#skins juul
charlietheepicwriter7 · 5 months
V The Mysterious Wayne Family
Dick Grayson V Gotham - Chapter 2
“Why can’t I sit in the front seat?” Danny demanded to know, crossing his arms from the back of Dick’s car. 
Dick sighed, peering back at him with the rearview mirror. He’d been shaky as they escaped the apartment without getting attacked by the media. Did the idiot get sick? Was the media in this dimension such a big threat? 
Truthfully, Danny didn’t know a lot about this dimension, despite having lived in it for around a year. That year was spent almost entirely homeless, spending only the last few weeks with Dick. Otherwise, he was sleeping where he could, spending his days in libraries and conning people out of cash as a child medium. 
…Well, calling it “conning” was a bit of an overstatement. He did get people in contact with dead relatives and the like. He just… didn’t always quote them exactly, especially when it meant he could get enough money to eat for the day. 
“It’s unsafe, Danny, you know that.”
Danny glared at him from his booster seat, which put him perfectly at eye level so he could lock eyes with Dick with the rear-view mirror. He hated this whole situation: the booster seat, his age, needing to rely on an adult, the stupid media, the stupid police, the stupid Dick… Okay, he kinda liked the booster seat. It was based off of some hero—Superbman—who was an alien? But looked like a human?
That may be one of the biggest differences between this dimension and his hom–the dimension he was born in. Danny had been one of the only heroes back there, along with Valerie and Dani, if you could even call them heroes. In this dimension? There were hundreds. There were space aliens to normal people in costumes to other humans with powers, and while not all of them were heroes, a lot of them were. 
And Danny hated how easy they had it. 
Every day back in Amity Park was a fight for acceptance, a battle to convince people that yes, he was a ghost with good intentions, only for that trust to be lost the moment he wasn’t fast enough to stop a ghost from hurting someone, or got thrown through a wall trying to protect people. It was constantly one step forward and one step back, and nothing Sam or Tucker or Jazz said ever truly made him okay with it.
Despite everything, he hoped Amity Park was doing alright without him. He couldn’t go back—wouldn’t go back, even if he had an open portal and his powers, not after what happened—but hopefully they were doing okay. 
He hoped his rogues had listened and stayed away from the Fenton portal. For their own safety.
Like every time he thought of his pa–the Fentons, the scars across his chest flared up. They might have been long-healed, but the pain always lingered, a sharp lance that lingered in the thin skin of his wound. Fiddling around in his pocket, Danny found his juul and puffed. Exhaling, a bubble gum smoke filled the cabin as the CBD started to work its way into his blood. 
Dick coughed. “You know you won’t be able to do that in the manor, right?”
Danny grumbled, rolling down the window a crack. 
“I’m serious, Danny. I know you need it, but the rules are different at the manor. You’ll need to go outside to smoke.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll smoke outside. Wouldn’t want your gramps to get bent out of shape.”
He laughed. “I think Alfred would be alright, once we explain your medical issues. It’s Bruce we’ll have to worry about. He’s got this thing about drugs… once he learns what’s in your juul, he do whatever it takes to get you off it. He won’t even listen if we tell him about your chronic pain, he’ll just think you’re lying!” Dick threw his hand up in the air. “Honestly, it’s just lecture after lecture with him.”
“He can suck a cock then!”
Dick laughed, all traces of anger gone as his bright eyes glanced at him through the mirror. “Say that to his face, and you get ice cream for a week.”
The illusive Bruce Wayne. Danny had heard the name from the TV that morning, and apparently he was Dick’s dad. Not that Dick ever mentioned him in the months they knew each other. Not that this Bruce guy ever visited on the occasions Dick managed to convince him to stay the night, nor in the weeks after his foster placement was finalized. Danny didn’t even know Dick had a dad until this morning, so clearly something was going on here. 
If he focused on this case—the mystery behind the estrangement of Dick and Bruce—then he’d finally be able to get his mind off Mrs. Bennett’s case. The Shade had approached him early that morning, flickering in the moonlight, barely visible and just formed. Her case was so easy too; her killer was her son-in-law, she’d been awake when he killed her and he’d definitely left behind evidence too, but there was no telling if the other detectives at Bludhaven PD would find it. Or would care enough to find it. 
Corrupt bastards. 
Speaking of which—”Are we actually going to be able to consult on cases while we’re in Gotham, or was that just something you said to make me feel better?”
“I believe I said case, as in the singular one with Mrs. Bennett. But yes, I’ve already arranged it with the Commissioner.” 
“But she works for the Damir family! We can’t trust her.”
“We can’t trust her when it comes to cases related to the Damir family,” Dick corrected. “Other than that, she’s decent at her job.”
“That’s not a compliment.”
“She’s better than the other officers in our department?” he tried again.
“Also not a compliment. I’ve met dead guys that are better cops.”
They bantered back and forth, but the closer they got to Gotham, the tenser Dick became. Dick wasn’t the type to get serious out of nowhere—the only times Danny could remember were when a case involved a gang or that one terrible time when some ugly-ass assassin with a stupid-ass name came to town—but whatever was waiting for them… must be bad. Right? 
Gotham, Danny noticed as they drove through town, looked better than Bludhaven, like how rats look better than turds. Danny had heard the rumors about Gotham, mostly about all the dangerous villains, but there was clearly some money going into infrastructure. Beautiful gothic buildings dripping with gargoyles towered overhead, and there weren’t nearly as many boarded up shops and potholes. 
It wouldn’t have been a bad place to set up shop if it weren’t for all the Shades around.
The ghost population of this dimension mostly comprised of Shades with the occasional Poltergeists and Wraiths. Ectoplasm wasn’t as accessible here; just traveling to this dimension had stripped Danny of almost all the ectoplasm in his body and he still hadn’t recovered, so his powers barely worked. But Shades were shadows of humans when they were alive, weak and incorporeal unless you were a ghost too, barely kept together with their obsession.
Bludhaven had a lot of Shades. That’s why Danny settled down there when he first arrived. He wanted to help people move on if he could, either by solving their murder or contacting their loved ones. 
If Bludhaven had a lot of Shades, Gotham had a colossal number. 
Shades clogged the walkways and the streets, dissipating when someone or something went through them and reforming in an instant. Some alleys were plugged with them and some alleys were empty. Danny watched with wide eyes. Ghosts were supposed to be rare. He’d thought ghosts were rare. But Gotham was plagued with violent crime… violent, unique, indescribable crime, worse in intensity from Bludhaven, but not quite there in frequency. There were women with their faces melted off, men ripped in half down the center, children blown to bits, creeping around the streets of Gotham. 
Danny sunk down in his booster seat. “I want to go home,” he admitted quietly. 
Dick sighed. “I know, kiddo. I want to go home too.”
He blinked away stubborn tears. Dick didn’t understand. This wasn’t Danny’s home, this dimension wasn’t Danny’s home, Dick wasn’t Danny’s home (as much as Danny appreciated Dick, he wanted his family, but they hated him, they attacked him, they—)
Dick continued talking. “But you know what? Everything’s going to be okay. Because my grandfather is going to love you. And Bruce— He’s a little rough around the edges and we might not get along right now, but he’s going to love you too.” Dick sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than Danny. “Tim’s going to adore you; he’s told me that he’s always wanted a younger sibling and I can’t blame him; his house looks so lonely and his parents were always gone. He’s staying with Bruce now as a foster since his dad’s in a coma, but he’s been family long before that…”
He listened to Dick continue to ramble about his family. Bruce was rarely touched upon in his stories, but Alfred was spoken of with unmistakable love (Danny never knew his grandparents, Mom and Dad were disowned years before he was born, he could probably guess why), and he clearly adored Tim (He could understand that, Danny loved Jazz with his entire soul, but what would it have been like if he had a younger sibling? Would his relationship with Dani have turned into this if they could’ve spent time together?). Dick continued with stories about his best friend and ex-girlfriend, Barabra (Sam and Tuck, Tuck and Sam, his friends were dead and it's his fault—), and even a few including Tim’s ex-girlfriend too.
He closed his eyes and tried not to think. 
Before long, the car slowed to a stop. Ahead of them was a grand manor, the kind shown in those regency tv shows that Jazz loved watching, with obsessively maintained gardens and beautiful, clean exterior. A stone staircase led up to larger-than-life wooden doors; Danny couldn’t identify what kind of wood, but it was probably something expensive and old. Mahogany? That sounded like an expensive wood. 
Dick put the car in park before turning around in his seat to look at Danny. “Alright, buddy. Are you ready to meet our family?”
“Your family,” Danny corrected mulishly, unbuckling his seat belt. 
“Our family,” Dick said again, smiling. “They’re good people, and they’re going to be here for you.”
“Sure.” Sliding out of his seat and out of the car, Danny stayed slightly behind Dick as they walked up the steps and to the front door. Before Dick could knock or find the doorbell, the doors opened to reveal an old stereotypical butler. He even had a British accent! “Master Grayson,” he addressed Dick coolly, but when he looked at Danny, his expression softened. “And Young Master Daniel. It is good to finally meet you, and welcome to Wayne Manor. I am the family butler, Alfred Pennyworth.”
Danny ducked away. “Danny’s fine,” came his muttered response. 
Alfred smiled. “Young Master Danny, then. Come along; Master Bruce is waiting for you both in the foyer.” 
Dick grimaced. Did that mean something bad? What was a foyer, a fancy word for office? Was Dick going to get scolded?
They followed Alfred into the house (although, calling it a house felt like an understatement). It was even fancier inside, with marble floors and a glistening chandelier overhead. Danny felt significantly out of place in his jeans and ratty coat he’d pulled out of the trash.
There was a man pacing in the room (was this the foyer?). He was dressed in a fancy suit and built like a brick house, but looked similar enough to Dick in a weird funhouse-mirror way. The moment he saw them, his face smoothed into a banal smile and Danny immediately didn’t like him. “Dick! You’re home.” Striding up to them, the man immediately hugged Dick, who stiffly returned it. “Welcome back, chum. And who’s this?”
Dick’s smile was strained. “This is my foster son, Danny. Danny, this is Bruce; I was his ward until I turned 18.” Ouch. Not even a foster son, but a ward? That sounded like a significant step down from fostering. Danny glared at Bruce, who seemed taken aback by his hostility. Dick laughed nervously. “Sorry about him, he’s shy.” Now Danny glared at Dick. 
Bruce’s smiled evened out as he crouched down, like that would hide his fucking massive body. “It’s nice to meet you, Danny,” he said. “I’m very happy you're here. Hopefully it’ll be a lot more peaceful now that you’re staying with us.”
Danny scowled. “Suck a cock, douchebag.”
Bruce’s smile dropped as Dick smothered a laugh. “Watch your mouth,” Dick scolded without any heat behind it. Danny smirked. 
“It’s okay, Dick,” Bruce said, straightening up. “I’m sure Danny’s just shaken up from the sudden change. I’m feel the same, since you didn’t tell any of your friends or family that you were taking in a child.”
“Oh, so you can adopt a child without telling anyone, but when I do it—”
Alfred stepped in. “If you both could contain yourselves a minute longer, I can get the Young Masters settled in. I’ve already arranged a room for you in the family ward, Young Master Danny, if you’d like to rest? It is still rather early in the morning.”
“It might be better to give him a tour of the manor before anything else,” Dick said, eyeing Danny warrily. 
“I’m not going to get lost.”
“Mhmm.” Dick didn’t believe him. 
“I’m not!”
“Just like how you didn’t get lost at the precinct? Or at the morgue? Or at—”
“I never got lost on the streets!” Danny thought that was rather impressive. Besides, it’s not his fault the morgue was just empty hallways that all looked the same!
“The streets are labeled. Besides, you’ll never know where the in-house theater is without a tour.” Dick winked, like that was a big selling point. 
Bruce interrupted them. “Why don't you give him a tour after we talk, Dick? It’s been a long time since we last spoke and I was hoping to ask you about your… recent life change.”
Dick pinched the bridge of nose. “Of course you want to start the interrogation right away,” he muttered, eyebrows furrowed. “Alright, but I don’t want Danny to hear this. Alfie, could you– Tim!” Following Dick’s glance, Danny found a teenager in his fancy pajamas standing on the stairs leading to the second floor. The teen, who looked enough like Dick to be his brother and Bruce’s son, rubbed his eyes like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Tim can take you on the tour! Come on, Danny.” 
Dick ushered Danny up the stairs to Tim. “Will you be okay without me?” Danny asked, not wanting to leave Dick alone with Bruce.
He got a bright smile in return. Danny didn’t trust it. “Of course I will, kiddo. Don’t worry about me, just focus on having fun with Timmy.”
Tim looked blearily between them. “What is going on?”
“You’re taking Danny on a tour so he doesn’t hear me and Bruce fight,” Dick told him plainly. “Danny, this is my brother and Bruce’s foster son, Tim. Tim, this is my foster son, Danny. You two have fun!”
Ignoring Tim’s protests that he hadn’t had breakfast yet, Dick pushed them up the stairs and into the immediate hallway, closing the door behind him. They stared at each other for a moment before Danny pressed his ear against the crack in the door. “When did Dick get a kid?” Tim asked.
“Like, three weeks ago, keep up.” Tim tried to say something again, but Danny shushed him. After a moment, Tim joined him in eavesdropping by the door. 
Dick spoke. “I’ll start. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you both I was fostering a kid. I was planning to inform you after the two month mark and Danny had settled in a bit more, but obviously that plan is out the window.”
“I accept your apology, Master Dick,” Alfred said, and there was a sigh of relief. “However, I would still like to know how this happened in the first place.”
“I’m more interested in knowing how you managed to foster him without us being interviewed as character references.”
“...I may have used my boss’ influence to make sure that only my co-workers were interviewed?” Dick admitted.
“Master Richard.”
“I’m sorry, Alfie, but he’s a flight risk! Do you know how many times I managed to get him to come home with me only for him to disappear in the middle of the night!? Fourteen times! Danny’s admitted that he ran away from his previous home, he still hasn’t told me his real last name, and he’s paranoid enough to give Bruce a run for his money! I’ve just barely managed to gain his trust. I didn’t need Bruce being Bruce to ruin it for us—”
“If you had asked me to stay away, I would have—”
“No you wouldn’t, Bruce! You’d pick and prod and try to uncover his every little secret because you don’t trust me to figure it out myself! If Danny had suspected that someone was looking into his past, he would have bolted, B. And I would have lost him forever.”
Danny nodded. He would have. Not that Bruce would have found anything about his past–the perks of getting stuck in an alternate dimension–but some rich asshole poking his nose in his business? Danny would have snuck onto the next bus out of the city.
“You can barely take care of yourself, Dick!” Bruce insisted. “If it was such a dire situation, then you could have contacted me and I would have–”
“–Lost him immediately because he has a strange hatred for billionaires?” Dick scoffed. “He wouldn’t let you get within six feet of him if you tried to take custody.”
“He bites too.”
“And it’s pretty bold of you to say I can’t take care of myself. Have you looked in the mirror recently? Because the word hypocrite is written across your forehead in crayon.”
“But I’m not the one who struggles to make rent each month.” Danny flinched. He’d known that Dick didn’t get paid that much, but was it really that bad? Didn’t Dick get a pay increase when he was made detective? Or was Danny taking so much money that it negated the pay increase— “Nevertheless, I’m not trying to take custody away from you, Dick. I’m just… trying to figure out how we got to this point.”
“We got to this point by not trusting each other,” Dick said tiredly. “And I still don’t trust you, not after what you did.”
Dick, I–”
“No, Bruce. This is my life. Besides you were only a few years older than me when my parents died and you decided to raise me on your own. It’s hypocritical for you to complain that I’m doing the same. Look, I’ve known Danny for over a year–”
“You mean you’ve hid this from me for over a year?”
“I knew I should have been suspicious when you got that foster license. You’ve been planning this for months–”
“Bruce!” Dick snapped, and Danny had never heard Dick that mad before, not even the first time they met. “Obviously I’ve been planning this for months! I’ve been planning this since the first week I met Danny! The only reason I got that damn license was for him!” He felt… warm. Danny knew that foster licenses were hard to get, but Dick had really wanted him since the week they met. Danny had been so… feral back then, he couldn’t imagine anyone wanting him, not even Jazz. Dick continued, voice barely audible through the door. “He’s a good kid. You don’t have anything to worry about.”
A sigh. “I just… don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret, that’s all.”
“Are you saying you regret adopting me?” The angry voice was back. “Adopting Jason?”
“That’s not what I meant—!”
Tim pulled him away from the door. “We shouldn’t be listening to this. Come on, let’s start that tour you need.”
Danny tried to pull away, but Tim was deceptively strong for his thin frame. Despite his struggles, he was halfway down the hall before he knew it. “Let me go, cocksleeve!”
“You don’t need to hear that,” Tim said. “Trust me, things always get… heated between them, when Jason is brought up. That’s not something you need to witness.”
Jason, huh? That must be the linchpin in this entire investigation. Dick had never mentioned a Jason before, but he was clearly important if the entire family got bent out of shape for him. Did Dick cut contact with Bruce because of this Jason? Did Jason force Dick to do it? Dick would never abandon his family like that, Danny knew this had to be true because of his determination in trying to take Danny home, but if he was forced to stay away… Maybe Jason is an associate of Bruce that Dick hates?
Danny finally managed to jerk his arm away. His entire hand ached. “You don’t have to drag me!”
Shock crossed Tim’s face, like he’d finally realized what he was doing, before it fell. “I’m sorry, Danny. I shouldn’t have pulled you. It’s just… Jason isn’t something you should hear about, at your age. I would appreciate it if you didn’t bring him up, especially around Bruce. Okay?”
Studying the boy, Danny agreed. Sounds like Jason’s some sort of criminal contact, so it was best to behave carefully. Danny kicked at the ground, scraping dirt off onto the carpet that ran in the center of the hall. “So, what do you guys do for fun around here?” He asked. “I don’t need a tour, I’m not a baby.”
Tim rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, I just spent the night in the library, working on a case? If you want to lend a hand with that?”
Danny narrowed his eyes. “I thought you just woke up?”
“...Just because I was in the library doesn’t mean I was awake the entire time.”
Ah, a fellow insomniac. His eyes narrowed further. “I only like interesting cases. What kind are we talking about? Fraud? Robbery? Some dinky school kid project?”
“Multiple homicides. If that’s interesting enough for you?”
“...Carry on.”
A/N: Anyway, I’m using @/jedipirateking’s age chart for the ages of Batman characters. Since we’re right before Under the Red Hood, that makes Dick 24. Danny is roughly a year younger than Damian, but was originally 17 before he was deaged. 
Dick: Yes, this is my feral street child. Danny: *foaming at the mouth, swearing*
Tim, internally: Oh! Dick must have already informed Danny about our identities! They work on cases together too, maybe we can work on one to bond? Danny, internally: Wow, rich people have weird ass hobbies
Danny: *so close, yet so far from figuring out the Jason thing* Red Hood: Did someone just walk over my fucking grave again?
Yes, some things are being kept vague on purpose. That’s for a better reveal in the future.
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blckbrrybasket · 4 months
ᯓ★ 𝐉𝐉 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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- 0.1% of top Sublime listeners on spotify
- does not have spotify premium and tries every trick to get around the ads, half the time he ends up groaning loudly over them to drown them out.
- one of the kids who went on youtube 24/7 to look up codes to get free things from vending machines.
- spaces out constantly
- has never had a hangover. nobody knows how he does it and he says he has a trick to it. he doesn’t. he just doesn’t get them 😭
- says harry potter, maze runner, hunger games, etc. are for nerds yet has been caught trying to read them over pope’s shoulder.
- games > movies > books
- when he fished as a kid JJ used to put his hands in the bait bucket to hold the worms + he fully believed that worms could multiply if they’re cut up.
- surprisingly good at english
- hates how wetsuits fit and would rather freeze than feel the material drag on his skin.
- his favorite food is spaghetti and steak (separately or together he’s not picky)
- doesn’t have good table manners but gets so excited over a home cooked meal.
- extremely loyal, he would rather die than rat out his friends. also hates snitches!
- instead of buying muscle tanks he cuts them himself from old t-shirts his dad has owned for decades.
- couldn’t buy a punching bag so he used one of those inflatable punching bags until it popped.
- hopping off the last one JJ pretends to punch everything in the vicinity of him.
- has sunk his old canoe at least five times and had to pull it out of the lake every time.
- doesn’t hug that often but when he does he makes it worth while he’s a massive bear hugger.
- uses an ungodly amount of abbreviations when texting. says ‘omg’ out loud unironically
- says he won’t do something for you or complains about doing it but if you threaten to go do it he jumps up and runs to do it.
- started working on cars when he was a kid watching his dad work under the hood.
- cannot keep plants alive to save his life
- certified yapper!!
- stopped using a juul after a few years, saying that weed is natural so it’s better for you. “mother nature grows it so it has to be good for you…like potatoes.”
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SFW (serious)
- undiagnosed adhd not because he has a lot of energy but because he fidgets a lot, has self restraint issues (may say things not socially acceptable in a situation or blurt things out), difficulty controlling emotions, etc.
- he has anxiety (pretty sure rudy said this was canon!)
- very awkward with emotions (canon) shit at comforting people he loves but he still tries. he doesn’t know how to deal with emotions after how his dad raised him.
- unfortunately wouldn’t want therapy for a very long time. he wouldn’t accept the offer until long after the events of hunting treasures.
- has very mixed feelings about his dad
- wanted siblings as a kid to keep him company but after his mom left JJ hated the idea of his family growing. he only saw it as an opportunity for more people to love him. John B is his brother though, through and through. JJ is a firm believer that blood doesn’t equal family.
- it takes a lot for JJ to open up but when he does he will forever trust you.
- that being said do not betray him because he WILL be looking for revenge even if it’s petty
- sometimes he lets himself dream about what life would have been like if he was born a kook. thinks it would have been better because at least he could have bought things to make himself happy.
- as much as he wants money he wouldn’t trade his life with his friends for anything.
- doesn’t like letting his trauma define him and brushes it off anytime someone brings it up.
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Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?
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Warning for cursed smut and improper use of magnets aka sounding
You heard a noise and noticed that your phone had went off. You checked it and saw that it was your boyfriend messaging you on discord. "Hey kitten, I was just looking at the green m&m and thought of you. Do you want to be daddies little pogcham tonight?" You eagerly responded back "Sure babe. I'm coming over to your place right now." Your phone went off again. "Don't forget to bring Doritos and mountain dew. Being the epic gamer that I am, I'm in constant need of gamer fuel." You decided to stop by Wal-Mart on the way.
You eventually arrived at Monsoon's place.  You knocked on his door and he soon opened it. "Welcome to my gamer pad! Oh, you brought the Doritos, thanks babe." You closed the door and then watched him sit down in one of those chairs designed for gaming. He then took out a vape pen. "How about a smoke?" You passed on the offer. "Alright, more for me." He then took a fat rip on the juul. "What a minute, this is red phosphorus." You were sure that vape pens had destroyed what little brain cells your boyfriend had left.
You sat across from him on a bean bag chair. "So any plans for tonight?" He stroked his metallic chin. "I was going to pwn noobs on fortnight but now that you're here, I have a better plan." He detached his arms so that he could pick you up and bring you to his bedroom. You noticed all the posters of the joker. "I take it you're a fan?"
He soon seemed like he was deep in thought. "We live in a society. Gamers rise up." You were confused. "Memes! The DNA of the soul! Let me show you." He went on spotify and selected Miracles by insane clown posse. He then sat next to you on the bed. "Fire, water, air and dirt. Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?" You had no clue what was happening. "Babe, you have electromagnesis powers." He blushed. "Oh yeah."
"How about I give you a demonstration?" He detached his hands and sent them flying. They soon pinned your wrists to the bed. "I need to show you something." He took of his helmet. On his forehead in place of a cyborg barcode were the words "DAMAGED" in large letters. You were turned on. "That's so hot." He chuckled. "Glad to hear you think so."
He climbed on top of you and gave you butterfly kisses. Or he would have if he still had eye sockets. He had small tubes protrude outwards so it was like being felt up by a snail. He called his hands back. "Let's see what we"re working with!" He took off your pants and noticed that you were wearing a thong with nothing but a minion on it. He then took them off. "That reminds me, I'll need to send these to Karen on Facebook. We'll see who has the better minion memes now!"
He saw your large member and then was reminded of his beloved Steve Rambo. He placed his hand on your length and began to quote one of said man's films. "It gets bigger when I pull on it." You couldn't believe that he was doing this right now. You wanted to complain but he gagged you with the minion thong. "Sometimes I pull so hard, I rip the skin!"
You let out a moan of pain. "Does it hurt!?" your boyfriend asked mockingly. You gave him a look and he relented. "Fine. And I was just getting to the good part!" He took the gag out. "Hey kitten, remember when I asked if you wanted to learn about magnets?" You nodded. "Well I think it's time."
He pulled out a box of magnetix. "I've been hoarding these since the recalls. Now I can put them to good use!" He took out some magnetic balls. "Ever heard of sounding?" You watched as he pushed a magnet down your urethra. Damn. You really hadn't been expecting that. He then started to place some more marbles down and you could hear them clink together. Eventually it become long enough for a chain to form.
He tried to pull it out but there was a problem. "Shit!" You glanced over. "What's wrong?" It turns out that the magnets had become stuck to his hand. If he tried to lift his hand then your dick would be pried off. "I have an idea." He detached his arm and then left the room. He returned with some emp grenades. "Hopefully this should work. Here goes nothing!" He pressed the trigger and his body soon fell apart like sliced meat. "Fuck."
You tried to put your boyfriend back together but it was no use. "Just get the magnets out before the grenade goes to waste!" To your horror, nothing came out. "WHAT SHOULD I DO!" You were panicking. "How the hell should I know, it's not like I have a dick myself to practise on!"  You screamed.
"Wait! What about an operation!" You groaned. "Are you telling me that I need to go to the hospital!?" He shook his head (while it was still on the floor so he looked like a dying fish on land). "No silly, we'll do it here. Just think of it like that board game, operation." You fainted on the spot. "Well that takes care of needing to knock you out!"
Sometime after Monsoon's body had formed back together, he had placed his shower curtain on the bed and then laid you on it. "How do children these days even play this?" He was looking through an operation manual. For some reason he decided to pick up the shrek edition. "Screw this, I'll just perform it myself!" He then took out his sais. "Alright, I'll just make an insertion here and then move this out of the way." He found the magnets pooled in your insides but now there was a new problem. "How am I supposed to put you back together?"
It was a few days later and you woke up on your boyfriends bed, smelling of cheeto dust. "What happened....?" You soon noticed Monsoon who was wearing a slutty nurse uniform. "Ah, good. You're awake. Would you like the good news or bad news first?"You swallowed nervously. "Good news please."
"Well I was able to remove all the magnets from your body so that situations solved. And here's the bad news.. I didn't have the tools to sew you up so for now I put a makeshift cock ring around your genitals to hold everything in place. My powers are currently holding it together but you should really get to a hospital..."
You broke down. You were never hooking up with old men you met on 4chan again.
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wilfriede · 1 year
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[Podfic of] warp to weft (14:35 min) by wilfriede0815, @juuls, HowOldAreWe Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: This is How You Lose the Time War - Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blue/Red (This is How You Lose the Time War) Additional Tags: Coda, Epistolary, Post-Canon, Podfic, Podfic Length: 10-20 Minutes, Audio Format: MP3, Audio Format: Streaming Summary:
As we dance our steps in counterpoint across the braid, laying dormant threads we’ll cats-cradle into shape when our former shifts least expect, I find myself fantasizing that you are embroidering your pattern directly into my skin.
Podfic of warp to weft by @reflectedeve
Cover by @juuls
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ao3feed-jaydick · 2 years
Ginger Snapped
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43761780 by KingExplosionMurd3r “He slipped,” the kid says subdued, sulking again.  “Sure,” says Roy, “we’ve all been there. Sometimes they slip, sometimes my  hand slips on the arrow, shoulder shot goes straight through the cranium.” “I didn’t." The kid's face twists in anger. “I really wanted to but I didn’t. Fucking should’ve since I’m getting blamed for it anyways.”  “You do that next time.”  He turns to offer the kid a hit. And catches a whiff of a faint sweet smell, the kind that happens when an Omega is wearing out their scent patch.  Roy freezes. Don’t smoke weed with teenage Omegas you're alone with them. Roy drops the Juul, and leans back. Don’t smoke weed around them period. Fuck, he’s sitting at  Roy’s feet. This looks so fucking bad.  Or, Roy accidentally gets high and watches soft-core porn with Robin, while babysitting him. He thought the kid was an Alpha. Words: 2084, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Roy is the middle of this idiot sandwhich Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Dick Grayson, Roy Harper, Jason Todd Relationships: Dick Grayson/Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Roy Harper, Roy Harper/Jason Todd Additional Tags: Prequel, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Jason Todd, Alpha Dick Grayson, Alpha Roy Harper, Dick being mad at Bruce, And Jason, and just being angry, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Dick Grayson is a Ray of Sunshine that will give you skin cancer, Pre-Relationship, Smutty pay off is in the next works of this series read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43761780
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likhittrail-200 · 7 months
Juul has become something beyond a vaping gadget; it's a way of life frill. Whether you're a carefully prepared vaper or just now getting some traction, modifying your Juul can improve your vaping experience, making it more helpful, snazzy, and customized. Here, we investigate 10 priority Juul embellishments that can lift your vaping venture. Assuming that you're hoping to purchase Juul extras, this guide will assist you with finding the best additional items to supplement your gadget.
Juul Skins and Wraps Tweak your Juul with various skins and wraps accessible in various plans, surfaces, and tones. Besides the fact that they add an individual touch to your gadget, however they likewise shield it from scratches and wear.
Versatile Charging Cases At no point ever run out of battery in the future with a convenient charging case. These cases permit you to charge your buy Juul in a hurry, guaranteeing you're consistently prepared for a puff at whatever point you really want it.
Juul Cases Holder Keep your #1 flavors coordinated and effectively open with a Juul case holder. These holders can store various units, so you can switch between flavors without problem.
Silicone Sleeves Silicone sleeves give an additional layer of insurance for your Juul, defending it against drops and effects. They likewise offer a superior hold and come in different varieties to match your style.
Conveying Cases For vapers progressing, a conveying case is fundamental. These cases can hold your Juul gadget, units, and charger, keeping everything coordinated and safeguarded while you travel.
Cords and Pieces of jewelry A cord or jewelry for your Juul guarantees that your gadget is generally reachable. It's a commonsense extra, particularly for the individuals who are dependably moving.
Against Misfortune Ties Secure your Juul with an enemy of misfortune lash, which joins your gadget to your keychain, belt, or pack. It's a straightforward yet powerful method for keeping your Juul safe and keep it from getting lost.
Brightening Charms Add a style to your Juul with enlivening charms. These little, smart connections can cut onto your gadget or case, adding a one of a kind touch to your vaping arrangement.
Cleaning Units Keep up with the presentation and life span of your Juul with a legitimate cleaning unit. These units accompany every one of the essential apparatuses to keep your gadget in top condition.
Broadened Battery Duration Embellishments Upgrade your Juul's battery duration with embellishments intended to broaden its power. Whether it's a more vigorous charging case or a battery pack, these additional items guarantee your gadget endures longer between charges.
End Embellishing your Juul upgrades its usefulness as well as permits you to communicate your own style. Whether you're searching for common sense, sturdiness, or a smidgen of pizazz, there's a Juul extra out there for you. Keep in mind, when you're prepared to purchase Juul adornments, consider your way of life and inclinations to pick the ideal additional items for your gadget. Blissful vaping!
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studioneiro · 10 months
our minds by Wiwi _GS Geddins-Swot Via Flickr: enLight GAB (EvoX) head-SKINS @ EXCLUSIVE for Uber MINA - Bloody Hair Juul SIGMA Layered pendant necklace & earrings @ TresChic exclusive SIGMA Gem ornate rings @ Belleza event exclusive eXxEsS : Top No.10 @ Cosmopolitan :studiOneiro: Rei BENTO set /poses/ Secrets - Isis Dermals LinkTree linktr.ee/wiwi_geddins.swot let's go to Devianart -> Geddins-Swot at Deviantart Geddins-Swot Gacha Marketplace
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warsawmountain · 11 months
Holy Rites of Juul
you text me, & you text me, & you text me to meet at the Denny's just off of McKnight, & in the sacrilege of her 4am parking lot, I kiss yr lips, but all I can taste is curdled milk— & french fries & chives, & you smell of smoke & massage-parlour lotion.
you tell me you love snow, but I know better: I watched you on the 4th floor of a burning building, crawling out the window to safety as others fell in flames. you tell me how you can't help but notice my [failure] to respond to texts or yr calls or anything at all, but you don't ask why; and so I unravel—spools of flesh. the waitress takes our order for milk shakes. “just one?” she asks as she looks over at me with concern. I want to say “yes” but I'm not sure yet if it's true; all I know is that I want to buy you a drink.
I want to buy you a drink, even if it's just one, & I want you to take me home with you, & I want to feel your hands on my skin, & I want the smell of smoke on yr fingers as i slide inside of you again; I want to watch yr tongue slide across yr dark lips & think of nothing at all.
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alexispls · 4 years
Quarantine + Benadryl = Hell?
*Actual excerpts from my actual, real life journal, WARNING none of it makes any sense at all* 
Welcome back to my it’s been an entire month and I haven’t gone so far as to leave my doorstep and I think I’m going insane. During quarantine, it’s become apparent that either my day - to - day life causes major breakage to my nails, or the hair, skin & nails gummies actually work. 
I have a very tight chest, but unsure if it’s due to Covid-19, asthma, anxiety, my juul, or all of the above. Panicking on the regular, as usual. 
I’ve been taking on a (5 year in the making) project of cleaning out my closet for good and filling it with only things that make me happy. I have too many clothes, and none of them are what I want anymore. 
I wish I haven’t seen every single episode of ANTM, I can’t keep watching the first 16 seasons over and over again… 
Welcome to my brain! 
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danihost-blog · 1 year
Using Essential Oils in Your Aromatherapy Juul
Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts with a wide range of therapeutic properties. They can be diluted and used in various ways to benefit the mind, body, and soul. However, it’s important to note that these powerful compounds can also be harmful when used incorrectly. Some may cause allergic reactions, skin irritation, or interact with certain medications. As such, it’s vital to…
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drmaqazi · 1 year
“Islam has laid down some universal fundamental rights for humanity as a whole,” said Abul A'la Mawdudi, an important figure in the Islamist movement in the middle of the 20th century. According to Mawdudi, the right to life, security, freedom and justice are basic Islamic rights.
Are Islam and human rights compatible? The answer to this depends on what kind of Islam and what kind of human rights we’re talking about as well as when, where and with whom. Marie Juul Petersen explores how Islam entails a multitude of different voices, interpretations and positions on human rights, promoted by different actors in different historical, social, cultural and political contexts.
We live in an age that is striking in its unprecedented technological sophistication. Unfortunately, the prejudices and inequities that have plagued the human race historically continue to exist, and are responsible for untold human suffering. It is in this context that the subject of human rights is especially pertinent. This brochure explains the origins of human rights in Islam, detailing the comprehensive and progressive entitlements Islam advocates on various issues afflicting the world today.
What constitutes human rights? Can we come to a common understanding of these liberties and thereby ensure that these are universally granted to every member of society? These questions have been the subject of historic documents such as the Magna Carta, the French Declaration of the Rights of Man, the American Bill of Rights and the Geneva Convention.
What is often overlooked, however, is that these questions have also been addressed by various religious traditions. The Islamic model of human rights in particular is striking in its rigor, its vision and its relevance to modern times. The distinguishing feature of human entitlements in Islam is that they are the natural outcome of a broader practice of faith, deeds and social behavior that Muslims believe are divinely mandated. The Quran, the holy book of Islam, says:
God commands justice, doing good, and generosity towards relatives and He forbids what is shameful, blameworthy, and oppressive. He teaches you, so that you may take heed. (16:90)
Muhammad, the final prophet of Islam, established the very first Islamic society which eliminated the spiritual and social problems rampant in the Arabian Peninsula. Freedom of religion was instituted in Medina; women were honored and respected as equals; racial discrimination was practically eliminated; tribal warfare was replaced with united ties of brotherhood; usury and alcohol were completely forbidden. As Karen Armstrong, a renowned author of books on comparative religion, has expressed, “Muhammad … was a dazzling success, politically as well as spiritually, and Islam went from strength to strength to strength.”
Islam’s contribution to human rights is best appreciated when viewed against the backdrop of world history as well as the realities of modern times. Social, racial, gender, and religious inequities continue to exist. Economic and social disparities have resulted in oppression of the lower classes; racial prejudices have been the cause of subjugation and enslavement of people with darker skin; women have been weighed down by chauvinistic attitudes, and pervasive attitudes of religious superiority have led to widespread persecution of people with different beliefs.
When considering the question of human rights and Islam, it is important to distinguish the divinely prescribed rights of Islam from potential misinterpretation and misapplication by imperfect human beings. Just as Western societies still fight against racism and discrimination, many Muslim societies struggle to fully implement the rights outlined in Islam.
 Dignity and Equality
Human rights in Islam stem from two foundational principles: dignity and equality. Dignity is a fundamental right of every human being merely by virtue of his or her humanity. As God states in the Quran, “We have honored the children of Adam and carried them by land and sea; We have provided good sustenance for them and favored them specially above many of those We have created” (17:70).
Regarding equality, God (Allah in Arabic) clearly declares that in His sight, the only distinguishing factors between humans are righteousness and piety: “People, We created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should recognize one another. In God’s eyes, the most honored of you are the ones most mindful of Him: God is all knowing, all aware” (49:13).
The diversity of humanity into many races and ethnicities is a testament to God’s majesty and wisdom. Therefore, racial superiority and discrimination is prohibited in Islam and contradicts its essence. This concept is exemplified in the final sermon of Prophet Muhammadp who proclaimed:
No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab. Nor does a white man have any superiority over a black man, or the black man any superiority over the white man. You are all the children of Adam, and Adam was created from clay.
 Women’s Rights
So many of the human rights violations are committed against women in this world. Under the laws of Islam, women have the right to own property and businesses, engage in financial transactions, vote, receive inheritance, obtain an education and participate in legal and political affairs. The fact that some Muslim societies do not always accord women all these liberties is an example of how human beings can fall short of fully implementing the Divine Will.
Both men and women have responsibilities towards their families and societies as is clear from the following verse: “The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise” (Quran, 9:71).
God promises in the Quran, “If any do deeds of righteousness – be they male or female – and have faith, they will enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them” (4:124).
 The Birthrights of Life and Security
In Islam, life is a sacred trust from God and the most basic right of a human being. No individual is permitted to take the life of another, unless it is for justice administered by a competent court following due process of law.
God recognizes this right in the Quran, “Nor take life – which Allah has made sacred – except for just cause” (17:33). He also says, “…if anyone kills a person – unless in retribution for murder or spreading corruption in the land – it is as if he kills all mankind while if any saves a life it is as if he saves the lives of all mankind” (5:32).
Not only do human beings have the right not to be harmed, they have the right to be safeguarded from harm, physical or otherwise. For instance, under Islamic law, people are legally liable for not preventing a blind man from dying of a perilous fall, if they were in a position to save him.
Even during war, Islam enjoins that one deals with the enemy nobly on the battlefield. Enemy soldiers and prisoners of war are not to be tortured or mutilated under any circumstances. Islam has also drawn a clear line of distinction between combatants and non-combatants.
As far as the non-combatant population is concerned, such as women, children and the elderly, etc., the instructions of Prophet Muhammadp are as follows: “Do not kill any old person, any child or any woman” and “Do not kill the monks in monasteries.” Hence, non-combatants are guaranteed security of life even if their nation is at war with an Islamic state.
 Freedom of Belief
Contrary to popular misconceptions, a genuine Islamic republic is obligated to not only permit but respect diversity. Thus, non-Muslims within an Islamic territory are allowed to worship in accordance with their religion. There are many examples of this historically.
When Muslims began ruling Palestine in 637 C.E., they invited the Jewish people to live in Jerusalem after 500 years of exile. In 1187 C.E., after retaking Palestine from the Crusaders, Muslims treated Christians with honor despite the brutality they had endured at the hands of the Crusaders. Christians were allowed to leave in peace or to stay in harmony.
While Spain was under Muslim rule, the city of Cordova was considered the intellectual center of Europe, where students went to study philosophy, science and medicine under Muslim, Jewish and Christian scholars. This rich and sophisticated society took a tolerant view towards other faiths, while peaceful coexistence was unheard of in the rest of Europe. The historian James Burke mentions in his book, The Day the Universe Changed, that thousands of Jews and Christians lived in safety and harmony with their Muslim overlords in Muslim Spain.
 The Right to a Basic Standard of Life
A basic standard of life includes the minimum essentials necessary for survival, such as food, clothing, shelter and medical attention. Anyone deprived of these necessities is entitled to receive aid in order to meet their needs. It is the duty of every Muslim with adequate means to give from their wealth, in order to eradicate poverty from society.
Describing the righteous believers in the Quran, God reminds that they are those who give a “rightful share of their wealth to the beggar and the deprived” (51:19). The Islamic state is also obligated to spend from its treasury to support the poor and disadvantaged.
 The Entitlement to Justice
Islam requires that Muslims possess upright character and deal justly with the entire human race, irrespective of their ethnicity, nationality, creed and whether they are a friend or foe.
God says in the Quran, “You who believe, be steadfast in your devotion to God and bear witness impartially: do not let hatred of others lead you away from justice, but adhere to justice, for that is closer to awareness of God. Be mindful of God: God is well aware of all that you do” (5:8).
Reflecting on the concept of justice in Islam, Sarojini Naidu, the Nightingale of India, stated in a speech, “The sense of justice that Islam encompasses is one of the most wonderful ideals of Islam, because, as I read in the Qur’an, I find those dynamic principles of life, not mystic but practical ethics for the daily conduct of life suited to the whole world.”
 Rights and Mutual Responsibility
From the foregoing discussion, it is clear that Islamic law has divinely mandated rights for individuals in their specific roles as spouse, parent, child, relative, neighbor, friend and even foe. In its distribution of rights and responsibilities, Islam has addressed the social, racial, gender, and sectarian issues plaguing our global society. Indeed, the model of rights and mutual responsibilities enshrined in Islam has a tremendous potential for individual and social reform in the world.
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2020angelwolves · 4 years
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thatbitchpaulina · 4 years
I got a juul last night for the anxiety and the cravings and lemme tell y’all, that shii helped me a lot! Pls DO NOT do it if u are under age. Also if you do it do not abuse or go crazy with it, just do it if the craving is really bad.
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JUUL by vethalos
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prettypassing · 4 years
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me holding myself back from telling someone about the present i bought them
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hokuspoka · 5 years
‪just thinking about how if skins UK was set in 2019 effy stonem & the gang would be juuling ‬
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