#skzverse essays
the-sunshine-dragon · 3 years
I’m starting an essay project for skzverse cause after Christmas EveL I’ve had it. There’s too much going on and until I have my own place where I can freely print and map out things on a wall like a conspiracy theorist, it’s gonna have to be contained within an essay. 
However, as I was sketching out an outline the other night for this essay, because I like my things as organized as possible (and yes apa formatting as ruined me, I hate you college), the realization has occurred to me that this will not be a single essay project. In fact, the essay I started would probably be better served as brief summary of the entirety of skzverse (and by brief, it’ll probably be over a dozen pages just for an overview), instead of trying to make it into one massive thing attempting to explain everything. 
There’s the I Am series, Cle series, God’s Menu & Thunderous, the Japanese singles, On Track series, and now a Christmas album, 50-90 music videos to go through, alternative universes, and layers upon layers of symbolism, meanings, and who knows what else all buried within this. You start putting pieces together and then bam, something doesn’t fit and the whole theory falls apart or comes to a complete stop. 
(I really need my own place with a wall so I can put those little push-pins in and string yarn between the connections)
If I really looked at it and wanted to break it up into more manageable chunks, there’s maybe 5-7 essays at a preliminary glance. 
And I get excited about it (and maybe a little overwhelmed XD). 
TL;DR your resident dragon is having too much fun with the skzverse and wants everyone to know about it XD
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the-sunshine-dragon · 3 years
I now have about seven pages in a google doc of notes and thoughts for these skzverse essay. I guess it’s started just a tiny bit? XD
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the-sunshine-dragon · 3 years
Not @me going crazy all day trying to connect dots for skzverse stuff and then proceeding to start an actual essay about it and putting holds on peter pan books from the library for research purposes
Yes, I know I’m crazy.
No, I will not be stopping any time soon. 
(feel free to join in, I welcome the company XD)
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the-sunshine-dragon · 3 years
Whelp, my body is saying sleep is for the weak tonight, so I’m gonna work on the skzverse essay
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