the Amber did not believe that the filer had clearance to check out those files. From experience, Zircon mused that the Amber would run a check on her, trying to confirm Zircon could check out those files.
Before Zircon could speak, the Amber shoved the files down the chute, and faced her again. "You'll have your files in six hours."
Zircon scowled. "Doubting my credentials, I see?"
Wrinkles appeared around the Amber's eyes and mouth. "Yep. I don't think such an important case could be given to a Zircon…like you."
Zircon's nostrils flared, but she did not take the bait. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another Amber's station free up. Zircon dashed over, before the station could close. The Amber started, "Yah!"
"Can you take me to your supervisor?" she hurriedly spoke. Zircon would not waste any time waiting for her to be cleared if she could help it. Across the room, the Amber she had been dealing with yelled something about clearances. The Amber before her did not pay any attention to the other Amber, and slammed down her palm, summoning the amber circle. The Amber slapped her palm down once. The circle turned a brilliant golden, and the Amber looked back at Zircon. "Okay. My supervisor will see you now."
Zircon's efforts were a complete disaster. The Supervisor Amber was the worst kind of Gem, she growled to herself as she stalked down the hallways, eventually returning to her office. Zircon wasted no time in spreading out whatever files she had and reading over them.
If Zircon had felt horrible before this, that was nothing compared to now. The more she read, the more Zircon believed this was a suicidal case to give any Zircon. From the files, the case seemed to be very simple. If Zircon had to wrap up her case in a nice package, pretty bow and all, she'd say: "Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond, and there were many witnesses."
Zircon flung her hologram back onto her desk, and sunk her teeth into her thumb. She would have to discredit all those witnesses; the prosecution would not be satisfied with one or two, but would likely parade every single witness through the trial, grinding Zircon and her client into guilty dust.
Zircon buried her face in one hand, covering up her monocle. Her other hand lay limply on her knee. It was possible only one or two witnesses would be called. She would have to wait until the prosecution had to give her their material. Then she could prepare a defense. There's probably no way to get an innocent ruling. Maybe I could avoid execution…life in jail maybe…
Zircon shook her head, and face-desked. She immediately regretted it as pain lanced up her skull, then dulled into a throb. Blue Diamond would not ever accept such a poor job-she had tasked Blue Zircon with the duty of unpeeling the lies to reveal the truth (if, indeed, there was a different truth than the one espoused in the case files).
Zircon took a moment to return from the brink of despair. She flirted with the idea of throwing a fit in the privacy of her flat, to get that satisfaction, but decided against it. Zircon sighed. She certainly had to try her best.
She would first go to the witness barracks. From the witness list, all seemed to be soldiers of some sort, excepting the three courtier Gems. Zircon decided to aim for the soldier Gems. …It was not a nice thing to do, but Zircon had to sink her fangs into a lead. She would have to somehow dupe one of those soldiers into leaking some information. Prosecutor leads, fuzzy memories, whatever. Zircon would take anything at all.
Zircon stretched every joint in her body, sending a warm haze through her body. Renewed, Zircon tapped her monocle, recalling all holograms. She set off running, for the barracks.
It took only a few quips and direct questions with the Barracks Coordinator to find out which witnesses had arrived recently. Apparently, only a Ruby had arrived. A series of Zircons had visited the Ruby, but no Gem had come in the past hour. As the Barracks Coordinator told her so, Zircon tried to relax her face, not to let the worry show. It troubled Zircon-the prosecution's case must be very tight, if they brought only one witness. Zircon thought. The Coordinator led Zircon to the Ruby's quarters. As the door clicked open, Zircon mused, Perhaps the prosecutor is counting on a reaction from the Diamonds-a knee-jerk judgement. Zircon sighed. She hoped the prosecutor assigned was not of the showboat variety-she hated those. Their theatrics never failed to yank her train of thought off its tracks.
Inside the room a Ruby sat on the floor, motionless. When she turned around, the Ruby had a blank expression; her Gem gleamed from the socket of her eye. The Barracks Coordinator introduced the two, then left the room.
Blue Zircon decided to start off easy, to feel this Gem out. Would she be suspicious? Perhaps the happy-go-lucky kind? Looking at the Eyeball Ruby's gem placement, Zircon felt she would indeed be the watchful kind.
The Eyeball Ruby spoke before Blue Zircon did. "Are you here to ask me about that case?"
Quick and to the point. The Prosecutor must have spoken to her before me. Blue Zircon nodded. "Indeed, I am-"
"And I don't suppose you'd know who the deceased is?" asked the Ruby, leaning forward.
Zircon let her face droop, disbelieving. It was impossible that this Ruby did not already know the answer-
"Don't gimme that look! Just answer!" snapped the Ruby.
Zircon's eyelashes fluttered, but she did not drop her expression. "Rose Quartz, of course…"
"EXACTLY!" shouted the Eyeball Ruby, springing to her feet and jabbing a finger at Zircon. Zircon's arm instinctively crossed over her chest as she leaned back, as if to dodge a blow.
"That yellow Zircon who was in here earlier, do you know what she said?" said the Ruby indignantly, drawing closer to Zircon, head tilted slightly to the right, eyes on her face.
The Ruby plowed forward. Zircon doubted that the Ruby actually cared about her own responses. Zircon surmised something had happened during her meeting with that Yellow Zircon (by the stars, it had better not be her) to set the Ruby off like this. Zircon decided to let the Ruby talk, and to agree with her. Maybe she'd just up and offer her information.
"-she said that! She really did! About Pink Diamond! These newfangled idiots, they don't know about Pink! Nobody cares anymore." The Eyeball Ruby paced around in a circle, before planting her feet before Zircon. "You did your research. I'll cooperate! Rose Quartz has to pay for what she did!" The Ruby swept her hand across the space in front of her. To Zircon's annoyance, a sharp pain shot through her Gem as the flow of blood picked up in her body.
Zircon squeezed her Gem, readjusting it in her tie to calm herself. The Ruby had just thrown her a foothold, and she would use it. "I-I suppose you were a soldier of Pink Diamond's?"
The Ruby ceased her rant, and stepped up far too close to Zircon. "Yeah. I was. Not for that long. But you know what's important?"
Zircon withdrew a bit, crinkling her forehead in irritation at the closeness. "What's important?"
"I was there when Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond." Ruby's aggression dropped from her voice, becoming quieter and more subdued. She sat on the floor, staring at Zircon's feet. "And now, she'll get the justice she deserves."
"What do you mean, you were there?" Zircon had read the files. She knew the Ruby had been there. However, she wanted the Ruby to offer the information-if Zircon asked directly, the Ruby might smell a rat. If she hadn't already, of course.
The Eyeball crosses her arms. "Whaddya think it means? I was there, by the palanquin. Oh, I know. You wanna know exactly where."
"So…on Earth, Pink Diamond was in her palanquin. I was standing right by those spider legs of her palanquin, and we had gone some ways before Rose Quartz appeared, and shattered her!"
Blue Zircon chewed on Ruby's words for a bit. She gave a little start as a large notification of an incoming video call popped up on her monocle. Annoyed, Blue Zircon dismissed the notification.
Before drawing out a much more detailed story to complement the Ruby's account in the case files, she would have to see how clearly Ruby saw the events. "And so, how clearly did you see Rose Quartz? Did you see her Gem?" she asked.
The Ruby frowned a little. "Now what does that mean? I didn't have to see her face to know it was her!"
Zircon withdrew a little, mentally jotting down one line of defense-Ruby had not seen the attacker's Gem. She would have to make doubly sure, but this was a start. Now, she had to soothe the Ruby. "Of course, of course. How far away were you from the site of the shattering?"
"About 100 feet. But that doesn't matter! I saw the curls and the sword! That sword, it hit Pink Diamond right on the Gem! I heard it hit!" protested Ruby, growing agitated.
As Zircon write down Ruby's words busily on a hologram, the Ruby seemed to realize something. She drew a little closer to Zircon, gazing at the hologram. "Who are you, anyway?"
Zircon stopped her writing immediately. "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean, what are you doing here? Are you defending Rose Quartz?" asked Eyeball.
Zircon mentally groaned. The Ruby had finally caught on. It didn't matter, though. "I am the Defending Zircon for the Royal Court." Another notification appeared. Zircon dismissed it without thinking.
"Defending?" said Ruby. "You're defending that traitor, Rose Quartz?" the Ruby glared at Zircon, eye wide, pupil shrunk to a point.
Zircon could feel the back of her head throbbing, as the events of the day cascaded through her. "I was assigned to this case," she said, irritation prickling up her sleeves.
"Why?" gasped Ruby. "Why…Why would you do that?"
Zircon gritted her teeth. "Didn't you hear me? I said-"
The Ruby imploded, clutching at her Gem. "Pink Diamond may not be around anymore, but that doesn't give you the right to spit all over her memory! What kind of Gem are you? You're a traitor, just like that Rose Quartz!" she bellowed, spit flying from her lips.
"I am not a-" Zircon shrieked in return, before catching herself. She did not trek all the way down here to waste her time in a shouting match with an Eyeball Ruby! She wanted information.
"Ooooh, I see now. You think I'm lying!" said the Ruby in a mocking tone.
Zircon only had the time to wonder if Ruby had been called a liar in the past before the Ruby began shouting at her again.
After a minute of wondering where the Barracks Coordinator went to, Zircon shouted at the Ruby to shut her up. "Be QUIET for a minute, you unpolished idiot!"
The Ruby shut up, but she did not lose a bit of her combativeness.
"I do not think you are a liar, I just want to know…"-here Zircon groaned-"what did you see? It's important! I need to know the entire truth of this incident! How did Rose Quartz know where Pink Diamond was? Were there accomplices?"
Ruby blew air through her nose. "Accomplices? Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond! Who cares about accomplices? They're all shattered and gone now!" She continued mockingly, "Why would you care about the truth anyway? You're defending Rose Quartz!"
"Why do you keep getting hung up on that?" exclaimed Zircon, losing control of her temper. "I'm looking for the truth of the incident, you foggy idiot! I HAVE to know!"
Ruby slapped the top of her mouth with her tongue. "Oh yeah? You don't want to know! Noone does! I told that ridiculous Yellow Zircon how Pink was shattered, and she just wanted me to shut up and say whether Rose Quartz did it or not!"
The Ruby took two steps forward, and jabbed a finger at Blue Zircon. "I am telling you, I saw Rose Quartz shatter Pink Diamond."
Zircon couldn't stop herself from arguing, "But you never saw Rose's Gem! What if another Gem shapeshifted themselves into her?"
The Ruby yelled into the air, said: "I'll prove you wrong, you traitor Gem! You don't know a thing about Rose Quartz! You don't know a thing about Pink Diamond! You're just a Gem who was assigned to this, what would you know?"
"I-" Zircon began, but the Ruby continued: "Well, I know. I saw Pink Diamond get shattered. And I'll do like that Zircon said. I'll tell the truth, and you and her will both get SHATTERED!"
The Ruby shoved Zircon out of her room, and slammed the door. It was an easy task; after the first shove, Zircon darted out of the room. Zircon straightened up, and glared at the Ruby beyond the blue tinted door. The Ruby returned her gaze, arms folded, mouth clamped shut. She looked very upset.
Blue Zircon snorted, then half-wandered out of the compound, tired and disappointed. She had lost her temper far too quickly, and as a result, she would not be able to pry any more information from the witness. Checking the time, Zircon decided to annoy the clerks of the Court Coordinator's Office. The files should be almost ready. As she passed the reception desk, she scolded the Barracks Coordinator for conveniently deserting her post when Ruby started shouting.
Blue Zircon rode a Vein Lift to the Court Coordinator's Office. The Veins connected all of the vital areas of the Diamonds' Courts. One could only ride it if given clearance. The Arteries, on the other hand, could be used by any Gem. As a result, the Zircon enjoyed a calm, quiet ride. Zircon disembarked her ride, and entered the terminal.
As Zircon walked down the hallways to the Court Coordinator's Office, she heard a voice yelling. The voice could not be heard clearly, but as time went by, Zircon realized whomever it was shouted her name, and was running right at her. A Midnight Blue Zircon came hurtling down the hall, skidding to a stop right in front of her.
"Where have you been?! The trial begins in 30 minutes!" screamed the Midnight Blue Zircon.
"Why didn't you tell me this?" shouted Blue Zircon.
"I did! I tried to call you, but you wouldn't pick up!" yelled back the Midnight Blue Zircon. With a flash of dismay, Blue Zircon recalled several annoying voice call notifications during her little chat with the Eyeball Ruby. Zircon swallowed down fluid collecting around her mouth, and did not say anything.
The Midnight Blue Zircon seized her hand, and dragged her to the backroom of Court Coordinator's Office. The Backroom was spacious, with the walls covered in tags, each denoting the place of several electronic files. An Amber rocked back and forth of a computer screen, impatiently waiting for several files to finish unencrypting.
When she saw Zircon arrive, dragging relentlessly by Midnight Blue, she seized Zircon's tie and slammed her monocle into the computer screen. "Watch the Gem!" Zircon yelled.
The Amber held Zircon in position, as the screen flashed green. Zircon winced as lines and lines of transcripts, forensic reports, pictures of the crime scene, witness interviews, etc, download themselves into her monocle. The instant the file transfer finished, the Amber shoved Blue Zircon into a very small dumbwaiter-like chute.
"This will take you just outside of Rose's room. Good luck!" gasped the Amber, breathlessly.
"Wait-" Zircon began. The chute shot down, disorienting Zircon to the point of queasiness.
Several minutes after Rose Quartz's arrival, Zircon reached the room where she would be contained. The Room was directly connected to the courtroom where Rose would be tried. Zircon entered the room, not taking a moment to compose herself. Her eyes were glued to her hologram screens. With the Trial looming just in front of her, Zircon felt her anxiety return like a sickening black wave.
She worried aloud, "This is ridiculous! 4,000 years of loyal service to the court, and this is what I get? Oh, I'm the unluckiest Zircon in the galaxy!"
Zircon tore her eyes off her many holograms and swept her gaze around for a large figure with voluminous pink curls. Instead she saw a small thing, colored brown and pink, darting towards her.
Zircon gasped, unprepared. "Wait, are you...Rose Quartz?" She couldn't believe it. Looking closely, Zircon could just see Rose's Gem through the pink shirt she wore. Zircon analyzed Rose's new form disapprovingly. The form was heavily carbon based, with many trace materials.
"Yeah," said Rose, downhearted.
"…Really?" she couldn't help but say.
"It's a long story," said Rose.
Zircon's eyelids fluttered closed as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Instead she burst out, "Then I don't have time for it!" She groaned, digging her fingers into her palms. "We only have this brief moment to prepare your case!"
"Case?" asked Rose.
Zircon scowled at the Gem. Didn't the Crystal Gems have courtrooms wherever they came them? Didn't Pink Diamond provide adequate schooling for her prized Rose Quartz Gems? Or maybe terror had taken the polish off Rose's Gem. Either way, Rose just looked clueless. Zircon turned her attention back to her screens, groaning again. "Who am I kidding? This is pointless! We've all heard the rumors about the demise of Pink Diamond…" she continued her rant, ending with "That ridiculous disguise is only going to make you look more guilty!" She could at least discover why Rose had taken on that carbon form.
Instead, Rose said, "That's fine, because I am!"
Zircon's mind bucked at the words Rose had just said. This was bad. Not only did Rose seem to be guilty, as per the case files, but now she straight up admitted to her guilt. There was no way Blue Zircon could get this case to stretch on long enough for her to turn up a report to Blue Diamond's liking.
She gasped, "Well, don't say that! Especially when you're out there!"
Rose yelled back, "Out where?! What's going to happen?!"
Zircon gave herself only a moment to internally scream, then she almost screamed aloud, "What did you think was going to happen, Rose Quartz?! As soon as that door opens, you're going on trial!"
As if on cue, the doors opened. Zircon swallowed again, wiped the sweat collecting rapidly on her forehead, and entered the courtroom along with Rose Quartz, hoping Rose would not lead them both to their shatterings.
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chibicrow · 7 years
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I was going through my caps and.
Look, I get this moment occurred after Shingo was being typically Shingo, but the way Crow-sama’s like “ok so y’all are out of your minds.” and Yuya’s like “UH EXCUSE ME?”
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jeshikawa · 7 years
My first years are expanding their vocab and grammar so today they had to write mini journals about their days. I went to check one of my girls and she'd written, "I listen to Itokashitaro."
I read it twice because I assumed it was katakana English at first but realized it was a name.
"Oh… he's a singer?"
And she just happily chirped, "Yes."
"Oh! Like, utaite?"
And she freezes and squints at me to make sure she heard me right and I'm like, "He sings…  Hyakka Ryouran and Yakusoku no Starrynight? I really liked his version of Romeo."
She literally slams her hands on the desk, gets up on her feet, and dramatically points at me Ace Attorney style and yells, "TALK TO ME ABOUT HIM!"
I mean like, she literally did all of this. No exaggeration. The whole class looked up to see what she was yelling about and the JTE was confused as heck. The girl explained to her friends in Japanese and they all shrieked and began to ask me if I knew their favorite utaite.
I feel like I got in deep because I'm just a casual fan and I think they're real fans.
It was a slow, hot, muggy day on the 5th floor though so I'm glad I managed to end things on a lively note with her and her friends in the last few minutes before school ended.
In other news, my computer hasn't connected to the internet since last year. It connects on the guest and administrator accounts but not on my personal log in. I mentioned it a few times but it always fell through the cracks until today when they tried to install updates and suddenly remembered. They spent all day trying to figure out how to fix it but no dice.
I've always kind of suspected what the problem was but I haven't used windows in ages and everything is obviously in Japanese so I couldn't figure it out. After watching them click around in the settings and go to certain pages, I began to get an idea of what to do. After they spent all day trying to fix it, I managed to resolve it on my own in about 10 minutes and half of that was spent asking another teacher if I could look at her computer in broken Japanese since my JTE were in a meeting. Now, the internet works on my log in! Everyone called me an engineer! But my computer is slow as hell because they didn't get to installing the update.
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Stranger Things where it’s the same but it’s done in the style of Ace Attorney
(scene is in the courtroom, Will Byers is on the witness stand, Mike and El are on the defense side, Max Mayfield is the prosecutor, Steve is the judge)
Judge Steve Harrington: Well, Mr. Wheeler, it seems you can’t prove that Will Byers is actually a host for the Mind Flayer! 
Will Byers: See, told ya I’m not possessed!
Prosecutor Max Mayfield: Hmph! This whole trial has been a waste of time! Now end this trial now or I will run my skateboard through your gelled-up hair, judge!
Eleven, who is standing next to Mike with a questioning look on her face: Mike! You can’t give up now! There has to be something we can press Will on! Ask him another question! Anything!
Mike Wheeler: Okay...um...(slams hand down on desk) Uh, what did you do this morning? Around the time that the weird Mind Flayer stuff was happening.
Will Byers: Well, nothing much. I was taking a bath.
Mike Wheeler: Um...uh...how cold was the water?  
Judge Steve Harrington: Is this question really relevant to the case?
Mike Wheeler: Yes it is, your honor. The defense officially requests how cold the water was! (Mike’s thoughts: Not sure where I’m going with this but I think I’m on the right path!)
Will Byers: Okay, that’s strange, but sure. The water was a few degrees below 0 degrees celsius.
Mike Wheeler: Hmm...wait a minute! Isn’t that a little cold? 
Eleven: Mike! Remember what Dustin said in his testimony! The Mind Flayer likes it cold! 
Mike Wheeler: I understand everything now! Will Byers! (slams hand down on desk, points finger right at Will, this music starts playing) YOU JUST GAVE AWAY THAT YOU’RE A HOST FOR THE MIND FLAYER-
Prosecutor Max Mayfield: OBJECTION! The defense has merely proved that Will Byers prefers cold baths! That’s not conclusive evidence at all!
Will Byers (panicking): Yeah! Yeah! That doesn’t mean anything at all-
Mike Wheeler: OBJECTION! Unfortunately, that flies in the face of the evidence and testimony already provided to the court! As heard in Dustin Henderson’s testimony, the Mind Flayer prefers COLD environments! And I’ve already presented to the court, Joyce Byers’ receipt for several bags of ice! You were using your mom to buy you ice for ice baths, weren’t you!
Will Byers: GAH! (winces in pain)
Mike Wheeler: And you did all of this because (slams hand down on desk, points finger at Will) YOU’RE WORKING FOR THE MIND FLAYER!
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