#skippus fluff
Man overboard (Skippus fluff)
Some Skippus fluff loaded with some sexual innuendo because why not.
Part 2 might be uhm sexual minus the innuendo if you get what I mean.
"It's a shame, I loved the way you handled that fine piece between your legs"
After a long day at the studio Mark was looking forward to going home and just getting some much needed chill time but fate decided otherwise.
Travis had to run home early and deal with something which left Mark stranded seeing as they had carpooled together. as Mark began to dial the number for a cab (and silently cursed at the fact he agreed to carpool in the first place) who happens to walk out? why of course it's Matt. "You okay?" he asked with a chuckle as he listened to the many muffled profanities spill out of Marks mouth in the form "fuck, shit, piss, dick, fucker fuck!" Mark looked up from his phone with a blushed expression as he realized what the stud of a guitarist just heard. "Oh i'm fine just trying to remember the number a cab" he replied with a soft voice and a sigh. "oh" Matt exclaimed with an understanding expression. "well no need, i'll give you a lift!" he propositioned with hope. Mark just furrowed his brow in question. "wait didn't you bring your Ducati?" he asked puzzled. "well yeah but I have a spare helmet!" he replied. "uhm i'm not sure" Mark responded scratching the back of his head with hesitation. Matt laughed at his nerves and shoved the helmet in his hands before asking "aww are you scared? don't be a wimp Mark" Mark gasped and faked a hurt expression. "I am not now let's do this!" Matt just chuckled at how he tried to be big when he could clearly see the fear in his eyes. as Mark sat on the back of the bike Matt started to adjust his legs. "whoa hey what are you doing?" Mark exclaimed with a worried expression. "Relax would you! i'm just adjusting your legs unless you want me to adjust something else" Matt responded with a wink. Mark blushed red raw and thanked the heavens he had the helmet on so Matt couldn't see. "what does that even mean??" he questioned with a shakey voice. "whatever you want it to" Matt responded with a cheeky grin. Mark just sat there willing the ground to eat him up as Matt got himself properly seated. "Okay now just wrap your arms around me" Matt instructed. "wait uh uhm around your waist?" Mark questioned nervously. Matt chuckled before responding with "no, put them around my thighs" in a sassy sarcastic tone. Mark huffed and said "you don't have to be sassy I was just asking" 5 minutes later and they stopped at a red light. "are you doing okay back there?" Matt asked concerned. "Uh yeah fine, we're not going to die are we?" Mark responded which was soon met with a hearty laugh from Matt. "you'll be fine, don't be a baby Mark"  "hey I don't have nine lives Matt!"  "aww that's a shame, if you had nine lives you could of spent one of them with me" Matt stated in a suggestive voice before chuckling. this guy was going to make Mark have a heart attack if he carries on. soon enough they arrived home and Mark was more or less in one piece. Mark asked if Matt wanted to come in for a cup of coffee which he graciously accepted. as they were walking to the door Mark couldn't help but exclaim his surprise that he was alive to which Matt responded. "it's a shame, I love the way you handled that fine piece between your legs" with a wink. "you mean the bike right?" Mark questioned furrowing his brow. "yeah sure" Matt responded giggling. as Mark began to pour out the coffee Matt couldn't help but squeeze more innuendos in starting with "Mine are bigger than yours" Mark choked on his sip which caused Matt to chuckle before he leaned in closer and whispered "and i'm not necessarily talking about your arms" Mark was redder than a lobster at this point and decided to hand Matt his coffee before trying to walk to the couch however, Matt had different plans and once again got right up in Mark's ear only to say "don't worry, I only need one hand" he couldn't help but giggle at the red hot mess standing in front of him. as Mark gained some breath he asked "Matt are you feeling okay?" Matt chuckled before responding with "what do you think? just kiss me already you goofball!" before he slammed his lips against Marks. it was soft yet filled with fire and they both loved every moment of it. as they pulled away Matt just stared with a cheeky grin before saying "This just gets better and better. now how about a little after work activity?" Mark just blushed before nodding and looking at the floor as Matt gently lead him to the bedroom.
(so I really wanna do a part 2 to this as well and I defo will at some point because either way i'm really enjoying writing it all!)
(also I once didn't have time to proof read it so if you notice any mistakes lemme know and i'll fix it asap or tomorrow x)
The title is temporary because I couldn't think haha.
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skibasyndrome · 7 years
G stands for Glowing
have some very gentle skippus fluff
Read on Archive of our Own or Read the Skippus Alphabet
Mark has always thought Matt has a certain kind of aura around him.
It’s in the way he moves and in the way he smiles, breathtakingly radiant and makes everyone in the room instantly fall for him.
It’s like magic, quite frankly, magic that takes a hold of you and won’t let go.
There’s a reason why he’s got so many friends everywhere he goes, Mark really can’t figure out how he does it but he pulls people in, makes them smile and laugh and enjoy his company.
He’s always wondered whether Matt is aware of this power he has over other people.
Mark just knows that if Matt is aware, hell, he’s good at being nonchalant about it.
Sometimes Mark briefly forgets how mesmerizing Matt’s smile can be, but the second those lips curl up, the very moment his eyes light up, Mark is pulled back in, he can’t help it.
The magic Matt works on people only makes Mark more astonished that he is the one that gets most of those smiles in his direction, that he is the one Matt gives most of his endearing smirks and glances to.
He’s often thought about asking him why. Why is he into Mark, what makes him direct all that love he has to give at Mark?
He’s never really dared to ask him, partly because he thinks it doesn’t really matter, all that matters is that he’s allowed to love Matt, partly because part of him, a very small, yet increasingly concerned part, thinks that facing Matt with that question would make him question their relationship.
And even though, rationally speaking, he knows Matt loves him and knows Matt wouldn’t leave him over a single question, that speck of doubt is still there and he’s sure it’s always gonna be there, buried somewhere in Mark’s subconscious.
Mark used to think it’s only Matt’s smile that’s so magically mesmerizing. He used to think it’s all about the smile, all about those soft lips and shining eyes, but he was proven wrong.
The first time Mark woke up to Matt lying next to him, faced away yet comfortable close, he got choked up. He was beautiful, messy bedhead and hickeys grazing his pale skin like soft rose petals on a wide meadow dusted with snow.
But it wasn’t his appearance that rendered Mark so utterly speechless, unable to move, not daring to breathe, afraid he might disturb the picture with a twitch of his body.
It was his presence, engulfing Mark in a sweet state of bliss and fascination.
The way he was lying there, chest heaving with soft, peaceful breaths, the smooth curve of his hip just barely covered by the blanket Mark now felt was too rough for Matt’s soft skin, it made Mark’s heart beat faster.
He was overwhelmed by the warmth radiating off of Matt, he felt like he could almost see it, golden particles of light almost blurring his vision.
Mark sat and watched Matt for more than two hours that night. He watched his body twitch and shift from time to time, listened to soft breaths.
The warm California sun was slowly rising outside of his window, painting the horizon in shades of yellow and orange. The first rays hit Matt’s radiating body, covering him in a soft golden tone, the ink on his skin like carefully crafted murals on brightly shining marble.
Mark remembers the exact moment Matt slowly turned around to him.
Matt’s lips curled into a gentle smile before he opened his eyes, eyes so blue Mark wanted to drown in them, sink into the depths of his magic and never look back.
He was glowing, there was no other way for Mark to describe it.
It felt like a dream, foggy yet bright, he was painfully aware of every line in Matt’s face, yet felt his vision blur yet again.
He was glowing and Mark knew that he would never be able to free himself from his magic.
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After Midnight(Skippus fluff)
So someone encouraged me to try my hand at writing so here's my first ever sucky attempt, please don't kill me 😂
Rating: Fluffy
"Some light skippus fluff"
It was just after midnight and Mark laid down in his hotel room hoping to get some sleep before they move on to the next leg of the tour. 20 minutes of tossing and turning later and Mark decided to give up. he couldn't get him off his mind, like a craving. he decided to get up and open his balcony doors so he could just enjoy the cool Chicago air. time started to pass and Mark continued to simply breathe and hold his arms out as if he were flying just ready to be caught by someone, anyone. after a while he let out a sigh and decided to head back inside. he contemplated knocking on Matt's door but didn't want to disturb his beauty sleep. he simply sighed deeply pondering what to do but thankfully, this was one of those times where fate intervened. and as if by magic when Mark was about to give up he got a text from Matt.
"Dude you're in the room next to me don't think I can't hear your pacing footsteps and fascination with constantly opening and closing your balcony doors, do you need to talk?"
Mark got a little creeped out by the timing but soon smiled and replied
"What do you mean? I only opened them twice mr over-exaggerator"
Matt soon after  replied with
"Just knock you weirdo haha. there's clearly something on your mind"
Mark bit back his nerves and slowly made his way to Matt's door, he fought with himself for a few minutes before ultimately giving in and knocking which soon caused the butterflies to appear.
"Hey zombie Hoppus" Matt said with a smile. Mark just smiled before Matt extended the door and gestured him to come in. Mark followed swiftly behind Matt staring at the floor and trying to contain his emotions, when they arrived in the bedroom Matt could see the roughness on Marks face and frowned slightly before asking if he wanted to watch a movie with him. (which judging by the messy bed and tub of dairy free ice cream he was already doing before Mark arrived) which was a good sign. Mark always despised waking Matt up or disturbing him even though Matt said he could at any time. Matt sat down cross legged on the bed and gestured Mark to follow. he slowly sank down on the bed and also crossed his legs copying Matt. he smiled already feeling more comfortable which was an affect Matt had on him a lot. he frowned slightly when Matt stood up but instantly replaced it with a smile after realizing Matt was going to get them a drink of Wine and another spoon for Mark. when he returned he handed Mark his spoon and wine glass with a smile before Mark just chuckled. "Are you laughing at me?" Matt asked with an amused expression on his face. Mark blushed and replied, sorry its just I saw the wine and ice cream and just thought you reminded me so much of a woman while giggling. Matt faked a hurt expression and responded with "Everyone deserves a Glass of wine and ice-cream, and If that makes me a woman then heck yeah i'm your regular fucking Barbie doll!" at this point they both irrupted into a fit of laughter before Matt wiped his eyes and got in a more comfy position ready to hit play. Mark just smiled softly and took a spoonful of the vanillary goodness as Matt clicked resume and took a sip of his wine. at some point Marks head began to gently rest on Matt's shoulder and get heavier. Matt smiled and softly wrapped his hand around Marks neck and started to rub the side of his face. Mark just stayed there smiling softly as he started to relax. Matt's hand seemed to make it's way from his cheek to his hair as he started to stroke through it lightly. Marks head grew heavier and he let out a little groan of content as Matt continued to stroke his hair while watching the movie. at some point Mark had completely fallen asleep to which Matt chuckled and began to lay him down gently as he softly rested him on his right side so that he was facing Matt. after about 20 minutes Matt decided to try and softly shake him awake and soon enough, he was met with a soft groan followed by "what?" Matt giggled before replying "you fell asleep during the best part of the movie you zombie. would you like to go to your bed now?" Mark just fake whined and replied with "do I have to?" Matt chuckled and responded with "well no but, we need ground rules and the most important one is no socks you weirdo" Mark just groaned and replied with "okay fine." his response was however moot as Matt had already began to pull them off. "hey what are you doing?" Mark exclaimed. "don't pretend you're not enjoying it" Matt responded with a wink. which was met with a soft blush from Mark. Matt smiled menacingly after seeing and said "Oh yeah and one more rule" Mark furrowed his brow in confusion and replied "okay and what's that?" Matt lifted him up slightly by his head and responded with "you have to let me do this and not overthink it" before Mark could say anything their lips were smashed together and he was left in shock before he finally kissed back. a few minutes passed and Matt just pulled away smiling before he said "oh yeah you can stay" and shot Mark a wink before pulling the covers over them both. Mark just laid there blushing as Matt turned out the light before saying "good night Matt" to which Matt replied with "good night zombie hoppus" as he chuckled and planted a kiss on his forehead before they turned their backs to each other slowly drifting into a soft sleep.
The end.
(all my sucky publishings are going on my new wattpad that i'll link at some due point if I ever get the hang of writing haha) x
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Misery loves Coffee.(Skippus)
Skippus fluff
"Clumsiness and Coffee goes together like peanut butter and jelly"
It was a drizzly Wednesday and Mark was just laid there in bed after a very sleepless night. he looked at the clock which kindly reminded him it was now 6 am. eventually he gave up sighing and chucked the pillow at the door before getting up and attempting to pour himself some coffee only to realize that he had none left. he groaned as he went into the bathroom trying to make his half asleep figure at least a little presentable to the outside world. his eyes had huge bags under them and his hair was down one side of his face. he sighed as he started to brush his hair only to be interrupted by his phone going off. he groaned in frustration as he answered it with a tired and cranky "Yes?" he was soon met with the soft chuckle of Matt's voice. "Oh geez someone is sleeping beauty" Mark blushed a little and responded with "i don't think you can call it that" Matt just hissed and asked "ooh one of those nights again?" Mark sighed and responded "yeah and you know the best part? no coffee" Matt let out an ungodly gasp and said "oh no! coffee is the key to the soul! get your butt over here now i'll make you some" Mark laughed and questioned his proposition "all the way to yours for coffee?" Matt faked a gasp of hurt before responding "hell yeah you know I make the best coffee!" Mark chuckled and agreed "well I can't argue with those terms, i'll be there soon" he hung up the phone and continued to get dressed only this time he had more of a pep in his step. the car ride was fairly smooth and filled with whatever was on the radio as he couldn't be bothered to change it. as he pulled up to the house he started to get nervous. he's always hung around Matt of course but never alone so this was new. just as he composed himself the butterflies came back soon after the doorbell rang. Matt answered it with a smile and messy hair. "oh god not messy hair" Mark thought to himself. Matt always suited messy hair more. the way it just fell whatever it wanted, the way it curled, and the way it was just screaming to be ruffled. Marks thoughts eventually shifted as Matt cleared his throat. a blush started to form on Marks cheeks before Matt chuckled and asked "do you want to come in? or is the doorstep fine with you?" Mark laughed in embarrassment and responded "i'd love to come in thank you" Matt led him to the sofa told him to stay put while he made some coffee which he did, for 5 minutes. but there's only so long you can sit before you curious. as Mark wandered to the kitchen he saw Matt staring the coffees and decided to go see If he needed help. just as he got Matts back however he turned around and before you know it the cup of perfect temperature joe was running down Mark's shirt. "Oh my god!" Matt mustered with a huge laugh. Mark however just stayed staring into space shocked at what happened. after Matt eventually composed himself he ran out the kitchen and shouted "wait I'll get you another shirt!" Mark eventually came back to earth and responded with "Oh no need it'll dry!" Matt eventually peered back into the room with a baggy shirt in his hand. "oh don't be silly you goofball, this ones too baggy for me anyway here you go" Mark took the shirt with a smile and went to find the bathroom. "where are you going?" Matt asked raising an eyebrow. "oh just to the bathroom to change my shirt" Mark responded. Matt giggled and said "no need, I'll make you some more coffee you can just change it here" Mark simply blushed which was met with a resounding "awwww" from Matt. Mark raised an eyebrow as Matt asked "are you shy?" which was soon replied to a with "nooo" from Mark that sounded exactly like a lie. Matt giggled and said "just take it off would you or i'll take it off for you" Mark just gasped which as met with a chuckle from Matt. a few minutes had passed and Matt was sick of waiting so he attempted to pry Marks shirt off and he was successful. Mark was left shirtless and blushing like a tomato as some point during Matts hands found themselves brushing against Marks chest. Matt giggled at the embarrassed mess in front of him before he said "don't be shy, its not the worst chest I've seen" with a wink. before he swiftly took his shirt off leaving Mark surprised which only made Matt giggle more. "see mines not the greatest either" Matt stated. Mark eventually came back to earth and stuttered a "i think it's pretty cool" with a blush. Matt winked and said "ooh baby talk dirty to me" Mark just blushed and stared at the floor before Matt lifted his head up and smiled at him. "you're so fucking adorable mr hoppus" he said before planting a soft kiss on his warm lips. as he pulled away Mark replied with "you're not so bad yourself mr skiba" Matt chuckled before kissing him again deeper and Mark finally got to fufil his wish of running his hands through Matt's fluffy messy hair. they were disturbed by a text from Travis asking if they could come to the studio. Mark groaned and Matt just giggled pulling away. "we have plenty of time you impatient dork now get that spare shirt and let's get going" Mark blushed and put the shirt on as Matt did the same.
As you can imagine part 2 will be more juicy oops.
(this honestly only my second story I've written so I apologize if it lacks something but I wanted to try anyway and sorry about any spelling mistakes I didn't have time to proof read but I will tomorrow x)
(I'd also like to add that I've now made a "my skippus works" tag on my page where you can see them all)
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