killerqueenwidow · 1 year
I see you headcannoning teacher wish fulfillment. Im so here for it.
// Yes. Yes I am. Consider it an odd form of manifesting, lol.
Hope you're doing well. How's Wesley?
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sky-chau · 5 months
I'm gonna play VOTV, a game I'm totally new to. Come help me figure it out!
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sodapops-station · 5 years
Realistic Zombies and Zombisms
So, let's talk about zombies, what's wrong with the current media portrayal, and what realistic zombies would actually look/act like.
There's many ways to start this off, such as 'types,' what actually gets affected/infected, and deterioration rates.
So how about we start with my initial question of: how would the amount of muscle actually affect the capabilities of the zombies?
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whimsy-flags · 5 years
hi, if it's ok to promote other pride flag blogs, @jayflags also uses skychau's lesbian design as well
@ last anon, here’s another blog you might wanna check out!
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dreamworld73 · 4 years
Skychau za Sladkim 😻😍😻😍
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vilkaproru · 4 years
Моуринью: я скучаю по нашему миру и футболу
Читайте на сайте: https://vilkapro.ru/news/moyrinu-ia-skychau-po-nashemy-miry-i-fytboly/
Комментарии Все новости на карте Наставник "Тоттенхэма" Жозе Моуринью порассуждал о приостановке сезона из-за распространения COVID-19. Специалист признался, что скучает по футболу и прежнему миру. «Стараюсь не быть эгоистичным, а просто уравновешенным
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sodapops-station · 5 years
Same GF!
And they're the best ever! ^^
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sky-chau · 4 years
friendly reminder that I do have a patreon.
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sky-chau · 5 years
So, I just lost my job, and I really don’t think the service industry (the only jobs you can really get as a 16 year old) is one that I do well in. I just need enough income to pay for the one thing my parents wont: Gas to get to and from Community College.
Patreons a great way you can help me out AND get cool stuff every month!
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sky-chau · 5 years
fun reminder that i do in fact have a patreon!
will supporting me on patreon increase the amount of content I put out? 
no, I have college.
does supporting me on patreon have its perks?
YES. support me with any amount and u get early access to comics as i finish them page by page. meet the 10 or 15$ teirs and u get a 20$ commision and lowekey u can get me to draw ur ocs every once and a while.
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sky-chau · 5 years
want access to solarfunk as I finish the pages? consider supporting me on patreon!
as well as having page by page updates, the comic is in higher quality on patreon as it lacks webtoons pixel dimension limits, jpg file type requirement and chapter byte limit! (I really wish this wasn't a benefit but webtoon is really catered to mobile users with small screens, so for now patreon is the only place to get the high resolution versions of the comic.)
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vilkaproru · 5 years
«Уже скучаю по всем». Шарапова отреагировала на отмену турнира в Штутгарте
Читайте на сайте: https://vilkapro.ru/news/yje-skychau-po-vsem-sharapova-otreagirovala-na-otmeny-tyrnira-v-shtytgarte/
Комментарии Все новости на карте Российская теннисистка Мария Шарапова, объявившая о завершении карьеры в феврале, отреагировала на новость об отмене турнира WTA в Штутгарте (Германия) из-за пандемии коронавируса. «Уже скучаю по всем!», — написала Шарапова
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