#sky islands. demon king. the 3 goddess dragons
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playing TOTK is just me, a Skyward Sword girlie, thinking I know where something is going or what it's referencing only to be wrong literally every single time
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botwstoriesandsuch · 1 year
Also there were 7 total murals with the last 3 obstructed at there are 7 total tears as depicted in the first mural and there are 4 Champions plus Zelda plus Rauru plus Ganon and that makes 7 and HAND SYMBOLISM with Link and Zelda and there is Clearly a connection between Rauru and the other incarnation of Zelda as they are both literally in the fucking shrines (They always say "WE bestow upon you this blessing") that give you shit and YET the recall ability is SEPARATE to ability of Rauru/Rauru's hand as bestowed to us by Zelda who may be ACROSS TIME because when we give the Master Sword we are in the SAME LOCATION and the Recall Rune on the Rauru hand GLOWS and IN ADDITION TO THAT why would The Upheaval both raise Hyrule Castle and ALSO the Zonai Sky Islands because wouldn't those be two opposing ambitions why would You as The Demon King want to also bring the Zonai and it's technology closer yet to the kingdom that doesn't like you AND Ganon corpse falls down into the Chasms so he doesn't NEED to go up so why are the Sky Islands also there Because first off we known Rauru communicated with Zelda but currently he is clearly dead and Ganoncorpse also spoke of Rauru placing his faith in Link THEREFORE the most logical solution to this inconsistency would be that it is a TIME LOOP that is organized by ZELDA (as I feared) and yet the evidence stacks even more when you look at the fucking LOGO and also there would then be a PARALLEL between Link/Zelda and Rauru/Zelda Incarnation because THE IMPRISONING WAR MURALS confirm that the Royal Bloodline is descended from a union between the Zonai of the heavens and a Hylian right and if we translate the runes on the two Dragons within HIRIGANA it becomes THE MEETING OF TWO LOVERS so the HANDS foreSHADOW the MEETING and REUNION through a TIMELOOP and temple of time seven sages the DECAY of the Gloom is the foil to the RECALL of Zelda because to make time move forward and corrupt and age would be in defiance of an attempt at recalling and timeloop and I KNOW THIS BECAUSE THAT DRAGON ISN'T NAYDRA it is GOLD SCRUFF that is just swimming around in the sky around The Great Sky Island the Hylia-damned Garden of TIME and WHAT were dragons before? OH they were SPIRITUAL GUARDIANS that represented the Golden Goddess near each important shrine so why not have a FOURTH to represent ZELDA/HYLIA near a SHRINE/IMPORTANT BUILDING dedicated the fourth aspect of the universe besides courage, wisdom, and power and that is Time and it is TEARS because the tears drop from the sky and ripple down below but then we REVERSE IT all BACK into the heavens and woah there is a seagull guy with goggles I gotta go talk to him now
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strangeduckpaper · 3 years
Shattered Cycle: The Chain & The Tri-Force
- Within Shattered Cycle, the Tri-Force was the Goddesses sacrificing most of their remaining power & influence in the mortal realm, given to Hylia, the immortal God-Queen the Goddesses created to prevent Hyrule from replaying the destruction of the Zonia. But Hylia knew she couldn’t rule alone, so she divided the force into three Aspects, keeping Wisdom for herself, the Queen.
- She gave Power to the mightiest warrior in the land, The Champion, but possessed the ability to strip them of it at any moment. The Champion’s role was to serve as protector of the realm, especially against the forces of Chaos’ Demons.
- Courage’s role, by contrast, was supposed to act as a peacekeeper, using the Aspect’s empathic abilities & reassuring aura to defuse conflicts & act as the ambassador to the Spirits/Fairies and other realms. They were The Link.
- Also acts as the gate to the Sacred Realm, otherwise only accessible to High Fairies, Spirits, The Great Dragons & the Goddesses themselves.
Cycle 0-The Beginning, Before the Broken Chain
- This system continued for awhile, before the arrival of the Demon known as Demise.
- Demise corrupted the current Champion, a young male Gerudo known as Ganondorf, binding both their souls & the Aspect together.
- ‘Ganon’ led Chaos’ forces in a successful campaign against Hylia’s forces, now led by the current Link, Hylia’s lover
- Hylia saved her people by sacrificing her immortality to transport them to floating islands held up by magic, and bound Wisdom to her bloodline/soul, & Courage to her lover’s soul.
- Ganon struck both of them down, but failed to claim their Aspects, and failed to locate their daughter, the Princess, now hidden among the floating isles. 
- And so the Champion becomes the Tyrant, and the Link becomes the Hero. The Cycle begins, as does the Age of Sky.
Cycle 1-The Hero Descending
- Mostly just Skyward Sword’s storyline.
- Zelda is kidnapped by Ganon’s forces, Link(The only Link actually NAMED Link) pursues.
- A plan between the spirits, the goddesses remaining influence, & Impa to forge the Master Sword, a weapon of light capable of slaying Ganon, and somewhat diminishing Demise’s influence.
- Hyrule is resettled & refounded, and Zelda is appointed Queen, while Link becomes her King-Consort
- The Age of Sky ends, the Age of Serenity begins
Cycle 2-The Hero Ferocious
- Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask
- Ganon reappears & conquers the kingdom, forcing Princess Shira Zelda Hylia I into exile.
- Ganon hunts down the royal family, killing all save Zelda & some bastard 3rd cousin who was raised within the Kokiri forest, named Yasen, the current Link.
- Yasen is unable to defeat Ganon, and ends up in a section of the Spirit World known as Terminus, after chasing a spirit called Majora.
- He emerges and realizes he’s aged seven years, so he hooks up with the resistance of asges, and helps defeat Ganon alongside Zelda.
- Retires & marries a woman named Malon, while Zelda marries a Gerudo woman to maintain peace.
- Casts down Vaati, a greater demon summoned by Ganon in case he lost, donning the Fierce Deity Mask in the process, and today is venerated by the masses the greatest of the Chain.
- The Age of Serenity ends, the Age of Twilight begins
Cycle 3-The Hero of Shadows
- Twilight Princess/Link’s Awakening
- Ganon is caught early & nearly executed by the Seven Sages, but breaks free & kills them
- Makes contact & allies in the Shadow Realm, overthrowing & exiling the queen, Midna, in the process.
- Using his allies, Ganon captures Hyrule Castle, and Princess Tetra Zelda Hylia II.
- Midna finds the reincarnation of the Link, a farmhand from Ordon village named Zev, cursed in wolf form.
- Link restores both Zelda & Midna to the throne, casts down Ganon, and is rumored to have been involved in a tryst with Midna.
- Zelda ushers in a cultural revolution, restoring the connection to the other species & factions of Hyrule, restoring the Sheikah to their place of prominence following the actions of King Eldas years earlier.
- Link disappears on a voyage into the sea, and legends tell of him ending up on an island containing the body of a Sky Whale.
- The Age of Twilight ends, the Age of Renewal begins.
OK, this is getting long, I’m gonna post a Part 2 to this.
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mythologyfolklore · 4 years
101 Greek Mythology head-canons that have little to nothing to do with the “canon”
(These headcanons merely involve my own interpretation of G.M. and the way it’s depicted in my story. It’s okay, if you don’t like them, but please do refrain from nagging into my ears about it, because these are headcanons!)
1. Ares is both Zeus’ oldest and his only legitimate son (Hephaistos is Hera’s son alone, so he doesn’t count). Sometimes he rubs it into his half-siblings’ faces out of spite. The only ones excluded are the Horai (Eunomia, Dike and Eirene) and Athena, because they're (kind of) older and have been born (or conceived) in wedlock.
2. Ares and Zeus have kind of a parental love-hate relationship. Because ... well, it’s Zeus.
3. Athena has a bitter rivalry with both Ares and Poseidon going on. But they do get along sometimes.
4. The Kronides (Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus) have a feeling of reverence towards Athena’s mother Metis. It’s one of the reasons why she’s Zeus’ favourite child.
5. I went with Hesiod’s Theogony on their family tree, so Aphrodite is the sole daughter of the sky Ouranos (or more specifically of his privy parts). That makes her the half-sister of the Titanes and aunt to the 1st-generation-Olympians. Thus she’s the oldest member of the Olympian Twelve (the Dodekatheoi).
6. Aphrodite dresses in pink or red most of the time, but her favourite colour is actually blue. Only Ares, Hephaistos and Athena know this.
7. Every time a god/dess is born, the Moirai (the Fates) and the Protogenoi (primordial gods) come to attend the birth, determine their later life and tasks and grant them the powers required. Most of the Protogenoi typically attend births invisibly, so that only Zeus, Hades and Hekatê can see them.
8. Hera and Zeus have a cold love for each other. They’re still married, because he needs a queen and no one else wants to be. And Hera can watch over the family better this way.
9. Hera is in retirement from being a jealous psycho wife. Now she just gives hell to Zeus, as annoying him is fun, if you can get away with it. Nowadays she’s a bitch for other reasons.
10. Poseidon isn’t the wisest of the three brothers, but he often mediates between Hades and Zeus, when things get bad between them. Over time he has gotten really good at it.
11. The Olympians have three collective no-goes: violation of the laws of hospitality, family murder and cannibalism. For obvious reasons.
12. Hephaistos, Ares and Aphrodite have long moved on from the golden net incident. Hephaistos has divorced Aphrodite and remarried. The three have a platonic affection for each other and joke about the shipwreck that’s Hephaistos’ and Aphrodite’s failed marriage.
13. Aphrodite is secretly a badass. She also has a more of her father in her than anyone could imagine. She keeps it from everyone, because she’s too afraid of what Zeus might do, if he finds out. The only ones who have a hunch are Hephaistos, Ares and Athena.
14. Ares was actually supposed to become a god of vegetation and fertility, when he was born. But no thanks to a curse from Gaia, he got bound to become a god of war instead. He does have green fingers though and secretly likes gardening.
15. Aphrodite had no serious relationship with any other than Ares, but Adonis came pretty close. Ares killed the poor guy out of jealousy, which obviously made Aphrodite upset.
16. Metis still exists. She lives on inside Zeus’ subconsciousness and has born the prophesied son that is destined to surpass Zeus. But they can’t get out, because Zeus placed a seal on his mind, after Athena broke out of his head.
17. Demeter wasn’t actually upset about Persephone marrying Hades. She was angry that it happened without her consent; she’s Persephone’s mother after all. But since things have been cleared up, she gets along with Hades comparatively well.
18. If you make Hestia, Hebe or Harmonia upset, the Olympians will collectively hunt you down and fuck you up.
19. The Greek pantheon is in contact with other panthea. Zeus does most of the international politics.
20. Dionysos once wanted to make it rain wine during Athena’s birthday party. But he messed up the spell and it rained pineapples instead.
21. Ares is possessed by a demon. To be specific by Polemos, the personification and spirit of war itself. It’s one of the reasons why he’s so crazy, but he has learned to deal with it. To him, Polemos is mostly that annoying voice in his head. He can allow the Daimon to take over, but rarely does, because he doesn’t want anyone to know about him and because he fears, that Polemos might harm his loved ones.
22. Hephaistos likes to set people’s hair on fire, if they piss him off.
23. Hermes is a kleptomaniac. Nobody likes this.
24. Ares and Demeter had a one-night-stand once. Their offspring was two serpentine dragons and a warrior, because that’s how hardcore they are. Ares loved his monster babies and was very upset, when they got killed.
25. Hades and Persephone have one of the most functional marriages in the pantheon. Persephone is the boss.
26. Ares’ daughter Harmonia is the only goddess, who has given up her immortality for a mortal husband. She was cursed by Hephaistos, who wanted to get back at Aphrodite, and lived a miserable life, before she and her husband were turned into snakes (in my version it was Ares, who transformed them both). They were sent to the Elysion after finally passing on. Hades allows Ares and Aphrodite to visit their daughter from time to time.
27. Despite being brash and loud, Ares is one of the few gods, who actually get along with Hades. He earned a few points with the King of the Underworld by getting along famously with Kerberos and by increasing his number of subjects more quickly.
28. Artemis is asexual, but in a romantic relationship with Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth and oldest daughter of Hera. Hera only tolerates it for Elileithyia’s sake, as she and Artemis really dislike each other.
29. Apollon used to have a one-sided crush on his twin. It was nothing sexual (he takes her virginity very seriously), but more than brotherly. Artemis knows and was really freaked out at first, but forgave him after learning, that he didn’t want to get creepy. When Zeus found out, he helped him to get rid of that love, and his affection for Artemis returned to being healthy brotherly love.
30. Hermes and Dionysos once tried to prank Hephaistos. His wife Aglaia caught them. They never tried again afterwards.
31. Zeus' mental state alone can affect the atmosphere and weather. If he’s calm or composed, so is the weather. If he’s furious, it’s like a hurricane, even if he tries to keep his temper - the weather just gives away, what he’s feeling. Zeus finds this really damn annoying.
32. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades didn’t draw lots to get their domains. They didn’t even choose them. Their domains chose them.
33. The Protogenoi, aka the Primordials, are to the gods, what the gods are to the humans, although the gods don’t worship the Protogenoi. However, the gods respect some more than others. Like the gods, each Protogenos has epithets given to them by the gods.
34. Each race of deities (Protogenoi, Titanes, gods, Daimones, Nymphai, etc.), has their own language. Only a few of the gods are fluent in all of them. Especially the language of the Protogenoi is often hard to decipher.
35. Aphrodite really hates her father Ouranos. Then again, everyone does.
36. Each one of the Olympians has their own mental issues.
37. Hephaistos was born with one deformed leg, but otherwise would have been able to walk. But after falling off Olympos, his left leg was hopelessly damaged and he needed a crutch. Then Zeus threw him off the mountain in a fit and he’s needed a wheelchair ever since, as crashing into an island has left him paraplegic.
38. Dionysos often gets called “baby of the family”, as he’s the youngest Olympian by far. It irritates him a lot.
39. Persephone wasn’t kidnapped. She went into the underworld by herself, because she was sick of everything and wanted to be alone. And as the underworld is really huge, Hades only found her months later by accident. She stayed with him for a while, they fell for each other and got impulse-married. But when Hermes showed up and explained what was going on in the upperworld, Hades decided, that she had to go back at least for a while. They had a dispute with Demeter and Zeus, arrangements were made, they got officially married and ever since then Persephone spent half the year up and half the year down-under.
40. As the goddess of spring, Persephone brings it wherever she goes. So when she leaves the upperworld, she brings spring to the underworld. However, as the queen of the dead, she also has the tendency of taking the influence of the underworld to wherever she goes in the upperworld. Persephone tans easily and is therefore very dark, when she goes down to the underworld. But the lack of sunlight in the underworld makes her grow pale quickly. Then she goes back up and the cycle starts again.
41. Persephone wears her hair short, because she liked it on Ares, when they first met. When she found out, that mortal women had the custom of shearing their hair as a sign of mourning, she was like: Huh ... what a coincidence. Demeter needed a while to get used to her new hair style.
42. Ares remembers the birthdays of all of his (half-)siblings, even those he hates. It’s one of the few nice things he does for them.
43. Aphrodite usually appears to someone as the type of person they find most desirable (x1000). That applies to mortals and used to apply to the Olympians too, until Athena asked her to choose a fixed shape for the gods, because she and the other virgin goddesses couldn’t see her. Aphrodite found this hilarious, but complied.
44. Hephaistos once grew a beard, hoping he’d would look less boyish and less like his mother Hera, but shaved it off again, because he was sick of it catching fire and sparks.
45. Out of all marriages in the Greek pantheon, Zeus’ and Hera’s marriage is only the third most dysfunctional; it’s surpassed by that of Kronos and Rheia and that of Ouranos and Gaia. Most other divine couples have more or less functional relationships.
46. At some point Aphrodite asked Ares to marry her, but he only knew the disaster that is his parents’ marriage and refused.
47. Poseidon has a tendency to make sexist jokes. Athena finds it really unfunny (so do the other goddesses, but they’re not subject of his bad jokes often, so they grin and bear it). Ares also takes offense at sexist jokes, which pleasantly surprised Athena and Artemis, when they found out.
48. Literally every member of the Olympians is LGBTQ+ in some way (even Ares; he’s heterosexual, but demiromantic).
49. Aphrodite loves pinching Hephaistos’ cheeks. He finds this really annoying, but tolerates it, because resistance is futile.
50. Hekatê is powerful and knowledgeable even for a Titan. The Protogenoi blessed her even before she was born. The premature blessing, plus her father being the Titan of destruction caused a mutation. Her eyes are not on her face, but she has several dozens of them magically floating around her head, like an ever-shifting halo. She also ages throughout the night (she’s a child in the evening and an old woman in the morning) and regresses during the day.
61. It doesn’t matter how much at odds the Olympians are, they will stand up for each other and stick together, when push comes to shove.
62. Apart from the 3 top tier taboos (violation of hospitality, cannibalism & family murder), each Olympian has at least one thing they would never do. Be it because they have suffered it first hand or just because they think it’s wrong and it’s below their standards.
63. Zeus is an early bird. The only others on Olympos are Apollon, Ares and Hermes. The others are either night owls or just constantly sleep-deprived/hungover.
64. Ares has a twin sister named Enyo. She’s been banished from Olympos after the Gigantomakhia for remaining neutral instead of supporting her kin. She’s crashing at his home in Thrace and mostly accompanies him into battle, together with Eris.
65. If Hephaistos was able to stand up, he’d be as tall as Artemis (she’s the third tallest goddess).
66. Hera couldn’t handle Ares, when he was a baby and asked Eris to be his nurse. Eris agreed and became his nurse under the fake identity of Thero. A few years later , he was kidnapped by Titanes at the age of seven. Hera gave him back to Eris to protect him, appointing the goddess of strife to be Ares’ guardian. When he was ten, he heard, that he had now a little sister (Eileithyia) and wanted to go back to Olympos. By that time the war was over, so Eris allowed it.
67. Eris sees the bonds between people as golden strings. She carries a sickle on herself. To damage a bond, she grazes it with the sickle, to destroy it completely, she cuts it. The stronger the string, the harder it is to cut.
68. The duty of Harmonia (Eris’ opposite) is to repair the bonds Eris has cut or damaged. She performs that duty even in Elysion.
69. Hera and Aphrodite have one thing in common: They both look like Japanese horror movie ghosts, before their morning coffee. Zeus and Ares both make sure that it’s ready, when they get up. Zeus because his wife creeps him out like that, Ares because he loves his girlfriend.
70. The Moirai, or the Fates, are daughters of Nyx. Klotho (Spinner) has a childlike appearance, Lakhesis (Alotter) is a matron and Atropos (Inevitable) is an old hag. Atropos is mute and speaks sign language, while her sisters translate what she says. Klotho is paraplegic and wheelchair-bound. Lakhesis is the caretaker of both. They’re usually incorruptible and pitiless in doing their duty, but sometimes a god manages to elicit a favour from them (for a price, of course). The thread of life of each living being is a glowing string coming from Klotho’s white hair. A mortal’s life thread is white, a semi-divine thread is silvery, a divine thread is golden.
71. Zeus never really cheated fate, when he absorbed Metis. He’s fully aware, that one day his reign will end and has everything planned out. He simply doesn’t want to step down just yet. Not even he can go against the Moirai and they never spared him his fate - they only accommodated him by giving him more time.
72. Only the Protogenoi have the power to really alter someone else’s fate, but it comes at a hefty price. For example, Gaia changed the fate of Ares, when she sealed Polemos inside of him and cursed him to become the destructive god of terrible war. This led to the child being captured and tortured by Kronos, who hoped to make the personification of war bend to his will (because he’s evil!). The irate Moirai retaliated by granting the original Olympians and their allies a devastating victory over Kronos and sentenced him and his allies to everlasting torment in Tartaros.
73. The Titanomakhia lasted for ten Olympian years, which by mortal standards is a century. By the time it began, Zeus was already married to Metis, so his siblings got to meet both of their saviors. But when he found out that she was pregnant, he panicked and absorbed her. Shortly after the war began, he married Thémis, the Titanis of divine justice and heavenly order, who had joined his side immediately. Together they had the Horai, but broke up, when she learned of Metis’ fate (i.e. Thémis got outta there, while she still could). Afterwards Zeus married Hera, so their first child Ares was born a few mortal decades before the end of the war.
74. Zeus and Hera are a complicated set of parents: one day they don’t give a crap about their children and the next day they would tear the universe apart to keep them save. The feeling is mutual.
75. Apollon isn’t actually that unlucky in love. His failed attempts at romance are just more well-known.
76. Ares is actually quite intelligent. The problem is, that he’s extremely emotional and volatile, has no impulse control and is really hostile as a result of his unpopularity and the things he has gone through.
77. The four virgin goddesses (Athena, Artemis, Hestia and Hekatê) are all asexual, but Athena and Artemis are demiromantic, while Hestia and Hekatê are aromantic.
78. Although Athena is demiromantic, she has never been in love as in she has never formed an emotional attachment other than Storge (familiar love) or Philia (deep friendship). She would, however be capable of Agape (unconditional, selfless love) or Pragma (enduring, grounded love). What she isn’t capable of is Eros (passionate, physical love), Ludus (playful love) and Mania (obsessive love).
88. The incident with Medusa getting raped by Poseidon inside Athena’s temple never happened. I went with the version in Hesiod’s Theogony: Medusa was a Gorgon from birth and together with her sisters a daughter of Phorkys and Keto, two ancient marine deities. She was the only mortal Gorgon, probably because of a mutation. Her affair with Poseidon was consensual. The rape account is a late one and comes from Ovid, a Roman writer, who wrote his Metamorphoses as a jab against the authorities (the Metamorphoses portrait all mortals as hapless victims and the gods as bigger dicks than the Greeks themselves saw their gods).
89. Most of the gods have lived for ten thousands of years. So even though to us it looks like they have one tryst after another, for them there can be centuries between each affair and the next. Of course, a century is almost nothing to them, but you get the idea.
90. The Olympians are very hypocritical. Nothing new here.
91. Hermes is closer to humans than all of the other Olympians. He is also the fondest of them.
92. Ares on the other hand is extremely misanthropic. Which is unsurprising, because he presides over the darker aspects of war and gets to see the worst side of humanity all the time. He considers it a kindness to make them kill each other.
93. Since Ares is Zeus’ only legitimate son and therefore his heir, he has to perform a lot of duties outside of his function as god of terrible war. The duty he hates most is going through his father’s mail, because nobody likes paper stuff. The upside is the confidential information he gets out of it. The other gods are unaware, how much he knows about his father or how much Zeus actually trusts his son with.
94. Zeus threatens his family to send them to Tartaros every time they piss him off too much. But he would never actually do it, because that would mean locking them up together with the defeated Titanes. And despite everything, he loves his family too much to do this and he hasn’t forgot, what they did to his son.
95. Though he has no qualms doing this with his demigod children, if they murder their sons and serve them to the gods for dinner (you know who I mean), or with trouble-makers, who kill their guests and capture Death itself, or people who harass his wife and children.
96. Aphrodite is fiercely protective of her boyfriend and children.
97. Once Aphrodite and Athena had a yelling contest. It was so terrifying, that the others (except for Zeus, who does this with Hera all the time) hid under the table and huddled together in fear. The two women only stopped screaming at each other, when Zeus told them to calm down.
98. Persephone and Hades have no children, mostly because she only likes children, if they’re dead (because they’re quiet). The only reason she agreed to raise Adonis together with Hades was that she doesn’t trust Aphrodite as far as she can throw her.
99. The scythe Demeter uses to reap her corn is the very same one Kronos used to castrate Ouranos. But the only thing that would prompt Demeter to use it as a weapon is, if her family was threatened (like in the Gigantomakhia).
100. Hera and Herakles buried their strife years before Herakles’ deification; when he helped the gods against the Gigantes and saved her from being assaulted by one of them. This is why she agreed to let him marry her daughter Hebe, after he became a god himself.
101. There is one deity the gods hold more sacred than all the others: Kháos, the Primordial Mist. Ze is the most hallowed of the Protogenoi, the Void that predates creation itself. Zir presence is felt in the invisible air we breathe and seen in the gloom of fog and mist. Ze is the atmosphere encircling the earth.
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fireemblemtcg · 6 years
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fecipher twitter, 21-3-2019:
The card list for Series 16, "O Courage! O Soul Aflame!", has been published on the official website. #FEcipher https://fecipher.jp/cards_category/bt0016/
More Fire Emblem Cipher Series 16 translations!
[Click "Keep reading" for a translated list of the booster pack cards]
B16-001SR(+) Roy: Forger of a Future for Humans and Dragons (Great Lord) B16-002N Roy: Hope of Lycia (Great Lord) B16-003HN Roy: Heir to House Pherae (Lord) B16-004SR(+) Lilina: Wielder of Infernal and Shining Flames (Sage) B16-005N Lilina: Childhood Friend Ladyling (Mage) B16-006HN Bors: Striving to be an Impregnable Shield (General) B16-007SR Deke: Thunder-Wielding Earthpiercer (Hero) B16-008N Deke: Trustworthy Mercenary Captain (Mercenary) B16-009HN Shanna: Exuberant Young Wing (Falcoknight) B16-010N Shanna: Pegasus Knight of the Mercenaries (Pegasus Knight) B16-011R(+) Clarine: Patrilineal Magic Prodigy (Valkyrie) B16-012N Clarine: Ladyling of House Reglay (Troubadour) B16-013HN Saul: Amorous Saint (Bishop) B16-014N Saul: Messenger of Divine Love (Priestess) B16-015HN Dorothy: Pure Archer (Sniper) B16-016N Dorothy: Gods-Serving Archer (Archer) B16-017HN Barth: Striving to be the Mightiest Lance (General) B16-018HN Ogier: Little Hero (Hero) B16-019N Ogier: New Ostian Recruit (Mercenary) B16-020HN Gwendolyn: Striving Toward Her Admired Brother (General) B16-021N Gwendolyn: Adorable Knight (Knight) B16-022HN Gonzales: Kindhearted Berserker (Berserker) B16-023R Lalum: Cheery Dancer (Dancer) B16-024R(+) Klein: Matrilineal Bow Prodigy (Sniper) B16-025N Klein: Lordling of House Reglay (Archer) B16-026HN Cath: Mystery Thief Girl (Thief) B16-027SR Milady: Freeze-Wielding Skypiercer (Wyvern Lord) B16-028N Milady: Crimson Wyvern Knight (Wyvern Rider) B16-029SR Sophia: Revelation-Wielding Darkwalker (Druid) B16-030N Sophia: Arcadian Shaman (Shaman) B16-031R(+X) Fae: Eternal Smile (Manakete) B16-032N Fae: Dragon Girl from the Hidden Village (Manakete) B16-033N Hugh: Worldly Mage (Mage) B16-034HN Celdia: Pegasus Princess of Ragna (Falcoknight) B16-035N Celdia: Tomboyish Princess (Pegasus Knight) B16-036R Gale: Patriotic Black Wyvern Knight (Wyvern Lord) B16-037N Gale: Elite Knight of Bern (Wyvern Rider) B16-038R(+) Idunn: Dark Priestess (Demon Dragon) B16-039HN Yuzu: Ogresque Violet Swordswoman (Swordmaster) B16-040HN Yuzu: Master of Plains Warfare (Nomadic Trooper)
B16-041SR(+) Celica: Maiden Sacrificed to the Fell God (Witch) B16-042R(+X) Celica: Maiden Possessed of a Blessed Soul (Princess) B16-043N Celica: Moment of Embarkation (Priestess) B16-044SR(+) Mae: Sweet Sovereign of the Dark (Enchantress) B16-045N Mae: I'll Do It For Lady Celica! (Mage) B16-046R Boey: Adherent to the Path of Wisdom (Guru) B16-047N Boey: Villager From Novis (Villager) B16-048HN Genny: Sky-Wheeling Holy Maiden (Falcon Knight) B16-049SR Saber: Dread Ogre (Yasha) B16-050N Saber: Seafaring Guardsman (Mercenary) B16-051N Palla: Foreign Elder Pegasus (Pegasus Knight) B16-052N Catria: Foreign Pegasus Knight (Pegasus Knight) B16-053HN Atlas: Indebted Baron (Baron) B16-054N Atlas: Ex-Military Villager (Villager) B16-055HN Jesse: Lady-Loving Mercenary (Mercenary) B16-056HN Sonia: Unfond of the Ugly (Priestess) B16-057N Sonia: Mage of the Thieves (Mage) B16-058N Est: Foreign Little Pegasus (Pegasus Knight) B16-059HN Nomah: Bishop of Novis Island (Sage) B16-060R(+) Conrad: Two-Faced Prince (Gold Knight) B16-061N Conrad: Memories of Childhood (Cavalier) B16-062HN Witch: Sacrifice Fated for Puppetdom (Witch) B16-063HN Jedah: High Priest of the Duma Faithful (Cantor) B16-064R(+) Mila: Goddess Who Dreamt of Paradise (Goddess) B16-065N Shade: Soulless Sorceress (Witch)
B16-066SR(+) Sanaki: Hailed as the Holy Empress (Empress) B16-067HN Sanaki: Goddess-Defying Empress (Empress) B16-068N Sanaki: 37th Sovereign of the Begnion Empire (Apostle) B16-069SR Sigrun: Empire-Guarding Holy Wings (Seraph Knight) B16-070N Sigrun: Kind White Pegasus (Pegasus Knight) B16-071HN Tanith: Empress-Serving Loyal Wings (Falcon Knight) B16-072N Tanith: Strict Black Pegasus (Pegasus Knight) B16-073R(+) Tormod: Maturing Flame (Arch Sage) B16-074N Tormod: Laguz-Dressed Youth (Mage) B16-075HN Muarim: Deputy of the Laguz Emancipation Army (Beast Tribe) B16-076N Muarim: Rising Up for Freedom (Beast Tribe) B16-077N Vika: Black-Winged Flier (Bird Tribe) B16-078HN Brom: Rural Juggernaut (Axe General) B16-079R(+) Nephenee: Patriotic Battle-Lance (Halberdier) B16-080N Nephenee: Helm-Masked Wrath (Soldier) B16-081SR Kurthnaga: The Coming Era's King of Dragons (Dragon Prince) B16-082N Kurthnaga: Prince of the Land of Dragons (Dragon Tribe) B16-083HN Gareth: Crimson Bodyguard (Dragon Tribe) B16-084R Zelgius: The Empire's Greatest General (Marshall) B16-085N Zelgius: Hero of Begnion (Sword Knight) B16-086HN Disciple of Order: Golden Warrior (Halberdier) B16-087N Sephiran: Chancellor of the Begnion Empire (Chancecllor) B16-088R Ashera: World-Judging Goddess (Order Incarnate) B16-089HN Altina: The Mightiest Beorc Swordswoman (Trueblade) B16-090N Emma: Surprise! A Seraph! (Seraph Knight)
B16-091SR(+) Eir: Merciful Death (Dark Princess) B16-092N Eir: Winged Princess of the Hereafter (Dark Princess) B16-093N Eir: Princess of Hel (Dark Princess) B16-094R Thrasir: Omnicidal Witch (Dark Mage) B16-095N Thrasir: Magic General of the Realm of the Dead (Dark Mage) B16-096HN Líf: Lethal Swordsman (Sword Fighter) B16-097N Líf: Sword General of the Realm of the Dead (Sword Fighter) B16-098HN Alfonse: Spring Prince (Knight Lord) B16-099HN Sharena: Spring Princess (Princess) B16-100R(+) Veronica: Brave Princess (Dark Knight)
18 notes · View notes
hermanwatts · 5 years
Fantasy New Releases: 3 August, 2019
Gamers trapped in their favorite game worlds, xianxia cultivation adepts, freed Janissaries, and sellsword relic hunters feature in this week’s fantasy new releases.
Raze (The Completionist Chronicles #4) – Dakota Krout
Humanity on the run. Desperate base building. Dark deeds done during daylight.
Joe has started to draw attention to himself and his abilities. While some of the attention is good and allows for personal growth, most of it is from various organizations that feel threatened by the sudden upswing of power that Joe’s guild—The Wanderers—are attaining.
As the threat to earth begins to reach its peak, all of humanity has a choice: flee to Eternium, or stay for an uncertain future. Some stay, some go, some don’t make the choice quickly enough. In Ardania, the human Kingdom is seeing an unprecedented influx of people. Supply and demand is an issue no matter where you go, as a civilization of a few million can’t prepare to accept an eighth of earth’s inhabitants at once.
Joe sets out to solve problems where he can, but he can’t be there for everyone… especially when a group of smiling enforcers are working to bring him down.
Sky Realms Online: Grayhold – Troy Osgood
Sky Realms Online is the largest and most popular Virtual Reality MMORPG ever made. Set amongst the mystical, floating islands of Hankarth, it’s played and enjoyed by millions every hour. Until something goes wrong.
Unable to log out, players find themselves reduced to level one, and in the starting zones. They receive a cryptic message from the developers stating that for unknown reasons, they are trapped in the game and may have to live out their lives within the virtual world.
Hall is one of the those trapped in the game. He’s been playing Sky Realms Online as a spear-wielding Skirmisher ever since the beta. And instead of panicking as many do, he decides to make the most of it; to play the game and live his new life, all while quietly hoping the developers will find a fix.
It doesn’t take Hall long to find out that, while some aspects of the game are the same, the difficulty level is beyond anything he’s ever experienced.
Together, with a new party of trapped players and NPCs with canned answers, Hall will find out just how different Sky Realms Online has become, and how playing a game is different from living the game…
Sundered Soul – Rick Scott
Not all fates are created equal…
Kenji’s only dream in life is to become a great rebirther like his father. But with no talent for the mystic arts, the age-old tradition of cultivating essence by returning things to their newborn state, to grow a second and third time, is far beyond his grasp.
Worse still, he is yet to be rebirthed himself and stands a dullard of a giant among his diminutive peers. Relegated to working the orchards as a common laborer, Kenji settles into a life of lowered expectations; with no chance for advancement and no chance of pursuing the woman he loves.
But when a mystic warrior from a distant land enters his village, pursued by a powerful demon, Kenji discovers a truth about himself that will not only question who he is, but perhaps everything he can become.
With a chance to make his dreams come true, Kenji must choose between following the fate laid out before him…or defying the heavens to forge his own path.
Doing so will mean finding a way to cultivate and fighting powerful enemies to protect the ones he loves, but failure could mean the very fall of the heavens themselves.
Join Kenji as he uncovers the fate of the Sundered Soul…
The Sword – Isaac Hooke
Kaeden is a nomad who lives life on his own terms. He prefers the unbounded steppe over a cramped city, and allegiance to the sword over fealty to a king. When he does make the occasional foray into civilization, it is to procure cold mead, a hot bath, and a good woman. The latter preferably for an hour or less.
Life is great, until his wanderings bring him to a forest inhabited by nightmares. There, trapped beneath those lightless eaves, he is forced to ally with a mysterious woman whose cunning and beauty could prove to be his downfall.
Either way, one thing is certain: if he is to die, then he will do so covered in the blood of his enemies.
Taghri’s Pride – Peter Grant
Taghri has left the Sultan’s army to seek his fortune – and he seizes opportunity when it knocks. In the confusion of a pirate raid on a trading caravan, he kills their leader and captures their ship. The vessel is now his prize of war… but some prizes may be more trouble than they’re worth!
Nestled among the gold coins in the captain’s cabin is a stolen Temple sacrificial knife, whose Goddess is now paying close attention – too close! – to its new owner. Among the slaves he’s freed is a princess, formerly being held for ransom, who comes with political and personal intrigues all her own. Even if he survives the attention of both, there’s also a pirate lord out there, hell-bent on avenging the death of his son.
It’s going to take all of Taghri’s skill, experience and cunning to survive winning this prize!
A Thousand Li: The First Stop – Tao Wong
As an inner sect member in the Verdant Green Waters, Long Wu Ying must navigate the customs of the cultivators and choose his secondary occupation. From immortal alchemists, blacksmiths, physicians, martial specialists and more, Wu Ying must find an occupation that defines and contributes to his dao. If that task was not big enough, Wu Ying still has to earn Sect contribution points by taking on dangerous assignments, pay for classes and grasp his true dao.
As Wu Ying stops and takes account of himself and the Sect, he will need to accept his place in this new martial world, put aside his past and strive for the future.
Vicious (Brutal Saga #4) – James Alderdice
What happens when the hounds think they have run the wolf to his den? No one is more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose.
Warships surround Dyzantium threatening murder, rapine and worse. The only option left the impotent Emperor to avoid the sacking of the great city, is to secretly give away a sacred relic. Enter Gathelaus, a red-handed Sellsword and Niels a paladin and poet, together they are charged with retrieving the holy artifact and escaping the city. What they don’t know is that arcane forces, old as myth, are marshalled against their mission. The old gods of multiple nations war with the New. And Ragnarok is coming.
Dragontiarna: Knights – Jonathan Moeller
Ridmark Arban has defeated both the mighty Frostborn and the evil of the Seven Swords, and now he only wishes to live quietly with his family.
But Ridmark’s oldest enemy, the Warden of Urd Morlemoch, has not forgotten him.
And the Warden knows a dangerous secret.
For the dragons are returning…
Fantasy New Releases: 3 August, 2019 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
0 notes
immoren · 7 years
Apparently I’ve following pieces in my “music” playlist in Youtube.
Cut for length
- Kotiteollisuus - Helvetistä Itään
- Star one - Intergalactic space crusaders
- Amon Amarth "Runes to my Memory" 
- Star One - High Moon
- Stratovarius - Hunting High and Low
- Star One - Amazing flight in space
- Kotiteollisuus - Minä Olen
- AMORPHIS - The Smoke
- Ensiferum - Wanderer
- Amorphis - Divinity
- Ensiferum - Lady in Black
- Dark Moor - Halloween
- Star One - The Eye of Ra
- Dark Moor - The Silver Key
- Ensiferum - LAI LAI HEI
- Nightwish - Dead Boy's Poem 
- Stratovarius - Speed of Light 
 - Nightwish - The Siren
- Amorphis - Goddess (Of The Sad Man)
- Iced Earth- coming curse
-  AMORPHIS - Silent Waters
-  AVANTASIA - Lost In Space
-  Stratovarius - Stratosphere
-  Stratovarius - Black Diamond
-  Savage Circus - Between the Devil and the Seas
- Stratovarius - Paradise
- Demons and Wizards - Fiddler on the Green
- Stratovarius - Coming Home
- Dancing Queen - Diablo
- Stratovarius - Destiny
- Timo Rautiainen Pohjoisen Taivaan Alla
- Stratovarius - Anthem Of The World
- Gustav Holst - The Planets - Mars, the Bringer of War
- Stratovarius - Hunting High And Low
- Amorphis - Drowned Maid
- Stratovarius - Infinity
- To Dream of Ur - nile
- Stratovarius - Eagleheart
- Dark Moor - Death
- Stratovarius - Learning To Fly
- Nightquest - Nightwish
- Labyrinth - Night of Dreams
- Nile - The Essential Salts
- Nightwish- The Pharaoh Sails to Orion
- Blind Guardian- Mirror Mirror
- Thrust Through the Heavens with Your Spirit!
- Poets of the Fall - Late Goodbye (Official Video)
- Billy Idol - John Wayne
- Poets of the Fall - Lift (Official Video)
- Kotiteollisuus - Kevät
- Poets of the Fall - Diamonds for Tears (Official Video)
- Amorphis - shatters within
- Poets of the Fall - Locking Up the Sun (Official Video)
- Ayreon- The Shooting Company of Captain Frans B. Cocq
- Amorphis - forever more
- Nile - Eat of the Dead
- Raining Blood - Slayer Song & Lyrics
- Murder, Murder Jekyll and Hyde
- One Small Step - Ayreon
- Nile - Even the Gods Must Die
- Serenity - Sheltered (By The Obscure)
- Nightwish - Sacrament of wilderness
- And The Druids Turn To Stone - Ayreon
- Nightwish - Walking in the air
- Dawn of A Million Souls - Ayreon
- Nightwish - Two for tragedy
- Gregorian - Lady in black
- Nightwish - Bare grace misery
- Kotiteollisuus - Tuonelan koivut
- Nightwish - Dead Boy's Poem
- Iced Earth-Dragon's Child
- Disturbed-Inside The Fire (Lyrics In Description)
- Iced Earth-Damien
- Pyramaze-Sleepy Hollow
- Apulanta - Vasten mun kasvojani
- Arch Enemy - I Will Live Again (With Lyrics)
- Iced Earth-The Phantom Opera Ghost
- Kotiteollisuus - Mahtisanat
- Amorphis - Grieve Stricken Heart
- Nile User~Maat~Re
- Iced Earth-Hallowed Be Thy Name
- Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked
- Persuader - Sanity Soiled
- Nile - Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten
- Amorphis - The Night Is Over
- Firewind maniac
- AMORPHIS - Silver Bride
- Final Fantasy IX - Garnet's Theme
- Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust (Official Video)
- Aikakone - Keltainen
- Amorphis - Tuonela
- Ensiferum - Twilight Tavern
- Amorphis:Nightfall
- VIIKATE - Viina, Terva & Hauta
- "Weird Al" Yankovic - White & Nerdy (Official Video)
- Sonata Arctica - Tallulah (Lyrics)
- "Weird" Al Yankovic - Amish Paradise
- Floor Jansen & Russell Allen - The Phantom of the Opera
- Of Doom And Death - Savage Circus
- Amorphis - Alone {High Quality} {With Lyrics}
- Devil's Spawn - Savage Circus
- Poets of the Fall - Dreaming Wide Awake (Official Video)
- Chasing The Rainbow - Savage Circus
- Eluveitie - Quoth The Raven
- Legend Of Leto II - Savage Circus
- Symphony of Science - The Poetry of Reality (An Anthem for Science)
- The Ordeal - Savage Circus
- America - The Last Unicorn (with Lyrics)
- Dark Moor - Nevermore
- Amorphis - Greed
- Dark Moor - The Fall Of Melnibone
- MGS Peace Walker OST - Heavens Divide (BEST QUALITY)
- Dark Moor - The Fall Of Melnibone
- Motörhead - Enter Sandman
- Pyramaze - Until We Fade Away
- Poets of the Fall - War (Official Video)
- Pyramaze - Legend
- Nightwish - Stargazers
- Savage Circus - Born Again by the Night
- Poets Of The Fall - Sleep
- Spice and Wolf OP 1 FULL (with lyrics)
- Amorphis - My Kantele (2010)
- Savage Circus - Beyond Reality (lyrics)
- Amorphis - Alone - Forging a Land of Thousand Lakes[Oulu]
- The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil -HQ
- Amorphis - Divinity - Forging a Land of Thousand Lakes[Oulu]
- Stratovarius - Elysium
- Amorphis - Veil of Sin
- Aikakone - Neiti Groove
- Ayreon - Isis and Osiris
- Sabaton - Cliffs of Gallipoli (Lyrics English & Deutsch)
- Avantasia - The Scarecrow (HD)
- "Libera Me From Hell" with subs
- WOODS OF YPRES - "You Were the Light"
- Sabaton - Angels Calling (Lyrics English & Deutsch)
- Poets of the Fall ~ The Poet and the Muse // Lyrics
- "Weird Al" Yankovic - Party In The CIA
- A Song From Her Memory
- Tarzan - Strangers Like Me (HD)
- Avantasia - What Kind Of Love
- BEING - Arrival - A part, Apart
- Iced Earth - Wolf [HQ]
- BEING - Arrival - Cosmonaut
- Karl Sanders - Of the Sleep of Ishtar
- BEING - Arrival - Perpetual Groove
- All I Ever Wanted (with Queen's Reprise)- Prince of Egypt Soundtrack
- BEING - Arrival - Story For A Muse
- BEING - The Debut Preview - Cosmonaut
- Ultimate DragonBorn Comes collaboration - Malukah MrDooves Noahlittlejohn
- BEING - The Debut Preview - Mindflay
- Finnish folk song Morsiamen itketys with translation
- BEING - Arrival - Escape
- Iced Earth - Dante's Inferno 2011 (full)
- BEING - Arrival - Sorrow
- Nightwish - Ghost Love Score (HQ + Lyrics)
- Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus - Surupuku
- Nightwish - Ghost River (HD)
- Pyramaze - Power Of Imagination
- Nightwish- Last Ride Of The Day
- Nylon Beat - Satasen laina
- Nightwish - Rest Calm
- Final Fantasy Meets Metal
- Nightwish - Scaretale
- Poets of the Fall - Cradled in Love (Official Video)
- Nightwish - Storytime (Lyrics) HD
- The World of the Dinosaurs - Symphony of Science
- Blind Guardian - Noldor
- Malukah - Reignite - Mass Effect/Shepard Tribute Song
- Dr. Who Meets Metal
- Sabaton - Carolus Rex SV (Lyrics Svenska & English)
- Fallout New Vegas Soundtrack - Jingle Jangle Jingle - Kay Kyser
- Sabaton - En livstid i krig (Lyrics Svenska & English)
- Blind Guardian - Time Stands Still (At The Iron Hill)
- Pyramaze The Wizard
- Nile - User-Maat-Re (HQ)
- Sabaton - Karolinens bön ... Lyrics
- Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick (HQ)
- Blind Guardian - Curse Of Feanor
- Malukah - Tale of the Tongues - Skyrim Cover
- Mighty Abyss by Pyramaze
- The South Gate - A Tribute To Final Fantasy IX
- Neil Finn - Song of the Lonely Mountain + lyrics (The Hobbit End Credits)
- Cortana Tribute feat. Malukah
- Spede Pasanen: Tom Dooley
- RWBY Theme: Mirror, Mirror Extended (RoosterTeeth)
- RWBY Theme: Red like Roses Extended (RoosterTeeth)
- Nightwish - The Escapist lyrics
- JoJo Battle Tendency OST: Propaganda
- Savage Circus - Tomorrowland [HQ] [+Lyrics]
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 2012 ( Avalon )
- The Hobbit - Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold (Extended Cover)
- Amorphis - Nightbird's Song (Official Video)
- Manowar - Sleipnir
- Sabaton - Twilight Of The Thunder God (HD, Lyrics)
- RWBY Theme: This Will Be The Day Extended (Roosterteeth)
- Alestorm - Nancy the Tavern Wench
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann OST - Sorairo Days FULL VERSION
- Amon Amarth "As Loke Falls" (LYRIC VIDEO)
- I Burn By Jeff and Casey Lee Williams with Lyrics
- Nightwish - Ever Dream (Wacken 2013)
- RWBY - I May Fall - Lyrics
- Apulanta - Koneeseen kadonnut
- From Shadows by Jeff and Casey Lee Williams with Lyrics
- Nightwish - Ghost love Score
- Blumenkranz (:[nZk] ver) [PB★Cover]
- Kill la Kill/キルラキル [Satsuki Kiryuin Theme | Kiryuu G@ KiLL]
- Kill la Kill, Light your heart up - Aimee Blackshleger
- TUOMAS HOLOPAINEN - Cold Heart of the Klondike
- Apulanta - Pahempi toistaan (Official)
- Kill La Kill / Nui Harime Theme
- TUOMAS HOLOPAINEN - Go slowly now, sands of time
- Volume 2 - Time To Say Goodbye + Lyrics
- The Hobbit - Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold - Part II-Clamavi De Profundis
- Holy Diver by Steve'n'Seagulls (LIVE)
- Eagles -- Hotel California Lyrics song
- Everytime We Touch by Cascada Meets Metal
- ★ JoJo - That Blood Destiny (Vocals, Orchestra, Choir) | JoJo
- Robin Williams - "Seize the Day" - by Melodysheep
- Poets of the Fall - Daze (Official Video)
- Amon Amarth "Deceiver of the Gods" (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
- Viikate - Ensimmäinen runo (Album Version)
- Be Prepared (Disney's The Lion King) // Jonathan Young 
- 05: Caffeine - RWBY Volume 2 Soundtrack (By Jeff Williams & Casey Lee    Williams feat. Lamar Hall)
- Nightwish - SAGAN- 2015
- Maniac from Flashdance Meets Metal (featuring PelleK)
- NIGHTWISH - Shudder Before The Beautiful (OFFICIAL TRACK)
- The Witcher 3 OST - Ladies of the Woods (Extended)
- Nightwish - The Islander (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
- Nightwish - My Walden
- NIGHTWISH - Edema Ruh [lyrics]
- WITCHER 3 CIRI SONG: Lady Of Worlds by Miracle Of Sound
- NIGHTWISH - Endless Forms Most Beautiful (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)
- Sugar Sweet Nightmare FULL SUB HQ (Bakemonogatari Opening 5) by Yui - Horie
- Platinum Disco FULL SUB HQ (Nisemonogatari Opening 3) by Yuka Iguchi
- The Witcher 3 OST - Lullaby of Woe (A Night to Remember song)
- Perfect Slumbers FULL SUB HQ (Nekomonogatari: Kuro Opening) by Yui  Horie
- "Blumenkranz" Kill la Kill OST【Orchestral Cover】[Mike Reed IX]
- Orange Mint FULL SUB HQ (Tsukimonogatari Opening) by Saori Hayami
- Undertale OST: 001 - Once Upon A Time
- Undertale OST: 046 - Spear of Justice
- Undertale OST: 050 - Metal Crusher
-  Amorphis - Bad Blood (LYRIC VIDEO)
-  Undertale OST: 059 - Spider Dance
-  AMORPHIS - 'Under The Red Cloud' (OFFICIAL TRACK)
-  Undertale OST: 068 - Death by Glamour
- The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone OST-"A Gifted Man Brings Gifts Galore" Polska   wersja
- Undertale Ost: 087 - Hopes and Dreams
- Undertale OST: 090 - His Theme
- Delusion♡Express FULL SUB HQ (Otorimonogatari Opening) by Kana      Hanazawa
- Undertale Ost: 096 - Last Goodbye
- Amorphis - The Wind
- Undertale Ost: 098 - Battle Against a True Hero
- Amorphis - Come The Spring
- Undertale - Metal Crusher on 7 floppy drives
- Amorphis - Winter's Sleep
- Ambivalent World FULL SUB HQ (Bakemonogatari Opening 3) by Miyuki      Sawashiro
- Malukah - Priscilla's Song - The Wolven Storm - The Witcher 3 Cover
- One Punch Man FULL ENGLISH OPENING (The Hero - Jam Project) Cover by  Jonathan Young
- Mathemagics FULL SUB HQ (Owarimonogatari Opening 2) by Marina Inoue
- Red Like Roses Part 1+2 Complete
- Decent Black FULL SUB HQ (Owarimonogatari Opening 1) by Kaori Mizuhashi
- JUNGLE BOOK - Bare Necessities - (Disney Rock cover by Jonathan Young)
- 01. When It Falls (feat. Casey Lee Williams) - By Jeff Williams
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine Soundtrack - Main Theme (Polish)
- 07. Divide (feat. Casey Lee Williams) - By Jeff Williams - (RT4C AMV)
- SKELLIGE WINDS - Witcher 3 Song by Miracle Of Sound
- Mirror Mirror - Part 1 + 2 Mix
- Poor Unfortunate Souls (Disney's Little Mermaid) - METAL COVER VERSION  Jonathan Young
- Chocolate Insomnia FULL HQ (Nekomonogatari: Shiro Opening) by Yui Horie
- Boku No Hero Academia "The Day" ENGLISH OPENING (cover by Jonathan Young)
- Die by Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams with Lyrics
- HELLFIRE - Metal Cover by Jonathan Young (Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Openings 1-8 HD
- Kemono Friends OP "Youkoso Japari Park e"
- Demi chan wa Kataritai op Full - Original /TrySail
- AMORPHIS - 'Her Alone' feat. Anneke van Giersbergen (OFFICIAL LIVE TRACK)
- Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Opening [FULL]
- SAVAGES - Disney's Pocahontas (METAL COVER) Jonathan Young & Caleb Hyles
- The Plagues (Prince of Egypt) - Cover by Caleb Hyles and Jonathan Young
- Gabriel DropOut Opening Full / ガヴリールドロップアウト OP - Gabriel DropKick (Single)
- Song of Durin (Complete Edition) - Clamavi De Profundis
- STAND PROUD (full version) - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure ENGLISH OP 3
- Bad Luck Charm by Jeff Williams with Lyrics
- Aho Girl Opening Full「Zenryoku☆Summer!」by angela
- Arabian Nights - (Aladdin) DISNEY METAL COVER by Jonathan Young & ToxicxEternity
- KonoSuba Season 2 Op Full - TOMORROW
- Nisemonogatari OST - Kizuna (Shinobu Oshino's Theme)
- 化物語 Staple Stable
- 03: Shine - RWBY Volume 2 Soundtrack (By Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams)
- 07: Boop - RWBY Volume 2 Soundtrack (By Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams)
- 02: Die - RWBY Volume 2 Soundtrack (By Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams) RT4C
- "I May Fall" Lyrics - RWBY Volume 3 - Jeff Williams ft. Casey Lee Williams & Lamar Hal
0 notes