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falskihundr · 1 year ago
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@simulamortem asked: ☙
" favourite food (Bonus; A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.) "
Bloodhound loves to eat. You don't get as brawny as they are without having a massive daily carb intake.
As a result, it's difficult for them to choose a favorite; they love a simple fish soup as much as they love the more involved Slátur. They can also almost always be found with a packet of salted black licorice in one of their pockets. (strangely, no one ever asks them to share those.)
The closest to a favorite they have would be Kleina . . . but no one makes it quite as well as their uncle did, and so it's been a very long time since they've had it. They have very fond memories of hovering near Artur's elbows, trying to sneak pieces off the countertops before the Kleina was fully cooled. He would pretend not to notice, only to ask "oh, what happened?" when they inevitably burned their mouth.
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singitforthegirls · 5 months ago
Sure, lets have very icelandic food for dinner tonight. 🤣🙈
It might not look very pleasing but I'm loving it. 🙈🙈🙈
Especially the rice porridge thing with the "slátur" (the grey one liver sausage) and cinnamon sugar. 🙈 Also the like yellow turnip mash or whatever!
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nordnews · 2 years ago
Slátur is one of the most popular traditional Icelandic dishes. Other traditional delicacies, such as fermented shark and mutton testicles, are less popular, and are generally onl...
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ask-lindel-and-merituuli · 7 years ago
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Lindel and Food #2
These are slátur (blood & intestines sausages).
Normally they are made from sheep.
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andvaka · 5 years ago
I saw a veganised recipe for a traditional Icelandic dish and now I'm so curious I have to try it
Not bc I think it'll be good but I have to know how you can supposedly make beans and rye taste like organs
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ofleavesandsea · 7 years ago
Kleio smiled at the kiss before she stood. She wrapped the fish back up, and looked down at the slátur with a sigh. She put the lid back on it and held her hand over it, drawing all of the heat out so it was cold again.
Lesley was startled when Kleio got up from their cuddle pile in the middle of the night, slipping out from Jem's arms after her. "Hey Kleio, midnight snack?"
Kleio jumped, and turned around. She pressed her finger to her lips, glancing back at Legolas. She grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen before saying anything, “Yes. Although it may end up being a meal…”
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yahoo-travel-editor · 8 years ago
【冰島Bonus超市必買】:一窺冰島奇特傳統食物 ♥ 腐臭鯊魚肉、血腥羊頭、小龍蝦等多樣分享
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【旅遊部落客專欄/ 波比看世界 】
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Bónus超市是冰島規模最大、最便宜的連鎖超市,商標是一隻粉紅小豬, 可不可愛看個人,像我就覺得不錯,可威哥認為牠笑起來很邪惡XD
想要節省旅行支出、閃避暗黑料理的遊客,每隔幾天就來這裡報到絕對是家常便飯, 不只觀光客喜歡,在地人也經常舉家前來,宛如要把整間店搬走般,大包小包地採購日常生活用品。 因此如果想要貼近當地居民的飲食文化,一覽奇特傳統食物,那麼逛超市絕對是個好辦法。
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這裡的氣候不利農作物生長,利用地熱發展出的溫室農業,至今尚���法自給自足,絕大多數還是仰賴進口。 我們抵達蔬果冷藏區時發現,裡頭好多熟面孔,蘋果、葡萄、草莓、柳丁、番茄、花椰菜、蘑菇等, 台灣一些常見的果物,在這裡同樣可以找的到,唯一比較少見的是西洋梨,不過最近全聯社也有了。
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走訪了好幾間超市發現,它們很愛將香蕉這樣懸掛吊起,宛如展示品般讓顧客挑選,好有趣喔。 計價方式是秤重,我們買的一串3隻要價184冰島克朗,換算台幣約50塊,不貴呢。
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大人小孩都愛的冰品,不過走到哪個國家都有,而且還是一大堆。 冰島人愛吃冰,就算是寒冬刺骨也照吃不誤,這種勇氣實在讓我佩服。
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大型連鎖超市通常會發展出自有品牌,這裡也不例外,我很願意嘗試看看, 無奈好多東西都只寫冰島文,在沒有英文的情況下,我只能憑感覺看誰比較順眼就選誰, 下場就是容易踩雷啊,像是這看是洋芋片的餅乾,打開後就不是,非常鹹又吃不出是什麼口味,不推。
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談論了一些我覺得常見的事物,現在來看看我認為比較特別的東西, 第一個是這個魚乾(Dried Fish Snacks),它是冰島傳統的點心,由鱈魚片烘乾製程, 有非常豐富的Omega-3,低熱量、高蛋白質,是非常健���的食物。
整趟旅程中我看過它非常多次,一直猶豫要不要買,苦惱的地方在於它不便宜, 但評價卻不優,挺多試過的人說魚腥味很重,所以幾經考量我放棄了... 但老實說自回國後我就後悔了,好奇的東西從此錯失了考證的機會,只能永遠停留在「聽說」。 重新選擇的話,我會一定會買,就像難吃的甘草糖一樣,有興趣的事物體驗一下何樂而不為呢~
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發酵鯊魚肉(Hákarl shark),這個也超酷的,不過我就完全不想吃,光聽就投降了。 引述一下食用者的評論,美國主廚兼作家,安東尼·波登:「這是我所嚐過味道最恐怖的東西了」; 旅遊生活頻道節目《古怪食物》,主持人安德魯·席莫:「這氣味是我這輩子遇過最糟的事了」; 探索頻道節目《河中巨怪》主持人傑瑞米·韋德試吃時則表示:「我的喉嚨好像燒起來了」。
看完這些,如果你依舊好奇這個奇臭無比,卻深受冰島人歡迎的東西,那麼就衝吧, 買回去民宿吃吃看,膽小的我還是看看就好,哈哈哈~
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最初還在規畫行程時,我常聽威哥說要帶我去吃龍蝦, 直到真正抵達餐廳後我才驚覺,這和我認知的波士頓龍蝦長得天差地遠。但外型不同無妨,味道一絕才是重點, 赫本Pakkhus Restaurant裡的大蒜奶油小龍蝦,真的是霹靂無敵美味耶!! 唯一缺點就是貴桑桑,自己去超市買回旅館料理便宜多了。
因為心生懷疑,想知道到底是俗名,還是它真是龍蝦的一種,所以便查了一些資料。 冰島語的小龍蝦(humar),指的挪威海螯蝦(Langoustine), 愛爾蘭、挪威、丹麥、瑞典、西班牙、冰島等國都可以找到它們,價格比一般龍蝦便宜。 牠和前面提到的波士頓龍蝦嚴格來說,都不是龍蝦!
在界、門、綱、目、科、屬、種裡,龍蝦單指龍蝦屬的物種, 而冰島小龍蝦是海螯蝦屬(Nephrops),波士頓龍蝦是螯龍蝦屬(Homarus),天啊,真是上了一課。
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羊頭肉(Svid),驚嚇指數百分百的商品,怕袋中實品照會嚇到你們,所以改放包裝示意圖就好。 這是冰島的傳統菜餚,早期島上物資匱乏,所以動物的所有部位均不能浪費丟棄, 現今在餐館仍可以點到,整個羊臉一清二楚端上桌,沒有膽識是無法吃的。 我還試著找血布丁(Slátur),有點像台灣的鴨血;韓國的血腸,不過店員說他們沒有賣, 另外也看過有人說公羊睪丸、鱈魚舌Gellur,不過當時有點趕時間就沒找了,大家可以留意看看。
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看完上面那個驚人的羊頭後,剩下的是具冰島有特色,而且容易親近的東西,放心吧。 其實這些在【冰島必買】:17 項戰利品總整理 ♥ 國鳥帕芬、極光郵票、馬糞糖、本土羊毛、魚子醬、甘草糖等, 都寫得很詳細了,這邊在擷取貼上來只是為了方便閱讀。
全世界最好喝的可樂在冰島,這個傳聞經常可見,因為他們工廠就設在冰島,用的是在地最純淨的水源。 可口可樂喝完的心得是:我的媽啊,天殺的好喝! 氣泡比我平常喝到的還要多、還要細,不誇張我真有種在喝氣泡水的錯覺,滋味也真的比較甘甜。 我很推薦大家來試試,無怪乎冰島是人均可樂消費最高的國家。
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冰島傳統乳製品Skyr,早在一千多年前的維京時代,冰島人就開始吃它了。 由低脂牛奶發酵再添加合適的菌種製作而成,口感貼近優格,但比它還要濃厚醇香。 超市裡幾乎都有賣,口味眾多,我們先後吃了檸檬蛋糕、藍莓、水蜜桃,最愛的是檸檬。 其他還有桃子、巧克力、梨子、哈密瓜的樣子,只要不要選藍色圖案那罐就好,我猜應該是鹽味,非常難吃。
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什麼都貴的冰島,魚子醬 (kaviar)算是少數比台灣划算很多的東西, 一小瓶419冰島克朗,換算台幣118元,是不是超極便宜~雖然在很多老饕眼裡,只有鱘魚卵製成才算魚子醬, 超市這種等級的魚卵他們才看不上眼,不過我已經很滿足啦。
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除了瓶裝外還有像牙膏一樣的Mills魚子抹醬,產地挪威,是當地最大,市占率最高的鱈魚子醬品牌, 色澤亮橘,鹹味頗高,記得不要一次加太多,可以用來塗麵包、做沙拉、煎蛋, 有些超市會把它們放在常溫區,如果沒開封的話可以帶回台灣分送給親友嚐嚐看喔。
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Kókómjólk巧克力牛奶,冰島人很常喝的飲料,紫黃色條紋貓看起來超像漫畫人物, 我喝的是藍色包裝低糖版,我覺得還是蠻甜的,可是好喝��小朋友應該會很愛。
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有世界最難吃零食之一的甘草糖 (Lakkrís),在超市買最划算了, 雖有不少亞洲人覺得難吃,形容味道像八角一樣恐怖,但甘草糖對北歐國家的人來說可是愛不釋手的好物呢~
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整體而言我覺得小豬超是挺好逛的,在冰島的分店也多 唯一比較麻煩的地方就是營業時間有夠短,不能接受的人,我認為下面要分享的Nettó也是不錯的選擇。
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Nettó在冰島的門市也不少,之前寫過的: 赫本住宿推薦:Old Airline Guesthouse ♥ 房間寬敞舒適,超市在附近,廚房設備超完善附近就有一家。 營業時間比較長,有些店甚至是24小時,有興趣的可以看看喔~
►  Nettó分店位置
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裡面一樣是生鮮蔬果、飲料、日常用品都有,至於價格呢,我就沒有特別留意了,我想應該是比小豬貴一點吧。 我的超市所見就寫到這囉,另外由於我不是本地人,裡面的內容雖然已經盡力考證了, 但恐怕還是有疏漏、錯誤的地方,歡迎大家提醒交流囉~
地點:Bónus 旅遊日期:2016/10 官網:http://www.bonus.is/、各分店位置:http://www.bonus.is/find-your-store/ 營業時間:11:00-18:30(周一至周四);10:00-19:30(周五);10:00-18:00(周六);12:00-18:00(周日)
文章出自: 波比看世界
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jackbrakkow · 5 years ago
oh if the world only accepted the fact that i am, in actuality, Þór. why must people push deadlines, essays, general expectations of society onto me instead of letting me move into a cottage in the icelandic mountains with my goats, slátur & my attachments to inanimate objects??
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blodulich4phuong · 6 years ago
Từ a đến z kinh nghiệm du lịch iceland cho dân mê xê dịch
Đi du lịch Iceland cần chuẩn bị những gì? Giá tour du lịch Iceland bao nhiêu? Muốn du lịch tự túc Iceland có khó không? Những địa danh đẹp tại Iceland, những món ăn ngon tại Iceland… là gì? Đây chính là các thắc mắc chung của người mê xê dịch và trót phải lòng Iceland. Vậy thì, kinh nghiệm du lịch Iceland dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn có chuyến đi hoàn hảo.
Chẳng phải ngẫu nhiên mà người ta gọi Iceland là “thiên đường châu Âu”, vẻ đẹp vừa ngọt ngào vừa hùng vĩ, ẩm thực phong phú, văn hóa đặc sắc, dịch vụ chất lượng cao… đã “hạ gục” bất kỳ du khách nào đến đây. Để có được chuyến du lịch trong mơ, bạn cần bỏ túi cho mình kinh nghiệm du lịch Iceland cần thiết.
Có thể bạn quan tâm: Kinh nghiệm du lịch Anh Quốc tự túc
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Thắng cảnh Iceland làm say lòng khách du lịch - Ảnh: Internet
Đi du lịch Iceland cần chuẩn bị những gì?
- Chuẩn bị visa: Không chỉ đến Iceland mà khi bạn đến một đất nước khác nào đó thì visa là hành trang mà bạn nhất định phải có.
- Hầu h��t các sân bay đều có quầy đổi tiền và ATM để rút tiền nhưng tỷ giá sẽ chênh lệch đôi chút so với ngân hàng. Ở Iceland, các nhà hàng, khách sạn, shop… đều có thể dùng thẻ visa, master để thanh toán chi phí. Vì vậy, tốt nhất bạn nên chuẩn bị một ít tiền mặt phòng khi cần thiết còn lại thì nên sử dụng hình thức thanh toán qua thẻ cho tiện.
- Iceland nằm ở vùng cực Bắc nên có khí hậu rất lạnh, bạn nên chuẩn bị nhiều quần áo ấm để chống chọi với thời tiết nơi đây.
- Hãy tìm hiểu về văn hóa Iceland để chắc chắn bạn không làm điều gì khiếm nhã trong thời gian du lịch.
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Đừng quên mang theo áo ấm khi du lịch Iceland - Ảnh: Internet
Những địa danh đẹp tại Iceland
- Thủ đô Reykjavik & Blue Lagoon: Thủ đô của “thiên đường” Iceland có tuổi đời lên đến hàng ngàn năm, được bao bọc bởi những ngọn núi kỳ vĩ đẹp đến nghẹt thở, luôn ngập chìm trong làn sương khói và băng tuyết. Blue Lagoon là một trong những điểm đến nổi tiếng bậc nhất Iceland và bạn chỉ mất hơn nửa giờ đi bus từ trung tâm thủ đô đến đây.
- Chiêm ngưỡng cực quang ở Iceland trên núi: Cực quang - hiện tượng quang học mà ai cũng mơ ước được nhìn thấy một lần trong đời diễn ra rất thường xuyên ở Iceland. Đến đây, du khách có dịp chiêm ngưỡng những tia ánh sáng nhiều màu sắc chạy dọc bầu trời đêm tựa hồ như lạc vào thế giới thần tiên.
- Thác vàng Gullfoss: Là một trong những thác nước đẹp nhất thế giới, kiệt tác của thiên nhiên đã ban tặng cho Iceland. Dù đến đây vào mùa hè nước tuôn ào ào hay mùa đông băng giá thì bạn vẫn được ngắm nhìn vẻ đẹp hùng vĩ của thác vàng Gullfoss.
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Blue Lagoon ở Iceland nổi tiếng và thu hút du khách khắp thế giới - Ảnh: Internet
Những món ăn ngon tại Iceland
Ẩm thực tại Iceland có lịch sử lâu dài, trong văn hóa ẩm thực của quốc gia này luôn tồn tại thịt cừu, cá và sữa. Ẩm thực ở Iceland có lịch sử lâu dài. Thành phần rất quan trọng của văn hóa ẩm thực Iceland là thịt cừu, cá, và sữa. Þorramatur là món ăn truyền thống của người Iceland, được ăn vào tháng 1, 2 nhằm tưởng nhớ đến tổ tiên. Tùy vào từng gia đình mà người ta sẽ chế biến Þorramatur với các thành phần đa dạng.
Đến Iceland, bạn nhất định không nên bỏ qua các món slátur, skyr, graflax, hangikjöt, hákarl…
Kinh nghiệm xin visa du lịch Iceland
Như đã đề cập ở trên, visa là loại giấy tờ không thể thiếu khi du lịch Iceland. Tuy nhiên, vì đây là quốc gia nằm trong khối châu Âu nên nếu bạn đã có visa châu Âu Schengen thì cũng có thể sử dụng để nhập cảnh.
Theo kinh nghiệm của người đã đến Iceland nhiều lần, để đến đây an toàn và thuận lợi, bạn nên xin visa châu Âu Schengen. Vì bạn không chỉ nhập cảnh được Iceland mà còn di chuyển dễ dàng tới nhiều quốc gia: Đức, Bồ Đào Nha, Thụy Điển, Ý, Hà Lan… thuộc khối châu Âu.
Hy vọng với những kinh nghiệm du lịch Iceland mà chúng tôi chia sẻ trên đây, bạn đã bỏ túi thêm nhiều bí quyết cho chuyến đi.
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odinistpressservice · 7 years ago
Haggis originally brought to Scotland by Vikings, an award winning Scottish butcher argues
ICELANDIC “SLÁTUR” A Scottish butcher argues the Scottish national dish, Haggis, was originally brought to Scotland by Vikings, making it a descendant of the Viking delicacy still eaten in Iceland, slátur. Photo/Arnþór Birkisson. http://ift.tt/2gZj4O9
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undri72 · 7 years ago
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Það var stutt pása hjá 4. flokki Hattar á ReyCup eftir leiki dagsins. Fullkomin til að fara í smá partý í Fögrubrekkuna, borða grjónagraut og slátur, grilla pylsur og leika sér aðeins í sólinni.
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thegospelofnagisa · 8 years ago
So Yui has a crappy restaurant? I'm even more convinced now that her wish had something to do with the place.
Apparently, either that or suddenly Kyouko has super ultra standards, which considering what she is, I don’t think she does.
She would eat Slátur and wouldn’t give a fuck about it, 0 standards for food.
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grafarvogur · 9 years ago
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Blóðmör #nofilter #slátur
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terminalpolitics · 11 years ago
The Slaughter Club (ESA)
It’s Saturday evening and I’m seated in the kitchen of one of my childhood friends along with her brother and we’re laughing hysterically about our sewing.
Sewing. Perhaps not the typical activity for twenty and thirty-somethings on a Saturday evening when most of our peers are probably gearing up to hit the town…
Granted, sewing clubs are an institution in Iceland and becoming more popular among younger people of both genders.
However, in spite of the name, sewing, knitting or stitching is not necessarily practiced at these gatherings and if so, I doubt our handiwork would have been approved.
We were sewing together pieces of tripe, sheep stomachs, which I had previously cut up—not particularly skillfully—to make casings for homemade slátur (‘slaughter’), blóðmör (blood pudding) and lifrapylsa (liver sausage).
We were laughing because my designs were pretty random, some of the casings being huge and looking like swim caps, others long and narrow like Christmas stockings.
Sewing casings for slátur is hard work, and as it was getting late and we were tired, we needed some comic relief. Although my hands were starting to ache, it had been a while since I had had as much fun on a Saturday evening.
The fun continued the next day with the making of the actualslátur, when we were reinforced by the latest member of the Slaughter Club, as we’ve opted to name it.
Another of my childhood friends has joined the circle. Other members have come and gone but she is determined to stay, she says.
Since 2007 we have upheld this tradition of producing slátur, healthy and delicious food, which is ridiculously cheap when you make it yourself.
An audio slideshow from the Slaughter Club’s first slátur-making session.
It’s a tradition that many Icelanders our age know from their youth when the extended family got together to make slátur in the fall.
After taking a dive, the tradition has experienced a comeback in recent years and judging by how busy the slaughter market at Hagkaup supermarket in Smáralind shopping mall was when we went there to buy the ingredients, it’s not about to disappear.
We got excellent service their too, a young woman advising us how many sheep stomachs, liters of blood, livers, kidneys and fat we would need, including hearts, diaphragms and svið (singed sheep heads) in the package.
In past years, making slátur has not been a lot of work at all, as we’ve been able to buy ready-made casings, but apparently, meat production companies have given up on that. In exchange, the ingredients have become even cheaper.
It’s possible to buy casings of other materials but casings from sheep stomachs make the slátur taste so much better and by using the natural material we make sure that even less of the slaughtered sheep goes to waste.
I stuck with the sewing throughout the slátur-making process, while the rest of the gang chopped up fat, mixed blood with oatmeal and flour, removed membranes from livers and kidneys and pureed them, proceeding to fill all the inventive casings.
In the afternoon we took a little break to have waffles. My friend, whose house it was, joked that we were acting like old housewives, smiling at her two-year-old who constantly demanded more cream on her waffle.
In the evening, we celebrated a hard day’s work with a sláturfeast, inviting a previous member of the Slaughter Club to dinner. She was thrilled. The food was absolutely delicious and I have a feeling she will rejoin us next year.
We divided the many casings of blood and liver pudding equally between us, as well as the heads, hearts and diaphragms, and calculated the cost.
The latest member was amazed when she discovered that for ISK 2,000 (USD 16, EUR 12) she now had 20 meals for herself and plenty more for her dog.
The Slaughter Club has done it again. Oh yes, slátur is here to stay.
Eygló Svala Arnarsdóttir – [email protected]
This reminds me I need to finish leveling my Death Knight at some point.
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ofleavesandsea · 7 years ago
"It's not just that... I keep craving all these different things." She plated up the slátur, hákarl, and opened packages of dried and salted fish, a jar of pickled eggs, and a jar of slimey looking, white triangles "This is Gellur. It's a muscle from behind a cods tongue." When she was done, they each had what amounted to a sampling platter.
Lesley was startled when Kleio got up from their cuddle pile in the middle of the night, slipping out from Jem's arms after her. "Hey Kleio, midnight snack?"
Kleio jumped, and turned around. She pressed her finger to her lips, glancing back at Legolas. She grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen before saying anything, “Yes. Although it may end up being a meal…”
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jackbrakkow · 7 years ago
Some kind of tag I guess
Tagged by @kingsteveharringtn kinda???
Relationship status→ single
Favourite colour→ I would say black but that's too emo so imma say red
Three Favourite foods→ anything seafood honestly, mac & cheese and slátur bc that shit is 👌👌👌mmmmm
Last song I listened to→ “Gives You Hell" - The All American Rejects
Last movie I watched→ X-men Apocalypse
Top three tv shows→ Supernatural, Teen Wolf and either Doctor Who or Shadowhunters
Top three bands→ Imagine Dragons, McCaffery, Of Monsters And Mens
Current book→ “This Book Is Gay" by James Dawson
Tags→ idk go wild guys
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